
ubuXubugood evening xubuntu...00:38
Takeasymy xubuntu doesn't give sound, any solution?02:14
Takeasyi can hear sound in Windows in same computer02:14
well_laid_lawnTakeasy:  does it show in   aplay -l   in terminal ?02:15
Takeasyyes, well_laid_lawn02:16
well_laid_lawnTakeasy:  is everything turned up in   alsamixer   ?02:18
Takeasywhich one should i turn up?02:19
well_laid_lawnTakeasy:  I would turn them all up until it works :]02:19
Takeasysome can't turn up02:20
well_laid_lawnthat happens...02:20
TakeasyHeadphone, Line Jack, Mic boost, stereo mic02:21
well_laid_lawnheadphone should turn up02:21
Takeasythe problem is i can't02:22
well_laid_lawnare you using the headphone now?02:22
well_laid_lawnI would make sure the pcm is the default in the sound icons config - right click it02:23
Takeasyright click which one?02:23
well_laid_lawnthe one in the panel02:24
well_laid_lawnthat's fine - have you checked the sound icons config for what is default?02:26
well_laid_lawnin the switches or options tab you should be able to select the default :]02:28
well_laid_lawnlooks like I had that wrong then...02:30
well_laid_lawnwhat does the file   /etc/asound.state   have in it pls02:35
Takeasyno such file02:36
well_laid_lawnouit of ideas try02:39
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.02:39
Takeasyhow to find "Volume applet"?02:40
ubottuQuake runs natively under Ubuntu - See http://zerowing.idsoftware.com/linux/quake4/ for details02:40
jrmyapparently not quake 1 or 202:42
well_laid_lawnTakeasy:  the volume applet is the icon in the panel02:42
HanaCan someone help me with connecting to wireless internet in Xubuntu?03:48
ubottuWireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs03:49
Hana...thank you03:50
well_laid_lawnthat's all I know about wifi :]03:51
csemplemy kid was hitting buttons on the keyboard, and now the screen size is buggered only in xfce06:40
csemplethe login manager (gnome's) uses the full screen, but as soon as I log into xfce, The area that is used by the screen shrinks and I have these thick black borders on the sides that are not being used06:40
csempleanother thing I noticed is the screen res. doesn't stick when I reboot the computer06:42
csempleor log out06:42
paulauhi everybody09:57
paulaui have an issue when i plug a second ecran09:57
paulaubefore a was with ubuntu 10.04 and multi screen works09:57
paulaunow i am with xubuntu 10.04 and multi screen does'nt work09:58
paulaucan you help me pleaze?09:58
Sysiinstall arandr and set up with it09:58
paulauok thanks09:58
paulaufor information , why works with ubuntu and not with xubuntu?09:59
Sysiby just plugging in? i can't even guess10:00
paulauyep just pluggin it10:00
paulauthanks for arandr works10:04
paulauok arandr doesn't support resolution 1980*108010:12
paulaui want to force this resolution, can you help me?10:13
Sysiit worked with ubuntu?10:13
Sysidid you do reinstallation, what graphics card?10:13
paulauyes work with ubuntu10:14
paulauwith ubuntu al works alone10:14
paulaui doesn't install graphics card10:14
Sysido you have two different installations or two desktops?10:14
paulauVGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Mobile 945GME Express Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 03)10:15
Sysihave you installed updates?10:15
Sysivery strange10:16
paulaui have read thah arandr doesn't support 198010:16
ubottuXRandR 1.2 is the new method of running dual screens in !X.  Information/HowTo here: http://wiki.debian.org/XStrikeForce/HowToRandR1210:16
Sysicli but works10:16
Sysi(command line)10:17
paulaui must replace arandr by xrandr?10:17
Sysinot replace10:18
Sysixrandr is used from terminal10:18
paulauin fact, when i chosse 1980*1080 i have my task bar in middle of my screen10:20
paulauand i must have my second screen in bottom10:21
paulauhum ok i have found10:22
* eeffoc waves! 'ello.13:07
eeffochow goes it?13:08
psycho_oreostired, you?13:08
eeffocsame, although I am drinking coffee...the sun is up...meh...13:08
eeffoctired nonetheless.13:08
psycho_oreoshehe, in the irony of your handle as well13:09
psycho_oreosits night time where I am anyway13:09
eeffocX_x yep. ah, night is far better than the morn.13:10
eeffocI am sitting 60 miles from home, remoted into my server, supposed to be working... lol...13:10
