
SputScottK: even better? I mean I'm working on telepathic tab completion, but...00:41
ScottKSput: I think putting the person in the last line first on the tab complete list would reduce errors a lot.00:42
Sputhmmm... not sure about that, especially in larger channels with several unrelated conversations going on00:42
persiaSput, How are you implementing the telepathy for that?  Brain scan, or implied correct behaviour based on pattern analysis?00:43
Sputthe former should be easier00:43
SputI am also thinking about mind control, meaning that the IRC client will convince you that you *wanted* to tab the guy you tabbed00:43
persiaWe don't have BCI working for the computer output channel yet.  We do have 11-bit input kinda fuzzily: if you have a good idea how to have an HID provide the "telepathic" input based on that sort of thing, I'd really like to hear about it (and you can emulate the interface by fiddling with many-button-mice or extra keyboard keys)00:45
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=== Malkavian is now known as Malkavian_
CIA-116[muon] jmthomas * 1179271 * trunk/extragear/sysadmin/muon/kded/UpdateEvent/UpdateEvent.cpp Better handling of the coexistance of security and normal updates from a string point of view01:10
CIA-116[muon] jmthomas * 1179274 * trunk/extragear/sysadmin/muon/kded/UpdateEvent/UpdateEvent.cpp *Ahem*01:23
CIA-116[libqapt] jmthomas * 1179278 * trunk/extragear/sysadmin/libqapt/src/package.cpp QChar is more efficient in this case since it's a char, not a string01:48
CIA-116[libqapt] jmthomas * 1179279 * trunk/extragear/sysadmin/libqapt/src/backend.cpp Also check to see if the dpkg status file is newer than the xapian index, so that we can catch new packages installed directly via dpkg02:01
=== Guest10569 is now known as ryanakca
CIA-116[muon] jmthomas * 1179280 * trunk/extragear/sysadmin/muon/ (ChangeLog libmuon/MuonStrings.cpp muon/FilterWidget.cpp) Add an "apt-get autoremove" filter02:16
JontheEchidnaScottK: bug 647261 (lunchpad is still munching on skrooge)03:13
ubottuLaunchpad bug 647261 in kmymoney (Ubuntu) "Sync kmymoney 4.5-2 (universe) from Debian experimental (main)" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/64726103:13
JontheEchidnabug 64726203:16
ubottuLaunchpad bug 647262 in skrooge (Ubuntu) "Sync skrooge (universe) from Debian experimental (main)" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/64726203:16
ScottKJontheEchidna: Which one of those needed release team approval?03:19
JontheEchidnaskrooge will need an FFe03:19
JontheEchidnakmymoney is a packaging fix03:19
ScottKJontheEchidna: skrooge approved (it helps if you subscribe the release team ....)03:20
JontheEchidnaNo prob03:20
lex79ScottK: perhaps are you working on kwave?04:31
lex79JontheEchidna: can you upload kwave from here? https://launchpad.net/~alessandro-ghersi/+archive/ppa/+packages05:07
=== SolidLiq is now known as solid_liq
lex79JontheEchidna: also kmplayer from my ppa05:36
ScottKlex79: I'm hoping to find someone to fix the docbook stuff that's causing it to FTBFS.06:12
ScottKlex79: I'll grab it if JontheEchidna didn't already.06:12
ScottKlex79: Uploaded.06:18
lex79ScottK: thanks, also kmplayer needs upload06:18
ScottKYep.  Looking at that now.06:18
ScottKlex79: That one's uploaded too.  Thanks.  I'll accept them when they hit the queue too.06:21
ScottK(since Universe isn't frozen they don't need a release team review)06:21
lex79good, thanks :)06:21
ScottKlex79: Any chance you could look at ktoon on armel?06:25
ScottKlex79: Also don't forget to include me on the sponsors you invite to comment on your motu application.06:26
lex79ScottK: I'll look tomorrow, I'll not forget, thanks ;)06:27
macowhen i try to open videos from kmail attachments in dragon, dragon crashes immediately. anyone else?06:57
sheytanwhy do i have new kde 4.5.1  updates? ;D09:14
shadeslayerScottK: some of them yes...11:35
shadeslayeramarok is b0rked with phonon backend -.-11:42
ari-tczewshadeslayer: let's use clementine11:43
shadeslayerari-tczew: i was using that earilier... but i just use vlc backend now :P11:43
shadeslayermore likely that my phonon is borked11:44
shadeslayerits a git compile..11:44
shadeslayerapachelogger: pingly13:45
shadeslayerapachelogger: well... ive sorted the issue on how to parse args to zsync, cant actually think of a way to start a new progress dialog and kill the original widget, needz help14:03
shadeslayerapachelogger: http://gitorious.org/qzsync/qzsync/commit/cfabfe8ae8479e7c0b5e870f739c469fc6b6c087 :: sorts everything14:04
apacheloggeryou cannot kill the widget at any rate because currently the widget embodys the process15:05
apacheloggerat the point you would delete the widget the process would get deleted too15:05
ulyssesif I try to open a PPT, Writer starts, if i start Impress, and open the PPT, writer starts again, WTF?15:06
apacheloggerto fix that you will need seperate implementations for frontend and backend15:06
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=== mc44 is now known as emma
sheytandoes file sharing works in maverick?15:22
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apacheloggershadeslayer: pingly 15:54
shadeslayerapachelogger: pongly16:21
apacheloggershadeslayer: what should I talk about in my Qt talk @ ubuntuwhateverweek?16:22
shadeslayerapachelogger: how about qzsync? :P16:22
shadeslayerhow crappy it is16:22
shadeslayerand how everyone should NOT code that way :P16:22
* apachelogger was considering flaming about how Qt i truley cross-platform and cross-language and everything for half an hour and the other half bash how GTK is NOT16:22
shadeslayerapachelogger: that works as well :)16:22
