
thune3Kyle__: this is a standard install or a VM?00:00
ZykoticK9tru3fate, keep it in channel please00:00
nixboxJordan_U: i don't want that, because i need to do some dev work on wireless-testing00:00
askhaderWhat is the name of the command that invokes the gnome network manager?00:00
ZykoticK9askhader, nm-applet perhaps?00:00
SomelauwOkee, I got the dvd running and it is showing the main menu, but when I click play, it just shows me some snow.00:00
zatanis anybody of you using "MOCP" audio console player?00:00
dotanitisZykoticK9, Im trying to store file path in a variable and afterward to send in to file util.00:01
tru3fateok i removed kvm00:01
kens1962how can i find a program i just installed?!!!!00:01
ZykoticK9tru3fate, when you removed kvm did it say certain packages where no longer needed?  have you rebooted the system?00:01
divertedwhats the matter with chroot? i dont understand it. I followed the instructions on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DebootstrapChroot but when i use schroot -l i get "deprecated key 'location' used and it tells me to update my configuration. i keep getting this message also if i type schroot and then use auto complete on my chroots00:01
Somelauwaccerimer, ZykoticK9, blakkeim, it starts and shows the main menu, but when I try to play it, it just shows me some snow.00:02
Jordan_Ukens1962: dpkg -L packagename00:02
ZykoticK9dotanitis, the file path?  do you mean $PATH as it's already a variable!?  you can do something like "echo $PATH > filename" to output it to a file!?00:02
ZykoticK9Somelauw, try another dvd first00:02
kens1962i just installed a program through terminal where do i find it now00:03
Somelauwokay, I'll try00:03
tru3fateZykoticK9, no nothing just remove00:03
ZykoticK9tru3fate, have you tried vbox again?00:04
Jordan_Udotanitis: file_path="/path to /file with spaces"; file "$file_path"00:04
divertedcan someone please help me with schroot?00:04
tru3fateZykoticK9, same error with it remove00:04
mkquistkens1962: whereis in the terminal and name of program00:04
ZykoticK9tru3fate, have you rebooted?00:04
mkquistkens1962: as in "whereis k3b"00:04
tru3fateZykoticK9, reboot my box , or virtualbox00:05
mkquistkens1962: did you get that?00:05
kens1962its bittorrent00:06
boywonderhi,is it possible to run windows remote desktop thru ubuntu?00:06
mkquistkens1962: which client are you using?00:06
kens1962i guess newest version of bittorrent00:06
ZykoticK9tru3fate, if it's a kernel module that's loaded, it might still be loaded even though you've uninstalled kvm (which i'm unsure if it uninstalled the kvm kernel stuff!), but rebooted would clear that stuff up - so i'd try it (it would be possible to do without rebooting if we knew the module name that kvm loads)00:06
mkquistkens1962: transmission, vuze?00:06
mkquistkens1962: it should be in ur menut00:07
dotanitisJordan_U, Thanks! but it doesn't work, but when writing file "/path to /file with spaces" its works..?!..00:07
Somelauwaccerimer, ZykoticK9, blakkeim, I tried another dvd and that one works correctly.00:07
thune3diverted: you followed the instructions "Note: In lucid the filename must not contain '.' , it should be lucid_i386_conf" ?00:07
kens1962it isnt00:07
kens1962wat do i go 2 lemme check00:07
mkquistkens1962: if not then open a terminal and type whereis transmission, but i think it comes packaged in ubuntu by default00:08
Jordan_Udotanitis: What is the exact code you're using?00:08
tru3fateZykoticK9, i dont know if this helps (VERR_VMX_IN_VMX_ROOT_MODE) it also has that in the error00:08
xbonesxwhats the current most recommended back up utility? I was just browsing through info about Sbackup? any other recommendations?00:08
mkquistkens1962: open a terminal and type transmission, that will start it00:08
kens1962im searchin for a song its not searchin00:09
ZykoticK9tru3fate, doesn't help me i'm affraid - i haven't used kvm in a million years, i only use vbox now (& vmware for school) - but this kvm/vbox issue has been around for a long time!00:09
mkquistkens1962: what do you mean your searching?00:09
m0rTaLi have no mouse.. could I control my mouse with the arrow keys (in X - fluxbox/Debian5)00:10
kens1962in the search bar im tryin to download a song00:10
dotanitisJordan_U: have the file "./b c/f2", writing the command: HI="./b c/f2"; file $HI but got error message...00:10
tru3fateim just trying to install some type of VM00:10
Jordan_Udotanitis: You forgot quotes around the variable where you used it: file "$HI"00:10
mkquistkens1962: transmissions a client do download from the bittorrent network, it doenst work like that00:10
kens1962i want to download music how do i00:11
kens1962i thought bittorrent does that00:11
dotanitisJordan_U: Thanks!00:11
Jordan_Udotanitis: You're welcome.00:11
tru3fateZykoticK9, is there another type i can use that is more useful less errors00:11
n8wive formated my swap partition n since then i keep gettin: swapon: cannot find the device for UUID=f3c84cbe-4f72-4921-a73c-1b7b7a7e330d00:11
n8wfor swapon -a00:12
divertedthune3, ok good point, i really had that wrong. so after renaming it i run debootstrap again? because at first after doing it i got success message00:12
dotanitisZykoticK9: "Thanks & sorry about the PM thing... my bad..."00:12
thune3diverted: i'm not sure, the message you posted above seems like more of a warning than an error.00:12
divertedok so i will do it again just to be sure00:13
kens1962how do i download music00:13
ZykoticK9tru3fate, your current issue is due to having too many installed at one time, i doubt adding more would help ;)  vbox is GREAT for me, but VMware is good as well.  i don't like kvm/qemu nearly as much, but it's all personal preferences/needs.00:13
kens1962wit this bittorrent00:13
dotanitisJordan_U: just to be sure, every time that i need to fatch the variable value, i need to use quotes?00:13
ZykoticK9dotanitis, all good man.  hope you get your variable thing working00:14
ActionParsnipkens1962: find a torrent file and open it with the client00:14
mkquistkens1962: are you registered with freenode?00:14
jdolanhm, .. Not starting NFS kernel daemon: no support in current kernel00:14
hiexpoif i were president of us right now i would say release my people they are not spys < if they refuse level iran  \00:14
jdolan10.04 server00:14
tru3fateZykoticK9, ok so ill uninstall everything dealing with vbox00:14
MarcusEbyHi fellow bunters.00:14
ActionParsnipkens1962: yes, thats how all clients work00:14
m0rTaLcan i control my mouse cursor with the arrow keys?00:14
madfoxhi! | MarcusEby00:14
madfox1hi | MarcusEby00:14
dotanitisZykoticK9: thanks to Jordan_U.00:14
madfox!hi | MarcusEby00:14
ZykoticK9tru3fate, i think vbox is the one you should use ;)  it's all up to you.00:14
ubottuMarcusEby: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!00:14
kens1962well wat can i download through terminal so i can get music00:14
mkquistkens1962: try googling bit torrent and maybe sniff around www.thepiratebay.org - of course were talking legal content here...  but this is getting a little off topic00:15
ActionParsnipm0rTaL: http://superuser.com/questions/122142/control-mouse-with-keyboard-in-ubuntu00:15
kens1962i cant just get a program through terminal00:15
ActionParsnipkens1962: i dont follow you00:15
MarcusEbyI need some help: (hey who doesn't) I recently updated from Lucid to Maverick, and lost my X11 settings and all my PPA-EDGERS plugins, now my graphic settings are all shot. How can I reinstall edgers or reset it?00:15
Scunizim0rTaL: yes.. try shift + numlock to put it in that mode00:15
ZykoticK9gotta run, l8r everyone.  best of luck.00:15
obscenekens1962: what r u looking for?00:15
ActionParsnipkens1962: if you want to install apps via terminal you can use apt-get00:15
goddardis google really evil now?00:15
kens1962i want to download music00:15
mkquistkens1962: try googling bit torrent and maybe sniff around www.thepiratebay.org - of course were talking legal content here...  but this is getting a little off topic00:16
kens1962wat can i find through terminal00:16
kevrlol mkquist .00:16
MarcusEbygoddard: google was never evil.00:16
kevrDon't joke yourself.00:16
kevrIt is illegal content.00:16
ActionParsnipkens1962: then find torrents for music and open it with the terminal, you can download the .torrent via terminal with wget if you wis00:16
divertedthune3, well i ran debootstrap again and got success again, however the 'schroot -l' still isnt working.00:16
hiexpogoddard, why would you say that ? is google evil ?00:16
=== ahmed is now known as Guest36222
MarcusEbyDoes anyone know how to remove, reset and reinstall ppa-edgers?00:16
goddardMarcusEby do you know what their doing now?00:16
ActionParsnipkevr: not all torrents are illegal00:16
MarcusEbygoddard: stealing children?00:16
tru3fateZykoticK9, Vbox is same as virtualbox right?00:16
Scunizitru3fate: yep00:17
kevrActionParsnip: obviously00:17
kevrActionParsnip: but all the mp3 rips of real artists, are00:17
goddardhiexp do a search there is more than I could ever tell you00:17
divertedthune3, thats what i get: http://pastebin.com/EixHK3kc00:17
goddardhiexp but do it on yahoo or bing :D00:17
ActionParsnipMarcusEby: do you mean xorg edgers?00:17
mkquistkevr: well, I'm just sayin, he should stick to the 'legal' stuff, thats all  =P00:17
MarcusEbyActionParsnip: Yes.00:17
* kevr teh FBI is watching00:17
ActionParsnipkevr: no, they can happily give away their own material, myspace allows fully legal mp3 downloads00:17
ActionParsnipMarcusEby: then its not 'ppa-edgers'00:18
englandflaghi.. i have a problem with a flexlm tool on ubuntu :(00:18
boywonderhi,is it possible to run windows remote desktop thru ubuntu?, as to previous q, i know know of a package rdesktop, my host will be cygwin and i can use putty to connect to it, does putty allow me to connect to remote desktop or do i need to config rdesktop,what will work? thanks in advance00:18
kevrActionParsnip: thats because myspace got licenses to do so, but torrents don't - find me one legal torrent music rip00:18
kevrHave fun trying for a year00:18
MarcusEbyActionParsnip: hey but at least you knew what I was talking about, that makes one of us.00:18
ActionParsnipkevr: still a legal mp3 by "real" bands00:18
mattgyverboywonder, you will need to either setup VNC or Terminal Services on that windows machine00:18
Scuniziboywonder: you want to use ubuntu to connect to windows and see the windows desktop right?00:18
englandflagcan somebody help me with a ubuntu problem? :(00:18
MarcusEbyActionParsnip: so would you happen to know the answer please?00:19
kevrKeep sugarcoating it for yourself why don't ya00:19
ActionParsnipMarcusEby: sudo ppa-purge xorg-edgers    will remove the ppa00:19
mkquist* sliding 'further' off topic maybe?00:19
Dravekxis there a way to re-install ubuntu server via ssh?00:19
kevrIt's pirating00:19
kevrEnd of story.00:19
dotanitisJordan_U: Can I ask another question regarding my problem?00:19
Scuniziboywonder: there is a built in app for that, that will do RDP or VNC .. check in Accessories>Internet00:19
MarcusEbyActionParsnip: then to reinstall it?00:19
well_laid_lawnkevr:  look at mininova.org - nothing but legal mp3s these days00:19
len_guys, after a lot of work I got my sound card to work for myself, but now everytime it starts, i need to load the sound module to make it work00:19
hiexpothe only one who is owner is buyer00:19
ActionParsnipkevr: if the artists give the songs away for free its fine, not all big bands charge00:19
len_how can I tell ubuntu to auto load the module?00:19
ActionParsnipMarcusEby: says on: https://launchpad.net/~xorg-edgers/+archive/ppa00:19
kevrwell_laid_lawn: mininova also sucks at search results these days00:19
blakkheimlen_: add the modprobe to your startup items then00:19
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well_laid_lawnkevr:  sites searching ability wasn't the point00:20
boywonderScunizi, i dont have accesories>internet??00:20
kevrthe point is the only reason they have nothing but legal is because they got into a lawsuit00:20
len_blakkheim, you mean on /etc/bash.bashrc?00:20
kevrand got fined SHITloads of money00:20
FloodBot2kevr: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.00:20
Scuniziboywonder: just a sec.. loading gnome in a vm right now.00:20
blakkheimlen_: no. what window manager/desktop environment do you use?00:20
kevrthe reason you cant find shit there anymore, is because they dont post shit thats not legal00:20
MarcusEbyActionParsnip: do you think thats why I lost all of my graphics settings? Was because Maverick didn't work with all of the xorg-edgers stuff after the upgrade? Or did I miss a step, not purging before I did the upgrade?00:20
kevrthats why you go to another torrent site00:20
blakkheim!ot > kevr00:21
ubottukevr, please see my private message00:21
len_blakkheim, gnome00:21
well_laid_lawn!language | kevr00:21
ubottukevr: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.00:21
kevrblakkheim: don't send me PM's00:21
hiexpoi don't agree but illegal is illegal00:21
kevrwell_laid_lawn: enforce it00:21
thune3diverted: checking some stuff...00:21
blakkheimlen_: you should have a list of startup items under system>administration00:21
Scuniziboywonder: sorry.. Applications>Internet>Remote Desktop Viewer or Terminal Server Client .. one does RDP protocol the other VNC00:21
blakkheimkevr: i didn't00:21
well_laid_lawnkevr:  bitter much ?00:21
divertedthune3, thanks00:21
kevrBunch of joke kids here.00:21
ActionParsnipkevr: http://bt.etree.org/   completely free bootleg recordings of unknown artists, completely free00:21
ActionParsnipkevr: just because you don't know about it doesn;t mean it doesn't exist00:22
len_blakkheim, what's the name of the program i should look for?00:22
boywonderScunizi, can i use ssh?00:22
ActionParsnipkevr: try being less ignorant, you'll get further in life00:22
blakkheimlen_: you want the modprobe command to load the module for the card, "sudo modprobe nameofmodule" for example00:22
MrUnagihow can i tell if an untrusted certificate is truely from my server?00:23
blakkheimMrUnagi: for ssh?00:23
MarcusEbyActionParsnip: Thanks a ton. But before I do the purge, I just wanted to get your opinion. Before the upgrade I used xorg-edgers with the latest kernel builds, I did the upgrade without a purge, and now nothing I put in my xorg.conf seems to do anything. In your opinion what is the problem?00:24
mattgyverblakkheim, I think you can add the module to the bottom of /etc/modules and it will start on boot00:24
Scuniziboywonder: ssh from ubuntu to windows and display the windows desktop.. well there are threads on how to use ssh and vnc together to accomplish that.. I"ve never done it though.00:24
len_blakkheim, yes I want to do that. I was thinking in put it on /etc/bash.bashrc00:24
blakkheimmattgyver: that works just fine too00:24
blakkheimlen_: then it would load it whenever you opened a shell00:25
ActionParsnipMarcusEby: the edgers packages are hugely experimental, i'd point to that first00:25
boywonderScunizi,  ok thanks alot00:25
mattgyverthen it starts for every user too00:25
MarcusEbyActionParsnip: Do you think the purge will fix it?00:25
Sandys /nick culseg00:25
Scuniziboywonder: sure.. by the way you can use putty to connect to ubuntu and display the gnome desktop :)00:25
ActionParsnipMarcusEby: its a good step, getting back to stable xorg version00:25
boywonderyes just the host is windowz00:25
MarcusEbyActionParsnip: Thanks I just needed mental backup on that. Thanks again.00:26
=== _jesse_ is now known as _jesse__
mattgyverblakkheim, oh crap sorry that should have been directed to len_  :)00:27
goddardIs google evil? http://ultraparanoid.wordpress.com/2007/06/19/why-google-is-evil™/00:27
Kendaljahello all00:27
KendaljaWhen I click on "Network" on the menu, then double click on the name of the server I want to connect to, how do I get it to ask for user name and password?00:27
kevrsorry, was in the shower00:27
KendaljaI am not asked for a username and password00:27
mattgyverKendalja, perhaps you added it to the keyring on mistake?00:28
ActionParsnipKendalja: what service are you connecting to?00:28
cjae_can vurtualbox access usb? e.g usb thumb drive? with guestadditions00:28
goddardanother reason you might think google being evil http://www.google-watch.org/bigbro.html00:28
mattgyvercjae_, yes00:28
divertedhow to set up a working chroot system so i can run 32bit programs on 64bit ubuntu?00:28
ActionParsnipcjae_: the closed source one can00:28
blakkheimcjae_: the proprietary version can, but not the open source00:28
kevrActionParsnip: sorry, i just find it funny when people act like they only download legal torrents. It's called pirating, one way or another, you have illegal files after doing more than a few times -- furthermore, im a proud company-ripoff - Thanks for your goods, I'm not paying $450.00 for a M$ application/os. Ever.00:28
KendaljaI am connecting via SMB in mac OSX 10.500:28
Jordan_U!ot | goddard00:28
kevrStop acting like a goodie two shoes, no one is going to lawsuit you.00:28
ubottugoddard: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!00:28
ActionParsnipdiverted: you dont need a chroot, you can install ia32-libs and do it00:29
Kendaljahow do I access the keyring?00:29
len_blakkheim, so whats the name of the program I should look under system/administration?00:29
blakkheimlen_: startup items, login items, something along those lines (i don't use gnome)00:29
divertedActionParsnip, do i need to recompile the program after installing the ia32-libs?00:29
kevrGet the hell of nubuntu and spread further in knowledge, buddy00:29
ActionParsnipkevr: if the artists and production are giving the files away for free, its not pirating.00:29
kevrYou aren't getting my point00:29
ubottuPlease don't use "LOL" and "OMG" and so forth on a regular basis. This is IRC, not IM, and using those lines on their own is not required, and it is rather annoying to the rest of the people in the channel; thanks.00:29
kevrim saying there's only a minority of torrents that are legal00:30
kevrthe majority, are not00:30
divertedActionParsnip, because i compiled and installed the program successfully using my 64bit ubuntu without having ia32-libs but the program didnt work. afterwards i installed ia32-libs but it still doesnt work00:30
ActionParsnipdiverted: no, you will just need to force install the packages, as well as manually satisfy deps for libs by extracting the 32bit deb files and put the .so in /usr/lib3200:30
goddardubottu you speak for everyone in this channel?00:30
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)00:30
ActionParsnipdiverted: a chroot may actually be cleaner00:30
ActionParsnip!chroot | diverted00:30
ubottudiverted: A chroot is used to make programs believe that the directory they are running in is really the root directory. It can be used to stop programs accessing files outside of that directory, or for compiling 32bit applications in a 64bit environment - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BasicChroot00:30
ActionParsnipkevr: oh absolutely but legal ones do completely exist (like the ubuntu iso for one ;))00:31
kevryeah, sorry, i wasnt saying they dont00:31
thune3diverted: according to manpage of chroot.conf, there is a key directory=directory00:31
kevrconfusion $_$00:31
thune3diverted: where it says "This  option  was  previously named location, but was renamed..."00:32
thune3diverted: "The name location  is  deprecated,  but  still  valid;"00:32
goddardchroot is good stuff but it is easier to just have a second computer or virtual machine00:32
ActionParsniptrue, its all good, lets help some folks now :)00:33
kevrgoddard: not true in all cases... it's very useful for people who need to run in full cross arch environments00:33
divertedthune3, so.. where am i supposed to change anything now?00:33
goddardkevr i dont even know what you mean by that so ill just go along with it "D00:34
divertedthune3, if i use whereis chroot.conf i only find it inside some .gz files00:34
thune3diverted: it is referring to the format of the lucid_i386_conf file. If you change the key "location" (line 2) to "directory", the warning message will diappear.00:35
kevrgoddard: just read the last line that ubottu said00:35
kevr'or for compiling 32bit applications in a 64bit environment'00:35
frank___<mattgyver> ?00:36
kevrthough these days with true multilib, i suppose 32-bit chroots arent as necessary anymore for that00:36
thune3diverted: but it seems it is just a warning message, and isn't the source of any problems. location is "still valid"00:36
mattgyverfrank__, yeah sent you over my suggestion.  dunno if it will help you or not00:36
divertedthune3, yes i changed the line but i get the same message00:36
divertedthune3, christoph@F:/etc/schroot/chroot.d$ schroot -d00:37
divertedE: required parameter is missing in 'directory'00:37
divertedI: Run “schroot --help” to list usage example and all available options00:37
divertedthune3, thats when i try with -d param00:37
divertedthune3, nvm my last msg..00:37
BK_MANhaving trouble installing an application00:38
BK_MANdownloaded zip file, unzipped it, folder contains:00:39
BK_MANcommon.c crctable_osdep.h linux.o network.h osdep.h common.h libosdep.a Makefile network.o osdep.o00:39
BK_MANcommon.o linux.c network.c osdep.c packed.h00:39
blakkheimBK_MAN: it's the source code, you have to compile it00:39
BK_MANran make command came back with errors00:39
divertedthune3, im running debootstrap again and hope it works then00:39
umanHi, how can I permanently disable Compiz in Ubuntu 10.04?00:39
thune3diverted: not clear on your status (which msg to ignore and which to heed)00:39
tensorpuddinguman: turn off desktop effects00:39
BK_MANblakkheim: newbie question of the day, how do i do this?00:40
ActionParsnipuman: add a startup entry to run: metacity --replace00:40
divertedthune3, the one where i gave the output of schroot -d.. it didnt matter00:40
blakkheimBK_MAN: what program is it?00:40
tensorpuddingBK_MAN: read the README and INSTALL files if they exist00:40
umantensorpudding: where?00:40
thune3diverted: so you changed the file and still get the error message?00:40
BK_MANblakkheim: WiFish Finder00:40
divertedthune3, yes00:41
tensorpuddinguman: under the Visual Effects tab in Appearance00:41
divertedthune3, funniest thing: i use schroot -a and get it too!00:41
BK_MANtensorpudding: no config, readme or install files00:41
tensorpuddingBK_MAN: check the website for the program00:41
tensorpuddingBK_MAN: make sure you have installed the build-essential package, and all the libraries that the software requires00:42
divertedwhen i run: sudo debootstrap --variant=buildd --arch i386 lucid /var/chroot/ http://mirror.url.com/ubuntu/     then after unpacking and installing i get: I: Base system installed successfully.00:42
BK_MANtensorpudding: build-essential is installed how do i know what other libraries are needed00:43
umantensorpudding: thanks00:43
divertedthune3, for mirror url put archive.ubuntu, the actual location.. i just copied wrong link, rest is fine00:43
tensorpuddingBK_MAN: you need to read the information on the website, and sometimes you might be able to guess depending on what build errors you get00:43
tensorpuddingultimately there is no guarantee that this software will compile for your platform at all00:43
kevrActionParsnip: btw, sorry if i came off rude - was just in a bit of a hurry to get to the shower00:44
kevrdidn't mean to.00:44
BK_MANtensorpudding: wifishfinder.c:3191: error: format not a string literal and no format arguments00:44
BK_MANwifishfinder.c:3203: error: format not a string literal and no format arguments00:44
Gbrinohi l need help!00:44
tensorpuddingthat isn't the kind of parse error you get when you are missing headers00:45
divertedthune3, so what i have atm: inside /srv/chroot i have the typical hierarchy which i also find in my /00:45
ActionParsnipkevr: me too dude, we both sucked :)00:45
tensorpuddingit looks more like a real bug00:45
kens1962what program can i use to burn cd's for linux00:45
ActionParsnip!burner | kens196200:45
ubottukens1962: CD/DVD Burning software: K3b (KDE), gnomebaker, brasero, serpentine, graveman, Nautilus-CD-Burner, GToaster, xcdroast (GNOME), wodim (terminal-based). Burning .iso files: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto00:45
scott_inokens1962, umm brasero, k3b00:45
edbiankens1962, Rhythmbox, k3b00:45
edbiankens1962, brasero00:45
ActionParsnipgnomebaker everytime here00:46
kens1962what can i get through terminal00:46
tensorpuddingBK_MAN: what is on that line?00:46
BK_MANtensorpudding: bummer, thanks for the tips00:46
ActionParsnipkens1962: you can install them all via terminal00:46
kens1962alright give me 1 name again00:46
m_fulderI've hosted a webserver using apache on my comp but I don't have the permission to view my www/ though internet :S (my www folder has already chmod 777)00:46
edbiankens1962, You want to do the burning in the terminal or installing in the term?00:46
ActionParsnipkens1962: you can use wodim for cli burning00:46
len_mattgyver, hey it worked :) tyyy so much00:46
BK_MANtensorpudding: sorry, what is on what line?00:47
m_fulderwhy is that? link:  h20n2-ld-c-a31.ias.bredband.telia.com00:47
ActionParsnipm_fulder: 777 on www folder is asking for problems00:47
kens1962i just want a program i can burn cd's with00:47
kens1962just tell me sudo apt-get install blah blah blah00:47
ActionParsnipkens1962: any in the list ubottu gave willwork00:47
scott_inokens1962, there's tons, one of which is even installed by default00:47
m_fulderwell not 777 then .. but 744 or something00:47
kens1962where can i find it00:47
ActionParsnipkens1962: ubuntu comes with brasero by default00:47
kens1962how do i find00:47
tensorpuddingBK_MAN: the line mentioned on the error messages00:48
ActionParsnipkens1962: its under sound / video00:48
ActionParsnipkens1962: the package names are also the SAME as the things ubottu said, so you can use those in the apt-get command00:48
ActionParsnipkens1962: yes00:48
BK_MANtensorpudding: when i unzipped the file, the directory contains a makefile, i ran it and00:48
BK_MANtensorpudding: it returned the following00:49
BK_MANtensorpudding: make -C osdep00:49
BK_MANmake[1]: Entering directory `/home/brian/Downloads/WiFishFinder-v0.2/osdep'00:49
BK_MANBuilding for Linux00:49
BK_MANmake[2]: Entering directory `/home/brian/Downloads/WiFishFinder-v0.2/osdep'00:49
BK_MANmake[2]: `.os.Linux' is up to date.00:49
FloodBot2BK_MAN: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.00:49
BK_MANmake[2]: Leaving directory `/home/brian/Downloads/WiFishFinder-v0.2/osdep'00:49
kens1962how do i find brasero00:49
tensorpuddingBK_MAN: no, what is on the line 3191 in wifishfinder.c00:49
ActionParsnipkens1962: http://linux.dsplabs.com.au/files/p79-ubuntu/ubuntu-804-hardy-heron-beta-screenshots-menu-brasero-disc-burning-small.png00:50
goddardis Arch the best linux OS?00:50
Flare183kens1962: Its in your applications menu under sound and video00:50
hiexposudo apt-get install bressaro i think00:50
=== douglas is now known as speedrunnerG55
tensorpudding!best | goddard00:50
Flare183!best | goddard00:50
ubottugoddard: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.00:50
CondorDeltajoin /ubuntu-es00:50
ActionParsnipgoddard: there is no best ANYTHING in life00:50
macmichael01I hope I am in the right channel to ask this question. I've been playing around with a unix utility called 'at' and I am trying to use if for a simple queuing system for a python web app that I have. The problem is that when using python's subprocess lib through apache, the www-data user does not have permission to execute the request. Is there a secure way to give www-data permissions to use 'at' for the apache user?00:50
kens1962i dont see sound or video in applications00:50
well_laid_lawnCondorDelta:  try /join #ubuntu-es00:50
goddardActionParsnip i just figured some one to give an opinion isn't it fun to take ownership?00:51
scott_inokens1962, correct title is "Sound and video"00:51
ActionParsnipmacmichael01: use: sudo at    then configure the schedule00:51
CondorDeltaups sorry00:51
obengdakokens1962 then just type Alt F2 then run brasero00:51
CondorDeltathanks well_laid_lawn00:51
well_laid_lawnnp :]00:51
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.00:51
BK_MANtensorpudding: wifishfinder.c:3191: error: format not a string literal and no format arguments00:51
obengdakokens1962 if it works, right click your menu00:52
tensorpuddingBK_MAN: what is on that line, in the file00:52
ActionParsnipgoddard: doesnt make it the best though, just another opinion, try a few distros and see which you like. They all have different goals00:52
obengdakokens1962 and make brasero active in your application list00:52
tensorpuddingBK_MAN: that is, open the file in a text editor, and read what that line says00:52
prettyrobotsHow do I install postfix without the prompt?00:53
prettyrobotsNo dialogs. Just install.00:53
macmichael01ActionParsnip: I can't use sudo b/c its a web app so it would ask me for password every time right?00:53
BK_MANtensorpudding: i will check it00:53
tensorpuddingBK_MAN: actually, this is too off-topic for this channel, you would be better served asking in ##c since they actually deal with C programs00:53
prettyrobotsCan't find a place where I can specify the postfix configuartion without runing thorugh the dialogs.00:53
goddardActionParsnip why do you like Ubuntu?00:53
ActionParsnipmacmichael01: only to set it up, if you use sudo at, the command will run as root and not need password00:53
goddardActionParsnip your in here all the time00:53
=== Claudio is now known as Guest65504
BK_MANtensorpudding:                 printf( usage );00:54
adzydoes python come standard with ubuntu 10.04??00:54
tensorpuddingBK_MAN: okay, where did you get this software from?00:54
jribadzy: yes00:54
adzyhow do i launch it ?00:55
ActionParsnipgoddard: i work 12 hour shifts and I want an easy life when I et in.Ubuntu is very bloated compared to most other distros but it does what it says on the tin and all my hardware works.I also use puppy and xpud, my fileserver used to run gentoo but it died and I cant be bothered to run through the install again00:55
booiadzy, type python00:55
tensorpuddingBK_MAN: edit the file by putting // in front of the printf, and do the same for the other line mentioned in the error message00:55
Flare183goddard: I use it because, its awesome for me. I've got it on all my machines00:55
BK_MANtensorpudding:  the file is from http://www.airtightnetworks.com/home/resources/knowledge-center/wifish-finder.html00:56
hiexpogoddard,  why you like it also here in ubuntu ?00:56
BK_MANtensorpudding:     i will edit the file00:56
ActionParsnipgoddard: xpud is stupendously light but ha few drivers by default and only about 5 apps but it boots damn fast (less than 3 seconds here). Puppy again is light and quick00:56
cjae_would dd if=~/Downloads/ubuntu.iso of=/dev/sdh make a bootable usb stick?00:56
blakkheimcjae_: no00:56
adzydoes it come with GUI or just pure txt driven00:56
cjae_blakkheim: how do I make it bootable?00:57
edbiancjae_, No because it would not install a bootloader.00:57
tensorpuddingBK_MAN: it doesn't seem very likely at all that this code is provided any support00:57
blakkheimcjae_: try unetbootin00:57
macmichael01ActionParsnip: right but again this is a webapp that I pipe out to the commandline from python and I would never want to be hassled with a password just to set a schedule. Here is a snippet of what I am doing: http://dpaste.com/248135/00:57
Flare183!who | adzy00:58
ubottuadzy: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)00:58
BK_MANtensorpudding:  i think you are right, but it seems like a slick app00:58
booiadzy, seriously? http://lmgtfy.com/?q=python&l=100:58
adzysorry im newb, i never heard of it before00:58
cjae_blakkheim: I just want to be able to install FROM the usb stick not run an OS on it00:58
ActionParsnipcjae_: you need usb-creator for that, if you use the netbook img it will work00:58
tensorpuddingBK_MAN: after you commented out those printf lines, try running make again00:58
tripelbgoogle open dns has one error on its "how to setup" page. The dns's need to be sparated with a COMMA not SPACE as it says00:58
coreycan anyone tell me why my cursor skips when i type (and its not my mouse)00:59
adzybooi: thanks ill read up on that :D00:59
tripelbif you unplug your mouse does it still skip corey ?00:59
ActionParsnipcorey: try the boot options: i8024.reset   i8024.nomux=1    irqpoll    in various combinations00:59
misteralexandercorey: PC or Laptop?00:59
cjae_ActionParsnip: why is the netbook image different?00:59
tripelbnevermind my suggestion00:59
BK_MANtensorpudding:  tried it new error c:3202: error: label at end of compound statement00:59
ActionParsnipcjae_: different data structure afaik00:59
coreyactionparsnip i dont understand?01:00
tensorpuddingBK_MAN: there is no guarantee that this code compiles at all, you might have to rewrite a lot of it, and since you don't know C that might be tough01:00
Flare183corey: Its an option on the mouse settings, you'll have to uncheck it.01:00
BK_MANtensorpudding:  true story01:00
ActionParsnipcorey: try those 3 boot options on the system. They are great at helping laptops with weird touchpads and keyboard01:01
dogmatic69hi all01:01
coreyok thanks ill look into it right now01:01
misteralexanderdogmatic69: hi.01:01
dogmatic69could someone help me out with a permission error?01:01
tensorpuddingBK_MAN: if they were bad enough to leave broken printf statements in there, it's probable that they've not recently tested to see if it actually builds before posting the source01:01
bsmith093im trying to burn a disc and it wants to rename the files for "full windows compatability" to 64 characters. will not doing this really affect the disc in any way if i play it on windows?01:01
dogmatic69apache cant read my .htaccess01:01
stbaindogmatic69, what are the permissions on the .htaccess file?01:01
BK_MANtensorpudding:  so its not a version thing, like will not run on 10.0401:02
ScuniziHow do I change the "network" name the computer belongs to.. ??  for instance I have several computers all using "Workgroup" as the network name..01:02
macmichael01ActionParsnip: Is there something that I could at to the sudoers file that would allow www-data the ability to set the 'at' queue without ever asking for a password but not become some sort of security risk.01:02
coreysorry guys im really confused i just checked my mouse settings and i dont see anything about boot options for the mouse or i8024.reset01:02
boywonderScunizi,  you still about?01:02
Scuniziboywonder: yep01:02
dogmatic69stbain: -rwxr-xrwx01:02
dogmatic69and i own it01:03
misteralexanderHow do I change the "Volume Lable" of my external media?  I have tried & it says "Operation Isn't Supported By Backend" . . . any ideas?01:03
tensorpuddingBK_MAN: It most probably isn't an Ubuntu issue, it might be old software that depends on features from old versions of GCC, or just really badly coded01:03
BK_MANtensorpudding:  OK thanks for all the help!01:03
stbaindogmatic69, might just be that apache is not configured to AllowOverride01:03
boywonderScunizi,  ive been looking into putty to use with cygwin(if you heard of that?) now the x in putty is confusing me,can you help out ?01:03
ActionParsnipmacmichael01: i guess, i've not played with sudoers though01:03
dogmatic69stbain: yes.. that is it i think01:04
dogmatic69had this before and could not remember the issue, but you reminded me01:04
edbianboywonder, I've heard of that.01:04
jrib!label | misteralexander01:04
ubottumisteralexander: To rename the labels of your partitions, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RenameUSBDrive.01:04
stbaindogmatic69, you may want to look that up in the Apache docs and ask in the #apache channel01:04
Flare183corey: I'll show you hold on01:04
Kendaljawell wtf01:04
Scuniziboywonder: not much.. just that if you're going to run remote X in windows via putty you have to install X in windows.01:04
coreyok thank you01:04
dogmatic69stbain: #httpd :P01:04
misteralexanderjrib: I'll check that out, thanks!01:04
Kendaljawhen I click on "network" my computer is there but how do I get it to ask for username and password?01:04
dogmatic69#apache only tell you to go there01:04
stbaindogmatic69, makes sense... #apache is so much more than just httpd now01:05
stbainerr... Apache, not #apache01:05
Kendaljanothing is in keyring01:05
boywonderim thinking to get me out of trouble i just need to access say the root in the windows machine01:05
boywonderim not looking to run x in ubuntu?01:05
Scuniziboywonder: it's a lot of reading..01:06
coreyflare i might add im using kubuntu 10.0401:06
stbainboywonder, you may want to look into the server version then01:06
coreyi should have said that fromt he begining sorry01:06
boywonderwell they do a cygwin-x,but if im not needing to connect win~ubuntu then it may work?01:07
boywonderto just get the command line via ssh01:07
Flare183corey: http://flare183.net/screenshots/Screenshot-Mouse%20Preferences.png01:07
boywonderoh i need to file transfer01:08
coreythat link doesnt work for me01:08
Flare183corey: it should01:08
stbainboywonder, plenty of ways to accomplish that. SCP, ftp, etc. etc.01:08
coreysays unable to connect (using firefox)01:08
Flare183corey: try it now01:08
* dddw is off01:09
coreystill nothing01:09
Flare183wow :/01:09
ScuniziHow do I change the domain/workgroup name of the computer?01:09
Kendaljahow do I get it to ask for a user name and pw?01:09
Kendaljamy network01:09
coreythe screenshot is blank too when i hover my mouse over your link01:10
Flare183corey: http://flare183.net/screenshots/Screenshot-Mouse%20Preferences.png01:10
Flare183corey: http://imagebin.org/11544301:10
coreyok i see now01:11
coreyi dont havethose settings01:11
Flare183yes you do, its in the preferences menu01:11
Flare183System, Preferences, Keyboard01:11
coreyim using kubuntu and when i click mouse and keyboard settings it doesnt have anything in there about the touch pad01:12
Flare183corey: you should have told us that01:12
coreyi did mention it awhile ago01:12
Xanocurious, anyone know what would cause the ubuntu install/Live CD to not get past the purple splash?01:12
Flare183I missed it, I'm sorry01:12
coreythats okay is houlda mentioned it sooner my bad01:12
Xanoit just sits at a flashing cursor01:13
coreyso do you know what i should do now?01:13
coreyflare if i logout and login using gnome will those settings carry over to the kubuntu kde desktop?01:13
Flare183Xano: Try going to the first or the second virtual terminals01:13
Flare183corey: I'm not sure01:13
robotti^how to change uppercase letters from filenames to lowercase? I have directory full of files names picture01.JPG picture02.JPG01:14
OY1Ri have a C-Media USB soundcard hooked to my laptop running Ubuntu 8.10, use it for ham digimodes, it works ok but the master volume always goes up to full after a while, and it's adjustment is erratic if i drag the slider it hops around and often goes down to 0. it's using alsa. help.01:14
Flare183corey: I haven't used KDE in a good long while01:14
robotti^how to change them all lowercase?01:14
coreyi guess ill try that then01:14
coreythanks for helpin me01:14
Scunizicorey: what's your kde question?01:15
coreyi just noticed something,.....under mouse settings in kubuntu, all of my touchpad settings are disabled and greyed out,.....how can i enable this01:16
coreymy touch pad is working though but i need to disable the mouse while typing so i needto get those settings working01:16
Scunizicorey: most likely those touchpad settings are for a different type of touch pad.. I'll look at mine.. but I'm running kde on a desktop.. although I do have a wacom graphics tablet plugged in. :)01:17
gswindle /join netbeans01:17
coreyok thanks01:17
gswindle#join netbeans01:17
=== _jesse__ is now known as _jesse_
Flare183gswindle: /join #netbeans01:18
jkazanarobotti^:I can't tell u  exactly but you need to use find with -exec  and mv01:18
n1ck6464hello guys, i wonder if there's around any program to record and play keyboard and mouse clicks (Macro Recorder e.g. "Jitbit" "AutoIt", but they all for windows)?01:18
icarus-crobotti^,  echo "blAhHHHH" | tc [:upper:] [:lower:]01:18
Scunizicorey: yea.. mine is greyed out too.. but then I don't have a touchpad..01:19
icarus-crobotti^,  echo "blAhHHHH" | tr [:upper:] [:lower:]  # should be tr instead of tc01:19
wdaroshAnyone got a minute - I have a bit of a situation with a server01:19
coreyScuniz my original problem is my mouse skips while i type, but it does it even when i dont hit the mouse01:19
Jordan_U!asl | wdarosh01:19
ubottuwdarosh: Most of us don't speak American Sign Language, please try english instead. ✌01:19
jkazanaicarus-s:thnx good to know01:19
Jordan_U!ask | wdarosh01:19
ubottuwdarosh: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)01:19
icarus-crobotti^, or you want the rename part too?01:20
Jordan_Uwdarosh: Sorry about that first message from ubottu :)01:20
coreyim using kubuntu, but if i dropped down to gnome by login out of this kde and then checked disable mouse when typing in gnome would it carry those settings over to kubuntu?01:20
robotti^icarus-c: all of them with uppercase letters to lowercase01:20
Scunizicorey: probably not01:20
coreydo you know what i can do to solve my problem?01:20
OY1Rrobotti^, Applications > Add/remove and search rename there are a few programs in there :)01:21
icarus-crobotti^,  echo "blAhHHHH" | tr [:upper:] [:lower:]  # would covert blAhHHHHH to lower case01:21
Scunizicorey: check in #kde .. they are busier than #kubuntu01:21
n1ck6464hello guys, i wonder if there's around any program to record and play keyboard and mouse clicks (Macro Recorder e.g. "Jitbit" "AutoIt", but they all for windows)?01:21
wdaroshUbuntu Server 10.04 is no longe booting-  Unit is reporting that it is unable to find /dev/root /sys/root and then crashes out unable to load.  System has been booted via Live CD and unit is showing access to SDA5.  SDA1 is showing up as LVM2 Format and is inaccessable.  Is there a way to get the unit to boot?01:21
icarus-crobotti^, so you could use that in your script to rename those files01:21
=== corey is now known as Guest74920
Guest74920am i bein kicked or something01:21
tripelbmy system thinks my monitor goes off to the right so my mouse-cursor does not "deadend" on the right border of my screen causing many enjoyable episodes of mouse-chasing-its-own-tail.  Fresh install. Can you help?01:22
Guest74920i was just in here under the name corey and i lost connection and was brought back as guest74920,...was i kicked or something?01:22
tripelbguest, no you came in though the backdoor I think Guest7492001:22
tripelbcorey, do you have a registered nick?01:23
Guest74920oh ok lolguess i just lost connection01:23
icarus-crobotti^, do you need help with the whole script?01:23
Guest74920no im new01:23
tripelbthat happens to me when I dont give the right password01:23
Guest74920i dont know how to register my nick01:23
Jordan_UGuest74920: "corey" is likely already registered.01:23
tripelb go /help register01:23
Guest74920ok thanks01:23
KB1JWQfreenode recommends setting up your nick in this fashion: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#nicksetup (Please make sure you check your email to complete registration)01:23
tripelbor help nickserv register.. or listne to kbijwq01:23
Guest74920help nickserv register01:24
Jordan_Uwdarosh: Try #ubuntu-server01:24
tripelbyou forgot the slash01:24
tripelbbut that page is better01:24
Guest74920ok thanks my bad01:24
tripelband my lost cursor question will it be answered?01:25
divertedcan some kind person please help me setup a working chroot directory?01:25
tripelbmy system thinks my monitor goes off to the right so my mouse-cursor does not "deadend" on the right border of my screen causing many enjoyable episodes of mouse-chasing-its-own-tail.  Fresh install. Can you help?01:25
icarus-crobotti^,   for i in *; do mv "$i" $(echo "$i" |tr [:upper:] [:lower:]); done01:26
SgeoWhoops, wrong channel01:29
n1ck6464hello guys, i wonder if there's around any program to record and play keyboard and mouse clicks (Macro Recorder e.g. "Jitbit" "AutoIt", but they all for windows)?01:30
wasnikhi guys ubuntu does not detect my on board conexant soundcard please help01:30
Flomasterharro harro  im looking to remame every from in a frolder from   foo.jpg foo - bar.jpg  to  foo.png and foo - bar.png01:32
boywonderScunizi, thanks mate.laters01:34
Flomasteranyone familure with batch remaning?01:35
jribFlomaster: best to just ask the channel your actual question (on a single line)01:35
beilabsAnyone having issues with stalling?01:35
Flomasterjrib:  im looking to remame every from in a frolder from   foo.jpg foo - bar.jpg  to  foo.png and foo - bar.png01:36
slybootsIm having some problems using ufw with "logging"01:36
slybootsI've got ufw installed and configured; then I tried installing ulodd.. but it doesnt seem to actually do anything01:37
jribFlomaster: that made little sense to me, but use rename01:37
slybootsIm just rying to figure out a way to present the logs in a readable format01:37
dragonsaintbeilabs: yeah, sometimes i get Power Management is not responding upon logging in01:37
beilabsdragonsaint, getting "Waiting for sound system to respond"01:37
beilabsonly since last night01:37
Flomasterjrib: I have a folder of jpg files and need them to be png files  i need the file name stay the same while only changing the ext01:37
tripelbmy system thinks my monitor goes off to the right so my mouse-cursor does not "deadend" on the right border of my screen causing many enjoyable episodes of mouse-chasing-its-own-tail.  Fresh install. Can you help?01:38
jribFlomaster: so you don't want to just rename files, you want to convert jpeg to png?01:38
wasnikhi guys ubuntu does not detect my on board conexant soundcard01:38
dragonsaintbeilabs: im not getting any sound problems except w/ skype01:39
Flomasterjrib: yeah while only chaning the file extension  not the name, idon't need anything else to change but jpg01:39
jribFlomaster: mogrify -format png '*.jpg'01:39
slybootsI'vetried reading the Ubuntu guides but.. Im having no luck01:39
Flomasterjrib: its working now01:40
=== root is now known as Guest61989
slybootsanyone abel to aim me at a better guide perhaps?01:41
jribslyboots: you should keep your question in one line because I have no clue what you want a guide for01:41
Flomasterjrib: thanks it worked only a few messed up files but thatsbetter to fix then the entire folder01:41
Guest61989any body please help me to block sites using hosts file01:41
slybootsjrib: Setting up ufw logging in a way thats.. readable01:41
Guest61989please, now I have 5 more minutes left01:42
rames...hi all - can anyone explain the difference between ubuntu netbook remix and unr 2d??01:42
jribGuest61989: what aren't you sure about?01:43
blakkheimGuest61989: sitetoblock.com
williamoh, nevermind01:43
Guest61989it's not working with, the net is working through a network proxy01:43
armyriadWhich JRE should I install?01:44
jribGuest61989: you need to show the channel what you are doing exactly (use pastebin)01:44
Guest61989do I need to keep the network ip in hosts file?01:44
jrib!java > armyriad01:44
ubottuarmyriad, please see my private message01:44
armyriadjrib: I know how to install Java. I'm just wondering if I should install the official JRE from Sun or the open-source one.01:45
dubliskHi, I want to access my ubuntu desktop remotely, how do I setup the vncserver though?01:45
Guest61989there aren't any errors to use pastebin, even when I append a site to hosts, it works nicely in firefox01:45
jribarmyriad: install the one you want01:45
armyriadjrib: I want to know which one is better.01:46
umanarmyriad: if you don't care about philosophical issues of software freedom or whatever01:46
umanarmyriad: install the real oen01:46
jribarmyriad: "better" is subjective.  It depends on what you value.01:46
PrimedeathGuys, is there anyway to change how close to the edge of a window I have to be to allow resizing?01:46
umanarmyriad: if you drink Richard Stallman's kool-aid, install the OSS one01:46
Guest61989do I need to give the network proxy in hosts?01:46
PrimedeathI have a very touchy touchpad and I cannot seem to make windows smaller/bigger that easily. It's twitchy and I seem to have to be dead-on.01:46
SilverStrandanyone here ?01:47
l34kdoes ubuntu support dual screens?01:47
SilverStrandok great... :)01:47
SilverStrandive got problems with my appearance thing.01:47
Guest61989sory,time out01:47
Guest61989I have to go know01:47
SilverStrandwhenever i reboot, my appearance >> visualeffects >> are set to none01:48
Guest61989I'll be back some hours later, I'm pksadiq01:48
jribl34k: yes01:48
SilverStrandso i get no visual effects + my title bar doesnt show up01:48
SilverStrandim on 2.99 Ghz, 700 ram, intel 940 128mb ....01:48
SilverStrandusing ubuntu 10.0401:49
SilverStrandwhen i go to appearance and do "normal", it goes ok again01:49
SilverStrandpls help me01:49
Xanocurious, anyone know what would cause the ubuntu install/Live CD to not get past the purple splash?01:49
beilabsjust did a restart, now have no soundcard for input....wtf?01:49
beilabsor output01:50
PrimedeathI love Linux for my sound, Linux audio driver is the only one able to use my laptops subwoofer. :D01:50
pudgypaw@SilverStrand what graphics card u got01:50
KendaljaI have shares on my osx computer01:50
KendaljaUbuntu sees them but when I click on em i get no user name or password01:51
SilverStrandpudgypaw: intel 94001:51
RoastedSo I cannot uninstall or install anything due to mediatomb... I get an error about it being a subprocess or some garbage, even though I'm trying to install things like skype, etc. Any ideas?01:51
Kendaljahow do I setup ubuntu to ask for username and pass?01:51
pudgypawintegrated right?01:51
SilverStrandor 91001:51
SilverStrandnot sure01:51
SilverStrandbut yes01:51
FloodBot2SilverStrand: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.01:51
Flare183!enter | SilverStrand01:51
ubottuSilverStrand: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!01:51
pudgypawI got ATI and it gave me drivers for that before allowing me to switch effects up01:51
tensorpuddingKendalja: Check out the User Settings menu01:52
SilverStrandpudgypaw: everything works smooth here but...01:52
pudgypawif u go System>Admin>hardware, it can scan for hardware and new drivers01:52
SilverStrandsomethings wrong with reboot i guess01:52
tensorpuddingKendalja: make sure that your user has password asked at login01:52
pudgypaweven with me it takes 2 reboots and setting it to make changes survive reboot01:52
PrimedeathAnyone here know how I can adjust how sensitive window adjusting is? I have a touchy touchpad and I can't seem to stay on that one pixel for long enough to start window resizing.01:52
SilverStrandpudgypaw: each time i click "normal" it searches for available drivers for a while and then everything comes back01:53
tensorpuddingKendalja: sorry, Users and Groups, under System -> Administration01:53
SilverStranddunno why it cant do that automatically with ever y boot01:53
pudgypawah, then taht means it can't find any means to do 2D/3D acceleration01:53
pudgypawat least, not on startup01:53
pudgypawdunno why01:53
SilverStrandi went to harware thing u showed... it searched, but there is nothing in the list :/01:54
pudgypawbut since that graphics card is integrated not dedicated, wouldn't expect too much01:54
pudgypawprolly means ubuntu hasn't placed ur particular gcard on file01:54
pudgypawprolly cuz it's integrated01:54
SilverStrandpudgypaw: it actually runs quite smoothly with winflip and stuff..... but dunno why it cant get this in reboot :/01:54
SilverStrandintegrated sucks i know01:54
pudgypawsomeone else might be able to teach u to write some script01:55
SilverStrandany way to do it ?01:55
pudgypawand plunk it somewhere01:55
pudgypawi myself have no idea on writing one01:55
SilverStrandwho and where ?01:55
pudgypawdunno XD gotta ask someone else01:55
SilverStrandi tried forums but nothings there on it.01:55
pudgypawmaybe search "startup scripts"01:55
SilverStrandsome say u need drivers.... some say u need compizfusionicon01:55
SilverStrandstuff doesnt work anyway01:55
pudgypawnah, a version of compiz is preinstalled01:56
pudgypawmaybe try maverick01:56
SilverStrandcompiz wasnt there in mine01:56
SilverStrandi had to install it seperately01:56
SilverStrandive done so many updates on ubuntu with my sucking net that im really not enthusiatic about reinstalling it01:57
SilverStrandi do think that ive screwed up someting somewhere but... i hope not01:57
SilverStrandpudgypaw: speed is good.01:57
SilverStrandno no01:57
SilverStrandspeed is ok sorta01:57
FloodBot2SilverStrand: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.01:57
SilverStrandwill take around 2 hrs to do all updates so far01:57
SilverStrandi thought u were asking pc speed :P01:58
SilverStrandsilly me01:58
xaseThis bot has a terrible concept of flooding.01:59
SilverStrandim new to ubuntu, so dont know a ting about scripting01:59
SilverStrandxase: yeah !01:59
xaseSilverStrand, what are you trying to script?01:59
SilverStrandxase: im trying to do anything that will allow me to do this : Appearance >> Visual Effects >> normal02:00
SilverStrandwith every reboot02:00
JoTedMy ubuntu laptop just has a problem now. I installed it with the encrypted option for the alternative disc. My laptop has worked fine for the last several months. Now when I boot, after I put in my cryptfs password, I get 'No init found. Try passing init= bootarg., I get an (initramfs) boot terminal. How can I fix this?02:00
xaseJust uninstall compiz?02:00
SilverStrandby default, it doesnt02:00
SilverStrandxase: NO !02:00
SilverStrandi need the effects02:00
xasebut you want them disabled?02:00
FloodBot2xase: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.02:00
SilverStrandthats the fun of it02:00
SilverStrandno i dont wanna disable them02:01
FloodBot2SilverStrand: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.02:01
SilverStrandfor effects i want, themes + windowglow + win flip02:01
SilverStrandnothing else02:01
xaseThen set it up using CCSM02:01
SilverStrandpudgypaw: yeah... the blue glow that u get... from window borders02:01
xaseMines green ;)02:02
SilverStrandk wotever :P02:02
fakhirhello I am wondering why Disk Swap is being used when over 50% of my RAM is being used for cache.02:02
SilverStrandu can configure it02:02
xaseWith Compiz Config Settings Manager02:02
ubottuTo enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu: install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' or 'simple-ccsm'. If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz02:02
tcliam_I have an XP virtual machine running on Virtualbox in my ubuntu host. I am having a problem where they can't connect to each other no ping or anything. they were working when I first set them up however. Any ideas of what might be stopping them from connecting to one another?02:02
SilverStrandxase : its in window decorations02:02
xase... are you talking KDE or GNOME?02:02
SilverStrandim on ubuntu02:03
xaseThen what do your visual effects have to do with window decorations?02:03
SilverStrandxase: when i reboot, it doesnt show my title bar...02:03
xaseDecorations are just looks, every piece of eyecandy otherwise is compiz.02:03
xaseYou're using Emerald?02:03
pudgypaw@tcliam_, I think under internet settings u can switch to bridged02:03
SilverStrandso when i go to appearance and visual effect and do it normal, it all comes back02:03
pudgypawwhen the VM isn't running02:03
SilverStrandxase: i tried sudo aptget remove emerald02:03
xaseCompiz seems setup to do something weird.02:04
SilverStrandit said i dont have it02:04
SilverStrandemerald thing was on some forum but it doesnt work for me i guess02:04
xaseBut compiz might still be trying to use it, if the use window decorations is enabled in your config.02:04
xaseDid you try emerald --replace ?02:04
SilverStrandwot ?02:04
xaseOr running it as a start up script?02:04
misteralexanderI'm trying to get HDMI Out working on 10.04 x64 . . . does it not work out of the box?02:04
SilverStrandxase: pls explain some more, i dont know this stuff02:04
SilverStrandim new to ubuntu02:05
xaseOr using compiz-fusion icon to manage even more settings like turning compiz off and on the fly.02:05
SilverStrandhow do i do that ?02:05
xasesudo apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager02:05
xaseor you could use simple-ccsm02:05
xaseI prefer the full blown.02:06
SilverStrandits already there it says02:06
xasePress alt+f202:06
Andre_Gondimhow may I finish my session with command line?02:06
xaseand type in compizconfig-settings manager02:06
xaseAndre_Gondim, 'exit' ?02:06
xasemisteralexander, good luck on HDMI out.02:06
pudgypaw@misteralexander - make sure your drivers are installed first02:06
Andre_Gondimxase, this only finish my terminal, I said my gnome, for example02:07
SilverStrandxase: couldnt open02:07
Andre_Gondimand goes to gdm02:07
theDrPoOis there a way of allowing a user to execute a command that only admin users can, but without giving that user admin privileges?02:07
pudgypawmine worked out of the box but then again, my gcard only output DVI and i use a converter02:07
xaseSilverStrand, try installing simple ccsm02:07
SilverStrandand how do i do that ?02:07
xasetheDrPoO, sudo02:07
xaseSilverStrand, sudo apt-get install simple-ccsm02:07
xaseor use synaptic if you don't like the terminal.02:08
theDrPoOxase, but i dont want to give the user sudo privileges02:08
SilverStrandok thanks :)02:08
xaseWell theDrPoO you can make a new group and add the user to it.02:08
xaseand set it to be able to do the task you want it.02:08
xaseBut that's out of my scope.02:08
xaseSilverStrand, look in the appearance under visual effects02:08
xasethere should be a button now to configure compiz02:09
SilverStrandi got a custom button02:09
theDrPoOxase, but can i give the group permissions to execute a command?02:09
meh2hey guys, anyone know how to completely remove openvpn?02:09
meh2i installed it to test with and now i want to start it again from scratch02:10
pudgypawerrrr... sudo apt-get remove openvpn?02:11
xlivewhats up guys02:11
well_laid_lawnmeh2:  try in terminal   sudo apt-get --purge remove openvpn02:11
xliveum guys .. Im kinda new to Linux .. Im mofuckin tired of using windows shit02:12
xliveI need you guys help 2 b with linux02:13
well_laid_lawn!language | xlive02:13
ubottuxlive: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.02:13
xliveumm Im kinda aranging my desktp02:13
misteralexanderxase: pudgypaw: HDMI worked like a charm!  Straight outta the box, no hassle.02:13
xliveguys .. I wana add some panels to my side in the desktop02:13
xlivewhat u guys call that02:13
misteralexanderxase: pudgypaw: I only asked before I tried because I assumed it was going to be a bitch.  Worked like a charm on my laptop.  Integrated Intel Graphics though, but still, IT WORKED!02:14
pudgypawmisteralexander: good to hear =]02:14
well_laid_lawnxlive:  right click the panel02:14
pudgypawxlive: google screenlets02:15
Danielsomeone may help me?02:15
Danieli have some problem with02:15
Danielthe vissual effects02:15
SilverStrandhow do i install compiz fusion icon ?02:15
pudgypawdaniel and silverstrand have same issue i think02:15
tcliam_@pudgypaw thanks that worked02:15
SilverStrandsudo apt-get install compiz-fusion-icon ?02:15
Danielin ubuntu 9.10 karmic koala02:16
pudgypaw@tclaim_ - np =]02:16
ZykoticK9SilverStrand, "sudo apt-get install fusion-icon"02:16
Danielsilverstand: do you have the same problem than me?02:16
xliveGuys IM talking about this kinda panel on the side http://www.tweakhound.com/images/susedesktop_17aug07.png . that has meters and everything02:16
misteralexanderpudgypaw: do you know where I configure it so when I close the lid on my laptop, nothing happens?  No hibernate, no sleep, no suspend.02:16
xlivewhat do you call that ?02:16
SilverStrandDaniel: wots ur prob ?02:16
SilverStrandim having probs with title bars and effects02:17
Danielmy pc is getting frozen02:17
Danielwhen i activate the vissual effects02:17
SilverStrandsorry, no frozen pc in here...02:17
pudgypaw@misteralexander: i think that's in power settings02:17
SilverStrandDaniel: maybe ur graphic card is low02:17
Danielno way02:17
misteralexanderpudgypaw: k, thanks.02:17
Danielhold on02:17
pudgypawlike, system>admin> powersettings02:17
pudgypawor something like that02:17
SilverStrandOMFG !!!!! 96 mb for fusionicon thingy ?!?!??!02:18
Danielit's a PCI Express02:18
javatexanhelp....I had wine die on me, so i completely uninstalled it and erased the shorcuts out of main menu (so it wouldn't duplicate), but when I install wine now, I get no shortcuts in gnome main menu....02:18
javatexanhow do I get the shortcuts back?02:19
Danieli have 1GB of RAM02:19
Danielcome on!02:19
SilverStrandDaniel: :/ no idea02:19
Danieli looked everywhere02:19
Danielfor that issue02:19
SilverStrandcan u play games having 3d stuff ?02:19
Danieland i found ANYTHING02:19
Danieli don't know02:19
SilverStrandoh u dont play i guess ?!02:20
Danieli didn't tried that02:20
Danieli'm new in ubuntu02:20
SilverStrandoh hi |_ocke02:20
SilverStrandme too dani02:20
xaseSilverStrand, you can02:20
xaseI have played Crisis on low settings on linux on a sheisty laptop02:20
SilverStrandxase: i can whoat ?02:20
xase3d games02:20
SilverStrandu gotta be kiddin me02:20
SilverStrandhey hey02:20
xaseBest to be turning off compiz though with the compiz fusion icon02:21
SilverStrandu sayin i can play crisis game on this shit ?02:21
SilverStrandim on intel 910 something02:21
xasedepends on your computer.02:21
pudgypawgo to applications>UbuntuSoftwareCenter and search PlayOnLinux02:21
SilverStrand845/910 GL02:21
FloodBot2SilverStrand: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.02:21
misteralexanderpudgypaw: yep, worked perfect!02:21
Danielyou must be kidding02:21
xaseNot sure about that one.02:21
Danielif tried to run Crysis02:21
Danielin Windows02:21
Danielthat looks like scrap02:21
SilverStrandi could play nfs mw on 1024 but without reflection02:21
pudgypawmisteralexander: np =]02:21
=== ThomasG33K is now known as TomRone
SilverStrandxase, is that good enough ?02:22
xaseNot sure at all silverstrand.02:22
xaseIt's not even that great of a game imo02:22
pudgypawif u wanna play a 3d game NOW i suggest grabbing Warzone 2100 on PlayonLinux02:22
xaseI had a nvidia integrated crap card02:22
Danielit's a lot of people02:22
SilverStrandxase, nvidia rocks02:22
xaseI like nexuiz myself.02:22
Danielyeah me too02:23
Danielmy nvidia is broken02:23
Danieli don't know why02:23
Danielis rare02:23
xaseI am in need of ddr 2 ram for my desktop.02:23
Danielpardon my english02:23
Danieli'm from colombia02:23
xaseIt's alright.02:23
xaseI'm from North America and my English sucks.02:23
javatexanis there a way to get ubuntu to recreate the shortcuts in main menu for wine?02:23
xasejavatexan, it should do that natively?02:24
xaseIt does for me.02:24
SwamFin99i cant send to the arch channel02:24
SwamFin99anyoen know why?02:24
well_laid_lawnSwamFin99:  you need to be registered02:24
javatexanxase: it did that the first time, but since I removed them to do "reinstall", they won't come back02:24
SwamFin99where do i register?02:24
|Sacred|via nickserv02:24
rwwubottu: register | SwamFin9902:24
ubottuInformation about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#nicksetup - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode02:24
ubottuSwamFin99: please see above02:24
SwamFin99sweet thx man02:25
|Sacred|welcome to irc :D02:25
SwamFin99i havent used *nix in 5 years02:25
SwamFin99ubuntu has changed a fuckton02:25
notheoneis there any more irc serverlist02:25
SilverStrandhey guys !! can i delete the stuff that this terminal thingy downloads ?02:25
Danieli think ubuntu02:25
Danielis better than windows02:25
Danielit's free02:25
SwamFin99bought a netbook02:25
SilverStrandcuz  i think im gonna run short of space on ubuntu drive02:25
Danieland easy02:25
SwamFin99slow as hell on win702:25
FloodBot2Daniel: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.02:25
SwamFin99so i put 10.04 on02:25
SwamFin99not a massive fan02:25
notheoneI fail to use internet02:26
SwamFin99still too slow on crappy netbook hardware haha02:26
Danielminimun requirements in win702:26
SwamFin99teh integration is awesome though02:26
SwamFin99its come a long way02:26
Danieli had win702:26
Danielit's pretty good02:26
SilverStrandhey guys !! can i delete the stuff that this terminal thingy downloads ?02:26
SilverStrandcuz  i think im gonna run short of space on ubuntu drive02:26
Danielbut at the same time02:26
Danielis a scrap02:26
|Sacred|SilverStrand ?02:26
Danieli had deactivated vissual effects and superfetch02:27
|Sacred|you mean delete the files used after wget or something?02:27
=== cyberpunk is now known as Guest76615
Danieland it's still conssupting 780MB of Ram02:27
|Sacred|or via apt?02:27
Danieli have 1 GB02:27
SgeoHow do I get Firefox to import Chromium's settings?02:27
SwamFin99ubuntu has gotten so ridiculously big though02:27
Guest76615guys whats the best player to watch dvds on ubuntu02:27
|Sacred|sure, after you do what you need to with the files, delete em if you want02:27
Danielthis is an ubuntu irc02:27
SwamFin99i mustvwe used it back at like 5.0402:27
SilverStrandlike... delete whatever packages it downloaded02:27
=== Guest76615 is now known as Xlive
SilverStrandonce its installed02:27
Danielmaybe the default02:28
=== SwamFin99 is now known as sheeoyd
SilverStrand|Sacred|: how do i delete them ?02:28
|Sacred|SilverStrand yes, once you've completed what you want to do with the files, or even after extraction, rm em02:28
Danielyou can download codecs for it02:28
SilverStrandfrom where ?02:28
|Sacred|from wherever you downloaded them to02:28
SilverStrandno !02:28
|Sacred|probably in ~/home02:28
Danielwhe you are attempting to open a file02:28
SilverStrandit was in terminal  so i dunno where it did02:28
Daniela video a .mp302:28
Danielor something02:28
|Sacred|check home dir02:28
Danielif this doesn't have the codecs02:28
Danielit tells you02:29
Danielif you want to look for that codecs02:29
Danieland the applicattion makes everything for you02:29
aj00200I have a Toshiba Satellite (L655D-S5050) laptop, but I can't connect to the internet through WiFi, or a Ethernet cable. Any ideas?02:29
Danielmaybe is the network manager02:30
Danieli had a huawei e156b02:30
Danielwith comcel02:30
Danielat first02:30
FloodBot2Daniel: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.02:30
Danielrecognized it02:30
XliveI have another question .. when I was using windows I was able to do few downloads without getting my connection slow . but when I moved to linux net sufing get alot slower when I dwnload somthing02:31
Xlivewhy is that ?02:31
Danielmaybe is the server02:32
|Sacred|have you tried doing a speedtest?02:32
aj00200Xlive: that depends on a lot of things, from the speed of the server your downloading from, to how many other things your downloading, and even how many people are using your ISP at that time02:32
|Sacred|at least do a speedtest02:32
Xliveumm well hold on a sec .. lets do a speed test 1st02:32
|Sacred|might just be remote servers over-loaded02:32
XliveIm download vlc player and I can even go to the google :(02:33
BHSPitMonkeyWhen I updated from Karmic to Lucid, my GDM theme stayed the same. How can I change it, now that the old GDM theme settings options are gone?02:33
=== Jason is now known as Guest22429
Xliveok I took a speed test02:35
Xlivewell speed is normal like this02:35
Xlivebut when I download somthing .. it gets damn slow :(02:35
Xlivecant even goto the google02:35
Guest22429I just installed Ubuntu 10.04 as well as mediatomb from the software center. Now mediatomb is giving me massive issues. I cannot uninstall or install ANYTHING. It gives me an error about dpkg: unrecoverable fatal error, aborting: and mentions mediatomb. Any ideas?02:36
Danielwhich is your download speed?02:36
Xlivemy connection is a 512/kbps connection02:36
Blue1the answeris 42!02:36
Danieli have a 300kbps02:37
Daniel30 /kbps download02:37
Danielis pretty fast02:37
Xlivewell it is fast when ur doing one thing02:37
Xlivewhen it goes like .. if u put a youtube video on buffer and gofor net surf you wont be able to do it :/02:38
sweetpioh wow 0.43Mb/s down 0.10Mb/s up no wonder its lagging02:38
Xlivei dont know about you .. but I cant =/02:38
Daniel3 hours to update the repositories02:38
Danielubuntu 9.1002:38
miststlkrhopefully a quick question, using the gnome-terminal's rename command with regexp, is there a way to string them ogether somehow rather than run the rename several times ina  row?02:38
Danielwhen i had the modem02:38
Dr_Willismiststlkr:  you want to rename se4veral files? or what exactly?02:39
Danielhuawei e 156b02:39
|Sacred|jesus, 0.43...thats horrible02:39
Xliveyea I know02:39
Danielit reached the lowest speed!!02:39
|Sacred|is that what you're paying for?02:39
[thor]miststlkr: using the && maybe?02:39
Xlivebut thats only package we get for home's02:39
thune3javatexan: the "menu" files are in .config/menus/applications-merged/ , if you still have the .desktop files in .local/share/applications/wine/Programs/ you might be able to use them to put in the menu02:39
Daniel0123 B/s02:39
[thor]miststlkr: firstcommand && secondcommand && thirdcommand02:39
|Sacred|oh thats ok, I just wondered if you were paying for 10mbit and getting that, is all02:39
miststlkr[thor]:  thanks02:39
SilverStrandguys !! can i delete stuff safely from /var/cache/ ?02:39
tyler_dmiststlkr: use a for loop, ie. for i in $(find -name "name of file") ; do "your regexp command"02:39
Xliveumm we pay like 15$02:40
Xlivefor that02:40
Danieldont know02:40
Xliveits not much .. still02:40
Dr_WillisSilverStrand:  Some things can be delete4d safely.. somt things can cause issues if deleted02:40
Danieli must try that02:40
SilverStrandDr_Willis: even in cache ?02:40
SamualHey, I seem to have an issue with Compiz, afer a while (2 hours uptime this time) it just starts to perform really badly (At 1fps the whole time) whereas normally it's fine. There's no extra swap/RAM/CPU usage, it's just slower. If I replace it with another WM after it becomes slow, it's back to normal02:40
Danieli recommend you Kleansweep02:40
Danielits dangerous02:40
miststlkrDr_Willis:  multiple.  I can get that no problem, but only figured out one change at a time.02:40
Dr_WillisSilverStrand:  yes...  you remove the wrong things in /var/cache/apt/  and you can have issues02:40
Danielyou must be careful with that thing02:40
SilverStranddamn..... thats just wot i was going to do02:41
tyler_dsamual: check your restricted video card drivers02:41
SilverStrandits the most spacekeeping thing on my drive02:41
Dr_WillisSilverStrand:  apt can get mad if you remove a directrory name from its /var/cache/apt dir....02:41
Samualtyler_d, they're already installed though?02:41
SamualCompositing is enabled of course.02:41
Danielif wanna clean your pc02:41
Dr_WillisSilverStrand:   theres parts of it you can clean out.. the apt cache may be the biggest thing.. theres comm,ands to clean that02:41
Danielyou must download the ubuclenaer02:41
tyler_dSamual: try a different one and see if it helps at all.02:42
SilverStrandDr_Willis: there are 275 mb of deb files02:42
SilverStrandcan i delete tem ?02:42
Danielor you can try this02:42
Dr_WillisUSE the proper commands...02:42
Guest22429I just installed Ubuntu 10.04 as well as mediatomb from the software center. Now mediatomb is giving me massive issues. I cannot uninstall or install ANYTHING. It gives me an error about dpkg: unrecoverable fatal error, aborting: and mentions mediatomb. Any ideas?02:42
SilverStrandcant i just "shift+delte" them ?02:42
thune3SilverStrand: exactly, use apt-get clean02:42
Danielsudo apt-get install clean02:42
Dr_WillisSilverStrand:  sudo apt-get autoremove or clean02:42
Danielsudo apt-get install autoclean02:42
Danielsudo apt-get install autoremove02:42
SilverStrandurm k02:43
Dr_WillisDaniel:  err... try again. :)02:43
Dr_Willisno 'install' in those commands Daniel02:43
Danielit's install02:43
Samualtyler_d, that makes no sense.. it's the current version... The recommended one.02:43
Danieli did it02:43
Danielwith install02:43
Dr_Willissudo apt-get auto<TAB>02:43
Dr_Willis sudo apt-get auto02:43
Dr_Willisautoclean   autoremove02:43
Samualtyler_d, if it was the driver, iother people would have this issue.02:43
Dr_WillisTab completion works with apt-get :)02:43
Danieli'm gonna try that02:44
tyler_dSamual: k sorry then. have to wait for another suggestion.02:44
Dr_Willis$ sudo apt-get install autoremove02:44
miststlkr[thor]: no luck there.  I tried as follows:    rename 's/./ /' * && rename 's/ avi/.avi/' *   and tried leaving out the second "rename" and just putting in the two regexp with the &&'s between them, neither worked02:44
Dr_WillisE: Unable to locate package autoremove02:44
SilverStrandit juist cleaned 55 mb :/02:44
SilverStrandnot all02:44
Danielyeah i'm wrong02:44
Danielwithout install02:44
Dr_WillisSilverStrand:  if you are worrying about 55mb.. it may be time to buy a biger HD,02:45
thune3SilverStrand: apt-get clean will purge all .deb files, as opposed to just those not needed02:45
SilverStrandi got 135 mb free on my hd can u imagine that ?02:45
SilverStrandim on 65 gb hd02:45
Dr_Willismy /var/cache is 2.2 gb02:45
Dr_Willisive seen it much higher02:45
Dr_WillisI got 6gb of just wallpaper and themes and icons  on here.02:46
SilverStrandrite now its 220 mb02:46
* SilverStrand robs Dr_Willis' hd02:46
Dr_Willis!info bleachbit02:46
ubottubleachbit (source: bleachbit): delete unnecessary files from the system. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.7.3-1 (lucid), package size 211 kB, installed size 1488 kB02:46
Dr_WillisSilverStrand:  2TB hds on sale $10802:46
Guest22429I just installed Ubuntu 10.04 as well as mediatomb from the software center. Now mediatomb is giving me massive issues. I cannot uninstall or install ANYTHING. It gives me an error about dpkg: unrecoverable fatal error, aborting: and mentions mediatomb. Any ideas?02:46
SilverStrandDr_Willis: ive seen them much lower02:47
SilverStrand~70 $s02:47
Dr_WillisSilverStrand:  these were external USB02:47
SilverStrandbut i cant buy them02:47
SilverStrandim not in us02:47
Dr_Willisthe internal were same $$ this was about a month ago. i got 2. :)02:47
slybootsGuest22429: apt-get remove --purge mediatomb02:47
slybootsOr sudo apt-get install autoinstall -f02:47
Guest22429slyboots, if I went into synaptic and did "completely remote" could that be the same thing as remove --purge?02:47
Guest22429slyboots, tried that too, the install -f. didnt help02:48
SilverStrandi think ill have to reframe my drives..... freeu p some space02:48
SilverStrandand then... reinstall ubuntu :/02:48
miststlkranyone with another suggestion perhaps?  pass the results of a rename command into another02:48
Dr_WillisSilverStrand:  sounds like windows thinking...02:48
Dr_Willismiststlkr:  clarify exactly what you are doing and how/what/why02:48
