
RouninIt will be installing that00:00
James147Rounin: knetworkmanager was ment to be getting replaced by the widget anyway :) look like its finally good enough for that to happen00:00
* James147 is really liking kpackagekit on maverick :D00:01
RouninIt'll be fun to see what it's like!00:02
* James147 is impressed with the network widget00:08
Waleedhello again00:23
James147Waleed: welcome back :)00:23
WaleedJames147: hello00:23
Waleedthank you James14700:24
WaleedJames147: I got  new problem00:24
Waleedthe wireless cannot be connected00:24
James147Waleed: can explain in more detail?00:25
Waleedwhen I ran the system the wirless couldn't connect to my network00:25
James147Waleed: thats just adding more words :) .. what are you tring to connect work (knetworkmanager)? what encrpytion are you using?00:26
WaleedI made static ip through manage network connection00:26
Waleedyes knetworkmanager and the encryption is WEB00:27
James147Waleed: well, try it with dhcp first :) and WEEB... or WEP?00:28
James147WEB ^^00:28
James147Waleed: yeah, knetowrkmanager is fussy with wep... it dosnt autodetect all the configs, try changing the various settings on that page (keytype and authentication) and see if any of them work... or switch to wpa, knetworkmanager works better with it and its much much much more sucure00:30
LinuxUserhi all, is there any problem known with ssd's?00:31
James147LinuxUser: they tend to have a shorter life expentency... at least the older ones did, not sure on the current ones, also they are expensive :)00:31
LinuxUsereverytime i type on my keyboard everything hangs00:33
=== Malkavian__ is now known as Malkavian
=== Malkavian is now known as Malkavian_
chinmayawhere can I find the .bashrc file in KUbuntu ?01:09
James147chinmaya: in your home01:11
chinmayawhen i do ls in my home folder ..there is nothing01:17
chinmayais it hidden files ?01:17
Torchchinmaya: it's a hidden file.01:17
Torchchinmaya: do ls -a01:17
Torchchinmaya: all files starting with a "." are hidden per default01:17
James147chinmaya: anything beginging with a '.' is a hidden file01:17
chinmayachinmaya@chinmaya-workstation:/home$ ls -a01:20
chinmaya.  ..  chinmaya  .directory01:20
chinmayai get the above output ..am i doing something wrong ?01:20
James147chinmaya: inside your home01:21
James147chinmaya: "ls -a ~"01:21
James147(or "ls -a /home/chinmaya")01:21
DarthFrogchinmaya: "less ~/.bashrc" will display the contents of the file.01:22
James147chinmaya: note that we said 'your' home directory :) not the home (which means the folder named after your user in /home (normally))01:22
DarthFrog~ is a shortcut key for your home directory.01:23
James147cory: Hello01:27
coryAnyone playing with the gcalcli?01:28
coryI've been messing with it all day and now I am getting all these errors01:29
chinmayathanks ..how can i edit the .bashrc file01:29
James147chinmaya: open it in an editor01:29
James147chinmaya: "kate ~/.bashrc" is probally the easiest way01:30
coryThis my first time using the IRC is this a developer channel?01:31
James147cory: this is the kubuntu support channel01:32
James147cory: what are you developing in?01:32
James147cory: try in #python then01:33
jason24-2010anyone here move from crunchbang linux to kubuntu?01:33
James147(to join type  /j #python01:33
jason24-2010is it worth the switch?01:33
hugo_alguém do brasil?01:46
=== Guest10569 is now known as ryanakca
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Starwatcheranyone ever get silverlight to bring out audio such as a internet radio station that uses it?03:04
=== david is now known as Guest87425
zerocoolhello  ,everyone04:17
zerocoolif i want to know ,what can i do04:18
=== luis__lopez is now known as luis_lopez
=== Cibort2 is now known as Cibort
=== r00tz is now known as BrunuoH
slackwarebobhello ppl05:45
slackwarebobwhat's up?05:45
slackwarebobanyone around?05:45
AltusanewHey I am having an issue with getting my wireless to connect on a new clean install of Kubuntu 10.4.1. Knetworkmanager says network management disabled but it was working right after installation. Best I can tell it cannot get a new IP address lease from the router. I have everything I can think of to do or check here. http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/6Fji4uWm05:51
macocheck /etc/NetworkManager/nm-system-settings.conf05:52
lubun2slackwarebob, yes..lost?  this is not slackware :)05:52
slackwareboblubun2: no, was going to say if anyone is using kubuntu on net book?05:54
AltusanewDo you want something specifica from that file or the whole thing? I do notice that is says Managed=false though05:55
macoslackwarebob: i am05:55
lubun2slackwarebob, a lot i think.05:55
macoAltusanew: right, change that line05:55
slackwarebobthe netbook edition? or regular kubuntu on a netbook?05:56
lubun2slackwarebob, the 32bit can detect which one to use05:56
slackwarebobI'm using currently using netbuntu or whatever the gnome one is for networks. it's going pretty good. I just wondered about kde.05:56