apacheloggerthough seriously, an intro to Qt, that Qt is modular, so you can create gui-less apps too, that you can deploy stuff on every flipping OS out there and basically write in every language you do not want to write in16:23
apacheloggermeanwhile have the users download the Qt SDK and then fire up creator to look at some examples16:23
apacheloggermaybe edit one16:24
apacheloggerSDK because that way I can be sure we all use the same version16:24
apacheloggeroh oh oh, I probably should also rave about how Qt is used by Skype and VLC and various consumer multimedia products16:25
apacheloggerand KDE of course :P16:25
=== ulysses is now known as emovaldi
=== emovaldi is now known as ulysses
apacheloggerOTOH the SDK is rather large too16:27
* shadeslayer notes that apachelogger has a habit of talking to himself16:28
shadeslayerapachelogger: qt is large :P16:28
ScottKshadeslayer: Looks like kplayer in multiverse needs some docbook fixing.16:28
apacheloggeryou only notice now? :P16:28
shadeslayergtk is crossplatform as well... i used deluge on vista16:28
ScottKshadeslayer: It's not large, it's comprehensive.16:28
shadeslayerScottK: looking :)16:28
apacheloggershadeslayer: GTK is not cross-platform16:28
apacheloggerGTK is essentially ported16:28
shadeslayerapachelogger: idk if it works on macs16:29
shadeslayerbut it worked on windows16:29
apacheloggerQt i designed cross-platform16:29
shadeslayerScottK: is it on udd ?16:29
apacheloggerhence you can drag Qt on every platform that has a cpp std library16:29
ScottKNo idea.16:29
shadeslayerits a archive rebuild failiure right?16:29
apachelogger(that is if you implement the platform dependent shit such as painting)16:30
shadeslayerScottK: also i will be cherry picking a few patches from rekonq, but not sure when they will be committed, they will fix bug 64733216:32
ubottuLaunchpad bug 647332 in rekonq (Ubuntu) "[maverick] Rekonq crashes without network connection. " [Low,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/64733216:32
* apachelogger notes that rekonq patches tend to break things on other ends16:32
ScottKshadeslayer: Yes.  Archive rebuild failure.16:32
apacheloggersuch as that javascript patch that essentially broke cookies16:32
shadeslayerapachelogger: yeah :(16:32
apacheloggerNightrose: I think I will go on tour with a Qt talk16:35
apacheloggerthat is actually something I can identify with16:35
shadeslayerapachelogger: make me a progress bar :P16:36
shadeslayeror help me make one :D16:36
ScottKapachelogger: Would you agree that kvdr would be essentially useless without sound capability?16:36
ScottKIt is still built against arts16:36
apacheloggerSput: when will make arbitary protocols work? :(16:36
apachelogger!info kvdr16:36
ScottKAnd I'm thinking rather than building it --without-arts, we should just remove it.16:36
ubottuPackage kvdr does not exist in lucid16:36
ScottKActually it probably had it's binary removed during lucid so it's source only now.16:37
apacheloggerScottK: tag unmaintained and boot16:37
apacheloggerif you have no sign of a KDE 4 port after whats it 2.5 years after the first platform release that is a clear sign of unmaintainedness IMHO16:38
ScottKAgreed.  Removal bug filed.16:44
shadeslayerScottK: dude.. this will be a huge patch... their docbooks are foobared16:50
ScottKshadeslayer: Thanks for taking care of it.16:51
shadeslayerill be fixing these the whole night ^_^16:51
shadeslayerjust hope ebn works :)16:51
apacheloggershadeslayer: you can build krazy yourself16:56
apacheloggerpretty easily too16:56
shadeslayeri knows .. but i dont want to build ^_^16:56
* apachelogger j9s kamoso16:56
apacheloggershadeslayer: what is the failure?16:56
apacheloggeryou really just need some perl foo IIRC16:56
shadeslayerapachelogger: http://people.ubuntuwire.org/~lucas/ubuntu-nbs/32/kplayer_1:0.7-0.5ubuntu1_lubuntu32.buildlog16:56
apacheloggershadeslayer: of krazy I mean ;)16:56
shadeslayeroh.. none16:57
shadeslayeri just dont feel like building it :P16:57
shadeslayer!search kdex.dtd16:57
ubottuFound: 16:57
apacheloggerafiestas: why does kamoso have no effects? :(16:58
* apachelogger goes flaming gnomies17:04
* apachelogger tells shadeslayer to promote solution #7 of http://brainstorm.ubuntu.com/idea/25741/17:07
* shadeslayer looks at solution 717:07
shadeslayerapachelogger: ill uo vote it but whats the point... no ones going to ever look at it :P17:07
apacheloggeryou just watch :P17:08
* shadeslayer really does need a new phone17:08
apacheloggerfor 11.04 they will acknowledge the supremacy17:08
shadeslayerhehe ... they just dont have enough spaze on the you-boon-too CD17:08
apacheloggerthey have games on the you bun too CD17:09
apacheloggerand I think even multiple wallpapers17:09
apacheloggereverything I would like to see on our CD is what they have17:09
shadeslayerso they will kick niceness and bring in loads of kdelibs? :D17:09
shadeslayerapachelogger: yeah :(17:09
shadeslayeri wantz the wallpapers 17:10
* apachelogger should brainstorm that Kubuntu gets distributed on good old floppys17:10
apacheloggerjust so we can remove more useful things of a 2010 operating system17:10
shadeslayerapachelogger: that will take about a good 700 floppy disks and 1 floppy reader i guess17:10
ScottKnixternal: Can haz powerpc?17:11
apacheloggershadeslayer: one one floppy!17:11
apacheloggerwhy would we need more than one?17:11
shadeslayerbecause theres never been a 700MB floppy? :D17:11
apacheloggerwe surely do not need 700MB17:12
apacheloggerlets see17:12
apacheloggerbrowser is pointless17:12
apacheloggerso is message-indicator17:12
apacheloggerand kopete17:12
