
JasonMSPim having problems setting up virtual users with VSFTPD.  I have VSFTPD working by itself. when i try to login with a virtual user it says login info incorrect.  Im sure that the problem is in the pam.d configuration file.  http://howto.gumph.org/content/setup-virtual-users-and-directories-in-vsftpd/  Im using this setup.  The error I get is "530 Login incorrect."00:23
Four2zerohello everyone, i have installed vlc 1.0.6 on ubuntu-server 10.4 and when i try to access via local-host i get a prompted username and password, which i do not have, however it does say something "the site syas: "network camera"00:25
Four2zerohow can i get around this ?00:26
Four2zeroi do own this box00:26
Four2zeroand i do not have a network camera.00:26
Four2zeroany suggestions is apreciated.00:27
ubottuSome tools to recover lost data are listed and explained at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DataRecovery - Recovering deleted files on !ext3 filesystems can be virtually impossible, although methods that might work is some cases are described at at http://www.xs4all.nl/~carlo17/howto/undelete_ext3.html and http://projects.izzysoft.de/trac/ext3undel00:28
aetariceh. how about recover files from xfs :p00:29
uvirtbotNew bug: #645654 in apache2 (main) "package apache2.2-common 2.2.14-5ubuntu8.2 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/64565400:51
osmosiswhy did #ubuntu-virt  go invite only?00:56
zulhallyn: yes please01:44
ScottKosmosis: IIRC there was a view that we had too many server IRC channels and so we're trying to consolidate.01:48
ohad_is there a way to go back to the real #ubuntu channel? I used to be able to enter that channel and now I can't. And I've never been a registered user.01:48
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ohad_I also have a question that maybe someone could help me with. I'm using lucid (on my laptop, not a server edition) and I was wondering if someone can tell me what's a normal quantity of processes that should run in the background? I have some 60 processes running...01:50
ScottKohad_: Both of those questions are off topic for this channel.  You might try to join #ubuntu-irc and ask why you can't join #ubuntu.01:55
hmcaohad_: ibook g4 800mhx 512mb ram,  pas aux | wc -l gives me 170, maverick development , got it  Scottk01:57
uvirtbotNew bug: #632202 in whois (main) "whois 5.0.7 tries to overwrite mkpasswd" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/63220201:59
Four2zeroanyone running vlc streaming server on ubuntu-server ?02:02
Four2zeroim trying to get this streaming to work on local lan but haveing no luck with it.02:03
Four2zeroany feed back is appreciated02:03
Four2zerowhen i run command: vlc -I http02:04
Four2zerothe video lan channel is responding to my posts....!02:04
Four2zero" is not"02:05
ScottKExcellent.  After the feedback that community people feel like Ubuntu Server is just cloud and not about traditional servers anymore, response that, no, that wasn't true, for the next UDS, there's no mention of server at all in the tracks, just cloud.  http://uds.ubuntu.com/tracks/02:18
hmcaregarding my !undelete, photorec recovered 118000 something files, many kernel-sources i think... , i think this could qualify a server/maintenance/admin  question on a ubuntu server, trying to recover a SentMails Maildir Folder for a company with no backups, a simple cat */* | grep company allready showed me that the emails have been recovered , can someone give me a hint on how to seperate the emails files from the reste of those 118000 fil02:27
hmcaes, my apologyes if wrong channel02:27
hmcasorry long line02:27
JanChmca: sounds like an interesting problem, good luck!  ☺02:28
JanCand photorec is totally awesome02:29
hmcaJamC: :) kind off , i keep forgeting stuff , but basicly the worst is done, if it wasnt for the fact that there are k's of .c .h files ..... ,   photorec saved my 2am day in one hour, had the same problem on an hfsplus fs of 10TB and i took 140hours ...02:30
kuttan_Hi , where can I get this file config.flavour.core2 , i tried search for it - no luck. Could somebody help me with a link02:55
kuttan_this if for kernel building02:56
kuttan_Oops this is for kernel building02:56
=== _TechAway_ is now known as _Techie_
AntyxCan anybody suggest a PCI wireless card (preferably cheap) to use with ubuntu server 10.04 natively?04:09
chrismsnzHey guys, I want to configure my servers to boot even when I have a degraded disk array04:10
chrismsnzI found the command to run and it just seems to be echoing an environment variable to the initrd configuration04:11
