
ftajdstrand, apparmor="DENIED" operation="open" parent=1 profile="/usr/sbin/clamd" name="/proc/29917/status" pid=29917 comm="clamd" requested_mask="r" denied_mask="r" fsuid=117 ouid=11711:33
ftajdstrand, (29917 is itself)11:51
jdstrandfta: can you file a bug with 'ubuntu-bug clamav-daemon' and give the above line?12:58
ftajdstrand, bug 64595613:06
ubot2Launchpad bug 645956 in clamav (Ubuntu) "appamor denying clamd access to its own process (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/64595613:06
jdstrandfta: thanks13:07
ftajdstrand, there's a new chromium update: 6.0.472.63 (but it's not referenced for linux yet, no idea why)13:19
ftajdstrand, micro release just to fix this: http://code.google.com/p/v8/source/detail?r=548313:20
jdstrandfta: if it is bugfix only (and doesn't fix a major/reported regression in Ubuntu) we may be able to just wait until next time13:23
ftajdstrand, i wanted to take the opportunity of an upgrade to ship my new apport hooks in time for maverick :P13:44
jdstrandfta: ah, well, maverick sure, go for it. lucid, not unless required :)13:45
ftai keep an eye on http://omahaproxy.appspot.com/13:47
lfaraoneI've been told I shouldn't use Firefox branding for my "web browser" launcher in Sugar. If so, do I have to conflict with "firefox-branding", or is it possible to use both and specify one at runtime?19:09
ftaBUGabundo, hi20:10
ftajdstrand, hm, doesn't seem fixed: apparmor="DENIED" operation="open" parent=1 profile="/usr/sbin/clamd" name="/proc/30523/status" pid=30523 comm="clamd" requested_mask="r" denied_mask="r" fsuid=117 ouid=11720:10
jdstrandfta: can you paste /etc/apparmor.d/usr.sbin.clamd20:32
ftajdstrand, http://paste.ubuntu.com/499294/20:36
jdstrandfta: that doesn't have the changes in it20:37
ftai can see that.. checking20:37
jdstrandfta: it is in 0.96.3+dfsg-1ubuntu4 i386-- what version of clamav-daemon do you have?20:38
ftaweird. i've upgraded that box 2h ago20:39
fta clamav-daemon:amd64 (0.96.3+dfsg-1ubuntu2, 0.96.3+dfsg-1ubuntu3)20:39
jdstrandwell, there you go :)20:39
ftasaw an upgrade, thought it was yours, sorry20:40
jdstrandfta: maybe you snagged the _all files cause amd64 wasn't built? (guess)20:40
jdstrandfta: oh yeah, it could have been ubuntu3-- ScottK warned me he uploaded that20:40
ftano, got a bunch of clam* updates20:40
ftachrisccoulson, what do you usually do with npviewer/flash crashes?21:22
ftabug 64611721:22
ubot2Launchpad bug 646117 in chromium-browser (Ubuntu) "npviewer.bin crashed with SIGSEGV (affects: 1) (heat: 10)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/64611721:22
ftastack is unusable because of the ugly ia32-libs21:23
chrisccoulsonfta - i generally don't watch those, as npviewer crashes in firefox get assigned directly to nspluginwrapper, which i don't watch21:25
chrisccoulsonbut we do get a lot of flash plugin crashes for users who don't use nspluginwrapper21:25
chrisccoulsonbut there's not really anything we can do with those either, as they always crash inside the flash player21:25
chrisccoulsonso, i just tend to close them if i see them21:25
chrisccoulsontbh, i'm not sure what we can do really, and those reports aren't particularly useful21:26
ftaisn't there a partner relationship between adobe and canonical?21:28
chrisccoulsonfta - i think some people have contacts within adobe, which i've been trying to get the details of (so they can look at the flashplugin crashes)21:30
chrisccoulsonbut, i've had no joy so far21:30
ftawell, no improvement compared to many years ago then21:31
ftai wonder why that particular bug was reported without my apport hooks kicking in21:32
ftachromium will soon be able to autostart with the desktop session22:14
ftaand be able to provide desktop notifications22:15

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