apacheloggerah well, all that is network17:12
apacheloggeramarok is too fat, aplay will do17:12
apacheloggerpackagekit is duplicated with apt-get and aptitude17:13
apacheloggerk3b can go17:13
apacheloggerhm, maybe we should just shift our target audience17:13
shadeslayerquassel as well17:13
shadeslayerjust use irssi instead17:13
apacheloggerirssi is fat17:13
apacheloggerone would not think so, but it is17:14
apacheloggerI propose we write our own client in bash17:14
apacheloggermake that dash17:14
apacheloggerlets drop bash altogether17:14
shadeslayer:) 17:14
shadeslayerkdepim is fat as well...17:15
apacheloggertrue that17:15
apacheloggerlets drop KDE17:15
apacheloggerwe cannot squeeze it on the CD, why would we be able to squeeze it on floppies17:16
apacheloggerapachelogger's topic for UDS: "we go DVD or else..."17:16
shadeslayerapachelogger: put it on kubuntu/UDSNatty17:16
shadeslayerwhere haz that page gone :O17:17
apacheloggerI think primarily it needs to go into lunchpad17:17
* apachelogger is wondering if xz is threading17:17
* apachelogger is wondering how one would thread that anyway17:18
* apachelogger considers it way too difficult and moves on17:20
apacheloggeralso not very robust17:20
shadeslayerapachelogger: how about delta upgrades from kubuntu ppa's ? 17:20
apacheloggershadeslayer: for that dpkg needs to grow delta stuff17:20
shadeslayeri do not see a kplayer-0.7-5 in debian17:20
shadeslayerapachelogger: IIRC theres a program for thta17:21
shadeslayer!info debdelta17:21
ubottudebdelta (source: debdelta): diff and patch utilities which work with Debian packages. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.37 (lucid), package size 84 kB, installed size 360 kB17:21
apacheloggerthat is far from a framework17:21
apacheloggerfrom that description it sounds like it just is a diff/patch for binary17:21
shadeslayeroic .. see we haz 1:0.7-0.5ubuntu1 ....17:22
apacheloggerthat is still not integrated enough17:23
ScottKapachelogger: I think it would make sense for the DVD to have it's own metapackage so if you install from the DVD you get a VERY complete system.17:23
apacheloggerwhat would be needed is that the archive pool declares that for package foo versions x and y and ... deltas are available and then apt-get (or any client) decides on user setting whether to get the delta and upgrade using that or download the package17:24
apacheloggeralso you could back that stuff up with additional algorithms to avoid the staticness ... i.e. if load is high never go for delta17:24
shadeslayerand for generating delta's, what do we do?17:24
apacheloggerif bandwith is known to always be high then go for delta, unless user deselected that or load is high17:25
apacheloggershadeslayer: that needs to be in soyuz17:25
shadeslayeritll never be implemented then :P17:25
ScottKThey'll take patches, but you have to do copyright assignment.17:25
apacheloggerbut really, before any step in that direction can or should be taken it needs to be worked out properly how to implement this on both server and client side17:25
apacheloggerScottK: own DVD metapackage && use DVD as primary distribution media && maintain CD as secondary media without *any* additional locales17:27
ScottKapachelogger: Let's make it a workable secondary first.  Then discuss what should be primary.17:27
apacheloggershadeslayer: with that attitude certainly not :P17:28
apacheloggerScottK: workable secondary is not much of an effort is it?17:28
ScottKapachelogger: It's been discussed before, but never actually happened, so so far, however little, it's been too much.17:28
ScottKShould be relatively easy to add a new seed and a new metapackage to kubuntu-meta.17:29
apacheloggerI made a fluffy iso, it does not get much more horrible than setting up your own iso factory :P17:29
apacheloggerespecially with the general ubuntu dislike for documentation17:29
ScottKAlso, since ShipIt just does CDs, I don't think we should call CD secondary.17:30
apacheloggerScottK: shipit also needs to change17:30
ScottKRight, I've no doubt you can do it.17:30
ScottKapachelogger: You convince Canonical of that and I'll back switching to the DVD as primary.17:30
apacheloggeror maybe we should just have them both as primary17:30
ScottKI'm fine with that.17:30
apacheloggerCD certainly becomes more maintainable if we take localization worries out of the picture completely and entirely17:30
apacheloggerand isntead add the constraint that CD might not offer the complete user experience you get with the DVD17:31
apacheloggershadeslayer: IMHO dpkg/apt need to be rethought anyway somehow that whole package paradigm does not suit today's needs17:33
shadeslayertrue that17:34
markeyMaverick is neat :)17:34
apacheloggerwith uprise of devices that have no stronge CPU AND might not have no good intarwebs either17:34
markeyslightly unstable still17:34
markeybut overall it works17:34
apacheloggerlike previously you had a computer or a server with either good bandwith or not so good one, but that did not change17:34
apacheloggernow you might be running around with your N900 and connectivity swaps around wildely17:35
markeyapachelogger: in KDE 4.5.1, the KDE tool for multi-monitor support does not remember settings after reboot17:35
markeyapachelogger: afaik it's fixed in 4.5.2, I would definitely use that patch17:35
markeyit's a major nuisance17:35
apacheloggerso what I outlined earlier about taking load and speed into account for delta downloads does not really fix the problem properly either17:35
shadeslayerapachelogger: whats up with http://extras.ubuntu.com/17:35
apacheloggerScottK: ^ do we know anything abou that multi-monitor stuff?17:36