chrismsnzdo i need to rebuild the initramfs or something before i reboot for this to take affect?04:11
Antyx...Seems to quiet to be useful...04:14
chrismsnzyeah can be quiet04:14
chrismsnzi keep an eye on things and help if i can, but if i don't know much about it I just be quiet :)04:14
AntyxYou dont by chance have a wireless card in your ubuntu server do you ?04:17
chrismsnznope, all rack-mounted beasts04:18
Antyx...someday I'll get there...04:18
chrismsnzAntyx: Ubuntu's wifi support is getting quite good these days04:19
chrismsnzto be safe, I'd stay away from the N cards as they're newish and often have poor support04:19
chrismsnzMore important than the brand of card you buy is the brand of the chipset on the card04:20
chrismsnzthat's what ubuntu really has to work with04:20
chrismsnzSo: Go to your favourite hardware retailer, pick a few cards that you might like, look up their model numbers using google and see if any others have some experience with that particular chipset or card04:21
chrismsnzfor the record I had a dlink card in my desktop that worked OK under 9.10 - i've since got rid of it so not sure what model it was04:21
AntyxThanks for the advice...I'll take a look at what the chipset is, then search for it  :)04:21
chrismsnzyou may have to use google to find the chipset even - manufacturers don't really like to tell people :\04:22
chrismsnzAlso, take a look over here and see if helps: http://wireless.kernel.org/en/users/Devices/PCI04:22
chrismsnzFinally, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/WirelessCardsSupported04:23
chrismsnzshould help you04:24
Antyxboth links look useful!  Thanks for the help!!!04:24
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=== zz_sailerboy is now known as sailerboy
stevieBi'm trying to setup an ec2 instace; i want to use the most basic ubuntu 10.04 install; how do i pick an ami and what would you recommend?04:57
uvirtbotNew bug: #645745 in puppet (main) "Some package dependency should be moved to puppet" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/64574505:36
Four2zerohey guys how can i check in ubuntu-server to see if port 8080 is being used or not ?06:14
scarFour2zero, maybe with netstat?06:54
SpamapSFour2zero: sudo netstat -tnlp07:11
SpamapSbest command evar ;)07:11
Four2zeroi found that command already.07:11
Four2zeroto the reply07:11
SpamapSoh you can also use fuser07:11
SpamapSsudo fuser -n tcp 8080/tcp07:12
SpamapSwith -v .. its pretty comprehensive. :)07:12
Four2zerookay. does anyone know how to disable this: /etc/dhcp3/dhclient-enter-hooks.d/ebox-enter: line 8: /etc/init.d/ebox: No such file or directory07:12
Four2zeroevery time i do /etc/init.d/network restart07:12
SpamapSFour2zero: dpkg -S /etc/dhcp3/dhclient-enter-hooks.d/ebox-enter07:12
SpamapSFour2zero: that will tell you what package owns that file07:13
SpamapSmy guess is you've removed, but not purged, ebox07:13
Four2zeroright on, but i removed with #sudo apt-get -V purge ebox07:14
Four2zeroand following #sudo update-rc.d -f ebox remove07:14
Four2zerohere is the output of that command you gave me: ebox-network: /etc/dhcp3/dhclient-enter-hooks.d/ebox-enter07:15
ttxjdstrand, Daviey: great work on libvirt/i386 !07:15
Four2zeroSpamapS google is not telling me how to remove it or disable it. ?07:27
Four2zeroi think i may have found it.07:29
Four2zeroebox-enter file was still in the dhcp3/dhclient-enter-hooks.d/ directory07:30
yann2soren, sorry to disturb, but could you remind me the PPA for python-vm-builder for lucid that has many bugs fixed?07:35
yann2ok I think I found it https://edge.launchpad.net/~vmbuilder/+archive/daily/+packages07:39
Ad0hey, how do I get the v4l2 headers in the server kernel headers?07:44
scarFour2zero, ebox-network probably needs to be removed/purged as well07:44
Four2zeroscar it had to be manually removed since i have officially remove from the dhcp3/...directory07:45
Four2zeroevery thing is good now.07:45
Four2zerothanks for the reply07:45
uvirtbotNew bug: #645808 in dovecot (main) "mail-stack-delivery wont install: preinst: 67: Syntax error: end of file unexpected " [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/64580808:46
rahmanHi, any freeradius experts around?  I am trying to authenticate users via their postfix mail adress and password. Users stored in OpenLdap and I have configured radius to look for mail attribute for username. The user passwords are stored in md5 base64 format in OpenLdap. The problem is PAP is assuming that user password is in plain text thus it comparing "123456" againts "{MD5}4QrcOUm6Wau+VuBX8g+IPg==" so it fails.08:59