miststlkrDr_Willis:  I did above.  rather than run, for example, rename 'y/./ /' * [enter] rename 's/ avi/.avi/' * [enter]  etc, pass them all in one line02:50
blkpnthrhello all02:50
Danielsomeone can bring me a tutorial for wxGlade?02:51
pw-toxicim trying to install vnc4server and in the wiki it says that i have to configure /etc/vnc.conf but this file doesnt exist?02:51
thune3miststlkr: you might try ; instead of &&, it will execute the next command regardless of the "success" of the previous command.02:52
miststlkrthune3:   thanks, giving it a shot now.02:52
miststlkrthune3:  no luck.02:53
Dr_Willismiststlkr:  i tend to use 'qmv' to do complex renaming of lots of files..  'qmv -f do -e geany' edit the list how i like.. save/exit.. all changes get applied02:53
Dr_Willisbye all02:53
MattTheComputerGIs it easy to install Ubuntu server over gentoo, my gento installation has teo drives "Drive 0 is the O.S." "drive 2 is the home Dir"02:54
miststlkrDr_Willis:  not heard of that one, I'll look into it.  Thanks.02:54
RoastedHey guys - error when installing/uninstalling anything. This is the error when I try to install an app from software center - installArchives() failed: dpkg: unrecoverable fatal error, aborting:02:54
Roasted syntax error: unknown user 'mediatomb' in statoverride file02:54
thune3miststlkr: where are you putting this command?02:54
miststlkrgnome terminal02:54
zeroedouthi. I want to upgrade quassel on lucid to the Marverick version. what's the best way to do this? I was thinking of adding the maverick repos, upgrading quassel, then reverting back to lucid ones. would that cause any problems?02:54
jiohdianyone know where I can find a decent tutorial about unity desktop02:55
Danielis something from dpkg02:55
Danieltry reinstalling ubuntu02:56
Roastedwho are you talking to02:56
Danielto you Roasted02:56
Roasteduh, no02:56
RoastedI will not reinstall ubuntu... because I just DID install ubuntu02:56
Roastedthis install is less than 24 hrs old02:56
pw-toxichow can I access the english ubuntu wiki for users?02:56
pw-toxici think the english wiki is more up to date02:57
jiohdiRoasted: trust me, installing is easy... dont it a dozen times.... in one week :)02:57
Danieli can format02:57
Roastedjiohdi, if I wanted to be on windows, I would be. But Im on linux. I am not reinstalling already.02:57
Danielmy computer02:57
Danielevery 23 hours02:57
RoastedLOL OMG REALLY?!02:58
Roastedis there anybody here who could possibly give me any constructive help?02:58
Danieli had windows02:58
jiohdiRoasted: I have not had to re-install since 10.4 which is the good news :)02:58
Danielbut windows sucks02:58
Danielubuntu is easier, faster and free02:58
pw-toxiccan please someone tell me how i can access the english ubuntu wiki?02:58
Blue1ubuntu is NOT as easy as making toast.02:58
tensorpuddingRoasted: have you tried searching google for that error?02:59
RoastedI get one response back. my thread on the ubuntuforums. lol.02:59
notworkingI have a synaptic reload problem.. Can someone look at the pastebin and suggest a solution.. I am not really good at linux yet.. thanks http://pastebin.com/hYsDf45H02:59
tensorpuddingRoasted: there's a bug filed on it02:59
Roastedtensorpudding, oh really?03:00
tensorpuddingit seems that the removal script wants to delete a user/group that doesn't exist03:00
Roastedtensorpudding, I dont even want mediatomb. I just want my system working....03:00
Roastedtensorpudding, but why does it effect EVERYTHING?03:00
=== Dink|W is now known as Dink
RoastedI cant install cheese. flash. audacious. vlc. I cant do anything because of it.03:00
RoastedEverything I do yields that error.03:00
tensorpuddingdpkg is designed such that if it encounters an error, it doesn't let you make the error worse03:00
Danielso bad03:00
Roastedthats all well and good, but I want my system *working*. Do you have any ideas??03:01
Danieldo you have internet access?03:01
tensorpuddingadd the user and group that it claims aren't there03:01
tensorpuddingthen run dpkg -P mediatomb-daemon03:01
Roastedwhat user, and what group?03:01
tensorpuddingmediatomb and mediatomb03:01
Roastedthe funny thing is03:02
Roastedmediatomb isnt installed03:02
pw-toxicDaniell can you read my messsage?03:02
tensorpuddingit could have been that when the package was installed there was some kind of error that shouldn't happen03:02
Roastedyet its preventing everything else from installing03:02
Danielwhat message?03:02
tensorpuddingthat is, instead of failing atomically, it partly-installed03:02
tensorpuddingRoasted: are you sure mediatomb isn't installed?03:02
Roastedtensorpudding, do you think it'd be wise of me to install it and maybe uninstall in hopes of it completing?03:03
pw-toxicim just curious because i dont get any answer by anyone for about 3 hours ;)03:03
Roastedtensorpudding, it was installed, it no longer is though03:03
tensorpuddingRoasted: it sounds like it was only partially removed03:03
TaymonHello. Can anyone help me?03:03
lordresubuntu spanish?03:03
tensorpuddingRoasted: try dpkg -C03:03
tensorpuddingthat audits the package database for mis-installed packages03:03
Roastedjust sudo dpkg -C?03:03
tensorpuddingRoasted: yes03:03
Roastedit does nothing03:04
well_laid_lawn!es | lordres03:04
slooksterpsvpw-toxic what was ur question? same with Taymon03:04
ubottulordres: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.03:04
TaymonI'm pretty new to IRC, so I apologize if I do anything wrong.03:04
TaymonI can't play sound.03:04
TaymonI've tried every source I could think of.03:04
slooksterpsvTaymon, you're good - what kind of a system do you have03:04
tensorpuddingRoasted: did you do the commands I said earlier, creating the user/group and running dpkg -P mediatomb-daemon?03:04
RoastedI have the user/group, but I did not run that command. my bad.03:04
TaymonYou mean what version of Ubuntu am I running?03:04
pw-toxicslooksterpsv, i want to set up a vnc server.. for this i tried the tutorial in the ubuntu wiki, but it is not up to date because the file /etc/vnc.conf doesnt exist. Therefore i want to access the english ubuntuusers wiki, but i dont know how to access it03:04
slooksterpsvTaymon, yeah that and what is your hardware, acer, gateway, specific version03:04
pw-toxicslooksterpsv, i only can see the german wiki03:04
slooksterpsvpw-toxic let me see if I can find that for you03:05
thune3notworking: work through instructions given in this post (Method 2): http://www.ubuntugeek.com/virtualbox-3-2-released-and-ubuntu-installation-instructions-included.html03:05
Danielgotta go to sleep03:05
Danielbye and thanks for all03:05
Danielsudo apt-get exit03:05
Taymon10.04, Dell Studio 14/145803:05
notworkingthune3 thank you Ill try to get through it..03:06
TaymonAlso, I've already cleared my .asoundrc file. It didn't help.03:06
thune3notworking: substituting actual version you are trying to install (instead of 3-2)03:06
Roastedtensorpudding, I think that worked...03:06
=== Titanium is now known as userke
kain#join /ubuntu03:07
slooksterpsvpw-toxic what vnc server are you using?03:07
pw-toxici have installed vnc4server, vnc-common, vnc-java and tightvncserver xtightvncviwer and tightvnc-java03:08
tensorpuddingRoasted: try running sudo aptitude update, and see if that works03:08
Xanocurious, anyone know what would cause the ubuntu install/Live CD to not get past the purple splash?  I asked earlier but i missed the answer03:08
tensorpuddingRoasted: if it does, it should be working fine now03:08
pw-toxicslooksterpsv, my wiki says that they share the same configuration file03:08
slooksterpsvTaymon what does head -n 1 /proc/asound/card0/codec* - give you03:08
XanoIt just goes to a flashing cursor after the purple splash screen that comes after the ISOLINUX text on screen03:09
kainhi, can anyone help me with using/installing FreeNX?03:09
TaymonCodec: Realtek ID 66503:09
slooksterpsvtaymon - go through this area, there's a fix in here, trying to find it: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=127814603:09
quietonecan anyone talk me through what I should do to connect to internet via bluetooth to 3G phone. DUN/NAP/PAN/pan0/bnep0/WAP/ppp0! which ones do I need?03:10
slooksterpsvpw-toxic what configuration changes are you trying to make?03:11
pw-toxicthe one proposed in the wiki page03:11
Xanono one has any ideaso n my issue?03:11
pw-toxicim setting up a server03:11
pw-toxicslooksterpsv, and the server is running without a monitor03:11
pw-toxicslooksterpsv, i need vnc to be available from start03:11
dugger5688quietone: what kind of phone?03:12
quietonedugger5688, nokia 2730 classic03:12
slooksterpsvpw-toxic - try this guide, I've done this one before (it's the lower portion) http://theseekersquill.wordpress.com/2010/03/16/vnc-server-ubuntu-windows/03:13
dugger5688quietone: Sorry, can't help you there but keep asking, someone is bound to know.03:13
Roastedtensorpudding, yeah things look good now. I had to manually remove the mediatomb group, but the user wasnt there. Do you know a way I can scan to see if the user mediatomb exists anywhere just to make sure?03:13
Eighteensquestion, i was testing my connection speed in ubuntu at speedtest.net, but noticed it was half the speed i get in windows, do i need to edit a file, and increse the mtu or something03:13
pw-toxicslooksterpsv, http://wiki.ubuntuusers.de/VNC  this is the wiki page im looking at.. is there a wiki like this in english?03:13
XanoTroubles getting past splash screen, just after ISOLINUX verbage appears on screen.  After splash it shows a blinking cursor ( _ ) and nothing else.03:14
vipjerrysi have ubuntu now want to ultimate edition 2.2 it will load03:14
dugger5688Eighteens: On wireless or wired?03:15
slooksterpsvpw-toxic - http://translate.google.com/translate?js=n&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&layout=2&eotf=1&sl=auto&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwiki.ubuntuusers.de%2FVNC&act=url03:15
quietonedugger5688, thx. can you explain DUN?03:15
slooksterpsvI can read it perfect using google translate - pw-toxic03:15
ryan_someone help me?03:15
ryan_Can anyone help me?03:15
pw-toxicslooksterpsv, im german myself.. i just thought that the english wiki entries are more up to date03:15
ryan_how doi add or remove programs in 10.4?03:16
XanoUbuntu Software Centre03:16
dugger5688ryan_ Applications->Ubuntu software center03:16
Xanoor use apt-get remove03:16
slooksterpsvpw-toxic it looks like the regular wiki page is months old https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNC/Servers - I only use the ubuntu.com community wikis03:16
XanoTroubles getting past splash screen, just after ISOLINUX verbage appears on screen.  After splash it shows a blinking cursor ( _ ) and nothing else.03:16
slooksterpsvTaymon - OSS that's what you need to install is OSS03:17
ryan_thanks i have not used ubuntu in a year and i did not see the ad/remove programs03:17
enavburn your Cd to 4 or 8 X   and try again  this is a common error when the CD have corrupted data03:17
Xanogood deal, thanks enav03:17
ryan_bye guys03:18
slooksterpsvpw-toxic guess it's not a wiki but more of a common documentation, not sure about a specific wiki regarding that, sorry :(03:18
Xanoi tried again but at full speed, ill have to redownload and attempt a full slow write03:18
tensorpuddingRoasted: if it isn't in /etc/passwd, it doesn't exist03:18
TaymonWhat's OSS? I just installed the drivers that I was given the link to.03:18
enavredownload?  why... just burn the image again03:18
slooksterpsvTaymon - perfect I think its opensound system03:18
Xanojust in case its the file itself on my HDD that is corrupt03:18
dugger5688Xano: Try to do it on a Desktop as well. I've noticed that laptops tend not to write very reliably and the CDs they make tend to wear out.03:18
MattTheComputerGIs it easy to install Ubuntu server over gentoo, my gento installation has teo drives "Drive 0 is the O.S." "drive 2 is the home Dir"03:19
slooksterpsvTaymon, yeah after you've installed that, restart and let me know if that worked for you03:19
supercom32If your logged in to a machine multiple times, how do you kill every instance except the one your using?03:19
Roastedtensorpudding, it does exist, but it has "nologin" in the entry. mediatomb: usr/sbin/nologin. Should I delete?03:19
Xanodugger, i would but i actually dont own a desktop anymore :P03:19
TaymonRestarting. Hope it works.03:19
LucidGuyRecommendations for a decent/simple apache access.log analyzer?03:19
misteralexanderI need some help with understanding the HDMI specification . . .03:20
supercom32If your logged in to a machine multiple times, how do you kill every instance except the one your using?03:20
slooksterpsvMattTheComputerG - be sure to backup drive 2 or not delete it when reformatting, I'm not sure if you can install Ubuntu server over gentoo without it reformatting the partition, but drive 2 sounds like it's your home directory which is its own drive which you shouldn't delete/format that partition/drive03:20
dugger5688Xano: Yeah man, I was in the same situation awhile ago. Just put the notebook on a table and burn it slow :-)03:21
Xanogood deal, thanks again for the help all03:21
MattTheComputerGSlooksterpsv, i dont wan any part of the instalation no even the home Dir...03:22
misteralexanderIs HDMI a "Direction Specific" technology?  If I buy an HDMI splitter & it has 3 input and one output . . . can i just flip that around and make it 1 input and 3 output?  and still switch?03:22
mobasherwhat is a good firewall i can use easy to configure i'm running a webserver on local ip03:23
kbutlercan anyone think of a reason why a filesystem would -appear- to be mounted rw, but would actually be ro? Ubuntu 8.10.03:23
slooksterpsvMattTheComputerG - then backup what data you need to either cds,dvds,another drive, etc. as well as configuration files (e.g. apache2 virtual host files) and then reformat, you will have to setup the services and that again though on Ubuntu Server as it will need to reinstall the programs03:23
Crash1hdhmm this makes no sense I followed the instructions to add an account to evolution to set it as Standard Unix mbox with /var/mail/ but it wont let me set the user as well no emails get recieved03:23
misteralexanderI'm asking because I have a laptop that I'd like to plug up and switch between to separate TV's . . .03:23
ActionParsnipmisteralexander: thats not an ubuntu question, i'd ask in ##hardware03:23
kbutlerI tried remountinng already03:23
slooksterpsvLucid: awstats looks awesome, I want it, it does analyze apache log files03:23
misteralexanderActionParsnip: okay . . . sorry.  Thanks!03:23
thune3kbutler: a filesystem that encounters errors may be remounted read-only. check dmesg, you may need an fsck03:23
multipassanyone able to help me with a Kate editor FTP problem?03:23
slooksterpsv** LucidGuy: awstats.sourceforge.net that thing looks amazing for analyzing logs, and simple too, I'd try that, don't know how well it works personally but from the screenshots it looks amazing03:24
kbutlerthune3, when I umounted the partition and ran fdisk, I got this: /sbin/fdisk: Input/output error03:24
kbutlerany suggestions? :/03:24
TaymonIt works! Thanks!03:24
LucidGuyslooksterpsv, thanks .. will check it out.03:25
slooksterpsvTaymon you're welcome =D03:25
slooksterpsvLucidGuy: let me know I'm going to have my friend try it out on his server03:25
IzinucsAnyone have a functional smb.conf file they'd be willing to pastebin for me.. one that work on a LAN with or without user authentication?03:25
mobasherwhat is a good firewall i can use easy to configure i'm running a webserver on local ip?03:25
slooksterpsvmobasher, gui or command line?03:25
LucidGuyslooksterpsv, will do.03:27
tab_how come centos debootstrap doesnt come with an install script for lucid?03:27
iqbalnick at freenode03:28
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lordrestodo bien03:28
multipassanyone able to help me with a Kate editor FTP problem(cant change login/pw credentials)?03:28
thune3kbutler: dmesg | grep sdc (or whatever device)03:28
lordresubuntu en español en donde03:29
Izinucsmultipass: tell me what you're trying to do.. use kate to edit a conf file?03:29
kbutlerthune3, /bin/dmesg: Input/output error03:29
thune3kbutler: you force unmounted your root partition?03:30
enavlordres: /join #ubuntu-es03:30
kbutlerI have not (yet). Should I?03:30
multipassIzinucs: im just using kate for web dev stuff... editing files live. i entered some ftp username with restricted access just to try it, now i want to change the username... but cant figure out how03:30
thune3kbutler: no, i'm trying to understand your error.03:30
tab_where can i get 1.0.23 debootstrap for centos?03:31
kbutleryeah, lots of commands just return that input/output error >___<;;03:31
kbutlervery worrisome03:31
Izinucsmultipass: have you tried closing the connection to the server and reconnecting?03:31
mobasherslooksterpsv=}} don't think matters whatever03:31
pw-toxicslooksterpsv, in the page you showed me, they also say something about /etc/vnc.conf03:31
pw-toxicslooksterpsv, but this file doesnt exist..03:31
enavtab_ google it03:31
tab_enav: i cant find it.. been looking.03:31
slooksterpsvpw-toxic, vnc.conf isn't on mine when I installed it03:32
multipassIzinucs: yeah, not sure that u can do that, but i have closed and reopened.03:32
enavtry centos channel03:32
pw-toxicslooksterpsv, so what do i do then?03:32
jjcmHey all, I'm trying to get mail stuffs set up properly on my server. I use google apps for my domain, so my mail server isn't the same as my local box. However right now when sending soemthing to one of my google apps emails from sendmail, the relay gets set to local (which obv isn't correct as the mail servers are googles)03:32
jjcmHow can I fix this? Is it a sendmail conf?03:32
slooksterpsvmobasher, gufw is awesome, it's simple, and uses ufw, but in a gui form03:32
rifathi all03:32
Izinucsmultipass: how (specifically) are you connecting with kate to the server?03:32
slooksterpsvpw-toxic hmmm I think we may need to create that config file for use03:32
kbutlerthune3, btw, this is on an amazon ec2 server. So I don't think it's the hardware03:32
pw-toxicslooksterpsv, yes but where do i get the content for this file?03:33
enavjjcm: how are you trying to do this  on PHP?03:33
pw-toxicthe wiki page tells me to uncomment lines.. so it expect to have some contetn03:33
mobasherslooksterpsv=}} cool thanks mate ..going to give a shot now and see..thanks :)03:33
multipassIzinucs: i'm using the filesystem browser plugin, changing it to FTP protocol, then connecting to a ftp server...03:33
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redblacktreeFrom my googling, it seems that this is a common problem, but I find no workable solutions.  I want to boot a ubuntu machine without a monitor, and be able to VNC into the machine.  No hardware hacks, please. :)03:34
thune3kbutler: oh ok. sounds your mount to / got severed. sounds like a restart is in order, i don't know what else to recommend.03:34
Izinucsmultipass: the plugin for FF or a different browser?03:34
jjcmenav: No, just using sendmail directly03:34
jjcmenav: so, `sendmail jjcm@foo.com < "my message"`03:35
enavyou are using a local or public IP?03:35
multipassIzinucs: this is for Kate-Editor, an advanced text editor03:35
jjcmenav: Using the domain name of the server03:35
thune3kbutler: before i knew ec2, i was going to recommend shutting down forcibly, booting livecd, and checking your filesystems03:35
slooksterpsvpw-toxic trying to find that now03:35
mobasherslooksterpsv=}} for webserver it's the port 80 or 8000 that i have to open ?03:36
jjcmenav: I know it's routing locally because /var/log/mail.log updates with relay=local03:36
rifatcan you give me a link, describing  runlevels and daemons as with we can change the daemons on the arch by just editing the rc.conf file? How can we manage this applications? thank you for your interests.03:36
jjcmenav: (and because I get mail delivered locally)03:36
slooksterpsvmobasher, port 80, you may need others like 8080 or 8888 for other services, but apache uses 8003:36
slooksterpsvpw-toxic - http://www.fifi.org/cgi-bin/man2html/usr/X11R6/man/man5/vnc.conf.5x.gz - has a bunch of options you can set in the vnc.conf file03:36
kbutleris there a more foolproof way to restart than telinit 6? it didn't error, but it also didn't restart03:36
kbutler/sbin/reboot returned a input/output error >__<;03:36
kbutlerthose are the two ways I do things03:37
thune3kbutler: did you *do* something significant to the system before it started to fall apart?03:37
Roastedtensorpudding, you still out there bro03:37
kbutlerthune3, nope03:37
mobasherslooksterpsv=}} thx :)03:37
Izinucsmultipass: I'm familure with kate.. but it's not a browser per-se .. Unfortunately I'm not at my kde machine to look.. my suspicion is that the user name and pass is stored in the program that keeps track of that.. forgot the name .. but look there03:37
Kill_windowshola como le va a la gente ?03:37
slooksterpsvmobasher - yw =D03:37
kbutlerit's not possible to pass the reisub sysreq via ssh, is it? :/03:38
Kill_windowskomo era el tema para crear la sala para gente que habla español03:38
icarus-ckbutler, yes you can't03:38
icarus-cKill_windows, this is an english only channel03:38
RoastedI'm having a very strange problem with my new Ubuntu 10.04 install. I installed mediatomb, and began experiencing errors. I was unable to install/uninstall anything. After some help here in IRC, it's an error regarding mediatomb the user. In order for ANYTHING to work, I need to have mediatomb (the user) added to my system to install stuff. Uh? How can I fix that?03:38
icarus-cKill_windows, or you could try  #ubuntu-es03:38
Kill_windows#ubuntu es03:39
Kill_windows#ubuntu <es>03:39
icarus-cKill_windows,  /join #ubuntu-es03:39
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.03:39
Kill_windowsok thank you ;D03:39
multipassanyone able to help me with a Kate editor FTP problem(cant change login/pw credentials for a site)?03:39
slooksterpsvpw-toxic - do you need multiple desktop instances running, cause the ssh with X, I like it better personally03:39
slooksterpsvpw-toxic ssh with X forwarding works for single user use03:40
Izinucsmultipass: check in #kde .. there's help there.. sorry I can't be more specific right now.03:40
multipassIzinucs: ok cool, thanks03:41
teamz1hey guys, I have a hardware related question, does anyone know of a channel dedicated to that? thanks03:41
enavjjcm: i dont know about your network settings but HTTP and SMTP port are blocked on regular internet connections03:41
RoastedI'm having a very strange problem with my new Ubuntu 10.04 install. I installed mediatomb, and began experiencing errors. I was unable to install/uninstall anything. After some help here in IRC, it's an error regarding mediatomb the user. In order for ANYTHING to work, I need to have mediatomb (the user) added to my system to install stuff. Uh? How can I fix that?03:41
kbutlerso, anyone. better way to reboot than telinit 6 or /sbin/reboot?03:41
kbutlerNeither is working on my server03:41
teamz1#hardware is invite only03:41
redblacktreefuck it... i'll just use XP03:42
icarus-cteamz1, i don't think so but you may need to registry your nick on freenode03:42
Izinucskbutler: sudo reboot now03:42
Roastedholy language03:42
Pentium3kbutler: try the reset switch on front lol03:42
kbutlerIzinucs, that returns input/output error03:42
kbutlerPentium3, amazon ec2 instance :/03:42
slooksterpsvpw-toxic - well maybe ssh can do more than one user... I must try this =D03:42
Izinucskbutler: ah.. thought it was a stand-a-lone server.. sorry03:43
Pentium3kbutler: sorry, try halting it and then turning it back on..03:43
enavredblacktree: what are you trying to do03:43
icarus-credblacktree, just so you know, X11 server is called a server03:43
JoTedhttp://pastebin.ca/1947967 ... my filesystem crapped out. So I loaded a livecd, but I am not able to do a filesystem check on /dev/mapper/home2, any ideas?03:43
icarus-c:D  i was about to tell him x11vnc03:44
MattTheComputerGhow do i identify if my server is 32 bit or 64 bit within the terminal interface03:45
IdleOneMattTheComputerG: type uname -a03:45
enavJoTed: run a live cd, run disk utility and give me SMART details03:45
slooksterpsvx86_64 = 64-bit x86 = 32-bit03:45
duckx0rcan anyone tell me what is wrong with this fstab entry? for some reason it is trying to mount BEFORE the network is up:            //        /home/username/phone  cifs  defaults,_netdev 0  003:45
jjcmenav: this is a server03:46
jjcmenav: mail works fine to all other domains03:46
jjcmno ports are blocked03:46
jjcmonly issue is sending mail to the same domain as the server03:46
jjcmsendmail isn't respecting the MX entries in the DNS03:46
enavjjcm: your server ahve static IP?03:46
JoTedenav I am in a livecd now, I ran smartctl -t long /dev/sda, smartctl -l selftest /dev/sda didn't show anything.03:47
brian___Anyone here that can help me with some networking and screen issues03:47
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brian___I recently purchased an Inspiron 176403:47
brian___and it's having some issues03:48
davefromcamphow do you have a 'sudo' command autmatically startup with your computer?03:48
tensorpuddingdavefromcamp: what?03:48
enavJoTed: open system-> disk utility >   select your disk and give me a resume of the SMART data03:48
DeluxxCan someone help me pick a Linuxx to go with?03:48
davefromcampie I need to run my mpd using sudo03:48
_Neytiri_i am havieng trobble partitioning my drives manuall fir a desktop install03:48
davefromcampand I want it to start up without typing in my root password everytime03:49
tensorpuddingdavefromcamp: oh03:49
Gneadavefromcamp: that's the point of sudo03:49
jjcmenav: yea03:49
tensorpuddingdavefromcamp: there is something called init, which allows services to start at boot03:49
JoTedenav is says the disk is healthy03:49
DeluxxSorry, did anyone get my question?03:49
tensorpuddingdavefromcamp: you need to configure mpd to start at boot03:49
DeluxxI'm new so not sure03:49
enavDeluxx: what do you mena?03:49
supercom32If a user is flagged as a Desktop user, does he cache any kind of information like thumbnails, videos, what have you outside of his home directory?03:49
davefromcampyes I do03:49
DoyleDeluxx: Well, this is the Ubuntu channel, use Ubuntu03:49
jjcmenav: Although that wouldn't affect it either way03:49
_Neytiri_can someoen point me to a good tutorial showing me exactly what i need ?03:49
jjcmenav: As the MX servers are hosted elsewhere03:50
davefromcampif I just run mpd it gives me a network error03:50
howie30Deluxx > For ease of us, and because you're in the ubuntu channel, I'd use UBUNTU!03:50
four2zero_does vino work on ubuntu-server 10.10 ?03:50
davefromcampso I've been running using sudo03:50
tensorpuddingdavefromcamp: you should not let it run as root, though03:50
icarus-csupercom32, unlikely03:50
DeluxxI have 500mb of ram and Pentium 3GHz, that's good for it?03:50
davefromcampwhy is that?03:50
tensorpuddingdavefromcamp: have you configured mpd to run as a different user?03:50
icarus-csupercom32, but maybe /tmp03:51
xangua!maverick | four2zero_03:51
ubottufour2zero_: Maverick Meerkat is the codename for Ubuntu 10.10, due October 2010 - Maverick is NOT released and NOT Stable, discussion and support in #ubuntu+103:51
DoyleDeluxx: more ram03:51
tensorpuddingdavefromcamp: applications that run as root are running using administrative capabilities, and are thus vulnerable to privilege escalation bugs03:51
DeluxxHow much more?03:51
xanguaDeluxx: for ubuntu¿ better try lubuntu03:51
ubottulubuntu is a project to create a derivative of Ubuntu using the LXDE desktop environment. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu03:51
icarus-cDeluxx, what are you going to do with the machine?03:51
tensorpuddingdavefromcamp: it's more secure to have them run as a specified user, like mpd, which I believe is the default behavior in fact03:51
Doyle1.5GB... probably cheaper to buy a 2GB kit and toss the extra 500mb in the garbage03:51
slooksterpsvfour2zero - I would wait, I had to reformat today cause I had problems with 10.10 beta03:52
tensorpuddingdavefromcamp: have you edited /etc/mpd.conf? that is where the configuration is, and there is a section related to users03:52
supercom32icarus: So if a user was manipulating images in gnome, watching videos using VLC/Mplayer, etc, there's no guarantee any of those actions would be private right?03:52
DeluxxBrowse/youtube and things like java games here and there03:52
icarus-cDeluxx, GNOME desktop environment takes about 200MB at least, other system component takes <100MB,  so you have about 200 for other application.  (firefox takes up all that already)03:52
JoTedSetting up lvm2 (2.02.54-1ubuntu4) ... update-initramfs is disabled since running on read-only media03:52
davefromcampyeah and the user is correct03:53
enavjjcm let me see your server deliver mail locally but not to internet? this is correct?03:53
JoTedHow can I install lvm2 to repair a disc on the Ubuntu livecd?03:53
icarus-csupercom32, you should work on file permission so that the user could only access to his $HOME  and /tmp03:53
multipasscan anyone reccomend a good text editor for webstuff? tabbed windows/highlighting/dual views/etc ?? thanks03:53
jgaltJust installed my nvidia drivers, So far it works perfectly besides the fact that when I full screen flash videos in a browser the video goes to my secondary monitor, I've selected a primary in drivers and that doesn't seem to help03:53
DeluxxSo is there one that would go with the little amount of ram I have?03:53
jjcmenav: no.03:53
davefromcampother big question is there a way to run a script at a certain time?03:53
jjcmenav: So my server is at jjcm.org03:54
davefromcampie I want my mpd db file to 'auto update'03:54
jjcmenav: I can send email to anywhere except jjcm.org03:54
DeluxxI have another computer with 4 gigs, just wanted to put linux on this one to hopefylly make it faster (from what I read)03:54
tensorpuddingdavefromcamp: the script which starts mpd is probably in /etc/init.d/mpd03:54
jjcmenav: instead, it routs it locally03:54
jjcmenav: which is incorrect, because the mx servers are elsewhere03:54
icarus-cDeluxx, you should look at some lightweight desktop environment like xfce, lxde, enlightenment...etc  or Window Manager based setup03:54
ubottuFor help with partitioning a new install see: https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/switching/installing-partitioning.html - For partitioning programs see !GParted, !QtParted (!Kubuntu 8.10 and lower) or !PartitionManager (!Kubuntu 9.04 and up) - Other partitioning topics include !fstab !home and !swap03:54
davefromcampI tried that and it works thanks03:54
slooksterpsvDeluxx crunchbang may work better03:54
tensorpuddingdavefromcamp: system v init scripts are started depending on the runlevel, check out https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBootupHowto03:54
howie30Deluxx > there are ton of variations of linux that will run on limited machines, You could try some with xfce for less graphical use, but I've used puppylinux on slower machines, it works.. but it's not Ubuntu03:55
daddysmurfI think I might have messed up my fstab, and now my box doesn't boot. I also think the cd drive is messed up on it, because it won't boot a cd. How can I edit my fstab?03:55
MattTheComputerGwhen i enter "uname -a" it gives some basic system specs and its sys my processoe is i886 pent3 so is it a 64 or 32bit03:55
DeluxxYeah, puppylinux is the one I read some about03:55
icarus-cDeluxx, yes it would certainly be fast with Linux, but the problem is that 500MB is a little low for modern applications.  like firefox browsing google, facebook, twitter could easily use 300MB ram03:56
DeluxxI think it said like 60mb of ram so I wasn't sure if I was going "too low"03:56
daddysmurfhowie30: why not simple debian? can't you pick and choose the packages such that the size and requirements of the system are at your descretion?03:56
slooksterpsvMattTheComputerG - 32-bit, it would say x86_64 or that if it were 64-bit03:56
icarus-cDeluxx, using lightweight Desktop environment like xfce, lxde instead of GNOME should save ~100MB of ram03:56
howie30Daddysmurf> completely true, just giving alternative options03:56
enavjjcm: check your  smtp client setting and your firewall03:56
slooksterpsvbrb all gotta reboot03:57
jjcmenav: there's no firewall, and the smtp is fine, it's sending mail as expected except for on localhost03:58
MattTheComputerGok thx no i can install Heavan(Ubuntu) and get rid or Hell(Gentoo)03:58
etherealitecan initrd in a normal 10.4 install  read the cdrom drive?03:58
jgaltI've been having a hard time setting twinview for my vid drivers, Can't properly force a primary monitor, has anyone had this problem?03:58
DeluxxSo xfce would be recommended for a 500mb ram? I'd plan on upgrading to 2 gigs sometime but wanted to see what would work for now03:58
enavjjcm: well sounds like a misconfiguration,   find some exaple configuration file on internet and compare it with yours03:59
jjcmIt's the default config03:59
jjcmIt's a fresh install03:59
PrimedeathDeluxx, I'd just use Ubuntu. If you h ave any problems go to xfce.03:59
jjcmFrom what it looks like, this is the default action03:59
PrimedeathNo need to change from xfce to Gnome.04:00
jjcmOthers are having this issue as well (then again, it might not be considered an issue because what I'm trying to do is abnormal behavior)04:00
enavanyway for more accurate help try /join #ubuntu-server04:00
etherealiteGnome is lighter wieght than xfce04:00
jjcmAll I'm wondering is how I can configure sendmail to respect mx settings04:00
jiohdiDeluxx: for 500mb icewm is better than xfce perhaps even lxde04:00
jjcmenav: Already in there, waiting on answer04:00
enavyep they are slow or busy04:01
etherealitejjcm first off don't use sendmail04:01
thune3Deluxx: if you can put swap on a different hard drive from / and /home, you could squeak by on gnome if you don't run too many apps simultaneously. (gnome isn't as heavy as it used to be)04:01
etherealiteDeluxx dont use xfce it sucks on ubuntu04:02
DeluxxI'm thinking about lxde since I also read about it earlier and seemed like the right choice04:02
jiohdiDeluxx: lxde is hardly any different from xfce... someways better04:03
etherealiteDeluxx install the lubuntu package, works great if you don't have dual monitors.04:03
etherealiteit wrox xfce04:03
etherealitecan initrd in a normal 10.4 install  read the cdrom drive?04:03
slooksterpsvok almost back, kvm disables 64-bit for virtualbox - ok bb in 5 min.04:04
supercom32Is it me, or in Lucid is it not possible to unlock the "Login screen settings"?04:07
jiohdisupercom32: you can unlock it with your root password04:07
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supercom32jiohdi: I click unlock, but nothing comes up. Not even a password prompt.04:08
jiohdisupercom32: that dont sound good04:08
supercom32Perhaps a reboot is in order.04:08
qsxqsxwhat version of linux is?04:09
qsxqsxwhat distribution04:09
slooksterpsvok anyone I was talking to, I'm back04:11
etherealiteIf I break a cd with a small but sensitive file on it, in half, how easy it04:12
etherealiteIf I break a cd with a small but sensitive file on it, in half what are the chances someone could recover the file?04:12
iFireis it theoretically possible to have a linux machine output a usb3 virtual drive that acts like a real one?04:13
KB1JWQetherealite: Depends how dedicated they are.04:13
davefromcampusually cd shatter04:13
iFirevirtual in that it's a raid seen as one drive04:13
KB1JWQetherealite: Throw it in the microwave for ten seconds.04:13
etherealiteKB1JWQ ha, now theres an awesome lo-tech idea.04:14
slooksterpsvetherealite it shouldn't hurt the microwave, but don't leave in there too long lol04:14
davefromcampdoes anyone know if mpd auto updates its db or do I have to restart the server if I add music files?04:15
etherealiteslooksterpsv can initrd in a normal 10.4 install  read the cdrom drive?04:15
Chr|show do I remove the docky anchor button?04:15
Crash1hdIs there a difference between this cron */30 * * * * curl... and this cron 30 * * * * * curl...04:16
slooksterpsvetherealite I would assume, but I don't know for sure04:16
Kevin1aHey everyone.  I'm put together an XP/Ubuntu/Meego system and everything seems good, except that grub is not seeing meego.  I ran grub-update and it sees an unknown linux distro, but it doesn't show up in the list on the next boot.  Can anyone tell me what I am doing wrong?04:17
mrjnhey guys, I want to connect IR blaster from my hd-pvr to myth-tv running on Ubuntu 10.04. Do I need to compile a kernel?04:18
slooksterpsvKevin1a I'll see if I can find an answer to your question, give me a few04:18
Kevin1aOK, I'll be here.  Thankyou.04:19
slooksterpsvKevin1a it uses syslinux, grub won't be able to autodetect that04:19
etherealitemrjn find the kernel mods you need, then modprobe, if its not there, then probably yes.04:19
etherealitemrjn that is assuming that you've already install mythbuntu package.04:20
Deluxxis there guide to follow for installing lubuntu? (for a complete linux newb)04:20
mrjnetherealite: mythubuntu.. no. I just installed myth-tv packages04:20
slooksterpsvDeluxx - try it on your own it's simple really, let me know if you have questions and I can help04:21
Kevin1aOK, I know what syslinux is (I'm finally learning).  So I'll have to add it manually, or am I going to have to chainload?04:21
JapaHi, my computer is restarting every time it reaches grub. is there an easy way to fix this without reinstalling?04:21
mohan1111Hii In this image : http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_1PykOXo2c5I/TBQFQIGZspI/AAAAAAAAAUg/MRO7Fkt04tM/s1600/4.jpg   There is a bar at the end with usage, network etc... How do i install this on my computer?04:21
slooksterpsvKevin1a, that I don't know if you can manually add it, that'd be great, I don't know how you can do syslinux on grub, trying to find that out now04:21
mrjnetherealite, I do see this: dmesg | grep lirc04:21
davefromcampthanks everyone for the help!04:21
mrjn[ 4119.437256] lirc_dev: IR Remote Control driver registered, major 6104:21
DeluxxWell, I downloaded "lubuntu 10.04" but none of the files seem like they can run (I'm on windows xp btw)04:21
etherealitemrjn check the mythbuntu meta package and see if it has your ir kernel mods, i think the module might be in there.04:21
slooksterpsvDeluxx - if memory serves correctly it doesn't have a WUBI option so all you can do is use isorecorder to burn the iso to a cd/dvd and boot from that04:22
jiohdiDeluxx: if you have ubuntu up and running you can aptitude install lxde and then just chose it at login04:22
jiohdiDeluxx: its not exactly lubuntu but it works just the same04:22
DeluxxI'm on windows xp. I downloaded it from the site ubuntu, but it's not?04:23
jiohdiDeluxx: be careful about wubi installs... they tend to work until you update and then they can crash and take the windows with it04:23
slooksterpsvKevin1a if it has btrfs grub doesn't support btrfs yet04:23
EsatHow to open .class files on Java?04:23
etherealiteDeluxx get it form here https://lists.launchpad.net/lubuntu-desktop/msg01319.html04:24
DeluxxYeah, I ran one of those some time early ago and gave me a "windos no disk" error04:24
slooksterpsvjava <filenamewith.class>04:24
Kevin1aOK, so I guess I'm going to have to chainload it, or maybe I can get the meego bootloader to see ubuntu and XP04:24
slooksterpsvEsat - you would need to go into terminal and to it04:24
DeluxxOk nice, a torrent download04:24
Esatslooksterpsv,  let me do that04:25
slooksterpsvKevin1a, try that see what happens04:25
mohan1111 Hii In this image : http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_1PykOXo2c5I/TBQFQIGZspI/AAAAAAAAAUg/MRO7Fkt04tM/s1600/4.jpg   There is a bar at the end with usage, network etc... How do i install this on my computer?04:25
Chr|show do I remove the docky anchor button?04:25
slooksterpsvKevin1a let me know if it works with chainload04:25
JapaWubi installs don't work easilly with Windows 7, as there's a hidden boot partition, so the wubi loader tries to get the files from the wrong drive04:25
pw-toxic_slooksterpsv, it works!!04:25
slooksterpsvpw-toxic, awesome! =D04:25
pw-toxic_slooksterpsv, can you tell me how i can automatically start the server?04:26
slooksterpsvmohan1111 do you mean at the bottom? that's conky04:26
slooksterpsvpw-toxic_ are you doing it via ssh or vnc4server?04:26
pw-toxic_slooksterpsv, i'm using ebox.. the problem was the firewall04:26
pw-toxic_slooksterpsv, tightvncserver04:26
Esatslooksterpsv, where need i start in terminal: for example /home?04:26
pw-toxic_slooksterpsv, the only thing im doing is tightvncserver -nolisten tcp :104:26
mohan1111Chr|s: gconftool-2 –type Boolean –set /apps/docky-2/Docky/Items/DockyItem/ShowDockyItem False04:26
pw-toxic_i need this command to be started every time ubuntu starts04:26
mohan1111Chr|s: run that command04:26
slooksterpsvpw-toxic_ we need to put it in the startup area, where is that at...04:27
slooksterpsvEsat, where is the class file located at?04:27
Chr|smohan1111: ok thanks04:27
slooksterpsvEsat documents, downloads, music, etc.04:27
pw-toxic_slooksterpsv, its is enough if you show me a tutorial04:27
DeluxxThe direct download gave me a rar file, I'm assuming I burn an iso image from in there to a cd?04:27
pw-toxic_slooksterpsv, or wiki.. whatever04:27
mohan1111slooksterpsv: thanks04:27
doctorHello Everyone04:27
Esattheye are in downloaded folder04:27
slooksterpsvpw-toxic_ Add the command to the /etc/rc.local script before the exit 0 and it should run it as the last step in the boot process.04:27
DeluxxI had also downloaded "InfraRecorder", go with "write image" right?04:28
slooksterpsvEsat so in terminal type in cd ~/Downloads <enter> then type in: java ./filename.class04:28
slooksterpsvwhere filename is the file name04:28
pw-toxic_slooksterpsv, is this the normal procedure to do this? im trying to make a really clean server setup04:28
Esatslooksterpsv,  let me try again04:29
slooksterpsvpw-toxic_ yes, that way if you need specific services or programs, even ones you made/make to load on startup, this is wher eyou'd add them04:29
slooksterpsvDeluxx - that should work04:29
pw-toxic_slooksterpsv, thanks04:29
slooksterpsvDeluxx yeah sorry lol yeah04:29
DeluxxHmm.. can't find the iso file from the rar, am I missing something?04:29
slooksterpsvDeluxx did you extract the rar file with izarc or winrar?04:30
pw-toxic_slooksterpsv, i should have looked up the script before asking.. im sorry..  the script is quite empty so its looks quite "clean" ;))))04:30
Aemaethhow do i set a script so that i can run it anywhere without the file being in the directory?04:31
DeluxxThere's a "lubuntu" file but doesn't show up as an iso file04:31
Kevin1aI'll be back later.  I'm not sure exactly what I'm doing, so this might take me half the night.  Thanks for the help04:31
slooksterpsvKevin1a let us know we can help ya out ok =D04:31
slooksterpsvDeluxx - how large is the lubuntu file?04:32
Esatslooksterpsv, : the files in this folder: /home/yusuf/İndirilenler/electric_8.10-1_all.deb/data/usr/share/java/electric/com/sun/electric/04:32
slooksterpsvDeluxx it should be around 533 mb04:32
jiffe99question, I am trying to start 2 instances of mysql-proxy, so I created 2 init scripts and have same named files under /etc/default, their own pids, even their own symlinks to the daemon binary, but I can only start one at a time, any idea why?04:32
didiIs it possible to make Metacity don't decorate the windows? I would like to get rid of the upper bar.04:32
UltraParadigmI got my Google App Engine program ready to publish, but I can't create my account because they want to authenticate with a cell phone number.04:32
UltraParadigmNo way in hell I'm giving them a cell phone number04:32
Deluxx48mb wow.. no wonder it downloaded so fast (for the second time).. let me just wait for the torrent04:33
purrdetaget a google voice number :P04:33
Deluxxdidn't even think to check file size :s04:33
slooksterpsvEsat haha ok, you have to extract the deb file, type in the following04:33
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UltraParadigmDoes google voice support SMS?04:33
UltraParadigmhmm, Well worth a try04:33
purrdetaIt may work *shrug*04:33
jiffe99yeah I use google voice for all my smsing04:33
UltraParadigmMy cell phone is a virgin moble prepaid because i don't rely need one, only for emergencies04:33
purrdetaah yes04:34
jiffe99wish they supported multiple recipients though04:34
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!04:34
Esatslooksterpsv, i extract the deb already04:34
UltraParadigmI don't know if they suport that04:34
slooksterpsvEsat dpkg -x ./electric_8.10-1_all.deb ./electric - and it'll extract it to the folder electric04:34
doctorIt's really very hot04:34
slooksterpsvEsat ok, perfect, then just cd to that directory (cd = change directory), so cd /home/yusuf/İndirilenler/electric_8.10-1_all.deb/data/usr/share/java/electric/com/sun/electric/04:34
slooksterpsvEsat: then press enter and type in: java ./filename.class04:35
Crash1hdIS there a way to stop cron form email 1 of the cron jobs? while still emailing others?04:35
mrjnetherealite, I'm able to modprobe lirc_mceusb04:35
Esatslooksterpsv, i m here: yusuf@yusuf:~/İndirilenler/electric_8.10-1_all.deb/data/usr/share/java/electric/04:35
etherealitemrjn sounds like it should be working to me then. Beyond that I can't help you.04:36
pw-toxicslooksterpsv, the server didnt start automatically ;(((04:36
slooksterpsvEsatok then what is the class name called04:36
slooksterpsv*Esat what is the class file name04:36
slooksterpsvpw-toxic, dang lemme see04:36
pw-toxicslooksterpsv, i guess i did something wrong.. but i dont know how to debug04:37
slooksterpsvEsat run java ./client.class04:37
slooksterpsvpw-toxic is the command before exit 0?04:37
pw-toxicslooksterpsv, yes04:37
Agent001How can i burn an audio cd on ubuntu?04:37
pw-toxica question: rc.local is exeuted as root?04:37
Agent001The default burner only burns data disc04:37
slooksterpsvpw-toxic it's executed at the runlevel so yes04:38
Esatwhen i run this command, it says me this: Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: //client/class04:38
slooksterpsvEsat, hmmmm, I don't know how to debug java04:38
wcheungHas anyone setup Ubuntu 10.04.1 as a NIS client to a Solaris NIS server that uses shadow passwords?04:38
Esatslooksterpsv, May i open .class files with GUI software like Class Editor?04:39
pw-toxicslooksterpsv, my german wiki tells me, that since ubuntu 10.04  this file is replaced by Upstart04:39
slooksterpsvesat, sure04:39
slooksterpsvpw-toxic I forgot about upstart04:39
Esatslooksterpsv, i open the .class file, but there is not ant text04:40
pw-toxicslooksterpsv, there is a wiki entry.. ill try it and tell you if it worked04:40
thune3Crash1hd: i think if you push all output to /dev/null then no mail will occur, but i'm not 100%. command >/dev/null 2>&104:40
wcheungOr is familiar with whatver pam.d changes are needed to read NIS-provided shadow passwords?  I thought pam_unix.so would just work?04:40
Crash1hdthune3, will give it a try thanks :) I have a cron that runs every 1/2 hr04:40
Esatslooksterpsv,  have you ever used the Class Editor?04:41
slooksterpsvEsat I have not04:41
Esatslooksterpsv,  ok, thanks04:41
thune3Crash1hd: a variation is to just redirect stdout to /dev/null (>/dev/null), and leave stderr to send a mail if error output is produced.04:41
supercom32Hrmm.... When I try to "Unlock" the Login Screen Settings, I get this in Lucid: "Failed to unlock: The name org.gnome.DisplayManager was not provided by any .service files"04:42
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slooksterpsvEsat I'm downloading the file right now, I'll see if I can help you out, I know how to program so I may be able to help in the lingo sense04:42
Crash1hdthune3, is that by doing without the 2>&104:42
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thune3Crash1hd: right04:42
Esatslooksterpsv,  thank you04:42
Esatslooksterpsv,  i will wait your answer04:43
h00k!cn | sunwear04:43
Crash1hdthune3, ok was googling what that does :)04:43
ubottusunwear: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk04:43
Crash1hdthune3, thanks :)04:43
wcheungAnybody setup Ubuntu as a NIS client?04:43
sunweari know04:44
pw-toxicslooksterpsv, do you know about runlevels?04:44
pw-toxicslooksterpsv, "start on runlevel [2345]" ... what runlevel should i choose for tightvncserver?04:44
quietonecan anyone talk me through what I should do to connect to internet via bluetooth 3G phone. DUN/NAP/PAN/pan0/bnep0/WAP/ppp0! which ones do I need?04:45
EsatHow to edit .class files to use Java Class Editor software?04:45
slooksterpsvpw-toxic I believe... 2 is what you want04:46
enav.class files are the binary outcome of compitation procces04:46
Esatenav, are there language codes ?04:47
supercom32Can anyone with Lucid unlock the Login Screen Settings successfully? Or is this a bug?04:47
enavjust machine language  not source code04:47
enavbits  010101000001010104:48
slooksterpsvEsat enav is right it's already compiled, so you can't read it04:48
enavwell humans can't...  to make a binary file readable for humand you need to decompile the code04:48
Esatslooksterpsv, i want to translate software's to my parent language04:48
enavuse some java decompilator04:48
Esatenav, Java Class Editor is not compilator?04:49
Agent001How can i burn an audio cd on ubuntu?04:49
Agent001The default burner only burns data disc04:49
enavi d k04:49
enavAgent001: that is not true04:49
Agent001its true04:49
enav100 buck is false04:50
=== _BEAST is now known as MAD_BEAST
EsatWhat can i do to translate the software to another language? slooksterpsv04:50
Agent001OK, then how do i set it audio burn?04:50
slooksterpsvpw-toxic_ did 2 work?04:50
tensorpuddingEsat: Java Class Editor seems to use javaprec to compile programs in a way that they can be edited at runtime04:50
pw-toxic_slooksterpsv, nope ;/04:50
slooksterpsvEsat do you have the source04:50
tensorpuddingEsat: assuming you're talking about http://class-editor.sourceforge.net/04:50
Esatslooksterpsv, i dont know, i habe many folder in this directory04:51
enavopen applications ---> sound & video --> Brasero burning04:51
MAD_BEASTanyone know how to ping gps satellites with morris code ?04:51
pw-toxic_slooksterpsv, anyway rc.local should still work because its only deprecated.. not removed04:51
enavthe first option says  AUDIO project04:51
Esattensorpudding, : yes04:51
slooksterpsvpw-toxic_ http://www.ivankristianto.com/os/ubuntu/howto-run-script-on-boot-process-in-ubuntu/1171/ yeah04:51
enavMAD_BEAST: ping what?????04:51
tensorpuddingEsat: you need to use that ROM thing, have you read the instructions on that site?04:51
Agent001ok east04:51
slooksterpsvpw-toxic_ the rc.local in init.d should work04:51
Agent001u're right04:51
Agent001cool man thx04:51
enavburn your stuff to 19 X04:52
tensorpuddingEsat: if your goal is to port this software to a different language, you almost certainly don't want to use this, though.04:52
enav10 X04:52
thune3supercom32: you run ldxe as well as gnome from gdm?04:52
bpatelI need help getting wifi running on my laptop ThinkPad T510 Intel Wifi Link 625004:52
pw-toxic_slooksterpsv, when im booting I only see a ubuntu logo.. i want to see more!!  what is ubuntu doing on startup etc.. some feedback... is there an option?04:52
etherealiteCan someone tell me which cli cd burning tool to install?04:52
MAD_BEASTwrong channel sorry , I knew the answer to my question04:52
Agent001east, why 19x?04:52
pw-toxic_slooksterpsv, and since this is very fast.. where can i access what happened at startup?04:52
Esattensorpudding, so what can i do to translate?04:52
enavAgent001: 10 X04:53
enavor lower04:53
tensorpuddingEsat: What are you trying to translate it to?04:53
tensorpuddingEsat: And why?04:53
Agent001east, why though?04:53
MAD_BEASTanyone know a good channel for wifi umm scripting ?04:53
Esattensorpudding, i want to translate all of the software to my parent language: For example: the menüs, the dialogs04:53
Esatcoz, it is English software04:54
Esatand open source04:54
Agent001why at 10x? and not maximum?04:54
tensorpuddingEsat: Using the runtime class editor for that is stupid04:54
Agent001wouldnt that be slower04:54
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Esattensorpudding, so what can i do?04:54
tensorpuddingEsat: The best way to translate is to edit the source code04:54
enavAgent001: maximun speed cause some times writte erros04:54
slooksterpsvpw-toxic_  hmmm trying to find how we do that04:54
=== MAD_BEAST is now known as TeTH3R
Agent001and 10x is guranteed?04:55
pw-toxic_slooksterpsv, going for reboot now... when i connect with new name like _... im back04:55
Esattensorpudding,  where can i know which ones are source codes?04:55
enavAgent001: some cheap chineese CD player can read cd burned at 12 X  for example04:55
tensorpuddingEsat: Presumably the GUI code that includes error messages, and just about anything where text is printed to the user, can be edited to take into account locale information, with some work, and provide the right language.04:55
slooksterpsvpw_toxic_ found the info we need lol04:55
tensorpuddingEsat: Do you know anything about Java, or programming?04:56
enavi recommend burn data at 8X   audio CD to04:56
Esati just want to translate04:56
Agent001my entire system just ffroze  and i can only type in this chat box04:56
tensorpuddingEsat: Basically, you could just look for wherever there is a printed string, and translate it.04:56
Agent001cool man, 10x!!04:56
pw-toxicslooksterpsv, still doesnt work... really strange04:57
Esattensorpudding,  there are hundreds files in this software. how can i find which one i will translate?04:57
tensorpuddingEsat: There are probably quite a few files you'll have to check for strings to translate.04:58
slooksterpsvpw_toxic ok gimme a sec04:58
scribawfkernal won't update any suggestions, please?04:58
enavEsat: what app you want to translate04:58
Esatenav: Electrical CAD system which in in Ubuntu repositories04:59
Esatyou can access it with Ubuntu Software Center04:59
enavEsat: and what language?04:59
enavgermany? spanish?04:59
Esatit is orjinally English04:59
tensorpuddingEsat: You probably need to know a little bit about the organization of the source to find out which files to translate.04:59
Esattensorpudding,  yes05:00
Esatall of the source code is on my hard disk05:00
Esatbut i cant find them05:00
pw-toxicdoes anyone know a webpage where i can see a list of helpful ubuntu programs?05:00
tensorpuddingEsat: the "right" way to do it would be to make it so that the translation is maintainable, by removing the hardcoded language strings and enabling it to determine language through locale settings05:00
pw-toxicfor example like an automatic backup program?05:01
pw-toxicor gnome-do?05:01
enavEsat withc language you want to translate to05:01
Esatenav, Turkish05:01
AbhiJitpw-toxic, you can find list in software center05:01
tensorpuddingEsat: but that would actually require you to know Java, and to communicate with the developers of this software.05:01
pw-toxicAbhiJit, where do i find software center?05:01
icarus-cpw-toxic, i think software center does the job05:01
AbhiJitpw-toxic, application=>software center05:02
Esattensorpudding, why i need to comminication with the developers?05:02
Agent001btw, i didn't fall for your trap enav05:02
icarus-cpw-toxic, ew,  GNOME menu: Applications -> Ubuntu software center05:02
Agent001I'm burning at max speed05:02
pw-toxicicarus-c, lol cool! thx05:02
tensorpuddingEsat: because if your translation doesn't keep up-to-date with the upstream devs, it will never get kept up-to-date with the latest version, unless you handle that yourself05:02
enavEsat let me help you with this...  translating is a good way to collaborate with open source comunity05:02
icarus-cpw-toxic, for backup, a nice tool is backintime05:02
Esattensorpudding,  i know something about programming,05:02
aslamhello I am using ubuntu 10 I am not able to use copy and paste like unix terminal05:02
enavAgent001: what?05:03
icarus-cpw-toxic, it is like Mac OS X' Time machine05:03
Esatenav, : i am waiting your answer05:03
AbhiJitaslam, 10.??05:03
aslamthe new one05:03
enavEsat  im cheking electrical CAD web site05:03
AbhiJitaslam, 10.04 or 10.1005:03
enavEsat give me a sec05:03
Esatenav, : ok05:03
multipassCan anyone reccomend some advanced text editors like Kate or Notepad++???05:03
icarus-cpw-toxic, backintime is a GUI frontend to command line utility like rsync, rdiff05:03
icarus-cmultipass, vim, emacs05:03
aslamLinux aslam-laptop 2.6.32-24-generic #43-Ubuntu SMP Thu Sep 16 14:17:33 UTC 2010 i686 GNU/Linux05:03
pw-toxicicarus-c, yes i know backintime.. i was using it but i didnt remember the name because i have set up my serveral totally new ;)05:03
Esattensorpudding,  if you also help me about this, it is very good for our languages improve05:03
icarus-cmultipass, notepad++ is kinda weak comparing with them :)05:04
multipassicarus-c: im sure, but im mearly doing web development, so it might be over the top05:04
pw-toxicicarus-c, i have a 5TB fileserver on my server running making automatic backups with backintime.. i LOVE it05:04
tensorpuddingEsat: i.e. if you translate version 2.0, and they release an update to 2.1, you need to update your translation to 2.1 by taking all your translation patches and fixing them to apply to 2.1, and then adding new patches to patch the new things added in the release.05:04
aslamyou there05:04
aslamcan you tell me how to check the version05:04
aslamis it uname -a05:04
multipassicarus-c: i did try them out to, kinda was hard to get the hang of after using stuff like notepad++05:04
AbhiJitaslam, lsb_release -a05:04
icarus-cmultipass, some good "casual" text editors are gedit , kwrite, kate05:05
aslammine is 10.04.105:05
tensorpuddingEsat: I'm pretty sure that the Ubuntu/Gnome teams design their software to be easily translated, especially by people who don't know how to program, but this software probably is not.05:05
nataliДоброе время суток...05:05
tensorpudding!ru | natali05:05
ubottunatali: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke05:05
Esattensorpudding, : i know05:06
Deluxxdownloaded Puppy Linux and the iso file came as a rar, is that normal? because I can't find a .iso in there05:06
icarus-ctensorpudding, yes. translation is modular05:06
AbhiJitaslam, so what actually issue with copy pasting?05:06
aslami am not able to copy and paste via mouse selection05:06
AbhiJitaslam, in terminal?05:06
multipassicarus-c: so can gedit be modded out to be near notepadd++ any idea?05:06
^LestatIs this the channel for "Im used to windows, can I get help here?"05:06
etherealiteWhy isn't this working: sudo wodim -scanbus ????05:06
MasterofPuppetsHey guys. Laptop sees wireless networks but can't connect. Drivers are updated. Advice?05:06
AbhiJitaslam, did you first just select text with mouse and then in terminal right press the mouse wheel? what doesw it to?05:07
icarus-cmultipass, i don't know what notepad++ you need, so the best would be you try by yourself05:07
AbhiJit^Lestat, no05:07
AbhiJit!windows | ^Lestat05:07
ubottu^Lestat: For discussion on Microsoft software, or help with same, please visit ##windows. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and /msg ubottu equivalents05:07
nataliA chto? tut Russko yazi4nih net ?05:07
TeTH3Rmaster use only one wifi  software to connect05:07
aslami am using a laptop05:07
Esattensorpudding, the most important thing which to translate orjinally software05:07
enavEsat where you get the source05:07
aslamwith the touch pads05:07
Esatthe others are easy05:07
AbhiJitaslam, you mean are refferering mouse to your touchpad?05:07
^LestatAbhiJit: Is there an irc channel for guys like me?05:07
Aciidgeeez people are random here05:07
icarus-cmultipass, after all,  if you are stuck with notepad++, you could use it with Wine on Linux05:07
slooksterpsvpw_toxic not gonna work with tightvncserver05:07
multipassicarus-c: ok, will do-- tabbed windows, dual views(side by side), syntax highoighting, possibly ftp...05:07
Esatenav,  i dowanloaded the .deb05:08
aslamAbhi, yes05:08
tensorpuddingEsat: but anyway, you probably should find this project's mailing list, and get acquainted with them and tell them about your interest to translate the project. They might make changes to make it easier for you to translate.05:08
AbhiJit^Lestat, for windows there is channel ##windows to join type /j ##windows. this is ubuntu support channel05:08
aslamI have not connected any mouse05:08
Esatbut i dont remember where i downloaded it05:08
TeTH3Rrandom and a little to serious05:08
multipassicarus-c: yeah, i am considering it, but not sure yet :b seing whats out there05:08
AbhiJitaslam, did that worked before?05:08
enavEsat: are you java programmer?05:08
Esattensorpudding, maybe i wil contact with them05:08
Esatenav,  no05:08
AbhiJitaslam, because i dunno if we can do that using touchpad i never done that05:08
^Lestatthats whut I meant. Im a windows user, but am now running ubuntu05:08
^Lestatand I am LOVING this.05:08
AbhiJit^Lestat, you want support for ubuntu?05:08
Jesdisciplethen ur an X-Windows user =p05:09
aslambut why do I need to go to windows05:09
Esatit is not important , i know what i translate05:09
TeTH3Rwhat is your goal05:09
AbhiJitaslam, who told you to go to windows?05:09
^Lestatwell, I would like help linking my pidgin in ubuntu to my dropbox05:09
^Lestatbut when Ive read online is confusing to me05:09
aslamwell I am new to IRC05:09
TeTH3Rpidgin ? AKAMAI05:09
^LestatIve got dropbox installed05:09
Deluxxcan someone help me with installing puppy linux?05:09
Esatenav, if you want i can type what folder are there05:09
jimbozokay, so...I just switched from win7 to ubuntu for fun05:10
aslamno clue how things goes here05:10
AbhiJitDeluxx, this is ubuntu support channel.05:10
^Lestatinstalling stuff so far has been easy05:10
jimbozand the one thing I miss is the ability to change the color saturation of my display via software05:10
aslamjust saw that go to #window or some thing05:10
AbhiJit!guidelines | askhl this may help you understand how things goes here!05:10
ubottuaskhl this may help you understand how things goes here!: The guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines05:10
jimbozthe intel graphics panel let me do just that05:10
TeTH3ROh geez05:10
AbhiJitaslam, that go to #windows was not for yoou05:10
enavEsat: the best you can do is contac the development team of this software here http://www.gnu.org/software/electric/    and request the language pack to do a new translation... or just request support from the development team to get information about how to translate that software05:10
jimbozso i'm wondering can i do this in ubuntu?05:10
TeTH3Rlive a little05:10
aslamoh okay05:10
Esatenav, ,  had better to do that05:11
aslamso do you know any clue why is like that05:11
AbhiJitbut aht guidelies was for you aslam ^^ see above ubottu's msg of !guidelines05:11
TeTH3Rits open source you can build defense systems or make video games05:11
AbhiJitaslam, does the touchpad copy pasting worked before?05:11
aslamyeah I clicked that05:11
aslamwell n05:12
Agent001enav, burn done in 3 mintues, no error05:12
enavEsat translate a program is not like translate a openoffice document...   is not impossible but need some theoretical firmament to do that....    just contac the development team... im sure they will be happy to have a translator05:12
aslamabhijith, did you get what i ment05:12
AbhiJitaslam, ammm you mean you want the touchpad to act like mouse and to that  copy paste thingy? right?05:13
aslamlike in bash shell you can just copy and paist with right and left click for your mouse right05:13
enavAgent001:  cool... i just burn all my disc to 10 X   just for precaution05:13
Esatenav, : i am trying to contact with them05:13
AbhiJitaslam, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=96112205:13
Esatenav,  thank you so much05:13
Agent001I think you're just paranoid05:13
Agent001but thanks05:13
TeTH3Rwho is paranoid05:13
enavAgent001: lol05:13
^LestatDocky is jewl ;D05:13
TeTH3Rabout what05:13
TeTH3Rplease make my night05:13
jimbozanyone know how to adjust the color saturation in ubuntu?05:14
vrakeshneed help with thunderbird05:14
AbhiJitvrakesh, ask. to channel. in general. with details in one line.05:14
TeTH3Rwhat in thundderbird ?05:14
TeTH3Rwhat the NOID story05:14
vrakeshi installed enigmail in thunderbird... now i am not able to saw the images in mails05:14
enavAgent001: my theory have a scientific explanation... I'm not dancing with ghosts05:14
vrakeshTeTH3r: yes PGP05:15
TeTH3Rwhats the problem its as easy as PGP gets05:15
vrakeshnow i uninstalled it but still not able to see the images in mails05:15
TeTH3Rshow remote content05:15
AbhiJitvrakesh, try in #thunderbird on server irc.mozilla.org05:15
flan_suseFreenode webchat05:15
vrakeshAbhijit, can you pls explain me more05:16
TeTH3RPGP in Thunderbird in ubuntu05:16
AbhiJitvrakesh, no.05:16
MasterofPuppetsHey guys. Laptop sees wireless networks but can't connect. Drivers are updated. Advice?05:16
TeTH3Riwconfig  master05:16
vrakeshany help?05:16
vedderQUE WEBBA05:17
AbhiJitvrakesh, type /newserver irc.mozilla.org it will take you to their irc server after that either it will ask you to type channel name or you manualy type /j #thunderbird then ask your question there05:17
^Lestatso does using the cmd line get easier over time?05:17
TeTH3Ryou cant see pics ?05:17
enavactually i got 15 SCVs fixing my computer05:17
songervedder: no escribas todo en mayusculas, va contra las normas. La proxima vez seras expulsado.05:17
vrakeshTeTH3r: yes i cant pictures05:17
TeTH3Rlestat yes05:17
veddery eso por que?05:17
pineapplezafternoon gents05:17
aslamAbi, thanks05:17
TeTH3Rcan you encrypt and sign05:17
veddercuales normas?05:17
^LestatTheres a lot of flags and such to remember05:17
AbhiJitaslam, did that worked? :o05:18
aslamI am just reading05:18
pineapplezquick question gents05:18
aslamlooks like it the same05:18
tensorpuddingvedder: /join #ubuntu-es, por favor05:18
AbhiJitaslam, bye.05:18
TeTH3Rits default to send in HTML and I have had a similar issue05:18
AbhiJitbye all! :)05:18
vedderpor favor que?05:18
tensorpudding!es | vedder05:18
ubottuvedder: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.05:18
pineapplezthe "Use system defaults" in the Terminal Prefs for Color and Background is nice .. but where can i change the system defaults ???05:19
vedderexpliquenme que pasa05:19
TeTH3Rbuenos noches hombre05:19
vedderah ok05:19
veddergracias mas05:19
slooksterpsvpw-toxic still working on this dude lol05:19
^LestatI started by installing v9 and Have since upgraded to 10.405:19
TeTH3Rsudo man good stuff ;)05:19
pw-toxicslooksterpsv, me too ;05:19
Krishnandupineapplez, Edit > Profile Preferences05:20
^LestatNow when I start up using the default kernel, I get a black/ blank screen ;(05:20
TeTH3RPGP guy where you at05:20
supercom32In Ubuntu's System Monitor, I see 4 CPU's. I thought because I'm running an Intel Atom 330, I should only have 2 cores?05:20
^LestatI I have to 'esc' at the grub and choose 1 later version05:20
^LestatIs there a way to adjust the grub so it just loads the 2nd kernel as default?05:20
^Lestatum, and wuts a kernel?05:21
Krishnandu^Lestat, edit menu.list05:21
supercom32In Ubuntu's System Monitor, I see 4 CPU's. I thought because I'm running an Intel Atom 330, I should only have 2 cores?05:21
PrimedeathIs there any way to set the ALT+MIDDLE Click for Resizing windows to ALT+Right click?05:22
^LestatI suppose there are a lot of reasons why it does not like kernel option #105:22
jimbozi'm looking for an EQ app that'll let me tweak the saturation of my display05:23
^LestatRunning 10.4 on an old Lattitude d500. I wish I had the guts to mess with ubuntu years ago. This is pretty slick for FREE05:23
ashok_shettyhey any body tell me how to find installed programmes05:24
=== TeTH3R is now known as G1Bs0N
Krishnanduashok_shetty, Applications > Ubuntu Software Center05:24
Zelozelosashok_shetty, goto the ubuntu software center05:24
pineapplezAnyone knows how to change the Default system theme options as to the Terminal Colours?05:24
Zelozelospineapplez, open a terminal, goto edit, properties r smthin like that05:25
vrakeshTeTH3r: im still stuck05:25
Zelozelospineapplez, profile options it called05:26
ashok_shettyKrishnandu: dude i didt find the one  check in terminalwich im looking for tell me how to05:26
ashok_shettyKrishnandu: : dude i didt find the one wich im looking for tell me how to find in terminal05:26
Seven_Six_TwoI have logged in to a remote Solaris server with ssh -X and started gnome-session to get a desktop. I get the desktop successfully, but I can't get a panel because I can't stop gnome-panel without it restarting. The only guide I could find said to look for session manager, but that's not listed in my menus. Is there another way to temporarily disable gnome-panel without having to start it by hand every time I log in?05:27
Krishnanduashok_shetty, go to software center then click installed software. It'll list all the installed softwares on your system.05:27
znishere any point in using software raid on a laptop?05:28
^Lestatis "kernel" the same as OS?05:28
znisi only have one harddisk05:28
aetaric!kernel | ^Lestat05:28
ubottu^Lestat: The core of the Ubuntu Operating System is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, but if you're convinced you do, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile - See also: /msg ubottu stages05:28
tensorpudding^Lestat: no05:28
^Lestatheh, Im already on that wiki page.05:28
ashok_shettyKrishnandu: dude i checked but it didt showed wich im looking for ysterday i installed keylooger , but now i want to find whether it s installed r not05:28
vrakeshall: i installed openPGP/enigmail in thunderbird.... but i am not able to see the pictures in mails... can anyone help me with this05:28
Destonedi need assistance please05:29
Seven_Six_Two^Lestat, with Linux, the kernel gives Linux its name, but they aren't interchangeable.05:29
^Lestatsure sounds like one05:29
jimbozyo yo yo05:29
Krishnanduashok_shetty, if you've installed it it would be there.05:29
Seven_Six_Two^Lestat, an OS is more than just the kernel05:29
aetarictensorpudding: pretty sure the OS you run if you are running Ubuntu is Linux and Linux refers to the Kernel.. The DISTRO is Ubuntu05:29
=== spartan117 is now known as spartan
DestonedQuestion #1: Does anyone play minecraft on linux? i need assistance setting up womclient on linux, it may seem stupid but i am really in a rush05:29
ashok_shettyKrishnandu: installation failed05:29
^Lestatso So ubuntu is the OS using a linux kernel?05:29
Krishnanduashok_shetty, so how would it come there..??05:29
Zelozelos^Lestat simply put, the kernal translates the 1's n 0's for the processor, the os is the code thats translated05:29
Krishnanduashok_shetty, it's not installed05:29
Gnea^Lestat: correct.05:29
Zelozelosi think05:29
tensorpuddingThe OS is not the same as the kernel, though.05:29
=== spartan is now known as Guest86247
ashok_shettyKrishnandu: ya ur rite05:30
^Lestatand both are open source05:30
aetaric^Lestat: no ubuntu is a Distro of Linux05:30
=== Guest86247 is now known as spartan117
^Lestatoi. Im so confused05:30
icarus-caetaric, and a linux distro is an OS05:30
jimbozis there a tweak to change the saturation or vibrance of my display? :)P05:30
pw-toxicslooksterpsv, any results? ;)05:30
Krishnanduashok_shetty, :)05:30
aetaricicarus-c: yep. just being difficult :)05:31
aetaricwell, more like precise05:31
icarus-c^Lestat,   ubuntu (a linux distro)  runs on Linux05:31
ZykoticK9^Lestat, linux kernel + GNU tools = linux OS, ubuntu is a distro of linux05:31
icarus-c^Lestat, that distro is an OS05:31
PrimedeathLinux running Linux within Linux.05:31
G1Bs0NLestat what are your goals05:31
DestonedIs anyone here familiar with Minecraft / WOMCLIENT?05:32
didiIs it possible to change the gdm's theme?05:32
icarus-c^Lestat, generally, by saying  GNU/Linux we refer to a linux distribution, hence, a OS.   when we say Linux,  we refer to the kernel05:32
aetaric!repeat | Destoned05:32
ubottuDestoned: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://ubuntu.stackexchange.com05:32
^LestatMy goal is currently just to undersetand what Im working with before I dknow the "how" ;D05:32
tensorpuddingThe kernel is not the only thing, though, otherwise Android would rightly be called Linux too.05:32
G1Bs0Ncrawl before you walk05:32
Krishnandudidi, right click on desktop > change desktop background > theme05:32
aetaricandroid is a linux distro05:32
G1Bs0Nit is linux05:33
^LestatIts just amazing that its free05:33
aetarici know. that was a statement05:33
Blue1G1Bs0N: can you root an android device?05:33
G1Bs0Nall of them05:33
aetaricBlue1: old news man05:33
G1Bs0Nsamsung htc whatever you got05:33
icarus-c^Lestat, yesterday someone wasn't like you, he go kernel.org and download Linux before he understand what's linux and a linux distro05:34
Blue1aetaric: well I don't use a cell phone but about 5-10 min/month so I don't know.05:34
Pentium3Good evening05:34
didiKrishnandu: I don't see anything specifically to gdm. Am I missing something?05:34
G1Bs0Nold news but i have old roots that are stripped of code05:34
aetaricBlue1: a smiple google sells you it is. :p05:34
aemaethI need to know how i can import a script file so i can call it in any directory in my cli without needing the file there, how would i do this?05:34
Krishnandudidi, you want to change the theme right...??05:34
^Lestatheh Im not going to mess with this menu list until I learn more.05:34
G1Bs0NBlue1: what up05:34
Pentium3aemaeth: i think you put it in /sbin/05:35
didiKrishnandu: Yes. But not of Metacity. From gdm, the login stage.05:35
aemaethPentium3, i'll try that now05:35
aetaricaemaeth: sudo cp /path/to/script /usr/bin05:35
Seven_Six_Twomy first install was Debian Woody doing manual package selection (I thought I was a smarty-pants). It was a very long and drawn out FAIL05:35
Emanonaemaeth: like the word used to animate the golem?05:35
aetaricPentium3: it is a user script, therefore, /usr/bin05:36
aemaethaetaric, i actually tried /usr/bin and it won't work05:36
G1Bs0NBlue1: you get a droid ?05:36
aetarictype $PATH in the terminal05:36
aemaethor maybe i don't know how to call it properly, tried tab to complete and nothing, typed mantually and nothing05:36
Pentium3aetaric: sorry, its getting late for me :)05:36
glebihandidi: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/gdm2-setup-a-login-interface-management-utility-for-the-new-gdm.html05:36
Krishnandudidi, ohh sorry...dunno that..but I think removing / changing that will make your system unstable coz of plymouth...05:36
Seven_Six_Two^Lestat, did you create a separate partition for your /home   ?05:36
pw-toxicslooksterpsv, you still there? ;)05:37
^LestatI just ran with the default setup05:37
* quiesense dies.05:37
aemaethaetaric, what do you need from that?05:37
quiesensesilly router05:37
slooksterpsvpw-toxic yeah still working on it lol05:37
slooksterpsvpw-toxic this is tough05:37
aemaethi do see many places with bin05:37