apacheloggershadeslayer: you always come up with domains I do not know about :P ... what is extras?17:36
shadeslayerno idea.. its apparently a repo of sorts17:36
ScottKapachelogger: I don't.17:36
shadeslayerbut not sure what goes into it17:36
apacheloggershadeslayer: ah, that application review board stuff foo17:36
* apachelogger meant to blog about that too17:37
ScottKmarkey: If you can point me at the change that's going into 4.5.2, I can cherry pick it.17:37
* apachelogger needs to see his physician on monday to get something against the sleepyness17:37
shadeslayerapachelogger: whaa?17:37
ScottK(or even tell me what package to find it in)17:37
apacheloggershadeslayer: ubuntu is going to accept new apps to be sort of backported to older releases via extras17:37
apacheloggerI really did not get in what regard it exactly is different from backprots17:38
apacheloggerbut oh well17:38
markeyScottK: difficult, as I only read about this in a forum. but I'll try to find it, if you give me until tomorrow or so?17:38
apacheloggeroh, actually it is more limited in that it only accepts completely new apps17:38
apacheloggerwhich makes me wonder about the point exactly17:38
ScottKmarkey: Tomorrow would be about the last day.17:38
markeyI'll try to find it asap17:38
apacheloggerthere are only two places where it could be broken I think17:38
apacheloggerwell three17:38
apacheloggerthe display kcm17:39
apacheloggerand krandrtray17:39
ScottKapachelogger: It's for applications that are so critical that the user must have them now, but at the same time so crappy, we don't actually want them in Ubuntu.17:39
ScottKI'm not sure how many that will be.17:39
markeyScottK: so the tool is apparently called "KRandRTray"17:39
apacheloggerbecause they all 3 have code copies of each other :D17:39
apacheloggerit is a true beauty17:39
ScottKmarkey: OK. 17:39
* markey checks websvn17:39
apacheloggerScottK: surely it is related to that whole opportunistic development stuff :P17:39
ScottKdebfx is our expert krandrtray/kcm/whatever fixer.  Maybe he already knows.17:40
ScottKapachelogger: Sure.  It just doesn't actually manage to accomplish much.17:40
apacheloggerunlike quickly17:40
apacheloggerI have seen loads of great apps created with quickly already17:41
apacheloggerphotobomb and ehm. eh.. eh....17:41
markeyScottK: do you happen to have a kde svn checkout at hand?17:41
markeyScottK: I have no idea in which module the tool is located17:41
markeya "find" would do it17:41
ScottKmarkey: No, but I have kdesvn open pointing at KDE svn.17:41
ScottKThose are in -workspace.17:42
ScottKI'll have a look.17:42
apacheloggerno changes since branching17:42
markeyok, let me point you to this forum page about it17:43
apacheloggernothing changed in kephal either17:43
markeyScottK: ^17:43
ubottuKDE bug 163707 in general "kde4 does not restore screen resolution at login" [Normal,Resolved: fixed]17:43
apacheloggerthat is a long-standing issue17:44
* apachelogger is not sure we should add it at this point17:44
apacheloggernot exactly regression free17:44
markeyhere's the forum discussion: http://forum.kde.org/viewtopic.php?f=66&t=20494&start=1517:44
markeybcoocksley seems to know the details17:44
apacheloggermarkey: that is targetted at trunk17:46
apacheloggerthe fix is17:46
apacheloggermarkey: if you have krandrtray in autostart do the settings get applied?17:46
shadeslayerScottK: do we need kplayer-data and kplayer-docs package? or do i follow debian and lose those packages?17:46
ScottKshadeslayer: Follow Debian.17:46
markeythat's the thing I didn't understand: the tool is in my panel (at least I think that is the tool), so it gets autostarted17:47
markeyor am I misunderstanding something?17:47
shadeslayergood.. because in the last merge we kept that change for some reason17:47
ScottKapachelogger: They do.  We did that for one release, but then it's always in the tray.17:47
markeynot sure how this tool in the tray is called17:47
apacheloggermarkey: the monitory icon?17:47
shadeslayerScottK: i guess add a Replaces and Conflicts ?17:47
apacheloggerthat is krandrtray17:47
apacheloggerand if that is started it is supposed to apply the settings17:47
ScottKshadeslayer: Replaces and Breaks.17:47
markeybut having it in the tray doesn't help17:47
apacheloggerif that is not the case than that is a different bug17:47
shadeslayerhmm never used breaks17:48
ScottKshadeslayer: It's in the newest version of Debian Policy.17:48
* apachelogger thinks debfx should look at krandrtray ^^17:48
markeyyep :)17:48
markeydebfx: our savior!17:48
shadeslayerScottK: http://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/ch-relationships.html#s-breaks17:48
shadeslayerreading that17:48
* apachelogger only has a multi-monitor setup in graz, and currently is like 200km away :P17:49
shadeslayerapachelogger: your not in graz17:49
* apachelogger is in upper austria right now17:49
apacheloggerwinter semester only starts next week17:49
shadeslayeralso... open suse conference on 20-23rd October ... 17:50
* apachelogger did not get invited17:50
* apachelogger never gets invited anywhere17:50
ScottKmarkey: AFAICT that's only in trunk and wasn't backported to the 4.5 branch (with good reason).17:50
shadeslayerapachelogger: contact sabdfl :P17:50
apacheloggeroh, I was invited to a party yesterday ... but I couldnt attend ^^17:50
shadeslayerapachelogger: http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/52917:50
apacheloggershadeslayer: sabdfl said sponsor someone from the community council :P17:51
* apachelogger is not on that council17:51
apacheloggerthese council elitists ....17:51