lifelessSpamapS: so, solr09:11
slide23Does anyone know how to do a DynDNS type service off my own server? I have a webserver and I want to use a subdomain for my home comp but it changes09:48
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Rabooslide: you can use everydns09:56
Raboofor instance you can have your domain.com and add the records NS for subdomain.domain.com and point the NS to everydns09:56
slideRaboo, i dont want to use my own nameservers =\09:57
slideoh i see09:57
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bobslaedeDoes anybody know if autofs can leave the mount folder in place when a mountpoint is not mounted? So that the dir to be mounted would still be visible even though it wasnt mounted yet?11:04
Martens1984anyone knowing somthing about vmserver on ubuntu? not like the VMWare server, but like the 'minimum install virtual machine11:24
sorenMartens1984: What do you want to know?11:42
sorenScottK: Still around?11:49
ScottKsoren: Sort of11:49
sorenScottK: Cool. So this it the openstack release schedule: http://wiki.openstack.org/Release11:49
sorenScottK: I'm wondering how to best make that fit with Maverick's release schedule.11:50
ScottKComplain bitterly about the 10.10.10 thing?11:50
sorenScottK: I'm shooting for something that will actually make a difference.11:50
ScottKIt's not in the archive at all right now, right?11:51
sorenScottK: I don't think anyone really gains anything by having Ubuntu push its release data at this point.11:51
sorenOh, sure it is.11:51
sorenAll of it.11:51
sorenHas been for quite a while.11:51
sorenWell, it feels like quite a while. Probably a month or so.11:51
ScottKSo you want to update it.11:51
sorenBefore Feature Freeze.11:51
sorenI have two milestones I want to upload to Ubuntu before Maverick releases.11:52
sorenOne is almost ready and removes a dependency that I'm quite keen to be without at release time.11:52
* ScottK nods11:52
sorenThe second is less very well defined.11:53
soren...but falls after our (OpenStack's) feature freeze, but obviously before Maveric's release.11:53
sorenThese are all leaf packages, so they shouldnt' affect anything else.11:54
soren...and I fully expect to SRU the final release.11:54
* ScottK isn't on the sru team, so somebody else's problem ...11:54
sorenI'm really just pointing all this out so that it doesn't come as a surprise that I want to refresh the packages another couple of times before elease.11:54
sorenScottK: Right, right.11:55
ScottKIs milestone one to milestone two bugfix?11:55
sorenBut milestone two to final release is.11:55
SpamapSScottK: speaking of rackspace sponsored exciting software that needs updating before Maverick's release.. I've been working with mtaylor on Drizzle..11:55
sorenSo says my crystal ball, at least.11:56
ScottKOK.  File an FFe bug explaining the whole plan.11:56
sorenScottK: Cool. Will do.11:56
ScottKSpamapS: Is it in Debian yet?11:56
SpamapSScottK: thats where we're stuck right now.. google protobuf is a different version in sid (higher), so the symbols are incompatible.11:57
soren drizzle | 2010.03.1347-1 | sid | source, all11:57
ScottKSpamapS: OK.  What's your recommendation?11:58
SpamapSScottK: that we not try to sync it because of that.11:58
SpamapSScottK: it would end up being a merge anyway.11:58
SpamapSScottK: I do think we should have a -0ubuntu1 version that is just the upstream update.11:58
ScottKSpamapS: I'd still like to see it in Debian first, even if there is a merge needed.  If this new update is so wonderful, he ought to be willing to upload it there.11:59
SpamapSMonday's tarball would be the ideal version, as it is the first beta release of drizzle, and they're guaranteeing backward compatibility with it going forward.12:00
SpamapSAnd there's no resistance to uploading it into sid.12:01
SpamapSJust checking in with you about the symbols issue.12:01
sorenI didn't know they were this far along. That's awesome news.12:01
SpamapSSo if it hits sid early Monday, and we get the symbol issue merged shortly thereafter, are you still good with a final freeze exception on Monday?12:01
ScottKSpamapS: Yes.12:01
SpamapSScottK: OK, I will make sure that happens. This is really us doing Drizzle a big favor.12:02
SpamapShaving the beta in Maverick is really good for them.12:02
SpamapSsoren: have you played with it lately?12:02
SpamapSsoren: the thing is *tight*12:02
sorenSpamapS: It's been a couple of months, I think.12:06
KooothorQuestion : Why is it unnecessary to open port 443 to connect in https ?12:10
