
MuscovyHello all.00:14
UndiFineDquite a bit of work to make this VM right: download the CD, install virtualbox, install the cd in virtualbox, run the updates, install the language packs00:34
UndiFineDsign in the user with the language of choice00:35
UndiFineDfinally have done all that, so my system is ready00:35
UndiFineDtime for bed00:36
webrsk@MadnessRed: Hi :)17:49
MadnessRedhi !!17:50
webrskhave you able to check the revision ? :)17:51
MadnessRedits downloading very slowly as its doing a distribution upgrade17:51
MadnessReddid you make the screenshot tag?17:52
webrskyes , i did .. Regex works cool :)17:52
MadnessRedkl, thanks :)17:53
MadnessRedfinally downloaded :)17:53
webrskcool :)17:53
MadnessRedanywhere I can view it?17:53
webrskYa in application page , you can see it...17:54
MadnessRedwhich revision did you push it to?17:55
webrskI haven't uploaded in main branch , thought you can review first then i can upload there.. Now i uploaded in my branch17:56
MadnessRedok thanks, 1 sec...17:57
MadnessRedstill downloading ..., sorry about this, I should probably have done the upgrade later17:59
webrskno probs :)  anyhow i built on top of the 187 version only..so once you reviewed we shall push this as a latest one ...18:00
MadnessRedperfect :)18:02
MadnessRedI think we could do with the image being centred if it's not big enough, but otherwise it's fine :)18:03
webrsknice :)18:04
webrskya but now its dynamic , i just hardcoded the same image where lightbox div loads...18:04
webrskits not dynamic now *18:04
webrskso shall we use jquery or prototype kind of libraries so that the image path can be passed to the lightbox div and it will display.. ur comments ?18:04
MadnessRedsounds good :)18:05
MadnessRedIs there not a javascript library for lightbox though?18:05
MadnessRedcoz I can't see one18:06
webrskNo its completely css based now..18:06
MadnessRedkk, impressive, I just need to check something though18:08
MadnessRedthe pattern: r'''<screenshot src="([^"]+)" />'''18:09
MadnessRedwhat if there are other tags, such as width and height being specified18:10
webrskI can add that too..18:11
MadnessRedcould you do something general like...18:12
webrskbut the thumbnail image will be in small in size and the lightbox div will load bigger image rite ?18:12
MadnessRedpattern= r'''<screenshot ([*]+)/>'''18:13
MadnessRedpattern_string = re.compile(pattern)18:13
MadnessRedreplace_string = r'''<a href="#showimage"><img \1/></a>'''18:13
MadnessRedI can't remember what a wildcard is though in regex :/18:13
webrsk^" this will take care of all characters.18:15
MadnessRedexcept "18:17
MadnessRedI though thats what it meant18:17
MadnessRedlol very weird weather here, the sky is a sort of greeny orange18:17
webrsktoo hot  !?!18:18
MadnessRedno it's heavy rain18:18
MadnessRedif you are not allowing "'s18:18
MadnessRedthen wont the quote in src="" mean the regex doesn't match18:19
webrski kept the src " before and after , so it worked.. Now i changed to ["*] ..18:20
webrsksorry.. its  [^*]18:20
MadnessRedok, thanks18:21
MadnessRedcould you push it to code-developement?18:22
webrskbut code development has been discontinued rite  , you mean ubuntu-tour branch ?18:23
MadnessRedcode-development, is where we put any new ideas18:24
MadnessRedCan you show other screenshots other than the one which is set first?18:24
webrskshall i change all the img src to screenshot ?18:26
webrsk<img to <screenshot tag ?18:26
MadnessRedurm, yes please,18:28
webrsk:) :)18:29
MadnessRedthen, it it works as expected, check differerent sizes of image18:30
MadnessRedif it's fine, push to ubuntu-tour, otherwise push to code-developement18:30