aetaricaemaeth: you can put it in any of those dirs as long as the script has execute perms on it05:37
aemaethi see, it could be as simple as they don't have those permissions05:38
aetaricchmod 777 scriptname will do the trick05:38
pw-toxicslooksterpsv, on what are you working? showing more information on startup or getting my tightvncviewer running on startup? ;)05:38
aetaricthen copy it05:38
didiKrishnandu: Really? Hum... That's a shame. Thank you, anyway.05:38
slooksterpsvpw-toxic not tightvncserver but any vncserver to work05:38
DestonedAnyone Familiar with .sh files, Minecraft, and WOMCLIENT?05:38
pw-toxicslooksterpsv, the vnc server works.. but not on startup05:39
pw-toxicslooksterpsv, i have to call it manually05:39
alesterWhat's preferred package maanger these days?05:39
aetaric!anyone | Destoned05:39
ubottuDestoned: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?05:39
G1Bs0Ntry metaspolit05:39
Destonedthat was my real question05:39
aemaethaetaric, thank you very much, this has solved my problem05:39
Krishnandudidi, I'm nt sure...try what glebihan suggested05:39
aetaricno problem aemaeth, glad i could help05:39
didiglebihan: Oh, I see. But it's sad that I need to install a third party software to do something that I was always able to do.05:39
ashok_shettyim getting error while installing lkl keylogger05:40
didiglebihan: Thank you, by the way.05:40
MAUOP#alternc go05:40
G1Bs0Nkeylogger whaaaaa05:40
glebihandidi: yes the configuration options have been removed since lucid05:40
MAUOP#alternc go05:40
aetaricwait... you WANT to install a keylogger?05:40
MAUOP#alternc go05:40
KrishnanduDestoned, what's problem with .sh files..?? Though I'm not an expert05:40
DestonedUbuntuwhat ubuntu help channels are available?05:40
glebihandidi: don't know why05:40
Destonedi just need to get it to run05:40
Destonedits associated with java05:40
jimbozanyone know how to adjust the color saturation in ubuntu?05:41
Seven_Six_Two^Lestat, what irc program are you using? If you type the first few characters of someone's nickname and hit tab, it should autocomplete in most cases. That makes it easier to see replies. Also, if you create a separate /home partition, you don't have to worry about breaking anything. A reinstall (manual partitioning again) you can select "don't format" for your home partition, and all of your files, settings etc will still be th05:41
Seven_Six_Twoere after the reinstall.05:41
jukso if i have sshd running and my root pass is 12345 everyone is welcome to be root on my my machine05:41
jimboz(sorry for repeating the questions so much)05:41
^Lestatok so bootstrap says "Hey Mr Kernel, please instantiate with these paramters"05:41
Krishnanduglebihan, didi just coz of plymouth...!!05:41
Destonedim assuming no reply means no idea?05:41
KrishnanduDestoned, what's your query buddy..??05:41
Destonedwhat is that..?05:41
JeffersonWondering if someone could help me out I have a Asus Labtop thats a G50VT, and its running ubuntu 8.10 on it, and with the wireless then its kinda of having problems05:42
^LestatSeven_Six_Two: Pidgin05:42
Seven_Six_Twojuk, if you forward the ssh port from your router and your isp doesn't block05:42
didiKrishnandu: But plymouth runs before gdm. And gdm has nothing to do with boot.05:42
aetaricDestoned: if you just ask the actual question, i'm sure we can help you05:42
mocha0rangeDestoned: sorry, just got here - what seems to be the problem? it's not running... what's the error/output?05:42
glebihanKrishnandu: I hate plymouth... can't even get to have a splash screen working on startup...05:42
Krishnandudidi, well....I said I'm not sure...05:42
Seven_Six_Two^Lestat, oh I'm not sure about how Pidgin works. I hop between xchat and irssi05:42
didiKrishnandu: OK.05:42
aetaricirssi is ftw05:42
Jeffersonif I have a password on the internet then when I enter it into the network configuration then sometimes it'll connect and work, but it also like encrypts the password05:42
Destoned"minecraft-osx.sh" is an executable text file.05:42
^LestatSeven_Six_Two: Any recomends for /home partition size?05:42
Destonedwhen i try running it05:42
Krishnandudidi, coz plymouth is integrated such that changing anything related to it will harm the system05:42
Destonedthere is a way to run it, i just dont know how05:43
Jeffersonbut if i take the password off the internet then the wireless on my labtop works jst find05:43
Krishnanduglebihan, ya :(05:43
Jeffersonwould anyone know a solution05:43
mocha0rangeDestoned: ./script.sh05:43
slooksterpsvpw-toxic - OMG I GOT IT!05:43
ashok_shettyhow to chect installed soft..in terminal05:43
Seven_Six_Two^Lestat, I allow about 2GB for swap, 10GB for / and the rest for home (and another for storage) taking up the rest of the space05:43
Destonedwhat mocha0range?05:43
pw-toxicslooksterpsv, so let me know ;)05:43
Artemis3ashok_shetty, dpkg -l05:43
KrishnanduDestoned, are yaar...what are you asking..??05:43
slooksterpsvpw-toxic - in /etc/rc.local type in the following, (and replace user with your user or the user who you're vncing in as): su user -c "cd ~user && vncserver :1"05:44
Destonedim wondering how to run "minecraft-osx.sh" is an executable text file.05:44
^LestatSeven_Six_Two: I take it you are refering to /myName and not fileSystem/home ?05:44
mocha0rangeDestoned: to run the script, when you're in that folder, run "./scriptname.sh"05:44
Seven_Six_Two^Lestat, you might want to allow a bit more for / if you're going to install all kinds of programs to try them out05:44
aetaricDestoned: you joined #ubuntu for help with OS X?05:44
KrishnanduDestoned, We know .sh are shell script files...but what the problem...??05:44
mocha0rangeDestoned: also, what aetaric said05:44
Destonedno its not on a mac05:44
Destonedits on linux05:44
ashok_shettyArtemis3: what about to check particular soft..05:44
=== tab_ is now known as troy-
slooksterpsvpw-toxic we're at a start, I was booted from vnc but not sure if it was timeout reasons or what05:44
Destonedi know people that have run it on linux, i cant get ahold of them atm05:44
aemaethaetaric, one script calling another can't access the 2nd, know how i can fix this?05:44
scottjIs there a way to have notify-osd be able to display more than one notification at a time? right now it waits till the first has disappeared before showing the next05:45
^LestatSeven_Six_Two: I do understand thats all subjective. Can I just use gparted to repartition?05:45
icarus-cDestoned, bash minecraft-osx.sh05:45
pw-toxicslooksterpsv, after the && i can do my own vnc command?05:45
Seven_Six_Two^Lestat, not sure what you mean. I have /home  mounted on its own partition. all users are on that one for their homes as well05:45
pw-toxicslooksterpsv, since im using tightvncserver05:45
slooksterpsvpw-toxic sure05:45
KrishnanduDestoned, can you please explain what you want to achieve..?? What's your goal..??05:45
slooksterpsvpw-toxic but that'll only run after the vnc session is ended05:45
Destonedi want it to run minecraft.jar05:45
glebihanscottj: I don't think there's a userside way05:45
Destonedthat is its purpose05:45
Artemis3ashok_shetty, you could also run aptitude05:45
Destonedits a custom client for minecraft05:45
aetaricaemaeth: use absolute pathnames, or move whatever extra script you are running into the same dir.05:45
^Lestatphew busy channel05:45
Seven_Six_Two^Lestat, it's possible, but you'd be a lot better off doing a fresh install instead of trying to resize (shrink) a partition05:45
KrishnanduDestoned, do you have jre installed...??05:46
icarus-cDestoned, minecraft-osx.sh  is supposed to be a shell script.   bash could execute the script05:46
pw-toxicslooksterpsv, i dont know what you are meaning with user05:46
pw-toxicthere are currently two users05:46
aemaethaetaric, thanks, i see what you mean now05:46
pw-toxicroot and pw-toxic05:46
Destonedwhat is bash?05:46
jukSeven_Six_Two:isn't there's a secure way via ssh gpg or ssl keys?05:46
Destonedim very new to linux/terminal05:46
KrishnanduDestoned, shell05:46
slooksterpsvso user would be pw-toxic05:46
aetaricDestoned: the shell05:46
scottjWhat's the best alternative to notify-osd? (that can display more than one notification at a time)05:46
Seven_Six_Two^Lestat, I would only resize if I'm enlarging one05:46
scottjglebihan: thanks05:46
^LestatSeven_Six_Two: I would. But when I tried instlaling fresh 10.4 it failed and I did not have the different kernel load options.05:46
Krishnandu!bash | Destoned05:46
ashok_shettyArtemis3: dude to find particular soft what is the code to find05:46
ubottuDestoned: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome), K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE), or Menu -> Accessories -> LXTerminal (LXDE). Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal05:46
Seven_Six_Twojuk, sorry, I'm not sure what you're referring to05:46
Destonedcan u expand on that explamation?05:46
icarus-cDestoned, like Windows command prompt is a shell05:46
_numbershow do i enable a service on runlevels 2, 3, 5 from cli05:47
Jeffersonso would anyone know what would be the problem with my wireless05:47
aetaricDestoned: to be more precise, the magic thing that accepts the commands05:47
Artemis3ashok_shetty, which soft?05:47
^LestatSeven_Six_Two:  Whatever comes with 10.4 my laptop does not like.05:47
Destonedoh terminal05:47
pw-toxicslooksterpsv, ill give it a try05:47
pw-toxicslooksterpsv, brb05:47
aemaethaetaric, yes, wonderful, they are all working together now, my grandchildren will sing songs in praise of your name05:47
KrishnanduDestoned, yaa..!! And the GUI you are using right now is also a shell05:47
ashok_shettyArtemis3: example vlc05:47
icarus-cterminal is not a precise description though..05:47
Artemis3ashok_shetty, dpkg -l | grep vlc05:47
Krishnandu!shell | Destoned05:47
ubottuDestoned: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome), K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE), or Menu -> Accessories -> LXTerminal (LXDE). Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal05:47
^LestatSeven_Six_Two: I think I will lurk here and just see what I learn. Thanks for helping me ;))05:47
Destonedok so type what in terminal?05:47
Seven_Six_Two^Lestat, in what way? is it a fairly old laptop? I've gone from 8.04-10.10 on my laptop without too many issues05:48
KrishnanduDestoned, sh yourfilename.sh05:48
icarus-cDestoned, bash /path/to/minecraft-osx.sh05:48
KrishnanduDestoned, or what icarus-c suggested. Both the method will work05:48
^LestatSeven_Six_Two: Upgrading went well, but a direct install is what broke for me. Just loads to a blank screen after install05:48
logan_wolfhi all05:48
aetaricDestoned: really, the terminal accepts your login credentials and then opens your login shell (by default /bin/bash)... but this is the technical way to look at it05:48
Krishnanduhi logan_wolf05:48
icarus-cKrishnandu, not if the file isn't in current working directory05:48
ashok_shettyArtemis3: what is dpkg05:48
Seven_Six_Two^Lestat, sorry I missed your previous message. did you install boot loader to MBR?05:48
Destoned<logan_wolf> hi all05:48
Destoned<aetaric> Destoned: really, the terminal accepts your login credentials and then opens your login shell (by default /bin/bash)... but this is the technical way to look at it05:48
Destoned<Krishnandu> hi logan_wolf05:48
FloodBot2Destoned: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.05:48
Krishnanduicarus-c, ya..!! :)05:49
Destonedomg, thats not what i copied05:49
Destonedsays sh: cannot run minecraft-osx.sh05:49
glebihanscottj: not sure but I don't think there is an alternative, because an application that uses notify-osd calls specific methods for osd05:49
mocha0rangeDestoned: try running "chmod +x /path/to/your/file.sh"05:49
mocha0rangeDestoned: then the command you tried before05:49
icarus-cmocha0range, it shouldn't matter when you run it with the shell specifically05:50
scottjglebihan: I'm actually writing my own program for my own use so that would be ok05:50
KrishnanduDestoned, are you in the dir where your .sh file resides..??05:50
aetaricDestoned: OR chmod +x minecraft-osx.sh05:50
Destonedsame error05:50
logan_wolfKrishnandu, hey man05:50
mocha0rangeicarus-c: oh, you mean using the 'sh' command?05:50
KrishnanduDestoned, are you in the same dir where your .sh file resides..?? If not then go to that dir with cd05:50
icarus-cyou only need to give it execute right if you want to run it by "./minecraft-osx.sh" instead of  bash  minecraft-osx.sh05:51
Destonedone sec05:51
pw-toxic_slooksterpsv, didnt work either ;(05:51
mocha0rangeicarus-c: good to know, thanks05:51
logan_wolfKrishnandu, I am still facing that problem that I am not able to install any software from software centre though I can do the same from CLI05:51
Seven_Six_TwoI have logged in to a remote Solaris server with ssh -X and started gnome-session to get a desktop. I get the desktop successfully, but I can't get a panel because I can't stop gnome-panel without it restarting. The only guide I could find said to look for session manager, but that's not listed in my menus. Is there another way to temporarily disable gnome-panel without having to start it by hand every time I log in?05:51
Destonedok now im there05:51
Krishnandulogan_wolf, lol...!! No idea..!!05:51
slooksterpsvpw-toxic, really? I used Remote Desktop Viewer and it worked for me doing (where :1 = display05:51
KrishnanduDestoned, how run what icarus-c said05:51
Artemis3this minecraft thing... could run like: java -Xmx1024M -Xms1024M -jar minecraft.jar (assuming you installed sun java)05:51
logan_wolfKrishnandu, ha ha ha05:51
KrishnanduDestoned, that chmod +x yourfilename.sh05:52
aetaricSeven_Six_Two: so you came to #ubuntu for help with solaris?05:52
icarus-cDestoned, that means  "bash  /path/to/the/minecraft-osx.sh"05:52
KrishnanduDestoned, and then ./yourfilename.sh05:52
Seven_Six_Twoaetaric, no, I came to Ubuntu for help with temporarily disabling the auto-restart of gnome-panel05:52
Krishnandulogan_wolf, try asking again here...lets see if some-one can help..!!05:52
Seven_Six_Twoaetaric, solaris just won't give me its panel while my local one is running05:53
aetaricSeven_Six_Two: in my many years of breaking and fixing linux systems... i'm not even sure if you can stop it from starting05:53
logan_wolfI am facing an issue with the new box on which I installed lucid........... I am not able to install softwares from software centre though I can do the same via sudo apt-get install05:53
Krishnandulogan_wolf, what error does it throws..??05:53
Seven_Six_Twoaetaric, oh, there's a way. It just might not be pretty.    ;)05:54
logan_wolfKrishnandu, that is the whole problem its not throwing any error05:54
Destonedthat link please05:54
Krishnandulogan_wolf, what error it throws when you try to install through software center...??05:54
aetaricquality is better than quantity...05:54
logan_wolfKrishnandu, when I click on the install button it just clicks and ............. nothing05:54
Seven_Six_Twologan_wolf, and can you install with synaptic?05:54
Krishnandulogan_wolf, mmm...one min...you are saying you are not able to install sftwr thru sftwr centr right..?? So what does it shows..?? What happens when you try to install sftwr??05:54
icarus-cDestoned, simple.  "No such file or directory"05:54
mocha0rangeDestoned: ah, okay, the problem is your file isn't on your desktop - which is where you're trying to run the command. Do you know where the file is located?05:55
logan_wolfKrishnandu, just a click on install button and then ........ dead nothing happens .......... and I just keep on waiting that it will install :P05:55
Destoneddesktop/womclient/ HERE05:55
Seven_Six_Twoor the file is on your desktop, and you opened a terminal (defaults to your home dir)05:55
icarus-cDestoned, cd ~/Desktop/womclient    # note that upper/lower case matters05:56
logan_wolfSeven_Six_Two, yeah man its installing via synaptic05:56
Krishnandulogan_wolf, hmmm...05:56
Krishnandulogan_wolf, no idea..!! :)05:57
crucialhoaxDoes anyone know if clonezilla has an irc channel?05:57
Destonedicarus-c thats where it WAS05:57
icarus-ccrucialhoax, maybe on irc.mozilla.org05:57
Destonedlook at the link again05:57
crucialhoaxicarus-c, Thank you!05:57
logan_wolfKrishnandu, no issues man thnx for the time ;)05:57
=== Catalyst is now known as Guest76872
glebihanscottj: there doesn't seem to be many alternatives to notify-osd05:57
Krishnandulogan_wolf, it's ok buddy :)05:58
Artemis3actually clonezilla has no relation with mozilla ^^!05:58
raveni need a http proxy on any other port than 80 - any ideas?05:58
logan_wolfKrishnandu, where you from ??05:58
glebihanscottj: maybe your best option would be to write a custom notification system for your program ?05:58
Seven_Six_Tworaven, to what end?05:58
Krishnandulogan_wolf, India, n u..??05:58
icarus-cDestoned, no matter what you say, the fact is "~/Desktop/Womclient/womclient-osx.sh"  does NOT exist05:58
etherealiteHow can I change my initrd settings?05:59
KrishnanduDestoned, where have you saved your file..??05:59
logan_wolfKrishnandu, India05:59
Krishnandulogan_wolf, where in India..??05:59
ravenSeven_Six_Two, port 80 is closed so i need any other port to the proxy05:59
logan_wolfKrishnandu, delhi05:59
G1Bs0NIndia WiniT ?05:59
logan_wolfKrishnandu, u??05:59
Krishnanduicarus-c, I think if he've saved it by-default, it would have got saved in his home..!!05:59
Seven_Six_Tworaven, but what are you trying to do? there are different kinds of proxies, and they do different things05:59
Krishnandulogan_wolf, Kolkata n u..??05:59
logan_wolfKrishnandu, delhi06:00
icarus-cKrishnandu, we can't know that :)06:00
Krishnandulogan_wolf, Aww..!!06:00
ravenSeven_Six_Two, i am trying to access the web while port 80 is closed06:00
Krishnanduicarus-c, :P06:00
logan_wolfKrishnandu, you a programmer ???06:00
Krishnandulogan_wolf, yup..!!06:00
Krishnandulogan_wolf, n u..??06:00
logan_wolfKrishnandu, what language do you program in06:00
Seven_Six_Tworaven, oh you're trying to bypass security on a router that you don't control?06:00
KrishnanduDestoned, can you see the file thru GUI..??06:00
Destonedwhat do i do after Chmod +X filename06:01
icarus-ccrucialhoax, oops, clonezilla has no relation to mozilla :P06:01
G1Bs0Nsocks 5 or l1 http06:01
logan_wolfKrishnandu, yup....... C, C++06:01
ravenSeven_Six_Two, right06:01
ashok_shettywhere and to find keylogger package06:01
etherealiteHow can I get initrd to mount a cd at boot?06:01
logan_wolfKrishnandu, though I am right now doing a job in LAMP development06:01
Krishnandulogan_wolf, well...not like that...I've learned many languages...and right now I'm not using any specific language06:01
Seven_Six_Tworaven, you'd need to find a web proxy outside your own system that accepts connections on nonstandard ports? Not sure if you'll find one for free.06:01
Krishnandulogan_wolf, right now I'm using Gambus06:02
glebihanetherealite: that would be done by adding an entry in fstab, but I doubt it's a very good idea06:02
icarus-cSeven_Six_Two, raven, there's TOR  (the onion router) :P06:02
etherealiteglebihan why is it such a bad idea?06:02
ravenSeven_Six_Two, i just found one on xroxy06:02
KrishnanduDestoned, Yaar...leave command line and try finding the file using Graphical Interface06:02
ravenicarus-c, i know but its too slow06:03
icarus-craven, true06:03
logan_wolfKrishnandu, good for you .......... a new one for me06:03
Seven_Six_Twoicarus-c, that stops the webservers from tracking, but does that bypass 80, or just make all traffic disperse to nodes?06:03
Destonedgraphical interface? can you speak english?06:03
glebihanetherealite: because if the disk is not present, it could prevent your system from booting06:03
Krishnandulogan_wolf, Well...Gambus is VB for Linux..!!06:03
mocha0rangeraven: oh no kidding, it's like surfing the web through molasses when you're connecting through russia06:03
logan_wolfKrishnandu, hmmmm good man06:03
Krishnandulogan_wolf, Though Linux is not new for me...I'm using it from class 706:03
etherealiteglebihan don't the hooks need to be written in C?06:03
logan_wolfKrishnandu, thats cool man06:04
DestonedKrishnandu wtf is a graphical interface06:04
Krishnandu!GUI | Destoned06:04
ubottuDestoned: The graphical user interface (GUI) in Ubuntu is composed of many elements, including the !X server, a window manager, and a desktop environment such as !GNOME or !KDE (which themselves use the !GTK and !Qt toolkits respectively)06:04
^LestatDestoned: GUI ?06:04
icarus-cDestoned, navigate to the file in concern in File Explorer (nautilus) , right click the script file -> Properties -> Permission,  TICK Owner's Execute right,  now double click on the file and select  Run in Terminal when asked06:04
logan_wolfKrishnandu, I have started using it resently.............. I have been programming since class 7 :)06:04
Destonedyes i see it in a window06:04
Krishnandulogan_wolf, ohh..!! Thats nice..!!06:04
KrishnanduDestoned, thats gr8...say the path06:04
Destonedin the file WOMCLIENT which is on the Desktop06:04
Seven_Six_TwoDestoned, it's a GUI. it's everything graphical. You'll know GUI when you feel its lack the first time06:04
KrishnanduSeven_Six_Two, lol...thats a nice ans..!!06:05
glebihanetherealite: I don't think there's anything to write in C to make it work06:05
mocha0rangeSeven_Six_Two: haha, so true06:05
logan_wolfKrishnandu, I found lucid very good06:05
Artemis3Destoned, same way you just used wtf instead of writting the three words, ppl use gui and cli very often06:05
* ^Lestat is quite pleased with gEdit06:05
icarus-cDestoned, ..................  bash Desktop/Womclient/Minecraft-osx.sh06:05
icarus-cDestoned, ..................  bash ~/Desktop/Womclient/Minecraft-osx.sh06:05
KrishnanduDestoned, gr8...now to go to terminal and type cd /Desktop/Womclient06:05
glebihanetherealite: I don't know exactly how a missing disk would be handled06:05
ashok_shettywhat is nautilus06:06
mocha0rangeSeven_Six_Two: first time I got a job doing server admin work taught me that REALLY quick - before then i had only had to use the shell to do stuff once in a while06:06
KrishnanduDestoned, or what icarus-c is suggesting06:06
Seven_Six_Twoglebihan, drop the leading /06:06
icarus-c!nautilus | glebihan06:06
tensorpuddingashok_shetty: It's the file manager used by GNOME06:06
etherealiteglebihan can it be done it grub? I could modify the menu entry?06:06
Krishnandulogan_wolf, ya...ubuntu is really good for newbies...a good solutions for start learning linux06:06
icarus-cno worries glebihan06:06
ashok_shettytensorpudding: thanks06:06
Destonedits telling me theres no such file or directory06:06
Seven_Six_TwoGlebelg, Destoned don't put /Desktop as Desktop isn't at the root of the filesystem06:07
Destonedeverything IS spelt correctly06:07
logan_wolfKrishnandu, though I have started working just on CLI but still the GUI is really good06:07
glebihanetherealite: I don't think you can do it in grub, grub runs way before file systems are mounted06:07
glebihanSeven_Six_Two: ?06:07
ashok_shettytensorpudding: can v change the root settings thier06:07
Krishnandulogan_wolf, hmm :)06:07
icarus-cDestoned, cd ~/Desktop/Womclient/  && bash Minecraft-osx.sh   # don't even change a letter : )06:07
Krishnandulogan_wolf, so you are using it for LAMP development..??06:07
glebihanetherealite: you could try with fstab and change it back if it doesn't work (if you have a live cd)06:07
logan_wolfKrishnandu, yup06:07
Krishnanduicarus-c, I hope he doesn't copy after # :)06:08
icarus-cKrishnandu, that doesn't matter. comment :)06:08
Seven_Six_Twoglebihan, Destoned   /home/username/Desktop  is ok and so is ~/Desktop and so is Desktop/whatever (if you'r currently in /home/username06:08
pw-toxicslooksterpsv, lol looks like it is a very hard task for ubuntu to get a programm running on startup..06:08
Krishnandulogan_wolf, Good..!! I too did use LAMP thrice in college...but I don't found any good editor...like Dreamweaver06:08
icarus-cSeven_Six_Two, i would suggest not to confuse him further..06:08
pw-toxicslooksterpsv, http://wiki.ubuntuusers.de/VNC there is a big script i ahve tested too..06:08
pw-toxicslooksterpsv, is there a bootup log?06:08
Destonedok seriously. Im in Desktop/Womclient in the terminal06:08
Artemis3isn't there a "Downloads" folder nowdays? i think his file might be elsewhere...06:09
Krishnanduicarus-c, Ohh i didn't know that..!! Does bash too treats that as comment..??06:09
Destonedi type bash minecraft-osx.sh06:09
Destonedit says it doesnt exsist. ITS RIGHT THERE06:09
icarus-cDestoned, Minecraft-osx.sh06:09
Destonediv tried it with a capitl and no capital06:09
slooksterpsvpw-toxic I'm having trouble staying connected and even the keyboard functioning06:09
icarus-cDestoned, note the letter case06:09
logan_wolfKrishnandu, By LAMP i mean platform LAMP........ Linux.... Apache...Mysql....Php06:09
KrishnanduDestoned, god...just copy what icarus-c suggested06:09
mocha0rangeDestoned: type "ls -la" - do you see a list of files; then is the file you're looking for in that list?06:09
Artemis3or maybe the script is calling a file which doesn't exist...06:09
Seven_Six_TwoDestoned, can you do    ls -l in that directory and paste the line with the file here?06:09
Krishnandulogan_wolf, I know buddy...!!06:09
icarus-cDestoned, cd ~/Desktop/Womclient/  && bash Minecraft-osx.sh06:09
Krishnandulogan_wolf, ohh you mean you06:10
Krishnandulogan_wolf, ohh you mean you're working as admin..??06:10
Destoned-rwxr-xr-x 1 destoned destoned  543 2009-11-20 23:03 minecraft-osx.sh06:10
Destonedsee its there06:10
glebihanSeven_Six_Two: didn't understand what you were talking about, was a message from Krishnandu06:10
icarus-cDestoned, cd ~/Desktop/Womclient/  && bash minecraft-osx.sh06:10
logan_wolfno no no ........ I am a fresher yaar............ I am just a developer right now06:10
Krishnanduohh it would be minecraft-osx.sh06:10
Artemis3cat minecraft-osx.sh and paste the result in pastebin06:10
mocha0rangeArtemis3: if that was the case, wouldn't it give you an output error, not just a file not found?06:11
Seven_Six_Twoglebihan, np.06:11
icarus-cArtemis3, bash would complain loudly if the script isn06:11
icarus-c'isn't right or not a script at all06:11
Krishnandulogan_wolf, ohh..!!06:11
Artemis3try for yourself, make a "script" which calls something which doesnt exist ^^06:11
Krishnanduglebihan, wat..??06:11
glebihanetherealite: by the way why do you need to do this ?06:12
glebihanKrishnandu: About the "/Desktop"06:12
icarus-cArtemis3, bash blah06:12
icarus-cbash: blah: No such file or directory06:12
mocha0rangeArtemis3, icarus-c: haha, looks like a script error afterall06:12
Artemis3oh lol06:12
etherealiteglebihan to read a luks key to mount my encrypted root files system at boot.06:12
Krishnanduglebihan, ohh...!!06:12
^LestatAre there a few 'best practice' addressses for other software ?06:12
^Lestat(in software sources)06:12
Artemis3Destoned, type this command: cat minecraft-osx.sh and put that into pastebin06:12
DestonedKrishnandu, icarus-c http://paste.ubuntu.com/499462/06:12
RufusSmdoes the Ubuntu LiveCD let me install packages by any chance? I want to a rescue package for my software RAID.06:13
G1Bs0Nubuntu geeks security software06:13
icarus-cRufusSm, yes it does06:13
glebihanetherealite: do your disk will always be present anyway ?06:13
icarus-cRufusSm, but note that the changes will vanish after reboot06:13
RufusSmicarus-c: so even if it's loaded in memory only, I can still install stuff through apt-get?06:13
icarus-cDestoned, that means the script wouldn't work on Linux without modification06:13
etherealiteglebihan it will always be in the drive.06:13
Artemis3yes, which is why i suggested to use java directly to lauch the .jar06:14
G1Bs0Ntry sudo apitude instead of apt-get06:14
benjamin_hello people, anyone have much experience getting an x-fi sound card to work? I have all the channels working, but for some reason my front channel doesn't work. No sound will come out, but my center and rear work just fine.06:14
icarus-cDestoned, this is obviously Mac OS X specific >> /System/Library/Frameworks/JavaVM.framework/Versions/1.6/Home/bin/java06:14
glebihanetherealite: in that case, fstab should work fine06:14
icarus-cDestoned, maybe you could paste the script\06:14
benjamin_I'm using pretty much a vanilla 10.04 (to my knowledge I messed around with pulse for awhile, then removed it)06:14
Destonedyes, how do i modify the script06:14
KrishnanduDestoned, god...you should have said "minecraft-osx.sh: line 12: /System/Library/Frameworks/JavaVM.framework/Versions/1.6/Home/bin/java: No such file or directory06:14
Krishnandu" rather than "No such file or directory"06:14
icarus-cDestoned, change "JAVA=/System/Library/Frameworks/JavaVM.framework/Versions/1.6/Home/bin/java"  to  "JAVA=`which java`"06:14
Seven_Six_TwoDestoned, its looking for the java virtual machine in a Mac location. find it on your computer (which java) and change that line06:15
etherealiteglebihan maybe, but it might not  work because fstab is in the root file system which is encrypted?06:15
mocha0range(( >_< ))06:15
slooksterpsvpw-toxic sorry I can't get it working :( I give up for now06:15
icarus-cDestoned, didn't you say you know how to change the script..06:15
Artemis3gedit or nano are good text editors06:15
Seven_Six_Twoicarus-c, nice. I didn't know you could do that06:15
KrishnanduDestoned, gedit finename.sh06:15
^LestatIt's certainly encouraging to see other users are as noob as myself ;)06:15
Destonedno, im very new to linux and terminal06:15
KrishnanduDestoned, gedit finename.sh06:15
glebihanetherealite: oh I get it... you need it to be done before root filesystem is mounted...06:15
pw-toxicslooksterpsv, thx anyways06:15
mocha0range^Lestat: no matter how noob you think you are, there's always someone more noob06:16
Destonedwant me to put it in pastebin?06:16
icarus-cDestoned, navigate to minecraft-osx.sh in file browser, open it with a text editor06:16
Seven_Six_Two^Lestat, Destoned Once you're comfortable, don't forget to come back and help other new users06:16
^Lestatmocha0range: I promise I'm noober06:16
Destonedi will06:16
icarus-cDestoned, then in text editor, change the line :  "JAVA=/System/Library/Frameworks/JavaVM.framework/Versions/1.6/Home/bin/java"  to  "JAVA=`which java`"06:16
KrishnanduDestoned, no that would open the script for editing, and now edit as what icarus-c said06:16
^LestatUber Nuber!06:16
glebihanetherealite: then you'll probably have to create an upstart job and use mount06:16
QwertMany users are logging in IRC then they quit and they again log in. In the process, their address changes. How?06:16
Artemis3Destoned, the instructions in the page say to use this command:   java -Xmx1024M -Xms512M -cp Minecraft.jar06:16
Destonedwhich java - where do i find my java06:16
^LestatSeven_Six_Two: I will most definately06:17
Artemis3Destoned, you should not need to use the .sh06:17
sadahow do i figure out what archetecture i have?06:17
sadai think i have 6406:17
^LestatOf course I still scan the forums and wiki's etc etc06:17
benjamin_uname -r06:17
^Lestatuh, more rain. I hope My basement does not flood again06:17
benjamin_that's just the kernel, I thought it might have the architecture in it06:17
histo^Lestat: get a sump pum06:17
histo^Lestat: sump pump06:18
Seven_Six_Twosada, uname -a will tell you if you're using a 64 bit kernel.06:18
etherealiteglebihan doesn't upstart run off the root partion?06:18
pw-toxicslooksterpsv, do you know where the password for the vncviewer is stored?06:18
icarus-cDestoned, damnit or in short.   cd  ~/Desktop/Womclient/ && sed -i "s,System/Library/Frameworks/JavaVM.framework/Versions/1.6/Home/bin/java,`which java`," minecraft-osx.sh && bash minecraft-osx.sh06:18
=== shcherba1 is now known as shcherbak
sadaSeven_Six_Two: i think i am using the wrong kernal, i want to see if i can use i6406:18
slooksterpsvpw-toxic for root it may be /root/.vncpasswd/somefile here or it's in your root folder ~/.vncpasswd06:18
ectospasmsada: uname -m will tell you the arch and nothing else06:18
Seven_Six_Twosada, try a 64 bit live cd06:19
benjamin_sada uname --all06:19
navarMigrated to Lynx from 9.04 jaunty, now I can no longer get the i8kfan plugin for gkrellm on my Dell laptop (missing from repository).  Anyone found a workaround to getting i8kfan plugin back on gkrellm?06:19
KrishnanduDestoned, you don't need to find which java...system will do that for u..!!06:19
Artemis3Destoned, ok actually the command is: java -Xmx1024M -Xms512M -cp Minecraft.jar net.minecraft.LauncherFrame06:19
aburrabeetHow to install grub to recover hidden ubuntu; live on ubuntu 9.04 x64, sudo grub results command not found. What to do?06:19
sada2.6.35-20-lowlatency-pae #29-Ubuntu SMP PREEMPT Mon Sep 6 10:45:54 UTC 2010 i686 GNU/Linux06:19
benjamin_sada it'll show an x86 and an x86_64 if it's 64 bit06:19
sadathat does not help me does it?06:19
^Lestathisto: Ive got one. Found a slab of cement under my deck this summer that graded towards the house. Ive spent the last 2months jack haammering, and regrading/compacting that side of the house.06:19
adzydoes anyone know if there is a vmware for ubuntu? so i can run another OS while in ubuntu?06:19
pw-toxicslooksterpsv, i think the problem is, thatt the passwd file is not found06:19
Artemis3Destoned, if it doesn't work, you might need sun java, which is not installed by default06:19
sadabut it only means that the kernel installed is 32, i want to know if my cpu is 64bit capable06:19
pw-toxicslooksterpsv, when i execute the command manually i do it as root06:20
ectospasmadzy: VirtualBox is better06:20
benjamin_sada you're running a 64 bit extension to the x86 processors.06:20
^Lestatsada: virtual box should06:20
pw-toxic(sudo su with pw-toxic)06:20
ectospasmadzy: virtualbox.org06:20
Krishnandusada, ya uname -a doesn't tells the architechture06:20
benjamin_sada so yes, you're running 64 bit.06:20
aburrabeetadzy: use Oracle Virtual Box06:20
pw-toxicslooksterpsv, and the password is stored in /root/.svn/passwd.. where should the script know that the password is there?06:20
^Lestathow, I dont know lol. But it says it will.06:20
sadabenjamin_: how do you see that?06:20
glebihanetherealite: I don't know enough about upstart to be sure, but some jobs are run before the filesystems are mounted06:20
benjamin_sada you posted this:  2.6.35-20-lowlatency-pae #29-Ubuntu SMP PREEMPT Mon Sep 6 10:45:54 UTC 2010 i686 GNU/Linux06:20
* Qwert is getting addicted to #ubuntu06:21
benjamin_right after 2010 it says i68606:21
Krishnandusada, i68606:21
benjamin_sada that's your architecture06:21
ectospasmbenjamin_: you're wrong, that's 32buit06:21
Seven_Six_TwoKrishnandu, uname -a doesn't tell arch, but will show 64bit kernel06:21
ectospasmi686 is 32bit06:21
adzythanks guys ill check it out :D06:21
pw-toxicslooksterpsv, when i run the script manually  (./etc/init.d/tightvncserver start) it asks me for a password06:21
benjamin_ectospasm, it's a 64bit extension to 32 bit though? I thought06:21
ectospasmx86_64 is 6406:21
ectospasmbenjamin_: no.06:21
benjamin_ectospasm, I'm confused now lol. whatever.06:21
KrishnanduSeven_Six_Two, Ya..!! But he asked if his proccy is 64bit06:21
sadaclflush size    : 6406:21
sadafrom /proc/cpuinfo06:21
* Krishnandu will brb06:21
ectospasmsada: that is irrelevant06:22
^Lestathmm, chan rulez say this is logged, but are the logs public? Like put on the www?06:22
Seven_Six_TwoKrishnandu, what about proc06:22
ectospasmsada: you have a 32bit kernel.06:22
sadaso how do i figure this uot then06:22
Qwertbenjamin_ in i386,i586li686. 3,5 stands for pentium. 86 like x86 stands for architecture06:22
benjamin_ectospasm yes, you're right06:22
sadaectospasm: yes i know that but how do i figure out if my cpu is 64bit capable?06:22
bazhang!1984 > ^Lestat06:22
ubottu^Lestat, please see my private message06:22
benjamin_ectospasm, just did some reading and it;s 32 bit, not sure why I thought it was 64 bit06:22
Destonedis there a shortcut to copy06:22
ectospasmsada: /proc/cpuinfo will tell you, gimme a moment06:22
navarLestat, logs of here have been found on google searches06:22
adzyis there another site virtualbox.org isnt working06:23
ashok_shettyDestoned,ctrl c06:23
=== Z3R0B0T is now known as zbot64
Artemis3there are 2 main architectures, 32 bits shows as i686, and 64 bits show as x86_64, not pretty i know...06:23
Destonedthen whats paste?06:23
icarus-csada, grep lm /proc/cpuinfo06:23
Seven_Six_TwoDestine, ctrl+v06:23
navari8kfan plugin w/ gkrellm on Lynx anyone?06:23
Qwertashok_shetty: Were you able to use the program?06:24
pw-toxicslooksterpsv, i think i got it working.. ill try it now06:24
Qwertashok_shetty: lkl06:24
benjamin_sada, what is the model name of your cpu?06:24
icarus-csada, if that returns your cpu flags, that means it is 64bit capable06:24
Seven_Six_TwoDestoned, ctrl_v is paste. ctrl z is undo. ctrl c is copy06:24
Artemis3Destoned, sure, you can select the command, then its copied, push middle button and its pasted, see? magic!06:24
icarus-c(lm = Long Mode)06:24
ashok_shettyQwert: no06:24
DestineSeven_Six_Two, sorry?06:24
ectospasmsada: it looks like cpuinfo doesn't tell you.06:24
ashok_shettyQwert: any how thanks for ur assistance06:24
benjamin_sada cat /proc/cpuinfo06:24
Seven_Six_TwoDestine, sorry, nick autocomplete mistake06:24
icarus-cectospasm,  grep lm /proc/cpuinfo06:24
ashok_shettyQwert: the installation failed06:24
benjamin_ectospasm, but if we have him tell us the model of his cpu we can easily find out if it's 64bit comptabale06:24
DestineSeven_Six_Two, np~06:25
Qwertashok_shetty: Well, if you could have seen the installation properly i could've helped06:25
sadaflags           : fpu vme de pse tsc msr pae mce cx8 apic sep mtrr pge mca cmov pat pse36 clflush dts acpi mmx fxsr sse sse2 ss ht tm pbe nx lm constant_tsc arch_perfmon pebs bts aperfmperf pni dtes64 monitor ds_cpl vmx est tm2 ssse3 cx16 xtpr pdcm lahf_lm ida tpr_shadow vnmi flexpriority06:25
Qwertashok_shetty:huh? failed as in/>06:25
quietonecan anyone talk me through what I should do to connect to internet via bluetooth 3G phone. I am going in circles.06:25
icarus-csada, yes it is 64bit capable. (you have lm flag )06:25
^Lestatomg, Are these logs spidered?06:25
ashok_shettyQwert: ya failed im getting error duing installation stage06:25
ectospasmicarus-c: that isn't obfuscated. Nope.06:26
ashok_shettyQwert: help me to sort out06:26
sadaicarus-c: ok cool thanks :) :)06:26
Qwertashok_shetty: From where did you download the file?06:26
glebihanetherealite: you may want to have a look at this http://lfde.org/wiki/index.php/Ubuntu_Lucid_Lynx_10.04_Full_Disk_Encryption_with_USB_Key_Authentication06:26
icarus-cDestoned, cd ~/Desktop/Womclient  && java -Xmx1024M -Xms512M -cp Minecraft.jar net.minecraft.LauncherFrame06:26
Seven_Six_Twosada, and PAE so you should be able to virtualize well06:26
Artemis3Destoned, try this command: java -version06:26
Destoned&& means on another line right?06:26
ashok_shettyQwert: i don remmeber the site06:26
glebihanetherealite: it uses USB instead of CD, but it should be quite the same06:26
benjamin_does anyone know any reason my front sound channel isn't working but my rear and center channels are?06:26
icarus-cDestoned, no. && means execute the 2nd command if the first command run successfully06:26
Qwertashok_shetty: What is the file format?06:26
DestonedUnrecognized option: -06:27
DestonedCould not create the Java virtual machine.06:27
Artemis3&& means, command after command... can be in the same line, its also ;06:27
sadaSeven_Six_Two: i do not know what you mean06:27
benjamin_I can of course give more specs.06:27
ashok_shettyQwert: give me any other site wich i will downlaod again06:27
BellinXFelonhow do i change my username in xubuntu06:27
icarus-cArtemis3, it looks it missing some library, probably because he didn't run it in the Womclient directory06:27
Qwertashok_shetty: so you don't have the file?06:27
* ^Lestat hates irseek and all the likes ;/06:27
Artemis3then do ls -l and paste that ^^06:27
ashok_shettyQwert: i have it06:27
icarus-cBellinXFelon, usermod06:27
Seven_Six_Twosada, you listed the PAE flag, which iirc is an AMD thingy to allow for smooth virtualizing (virtualbox, quemu)06:27
Qwertashok_shetty: http://sourceforge.net/projects/lkl/06:28
BellinXFelonicarus-c : thanks06:28
sadado i have EM64T ? how do i figure this out?06:28
quietoneI've searched, read ubuntu forums, community docs, blueman forums etc. and still not sure how to connect to net via 3G phone.06:28
sadanot sure how to install 64bit gentoo06:28
icarus-csada, intel name their x86_64 cpu as EM64T06:28
Destonedhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/499468/     -- icarus-c06:28
sadaicarus-c: is that the one i have?06:28
Seven_Six_Twosada, nevermind. I got pae totally wrong.06:29
icarus-csada, yes06:29
mkquistbenjamin_: have you checked the obvious like sound preferences/hardware?06:29
sadasince i have 64bits + x8606:29
sadaright icarus-c ?06:29
icarus-csada, yes.  intel call the technology EM64T06:29
sadaok cool06:29
sadathis is gonna be fun06:29
bomberoi am from mexico06:30
sadacan i upgrade from 32bit to 64bit without reinstallation?06:30
benjamin_mkquist yep06:30
bazhangsada no06:30
Qwert!howdy | bombero06:30
ubottubombero: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!06:30
sadabazhang: :(06:30
adzyhow do i know if i got a 64bit platform or 32bit platform?06:30
bomberowho to speak spanish06:30
benjamin_mkquist, obviously all the volumes are up, I've researched it, I'm actuallly surprised it's working at all, not much luck with an x-fi forte or so I hear06:30
quietoneanyone know of any simple instructions for connecting via bluetooth?06:30
icarus-cDestoned, it should be :     java -classpath skin:lib/jinput.jar:lib/lwjgl.jar:lib/lwjgl_util.jar:lib/wom.jar:lib/minecraft.jar -Djava.library.path=native/macosx -Dsun.java2d.noddraw=true -Dsun.awt.noerasebackground=true -Dsun.java2d.d3d=false -Dsun.java2d.opengl=false -Dsun.java2d.pmoffscreen=false -Xmx800M Main06:30
bazhangbombero, in #ubuntu-es06:30
mkquistbenjamin_: might wanna check the alsa site to see if the hardware is supported and drivers loaded06:31
Artemis3Destoned, try this one: java -Xms800M -Xmx800M -classpath .:lib/jinput.jar:lib/lwjgl.jar:lib/lwjgl_util.jar:lib/wom.jar:lib/minecraft.jar -Djava.library.path=native/linux Main06:31
benjamin_mkquist, but then I realized that test was working on the rear and center channels and I was like, WOW! this should be possible06:31
Destonedicarus-c type that in console?06:31
Seven_Six_Twosada, I think it can be done(not sure) but you'd have to get a new kernel *and* all of the 64bit libs06:31
benjamin_mkquist it says it... isn't :P06:31
Artemis3oh well icarus-c was faster ^^06:31
icarus-cDestoned, yes.  cd ~/Desktop/Womclient  && java -classpath skin:lib/jinput.jar:lib/lwjgl.jar:lib/lwjgl_util.jar:lib/wom.jar:lib/minecraft.jar -Djava.library.path=native/macosx -Dsun.java2d.noddraw=true -Dsun.awt.noerasebackground=true -Dsun.java2d.d3d=false -Dsun.java2d.opengl=false -Dsun.java2d.pmoffscreen=false -Xmx800M Main06:31
benjamin_mkquist but it's a driver they have wroking with other cards (emu20k206:31
bazhangbombero, /join #ubuntu-es06:31
Seven_Six_Twosada, what I mean is it's not worth trying06:31
Destonedicarus-c IT WORKED!06:31
sadaSeven_Six_Two: how do i install 64 bit then? is there a 64bit iso? and stage?06:31
Destonedyour amazing06:31
icarus-cDestoned, the script tells06:32
Seven_Six_Twosada, yes, you can download a 64bit iso06:32
Artemis3Whats this World of of Minecraft thing anyway?06:32
mkquistbenjamin_: well, if it's not supported then...  or you just have to try to run checks and try to suse it out, might still work !sound06:32
bazhangsada stage? for ubuntu? no, that's gentoo06:32
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.06:32
mkquistbenjamin_: !sound06:32
icarus-cDestoned, between, try again with:   java -classpath skin:lib/jinput.jar:lib/lwjgl.jar:lib/lwjgl_util.jar:lib/wom.jar:lib/minecraft.jar -Djava.library.path=native/linux -Dsun.java2d.noddraw=true -Dsun.awt.noerasebackground=true -Dsun.java2d.d3d=false -Dsun.java2d.opengl=false -Dsun.java2d.pmoffscreen=false -Xmx800M Main06:32
Qwertashok_shetty: I have the folder with me now.. For which file to run were you asking help?06:32
adzy!32bit platform06:32
sadaok i will read ubuntu manual06:32
sadathank you for help06:32
icarus-cDestoned, the first one i told you was using  native/macosx . which doesn't look good06:33
mkquistbenjamin_: ok that didnt work, lol, but check the sites on my last06:33
Destonedbut it worked06:33
ashok_shettyQwert: im redownloading give me few seconds06:33
benjamin_mkquist on my last?06:33
adzy!ubuntu 64bit06:33
Artemis3icarus-c, you think he should disable opengl? i need to turn it on for stendhal ^^;06:33
mkquistbenjamin_: post06:33
icarus-cDestoned, yea. but who knows. i'm no java expert so06:33
adzy!oracle virtualbox06:33
bazhangadzy, /msg ubottu06:33
osmosisim able to get my bluetooth ear piece to pair with my laptop on ubuntu, but its not showing up as an audio device.06:34
adzybazhang: whats that do?06:34
mkquistbenjamin_: i was just popping in to burn, watching a fliic so im out...06:34
benjamin_mkquist ah, ok. thanks! but, idk. not many people trying to do what I'm doing :P so there isn't much help out there.06:34
icarus-cDestoned, besides. i would get the script to work too. it is more handy06:34
Qwertbazhang: A moment for pm please?06:34
benjamin_mkquist enjoy.06:34
bazhangadzy, it gives the info without unneccesarily adding noise to the channel06:34
adzyok :)06:35
^LestatI gotta go to bed. Gotta get up for work in 4 hrs. I just enjoy playing with stuff too much.06:35
pw-toxicslooksterpsv, guess what - it works ;)06:35
Demerzel_hello folks06:35
Artemis3icarus-c, in the forum for this game they state this is the official launcher for linux: http://www.worldofminecraft.com/H4X/linux.php06:35
slooksterpsvpw-toxic, how'd you do it?06:35
pw-toxici had to set vncpasswd as pw-toxic06:36
pw-toxicnot as root06:36
pw-toxicthen the script on this page works:06:36
kapcom01hello i have AMD HD4200 integrated graphics card, and on system>jardware drivers doesnt found anything.. when i install the drivers for AMS's website it works but there are bugs.. for example on Boxxe videos are monocromatic or black and white.. I would like to use the proprietary drivers because with MESA drivers cant play games.. Thanks.06:36
pw-toxicslooksterpsv, the page is in german but ther eis a short part about  /etc/init.d/vncserver with a large code block06:36
icarus-cArtemis3, lol don't tell me06:36
slooksterpsvpw-toxic awesom06:36
pw-toxicslooksterpsv, so now another 5 hours in setting up samba? well see ;)06:37
pw-toxicslooksterpsv, it takes a lot of time but at the end it makes fun.. dunno why ;)06:37
Demerzel_anyone know why my ubuntu machine (with pam_mount and winbind) keeps logging me off immediately after a successful login?06:37
Seven_Six_Twopw-toxic, it only takes you 5 hours?06:37
pw-toxicSeven_Six_Two, it took me about 3-4 hors to get vnc running at startup i guess06:37
pw-toxicim not sure... but it felt quite long:D06:38
Demerzel_I keep seeing "pam_unix(login:session): session closed for user admin" immediately after I login as admin06:38
Artemis3Anyway Destoned you can make your own script, just edit a text file and put the concent of this page: http://www.worldofminecraft.com/H4X/linux.php save it as something.sh make it executable (chmod +x something.sh) and use that to launch your game afterwards06:38
Seven_Six_Twoit took me a very long time to get it working when I first used it.06:38
pw-toxicdoes anyone know how i can access the log from boot?06:38
Demerzel_this sounds like it should be unrelated to pam_mount but i figure i'd throw that out there in case it has a relationship06:38
pw-toxicfor example the output of my init.d scripts which were executed?06:38
slooksterpsvpw-toxic lol06:39
icarus-cadzy, are you still asking how to check your platform is 32bit or 64bit?06:39
Seven_Six_Twopw-toxic, dmesg gives some output06:39
adzyicarus-c nope :D but im having trouble with install of virtualbox06:39
slooksterpsvphew I'mma outta here, gnight all =D06:39
Seven_Six_Twopw-toxic, some of the scripts will probably have their own log files in /var/log06:40
adzyicarus-c: ok how do i find out if im 32bit or 64 bit???06:40
pw-toxicSeven_Six_Two, but it doesnt give me the output of my init.d scripts06:40
ashok_shettyQwert: hi download completed an downloads folder now tell me how to start installation06:41
Destonedicarus-c sorry, my internet shut down for a minute06:41
pw-toxicSeven_Six_Two, in the init script there is an echo...06:41
ectospasmadzy: uname -m06:41
icarus-cadzy, to check if you cpu is 64bit capable :  "grep  lm /proc/cpuinfo"06:41
ectospasmicarus-c: that wasn't his question06:41
icarus-cadzy, to check whether you are running 64bit or 32bit OS, uname -mr06:41
icarus-cum just -m would do06:42
ashok_shettyQwert: ru thr man06:42
Seven_Six_Twopw-toxic, I thought they went to stdout which shows with dmesg06:42
adzyicarus-c: 2.6.32-24-generic i68606:42
adzyicarus-c: is that 32 part mean im 32bit?06:42
Qwertashok_shetty: Hold on please06:42
icarus-cadzy, no. that 32 is part of kernel version number06:43
ashok_shettyQwert: sure y not take ur own time06:43
Artemis3kapcom01, this might help you, but be careful: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=146474806:43
pw-toxicSeven_Six_Two, it doesnt.. because the init script which was executed obviously didnt produce any output in dmesg ;/06:43
icarus-cadzy, i686 is a 32 bit cpu architecture06:43
Destonedicarus-c thank you, you were very helpful06:44
ranjanis there a way in which we can search for files with zero bytes filesize in an ftp server and to redirect the list to a local file.?06:44
icarus-cDestoned, you are welcome06:44
Krishnanduicarus-c, wow..!! is that solved...??06:45
=== _jesse_ is now known as _jesse__
* Krishnandu is back :)06:45
icarus-cDestoned, between, we found that the command shown in http://www.worldofminecraft.com/H4X/linux.php  is a better way to run it06:45
Artemis3Krishnandu, it was simply a java game ^^06:45
KrishnanduArtemis3, hmm..!! :P06:46
Qwertashok_shetty: Kindly guide yourself from the installation folder. Thank you.06:49
=== mike is now known as Guest69961
Seven_Six_Twopw-toxic, well I learned something today. Thanks!     http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-newbie-8/easy-where-is-initd-log-file-253352/06:51
j-a-k-eHi, does anyone know how I would go about running a vst audio plugin within linux?06:51
pw-toxicSeven_Six_Two, do you know how i can execute gedit as root on vnc server? ;)06:51
sidi want to connect mysql database through gtk/c how to???06:52
* Seven_Six_Two recommends befriending google. sudo gedit &06:52
j-a-k-eor modifying a plugin so that I can use it to play audio files06:52
Krishnandupw-toxic, gksu gedit not working..??06:53
pw-toxicKrishnandu, my vncserver crashed after i did this ;)06:53
pw-toxici did gksudo06:53
Krishnanduohh...try gksu...though it's same06:53
Seven_Six_Twopw-toxic, are you trying to connect to a server through vnc and then run gedit *on that machine*, or have to used ssh to log in to the server, and you need to edit the vnc server config?06:54
=== adam_ is now known as Jyard
pw-toxicSeven_Six_Two, i have connected via vnc on windows7 and i want to edit a config file for example with gedit06:54
Jyardanyone know any cool linux games that'll run on a netbook?06:54
KrishnanduJyard, Urt..!! U'll like it..!!06:55
Jyardurt? :D06:55
Seven_Six_Twopw-toxic, can you open a terminal and type     sudo gedit &06:55
KrishnanduJyard, Urban Terror06:56
SubCoolcan someone please tell me why when i search for Android on Ubuntu and THATS IT, i dont get ANY results for it? I am looking for a beginners guide to andoid for ubuntu, so that i dont come here and ask stupid questions, But here i am. Im ready to start destoying things or something.06:56
pw-toxicSeven_Six_Two, which terminal? on windows?06:56
Mahjongghello, how can I install an older version of php5 in Lucid?06:56
etherealitewhat is the difference between boot scripts and hooks for makeinitramfs?06:56
Seven_Six_Twopw-toxic, on the linux machine06:56
pw-toxicSeven_Six_Two, works!06:57
KrishnanduMahjongg, sudo apt-get php-mention-version-no06:57
pw-toxicSeven_Six_Two, not it doesnt work.. vnc crashed again, but only after 4 seconds ;)06:57
KrishnanduMahjongg, sudo apt-get install php-mention-version-no06:57
pw-toxicSeven_Six_Two, on my old machine this worked perfectly06:57
Seven_Six_Twopw-toxic, ok. try          sudo vim filename.xxx06:58
pw-toxicSeven_Six_Two, vim is too cimplicated for me.. and anyway i dont need vnc for vim06:58
MahjonggKrishnandu, how can I see what versions exist?06:58
MahjonggKrishnandu, do several version exist in the main repository06:58
KrishnanduMahjongg, yup..!! U'll get older versions06:59
Seven_Six_Twopw-toxic,   cat /var/log/vnc-logfile.whatever06:59
quiesensepw-toxic: gksudo normally takes over the keyboard and mouse, which means things like vnc can't use the prompt, you can use gksudo -g to do it without taking over the entire screen06:59
Jyardhmm looks pretty sweet06:59
quiesensepw-toxic: so gksudo -g (command here) should technically work even over vnc07:00
pw-toxicquiesense, but my old vnc was able to do so ;(07:00
=== quiesense is now known as quiescens
KrishnanduQwert, hey buddy can u explain all these i386, i586, i686 etc..??07:00
MahjonggKrishnandu, how can I see the exact package names for different versions in the repository?07:00
quiescenspw-toxic: are you accessing a vnc specific session or are you using vnc to access an otherwise regular desktop session?07:01
KrishnanduMahjongg, you don't need to do that. apt-get will resolve the dependency07:01
pw-toxicquiescens, vnc instantly crashes after this07:01
StrangeCharmwhen i try to hibernate, my computer just switches off the screen, and locks the session. moving the mouse again brings it instantly back to the password prompt. What am i doing wrong?07:01
QwertKrishnaandu: i386, i586, i686 are part of Intel x86 microarchitecture where x stands for Pentium. Pentium 6 was done by Pentium Pro07:01
pw-toxicquiescens, the desktop session is started when booting my ubuntu07:01
StrangeCharmwhen i try to hibernate, my computer just switches off the screen, and locks the session. moving the mouse again brings it instantly back to the password prompt. What am i doing wrong?07:01
Seven_Six_TwoStrangeCharm, my laptop does that if I try to suspend with too low of a charge. Not sure how to fix it07:01
pw-toxicquiescens, i do not connect to a session i logged in on the real computer07:02
MahjonggKrishnandu, but I do not know what versions exist other than the latest version... How can I see all07:02
Krishnandugo to PHP's website07:02
QwertKrishnaandu:Where P5 is super scalar07:02
quiescenspw-toxic: mm, this sort of thing probably doesn't apply then07:03
SubCooldoes anyone here use a cell phone, with android?07:03
KrishnanduQwert, so what bout dual core, quad core, i series..??07:03
SubCoolPDA of sorts...07:03
quiescenspw-toxic: what vnc server?07:04
pw-toxicquiescens, tightvncserver07:04
QwertKrishnaandu: You are mixing it. in i series we have i3 dual core, i5 quad core etc07:04
Gryllida I entered some terminal mode when I get '^X' instead of exiting nano. How do I get unstuck?07:05
MahjonggKrishnandu, PHP tells me 5.2.13 but apt-get install php5-5.2.13 does not work...07:05
GryllidaMahjongg: apt-get search php07:05
Gryllidaer Mahjongg apt-cache search php07:05
KrishnanduMahjongg, may be thats not yet stable and tested by ubuntu. Thats y it's not on repo.07:05
SubCoolSeven_Six_Two;  thtat happens when you computer isnt setup to the hardware properly for sleeps and hibernation settings07:05
KrishnanduMahjongg, though you can use alpha/beta products by enabling backports07:06
pw-toxicquiescens, oh it works with vncserver but not with tightvncserver07:06
MahjonggGryllida, that does not list the versions07:06
QwertKrishnaandu: it means mutil core processor.. where pentium is actaully the processor, the  die (integrated circuit)07:06
KrishnanduQwert, No I mean what does i386, i586 denotes..??07:06
SubCoolSo is there like a companion for droid ro soemthing?07:06
SubCoolor... just a sync? -07:06
QwertKrishnaandu: I told you about it07:06
KrishnanduQwert, I know about cores...But can't get what does all these i386, i586, i686 means..??07:07
KrishnanduQwert, and which one should I use..?/07:07
quiescenspw-toxic: yeah, a bit of research seems to indicate its a tightvnc thingy, but I can't find any solid details07:07
SubCoolHow do you get files to the pDA? I have connected my phone to ubuntu, and its not really recognized. I thin its there if i do a lsusb - but.. if anyone knows of a link.. guide.. webite...07:07
dark_after all these years, this is the first time i managed to boot linux up07:07
pw-toxicquiescens, then i guess i just uns vnc07:07
QwertKrishnaandu: Intel released the Intel 386 (i386) in 1980. That was then followed by he 486 (i486), the Pentium (i586), and the Pentium 3/4 (i686) and AMD's Athlon/Duron/T-bird (also i686).07:07
Qwert 07:07
SubCoolanything that can prevent me from further talking to myself, and doing endlesss google searches that dont work.07:07
Seven_Six_TwoSubCool, yeah. it started when I updated to 10.10, so I'll worry about it after the final07:07
KrishnanduQwert, ok..!! Got it now..!! But how are they related to distros..??07:08
KrishnanduQwert, is that so i can't install i686 on Pentium..??07:08
QwertKrishnandu: Why do you think it shoud'nt.07:08
QwertKrishnandu: Its getting offtopic for this channel. I guess07:09
QwertKrishnandu: Which pentium?07:09
SubCoolOk- seriously? i just searched on the Ubuntu Beginners forum, for Beginners Android. NONE OF the results worked.07:09
QwertKrishnandu: You still didn't get i guess07:09
KrishnanduQwert, Coz distro's are distributed according to these...if I can install anyone on anywhere...then why these different classes..??07:09
dark_i need 3 suggestions.. a good platform for programming, web development and office07:09
SubCoolA lot of news letters though.07:09
QwertKrishnandu: You cannot install anyone on anywhere07:10
dark_programming c++*07:10
SubCoolSo if ANYONE is reading this and knows a n y t h i n g for droid.. it would be greatly apprectiated07:10
wasnikhi ubuntu does not detect my soundcard conexant hd audio, lshw , aplay -l dont dispay it, please help07:10
QwertKrishnandu: i386, i486, i586, and i686 are all intel based and will work on the P407:10
KrishnanduQwert, Ok...means these wont work on Intel Core 2 Duo or Quad Core series..??07:11
QwertKrishnandu: <uname -a> may help you07:11
nogoSubCool: i just removed droid fonts07:11
QwertKrishnandu: Nothing like that.. that is the processing unit07:11
SubCoolnogo,  what a droid font? for ubuntu?07:11
GryllidaI entered some terminal mode when I get '^X' instead of exiting nano. How do I get unstuck?07:12
KrishnanduQwert, So you mean these wont get installed in AMD..??07:12
QwertKrishnandu: Hold on07:12
KrishnanduQwert, Bt I think these are 32 bit and can be installed on AMD07:12
* Tryptych chuckles07:12
QwertKrishnandu: If  there's the choice between i386, x86_64, and ppc. How to figure out which one you need, right?07:12
j-a-k-eDoes anyone know how I would go about porting an audio vst plugin through to ubuntu so I can use it when I'm playing music? Thanks.07:13
slickrickhey quick question.  my databased got 'effed up and i had to do a restore, but my backup is a day old so i lost the recorded program data from the last day.07:13
slickrickis there anyway to have myth scan the directory and add the mpg's back to the recorded program list, even if they are missing the program data?07:13
Seven_Six_TwoSubCool, right click on your panel, and add applet "drive mounter" or similar07:13
QwertKrishnandu: What are you trying to install?07:13
KrishnanduQwert, right. And als if there are all i386, i586, i686 then also which one to choose.07:13
pw-toxicSeven_Six_Two, haha i just started my vnc as root so i dont have to do gksudo anymore ;)))07:13
Mahjonggis older versions of php5 kept in lucid repository or do I have to add other repositories for older versions of php5?07:13
KrishnanduQwert, Nothing. But I want to know these jargons..!!07:13
=== mike_ is now known as Guest39490
QwertKrishnandu: i386 - If you have a Pentium or Celeron (meaning any Pentium or Celeron, including a Pentium 4, Pentium M, etc.) or the original Core Duo (not a Core 2 Duo)07:14
SubCoolSeven_Six_Two, nothing-07:14
Seven_Six_TwoSubCool, "disk mounter".   I searched "ubuntu sync android" in google and got about 530,000 results07:14
KrishnanduQwert, Ok...you mean i386 for upto Pentium series.07:14
TryptychKrishnandu: you're overcomplicating things. all you need to look for is if its 64 bit or not.07:14
QwertKrishnandu: Pretty much same goes for x86 for x being 4,5,6  as i said07:14
QwertKrishnandu: x86_64 - If you have a Core 2 Duo, Core Solo, Opteron, Athlon 64, Turion 64, or Sempron. (This also includes the new "Intel Mac" machines.)07:15
SubCoolSeven_Six_Two, oh- i bet.. there are a bunch of bs threads Ya...07:15
KrishnanduQwert, Well..I know that..But what if I don't want to install 64bit...on Core 2 Duo or AMD proccys07:15
wasnik Black Holes, Information and the String Theory Revolution by Leonard Susskind and James Lindsay07:15
SubCoolSeven_Six_Two, if any of them actualy have a guide, or basic info.. or well anything that walks or talks aperson into a new technooogy sure. but to read down a 100 peoples chat on what they THINKG about the stuff in stead of giving info? that there is none07:15
SubCoolJust simple back and forth chatter about something i know nothing about.07:16
ranjanhi all is there any software that can copy text which are on applications window?07:16
QwertKrishnandu: ppc -  This is power pc - Any modern Mac that's not an Intel Mac.07:16
wasnikhi guys my ubuntu does not detect my soundcards07:16
SubCoolSeven_Six_Two, so just pretend all of them are in Vulcan or something-07:16
QwertKrishnandu: You won't be able to anyways07:16
Seven_Six_Twocan you get "add to panel" window? I have "disk mounter" there, but I don't know where the panel applets are installed from07:16
SubCoolSeven_Six_Two, and from what i have searched, there really isnt a worry/need to sync it on ubuntu, because of some wireless interface? Got me- im not that far yet. I wanna connect it- add music.. and read abou tit.07:17
QwertKrishnandu: .. if yours is not 64 bit07:17
Seven_Six_TwoSubCool, That's exactly how I learned. I read 95% garbage (but tried stuff) on forums and used irc. Most answers I've found on forums, but there's a lot of reading07:17
SubCoolSeven_Six_Two, ya, i thik my issue is the source.. i have an aweful time added plasma stuff- None of them are in any kinda name that fits them.07:17
* Qwert There are two major products that come out of Berkeley: LSD and UNIX. We don't believe this to be a coincidence. - Jeremy S. Anderson07:17
Seven_Six_TwoSubCool, you're in KDE?07:17
SubCoolSeven_Six_Two, ya, im like 30 dude, i have beend doin this since i was 13. Im done- i have had enough. Im pissed angry... just fed up07:18
SubCoolSeven_Six_Two,  ya kde07:18
Seven_Six_Twooh sorry. I thought you were in gnome07:18
Seven_Six_Twodoes it show up in /dev  ?07:18
SubCoolReading through other peoples converstaions trying to get something out of it is the most stupid method of learning. i have fought it since i got into forums, but they havent changed what so every.07:18
wasnikhi guys my ubuntu does not detect my soundcards07:18
SubCoolSeven_Six_Two, should it?07:18
Seven_Six_TwoSubCool, yes. it should show up as a drive07:19
Seven_Six_Twojust like a thumbdrive does07:19
SubCoolSeven_Six_Two, thats the thing, i dont get a pop or anything when its connected..07:20
SubCooli have like 50 things in /dev07:20
=== Gryllida is now known as Guest38794
Seven_Six_TwoSubCool, it might not be automounting. it will probably be /dev/sdb# or something. maybe /dev/sdc07:20
wasnikhi guys my ubuntu does not detect my soundcards please help07:21
SubCoolSeven_Six_Two, i just ran lsusb, what would it be there? i dont see it... i dont think?07:21
Seven_Six_Twols -l /dev | grep sd07:22
SubCooli got a bunch of drives...07:22
andycc"sudo fdisk -l" to see all drives, if that's what you want.07:22
Seven_Six_Twowhat's the last one?07:22
SubCoolsdc, sdc107:23
SubCoolandycc, nah- trying to manage my new droid phone. i just got it today, and dont know how to connect it to my comp07:23
andycc!hi | Roush07:23
ubottuRoush: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!07:23
Roushwow, you learn new stuff about Linux practically by the minute07:23
SubCooli really just want to get some of my audio files on it before i goto bed at this point07:24
andyccSubCool: didn't it ask you to switch to usb storage?07:24
MasterofPuppetsHey guys, trying to run some commands. Can anybody tell me how to fix this? http://pastebin.org/114094907:24
andyccSubCool: it should automount in GNOME, then07:24
SubCoolMasterofPuppets, a hammer07:24
Seven_Six_TwoSubCool, do you know what filesystem is on the sd card?07:24
RoushHas anyone heard of any new legit games coming out for Linux?07:24
SubCoolandycc, kde07:24
SubCoolSeven_Six_Two, nope- lol.07:25
andyccSubCool: should automount in KDE too...07:25
andyccAlso, Android uses FAT32 for the card IIRC07:25
SubCoolandycc, i have automoutn disabled i think...07:25
andyccSubCool: type in terminal07:25
Seven_Six_TwoSubCool,    sudo mkdir /media/android && sudo mount -t vfat /dev/sdc1 /media/android07:25
SubCoolandycc, Seven_Six_Two i cant imagine it not using that. It has to go across all three platforms07:26
andyccOh, too late again.07:26
Seven_Six_Twolol. FIRST! haha07:26
Seven_Six_Twounless I made a mistake on the mount syntax07:27
SubCoolguess i got lagged on that, i think a iran across that command in one of the threads, but it was for some weird issue..07:27
andyccNope, the syntax is OK.07:27
MasterofPuppetsSubCool: Interesting proposition07:27
SubCoolMasterofPuppets, i have one in my car im about to rip out, a lone with a nail gun.07:28
SubCoolsuch a bad bad day07:28
SubCoolandycc, Seven_Six_Two i just reconnected my phone, but nothing. im still looking for a guide or soemthing.07:29
andyccSubCool: enable automount. Or connect your phone, THEN run Seven_Six_Two's command.07:30
xiaoshenanyone have used IBM websphere application server?07:30
airtonix!anyone > xiaoshen07:31
ubottuxiaoshen, please see my private message07:31
SubCoolandycc, i had the phone connected before when i ran the command. nothing happen07:31
andyccSubCool: did you enable USB mass storage on your phone? Or does Android enable it automatically?07:31
QuaxirHeyd, which folder Lynx saves downloaded files by default?07:31
andyccSubCool: also, go to /media/android after that, don't expect KDE to give you a popup.07:32
SamualI have an issue with Compiz Fusion --- After about two hours after running it, it becomes extremely slow (To the point of like 1 frame per second) making it almost useless/unresponsive07:32
SamualThe time seems random07:32
xiaoshendoes  anyone have used IBM websphere application server?07:32
andycc!repeat > xiaoshen07:32
ubottuxiaoshen, please see my private message07:32
soreauSamual: Perhaps a driver memory leak. nvidia drivers?07:32
SubCoolandycc, lol- i thought so, but-- when i goto the directory, it bring me to my USB drive connected to the hub07:32
SubCoolwhich remind me i have to initiate a 64bit usb stick.07:33
Samualsoreau, Indeed -- nVidia recommended drivers from the restricted hardware section07:33
andyccSubCool: Oh. Then why don07:33
Samualsoreau, let me find the exact release though07:33
andycc*'t you run sudo fdisk -l with the droid plugged in.07:33
theadis there a more usable system volume control to install? - the default one in 10.4 is really crappy.07:33
Eryn_1983_FLhey peeps07:33
Eryn_1983_FLum  how do i figure out which  GUI i am using on  netbook remix?07:33
soreauSamual: nvidia drivers are notorious for their performance, bugs and memory leaks ;)07:33
Seven_Six_TwoSamual, try running  top  in a console and use  <  and   >  to change which columns to sort by. look for what's using all the cpu07:34
Eryn_1983_FLis it gnome  kde or  soemthing you guys made custom?07:34
SubCoolandycc, haha- just like u said before07:34
Eryn_1983_FLits all pretty but i need to make some keyboard shotcuts07:34
SamualSeven_Six_Two, i've already watched it with htop a lot -- Nothing changes07:34
andyccSubCool: fdisk -l is more detailed than ls /dev/ | grep sd07:34
SamualNo changes in RAM or CPU usage....07:34
Seven_Six_TwoEryn_1983_FL, do you have a panel on the left side?07:34
SubCoolandycc, it only shows my two usb drives..07:34
Samualsoreau, yup, i'm aware of that :P Any ideas?07:34
Eryn_1983_FLjus the  top07:34
Eryn_1983_FLone  tool bar07:34
Eryn_1983_FLwith the  startmenue  etc07:35
ubottuPlease remember that all Ubuntu IRC channels share the same attitude of providing friendly and polite interaction with all users of all ages and cultures. Basically, this means no foul language and no abuse towards others.07:35
Samual*other* than switching to ATI cards, preferably.07:35
andyccSubCool: then your droid isn't in mass storage mode or the USB cable is really messed up.07:35
airtonixSamual, lol07:35
QwertReminder alone. Not specific.07:35
MasterofPuppetsHey guys, trying to run some commands. Can anybody tell me how to fix this? http://pastebin.org/114094907:35
Seven_Six_TwoEryn_1983_FL, what are your menus labeled?  applications places system            or      K07:35
airtonixSamual, if you think you're having it bad with nVidia then do not switch to ati07:35
andyccSamual: switch to an intel card.07:35
soreauSamual: Use latest nouveau bits and start helping the nouveau developers support your card. Or, try a bunch of different versions of nvidia's blob07:35
=== VanDyke__ is now known as VanDyke
Eryn_1983_FLfavorites files and folder  accesoriies07:36
Seven_Six_TwoEryn_1983_FL, please don't use the enter key as punctuation07:36
=== Freejack is now known as Freejack`
Eryn_1983_FLit does goes to the left side...07:36
Eryn_1983_FLwhen i  click the menu07:36
airtonix!enter | Eryn_1983_FL07:36
ubottuEryn_1983_FL: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!07:36
Samualsoreau, i'll probably go with the nvidia driver testing FIRST, then maybe that :P -- I am a programmer afterall.. and I have a friend who has contributed to nouveau07:36
Eryn_1983_FLso is it gnome or kde?07:37
andyccEryn_1983_FL: is it blue or brown?07:37
Eryn_1983_FLclear and purple07:37
andyccEryn_1983_FL: it's gnome.07:37
Eryn_1983_FLits what  ever the latest  verion of netbook  uses default07:37
andyccGNOME, then07:37
Seven_Six_TwoEryn_1983_FL, UNR is its own desktop07:38
andyccEryn_1983_FL: So, what are you exactly trying to do? Just find out what it is?07:38
andyccSeven_Six_Two: no, it's just GNOME with the UNR launcher.07:39
Eryn_1983_FLthat so i can setup keyboard shortcuts  etc  and  maybe  get some funcion keys working in the long run07:39
andyccEryn_1983_FL: look your netbook up on Google.07:39
Seven_Six_Twoandycc, Unity is Gnome?07:40
Eryn_1983_FL there is an error when i open up the shortcuts icon in the system folder07:40
andyccSeven_Six_Two: yes, as far as I know Unity is GNOME with that fancy launcher written in Clutter.07:40
Eryn_1983_FLsomething about Dbus and another system tool  getting in the way07:41
andyccEryn_1983_FL: you're not using Maverick, are you?07:41
Eryn_1983_FLwhats that  andycc ?07:41
andyccEryn_1983_FL: type "/exec -o lsb_release -r" here (in IRC), without the quotes.07:42
andyccEryn_1983_FL: unless you're using webchat.07:42
SubCoolandycc, got it- it was my usb hub.07:43
Eryn_1983_FLandycc:  that is not  going to work  tunneled in to home on  several remote  servers...07:43
andyccSubCool: glad to hear that.07:43
Eryn_1983_FLthat helpp>07:44
andyccEryn_1983_FL: so you're not using Maverick.07:44
Eryn_1983_FLoh ok  now i understand07:45
Seven_Six_Twoandycc, I see.  http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/383    they're not the same, but are like siblings07:46
Kartagishas anybody worked with HandBrakeCLI before and tried to embed a subtitle?07:46
SubCoolandycc, ya, fun right? thanks!! i still havent found a beginners guide really though,07:46
Seven_Six_TwoI'm using maverick. it's 50 flavours of awesome07:47
Seven_Six_TwoKartagis, isn't handbrake for mac? I use devede07:47
andyccLooking at Maverick's new features reminded me, I need to get rid of Thunderbird.07:47
KartagisSeven_Six_Two it has a linux version too07:47
Seven_Six_TwoKartagis, I didn't know that. devede may still do what you need. it's a nice interface07:48
etherealiteHow do I keep updstart from starting the sshd?07:48
anand_23try out this theme ... its really awesomeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee07:49
KartagisSeven_Six_Two can you encode to mp4 with devede and does it have a CLI?07:49
airtonixKartagis, no devede is gui only07:49
Paddy_NIKartagis, If you need cli then I would suggest handbrake or ffmpeg07:50
fratzbcanybody expert with NDP (neighbor discovery) for ipv6?07:51
Seven_Six_TwoKartagis, Its a frontend for ffmpeg or mencoder07:51
Seven_Six_Twoand I can encode to mp407:51
KartagisPaddy_NI I can work with HandBrakeCLI perfectly, except I'm having trouble with embedding subtitle07:52
Seven_Six_Twosorry. *it can encode to mp4 or anything that the backend can do.07:52
Paddy_NIKartagis, Ah I would suggest the handbrake forums or possibly the ubuntu forums for that one07:52
OperaKennelcan i have latest ubuntu07:53
OperaKenneldesktop and server07:53
Seven_Six_TwoOperaKennel, sure you can. Stable or unstable?07:54
OperaKennelguy where can i request to have ubuntu copy07:54
Seven_Six_Twoyou can download a cd image and burn it to a disc.07:54
OperaKennelhow about ship it07:54
Seven_Six_Twoor you can go to distrowatch.org and pick one of the vendors. I don't know. is shipit still going? I thought I read that it was ending?07:55
OperaKennelthey say that i will be eligible once i join in this room07:55
rockhopperOperaKennel, you have to create an account and you can do it!07:55
rockhopperOperaKennel, afaik you don't need to join this room to get a cd.07:55
OperaKennelsorry rockhopper...07:56
Seven_Six_Twomaybe you need a launchpad.net account?07:56
rockhopper!shippit | openvpn200907:56
ServerTech|LaptoHmm, i get a message. Your CPU seems to be lacking expected security expectations. Please run /usr/bin/check-bios-nx --verbose for more info. It tells me that my CPU supports LX protection and tells me to enable it. There is no option in my BIOS to enable it OR disable it. How can i remove that message or how can i enable it however.07:56
OperaKenneli am also ubuntu enthusiast07:56
rockhoppergo to that site OperaKennel07:56
OperaKennelthanks rockhopper07:56
=== ServerTech|Lapto is now known as ServerTechLaptop
whereamiI'm trying to install the 10.10 beta. It's failing to install the bootloader. I'm installing ubuntu on a new 100GB partition on sda5.07:57
rockhopper!shipit | OperaKennel07:57
ubottuOperaKennel: Shipit is a service that sends free Ubuntu and Kubuntu CDs. See http://shipit.ubuntu.com/ and http://shipit.kubuntu.org - Shipit will send !Lucid (10.04) CDs07:57