SpamapSKooothor: you are connecting from  yourbox:randomport -> server:44312:11
KooothorSpamapS: yep12:12
KooothorI can connect in https with port 443 supposedly closed.12:13
SpamapSKooothor: what makes you suppose that it is closed.12:14
KooothorSpamapS: nevermind, now it doesn't work anymore, maybe I just reloaded a cached page...12:15
sorenScottK: bug 645936 filed. Thanks for your help.12:18
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 645936 in nova "[FFe] Plan for Nova for Maverick" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/64593612:18
ScottKsoren: Is the other bug I commented on a dependent variable in this or completely separate?12:20
sorenScottK: Dependent variable.12:22
sorenI should point that out..12:23
ScottKYes.  Please.12:23
sorenDone so.12:23
ScottKAnd what is the expected date of this magical feature freeze?12:25
sorenScottK: It says in the bug. Sep 30th.12:39
Ad0hey, how do I get the v4l2 headers in the server kernel headers?12:48
Ad0I can't compile a v4l2 driver12:48
Ad0 media/v4l2-ioctl.h: No such file or directory12:48
Ad0it's supposed to be in 2.6.27 and later12:50
Ad0and I got 2812:50
Ad0err no...12:50
Ad0I got 24 :(12:51
sorenAd0: Running Hardy?12:51
Ad0and I have so much stuff set up on it that I kinda don't want to upgrade heh12:52
Ad0don't want to break it12:52
sorenWell, if you need a newer kernel, you need a newer kernel. Upgrade.12:52
Ad0I guess so soren12:53
Ad0can I do an upgrade directly to the newest one?12:53
Ad0or do I have to do each version12:53
Ad0yeah hardy -> 10.412:53
sorenHardy->Lucid upgrades are supported.12:53
Ad0it's a headles server so I have to do this by console12:54
sorenWe support LTS->LTS upgrades, so Hardy->Lucid is fine. We also support LTS->Next-non-LTS-release, so Hardy->Intrepid is also fine.12:54
soren..but e.g. Hardy->Jaunty needs to go through Intrepid first.12:54
Ad0I'll just go to the newest one at once12:54
sorenUse do-release-upgrade12:54
Ad0ok thanks a lot soren !12:55
ScottKsoren: OK.13:07
* SpamapS groans at the absolute insanity that it takes ot get a CentOS 5 server running php 5.313:10
\shI never used CentOS ;)13:14
ttxScottK: I'll sponsor the fix for bug 645808 and let you review it in the queue13:14
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 645808 in dovecot "mail-stack-delivery wont install: preinst: 67: Syntax error: end of file unexpected " [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/64580813:14
ScottKttx: Great.13:15
uvirtbotNew bug: #645956 in clamav (main) "appamor denying clamd access to its own process" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/64595613:17
ScottKsoren: I approved all that.  On the bug for your nova plan, just keep it updated and then close it with your last upload.13:22
=== ivoks-afk is now known as ivoks
sorenScottK: Fantastic, thank you!13:32
=== ivoks is now known as ivoks-afk
JamesPagezul: morning to you to :-)13:44
* zul thinks he almost got sprayed by a skunk this morning13:44
zulJamesPage: how is the bug triaging going?13:44
JamesPagezul: OK - one Server MRS raised with ttx; just looking at an apache upgrade issue (which seems to have cropped up a number of times)13:45
zulJamesPage: cool13:45
ScottKttx: Accepted.  Thanks.13:46
ttxScottK: you're welcome, thank you !13:46
zulDaviey: *cough*14:01
Davieyzul: ;)14:13
=== Aqaz_ is now known as Aqaz
hggdhttx: have you thougth of asking for bug-control membership for the server team?14:23
ttxhggdh: the canonical-server one ? The other one is almost completely open14:24
ttxhggdh: what are your criteria for acceptance ? A beer at the bar ?14:25
hggdhttx: I would rather have the community one (but this is personal preference)14:25
hggdhttx: beer in the bar sounds good enough ;-)14:25
ttxhggdh: the ubuntu-server team is opened to every ML subscriber, so that may lower your own criteria14:25
hggdhttx:  yes, this goes against...14:26
ttxI'd rather keep the usual individual procedure.14:26
ttxhggdh: set up an interview with JamesPage to check he has common sense :)14:27
hggdhttx: the criteria are: (1) closed/restricted teams; a member of the team set as a 'responsible driver'14:28
hggdhttx: and yes, I was looking at JamesPage's work, and it sounds pretty much sane (as I expected ;-)14:29
* JamesPage glad I've managed to keep my sanity :-)14:29
ttxJamesPage: that shouldn't last long, trust me14:30
hggdhyes, goes with the territory14:30
ttxJamesPage: wait until a canadian caveman throws Mentos at you the whole day.14:30
ttxthough in your case, working with java should turn you insane faster.14:31