webrsk70. By Alexander Lancey on 2010-09-18 THIS BRANCH IS BEING DISCONTINUED. USE LP:UBUNTU-TOUR. Thanks :D  This was the comment in code-development branch.18:31
MadnessRedok, in that case just push to ubuntu-tour18:31
webrskcool then :)18:31
MadnessRedmany thanks, it works very well :)18:32
webrsk:) which one ?18:33
MadnessRedin general,18:35
webrskgrt :)18:35
MadnessRedthe image is shown as a background right?18:35
webrskyes ..18:35
MadnessRedso we could use the background-position css to make it central if its too small18:36
webrskyou are right !! but im afraid because now it going to be change with jquery library rite. not sure that will have same feature..18:37
MadnessRedok, dw then, positioning is fairly easy with jquery18:39
webrsksuper :)18:39
webrsksorry for too many queries :D18:40
MadnessRednp, Im sure I have asked more, can you use a pattern more than once in regex, eg r'''<a href="#" onclick="showimage('\1'); return false"><img src="\1"/></a>'''18:41
webrskya can be used ...18:42
MadnessRedok kl18:42
webrskeach image will be in different sizes , so while setting for thumbnail shall i hard code the width and height or blank ?18:42
MadnessRedhow do you mean?18:43
MadnessRedthe screenshot tag should look something like <screenshot src="../../" width="400" height="300" style="float:left;" />18:44
webrskmy query lies here... so ill be taking the same width and height value and the regex logic will change this to <img src="../../"  width="400" height="300" /> ..18:46
webrskdo i make sense ?18:46
MadnessRedand yes18:47
MadnessRedall the attributes given to the screenshot should be given to the img18:48
webrskcool then :)18:49
webrskim clear now :P18:49
MadnessRedone problem when I run your branch I get...18:50
MadnessRed./ubuntu-tour.py:137: GtkWarning: Cannot open pixbuf loader module file '/usr/lib/gdk-pixbuf-2.0/2.10.0/loaders.cache': No such file or directory18:50
MadnessRed  self.window.set_icon_from_file(os.getcwd()+"/images/logo.png")18:50
MadnessRedTraceback (most recent call last):18:50
MadnessRed  File "./ubuntu-tour.py", line 238, in <module>18:50
MadnessRed    Window()18:50
MadnessRed  File "./ubuntu-tour.py", line 137, in __init__18:50
MadnessRed    self.window.set_icon_from_file(os.getcwd()+"/images/logo.png")18:50
MadnessRedglib.GError: Couldn't recognise the image file format for file '/home/anthony/Projects/Ubuntu Tour/tour-backend/images/l18:50
MadnessRedcould be because I am halfway through an upgrade, but can you just check before pushing to ubuntu-tour, just to be safe18:50
webrskya sure , its very important thing ill take care :)18:51
MadnessRedok thanks18:53
MadnessRedanyway i gotta restart, brb18:54
webrskyup :)18:54
MadnessRedmissing a load of indicators18:58
webrski downloaded the branch now and checked its working fine..19:00
webrskbzr branch lp:~webrsk-ideas/ubuntu-tour/tour-backend19:00
webrskis this one ?19:00
MadnessRedyh, pulling now19:03
MadnessRedworks fine for me too now19:04
MadnessRedguess it was just just because of the upgrade19:04
webrskcool :) I'm happy now :P19:06
webrskgo to application page and click the screenshot :)19:06
MadnessRedwhat branch?19:08
webrskMadnessRed: checked?19:16
MadnessRedyh, sorry, its fine, got distracted by my missing indicators19:17
UndiFineDwebrsk, you had fun today :)19:25
webrskUndiFineD :) :) :)19:25
UndiFineDso you made css fully work ?19:26
webrskHow about you ?19:26
UndiFineDoh, I have a family with issues and we had an episode for the day19:26
UndiFineDso I could 't spend time on it until now19:26
webrskwhich part of css ?  :)19:26
webrskoh , hope now everything alrite :)19:27
UndiFineD<webrsk> No its completely css based now..19:27
webrskI was working on Screenshot and lightbox effect :)19:28
