
ubottuldunn called the ops in #ubuntu-offtopic ()00:09
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (repeated abuse from SilverStrand)02:21
persia!extras is extras.ubuntu.com is an additional !repo that contains new software made available after the formal release.  This software is unsupported by the Ubuntu team, but the original authors offer some support.04:05
ubottuIn #ubuntu-ops, persia said: !extras is extras.ubuntu.com is an additional !repo that contains new software made available after the formal release.  This software is unsupported by the Ubuntu team, but the original authors offer some support.04:05
* persia goes off to have a heart-to-heart with ubottu about that response04:06
elky!extras is extras.ubuntu.com is an additional !repo that contains new software made available after the formal release.  This software is unsupported by the Ubuntu team, but the original authors offer some support.04:20
ubottuBut extras already means something else!04:20
elky!no extras is extras.ubuntu.com is an additional !repo that contains new software made available after the formal release.  This software is unsupported by the Ubuntu team, but the original authors offer some support.04:20
ubottuI'll remember that elky04:20
elky!no extras is <reply>extras.ubuntu.com is an additional !repo that contains new software made available after the formal release.  This software is unsupported by the Ubuntu team, but the original authors offer some support.04:20
ubottuextras.ubuntu.com is an additional !repo that contains new software made available after the formal release.  This software is unsupported by the Ubuntu team, but the original authors offer some support.04:20
elkypersia, ^04:20
persia!no extras is <reply> extras.ubuntu.com is an external repository for new software made available after the Ubuntu release.  This repository is not part of the Ubuntu distribution and the software is completely unsupported by the Ubuntu team, but the original authors may offer some support.04:21
ubottuIn #ubuntu-ops, persia said: !no extras is <reply> extras.ubuntu.com is an external repository for new software made available after the Ubuntu release.  This repository is not part of the Ubuntu distribution and the software is completely unsupported by the Ubuntu team, but the original authors may offer some support.04:21
ubottuError: Your hostmask doesn't match or your password is wrong.04:21
* persia !#%&04:21
persiaelky, Thanks, although as noted above, part of my delay was sorting the text, rather than just the syntax.  Didn't seem to do any good though :(04:22
persiaUgh, and the new text misses !repo :(04:25
persia!no extras is <reply> extras.ubuntu.com is an external !repo for new software made available after the Ubuntu release.  This repository is not part of the Ubuntu distribution and the software is completely unsupported by the Ubuntu team, but the original authors may offer some support.04:25
ubottuIn #ubuntu-ops, persia said: !no extras is <reply> extras.ubuntu.com is an external !repo for new software made available after the Ubuntu release.  This repository is not part of the Ubuntu distribution and the software is completely unsupported by the Ubuntu team, but the original authors may offer some support.04:25
* persia leaves the factoid alone now04:25
elkypersia, you're satisfied with your latest recommendation?04:32
elky!no extras is <reply> extras.ubuntu.com is an external !repo for new software made available after the Ubuntu release.  This repository is not part of the Ubuntu distribution and the software is completely unsupported by the Ubuntu team, but the original authors may offer some support.04:33
ubottuI'll remember that elky04:33
* elky does it anyway04:33
persiaI'm satisfied.  I don't have approval, but it's lots better than the previous one.04:41
persiaThanks for the commit.04:41
persiaYou don't happen to know what I ought do to fix my @login issue, do you?04:42
Tm_Tpersia: I believe tsimpson and jussi are the ones to talk to05:03
persiaTm_T, Thanks.05:03
persiaOh, and just for sake of completeness, I did get approval for that final text from a member of the ~a-r-b05:09
persiaRegarding the factoid change above: when it was changed I still didn't have approval from the group responsible for administering extras.ubuntu.com.05:17
persiaHaving received approval, I wanted to share, in case any issues were raised in dispute, etc.05:17
* persia likes to be careful, and prefers consensus or at least avoidance of disagreement except when there are substantive issues to discuss05:18
elkyGeekdoms and fiefdoms and all that.05:19
bazhangQwert, how may we help you06:12
QwertIs it advisable to guide about keylogger installation?06:36
Tm_TQwert: what exactly you're suggesting?06:53
QwertTm_T: Well, its about keylogger.. is it advisable to guide about its installation?06:54
Tm_Tin ubuntu channels? IMHO no06:55
QwertTm_T: Yes.06:57
QwertTm_T: Thanks06:57
Tm_TQwert: I think this discussion is more suitable for -irc anyway06:57
Tm_Tldunn: hi, how can we help you?06:58
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ubottuEvilPhoenix called the ops in #ubuntu (Destoned is talking about piracy and causing some issues.)11:55
ubottuAcido- called the ops in #ubuntu (Destoned is gay)11:56
bazhangd3v0, hi12:52
d3v0why did i get taken here =/12:54
d3v0i'm banned from #ubuntu =/12:54
bazhangd3v0, ban forwarded from #ubuntu12:54
d3v0what for exactly?12:55
d3v0someone mind explaining?12:57
bazhangI'd guess its your quit message12:59
d3v0my bad12:59
bazhangthough if I am off jrib can enlighten12:59
ikoniaI don't find that funny12:59
d3v0i thought it was brb house on fire13:00
d3v0its changed now though, didnt realise it was an offence13:01
d3v0well, offensive maybe13:01
d3v0actually, definitely, i apologise13:01
d3v0so is this ban permanent or what?13:05
ikoniano, as long as you can make sure you keep your language, including part message polite and not offensive I'm happy to remove the ban13:07
