jrmy | !quake | 03:27 |
ubottu | Quake runs natively under Ubuntu - See http://zerowing.idsoftware.com/linux/quake4/ for details | 03:27 |
jrmy | !quake 3 | 03:27 |
ubuXubu | good morning people of xubuntu. | 05:53 |
ubuXubu | can xubuntu be fine tuned to use a flash drive as virtual memory (pagefile) to increase its overall memory? | 06:00 |
=== ronia is now known as tronia | ||
visitor1 | anybody in here managed to get smooth 1080p playback from mkv. files? | 12:06 |
edakiri | Is there a convenient image viewer which will not bring down a computer by attempting to thumbnail very large dimensioned images (which may be small in file size) in a directory? | 12:06 |
visitor1 | i already tried smplayer but to no good | 12:07 |
edakiri | No (mkv) | 12:07 |
edakiri | visitor1: best luck i have had is with mplayer. see doc or faq for speeding playback | 12:07 |
eeffoc | There | 13:25 |
eeffoc | s always so many people in here for no one to ever be talking, lmao... | 13:25 |
Sysi- | xubuntu works too well :P | 13:25 |
eeffoc | This is true! Maybe I'll join the Windows chat! hahaha | 13:25 |
eeffoc | There are never any problems with xubuntu, it's just inexperienced users like myself looking for help. | 13:27 |
psycho_oreos | !ask | 13:27 |
ubottu | Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) | 13:28 |
visitor1 | anybody in here managed to get smooth 1080p playback from mkv. files? | 13:29 |
visitor1 | the hardware should be powerfull enough | 13:30 |
visitor1 | its a pentium 5200 with onboard nvidia 9400 | 13:31 |
Sysi- | visitor1: propietary driver? | 13:31 |
Sysi- | do you use compositing? | 13:32 |
visitor1 | i use the nvidia driver,195.36.24, and no compositing | 13:33 |
Sysi- | have you tried vlc? | 13:34 |
visitor1 | yes, i think ihave tried all the usual video player for ubuntu lol | 13:34 |
visitor1 | also this vdpau stuff | 13:35 |
Sysi- | then i think that nvidia isn't enough :P | 13:35 |
visitor1 | well i wouldnt think so but maybe you are right,have to test with windows | 13:36 |
nikolam | Bah. | 15:31 |
nikolam | I would like to set up my eeepc nbook, to be locked after coming back from screensaver/standy | 15:32 |
nikolam | also xscreensaver does not allow to switch user on xubuntu 10.04 | 15:32 |
nikolam | so i had to instal gnome-screensaver instead | 15:32 |
well_laid_lawn | I thought gnomescreensaver had that as an option | 15:35 |
eeffoc | if you want to set it up to lock from screensaver; make sure /usr/bin/gnome-screensaver is added as an "Autostarted Application under Xfce -> Settings -> Autostarted Applications | 15:43 |
charlie-tca | nikolam: you could just add the user-switcher applet to the panel | 15:44 |
charlie-tca | I don't think either screensaver has a "switch user" option. It is a separate applet in Ubuntu and Xubuntu | 15:45 |
Aicasn | in a shell script, what would case $UID not to be set? | 15:55 |
Aicasn | #!/bin/sh -e echo $UID prints nothing | 15:55 |
well_laid_lawn | Aicasn: try #!/bin/bash - sh = dash | 15:57 |
Aicasn | true. dash doesn't track $UID ? | 15:57 |
well_laid_lawn | obviously not... | 15:58 |
Aicasn | hmm. what's the POSIX way to check that user == superuser? | 15:58 |
well_laid_lawn | I don't know if dash has a -e option even | 15:58 |
Aicasn | it does | 15:59 |
well_laid_lawn | k | 15:59 |
well_laid_lawn | whoami maybe ? | 16:00 |
nikolam | charlie-tca, xscreensaver have "switch" but not working anymore on 10.04. Alo gnome-screensaver has switch user and it is working. It is important in times when screen is locked and someone else need to use desktop without logging off current user . | 16:01 |
nikolam | But my personal problem now is how to force screen locking when going on standby oand on screen saver activation | 16:01 |
nikolam | because it si nbook | 16:01 |
nikolam | it worked on 9.10 | 16:02 |
charlie-tca | Add the user switch applet to the pane, then you can switch users anytime you want to | 16:02 |
nikolam | ChanServ, | 16:02 |
nikolam | charlie-tca, right. but pane is not accesible if compoutee is locked! | 16:02 |
nikolam | my solution is to use gnome-screensaver | 16:03 |
charlie-tca | you are right. If the screen is locked, there should be no other user using it. If they can use it, they can also access your files | 16:03 |