UndiFineDour oldest girl is 17, and thinks she is completely normal, though she has ADD, had en epileptic attack and shows signs of authistic properties, yet she defies all this completely19:29
UndiFineDso, no this will last for a while19:29
webrskoh no, please take care ... This too shall pass on19:30
UndiFineDyes it will, just interresting stuff, and I am sure we will get through this somehow19:31
webrskNice :)19:32
UndiFineDso, Branched 188 revision(s).19:32
webrskok regarding the thing which im doing.. what it does is.. The screenshot which adding to each page rite , if we click that image it will open in lightbox effect.. now testing it , after will push to the branch19:33
webrsknot yet uploaded to main branch.. :)19:34
UndiFineDI got to see this: ubuntu-tour.py:239: GtkWarning: IA__gtk_container_add: assertion `GTK_IS_CONTAINER (container)' failed19:34
UndiFineD  gtk.main()19:34
UndiFineDpage 5 or 6 of ubuntu-tour19:35
webrskya got it...Will check that out..19:36
UndiFineDit only happens the first time when that page is visited19:39
webrskyou are right !!19:40
MadnessRedhi, sorry, having issues with indicators, think they are sorted now19:42
webrskMadnessRed, Cool :) :)19:42
UndiFineDgreat :)19:42
MadnessRedgnome-panel and awn were finding it hard to share them19:42
UndiFineDsometimes I wonder how I find these silly things19:42
webrskI didnt get indicator errors in the branch ..19:43
MadnessRedno, sorry, nothing to do with ubuntu-tour19:43
webrskoh fine :)19:43
MadnessRedI just upgrade ubuntu and things went a bit weird19:43
webrskoh 10.04 to 10.10 ?19:43
MadnessRedno 10.10 beta to 10.10rc i think19:43
UndiFineDindeed, yesterday after upgrade my menu stuck, i think it's metacity19:44
webrskcool :) :)  up up19:44
MadnessRedyes about the id_container bug19:44
MadnessRedit only happens the first time for me19:44
UndiFineDUbuntu maverick (development branch)19:44
UndiFineDis what $ lsb_release -d19:45
MadnessRedyes, is for me too19:46
webrskim still with 10.04 LTS :D19:46
MadnessRedwhen does 10.04.1 come out?19:46
UndiFineDMadnessRed, that one is already out19:46
MadnessRedok, webrsk, do you have 10.04.119:47
webrskNope ...19:48
webrskyou want to install 10.04.1 ?19:48
MadnessRedmight be useful to check that it likes the version checking, but dont upgrade if you dont want to19:49
UndiFineDI agree that it would be better to use a lts as a stable host, and then use VM's for dev and testing19:52
UndiFineDbut my machine is 7y old and does not have VT build in cpu19:53
UndiFineDI can't wait for a stable 2.6.36 kernel, with BKL removed19:56
webrskyes :) :) waiting for the next stable release..19:59
UndiFineDI think that will be a good performance increase and actually be able to let mobile computers sleep19:59
webrskubuntu 10.10 beta which kernel version it has ?20:02
UndiFineD$ uname -a Linux head 2.6.35-22-generic-pae #33-Ubuntu SMP Sun Sep 19 22:14:14 UTC 2010 i686 GNU/Linux20:03
webrskhmm thats nice :)20:04
webrskGuess MadnessRed doing many experiments with latest beta :)20:06
webrskok its time for me to sleep :P20:09
webrskbye bye UndiFineD and MadnessRed :) :)20:09
MadnessRedsorry, I am trying to get the sound menu applet to show in awn20:09
webrskenjoy :) bye :)20:10
UndiFineDoh just missed him :/20:12
UndiFineDas I just said to him, I can't wait for the stable 2.6.36, without BKL20:14
=== daker_ is now known as daker
aprilghi everyone :)23:02
UndiFineDhello aprilg23:02
aprilghi UndiFineD am just dropping by, rather busy with work right now :-| anything come up recently?23:03
UndiFineDwebrsk is very code active on a personal branch23:03
UndiFineD<webrsk> bzr branch lp:~webrsk-ideas/ubuntu-tour/tour-backend23:04

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