
Sarvattchrisccoulson: we actually have newer ia32-libs in xorg-edgers that pull in all of the components at build time if you just need to test some gtk stuff in it01:50
Sarvattgotta update that in there to make wine not suck with mesa :(01:51
ScottKSarvatt and RAOF: Is there other stuff you guys need sponsored before RC?01:55
RAOFScottK: I don't have anything queued up, but I suspect sarvatt might want an xserver-xorg-video-intel upload?01:56
SarvattScottK: not that I'm aware of, the mesa release guy is in vegas at the moment..01:56
ScottKOK.  Considering the mesa revert was sitting there waiting, I thought I'd check.01:57
ScottKThing have gone from totally unpleasant to good with a few warts for me now and I wanted to make sure there wasn't more stuff waiting to make it even better.01:57
RAOFThe 7.9 release may fix more stuff but hasn't happened yet :)01:58
RAOFAt least there's now a release branch, though.01:58
RAOFHm.  This bug has a 26MiB Xorg.0.log.old attached.  I wonder what causes that?01:59
RAOFAaaaah.  Stupid fbdev.01:59
Sarvattthat copyfb patch still needs fixing, I'm really stumped on it and am really swamped with 3 new machines to make work01:59
RAOFDidn't you just prevent that patch from activating on gen 6?02:00
Sarvattyeah but its broken on all other intels at the moment..02:00
RAOFIs there some reason why my GM45 isn't affected, then?02:01
Sarvatthave you made it hang or logged out of KDE lately? :)02:01
RAOFOh, _that_ :)02:01
Sarvattit doesnt look like its actually hurting anything, just spewing a backtrace in the  log02:01
RAOFWhereas not briging up X on sandybridge is a somewhat more important bug!02:02
Sarvattblacklisting in compiz was a silly move, should have blacklisted i965_dri.so from the start but intel insists its going to be in a usable state for the Q3 release (7.9..)02:06
Sarvatti think theres a big disconnect between the people I talk to and the people actually working on mesa :D02:06
ScottKSarvatt or RAOF: If there's a release branch for 7.9 now, might it make sense to consider a snapshot update?  I'd be glad to help test it.02:14
RAOFSarvatt's just told me that it fixes a trivially reproducible intel GPU hang, so I'll certainly look at it now.02:15
Sarvattyeah it would, we were just discussing it actually02:15
ScottKOK.  Let me know when there's a package to test.02:16
RAOFMesa would be so much less scary if there weren't hundreds of commits in the order of a couple of days.02:17
RAOFDamn those GPUs and their insane complexity :)02:17
ScottKAs long as RAOF makes sure he's not running a patched clutter this time, I think we can test it out fine.02:19
Sarvatthoping http://lists.freedesktop.org/archives/mesa-dev/2010-September/003183.html gets picked up but i'm not holding my breath, going to blacklist these GPU's from i965 anyway02:19
ScottKHey, stuff happens.  The story had a happy ending.02:20
RAOFSorry about that - I should have documented that on the FFe bug and/or tracked the sponsorship request more.02:20
Sarvatthey, at least it was an interesting day :)02:21
Sarvattbtw ScottK, what I feared looked to be true with that mesa patch for the KDE problem, horrible memory leaks :(02:23
RAOFHow did you get that to apply to -0ubuntu3?02:23
ScottKSarvatt: It's all about peeling the onion.02:23
RAOFThe code it was patching disappeared.02:23
SarvattI didn't, someone else reported it on the bug02:24
RAOFAnd just for completeness, that bug *definitely* appears on -0ubuntu3, right?  I can't get it to hang locally - it just crashes :)02:26
ScottKRAOF: I can get it to hang.02:26
RAOFAgain, my hardware is magical.02:26
Sarvattscrewing with drawable destruction voodoo is how we had that big memory leak at the last minute from that patch I added, anything touching that scares me now :)02:26
ScottKOr mine is, but in a bad way.02:26
Sarvatterr big memory leak in xserver on lucid at the last minute02:27
RAOFYeah.  Problems in drawable destruction can lead to fun unreported memory leaks!02:27
ScottKRAOF: Mine is a Dell mini 10v, so it's stuffed with the cheapest they could find of whatever it absolutely had to have.  I'm not surprised it sucks in special ways.02:27
ScottKI'll have to try on some other hardware too.02:28
RAOFIf it didn't mean rebooting my IRC server I'd try on my 945 netbook, too.02:28
Sarvattso yeah, I reenabled vblank in mesa and it's still broken over a year later, I hope more netbooks aren't hitting this problem02:28
