
bilalakhtarvish: ping07:14
bilalakhtarsince I am connecting from madinah I don't have time, so just giving you a heads up about that package ubuntu-manual thing07:15
bilalakhtarSince you are a design guy, which of the following approaches would you prefer?07:15
bilalakhtar1) The source package should contain the manual source and should be compiled and made into a binary when needed07:16
bilalakhtar2) Just put a PDF in the source package that copies into /usr/share/doc07:16
bilalakhtar3) Get the postinst script to download the required PDF according to the locale and install it (example of this approach is flashplugin-nonfree package)07:17
bilalakhtarvish: When you come back, then select the best approach so that I can help dutchie package it and send a memo to me07:17
bilalakhtarI will have to leave soon07:18
thorwilgood morning!08:51
vishpopey: AlanBell: option 3 seems like an OK solution ^ what do you think? bilal's Q10:08
vishbut what happens if the user locale doesnt have the manual ready ;p10:10
vishdefault to english? …10:10
nisshhvish, let the user know thats the case and then default to english10:11
vishnisshh: yea … but not sure what the bug reporter wants here ;)10:12
nisshhah ok10:13
popey1 imo10:14
vishnisshh: we can add some new ideas , but i think popey just wants it packaged10:14
vish\heh see :)10:14
popeywe're not targetting maverick i thought10:14
popeyso we could get the necessary dependancies to make it build (which is what AlanBell was working on)10:14
vishpopey: but why the source?10:14
popeywhy not?10:15
popeythats how most packages are delivered10:15
nisshhmeh yea10:15
vishhmm , not sure what the user wants from the source, they just want the pdf10:15
popeyI am not saying deliver the source to the user10:15
popeyI am saying the _source_ _package_ should contain the manual source10:15
popeylaunchpad builds a pdf10:16
vishah right! yea10:16
nisshhpopey, that sounds like the best approach tbh10:16
AlanBell1 for certain11:21
godbyk(1) would be best, assuming it's possible.13:00
AlanBellwell with ccicons sorted then it certainly should be possible13:21
=== daker_ is now known as daker
jenkinsgodbyk: ping20:59

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