eeffocgetting paid to IRC and drinking free coffee!13:10
psycho_oreosyou lucky person heh13:10
eeffoci wouldnt mind having a halloween orange filled oreo right about now O_o13:12
eeffocgoth oresos, fts.13:12
psycho_oreoslol I was about to say :p13:12
eeffoctypos FTL.13:13
eeffocnot enough eeffoc.13:13
eeffocit's only 8am here... blagh... i just had to drive 60 miles to get to this dreadful place, lol... cut me some slack...13:14
eeffocDo you happen to know the difference between the xfce session and the xubuntu session?13:16
eeffocI was tooling around my laptop yesterday, looking and the login screen and noticed that you can login using one or the other...13:17
eeffoc*looking at the login screen13:17
psycho_oreosI think they're more or less the same but xfce cannot start on its own for older versions afaik13:17
eeffochmm, weird.13:18
eeffocdo you read comics or ebooks on your machine?13:19
* eeffoc waves at corvinus! 13:19
eeffocbetter question, psycho_oreos, do you use Samba, or any other software, to remotely - wirelessly connect to a windows/networked shared drive in order to open media files?13:20
psycho_oreoseeffoc, yes a long while ago I did that13:22
eeffocI've been having trouble opening the files through Samba. My laptop I've got xubuntu on only has a 40 gig hdd; I wanted to use it as an IRC/comic/ebook reader/netbook kind of deal. I keep all of my media on my server. I am able to connect to it easily and see the files (all .cbr or .cbz for comics) in Samba, but am unable to open them using the comic reader software, Comix, in xubuntu. I've trolled various forums for ALL types of me13:25
psycho_oreoseeffoc, have you tried copying the files locally onto xubuntu then running them with that comix?13:26
Sysithey should be just renamed zip files13:26
eeffocpsycho, yea, once I copy them locally, I can open them just fine with comcix. I've got about two gigs worth of material on my desktop now, just to be able to read. Sysi, that's primarily all they are: the .cbr's are .rar files, whereas the .cbz's are .zips. BTW, Sysi, thank you SO MUCH for your help the other day with the user deletion stuff! It worked marvelous!!!13:31
eeffocAfter being able to directly boot into my new user name, I was able to remove the old user by 'sudo deluser ____', which did not prompt the 'user is currently logged on' message! Yay!13:32
eeffocpsycho, even if there was a way to transfer said .cbr or .cbzs over my network from windows to xubuntu, putting them on my xubuntu machine just until I could read them, that would work. I just can't even get them to do that. I have tried connecting through Gigolo, which allows me to connect to my windows shares, but doesn't show anything inside the actual shared drive. I've tried Pyneighborhood to no avail either...same results as G13:35
eeffocSysi and I spoke about it a few days back; I had mentioned that I tried partioning one of my network drives, reformatting the partition FAT32, instead of NFTS, as I didn't know if that would be an issue...but it did not make a difference either. So, I'm kind of at a stand still...It's no big deal copying my files to the flash drive, but, technically this should be viable.13:37
psycho_oreoseeffoc, hmm when I did it I didn't have a fancy frontend that time, I just used the mount tool under CLI13:38
knomehow do i change the resolution in gdm? ubuntu falsely thinks i have a resolution bigger than i do and i encounter some problems with that.13:38
Sysiknome: xorg.conf?13:39
eeffochmmm, haven't tried it that way, psycho. that's probably easier, lol.13:40
eeffocwell, I take that back, I was able to CLI my way through Samba with smbclient, getting into my shared drive and navigating to be able to see all of my .cbrs and .cbzs.13:41
eeffocOnce I am at that point, is there a command to transfer files? or open files with comix? Most of the time, I'll open a terminal and run 'comix' to open comix, then gui my way to open said comic file.13:42
=== nikolam_ is now known as nikolam
paulauhi everybody15:38
paulaui have an aluminium keyboard on my xubuntu15:38
paulauthe keys <> and @# are not at the good place15:39
paulaui haven't find a solution can you help me plz?15:39
charlie-tcaIf the keys are physically in a bad place, change keyboards or assign shortcuts to other keys15:40