apacheloggeroh hold on, I am on a council too ;)17:51
shadeslayerapachelogger: join said council > apply for said sponsorship17:51
shadeslayerkplayer from debian is broken too17:52
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: you know, I never ever saw jockey pop up in new installs17:52
apacheloggerfor like 3 releases or so17:52
ScottKmarkey: You can work around problems by adding a command line xrandr call to /etc/kde4/kdm/Xsetup.17:52
apacheloggereven if there was stuff to be done17:53
apacheloggerScottK: that is not good ...17:53
apacheloggeruse .kde/env/ instead17:53
apacheloggerdrop a simple shell script there17:53
ScottKWorks though.17:53
apacheloggerpresumably that is also what the aformentioned bug report does too17:53
apacheloggerScottK: only until kdm gets an upgrade though, no?17:54
apacheloggerthen diffing will be needed17:54
apacheloggerso I would preferr the KDE env solution17:54
ScottKapachelogger: No.  Then if that gets changed (almost never happens) you'll get asked to resolve the conflict.17:54
apacheloggerScottK: see, that is inconvenient :P17:54
ScottKOnly if that file changes on the upgrade which is reasonably unlikely.17:54
markeyScottK: I heard about the workaround, but think about average users17:55
apacheloggerso while it works I still would not ever do it17:55
markeyScottK: it's not exactly elegant17:55
ScottKmarkey: Right, but that's a most than slightly invasive change.17:55
markeymany users have multiple monitors now17:55
apacheloggerhm, true17:55
apacheloggerScottK, markey: given the magnitude of the issue maybe we should consider a stable release update?17:56
ScottKPart of the problem with messing with video stuff is there are so many possible configurations it's hard to test enough to avoid regressions for someone.17:56
* markey mumbles about KDE's horrible quantity over quality issues17:56
markeyit kills me17:56
ScottKapachelogger: It's a feature change, not a bug fix, it wouldn't qualify.17:56
apacheloggerScottK: no, it is a bug fix17:56
markeywell, major bug though17:56
apacheloggerthe bug being that the settings are not being restored17:56
markeyclearly a bug fix17:56
ScottKMaybe then.17:56
markeyno way it was supposed to work like that17:56
ScottKOK.  Long standing bug then.17:57
apacheloggerScottK: what we probably should do for SRU is streamline changes out of what lubos did in KDE trunk17:57
ScottKRiddell tends to be more sporting about these sorts of things than I am.17:57
ScottKMaybe he'll want to go for it.  If so, I'm OK with it.17:57
apacheloggerfrom the commit message it sounds like some architectural stuff was done17:57
apacheloggerbut the general principal of the fix should be SRUable17:57
markeyapachelogger: I haven't looked into the issue in depth, but isn't it like this try tool just needs a little pat on the shoulder?17:58
apacheloggeractually if we can get it to an SRUable dimension I would also opt for targetting 10.0417:58
markeyapparently it works as soon as you right-click it once17:58
markey(I haven't tested this yet)17:58
apacheloggermarkey: that too17:58
debfxScottK: in lucid the resolution is restored when krandrtray is autostarted17:58
ScottKI'm also not on ubuntu-sru, so my opinions are just that.17:58
apacheloggermarkey: but the tray tool is not autostarted17:58
markeysounds like a really stupid bug then17:58
apacheloggerso the tray tool at best is a work around17:58
markeyapachelogger: here it is17:58
apacheloggera blood ugly one if you ask me17:58
markeyI mean, it apppears in the tray after restart17:59
ScottKdebfx: Thanks.17:59
apacheloggeralso I think the krandrtray not working might be coming from dbusmenu/kstatusnotifieritem17:59
ScottKSo if that doesn't work in Maverick, it's a regression and definite SRU material (the krandrtray autostart thing, not the kcm rewrite).17:59
apacheloggermarkey: yeah, session restoring, but not unless the user once manually started it17:59
markeyapachelogger: so I should try to make it autostart, and then it should work?17:59
markeyI'll try that17:59
apacheloggerScottK: the KCM was not rewritten, the autostarting code was made workign again ;)17:59
markeythat'd be an easy fix18:00
apacheloggermarkey: oh, that could be it18:00
apacheloggerkapps can check for restore cant that? :)18:00
ScottKIn any case, if you can identify a regression, that's clear SRU material.18:00
markeyspeaking of System Settings, from KDE 4.4 to KDE 4.5 it got a whole *worse*18:00
markeyI have trouble finding anything18:01
markeywho in the world would have done this to the nice GUI?18:01
markeyI hope Seele did not approve of this18:01
markeycan't imagine she did18:01
apacheloggermarkey: bcoocksley I suppose, as he is maintainer of systemsettings18:02
* apachelogger also does not think it is an improvement, having it used for quite some time I do not think it did get worse though18:02
markeyalways a good idea to talk to KDE-Usability first...18:02
apacheloggerIMHO the usage paradigm there is flawed altogether18:02
apacheloggeralso from a design POV18:02
* ScottK gets a headache moving back and forth between KDE 4.4 and 4.5 machines.18:06
ScottK(and using systemsettings)18:07
shadeslayerScottK: ive figured out the issue18:12
shadeslayerwont be long before i haz merge for you :D18:12
ScottKOK.  I'll probably be gone by then, but I'll be back later.18:14
shadeslayerok ill put it in my PPA then18:14
KRFyep, system settings got worse between the last few releases18:16
KRFthe filter widget is useless since you still have to find the matching entry and click it18:16
KRFtotally useless18:17
shadeslayerScottK: still there? can you look if i did this right? http://paste.ubuntu.com/500454/18:28