Jordan_Uwhereami: #ubuntu+1 for 10.1007:57
whereamik, thanks07:57
LuckySMackwhats the diff between the sun-java6* and the openjdk packages for running/developing jar files.07:57
Seven_Six_Twowhereami, is there another os installed?07:57
SubCoolEitherway, thanks a lot andycc and Seveas07:58
LuckySMackwell i dont really mean for development, i guess mostly normal use07:58
whereamiSeven_Six_Two, yes, Win 7 (I feel shame, I haven't used windows in like 5 years)07:58
Kartagisit seems that HandBrakeCLI doesn't burn .srt files INTO the mp4 file07:58
Seven_Six_Twowhereami, where are you trying to install the bootloader?07:58
OperaKennelrockhopper it says that i am not eligible to receive new release from shippit since i already receive CD07:59
whereamiSeven_Six_Two, MBR (/dev/sda)07:59
rockhopperOperaKennel, Have  you applied already?07:59
OperaKennel3 years ago...07:59
OperaKenneli think i receive too much from shippit08:00
rockhopperOperaKennel, oh, then you'll have to mail them about the problem.08:00
jeka_idite na huy08:00
pw-toxichi, can someone tell me, how I can persist my network settings i have done via ip and ifconfig?08:01
OperaKennelthank you for the enlightment08:01
Seven_Six_Twowhereami, does your bios write-protect the mbr?08:01
whereamiSeven_Six_Two, I've never heard of such a thing... I guess I should check that. Is that something Dell does to their systems?08:03
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Seven_Six_Twowhereami, that's just a guess, but I know the bios can protect some parts. and if anyone does it, it's Dell. or Gateway.08:05
tripelbin windows I use sumatra as a pdf reader and I'm very happy with it. what is good for ubuntu?08:05
th3hateI upgraded ubuntu to 10.10, now launching ubuntu-kernel.35 only brings a terminal screen. Could someone help?08:06
eltigrehey, I need help with a startup script for my server08:06
eltigreI read all tutorials I could find and it still doesn't work08:06
Jordan_Uth3hate: #ubuntu+1 for 10.1008:06
eltigrecan somebody please help me debug this problem? The startup script works fine on it's own...08:07
tensorpuddingtripelb: Ubuntu comes with Evince, it can read several formats besides just PDF.08:07
tripelbI do not think that the bios has a setting to "protect" the MBR. Every OS installer writes the MBR. So do some viruses.08:07
Kartagis!find srtutil08:07
ubottuPackage/file srtutil does not exist in lucid08:07
tripelbtensorpudding,  well then why does clicking on a pdf ask me to download Adome Reader?08:07
OperaKennelguys my sound is not working...08:07
tensorpuddingtripelb: Where are you clicking on this PDF?08:08
OperaKennelany help regarding sound devices08:08
tensorpuddingtripelb: I'm pretty sure that Firefox will open PDF's in Evince by default, I'm not 100% sure though.08:09
tripelbtensorpudding, are yo a physicist? (Just spent an hour on a Feynman video - consumer level, lol) but I've got a firm science background and have this personal expression for a certain idea I call "Godpudding" (it's all one).  Thought you might be thinking in similar lines. --- I'll get you the link. I use chrome.08:10
tripelbtensorpudding,  could this webpage have restricted me to Adome? http://www.scriptorpress.com/cenacle/73-74.html08:10
SubCoolandycc, could u help me associate firefox with Dolphin for viewing of folders... ? Please? im ready to destroy this machine.08:11
eltigrehow can I debug a startup script in ubuntu?08:11
eltigredo I just have to hope it works?08:11
=== Qwert is now known as qwert
andyccSubCool: sorry, I tried to do that once, but failed.08:11
eltigrebecause it doesn't work, case closed, or what?08:11
tripelbtensorpudding, I dont see Evince in Internet or in Office (under Applications)08:11
tensorpuddingtripelb: That's different, the file almost surely will open in Evince after you download it. It's just saying you need Adobe REader because on Windows there isn't a PDF reader included.08:11
ServerTechLaptopHmm, i get a message. Your CPU seems to be lacking expected security expectations. Please run /usr/bin/check-bios-nx --verbose for more info. It tells me that my CPU supports LX protection and tells me to enable it. There is no option in my BIOS to enable it OR disable it. How can i remove that message or how can i enable it however.08:11
andyccSubCool: also, I'm getting late for school.08:11
tripelbtensorpudding, what happens when you click on it?08:12
tensorpuddingtripelb: It begins downloading the file.08:12
SubCoolandycc, ah sorry, thought u might know. I know its a stupid request. I mean firefox.. started with linux so long ago- the only thign that has chaged is dolphin instead of nautilis .... You woudl THINK IT WOULD WORK BY NOW08:12
tensorpuddingtripelb: Are you clicking on the link with Adobe REader, or the picture? You should click the picture.08:12
tensorpuddingtripelb: also it is normally called Document Viewer in the menus, but the program's actual name is evince.08:13
tensorpuddingit's kinda spotty on that, annoyingly.08:13
tensorpuddingcalling it Document Viewer some places, Evince in others08:14
airtonixI'm using lucid liveusb, and at somepoint accidentally chose to install nvidia drivers. point is it wants to update the initramfs but can't because it can't make the changes to the read only filesystem... everytime i install other packages it wants to keep trying to install initramfs again... how to tell it not to keep trying ?08:14
tripelbtensorpudding, Yea, I figured it out the wrong link. Yep "Document Viewer  Using poppler/cairo (0.12.4) -- by the authors of evince. - as you said.08:14
tman482Anyone think of a reason dwm would heat up my lappy a bit more than openbox or musca? Can't figure it.08:14
tripelbtensorpudding, attracted by the green print, lol. And your name, can you tell me what it means. PM is ok if not here.08:15
th3hatehow do i get ubuntu to start normally instead of bringing a terminal screen with Desktop Login:08:15
RyanT5000can anyone here recommend a good hierarchical outline editor?08:17
jitshi .. i am trying to setup a network gateway using a ubuntu server .. but i am unable to share internte without squid proxy .. i have added ip_forward in sysctl but the computers across a different router are not able to see it..08:17
RyanT5000by which i mean something like OOo's hierarchical bulleting... except good08:17
redHow do I recursively use find to locate every file called something.php and open them up with gedit ?08:18
rockhopperred try *.php08:18
rockhopperI don't think you can recursively open em.08:19
RyanT5000red: find dir_to_search_in -name "*.php" -exec gedit {} \;08:19
RyanT5000er, that'll probably wait until you close gedit each time08:19
RyanT5000i'm not sure whether find waits for its children to finish08:19
redlets see08:20
redit would be cool to be able to08:20
wasnikubuntu does not detect my soundcards please help08:20
RyanT5000actually, this might work, alternatively: find dir -name "*.php" | xargs gedit08:20
RyanT5000(that may break if there are spaces in your filenames)08:21
redhehe, i have a compiz effect on for when I press backspace or something too many times and instead of a pc beep the window will wobble a bit08:21
redthat first command made it so my terminal is wobbling furiously :D08:21
RyanT5000well, that's better than your speakers screaming at you08:21
redpeople at work looking me like a madman when i bursted into laugh08:22
redlets try xargs08:22
RyanT5000well, here's what i just did, which has crashed gedit08:23
RyanT5000(so presumably it worked)08:23
redi actually use geany and not gedit, brainfart, worth a test08:23
RyanT5000find dir -name "*.php" -print0 | xargs -0 gedit08:23
redxargs isnt opening anything it seems08:23
redill try that08:23
RyanT5000the -print0 and -0 deal with spaces nicely08:23
redthe first command opened like 200 odd random files to geany =)08:23
RyanT5000(uses null characters as separators instead of spaces)08:24
samfisherHi. I have a ubuntu machine with no internet access. How can I update/upgrade the machine using a usb thumbdrive? I don't want to burn cds08:24
tensorpuddingsamfisher: where do you suppose you'll get the updates from?08:25
samfishertensorpudding: from another machine, with internet access08:26
eustoi'm having trouble changing folder permissions for a mounted drive. sudo chown myuser.mygroup on that path does nothing08:26
eustosame thing using folder permissions from gnome08:27
redeusto: i've bumped into that problem myself, pretty annoying08:27
eustored: have you found a fix for it?08:27
RyanT5000eusto: how did you mount it?08:27
tensorpuddingsamfisher: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingSoftware#Installing packages without an Internet connection08:27
eustoRyanT5000: not really sure. it's an external disk that was connected to the computer when i've installed ubuntu and was mounted by default08:28
redfind . -name "tuner.php" -print0 | xargs -0 geany // nothing seems to be opening up, thought im running the command on a folder that is a sshfs mount of our dev server so traversing the paths could be slow08:28
eustocan you tell me where to look?08:28
RyanT5000red: you could redirect into a file, wait for that to finish, then redirect the file into xargs08:28
RyanT5000red: then you'd know when find had finished08:29
uLinuxsomebody knows how to show a specific partition in conky?08:29
RyanT5000eusto: well, you could look in /etc/fstab; if the mountpoint and drive are listed there, that's probably how it's getting mounted08:29
redryant5000: tested it in a subfolder, which has more subfolders and one of them has the tuner.php08:29
redit worked08:29
redso guess I'll just go put some coffee into the machine and take a smoke :)08:29
RyanT5000red: cool; it may just be too many files08:29
redit should open them all up eventually, right?08:30
RyanT5000red: or crash :P08:30
redgiven no crash08:30
RyanT5000eusto: i'm not actually sure how to look up the options with which a filesystem was mounted08:30
redno verbose so dunno what its doing08:30
redseems to be working and running still tho08:30
thune3eusto: output of "mount" will show options in use08:31
eustoRyanT5000: it's not in /etc/fstab. Everytime i reboot, there's a shortcut to it on the desktop and it gets mounted first time i click it08:31
RyanT5000eusto: what does the output of your mount command (thanks thune3) show?08:31
eustothune3: /dev/sdb1 on /media/My Book type fuseblk (rw,nosuid,nodev,allow_other,blksize=4096,default_permissions)08:31
uLinuxSomebody knows how to show a specific partition in conky? in my case.. /home?08:33
ShapeShifter499how do I apt pin a ppa repo in debian?08:33
RyanT5000eusto: it looks like that's an NTFS disk; unfortunately, i don't really know anything about how permissions work with NTFS on Linux08:33
ShapeShifter499oops not the debian channel08:33
vrakeshhi... i installed enigmail/openPGP in thunderbird... but the pictures in mail werent displaying... so i uninstalled it... still the pictures arent showing up...can anyone pls help me with this?08:34
fred2040hi, I need a little help... how to open manuals-> 'man' with gedit or another text visor...08:34
Doyleanyone used irssi before? I'd like a similar program for linux if anyone knows of one08:34
Paddy_NIDoyle, how about irssi?08:35
Doylefred2040: type 'man <command>'08:35
DoylePaddy_NI: work in linux?08:35
Paddy_NIDoyle, its native08:35
Doylefred2040: all man pages are available online also08:35
uLinuxDoyle: im using irssi08:35
fred2040ty Doyle, but man opens the manual on the console08:35
DoylePaddy_NI: nooooooooo!08:35
ubottuIrssi is a terminal based IRC client. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Irssi for help. See also !screen08:35
uLinuxif you want GUI use xchat08:36
fred2040ohh nice, where i can find it?08:36
DoylePaddy_NI: dangit, I'm using irssi now too... I meant ircle08:36
=== nosrepa is now known as aperson
fred2040Doyle its this http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/karmic/en/?08:39
fred2040Doyle thks very much!08:39
Doyleexactly, anytime08:39
=== FireCrotch_ is now known as FireCrotch
sd-dhow to install 10.04 lst server edition08:41
Lollipophi everybody08:42
sd-dhow to install 10.04 lst server edition08:43
th_im not sure what i did but now guake is starting 2 times at the startup. is there a way to trace what is launcing it?08:43
gp5sthi, i'm in an odd situation. so, i'm on the live cd and i need to set up grub on a partition on the harddisk, not just on /sda, but on /sda3 because that's linux and there are other os's on the disk.  I'm trying to follow http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=224351 but the find command he states doesn't work.  on /dev/sda3 there is a /boot/grub/stage1.  could i just skip to do 'setup (hd0,3)'? or are grubs partitions differently numbered?08:44
sd-dhow can i install the ubuntu 10.04 LST server edition08:44
gp5stdoesn't work as it says error 15 file not found08:44
fratzbcsd-d: put in the cd and boot?08:44
fratzbcsd-d: can you be more specific?08:45
gp5stsd-d: have you downloaded it and tried to run it on a computer off of a cd?08:45
sd-dfratzbc, ya can you give me08:45
gp5stthis is an ext4 partion.  is that my problem?08:46
spikebi have an acer aspire one d260, and i'd like to disable tap-to-click, but the setting under the mouse preferences app doesn't do anything. any suggestions?08:46
sd-dfratzbc, i have srever edition can i install within windows08:48
alexxiocant install skype because i need libxssl, but is not in my repository..where can i find it_08:48
edakiriWhat software is good for maintaining time lines?08:49
ppqalexxio, there's also a statically linked version of skype. use this to avoid foreign repos08:49
goddardwhat web browser doesn't do any extra garbage besides show you the webpage you requested?08:49
sd-dalexxio, ya you can go into ubuntu software center and search it08:50
tensorpuddinggoddard: uzbl maybe08:50
alexxioppq> what a static link is? that in skype.com website?08:50
chuchegoddard, you can try Miro or download adblock for Firefox or Google Chrome/Chromium08:50
chuchegoddard, I'm sorry, I meant Midori08:50
ppqgoddard, kazehakase, chromium, epiphany..08:50
ravenany web-proxy accessable on port 53?08:51
goddardGoogle Chrome tracks you08:51
goddardso does Opera08:51
chuchegoddard, then I suggest stick with Midori or Firefox08:51
allannbhow do I set a password with only 5 digits? how do I force the system?08:52
goddardFirefox is legit about being just a web browser?08:52
vu1kangoddard: firefox with adblock plus and beeftaco08:52
ppqalexxio, statically linkes means, the needed libs are already integrated in the package and are loaded in every case, even if an identical lib is already loaded. pros: a bit faster and no dependencies. cons: uses a little bit more ram08:52
goddardThen how do they stick around?08:52
goddardMozilla has to make money some how08:52
sd-dany can toled me how to i install 10.04 LST server edition within windows08:52
ppqgoddard, you can configure chromium not to collect and send data to google08:52
chuchegoddard, they adopted the Free and Open Source business model08:53
ppqgoddard, thats done with a few clicks..08:53
goddardppq sadly they still track extra things08:53
goddardI just want a web browser no life changing experience08:54
ppqgoddard, for chrome, this is true. but for the chromium in the ubuntu repos not08:54
chuchegoddard, try Midori then08:54
vu1kan!wubi | sd-d08:54
ubottusd-d: Wubi is an Ubuntu installer for Windows users that allows you to install and uninstall Ubuntu like a Windows application, in a simple and safe way. http://wubi-installer.org/support.php and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WubiGuide for troubleshooting. Please  file bugs at http://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug.08:54
goddardppq really?08:54
ppqgoddard, wait a sec, there is a site where this is explained08:54
goddardto bad about Opera I really liked the interface08:55
chuchehi all. is there a way to start an "instance" of wine at startup?08:55
th_im not sure what i did but now guake is starting 2 times at the startup. is there a way to trace what is launcing it?08:56
ppqgoddard, well, it's german, but you can try to translate it via google (:D) http://wiki.ubuntuusers.de/Chromium#Datenschutz-und-Privatsphaere08:56
chucheI play Warcraft III and everytime I start the executable it takes a while08:56
chucheBut the second time i start it after I quit the first time it is really fast08:56
goddardppq I am not using Google any more to much bad stuff going on08:56
chuchei want to be able to preload an "instance" of wine but I don't know how or even know if its possible08:57
ppqchuche, "preload" loads libraries when booting up, basing on using statistics08:57
goddardBesides no one company should be that powerful honestly08:57
alexxioppq: the skype static link is that on the website? or where can i find it? and how to install it?08:57
ppqchuche, just install the package 'preload' and ou're done - no conf needed08:57
chucheppq, thank you :)08:57
goddardOpera must use WebKit as well because this seems similar08:57
allannbhow do I force GNOME Users and Groups to allow setting a password that's only 5 digits?08:58
edakirichuche: Firefox does much network activity unrequested, in the default configuration08:58
ppqgoddard, thats a good attitude :) unfortunately i cant life without their services. do you know googlesharing? it's a poxy based anonymization service that can also be used with chromium, with the add on "proxy switchy"08:58
Jordan_Ugp5st: What version of Ubuntu, and are you sure you need to install the bootloader to a partition? Grub should be able to boot all your various operating systems, and installing to a partition requires blocklists which are unreliable.08:58
allannb'cause I changed my password from 5 digits to a longer one. now, I can't start my GNOME session because of permission problems. I just want to revert to my old password08:58
edakirialexxio: need voice chat?  you can also use XMPP with pidgin or SIP with ekiga08:58
chucheedakiri, that's why I suggested Firefox with Adblock08:58
ppqalexxio, yes, the version on the skype website (.deb) is the statical one08:58
edakirichuche: it still does, even with adblock08:58
edakirichuche: i will get you a good link08:59
alexxioppq: thanks08:59
chucheedakiri, oh? thx for the links08:59
ppqalexxio, i think there also is a repo containing the statical version, i'll look08:59
goddardppq that doesn't help because Google still knows08:59
alexxioedaikiri: i-d like to try those programs but actually i-m just installing ubuntu on an old pc to make my old uncle chat with his relatives in the world and they have skype too :)09:00
goddardppq I was using all Google services but I think I am going to spread it out a bit from now on Google rubbed me the wrong way with the news I've been hearing09:00
chuchegoddard, what news is that? can i get a link?09:01
edakirichuche, goddard: here are documented (all or most of ) the many hoops you must jump through to configure firefox to not do unrequested network activity:  http://support.mozilla.com/en-US/kb/Firefox+makes+unrequested+connections  I don't know that microsummaries (a.k.a. Live _____ ) are completely documented.09:01
ppqgoddard, i tried to avoid google for a time, too.. used scroogle instead etc. but its just not the same09:01
goddardchuche there is tons go search bing or yahoo or dogpile even09:02
vu1kan<sudo ufw disable && ufw default deny incoming && ufw default deny outgoing && ufw allow 8000/tcp && ufw enable> will this set ufw to deny all traffic except on port 8000, or is that too many commands to chain like that?09:02
chuchegoddar, oh... old news to me :) i thought it was something new/recent09:02
alexxiocant find subprogram 'ar' ... what is it? :P09:02
quietoneCan anyone help me connect to net via bluetooth mobile?09:03
goddardchuche no unless you didn't hear the plan with android and that wireless plan09:03
gp5stJordan_U: it's my guess.  It's a mac pro using efi.  I um have efi seeing the partition (as a legacy os, not as linux, which bothers me) and when I go to that partition toboot it says "os not found" I'm running 10.04 (upgraded continuously since like 8.x).  I had a disk almost fail, so i reinstalled mac os to another disk (so that i could set up refit to allow me to boot other OS's and have an efi shell.  Then I just copied all the files over and set09:03
=== llutz_ is now known as llutz
edakirigoddard: I think google is better (ethically) than yahoo or bing09:03
edakiriI notice I'm getting very off-topic09:04
goddardedakiri people have used yahoo for years and bing atleast you know what your getting when you mess with Microsoft.....Google is doing all new crazy stuff and messing with Net Nuetraility is not right09:04
Jordan_Ugp5st: You should install to the mbr, but only grub2. I'm not sure if grub legacy deals with GPT properly, but I know grub2 does.09:04
=== inovaspa is now known as lorenzom
chuchegoddard, i have no choice but to recommend Midori then. It is based on WebKit and AFAIK won't make any unrequested connections to the internet09:05
Jordan_Ugp5st: Follow this guide: http://grub.enbug.org/Grub2LiveCdInstallGuide09:05
goddardchuche its already downloaded and being tested seems similar to Opera and Chrome09:05
gp5stJordan_U: thanks. how do i not find these links:(09:05
goddardchuche thats nice...I assume it still has the network keep alive features?09:05
=== inovaspa is now known as lorenzom
Jordan_Ugp5st: If you can, you should also create a BIOS boot partition http://grub.enbug.org/BIOS_Boot_Partition (but head the warning at the bottom of the page).09:06
chuchegoddard, AFAIK only the Update Software app can update Midori09:06
th3hateCould someone check the error i get when i boot ubuntu: http://img34.imageshack.us/img34/3453/20100924002.jpg09:06
gp5sttanks Jordan_U i'll see what i can do with this now09:07
Jordan_Ugp5st: You're welcome.09:07
gp5stthanks* :)09:07
chucheJordan_U, you don't happen to be the thisweekinlinux guy over at YouTube right?09:08
goddardchuche on a lot of servers in the protocol they have a web keep alive features because it supposedly speeds things up....I don't understand it myself seems stupid to maintain 100 pings for people who left their computer while a web browser was open09:08
Jordan_Uchuche: No.09:08
gp5sti wish this server room's ac wouldn't blow right on me:(09:09
goddardwatch the network it will keep running for hours sending pings09:09
chuchegoddard, that also depends on what site you are on and if it has ads or not09:09
ljsoftnetcan i adjust my cpu fan speed?09:10
=== Gugu is now known as Gurty`
chuchegoddard, i go on my Google Voice account and it has to send pings occasionally to keep refreshing my inbox09:10
chuchegoddard, most social networking sites have ads, banners, etc. even Phoronix, Linux.com, slashdot, pretty much everything nowadays09:11
ravenany web-proxy accessable on port 53?09:11
ravenany web-proxy accessable on port 53?09:13
LapsusIs there anyone out there willing to help this poor sap get his secondary monitor working properly with the nvidia drivers in 10.04? It won't find the proper resolution or frequency, yet before I had the drivers installed, everything was working reasonably well.09:14
alexxioppq: actually the deb files i download is opened (with double click) with archive extractor, it seems i miss some package to install it09:14
alexxioi-m under lxde09:15
LapsusIt also has no problem with my primary, identical monitor09:15
ImaginaryFriendi have linux-running NAS that serves as a wifi router - could anyone recommend a tool for monitoring bandwidth consumption by specific computers in the local network?09:16
ugliefrogJOIN /BLENDER09:16
ugliefrogjoin #blender09:16
ImaginaryFriendugliefrog: never chat when you are drunk09:16
ServerTech|LaptoHow do i find my current local ip?09:17
ravenServerTech|Lapto, ifconfig09:17
ImaginaryFriendServerTech|Lapto: read the result of ifconfig09:17
ugliefrogImaginaryFriend, Lol...sad thing is , im nott :)09:17
ravenany web-proxy accessable on port 53?09:17
LapsusAnyone know how to set custom resolutions/modes/whatever for a secondary monitor with the latest nvidia drivers?09:17
ImaginaryFriendLapsus: im not sure but try Ubuntu Tweak09:18
ServerTech|LaptoI cant see the network manager icon on the top panel... Why?09:18
QwertIs there a channel for openDNS?09:19
ibizatryxtry /list open09:20
ImaginaryFriendanyone to recommend a tool for monitoring bandwidth consumption by specific computers in local network from debian router?09:21
LapsusImaginaryFriend: I can't seem to find anything remotely related to resolution settings in there09:21
Qwertibizatryx: Not working09:21
ravenany web-proxy accessable on port 53?09:21
LapsusI just need my second display at 1600x1200@75Hz instead of whatever the hell the nvidia driver thinks it's doing09:21
QwertLapsus: Whas the issue?09:22
sinani'm having trouble with my wireless connection. the network manager says i am connected, "ifconfig" shows i have obtained an IP address, "route -n" shows the default gateway is correct, but i can't ping any IPs (all hosts are unreachable). any idea?09:22
QwertLapsus: k09:22
LapsusQwert: dual monitors working fine with a clean install, nvidia drivers can't comprehend two monitors at 1600x120009:22
vu1kanLapsus: do you have nvidia-settings?09:23
QwertLapsus: Are you on laptop or desktop?09:23
Lapsusvu1kan: that's what I'm trying to use, yes.09:23
LapsusQwert: Desktop09:23
QwertLapsus: Whats the problem in using nvidia-settings?09:23
ravenany web-proxy accessable on port 53?09:24
hetiiHello :) how in ubuntu server restart inet that will use new file from /etc/init ?09:24
ravenhetii, sudo /etc/init.d networking restart09:24
hetiinetworkings ??09:24
LapsusQwert: It can't seem to tell what my second monitor is, and won't offer the right resolution or frequency for it, yet it has detected and is happily using my other, identical monitor as the main display09:24
ravenhetii, like i wrote09:25
hetiiwhat networking has to do to inet process ?09:25
alexxioraven: are you italian?09:25
alexxioraven: answer09:26
LapsusQwert: leaving it on auto gets me 1360x768@60Hz, it's listed as CRT-1, instead of SUN, like my other display09:26
alexxioreading how you typed, i just was wondering if you were italian, i-m italian ..09:26
quiescenshetii: sudi service (name) restart09:27
quiescenshetii: sudo service (name) restart09:27
LapsusQwert: Should I repeat that? :p09:27
QwertLapsus: No, sorry. I was out. I'll scroll and see09:28
ravenany web-proxy accessable on port 53?09:28
LapsusQwert: No worries09:28
hetiiinet/inetd/init: unrecognized service09:28
Lapsusin theory I could somehow remove the nvidia drivers, but I'd prefer not to >.>09:29
alexxiothe most asked question i think in this channel!!! how to tell dpkg /i to install all dependencies??09:29
quiescenshetii: what are you trying to do?09:29
quiescenshetii: do you actually have an inetd running?09:30
hetiii add new config file to path: /etc/init/ to respawn one of my critical daemon (its handled by screen session)09:30
hetiiso if this daemon will die the screen will die also and system should start it again09:31
hetiii dont know if its handled by inetd or upstart or whatever but as i see i had other configuration file on /etc/init so there is some process that use them09:32
quiescensif you've added a file to /etc/init and want to start it without rebooting or waiting for a runlevel change you'll have to do sudo service (name of your new service) start09:32
vu1kanLapsus: can you manually set the resolution you want using <xrandr>?09:32
hetiiahh :)09:32
hetiiso simple :)09:32
LapsusI'll give it a try vu1kan09:32
vu1kanLapsus: check the man page09:32
vega_even simpler: sudo start <service>, sudo stop <service>, ....09:33
hetiibut something goes wrong i had now a lot of screen session09:33
JonniBravohello room09:33
JonniBravoany1 here know where I can find a android development chat room????09:33
Lapsusokay, apparently I need to use a seperate x creen for that09:33
ravenany web-proxy accessable on port 53?09:34
Lapsushow would I go about restarting x? :p09:34
gp5stJordan_U: thanks, with a little googling I think I got it all working09:34
johnxth3hate, hey09:34
th3hatejohnx, yo09:34
th3hateexited nano09:35
johnxso next thing: cd /etc/X1109:35
johnxtell me if there is anything there that looks like a backed up version of an xorg.conf file09:35
johnxlike xorg.conf.dpkg-old or something like that09:35
Jordan_Ugp5st: You're welcome.09:36
johnxis that the date you upgraded?09:36
th3hateyea to 10.1009:36
johnxand you're positive that xorg.conf is empty? because if you accidentally typed the wrong file name it would give you a blank file as well09:37
th3hatecan you give me the nano command again09:37
johnxsudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf09:37
th3hatejohnx, no its not empty by bad..09:38
johnxno worries09:38
johnxthat's why I double checked :D09:38
th3hatedriver "nvidia"09:38
th3hateedit this?09:38
johnxfind it, replace nvidia with nv09:38
alexxiohow to make setxkbmap permanent?09:38
th3hatehow to save?09:39
vega_alexxio: that's one thing i'd like to know as well..09:39
alexxiovega: ^^09:39
th3hatejohnx, how to save nano?09:39
johnxth3hate, ctrl+x09:39
Myrttith3hate: ctrl-x should prompt to save09:39
johnxit will ask you to save09:39
vega_alexxio: i have finnish selected *everywhere*, /etc/default/console, gnome, ... but still have to do "setxkbmap fi" manually after every login/boot09:39
th3hatepressed Y and saved09:40
johnxsudo restart gdm09:40
hetiiQ: if i had new service config file and run some process that print his message on standard output is there some place where this is redirect by service daemon ?09:40
th3hatejohnx, X finally worked!!09:40
Novice_hi there09:40
ashok_shettyQwert: hi ry thr09:41
th3hatejohnx, i finally got my gui back thanks :P09:41
Novice_I should add the USB boot support to my GRUB anybody knows how to help me?09:41
johnxth3hate, hot sauce. next part is to get the nvidia driver setup properly so you have 3D and stuff09:41
vega_hetii: don't know, but it should be documented somewhere in upstart docs.. try upstart.ubuntu.com09:41
ljsoftnetcan i adjust my cpu fan speed?09:41
th3hatejohnx, download from nvidia.com?09:41
johnxth3hate, hit administration -> additional drivers09:41
Novice_I should add the USB boot support to my GRUB anybody knows how to help me?09:42
th3hatejohnx, it's searching09:42
johnxit should offer you "NVIDIA accelerated graphics driver (version current)"09:42
vega_ljsoftnet: you mean by software means? if it's connected with 3-pin connector then there's a chane..09:42
johnxchoose that, hit install09:42
th3hatejohnx, yep (version current) (recommeneded)09:42
johnxgreat, and it's not marked as currently installed, right?09:43
th3hatejohnx, it says this driver is not activated09:43
th3hateactivate it?09:43
th3hatejohnx, downloading and installing09:43
johnxmissing that driver was the whole problem. it will grab the driver and fix your xorg.conf file :)09:43
th3hatejohnx, what caused this problem in the first place?09:44
ljsoftnetvega_ yeah by software, yes it has a 3-pin connector09:44
johnxth3hate, dunno exactly. between 10.04 and 10.10 it looks like the nvidia driver changed quite a bit and for some reason the new one wasn't automatically downloaded and installed during the upgraded process09:45
vega_ljsoftnet: then keywords would be lm-sensors, fancontrol, thinkfan, ...09:46
Xanojust want to say, im really tempted to test out the new 10.1009:46
johnxXano, have an nvidia card? :D09:46
Xanohaha yes, unfortunately09:46
vega_and perhaps google: "ubuntu control fan speed"09:46
Novice_Hey ANYBODY knows how to add the USB support to GRUB?09:46
ubottuMaverick Meerkat is the codename for Ubuntu 10.10 - Maverick is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+109:46
johnxXano, works fine. switch to the nv driver before upgraded, and switch back to the nvidia driver after upgrade. :)09:47
Xano310M isnt fully supported yet anyways from what ive seen09:47
Myrttiremember, this channel is for the support of the officially released version :-)09:47
Xanois there a discussion channel, so i dont flood this one with fun stuff?09:47
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!09:47
Xano:) thanks09:47
bazhangXano, #ubuntu-offtopic09:47
johnxubottu, sorry, didn't know the rules. I'll pickup camp and move09:48
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)09:48
vega_#ubuntu+1 is for maverick09:48
vega_ah, it was there already..09:48
th3hateCannot join #ubuntu-offtopic (You are banned) , oops why? never entered it before09:49
johnxth3hate, anyways, catch me back on #maemo or #ubuntu+1 if things don't work09:49
th3hatejohnx, thanks for help09:49
ashok_shettyQwert: hello ru thr09:49
Qwertashok_shetty: Ya..09:49
ashok_shettyQwert: ya tell me how to install now dear09:50
Qwertashok_shetty: Self service on keylogger.09:50
Tribaal\join #satchmo09:51
Qwertashok_shetty: imho, you should try it by yourself09:51
ashok_shettyQwert: k wil try09:51
QwertTribaal: </join #satchmo >09:51
TribaalYeah sorry09:51
QwertNo problem09:52
ljsoftnethow do i use thinkfan?09:54
IIVQhello, can I ask kubuntu questions here as well?09:54
Myrtti#kubuntu would work for that, IIVQ09:55
IIVQmyrtii: that channel is neigh dead09:55
MyrttiIIVQ: patience is a virtue, we're all volunteers09:55
IIVQI know myrtti09:55
|2exxhi all09:56
icarus-cIIVQ, as long as you are sure that it is not KDE / kubuntu specific question, you could try us09:56
IIVQI don't know whether it's KDE-kubuntu-specific09:56
ljsoftnet@vega_ how do i use thinkfan?09:56
glebihanIIVQ: ask, we'll see09:56
IIVQwhat happened is I seem to have lost the WM09:56
IIVQsymptoms: no window borders/titles09:56
icarus-cIIVQ, that's KDE specific.  but you could try restart kwin09:57
IIVQkeyboard stays on the last opened window (thought I can do mouse actions in others)09:57
broadcom_tomHi - trying to install Broadcom BCM4306 wifi drivers on a dell lattitude D600- using Ubuntu 10.04 livecd.  Followed the bcm43xx instructions, but no driver is listed after I install bcmwl-kernel-source.  Any advice appreciated (not a linux expert)09:57
XanoIIVQ: worst case, you could reinstall the KDE packages09:57
IIVQcould you give me any tips on how I could get into something terminalish?09:57
IIVQas alt-f2 doesn09:58
IIVQ't work09:58
IIVQand ctral-alt-fX never has worked for me09:58
icarus-cXano, reinstalling usually isn't the way to fix issue on Linux or Unix-like OS though09:58
icarus-cIIVQ, i think you could still right click on desktop and run terminal09:58
|2exx@broadcom_tom I think you can edit your wlan0 with ifconfig09:58
Xanono, but on a strange situation like that, it could be corruption of the code09:58
icarus-cXano, or bad config/ kwin crash :)09:59
Xanotrue, which is why i said worst case ;)09:59
IIVQah I have alt-f209:59
maik_hi @ all09:59
IIVQbut it was hiding09:59
IIVQI still can't type in it09:59
iflemabroadcom_tom: try removing bcmwl-kernel-source and install b43-fwcutter, it will install the legacy firmware for the driver which is built in to the kernel10:00
broadcom_tom@|2exx ifconfig says no wireless adaptor present10:00
icarus-cIIVQ, can you right click on desktop and run terminal?10:00
IIVQicarus: no, I can do run command10:00
broadcom_tom@iflema what commands do I need to do that please?10:00
icarus-cIIVQ, run command10:00
IIVQbtw: I do have a "start bar" (don't knwo what it's called in linux) and normal desktop background10:01
gp5stso, now i have this issue where if i boot off the live cd, run grub-install on my partition and reboot it all works and i can boot that partition, but when i restart the machine, i can no longer boot the parition10:01
IIVQbut if I do run command, I can't actually type in that window10:01
IIVQit's as if the last window stole keyboard focus10:01
ljsoftnethow do i use thinkfan to set my cpu fan speed to low?10:01
IIVQbut I don't know which is that last window10:01
maik_i'm searching a database-management-tool which can connect via ssh-tunnel to my webservers mysql database, does anyone knows such a tool?10:01
icarus-cIIVQ, anyway, does logout/in make things work again?10:02
IIVQicarus: no10:02
IIVQhave tried that, thx10:02
IIVQtried a full reboot even10:02
IIVQi can try rebooting now that only terminal is open10:02
iflemabroadcom_tom: the removal and b43-fwcutter oinstall can be done intthe  synaptic package manager or in a terminal sudo apt-get remove bcmwl-kernel-source followed by sudo apt-get install b43-fwcutter10:02
icarus-cIIVQ, could you try to run kwin in terminal?10:03
iflemabroadcom_tom: it the computer in question on the Internet?10:03
|2exxDoes anyone here have an Android device?10:03
icarus-cIIVQ, maybe switch to tty and run  "DISPLAY=:0  kwin" ?10:03
IIVQicarus-c, yeah, I'm trying to reboot to see if I can actually get to type something in kwin10:03
icarus-c|2exx, what about it10:03
IIVQicarus-c: tty never worked for me10:03
icarus-cIIVQ, what do you mean?10:03
|2exxicarus, I loaded cyanogenmod a while back and I'm still having trouble mounting the sdcard10:04
IIVQif I press ctrl-alt-F2 I go to a black screen10:04
|2exxI tried the mke2fs10:04
IIVQor sometimes flickering random10:04
|2exxfor mmcblk010:04
icarus-cIIVQ, don't you get a terminal there?  (command prompt  in Windows terminology)10:04
IIVQdon't get anything to work except alt-prtsc-sub10:04
icarus-cIIVQ, um. right that looks like a graphics driver problem to me10:04
iflemabroadcom_tom: is the computer in question online allready?10:04
ResQueanyone know of a good partitioning tool that doesnt use parted. i am having problem becuase i created a NTFS disk with it and it auto put in a mftfs flag that stops mac osx disk util from reading the disk properly10:05
IIVQI can not TYPE into my terminal10:05
icarus-cIIVQ, um.. you should do  alt-sysrq-[resiub] instead of just sub10:06
IIVQbut I can copy/paste into it10:06
mrehis there a package for the divx codec?10:06
icarus-cmreh, is it avi you are talking about?10:06
IIVQand appearently kwin is not installed10:06
iflemabroadcom_tom: also check if you are able to activate the wifi card under the dektop menu System / Administration / Hardware Drivers10:06
dancekResQue, cfdisk/fdisk?10:06
IIVQI did apt-get autoremove yesterday10:06
ResQuedan2, thanks i will try them now10:07
dpac_maik_: Why don't you setup a ssh tunnel and then use phpmyadmin to use that settings10:07
IIVQwhich disinstalled 3 or 4 packages that didn't seem important or outdated. kwin wasn't one of them10:07
ljsoftnethow do i use thinkfan to set my cpu fan speed to low?10:07
mrehicarus-c, avi is a format, that's idependent of the codec isn't it?10:07
dancekResQue, since you've already got the partition fdisk should be enough. It doesn't do resizing live partitions like parted.10:07
icarus-cljsoftnet, man thinkfan?10:07
icarus-cmreh, right.10:07
|2exxdoes anyone know a good process to make my sdcard partition?10:08
mrehicarus-c: I have files ending .divx, so I'm assuming they are divx encoded10:08
icarus-cmreh, anyway, i would just go and install all gstreamer plugins and ffmpeg.  everything should play just fine afterwards10:08
ResQuedancek, thanks a lot. i only need to delete the partition10:08
mrehicarus-c: okay, I've got ffmpeg, I'll see about gstreamer. Thanks10:08
icarus-cmreh, you need gstreamer0.10-ffmpeg too10:09
ljsoftneticarus-c how do i set my cpu fan to low speed, it doesn't say anything in the man pages?10:09
maik_dpac_, i'm a ubuntu newbie, can u give me an short explanation or give me a link where this is explained?10:09
IIVQicarus: you're my hero10:09
icarus-cIIVQ, why's that10:09
dpac_maik_: Sure. This explains how to setup the ssh tunnel. http://www.revsys.com/writings/quicktips/ssh-tunnel.html10:10
IIVQby helping me giving me enough hints10:10
IIVQand I must say I'm pretty nerdy10:10
IIVQby managing to type sudo apt-get install kwin, and my password10:10
ResQuedancek, i get the error "unsupported GPT GUID partition table detected"10:10
dpac_maik_: What database is there on your server? MySQL?10:10
IIVQonly from diving into the bash command history and getting those letters10:10
IIVQhardest was getting a capital P (which is in my password somewhere)10:11
ResQuedancek, any ideas?10:11
gp5stso, now i have this issue where if i boot off the live cd, run grub-install on my partition and reboot it all works and i can boot that partition, but when i restart the machine, i can no longer boot the parition10:11
IIVQbut I've installed and ran kwin and it seems ok now10:11
ResQueIIVQ, was is Password?10:11
IanY57newbie question: have 10.4 server - bind9 running behind a router with static IP - have domain name - do i put the static IP address or the server (local 10.1.1.XXX) into the default db.file?10:11
icarus-cIIVQ, nice...10:11
ljsoftneticarus-c how do i set my cpu fan to low speed, it doesn't say anything in the man pages?10:11
ashok_shettyQwert: ry thr10:11
icarus-cljsoftnet, maybe  thinkfan --help10:11
Qwertashok_shetty: Yes.10:11
gp5stit's like the boot flag gets taken off10:12
ashok_shettywhen i run in terminal im getting segmentation fault as error10:12
gp5stashok_shetty: that sucks10:12
dancekResQue, then try gdisk10:12
icarus-cljsoftnet, no idea. you should consult thinkfan's manual10:12
ashok_shettygp5st, what to do man10:12
gp5stashok_shetty: what program is it?10:13
IIVQresQue: no it's not Password :-P10:13
gp5stthey are just hard bugs to track down10:13
ljsoftneticarus-c, where do i look for it?10:13
ashok_shettygp5st, lkl keylogger dude10:13
IIVQit's weak, but NOT a dictionary words10:13
ashok_shettyQwert: when i run in terminal im getting segmentation fault as error10:13
BlaDe^Hi guys, just upgraded to 10.04 -- Rhythmbox wont start though, it says "Starting Rhytmbox" in my taskbar, then it dies -- I've tried remove/installing again. Any ideas?10:14
maik_dpac_,  that means i have to run the commandlines from the howto and than set my mysql-manager to connect on localhost with the given port?10:14
dpac_maik_: Okay, then you can configure phpmyadmin config file to connect to your localhost for ssh-tunneled mysql administration.10:14
dpac_maik_: Exactly!10:15
well_laid_lawnBlaDe^:  tried starting it from terminal to catch errors?10:15
maik_dpac_, one moment, let me try10:15
BlaDe^well_laid_lawn:  rhythmbox: error while loading shared libraries: libtotem-plparser.so.12: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory10:15
IanY57newbie question: have 10.4 server - bind9 running behind a router with static IP - have domain name - do i put the static IP address or the server (local 10.1.1.XXX) into the default db.file?10:15
well_laid_lawn!find libtotem-plparser | BlaDe^10:16
ubottuBlaDe^: Found: libtotem-plparser-dbg, libtotem-plparser-dev, libtotem-plparser1710:16
vu1kanBlaDe^: try <sudo apt-get purge rythmbox> then reinstall?10:16
maik_omg ^^ "Linux is like a wigwam: No windows. No gates. Apache inside." great10:16
BlaDe^libtotem-plparser-dev is already the newest version.10:16
broadcom_tom@iflema any ideas?10:16
iflemabroadcom_tom: the removal and b43-fwcutter oinstall can be done intthe  synaptic package manager or in a terminal sudo apt-get remove bcmwl-kernel-source followed by sudo apt-get install b43-fwcutter10:17
well_laid_lawnBlaDe^:  then the other one10:17
iflemabroadcom_tom: is the computer in question online allready? =)10:17
iflemabroadcom_tom: also check if you are able to activate the wifi card under the dektop menu System / Administration / Hardware Drivers10:17
iflemabroadcom_tom: =)10:17
ubottumaik_: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)10:17
icarus-cljsoftnet, anyway, i found this http://www.thinkwiki.org/wiki/How_to_control_fan_speed10:18
ashok_shettyQwert: when i run in terminal im getting segmentation fault as error10:18
ashok_shettyQwert: u thr10:18
BlaDe^well_laid_lawn:  libtotem-plparser17 is already the newest version.10:18
maik_ubottu, ok10:18
ubottuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)10:18
well_laid_lawnBlaDe^:  everything is from the repos? - nothing you installed from somewhere else?10:19
bazhangashok_shetty, why do you want or need a keylogger10:19
BlaDe^indeed-- and it worked before i upgraded to 10.0410:19
broadcom_tomiflema: i removed bcmwl-kernel-source successfully.  b43-fwcutter was already installed, and I was unable to activate the wifi card in the Hardware drivers menu, as it was not listed (thanks for your help btw!)10:19
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maik_dpac_, i didn't get it :/10:19
dr0idia quick question, I have this command -> "grep --directories=recurse attributes /var/www/fw" but I want it to exclude all JS files, how can I do that?10:19
BlaDe^im purging/re-installing totem-- see if that helps10:20
dpac_maik_: Any errors?10:20
BlaDe^nope- same10:20
ashok_shettybazhang: just want to try once curious dude10:20
dr0idiBlaDe^: heya10:20
bazhangashok_shetty, try with what, for what purpose, whose computer10:20
icarus-cdr0idi, pipe that to  grep -iv .js maybe?10:20
broadcom_tomiflema: I'm on a readonly livecd install currently, need to check wifi drivers work before I install on laptop10:20
gp5stwhat is the equiv to the grub program in grub2?10:21
gp5sterr grub-pc10:21
Qwertashok_shetty: bazhang will assist you10:21
dr0idiicarus-c: can you give me the exact command ?10:21
icarus-cdr0idi, i mean  "grep --directories=recurse attributes /var/www/fw | grep -iv .js"10:21
maik_dpac_, mysql navigator says "Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' (2)"10:21
BlaDe^well_laid_lawn:  it's because of a version mismatch10:21
ashok_shettybazhang: mine dude10:21
icarus-cdr0idi, assuming the javascript files has filename extension ".js"10:21
dr0idiyeah, wait10:21
iflemabroadcom_tom: try in a terminal sudo dpkg-reconfigure ?? if not uninstall/reistall b43-fwcutter so you can go through the steps it requires....10:21
bazhangashok_shetty, for what purpose, clarify please10:22
dr0idithanks bro :)10:22
icarus-cdr0idi, cheers10:22
well_laid_lawnBlaDe^:  if things are from the repos that shouldn't happen10:22
dr0idiicarus-c: and how to exclde .js and .css ?10:22
BlaDe^well_laid_lawn:  they do when you update to 10.04 by the looks of it10:22
iflemabroadcom_tom: sudo dpkg-reconfigure b43-fwcutter     sorry =)10:22
BlaDe^it looks like it updated rhythmbox but totem is still old10:23
well_laid_lawnBlaDe^:  you're the first having that issue that I've seen10:23
vu1kanBlaDe^: <sudo apt-get update && apt-get upgrade> will bring all your packages up to date10:23
BlaDe^quite a few there it seems10:23
ashok_shettybazhang: curious to know how it works and heard it logs every stroke want see whether it really logs or not10:23
llutzdr0idi: man fgrep (--exclude)10:24
bazhangashok_shetty, package in the repos?10:24
icarus-cdr0idi, grep -viE ".js|.css"  instead10:24
BlaDe^(rhythmbox:3250): Rhythmbox-WARNING **: /usr/local/lib/rhythmbox/plugins/generic-player/libgeneric-player.so: undefined symbol: totem_pl_parser_write_with_title10:24
BlaDe^still not completely working though10:24
BlaDe^that's by doing: sudo cp /usr/lib/libtotem-plparser.so /usr/lib/libtotem-plparser.so.1210:24
broadcom_tomiflema: reconfigure downloaded & extracted a load of drivers, but when I go to the hardware drivers window, still nothing is listed!10:25
ashok_shettybazhang: what10:25
well_laid_lawnBlaDe^:  tried   sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade?10:25
BlaDe^yeah, the only thing to upgrade is chrome10:25
Qwertashok_shetty: bazhang will answer you.. hold on10:26
th_hi all. can i change manually what applet gnome runs?10:26
pshrth_, what kind of applet are you talking about ?10:27
iflemabroadcom_tom: in a terminal try (livecd you say?) sudo modprobe -r b43 ssb wl followed by a sudo modprobe b4310:27
maik_dpac_, mysql navigator says "Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' (2)"10:28
broadcom_tomiflema: FATAL: Module not found10:28
dpac_maik_: You connected it to the localhost and correct port?10:28
broadcom_tomiflema: FATAL: Module wl not found10:29
iflemabroadcom_tom: error from first command or the second?10:29
broadcom_tomiflema: It was the first command10:29
iflemabroadcom_tom: that ok... do the second10:29
phetipsCan anyone shed any light on why the sendmail binary (postfix sendmail) is not sending any e-mail? I didn't have any MTA installed previously, installed postfix. I have tested postfix through sending an e-mail conntected with telnet, that worked. Somehow the sendmail binary that is installed with postfix just won't send any mail at all10:29
maik_dpac_,  the command was: "ssh -L 3007:my-domain.de:3306 web0@my-domain.de"10:29
iflemabroadcom_tom: wl is the sta driver10:30
broadcom_tomiflema:   :) :) :) the driver is activated and in use!10:30
iflemabroadcom_tom: and wait a moment thn check for a list of wireless connectios available10:30
broadcom_tomiflema: :) many thanks!10:30
iflemabroadcom_tom: good one10:30
dpac_maik_: Why didn't you use -f and -N switches?10:30
BlaDe^well_laid_lawn:  repos have 0.12.8 so I'm grabbing 0.13.1 from their svn :)10:30
Jordan_Ugp5st: You should install to the mbr, not to a partition. And be sure you have a BIOS boot partition. That's hte only way to get a truly reliable configuration (though I'm surprised it's failing quite that often).10:30
mrehI've had to d/l w32codecs from medibuntu10:30
well_laid_lawnBlaDe^:  good luck :]10:31
phetipsAnyone willing to help me with postfix?10:31
iflemait should go ok on a full install =)10:31
maik_dpac_, oh... my fault i'll try it again with the switches10:31
juknmap found 0 open ports, is transmission should be still able to download???10:31
MarcoPauhello, I can't play the cue file that contains the playlist of an ape. it actually looks for wav files... do you have any hint?10:31
jukcoz am in doubt is it blocked from tracker or my router or iptables???10:32
th_pshr, fast switch applet.10:32
phetipsCCan anyone shed any light on why the sendmail binary (sendmail) is not sending any e-mail? I didn't have any MTA previously, installed postfix. I have tested through sending an e-mail conntected with telnet, that worked. Somehow the sendmail binary that is installed with postfix just won't send any mail at all.10:32
xbonesxCould someone help me understand exactly what this file is doing, I need to understand it so i can add more too it (http://img251.imageshack.us/img251/89/screenshotmenulstmultib.png)10:32
dpac_maik_: After that, instead of using mysql navigator, try using mysql --host=localhost --port=3007 --username=yourusername --password=yourpassword10:32
jukphetips:check for opened 25 port on your router?10:33
gp5stJordan_U: instead of grub-install /dev/sda3 i did grub-install /dev/sda and it seems to work and didn't mess up the other os's. sorry i'm still a  n00b at grub and the fine art of partitions and disk structure:(10:33
phetipsjuk: i can connect to the smtp and send mail with telnet, works fine. it just doesn't do anything when i call the sendmail binary directly on the server10:33
th_how i can manually disable a gnome applet?10:34
maik_dpac_, have to install mysql first mom10:34
dpac_maik_: Do that10:35
Jordan_Ugp5st: Np, there are still a lot of people who recommend, incorrectly, to install grub2 to a partition with intel macs. The only reason, as far as I can tell, is that grub *legacy* used to overwrite the GPT data when you did this as it doesn't understand GPT. Grub2 has no such problem, but it's still a very common misconception.10:35
icarus-cth_, right click on that -> Remove from panel10:35
th_icarus-c, it doesnt start. gives an error :(10:35
gp5stJordan_U: thanks:)10:36
Jordan_Ugp5st: You're welcome :)10:36
spid3rxxhai evry 110:36
jukphetips:posting exact command you giving and output would be appreciated10:37
icarus-cth_, um.. so you have an applet set to run with gnome panel, but it error at startup and didn't show at all, hence can't right click?10:37
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spid3rxxhow sent email using konsole10:37
th_icarus-c, exactly10:37
spid3rxxcat msg txt10:38
maik_dpac_, >>ERROR 2002 (HY000): Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' (2) <<10:38
phetipsjuk: daan@daan-desktop:~$ sendmail -t < testmail.txt10:38
spid3rxxme too i have the same probleme maik10:38
phetipsto: daan@pitgroup.nl10:39
phetipssubject: test10:39
phetipsfrom: test@test.nl10:39
FloodBot2phetips: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.10:39
icarus-cth_, afaik, the only way to remove it is to use "gconf-editor"  navigate to  apps/panel/applets . click on each and view its bonobo_lid name to determine which applet is the one you want to remove,  then   "rm -r ~/.gconf/apps/panel/applets/<that_applet_id>"10:39
spid3rxxyou sur10:39
phetipsspid3rxx: ?10:39
th_icarus-c, thanks. that seems to be what i wanted. brb10:40
spid3rxxok let my try10:40
agiaWhen someone gets a moment I could use some help with a graphics card issue =)10:41
jukphetips: as I still remember, it was printf "From: me@host\nTo:user@host\nSubject:test\nHello,blala\n.\n" | sendmail -t user@host10:41
spid3rxxdont work10:41
phetipsspid3rxx: yes?10:42
spid3rxxi have try10:42
bazhang!work | spid3rxx10:42
ubottuspid3rxx: Doesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too.10:42
mgolischmaik_: why do you connect to a unix socket if you want to use ssh tunnels?10:42
spid3rxxok let retry10:42
dpacmaik_: Got disconnected10:42
dpacmaik_: Talk here10:43
ubottupostfix is the default !MTA and !MDA on Ubuntu. For help, read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Postfix and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PostfixBasicSetupHowto - See also !MailServer10:43
phetipsyeah read that =\10:43
phetipseverything seems to be correct, it should be sending mail10:43
th_icarus-c, do you think this is it?: fast_user_switch_screen0/10:44
bazhangspid3rxx, stop that10:44
phetipsif i telnet to the postfix server it sends mail just fine,10:44
dpacmaik_: Did it work?10:44
phetipsbut if i follow exact instructions from man sendmail10:44
maik_dpac, no10:44
phetipsit just doesn't send10:44
icarus-cth_, lol i don't know what is the applet with problem on YOUR system10:44
dpacmaik_: Any error?10:44
agiaAnyone here use a Hd 4670 graphics card?10:44
spid3rxxtelnet yes but ...10:44
maik_dpac_, >>ERROR 2002 (HY000): Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' (2) << i have no idea what that means with the socket10:45
phetipsspid3rxx: are you trying to say something ;p?10:45
th_icarus-c, oh sorry thought i told that10:45
spid3rxxlike what10:45
dpacmaik_: Do you have mysql-server installed?10:45
juksendmail -t < testmail.txt10:45
phetipsno idea,10:45
dpacmaik_: I think you'll need that10:45
maik_on my local machine?10:45
phetipsjuk: yeah that's what i did10:45
BlaDe^well_laid_lawn: I've compiled and installed from scratch the latest version10:45
phetipstestmail.txt is in your pm10:45
BlaDe^now I get: rhythmbox: error while loading shared libraries: librhythmbox-core.so.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory10:46
BlaDe^lol, so .1 instead of .1210:46
well_laid_lawn  heh10:46
jukphetips:I think you should provide email address with flag -t10:46
icarus-cth_, or simply  "mv ~/.gconf/apps/panel   ~/panel-gconf"10:46
icarus-cth_, then restart gnome-panel10:46
dpacmaik_: Yes10:46
maik_dpac, why do i need that?10:46
BlaDe^ah wait err with core, not totem this time well_laid_lawn10:46
well_laid_lawnBlaDe^:  is there a bug registered at launchpad for the issue you have?10:47
icarus-cth_, i would think configure panel from scratch would be easier to fix10:47
th_icarus-c, hmm i dont see how that works?10:47
redAnyone found a way to alter Google Chrome \ Chromium bookmark bar font size or icon size?10:47
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BlaDe^I don't know how to check10:47
redThey are like 14 or 16px10:47
phetipsjuk: hmm still not sending either if i provide address as an argument =\10:47
spid3rxxi guess it work juk10:47
xbonesxCould someone help me understand a "menu.lst" file please, I need to understand it so that i can do manual entries...10:47
dpacmaik_: I am not sure. But when you have an error about socket, it means you need to run mysqld (mysql daemon)10:47
th_icarus-c, and it didnt work. how i can reset the whole panel?10:48
its__Have anyone got a Belkin Smartbeam USB IrDA working on Ubuntu? lsusb lists it as Bus 005 Device 002: ID 066f:4200 SigmaTel, Inc. STIr4200 IrDA Bridge10:48
Destonedvery simple question this time - How do i get a divx player/ plugin for firefox/chromium10:49
XVampireXhello, I can't share on samba anymore... it gives me "Unable to mount location... failed to mount windows share"10:49
dpac!panel | th_10:49
vu1kanxbonesx: is that in connection with grub?(the old ver)10:49
icarus-cth_, remove  ~/.gconf/apps/panel   and then restart gnome-panel   "killall gnome-panel"10:49
dpac!panels | th_10:49
ubottuth_: To reset the gnome panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »10:49
xbonesxvu1kan: yes, i believe its a variation of it yes10:49
icarus-cth_, um maybe killall -9 gnome-panel10:49
vu1kan!grub | xbonesx10:49
ubottuxbonesx: grub is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before Karmic (9.10). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto - See !grub2 for Karmic onwards.10:49
vu1kanthose links should get ya started :)10:50
icarus-cth_, don't know if gnome-panel would try to write current config at program termination10:50
Destonedicarus-c how do i get divx running? i need it to watch a movie online10:50
th_icarus-c, wtf? i know how to kill a program10:50
xbonesxvu1kan: to be more specific, its grub4dos... used it too make a liveusb, but i want to add another iso of ubuntu to the drive and then enter the credential manually into the menu.lst10:51
icarus-cDestoned, try VLC player10:51
Destonedfor watching a movie through my browser?10:51
Destonedi already have vlc player*10:51
vu1kanxbonesx: i'm not personally familiar, i just recall reading something about grub and menu.lst when i was on 8.04...ah, the salad days...10:52
xbonesxvu1kan: lol10:52
icarus-cDestoned, you need mozilla-plugin-vlc i suppose10:52
Destonedok and where can i get that10:52
its__Destoned: If you use Firefox, you could try the plugin 'Media Player Connectivity' which lets you set the vlc plugin as default player10:52
Destonedi google'd those plugins10:52
dpacDestoned: sudo apt-get install mozilla-plugin-vlc10:52
Destonedplugin-vlc not found10:53
icarus-cth_, try logout/in10:53
maik_dpac, ok it worked ... the error don't acure anymore but i can't connect yet because: "Access denied for user 'web0'@'localhost' (using password: YES)"10:53
jukphetips: you sure your 25 port is open?10:54
dpacmaik_: Great! Use the username as web0@my-domain.de10:54
phetipsjuk that should not matter right? i'm running the sendmail binary from the server command line itself10:55
phetipsand connecting to 25 from localhost worked10:55
Destonedinvalid operation / version pugin-vlc not found10:55
SubCoolcan anyone suggest a good way to Move my user from here, to another computer? i know not the user itself, but ike EVERYTHING apart of it? packages, settings (screen view) - I know because of linux, and certain being hidden, i cant pull everything. But it would be nice to like just move mostly everything,a nd then have a package list that it auto runs or something10:55
dpacDestoned: Why don't you copy paste what I typed in terminal10:55
Destonedi did10:56
dpacDestoned: sudo apt-get install mozilla-plugin-vlc10:56
maik_dpac, can u explain that? (did u mean 'web0@my-domain'  as user?)10:56
its__Destoned: If you did, it would have found it... My new installation finds it just find10:56
icarus-cth_, yea you have to logout/in to make it take effect.10:56
Destonedworked that time10:57
dpacmaik_: Yeah, try that.10:57
its__Have anyone got a Belkin Smartbeam USB IrDA working on Ubuntu? lsusb lists it as Bus 005 Device 002: ID 066f:4200 SigmaTel, Inc. STIr4200 IrDA Bridge10:57
Destonedmustv been a extra space or something10:57
Tyzaoim thinking to install ubuntu10:57
maik_dpac, access denied10:57
Tyzaobut i have debian on my system now10:57
Tyzaois ubuntu easier?10:57
Destonedis there one of those for chromium?10:57
Destonedi  prefer that browser...10:58
dpacmaik_: You are using command line mysql? Try mysql navigator if it works10:58
Tyzaowhat advantages does ubuntu have10:58
phetipsTyzao: all10:58
bazhangTyzao, #ubuntu-offtopic please10:58
erUSULSubCool: move the home folder and use the steps in the clone factoid10:58
BlaDe^well_laid_lawn:  installed via software centre and it seems to work.. doesn't pickup my iPhone though so same as with 9.1010:58
erUSUL!clone | SubCool10:58
ubottuSubCool: To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude  --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » - See also !automate10:58
DestonedFirefox still says it requires the latest divx addon to run10:58
well_laid_lawn!iphone | BlaDe^10:59
ubottuBlaDe^: For information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto - For the iPhone and the iPod Touch, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/iPhone - See !RockBox for information on liberating your iPod10:59
maik_dpac_, both access denied10:59
well_laid_lawnBlaDe^:  glad it at least kinda works :]10:59
icarus-cTyzao, ubuntu basically is Debian SID + some ubuntu specific changes10:59
jukphetips: are you refering sendmail to postfix11:00
Destonedicarus-c do you know how to get divx addon working for a web browser?11:00
erUSULSubCool: to move the home folder just tar it up « tar cvzpf /path/to/data/disk/home_backup.tar.gz $HOME »11:00
SubCoolerUSUL, Awesome- thanks!11:00
dpacmaik_: I am out of ideas, should've worked11:00
SubCoolya, i have to get the big stuff out of it first..11:00
vu1kanDestoned: maybe try <sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras>?11:00
BlaDe^well_laid_lawn:  i've seen those, gtkpod doesn't find my iPhone either11:00
maik_but if i enter the userdata of my local mysql server, i can connect to the local server, even if i enter the port i've routed the server to11:00
SubCoolThanks a lot-!!!11:00
erUSULSubCool: depending on what you tweked installed you may want to transfer spome files from /etc/11:00
well_laid_lawnBlaDe^:  I know nothing about anything mac sorry11:00
dpacmaik_: Check if your username and password is correct11:01
erUSULSubCool: no problem11:01
SubCoolerUSUL, ya, im going to run into some issues with that, but i havent gotten to far in this installation- Thats y im doing this, getting my practice for up and go.11:01
Destonedmight have the divx plugin in there vulkan?11:01
maik_dpac, everything correct :(11:01
vu1kanDestoned: it's a bunch of media codecs, so, ya, mebbe11:01
erUSULSubCool: you may have to chown the entire home to the new user11:02
Destonedvulkan: those work for any browser?11:02
Destonedor just the default firefox11:02
enviromet1Would anyone familiar with getting setup for docbooks pm me?11:02
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enviromet1Havinga bit of trouble getting it setup.11:03
quietoneI've can't browse phone via bluetooth "Failed to mount OBEX volume: volume doesn't implement mount". how do I fix this?11:03
vu1kanDestoned: afaik, just firefox, but i could be mistaken...i think they go into vlc too11:03
dpacmaik_: Paste the exact mysql command you used11:03
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Destoneddidnt work11:04
DestonedAnyone familiar with setting up divx plugin for ubuntu?11:05
tensorpuddingi think divx is provided in one of those gstreamer codec packages, though which one i forget11:05
erUSULDestoned: ubuntu-restricted-extras11:06
Destonedi have it11:06
Destonedbut it still wont work11:06
Destonederusul i have that aswell, still wont work in firefox / chromium11:06
erUSULDestoned: with any divx you tried?11:06
Destonedtrying to watch divx through browser11:07
Destonedyes iv tried sever11:07
shaytanHi, I got a problem! when I tray to print out pdf fils to the prinet it only coming out alots of chatrchers and nothing that has whit the pdf file to do! I dont finde any thing on google so have some one point me in a direction?11:07
erUSULDestoned: in firefox i prefer the mplayer plugin (or vlc's) than default totem11:07
erUSULDestoned: anyway totem should work too11:07
erUSULDestoned: do you have multiverse enabled?11:08
Destonedhow would i enable it?11:08
Destonedif it was disabled for some reason11:08
erUSULSystem>Admin...>Software sOurces11:09
jrgdnnhello everyone11:09
Destonederusul how do i enable multiverse?11:10
wjlroeHas anyone installed Ubuntu on the Sony Vaio Y21 with any success?11:10
erUSULDestoned: in the first tab. see if it is ticked11:10
Destonedwhat tab......11:11
vu1kanDestoned: <sed -i -e "s/# deb/deb/g" /etc/apt/sources.list> will enable all the repo's in your sources.list11:11
vu1kanuse with care11:11
Destonedsed: couldn't open temporary file /etc/apt/sedI06fEV: Permission denied11:11
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nothingspecialvulcan: you`ll get complaints about the cd rom line11:13
Karen_m*please help*.   If I reboot ubuntu with headphones plugged into my 'onboard soundcard', I will get no sound when ubuntu comes back up.  If i unplug them, reboot, and then plug them in.. I have sound.   WHY is this?11:13
vu1kannothingspecial: i got it from howtogeek, didn't write it myself11:13
nothingspecialvulkan: just saying11:14
Destonedi need divx to work in my browser, this shouldnt be this difficult, ugh11:14
vu1kanand Destoned: <sudo !!> will run the last command with sudo...i use the line for building custom ubuntu .iso's for liveusb11:14
WageDoes anyone know the filename for the "Ubuntu One" folder in the places menu so that I can theme it?11:15
Guest99083!codecs | Destoned11:15
ubottuDestoned: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats11:15
Karen_mwhat is a channel that I can speak with Ubuntu developers over a bug?11:16
tensorpuddingyou can file a bugreport on launchpad11:16
Karen_mI've identified a repeatable sound issue.. there aren't any irc channels?11:17
SubCoolKaren_m, there are TONS of sounds issues11:17
Acido-whats the sound issue11:18
SubCooli have sound issues by simply pluggin in my speakers11:18
Karen_msound works.  headphones plugged in.  reboot WITH headphones plugged in, no sound.   reboot without headphones plugged in, SOUND.11:18
Acido-ubuntu version11:18
SubCoolIf i have my speakers plugged in, and i do ANYTHING on my computer, i can hear the noise from my computer working, on my speakers. I have heard that since the day (15 years ago) i installed Redhat11:19
Goblin123Hello, I've been searching for an slide animation sotware, not so complex(monkey-tasks) as PowerPoint something easy as Wink in comparison to Camtasia, do you know of some app likeable? I want to make some training slides as cisco's for network training11:19
d3vilevery time that i login(auto) in ubuntu there is a messagebox that tell me to unlock keyring... can i do it automaticaly11:19
SubCoolKaren_m, my point- good luck.11:19
erUSULGoblin123: openoffice does not cut it?11:19
Acido-Karen_m what hardware are you using11:19
d3vilcan any help me?11:19
Karen_mAcido-, nvidia onboard soundcard on a 790i ultra motherboard11:19
SlartSubCool: I have the same thing with a couple of my sound cards.. sometimes it's windows that has this interference sound, sometimes it's linux.. I suppose it's some kind of driver thing..11:20
SlartSubCool: I've never been able to get rid of it in either system11:20
Acido-can you lspci -v11:20
Destonednone o those links say anything about divx11:20
Goblin123erUSUL: oh yeah, but I think it's Power Point's way, want something small and easy, not java concerned11:20
SubCoolSlart, ya, i have heard it occasionally on windows. drivers usually fix it.11:20
SubCoolSlart, that is usually speakers them self. - i have gone through many sound cards, computers, laptops, speakers.. Even after fixing the drivers on linux,,11:21
erUSULGoblin123: you can disable java in oo quite easily...11:21
SubCoolThe tweaking is endless11:21
alexxioafter a little search, i understand i installed ubuntu with package selection and i havent the sound system at all...i need to fast install everything i need to hear sound (skype installed correctly btw...)..i dont have even alsamixer...what command should i give to install a minimal sound system?11:21
SlartSubCool: but the same soundcard that has the interfernce in linux doesn't have it in windows.. and with another card it's the other way around.11:21
SubCoolSlart, i use to play starcraft on my old Redhat box or Mandrake box, thats when i search for an answer, because the computer itself made soo much noise that got passed through the speakers, it made the sounds of the game almost mute.11:22
Goblin123erUSUL: is there any alternative? maybe something like wink but animation oriented11:22
Acido-alexxio sudo apt-get install linux-sound-base alsa-base alsa-utils11:22
alexxiothank you acido11:22
SubCoolSlart, ya- seen it. lack of driver support supposedly11:22
DestonedAnyone know how to get divx working in the browsers??11:23
SlartSubCool: oh.. never had that much noise.. I can just barely make it out if I keep everything quiet11:23
SubCoolSlart, i gave up on their excuses sooo long ago. Kinda like having a working webcam or ... well anything with linux. they just dont fix it. I can have a 10 proccessor system, managing the world and its Money... but the sound card will still suck.11:23
edakiriGoblin123: there is a software to make slides from HTML11:23
=== Guest99083 is now known as jrib
Goblin123edakiri: does it offer object animation?11:24
SubCoolactually, now that i think about it- im soo surprised im even on ubuntu. When i joined redhat, and went to madrake because redhat was being stupid, i said id never go debian.. yet- here i am.11:24
SlartSubCool: well.. to be quite honest, neither do the windows people.. but the soundcard makers do fix it for windows and sometimes mac.. but this is getting offtopic11:25
erUSULGoblin123: all other presentastion software i know for linux is of the type of latex or html based etc ...11:25
SubCooleh, sound cards and driver for linux vs. other brands.. kinda on topic11:25
edakiriGoblin123: i don't know.  i have not used it, but i probably would if i made a slide show.  There are programs which are for animation, but they are surely much more than you need.11:25
Goblin123erUSUL: ooops, latex is complex to me11:25
xbonesxare there any advance linux users that know what they're doing with grub menu.lst files?11:25
SubCoolthe best way to avoid sound noise use to be go Creative labs Sound cards, but.. now ... well i havent heard much out of them.11:26
SlartSubCool: this channel is for ubuntu user support.. not general linux/ubuntu discussion11:26
SubCoolah- good point.11:26
Goblin123edakiri: yeah I know, blender, pencil and so on11:26
RealOptyanyone have a good guide or advice running http://www.nomachine.com/?11:26
edakirixbonesx: not since grub2, which is not well documented11:26
erUSULGoblin123: just give oo.org a try then11:26
xbonesxthe one on the left is my current menu.lst on a pendrive that boots ubuntu, i need to know how to edit the one on the right to be used in the in the one on the right successfully http://img138.imageshack.us/img138/9376/61730084.png11:27
=== BengtRibba is now known as dennis__
di-zруские есть???11:27
SlartRealOpty: isn't that what freenx is? I might have misunderstood it though11:27
edakiri!ru > di-z11:27
ubottudi-z, please see my private message11:27
user_ubuntuWhy I can't shippit ubuntu?11:28
NaeddyrDoes anyone feel like wireless modem problem-solving fun? Yay!11:28
kjelleas I create a new user in my ubuntu server, why is it allowed to view other files in other users folders?11:28
Naeddyroh god i thought it was strangely quiet but i was just lagging11:28
edakiriNaeddyr: let's play!11:28
RealOptySlart, nice! ty11:28
erUSULkjelle: default permissions are not very paranoid. nothing prevents concerner users to change his home folder perms to something more private though11:29
Naeddyredakiri: I added some mystic runes to a file and got Network Manager to recognise my modem. problem is, when i start the machine from Dead Mode (no electricity, just shut down), it doesn't want to connect, and you have to soft reset the machine.11:29
Goblin123erUSUL: I really dislike PP and Impress, too many clicks for few things to happen11:29
Naeddyrthen if i soft reset further from that, sound stops working, the net doesn't work and i can't shut down the machine from any of buttons (haven't tried console)11:30
edakiriNaeddyr: by modem do you mean the wireless networking device?  Is it IEEE 802.11 ?11:30
Naeddyrit's a nokia c-1711:30
edakiriNaeddyr: that means nothing to me11:30
Naeddyrhaven't actually gotten any hits for it outside of Finland :p11:30
kjelleerUSUL: Can I set an option for my server to get more paranoid?11:30
Naeddyrit's a wireless 3g modem11:31
Naeddyrwith a sim card11:31
Naeddyr(with pin disabled now)11:31
erUSULkjelle: change default umask for users11:31
Naeddyrthe problem isn't life-threatening, this is just a machine that my dad uses to pay bills and check the weather11:31
edakiriNaeddyr: if you have a chance, i suggest looking up 802.11 . It is useful to know what it is.  It is 'ethernet' type.  I do not know how to use telephone-wireless, like UMTS, modems11:32
Naeddyredakiri: thanks11:32
einstein_hi all11:35
Qwert!howdy | einstein_11:36
ubottueinstein_: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!11:36
Naeddyrwhat the11:37
Acido-Karen_m did u sort ur sound issue out11:37
Naeddyroh curses11:37
Naeddyri've been sweating over this thing for two days now11:37
Naeddyrand now it turns out11:37
Naeddyrthis stick has .deb packages for installation on it!11:37
jrib!enter | Naeddyr11:37
ubottuNaeddyr: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!11:37
Naeddyrthanks for the help11:37
kjelleerUSUL: thanks. sed -e 's/umask 022/umask 077/g' /etc/profile :-)11:39
Karen_mAcido-, no...11:39
=== almoxarife1 is now known as almoxarife
erUSULkjelle: no problem11:39
jitshi guys .. i am lost in iptables mystery for ubuntu . i want to make my system a network gateway accessible with and without proxy ..11:41
Acido-Karen_m describe ur problem again11:41
Acido-jits: with and without a proxy? what proxy will u be running11:42
jitsi try to setup iptables according to http://www.howtoforge.com/nat_iptables but it does not reflect in iptables -L command11:42
Karen_mworking sound.  reboot *WITH* headphones plugged into the onboard soundcard, NO SOUND.  It doesn't find the card or something...  Same computer, same hardware, only change... headphones unplugged and a reboot, SOUND WORKS.11:42
jitsAcido-: I will be running squid proxy ..11:42
Acido-Karen_m unplug headphones when u reboot? :P11:43
jitsplease point me to some working guide in ubuntu 9 or 10 ..11:43
Karen_mAcido-, yes that is what I have to do but it's so annoying!11:45
jribDestoned: start by not talking in all-caps.  Did you follow the instructions ubottu gave you earlier regarding restricted formats?11:46
Acido-Karen_m do u know if ur using pulse audio11:46
Destonedyes i looked at all those pages11:46
Karen_mAcido-, yes.. i tried that 2 days ago11:47
Destoneddownloaded all the stuff it reccommeded11:47