macoim using netbook edition, but in 10.10 itll all be one installer05:56
maco4.5 has the ability to let you switch between the desktop and netbook UI05:57
slackwarebobmaco: oh cool, so you just use the same installation media and it will detect netbook and put the smaller edition?05:57
macoits the same default apps, just different default UI as far as plasma goes05:57
macoand different default font sizes i think05:57
slackwarebobplus probably a lot less services running.05:58
macoit picks which to use when you first login based on screen resolution, but you can change it (unlike with ubuntu desktop/netbook where you're a bit stuck)05:58
slackwarebobthe netbuntu has been pretty cool to use. the network UI has been designed nicely.05:58
macoubuntu doesnt have much in the way of services by default...i mean, nothing listening on any services or anything05:58
slackwarebobhonestly, the gnome fullblown would be tough based on screensize. so the netbook edition has been nice.05:59
slackwarebobI wondered about switching to flux or something. but the netbuntu edition worked very nicely.05:59
slackwarebobhaven't needed to move05:59
macoeh if you get rid of one of the panels, gnome's probably not too bad on a netbook... i know some unr users try to get real gnome on there because they dont like the lack of choices in unr... but in kubuntu...well...its kde ;-) you NEVER lack for choices!06:00
slackwarebobright. like the taskbar arrangement on the netbuntu06:00
AltusanewChanged managed=true and rebooted and still doing the same thing. if I run "sudo service networkmanager restart" it crashes knetworkmanager06:04
macoit didnt start working immediately after teh change? had to reboot?06:05
Diziara...last time I checked, knetworkmanager sucks.06:05
AltusanewLol that is what I was thinking06:05
macodid rebooting revert it?06:05
macoDiziara: well yeah... thats often true too06:05
DiziaraI usually install WICD first thing, when I do a fresh install.06:05
AltusanewNo it was still changed06:05
macocan you start knetworkmanager again now that youve restarted the service?06:05
macoknm's actually been working admirably on my netbook.i use network manager plasmoid on my other laptops though06:06
DiziaraIt's kinda worked when I first installed kubuntu to my laptop, but I had a couple of networks where my laptop would not connect at all until I switched to WICD.06:06
AltusanewYeah the networkmanager restart works and then i run knetworkmanager and it starts back up no issue06:06
macoi think when you restarted nm service knm went "oh, service is gone. dont need me anymore!"06:07
macobut it doesnt automatically restart itself when nm comes back06:07
maco(i dont know how you could ensure that it did either...except maybe to have something polling constantly watching for nm to startup and then launch it with qdbus? thatd be really crappy on resource usage though)06:08
AltusanewYeah that is probably it. So if it is not managed could that be why I am not getting a new IP lease?06:08
AltusanewYeah and I am not even sure I would know how to do that either unless there was some resource for doing just that06:09
AltusanewThe old lease lists the day and time it stopped working06:09
macoi often just delete the old config that was saved in it and make a new one if it gets wonky (i figure corruption or something)06:11
AltusanewDelete the old dhclient conf? or old networkmanager conf?06:12
Altusanewshould dmesg | grep wlan0 have this in it? [   97.824503] wlan0: no IPv6 routers present06:14
AltusanewI get that after I bring up wlan0 and dhclient fails to get a new IP06:14
* Acido- is away, unf [l/][p/] 07:43
gr8m8!away > Acido-07:46
ubottuAcido-, please see my private message07:46
gr8m8!guidelines > Acido-07:47
youngtinTAIWAN YES09:07
youngtinTAIWAN YES09:07
FloodBotK2youngtin: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.09:07
=== kubuntu is now known as Peace-
gr8m8!cn | youngtin09:08
ubottuyoungtin: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk09:08
joshI just installed kubuntu and am trying to install software.  It says to use adept manager to install new software, but I can not find it09:33
gr8m8josh: kpackagekit is the gui one and works just fine09:34
gr8m8or use    apt-get   or   aptitude   in the terminal09:35
gr8m8josh: which version of kubuntu pls?09:35
gr8m8josh: keep it in the channel pls - it is not busy here09:36
ubottuPlease ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.09:36
ubottuThe guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines09:36
volodyaanybody has tried 'disconnected IMAP' in recent kmail?09:45
enetoa dios10:04
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.10:04
=== phil is now known as Phil_Ewert
delightis there other ppl with missing menu entries on dolphin/ kde 4.5.1 ... like panels / terminal emulator and stuff ... simply missing10:35
delightsame on maverick and the same on lucid with backport ppa kde 4.5.110:35
Mamarokdelight: no, I guess you are missing some package10:48