paulauthe keys are at the good place on the keyboard but when i type on @ u have a < at the screen15:41
charlie-tcaWhat keyboard layout are you using?15:42
paulauAluminium Apple keyboard15:43
charlie-tcachange the layout then, to have the keys re-assigned to the correct places15:43
paulau? i must test all layout??15:44
charlie-tcaIf the keys in that layout are defined wrong, you will need to try another one.15:45
paulaui have test all apple layout15:46
charlie-tcaI think so. I do not know which layout will work for your keyboard15:47
paulaui don't know too15:47
Takeasyer........my xubuntu has no sound, but i can hear sound in windows in the same computer16:06
Takeasyhow to solve it?16:06
paulauclick on the sound icon and add controles16:07
Sysi-have you checked everything unmuted? what sound card16:07
paulauchange sound card16:10
TakeasyChipset is AD1981B16:11
TakeasyOne 0.5W internal speaker (mono)16:11
Takeasyhow to change sound card? you mean physically?16:15
Sysi-driver from dropdown menu16:15
Takeasylike this?16:20
paulauyes and add controles16:21
Takeasyselect which card?16:21
Takeasyonly one control can be select16:22
paulauselect it16:22
paulauif doesn't work choose third16:24
Sysi-lspci | grep -i audio16:25
Takeasystill no sound16:27
Takeasylspci | grep -i audio16:27
Takeasy00:1f.5 Multimedia audio controller: Intel Corporation 82801DB/DBL/DBM (ICH4/ICH4-L/ICH4-M) AC'97 Audio Controller (rev 01)16:27
Takeasystill no sound16:45
tom3333hello user19:27
charlie-tca!hi | tom333319:28
ubottutom3333: Hi! Welcome to #xubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!19:28
charlie-tca<tom3333> i have a small problem. i have two screenshavers. and of both TFTs i see the same. what can i do?19:32
charlie-tcatom3333: are you using arandr?19:37
Sysi-(i mean i didn't quite get what's the problem)19:38
thomas__ist hier jemand der deutsch spricht?19:38
charlie-tcatwo screens, wants different screensavers on each one, I think19:38
charlie-tca!de | thomas__19:39
ubottuthomas__: In den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.19:39
thomas__ok. alles klar.19:39
charlie-tcatom3333: You want two different images on two screens, or two screensavers on two screens?19:39
thomas__yes. of both screens are the same19:40
charlie-tcaSysi: wants two different images on his dual monitors19:40
Sysi-for background?19:41
charlie-tcaall the time19:41
Sysi-arandr would be for configuring dualhead19:41
thomas__hmmh thats not good19:42
charlie-tcaSo, needs to install arandr?19:42
thomas__ok. and then?19:42
Sysi-use it :)19:42
thomas__must i go at root or at superuser?19:43
Sysi-for installing yes19:43
thomas__ok i do it.19:44
AquinaDoes it make a drifference for an old Radeon 9550 Pro to upgrade from official Ubuntu Catalyst 8.3 (fglrx) to the latest one (9.x)? I have severe trouble getting to run Half Life 2 in hardy using WINE 1.219:45
Sysi-does HL2 use openGL?19:46
Aquinano I don't think so but I never cecked that.19:47
Sysi-then propably not19:47
AquinaI can avtually load the game and start it. When I'm on the train I see only fragments of the Train like when disabling textures in Wordlcraft 2.1/Valve Hammer Editor 3.x19:48
Sysi-could open driver be better?19:48
Sysi-newest open.. not in hardy's kernel19:48
AquinaI'd like to first figure out wheter It's a problem with hardy (kernel), The fxlrx (v8.3) driver or wine 1.2. I don't even know where to start. I at least realized som people got the game working in lucid. I also made two dozen other gmaes running (including ones from Steam); not HL2 however. :-(19:50
Sysi-i'd try lucid and new open driver19:51
Aquina(sry for the typos -- new kb)19:51
Sysi-old ati propietary drivers afaik are pretty bad19:51
charlie-tcaheh, my old keyboard doesn't spell good either :-)19:51
AquinaI've got to keep hardy (policy).19:51
thomas__must i the pc new starting when i had arandr install?19:52
* charlie-tca hopes to get one of them "good spelling" next time19:52
AquinaAnd I don't have enogh spare machines either (except servers and routers which won't help).19:52
Sysi-Aquina: you maybe could try kernel from ppa19:53
Sysi-with new open driver19:53
AquinaHuh? Is that possible?19:53
charlie-tcathomas__: not after installing arandr, but you might need to restart after using it19:53