Destonednothing works11:47
jrib!who | Destoned11:47
ubottuDestoned: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)11:47
jribDestoned: what *exactly* is not working?11:47
Destoneddivx in browser11:47
jitshere is my iptables.rules file .. http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/4Ra8iuvm please review11:47
jribDestoned: if you want me to help you, you need to be specific and address me when you're answering my questions11:48
harry103is there anyway to save shell scripts for users to be executed anywhere? All the $PATH locations are not write accessable.. Is there somewhere local that you can put them?11:48
harry103or can i modify path just for me somehow? i'm not root btw nor do i have access to it11:48
jribharry103: put them in /usr/local/bin/11:48
Acido-Karen_m do you have headphone jack sense ticked?11:48
Destonedjrib: ok, well im trying to get divx working and it wont11:48
jribharry103: then there's nothing you can do11:48
Destonedsimple as that11:48
jribDestoned: give me an example that is not working11:48
Destoned3 ppl have tried and failed to help11:49
Destoneddivx wont work? its not playing a video in my browser11:49
harry103jrib: can i not set something up in my profile to load a directory as an execution path?11:49
Haballohow to install programs like phpbb or oscommerce?11:49
Destonedsays i need divx to play it, so clearly its not working Jrib11:49
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jribharry103: well didn't you want it to affect all users?11:49
harry103no just me11:49
jribDestoned: give me an EXAMPLE11:49
Acido-divx on ur browser? why not download the file11:49
jribharry103: oh, just use ~/bin then11:49
Acido-divx isnt inteded to be streamed11:50
DestonedTHAT is an example11:50
Destonedwont play a movie through my browser11:50
Acido-why are you trying to play a divx file through your browser11:50
Acido-whats the URL11:50
harry103cd jrib: no such directory. and it's not in the $PATH. if i make one is it automatically used?11:50
Haballo<Destoned> how to install programs like phpbb or oscommerce?11:50
jribDestoned: well you can give me a specific example that I can try here or you can choose not to and just not have it working11:50
Acido-just download the file then play with any player of our choice11:50
Destoneddivx always works fine when its streamed11:50
jribHaballo: create it, yes, it will automatically be added when you login next11:51
Destonedacido thats not helping atall11:51
Destonedthats avoiding the problem11:51
jribDestoned: is this some sort of piracy site?11:51
Destonedprobably, and?11:51
jribDestoned: piracy is not supported here.  Is there some non-piracy site that is not working for you?11:52
Acido-piracy is naughty Destoned.11:52
ljsoftnetanybody knows how to use thinkfan?11:52
Destonedoh shut it, you all download music ect11:52
Destonedno, i dont have any NON piracy sites11:52
Acido-I buy all my music from itunes11:52
jribDestoned: then we can't help you11:52
DestonedNetflix is only america11:52
jribDestoned: my guess is it's just some virus on that site anyway11:53
distyI thought this was #ubuntu?11:53
Acido-!kick Destoned11:53
Destonedok kid, thanks for the help11:53
uLinuxhow do I make gedit open files on new windows?11:53
Haballo<jrib> what I've installed the phpbb from synaptic but I do not know how to start it.11:53
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uLinuxhow do I make gedit open files on new windows? i dont want new tabs11:53
distyi moved to geany from gedit11:53
Haballo<jrib> I've installed the phpbb from synaptic but I do not know how to start it.11:54
jribHaballo: I'm not familiar with phpbb, did you check /usr/share/doc/phpbb*?11:54
jribDestoned: I'm also pretty sure we've had this discussion before.  Don't ask about that site here please11:54
EvilPhoenixHaballo, you mean the phpBB forums software?11:54
Haballo<jrib> yea11:55
Haballo<jrib> yea11:55
Destonedoh cry, u download music ilegally and you know it11:55
Destonedact like a goodie goodie11:55
jribDestoned: please stay on the topic of ubuntu support here11:55
EvilPhoenix!ops | Destoned is talking about piracy and causing some issues.11:55
ubottuDestoned is talking about piracy and causing some issues.: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) -  elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, or nhandler!11:55
EvilPhoenixforgot it did that11:55
richardcavellHere's a newbie question: When Maverick is released, what is the difference between Maverick and Lucid (LTS) ?  Shouldn't any bugfixes found in Maverick be backported to Lucid?11:55
* EvilPhoenix needs to remember things11:55
FloodBot2EvilPhoenix: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.11:56
iflemauLinux: open another tab and click on it and drag the tab out of the windo11:56
Haballo<EvilPhoenix> yea11:56
Acido-!ops | Destoned is gay11:56
ubottuDestoned is gay: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) -  elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, or nhandler!11:56
EvilPhoenixHaballo:  i tried that, it doesnt work as intended.11:56
tuxbrotheranyone who has expierence with LTSP here?11:56
erUSULrichardcavell: updated software versions11:56
jpdsAcido-: Please don't do that.11:56
* jrib sighs11:56
EvilPhoenixHaballo:  download phpBB from the phpBB site, follow their install instructions11:56
jribAcido-: don't do that again11:56
EvilPhoenixHaballo:  do NOT use phpbb as is in the repositories11:56
Destoned!ops Acido's a fag11:56
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)11:56
harry103can you set a bin directory using bash_profile?11:56
richardcavellerUSUL: But aren't those software updates equally important to the LTS as to the bleeding edge?11:56
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jribharry103: why don't you just use ~/bin?11:57
Acido-Was he even using ubuntu? lol11:57
Haballo<EvilPhoenix> what abou oscommerce?11:57
Haballo<EvilPhoenix> what about oscommerce?11:57
harry103jrib: there isn't a ~/bin11:57
ppqrichardcavell, when bugs are found in lucid, of course they will be fixed if possible. lucid-updates and lucid-security exist for that11:57
jribharry103: create it11:57
erUSULrichardcavell: no; a version of ubuntu once released wont bum software version it will only patch security fix bugfixes11:57
EvilPhoenixHaballo:  not familiar with oscommerce, i'd need to look into it first11:57
iflemauLinux: or right click on the tab and select open in new window11:57
distydoes anybody know how to get rid of the join/left messages on irssi? It's really annoying!11:57
* EvilPhoenix googles11:57
jrib!quietirssi | disty11:57
ubottuTo ignore joins, parts, quits in irssi:  /ignore #ubuntu +JOINS +PARTS +QUITS11:57
ubottudisty: please see above11:57
ljsoftnetanybody knows how to use thinkfan?11:58
harry103jrib: but you still need to specify somewhere that it's executable under your profile ~/bin isn't included in $PATH. i've already tried dumping a shell script in +x and executing in another directory and it doesn't work11:58
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jribharry103: ~/bin *is* in your path if it exists when you login (see .profile)11:58
richardcavellSo 8.04 uses Firefox 3.0b5, according to wikipedia.  Does that mean that 3.0b5 is not known to have any security flaws that are fixed in 3.6.10?11:58
Haballo<EvilPhoenix> I think the installation procedures are the same.11:58
magul /ignore #ubuntu +JOINS +PARTS +QUITS11:58
edakiriIs there a convenient image viewer which does not essentially bring down a machine by thumbnailing very large images in a directory?11:58
distyah beautiful! thanks erUSUL11:58
jribharry103: so you just need to logout and back in after creating ~/bin11:58
distynow i can actually read..11:58
Oerrichardcavell, allways use the latest FF11:59
EvilPhoenixHaballo:  probably, but phpbb doesn't install to the www directory correctly from the repositories11:59
ppqtuxbrother, just ask your question, maybe somebody can answer.11:59
richardcavellOer: Ah, but the LTS does not11:59
EvilPhoenixHaballo:  so for phpBB, you should install from its downloadable version from their site11:59
EvilPhoenixHaballo:  as for osCommerce...11:59
Oerrichardcavell, 10.04 ?11:59
richardcavellOer: 8.04 uses v3.0b5 according to Wikipedai11:59
Haballo<EvilPhoenix> okay, thanks a lot11:59
EvilPhoenixHaballo:  you'd have to ask others, but I can speak about phpBB because I spent 6 hours trying to use the repositories, and failing.11:59
edakiriHaballo: you can consider usenet instead of phpBB12:00
Oerrichardcavell, i do not understand your question, update firefox and you will get the latest version12:00
EvilPhoenixrichardcavell:  ignore wikipedia.  its not 100% up-to-date12:00
richardcavellOer: What I'm saying is... what is the difference between the latest release and the current LTS release, fully patched?  See, most software updates are bugfixes.  Are those bugfixes not as important to the LTS as they are to the bleeding edge?12:01
harry103jrib: isn't there.12:01
exaltam i able to play legal blue ray disks with ubuntu without to much of an hassle ?12:01
EvilPhoenixrichardcavell:  the LTS IS the latest release12:01
EvilPhoenixrichardcavell:  Maverick isnt released yet12:01
jribharry103: pastebin your ~/.profile.  What isn't there exactly?12:01
Haballo<edakiri> I was told that phpbb is the most popular12:01
EvilPhoenixrichardcavell:  and the REASON we don't have the most up to date stuff is because of stability testing12:01
Oerrichardcavell, 8.04 is not bleeding edge12:01
richardcavellEvilPhoenix: Essentially what I'm trying to ask is: Do I upgrade to Maverick or maintain Lucid next month?12:01
thune3uLinux: i don't see any gconf setting that allow seperate windows. There is a command line switch --new-window, that will open a new window, or a document in a new window. But this doesn't help for documents opened within gedit. You could create a launcher with the --new-window switch, and that would start a blank new window.12:01
vaibhav1how to use ubucompilator?12:01
harry103jrib: i don't seem to have a .profile12:01
jribharry103: are you using ubuntu?12:02
uLinuxok thune3 tks12:02
jribharry103: how did you create this user?12:02
EvilPhoenixrichardcavell:  your choice, but the most recently released package versions are not going to be included immediately... they go through stability testing FIRST before the repositories are updated12:02
EvilPhoenixrichardcavell:  i recommend staying with the LTS12:02
EvilPhoenixwhich we KNOW are stable12:02
harry103created for me for college12:02
uLinuxHaballo: type "uLin" and then tab it completes the nick.. you dont nick to copy paste12:02
EvilPhoenixrichardcavell:  I never upgrade anyways when something is first released.12:02
EvilPhoenixrichardcavell:  i let it exist for a little while first, so that bugs are fixed, issues are addressed12:03
jribharry103: copy /etc/skel/.profile12:03
richardcavellI'll probably stay with Lucid just because I have no desire to have the bleeding edge.  No need for it.12:03
EvilPhoenixrichardcavell:  besides...12:03
HaballouLinux,  thanks12:03
EvilPhoenixrichardcavell:  bugfixes are applied in LTS and current builds12:03
EvilPhoenixrichardcavell:  so having said that12:04
ppqexalt, unfortunately not, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/BluRayAndHDDVD12:04
EvilPhoenixrichardcavell:  updated repos are pushed in 10.04 and Maverick once its released12:04
EvilPhoenixrichardcavell:  so yeah, enough discussion on whether to upgrade, we can continue that in #ubuntu+112:04
harry103jrib: great thanks it works12:04
kjelleIf I have a folder on a ubuntu server, e.g. /srv/app that is 770 in permissions. Then i create a folder /srv/app/data, and set permissions 777 on it. Why cannot other users read it?12:06
richardcavellWhere can one find out the latest versions of software for Lucid?12:06
jribkjelle: they need execute permissions on the parent directory12:06
richardcavellAs in, not those that are on the install DVD but the latest in the repos?12:06
kjellejrib: ah, ok12:07
kjellejrib: so g+rx on /srv/app ?12:08
EvilPhoenixrichardcavell:  connect to the internet, run Synaptic, hit Reload, then Mark All Upgrades12:08
EvilPhoenixrichardcavell:  or, in terminal:12:08
jribkjelle: well depends on the group (and read isn't necessary)12:08
EvilPhoenixrichardcavell:  sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get upgrade12:09
erUSULkjelle: o not g... g has already 712:09
ubottuFor Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk12:09
EvilPhoenixrichardcavell:  that updates all information about the repositories, and then applies any current package upgrades12:09
kjelleerUSUL: hmm12:09
EvilPhoenixrichardcavell:  that will nto upgrade you to the next release, but updates all  your packages.12:09
richardcavellEvilPhoenix: See, Maverick snapshot has Firefox 3.6.10.  Lucid now has 3.6.10.  So what's the crucial difference?12:09
exaltppq: is this true ? Ubuntu 10.10 gets a "Global Menu", free Blu Ray encoder, ATI Linux drivers12:10
EvilPhoenixrichardcavell:  between the firefox versions? none12:10
EvilPhoenixrichardcavell:  the differences can be explained if you ask in #ubuntu+112:10
EvilPhoenix!maverick > richardcavell12:10
ubotturichardcavell, please see my private message12:10
ppqexalt, this is news to me, no idea if it's true, sry.12:10
kjelleerUSUL jrib: what is i only do 700 on my /srv/app*, then I add a group A, and set group perms on the data folder (/srv/app/data/) to g+rwx. As a member of group A, I cannot cd /srv/app/data/ or ls /srv/app/data/12:11
kjelleerUSUL jrib: are the permissions recurisive?12:11
jribkjelle: I have no idea what you just said, show with commands in a pastebin12:11
kjellejrib: okey.12:11
erUSULkjelle: you orginally said /srv/app 770 not 700 and you said "others" not memebers of group A12:12
kjelleerUSUL: yes12:12
erUSULkjelle: so maybe you want to explain in a single line and accurately what do you want to do ?12:12
kjelleerUSUL: i changed my statement, trying something different12:12
kjelleerUSUL: i got a apache trying to read a folder of data to present a webpage, but apache should not have access to parent directies12:12
parovozjoin #baikal12:12
maedoxkjelle: apache needs +x on all of them and +r on the one it should read.12:13
kjellemaedox: okey.12:13
maedoxkjelle: normally www-data on ubuntu.12:13
exaltppq: look what i found: http://x264dev.multimedia.cx/?p=32812:13
sKeithi have process in D+ stat (uninteruptable sleep) how can I get them out of that state?12:13
kjellemaedox: nods12:13
kjellemaedox: can I add more than one group to a file/folder? :p12:14
jribkjelle: you can use ACLs, are you sure it's necessary/12:14
oracle_my ubuntu doesnt ever shutdown properly12:14
oracle_the shutdown screen just idles forever12:14
ppqexalt, nice. would be great if there were also a free DEcoder for hdcp protected blu rays12:14
kjellejrib: i got other groups accessing parent directories12:14
jribkjelle: is it an issue to just give +x to others?12:15
einstein_Hi all. I have given the job to install ubuntu in 40 systems for a M.Sc lab.  All are AMD 64 bit machines hp make. I thought of installing ubuntu 10.04 server edition in one system and desktop edition in all other systems12:15
oracle_and if i want it shudown i have to do a dirty shutdown12:15
vaibhavhow to create debian packages?12:15
einstein_Is it correct way?12:15
jrib!packaging | vaibhav12:15
ubottuvaibhav: The packaging guide is at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/NewPackages for information on getting a package integrated into Ubuntu - Other developer resources are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment - See also !backports12:15
oracle_einstein_, i adime that job12:15
oracle_admire it12:15
exaltppq: why would someone encode his data in a format that he himselves cannot play ?12:15
kjellejrib: I dont know, im paranoid, could they then execute crap? probably not, as they do not have +x?12:15
ppqvaibhav, if it's just for yourself and it's not a module, give 'checkinstall' a try12:15
oracle_einstein_, why would you do that12:15
oracle_einstein_, unless a network install is being contemplated12:16
jribkjelle: you can think of +x on a directory as the ability to "cd" into it12:16
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kjellejrib: okey, but you can neither read nor change.12:16
jribkjelle: right12:16
kjellejrib: so it's quite safe then i'd guess12:16
ppqexalt, i think it's no problem to play unprotected blu rays in ubuntu12:16
oracle_einstein_, you should install it on one machine, set it up as you wish12:17
jribkjelle: yeah, that would save you the trouble of setting up ACLs.  With ACLs you could just give the www-data group the +x12:17
KulikI want to install kdevelop in kubuntu 10.04 but can't find the package, only kdevplatform1. I can't find any references to it via google. What did I miss?12:17
vaibhavHay thanks, Let me try out.. :)12:17
oracle_then use ssh to dd that drive onto all other machiens12:17
einstein_I didn't install yet . I am thinking of . that is why I am seeking your advice12:17
jribkjelle: or www-data user even12:18
oracle_the experts are in ##linux12:18
oracle_i would ask there12:18
spid3rxxjoin baikal evry 112:18
spid3rxxits the best channel security12:18
maedoxkjelle: +x on directories is different from +x on files. +x on dir means traverse this dir, +x on file you know. ;)12:18
spid3rxxjoin baikal12:19
kjellemaedox: yes ;) that's what I was worried about. Dont generally like o+x on files :)12:19
maedoxspid3rxx:  /join #baikal12:19
kjellemaedox: Last thing now is to get my svn.<host>.org working12:19
kjelleit claims it has forbidden access to /12:19
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spid3rxxi m into12:19
Kulikwtf, kdevelop is an unsupported update in backports for 10.04? That sounds weird considering it's the main IDE in KDE :-/12:20
spid3rxxtry to join it12:20
spid3rxxjoin baikal evry 1 maedox12:20
spid3rxxits the best channel for security12:20
jribKulik: if you don't want the backports update, don't install it I guess?12:21
spid3rxxjrib join baikal channel12:21
maedoxspid3rxx: kthxbye12:21
Kulikjrib: I want kdevelop and I am completely mindstruck by it not being in the main repo :) but nevermind12:21
jribspid3rxx: erm stop that12:21
spid3rxxjoin baikal12:21
DreadMuffinanyone wanna be my friend?12:22
jrib!info kdevelop | Kulik12:22
ubottuKulik: Package kdevelop does not exist in lucid12:22
XaseI'm trying to get my hacking learning on for messing with android, but I can't figure out how to add 16:27:ac:a5:76:28:2d:36:63:1b:56:4d:eb:df:a6:48 so it's not a public key, so I can pull this source I want from github?12:22
jribKulik: I see...12:22
XaseDeveloping eh?12:22
XaseI like the Eric IDE for python.12:22
jribKulik: maybe #kubuntu can explain why, no idea12:22
Xasewhat's they trying to do jrib?12:23
Kulikjrib: ok, thx anyways :)12:23
firewa33lhai ubuntunains12:23
jribXase: I don't know12:23
XaseKulik I didn't see your problem.12:23
XaseKdevelop is in backports?12:23
KulikXase: KDevelop isn't available in lucid and I just couldn't accept it :D12:23
* Kulik cries12:23
XaseYeah that's kind of lame.12:24
XaseSo how do I add an ssh-rsa key to my list of accepted keys?12:24
etherealiteEric IDE needs more VIM12:25
jribXase: in what context?12:25
XaseI'm trying to pull github code...12:25
Xasebut it's saying something about their key not being accepted.12:26
jribXase: maybe pastebinning what you are doing and the output may get you more help12:26
etherealiteare you git cloning?12:26
dancekXase, you should just git clone git://github.com/etc/foobar.git12:27
dancekXase, unless you're trying to use your own github account in which case you'll need to give your own ssh public key to them via the web interface12:28
Karen_mxase, remote systems?  ssh-copy-id -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub ....12:28
Xasewhere ... is the key?12:29
XaseI'm not trying to use my own dancek, I'm trying to access a gentlemen's named Koushik Dutta.12:29
ljsoftnetwhat does sensor value multiplier mean? in sensor-applet12:29
Xasedancek, see my pastebin =/12:30
tarzeauis there a way to make ctrl-alt-f1 working again?12:30
jribXase: why are you trying to login as "git"?12:30
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dancekXase, use `git clone git://github.com/koush/android_vendor_motorola_droidx.git`12:31
XaseAh... I dunno jrib, might be because it's 7:30 and I just woke up.12:31
XaseDancek thanks... I'm  alittle tired, and new at this so..12:31
kjelleDamn, I just killed the permissions for my Apache2 to serve svn.host.org. Could anyone please help me? :)12:32
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dancekjrib, that's their way of allowing you to login to your own repos with your own ssh key12:32
maedoxkjelle: what's up? what did you do?12:33
kjelleI'v been messing with permissions in /srv/subversion/ (my repos) and in /var/www/12:33
XaseDancek, you've just helped me make a stride in porting clockwork recovery for Android to the moto devour ^^12:33
kjellemaedox: (13)Permission denied: access to /master denied12:33
XaseI wish I had waited though and looked at Amazon.12:33
maedoxkjelle: in the apache log?12:33
XaseI could've got a fascinate for 0.01 cents ;)12:33
kjellemaedox: yes /var/log/apache2/error.log12:33
maedoxok, what's the ls -l on /master ?12:34
kjellemaedox: i had everything 777 before :)12:34
kjellemaedox: /master is the svn path12:34
kjellemaedox: https://svn.<host>.org/master12:34
maedoxkjelle: I got that, but what's the permissions and owner/group?12:34
Xasedancek, perhaps if you're not busy atm and have a second, you could explain to me a bit better how to push this, and my changes back to my own repo?12:34
kjellewww-data owns /srv/subversion/*12:35
kjellewith 77012:35
ljsoftnetwhat does sensor value multiplier mean? in sensor-applet12:35
kjellewith o+x on all :)12:35
pollaquien enseña tetas por cam ?12:36
kjellemaedox: i just did 777 on /srv/subversion/, but didnt help12:36
maedoxkjelle: what was that about the group stuff earlier? do you need some group to access it?12:36
kjellemaedox: i also restart apache2 inbetween12:36
dancekXase, it's been a while since i used git but i think `git commit -a`12:36
kjellemaedox: i only want www-data to be able to read subvesrion12:36
kjellemaedox: since SVN controls permissions on files it self12:36
kjellei dont want any user to just dl my entire svn any more (im resecuring my server, as im gonna add a few friends)12:37
dancekXase, i recommend you read a git tutorial though, and maybe ask on #git12:37
XaseThanks dancek i <3 you.12:37
MarcoPauhello, I can't play the cue file that contains the playlist of an ape. it actually looks for wav files... do you have any hint?12:37
fratzbclawl wrong chat :)12:37
XaseYou come here often?12:37
frag4nowhi all. a friend of mine removed libc6 from her ubuntu. is there a way to reinstall it?12:38
fratzbci'm here alwasy12:38
dancekXase, glad to help :)12:38
XaseIf you do, I'd like to donate you some change if this works.12:38
maedoxkjelle: did you apply everything recursively?12:39
kjellemaedox: yes12:39
kjellemaedox: -rwxrwx--x  1 www-data www-data  656 2010-06-22 13:02 svn.policy12:40
bazhangflyppy, no12:40
frag4nowhi all. a friend of mine removed libc6 from her ubuntu. is there a way to reinstall it?12:40
kjellemaedox: all files are like that.12:40
flyppyooo yeess12:40
ppqfrag4now, this is one of the things you simply don't do i guess. maybe it can be fixed with a live-cd, i don't know12:40
kjellemaedox: thanks for helping out, btw :)12:40
maedoxthen it is not a filesystem error, it's apache blocking your web access.12:40
bazhang!es | flyppy12:40
ubottuflyppy: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.12:40
frag4nowppq: she can use dpkg and .deb file?12:40
XaseAhh saucefreaks.12:40
ppqfrag4now, no.12:40
maedoxkjelle: could you pastebin your apache config for the svn?12:40
frag4nowppq: dpkg doesn't work?12:41
ppqfrag4now, dpkg needs libc612:41
kjellemaedox: sure12:41
flyppyye parle frances12:41
dancekXase, i don't really need money but if you really wanna donate, give to those that need it more than me :) http://omusa.org/give/12:41
frag4nowppq: i guess apt-get use libc6 too...so how can she install it?12:41
bazhangflyppy, #ubuntu-fr12:41
frag4nowppq: with tar?12:41
XaseAbsolutely dancek12:41
XaseWon't be much but I hope it helps12:41
flyppyi speak englih12:41
bazhangflyppy, do you have a support question?12:42
flyppyyes yes12:42
bazhangflyppy, then please ask12:42
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kjellemaedox: http://pastebin.com/bh3U1Evt12:42
uLinuxflyppy: ask your question in english12:43
bazhangflyppy, this is ubuntu support12:43
bazhangflyppy, offtopic chat in #ubuntu-offtopic12:43
* uLinux still banned from there :(12:43
maedoxkjelle: and you get the login prompt?12:43
ppqfrag4now, as i said, i don't know - boot a live-cd, make backups. then you can try playing with udeb libc6. maybe debootstrap can fix it, too.12:43
thevibei have an urgent problem with ubuntu 10.0412:43
thevibeI just got an HP z800 workstation12:44
kjellemaedox: yes12:44
frag4nowppq: debootstrap? what is it?12:44
nothingspecialthevibe: which is?12:44
kjellemaedox: I get the httpasss prompt look-alike12:44
kjellemaedox: enter user/pass (saved in browser).12:44
thevibeI've installed 10.04 and is not displaying anything12:44
kjellemaedox: my Trac is able to use SVN12:44
thevibethis is the first ubuntu machine in this company12:44
kjellemaedox: but i need apache to be able to handle svn for users too12:44
thevibeif I can't solve this urgently12:44
nothingspecialthevibe: nothing12:44
thevibeit's done with my ubuntu things12:45
ppqfrag4now, with debootstrap, you can install an ubuntu system to a specified folder out of a running live-cd. it only installs really needed packages, not even an kernel or grub. bit it does install libc612:45
flyppyno no12:45
flyppyis nothing12:45
thevibejust a distorted thing12:45
kjellemaedox: SVNListParentPath On might mess with my setup? /var/www/ is owned by root, group root. content is all www-data12:45
maedoxkjelle: we use apache with dav here too, so I'll have a look. Can't remember every directive in the config :D12:45
flyppybazhang go out please12:45
ppqfrag4now, after you made backups, try to mount the ubuntu root partition and give the mount path to debootstrap. it may complain about existing files, but maybe it installs libc612:45
kjellemaedox: true :-)12:46
bazhangflyppy, pardon?12:46
thevibeis going probably up to the login screen12:46
flyppybazhang go out please12:46
uLinux!troll > flyppy12:46
ubottuflyppy, please see my private message12:46
nothingspecialthe vibe: Do you know your hardware? Was it working before? Did the live cd display?12:46
bazhangflyppy, please stay on topic12:46
flyppyyou fuck with me?12:46
thevibeand there is either showing me this distorted thing or is not showing anything and the monitorS are going to sleep12:46
frag4nowppq: can I run debootstrap from a live-cd? is there an option to run it?12:46
ewookflyppy: no you're disturbing everyone else12:46
thevibenow I'm on the live cd12:46
kjellemaedox: thanks12:46
thevibeI've trid to install the latest updates and teh nVidia driver12:47
ppqfrag4now, after you booted the live-cd you have to install debootstrap in the live system via apt-get12:47
thevibebut nothing12:47
ppqfrag4now, i have to repeat - backups are the most important thing now :)12:47
frag4nowppq: not for me, it's not my system!12:47
frag4nowppq: if someone is so dumb to remove a library that he/she doesn't know what is used for...has to pay!12:48
kjellemaedox: I did chown www-data on /var/www, also u+wrx on the folder. That seemed to work12:48
frag4nowppq: :)12:48
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ppqmaybe the owner likes his/her data..? :)12:48
kjellemaedox: i guess my root takeover of all /var/www was the issue of it, and probably thus the SVNListParentPath12:48
frag4nowppq: ehhhhh...happens12:48
frag4nowppq: pufff12:49
thevibeany ideas?12:49
kjellemaedox: thanks for the help :)12:50
maedoxkjelle: hmm, yes, odd. I can't see anything wrong with your config other than that the DocumentRoot is different from what I thought was to be used with SVN.12:50
frag4nowppq: thanks for your help12:50
frag4nowppq: she'll reinstall from scratch12:50
maedoxkjelle: The docroot in our server is /svnroot/ttweb/html    (tt is just a name for one of the repos)12:51
ljsoftnetwhat does sensor value multiplier mean? in sensor-applet12:51
ppqfrag4now, np12:51
maedoxI guess it all depends on the setup, so if your docroot is /var/www and it can't be read, that the issue ;)12:51
maedoxkjelle: glad you figured it out.12:52
dancekthevibe, i don't know but you should rephrase the question in one line so it's easier to read, and then ask it every 10 minutes12:52
thevibeI have a new hp z800, I installed ubuntu 10.04.1 and is not able to display anything or is displaying (where the login screen should probably be) a distorted thing12:54
kjellemaedox: thanks :-)12:54
maedoxthevibe: as mentioned you need to keep to one line or else it is impossible to read and understand what's up. If you are having issues with your graphics perhaps it will help to boot in safe graphics mode.12:54
kjellemaedox: now the server is almost 100% secure, silly me didnt know about the umode in /etc/profile :p12:54
thevibeI didn't tried that (safe-mode) as the live cd works12:55
mreh"instance ZipList where pure = repeat" ?12:55
thevibeif this works, it should work the other way around also12:55
maedoxkjelle: ah, yes, the umask utility is great for that :)12:55
mreh> pure 1 :: ZipList Int12:56
maedoxthevibe: oh, I thought you were on the live-cd.  That is odd, but no unheard of.12:56
thevibeI am on a live cd12:56
mrehwrong channel12:56
thevibeand if it's able to do everything using the live cd it should do the same after installation, am I right?12:57
slybootsDum dee;12:57
KIAazehi, someone needs quick help on mounting an encrypted home here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=158099912:57
maedoxthevibe: I think the live-cd boots in a safer mode as the installer will try to check for more devices or something like that. the installer probably screws something up and booting in safe gfx mode might get your drivers installed properly.12:57
KIAazeseems critical12:58
thevibeI will try the safe-mode way12:58
thevibethis is my first z800 so I thought maybe there was somebody else who had the same problem12:58
thevibethanks anyway12:58
slybootsOkay I *still* cant figure this out; Bloody firewall logging!12:58
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=== Guest89989 is now known as Xase
frag4nowwhere can I find microphone device? /dev/input?13:00
enriqdmesg shows "usb 2-6: new high speed USB device using ehci_hcd and address 43, hub 2-0:1.0: unable to enumerate USB device on port 6" when plugging my external imation disk13:00
kjellemaedox: cya around maedox :)13:02
maedoxkjelle, yeah, see you13:02
frag4nowfound: /dev/audio13:04
frag4nowthanks anyway13:04
plitterHello, I have bought myself a new Sony Vaio and in the beginning the trackpad didnt work, but I found a site that told me to fix grub with this line, GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX=”i8042.nopnp”13:04
plitternow it works, but I dont have multitouch on it, is there another fix or could someone help me make a bug on launchpad?13:04
darkisi'm trying to install vlc 0.9.9 on hardy ... someone know a mirror?13:05
crankygeekGood Morning everyone13:06
plitterdarkis: isnt it just sudo apt-get install vlc?13:06
darkis(i had it but the mirror is down)13:06
studentjebaki :D13:06
darkisplitter, yup, it's work but it's only 0.8.*13:06
LjLstudent: we love you too, but please control the language.13:07
agiaHello all13:07
maedoxdarkis: you should really consider upgrading Ubuntu.13:07
dancek!hi | agia13:07
ubottuagia: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!13:07
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uLinuxwhat's the difference between Free and Available space?13:08
rockhopper!fuck | student13:08
LjLrockhopper: ...13:08
ikoniaa/k rockhopper bye | you13:08
darkismaedox,  yeah i know  ... i'll13:08
agiaI need abit of help and im hoping someone has had the same issue or atleast using the same driver series.13:08
uLinuxWhat's the difference between Free and Available space on System Monitor) ..13:08
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llutzuLinux: not all "free" space is "available" to all users i.e. root-reserved space etc.13:09
agiaRadeon HD 4670 graphics card? Anyone got it working smoothly or have suggestions besides using the one on the ATi site >.> That was super fails.13:09
mawstnvidia :D13:09
Tupladhow can I prevent an application from starting as user ? I'd like for a program to be able to be started as root user only.13:10
duffydackuLinux,  for example, there is a 5% reservation...13:10
LjLTuplad: make it only executable for root13:10
uLinuxduffydack: i have a separate home partition13:10
duffydackuLinux, so free is more than available.. available being 5% less13:10
plitterdarkis: check this one http://www.videolan.org/vlc/download-ubuntu.html13:10
TupladLjL: yeah, that's what I'm looking for, I've tried chown root:root but it doesn't work ;\13:10
SnadderWhere can I get the backported 2.6.35 10.10 kernel to 10.04 ?13:11
darkisPlitter already did :)13:11
vega_Tuplad: that's changing owner.. not rights13:11
vega_man chmod13:11
plitterdarkis: didnt work?13:11
llutzuLinux: doesnt matter, it's a filesystem-feature. those reservations are pointless on data-filesystems, only make sense on root-fs /13:11
darkisplitter give's me 0.8.*13:11
Snadderan apt mirror with all security updates of 2.6.35 to 10.0413:12
LjLTuplad: chown root:root makes the *owner* root; that's a necessarily step, but it's not enough. you also have to do chmod go-x filename to make the file not executable except for the owner13:12
uLinuxllutz: well so i am losing space there13:12
=== ServerTech|Lapto is now known as ServerTechLaptop
uLinuxa lot of space13:12
duffydackif you need that 5%, buy a bigger hd13:12
vega_uLinux: yes, but you can modify the 5% afterwards also, iirc .. not really sure though13:12
llutzuLinux: that 5% are historical, idiotic nowadays on big filesystems13:12
vega_uLinux: what file system?13:12
llutzuLinux: tune2fs -m 0               can change that13:13
uLinuxhome partition13:13
vega_yep, like that13:13
=== flupke_ is now known as flupke
agiaAnyone know a good way to broadcast to an fme server like Justin.tv? I want to broadcast gaming so needs to be a slim program.13:13
Tupladvega_: doesn't work with chmod either or I'm doing it wrong... chmod go=rx ...13:14
packets-dropis there a way i can see my network if it's safe or being flood?13:14
vega_Tuplad: read what ljl just said a few lines up13:14
uLinuxllutz vega_ im losing 45.6 GB!13:14
llutzuLinux: "sudo dumpe2fs -h /dev/sdaX |grep Reserved" shows you the amount13:15
llutzuLinux: sudo tune2fs -m0 /dev/sdaX              to change it to 013:15
vega_uLinux: so just run that tun2fs command..13:15
plitterdarkis: hmm, try this then http://www.techdrivein.com/2010/08/vlc-in-ubuntu-gets-new-ppa-and-its.html13:15
Tupladvega_: oh, I did just that...13:15
TupladLjL: did it, but doesn't work out :\13:15
EugenMayerhello. Eclipse / Apatana are both crashing all the time (randomly) with The error was 'RenderBadPicture (invalid Picture parameter)'.13:15
LjLTuplad: what does "ls -l filename" say now?13:16
vega_Tuplad: go=rx is not what he wrote13:16
packets-dropis there a way i can see graphically my network activities?13:16
sarthorHi, Any link from the web, which says, what is Exchange server, and What will be in Linux for as a substitute, I googled, but too much to read, the provieded link from the expert will be more helpfull for me. and will save my time. Thanks in Advance13:16
darkisplitter i think i find a mirror13:16
MauL^both .profile and .bash_profile are not run on my ubuntu 10 desktop startup.. where should I put the commands that I want to be run at startup13:16
Tupladvega_: the difference is that it won't be readable aswell13:16
TupladLjL: I know what's wrong, the shortcut I've had links to an other file -_-13:16
plitterdarkis: send a link if u find:)13:16
=== Benwa-Ktm is now known as Benwa
uLinux< llutz> uLinux: sudo tune2fs -m0 /dev/sdaX              to change it to 013:17
uLinuxwhat does that command13:17
darkisplitter it's a debian one but with ubuntu package13:17
vega_uLinux: changes the 5% to 0%13:17
llutzuLinux: changes reserved space to "Zero" man tune2fs13:17
* DOA hello13:18
uLinuxok so I dont need that space in /home right?13:18
llutzuLinux: nope13:18
llutzuLinux: its important to have on / (/tmp, /var)13:18
plitterdarkis: ahhh, k:) good u found it:)13:18
Tupladthanks, it worked out!13:18
darkisplitter you can use it to help someone else :)13:19
uLinuxllutz: i only have a separate partition for /home13:19
packets-dropis there a way i can see graphically my network activities?13:19
llutzpackets-drop: iftop13:19
uLinuxllutz: dev/sda6 is / dev/sda7/ is home13:19
flupkepackets-drop, slurm13:19
danceksarthor, if you're just looking for a mail transfer agent, Exim is good. If you need other all the other Exchange functionality too, there's no simple answer.13:20
SnadderWhere can I get kernel backports?13:20
plitterHello, I have bought myself a new Sony Vaio and in the beginning the trackpad didnt work, but I found a site that told me to fix grub with this line, GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX=”i8042.nopnp”13:20
plitternow it works, but I dont have multitouch on it, is there another fix or could someone help me make a bug on launchpad?13:20
Snadderapt mirrors13:20
dancekSnadder, kernel backports, what do you mean? New kernel versions for old Ubuntu versions?13:21
uLinuxllutz: can I run 'sudo tune2fs -m0 /dev/sda7' like.. right now?13:21
sarthordancek, I was asking 1- to understand what exactly Exchange server do, 2- what will be substitute for Exchange server in linux, is that postfix, sendmail or something else?13:21
llutzuLinux: sure13:21
Snadderdancek, the 2.6.35 kernel from 10.10 backported to 10.0413:21
mattgyverSnadder, perhaps try enabling the lucid-backports repo ?13:22
uLinuxllutz: /tmp and /var are on /13:22
DarsVaedahi, i tried to install php on apache...modules are installed and activated, still i get a file download when browsing to the file instead of getting the page13:22
lu6ejfalguien que hable español?13:23
Pici!es | lu6ejf13:23
ubottulu6ejf: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.13:23
uLinuxnow i have a lot of space! tks a lot llutz and vega_13:23
danceksarthor, that's not a simple question, you could easily have a month-long full-day course on that subject. You won't get that complicated an answer on IRC.13:23
Snaddermattgyver, Is it possible to only add the kernel from lucid-backports to apt?13:23
uLinuxgonna save that command13:23
mattgyverSnadder, I dont know about that but you could always install it and then remove the repo13:23
OY1Rwhen i do dmesg i get over 2000 lines of |sirdev_hard_xmit: drv->do_write failed (-19)| -> http://paste.ubuntu.com/499675/ how do i fix this ?13:23
dancekSnadder, it's also basically quite easy to compile the kernel yourself.13:24
Snaddermattgyver, I want auto security updates.13:24
llutzuLinux: even on a 10G / you can change that to 1% safely13:24
uLinuxllutz: my / is 18gb13:24
sarthordancek, thats why i asked about the web link from experts like you people. because i think i have to understand, but i do not want to waste my time in search,13:24
Snadderdancek, I want the most recent kernel all the time, security is very important.13:24
uLinuxllutz: 18.8gb total can i change it to 1%?13:25
llutzuLinux: yes but there should be no need13:25
dancekSnadder, if you want security then it's *not* a good idea to keep updating to the newest kernel version13:25
uLinuxyeyes the difference is only 1gb13:25
llutzuLinux: that reservation just make sure, that if a filesystem is "full" root still will be able to move/copy/create some stuff13:26
Snadderdancek, as long as I keep to 10.10 kernel. and follow the security updates provided there.. then it should be fine.13:26
danceksarthor, look, then just get a 1000-page book like http://www.amazon.com/Mastering-Microsoft-Exchange-Server-2010/dp/047052171613:26
uLinuxllutz: oh ok :)13:26
Snadderdancek, I also need a module in 2.6.35..13:26
dancekSnadder, 10.04 is LTS so you'll get better support for its kernel13:26
llutzuLinux: and therefore he won't (shouldn't) need xx GB13:26
bazhangSnadder, you using 10.04 or 10.1013:27
uLinuxwhat's the version name of 10.10?13:27
Snadderbazhang, i'm using 10.04.. but need 2.6.35 with security updates.13:27
bazhangSnadder, thats not supported13:27
ubottuMaverick Meerkat is the codename for Ubuntu 10.10, due October 2010 - Maverick is NOT released and NOT Stable, discussion and support in #ubuntu+113:27
zhxkdoes ubuntu support will  netbook with cpu n450?13:28
zhxkdoes ubuntu support well  netbook with cpu n450?13:28
bazhang!hcl > zhxk13:28
ubottuzhxk, please see my private message13:28
Snadderbazhang, Earlier I got a ppa kernel mirror who's backported.13:28
sarthordancek, i am going on linux side because i do have to spend. and this book costs about 38$. Thanks my friend! i know that is not your problem that i can not pay ;)13:28
bazhangSnadder, PPA? that's at your own risk. and running a 10.10 kernel with 10.04 is very unstable and insecure.13:29
domi52helo mindenkinek, nagyon nehezen talaltam ide13:30
Snadderbazhang, Hmz.. I heard it was pretty stable.13:30
Snadderbazhang, do you have the url to it?13:30
bazhangSnadder, no. and not supported here, thus offtopic13:30
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Snadderbazhang, Ok.. whats the easiest way of just trying 2.6.35 on 10.04 then?13:31
danceksarthor, what do you need an exchange server for anyways? It's for enterprise use, you certainly shouldn't need unless you're a corporation...13:31
bazhangSnadder, you dont13:31
domi52help i want to go to the ubuntu hu13:31
domi52is somebody here to help me please13:32
=== jillsmitt is now known as jillsmitt_away
bazhangdomi52, ask a question13:32
domi52i want to go to the ubuntu-hu13:33
bazhangdomi52, /join #ubuntu-hu then13:33
psycho_oreos!hu | domi5213:33
ubottudomi52: Magyar nyelvű segítséget az #ubuntu-hu csatornán talál13:33
domi52tank you13:34
Snadderbazhang, why are you bullshitting me: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/kernel-2-6-35-officially-available-for-ubuntu-10-04.html13:34
sarthordancek, I want to learn, like i learnt squid proxy a little bit, i learn handling iptbales and shorewall a bit, also handling bind, configuring hospot and pppoe-server on linux, so i am earning from these things, I want to learn this new stuff also, While i am not college or university graduate, but i like to learn, Even i am not a corporation, but i need to learn, hope you can understand dancek13:34
bazhangSnadder, watch the language13:34
moraeshello! i updated my ubuntu yesterday then something weird happens: shutdown and restart in the menu simply logs me out apparently so i see the login screen back, so i have to do "sudo shutdown" or shutdown -r. do you have any idea what may be broken?13:35
uLinuxI cant transfer a window to another desktop by dragging. Desktop Wall is enabled. what's missing?13:35
frag4nowhow can I install a .deb package and let it solve any dependency? when i run: dpkg -i <file>.deb it doesn't find 2 dependencies so it stops13:35
AbhiJitfrag4now, you need to install that depedencies your self only13:35
frag4nowAbhiJit: booooring :(13:36
Snadderbazhang, sorry.. but is it any diffrence between backports and ppa's?.. Haven't understood that really.13:36
qingwuwhat topic are you talking about13:37
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erUSULSnadder: backports are "official"; ppa are third party13:37
danceksarthor, well you can't learn complicated stuff without studying a lot thus your original question "too much to read" is strange. Sorry I can't help further.13:37
AbhiJitqingwu, type /topic13:37
frag4nowAbhiJit: ah ok i don't need package version...i solved with apt-get. thanks ;)13:37
AbhiJitfrag4now, good13:37
bazhangSnadder, thats from the git repo, and you need to compile yourself13:37
frag4nowAbhiJit: thanks ;)13:38
sarthordancek, OK.13:38
Snadderbazhang, Yes. But I suspect it's a simpler official backported way.13:38
SnadderI guess I can configure the backported mirror to only set up the kernel to download.13:38
Snadderso I get security updates at once.13:39
packets-drophttp://paste.ubuntu.com/499682/ <---- i got this from my firestarter....and i got GUI events i got this inbound:: total = 0 / serious = 20 i'm a bit worried but this serious thing and i read the events i saw red and some black text reports.... :(13:39
PiciSnadder: Kernels are not backported.13:39
bazhangSnadder, its a PPA and not supported; completely at your own risk, and the risk is substantial here13:40
SnadderPici, bazhang Sure it's a PPA?13:40
bazhangSnadder, from that link, yes. and nothing to do with stability or security (quite the reverse)13:41
SnadderI dont want to use PPAs.. sorry for my confusion.13:41
ChogyDanthere is a 2.6.34 lts-lucid type kernel in the lucid git13:41
ChogyDanI meant 2.6.3513:41
lienhahoa_m4u1Hey every one! Please help me! after use dpkg in recovery mode, I'v lost my U!!!! Help!13:42
SnadderChogyDan, cool. Where is the url?13:42
ChogyDan!compile | Snadder13:42
ubottuSnadder: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)13:42
moraeslienhahoa_m4u1, it is in your keyboard, between the Y and the I13:43
SnadderChogyDan, I know about compiling, I just don't know the git url.13:43
lienhahoa_m4u1oh no!13:43
ChogyDanSnadder: it would be a compile your own kinda thing.  I've been trying to learn git myself...13:43
lienhahoa_m4u1the kernel is not in /boot!13:44
lienhahoa_m4u1grub menu list jast has memtest!13:44
ChogyDanSnadder: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/Dev13:44
jukwhere's grub's menu.list I can't locate it13:44
bazhangjuk, grub2?13:45
bazhangjuk, what version of ubuntu13:45
ixnariHey. Who here has experience with Samba?13:46
ixnariBecause I am SO close to losing it13:46
lienhahoa_m4u1menu list when boot!13:46
bazhangixnari, #samba13:46
packets-drophttp://paste.ubuntu.com/499682/ <---- i got this from my firestarter....and i got GUI events i got this inbound:: total = 0 / serious = 20 i'm a bit worried but this serious thing and i read the events i saw red and some black text reports.... :(13:46
bazhangjuk, thats grub213:46
ixnaribazhang: Thanks. Didn't even know it existed13:46
crankygeekis it possible to add a desktop to Ubuntu-server......like Gnome?13:46
lienhahoa_m4u1i have use parted margic to boot13:46
bazhang!grub2 | juk check this please13:46
ubottujuk check this please: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since Ubuntu 9.10.  For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub213:46
AbhiJitcrankygeek, yes13:47
bazhangcrankygeek, sure install ubuntu-desktop, for example13:47
lienhahoa_m4u1hope to resolve13:47
AbhiJitcrankygeek, sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop or kubuntu-desktop13:47
lienhahoa_m4u1but can't13:47
ChogyDanpackets-drop: I think firestarter is unsupported.  Maybe try ufw?13:48
ChogyDanlienhahoa_m4u1: can you boot at all?13:50
packets-dropChogyDan: how can i use it? can u tell me the basic command for that ufw?13:50
well_laid_lawnthnx ubottu13:50
ubottupong is an old atari game. It's fun!13:50
bazhang  /msg ubottu please13:51
nogoyou are so old13:51
bazhangnogo, ?13:51
ChogyDan!ufo | packets-drop13:51
ChogyDan!ufw | packets-drop13:51
ubottupackets-drop: Ubuntu, like any other Linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UFW | An alternative to ufw is the 'iptables' command - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo | GUI frontends such as Firestarter/Gufw (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE) also exist.13:51
dr0idiguys, Can you help me? I am getting this error "The installer encountered an unrecoverable error!" when installing Ubuntu 10.04 with option "install inside windows"13:52
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AbhiJitany good report making application?13:53
ChogyDandr0idi: have you considered installing on a partition rather than windows?13:54
eX0duSmoin ;)13:54
crankygeekThanks for the input, but before I actually install a desktop, is anyone familiar with setting up a SSH Tunnel to a ubuntu machine, and using putty to connect and sort of be a proxy so I can browse with Internet Explorer using the tunnel?13:55
Mitchellubuntu is gay13:55
AbhiJit!language | Mitchell13:55
ubottuMitchell: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.13:55
bazhangMitchell, wrong channel for you13:55
eX0duSwenn man is nicht benutzen kann ya13:55
Lollipop56!de eX0duS13:55
bazhang!de | eX0duS13:55
ubottueX0duS: In den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.13:55
Mitchellreally gay13:55
iflemaMitchell Ubuntu does make me gay, yes13:55
bazhangMitchell, stop that13:55
bazhangiflema, thats enough13:55
Mitchelli wont stop13:55
Mitchellso as i was saying UBUNTU is GAY13:56
dr0idiChogyDan: yeah, I did that13:56
crankygeekIs school out today?13:56
nogoit's creator?13:56
moraesdo you know what would make 'shutdown' and 'restart' in the menu log you out instead of shutting down/restarting? happens with me after an update.13:56
nogoubuntu is a better debian in fact13:57
ChogyDandr0idi: did what13:57
bazhangnogo, lets stay on topic please13:57
=== Zyu is now known as Guest93984
dr0idiinstall on partnership13:57
crankygeekThanks for the input, but before I actually install a desktop, is anyone familiar with setting up a SSH Tunnel to a ubuntu machine, and using putty to connect and sort of be a proxy so I can browse with Internet Explorer using the tunnel?13:57
Rajasunnogo: both have their strengths. I used both.13:57
KIAazeubuntu is an unstable debian, but "stable enough"13:57
ChogyDandr0idi: you said you are installing inside windows13:58
OY1Rwhen i do dmesg i get over 2000 lines of |sirdev_hard_xmit: drv->do_write failed (-19)| -> http://paste.ubuntu.com/499675/ how do i fix this ?13:58
packets-dropChogyDan: thanx for the help! :)13:58
ChogyDanpackets-drop: np13:59
nogoRajasun: you are just an egoist13:59
bazhangnogo, stop that13:59
bazhang!guidelines > nogo13:59
ubottunogo, please see my private message13:59
ubuntuhi, is it possible to use ext4 on a intrepid live cd? mkfs.ext4 is available, but I cannot my ext4 partition?14:00
ubuntuI loaded ext4dev as module but there is no ext4 module?14:00
edakiriOY1R: never seen it14:00
OY1Rnor have i, i just noticed it today14:01
ChogyDanOY1R: Im guessing it is a kernel bug, and you just need some sort a fixed/updated kernel14:01
well_laid_lawnubuntu:  the live cd isn't writable...14:02
edakiriOY1R: if it is something you do not need, youcan compile a kernel without it  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile14:02
ubuntuwell_laid_lawn: ehm I want to mount my ext4 partition, better I would like to install grub in the mbr of my hard disk14:02
well_laid_lawnubuntu:  you don't need mkfs to mount anything14:03
aliveriusi am trying to reinstall qemu to retreive an original /etc file14:03
well_laid_lawnman mount14:03
aliveriushow do i do that?14:03
ubuntuwell_laid_lawn: I just wanted to say that I have mkfs.ext4 but I can't mount my ext4 part.14:03
iflema!intrepid | well_laid_lawn14:03
ubottuwell_laid_lawn: Ubuntu 8.10 (Intrepid Ibex) was the ninth release of Ubuntu. End Of Life: April 30th, 2010. See !eol and !upgrade for more details.14:03
OY1Rmaybe a reboot would fix it.14:04
ppqaliverius, you need to reinstall it with the --purge option: 'sudo apt-get --reinstall --purge install qemu' if qemu is the package name14:04
shadow98in ubuntu i used free -m command....to show me how much memory is being used..i have 2gb of physical memory..and 3gb of swap...only 213mb of physical memory is avaiable while 2951 swap is used14:04
well_laid_lawnthnx iflema :]14:04
shadow98is this typical that it uses most of the physical memory first14:04
aliveriusok ppq thanks a lot14:04
well_laid_lawnI thought ext4 was good from '0814:04
ppqaliverius, but you can also search packages.ubuntu.com for the filename of the desired file, download the package, extract it and copy the original file to /etc where it belongs14:05
shadow98i am getting ready to move servers into cloud server on rack space and trying to get an idea of how big to create each machine.14:05
ubuntuOr is it possible to rebuild ext4 module for the kernel on my live cd?14:05
well_laid_lawnubuntu:  tried to update with apt-get?14:05
uLinuxwhy can't i put Super key to open Main menu?14:05
uLinuxit's not working14:05
aliveriusppq: the first solution didnt work14:06
ubuntuwell_laid_lawn: the kernel? or for the modules?14:06
well_laid_lawnubuntu:  the os14:06
maedoxuLinux: I think it's because it is a modifier key not a normal key. Same as you can't set Shift or Ctrl to do something one its own.14:06
mmoebiusshadow98: You should sum theRESidential memories of the running processes (see top) after the machine has run for a few days, i.e. after all program-internal chacehs have grown to maximum size. That may give you an idea of minimum memory need14:06
ppqaliverius, strange, it should delete all your conf (only the files that are not in your home)14:06
=== mike is now known as Guest32435
uLinuxmaedox: oh :) good explanation14:07
mmoebiusshadow98: All extra ram usually goes into vfs caches,which may or may not help14:07
ubuntuwell_laid_lawn: I cannot access my os because I installed windows and there is no bootloader actually14:07
uLinuxmakes sense14:07
well_laid_lawnubuntu:  I think ext4 would have been backported to intrepid - your disk is oldish?14:08
maedoxuLinux: Somehow it's different than in Windows. There might be a way though, but I'm not sure how.14:08
ubuntumh not really...14:08
uLinuxmaedox: gonna try using keyboard shortcuts thing14:08
Bihari_How i shud know which bit of ubuntu i am using14:08
AbhiJitBihari_, ils_release -a14:08
AbhiJitBihari_, lsb_release -a14:09
PiciBihari_: lsb_release -a14:09
GerwinNow that's a typo14:09
llutzubuntu: have you tried using "ext4dev"?14:09
Bihari_No LSB modules are available.14:09
Bihari_Distributor ID:Ubuntu14:09
Bihari_Description:Ubuntu 10.04.1 LTS14:09
FloodBot3Bihari_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.14:09
ubuntullutz: to mount my ext4 part.?14:10
llutzubuntu: as fs-type, yes14:10
Bihari_Wher is the bit inforamtion?14:10
maedoxGerwin: haha, yes, I was looking at that too. Brainfart or something :D14:10
llutzubuntu: sudo mount -t ext4dev /dev/sdXY /mnt14:10
PiciBihari_: 'bit'?14:10
ubuntuyeah I did, wrong fs type. :S14:10
Bihari_How shud i know i am on 64 bit or 32 bit ?14:10
bazhangBihari_, uname -r14:10
AbhiJitBihari_, what 'bit'?14:10
maedoxBihari_: uname -a  will tell you14:10
icarus-cuLinux: are you asking to set Super key to open Gnome menu?14:10
llutzubuntu: sudo modprobe ext4dev          before14:10
icarus-cuLinux: it can be done14:11
uLinuxicarus-c: yes14:11
ubuntuit is already loaded14:11
uLinuxicarus-c: can you tell me how pls14:11
llutzubuntu: ah ok14:11
star314When I try to print something from evince, then I'm getting a timeout in the dialog (message "getting printer information". I found this bug report https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gtk+2.0/+bug/47584514:11
aliveriusppq: i made it. i simply had to reinstall qemu-common instead of qemu. thanks again14:11
ubuntuCould I rebuild the ext4 module?14:11
Bihari_No LSB modules are available.Distributor ID:Ubuntu Description:Ubuntu 10.04.1 LTS Release:10.04 Codename:lucid14:11
ppqaliverius, ok, np14:11
crankygeekThanks for the input, but before I actually install a desktop, is anyone familiar with setting up a SSH Tunnel to a ubuntu machine, and using putty to connect and sort of be a proxy so I can browse with Internet Explorer using the tunnel?14:11
mmoebiusubuntu: What is aytually our problem ?  You cannot boot into ubuntu anymore or you need to access your date from windows or what ?14:11
star314But after removing this line, all printers disappear.14:11
Bihari_Linux bihari-desktop 2.6.32-24-generic #43-Ubuntu SMP Thu Sep 16 14:17:33 UTC 2010 i686 GNU/Linux14:11
icarus-cuLinux: but unfortunately i forgot the gconf key name and i'm not on Linux at the moment..14:12
maedoxBihari_: i686 means 32-bit14:12
AbhiJitBihari_, its 32 bit14:12
uLinuxicarus-c: ill try to find that out ;)14:12
maedoxBihari_: it would say x86_64 for 64-bit.14:12
icarus-cuLinux: but you have to set the shortcut as  "Super_L"  (not  <Super>)14:12
icarus-cuLinux: run  "gconf-editor" and search for panel14:12
erUSULcrankygeek: google "ssh web tunnel" there should be a lot of how tos14:12
mmoebiuscrankygeek: what you want seems trivial, where is the problem ?14:12
icarus-cuLinux: default shortcut is  Alt-f114:12
uLinuxicarus-c: yes i know14:13
crankygeekmmoebius: I am not sure how to configure it all, using Putty....14:13
weirdpercentI want to remove all plymouth themes but the ubuntustudio theme is trying to remove the whole ubuntustudio-desktop meta, which I don't want to do. any ideas?14:14
llutzcrankygeek: putty - connections - ssh - tunnels - Source Port 7070 /Destination localhost Dynamic/Auto - Add14:14
erUSULweirdpercent: removing the meta-package is usually harmless14:14
mmoebiuscrankygeek: Can you use putty to ssh into the remote machine ?14:14
crankygeekmmoebius: I can SSH over to the box, I am actually talking to you on irssi from that machine....but I need to use a browser for somethings I am trying to configure on the box, and don't have a browser installed, so I need to use the one on this Windows box14:14
mmoebiuscrankygeek: Have you set up a proxy server, e.g. squid on the remote machine ?14:15
ubuntummoebius: I cannot mount my other linux partition, but I guess I solved it with tunefs -E test_fs <part>, also to well_laid_lawn and llutz14:15
weirdpercenterUSUL: so it won't remove zillions of pkgs if I remove the meta?14:15
knightragehello... so my computer is randomly crashing and im not sure why. is there a way to read the syslog from the last time it started up?14:15
erUSULweirdpercent: it shouldn't.14:15
ubuntuBut grub doesn't like it14:15
mmoebiuscrankygeek: What port does the proxy server listen on ?14:16
erUSULknightrage: /var/log/syslog go to the end and read backwards14:16
erUSUL!cn | zhxk14:16
ubottuzhxk: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk14:16
itapiradosbom dia14:16
mmoebius!cn | thxk14:16
ubottuthxk: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk14:16
erUSUL!br | itapirados14:16
ubottuitapirados: Entre em #ubuntu-br usando /join #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Obrigado.14:16
=== mike_ is now known as Guest56707
knightrageerUSUL: that file doesn't get erased and re-created when I start  my computer up again?14:17
erUSULknightrage: no14:17
itapirados /join #ubuntu-br14:17
erUSULknightrage: neither does /var/log/messages14:17
=== Maro___ is now known as Maro__
LjLzhxk: stop14:17
knightrageerUSUL: alright.. well, what stops it from getting obnoxiously large?14:18
well_laid_lawnzhxk: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk14:18
LjLzhxk: remind me why i have you on highlight14:18
erUSULknightrage: logrotate14:18
crankygeekmmoebius: No, I have not setup a proxy on the server14:18
erUSULknightrage: it reotates and compresses de logs14:18
erUSULknightrage: ls /var/log/*.gz14:18
zhxkwhats hightlight. how.whats use of it14:19
bazhangzhxk, that language is not acceptable here. take chat elsewhere14:19
weirdpercenterUSUL: that worked great, I still have everything installed that I want, thanks.14:20
erUSULweirdpercent: no problem14:20
crevoxI have a question, when's 10.10 coming out?14:20
crankygeekllutzDo I need to have squid setup in order to make ssh tunneling work?14:20
erUSUL!10.10 | crevox14:20
ubottucrevox: Maverick Meerkat is the codename for Ubuntu 10.10, due October 2010 - Maverick is NOT released and NOT Stable, discussion and support in #ubuntu+114:20
llutzcrankygeek: no14:20
bazhangcrevox, on 10.1014:20
crevoxOk, thank you! :)14:21
crevoxShould I upgrade or keep the lts?14:21
crevoxWhen it's out....14:21
llutzcrankygeek: create an "dynamic tunnel" and setup your browser to use it as socks5 proxy on localhost:port14:21
flossk_machineI'm looking for a good video recording solution on ubuntu (recording from an usb webcam). Googling sends me all over the place, but no recordings. Where should I look?14:21
bazhangcrevox, your choice. #ubuntu+1 for discussion of meerkat14:21
crevoxbazhang,  Thanks14:21
AbhiJitflossk_machine, cheese14:21
crankygeekllutz: I configured it like you stated but I can't pull a page, not even via ip address on that network14:22
Bihari_chmod +x framework-3.4.1-linux-i686.run << i have downloded this file14:22
Bihari_and i wants to install it14:22
uLinuxicarus-c: i found it14:22
llutzcrankygeek: have you configured your browser accordingly?14:22
uLinuxicarus-c: /apps/metacity/global_keybindings/panel_main_menu14:22
mmoebiuscrankygeek: If you want to use a proxy serrver, you'll need to set up one14:22
flossk_machinewe're getting really bad framerate with cheese. (though on skype the framerate is fine) ... what are we doing wrong?14:22
Bihari_framework-3.4.1-mini-linux-i686.run i have downloded this file and i now wants to install it what shud i do ?14:22
erUSULBihari_: sudo ./framework-3.4.1-mini-linux-i686.run14:23
flossk_machineor where should I start looking to debug the issue?14:23
icarus-cuLinux: yea change it to  "Super_L"14:23
llutzmmoebius: putty can establish dynamic tunnels which act as SOCKS-proxy, no need to setup a real proxy14:23
icarus-cuLinux: i mean its value14:23
erUSULBihari_: are you sure it is not aviable in the repos or as an ubuntu deb14:23
* flossk_machine scratches head14:23
=== flossk_machine is now known as kim_bruning
Bihari_erUSUL,  it says command not  found14:24
crankygeekllutz: I have IE set to use a proxy server of localhost port 7070, and bypass proxy on local addresses14:24
mmoebiusllutz: crankygeek: Oh, interesting. I've never used the socks5 - proxy feature. llutz, will you guide us a little :interested:14:24
llutzcrankygeek: it has to be SOCKS proxy, not normal (http) proxy14:24
knightrageerUSUL: okay, thanks for the help.14:24
Bihari_erUSUL,  its metaspoilt frame work14:24
gerinychhey i accidentally deleted the applet to the right of time and date, how do i get it back14:24
=== chuck__ is now known as cf0531
uLinuxtks for the help icarus-c ;)14:25
erUSULBihari_: are you on the same dir as the file is?14:25
erUSULgerinych: right click on the panel choose add to panel. add it again14:25
llutzmmoebius: crankygeek http://bit.ly/ajDxVn14:25
Bihari_it is in my home directory downlod folder14:25
gerinycherUSUL: yeah, but what is it called, im not seeing it in the list14:25
quiescensgerinych: indicator applet session14:26
crankygeekllutz, ok, I went into the advanced settings and put local host and port 7070 in SOCKS14:26
erUSULgerinych: it is called "clock" ( Reloj ) here14:27
crankygeekstill get no page though14:27
mmoebiusllutz: thank you. I learned something :-)14:27
gerinychquiescens: sweet, thanks14:27
llutzcrankygeek: "localhost" without space. see http://bit.ly/d7Ne5N14:27
crankygeekllutz: should I use the word localhost, even if that is not the name of my server?14:28
llutzmmoebius: that the same as "ssh -D <port> host" with ssh14:28
llutzcrankygeek: it has to be "localhost" in putty AND in IE14:28
llutzcrankygeek: exactly that word, not your host14:28
h3xon lid close, my lucid shuts down after some time. how can i avoid this?14:29
ardianHi, any good suggestions for a good video recording software ?14:29
rocket16Is there a way to get this sound-menu in Ubuntu? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SoundMenu14:29
AbhiJitardian, cheese14:29
ardianCheese is lagging to much14:30
AbhiJitardian, try searching in software center14:30
Typhalright, I've asked this like 1000 times, but maybe today's my lucky day: since upgrading to lucid, clicking on title bars is totally buggy. My clicks often go through and select the window beneath, or some other completely random window. I'll double click to maximize/minizine, and a different app will do that instead. What is going on? This has been across over 5 systems, clean installs.14:30
cf0531how do i turn my computer off in ubuntu?14:31
crankygeekllutz: still no good, I don't understand why, it can't be my firewall at this place, because I am able to make the ssh connection  :(14:31
EvilPhoenixcf0531:  there's a button in the top right that looks like a circle with a line cutting it at the top.  press that, hit shut down.14:31
EvilPhoenixcf0531:  or in CLI: sudo shutdown now14:31
dpac_Typh: 5 different computers? Did you use the same CD/DVD to install?14:31
mmoebiusllutz: Oh, interesting, never used ssh -D , either. To date I had VPNs to wherever I needed them :-)14:32
erUSULmetacity or compiz¿?14:32
Typhdefault everything.14:32
netratTyph: same hardware?14:32
Typhnetrat: not at all. desktop, work computer, laptop, 2 netbooks. No common pattern.14:33
cf0531for some reason traceroute works in my network tools but not in terminal14:33
erUSULcf0531: what error does it gives in terminal14:33
EvilPhoenixwhats the default Ruby version in Lucid?14:33
dpac_Typh: Weird14:34
erUSUL!info ruby14:34
ubotturuby (source: ruby-defaults): An interpreter of object-oriented scripting language Ruby. In component main, is optional. Version 4.2 (lucid), package size 20 kB, installed size 100 kB14:34
llutzmmoebius: ssh -D    like a poor mans VPN, very handy in some situations14:34
EvilPhoenixerUSUL:  i mean actual ruby code version, not package version14:34
Typhdpac_: indeed. It makes me go crazy, and no one seems to know what I'm talking about :(14:34
cf0531operation not permitted is the error14:34
crankygeekllutz: still no good, I don't understand why, it can't be my firewall at this place, because I am able to make the ssh connection  :(14:34
llutzcrankygeek: have you checked the settings twice (port, dynamic/auto selected)?14:35
mmoebiusllutz: I bet that this may come in handy sometimes :-) At least simpler than -L and -R and thinking about each port before using it14:35
erUSULcf0531: sudo traceroute14:35
dpac_Typh: Did you use same ISO file to install on all systems?14:35
TiKcan ubuntu run kernels from kernel.org?14:35
EvilPhoenixthanks erUSUL14:35
crankygeekllutz: I have checked it multiple times14:35
netratTiK, yes14:35
erUSULTiK: yes; but why would you want to ?14:35
bauruinehisto, i try to unlock an luks encryptet root fs over ssh (with dropbox) but after echo -n 'myencpassword' > /lib/cryptsetup/passfifo nothing happens. Any ideas about how to debug this?14:35
llutzmmoebius: yup, just some apps need tsocks or similar tools because they cannot use SOCKS natively14:35
Typhdpac_: no. Likely fresh download each time, hash checked14:36
TiKjust askin14:36
mmoebiusllutz: With "normal" ssh one should even be able t o enter the ssh command mode and then issue "-D" at any time needed without restarting the ssh connection. Handy, indeed.14:36
rocket16Any way of getting the 10.10 sound menu applet in 10.04?14:36
cf0531ah thank you14:36
MIH1406I am looking for application to access a remote PC14:36
llutzcrankygeek: no idea then, sorry14:36
TiKrocket16: "panflute" is what I use....14:36
dpac_Typh: More weird. Fresh downloaded install across different type of hardware and still same problem14:37
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crankygeekllutz: after I hit add it populates with D7070 in PuTTY14:37
dpac_Typh: Did you try upgrading one of them to maverick and check if the problem exists?14:37
llutzcrankygeek: thats right14:37
BrandanoGood afternoon everyone. I sem to have lost my soundcard drivers in the last string of kernel updates (netbook, sound device is "00:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation N10/ICH 7 Family High Definition Audio Controller (rev 02)" from lspci) anyone else had this problem and knows a solution?14:37
Typhdpac_: not yet. I can certainly give it a shot.14:37
AbhiJitwhat is the difference between scribus and any word pressor like oo word? what is basically scribus is?14:37
uLinuxicarus-c: you were right Super_L conflicts with other stuff14:37
=== deviant is now known as deviantp
Typhit baffles me that I seem to be the only person having this problem.14:38
dpac_Typh: Try that. One more thing, are you testing using the same mouse by any chance?14:38
rocket16TiK: Thanks, I will give it a try. :)14:38
Typhno :(14:38
Typhthe only common element is me14:38
dpac_Typh: Lol14:38
Typhand Lucid14:38
dpac_Typh: But no other person has got the same problem on Lucid.. Try maverick.14:39
dpac_Typh: When you boot using Live option, does it have the same problem?14:40
crankygeekllutz: I got it......I had to disconnect everything and reconnect.....strange that I did that before, but I guess it never took14:40
TyphOne thing I have noticed is that if I hold alt while clicking, there's no problem14:40
MIH1406I am looking for application to access a remote PC14:40
RajasunAbhiJit: Scribus is akin to your Adobe Framemaker, iStudio Publisher, Microsoft Publisher but unlike these 3, scribus is open source.14:41
llutzcrankygeek: anyway, it works, fine14:41
crankygeekllutz: Oooh, I also added "Do not use Proxy server with the following addresses  *.mydomain.com14:41
AbhiJitRajasun, ok14:41
dpac_!who | Typh14:41
ubottuTyph: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)14:41
crankygeekllutz: Thank you so much for your help.....14:42
Typhdpac_: :), sorry14:43
Chr|show do I tell what version my graphic driver is?14:43
dpac_Typh: That moves window on mine. Do you install anything after fresh install? Some kind if script?14:43
ixnariHow do I find out what my hostname is on the network? Windows won't display it14:43
llutzixnari: use "hostname" command14:44
Typhdpac_: no. and it's inconsistent. I can't narrow down any behaviour that makes it happen.14:44
TyphI mean, nothing strange. vim is probably the only definite.14:44
ixnarillutz: Cheers14:44
Roush427rGood Morning, gentlemen. Possibly ladies, but slim chance of that...14:45
wedwoI beg your pardon!14:45
=== jillsmitt_away is now known as jillsmitt
deviantpwedwo will pretend to be a lady for you Roush427r :]14:46
Chr|show do I tell what version my graphic driver is? I know what I have, just not what version of the driver I have14:46
blue_annawhen I recieve calls on google talk on empathy -- I dont get a dialog to answer, it just rings14:46
Roush427rdeviantp: Excellent. I guess?14:46
blue_annaif I go to the minimenu, and I know which line in the list of connections is the new call, I can answer it, but .. that sucks14:46
wedwoAww - caught in the act14:46
erUSUL!version | Chr|s14:46
ubottuChr|s: To find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type « lsb_release -a » in a !shell - To know the available version of a package, « apt-cache policy <package> »14:46
blue_annais there a way to get it to offer me the dialog again?14:46
ppqChr|s, depending on which driver you use: 'apt-cache policy fglrx' or nvidia-glx-current or whatever14:46
dpac_Typh: Can you pastebin your /etc/X11/xorg.conf file14:46
Chr|sppq: ok thanks :)14:46
thune3Typh: that is one of those errors i'd like to see a screencast of. I've heard of this 3-4 month ago, but maybe that was you.14:47
Typhthune3: that can be arranged14:47
batshwahi, everybody.  i have quite a lot of instances of gnome-keyring-daemon running on my system -- around 20 -- is this normal?14:47
pindongahi, anyone can help me out sort an issue testing the maverick netbook iso? I am using testdrive, and after I log in (past gdm) the screen just keeps blank (only the wallpaper)14:47
erUSUL!10.10 | pindonga14:47
ubottupindonga: Maverick Meerkat is the codename for Ubuntu 10.10, due October 2010 - Maverick is NOT released and NOT Stable, discussion and support in #ubuntu+114:47
Roush427rSo wait, what was the command to check and see if there are any new versions of ubuntu available? it was like Alt+F2 and something -d14:47
Chr|shmm that didn't work either..14:47
plitterhello, does anyone know how to find out what the touchpad is called?14:48
edbianplitter, sudo lspci    <-- look around in the output of that.  You'll find the touchpad in there.14:48
plitteredbian: thanks, checking now14:48
ppqRoush427r, update-manager -d. but be careful: -d means developer, so you're about to update to a developer version (10.10)14:48
PiciRoush427r: update-manager -d is only for checking for updates to the latest DEVELOPMENT release of Ubuntu.14:48
Typhdpac_: http://pastebin.com/jV9Q8Gqz14:49
Pici!upgrade | Roush427r otherwise...14:49
ubottuRoush427r otherwise...: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade14:49
Roush427rUh.... to everybody that just replied to me, Thanks but I already did that command a while ago. I just forgot it. Lovin' the Beta.14:50
blue_anna when I recieve calls on google talk on empathy -- I dont get a dialog to answer, it just rings. if I go to the dock, and I know which line in the list of connections is the new call, I can answer it, but is there a way to get it to offer me the dialog again?14:51
plitteredbian: didnt find it.... http://pastebin.com/X7Q9AkE614:52
Roush427rwayne: Hello, how are you this Morning?14:52
Typhdpac_: and my laptop http://pastebin.com/DiXJyJPv14:53
edbianplitter, It isn't in there. At least, I don't see it either.  Is the touchpad working?  Usually this is a sign that the system doesn't see the device (because it isn't connected or isn't physically working)14:53
=== deviantp is now known as deviantp`away
hoarehi guys. I write "su root" and enter my root passwd. however it doesnt auth.14:54
erUSUL!root | hoare14:54
ubottuhoare: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo14:54
Roush427rhoareL can't you just use sudo?14:54
llutzhoare: "sudo -i" followed by users password14:54
blue_annahoare, enter YOUR OWN password :)14:54
erUSULi expect a touchpad to appear in lsusb ....14:55
erUSUL!rootshell > hoare14:55
ubottuhoare, please see my private message14:55
qingwuhi everyone14:55
hoareblue_anna: my root and user pws are the same.14:55
cf0531como estes14:55
hoareubottu: sorry I'm at weechat and cant see pm14:55
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)14:55
Pici!es | cf053114:55
ubottucf0531: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.14:55
=== jillsmitt is now known as jillsmitt_away
Typhhoare: weechat most certain supports PMs :)14:56
hoarecan't I proceed to root account and have a homedir as /root ?14:56
erUSULhoare: we do not support having a root password set14:56
hoareTyph: I do not know how to swith to chat window :D14:56
cf0531english only my bad14:56
erUSULhoare: use « sudo -i »14:56
hoareerUSUL: so you say that there is no need to open bash as root and sudo is enough14:56
hoareerUSUL: sudo -i worked14:57
erUSULi do not weven konw what you try to do14:57
blue_annacf0531, q no problema -- vaya a #ubuntu-es, hay gente en ambos canales14:57
erUSUL!rootshell | hoare14:57
qingwuhow does  conky work14:57