shadeslayer( the breaks and replaces field )18:28
shadeslayerhmm.. i think i can drop the | mplayer-nogui stuff as well18:31
ScottKshadeslayer: They don't need to be versioned since the packages were dropped, but other than that, it's good.18:31
markeyapachelogger: bad news, that Autostart trick doesn't work at all18:34
markeyI placed a symlink there to this tray app18:34
markeyno change18:34
markeyneither does right-clicking the tray app do anything good18:34
apacheloggerdebfx: ^18:34
markeywho codes such a bloody mess... an app that doesn't remember its settings18:34
markeyit boggles the mind18:34
markeyas far as I can see, this KRandTray thing simply doesn't store its own settings18:35
markeythat's all18:35
shadeslayerScottK: um... i dont see doc files in debian/kplayer.install ... what do i do?18:37
shadeslayerand neither in debian/docs18:37
apacheloggermarkey: it doesnt have own settings18:39
apacheloggermarkey: IIRC it is sharing settings with the KCM (or kephal, or maybe both?)18:39
apacheloggerbut yes, it is a bloody mess18:39
apacheloggerand I think it is mostly because that crap is unmaintained and without someone who has a clear vision18:39
apacheloggeralso kephal is largely a code duplication of the KCM yet the KCM does not use kephal18:39
ScottKshadeslayer: Figure out the best thing.  Maybe that's why the packages weren't dropped on the last merge.  Try to figure out why we have them and Debian doesn't.18:41
shadeslayeryeah ..thats what im trying18:41
shadeslayerwe needz to keep those packages ...18:53
=== ulysses is now known as emovaldi
=== emovaldi is now known as ulysses
Quintasansomeone pinged me19:18
nigelbQuintasan: ping.19:18
nigelbThere. HAppy?19:18
sheytanQuintasan me, yesterday ;P19:18
* Quintasan is busy with school things and has almost no time from irc apart from polish lessons19:18
Quintasansheytan: so, what's up?19:19
sheytanQuintasan i've logo for you :P19:19
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about 1!!19:19
sheytanQuintasan it's in two color variants. let me show you19:19
sheytanQuintasan http://img94.imageshack.us/img94/214/g4623.png19:21
QuintasanI'd like those letter more fancy and pink19:21
Quintasanshadeslayer: ^^19:22
Quintasanand bigger19:22
Quintasansheytan: ^19:22
shadeslayerQuintasan: ive seen them yesterday :D19:22
Quintasansheytan: so, can you make PN bigger, fancier and pink on top of that? :D19:22
shadeslayerQuintasan: pink? were not Project Pink19:22
sheytanpink looks cooler :D19:22
shadeslayerwere Project Neon :P19:22
Quintasanpink neon light == win19:23
Quintasans/project\ neon/pink\ project\ neon/19:23
Quintasanoh crap19:23
sheytanpink or black?19:24
Quintasansheytan: pink19:24
Quintasanplease ping me with the result, I have to for for 30 minutes19:24
eMyllerwhere did kmail 2 go?19:37
eMylleri can't find it anywhere Oo19:37
=== stalcup is now known as vorian
nixternalScottK: out of town right now. bibke races.19:45
shadeslayereMyller: its in experimental ppa19:54
shadeslayereMyller: https://edge.launchpad.net/~kubuntu-ppa/+archive/experimental19:54
eMyllerty :D19:55
sheytanQuintasan sorry, i can't today. Can't comeout how nicely connect text with background ;/19:55
eMyllerweird, i should have it in my sources...19:55
ScottKnixternal: OK.  Thanks.  Please let me know when you can fire it up.19:55
jjesse-netbook_ScottK: something i can test for you whle nixternal is out riding?20:02
ScottKjjesse-netbook_: You have a power pc system?20:02
jjesse-netbook_nope :(20:02
jjesse-netbook_didnt know that was the problem20:02
ScottKOK, then no.20:02
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shadeslayerjjesse-netbook: oh oh20:09
shadeslayerhold on20:09
jjesse-netbookholding :)20:10
shadeslayernow where did that bug go20:10
shadeslayerjjesse-netbook: bug 62583320:11
ubottuLaunchpad bug 625833 in kubuntu-docs (Ubuntu) "Typo in kubuntu-docs-photos" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/62583320:11
shadeslayerplease looky20:11
shadeslayeri think its invalid.. since its GIMP not gimp20:11
shadeslayerScottK: https://edge.launchpad.net/~rohangarg/+archive/experimental/+files/kplayer_0.7-2ubuntu1.dsc20:12
shadeslayeralso.. wait for 20 mins before uploading :) .. the 32 bit package will be built by then20:12
jjesse-netbookok will look but we are in freeze there for translations so i can commit a fix but will land wehn we do a doc update not before rlease20:13
shadeslayersure ... but like i said... its probably invalid20:14
jjesse-netbookok will look at it20:18
lex79ScottK: too difficult fix ktoon on armel, it ftbfs since 2007 in Debian http://wiki.debian.org/ArmEabiProblems#ktoon20:29
lex79ScottK: anyway there is a new version http://www.ktoon.net/portal/download_counter, maybe fix the problem20:29
lex79the code is much changed in the newest versions20:30
seelemarkey: i with system settings would stop changing until we figure out an actual solution20:40
markeyseele: IMHO this needs a proper usability analysis before any hacker messes with it again20:41
apacheloggerthat reminds me that someone still didnt get her bread crumbs in kickoff ^^20:48
ulyssesomg, giovanni sent an e-mail to kubuntu-devel…21:01
apacheloggerI think it is truly a tragedy (admittedly minor, but tragic nontheless)21:05
apacheloggerthat apparently the relevant developers don't monitor this ku-user list,21:05
apacheloggerso that user level concerns could get an answer for all the users to21:05
apacheloggersee, from the relevant website & wiki developers.21:05
apacheloggerthat is an interesting POV21:05
neversfeldestill no launchpad for me21:09
claydohapachelogger: that dude is a pain :/21:14