d3v0no problemo13:07
ikoniathere you go, the ban has been removed, you're welcome to leave this channel and join #ubuntu13:08
bazhangd3v0, please part here, thanks13:10
PiciAnything in the scrollback I should take a look at?13:11
bazhangthat kuroi fellow seems to be an issue network wide13:11
Piciikonia: we don't have any factoids like that.13:11
ikoniaI know13:12
ikoniarockhopper is claiming it does in #ubuntu-offtopic13:12
bazhangkuroi being rockhopper13:12
ikoniais he known ?13:12
bazhangie well known troll13:12
ikoniaahhh right13:13
ikoniabazhang: rockhopper or kurio don't appear in BT13:15
bazhangikonia, first we've seen of him, to my knowledge; I mentioned network wide (ie seen his exploits in other channels)13:16
bazhangits kuroi btw13:16
LjLwhy does !br mention "ajuda em brasileiro", which i can only imagine is some new language, instead of "em português" like i'm sure it used to?19:02
LjLactually, i mean !pt19:02
PiciLjL: Looks like someone suggested it and we obliged.19:07
LjLwell i don't think it's a good idea :|19:08
PiciWhat is 'brasileiro'?19:09
AmaranthGoogle thinks it says help in Brazil (or Brazilian) and it appears in search results as an actual phrase19:09
PiciDo we need separate !br and !pt factoids anyway?19:10
ubottuEntre em #ubuntu-br usando /join #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Obrigado.19:10
ubottuPor favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em brasileiro. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.19:10
AmaranthIsn't the !br one for the LoCo?19:11
LjLi can only imagine "brasileiro" is probably a colloquial term for the form of portuguese spoken in brasil19:12
AmaranthI think that would make sense with the phrase anyway19:12
Pici!pt =~ s/brasileiro/português/19:12
ubottuI'll remember that Pici19:12
LjLbut it's much like saying "In #ubuntu, we only use American"19:12
AmaranthLjL: Well, if #ubuntu-br is the loco channel it would make sense19:12
PiciAny objections to aliasing !br to use !pt ?19:12
AmaranthBut I have no idea if that is the case19:12
LjLlast i checked, -br was the general help channel19:13
LjLwhile -pt preferred to remain a loco channel only19:13
AmaranthAlthough in #ubuntu we do only use American ;)19:13
AmaranthLjL: That seems... backwards19:13
Picioops, wrong channel, but whatever.19:14
ubottuPor favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.19:14
Picioh dear19:14
AmaranthNeat, broken UTF-819:14
AmaranthDoes sed support utf-8? Or anything outside ascii?19:14
Picino br is <reply> Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.19:14
Pici!no br is <reply> Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.19:14
ubottuI'll remember that Pici19:14
ubottuPor favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.19:14
AmaranthThere we go19:15
Piciwrong one19:15
Pici!no pt is <reply> Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.19:15
ubottuI'll remember that Pici19:15
Pici!no br is <alias> pt19:15
PiciThats better.19:15
FlannelPici: br is for the LoCo, pt is for the language20:09
IdleOneI think the people in pt would disagree20:11
PiciFlannel: Thats not what the factoid has says.20:11
Picier, said.20:11
Pici"Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado."20:11
FlannelIt might have been changed, I don't know.  But at one point, that's what the division was.20:11
IdleOnethey are having issues in -pt getting channel management access from the br loco leader20:11
FlannelWould probably be prudent to check with the channels20:11
IdleOneunless they resolved that this past week or so20:12
PiciThe factoid was changed to say 'brasileiro' is late August.~20:12
LjLuhmm i guess they've had issues20:22
LjLbecause now, the -br topic says "technical support channel in Brazilian Portuguese"20:22
LjLwhile -pt doesn't mention technical support, it just tells you to head to -br for the "pt_BR community"20:22
LjLin other words, there are idiots in charge again20:23
Flannelsounds like there's some miscommunication or confusion in that relationship20:23
LjLwelcome to -es^220:23
LjLi think at least whoever submitted the factoid change should be LARTed.20:23
LjL"em brasilero", meh20:24
LjLi'll leave before i say further inappropriate things20:24
IdleOnewho was that masked LjL!20:25
PiciIdleOne: What was he pm-ing you about?20:45
IdleOnenot sure yet20:45
IdleOneall he said was hi20:45
IdleOneprobably something about spoofing ops, which I told him never to do again or I would ban until the day I die and then have my kids enforce the ban after that20:46
PiciHe keeps asking for support from me in PM.  The other day he was asking about something that I didn't know anything about and kept rehrasing the question slightly differently.20:46
IdleOneHe hasn't done that with me, yet20:47
IdleOneheh you jinxed me dude20:47
IdleOnesupport question about mirrors in .in20:48
PiciThat guy didn't even say anything.20:50
IdleOnethe guy who /ignored #ubuntu?20:51
IdleOneself bans are awesome20:51
IdleOnebe happy he left without being pushed20:51
IdleOne<Qwert> Are there problems from users from India on IRC ?20:52
IdleOne<Qwert> including me..20:52
IdleOne<IdleOne> except for your client joining #ubuntu-ops all the time. none that I know of20:52
IdleOneI so want to buy a motorcycle :/20:54
IdleOneunrelated to anything in this channel but I still want one20:54
guntbertplease have a look at deryl in #ubuntu - talks a lot off topic stuff and when asked to keep to the topic he becomes insulting20:58
IdleOnewill keep an eye open guntbert, thanks20:59
Piciqwert says that he got his client fixed.21:00
PiciSo he shouldn't be accidentally auto-joining here.21:00
PiciAnd I'm out for a bit.  Later.21:01
IdleOneHave a good one21:04
ubottuLjL called the ops in #ubuntu (xlive)21:44
jribleaving but windowshasyou in #ubuntu had an interesting first comment23:04

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