ubottuhoare: Using !sudo with single commands is preferable in most circumstances. However, if you really need a root shell, use « sudo -i » (other variants of this commands are redundant and/or potentially dangerous)14:57
blue_anna when I receive calls on google talk on empathy -- I dont get a dialog to answer, it just rings. if I go to the dock, and I know which line in the list of connections is the new call, I can answer it, but is there a way to get it to offer me the dialog again?14:57
Roush427rI'm liking this Bot Ubuntu is rocking. Holy crap.14:57
dpac_Typh: That doesn't show anything :(14:58
Typhdpac_: tell me about it, heh.14:59
=== pitbull is now known as Guest7923
sKeithhow do i display or count the number files in my file system?15:00
qingwuhow to uninstall a software,?15:00
KIAazesudo apt-get uninstall PACKAGE15:00
erUSULsKeith: « sudo find / -type f -print | wc -l » it will take some time ;P15:00
qingwubut i don't konw the package's name15:01
KIAazeor use the GUI: System -> add remove software or system -> synaptic package manager15:01
erUSULsKeith: and assuming ther would be no file with a newline in his name15:01
KIAazehow did you install it?15:01
qingwui use deb15:01
KIAazewhat's the name of the .deb?15:01
serapophisqingwu, do you know the program name?15:01
qingwui forget it15:02
Roush427rqingwu: I would say just go to Ubuntu Software center, but since you don't know the name, I don't really know how to answer that.15:02
sKeitherUSUL: if my filesystem is mounted at /mnt/here i'd change to ' find /mnt/here -type f -print | wc -l '15:02
=== jillsmitt_away is now known as jillsmitt
dpac_Typh: There's no input section. It must be in /usr/lib/X11/xorg.conf.d/10-*15:02
qingwuUbuntu Software cente does list the software15:02
erUSULsKeith: correct15:02
sKeitherUSUL: thanks15:03
ChotazCan anyone tell me how to extract a *.txz file on ubuntu 1.04?15:03
KIAaze(errata for before: sudo apt-get remove PACKAGE)15:03
AbhiJitwhat is the shortcut key for font size inc/dec in oo word?15:03
erUSULChotaz: tar xf file.txz15:03
qingwuUbuntu Software cente does list the software15:03
KIAaze@qingwu: then just remove it15:04
Roush427rqingqu: Well, you could try and look at the installed software on the Software center, and see if you can find what you are looking for.15:04
qingwui only know the chinese name15:04
qingwui try but i din15:04
blue_anna when I receive calls on google talk on empathy -- I dont get a dialog to answer, it just rings. if I go to the dock, and I know which line in the list of connections is the new call, I can answer it, but is there a way to get it to offer me the dialog again?15:04
qingwudin't find it15:04
Roush427rqingwu: Is your Operating System in English, or Chinese?15:05
serapophisqingwu, well you can look in your auth.log for the sudo entry of gdebi15:05
qingwuhow to look15:06
thune3qingwu: in synaptic package manager, status (lower left). there is (left side) "Installed (local or obsolete). it should be in there.15:06
serapophisqingwu, try "grep gdebi /var/log/auth.*" in a terminal15:06
serapophismaybe you can remember the name if ya see it15:06
antonishey guys, i seem to have a problem with transmission bt, it remains at 0% and cant find any peers (0 from 0 connected peers) The port i have assigned (55678) is open so i am not sure what i am doing wrong15:07
djmilliersup, in linux class :P15:07
Runar_Sup is my cat's name15:07
Roush427rdjmillier: Nice, what school?!15:07
Runar_So I made it HLing15:07
ppqantonis, your torrent simply seems to be dead15:07
Runar_So every time someone says Sup in here, I get HL'd :(15:07
notworkinghow do I get the delete button back on the main email screen or was it never there.....   I cant believe right click delete is the only way???15:07
well_laid_lawnantonis:  have you checked that the torrent does in fact have seeders?15:07
qingwuthank you guys15:08
djmillierman, just installed irssi for terminal :P15:08
qingwui find it15:08
ppqRunar_, why dont you remove the hl? because somebody possibly want to talk to your cat? :D15:08
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!15:08
Roush427rqingwu: Excellent, best of luck!15:08
qingwuhow to use ipv6 server when pc start work?15:09
SwedeMikeqingwu: ipv6 server for what?15:09
sjefen6Is it possible to get ubuntu to discover my usb3 harddrive before the daemons start?15:10
notworkingSORRY  I am using thunder bird and I need to delete files when first viewing.. My delete button is gone and I doubt right clicking on the file and delete is the only way todo it... how do i get the delete key back???15:10
SwedeMikeqingwu: I don't understand what you need. Are you talking about ipv6 tunnel?15:10
antonissame thing happens with every torrent and yes, i am sure all these i have tried do still exist... :S15:10
serapophisqingwu, please rephrase your question or in other words what are trying to achieve?15:10
SwedeMikeqingwu: what kind of ipv6 tunnel?15:10
AbhiJitwhat is the shortcut key for font size inc/dec in oo word?15:10
ChellIs there a reason why Ubuntu can't ship with the Equinox themes? (or other themes from the community for that matter)15:11
imiI have this error when printing pdf remotely via cups: http://img706.imageshack.us/content_round.php?page=done&l=img706/237/kpernykppdf.png http://img706.imageshack.us/content_round.php?page=done&l=img706/7864/p1010773sb.jpg http://img227.imageshack.us/content_round.php?page=done&l=img227/8161/p1010774il.jpg http://img227.imageshack.us/content_round.php?page=done&l=img227/9069/p1010775x.jpg http://img227.imageshack.us/content_round.php?page=done&l=15:11
imiimg227/3010/p1010776r.jpg http://img685.imageshack.us/content_round.php?page=done&l=img685/920/p1010777eq.jpg http://img201.imageshack.us/content_round.php?page=done&l=img201/4369/p1010779u.jpg http://img201.imageshack.us/content_round.php?page=done&l=img201/7876/p1010781s.jpg http://img689.imageshack.us/content_round.php?page=done&l=img689/2514/p1010783x.jpg -- what should I do?15:11
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.15:11
well_laid_lawnantonis:  it comes down to whether the port is forwarded and if your isp bans torrenting15:11
well_laid_lawnsome do15:11
marco1234567890lista film15:12
marco1234567890palla di neve15:12
LjL!it | marco123456789015:12
ubottumarco1234567890: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)15:12
antonistesting is positive, says port is open...15:12
notworkinghow do I get the delete button back on thunderbird when opening thunderbird15:12
marco1234567890where i find a list for film15:12
blue_anna when I receive calls on google talk on empathy -- I dont get a dialog to answer, it just rings. if I go to the dock, and I know which line in the list of connections is the new call, I can answer it, but is there a way to get it to offer me the dialog again?15:12
antonisand at the same time, from my windows partition, i can download normally with u torrent15:12
ResQueanyone know a good tool to resize hfs volumns?15:13
llutznotworking: can't you right-click the menubar and customize it?15:13
notworking]llutz I can now... hahaha  thx15:14
LjL!zh | qingwu15:14
ubottuqingwu: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk15:14
tmbahi there..  I see one of my packages has 2 entries when I do apt-cache show on it. Somehow the latest version is never detected when I do an apt-get upgrade. Any ideas on how I can proceed to upgrade to the last version (it should be there when its shown in apt-cache right?)15:14
SystemParadoxhow do I make the gnome run dialog set the path correctly?15:14
sjefen6Is it possible to get ubuntu to discover my usb3 harddrive before the daemons starts?15:14
SystemParadoxsjefen6, you could mount it by hand15:15
blue_annatmba, sudo apt-get install --reinstall ??15:15
stoof hi15:15
stoof             15:15
qingwuUbuntu boot automatically enabled ipv615:15
ppqResQue, there's a gparted live cd. http://gparted.sourceforge.net/download.php it features support for every fs gparted supports normally. try this, it's possible that this version can resize hfs+ in opposite to the ubuntu version15:15
sjefen6SystemParadox: how? daemons start before login15:16
SystemParadoxsjefen6, which daemons are you referring to?15:16
SystemParadoxyou need udev at the very least15:16
tmbablue_anna: thanks, I'll try that15:16
sjefen6SystemParadox: transmission-daemon15:16
SystemParadoxsjefen6, but once udev has discovered the device, you should have a /dev/sdx1 like any other drive15:17
tmbawhen I try apt-get install --reinstall, apt-get complains that package can not be downloaded15:17
SystemParadoxsjefen6, the real question is why do you want to do this?15:17
tmbathis is from ppa btw...15:17
blue_annasjefen6, are you rtying to not use ipv6 on startup?15:18
SystemParadoxsjefen6, you really shouldn't be putting anything on that drive which will stop your system from working if it's not plugged in15:18
ResQueppq, i didnt want to use gparted becuase it seem to set werid flags that osx doesnt like and smegs the drive up15:18
blue_annauncomment this line in /etc/sysctl.conf: net.ipv6.conf.all.accept_ra=015:18
sjefen6SystemParadox: becouce all data for the torrent flies are reported as missing, before the drive is detected15:18
nixboxwhere can i get kernel-package 12.036, the one installed in Lucid is 12.032 and it has problems compiling vanilla 2.6.35, the bug report says using 12.036 fixes the issue15:18
ppqResQue, ok, can you use mac osx's tools to resize?15:19
ResQueppq, i cant not seem todo that it think its not a hfs+ volumn15:19
tmbablue_anna: I removed the strange package using apt-get remove, then just using apt-get install worked. Instead of install --reinstall15:20
ppqResQue, uh, thats bad - does osx have an option to check and "repair" it?15:20
sjefen6blue_anna: no, usb3 drive for storing torrent data. The torrent daemon starts and gives an error becouse the harddrive (that is connected) is not yet mounted in the boot prossdure15:21
ResQueppq, Ok let me explain what happened. i used gparted to create create an ntfs volume. but gparted auto sets the "msftres" flash on any ntfs or fat partition and osx diskutil doesnt like that at all15:21
howlymowlyhi poeple.. short question about apt-get:  I always get the error message:  warning, in file '/var/lib/dpkg/status' near line 53119 package 'virtualbox-3.1':15:21
howlymowly error in Version string '3.1.6-59338_Ubuntu_karmic': invalid character in revision number15:21
howlymowlyany idea?15:21
howlymowlyhow do i get rid of that message?15:22
Ejdesgaardi have installed 10.10 and got a odd bug... what channel sould i go to, to inform about it?15:22
bazhangEjdesgaard, #ubuntu+115:22
blue_annais 10.10 stable enough for reliable use yet?15:22
ssamsjefen6, you could add the usb drive to fstab, so that it is mounted early in boot process15:23
ppqblue_anna, "reliable" use? no, just lts versions are, imho :)15:23
sjefen6ssam: How?15:23
underI've created a usb bootable drive with usb-creator putting ubuntu 10.10 netbook but I get: Unkwnown keyboard in configuration file.15:24
jribblue_anna: 10.10 isn't stable until it's released, by definition15:24
ssamsjefen6, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab15:24
blue_annaI guess that makes sense15:24
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ssamblue_anna, jrib 2 definitions of stable. 1) wont crash, 2) wont change15:25
ChotazCan anyone tell me how to extract a *.txz file on ubuntu 10.04?15:26
blue_annassam I was more thinking about #1 .. but I just checked the website and see that 10.10 -non-beta should be out in 2 weeks so, I can wait15:26
jribChotaz: why?  Where did you get it?15:26
Chotazjrib in the wine website.15:26
jribChotaz: what do you want to accomplish?15:26
Rajasunblue_anna: it depends on what your definition of stable is. I've been on 10.10 for almost 3 weeks now. It is stable enough for my needs.15:27
Chotazjrib i want to extract the files and patch them before installing wine, like it's saying in this thread: http://eu.leagueoflegends.com/board/showthread.php?t=238415:27
blue_annathere is still no 10.10 for powerpc :(15:27
jribChotaz: you mean the forum thread several months old?15:28
Chotazjrib: because those patches are stll needed for the game to run.15:28
ssamblue_anna, http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ports/daily-live/20100924/15:28
=== v3nd3tta`` is now known as v3n``afk
jrib!away > v3n``afk15:29
ubottuv3n``afk, please see my private message15:29
dpwhat package is the workspace switcher "stuff" in?15:29
thune3nixbox: the only place i see it is http://packages.debian.org/sid/kernel-package , you could get the .deb from the "all" link at the bottom. I can't speak to if it would work or what problems you might encounter.15:29
sjefen6ssam: may I msg you, the channel scrolls to fast for me?15:29
xfactHello people15:29
jribChotaz: what are the actual bug reports?15:30
xfactYouTube unfortunately cannot render OGG, anyone has suggestion about any other good screen cast software which renders any other formats then ogg?15:30
yeshuahAny tips on an open source, web-based, media library system - should handle images, video and audio in print resolutions  and set ownership and copyrights for individual media15:30
lesslesshi! please help me with ps2 barcode scanner - it provides no any symbols :(15:32
lesslessmy release is 10.0415:32
DMKEhey there! i lost the connection to a mounted webdav directory. now i have a strange directory (i.e. the mount point): http://pastebin.com/E0g7fVYE15:33
MauL^there is a script line at the end of my .profile file however it is somehow not run ?15:33
MauL^when I write it on the command line, it works15:33
blue_anna when I receive calls on google talk on empathy -- I dont get a dialog to answer, it just rings. if I go to the dock, and I know which line in the list of connections is the new call, I can answer it, but is there a way to get it to offer me the dialog again?15:33
DMKEthe "transport endpoint is not connected" error message still exists after a reboot15:33
jribMauL^: provide more information (Use pastebin)15:34
xfactYouTube unfortunately cannot render OGG, anyone has suggestion about any other good screen cast software which renders any other formats then ogg?15:34
IncompleteCan someone please help me install apache + mysql on server?15:34
llutz!lamp > Incomplete15:34
ubottuIncomplete, please see my private message15:34
dpwhat package is the workspace switcher "stuff" in?15:35
MauL^jrib, here is the .profile file: http://pastebin.ca/194821615:35
MauL^the last line is not executed when I do a reboot15:35
jribMauL^: how are you determining this?15:36
MauL^normally, when I run rvm, it says it is not loaded. when I do source .profile, rvm works15:36
MauL^I've tried to put the same line in /etc/environment but still it does not work at boot15:37
well_laid_lawndp:  it is prob a part of gnome15:37
jribMauL^: do you understand that .profile is loaded one time at login?15:37
MauL^jrib, yes, once it is loaded, rvm should work, no ?15:37
jribMauL^: I have no clue what rvm is15:37
jribMauL^: is it something that belongs in .bashrc maybe?15:38
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jrib!away > jillsmitt15:38
ubottujillsmitt, please see my private message15:38
MauL^jrib, is there another file where I can put this line so that it works whatever15:39
MauL^a more global file15:39
jribMauL^: maybe you should explain what rvm is...15:39
jillsmittjrib: fixed15:40
jribjillsmitt: thanks15:40
bihari_any one has install metaspoilt?15:40
jongleurHi. does anybody know why it's not possible to run flash movies recently compiled locally using the latest adobe flash player at ubuntu/firefox? old movies continue to run, new ones throw error #204615:40
jrib!anyone | bihari_15:40
ubottubihari_: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?15:40
MauL^jrib, it is Ruby Version Manager: http://rvm.beginrescueend.com/15:41
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bihari_how to install metaspoilt on ubuntu15:41
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blue_annaI get this error trying to upgrade with the update manager: W:Failed to fetch http://ports.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-ports/dists/maverick/Release  Unable to find expected entry  partner/binary-powerpc/Packages in Meta-index file (malformed Release file?)15:41
blue_anna, E:Some index files failed to download, they have been ignored, or old ones used instead.15:41
jrib!maverick | blue_anna15:41
ubottublue_anna: Maverick Meerkat is the codename for Ubuntu 10.10, due October 2010 - Maverick is NOT released and NOT Stable, discussion and support in #ubuntu+115:41
Gneabihari_: what's metaspoilt?15:41
ljsoftnethow do i use --bookmark -menu in chrome?15:42
llutzbihari_: look at metasploits wiki, its explained there15:42
|Gaijin|is there a good alternative for adobe flash (Making flash) under linux?15:42
MemoryLabI plugged an external monitor into an asus laptop with intel graphics. I can not boot into ubuntu. I cannot login through shell with my password either. Not sure what to do here15:43
jribMauL^: what's in your ~/.xsession-errors?15:43
llutzbihari_: 1st step: learn to spell it correct15:43
|Gaijin|tried f4l but the cvs failed majorly on me, and haven't been making things for like 8 years... Kinda forgot how..15:44
Gnea|Gaijin|: not really, although you might be able to get it to work by using the crossover plugin15:44
mkanyicyMemoryLab, can you at least see the Grub menu?15:44
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MauL^jrib, putting in .bashrc worked :)15:44
MauL^I dont know why15:44
jribMauL^: the issue is "[[" isn't used in dash (it's a bashism)15:44
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|Gaijin|Gnea, xover. Isn't that something non free?15:45
MemoryLabno I cannot. The ubuntu loading screen stalls. I can get a login shell and view a boot log. 1 error being " Not starting jetty - edit /etc/default/jetty ... " which I cannot get to to do anyway15:46
ResQuehow can i find out my kernal version?15:46
jribResQue: uname -r15:46
AbhiJitwhere does webilder stores photos??15:47
ljsoftnethow do i use --bookmark -menu in chrome?15:47
hoareguys I want my 2 desktops to be independent from each other. for example now I move a window to the right on desktop-1, it appears on second desktop... how to solve this?15:47
lesslessps2 input from barcode scanner not work15:47
user2which is the best channel for GNOME help?15:52
dustballhi, i got the usual skype-problem. after destroying my sound with http://ronnietucker.co.uk/blog/2010/06/19/ubuntu-skype-pulseaudio-success/ <-this manual and recovering it, now skype doesnt suspend anymore (neither itself nor pulseaudio) but the incomming sound keeps flickering (outgoing works, according to my brother). how can i get the sound to stop flickering?15:52
nakhlawiuser2: go to irc.gnome.org and check its channels15:53
user2thanks nakhlawi15:53
android123Buenos dias15:53
glaucousAnyone know of a good music player which features a good file browser - OR is able to sort artists/songs by directory (in a tree)?15:54
android123Como estas15:54
Pici!es | android12315:54
ubottuandroid123: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.15:54
ubottuIn den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.15:54
nothingspecialglaucous: try guayadeque15:55
andyccdustball: use "/msg ubottu <factoid>" instead of "!<factoid>" for testing.15:55
dustballokay sorry15:55
dustballokay ahm... any help or valuable tuts (that will NOT destroy my sound again) for the skype problem?15:55
KillGutaGuys, how can I make a Ubuntu live CD on another distro? (Excluding unetbootin and liveusbcreator)15:56
glaucousnothingspecial: Love the name, checking it out, thanks15:56
bazhangKillGuta, what distro15:56
MemoryLabhow does one get the grub boot menu to appear without the ability to login to any account15:56
iflemaKillGuta:use grub to boot the iso15:56
KillGutaIt can do that? :O15:57
andyccKillGuta: of course.15:57
ppqKillGuta, why not unetbootin? there's no problem running it in arch15:57
andyccppq: because he wants to remaster. Unetbootin doesn't do that.15:57
ppqoh, i misunderstood. ok15:58
ashok_shettywhat is the code to download lkl keylogger thru terminal15:59
gizmobaywhat's better an Intel dual core or an i5 for general home computing with Ubuntu?15:59
Gnea|Gaijin|: this isn't strictly debian, so yeah15:59
tflgen2can anyone help me find my wireless card with this pastebin? http://1dl.us/b8J15:59
ppqKillGuta, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomization here is how to do that - should work out of arch, too...15:59
glaucousnothingspecial: Do you know if it is possible to select ouput device? Need to output to non-default ALSA device.16:00
ppqgizmobay, i5 is a dual core, too. there are even some quad core i5. but i guess this is off topic here. every dualcore x86/x86-64 cpu should be strong enough for ubuntu16:00
ashok_shettycode to download lkl keylogger thru terminal16:00
r45c4lhello everyone, i am struglling with my wifi, so can anyone please guide me what to do, here is the o/p of iwconfig and lspci16:01
bazhangashok_shetty, why do you need a keylogger16:01
AbhiJitashok_shetty, http://linux.softpedia.com/get/System/Logging/LKL-6347.shtml16:01
gizmobayppq, thanks would a quad core be better?16:02
ashok_shettyAbhiJit: through terminal16:02
Gneatest successful.16:02
andyccgizmobay: not with Linux.16:02
AbhiJitashok_shetty, why?16:02
andyccgizmobay: a single-core with Ubuntu works as well as a quad with Vista.16:02
ppqgizmobay, yes, of course. but for office, browsing etc you won't need a quadcore16:02
ashok_shettyAbhiJit: im facing problems while installing after download16:03
gizmobayso Linux doesn't take advantage of a quad core16:03
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Gneagizmobay: wrong.16:03
r45c4lplease someone hep me to solve the puzzle i am struglling with last 2 days16:03
AbhiJitashok_shetty, why only fro terminal? what is problem in that page?16:03
ppqgizmobay, ubuntu uses a SMP kernel by default, which can handle multiple cores16:03
gizmobayI see16:03
AbhiJitashok_shetty, do you have its .deb?16:03
Gneagizmobay: you're misreading: different processors are geared toward different levels of use.16:03
ppqgizmobay, if you like, i can help you choosing a cpu in #ubuntu-offtopic16:03
AbhiJitgreen000, #test for testing purpose16:03
gizmobaythanks ppq16:04
r45c4lhttp://dpaste.com/248396/  this is the o/p of my iwconfig and lspci, ca anyone help me to configure my wifi please16:05
ResQuehow can i tell which version of parted gparted is using?16:05
nothingspecialglaucous: support here http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1380811 and here http://guayadeque.wikidot.com16:05
glaucousnothingspecial: perfect, thanks16:05
andyccResQue: hmm. Did you upgrade your system recently?16:05
ResQueandycc, im on the live cd 9.10 becuase i screwed my harddrive up16:06
andyccResQue: oh. Well...16:06
ResQueandycc so no its just the base version of 9.10 with no updates16:07
andyccResQue: apt-get showpkg parted, I think16:07
andyccResQue: version should be under "provides"16:07
ResQueandycc, i have downloaded and compiled the lastest version of parted-2.3, and i am about to compile the new version of gparted, but i want to make sure they are both the most updated version and that gparted is using the most update parted16:07
|Gaijin|Gnea, had a looong time with gentoo before I ended up here16:08
ResQueandycc,  what is "provides" and how do i access it16:08
andyccResQue: that was for apt-get's output16:09
andycc!fr | rudak16:09
ubotturudak: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr, ou #ubuntu-qc. Merci.16:09
Gnea|Gaijin|: yes, I can imagine that things took awhile in some ways :)16:10
|Gaijin|hah... 4h to install gnome... booyaaa16:10
ResQueandycc i am sorry i do not understand.16:10
andyccResQue: sorry, GParted doesn't show anything except filesystem support16:11
ResQueandycc,  i see. thanks.16:11
andyccResQue: (what it can do with various filesystems and what programs are required for that)16:11
m4rtinHi all; I'm UK based, just had my laptop stolen :( I need to buy a replacement urgently, but don't want to pay for a windows licence that I won't use. Any recommendations?16:12
andyccm4rtin: HP.16:12
andyccm4rtin: some models come with SuSE.16:12
r45c4lplease can someone help me16:12
andycc!ask | r45c4l16:13
ubottur45c4l: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)16:13
m4rtinandycc: thanks for that; I had only seen Dell's page16:13
r45c4lhttp://dpaste.com/248396/  this is the o/p of my iwconfig and lspci, ca anyone help me to configure my wifi please16:13
r45c4lubottu, and andycc thats the question16:13
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)16:13
andyccm4rtin: no problem. I have a ProBook 4510s and it's pure awesomeness (except for the occasional X resolution glitch).16:14
m4rtintrying to find the link as we speak -- the "refine by operating system" link is not promising!16:15
andyccr45c4l: ralink card. You might have a fight with that.16:16
andyccr45c4l: AFAIK your best bet is to go with ndiswrapper.16:17
r45c4lyes aandycc16:17
ResQuei am trying to compile gparted and i am getting this error why i run make16:17
ResQue"cannot parse db2omf.lang"16:17
ResQue"warning: failed to load external entity "db2omf.lang""16:17
r45c4laandycc u mean to say i should first install ndiswrappeer16:17
andyccResQue: you might need a newer make than what karmic gives you.16:18
andyccr45c4l: hold on a sec, let me get the link...16:18
m4rtinandycc: http://h40059.www4.hp.com/uk/commercial-laptops/index.php?sort=l ; selected "Operating system: Suse" -- no results. Discontinued, perhaps?16:18
r45c4lthanks a lot andtcc16:18
andyccm4rtin: might be. I live in Romania.16:18
andyccr45c4l: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/Ndiswrapper16:19
andycc!wifi | r45c4l16:19
ubottur45c4l: Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs16:19
andyccr45c4l: there may be docs about ralink there.16:20
r45c4lthanks andycc, let me check it, if i will have some problem i will come back16:20
r45c4lthanks a lot16:20
ResQueandycc, i just download, compiled, make and "make install" the latest version of make 3.82. and i still get the error16:20
andyccResQue: wow, you sure do a lot of compiling. Tried updating Karmic from the liveCD?16:21
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andyccResQue: or just go to http://pendrivelinux.com/ and get a persistent karmic/lucid on a USB stick.16:21
Guest56290Bună seara =)16:21
ResQueandycc, haha yes, i am getting a little better everytime, i am very commited to opensource these days, everything i code is now opensource and i download source ever time so i can learn16:22
neerajHi, I have a directory, inside which there are various subdirectories, now I want to change content of a file name say "xyz" which is present inside various subdirectory of original given directory16:22
ResQueandycc, do you think its becuase my os isnt updated?16:22
neerajIs their a quick way to do it using bash?16:22
neerajor any other nice linux command :P16:22
andyccResQue: I am pretty sure it's because you haven't updated it.16:24
ServerTechLaptopHow do i start openssh-server?16:24
Ubuntuerhello.. i plugged in a 16gb flash drive and copied an iso to it that i had downloaded using a live cd.  Now when i plug in the drive it is not recognized and when i plug into an XP machine the flash is identified but when i click on it, it prompts me to format it.  Bottom line i can't see the drive in linux and can't see any content in XP16:24
ResQueandycc,  i really dont understand the error. what is it telling me16:25
andyccUbuntuer: how exactly did you copy the iso16:25
ResQueandycc, the command i am running, well what make is running is as follows : "xsltproc -o gparted-C.omf --stringparam db2omf.basename gparted......"16:25
duffydackUbuntuer, did you safely remove it afterwards16:25
Ubuntuerthru the file manager.16:26
Ubuntueryes.. i ejected it16:26
ResQueandycc and i get the error "warning: failed to load external entity "db2omf.lang" and "cannot parse db2omf.lang"16:26
llutzneeraj: find path -name file.foo |xargs sed 'stuff you want to change'16:26
nothingspecialneraj: you want to rename the file?16:26
ResQuei think maybe this is something todo with help files or documination16:26
neerajnothingspecial, no. Just want to overwrite the content of the file with a string value16:27
nothingspecialneraj: like llutz said16:27
andyccResQue: I don't have much experience, but sounds like you need to apt-get upgrade your system.16:28
andyccResQue: also, Ubuntu isn't really a source distro. It's a binary distro.16:28
=== dumbstupidhuman is now known as jpgnizak
ResQueandycc ok thanks16:28
andyccResQue: if you want to experiment with compiling from source use Arch, Gentoo, Crux or something else.16:28
ResQueandycc thanks i been meaning to try gentoo for a while16:29
Ubuntuerandycc: duffydack; any chance i can rescue my flash drive content?16:29
llutzneeraj: find path -name file.foo  -exec echo 'your stringstuff' > {} +            will overwrite contents of those files16:29
andyccUbuntuer: i'd say pastebin the output of fdisk -l16:30
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Ubuntuerandycc: ok.. let me do that16:30
alex_tI need help with mounting NFS shares in ubuntu. When I type sudo mount -t nfs /mnt/qnap/ it does not execute it, but seems to be waiting stdin output (?)16:32
jerwellyou should write mount -t nfs //192.....16:33
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sraskuI am having problems setting up ftp on my Ubuntu machine.16:33
sraskuI've installed wu-ftpd.16:33
SeanInSeattleHey all.  What do people use in linux for free scrum work item and progress tracking tools?16:33
alex_tjerwell: mount.nfs: DNS resolution failed for // No address associated with hostname16:34
Ubuntuerandycc: here it is; http://paste.ubuntu.com/499784/16:34
sraskuI can connect to the server but the connection drops.  I get "error: cannot execute /usr/sbin/in.ftpd: No such file or directory" in daemon.log16:34
jerwellyour dns is wrong16:34
alex_tjerwell: nfs says it expects hostname:share format16:35
andyccUbuntuer: your pendrive doesn't have a part table.16:35
andyccUbuntuer: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DataRecovery16:35
andyccUbuntuer: look for the testdisk section.16:35
Ubuntuerandycc: ok.. let me try that16:35
alex_tjerwell: that's for smbfs16:35
jerwelli have forgot16:36
alex_tjerwell: "mount.nfs: remote share not in 'host:dir' format"16:36
prettyrobotsWhere is a good IRC channel for packaging help?16:37
prettyrobotsLaunchpad PPA and such.16:37
Piciprettyrobots: #ubuntu-packaging or #launchpad16:37
prettyrobotsIs there a better channel than #ubuntu itself.16:37
prettyrobotsPici: Thank you. Thank you.16:37
Ubuntuerandycc: i have to install the testdisk first?.. btw i am on a live cd16:38
* slyboots rubs his eyes.. getting annoyed now16:39
llutzalex_t: nfs serverside is running and your /etc/exports is ok? client has nfs-common + portmap installed?16:39
andyccUbuntuer: yes. It doesn't matter if you're on a livecd.16:39
Ubuntuerdo i do this with "sudo apt-get testdisk"?16:40
alex_tllutz: it's a NAS box, I'm not sure how to double check it. Samba shares are visible16:40
Ubuntueror "sudo apt-get install testdisk"?16:40
Daniel1is somekind of program16:40
alex_tllutz: client packages are inslalled16:40
Daniel1like Fl Studio 9 but16:41
Daniel1for ubuntu?16:41
WhiteDawnUbuntuer, sudo apt-get install testdisk16:41
jerwellmaybe it is mount -t nfs -onolock ip:/dir/  destdir16:41
techbreakanybody help me in installing tweetdeck in ubuntu ??16:41
UbuntuerWhiteDawn: thanks.. let me try that16:42
Daniel1techbreak: what problem do you have?16:42
alex_t; still hangs waiting for stdin16:42
techbreakdaniel1, well when i click the same link in windows it get installed easily, but in ubuntu its just not working16:42
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jerwellI am sorry16:43
Daniel1techbreak: you must know that the windows applicattions16:44
llutzalex_t: does "nmap -p2049 nas-ip" report an open port16:44
Daniel1are different than linux programs16:44
techbreakDaniel1, before (when i was in 10.04) it installed so easily but in 10.10 its just not working16:45
Daniel1so you can look for it in ubuntu software center16:45
kapcom01_hello, when i share a folder i suppose ubuntu creates an smb.conf file automatically, right? if so where does it store it?16:45
techbreakdaniel1, no its not there16:45
Daniel1did you try with the terminal16:45
aeon-ltdkapcom01_: /etc/samba/smb.conf16:46
alex_tllutz: 2049/tcp closed nfs16:46
llutzalex_t: no nfsd listening though16:46
techbreakdaniel1, now see here http://www.tweetdeck.com/desktop/ when you click "download now its free" it just reads as installing and does nothing16:46
alex_tllutz: Thanks. Gotta rtfm on NAS administration, I guess.16:46
guitar-maniachey! I'm trying to open audio files, but player says that the stream is too big? What does this mean?16:47
kapcom01_aeon-ltd,  i am looking this file right now and it doesnt have anything for the folders im sharing.. I also created another one and nothing changed on this file.. it must be somewhere else in home folder because it doesn need root persmission16:47
Daniel1techbreak: is not your pc16:48
Daniel1is the server or the webpage16:48
aeon-ltdkapcom01_: are you sure, its usually appended at the bottom16:48
Daniel1i discovered that i have the same problem than you16:48
Daniel1it does nothing16:48
techbreakdaniel1, is not your pc? what does that mean? please be clear16:48
kapcom01_aeon-ltd yes im sure, i have gedit opened and didnt detect any change..16:49
Daniel1the problem isn't in your computer16:49
Daniel1pardon my english but16:49
Daniel1i'm from colombia16:49
phocushttp://ditto-cp.sourceforge.net/ has anyone seen a program like this for linux16:51
Daniel1techbreak: do you know if there is some kind of16:51
Daniel1program like fl studio but for ubuntu16:52
guitar-maniacI do have codecs since i can play videos and other mp3 files without problem...16:52
Daniel1how can I resolve the vissual effects problem16:54
Daniel1when i activate the vissual effects16:54
Daniel1it goes freeze16:54
Pici!enter | Daniel116:54
aeon-ltdguitar-maniac: is this radio stream?16:54
ubottuDaniel1: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!16:54
Daniel1and i cant do anything16:54
guitar-maniacaeon-ltd: no, its mp3 files that i have on my Hard drive.16:55
aeon-ltdguitar-maniac: what player?16:55
umanhow can I make ubuntu automatically mute the speakers on startup?16:55
Daniel1press the mute key, on your keyboard16:56
guitar-maniacMy friend just sent me then over email, worked fine on his computer and evey else mp3 file that i have works. I tried it on VLC, rhythmbox and movie player16:56
Daniel1or turn of the speakers.16:56
WhiteDawn!enter | Daniel116:56
ubottuDaniel1: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!16:56
serp_guitar-maniac: maybe it's not actually an mp3... maybe he just renamed it mp316:57
svuman: do u mean to mute login sound only?16:57
umansv: I prefer to just mute the speakers16:58
llutzguitar-maniac: what does "file foo.mp3" say?16:58
umansv: but if there is no way to do that, removing login sound would suffice16:58
guitar-maniacserp: yea, that s a possibility, i dont see why he wuold lie to me about them working on his computer.16:58
glaucousIs there a way to suppress sleep when a specific application is running? Amarok for instance, doesn't suppress sleep when playing music.16:58
serp_guitar-maniac: he's probably not lying... his player might just be more tollerant16:58
slybootsThats weird; I  just ran ps -A and there are a lot of "failsafeX...."16:58
ppqglaucous, in gnome there's an applet for that16:59
phocusanyone know of a good cliboard manager for linux, i have been using ditto clipboard manger in windows, i just need ot to keep up with a history of my clipboard16:59
svuman: if you just want to remove login sound or associated sounds System->Sound and under Sound effects change Sound theme to no sounds16:59
Akiraawhat is the name of the ubuntu variant built with all the non-free but essential desktop stuff?16:59
KaVhello fellows i know this is not an ubuntu question.. but i dont know where else to ask.. i m trying to make a multiboot usb.. and i am testing multiboot by pendrive.. i d like to ask if anyone knows if i can also add my iso files that are not on the list16:59
guitar-maniacllutz_ this is the output sudo apt-get remove gnash gnash-common libflashsupport mozilla-plugin-gnash swfdec-mozilla && sudo apt-get install alsa-oss faac faad flashplugin-nonfree gstreamer0.10-ffmpeg gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad-multiverse gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly-multiverse gstreamer0.10-pitfdll libmp3lame0 non-free-codecs sun-java6-fonts sun-java6-jre sun-java6-plugin unrar17:00
glaucousppq: Hm, too bad I'm using Kubuntu then >.<17:00
guitar-maniacoh god, it didnt copy it :D sorry17:00
llutzguitar-maniac: strange file ;)17:00
guitar-maniacRoom_312.mp3: MPEG ADTS, layer III, v1, 128 kbps, 48 kHz, JntStereo that's the output... :D17:00
deancHas anyone managed to get windows skype to even log in using wine? I only use it for text messaging only but as soon as i login the process dies17:00
ppqglaucous, even better, in kde you can configure such things very good.. did you search through the system settings already17:00
KaVeg. my symantec ghost boot.. windows xp installation.. hirens boot disk etc17:00
nothingspecialAkiraa: I think that`s Mint17:01
cromagdeanc: doesnt skype come for ubuntu as well ?17:01
deanccromag, yep but it has many bugs and hasn't been updated in ages17:01
llutzguitar-maniac: thats not standard-mp317:01
Akiraanothingspecial: thanks!17:01
cromagdeanc: tried #winehq ?17:01
Daniel1what is that strange file /tmp/ssh-OFvsla1529/agent.233817:02
guitar-maniacllutz_ oh ok, is there an moderately easy way to change it to standard?17:02
UbuntuerWhiteDawn: here's the msg from testdisk quick analyse: Partition sector doesn't have the endmark 0xAA5517:02
tensorpuddingdeanc: yeah, skype is availabe, it's under Canonical Partners in the software center17:02
aetaricDaniel1: that is the temp file for the ssh-agent daemon17:02
llutzguitar-maniac: better ask google for that, i never had to handle adts-files17:02
weeklyquestion: So i have a freshly upgraded server edition ubuntu install (upgraded from 8.04 to 10.04.1) and upon restart, im greeted by a GUI login screen that should NOT be there, its a file server that does nothing but host samba shares. Now when i try to SSH in it crashes the box and makes the shares un-avaliable. What should i look at if SSH'ing in is crashing the thing?17:02
WhiteDawnUbuntuer, sorry i dont know what that means, i was just helping u install the program :/17:03
guitar-maniacllutz: and what do i have to look in that to see that it is isn't normal mp3?17:03
aetaricweekly: #ubuntu-server17:03
UbuntuerWhiteDawn: ok .. thanks17:03
jribweekly: so you have gdm installed?17:03
vargadanishow do I find out how a software was configured? eg: I installed DDD package and I'd like to see the config options of it.. any tips?17:03
slybootsSomethings gone a bit wrong on my server I fear;17:03
jribvargadanis: apt-get source PACKAGE, read debian/rules17:04
ubottuUbuntu Server Edition is a release of Ubuntu designed especially for server environments, including a server specific !kernel and no !GUI. The install CD contains many server applications. Current !LTS version is !Lucid (Lucid Lynx 10.04) - More info: http://www.ubuntu.com/products/whatisubuntu/serveredition - Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/ - Support in #ubuntu-server17:04
slybootsX is in Failsafe mode; and even when I shut gdm down I cant run starX as X is already running17:04
weeklyjrib i guess, im assuming the guy that was here before me tried to install a GUI and failed, now with upgrading it it finishesd what he started (im guessing)17:04
jribweekly: I see17:04
WhiteDawnvargadanis, in terminal "apropos DDD" would list all manual pages for that program... could help17:04
techbreakcan anybody help me in installing skype-intrepid?17:04
weeklyjrib, i just dont get ehy SSH would crash the thing?17:04
llutzguitar-maniac: ffmpeg -i foo.mp3 foo.wav ; lame -(some-options) foo.wav foo.mp3             to convert it the dirty way17:05
jribweekly: what exactly do you mean by "crash"?17:05
Daniel1wine hq is safer for ubuntu?17:05
vargadanisjrib, thx17:05
weeklyjrib, well when i ssh in, putty just freezes after i give the root password, then the shares dissappear17:05
Jinxed-I have an internal com connection hardwired between a switch and a comm port on my ubuntu box, and i need to be able duplicate the connection to external port on my machine so I can connect the switch to a windows machine to upgrade the firmware on the switch... any ideas on how to do this in ubuntu 10.04?17:05
guitar-maniacLlutz: Ok, i try that. Thanks for the help!17:05
LinexWhat brand of wireless mouse and wireless keyboard is good for linux ?17:06
weeklyjrib, i have to physicvally access the box and restaert it to get my shares back17:06
llutzguitar-maniac: run "file bar.mp3" on a known real mp3-file to see the difference17:06
andrejhello. I using Kubuntu and all the title bars, along with the "x" to close the windows have disappeared in all my applications. can you help me? how can I get this "window title" back? ctlt+alt+backspace dotn works. thaks17:06
deanccromag: nope. i'll pop in and ask :)17:06
ppqLinex, most of them use usbhid driver, very generic17:06
jribweekly: but when you physically access the box, you can login?17:06
Daniel1I use a eSenses mouse, and an HP keyboard17:06
ionwindcall center que tal estas17:07
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.17:07
Daniel1vaya por fin alguien que habla en español17:07
ppqLinex, but if you want bluetooth, you should watch out if ubuntu supports that before you buy it17:07
Linexppq: What about logitech stuffs ?17:07
ppqLinex, some work very good, some not at all :)17:07
ppqLinex, see hcl17:08
LinexI saw this logitech combo or wireless keyboard and mouse. Its using 2.4 wireless technology.17:08
rottik9Folks, I have a laptop, with windows 7 obn it, the optical drive is not working, when I try to load linux with usb I gety "bootmanger in missing"  any thoughts how I can wipe windows, and install ubuntu?17:08
ppqLinex, 2.4? sounds like bluetooth17:08
weeklyjrib, yeah i have to use the GUI login screen then it boots into this broken version of the ubuntu desktop, its missing a ton of icons and stuff, and theirs no terminal icon or anything, its super weird17:08
david506Hey, I am looking for an article/wiki page that describes the kind of changes made to kernels in LTS updates, as well as changes to packages in LTS, as well as differences between the -server -generic kernels. Thanks17:09
ppqLinex, i once had a logitech bluetooth keyboard/mouse combo. didn't work good. it was a dinovo edge... it worked only in usbhid mode17:09
jribweekly: does the same thing happen if you ssh as a user?17:09
haagimusis anyone available to help with some xorg.conf issues?17:09
aeon-ltdrottik9: how did the optical drive break?17:09
jribweekly: other than root17:09
Linexppq: I see. ok17:09
WhiteDawn!ask | haagimus17:10
ubottuhaagimus: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)17:10
ionwindsabes algo sobre jdownloader??17:10
th_i have an openbox /w gnome session but the compiz is running too. is this bad?17:10
weeklyjrib, i have not tried that yet, i cant really try it right now their is 30 employees on it atm...17:10
troy-how do i lookup the ipv6 glue records for a domain? :)17:10
rottik9Not sure it is my bros pc...just want to get him up and running17:10
haagimuscool sorry about that17:10
andrejhello. I using Kubuntu and all the title bars, along with the "x" to close the windows have disappeared in all my applications. can you help me? how can I get this "window title" back? ctlt+alt+backspace dotn works. thaks17:10
weeklyjrib, should i try to kill the GUI install?17:10
david506I have a hardware provider who might agree to run a repository for their specialized software or have their software included in the LTS versions, but I need to know what changes normally happen in the kernel in LTS versions.17:11
nothingspecialth: no17:11
=== xcv is now known as DaZ
erUSULdavid506: only bugfixes; kernel ABI/API should not change17:11
TaggnostrI'm having some problem configuring two monitors with an nvidia card. The first is connect through DVI and has 1920x1200 resolution and it works fine. The second is connected through VGA and has a 1680x1050 resolution, but the nvidia control panel shows 1280x1024 as max available resolution. How can I set 1680x1050?17:12
aeon-ltdrottik9: try again with unetbootin, and wipe the usb stick before hand aswell17:12
WhiteDawnTaggnostr, try running xrandr in console, it will list all avaliable display modes on the screen17:13
david506erUSUL "should not change", in what case could it change ?17:13
rottik9done that....17:13
haagimusrecently upgraded my ASUS K52 laptop with ATI Mobility Radeon HD 5470 graphics card to the new kernel. had FGLRX installed and everything was working fine on the old kernel (compiz worked and proprietary drivers were available), post upgrade however i have no proprietary drivers and get the Xorg error ((EE) Unable to initialize PCS database17:13
haagimus(EE)   Missing PCS defaults file /etc/ati/amdpcsdb.default17:13
haagimus(EE) No devices detected.) at bootup. this is the same error i was having before but i cannot get it corrected this time around. any suggestions17:13
andrejhello. I using Kubuntu and all the title bars, along with the "x" to close the windows have disappeared in all my applications. can you help me? how can I get this "window title" back? ctlt+alt+backspace dotn works. thaks17:13
ResQuedoes anyone have any idea what this error means, i get it when running make on gparted 0.6.317:13
ResQue"failed to load external entity "db2omf.lang""17:13
Daniel1do you have the drivers for the display17:13
rottik9I get the error bootmanger missing?17:13
erUSULdavid506: it will no change; me being too cautious.17:14
haagimusi have uninstalled/reinstalled them already with no luck17:14
Daniel1rottik9: you must reinstall ubuntu17:14
weeklyjrib, so if I let it just sit at the login screen it eventualy bugs out and i get some odd messages across the screen that look like "[82962.0560046] EDAC MCO : UE page 0x0 offset, grain 536870912, row 4 label ":" i3200 UE"17:14
erUSULdavid506: /join #ubuntu-kernel17:14
erUSULdavid506: ask there17:14
rottik9Daniel, how can I?17:14
rottik9trhat is all i want, linux on his laptop17:15
Daniel1rottik9: with the installation CD17:15
erUSULdavid506: people actualy in charge of those things may ansewer you if you are patient17:15
th_nothingspecial, but is there any point to do that?17:15
ResQuehow can i build gparted with out documentation. i dont know how to find a list of the rules i can pass into make or ./configure17:15
rottik9The optical drive is not working17:15
* slyboots starts to kick NXClient about the place17:15
slybootsYou bloody *suck*17:15
erUSULResQue: ./configure --help17:15
Daniel1how's laptop17:15
ppqResQue, just read the configure script or run ./configure --help17:15
Daniel1how's laptop?17:15
rottik9can i format the HD somehow?17:15
Daniel1you can do a low level format typing this: dd if=/dev/urandom of=/dev/sda17:16
Dr_Willistheres no need to use 'urandom' /dev/zero will do :)17:17
Dr_Willisand technically thats not really a 'low level format' but it will  whipe out the HD.17:17
Daniel1i prefer urandom, is safer.17:17
Yautja_cetanuHello, I'm having troubles installing ubuntu using wubi on my sony vaio f11. Does anyone know where the temporary files wubi downloads are stored so I can delete them and try again?17:17
Daniel1yeah. it will17:17
Dr_Willisif you want secure deletion.. then use a secure deletion tool..17:17
ResQueppq,  my bad, i type in vi ./configure thats why nothing showed up haha. thanks again17:17
david506erUSUL, if I compile a driver against an LTS kernel, will it work with all kernel updates without recompiling ?17:18
=== corkeyjay is now known as CarkeyJay
haagimusso other than installing the drivers does anyone have any ideas. i dont think its related to drivers due to all the errors coming from Xorg.conf file17:18
Daniel1Yautja_cetanu: Do you have the installation CD?17:18
Yautja_cetanuDaniel1: Well I have one but when I installed ubuntu from that I ran into wierd problems (Something to do with Kernel Panic) where I couldn't boot into it17:19
AnirbanHazraI want to install curl on my hardy vps.. how to do that17:19
Yautja_cetanuso I'd prefer to use Wubi where it just downloads the iso without me having to make a CD17:19
erUSULdavid506: recompilation may be needed. but you wont have to patch the module and a system like dkms could handle all that automatically17:19
BluesKajhaagimus, I just joined , so which graphics card?17:19
erUSUL!dkms | david50617:19
ubottudavid506: DKMS is Dynamic Kernel Module Support. See https://launchpad.net/dkms for more.17:19
Yautja_cetanuI just used wubi to install kubuntu and it worked fine, but I want ubuntu and GNOME back17:20
haagimusblueskaj messaged in private17:20
robint91Is there any support or howto to boot ubuntu server "the installer" over RIPL/RPL?17:20
Daniel1don't worry about kernel. Which OS do you have actually on your PC?17:20
BluesKaj!pm | haagimus17:21
ubottuhaagimus: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.17:21
haagimus!pm | BluesKaj17:21
ubottuBluesKaj: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.17:21
Yautja_cetanuDaniel1: Currently I have Windows 7 with Kubuntu 10.04 installed using wubi17:21
BluesKajhaagimus, yes i got it17:21
haagimususing ATI mobility radeon HD547017:21
david506erUSUL => thanks for the  link17:22
Daniel1Yautja_cetanu: It might create some conflicts with the kernel system.17:22
jribweekly: well I don't see how the gui would be related to the issue but I also don't see how ssh would cause samba to fail.  If the system is being used, I wouldn't mess with it until it's not being used17:22
haagimusBluesKaj: using ATI mobility radeon HD547017:22
=== deviantp`away is now known as deviantp
erUSULdavid506: no problem17:22
mealstromhi, does anybody have a problem with printing from firefox where youve got only US-letter paper size ?17:22
jrib!away > deviantp17:23
ubottudeviantp, please see my private message17:23
CarkeyJayHi, I am dual booting ubuntu and vista.  This is fun and exciting.17:23
Daniel1I'm not sure about this, but if you want gnome back you must uninstall the 10.04 wubi from windows.17:23
Yautja_cetanuDaniel1: Well I want to uninstall kubuntu and reinstall Ubuntu.... but whenever I try that wubi uses a cached version of the install that fails. I think my iso is corrupt17:23
ResQuemealstrom, try A4 Its the same size17:23
Yautja_cetanuDaniel1: Yeah I want to do that. But I need to delete the temporary files wubi installs17:23
BluesKajhaagimus, ifyou instralled the drivers for your ati card , you might want to edit your xorg file and even regenerste a new upadated one , http://ubuntulinux.co.in/blog/ubuntu/ubuntu-9-10/xorg-conf-file-create-on-ubuntu-9-10/17:23
weeklyjrib,  yeah im not gonna mess with it, the weird errors across the login screen are scaring me though, i hope this doesnt blow up!!17:23
mealstromResQue: i cannt change Usletter - it is inactive17:23
Daniel1did you try uninstalling it from control panel?17:24
haagimusBluesKaj, ill give that a shot thanks17:24
nothingspecialth_: This is linux, do whatever you like :)17:24
Yautja_cetanuDaniel1: Yes I have tried to reinstall ubuntu about 3 times17:24
ResQuemealstrom, i have no idea sorry17:24
Yautja_cetanuDaniel1: Each time I uninstall from the control panel... restart and windows 7 is back to normal17:24
MACscranyone running photoshop cs5 on their ubuntu system? I sick of using virtualbox =/17:24
mealstromtnx anyway17:24
erUSULResQue: mealstrom A4 is not the same size as US letter17:25
Yautja_cetanuDaniel1: But when I install ubuntu again with wubi. Instead of downloading the whole iso again. It installs it in about 2 minutes17:25
ResQueerUSUL, really i thought it was17:25
BluesKajYautja_cetanu, using wubi ?17:25
Yautja_cetanuBluesKaj: yes downloaded from http://wubi-installer.org/17:25
CarkeyJaydoesnt wubi have an uninstaller?17:25
Daniel1i think you must use CCleaner for delete temporary files17:25
Yautja_cetanuCarkeyJay: Yes it does, I'm looking to remove temporary files so I can try re-installing cleanly17:26
IdleOne!puregnome | Yautja_cetanu17:26
ubottuYautja_cetanu: If you want to remove all !Kubuntu packages or !Xubuntu packages and have a default !Ubuntu system, follow the instructions here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PureGnome17:26
AnirbanHazraI want to install curl on my hardy vps.. how to do that17:26
th_is there a way to verify what window manager is loaded?17:26
CarkeyJayoh i thought it would uninstall everything17:26
BluesKajYautja_cetanu, you have to remove wubi as well, otherwise all the config files are still there, hence the 2 min reinstall , nothing changes17:26
ThreeOfEightHallo, I cannot get CUPS running on a Hardy server. Even as root on localhost, it gives me 403 when trying to do administrative stuff, e.g. delete printers. How do I fix this?17:26
Daniel1Yautja_cetanu: See my private message17:27
Yautja_cetanuBluesKaj: ok I'll try that17:27
Daniel1AbhiJit: Hi17:27
AbhiJitDaniel1, :)17:27
slybootsAnyway; Im having some issues with Ubuntu..17:27
BluesKajDaniel1, whynot share your suggestions with the room ?17:27
AbhiJitwhat suggestion?17:28
nothingspecialth_: you can choose it at login17:28
SomelauwHas anyone here ever heard of puppy linux?17:28
slybootsRight now; my machine is connected to a amp via HDMI' which is connected to my TV17:28
slybootsBut if the TV/Amp is not switched on or switched off; I lose the display totally17:28
slybootsthe only way to fix it is to SSH in or blind-login at the console and restart gdm17:28
AbhiJitSomelauw, yah17:28
robint91Is there any support or howto to boot ubuntu server "the installer" over RIPL/RPL?17:28
slybootsNow; since this supposed to be a media-center.. this isnt exactly a great solution17:28
th_nothingspecial, yea... is it possible to have 2 running? i mean i did install openbox but my confs doesnt seem to affect enviroment :S17:29
Daniel1BluesKaj: It's a personal question17:29
llutzSomelauw: /j #puppylinux17:29
haagimusBluesKaj, dunno how it worked this time but i reinstalled the ATI pro drivers again and the display went to crap when i moved to the TTY console to try the fix you gave me and when i rebooted the display was all fixed up17:29
nothingspecialobconf? rc.xml menu.xml?17:29
haagimusBluesKaj, I'm gonna make a backup of my Xorg.conf for future incidents, thanks for the help man17:29
Yautja_cetanuBluesKaj: How do I uninstall wubi? Its just an exe file I downloaded from the internet?17:29
BluesKajhaagimus, that's the way it's supposed to work :)17:30
Yautja_cetanuBluesKaj: Its not in Add/Remove programs.  (Note: I've uninstalled "Ubuntu" from add/remove programs)17:30
th_nothingspecial, obconf17:30
haagimusBluesKaj, of course lol if it didnt work like that it wouldnt be a computer.......or it would be windoze17:30
IdleOneYautja_cetanu: Boot windows, go to control panel > add/remove software, remove wubi17:30
Daniel1Yautja_cetanu: You can do it, using the same installation CD. Or my favorite. Format!!!17:30
BluesKajYautja_cetanu, remove the installer as well17:31
Daniel1IdleOne: He tried it, and it doesn't works17:31
nothingspecialth_: Are you using openbox "within" anything else? Gnome, Lxde? Just choose openbox session at login.17:31
Yautja_cetanuIdleOne: Its not there17:31
loculinuxhola alguien habla español17:31
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.17:31
Daniel1si yo17:31
loculinuxhola que tal17:32
shadyabhiUsing Virtual Box, I can get many MAC addresses and one machine can be assigned multiple addresses.. How can I do that without using it? I mean with IP ALIASING, I can assign a new IP but MAC address is still the same? ALso, I have only one NIC17:32
th_nothingspecial, gnome. i chose openbox gnome session. theres no other options17:32
IdleOne!es | loculinux17:32
ubottuloculinux: please see above17:32
erUSULshadyabhi: ifconfig can be used to change MAC17:32
Daniel1Roonux: Hi17:32
david506How does one propose a package and become the maintaner ?17:33
Daniel1xerox1: What your name?17:33
shadyabhierUSUL: BUt, I want something like eth0 as some X MAC address... But, for eth0:1 I want to have different MAC address17:33
erUSUL!motu | david50617:33
ubottudavid506: motu is short for Masters of the Universe. The brave souls who maintain the packages in the Universe section of Ubuntu. See  http://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU17:33
Yautja_cetanuas far as I can tell it is not in C:\Temp17:33
ikoikoWant a way to have constantly changing IP address in ubuntu; anyone know a relatively simple way to do it? Someone suggested foxyproxy17:33
nothingspecialth_: Not sure, I don`t use gnome. I would think that gnome is your problem though. You may have to edit your xinitrc17:33
RoonuxI made a mistake a i ran a "dd of=/dev/sda bs=16k" instead of dd of=/dev/sdb bs=16k, so I don't have any valid partition table now, can I do something ? :/17:33
BluesKajdavid506, ask in #ubuntu-dev17:33
b0otis there anything that needs to be added to allow static routes to work? any sort of modprobe or anything?17:34
th_nothingspecial, yes thats what i thought. what are you using?17:34
erUSULRoonux: use testdisk or gpart to recover the partition table.17:34
Yautja_cetanuIts not in Users/Myname/Application data17:34
Daniel1Roonux: You can use Gparted, from the ubuntu CD17:34
nothingspecialth_: lxde, not used openbox for a while :)17:34
erUSULRoonux: but 16 kb will corrupt more than just the partition table ...17:34
reidprinter issues17:34
Yautja_cetanuI can't find any *.iso files on my computer but wubi still take 2 seconds instead of the large amount of time it should17:34
andyccRoonux: testdisk17:34
haagimusok now the resolution issue is fixed but i still have no proprietary drivers in use therefore i cannot use compiz, can anyone just point me in the right direction to correct that......ATI mobility radeon HD 5470 graphics card17:34
Roonuxmy computer is still running, i'm looking that way thanks17:34
th_nothingspecial, how come?17:34
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erUSULRoonux: note that gpart != gparted17:35
AbhiJitreid, ask. to channel in general. with details in one line. Guest6014217:35
RoonuxerUSUL, ok ;)17:35
ppqikoiko, if you have an isp that gives you a new ip every time you connect and if you use a router, try to find a command that lets the router reconnect. can be a http:// adress thats wget'et or telnet or so. then use cron17:35
nothingspecialth_: not openbox, or using lxde?17:35
BluesKajYautja_cetanu, look in C:\win3217:35
CarkeyJayso I'm dual booting and...I'm not sure why.  It's fun and all, but why am I doing this?17:35
th_nothingspecial, not openbox. i think its pretty good.17:35
CarkeyJaynow what do i do17:35
Daniel1Roonux: You're welcome.17:35
blackxoredhi, is it possible to install a x86_64 chroot from a x86 system???17:35
andyccCarkeyJay: you install apps.17:35
CarkeyJayyes, i installed this xchat :)17:36
Guest60142good afternoon, cant get a printer to run in ubuntu...17:36
AbhiJitblackxored, you can install 32 bit software on 64 bit os. but vice versa is not possible as far as i know17:36
nothingspecialth_ it`s great, but I`m just taking lxde for a spin. I kind of like it17:36
sKeithCan I use aptitude to upgrade from hardy to lucidlynx? is this a recommended upgrade method.17:36
andyccCarkeyJay: install games. I recommend The Battle for Wesnoth.17:36
BluesKajCarkeyJay, nothing wrong with keeping with windows , it's not an either or thing17:36
blackxoredAbhiJit, I'm talking about building a chroot17:36
CarkeyJayhaha ok, thanks17:36
blackxoredand installing programs there17:36
andyccGuest60142: what printer?17:36
Yautja_cetanuBluesKaj: I don't have a C:\win32 but its not in C:\windows or C:\windows\temp17:36
BluesKajkeeping up17:36
AbhiJitblackxored, ok dunno then17:36
Guest60142hp laserjet p1501n17:36
james333mareanybody available to help me?17:37
CarkeyJaywhy do ppl dual boot?17:37
BluesKajYautja_cetanu, did you remove the wubi installer.exe17:37
Daniel1james333mare: Hi17:37
Yautja_cetanuBluesKaj: If by remove you mean delete the .exe file then yes. I'm going to try again17:37
andyccGuest60142: doesn't seem supported.17:37
th_nothingspecial, so you are one of those "players" what i call them. instead of playing CoD you conf and try different distros :P17:37
nothingspecialth_: `fraid so17:38
david506erUSUL => Email sent!17:38
andyccGuest60142: go complain to HP.17:38
bakomI am trying to solve invalid dependencies wit supo apt-get install -f ... unfortunately it crashes with an error, suggesting that one of the packages has an invalid package name - what can I do?17:38
david506I also included links to the repositories page and the debian howto repository page17:38
Guest60142hear you there...17:38
erUSULdavid506: godd luck17:38
th_nothingspecial, im not saying theres nothing wrong with it. but i like to setup my system and stick to it.17:38
Daniel1james333mare: What can i do for you?17:38
andyccbakom: pastebin full output.17:39
Guest60142rather complain to microsoft and LOUDLY17:39
david506Thanks :)17:39
david506I'll be back17:39
CarkeyJayis my goal to get rid of windows altogether?17:39
james333mareDaniel1: i need a tool to mount a partition on startup i know that exist but i forgot which one is17:39
Guest60142thanks andycc17:39
andyccCarkeyJay: you might want to have Windows there for some occasional gaming. If you're not a gamer, then yes.17:39
Impy^Hi I wonder if anyone could help me please? I'm on ubuntu 10.04 and i'm trying to get the microphone to playback through my speakers but i'm having no luck.17:39
Daniel1james333mare: The most popular is Gparted.17:39
BluesKajCarkeyJay, some ppl need windows for work, no other OSs are tolerated in some situations ...I dual boot so can keep track and help ny freinds with their windows probs , for example17:39
nothingspecialth_: I have a few systems, and all of them dual boot :)17:39
Yautja_cetanuCarkeyJay: Are you asking for genuine reasons why someone might want to keep windows? or more just insulting windows?17:39
Guest60142also trying to get lemonPOS ubuntu running17:40
Yautja_cetanuCarkeyJay: Because if you are interested there are 2 reasons 1) Gaming 2) Microsoft OneNote17:40
Daniel1Yautja_cetanu: Hahahaha!17:40
james333mareDaniel1:  Gparted is not useful to set a partition auto mounting on startup17:40
Daniel1Yautja_cetanu: See my private message17:40
CarkeyJayoh i see.  thanks you guys.17:40
th_nothingspecial, i have 2. unfortunately they have dual boots too... XP being that other OS17:40
jawadsafinogo you available today ?17:40
llutzjames333mare: edit /etc/fstab17:41
nogoare you seeking fire?17:41
ppqCarkeyJay, windows has a better power management (notebook battery)17:41
bakomandycc: pastebin is here: http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/a4y5uVtR17:41
jawadsafinogo : good to see you again17:41
nothingspecialth_: No windows, different linux distros. I got to go17:41
james333marellutz: i would like to get that tool i'm sure that exist but i  forgot the name17:41
jawadsafinogo : im the one who had an emergency two days ago heheh well you might not remember .. anyways17:41
CarkeyJayoh maybe I should have just linux on my desktop, and windows on my notebook.  or vice versa.17:41
Impy^Hi I wonder if anyone could help me please? I'm on ubuntu 10.04 and i'm trying to get the microphone to playback through my speakers but i'm having no luck.17:42
andyccbakom: O_O pastebin "LOCALE=en_US sudo apt-get install -f"17:42
andyccbakom: I am not german.17:42
llutzjames333mare: to mount filesystem just edit /etc/fstab and add the one you need17:42
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bakomandycc: heh, sorry! :-/ Can you help me anyway? (:17:43
andyccbakom: not really, if I can't read the error :D17:43
jawadsafinogo : im using windows7 now, i had winXP and ubuntu with it... i have just installed windows7 now because my XP got corrupted, now with win7 installed , the bios/boot menu or what ever, is not showing ubuntu17:43
andycc!de | bakom17:43
ubottubakom: In den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.17:43
BluesKajCarkeyJay, I have all my machines dual booting W7 and (k)ubuntu , except the media server it's just kubuntu...may need to dual boot windows on it for netflix tho17:43
serp_jawadsafi: you need to rerun the final part of the ubuntu setup where it installs grub17:44
andyccjawadsafi: that's because Windows, being a b-tard, overwritten the MBR.17:44
mantizzI am using Remote Desktop on Ubuntu 10.04 64bit gnome to control my system from outside home. I've Real viewer on Windows 7 and XP Pro SP3. I can connect from Windows to Ubuntu , but there is no screen refresh: I can drag a window on Ubuntu using my mouse in Windows or type into a terminal in Ubuntu from my keyboard in Windows, but the image does not change on Windows. I can request a screen refresh from Windows but the screen does not update.17:44
subichanallora adesso sono connesso con ubuntu, ma indovinate un po? non riesco ad accedere a da qui. invece, su windows si. e ora indovinate un po ancora? sono connesso ANCHE da windows17:44
DhulKarnainor perhaps grub is retarded for writing to the mbr in the first place17:44
bakomandycc: alright, I am already there.. the error says nothing than invalid package name. In synaptic i was able to found the package - it is texlive-latex-recommended-doc .. there it is displayed as texlive-recom}ended-doc .. i think the } is the problem but I have no idea how to solve that17:44
CarkeyJayso now I just need to figure out which software does the same things I was doing on windows.17:44
jawadsafiserp_ andycc.. im not into any MBR and the final part .... help me get the final part17:45
llutzbakom: "LANG=C sudo apt-get -f install" and paste the error then again17:45
serp_CarkeyJay: stop! that's the wrong approach. don't recreate your windows life. start from scratch. instead17:45
jawadsafiserp_ andycc.... i have wubi .... any clue around that ?17:45
andyccjawadsafi: hmm. Does Wubi have a "repair" option?17:46
serp_CarkeyJay: you shouldn't try to emulate your Windows usage pattern on a Linux machine. that is doomed to fail.17:46
jawadsafiandycc.. let me check17:46
CarkeyJayserp oh please tell me what you think I should do17:46
jawadsafiandycc.. will be back to you after that17:46
Daniel1andycc: Maybe17:46
jawadsafiandycc... flowers17:47
Impy^Hi i'm trying to get the microphone to playback through my speakers but i'm having no luck. I'm using 10.0417:47
andyccjawadsafi: and by flowers, you mean...17:47
serp_CarkeyJay: instead of thinking "what program does the same as Xx", think about what you want to achieve and find a program for doing that17:47
Daniel1Impy: Did you check the drivers?17:47
jawadsafiandycc... thank you for your help.17:47
the_fileis there an ubuntu package for gcc that comes with all the dependancies?.17:48
CarkeyJayserp thanks for helping me17:48
andyccthe_file: build-essential17:48
serp_CarkeyJay: np mate17:48
=== llutz is now known as llutz_
CarkeyJayI'm wondering if I should stick with windows to do certain things.  like i use magicISO and DVD shrink alot17:49
Impy^daniel1 yeah it'[s picking up the input17:49
cromagi'm trying to upgrade from lucid to mav. but i get the "can not calculate...." error. I'm really not sure what to do in this case ... is this a a Lucid issue or Maverick issue ?17:49
serp_CarkeyJay: what do you use those programs for?17:50
jawadsafiandycc.... wubi doesnt have any repair option...17:50
andycc!maverick | cromag17:50
ubottucromag: Maverick Meerkat is the codename for Ubuntu 10.10, due October 2010 - Maverick is NOT released and NOT Stable, discussion and support in #ubuntu+117:50
CarkeyJayI like to mount ISOs on virtual drives instead of putting in DVDs17:50
cromag!notinstalledyetbecauseofissuewithupgrade | andycc17:51
cromagso still in Lucid :)17:51
serp_CarkeyJay: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/easy-way-of-mountunmount-iso-images-in-ubuntu.html17:51
andyccjawadsafi: well, I can't really help you now. Haven't used Wubi in eons.17:51
mantizzI am using Remote Desktop on Ubuntu 10.04 64bit gnome to control my system from outside home. I've Real viewer on Windows 7 and XP Pro SP3. I can connect from Windows to Ubuntu , but there is no screen refresh: I can drag a window on Ubuntu using my mouse in Windows or type into a terminal in Ubuntu from my keyboard in Windows, but the image does not change on Windows. I can request a screen refresh from Windows but the screen does not update.17:52
xbonesxCould someone help me with the cairo docks' netspeed applet, it doesn't catch my speeds on wlan0???17:52
andycccromag: try getting help on it in #ubuntu+1, they're more likely to help.17:52
NavidCan I get X11 running with Ubuntu?17:52
cromagandycc: i'm there. THanks17:52
andyccNavid: X11 is probably already running.17:52
xbonesxmantizz: I recommended TeamViewer17:52
Daniel1mantizz: I recommend you Team Viewer17:52
CarkeyJayserp awesome.  I think I can do this.17:52
andyccNavid: I don't think you know what X11 is.17:52
xbonesxDaniel1: Good taste! lol :p17:52
mantizzi dont like team viewer17:52
v3nd3tta``lol, we crossed 133717:52
serp_CarkeyJay: you should eventually get familiar with the command line interface, but for now maybe that program will help you17:53
Lollipop56Navid, read my pm17:53
Navidandycc, no, perhaps my knowledge about it isn't sufficient. What gave that impression?17:53
RandBrittainI'm trying to set Sigil as the default program to open epub files with and need to put in a special "open with" command. Is there a way to specify "open with this" that I don't know? Because just doing '/opt/sigil/sigil.sh' is giving me an error.17:53
xbonesxmantizz: See if "LogMeIn" is for linux and use that, its good software...17:53
RajasunNavid: unless you got the server version, it should already be running once you installed ubuntu17:53
andyccNavid: X11 is the graphical subsystem on which your desktop is being shown now (unless you're running a CLI-only system, which you probably don't)17:53
andyccNavid: what are you *really* trying to do?17:54
Impy^Hi i'm trying to get the microphone to playback through my speakers but i'm having no luck. I'm using 10.04 any ideas?17:54
jawadsafiandycc... im almost a newbie to linux distributions..... recommend me any of the latest distr. that can be installed through (wubi or mint4win) type of installers17:54
RandBrittainMaybe there's a symbol or something that applies the thing I am right clicking to the end of the command?17:54
Navidandycc, I had the impression that X11 was a graphical like Gnome and KDE.17:54
NavidAre you implying that Gnome and KDE run on X11?17:54
andyccjawadsafi: Ubuntu or Mint.17:54
xbonesxCould someone help me with the cairo docks' netspeed applet, it doesn't catch my speeds on wlan0???17:54
Daniel1Impy: What kind of microphone are you using?17:54
jawadsafiandycc.... actually the ubuntu 10.04 LTS doesnt have my nvidia's driver and sound card's driver packages17:54
andyccNavid: X11 is low-level.17:55
andyccNavid: GNOME/KDE is high level.17:55
RandBrittainHm, actually, looking at this error, it looks as though sigil is choking on opening a file that has a space in the name.17:55
Impy^Daniel1 It's just a cheapy one from poundland but it works. I've recoreded sound in the soundrecorder but i just want it to playback through speakers.17:55
jawadsafiandycc.. so its like and deaf and dumb computer if i have ubuntu17:55
AbhiJitmy postgres stopped running 'automaticaly'. it was running automatically before. plese help me to again set it like so that it will again run every time 'automatically'17:56
Daniel1Impy: Is rare, Ubuntu 10.04 doesn't have that problem17:56
Yautja_cetanuJust FYI I got wubi working17:56
bakomandycc: thank you for your help, with a guy in #ubuntu-de I was able to solve the problem17:56
andyccjawadsafi: Ubuntu has the best hardware support of all Linux distros I know of. Puppy would be second, but it chokes on my video card.17:56
* shadyabhi :S17:56
RandBrittainIs there a way to specify my "Open With" command so that the program won't get confused if the target is in a folder with spaces in its name?17:56
Wipsteroh all here is a challenge for ya, sometimes when I boot my laptop (ubuntu 10.04) X thinks my screen is twice the width and the login stuff is out to the right, same when I get into desktop, its usual size but from the view switcher its twice the width. I have just had my screen go twice width then back a few times and I have inluded my Xlog http://pastebin.com/MjdxMEHQ can anyone see why this might be happening?17:56
Impy^Daniel1 where would i tick a box for it to playback? I've looked and looked it use to be really easy to do but they changed everything :(17:56
Indigo_Studiocan someone help me with ubuntuStudio screensavers ??17:57
Yautja_cetanuWubi leaves temporary files in the User/Appdata/Temp folder in a folder called something like py****.tmp where **** looked like random letters17:57
Yautja_cetanuit works now17:57
jawadsafiandycc... does the opensuse, debian and the other new platforms have the installers like wubi or mint4win17:57
jawadsafiandycc.... well i have an old system hehe ... d865glc ...17:57
AbhiJitmy postgres stopped running 'automaticaly'. it was running automatically before. plese help me to again set it like so that it will again run every time 'automatically'17:58
andyccjawadsafi: maybe OpenSuSE, but I don't know. For old systems you might as well try Puppy, which runs fully in RAM if you have more than 256mb and can be installed along Windows. Without partitioning.17:58
Daniel1Impy: I just recommend you use System Check17:58
Yautja_cetanuDaniel1: Thanks for you help I think your suggestion helps. (I both clearered windows temp files and deleted them manually17:58
delarueAbhiJit you need to give us a bit more info about that'17:58
delarueAbhiJit some errors from one of the log files is likely.17:58
AbhiJitdelarue, -- how to start postgresql automatically on ubuntu?17:58
Dr_WillisAbhiJit:  check the log files.. perhaps its got some error/crashing/issue17:59
Daniel1Yautja_cetanu: You're welcome17:59
AbhiJitDr_Willis, delarue this is the error http://paste.ubuntu.com/499831/17:59
delaruewell, if it used to start automatically then it is probably set up to .17:59
jawadsafiandycc: yes i have got 1gb ddr1 ... whats puppy and can i have the link please ?17:59
andyccjawadsafi: http://puppylinux.org17:59
andyccjawadsafi: also, #puppylinux18:00
jawadsafiandycc: TANK JOOS FOR THE HELP :P18:00
delarueAbhiJit so probably what's happening is that it's crashing during start up18:00
* delarue waits and waits for pastebin to load18:01
AbhiJitdelarue, yah18:01