hggdhJamesPage: meanwhile, please ping me when you need status/importance change14:32
JamesPagettx, hggdh: maybe I'll setup hudson todo a daily check on my sanity and email you all if I've gone over the edge14:32
screen-xHello All, anyone know if there are any plans to collaborate with openstack for uec?14:33
hggdhJamesPage: now, why stop on only checking yourself? Check the whole team... just be sure to lower the minimum sanity level required...14:33
JamesPagettx: spot on - I've looked a three 'enable test suite' bugs related to Java and none of them work in the same way (or at-all in some cases...)14:34
JamesPagehggdh: will have to think of some test cases to measure general sanity in that case to make sure we get a trend...14:34
hggdhA starter test: if throwing Mentos, sanity -= 20014:35
JamesPageI'll have to introduce you to the scoreboard functionality at some point in time - great for this sort of thing :-)14:38
JamesPagehggdh: I do have a couple of queries re triaging if you have a few mins?14:39
zulttx: ping14:42
zulttx: dude...caveman?14:43
zuli got a haircut last night14:44
hggdhzul: very good answer! :-)14:45
JamesPagehggdh: you beat me to it (bug 645745)!14:49
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 645745 in puppet "Some package dependency should be moved to puppet" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/64574514:49
hggdhJamesPage: shoot14:51
hggdhI have the time14:51
ttxzul: pong14:51
* patdk-wk fires a shot at hggdh14:51
* hggdh ducks14:51
ttxzul: what makes you think I'm speaking about you ? :)14:51
zulttx: then you are talking about mdeslaur then? :)14:52
ttxzul: maybe. Does he throw any Mentos ?14:52
zulttx: not yet....but we could always get him started next month14:53
mdeslaurwth are "Mentos"14:53
Davieyhggdh, hmm there are three teams... ubuntu-server (pretty open to all), ubuntu-server-dev (member of ubuntu-dev, therefore bug control) and canonical-server (not relevant IMO)14:53
hggdhDaviey: then you are all covered (including JamesPage). Cool, thank you.14:54
hggdhmdeslaur: a menthol candy, loved by ttx (and distance-provided to him)14:55
JamesPagehggdh, Daviey: not sure I'm a member of ubuntu-server-dev14:56
hggdhJamesPage: for server-dev you need ttx to act on it14:56
DavieyJamesPage, That team gets you upload access to the package set for ubuntu-server.  You will need to build up some history, then ask the relevant board to be allowed access :(14:56
JamesPageDaviey: thought so; feels like I need to build some experience; however means I need a triage buddy until then :-(14:57
DavieyJamesPage, you can independently request membership :)14:58
* hggdh reminds JamesPage of self14:58
Davieyhallyn and SpamapS recently did this... and it went well for them.14:58
JamesPageDaviey: thats true - build up my triage experience today for my application :-)14:58
DavieyJamesPage, Read the mailing list for history of previous applications to see what you need to compare against14:59
JamesPageDaviey: thanks for the tip14:59
hggdhJamesPage: when you request membership in -control -- it helps if (1) you show good bugs (in triaging work), and that a member of, say, server-dev, vouches for you15:00
JamesPagehggdh: thanks - will do (assuming one of them will :-))15:01
hggdhJamesPage: then there will be a review of the application and, with two positive votes, you get it. The vouch counts as a positive vote15:01
hggdhJamesPage: finally, I usually do not throw stones on the applicants ;-)15:01
patdk-wkhmm, two positive votes?15:05
hggdhpatdk-wk: yes15:08
hggdhor two negatives -- which means you will not be accepted on that specific application15:09
hggdhit there is a mix of positive/negative, it will be up to the -control administrators15:09
uvirtbotNew bug: #646032 in samba (main) "package winbind 2:3.4.7~dfsg-1ubuntu3.2 failed to install/upgrade: sub-processo script post-installation instalado retornou estado de saída de erro 127" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/64603215:12
hggdhttx: how do we split samba issues between server and desktop?15:13
ttxhggdh: it becomes desktop when it's not samba anymore15:15
ttxhggdh: like a gvfs issue15:15
Ad0virtualhost stopped working after apache upgrade :S15:19
Ad0from hardy to lucid15:19
uvirtbotNew bug: #564678 in libvirt (main) "unable to add existing storage image to KVM" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56467815:26
Ad0fied it15:30
uvirtbotNew bug: #646054 in vsftpd (main) "package vsftpd 2.2.2-3ubuntu7.1 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 3" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/64605415:31