Sysi-Aquina: worst thing to happen should be that you can't boot to that new kernel19:53
thomas__new starting  yes or no? my english is miserable  :-(19:55
Sysi-thomas__: not19:55
thomas__ok. thanks19:55
AquinaCan you point me to that specific PPA, Sysi_ since I can't find it. :-(19:58
AquinaI only found one for Lucid: https://launchpad.net/~kernel-ppa/+archive/ppa19:58
Sysi-you see the deb-lines?20:01
Sysi-add those to /etc/apt/sources list, replace 'lucid' with 'hardy'20:02
AquinaOk, I realize thats what I ogften died with the SRC repos wehn I had to download lucid source packages and build them on my hardy box. That works for a package with few deps.20:04
AquinaThanx anyway, Sysi-! :-)20:07
Sysi-hopefully that works20:07
Edward_ElricI have a quick question about a laptop I am likely to get next monday.20:30
Edward_ElricAnybody here? =P20:30
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)20:32
likemindeadWhat's up, Edward_Elric?20:33
Edward_ElricI am going to get the following laptop:20:33
Edward_Elric700 MHZ pentium 3 processor, 256 MB ram, 40 GB HArddisk, Wifi network card included, dvd/cd player20:33
charlie-tcaTake the desktop cd with you and make sure it works in it20:33
Edward_ElricI think it can run xubuntu given the specs, but do you guys think the processor is fast enough?20:34
charlie-tcaand it will run slow, with only 256MB20:34
likemindeadIs it a Dell C610? I have one with those specs (though I upped the RAM to 1GB).20:34
likemindeadIt runs Xubuntu well with the additional RAM (which is cheap these days).20:34
Edward_ElricI forgot wich laptop it was for a second, but I am sure does are the spec20:34
charlie-tcadestkop cd works as a live cd, so try it before you buy20:35
Edward_Elrichow slow would 256 mb ram work?20:35
likemindeadAnnoyingly so.20:35
Edward_Elricit currently runs windows xp smoothly20:35
Edward_Elricbut that's a korean version.20:35
likemindeadIt will especially be bad on flash heavy web sites.20:35
Edward_ElricAll I am planning on using it for is typing, web browsing (mail and forums and youtube), playing some music and watching a video every now and then.20:36
Edward_ElricNo rendering, gaming, or other really taxing stuff.20:36
Sysi-web browsing and videos are heavy for low-end20:37
likemindeadJust get a bit more RAM from eBay or something. It'll be great then.20:37
TheSheepyoutube/flash can be slow on a 1.6Ghz 2GB ram computer20:38
TheSheepand the operating system doesn't matter here much20:39
Edward_Elricallright I will buy some more ram20:40
Sysi-it does.. flash is made for windows20:40
Sysi-it sucks on mac also :)20:40
Edward_Elricbut would it be able to display a 480P 20 minute anime with the current specs?20:40
Sysi-btw javascript eats more memory than flash20:41
TheSheepSysi-: what does that even mean?20:44
Sysi-TheSheep: websites with Js use much RAM20:45
TheSheepSysi-: it's like saying that Pascal eats more memory than Erlang, or somethnig -- languages don't eat memory20:45
Sysi-TheSheep: yes, things made with them do20:46
Sysi-lots of js should take more memory than lots of flash20:46
TheSheepSysi-: so... you say that programs written in one language universally eat less memory than programs written in another language20:46
TheSheepSysi-: that doesn't make much sense20:47
Sysi-TheSheep: it does if you don't be very literal20:47
Sysi-if i say something in a stupid way, it doesn't mean you have to understand it stupidly :P20:48
TheSheepSysi-: that's why I asked for a clarification, but I still don't understand it20:54
Sysi-TheSheep: if website has lots of javascript, it makes browser to use much ram20:55
Edward_ElricHmm I checked on the internet a bit and some people say it's slow some say it flies. I think I will try =P20:56
Edward_ElricThen maybe ad ram if it's slow.20:56
Edward_Elricanyway I am going to return to my university Japanese studies. Bye ;-)20:57
TheSheepSysi-: same with flash20:57
Sysi-TheSheep: afaik it don't still easily use as much20:58
Sysi-(but more cpu)20:59
Sysi-but maybe flash is more easily used more20:59
TheSheepSysi-: I think you need to compare things that do roughly the same thing, comparing banners with map display systems doesn't make much sense20:59

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