
bladernr_Is anyone around?03:06
bladernr_sigh.... so is anyone around :-)  And is this channel focused on ubiquity or the entire installer environment (livecd and all)03:10
ScottKbladernr_: All of it, but most of the people who work on this stuff are Europe based and likely sleeping.04:10
bladernr_ScottK:  ack... thanks.  Found the problem...  seems usb-creator-* is broken horribly.04:10
bladernr_so guess I'll be using a non-ubuntu method for creating my bootable sticks :(04:11
ScottKbladernr_: What release are you running and what release are you trying to create a USB image for?04:11
bladernr_I just tried building a Maverick bootable stick on a maverick system, and on a lucid system... both fail to boot04:11
ubot2Ubuntu bug 617779 in syslinux (Ubuntu) "[maverick] live USB created usb-creator-gtk won't boot (affects: 14) (heat: 68)" [High,Confirmed]04:11
ScottKbladernr_: Do  you have the usb-creator from lucid-updates?04:12
ScottKThe one lucid released with is known not to make working maverick images04:12
bladernr_not sure... the lucid system is actually a test system I haven't touched since 10.04.1 ISO testing :-)  I'm about to update it though to make sure everything is current on that install04:13
bladernr_so probably not, but will soon04:13
ScottKYou probably have the known broken one then.04:13
bladernr_yeah... updating that test machine now :)04:18
bladernr_my main system is Maverick, which is equally broken04:18
bladernr_ScottK:  thanks for the pointer, by the way.  I found the bug for the maverick usb-creator but didn't know lucid was also broken until you mentioned it.  cheers!04:26
ScottKDid lucid work?04:27
ScottKFor those of you reading the backscroll, I just made a fine USB image using maverick's usb-creator-kde, so I'm not sure what his problem was.04:59
NCommanderev: cjwatson: What puts the ubiquity icon on the desktop on a normal image, we're having an issue with dove where no icon is showing up08:58
evNCommander:  casper08:59
evsee scripts/casper-bottom/10adduser09:00
NCommanderev: I don't see a line here used by UNE ...09:01
ScottKev: I conditionally approved superm1's FFe in 633712 - the condition being ev is still OK with doing it, so I'd appreciate it if you would have a look when you have a moment.09:02
evpresumably you want 47une_ubiquity09:02
evbut it doesn't put it on the desktop in UNE, as you have netbook-launcher or Unity09:03
evScottK: just reading through it all now09:04
ScottKOK.  Thanks.09:04
evScottK: yes, 100%09:06
ScottKOK.  You're approved then.09:07
evthanks bunches09:07
evand superm1, are you coming to UDS?09:07
superm1ev, sounds like i should be09:07
evawesome, what's your beverage of choice?09:08
superm1any beers that i can't find local to home09:08
evokay, cool :)  I owe you some for this, which I'll bring to UDS.09:09
NCommanderev: that doesn't seem right either09:10
NCommanderObviously we're missing something, but what that is is not clear09:11
ograNCommander, there are a few gconf keys that add it to favorites, not sure how to mangle that for dove specifically though09:11
ogra(it would likely break the other arches to put it into ubuntu-netbook-efl-default-settings)09:12
NCommanderogra: considering that EFL UNE fails to start on x86, I'm not sure I care09:13
ograbut i do09:13
ograwhy would it fail to start for you ? and why didnt you file a bug ?09:14
* ogra knows that tobin tests regulary on x86 09:14
ograthough i was more referring to omap09:14
ogra(and omap4)09:14
ograthe gconf key setting needs to come from somewhere else, casper or some such09:15
ograi wont put it hardcoded into the settings09:15
NCommanderogra: well, cause I just found out ;-)09:15
ograthen file a bug09:15
* NCommander fired it up in QEMU to test somethng and it failed to start09:15
ograare you sure you picked the right session (it will default to unity)09:16