RAOF(Stupid “switchable” graphics that hides the device from the PCI bus entirely)02:28
Sarvattall aspire one AOA1xx's are at least02:29
RAOFSarvatt: by vblank do you mean flipping support?02:29
Sarvattinterrupts are screwed, if i run glxgears and dont move the mouse for instance it drops down to around 17fps02:29
RAOFOh.  _That_02:29
RAOFThere were drm patches for that, I thought?02:30
Sarvattnope, still busted, someone just brought it up again on the intel-gfx list and i've  been trying the patches jbarnes is posting but no luck02:30
Sarvattit makes for one horrible experience with unity and such though02:30
RAOFDo we have vblank disabled on those machines?02:31
Sarvattits enabled in mesa unconditionally for dri2 on radeon and intel02:31
RAOFAnd we don't have a nice list of broken pciids/dmi data to blacklist it off in a patch?02:32
Sarvattnope, that was the dri1 version back in intrepid or jaunty I think?02:33
RAOFMaybe we should do that.  Screen updates only when moving the mouse aren't my idea of a nice user experience :)02:33
brycehSarvatt, I finally fixed that broken graph.  It took 30 sec, I don't know why I bothered being so damn lazy about updating it, sorry.  http://localhost/X/Reports/ubuntu-x-swat/totals-maverick-workqueue.svg02:38
brycehproblem was just that the total had exceeded the bounds of the graph.02:38
bryceh*sigh* and I could give the RIGHT link02:38
SarvattI can't even count the number of times I've done the same thing :)02:38
* RAOF needs to learn more nouveau driver internals. Or, alternatively, nouveau needs to grow some mortal-readable error messages. “EvoCh 0 Mthd 0x0080 Data 0x00000000 (0x0005 0x05)” is not friendly.02:38
Sarvatthttp://www2.bryceharrington.org:8080/X/Reports/ubuntu-x-swat/totals-maverick.svg a wrong link?02:39
Sarvattoh workqueue works, woot02:39
Sarvattthanks bryceh!02:40
brycehfixing the other too...02:40
RAOFHello, intel!02:40
Sarvatti've really been focusing on major specific bugs instead of mass bug work, those graphs are always depressing02:40
brycehSarvatt, yeah I know02:41
RAOFTotals-maverick looks moderately broken.02:41
RAOFExcept for the part where we've got a big bunch of intel bugs, of course.02:41
Sarvattat least I see a few jumps in intel where i found mass dupes of what i was working on there :D02:41
Sarvatttheres a crapload of apport crash bugs on intel02:42
RAOFThat's true.02:42
brycehintel always has a fair share, but this looks a bit anomolous that half of the bugs reported in maverick were against -intel... what's going on?02:42
Sarvattapport hook being enabled at the start :)02:42
brycehoh apport hmm02:43
RAOFThe one with the best debugging tools gets the most reports.02:43
RAOFWe didn't turn it off this time.02:43
brycehare they valid crash/freeze captures?02:45
RAOFBy and large, yes.02:46
Sarvatti can't keep up with them, there are so many dupes but they take quite a long time to fully review unless I know specifically what the crash I'm looking for looks like (which happens a lot and they are very useful to have in that case)02:46
brycehSarvatt, yeah I've been sort of pondering giving up on mass bug management and just focus on specific priority bugs myself.  That's basically how I've been working on launchpad (which also has quite a few bug reports).  But I dunno02:46
brycehmass bug management takes a considerable chunk of time, even with automation02:47
brycehSarvatt, don't you just want to say "SHUTUPSHUTUPSHUTUP!!!" ?  ;-)02:48
RAOFAnd generally doesn't produce a lot of value for us (at least, I'm not sufficiently efficient at manipulating launchpad to make it a positive time investment)02:48
brycehI felt like I was able to squeeze value out of it, but mostly because of sending bug reports upstream02:49
brycehand then cherrypicking the patches back02:49
RAOFRight.  That's something you're much better at than I am :)02:49
brycehyeah it tends to be kinda tedious work (hopefully my current work will be mitigating that some)02:50
brycehI suppose with these graphs, the important thing is not so much the magnitudes but rather the slope02:52
RAOFThey're not a perfect metric, but the slope is the important one.02:54
Sarvattsomeone went through and duped the huge amount of fglrx doesn't work in maverick bugs I see (thanks whoever that was!)02:54
brycehyeah I've been surprised by the number of questions about fgrlx-vs-ati lately02:56