nikolam | charlie-tca, they can not see other people files because they log in under separate loging credentials. Home user directory is preventing them from it | 16:04 |
nikolam | it is very normal on linux desktop to log in on same machine several times for several users | 16:05 |
charlie-tca | If I can log in on any name, I can also force the system to show me any files | 16:05 |
nikolam | only those that know username/password for user can use that user account. that is normal setting on any unix-like system. | 16:05 |
charlie-tca | If you think so | 16:06 |
Sysi- | xscreensaver does have option for "new login"? | 16:06 |
nikolam | Sysi, yes but not working pas 9.10 | 16:06 |
nikolam | i put gnome-screensaver package and it does what is suposed to. (removing xscreensaver) | 16:06 |
nikolam | problem I have is that does not get locked after coming up out of standby | 16:11 |
slow-motion | hi | 16:11 |
likemindead | Howdy, slow-motion. | 16:12 |
slow-motion | hi likemindead | 16:12 |
resixian | i made a desktop launcher for a custom shell script. the icon is present on the desktop but double clicking it only opens the file in mousepad | 17:25 |
charlie-tca | Did you make the file executable? | 17:26 |
charlie-tca | chmod +x FILENAME | 17:26 |
resixian | the .desktop file must be +x ? | 17:27 |
charlie-tca | no, the file you are trying to run, if it is a script | 17:27 |
resixian | it is a script and its 744 | 17:27 |
resixian | and i also tried another launcher with /bin/bash ~/.bin/myscript.sh | 17:28 |
charlie-tca | if ~/.bin/myscript.sh is not executable, it will not work | 17:28 |
resixian | it is executable. hence the '744' | 17:29 |
resixian | 7 meaning user has +rwx | 17:29 |
resixian | but thats not really the point anyway | 17:30 |
resixian | somehow xfce is not associated *.desktop files with the exo-<whatever the launcher app is> | 17:30 |
Sysi- | resixian: do you want it to be runned in xfce4-terminal from desktop? | 17:30 |
charlie-tca | 744 is executable only by owner. I think you need others too | 17:31 |
Sysi- | launcher would then be 'xfce4-terminal -x ~/.bin/myscript.sh' | 17:31 |
resixian | no terminal. its just a bash script that launches python gui | 17:32 |
resixian | but i got it | 17:32 |
charlie-tca | 744 is executable only by owner. I think you need others too | 17:32 |
resixian | the tilde is not expanded | 17:32 |
resixian | e.g. ~/.bin/myscript is not found | 17:33 |
charlie-tca | oh | 17:33 |
charlie-tca | Maybe it is using dash, which does not expand it | 17:33 |
resixian | i found this by trying 'exo-open ~/Desktop/Foo.desktop' | 17:33 |
Sysi- | try absolute path | 17:33 |
resixian | the absolute path is only needed int he .desktop file. from the cli ~ is expanded | 17:34 |
resixian | still had to associate the file with 'exo-open' | 17:35 |
resixian | which is wierd to me | 17:35 |
resixian | ty for the help | 17:36 |
resixian | charlie-tca: also 744 was enough | 17:37 |
charlie-tca | Okay. Glad you got it. | 17:38 |
resixian | another question. i keep having to re-enter wpa keys across reboots (for the same ap) | 17:42 |
resixian | on <my usual distro> i enter this in /etc/wpa_supplicant.conf | 17:43 |
resixian | is there something i must do from the network manager to make these persistent? | 17:43 |
charlie-tca | Not that I know of | 17:45 |
charlie-tca | I don't use wireless, myself | 17:45 |
charlie-tca | umm, have you tried entering it in /etc/wpa_supplicant.conf ? | 17:45 |
resixian | there doesn't seem to be one in xubuntu | 17:47 |
resixian | actually the whole network startup is borked. | 17:47 |
* charlie-tca seems to two for two today. That's enough, maybe | 17:48 | |
resixian | after boot neither eth0 or wlan0 are brought up. | 17:48 |
charlie-tca | I don't get a network manager icon, but it connects anyway | 17:49 |
Sysi- | my nm just connects to available network | 17:52 |
resixian | my interfaces are not even brought up | 17:53 |
resixian | ifconfig ath0/wlan0/eth1 all report 'no such device' | 17:53 |
resixian | arg.. except rebooting fixed that. | 17:54 |
resixian | must be some eeepc quirk. | 18:00 |
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