apacheloggerclaydoh: how so?21:14
claydohapachelogger: and I am probably being kind21:14
claydohnot his ideas, just his cross-posted questions/demands21:15
claydohjust ask Mamarok21:15
apacheloggerMamarok: consider yourself asked :)21:16
Mamarokapachelogger: and what is the question?21:17
apacheloggeram I too drunk?21:17
claydohMamarok: john_re21:17
apacheloggerah, no21:17
apacheloggerMamarok: why is that person a PITA21:17
Mamarokoh my...21:17
Mamarokapachelogger: he has not a clue, asks the same questions all over again and cross-posts on at least 3 lsits at a time21:18
Mamarokand he never thanks for an answer or gives feedback if the question is answered (as Basil pointed out recently)21:18
Mamarokand I sometimes suspect him to quest ask questions for the sake of it21:19
claydohapachelogger: and he even has askes others to post bug reports for his own problems21:19
apacheloggermaybe he should be lessoned and turned21:19
apacheloggerturned into a minion21:19
Mamarokoh, right, he spends hours on mails but pretends not to have time to file a bug21:19
ulyssesshortly: he is an idiot21:19
Mamarokulysses: +121:20
claydohapachelogger: you can have him :(21:20
Mamaroksad to say so21:20
claydohulysses: +121:20
Mamarokapachelogger: yes, please, take him :)21:20
Mamarokyou will never turn that guy into a minion, ever21:20
apacheloggerif you bun too was less of a political project you would just ban it :P21:20
claydohapachelogger: but I won't be buying you extra beer if you do 21:20
Mamaroknot in a thousand years21:20
apacheloggeror rather I would be mod and ban him for being annoyed :P21:20
Mamaroktwo extra beers!21:21
apacheloggerthankfully you bun too is not ^^21:21
claydohapachelogger: you'd have a better time making me a minion21:21
Mamarokclaydoh: should we ban him ?21:21
claydohthat came out wrong21:21
ulysseslet the banhammer fall!21:22
apacheloggerMamarok: claydoh?21:22
Mamarokthe point is that we don't have enough arguments for banning, he is just a PITA, that is maybe not a good argument21:22
apacheloggerclaydoh: you know, I can't help it, but that sounded kind of dirty21:22
apacheloggerno, actually a lot21:22
claydohMamarok: exactly21:22
apacheloggerfamily friendly channel, yeah sure...21:22
Mamarokapachelogger: I sometimes wish we were not...21:23
claydohapachelogger: I don't know how to respond without making it less family freindly :D21:23
lex79apachelogger: do you have nvidia card with proprietary driver?21:23
apacheloggerlex79: no, I have ATI card with proprietary driver21:23
apacheloggerMamarok: me too, a lot, just for the sake of enjoying a dirty joke :P21:23
lex79apachelogger: oh, does plymouth work with ATI ?21:24
Mamarokbe it only to be able once to tell people to RTFM and learn to google... 21:24
apacheloggerlex79: I am on lucid21:24
apacheloggerlex79: on mav there is no fglrx21:24
apacheloggerbut radeon worked21:24
apacheloggerpretty well21:24
lex79it doesn't work here :(21:24
* Mamarok is really happy with her SSD :)21:24
apacheloggerexcept that I only saw it for like 1 second ^^21:24
apacheloggerMamarok: ohhh, I envy you21:24
claydohMamarok: also if he is snubbed hard, he'll just fan his complaints out to the rest of the mailinglist world21:25
claydohsince he doesn't seem to understand forums (thank goodness:) )21:25
Mamarokclaydoh: oh yes, I remember when he insisted on talking on short notice at KDE camp21:26
apacheloggermaybe the IAMANOVERLORD hammer would help21:26
Mamarokshort notice as in two days21:26
claydohMamarok: anyway it seems that most of the list simply ignores him. Perhaps I should, too21:27
Mamarokwe had to ban him from the irc channel in question, and I remember having banned him from #kubuntu as well21:27
apacheloggerthe one where lex79 replies to that somewhat odd complaint implicitly stating his supremacy as kubuntu developer and supreme haxx0r and someone who gives it to millions of people21:27
apachelogger... the result of the supreme work that is21:27
Mamarokclaydoh: well, maybe, but I doubt it will help, instead the k-u list will turn into a john-re soliloquy21:28
* lex79 is confused21:28
apacheloggerlex79: I just implicitly asked you to deal with the john_re problem at kubuntu-devel using the IAMANOVERLORD hammer21:28
apacheloggerMamarok,claydoh: does he answer stuff himself?21:29
claydohapachelogger: no21:29
apacheloggersucking answers out of others without giving back is IMHO a very good reason for banning21:29
Mamarokapachelogger: nope, but he just asks the same question with slight changes all over again, and crossposts even more lists21:29
apacheloggeror moderation for that matter21:29
lex79poor soul21:29
* lex79 giggles21:30
apacheloggerlex79: no giggling allowed, someone might op in and kick you out :P21:30
Mamarokhm, maybe we should set him on moderation again, but that implies we do read his mails so we can moderate...21:30
* claydoh goes back to housecleaning to get this off his mind21:31
Mamarokand direct him to the right place, and that is the most tiring work actuall21:31
apacheloggerMamarok: or reject on general principle21:31
claydohMamarok: I am tired of always having to redirect him21:31
Mamarokapachelogger: he will start crossposting and complaining in a lot of places21:31
apachelogger"not related to topic" or "already asked, see list archives"...21:31
claydohMamarok: +1 :(21:31
Mamarokas he complained in the -ops channel about a year ago...21:31
Mamarokand in various kde-channels21:32
apacheloggerso drag him in front of the council! 21:32
lex79plymouth doesn't have much bugs open...just 12721:32
claydohbut he hasn't done anything 'wrong' exactly, yet21:32
Mamarokthat is the problem21:32
