
asantoniTheMuso: Scott Kitterman just approved Mixxx's feature freeze exception. Care to sponsor our upload?08:36
ubottuLaunchpad bug 645804 in mixxx (Ubuntu) "Fix visual artifact due to Qt bug or upgrade to final" [Undecided,New]08:36
asantoni(there's a link to a package in review i nthat bug report)08:36
persiaasantoni, http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/p/mixxx is current?09:55
persiaHrm.  quadrispro just checked something slightly different into alioth10:15
persiaasantoni, quadrispro will be sorting that, as soon as it's in Debian experimental10:49
ionuthi. i have installed ubuntu studio. what is the best way to have fun with it ?23:38
holsteinionut: what are you planning on doing?23:39
ionutholstein: well. i like the graphic. i want to record my desktop while i am modifying a video. is there any good application to record audio and video of my desktop ?  (by the way i like the beer holstein)23:40
holsteinionut: try gtk-recordmydesktop23:41
holsteinsudo apt-get install gtk-recordmydesktop23:42
ionutholstein: tnx dude. i love ubuntu23:44
ionutis the best SO ever23:44
holstein^^ that is a tutorial a friend did23:45
holstein[lsd] over in #opensourcemusicians23:45
holsteinyou can ask him what he used23:45
holsteinim pretty sure it was recordmydesktop23:45
ionutholstein: i see ur the most active user around here, do you know where i can found some ubuntustudio themes ? those which are nicer ?23:51
holsteinnot sure23:52
holsteinionut: i would check gnome-look23:52
* holstein dinner time :)23:52
ionutholstein: bon apetite23:52

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