Daniel1Someone wanna help me? I have some problems with the vissual effects in Ubuntu 9.1018:02
delarueAbhiJit that's the error from your client; it's just telling you that it isn't started which you seem to already know.  what you need to do is find the errors in /var/log/  you can then see what's happening there.  You can also try running the init script to start it;  I'm just installing it now to check what script.18:03
AbhiJitdelarue, ok18:03
Impy^Hi i'm trying to get the microphone to playback through my speakers but i'm having no luck. I'm using 10.04 any ideas?18:03
ponimaniei have a question18:03
AbhiJitdelarue, how to start it from commadn line?18:04
ponimaniehaw to make Xubuntu to see the net18:04
RandBrittainHow can I make a "special command" for the default choice to open a program work if the file name has spaces in the path?18:05
mmoebiusponimanie: What do you mean by "see" ?18:05
DizzoHey all, can anyone tell me what the best and free IRC client for Ubuntu is?18:05
gottreuHow can I force all network interfaces down or off?18:05
RandBrittainDizzo: I like XChat.18:05
ponimaniei mean that over compiuters to see me in the net18:05
delarueAbhiJit; you want to run the proper init script which does that;  I just want to check how it's set up on Ubuntu...  if you do it that way then you'll get exactly the environment which is failing to start automatically.18:06
shadowrati went home18:06
shadowratnow i am home18:06
AbhiJitdelarue, there is one postgresql-8.4 in /etc/init.d but its in green colour18:06
ponimaniebecause in Xubuntu their is no net suport18:06
delarueAbhiJit ;  run sudo /etc/init.d/postgresql-8.4 start18:07
DizzoRandBritta: ok, I'll try that one!18:07
mmoebiusponimanie: Yes, xubuntu hasn't got much when it comes to network. You mean "Windows Network" == Samba/SMBFS/CIFS, right ?18:08
delarueAbhiJit ; green means executable if I remember right;  it's a good thing from this point of view18:08
AbhiJitdelarue, error! http://paste.ubuntu.com/499838/18:08
Daniel1When i activate the visual effects in my ubuntu 9.10 after 40 seconds my computer is getting freeze. What i can do?18:09
delaruethis sounds bad;;  2010-09-24 22:37:54 IST CONTEXT:  line 82 of configuration file "/etc/postgresql/8.4/main/pg_hba.conf"18:09
coaldoes anyone know a distribution that allows you to authorize use of files that dont have the executable bit thing. this is annoying on a level that cannot be humanely expressed in words18:09
neriukasdaniel don' do it again :)18:09
AbhiJitdelarue, if i reinstall then same problem may occured what to do?18:09
Impy^Hi i'm trying to get the microphone to playback through my speakers but i'm having no luck. I'm using 10.04 any ideas?18:09
delarueAbhiJit did you change something18:10
AbhiJitdelarue, no notihng with postgres18:10
Daniel1no one is helping me. Impy too.!18:10
neriukasdaniel1, if your pc can't run effects so don't run tis18:10
Loshkigottreu: 'sudo ifconfig eth0 down' will turn off eth0. Something like sudo /etc/init.d/networking stop should stop them all...18:11
AbhiJitdelarue, should i try reinstalling it?18:11
delaruecould you run "ls -l /etc/postgresql/8.4/main/pg_hba.conf"18:11
coalanyone? tried using WINE for some things. Executable bit rule cannot be circumvented. Need one way or another to use these files18:11
AbhiJitdelarue, -rw-r----- 1 postgres postgres 3824 2010-09-22 13:01 /etc/postgresql/8.4/main/pg_hba.conf18:11
esteevenbank account18:11
Loshkicoal: can you say more about the actual problem you're trying to solve?18:12
lucenutI am trying to unpack a multipart rar movie. I installed unrar in the package manager.18:12
lucenutBut now when I extract the .rar file it looks like it's doing it. But the avi file is not where I specified to unpack to!18:13
=== Tombar_ is now known as Tombar
lucenutGetting frustrated.18:13
Daniel1lucenut: Me too.18:13
delarueAbhiJit: sudo sha1sum /etc/postgresql/8.4/main/pg_hba.conf18:13
andyccGod, can't GNOME panel have true transparency?18:13
Kyle__lucenut: rar is a funky format.  You just have to accept it's funkiness if you're going to download pirated video.18:13
lucenutHmm. It works in windows.18:14
coalokay, so i have a few .exe im trying to run in WINE, but their not certified programing like EVERY-FRIGGIN-THING FOR WINE. cant run them due to security rules that cant be worked around. part of ubuntu is that you cannot, under any tense, run unapproved ( >:(  ) programing18:14
BluesKajImpy^, open alsamixer , make sure all ctrls are up to the max/80%min . use the arrow keys to navigate and the M key to mute or unmute any ctrls you want use or not .18:14
AbhiJitdelarue, http://pastebin.com/qYjq3vCP18:14
Loshkilucenut: unrar isn't very cooperative about putting stuff where *you* want. Usually is extracts to the current directory. If not, check out the 'e' option...18:14
pp__if my audio preferences thingy is missing from the panel, what can i do? nothing is wrong with it but that; i can access it via system>etc>etc18:14
Daniel1coal: Ubuntu doesn't execute untrusted software of Windows.18:15
coaland it is angering me in unholy ways.   I AM WILLING TO BOTHER GETTING ANOTEHR VERSION OF LINUX18:15
coali know18:15
ServerTech|LaptoIs there a package for flash player for firefox?18:15
CarkeyJayI will learn a lot just sitting in here.18:15
AbhiJitCarkeyJay, yah18:16
Kyle__coal: Chill.  If you have an XP cd somewhere, just load it up in virtualbox.18:16
ServerTech|Laptoi found it :|18:16
Daniel1coal, which version of ubuntu do you have?18:16
Kyle__ServerTech|Lapto: Yea, there is.  If you add ubuntu-restricted-extras it will get it and lots of other goodies.18:16
Loshkicoal: maybe you need help from #winehq ?18:16
pp__if my audio preferences thingy is missing from the panel, what can i do???  i can access it via system>etc>etc so there is nothing wrong with it otherwise18:16
delarueAbhiJit: your file there is different from mine;  I think somehow it must have been changed.18:16
wattzzzzzzHi - i have HDD 2*40GB on it. i want to format each partition and leave it intacted if we talk about GBs.18:16
wattzzzzzzhow? ;)18:16
coal10.something.... also, if i can find the windows disc kyle18:16
AbhiJitdelarue, ohh. :( what is there i can do now?18:16
BluesKajlucenut, use unp to uncompress most compressed files , then access the folder that is created to use the app/video18:16
delarueAbhijit; you may try reinstall.  or just check if there's an editor backup file there and copy it into place.18:17
delarueAbhijit or just edit the line which is failing..18:17
DhulKarnainwattzzzzzz, 1999. called - it wants its HDDs back18:17
wattzzzzzzDhulKarnain: eeeeeeeeh?18:17
wattzzzzzzDhulKarnain: i'm not here to joke18:17
srih4riDont throw something at me but can i install ubuntu 10.04 from iso without a cd and USB stick ? (extract -chroot and stuff ) ?18:17
Kyle__coal: if you can find a windows-cd around your home, install Virtualbox-OSE.  Then you'll have a full-blown windows machine for the rare times you need it.  And if you have any modern processor, it will be some 80 or 90% the speed of native.18:17
AbhiJitdelarue, but i dunno which line is wrong. may i show you that pg_hba.conf ?18:17
wattzzzzzzi want 2x40gb on hdd... with both NTFS18:18
Kyle__srih4ri: You can netboot-install if you really want to, but it's been awhile so I coudln't really walk you through it.18:18
WhiteDawnDhulKarnain, 1999? Back then my harddrive was 4gb :P18:18
delarueAbhiJit; sure;  my line 82 goes: local   all         all                               ident18:18
AbhiJitdelarue, ok wait18:18
=== Aaron5367 is now known as Aaron5367|detach
* wattzzzzzz slaps ubuntu18:18
coalthanks kyle. ill look for the blasted thing.18:19
suprengrcoal: gparted18:19
pp__delarue: audio settings app is missing from my panel; how do i get it back?18:19
srih4riKyle__: will try to find details.. tks ..18:19
AbhiJitdelarue, http://paste.ubuntu.com/499842/18:19
delaruepp__ right click -> add to panel18:19
BluesKajsrih4ri, from where to where ?18:19
trismpp__: it is part of the indicator applet18:19
coalthanks suprengr18:19
pp__delarue: yes it is, and it's missing. i can't add it just like that18:20
moraesdo you know what would make 'shutdown' and 'restart' in the menu log out instead of shutting down/restarting? happens with me after an update.18:20
IdleOnepp__: add the Indicator applet18:20
srih4riBluesKaj: from my hardisk partion to another partition ...18:20
* Kyle__ sighs.18:20
ioctldo someone know how to update ROM IMAGE BIOS?18:20
pp__idleone: i have added the indicator applet :) it shows all the things it normally should, except for audio18:21
unpersonI'm trying to install the flashplugin-installer package on 10.04 but it's giving a 404 error when it tries to download the plugin itself during the configuration stage.  Anyone know what's going on?18:21
AbhiJitpp__, you want sound icon on panel?18:21
pp__AbhiJit yeah18:21
trismpp__: did you uninstall indicator-sound?18:21
delaruepp__ does your sound work?18:21
AbhiJitpp__, i have the command wait18:21
pp__delarue, trism i didn't uninstall indicator-sound and yeah my sound works and i can access the settings via system>etc>etc18:22
BluesKajsrih4ri, doubt it can be done , I've heard this request before , but dunno of any procedures to make it work18:22
AbhiJitIdleOne, i have that command added in my other accounts start up now i am in admin account can i see that command from here and tell to pp__??18:22
pp__AbhiJit sounds sweet :) standing by18:22
IboShi how can i log as root ?18:22
IboSwhen i typed su18:22
suprengris there a way / a tool /a package in Ubuntu to suck out and save current bios settings (and maybe to reload from same as well)?18:22
IboSand put the right password18:22
IboSit said auth fail18:23
ioctlmy notebook is nc6400 ubuntu 10.0418:23
=== ioctl is now known as potato
trismpp__: are you on 10.04? in previous versions it was in the notification area, gnome-volume-control-applet18:23
AbhiJitpp__, sadly that command is not in this account but in other account's startup ap!18:23
Daniel1Oh man18:23
unpersonIboS, The info at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo doesn't answer your question?18:23
Daniel1ubuntu has nice visual effects18:23
AbhiJittrism, yes thats it pp__ add it to startup18:23
wildc4rdevenin' all!18:24
potatodo someone know how to update ROM IMAGE BIOS?18:24
potatomy notebook is nc6400 ubuntu 10.0418:24
jimlovell777How can I incrementally backup a large file? I have a single 70GB file that only has minor changes at a time and need to back it up to an external hard drive. I've trued RSYNC but it chokes every time. Any suggestions?18:24
IboSoh i did not see this page18:24
pp__abhijit add what to startup? gnome-volume-control-applet?18:24
srih4riBluesKaj: There is a way to do it in archlinux http://bit.ly/a1ZpCd .. was looking if there is some solution in ubuntu .. as i just messed my last CD while burning18:24
AbhiJitpp__, yes18:25
serp_jimlovell777: is it a binary file?18:25
AbhiJitpp__,  try running that command from terminal and see what happends18:25
jimlovell777serp_: Pretty much, it's a single Truecrypt partition.18:25
Daniel1IboS: If you wanna activate Root user, type in Terminal sudo passwd root.18:25
unpersonIboS, Wasn't trying to be sarcastic.  It wasn't clear to me whether your situation was covered or something a bit different.18:26
unpersonIboS, But if you just want to know how to enable root login, that page should tell you.18:26
pp__abhijit i got the gnome one now, but it looks stupid next to the other icons :) it works and all, and thanks for that, but i'm really cravin' the one that comes with the indicator-applet :(18:26
AbhiJitdelarue, ??18:26
IboSin fact i want to login directly as root in the terminal18:26
AbhiJitpp__, me too!18:27
delarueAbhiJit did you paste link to your file;  I didn't see it.18:27
AbhiJitpp__, i also wanted that!18:27
delarueAbhiJit please repeat;18:27
AbhiJitdelarue, http://paste.ubuntu.com/499842/18:27
Daniel1Ibos: So type sudo su and type the respective password18:27
pp__abhijit well damn :s18:27
BluesKajsrih4ri, this is abit old but it might work , https://help.ubuntu.com/6.10/ubuntu/installation-guide/i386/linux-upgrade.html18:27
robint91ubuntu server wont install without cdrom drive installed18:27
AbhiJitrobint91, thats  a question or statement?18:28
robint91I have and cf card which I preped with u-bootin18:28
AbhiJit!tab | pp__18:28
robint91and installed it into my mini server18:28
ubottupp__: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.18:28
delarueAbhiJit; try to change md5 to ident in line 82 (the one that starts localhost)18:28
robint91which has no cdrom driver18:28
AbhiJitdelarue, ok let me check18:28
robint91how do solve this problem18:29
Daniel1how can i erase the chat history in the Pdgin Client18:29
vincent_i have no friend18:29
srih4riBluesKaj: thanks for lookin up , but that method downloads all the things.. wont use my iso ..18:29
pp__AbhiJit, thanks ;)18:29
unpersonAs far as my flash problem, the bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/flashplugin-nonfree/+bug/616670 describes my problem, but the listed workaround doesn't seem to do anything (or make any sense to me).18:29
trismpp__: are you sure you added the correct indicator applet? there are two, it's not indicator-applet-session but just indicator-applet; otherwise, can you pastebin: apt-cache policy indicator-sound;18:29
CarkeyJayanyone using xchat know how to get rid of joins/parts in channel?18:29
AbhiJitpp__, :)18:29
AbhiJitdelarue, same error18:29
AbhiJitdelarue, i saved the file and then run the commadn to restart postgres18:30
andyccCarkeyJay: I'd say use Pidgin, but I doubt that's the answer you're looking for.18:30
delarueAbhiJit; sorry;  change "localhost" to be "local"18:30
trismpp__: okay: sudo apt-get install indicator-sound;18:30
CarkeyJayit could be, this is the first one i tried18:30
CarkeyJaythanks andy18:30
AbhiJitdelarue, ok and md5 to ident too?18:30
robint91so ubuntu server iso -> unetbootin -> cf-card -> cf to ide adapter -> old mini server18:30
hyliani have prior experience in programming, but only in q basic, is there a really easy to learn programming language for ubuntu?18:31
BluesKajsrih4ri, well , what the difference , what if it works ..keep the iso as a backup for when you get some blank cds18:31
robint91install hangs at detecting cdrom drive18:31
unpersonIboS, i usually just do 'sudo -s' to get a prompt with superuser privileges.18:31
andyccCarkeyJay: note that Pidgin is not just an IRC client, it's a full-featured IM client that's better than Empathy.18:31
phperoCarkeyJay, /set irc_conf_mode on18:31
BluesKajsrih4ri, what's the diference :)18:31
delarueAbhiJit and keep the last change suggested as well; line should read # "local" is for Unix domain socket connections only18:31
delaruelocal   all         all                               ident18:31
srih4riBluesKaj: Bandwidth is the diff ;)18:31
AbhiJito h m y g  o d ! ! !18:31
AbhiJitdelarue, it worked!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!118:32
hylianhow is pidgin better than empathy?18:32
Daniel1OK. Gotta go people.18:32
BluesKajsrih4ri, bummer :(18:32
Daniel1Good luck.18:32
pp__trism thanks!!!18:32
CarkeyJayawesome thanks phpero18:32
arusselHow can I convert a *.ogv file to a *.mpg file ? (I tried ffmpeg but got an error)18:32
unpersonIboS, But I'm not sure exactly what you're trying to do, so maybe that won't solve your problem.  That isn't technically the same as enabling logging in to the root account.18:32
delarueAbhiJit ; great; gotta parse those error messages carefully..  they're sometimes obtuse, but they really help if you think about them long enough..18:32
AbhiJitdelarue, now i am getting that world famouse problem which was solved after doing ident to md5. but sicne we now done again md5 to ident - ident authentication failed18:33
hyliancan anyone point me to the easiest to learn programming language that functions well in ubuntu?18:33
srih4riBluesKaj: either i am goig to get  new CD/Usb stick tommow morning or do the method u gave tonight .. just searching for alternatives till then :)18:33
AbhiJithylian, python18:33
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BluesKajsrih4ri, good luck18:33
andycchylian: Python.18:33
andyccoh, too late,18:34
=== LinuxSam is now known as Calinou
delarueAbhiJit ; you can probably experiment with md5 again; the problem was that "localhost" instead of "local"18:34
hylianAbhiJit Thanx, is python cross platformable? i would like to write eventually for the windows platform as well...18:34
BluesKajsrih4ri, research is always good18:34
andycchylian: yes.18:34
hylianThank you!18:34
AbhiJithylian, ask in #programming #python #php #java etc18:34
srih4riBluesKaj: yes :)18:34
AbhiJitdelarue, done but no luck now again trying in #postgres for help!18:34
stevecampython is corss-platform18:34
BluesKajhypermodern, yes python is cross-platformable18:35
P_Kableanyone here knows mondoarchive ?18:35
hypermodernThanks Blueskaj18:36
vincent_ubuntu or bununtu?18:36
BluesKajhypermodern, http://www.python.org/download/windows/18:36
stevecamhypermodern, i said the same thing but you left lol18:36
xanguavincent_: ¿¿18:36
vincent_so, ubuntu or fedora?18:36
Dr_Willisvincent_:  use what you want..18:36
CarkeyJayI tried both and prefer ubuntu, although I don't know why.18:37
priXonI have a thinkpad R60 with ati radeon, and I understand that compiz+flash isn't ideal, but whenever I play flash or even html5 in full-screen my CPU temperature gets to 70+, the GPU temp gets to 80+, and of course HD temp rises also to 50+. is it just me? do ubuntu/linux users avoid using compiz?18:37
vincent_not easy to make a choice, wine dont run without crash on fedora, but i love the blue redhat18:37
blakkheimpriXon: blame html5 and flash18:38
soreaupriXon: No, you avoid using flash18:38
Dr_Willisvincent_:  if identical versions of wine act differently on ubuntu and fedora.. you should proberly file some bug reports18:38
hylianubottu | python18:40
ubottupython is a popular Object Oriented scripting language included in Ubuntu. For more on Python please see http://www.python.org/18:40
martinawIs there a solution for adding a monitor in twinview mode displayed by a remote server? I have two monitors right now and lack displayports.18:45
tvonis there a way to check if a system requires restart (due to package updates) other than checking /etc/motd?18:46
tvonlooking to test from remote script18:46
priXonbut I can't avoid using flash (youtube, dailyshow,...)18:46
Dr_Willistvon:  i think that motd is generated from some commands.. so  see whats making the motd/commands  I looked into it once.. but i dont rember the commands it was running18:47
coz_tvon,  same here... cant think of it off the top of my head18:47
tvonnot sure where to check for that... maybe package maintainer docs18:47
Dr_Willismartinaw:  claify that  a bit more.   You have a local pc with 2 monitors...18:48
martinawDr_Willis: I have two computers and two monitors. I want to "connect" both monitors to the same X-server.18:49
tvonlike a 'screen -r'?18:49
Trian3Hey all...  I'm currently using mIRC in Windows.  What's one of the better irc clients on the Linux side?18:49
martinawDr_Willis: And I only have one VGA-port in each computer18:49
serp_Trian3: irssi is the winner18:49
aetaricTrian3: irssi18:49
coz_Trian3,   irssi or  xchat18:49
tvonTrian3: console: irssi, gui: xchat I guess18:49
coz_Trian3,   I prefer xchat  :)18:50
tvonor be the man and use bitchx18:50
Trian3Ok, I'll take a look.  I was considering xchat, but hadn't looked at irssi yet.18:50
Dr_Willismartinaw:   2 computers each has 1 monitor?    you want to clone the X display of PC1 onto pc2 ?18:50
priXonsoreau? blakkheim?18:50
soreaupriXon: yes?18:50
martinawDr_Willis: no, not clone - I just want to expand it as if I had two monitors connected to one computer with twinview18:50
DizzoHi, I am trying to get Flash to work on Chrome, but when I try to download the files, I get "Your Google Chrome browser already includes the latest Adobe® Flash® Player built-in." Help?18:51
BluesKajkonversation, Trian3 , but it's manually oriented , you have to add the servers manually18:51
tvonhmm, the 'system restart required' isn't added to the motd until someone logs in....18:51
soreaupriXon: Surely you jest with 'the daily show'. So let it download with flash installed and play the video with mplayer /tmp/Flash*18:51
soreaupriXon: in-browser video players suck, and so does flash18:51
Dr_Willismartinaw:  you can use syngery to sort of have controll of both monitors from one PC. but i dont know of a way to run 2 seperate X servers and have  them behave as one.18:51
arusselusually, can mac user read ogv file ?18:51
tvonarussel: not unless they have some extra codecs installed18:52
arusseltvon: thanks18:52
BluesKajTrian3, what they didn't tell you about irssi is that it's for konsole/terminal use18:52
tvonBluesKaj: hey, I said it was for the console18:52
tvoncaptain informative answers over here18:52
BluesKajtvon, oh sorry18:53
tvonand if anyone cares, /var/run/reboot-required seems to exist if a reboot is required....18:53
Epiphanywhats the best way to backup a dvd in ubuntu?18:54
uLinuxDoes somebody know an applet like Run Application.. but a box in the panel where you type commands?18:54
Epiphanydont like giving kids the original disk18:54
Kyle__Is anyone here using an ATSC tuner under ubuntu?18:54
tvonuLinux: like quicksilver?18:54
Dr_WillisuLinux:  I recall having such a thing ages ago.. not sure if its in the repos or where i got it from18:54
aeon-ltduLinux: kinda, theres dmenu but its limited to things in /usr/bin and no aliases18:54
kkkkkhi, I was wondering how to run proxy in ubuntu. In windows, I use u91(ultrasurf) to open blocked sites18:54
Dr_WillisuLinux:  i just normally use gnome-do or similer these days18:54
tvonuLinux: GnomeDo?18:54
tvonah, box in the panel...18:55
aeon-ltdtvon: nitpicking, but thats a dock iirc18:55
dajhornEpiphany: Try k3b.  I haven't found a good Gnome program that will make clean ISOs of DVDs.18:55
aeon-ltduLinux: whats so hard about alt-f2 for gmrun?18:55
* tvon thinks 'cat /dev/dvd > backup.iso' still works, fwiw18:56
jimbozhallo ... does anyone know how to change the scroll wheel speed in ubuntu?18:56
jimboz*scroll wheel lines18:56
Dr_Willistvon:  it seems to depend on the dvd disk... :)18:56
BluesKaj!proxy | kkkkk18:56
dajhorntvon, Epiphany:  k3b runs it through libdvdcss, which makes the output more double-click friendly in things like VLC and XBMC.18:57
Epiphanydajhorn will do thanks18:57
dajhornEpiphany: Welcome.  Remember to enable the medibuntu repo.18:57
* kkkkk ahh.. I didn18:57
* kkkkk *didn't got the msg :(18:58
BluesKaj!squid | kkkkk18:58
ubottukkkkk: squid is a caching proxy for the Web.  See: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SquidGuard  See: http://www.squid-cache.org18:58
toolbearhi. does anybody know of a text-mode html viewer for linux that _isn't_ also a web browser? just something simple and small that can display html files18:59
priXon but even when I'm not using flash or browsing, just leaving the computer open the after 1 hour the CPU is at 56C, the GPU is at 68C, and the HD at 48C18:59
digogostaria de saber pq quando instalei os drives da minha placa de video os efeitos do ubuntu apareceram mas depois sumiu e nap consigo colocar + pq?19:00
xangua!pt | digo19:00
ubottudigo: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em brasileiro. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.19:00
MarderIIItoolbear: some of the vi editors can show html19:00
yautja_cetanu2Having wierd problems with ubuntu 10.04, Nvida 330M GT, and a laptop monitor. I can't detect my laptop monitor (but my external monitor works fine)19:00
LjLajuda en brasileiro...?19:00
jimbozno one has changed their mouse wheel speed here?19:01
priXonsoreau, do you also get this kind of high temperatures just from doing nothing?19:01
Dr_Willisjimboz:  cant say that i ever have...19:01
xanguaLjL reade above19:01
toolbearMarderIII: thanks! i'll take a look19:01
=== corkeyjay is now known as CarkeyJay
LjLxangua: i've read above. there is no such language as "brasileiro", that's what i was objecting to.19:01
MarderIIItoolbear: i know the editor elvis can show html19:01
DrPoOcan one make a directory be owned by multiple groups?19:03
edakirikkkkk: you wish to set up or use a WWW proxy?  proxies include wwwoffle, polipo.  anon-proxy is a proxy client.19:03
yautja_cetanu2Anyone help me with troubleshooting to make my laptop detect a second display?19:03
edakirikkkkk: there are also others which are good but have no package.19:04
toolbearMarderIII: thanks agai19:04
egadwyautja_cetanu2: tried the monitor app in GNOME?19:04
* tvon tips his hat19:04
yautja_cetanu2egadw: Is that "monitor preferences" from the status bar at the top? If so yes19:04
yautja_cetanu2egadw: The wierd thing is that it is the external monitor that works. The monitor on my laptop doesn't work19:05
alex88hi, i'm trying to use aria2 to download a file, but the download won't start..for example i use: aria2c http://www.google.it and it stays to [#1 SIZE:0B/0B CN:1 SPD:0Bs]..no way to go on..19:05
uLinuxDr_Willis: i dont use gnome-do19:05
zatanWhen I click on nm-applet, it says "NetworkManager is not running..." I tried to restart network-manager, I tried to press Enable Networking , and nothing happen, is anybody can explain why is that?19:05
uLinuxaeon-ltd: im lazy sorry19:05
Trian3Ok, so I'm trying to install xchat along with some extras.  When I do so, it tells me that 9 packages will be held back and not upgraded.  What's that about and will those packages install themselves automatically at a later date when the issue affecting them has been resolved?19:05
xanguaTrian3: sudo apt-get update , try again19:06
mkanyicyzatan, are you dual-booting?19:06
zatanmkaay,  no just ubuntu thats it19:06
yautja_cetanu2I have just read stuff19:07
Trian3Xangua:  Will try that...  What if held back packages remain?  What do I do about those?19:07
yautja_cetanu2I might have Xinerama enabled... I don't know where I would find out if that is enabled nor how to disable it19:07
xanguaTrian3: then show the message you get of the tetminal19:07
Dr_Willisyautja_cetanu2:  and your video chipset is?19:07
yautja_cetanu2Nvidia 330M GT19:08
yautja_cetanu2I have currently enabled the nvidia drivers19:08
manfredrastaHi all, can anybody help me please or tell me a channel where I can find help?19:08
soreaupriXon: I get high temperatures on my forehead when people think that compiz is doing something wrong when flash fails19:08
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Dr_Willisyautja_cetanu2:  then you should run the 'nvidia-settings' tool and tweak the displays how you want.19:09
xanguamanfredrasta: call 911¿¿19:09
jawadsafipeople i need linux server name19:09
Dr_Willisyautja_cetanu2:  and  after you get them both set up. You may want to restart teh X server. Just uysuing the 'apply' button dosent work 100% properly for me19:09
frxstremwhat is the recommended size of the reserved space (for documents etc.) when putting Ubuntu on a USB stick?19:09
jawadsafipeople i need linux server name19:09
Dr_Willisfrxstrem:  it would depend on your needs and qwhat you do19:10
yautja_cetanu2Dr_Willis: I have. But it won't detect my laptop display. The Nvidia settings say I only have 1 screen (the external HMDI screen)19:10
Dr_Willisjawadsafi:  thats vague...19:10
MarderIIIjawadsafi: uname -n19:10
Dr_Willisyautja_cetanu2:  perhaps play with the fn-XXX keys thats on the laptop to tottle the displays.. also boot up the laptop with the monuitor hooked up19:10
jawadsafiMarderIII ... sorry ?19:11
manfredrastaHow do I write wickly the name of the person I want to talk? for ex: Dr_Willis: bla bla bla ???19:11
ubottuYou can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.19:11
yautja_cetanu2Dr_Willis: I think i need to disable Xinerama...19:11
MarderIIIjawadsafi: command "uname -n" gives hostname19:11
Dr_Willisyautja_cetanu2:  Nvidia dual monitors setup use 'twinview' that is a extended xinerama feature.19:11
yautja_cetanu2Dr_Willis: I have booted up the laptop with both monitors in. When I do that I get a display on the external monitor19:11
jawadsafiuname -n19:11
jawadsafiwhat happened ?19:11
Danielhow can i know if the Direct Rendering is active? And how to change it?19:11
manfredrastaubottu: thanks19:12
ubottuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)19:12
jawadsafiim not into any commands sorry19:12
jawadsafiforgot all the irc stuff19:12
yautja_cetanu2Dr_Willis: But the display on the laptop is the one that is off. Toggling FN keys just changes the resolution of my external display19:12
Dr_Willisyautja_cetanu2:  all i do to get my 2 monitor systems going is plug in the moniotrs.. power up.  login, and run 'gksudo nvidia-settings' and tweak the displays to use both monitors.. perhaps yu are are just using the tools wrong.19:12
MarderIIIjawadsafi: ooops i thought you meant your linux server hostname, not the irc server hostname19:12
frxstremDr_Willis: I just need it to install and run some simple applications, such as IM and web browsers etc., on a computer that is not mine while on vacation (and I have a 4 GB USB stick)19:13
Dr_Willisfrxstrem:  You can always enlarge it later.19:13
Dr_Willisfrxstrem:  4gb will be tight.. start with 512mb perhaps.19:13
frxstremDr_Willis: okay, thanks :D19:13
yautja_cetanu2Dr_Willis: I'm sure I'm using the tools wrong. Its wierd because like I said. I can get ubuntu to display on either my laptop screen or external but not both. (In "configure: TwinView is greyed out)19:13
Dr_Willisyautja_cetanu2:  so you only see one monitor shown in the 'box' at the top right?19:14
Chotazcan anyone help me sort out this Wine error? http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/3AaX74xj19:15
Dr_Willisyautja_cetanu2:  you are using DVI? VGA? what connectors?19:15
jawadsafiMarderIII.... hheheh19:15
OttifantSirI get an error message when trying to update or install anything on my laptop: E: Får ikke låst /var/cache/apt/archives/lock - open (11: Resource temporarily unavailable)19:15
OttifantSirE: Kunne ikke låse nedlastingsmappen (10.04)19:15
Dr_Willisyautja_cetanu2:  could be some bug with the drivers version and your card.. ebabling 2 monitors has always been real trivial for me for the last 4+ years19:15
priXonsoreau, I'm talking about high temperatures even when compiz is off and there's no flash playing19:16
slgmacan anyone think of a reason why my nvidia settings wont detect my highest resolution19:16
manfredrastaCan anybody help me please?19:16
slgmai think my son fucked with my pc19:16
Dr_Willisyautja_cetanu2:  heres my xorg.conf that has 2 monitors setup --> http://pastebin.com/QR1n2QF019:17
KB1JWQslgma: Language, please.19:17
Gneaslgma: *messed with19:17
slgmait was off when i woke up now its maxing out at 1152x86419:17
slgmai thought we were all adults in here19:17
slgmamy bad19:17
DanielChotaz: Are you sure you have the headers for that file?19:17
ubottuPlease watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.19:17
slgmacensoring the internet isnt a good thing19:17
KB1JWQslgma: Failure.  Many folks here are well under the age of 16. :-)19:17
slgmabut ok19:17
slgmaill play ball19:17
slgmaso does anyone know why my nvidiasettings would mess up19:17
Gneaslgma: it's only a bad thing if it's made to be so.19:17
slgmacensorship is always a bad thing19:17
slgmait impedes freedom19:17
slgmabut anyways19:17
slgmaim more worried about my resolution atm19:18
Gneaslgma: if he tweaked things the wrong way, then yes, it won't look right19:18
slgmawell hes only 2 years old19:18
slgmahe just grabs the mouse19:18
Oer!enter | slgma19:18
ubottuslgma: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!19:18
slgmaand walks around with it19:18
slgmawhen i turned my pc on today it was in 1024x768 which is far from the max res (1600x1200)19:18
Dr_Willisyautja_cetanu2:  you may want to try the command ---> sudo nvidia-xconfig  -a19:18
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slgmatried that but without the -a19:19
Dr_Willisslgma:  run the nvidia-settings tool?19:19
mcsmurfhi, can a bad RAM module cause temporary(!) hangs or is this rather unlikely? my Ubuntu 9.10 installation hung today (it did not respond to ping at least) for about six minutes, I saw a "Clocksource tsc unstable" message in the log after it worked again19:19
slgmai have19:19
Gneaslgma: and you can't switch it back through the system->preferences->monitor?19:19
mcsmurfI'm wondering about RAM as I got a few "Correctable Non-Mirrored Demand Data ECC" messages yesterday in the log, but those mean ECC worked afaik..19:19
Gneaslgma: double check to make sure you're still using the nvidia module and not nv19:19
slgmagnea it only shows 1152x86419:19
mcsmurf(running memtest86+ anyway atm)19:19
slgmak sec19:19
yautja_cetanu2Dr_Willis: Ok I did that and Got a "Validation errors:" followed by the last line being "New X configuration file written to '/etc/X11/xorg.conf19:20
slgmasays driver nvidia19:20
slgmain xorg.conf19:20
cellardoormcsmurf: possibly, though unlikely19:20
Dr_Willisyautja_cetanu2:  try restarting the X server now.19:20
Gneaslgma: also, the first amendment doesn't bleed over onto all areas of the internet. if it did, then the USA would be too powerful.19:20
ziyakanhow to install most used compressed (archive) formats to my ubuntu 10.04 to work with the default archive manager (file-roller) ?19:20
yautja_cetanu2Dr_Willis: How do I do that? Restart all of ubuntu?19:20
slgmai thought freedom was universal19:20
slgmanot just american19:20
benjamintheyonDo I need to do anything in particular to make my USB mouse work with my Ubuntu laptop? I know the mouse works. Nothing happening in Ubuntu.19:20
Dr_Willisyautja_cetanu2:  sudo service gdm restart19:21
slgmabut maybe youre right, only americans care about freedom19:21
wac_does anyone know the terminal command to delet all files and folders inside of a directory but not the directory itself?19:21
slgmabut i dont care about that right now19:21
slgmajust want my resoultion to work19:21
Gneanot everyone understands things the same way, it's better to prevent bad things from happening19:21
yautja_cetanu2sigma: seriously... read more about freedom19:21
slgmai stopped tlaking about that like 8 minutes ago19:21
slgmajust stfu im trying to ask for help19:21
jimbozanyone know how to increase the color *saturation* via software?19:21
PiciCan we please stay on topic here folks?19:22
slgmaim trying to civil here and abide by the rules and you guys keep going off topic19:22
wac_slgma: your not going to get help by being rude19:22
DrPoOi created a user group and added users to it. I want to give members of that group permissions to write on a directory...19:22
Dr_Willisjimboz:   what video chipset?19:22
bcurtiswx_does anyone in here use getting things gnome?19:22
DrPoOcan anybody give me some pointers?19:22
Gneaif you're going to take that attitude, I can just walk away19:22
Piciwac_: Drop it.19:22
slgmaim not being rude,  i was asking for help and i stopped cussing as soon as i was asked to19:22
PiciGnea: You too.19:22
cellardoormcsmurf: it is more likely to be harddrive write delays, used to cause my old desktop to hang for a bit, when it hangs, check the light on the front to see if the HDD is being used19:22
OttifantSirI can't update or install anything on my laptop with 10.04. It says it can't lock /var/cache/apt/archives/lock - open (11: Resource temporarily unavailable), and it's been like that for quite some time. How do I fix this?19:22
slgmabut it was brought back up19:22
slgmaout of nowhere19:22
jimbozDr_Willis, Intel HD Graphics for i3 330 mobile19:22
Dr_Willisjimboz:  well for nvidia - i know the nvidia-settings tool can tweak the colors.. but no idea on Intel.19:22
manfredrastaDoes anybody knows how can I set available the resolution 1024x800 in the monitor settings? It only makes me select 800x600. I use LUBUNTU.19:23
mcsmurfah well, I'll see tomorrow what memtest86+ will say, the ECC messages also started to appear recently, maybe the RAM module is in worse condition than the log tells me19:23
ubottuIf an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »19:23
Dr_WillisOttifantSir:  see above19:23
Gneaslgma: maybe another time we can continue that conversation in private, but for now, yeah, check xorg.0.log19:23
benjamintheyonI can see my USB mouse when I use "lsusb" in a terminal, but it doesn't move the cursor on screen. Any ideas?19:23
Dr_Willismanfredrasta:  you did install the proper drivers for whatver video chipset you have?19:23
volodyaSuppose I have home directory encryption, where ~/.Private is mounted over ~/. I want to switch so that ~/.Private is mounted to ~/Private. Which config file should I edit?19:23
ziyakanhow to install most used compressed (archive) formats to my ubuntu 10.04 to work with the default archive manager (file-roller) ?19:23
manfredrastaDr_Willis: no i did not installed any driver19:23
Danielwac_: I found a webpage. There are commands in bash. That might be useful for you.19:24
OttifantSirDr_Willis: Thanks for that. I'll see what can be done. Should I close Synaptic first?19:24
manfredrastaDr_Willis: i am nooooob19:24
slgmai dont have that file gnea19:24
Dr_Willisziyakan:  figure  out what ones you want and isntall the binaries for them, rar, 7zip, zip, whatever.19:24
Gneaslgma: sorry, /var/log/Xorg.0.log19:24
fedora_newbAnyone know how to access mysql command line from a xampp install under ubuntu? I just can't seem to find the answer...19:24
slgmathat one either19:24
Dr_Willismanfredrasta:  On ubuntu you would run ' gksudo jockey-gtk' or use the menu items for 'hardware drivers'19:24
Gneathen your system is hosed pretty badly19:24
mkanyicyDrPoO, did you manage?19:24
manfredrastaDr_Willis, and on Lubuntu? the same?19:24
tvonI don't suppose there is a relatively easy way to remap things like cop/paste across most desktop apps?19:24
slgmai have xorg.conf.back19:25
Dr_Willismanfredrasta:  no idea. I dont use lubuntu19:25
tvonkeyboad shortcuts configlet doesn't seem to have that19:25
Gneacan't see how there wouldn't be any /var/log/Xorg.*.log files...19:25
Gneaunless X wasn't running anymore19:25
manfredrastaDr_Willis, Ill see. One minute19:25
Gneabut clearly that isn't the case.19:25
wac_can you paste the web page please daniel!!19:25
wac_it would be much appreciated19:25
yautja_cetanu2Dr_Willis: unfortunately it still won't work :(19:25
Danielwac_: http://ss64.com/bash/19:25
bcurtiswx_anyone here use GTG (Getting Things GNOME) ?19:25
mkanyicybcurtiswx_, no19:26
aeon-ltd!anyone | bcurtiswx_19:26
ubottubcurtiswx_: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?19:26
Dr_Willisyautja_cetanu2:  could be it just has some uissues seeing your 2 monitors...19:26
Danielwac_: You're welcome19:26
Dr_Willisyautja_cetanu2:  so its not letting you enable twinview..19:26
yautja_cetanu2Dr_Willis: Yup19:26
legeoX #tributegentoo19:26
bcurtiswx_Does Getting Things Gnome sync between multiple computers? (that anyone knows of)19:26
bcurtiswx_aeon-ltd, thx19:26
yautja_cetanu2Dr_Willis: In configuration I can only select "Seperate X Screen"19:27
benjamintheyonMy USB mouse lights up and clicking works, but it doesn't move the cursor. Mouse works otherwise. Ideas?19:27
serp_try moving the mouse19:27
Dr_Willisyautja_cetanu2:  which basically tells us - its not seeing that you have 2 monitors hooked up19:27
SensivaHello all, after long working hours I get this error whenever I try to launch a GUI program "Maximum number of clients reached Error: cannot open display: :0.0"19:27
yautja_cetanu2Dr_Willis: yup19:28
manfredrastaDr_Willis: if I do: preferences/hardware drivers it says: "No private driver is been used in this system" or something like that (It is in italian)19:28
dajhorntvon: Try the 'hotkeys' or 'xkbcomp' programs.19:28
SensivaI found few reports about this in launchpad and forums but with no working around, any ideas how to kill the unneeded X clients?19:28
yautja_cetanu2Dr_Willis: I'm going to try restarting ubuntu with the second monitor unplugged19:28
OttifantSirTried the command ubottu writes after !fixapt is issued, but still can't lock /var/cache/apt/archives/lock - open. It's (11: Resource temporarily unavailable) still19:28
edakiriSensiva: xlsclients to see them19:30
Sensivaedakiri and how to kill them?19:30
benjamintheyonMan. The last three problems I've had I have come here and asked several times and gotten no help, so strange.19:30
edakiriSensiva: killall badprogramname19:30
DrPoOi need help with user and group permisions, I have a directory owned by root, but i want to give members of the group "mygroup" permission to write on that directory. How can i do this?19:31
Sensivaedakiri most of them are 'unknown'19:31
=== root is now known as Guest47829
dajhornDrPoO: chgrp MyGroup MyDirectory;  chmod g+rwX MyDirectory19:31
manfredrastaCan anybody help me please? Why I cant select 1024x800 in the resolution of my screen? It only gives me 800x60019:31
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots19:32
=== Trian3_ is now known as Trian3
jawadsafii need someone in private19:32
Trian3Ok, now in xchat19:32
LinuxReignDrPoO, sudo chown -R [nameofthegroup] /path/to/directory, try that and see if works19:32
Trian3Similar to mIRC.19:32
Trian3I like it.19:33
Sensiva!resolution | manfredrasta19:33
ubottumanfredrasta: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution19:33
Trian3What's better...  it's free!19:33
DrPoOdajhorn, thank you!19:33
OttifantSirAny good reason why Update Manager and Synaptic can't upgrade my packages? It works in terminal, but not graphical.19:33
dajhornDrPoO: Welcome.19:33
DrPoOLinuxReign, dajhorn's suggestion did the trick19:33
mantizzhow do i auto enable front panel headphone jack in ubuntu 10.04 gnome 64bit19:33
manfredrastaSensiva: what do you mean with that?19:34
tvonholy crap why is the window border so damn small in the ambiance theme? clicking it is like trying to catch a fly with chopsticks19:34
manfredrastaubottu: should i restart it?19:34
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)19:34
Trian3Mantizz, if you figure that one out, please let me know.  I'm having the same problem.  Are you using onboard sound?19:34
dajhornmanfredrasta: What kind of computer do you have?  1024x800 is a non-standard resolution that is sometimes seen in netbooks.19:34
Sensivamanfredrasta to fix resolution issues read that wiki article https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution19:34
tvondajhorn: thanks19:34
coz_mantizz,  mm  assuming the front panel jack is already connected...open a terminal  ...type     alsamixer  ...check if any slider is muted or turned down...if muted unmute it with the keyboard  "m"19:35
mantizzTrian3: yes onboard sound card Realtek...19:35
mantizzcoz: ok19:35
manfredrastadajhorn: well I do not know exactly the numbers XD, I just want my screen to be bigger. I have a Toshiba laptop19:35
manfredrastaSensiva: ill see19:36
coz_mantizz,   turn up the sliders with the arrows keys by the way :)19:36
mantizzcoz: but i cant move Headphone option19:36
coz_mantizz,  is there a "MM"  below the slider?19:37
coz_mantizz,  take a screenshot of that   alt+printscreen and upload to picpaste ...let me see it19:37
uLinuxwhat's the folder with Ubuntu wallpapers?19:38
coz_uLinux,   /usr/share/backgrounds19:38
uLinuxty coz_19:38
ehcahIs there a difference between installing ubuntu with a server isntall CD, no components selected for install or using using the desktop cd?19:38
ehcahI like the server OS cd's option to install the bare minimum.19:39
Trian3uLinux:  Planning on setting up some Compiz eye candy?19:39
blakkheim!mini > ehcah19:39
ubottuehcah, please see my private message19:39
dajhornehcah: The default packages are different.  You can always get the full installation later by installing the ubuntu-desktop package.19:39
coz_ehcah,  yes the minimal install cd is what you might want to download and burn19:39
slgmasigh this is frustrating19:39
mattgyverslgma, what are you trying to do?19:40
emstrandgrub not finding other OS ...os-prober can't find it 2nd drive is sda and 64 bit Fedora19:40
slgmamy son was playing with my mouse and messwed up my display dirvers somehow19:40
mantizzcoz: http://picpaste.com/Screenshot-mantiz-c3eP009E.png19:40
slgmanow my resolution wont go past 1152x86419:40
slgmawhen it should be 1600x120019:40
mantizzTrian3: http://picpaste.com/Screenshot-mantiz-c3eP009E.png19:40
mattgyverslgma, eww yuck.  Can you add the mode to xorg.conf perhaps and force it?19:40
coz_emstrand,  you might want to ask t his same question in the #grub channel19:40
ehcahThanks Guys/Gals.19:40
slgmai havent tried that mattgyver19:40
slgmahow do i do it?19:40
Gneamattgyver: I had suggested he check his Xorg.0.log file, but apparently those aren't being kept19:41
coz_mantizz,  mmm I see19:41
emstrandsigma, check your frequency ranges horiz and vert19:41
ehcahThat is what I assumed. I'm trying to get an HTPC up and running with xbmc live, but even after getting the ATI HD5570 card working, I'm still having trouble.19:41
coz_mantizz,  "Front"  is muted  you may want to unmute that slider19:41
mattgyverslgma, do you know if you currently even have a xorg.conf, i know its not really required anymore19:41
slgmayea ih aveone19:41
slgmashould i delete it? and im at 60hz refresh rate19:42
ehcahGoing to try a 10.4 install and configure xbmc after.19:42
emstrandcoz, thanks ...will do19:42
mattgyverno, i wouldnt delete it, chances are your son did something with a gui somewhere.  Unless he really knows his way around linux19:42
slgmahes 2, so i dont think so19:42
mattgyverslgma, start him young :)  can you pastebin your xorg.conf?19:42
mantizzcoz: how19:43
coz_slgma,  my cat walks on the keyboard and makes changes so I think a 2 year old could manage it by accident :)19:43
slgmai did the phigh reconfigure19:43
slgmaand the nvidia-xconfig19:43
slgmaboth dont seem to make it any better19:43
mattgyverI guess i should consider myself lucky that my cats just like to sit in front of my screen!19:43
booleanmorning: does ubuntu have any tools that would allow me to port an install from one machine to another without having to change the config? ( and no I don't just want to swap hard disks )19:43
slgmamattgyver, http://pastebin.com/5jUKjhV819:44
wikiHola a tod@s19:44
=== wiki is now known as Guest23120
coz_mantizz,  if that doesnt effect any changes you may want to go to #pulseaudio and  the #alsa channel... I think they have better access to troubleshooting than I do :)19:44
avi_Hey, is there any way to get python auto-complete in gedit? Thanks!19:45
Aemaethi installed a gui to my server because i wasn't comfortable making some changes in cli, how to i change it so it just boots into a prompt and logs into the default user?19:45
coz_mantizz,  I would also Unmute all the channels to test anyway19:45
kkkkki wish to surf websites which have been blocked by my college firewall. Hope anon-proxy works19:46
mantizzcoz: wait let me check19:46
tigertv69_hey guys im trying to install openvpn on busybox? anyone know how to do that?19:46
slgmamattgyver, http://pastebin.com/5jUKjhV819:46
slgmaincase you didnt get it19:46
mattgyverslgma, yeah i did19:46
Aemaethkkkkk, there are several proxies, if one doesn't work move on to the next19:47
Aemaethkkkkk, run tor, it's like a dynamic proxy...sort of19:47
dajhorntigertv69_: This is the wrong place to ask that question.  Try the busybox mailing list.19:48
yautja_cetanu2Dr_Willis: I've discovered some new stuff. When I restarted my computer with the external monitor unplugged. My laptop monitor showed things but it was totally broken. I could see the screen but it was split in two (The left side of the screen was showing on the right) and the top had loads of crazy colours. However, my laptop was fine when I diactivated nvidia drivers. I'm now just running updates on ubuntu19:49
wmphi, i have problem with manual make package with my kernel. I can't remove this, i have error: E: I wasn't able to locate file for the linux-image- package. This might mean you need to manually fix this package.19:49
wmpi installed this package from dpkg -i filename.deb19:49
mantizzcoz: i am getting sound from my speakers but not from Headset with mic19:49
uLinuxhow do I remove root permissions from a file19:49
GneauLinux: chown it19:50
uLinuxI copied an image with root permmissions19:50
GneauLinux: as root, of course19:50
uLinuxGnea: chown?19:50
area51pilotmy indicator by the system clock that shows email and im notifications disappeared...does anyone knowthe associated package (using Evolution mail)19:50
GneauLinux: yes, open a terminal and type something like this:  sudo chown user.user file19:50
GneauLinux: man chown  <-- this will give you a better idea of what it's doing19:51
edakiriSensiva: i don't know.  If you find out, please tell us. (or me)19:51
kv102tneed help with permissions..19:51
uLinuxok tks19:51
Gneakv102t: that's not asking much..19:51
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)19:52
mantizzcoz: any idea19:52
kv102texternal HHD from an apple, is mounting and can see some files, just old user DIR is locked..19:52
ewoernerhow to install debugging symbols for network-manager?19:52
kv102tGneu: I was getting there. lol19:52
Gneakv102t: you'll need root permissions in order to see what's there19:52
crazygirhiya! what is a sensible way to go about finding a well-supported usb modem? I ask because it isn't like network cards or video cards with lots of information available19:52
kv102tOK, so...19:53
kv102ti am root19:53
Gneahow are you root?19:53
kv102tbut not of that HDD19:53
crazygirand I don't have one yet, but need to buy rather quickly (and ensure it works) due to time constraints19:53
kv102tof linux19:53
Gneano, root of your system will read it all19:53
Gneaif you are truly root, that is19:53
fbianconiewoerner: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingNetworkManager19:53
slgmamattgyver it didn towkr19:53
kv102ti sec, i'll try19:54
mattgyverslgma, yeah I wasnt sure if it would or not19:54
slgmait didnt crash anything just didnt work19:54
slgmaim gettin frsutrated so ill try again later19:54
mischiefis there a bot present in this channel for info?19:54
slgmathanks for your help19:54
Gneaslgma: if you could find something in /var/log that points to it, that would be helpful at some point19:54
Aemaethhow do i get my system to just boot into a shell so i can ssh into it remotely?19:54
mattgyverslgma, and in the display settings you do not still cannot select a higher resolution?19:55
kv102tas root. i cliked the drive and now see nothing19:55
Gneakv102t: just curious - how did you become root?19:55
Kyle__Amadeus__: In normal linucies/unicies, youd set /etc/inittab to a text-only runlevel, usually 3.  Ubuntu doesn't work that way though.19:55
crazygirno one uses modems anymore, see.. that is the problem :P19:56
Kyle__Aemaeth: In normal linucies/unicies, youd set /etc/inittab to a text-only runlevel, usually 3.  Ubuntu doesn't work that way though.19:56
kv102tsudo 0i19:56
RothamWhats the easiest way to get apache/mysql/php running on ubuntu 10?19:56
kv102tsudo -i19:56
=== ppq` is now known as ppq
Kyle__crazygir: If you work for a manufacturing company, you probably will19:56
AemaethKyle__, so what does ubuntu server version do?19:56
i_is_broke!lamp > Rotham19:57
ubottuRotham, please see my private message19:57
Kyle__Aemaeth: Use a differeint set of init scripts than the desktop.19:57
guntbert!bot > mischief19:57
ubottumischief, please see my private message19:57
SensivaRotham the easiest way I have ever seen was using TurnkeyLinux under Virtual Box19:57
Kyle__Aemaeth: Just sitting at the login screen doesn't waste _too_ many resources.  You can just boot it like that, and as long as you have the opnessh-server package installed, you can ssh in.19:57
Rothamgreat thanks19:57
AemaethKyle__, thanks, i'll probably do that then19:58
Kyle__Aemaeth: I admit that was one of the reasons I didn't like ubuntu at first.19:58
Aemaethand how is the easy way of installing apache/mysql/php not synaptic?19:58
kv102tGnea: i did sudo -i19:58
ziyakanis there a gui for 7-zip for ubuntu ?19:58
roxxowhat boot params would be used to netboot with a preseed file from the normal installation CD?19:58
ppqziyakan, install the package p7zip, it will integrate in ark, file-roller and xarchiver19:59
aeon-ltdziyakan: should be, but imo cli is easier :)19:59
Aemaethbut if you need gui file-roller should be fine19:59
area51pilotcrazygir: What kind of modem? ... dial up, ADSL, cable?19:59
ziyakan ppq: what you mean  "it will integrate" ?20:00
kv102tanyone tell me how to mount a usb HDD20:00
ppqziyakan, you can simply open .7 archives with file-roller/etc then20:00
ziyakan aeon-ltd:  what is imo cli ? and file roller is enough for me but the main problem is file-roller has not the feature to select compression level ...20:01
crazygirarea51pilot: dial up20:01
dschuettdoes anyone know how to get ubuntu to recognize a scsi tape drive?20:01
crazygirdschuett: use a supported device?20:01
Aemaethziyakan, IMO = in my opinion  and CLI = command line20:01
ppqziyakan, but for all the tricky features of 7zip like setting a password etc you have to use the "7z" cli program which is included in p7zip package20:01
ashok_shettyhi any one give  me the command  to open a file throgh terminal20:02
dancekRotham, LAMP should be installable with just `sudo tasksel` which is imho easier than the other suggestions, see http://www.unixmen.com/linux-tutorials/570-install-lamp-with-1-command-in-ubuntu-91020:02
dschuettcrazygir: i have an adaptec card and a hp tape drive20:02
mischiefcan someone tell me how to get fglrx working in 10.10 beta? i installed the fglrx package and its listed in 'alternate drivers'. fglrxinfo/glxinfo segfaults when i try to run it. any help?20:02
crazygirdschuett: have you checked the chipset and verified against the supported lists?20:02
ppqziyakan, cli means command line interface. terminal, console, shell, whatever.20:02
xangua!maverick | mischief20:02
ubottumischief: Maverick Meerkat is the codename for Ubuntu 10.10, due October 2010 - Maverick is NOT released and NOT Stable, discussion and support in #ubuntu+120:02
Aemaethashok_shetty, people will be more apt to answer if you say which type of file, some different than others :P20:02
crazygirdschuett: what does dmesg say?20:02
plovsAemaeth: to boot into text-mode: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=135919620:03
Aemaeththanks plovs i'll read that20:03
dschuetti am getting a VERY strange message in dmesg: scsi2: someone reset channel A20:03
ashok_shettyAemaeth: mp320:03
dschuettcrazygir: i am getting a VERY strange message in dmesg: scsi2: someone reset channel A20:03
ziyakanppq: file roller is enough for me but the main problem is file-roller has not the feature to select compression level ...20:04
ziyakanAemaeth:  command line is difficult for me.. :(20:04
Aemaethashok_shetty, sorry, i know not of cli mp3 players20:04
varunthackeri am connected to the Internet via a home network. If i want to ssh myself from a remote location how to specify my host name?20:04
ppqziyakan, use '7z' command for this. see man page for 7z20:04
crazygirdschuett: I'm not surprised, considering adaptec is involved20:04
crazygirdschuett: my advice, figure out if your card is supported, then, if it is, debug20:05
crazygirif not, get a supported card & drive :)20:05
ziyakanppq: even i did everything before last format to ubuntu file-roller can not has this feature (to select compress level )20:05
crazygirarea51pilot: thoughts?20:05
Aemaethziyakan, i was just trying to clarify what that other person said, i thought you didn't understand20:05
ziyakan Aemaeth: ok sorry. i just confiused..20:05
ziyakan Aemaeth: thank you...20:05
=== nouitfvf is now known as nouitfvf[afk]
koltrollHeya guys. I have been having this issue for a couple of days no. I have no network, whatsoever. Don't know what happend. I can manually bring lo up and venet0. But venet0:0 that's supposed to have the external ip can't be brought up.20:06
fbianconivarunthacker: you should find out your IP, or register a hostname in NIC, and publish your IP in some DNS server.20:06
Aemaethziyakan, well, if you type "man 7z" you will see the command for compression20:06
mattgyvervarunthacker, have you setup the port forwards in your router to point to the machine you wish to attach to yet?20:06
koltrollAny help would be greatly appreciated!20:06
ashok_shettyAemaeth: k20:06
roxxois it even possible to use a network preseed file from the normal jaunty live cd/20:06
emerygrub not recognizing OS on second drive... sda and Fedora x86_64 ran os-prober ...sdb is Ubuntu 10.04 LTS... os-prober says nothing... do I need to mount sda first?20:07
koltrollI've tried googling but I don't know what to google on to get anything relevant. :/20:08
ziyakanAemaeth: yes thank you i know. but i dont need for one format. i need many formats. so i can not learn a command for all of them. i need a gui. but the file -roller can not has this feature (to select compress level). i tried the peazip but it has many many bugs (because it is new yet)... anyway. i will find something new for that ... :(20:08
area51pilotcrazygir: Ive used a Zoom Model 3095 V.92 USB Mini External Modem on 10.0420:08
varunthackerfbianconi, the ip you are talking about is the home network ip(192.168.1.x) or the one through which i am connected to the internet20:08
Aemaethziyakan, yea, more specific your needs the less others can help...if there's a windows program, i hate saying this, but run it in wine?20:08
ehcahmy machine is not booting up with a display as it's not recognizing my video card.20:08
ehcahIs there something I can do to have it boot back to a prompt, instead of GUI?20:09
aeon-ltdehcah: new card?20:09
ehcahati hd557020:09
varunthackermattgyver, i can but every time the network resets a different 192.168.1.x ip is given. Can it still be done20:09
ehcahI've had a really hard time getting to workin in my previous install.20:09
fbianconivarunthacker: your public IP, and you have to make the packages get from your router (redirect ports)20:09
area51pilotcrazygir: USRobotics also has a USB dialup that works well20:09
aeon-ltdehcah: yeah, go back to whatever gpu you were using, install drivers, add card change dvi lead to the ati card and see if it works20:09
mattgyvervarunthacker, yes, you need to assign the machine a static IP in the OS20:09
fbianconivarunthacker: the one through which you are connected to the internet20:10
vamsiHi, please suggest a software for drawing flow charts, and block diagrams20:10
buuckI have a ubuntu homeserver. I want to have a irc client (bot) idling on certain irc channels, where I can login via ssh to see what's have been written. anybody has a suggestion how I do this20:10
varunthackerfbianconi, but my isp provides dynamic ip's20:10
emeryehcah: you might check BIOS settings on boot up20:10
ehcahcrap. I was afraid that was what I'd have to do... I did the install ok with the new card. But that was all before the GUI.20:10
mattgyverIn your router you will forward the packets from port 22 (tcp) to 22 on the 192.168.1.x number you assign, then ssh user@<your external ip>20:10
ziyakanAemaeth: i dont want wine programs . but even that i research for it. and i look for 7-zip which is open source and good. but it is not working so good. it is working but it has many many bugs with wine (i dont intall the other programs closed source).20:10
aeon-ltdbuuck: why?, also some irc clients have a log feature20:11
ehcahemery: the card is enabled.20:11
ashok_shettythier is a mp-3 file in one of the home folder now i want to open it thru terminal give me the command to open20:11
ehcahI had the same trouble with xbmc live.20:11
vamsiHi, please suggest a software for drawing flow charts, and block diagrams..20:11
emeryehcag: roger that20:11
koltrollIf there's any additional information you would need please tell me and I'll do my very best to answer! -any- tip is appreciated, cause I'm really stuck here.20:11
Aemaethi hate xbmc20:11
emeryehcah: roger that20:11
ehcahI should have installed the card before I installed the minimal desktop.20:11
Aemaethvamsi, freemind20:11
Parabola[w]i've setup BIND just for forwarding, and its not working, anyone have a second to go over my .conf with me?20:11
ehcahAemaeth: I am starting to also.20:12
ehcahAt least on this box anyway.20:12
Aemaethit's just laggy for me, vlc and rythembox do me just fine20:12
ehcahI thought I read somewhere that you could boot to a prmpt instaed of the gui, by hitting a key combo on boot?20:12
varunthackermattgyver, so i port froward to a fixed 192.168.1.x ip. Do i have to register my ip in a dns lookup?20:12
fbianconiyes, mine too. What I do is have a dyndns account for publishing mi public IP with ddclient (a daemon) and find it there, in dyndns, from outside20:12
fbianconivarunthacker: yes, mine too. What I do is have a dyndns account for publishing mi public IP with ddclient (a daemon) and find it there, in dyndns, from outside20:13
ehcahAemaeth: I have 2 Zotac Mini's both running xbmc live and they rock.20:13
ehcahThis pc is custom for my theater room.20:13
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mattgyvervarunthacker, you can, like I use no-ip.com to use a redirect for my IP but you do not have to, your external IP is sufficient enough (unless its dynamic and changes all the time)20:13
Sleeping_Foxhey irc20:13
zenlunaticSleeping_Fox: hey20:14
Aemaethi guess if you had a remote setup, xbmc would be better, and i couldn't put all my files in one place for it to find everything, i'm to disorganized20:14
Aemaethand by remote i mean lirc or similar20:14
ehcahI have an enclosure on my LAN with 16TB of disk space.20:15
ehcahI just need to fill it!  :)20:15
ashok_shettywhat is cat20:15
Parabola[w]try it20:15
Parabola[w]outputs the data from within a file20:15
Sleeping_Foxi am trying to install the latest version of pidgin but everytime i remove the one i have installed and get the newer version 2.7 , i get the default 2.6:(20:15
Aemaethehcah, i am jealous, do you have a fiber line to help you?20:15
ehcahyep. 75mb down.20:15
Aemaethi recently had to downgrade my connection, moved to a new area that lives in the stone age.  i miss my quick uploads20:16
xanguaSleeping_Fox: did you followed the instructions at pidgin.im ¿¿20:16
vamsi@Aemaeth : thanks20:16
ehcahI got lucky. Our community went live 3 weeks after we moved into a new construction.20:16
ehcahIf I were cash rich, I'd upgrade to 170mb down.20:16
theshadowAlright what do I need to do to get OpenVPN as a configurable option in the Networking VPN manager20:16
Aemaethwelcome vamsi hope that's what you were looking for, if not check out alternativeto.net20:17
Sleeping_Foxyes i removed the old version 2.6 and downloaded the deb package and installed it from the pidgin site20:17
slowmoveAnyone using geany? Q about the tags file...20:17
vamsiI am using geany :D20:18
vamsiits cool20:18
ashok_shettywhat touch20:18
vamsiyou wanna check the quality of the video ?20:18
=== vamsi is now known as lolkid
slowmovevamsi: Created a tags file? I've made on for wordpress functions but need to do some tweaks20:18
ashok_shettywhat is touch20:18
Aemaethtouch is what?20:19
zenlunaticashok_shetty: you can use the command man do get documentation on any command20:19
edakiriashok_shetty: not 'what' 'where'  type:  'where touch' or 'type touch'20:19
edakiriashok_shetty: or 'man touch'20:19
fratermashok_shetty: cat is short for 'catenate' which emits the contents of a file you give it as an argument.20:19
lolkidbut I prefer, a better idea for php than geany20:19
supercom32 How long does a particular Ubuntu's releases Repo last?20:19
area51pilotmy indicator by the system clock that shows email and im notifications disappeared...does anyone knowthe associated package (using Evolution mail)20:20
zenlunaticashok_shetty: touch is the windows equivalent of right clicking the desktop and going to new ile20:20
Scunizisupercom32: until the release is "end of live"20:20
zenlunaticashok_shetty: it creates an empty file20:20
fratermashok_shetty: touch creates a 0 length file with whatever name(s) you give it.20:20
ashok_shettyfraterm: i want to see list of commands what is command to b used in terminal20:20
slowmovelolkid: Like which one?20:20
supercom32scunizi: is that the same as "No longer supported"?20:20
ashok_shettyzenlunatic: how to open a file thru terminal20:20
Scunizisupercom32: yes... 18 months for most releases.. 3 years for LTS release like 10.04 and 5 yrs on the server LTS release20:21
fratermyou can list the contents of /usr/bin by typing ls /usr/bin to get a list of most executable commands in that directory.20:21
xanguaSleeping_Fox: you don't have to remove anything, just add the PPA and update20:21
zenlunaticashok_shetty: ashok_shetty what do you mean open20:21
Algorithm_42join #thefailship.net #savethepiratebay20:21
yautja_cetanu2I've found I need to install the latest Nvidia driver 256.53 but ubuntu only somes with 190.00 (or something). I have found a tutorials. http://www.ubuntugeek.com/howto-install-nvidia-drivers-manually-on-ubuntu-10-04-lucid-lynx.html20:21
Aemaetharea51pilot, you want to right click on the task bar and add to panel one of the indicator20:21
Sleeping_Foxohh ok20:21
serp_I installed a PPA for firefox 4.0 dev versions. I want to remove it to go back to the distro version of firefox. how do I do that?20:21
ashok_shettyzenlunatic: i want to play mp3 thru terminal20:21
yautja_cetanu2Is this going to cause any problems later on if I install the nvidia files using the .run file they provide? Is it going to be hard to update later? Is there a better way of getting the latest drivers?20:21
ewoernerfbianconi: thank you20:22
zenlunaticashok_shetty: sudo apt-get install mpg32120:22
area51pilotAemaeth: I have added some but I cant seem to get the one I had on the original install20:22
dajhornserp_: Look at the ppa-purge helper package.20:22
fratermashok_shetty: or if you know the first letter of a command you can type 'c' then hit the tab key and you'll get a list of commands that start with 'c'20:22
Scuniziyautja_cetanu2: there is a PPA you should look for, for that driver.. without the PPA it's a real pain in the backside20:22
serp_dajhorn: thanks I'll have alook20:22
area51pilotAemaeth: I removed Evolution due to an issue and reinstalled, now its ... poof!20:22
yautja_cetanu2Scunizi: The ubuntu stuff I have seen though only lets me install old nvidia drivers. I need the latest for my laptop20:22
dajhornserp_: Welcome.  Note that ppa-purge is in the universe section.20:22
fratermashok_shetty: seems like you're really new to things and are exploring what you can do...20:23
Scuniziyautja_cetanu2: the online tutorial is typically out of date.  previous releases have been much easier to install the binary driver.. with 10.04 and up it's a different animal20:23
Scuniziyautja_cetanu2: like I said.. check for the PPA20:23
yautja_cetanu2How do I do that?20:23
Scuniziyautja_cetanu2: hang on and I'll look in google.20:23
ashok_shettyfraterm: ur right20:23
fratermashok_shetty: like others have said, man <command> and info <command> will be a big help to you also.20:23
serp_dajhorn: hrm what do you mean?20:23
ashok_shettyzenlunatic: what is that dude20:23
yautja_cetanu2Scunizi: I've blacklisted nouvea already. Is that a bad idea?20:24
Scuniziyautja_cetanu2: https://launchpad.net/~nvidia-vdpau/+archive/ppa20:24
zenlunaticashok_shetty: you need to install that program to play an mp320:24
ashok_shettyfraterm: dude i should know how to open mp-3 files thru terminal20:24
dajhornserp_: The four primary Ubuntu sections are main restricted universe and multiverse.  Unless you specifically asked for 'universe', the ppa-purge package won't appear in the software list.20:24
dajhornserp_: You can enable all four sections in the Software Sources panel.20:24
ashok_shettyzenlunatic: but in windows its not required20:24
Aemaethi know i could open a file with vlc FROM terminal, but idk any mp3 cli players20:25
rwwdajhorn, serp_: I just wandered in in the middle of this, but ppa-purge isn't in Ubuntu before Maverick.20:25
blakkheimAemaeth: mpd20:25
zenlunaticashok_shetty: yeah so what is your point?20:25
yautja_cetanu2Scunizi: Do I need to blacklist any other drivers for this to work?20:25
Scuniziashok_shetty: it's not required in windows because you've pre-paid for the license for the mp3 codec...20:25
agentgasmaskAemaeth: mp3blaster and moc20:25
fratermashok_shetty: mpg123 is one command line mp3 player if I recall correctly20:25
fratermashok_shetty: also, here are three good url's20:25
sulphur16Hi All, when I try to format a partition in my external USB harddisk, it fails and I am getting error message in dmesg "Buffer I/O error on device sdd1, logical block 796574"20:25
Aemaethlol, i was talking to ashok_shetty , ashok_shetty people are giving you programs20:25
th_hi all. picture that ubuntu shows when i shut down the box. what it is called? it has a xubuntu logo20:26
fratermhttp://bhami.com/rosetta.html <- especiallly useful if you've used other unixes or might in the future.20:26
Scuniziyautja_cetanu2: no.. once installed you'll see it in System>Admin>Hardware drivers.. it typically won't give you the version number but will recommend one driver that is listed there.. that will typically be the one you want.20:26
serp_rww: aha that's too bad...20:26
dajhornrww: serp_:  ppa-purge was added to lucid-backports.20:26
Picifraterm: plymouth, its the same thing that shows up when you boot.20:26
fratermashok_shetty: http://www.oreillynet.com/linux/cmd/ is another good ref.20:26
Aemaethwho decides what programs are in those repositories?20:27
agentgasmaskashok_shetty: If your looking for cli mp3 players, mp3blaster and moc are good20:27
rwwdajhorn: ah, didn't know that. shiny.20:27
ubottuOpenVPN is a vpn technology in Ubuntu, sudo apt-get install openvpn and then see http://openvpn.net/ and see the documentation "HOWTO" noting you have already installed it. ;-) It rocks!20:27
Parabola[w]hey guys, anyone mind sparing a minute of their time for a stupid BIND question?20:27
fratermashok_shetty: and finally this nice cheat sheet http://www.pixelbeat.org/cmdline.html20:27
Parabola[w]it may not even be a BIND issue, i just need to verify20:27
sulphur16"Buffer I/O error on device sdd1, logical block 796574"20:28
DelphiousAlien can convert some RPMs to debs, can it do the inverse?20:28
sulphur16Anybody know what this error is about?20:28
ashok_shettyfraterm: thanks20:28
Parabola[w]named[3512]: client query (cache) 'verizonwireless.com/A/IN' denied20:29
Parabola[w]sulphur16, pretty obvious isnt it :) i/o error on your hard drive20:29
serp_worker like a charm. thanks guys20:29
th_hi all. what is that splash screen but at the shutdown called?. and how i can get rid of it? it has a xubuntu logo20:30
Parabola[w]th_ dude, google "remove ubuntu splashscreen"20:30
sulphur16Parabola[w]:I can't format my external USB harddisk20:30
Parabola[w]your drive is screwed up20:31
Parabola[w]its telling you a buffer error occured20:31
th_Parabola[w], i dont want to remove both of them. only that shutdown one20:31
Parabola[w]i'm not sure if its writing to the buffer its self20:31
Parabola[w]or if its dumping buffer to disk20:31
Parabola[w]th_ why in gods name would you spend time worrying about the shutdown splash screen?20:31
eross1so i'm using blender or playing an opengl 3d game, i use the middle mouse button on my logictech wireless optical mouse and everything with the mouse dies except moving the middle mouse button side to side to change highlighting selection of screen or window icons. I end up having to reboot, unplugging and pluggin back in doesn't work. does anyone know what is going on?20:31
derylfs should dump to buffer, drive should dump buffer to disc20:31
sulphur16Parabola[w]:Does that mean its a hardware fault20:31
th_Parabola[w], well it says xubuntu but i dont have even xfce :( so it bothers me20:32
Parabola[w]th_ i dunno then20:32
Parabola[w]derly you know anything about name resolution?20:32
fratermth_: I'd post that question on the forums.20:32
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gerrinlooking for software to convert vids to mp4 format, what should i use20:33
sonergerrin: use ffmpeg20:33
derylsulphur16 ~ that's _usually_ HW related if its complaining about from the buffer to the drive. could also be calling interupts too fast for the drive to handle.20:33
dagny_taggartgerrin: handbrake20:33
Parabola[w]mediacoder of course20:33
fratermth_: and maybe as an xubuntu bug, if you didn't intend to have that kind of cosmetic alteration (like you installed a normal xfce package, but not the whole thing, and it changed your look-feel on splash screen unintentionally.20:33
th_fraterm, maybe i do that20:34
fratermbut if you installed xubuntu specific package, you should expect that.20:34
fratermand the xubuntu folks might know better how to remedy it than general ubuntu folks.20:34
derylparabola[w] ~ are you seeing my text? (nickserv says I'm authenticated but so far no responses from anyone)20:34
th_fraterm, i want to manually alter that so i learn something20:35
* fraterm sees deryls text. for the record.20:35
derylfraterm ~ thanks20:35
Parabola[w]deryl,  yup20:35
fratermth_: it's a good place to get to understand where to manually do it also.20:35
Parabola[w]deryl,  i see your text20:35
derylcool beans. appreciate the responses20:35
th_fraterm, what is?20:35
fratermth_ going to the "experts" in the package in question, to ask htem how the "guts" of their changes to ubuntu default behavior are implemented.20:36
derylnow, off to smoke a ciggie while I wait for my Rolling Stones Discography :)20:36
th_fraterm, maybe i will20:36
fratermit's part of your detective work, unless you just want to roll the dice and maybe break your system...20:36
ashok_shettywhat is the code to give in terminal to see all commands20:37
derylashok_shetty ~ there is none.20:37
fratermpersonally I like messing around too, but I like to gather some data before I go cutting stuff up. :)20:37
JodaZdid anyone check how many of the single letter prefixes of ubuntu are taken ? so far i know of kubuntu, lubuntu and qubuntu, anyone know any others ?20:37
derylyou can hit a letter then hit TAB a couple times. it will show you what commands are available for that letter20:37
serp_ashok_shetty: press tab twice20:37
derylyou can also ls /usr/bin/ and do the same for /bin, /sbin, /usr/sbin/ if you want to see what bins ytou have20:38
fratermI don't think it does it unless you type a letter, could be wrong.20:38
derylfraterm ~ you are correct20:38
serp_it does for me in bash20:38
derylooo, serp is correct in bash. (just tried that)20:38
Sleeping_FoxTY irc :).20:38
forkupon ubuntu 10.04 how can i auto start teamviewer minimized20:38
derylalways had to type a single letter before20:38
fratermderyl: sheesh, learn something new every day.20:39
derylfraterm ~ fortunately :)20:39
=== jack is now known as Guest40727
slooksterpsvHow's everyone doing =D20:39
deryllife would be so boring otherwise20:39
guntbertdajhorn: I read your statement about ppa-purge being in lucid-backports, how do I install it? (any frontend is fine)20:39