dv_hi guys15:34
dv_where are the virtio modules for the server kernel in 10.04 ?15:34
Ad0soren: now it worked with the driver :)15:36
Ad0upgrade was pretty good15:37
sorenAd0: Great :)15:42
JamesPagezul: any chance you could take a look at bug 645630 to see if I'm missing something15:56
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 645630 in samba "Unable to connect to CIFS host" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/64563015:56
zulJamesPage: sure gimme a sec15:57
zulJamesPage: thumbs up15:59
JamesPagezul: thanks16:00
=== ivoks-afk is now known as ivoks
permalac_hi , there is anyone with experience on fibrechanel with multipath?16:19
JamesPagezul: I think that we may have a regression issue in lucid - bug 512975 looks like it may have been re-introduced in dovecot-1:1.2.9-1ubuntu5 - report of the same issue in bug 64528816:28
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 512975 in dovecot "mail_location not set and autodetection failed: Mail storage autodetection failed with home=/home/USERNAME" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/51297516:28
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 645288 in dovecot "dovecot fails to find mailbox of new users" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/64528816:28
patdk-wkpermalac, heh, just works for me :)16:28
zuluvirtbot: *sigh* ill take a look this afternoon16:28
uvirtbotzul: Error: "*sigh*" is not a valid command.16:28
zuli mean JamesPage:16:29
JamesPagezul: thanks :-)16:30
JamesPagepermalac_: whats your question? might be able to help16:31
permalac_JamesPage: lets see16:34
permalac_I have a storedata device : SD Raid 2*7260-R-16F-SA16:34
permalac_through our NAS is pressented with multipath to my 2 fiberchanel cards16:35
permalac_I've rebooted the server and installed mdadm16:35
=== ivoks is now known as ivoks-itc
incidenceHi, when ever I run aptitude/apt-get, I get error: syntax error: unknown user 'nsd' in statoverride file16:36
incidenceand apt exits16:36
permalac_when installing it said Possible missing firmware /lib/firmware/2.6.31-14-generic/ql8100_fw.bin for module qla2xxx16:36
permalac_but what I have is a ql ISP2532-based16:36
permalac_so, I do not worry on this.16:36
permalac_but, and here is my problem. I have no knowledge on what to do it to be able to format it.16:37
permalac_fdisk -l don't show it to me16:37
permalac_any guess JamesPage16:37
JamesPagepermalac_:  which version of ubuntu are you running?16:39
permalac_JamesPage: 9.1016:40
hallynzul: around?16:40
zulhallyn: yes16:40
hallynzul: cool.  regarding dailydeb,16:41
hallynzul: i removed source/format like you'd suggested, but now patches aren't being applied :)16:41
zulhallyn: *sigh* lemme check something16:41
hallynzul: do you ahve a better suggestions?  1.0 (quilt) was failling bc of some dependency, while 3.0 (quilt) failed due to knwon bug...16:41
zulhallyn: not yet :)16:42
* hallyn waits patiently :)16:42
zoopsterincidence: package removal didn't clean something up? man dpkg-statoverride to find it and fix it16:43
JamesPagepermalac_: have you checked support for you FC adapter in the linux kernel you are using?16:44
zulhallyn: you might might want to check with james_w16:44
permalac_JamesPage: how do I do that? sorry, I know you can send me to google , but I'm completely offuscated16:44
JamesPagepermalac_: this is a good place to start https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport16:45
permalac_many thanks16:45
permalac_thanks a lot16:45
JamesPagepermalac_: however the issue may be outside of your server i.e. in the SAN network itself16:46
permalac_JamesPage: we checked that. If I present it on the same way to a machine actually running other LUN it has no problems.16:46
JamesPagepermalac_: I'm not familiar with storedata devices but you probably need to check that zones have been setup on the SAN for your server16:47
JamesPagepermalac_: and that the storage array is masking LUNs correctly16:47
Slybootsis there a way to see if yiu are being ddosed ir something16:48
Slybootsi cant keep up a connection with ny server over ssh16:49
Slybootsi.. dont know why anyone would but.. something weird is going on16:52
daxrocI need to install php5 packages from karmic  on lucid but i get "php-pear: Depends: php5-common (>= 5.2.10.dfsg.1-2ubuntu6.5) but 5.2.10.dfsg.1-2ubuntu6 is to be installed"17:05
daxrocany one know how I would set the version to install17:06
Slybootsffs x.x17:07