ograi know that devilshorns did all development he did the last week on teh launcher in a qemu instance09:17
CIA-28usb-creator: superm1 * r326 usb-creator/debian/changelog: releasing version 0.2.2509:18
ograNCommander, anyway, write a casper plugin that appends it to the gconf list of favorites and also adds the respective .desktop file entries in gconf and it should appear in your favorites09:20
ogra(but make sure the keys also get removed post install)09:21
araev, morning! I filed a bug about the issue with usb-creator as bug 64581809:28
ubot2Launchpad bug 645818 in usb-creator (Ubuntu) "10.04.1 image created in Maverick does not boot in my Dell Mini9 (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/64581809:28
aralet me know if you need any other info09:28
NCommanderogra: ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh09:30
ograNCommander, ?09:30
NCommanderogra: doing gconf stuff09:30
ogralook at the postinst of ubuntu-netbook-efl-default-settings and the gownf-defaults file .... though it might be tricky to append and remove from a alist09:31
ogra*from a list09:31
ograi never tried that, everything else is trivial09:31
ograthe tricky bit will be to teach casper to do it arch specific ... but i guess archdetect can help here09:32
evara: we had a discussion about this after you left last night, and it's a non-solvable problem for Maverick.  I've added it to the release notes, and will use your bug report to track adding a warning to usb-creator that the generated disk will not work with 10.04.09:54
araev, OK, thanks a lot for the update09:54
evsure thing09:56
ScottKsuperm1: That usb-creator upload has a lot of backup.bzr noise in the diff.  Was that intentional?10:14
ScottKev: ^^^10:14
ScottKHow about I reject it and you or he tries again?10:15
ScottKOK.  Done.10:21
CIA-28ubiquity: evand * r4392 trunk/ (138 files in 3 dirs): Update translations from Launchpad.10:48
CIA-28ubiquity: evand * r4393 trunk/ (d-i/manifest debian/changelog):10:49
CIA-28ubiquity: Automatic update of included source packages: base-installer10:49
CIA-28ubiquity: 1.107ubuntu2.10:49
CIA-28ubiquity: evand * r4394 trunk/ (po/Makefile.in debian/changelog): releasing version 2.4.112:29
evah bum, I didn't merge the libindicator abi branch.  I'll do that in the next upload.12:42
rgreeningev: bug #63371213:15
ubot2Launchpad bug 633712 in usb-creator (Ubuntu) "FFe: grub bootloader support (affects: 1) (heat: 8)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/63371213:15
CIA-28ubiquity: jriddell * r4395 trunk/ (9 files in 4 dirs):13:16
CIA-28ubiquity: gui/qt/stepLanguage.ui: nicer icons and better layout on13:16
CIA-28ubiquity: language page (LP: #628808)13:16
evrgreening: we discussed it in here a bit earlier in the day13:29
evwe just need to reupload it13:29
rgreeningcool. just making sure it got to you. :)13:30
evsure thing :)13:30
rgreeningit seemed imp.13:30
=== ara_ is now known as ara
Riddellev: shall I upload ubiquity-slideshow-ubuntu ?14:30
evRiddell: ah yeah, please do14:34
evbut do note that I forgot to debcommit the previous release14:34
evso you'll have to mangle the changelog slightly14:34
charlie-tcaISO testing today; if you select the wrong keyboard layout, you can not go back and select the correct one in the Xubuntu desktop cd14:57
charlie-tcabug 64602714:57
ubot2Launchpad bug 646027 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "Keyboard can not be changed in Ubiquity (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/64602714:57
charlie-tcaFroze at the keyboard layout screen14:58
evlooking into it now15:03
EtienneGcjwatson, mad props for your help yesterday.  i ill blog the solution for posterity one day18:43
CIA-28ubiquity: superm1 * r4396 ubiquity/ (bin/oem-config-wrapper debian/changelog): Set the LANG before running oem-config-remove.23:17

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