brycehoh hey while you're both here... I fielded a question earlier today about whether fglrx+randr supports multi-card setups for >2 heads, or if it's limited to a single card like other drivers02:57
brycehI figured it was probably 1-card, do either of you know differently?02:57
RAOFI don't know differently.  Offhand, I'd *suspect* that it would actually handle multi-card reasonably; it's the sort of thing that workstations with 3+ monitors would want.02:58
RAOFAnd given fglrx is targetted at workstations… :)02:58
brycehalso, I recall someone (airlied? ajax?) was working on multi-card support for -ati... but a few minutes googling didn't turn up any recent news on that front; know if there was any progress?02:58
Sarvatt99% positive it does with evergreen at least, lemme see if I can dig anything up02:59
Sarvattphoronix forums are actually really useful for wacky questions like that02:59
RAOFI think it should currently work, modulo strangeness.02:59
RAOF(Like having to pay the Xinerama tax)02:59
Sarvattpretty sure I saw them getting >2 displays on a single evergreen card up a few weeks ago on #radeon03:00
RAOFOh, that.03:00
RAOFThat's Eyefinity, which works, yeah.03:00
RAOFAs long as you've got DP outputs, apparently :)03:01
SarvattI have a hunch bryce is asking because he's looking to buy and might be able to accomplish what he wants with 1 card is why I mentioned it :D03:01
RAOFAaah.  Yeah.03:01
Sarvattoh yeah, whoops!03:01
RAOF1 card + DP monitors or active DP→DVI connectors.03:01
brycehyeah the config in question was an RV250 + RV71003:01
RAOFI *think* that's expected to work now, modulo requiring Xinerama (and hence disabling Composite).03:02
brycehSarvatt, no, actually it was via a canonical support customer question03:02
brycehDP == DisplayPort?03:03
RAOFThere was some brief discussion of Shatter at XDS; per-crtc pixmaps and such have landed already.03:03
RAOFThe one where adding an ‘e’ means “Doesn't work properly on Intel” :)03:04
Sarvattthat's a rough question because its most likely broken by different driver releases if it even does work knowing fglrx..03:05
RAOFIs there a release of fglrx supporting both RV250 and RV710?  I'd guess not.03:05
RAOFAs I say, I believe it's expected to work with Xinerama, but you'll lose Composite & compiz and suchlike.03:06
Sarvattwow, I think it's time to turn the brain off for the night here because it's obviously not working :) night guys03:08
* Sarvatt fires up some minecraft!03:08
RAOFCiv V!03:10
Sarvattnever played civ 5, not a huge civilization fan but I loved master of magic and alpha centauri :)03:12
RAOFI've got Civ 5 wending it's merry way to me now.03:12
brycehyou'll have to tell me if it's good03:12
RAOFI most assuredly shall :)03:13
brycehI looked at the screenshots but it looked awfully cluttery.  But then I'm not into eyecandy in video games so much ;-)03:13
Sarvattyeah civ games always came off cluttery to me too, kinda like KDE03:14
* Sarvatt hides03:14
RAOFGerald the mesa build says: Time to make some coffee, sucker!  I'll be here all day!03:14
Sarvatthmm wonder if that will run on sandybridge graphics, i have a distinct lack of working dedicated GPU's at the moment03:15
SarvattFFXIV sure as heck wont and it has similar requirements03:15
Sarvattoh wow, looks nice03:16
RAOFMin spec suggests that my laptop's 7600 GT should do OK.03:17
RAOFAnd I get to test out whether r600g supports enough GL now to run it on a 4xxx!03:17
Sarvattbut but didn't it just get gears again a few days ago?03:18
Sarvattoh wait its mesa, a few days is a few thousand commits03:18
RAOFScottK: Oh, you were on i386 for your mesa, weren't yoU?04:09
ScottKRAOF: I was and am.04:10
* RAOF fires up a i386 schroot, then.04:10
Sarvattwas going to say there's one on the VPS but had to delete it earlier to make room for a kernel build, which i couldn't make enough room for out of the 10GB.. :)04:28
Sarvattdid you already package it up then? dont want to step on your toes yet again in git :)04:31
RAOFGot the packages built, yeah.04:31
RAOFThere's some cleaning up that still needs doing.04:31
RAOFAnd, obviously, actually testing it!04:32
Sarvatti've been updating 7.9 branch packages daily just in case some obvious nasty bug creeps in, the egl kms/drm change was the only thing major i've noticed04:34
RAOFYeah.  That's done.04:34
RAOFHm.  I should have fired off this build in screen so I could spend some quality time crashing KWin on the new mesa.04:35