* fraterm nods at deryl 20:39
deryl'lo slook20:39
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fratermwhy I love using linux20:39
fratermreason number 25620:39
guntbert!ot | fraterm20:40
ubottufraterm: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!20:40
slooksterpsvhello deryl20:40
serp_guntbert: I added the packports to the repository list in synaptic, then used apt-get to install ppa-purge, because I couldn't find it from synaptic20:40
Guest40727i want fast download manager plz like idm in windows i'm using ubuntu 10.4 now plz help ................20:40
derylfraterm ~ <grin> linux and freebsd for anything meaninful for me. Windows is just games and movies or when I absolutely MUST have some compatability that linux/freebsd doesn;t provide20:40
serp_obvious troll20:40
aeon-ltdGuest40727: downthemall in firefox?20:40
OneMillionDollarhow to change my default player to alc player20:40
dajhornguntbert: Add this line:  deb http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ lucid-backports main restricted universe multiverse20:40
Guest40727is there any one else ????20:41
gonzalezHola, alguien que hable espanol?20:41
Pici!es | gonzalez20:41
ubottugonzalez: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.20:41
aeon-ltdOneMillionDollar: in nautilus, you can right click on properties then select use this for similar file types iirc20:41
derylonemilliondollar ~ man update-alternatives might help you20:41
slooksterpsvOneMillionDollar: when you open a music file, if you go to openwith you can set it to the default for that format20:41
fratermso bash default function in ubuntu has some pretty nice enhancements.20:41
slooksterpsvOneMillionDollar - *music, video, etc.20:41
deryliirc there is are a bunch of x-* links in there20:41
derylguest37232 ~ kget, fireget, a whole SLEW of them. google for one, check them all out and use the one you like best20:42
slooksterpsvGuest40727 what OS?20:42
derylguest37232 ~ apt-cache search as well20:42
derylslooksterpsv ~ ubuntu20:42
slooksterpsvdang he left lol - was wondering 10.04 9.04 etc. cause I found a few download managers in Software Centre20:43
fratermone thing I'm really interested in finding out is if there's a good PPA for wacom-enabled QT and the latest and greatest Krita, that doesn't involve me needing to fully go kubuntu.20:43
deryloh he said 10.0420:43
fratermin 10.0420:43
guntbertdajhorn: I have that line and did update the database but still aptitude search won't find it and aptitude install didn't find it either20:43
derylfraterm ~ hehe only ubuntu release I use usually (kubuntu) then again I'm a KDE freak :)20:43
fratermOtherwise I'm probably stuck waiting a few months for it to work it's way into default QT.20:43
guntbertserp_: thx, but aptitude doesn't find it20:43
noricUsing 9.10, how can I make an SSH tunnel auto start/keepalive? I heard there is an  ~/.ssh/tunnels file, but cant find the man page. Thanks.20:44
deryli so do not like the look and feel of gnome. but thats me20:44
dajhornguntbert: You can download it directly:  http://packages.ubuntu.com/lucid-backports/ppa-purge20:44
dschuettsorry for the duplicate question, but i lost internet connectivity: anyone know how to get ubuntu 10.04 to recognize my tape drive?20:44
fratermderyl: well... I'd take the leap perhaps, but I like how mainline ubuntu has gnome sort of beaten into shape.20:44
guntbertdajhorn: good idea, thx :-)20:44
derylok time for that cig. been sitting here with it in my lips :)20:44
dajhornguntbert: Welcome.20:44
slooksterpsvdschuett what kind of tape drive is it?20:44
dschuettslooksterpsv: scsi hp storageworks ulrium 44820:45
derylfraterm ~ I've tried the regular release of ubuntu, and I admit they have it getting better, but I find I work so much better and easier with less issues in Kubuntu20:45
fratermderyl: I've been hearing that about kubuntu from others, maybe I'll install the whole mess of packages.20:46
fratermI just really want krita to be as pressure sensitive as gimp and inkscape.20:46
derylthere is one issue that may or may not bite you20:46
guntbert!ot | deryl fraterm20:46
ubottuderyl fraterm: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!20:46
derylespecially if you have an ATI card20:46
ePirathow i connect to wlan via cernel console ?20:46
derylguntbert ~ shut up and move on20:46
gonzaleznadie que hable espanol? :(20:47
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.20:47
slooksterpsvdschuett I'm seeing it works in Debian, not sure about Ubuntu, lemme check a few more things20:47
ePiratgonzalez: que?20:47
guntbertderyl: please keep to the topic - ubuntu support - and stay polite20:47
gonzalezlo que pasa esque tengo problemas al instalar mi impresora20:47
derylguntbert ~ i AM on topic you nut. and I'm always polite until the trolls hit20:47
derylsuch as you\20:47
dschuettslooksterpsv: thanks a lot, i've been trying to get this working for HOURS20:47
gonzalezapenas comienzo a utilizar ubuntu20:47
yautja_cetanu2I just followed a tutorial installing a new PPA for the latest Nvidia graphics  http://www.webupd8.org/2010/06/how-to-install-nvidia-25635-display.html20:47
ePiratgonzalez: solo ingles...20:48
derylfraterm ~ anyways.. that issue for the kde .. gimme a minute to type it out20:48
yautja_cetanu2I can't quite tell if it has worked. Can anyone help me. If I go to System - Hardware Drivers it says that I'm using a "different version"20:48
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yautja_cetanu2But I can't find where to go to confirm that 256.53 has succesfully installed? Anyone know if there is a better way of installing the latest nvidia drivers?20:48
slooksterpsvdeshuett what is the status when you type in mt status20:49
SolomonKullHoly shit, here for 5 minutes and I already feel dumber.  This channel sucks, too many morons.  /part; /ignore #ubuntu --forever20:49
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slooksterpsv* dschuett lol what's the status of the command:  mt status20:50
dschuettslooksterpsv: just a sec i will see20:50
derylfraterm ~ basically, if you have an ATI card, when you are running kdm for your manager and you log out of the session, it doesn't restart the kdm correctly and corrupts the video. I'm thinking its an issue with the fglrx driver itself20:50
mantizzcoz: still here???20:51
derylfraterm ~ also, when you run gdm instead to fix the issue (which it does) you lose the restart shutdown capability. you have to log out of your session and select either of those options from the gdm screen20:52
derylreally sucks20:52
derylbut other than that I've seen no issues with the kubuntu release (which is just ubuntu with kde as the default rather than gnome)20:53
dschuettslookstervpsv: it says /dev/tape no such file or directory20:53
deryldschuett ~ you have to create the link in /dev20:53
derylor use udev to do it20:53
deryludev iirc is the preferred20:54
slooksterpsvdschuett - ok that's where we need to start, find out what happened to /dev/tape (I don't have it either) could be renamed though20:54
yautja_cetanu2I need some help installing the latest nvidia drivers20:54
derylslooksterpsv ~ usually its a sym to the actual device20:54
slooksterpsvderyl ~ like st0 or that?20:54
yautja_cetanu2I've tried to follow the tutorials and I have no idea if they have worked20:55
=== Afrix2 is now known as Afrix
slooksterpsvdschuett - try this: mt -f /dev/st0 tell20:55
derylyou can manually make it of course, but everything i've read says to use udev to handle that20:55
derylin windows right now so i can't look at the /etc/udev* stuff20:56
antIPAny suggestions on a more reliable battery indicator in Ubuntu? (I'm running 10.04) In windows my laptop shows 8 hours battery life, while in Ubuntu it shows 4.5 hours. My acer laptop usually get's 8hrs of batter life.20:56
derylgets a bit too much coding in ruby and raisl all day, so occasionally i boot to windows to play games. today i just decided to idly chat :)20:57
slooksterpsvdschuett - or try mt -f /dev/st0 status - what does that give20:57
dschuettslooksterpsv: /dev/st0: No such file or directory20:57
derylmake sure you got the dev first: ls /dev/st*20:57
deryldoes the dev exist20:57
dschuettslooksterpsv: i do notice something really strange in dmesg: scsi2: someone reset channel A20:57
dschuettslooksterpsv: it repeats that over and over20:58
derylthats the scsi dev resetting the command channel iirc20:58
deryli dont run scsi devs so i forget what its actually called. the channel for scsi where you can stack commands\20:59
mantizzNo sound from Headphone front panel on ubuntu 10.04 64 bit gnome..20:59
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Ricoshadyi have a dev box that all the sudden got extremely slow, even tho the cpu is reading almost 0%20:59
Ricoshadyno swap20:59
derylmantizz ~ if running pulse audio I have that problem too. i have to manually use the pactl to change the dev21:00
ePirathow can i start vnc server via the terminal?21:00
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mantizzderyl: i am using default Advanced Linux Sound Architecture Driver Version
yautja_cetanu2Does anyone know how to update to the latest nvidia drivers?21:00
derylepirat ~ iirc its sudo /etc/init.d/vncserver restart or manually with vncserver21:01
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derylmantizz ~ ok, not my specialty. i'll back out21:01
flasommhello all21:01
mantizzderyl: Headset mic is working fine but no sound..21:01
sonerhello flasomm21:01
mantizzderyl: LOL okay21:01
aeon-ltdyautja_cetanu2: uhh, they'll update with the rest of ubuntu, through update manager, however you can download and run the script from the nvidia site21:01
mantizzderyl: i am using default Advanced Linux Sound Architecture Driver Version
mantizzNo sound from Headphone front panel on ubuntu 10.04 64 bit gnome..21:02
derylsounds like its stuck on the internal to me. doesn't alsa have a control script for querying?21:02
flasommI have a question, someone knows an apps to make appear and disapper the console on the desktop ?21:02
aeon-ltdmantizz: please just call it ALSA for typing sake21:02
yautja_cetanu2aeon-ltd: I need the latest. Ubuntu has a version 19x.xx21:02
derylmantizz ~ hehe just might want to remove my nick from the beginning of that line21:02
slooksterpsvdschuett - try stinit21:02
aeon-ltdflasomm: like how? more details please21:02
mantizzderyl: ya lol21:02
flasommwith a shortcut keyboard21:02
yautja_cetanu2Aeon-ltd: I need 256 to get it working with my laptop. I've tried installing a PPA that updates it (been told doing it from the website is a bad idea) but I have no idea of how to confirm whether it has worked21:03
flasommaeon-ltd: on top of desktop21:03
IdleOneflasomm: try guake21:03
QwertSorry, have been solving client issue.21:03
flasommIdleOne: thx21:03
dschuettslooksterpsv: Initialized 0 tape devices.21:03
slooksterpsvdschuett - hmmm... are you connecting up via scsi, usb->scsi, or...?21:04
aeon-ltdyautja_cetanu2: try (in terminal) "nvidia-settings -q NvidiaDriverVersion"21:04
multipasshow do you restart ubuntu without restarting computer? whats the command?21:05
aeon-ltdmultipass: you can't, but you can restart Xorg21:05
IdleOnemultipass: alt-sysrq-k21:05
dschuettit is an internal scsi Adaptec card which is recognized using lspci, and i am connecting internally as well to scsi tape drive21:05
scriptwarlockanyone knows how to fix this: ee usb keyboard failed to initialized for relative axes21:05
dschuettslooksterpsv: it is an internal scsi Adaptec card which is recognized using lspci, and i am connecting internally as well to scsi tape drive21:05
yautja_cetanu2aeon-ltd: I get nothing21:05
yautja_cetanu2aeon-ltd: I need to be right back and restart the machine21:05
multipassIdleOne: is that a terminal command?21:06
aeon-ltdyautja_cetanu2: ok try "grep -i "x driver" /var/log/Xorg.0.log"21:06
IdleOnemultipass: no hold down the alt=sysrq-k keys that will restart X21:06
balleyneAre there tools for creating webm videos in Ubuntu?21:06
derylidleone ~ hehe hard to do that combo on my laptop. it's a unction key macro21:06
derylfunction even21:06
multipassIdleOne: ok thanks :D gonna try it brb21:06
aeon-ltdballeyne: is this for youtube?, cos they can convert it themselves21:07
deryland there are apps in apt for that as well. apt-cache search youtube21:07
IdleOne!dontzap > deryl21:07
ubottuderyl, please see my private message21:07
derylidleone ~ oh thanks! :)21:08
scriptwarlockanyone knows how to fix this: ee usb keyboard failed to initialized for relative axes21:08
multipasshmm alt sysrq k just made my screen get all crazy-artifacts n stuff, then nothing happened :[21:09
ubottuLinux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu, please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org21:09
macowait wrong channel21:10
aeon-ltdscriptwarlock: are you trying to run a different WM or DE?21:10
aeon-ltdmultipass: meh, kill Gdm if you have to really restart X21:10
scriptwarlockaeon-ltd: actually cant boot now to my account so im using now a root21:10
derylmeera ~ please do not message me21:10
aeon-ltdscriptwarlock: check your .xinitrc for mistakes in your ~/21:11
scriptwarlockaeon-ltd: cant startx on my account but the error is regarding this usb keyboard failed to initialize21:11
EvilPhoenixoops ignore me21:11
multipassso basically just rebooting computer is best way to restart21:11
aeon-ltdscriptwarlock: yeah i know, what DE or WM do you want to use?21:11
IdleOnemultipass: no21:11
scriptwarlockaeon-ltd: gnome21:11
IdleOnemultipass: try ctrl-alt-backspace21:12
slooksterpsvdschuett - I'm stumped, sorry :(21:12
derylsounds like video driver / video page corruption idleone doesn't it?21:12
derylthe crazy video artifacts21:12
scxi have old VIA/S3 Graphic Card: Unichrome (CLE266/VT8235)21:12
aeon-ltdscriptwarlock: edit your ~/.xinitrc just put "exec gnome-session" (without the quotes) then try startx21:12
scxwhat driver i should use?21:12
dwxreaperhow do I see what a package did when it installed?21:12
dwxreaperI want to see if it compiled some perl stuff and put it in the right folder21:12
scriptwarlockaeon-ltd: right now using this root account?21:12
aeon-ltdscriptwarlock: yeah just go into your /home edit .xinitrc21:13
earthling_How do I make my hard drive more quiet? or just put it to sleep?21:13
derylearthling_ ~ you could try using hdparm21:13
andyccearthling_: look up laptop mode.21:13
scxx.org driver? "unichrome driver" (unichrome.sf.net)? or openchrome?21:13
deryland what andycc said :)21:13
derylapt-cache show laptop-mode21:13
andycc!info laptop-mode-tools21:13
ubottulaptop-mode-tools (source: laptop-mode-tools): Tools for Power Savings based on battery/AC status. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.52-1ubuntu2 (lucid), package size 117 kB, installed size 520 kB21:13
deryloh forgot it ended in -tools21:14
StavaDo you know of any software that can restrict internet access so that only a few applications may access it, during certain hours? like some kind of parental control21:14
earthling_andycc, deryl, yeah, I was looking at those, alot of stuff to learn21:14
derylearthling_ ~ i use it on my own laptop21:14
andyccearthling_: just install laptop-mode-tools and reboot.21:14
andyccearthling_: no configuration required. It Just Works (TM).21:14
fratermsudo aptitude install laptop-mode-tools reboot, enjoy.21:14
* fraterm puts that on his todo list.21:15
dwxreaperhow do I see what a package did when it installed?21:15
derylyep. i just modified mine to take over when battery dropped to 2% rather than the 25% default21:15
jsidhuhey guys, i have a file in cron.d that should run every minute, but its not.. cron is running, but not executing my file.. the syntax is correct.. any ideas on how to go about troubleshooting this? (nothing in /var/log/cron.log)21:15
earthling_will look into that21:16
andyccjsidhu: stupid q, but is it in your crontab?21:16
scriptwarlockaeon-ltd: i'll add those lines next to ./etc/x11/session?21:16
aeon-ltdscriptwarlock: no, to your .xinitrc21:16
jsidhuits a file in /etc/cron.d21:16
scriptwarlockaeon-ltd: yeah thats what i have inside in this file21:17
aeon-ltdscriptwarlock: no, what else is in the file?21:17
derylfraterm ~ talk to you later. switching to another network for a bit21:17
scriptwarlockaeon-ltd: ill pastebin21:18
aeon-ltdscriptwarlock: k21:18
dschuettslooksterpsv: thanks for your help21:18
slooksterpsvdschuett - yw, that's a toughy dude, let me know if you get it fixed21:19
scriptwarlockaeon-ltd: here c21:19
dschuettslooksterpsv: will do!21:19
scriptwarlockaeon-ltd: http://paste.ubuntu.com/499942/21:19
dschuettanyone else want to take a shot at helping me get ubuntu to recognize my hp storageworks ulrium 448 scsi tape drive? - been working on this for hours21:19
aeon-ltdscriptwarlock: ok start a new line after the /etc stuff21:19
aeon-ltdscriptwarlock: and put exec gnome-session21:20
scriptwarlockaeon-ltd: k and then restart?21:20
aeon-ltdscriptwarlock: no need to just log out, then log in (in the tty terminal) and startx21:20
scriptwarlockaeon-ltd: k let me try21:21
StavaIs there any parental control software that is not just a proxy, and requires a password to disable?21:21
=== shcherba1 is now known as shcherbak
andyccdschuett: http://h18006.www1.hp.com/products/storageworks/tapecompatibility.html21:21
Aemaethi have a very noob question, if i ssh into a remote machine and start a command, can i close out my shell and have it still run?21:21
andyccAemaeth: yes, if you use screen.21:22
blakkheimAemaeth: with screen you can21:22
ahisomewant to know the use of clive21:22
Aemaethi see, so man screen and i'll know what you're talking about?21:22
andyccAemaeth: if the machine is running Ubuntu, install Byobu21:22
andycc!info byobu | Aemaeth21:22
ubottuAemaeth: byobu (source: byobu): a set of useful profiles and a profile-switcher for GNU screen. In component main, is optional. Version 2.68-0ubuntu1.1 (lucid), package size 68 kB, installed size 688 kB21:22
andyccAemaeth: then run whatever command you want and hit Ctrl+D D21:23
Aemaethbyobu on client side?21:23
andyccAemaeth: on server side.21:23
pudgypawhey guys, i have trouble getting php to parse21:23
andyccAemaeth: it's easy to use, just Ctrl+?21:23
pudgypawit worked before but yesterday my setup suddenly quit on me, can anyone walk it through w/ me?21:23
pudgypawI can try apache+php or nginx+php whichever will work21:24
Aemaethsays it already has it21:24
andyccAemaeth: then just run byobu.21:24
jsidhuso uh, any ideas on why a cron file i put in /etc/cron.d wont work? is there a limitation that i cant run something every minute?21:24
shcherbakAemaeth byobu -d -r21:24
andyccshcherbak: -d -r?21:24
shcherbakAemaeth: byobu -d -r but you rather should use screen not byobu21:25
shcherbakdetach and reatach21:25
andyccshcherbak: byobu auto-reattaches.21:25
andyccNo need for that.21:25
Flanneljsidhu: Every minute is fine, is it the last line in your crontab?21:26
shcherbakupc, should be screen not byobu, sorry21:26
jsidhuits not a crontab, its a individual file put in /etc/cron.d21:26
Aemaethoh, wow, yea, byubu seems to make sense to me..i gues21:26
shcherbakbtw, why i can have only one instance of byobu?21:26
andyccshcherbak: because byobu auto-attaches, as I said.21:27
andyccshcherbak: maybe byobu -d works for that.21:27
Flanneljsidhu: Do you have a blank line after that line in the file?21:27
shcherbakthen how to start second instance? will try -d21:27
blakkheimi don't think there's a need for 屏風 when regular screen does the job - isn't it just kind of a "theme" to make it easier for noobs?21:27
jsidhulet me check21:28
EvanionAnyone know how to move the Notify OSD anchor to another screen?21:28
shcherbakAemaeth: still you want to get familiar with screen ()21:28
jsidhuFlannel: no it does not21:28
andyccblakkheim: assuming those kanji/whatever characters mean "byobu", you are correct.21:28
shcherbakAemaeth: GNU screen ()21:28
antIPUbuntu doesn't read proper battery life.21:28
dschuettandycc: there is nothing in there that shows how to get ubuntu to recognize the tape drive21:28
jsidhushould it have a blank line21:29
andyccdschuett: sorry, closest I could find.21:29
Flanneljsidhu: Add one, cron won't run lines without a carriage return ending them21:29
andyccFlannel: you mean line feed.21:30
antIPDoes anyone have any idea how to get Ubuntu 10.04 to show proper battery life? I have a laptop that shows 8hrs in Windows 7, and only 4 hrs on the same charge in Ubuntu 10.04.21:30
navjotHi, I need some help with ubuntu one contacts sync with evolution21:31
AemaethantIP, does it really last 8 hrs?21:31
aeon-ltdantIP: uhh, power consumption is different in the OSes, most of the time it isn't wrong21:31
blakkheimantIP: linux's power management isn't the same as windows, sometimes it actually does get that much less21:31
andyccantIP: Linux in general consumes more battery due to incompatible hardware. Try using laptop mode and PowerTOP to get more battery life.21:31
gsneddersandycc: laptop mode?21:32
antIPAemaeth: Yes, believe if it or not I have one of those laptops that has ultra long batter life.21:32
andycc!info laptop-mode-tools | gsnedders21:32
ubottugsnedders: laptop-mode-tools (source: laptop-mode-tools): Tools for Power Savings based on battery/AC status. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.52-1ubuntu2 (lucid), package size 117 kB, installed size 520 kB21:32
navjotmy error:http://codepad.org/p2my7PRo21:32
Aemaethi'm still not seeing how i can close out my shell and have the command keep running on the remote server :(21:32
blakkheimAemaeth: ssh in, run screen, run the command, ctrl+a+d to disconnect, exit21:33
blakkheimAemaeth: ssh in again, run screen -r, you're back21:33
Midleris there anyone that would mind helping me with zotac mag installation21:33
Midleriam having truble with getting the hdmi output to work, at all21:33
andyccnavjot: looks like it doesn't find your address book.21:33
navjotIm using ubuntu one21:34
navjotthe efualt adress book for it21:34
Midlerit doesnt detect the hdmi screen21:34
Aemaethkk, blakkheim21:34
antIPandycc: I'm already running in laptop mode21:34
navjotmaybe someone can tell me what couchdb server to connect to :S21:34
andyccantIP: then "sudo apt-get install powertop", "sudo powertop" and from there it's easy.21:35
andyccantIP: should give you a little more boost.21:35
antIPandycc: Yeah, I'm doing it now.21:35
jsidhunah, still nothing, even with a empty line at the end of file21:35
Flanneljsidhu: What's the line?21:38
xlivehi guys .. just came to test lrssi21:38
aeon-ltd!welcome | xlive21:39
ubottuxlive: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!21:39
andyccxlive: hi. You might want to test joining #ubuntu-offtopic...21:39
jsidhu* *     * * *   jsidhu  rsync -avvrz --password-file=/home/jsidhu/bin/rsync.secret --delete-after  rsync://sign@rsync_server:/sign /home/jsidhu/rsync_folder/21:39
MedusaHi all. I'm running 10.04 with two disks in Raid-1 with mdadm. Works great. I've just added a new raid-5 with 3 disks. In /etc/mdadm/mdadm.conf only the raid-1 is stated. I guess both should be there to automatically bring both raids up after rebooting? Any pointers would be great. Thanks!!!21:41
rmrfslashShouldn't `xvfb-run` use `mktemp` in place of `tempfile` in the only place that it's using `tempfile`?21:41
m4rtinis it possible to get to the recovery console if no grub menu is shown? (I need to add an acpi configuration line to my grub menu, but I see no way of getting to edit it)21:42
xliveelo anyone here ?21:42
andyccMedusa: I guess both have to be there. I only used mdadm briefly and I actually hate it, so can't really help you with that.21:42
aeon-ltdxlive: yes.21:42
andyccxlive: no.21:43
m4rtinpress and hold shift21:43
aeon-ltdxlive: but my name isn't anyone21:43
Medusathanks andycc. Are you using anything else for managing software raids? Anyone else have any experiences with mdadm (see question above).21:43
blue_annahow do I get the new sound menu in 10.10?21:43
aeon-ltd!ubuntu+1 | blue_anna21:44
ubottublue_anna: Maverick Meerkat is the codename for Ubuntu 10.10 - Maverick is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+121:44
andyccMedusa: I've used dmraid to manage a RAID0.21:44
FloodBot3xlive: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.21:44
ezyHi All. Trying to install IBM shock detector (HDAPS). However, when I try to install the module tp-smapi using command "modprobe tp-smapi" it throws the error "No Such Device". Anybody ran to this problem ?21:44
andyccYay, spam.21:44
serp_yay porn21:44
Medusaandycc: thanks.21:44
LjL!ops | xlive21:44
ubottuxlive: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) -  elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, or nhandler!21:44
xlivelol that was a mistake21:44
LjLuhm, was it... ok21:45
Medusaxlive: please go away21:45
andyccxlive: really wrong window, I guess.21:45
xlivei know no porn alowed21:45
Midleranyone here using nvidia?21:45
Midlerand that might help me with an solution?21:45
aeon-ltdxlive: sureeeeee *convincing sarcasm*21:45
Midlerits like the nvidia driver is wrong or something21:45
dajhornezy: That works on my T61.  Check thinkwiki -- your model may not have the necessary hardware.21:47
Sp][nEwheres the boot list for grub in 10.04?21:48
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andyccSp][nE: in /etc/grub.d/ I think.21:48
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since Ubuntu 9.10.  For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub221:48
andyccSp][nE: lucid uses grub2.21:48
Jordan_USp][nE: It's hidden by default at boot. Hold shift during boot to see the grub menu.21:49
ezydajhorn, it used to work before on the xp os but not detecting it on this kernel. Did a couple of recommendations from thinkwiki but not helpful :-(21:49
dajhornezy: Try your luck with the tp-smapi-dkms package.21:49
ezydajhorn, let me try that, Im sure there is some way...thanks21:50
ubottuTips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto21:50
Jordan_Um4rtin: I've heard nothing but good reviews of Zareason http://zareason.com21:52
Midleranyone here able to help me21:52
andycc!ask | Midler21:52
ubottuMidler: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)21:52
andyccMidler: oh, you're the one with the HDMI problem.21:53
MidlerIam having truble to get the hdmi output to work at all on a zotac mag htpc21:53
Midlerandycc: yes21:53
Midleri think its driver problems21:53
Midlerbut by the guide iam following21:54
Midlerthe propietary shouldnt have these problems (except for enabling sound)21:54
Jordan_Um4rtin: Plus they have a unique warranty http://zareason.com/shop/ZaReason-s-Open-Hardware-Warranty.html21:54
Midlerthe tv also feels it has hdmi connected to it, but nvidia display settings dosnt find the another screen21:54
andyccMidler: post output of "sudo lspci | grep VGA"21:55
moreiaSooo: Since I updated to Lucid, updatedb has stopped cataloging my home directory. It's encrypted, but it's mounted so it ought to be indexible.21:57
andyccMidler: don't use nvidia settings, use system>preferences>monitors.21:57
moreiaAny ideas how I fix that?21:57
Midlerall lines21:57
Midler*the hole line?21:57
andyccMidler: yes, the whole line.21:58
quidnuncWhat does "dovecot start/killed, process 924" as the output of "service dovecot status" mean?21:58
andyccquidnunc: probably that dovecot is now process 924.21:58
Midler03:00.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation ION VGA (rev b1)21:58
Midlernvidia propietary driver is installed threw ubuntu repo21:58
quidnuncandycc: But there is no process 924. And what is the "killed" indication?21:59
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jbatistaanyone noticed that gnome-terminal no longer saves the window size?21:59
andyccMidler: use system>preferences>monitors to change resolution/active screens22:00
andyccjbatista: yes, it's in the settings.22:00
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Midlerandycc: it dosnt find hdmi either22:00
jbatistaandycc: that option seems to be gone in 2.30.2-0ubuntu122:01
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jbatistaandycc: but is still in 2.29.6-0ubuntu522:01
jbatistaandycc: I just wanted to make sure it wasn't just me... :)22:02
andyccjbatista: hmm. You're right. I can't seem to find the option either...22:02
jbatistaandycc: ok time for a bug report then ;)22:03
jbatistaandycc: thanks for the confirmation22:03
datacrusherhello! im having some odd issues with my ubuntu instalation. Iv installed 8.04 and been updating since 10.04, but now some odd things, like sometimes dont detecting my external audio board, my 3g modem and so on... I got /home separated, but im concerned if i do a reinstall some odd configurations would still be there... how would be the best move to "renew" my ubuntu instalation, without losing data? bur purging the trouble?22:03
datacrusherbur = but22:03
andyccjbatista: you have a launchpad account, right?22:03
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jbatistaandycc: yep22:04
jbatistaandycc: why?22:04
andyccjbatista: just asking.22:04
jbatistaandycc: ok22:04
isleshocky77I have a script in /id-up.d/ which obviously runs as root, but then I (as a normal user) cannot modify the process. What's the best way of having it run the script and change the process to me?  I've seen putting su username at the top of the file. Anything better?22:04
Midlerandycc: any other ideas?22:05
andyccMidler: sorry, no.22:05
HTT-BirdI'm sitting next to a friend with a Gateway M275 convertible.  He's trying to install Lucid on it...and he gets a screen with a bunch of filled box characters on it then a blank-screen hang shortly after configuring the sensors stuff22:06
HTT-Bird(btw, noapic is no good in his case)22:06
andyccHTT-Bird: acpi=off?22:06
allielooking for some help installing the drivers for my printer22:07
andyccallie: what printer?22:07
alliehave gone looking on my own but still don't quite get it...i get lost :S22:07
allieandycc: a canon pixma mp56022:08
HTT-Birdandycc, he's tried apic=off acpi=off22:08
andyccallie: let me look that one up...22:08
HTT-Birdno wait...22:08
HTT-Birdit's apic=off lapic=off22:08
HTT-Birdhe hasn't tried acpi=off22:08
allieandycc: thanks so much...i've downloaded the drivers already..22:08
andyccallie: ...there are downloadable drivers for Canon printers?22:09
alliewell...files that i have to open in the terminal...22:09
HTT-Birdandycc, should he try acpi=off?22:10
andyccHTT-Bird: maybe.22:10
allieandycc: this is the site i've been trying to get thru22:10
andyccallie: oh thank you for that.22:10
jagsI'm trying to make a shortcut for nautilus with no success, anyone have an idea how to go about it, I'm using gconf-editor apps/metacity/global_keybindings/ but none of the changes I make seem to do anything.  Any ideas?22:11
RoastedHere's a fun problem. I can log into my Ubuntu system just fine, but if I lock my system and try to log back in, it says incorrect password. Yes - I'm using the EXACT same PW to log in initially as I am to unlock the computer.22:12
sonerjags: do you want to make a simple shortcut? did you try ln?22:12
andyccallie: you should simply run install.sh as specified by that tutorial.22:12
RippZzZI just upgraded to Ubuntu 10.04.1. Grub seems to default at memtest, and spend like only 1 second before choosing Memtest. Is there any way to change the default OS loaded by Grub?22:12
jagssoner, I want to make <Super>e open nautilus22:12
andyccRoasted: watch out for the locale. Left me hanging too.22:12
Midlererror was -> using propietary from ubuntu repo22:12
jagswhat is ln?22:13
Midlerinstalling newest driver from nvidia = solved my problem22:13
soneryou can create a shortcut file with the command ln22:13
pw-toxichi,  how can i set permissions of my samba server? i want my windows system to have access to my ubuntu files22:13
Roastedandycc, pardon?22:13
=== _jesse_ is now known as _jesse_|afk
jagspw-toxic, I found webadmin to be really helpful for setting up samba22:13
allieandycc: No command 'run' found, did you mean:   sorry..i just still get so lost with using the terminal...i don't do it enough..22:14
andyccRoasted: if you have multiple locales installed, watch out for which is selected at the unlock screen.22:14
pw-toxicjags, webmin is not compatible with ubuntu22:14
tripelbDrive me back to windoes will you?  again and again:  the following plug-in has crashed:  /opt/google/chrome/libgcflashplayer.so22:14
HTT-Birdjags, ln makes links (which are shortcut-like).  there are two types of links: hard links are a second name for the same file. symlinks point at a different file by storing its name and path in the symlink.  (regular ln makes hardlinks, use ln -s to make symlinks)22:14
andyccRoasted: I have US english and Romanian, and it sometimes breaks my symbols.22:14
jagsIt worked well for my setup22:14
rifterI need some help with command-line methods to configure xorg in ubuntu22:14
Roastedandycc, I'm not entirely sure I follow...22:14
rifternothing I have tried or read about has forked22:14
pw-toxicjags, which ubuntu version do you have?22:14
HTT-Birdtripelb, you tell me.  flash loves to blow its top.22:14
pw-toxicusing wemin is highly discuraged on the ubuntu wiki22:14
rifterdpkg-reconfigure just goes straight t o the prompt with no change22:15
andyccRoasted: do you have multiple languages installed?22:15
sonerhi cj_22:15
tripelbDrive me back to windows will you?  again and again:  the following plug-in has crashed:  /opt/google/chrome/libgcflashplayer.so  ---new 10.04 install.22:15
HTT-Birdandycc, acpi=off triggers the issue (and the block-things are multicolored too)22:15
Roastedandycc, I don't believe so. Its a default install as of 2 nights ago.22:15
jbatistabye bye22:15
sonertripelb: yeah I often get the same error22:15
andyccRoasted: so you don't, which means it's another issue.22:15
cj_I have an external hd with a backup of my old xp data that i had root kits and viruses and malware and junk so I had to reformat it... if i scan the external hd running ubuntu could it get infected22:16
blakkheimcj_: no22:16
* tripelb weeps with soner22:16
rifterthe xrandr method I read about requires x to be working to even work.  what is the point of that?22:16
cj_it couldt be cross platform22:17
rifterand every other method I read about for configuring x requires x to already be working because it is a gui22:17
slooksterpsvok I'm back sorry all22:17
jribrifter: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config22:17
* rifter laments for xf86config22:17
rifteryes I read that22:17
jribrifter: no you didn't because what you are saying contradicts what that page sasy22:17
rifternothing works there22:17
rifterokay I will look again22:17
jribrifter: and you haven't even told us what you want to do22:17
rifterlok all I need to do is specify a resolution22:18
sonercj_: I don't think viruses can be very effective under linux22:18
jribrifter: that should be there22:18
cj_So, rootkits wouldn't have a section of code for dicking with the level 3 ring of the os22:18
rifterI want o tell x to use a specific resolution because it is not detectingthe lcd monitor right and for some reason it decides t o pick the most outrageous widescreen resolution instead22:18
jribrifter: that's fine, that page (or a link in it) covers that22:18
rifterokay I already said I tried to configure xorg22:19
rifterall I got was a new prompt22:19
HTT-Birdcj_, more like very few pieces of malware are written to be able to handle both WIndows and Linux22:19
jribrifter: ok, now try with what the page says22:19
jrib!who | rifter22:19
ubotturifter: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)22:19
* HTT-Bird pings andycc 22:19
coz_cj_,   if you want you can install rkhunter22:19
* andycc replies to HTT-Bird's ping22:19
=== jeremy is now known as Guest43374
rifterall it says to do is that sudo Xorg -configure will give you an initial xorg file22:20
rifterin order to put modes in that file I need modelines22:20
coz_cj_,   then run sudo rkhunter --update  then sudo rkhunter --propupd   then    sudo rkhunter -c22:20
HTT-Birdandycc, acpi=off also triggers the same issue.22:20
rifterand unless some configuration tool makes those I can't just come up with them from my head22:20
andyccHTT-Bird: sorry, helping out allie right now. Might be a video card issue.22:21
rifterI've edited xorg.conf files before, but if there are no modes in there at all, what can I do?22:21
andyccrifter: no xorg.conf in Lucid.22:21
jribrifter: if you want to get my attention, use my nick.  And please stop using the enter key as punctuation; keep your responses on a single line.  You want to configure resolution, so click the link on that page about resolution (it tells you the tool to make those)22:21
rifterandycc, this was on karmic but I will try lucid tonight22:21
rifterjrib, sorry I forgot to do that22:21
HTT-Bird(the boxes also happen to be full of colorful garbage...considering that it happens right after it goes to set the sensors limits, maybe something video-related on an I2C bus somewhere decided to retaliate when probed...? sound like a good theory andycc?)22:22
andyccrifter: karmic too, I think.22:22
=== curtis is now known as Guest66415
rifterandycc, well I saw one but yes it is basically empty because xorg just does everything automatically.  but if that does not work, you can put things in xorg.conf and it is supposed to honor that22:22
Guest66415Hi i need help to give a new start up application the power of sudo (adminstration rights) I tried doing this in visudo (%admin ALL=NOPASSWD: setpci) but there is a syntex problem or is there a beter method of doing this22:23
andyccrifter: I guess so.22:23
danieldd1I'm trying to organize my music. I've renamed all my songs so the filename is the song name. Is there any way to automatically set each song's name in the file metadata so it will be the same as his filename?22:23
andyccHTT-Bird: not a HW expert, but sounds plausible22:23
jribGuest66415: what do you want to accomplish exactly?22:23
Jordan_URippZzZ: Could you pastebin your /etc/default/grub and your /boot/grub/grub.cfg ?22:23
rifterjrib, what link about resolution.  the only thing on that page is sudo Xorg -configure and an explanation of where the xorg.conf file is22:23
rifterjrib, or all I see on it22:24
RippZzZJordan_U: NM, I googled and figured it out22:24
Jordan_URippZzZ: What was the problem out of curiosity?22:24
jribrifter: the one that says "Display resolution configuration": https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution22:24
RippZzZThe default OS it was loading was Memtest...and I think the timeout was like 3 seconds22:24
cj_I should probally also scan for viruses on an account other than the root ....22:24
rifterjrib, this is the problem.  I'm in a situation where I am not at the computer but will be tonight.  it's not my computer.  I was trying to fix it last night22:25
jribdanieldd1: I guess you can grab your favorite scripting language and do it.  Maybe try easytag22:25
ePiratbtw, i solved the graphic problem22:25
RippZzZI wasn't watching carefully as Grub loaded22:25
RippZzZso it went to Memtest after the 3 seconds22:25
rifterjrib, by the way for some reason booting from the cd was no joy either.  it rsulted in an undisplayable resolution, even in "safe video mode"22:25
alvenplease I need some help on how do I create a dual boot as I installed xp under ubunu V.9.04 using virtualbox22:26
Guest66415jrib I got a program called brightung it alowes me to change the brightness of my net book because my samsung n150 brightness keys dont work. this prgram needs to start up on star up with sudo rights22:26
rifterjrib, okay I still don't see that link on that page but I will look at that link22:26
danieldd1jrib: I'm a PHP programmer, so I thought about doing it - Only problem I can't find any information on how to change (or even read) the song's name... Can you point me to the right term I should use?22:26
rifterjrib, oh yes that page22:26
rifterjrib, imagine my horror when I found out that xrandr needs x to work to work22:26
jribdanieldd1: there's the mutagen library for python, there are probably tons of these things22:27
jribrifter: that's not the only method there...22:27
earthling_Is there a gui for laptop-mode-tools ?  and is it ok to install it on a desktop computer?22:27
rifterjrib, I tried everything on that page but since xrandr just said it couldn't talk to an x server that was no joy22:27
=== Guest43374 is now known as 18VABKBZK
culsegany ideas on my issue in this: https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+question/12658122:27
rifterjrib, I have tried everything on that page.  I actually downloaded the page and brought it with me to view in lynx and work from it22:27
Guest66415jrib any ideas how i can fix this22:27
yossmani just got everything working properly on a toshiba satellite C650D (2010)22:27
jribrifter: you wrote your own xorg.conf?22:27
illytacosHi folks, long story but I'm trying to take users and file permissions from a server running ubuntu 9.04 and put them on a different server running 10.04. I'm trying to build a test environment without having to recreate all the groups and users. Any easy way to do this?? Thanks for the amazing work and taking the time to help!!22:27
yossmani want to post something to ubuntuforums.org about how i did it, anyone got suggestions where i should post it22:28
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llutzdanieldd1: look for tools like kid3, easytag or id3v222:28
Guest66415Here are the instructions i have http://www.pietrobattiston.it/brightung/22:28
rifterjrib, no because, again, I can't come up with modelines from the top of my head22:28
jribrifter: and again, that page doesn't tell you to.22:28
alvenmay I ask for a help?22:28
rifterjrib, and xrandr just didn'ty work so nothiong relating  to that worked22:28
noobster987can somebody pls explain the difference between "mount -t proc proc /mnt/linux/proc" und "mount --bind /proc /mnt/linux/proc"?22:28
danieldd1jrib: Or even to the unix terminal function I can use in order to change the audio information of a file?22:28
jribrifter: if you take the time to read the page carefully you will be able to configure your resolution22:29
alvenplease I need some help on how do I create a dual boot as I installed xp under ubunu V.9.04 using virtualbox22:29
rifterjrib, okay I am confued.  it clearly says to put  things like "Modeline        "1280x1024_60.00"  108.88  1280 1360 1496 1712  1024 1025 1028 1060  -HSync +Vsync" in the file22:29
jribdanieldd1: maybe try #bash.  If you know python, use a python library22:29
jribGuest66415: what was your line in sudoers again?22:29
rifterjrib, and since i can't get the information I need for that from the xorg log, or xrandr, I need something else22:29
jribrifter: and?22:29
rifterjrib, something that lets me just say "I want 1024x768 60hz please22:29
Guest66415jrib %admin ALL=NOPASSWD: setpci22:30
Guest66415jrib it gives me a syntex error tho22:30
rifterjrib, you might notice that what I pasted is called a modeline22:30
rifterjrib, n modelines, no modes, so you can't set what mode to use22:30
jribrifter: so create the modeline.  Your browser can probably search web pages, so tell it to show you all occurences of "modeline" on that page and read those sentences22:30
rifterjrib, that is what I am asking you about because I haven't foudn anything like that in years and usually there was some command line tool that would just do that22:31
th_what is the best lightweight login manager? im now using gdm but its too slow for a netbook22:31
rifterjrib, I only came here after days of going through the internet and coming back to the machine to try different things22:31
jribrifter: I'm not sure how I can be any clearer without just copying the page and pasting it back to you.  The page tells you the tool to use and how to use it.22:31
llutzth_: xdm, slim22:31
rifterjrib, it says to use xrandr and the xorg log.  I just t old you those do not work22:32
jribrifter: keep reading.22:32
th_llutz, is slim fully in dev?22:32
jribrifter: if you would just read the page carefully, you would know how to do this already22:32
Guest66415jrib The “setpci” command must be given with superuser rights. This can be done in several ways: for instance by using the command “visudo” to add the line22:32
rifterjrib, I did I swearI know it doesn't sound like that, but if I actually went into detail on what I did it would be a novel22:33
danieldd1llutz: jrib: Thanks. I now found this tags are called "id3", so I can look for PHP classes to edit them.22:33
rifterjrib, from that page, my choices are xrandr, the xorg log, or windows22:33
rifterjrib, I don't have windows22:33
jribrifter: I think it's called cvt, I don't have the page open anymore though.  Do you see where it ttalks about that?22:33
rifterjrib, yes cvt needs xrandr to work22:33
rifterjrib, since it does not, I skipped that22:33
jribrifter: are you sure?  What happens when you try?22:33
jribGuest66415: one sec22:34
etherealitejrib %admin ALL=NOPASSWD: ALL22:34
llutzth_: according to their berlios-site its still active22:34
jribetherealite: he wants it just for one command22:34
rifterjrib, when I try xrandr it says it cannot talk to x.  the instructions say to use cvt to tell xrandr what to do22:34
Jordan_UGuest66415: Did you actually try running "sudo setpci"? Does it give an error or ask for a password?22:34
jribrifter: you don't use xrandr, just cvt to get the modeline22:34
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cadmAny one have an idea of why virt-install complains of missing xen on a kvm install?22:34
jrib!away > _jesse_22:34
ubottu_jesse_, please see my private message22:34
avi_!away > avi_22:35
ubottuavi_, please see my private message22:35
Guest66415Jordan_U, no i did not run it i need to give it sudo right when computer starts up22:35
brontoeeehow to expand bookmarks menu when places is open?22:36
Jordan_UGuest66415: Though actually that page greatly understates the security problems with allowing setpci to be run with sudo without a password. Setpci can damage hardware if used incorrectly of malliciously.22:36
_jesse_jrib: apologies, forgot I was in this channel22:36
brontoeeeor maybe make a new bookmarks pulldown on some panel?22:37
Guest66415Jordan_U, realy so what do you sugest i need this program to work22:37
rifterjrib, okay I will try that.  at least it is a bone.  Thank you for trying to help.  I don't get why ten years ago we had tools that you could just answer questions about your monitor and you'd get a working configuration, but with all our advances now we don't.  I also would have been happy if at least I could have found some kind of boot option that would force ubuntu to use a given res; maybe there is but I didn't find that either22:37
MattTheComputerGI just installed the latest ubuntu-server over an old gentoo installation, snd now the bios hangs when its gose to list the drives, it also dose the same thing when i try to enter the bios22:37
jribrifter: I guess the problem is that they're trying to make it so you don't have to answer any questions and then when the magic doesn't work the user is lost :/22:38
rifterjrib,  Please understand my frustration is not with you, and probably it is affecting my concentration on this problem22:38
jribrifter: no problem, sorry if I seemed frustrated at times as well as I was about to step out to buy groceries :P22:38
rifterjrib, thank you for pointing out that that took can help// it may be the magic bullet22:39
Guest66415Jordan_U, so22:39
rifterjrib, I am also bringing lynx and meercat this time22:39
Jordan_UGuest66415: I'm not sure.22:39
illytacosHi folks, long story but I'm trying to take users and file permissions from a server running ubuntu 9.04 and put them on a different server running 10.04. I'm trying to build a test environment without having to recreate all the groups and users. Any easy way to do this?? Thanks for the amazing work and taking the time to help!! Sorry for reposting :-/ going deaf from the server on my desk :)22:39
MoleboyGuys, I'm having an issue in my terminal22:39
jribrifter: yeah, maybe lucid will "just work" which would be nice22:39
Guest66415Jordan_U, what type of damage and why would this cause it22:39
MoleboyI cannot access anything as root...can someone help me?22:40
rifterjrib, yes and then maybe I will bite the bullet and upgrade my main to lucid22:40
MattTheComputerGI just installed the latest ubuntu-server over an old gentoo installation, snd now the bios hangs when its gose to list the drives, it also dose the same thing when i try to enter the bios22:40
rifterjrib, I was embarrassed when I couldn't make this work, but I told the person I would ask you guys and mayeb get a better answer22:40
jribrifter: what exactly happens?  X just fails to start?22:41
danieldd1How do I restart Apache and PHP?22:41
jribdanieldd1: sudo service apache2 restart   (are you sure you actually want to restart it not just reload the config)22:41
MoleboyCan someone clarify how to access my terminal as root?22:41
jrib!root | Moleboy22:41
ubottuMoleboy: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo22:41
Guest66415jrib so do you know how i can get his to work http://www.pietrobattiston.it/brightung/22:41
danieldd1jrib:  installed the getid3 for PHP. So should I restart or reload?22:42
jribGuest66415: I think someone asked you before about whether or not "sudo setpci" worked in a shell without asking for a password, does it?22:42
illytacosMoleboy: sudo bash is a quick way then enter the password22:42
jribdanieldd1: oh, not sure.  If it doesn't already work, try reload, then restart, and you'll find out :)22:43
jribMoleboy: read what ubottu sent you instead of just blindly typing "sudo bash", it's not the best way22:43
illytacossorry jrib22:43
jribillytacos: yeah, "sudo -i" is better if you need a root shell22:44
MoleboyI'm just switching distros from Debian, and could not use su...so I was just confused22:44
Moleboyhehe, I appreciate the help :-)22:44
illytacosah cool jrib thanks for the tip. I've always been doing sudo bash22:44
DelitedI've installed apache2 etc with command ( apt-get install apache2 mysql-server phpmyadmin ) But it wount find phpmyadmin. itsays its not found while browsing  to localhost/phpmyadmin.. help ?22:44
rifterjrib, well it all started when I stupidly uinstalled updates to the system, which was working fine.  one of those updates was the nvidia driver, which broke on install.  I should have read the log first and seen that the module was actually just not loading, because if I had I would not have messed with the xorg conf in the way I initially did.  I purged the nvidia stuff when I noticed that, and then tried to get xorg to let me reconfi22:44
riftergure it, but it wouldn't even when i moved all the conf files elsewhere so it wouldn't try to use any of the stuff nvidia or I had done. I should have looked at the processes, but what seems to happen now is xorg starts, then can't detect the legitemate modes for the monitor, and tries the highest widescreen resolution it can (on a non-widescreen monitor).  The monitor is chinese, and the model number is in chinese characters22:44
DelitedI've installed apache2 etc with command ( apt-get install apache2 mysql-server phpmyadmin ) But it wount find phpmyadmin. itsays its not found while browsing  to localhost/phpmyadmin.. help ?22:45
rifterjrib, when I start xrandr, it says it cannot talk to the display22:45
jribrifter: can't you just reinstall the nvidia modules?22:45
danieldd1jrib: Both of them doesn't seem to work. I guess i'll install a program which supports command-line id3 tag editing and then just call it from PHP. Thanks anyway :)22:46
jribGuest66415: anyway just note that what you put in your sudoers allows you to run "sudo setpci" and you will not be asked for a password (as long as you are in the admin group).  I'm leaving now22:46
rifterjrib, I could, sure, but I was hoping to get generic xorg working and set the actual best resolution rather than my safe guess before installing  the nvidia stuff.  That was my worst mistake.  I took a computer that was on a widescreen monitor to this place, with a different monitor, and did not change the nvidia xconfig before updating the driver22:46
Guest66415jrib it askes for a password i need to make it not ask for one22:47
rifterjrib, that is defintely one thing I will try22:47
Guest66415jrib how do i do that22:47
jribGuest66415: anyway just note that what you put in your sudoers allows you to run "sudo setpci" and you will not be asked for a password (as long as you are in the admin group).  I'm leaving now22:47
DelitedI've installed apache2 etc with command ( apt-get install apache2 mysql-server phpmyadmin ) But it wount find phpmyadmin. itsays its not found while browsing  to localhost/phpmyadmin.. help ?22:48
Guest66415jrib but what command do i wright to make that work22:48
illytacosDelited: another way I've done sudo apt-get install lamp^ very fast way to get LAMP up and running22:48
jribGuest66415:  %admin ALL=NOPASSWD: setpci     in /etc/sudoers is correct.  Use "visudo" to edit /etc/sudoers22:48
=== synackfin1 is now known as synackfin
Guest66415jrib i do that then it says danger22:48
jribGuest66415: "it says danger" is too vague22:49
Guest66415jrib >>> /etc/sudoers: syntax error near line 30 <<<22:49
jribGuest66415: pastebin your /etc/sudoers22:49
pudgypaw$ /etc/init.d/apache2 restart //Restart Apache22:49
illytacosDelited: try in synaptic search for phpmyadmin it should be there22:50
rifterjrib, plus the thing is that the module not loading is an indication the installation did not work right, and when the installation on nvidia drivers goes bad, the uninstallation breaks too in my experience.  I've been in situations where the upgrade broke and then all I could do is either figure out how to manually remove it (because the reaosn it broke was the ubuntu uninstall didn't happen right but then it installed something new o22:50
riftern top, which apparently confuses the nvidia uninstall scripts too) or reinstall ... at least that is what it seemed.  there might have been a better way, but not knowing it if I whack at something long enough with no joy the big guns become more palatable22:50
Guest66415jrib k give me a sec22:50
pudgypawwait are you sure only phpmyadmin isn't parsing?22:50
Delitedillytacos,  it coulndt find lamp with apt-get22:50
pudgypawi'm running into the problem this week: NO php is parsing for me22:50
illytacosDelited: you need the ^ at the end of it22:50
jrib!lamp > pudgypaw22:51
ubottupudgypaw, please see my private message22:51
pudgypawand i had a solid setup for the past 6 months22:51
jribpudgypaw: that page gives you troubleshooting steps for your issue22:51
Delitedillytacos, I have22:51
Delitedno result22:51
carandraugDelited, you use tasksel to install lamp, not apt-get22:51
carandraugDelited, sudo tasksel install lamp-server22:51
litropyHi, peeps. i installed KDE at one point so I could check out kdm. I then switched back to gnome. I like KDE-based apps such as yakuake, but I wonder if other processes such as knotify klauncher kglobalaccelkdeinit4 should be running. I also get a Kubuntu splash upon shutdown. Is there a way to further remove kde, but still leave yakuake and other programs I like?22:52
illytacosweird I've done it that way in the past... like literally a few minutes ago on the server that is making me go deaf. speaking of which I need help too22:52
pudgypawjrib: thanks, but I've done LAMP, apache+php, nginx+fastcgi, etc22:52
jribpudgypaw: that page gives you troubleshooting steps for your issue22:52
illytacosHi folks, long story but I'm trying to take users and file permissions from a server running ubuntu 9.04 and put them on a different server running 10.04. I'm trying to build a test environment without having to recreate all the groups and users. Any easy way to do this?? Thanks for the amazing work and taking the time to help!! Sorry for reposting :-/ going deaf from the server on my desk :)22:52
pudgypawi've done tons of builds but things are suddenly breaking22:52
Guest66415jrib http://pastebin.com/78LjnKtp22:52
llutzGuest66415: add a newline at the end of the sudoers-file22:53
jribGuest66415: give the full path for setpci22:53
=== eddie is now known as Guest26364
Guest66415jrib whats the full path22:54
* illytacos cries22:54
jribGuest66415: « which setpci » will tell you22:54
pudgypawhas anyone tried a fresh build today and got php to parse?22:54
Guest66415jrib /usr/bin/setpci22:55
pudgypawi'm talking LAMP stack but also understand APache/php or nginx_php/fastcgi22:55
jribGuest66415: yes, use that as the command instead of "setpci"22:55
AndrewMCillytacos: Try #ubuntu-server22:55
rifterjrib, I was really puzzled when the boot disk also provided an undreadable resolution.   have used ubuntu from cd on that monitor before, just on a different computer, and it worked fine22:55
jribpudgypaw: did you try the troubleshooting steps on the page ubottu linked you to already?22:56
jribrifter: weird22:56
Jordan_Ujrib: It looks like the script just needs to run two commands, 'sudo setpci -s 00:02.0 F4.B' and 'sudo setpci -s 00:02.0 F4.B=%x' where %x is an integer. I think that an entry can be made that will only allow setpci to be run with that set of commands which would be more secure, but don't know the syntax off the top of my head.22:56
hmwi am trying to make a web page play a sound in firefox (a chat, "beep" if my name is mentioned) - please help me out, what should I search the web for?22:56
illytacosAndrewMC: thanks! I'll give it a whirl.22:56
Guest66415jrib ok i think it worked THanks so much ill have to test it now22:56
rifterjrib, yeah so I am bringing over a different monitor, too, which is exactly like the one I am using now so it will definitely work22:56
Guest66415jrib is it dangerous what i did22:56
jribGuest66415: see what Jordan_U said.  I'm not sure of the syntax either Jordan_U22:56
pudgypawalso, did 50+ builds this week alone trying to solve the issue, it seems centered around PHP repo and it only started breaking this week, suspecting repo sys22:56
jribrifter: good idea22:57
jribpudgypaw: "php repo"?22:57
Guest66415jrib well hopefuly its not because this isnt my computer its a friends22:57
pudgypawphp repositories22:57
Guest66415jrib im gona test it now22:57
jribGuest66415: well the issue is a setpci command won't prompt for a password anymore for users in the admin group22:57
pudgypawi mean what you get when you "sudo apt-get install php5, etc"22:57
jribpudgypaw: php works fine for me on lucid.  I've never encountered a scenario where the troubleshooting steps didn't uncover the problem22:58
pudgypawjrib: php worked fine for me too up till last week.. i could run through everything.. again22:59
pudgypawtried apache+php, LAMP, nginx+php/fastcgi, on EC2-AMI, virtualbox, Slicehost, dedicated hosting, etc23:00
jribpudgypaw: find the common denominator I guess23:00
pudgypawjrib: after 5 days of different combos I'm pegging it at the php repo, but doubing myself too lol23:01
curtisjrib It worked Thanks23:01
Infoverloaddoes anyone here use bitlbee? I found it through Synaptic Package Manager, installed it, and now I don't see it anywhere...23:01
=== curtis is now known as Guest47095
jribpudgypaw: well if that was the case, there would be a pretty popular bug open I imagine23:01
blakkheimInfoverload: whereis bitlbee23:02
pudgypawjrib: exactly, should have blown wide open by now if it was the case23:02
blakkheimInfoverload: probably in /usr/bin23:02
allielove the ubuntu community! always get the best of help !see you next time!23:02
windowshasyoupudgypaw: Thats what happens when you use a distro that insists on modifying the source to the point where its no longer recognizable23:02
pudgypawwindowshasyou: well, i didn't get into this until 4 months ago.. was a bio major23:03
slooksterpsvInfoverload: you can find it via terminal by typing locate bitlbee23:03
pudgypawubuntu was my natural entry point for linuxworld23:03
slooksterpsvInfoverload - it's in /usr/sbin23:04
pudgypawtime to shove all my configs on fresh builds again x.x23:04
MattTheComputerGcan somebody help me with my server rpboblems23:05
Infoverloadslooksterpsv: thanks!23:06
earthling_Is there a gui for laptop-mode-tools ?  and is it ok to install it on a desktop computer?23:06
gerzelQ: I downloaded 10.10beta last night and attempted to install it today.  During the boot process it landed in a busybox console and seemed to be complaining that it was unable to mount something called loop4.  Sorry but I didn't write down the exact wording and have forgotten.  Are there any known issues/workaround with the 10.10b amd64 cd I should know about?23:07
AndrewMCMattTheComputerG: Try in #ubuntu-server23:08
DOOOOOOOOOOODIs the new Ubuntu 10.10 Beta good? Watching a video on it..23:08
DOOOOOOOOOOODShould I get Ubuntu 10.10 Beta or wait till the full version?23:08
DOOOOOOOOOOODI got 10.5.4 or w\e now23:09
halvorsI updated my Ubuntu 10.10 beta today, but then Skype stopped work23:09
halvorsI have tested it on 4 computers.23:09
halvorsAnd Skype doesn't work.23:09
linxehDOOOOOOOOOOOD: are you a developer ?23:09
DOOOOOOOOOOODHow do you update and keep everything?23:09
gerzelDOOOOOOOOOOD: I do not know if it is any good.  I have yet to get it installed.  If you are unsure and you need your computer to be reliable use the stable version.23:09
linxehDOOOOOOOOOOOD: use 10.04. update when it comes out - the update manager will do it for you.23:10
Jordan_Ugerzel: #ubuntu+1 for 10.1023:10
DOOOOOOOOOOODOk, thnx Linxeh23:10
Protomolehey, can I get some help installing a file? I'm new to linux, have my video drivers and everything installed, and am trying to install vendetta online...23:10
ProtomoleI have the .sh, but I'm unclear how to run it23:11
gerzelDOOOOOOOD: The beta is for developers and those like me who have a back-up system and just want to play around with it out of curiosity(aka guineepigs)23:11
DOOOOOOOOOOODgerzel: could I mess with it in Virtual Box23:11
ProtomoleI followed the instructions on the website, to no avail23:11
gerzelDOOOOOOD: Yes you certainly could do that if you were so inclined.23:11
ProtomoleDOOOOOOOOOOOD: May I inquire what to do? @.@23:12
plovsDOOOOOOOOOOOD: sure using it in Vbox is a great way to test23:12
DOOOOOOOOOOODOk, thanks everyone! I'm gonna go try it now and chat while I examine it :D23:12
DOOOOOOOOOOODI love Xchat, a friendly environment that's..23:12
DOOOOOOOOOOOD.that's helpfull23:13
unpersonI'm having some display problems and hoping someone can point me in the right direction for troubleshooting.  If I login and then select switch users it simply takes me to a black screen with nothing but the mouse pointer.  From there I can switch to other virtual consoles, and if I hit Ctrl+Alt+F7 I get the prompt as though I'd locked the screen.  However, there seems to be no way to actually switch to another user's desktop.23:13
datacrusherhello, im reinstalling ubuntu on my notebook, but besides the windows partition, i got a 10gb / folder, is it too shallow?23:13
deryldependso n what you intall23:13
unpersonThe machine is running an up-to-date copy of lucid, lspci reports the video chipset as Radeon RV200 QW [Radeon 7500], and lsmod seems to show the "radeon" driver in use.23:13
derylerr depends on what you install (damn typos)23:13
DOOOOOOOOOOODI love Ubuntu23:14
ProtomoleSomeone, please?23:14
Protomoleugh, nevermind, I gotta go23:14
derylunperson ~ install the fglrx kernel module23:14
derylapt-cache search fglrx23:14
unpersonderyl, It looks as though my chipset is not supported.23:14
RichiHProtomole: chmod +x foo.sh23:14
deryland change the Driver "radeon" line in /etc/X11/xorg.conf to Driver "fglrx" and restart23:14
derylhrmm i was sure it was23:14
RichiHProtomole: also, asking all the time is considered rude23:14
ProtomoleI'm sorry, but I felt a tad ignored, adn like my message was going by the wasteside23:15
unpersonderyl, I don't the proprietary driver as an option if I go through the hardware drivers dialog.23:15
derylwell never hurts to try it anyways :shrug:23:15
unpersonderyl, I'm not sure I ever found iron-clad word one way or another.  (All my previous experience is with Nvidia, where this is pretty straightforward)23:16
RichiHProtomole: irc can be overwhelming, at first ;)23:16
slooksterpsvunperson - what was the issue? unable to install graphics on...23:16
RichiHbut people see & answer, most of the time23:16
derylunperson ~ ahh never used an nvidia23:16
ProtomoleHehe, except I've been on IRC for  years <.<23:16
derylati or voodoos23:16
ProtomoleUsually chat channels though, rarely Support :-)23:16
unpersonderyl, Suffice it to say, I did try it and it was still exhibiting similar but slightly different pathological behavior.23:16
csmith1994hey guys, how can I insert alt codes in writer, and are they the same numbers as they are on windows23:16
derylunperson ~ got ya23:16
loculinuxalguna minita23:17
RichiHin that case, you know how annoying it can be if a few people keep on spamming the same thing ;)23:17
unpersonslooksterpsv, If I try to switch users I just get a black screen with a mouse cursor.23:17
DOOOOOOOOOOODPinguy OS is sick23:17
unpersonslooksterpsv, From there I can still switch to other VCs.  And if I hit Ctrl+Alt+F7 I get back the prompt as though I'd locked the screen.23:17
slooksterpsvunperson - so have you installed the proprietary drivers yet?23:18
unpersonslooksterpsv, But there appears to be no way to actually switch to another user.23:18
slooksterpsvunperson - ok; and you said the drivers weren't installed correct?23:18
unpersonslooksterpsv, As I said, I tried to but got slightly different but similar pathological behavior.23:18
DOOOOOOOOOOODIs there any way I can install an os on a usb and install it to my computer via usb? I'm sick of waisting CD's lol23:18
slooksterpsvunperson - open a terminal and see if the command aticonfig works23:18
unpersonslooksterpsv, Also, it appeared to me that my chipset was not supported by the proprietary driver.23:19
unpersonslooksterpsv, Okay, one sec.23:19
erosswow i guess my mouse freeze issue is so common they deleted my post in ubuntu forums23:19
csmith1994I need this for french homework guys so also if you know the coodes for accent aigu accent greve circonflex and cedile that would be great23:19
DOOOOOOOOOOODeross: What's goin on?23:20
DOOOOOOOOOOODeross: with your mouse23:20
yossmanhttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1554604&page=2 i just added it to the end of this thread23:20
csmith1994eross do you have a netbook23:20
yossmanre: toshiba satellite C650D problems23:20
unpersonslooksterpsv, There doesn't appear to be any aticonfig command available.23:20
erossno desktop latest ubuntu23:20
yossmangot it all working23:20
slooksterpsvunperson - ok, that's alright, is this a desktop or mobile computer?23:20
csmith1994eross look at your function keys is there anything that looks like a mouse23:20
erossrunning awn/compiz  in blender or 3d game, if i hit middle mouse button and another button, it kills my mouse and i have to reboot.23:20
unpersonslooksterpsv, Desktop.  As I said before, lspci shows the chipset in question is Radeon RV200 QW [Radeon 7500]23:21
unpersonslooksterpsv, I don't know ATI cards, but I assume that's a pretty old one.23:21
slooksterpsvunperson - sorry i was away when all that was typed23:21
slooksterpsvunperson - it is I had one about 6-7 years ago23:21
unpersonslooksterpsv, Right, no problem.  Always appreciative of help.23:21
erossusing logitech wireless optical, has more buttons than 3-key mouse otherwise would fall back to wired one23:22
erossmouse doesn't die totally, i can move the middle scroll wheel side to side - btw i meant i hit the middle mouse scroll wheel as a button23:22
erossone solution was to remove irqbalance but didn't seem to be end-all23:23
slooksterpsvunperson - have you went through: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RadeonDriver - to try and resolve the issue? it uses the mesa driver instead of fglrx23:23
halvorsI want to run this executable.23:24
halvorsusing this command23:24
andycchalvors: chmod +x it.23:24
halvorsjava -jar minecraft.jar nogui.23:24
DOOOOOOOOOOODI sure wish Wine would work better lol23:24
dotaniti1Hello to all :)23:24
halvorsBut i have to startup automaticly.23:25
erossget ready DOOOOOOOOD, DX10/11 have made it into the gallium 3d drivers, whatever that means23:25
halvorsHow start the server in the folder /home/myuser/minecraft?23:25
andycceross: that means Linux is going to pwn Windows on its own terrain.23:25
halvorsi add this line in rc.local.23:25
agentgasmaskhalvors: You could try adding it to /etc/rc.local23:26
unpersonslooksterpsv, I did look at the info on chipsets there at one point.  I haven't gone through the troubleshooting.  I guess I can give that a shot.23:26
dotaniti1did one of you played with the montage app?23:26
halvorsjava -jar /home/myuser/minecraft.jar nogui23:26
halvorsBut then all output files where saved in /home/myuser not /home/myuser/minecraft...23:26
agentgasmaskhalvors: that is if you want to have it start on boot23:26
slooksterpsvunperson - more of uninstall fglrx and reinstall the mesa drivers23:27
halvorsBut how get started it from /home/myuser/minecraft using the rc.local file?23:27
slooksterpsvunperson - start at the section titled Removing the proprietary FLGRX Driver23:27
unpersonslooksterpsv, Yup, on it.  Thanks.  We'll see if it's useful.23:28
agentgasmaskhalvors: oh, sorry, after re-reading your posts, I don't think the rc.local file will help.23:28
jiffeanyone know a good way to troubleshoot pure-ftpd?  I have it setup to use pam_ldap which is returning 0 according to the logs (success), but it still says auth fails23:28
slooksterpsvunperson - let me know =D23:28
jiffeenabling verbose only shows the commands sent over the wire, nothing under the hood23:29
halvorsagentgasmask: How can i do it then?23:29
dotaniti1is there a way to send montage list of images written in a file?23:29
DOOOOOOOOOOODLinux pwns!23:29
agentgasmaskhalvors: hmmm, I'm googling now... I'll let you know if I find anything.23:30
bazhang!ot | DOOOOOOOOOOOD23:31
ubottuDOOOOOOOOOOOD: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!23:31
agentgasmaskhalvors: are you trying to run the client or the server?23:31
erosswhat is irqbalance for, can i remove it?23:32
DOOOOOOOOOOODAAAAAAAAAH! I'm outa wheat thins- my life is officaly over!23:32
halvorsFrom command line mode.23:32
agentgasmaskhalvors: ok, still looking.23:32
bazhangDOOOOOOOOOOOD, please stay on topic23:32
halvorsagentgasmask: Thanks :)23:32
slookI'm mobile so I can continue to try and help23:33
mmoebiusMy Nvidia-196 driver for Xorg cannot load its glx module (the Xorg glx module is loaded instead) How can I fix that  ?23:33
mmoebiusIt's a Xubuntu 10.0423:33
slooksterpsvnvm that didn't work :(23:34
=== Zach is now known as Guest79765
slooksterpsvunperson - how's that coming along so far?23:34
DOOOOOOOOOOODbazhang: sorry, I wil23:35
unpersonslooksterpsv, Ran through those instructions and restarted the machine.  The behavior seems basically the same, although not rather than being a blank screen on user switching it has a line through it (some garbled video output I guess).23:35
slooksterpsvunperson - ouch.. hmmm well there is a recommended configuration for your xorg file down below, let's go through that now23:36
agentgasmaskhalvors: I found the irc channel for minecraft: irc server: irc.esper.net  - Channel: #MineCraftHelp23:37
unpersonslooksterpsv, Okay, I'll take a look.  I assume you're thinking of the section on the "customized" Xorg.conf23:37
agentgasmaskI'll be happy to see you over there, and perhaps we can figure this out with the help of the guys over there.23:37
halvorsagentgasmask: But do you got an solotion?23:37
slooksterpsvunperson - yeah, otherwise you can try and delete the xorg.conf file and have it generate a new one (not recommended)23:37
unpersonslooksterpsv, The current Xorg.conf is extremely generic.23:38
agentgasmaskhalvors: I'm not a wiz at java, but I can hack around.23:38
mmoebiusBetter question: How Do i select between Xorg GLX/Opengl and Nvidia proprietary GLX/Opengl in ubuntu ?23:38
unpersonslooksterpsv, Certainly autogenerated at some point.23:38
slooksterpsvunperson - lets try to configure with the custom configuration, I had to do that with 6.06 to get 3d acceleration/composition23:39
slooksterpsvunperson - DRI and Composition for sure do that part23:40
unpersonslooksterpsv, I don't know if it's relevant, but when I did 'glxinfo | grep vendor' I get "Error: couldn't find RGB GLX visual or fbconfig"23:40
DOOOOOOOOOOODVirtual Box is REALLY laggy23:40
halvorsagentgasmask: Ok, so there is impossible to run it in the /home/myuser/minecraft directory?23:40
DOOOOOOOOOOODMy Machine won't load23:41
unpersonslooksterpsv, Okay, I'll give it a shot.23:41
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unpersonslooksterpsv, Should I do this by hand or via dpkg-reconfigure (if that's still possible).23:42
linus52Is there anyone here I can bounce issues with pam vs openldap ?23:43
slooksterpsvunperson - by hand first, we can always use dpkg-reconfigure later if we mess things up23:43
halvorsagentgasmask: ???23:43
Daniel1halvors: agent? what agent?!23:45
agentgasmaskhalvors: sorry, my irc clent crashed. I'm in the minecraft help channel if you want to give it a go over there. If not, I'm sure someone else on here will be able to help you23:45
unpersonslooksterpsv, Alright, I'm busily trying to construct it.  I'll bug you if I run into trouble.23:45
multipasshey, is there any apt-get for LAMP localhost server?23:45
Daniel1what kind of hex editor can i use?23:46
slooksterpsvunperson - ok, gksudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf - may ease the editing23:46
unpersonslooksterpsv, Heh, well I'm doing it in nano in a terminal.  :-)23:47
slooksterpsvunperson - I love nano/pico my fave editor =D23:48
Daniel1how can i access to the X terminal?23:48
slooksterpsvDaniel1 - X terminal like xterm?23:48
slooksterpsvDaniel1 - Press ALT+F2 and type in xterm into the box and choose run23:48
Daniel1oh thanks23:49
slooksterpsvDaniel1 - yw I like gnome-terminal personally23:49
Daniel1nano editor? Right23:50
slooksterpsvDaniel1 - yup nano or pico23:51
slooksterpsvDaniel1 - the best GUI, in my opinion, is Gnome in reference to Windows Managers23:52
slooksterpsvDaniel1 - GUI designer depends on what kind of GUI you want, GTK, wxWidgets, QT, etc.23:53
kneauxso...i'm trying to get an x with circumflex.23:53
kneauxthe unicode website says both that i can do it with <U+0058, U+0302> (specific example, even) and that Doulos SIL will support it. one or both of these things appears to be false. any suggestions?23:54
slooksterpsvDaniel1 - Glade for GTK and wx (personally) QT, someone would know better23:54
slooksterpsvunperson how's it going lol23:56
Daniel1how can i speed up my internet connection?23:58
unpersonslooksterpsv, Well, I wrote the new Xorg.conf.  I included basically everything from that section except the "virtual" line.23:59
slooksterpsvunperson - good lol, I gotta go now going out of town for a few hours23:59
unpersonslooksterpsv, okay23:59

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