
satellit_dfarning: burning CD to do install...00:25
satellit_install to USB comes up on grub rescue..?01:04
=== dfarning is now known as dfarning_afk
=== dfarning_afk is now known as dfarning
=== alsroot_ is now known as alsroot
=== manusheel_afk is now known as manusheel
=== manu__ is now known as kandarpk
=== satellit_ is now known as satellit_afk
manusheelkandarpk: http://activities.sugarlabs.org/en-US/sugar/addon/422217:45
kandarpkalsroot: around ?17:59
alsrootkandarpk: yup18:02
kandarpkalsroot: I wished to know how could we generate hash of a file18:05
kandarpkthat is stored in the journal18:05
manusheelalsroot: Kandarp is working on SL #2093.18:06
manusheelalsroot: Walter provided a pointer on this issue - to compare hash of the files.18:06
alsrootkandarpk: datastore launches md5sum command18:07
kandarpkalsroot: can we manually use it on some files ?18:08
alsrootkandarpk: why not, but since TA files should not be huge, you can use hashlib python library http://docs.python.org/library/hashlib.html to not exec shell process from TA18:09
alsrootkandarpk: if they could be big, then you can do the same as ds does, launch md5sum command (didn't try to find better method)18:10
alsroots/didn't try/I didn't try/18:11
kandarpkalsroot: OK, thanks.18:11
kandarpkwill try them18:11
kandarpkalsroot: how could we launch md5sum from inside sugar ?18:14
alsrootkandarpk: use subprocess module http://docs.python.org/library/subprocess.html18:17
kandarpkalsroot: and hashlib is accepting string to generate the hash, how could we provide file as input ?18:19
alsrootkandarpk: just read the whole file18:19
kandarpkalsroot: ok.18:20

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