permalac_JamesPage: I've checked, but remembered that another linux has the same HBA , with the difference that is not connected through NAS, insted is pluged directly to the storagedata(same type) and it works. This one is a hardy.17:07
daxrocSlyboots: 'ffs' that part of ubuntus code of conduct ?17:08
permalac_JamesPage: so I understand that there is support for the storagedata and the HBA. The issue must be in the multipath configuration. Which I do not know how to manage.17:08
SlybootsJust fustrated17:08
daxrocNo excuse !17:09
Slybootslost access to tge server totally now17:09
Slybootscant figure out what to do though17:11
* daxroc understands , downgrading php5 to check if theres an unknown bug with php5.3.217:14
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ehcahIs there a command to enable RAID? I thought it was a service you simply configured, but that it is "enabled" by default?17:24
SpamapSehcah: when you say "enable" what do you mean?17:25
SpamapSehcah: RAID's really must be "built"17:25
ehcahYou just confirmed what I thought.17:26
ehcahI'm getting an error message in an appl17:26
SpamapSehcah: ?17:30
resnois it possible to setup a server to retrieve emails from a pop3 server?17:45
zoopsterresno: fetchmail17:50
resnothanks zoopster17:51
zoopsterresno: certainly welcome!17:51
JamesPagepermalac_: sorry I need to be somewhere else right now - can we pick this up in say 1 hour?17:53
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uvirtbotNew bug: #646212 in nagios3 (main) "package nagios3-common 3.2.0-4ubuntu2 failed to install/upgrade: el subproceso script post-installation instalado devolvió el código de salida de error 1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/64621219:12
AbhiJitanyone here or any better channel which can guide me step by step to setup and configure lamp?19:23
resnoAbhiJit: whats up?19:26
AbhiJitresno, hi struggling with lamp!19:26
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)19:27
AbhiJiti asked!19:27
AbhiJitanyone here or any better channel which can guide me step by step to setup and configure lamp?19:27
resnoyes. if you want step by step, look somewhere online.19:27
AbhiJiti dunno anything about lamp etc. i have printed book of apache with me i go thro its index and it tooooooooo horrible to understand19:27
resnoif you have a question ask19:27
AbhiJiti dont have any question i just need that step by steop help19:28
resnowhat are you trying to do?19:28
resnoyou're not giving me anything to start with.19:28
resnois it installed and you cant configure it?19:28
ScottKAbhiJit: The Ubuntu Server guide (see the link in the channel topic) has lots of step by step help for Ubuntu Server in it.  You should check that if you haven't.19:29
AbhiJitresno, i installed lamp with. and now i need to createa  web site with database connectivity for our college mini project. and after this step i dunno anything about servers. how to get taht apache thing working? etc19:29
AbhiJitScottK, ok i wll check19:29
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zulSpamapS: ping19:36
AbhiJiti currently  have lamp installed on desktop edtition. is it like that if i get server edition then majority of lamp configuration is already done?19:41
AbhiJitand ready to use?19:41
AbhiJitresno, ??19:41
RoyKAbhiJit: most of it is already there, yes19:44
RoyKAbhiJit: try setting up a virtual machine with ubuntu server, and see for yourself19:44
AbhiJitRoyK, ok i wll download sever edition now19:44
RoyKAbhiJit: in the server install, LAMP is one of the meta-packages that can be installed19:45
AbhiJitRoyK, hmm19:45
AbhiJitbye and thanks all19:54
AbhiJit:) gn19:54
AyrtonHi, there is some protocol that access the port 9977 for default?20:04
Ayrtonand if yes, what is it?20:04
qman__not that I'm aware of, google should help with that20:05
qman__`netstat -nlp | grep -v ^unix` should also help20:06
hggdhDaviey: all 3 upgrade bugs commented; I also added upstream tasks for them20:10
Davieyhggdh: thanks!!20:10
* hggdh goes for a late lunch now20:11
Ayrtonqman__, thanks20:12
CharlieSuAll, I'm using an ELB to goto my webserver.. my webserver has an apache frontend which proxies requests to HAProxy, but It doesn't look like the X-Forward-For headers are being sent correctly.. They come in the the private IP for the ELB..   X-Forwarded-For:   any ideas?20:13
SpamapSzul: pong whats up?20:13
zulSpamapS: can you look at that plymouth apache bug for me? im running out of time i think20:14
SpamapSzul: the one where people can't enter the password?20:15
zulSpamapS: yes....how did you know? ;)20:15
SpamapSzul: sure. I saw that cjwatson suggested that plymouth has something built in20:16