RAOFSarvatt: Why are you versioning xorg-edgers packages as 7.10+git, by the way?  It should be 7.10~git :/04:43
Sarvattnot enough time to pay much attention to it + automated script that uploaded a + :(04:44
RAOFEh; sok.04:44
Sarvatti really need to fix that so it does a ~ if there's a version bump04:45
RAOFYou'll need to ppa-purge regardless; it's not like upgrading from xorg-edgers is anything but explicitly disowed.04:45
SarvattI prefer that way of thinking regarding it :) there are some pretty drastic differences in there at some points, upgrading to a newer synaptics version in ubuntu with an older abi is a PITA04:48
Sarvattlike they dont bump the version in master for a few things and the stable branches have a higher version04:48
ScottKRAOF: Here's an odd one for you on this kwin settings thing: On my Dell mini 10v - change kwin settings and system freezes, reboot into a live session and try the same thing and it doesn't freeze, I get the kwin crash.05:05
ScottKBoth are up to date maverick.05:05
RAOFScottK: Because consistency in bugs is too easy!06:04
RAOFScottK: i386 packages up at http://cooperteam.net/Packages/06:04
RAOF(Again, you're after libgl1-mesa-{glx,dri})06:05
ScottKJust what I was typing a question about ....06:05
ScottKSo far it didn't cause a fire.06:12
ScottKRAOF: My initial impressions are things seem subjectively slightly faster.  No new bugs immediately obvious.  Both the freeze on kwin setting change and the X crash on logout are still there (as one would expect).06:19
ScottKI'll try it on some other systems tomorrow.  It's well into very late here, so I need to get to sleep.06:19
RAOFGo for it!06:26
RAOFHeh.  The kwin crash is 177 stack frames deep.06:28
ScottKmgraesslin is coming to UDS, so you can get even there.06:29
RAOFGarh.  How have I killed kwin desktop effects?11:21
tseliotRAOF: with what driver?11:28
RAOFBut I'm not entirely sure what I've done - they were working, then I applied the interesting parts of the patch on bug #628077 to the DDX, then everything broke.11:30
ubot4Launchpad bug 628077 in xserver-xorg-video-intel (Ubuntu Maverick) (and 1 other project) "[i865] Crash on logout with KDM (affects: 1) (heat: 169)" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/62807711:30
RAOF…but dropping back to the archive DDX hasn't fixed it.11:30
RAOFHm.  I also enabled some debug in libdrm.  Let's see if that's it.11:31
tseliotRAOF: that's weird, I think kwin only checks the availability of certain extensions11:32
RAOFThe “disable functionality tests” checkbox doesn't do anything interesting, either.11:33
tseliotyes, I've noticed that11:34
RAOFI wonder if it's actually hooked up to anything, like that ‘save the session’ button gnome-session had at one point. :)11:34
tseliotRAOF: are you sure the cause is not some update of kdebase-workspace?11:34
tseliotScottK: ^^11:35
RAOFI don't think so.11:35
ScottKtseliot: Sarvatt pretty well narrowed it down to something to do with that patch.  At one point he produces packages that didn't crash (they had other problems, so weren't directly suitable) and so it's pretty clearly in Ubuntu's X stack.11:37
RAOFScottK: Did he find that it broke kwin?11:38
ScottKThe patches he had me test did not, as I recall, but that was a while ago when we hat the old mesa, so things were pretty rough overall.11:38
RAOFI know what the interesting bit of that “applies to git” patch; it's mostly the FreeScratchPixmap.11:39
RAOFThat fixes it.11:39
ScottKThat sounds like good news.11:41
RAOFScottK: With the small downside that it seems to break kwin for no obvious reason ;)11:42
ScottKThat would be a problem.11:43
* RAOF does a bit of a restart dance.11:44
RAOFOk.  Back to all stock Ubuntu packges, and kwin still refuses to enable GL effects.12:04
RAOFScottK: Is there any knob to twiddle to make kwin work again?12:04
ScottKRAOF: It's got a safety valve where if you crash kwin too many times, it sets itself off for good.12:04
ScottKThere will be some thing in ~/.kde/share/config/kwinsomething (probably kwinrc)12:05
ScottKYou can just rm the kwin related config stuff and start over if you don't want to pick through it.12:06
ScottK(sorry I didn't remember that earlier)12:06
RAOFI suspect it might be the OpenGLIsUnsafe=true12:08
RAOFIs this the intended user experience?  You accidentally mess with kwin too much, and it will forevermore refuse to enable compositing?12:08