Mamarokhe is a nuisance but we don't have enough to get rid of him21:32
apacheloggerhurting the community in annoying people is wrong21:32
claydohI'll take  the blame for taking him off moderation21:32
Mamarokenough reasons that would justify a banning21:32
Mamarokhm, claydoh, I will support you on that one, let us take the blame together :)21:33
apacheloggerlex79: and I did not even report that kubuntu has a code copy of ubuntu's theme :P21:33
Mamarokmoderation it is, then21:33
apacheloggerlex79: and that I consider a major21:33
lex79all related to plymouth is a crap for me21:34
claydohMamarok: it was my kind-hearted nature that took him off of it :/21:34
apacheloggerMamarok, claydoh: how is general moodyness on the list these days btw?21:34
apacheloggerclaydoh: if you want to have a good time with me making you a minion that kind-hearted nature must go away :P21:35
claydohapachelogger: super quiet, actually, low volume, and many 'regulars' don't even use KDE21:35
Mamarokapachelogger: not too bad, rather calm, I moderated the worst flamers wh were not even using KDE21:35
apacheloggerlex79: well, I imagine that whole startup business a bit of a patchy hacky foobar crap21:35
Mamarokone started to tell people to use Gnome...21:35
claydohapachelogger: I am a manager in a fast-food restaurant, I can turn that off and on at will nowadays :D21:35
claydohor even both good and bad at the same time if I am good :)21:36
apacheloggerclaydoh, Mamarok: I imagine the target audience of Kubuntu prefers something more ... well ... modern, so that low volume could be a good sign21:36
apacheloggerlike if I would be using Kubuntu I would use a forum for support21:37
apacheloggeroh shoot, now I gave away that I am running suse21:37
claydohapachelogger: agreed. KFN is a very nice place to be21:37
Mamarokapachelogger: you will loose all your hair, markey did so after touching SuSE21:37
ScottKlex79: If you think it'd be better to have the new version (whether it fixes the FTBFS or not) then I'd say do an FFe and I can approve it.21:37
* apachelogger notes: topic for UDS super duper monster specify what the target audience looks like21:37
apacheloggerMamarok: well, every distro got its crappynesses, some are just easier to bare than others21:38
Mamarokapachelogger: you go to UDS this time?21:39
Mamaroknice :) it's about time you do :)21:39
apacheloggerwell, I am not there yet, so... ;)21:39
* claydoh goes back to cleaning house (for real) while dreaming of buying a used laptop to replace the nearly 8 year old one he has now21:39
apacheloggerclaydoh: ask novell to sponsor one and become contributor at opensuse21:40
Mamarokclaydoh: I wanted to replace a HD in my sisters old laptop, it doesn't even have sata connectors :(21:40
apacheloggeror try fedora, I am sure red hat is nice to their elite contributors21:40
lex79ScottK: I will see what I can do21:40
ScottKlex79: Thanks.21:41
apacheloggerMamarok: regarding such things laptops are evil anyway21:41
* apachelogger just buys a new one every 2-3 years21:41
* apachelogger gets himself a glass of sturm and wonders what movie to watch21:43
ScottKapachelogger: The reason I'm not on kubuntu-users ML anymore is excessively annoying users.  I couldn't take it anymore.21:43
jjesseScottK i think that is the reason most devs aren't on that list21:43
ScottKSometime, relatively recently, there was a long thread on ubuntu-devel-discuss to the effect that if users didn't play nice in their discussions with developers, they would just leave the list and chat on ubuntu-devel.  It seemed to calm things down.21:44
ScottKjjesse: Probably.21:44
ScottKOne of the down sides of having actual elections for KC is that it's become much more developer focused.  When we just sat down and picked people, we had a better distribution of different interests.21:45
apacheloggermy concern very much21:46
apacheloggerthing is we do not actually have many non-developers running for KC21:46
ScottKshadeslayer: It looks fine, but drop kplayer-dbg.  That way it won't have to go through binary new (we didn't have that before).22:01
ScottK(ping me again when it's ready)22:01
ScottKshadeslayer: Also check the depends and see if it can move to Universe.  It's in Debian Main, so unless we have an added depends on something in Multiverse, it probably can.22:03
MamarokScottK: but most of those annoying users are not there anymore. Now we only need to get rid of those who don't use KDE (or win them back if they ever did)22:05
macoScottK: the "devs are going to ignore u-d-d and stick to u-d" threads come up fairly regularly, dont they?22:28
macoi left u-d-d a bit over a year ago22:28
ScottKmaco: Not recently.  It's been pretty calm recently.22:55
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* maco pokes kstandarddirs22:59
lex79ScottK: the new version of ktoon requires Kom http://www.ktoon.net/portal/download_counter to build and we don't have it in the archive, no chance to fix ktoon in maverick23:21
ScottKlex79: OK.  Thanks for looking into it.23:22
lex79no problem, I will do for natty23:22
=== Malkavian is now known as Malkavian_
lex79most users complain that we don't have anymore qtmultimedia, it seems this cause problems with lucid backport but I don't understand which issues it causes23:25
RiddellI don't think we even had any users of qtmultimedia in lucid23:40
lex79there is a bug here: https://bugs.launchpad.net/kubuntu-ppa/+bug/62934923:45
ubottuLaunchpad bug 629349 in Kubuntu PPA "libqt4-multimedia package broken" [Undecided,Opinion]23:45
lex79uh and I received 2 annoying emails about that23:46

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