zulSpamapS: yeah you have to use plymouth --ask-password and pipe it to apache somehow20:16
zullook at cryptsetup20:16
Name141will ubuntu-server install any desktops?20:27
mathiazJamesPage: o/20:27
Name141or will I have to start over from an install of Ubuntu desktop edition ?20:29
uvirtbotNew bug: #646267 in apache2 (main) "package apache2.2-common 2.2.14-5ubuntu8.2 failed to install/upgrade: Unterprozess installiertes post-installation-Skript gab den Fehlerwert 1 zurück" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/64626720:31
qman__Name141, I'm not sure what you're asking -- ubuntu server will install ubuntu server20:36
cdose1hey guys, i have a very puzzling problem.  bind9 won't start, last message in daemon.log is "named[6474]: using up to 4096 sockets"  with no errors or anything indicating what's wrong...  what else can I check?20:42
cdose1syslog tells me one extra thing, but I don't know what to make of it: "kernel: [ 2502.143477] type=1503 audit(1285270960.289:39):  operation="open" pid=6778 parent=6777 profile="/usr/sbin/named" requested_mask="::r" denied_mask="::r" fsuid=104 ouid=0 name="/etc/ssl/openssl.cnf""20:43
qman__cdose1, check /var/log/syslog20:47
qman__pretty sure that's where bind logs its errors20:47
qman__that's where it does on mine, anyway20:49
qman__it logs all kinds of stuff there, such as20:49
qman__Sep 23 15:47:44 gatekeeper named[3149]: unexpected RCODE (REFUSED) resolving 'ucomics.com/A/IN':
cdose1qman__: yeah I did, that was my second post.  syslog and daemon.log mirror each other as far as bind starting up, they both have the same messages.20:51
qman__well, that second message there is saying that named was denied read access to /etc/ssl/openssl.cnf20:52
qman__are you using DNSSEC or something?20:52
cdose1it's a dns slave server though20:54
cdose1also, I don't think it was denied read access, permissions on the file are correct, and its just says "denied_mask", that doesn't imply it was denied.20:54
qman__that's exactly what it's saying20:55
cdose1but i could be wrong20:55
qman__let me check for sure20:55
cdose1what's really baffling me is the lack of error messages from bind20:57
qman__bind normally is quite verbose with its errors, and they should be in /var/log/syslog21:00
=== ivoks-itc is now known as ivoks
Name141qman__: I'm asking if I can do something like 'sudo apt-get install lxde' , so I can run a few graphical things I wanted21:03
Name141like a SNES emulator21:03
qman__Name141, you can install a desktop on ubuntu server with `sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop`, or kubuntu-desktop or xubuntu-desktop for the respective environments21:03
qman__otherwise, it will attempt to install just enough to run your program21:04
qman__which may or may not work21:04
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Name141qman__: So I 'could' try it without installing a bulky desktop?21:04
qman__could, but it probably won't work the way you want21:05
qman__by default it installs recommends, which will pull in just as much stuff21:05
qman__and it will choose your environment arbitrarily21:05
Name141OK.  so I might as well try xubuntu-desktop21:05
Name141then install lxde later21:06
Name141(I assume)21:06
qman__that, or you could build your environment package by package, not sure how much time you want to put in21:06
Name141about 30 seconds21:07
qman__well, it's going to take longer than that just to download21:07
qman__but if quick is what you're after, go for xubuntu-desktop21:08
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=== _TechAway_ is now known as _Techie_
tomsdale_I have vim-nox installed on my server but I need a vim version which is compiled with ruby support - where could I find23:09
tomsdale_sry - I didn't have vim nox installed - vim nox HAS ruby support.23:10
uvirtbotNew bug: #646453 in irqbalance (main) "package irqbalance 0.55 20091017-3ubuntu2 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/64645323:51
krabadorhi, i've intention to recycle an athlon xp 3000+ 1gbram, as homeserver, if i install ubuntu server, what can i do for power consumption?23:53
RoyKit will do its own regulation23:54
krabadorRoyK, i know that is hardware with more power consumption than now, but shure i won't be at 100% cpu and system consumption23:56
krabadorit will be cpu, 1gbddr1, integrated lan, 2 pata hdd23:56
RoyKkrabador: ubuntu will clock things down when speed isn't needed23:56
krabadorRoyK, can i set it wothout gui?23:58

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