RAOFSorry, that was a bit snarky.12:09
tseliotI guess they're just being overcautious ;)12:17
RAOFWell, that can now be deferred to tomorrow.12:22
ScottKIt's meant to keep users from being overwhelmed by repeated crashers, but it's not particularly developer friendly.12:23
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jibelCould a member of the ubuntu-x-swat have a look at bug 645064. Since it's a widely used ppa, it may causes issues when comes the time to upgrade to maverick.16:46
ubot4Launchpad bug 645064 in update-manager (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "nvidia-current from Ubuntu-X-Swat PPA is blocking the upgrade from Lucid to Maverick (affects: 1) (heat: 8)" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/64506416:46
tseliotmvo: maybe we should call "ppa-purge" on dist-upgrades to avoid these problems ^^16:49
mvotseliot: I need to run, I have a look when I'm back (sorry)16:54
tseliotmvo: np. Thanks16:55
mvothanks tseliot and jibel16:55
Sarvattthat's one of the reasons I'm not sure nvidia-current providing an artifical abi is a good idea since its compatible with both abi's and is causing package manager problems16:58
bjsniderbut the lucid and maverick versions are providing the same abi, so why is it blocking the upgrade?17:04
Sarvattthey aren't, maverick is xserver-xorg-video-817:12
Sarvattits something to do with xserver-xorg-core having a breaks: on the old abi interacting with apt ordering, doesn't happen if the breaks are gone and not sure how to make it want to remove nvidia before trying to upgrade X17:16
bjsnideryes but that virtual package is provided by a lot more than just nvidia-current17:17
bjsniderthere are 43 packages that provide xserver-xorg-video-6 in lucid, so why is nvidia-current causing this problem and not all the rest of them too?17:18
bjsniderand why isn't the package manager preferring to move the video-8 as a newer version, which the nvidia-current maverick package provides?17:19
jibelbjsnider, update-manager refuses to upgrade nvidia-current because the ppa is disabled at upgrade time. Since it's manually installed it puts it on hold and blocks the upgrade of the xserver.17:20
jibelbjsnider, I haven't dig further but it's the kind of scenario.17:20
bjsnideroh, right17:20
bjsniderand the ppa has a newer nvidia blob than maverick17:20
jibelbjsnider, right17:21
bjsniderso all the other 40-some video-8 packages upgrade because the maverick versions are available at that time17:21
bjsniderwell i'm damned if i know how to fix that17:22
Sarvatti put a note about needing to ppa-purge before upgrading on x-updates like there is on xorg-edgers for now, if anything i'm thinking maybe we can just drop the abi from the PPA versions17:22
bjsniderbut if it disables the ppa then it should be purging it too17:23
Sarvattit never has, thats why i made ppa-purge17:23
Sarvattit's hell with xorg-edgers :(17:23
bjsnideris it possible to purge that ppa?17:23
bjsniderwhy is it necessary to provide the abi?17:24
Sarvattsometimes they are late supporting a new ABI and its there to block upgrades17:24
bjsnideranyway, updae-manager could be changed to test for that ppa and if it's there, install ppa-purge and then proceed to purge it17:26
tseliotSarvatt: BTW I made fglrx provide the ABI too... I wish there was a better way17:27
barryhi folks.  i saw that a new fglrx-modaliases was released, and indeed i've been able to successfully install the fglrx packages. but i still cannot enable desktop effects for my radeon hd 4670 in 64bit maverick19:50
barryshould that be possible now or do i still have to wait? (fine if so)19:51
barryi can't find a log file of the attempt to enable it and don't see any errors in my Xorg.0.log19:51
ScottKNew mesa snapshot seems to work well on Intel Corporation Mobile 945GM/GMS, 943/940GML Express Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 03)20:04
strycoredamnit :P20:18
strycoreok Maverick is coming soon and lately I have noticed a strange bug for almost every full screen game 20:20
strycorethe mouse pointer comes bask to it's original position every second or so20:20
strycoreI guess it's related to Xinput20:20
strycoreargh it's driving me crazy20:25
strycoreok , nevermind I found the guilty program20:38
strycoreI was suspecting either SDL or Xinput :P20:39

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