gr8m8bad cd burns perhaps?10:49
Mamarokdelight: do 'aptitude show dolphin' (without the ') in a konsole, it will show you all the dependencies and recommended packages10:50
delightMamarok: i don't think the packages are missing, cause i can get the terminal-emulator with F4 and the panels (places for example) with F910:52
delightit's all working but i can't access over the menus10:52
Mamarokdelight: oh, then it is just a configuration problem10:52
delight+ i can't have an icon for the terminal-emulator any longer in the toolbar10:52
Mamarokdo delete the config files for dolphin in $HOME/.kde/share/config/, then try again10:53
delightMamarok: are you using 4.5.1 and you got those in your menus ... well i guess I'll backup dolphinrc10:53
Mamarokyes, I am using KDE 4.5.1, and all works fine10:53
delightthanks ;) I'll have a closer look @ it10:53
delightone more question thou10:53
delighton that folder view plasmoid .. for me the mouse over showing a little folder pop-up view is not available any longer ... you have to click on that new arrow on the side ... did you experience the same ... is there a way to get the old behaviour back ?10:55
MamarokI don't use the folder view as a plasmoid, but as an activity10:55
delighti see .. ok10:55
Mamarokbut ou can check the settings of the plasmoid, show tooltips should be available10:56
delightunfortunatly not .. i looked over the settings ...10:57
Mamarokdelight: there is a preview option in the displa section, there ou can choose other preview options10:58
delightMamarok: you where right it was the config file from pre-4.5 making the trouble on dolphin10:58
delightthanks for the tipp on that one ;)10:58
Mamarokdelight: you are welcome :)10:58
delightMamarok: well the only thing is there is no toolbar button on dolphin anymore for the terminal-emulator .. but thats rather minor to me ;) i know my F4 key ;)11:01
Mamarokdelight: I have it here11:02
delightthere is only an available toolbar button for "open terminal" which opens konsole11:02
delightstrange .. i'll recheck in a min ... my gf needs an helping hand :)11:03
fedelehow can i reload the kubuntu panel?11:03
gr8m8fedele: do you mean get the default one back?11:11
volodyaare grayscale icons in system tray something kubuntu has added, or this is KDE upstream feature?11:16
Mamarokvolodya: that is upstream11:16
volodyaso if some application, say 'basket', display color icon, I should report this upstream as well?11:17
Mamarokno, since the grayscale ones are for system only, not for apps11:17
Mamarokultimately, the apps wil not be displayed in the system tray anymore, but that is the future11:17
volodyaooh. not be displayed? that kinda sucks.11:18
Mamarokvolodya: displayed yes, but not in the systray anymore, elsewhere I guess, but I don't follow that discussion upstrem11:18
MamarokI imagine the will sue an apptray11:19
Peace-hi guys11:19
Mamarokhi Peace-11:19
Peace-hi Mamarok11:19
volodyaok, I guess I'll wait for that future; no point reporting a bug if all will change anyway11:19
BackglassI have a problem building kdelibs11:24
Backglasswith nepomuk11:24
ubottuCompiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)11:25
Backglass/home/alejandro/kde/kdelibs/nepomuk/types/entity.cpp: In member function ‘virtual bool Nepomuk::Types::EntityPrivate::load()’:11:25
Backglass/home/alejandro/kde/kdelibs/nepomuk/types/entity.cpp:102: error: ‘userVisible’ is not a member of ‘Soprano::Vocabulary::NAO’11:25
Backglassthat is th error11:25
or4n9ehi. I'm attempting to install kubuntu 10.10 daily-live from 25th of september but ubiquity kde_ui doesn't start at all11:26
or4n9eis there a known issue with it?11:26
Peace-i have doewnloaded 10.10 dvd11:26
Peace-and it's working11:26
Peace-but a week ago11:26
or4n9eI also tried ubiquity kde_ui from console but it gets back to command prompt without doing anything11:26
gr8m8!info kdelibs511:26
ubottukdelibs5 (source: kde4libs): core libraries for all KDE 4 applications. In component main, is optional. Version 4:4.4.2-0ubuntu4 (lucid), package size 7220 kB, installed size 29364 kB11:26
gr8m8Backglass: ^^11:27
Peace-Backglass: can syou try this ...11:27
or4n9ePeace-: IC, thx11:27
Peace-sudo apt-get build-dep stuff11:27
Mamarokor4n9e: that daily live is borken, get a newer one11:27
or4n9eMamarok: it's the latest actually11:27
or4n9eas of today11:27
Peace-or4n9e: remember it's beta11:27
Peace-don't think it should work11:28
Mamarokwell, then it is still broken I guess, get the beta and update, that is probably the way to go, but these questions belong on #ubuntu+111:28
or4n9ePeace-: no worries with betas11:28
MamarokPeace-: it does work fine here11:28
Peace-Mamarok: here too11:28
Mamarokthe beta I mean, not the daily live11:28
gr8m8Backglass: keep it in the channel pls11:28
or4n9eMamarok: ok, will do. I had hoped to get a daily running in order to avoid countless updates but OK11:28
ubottuPlease ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.11:28
or4n9e#thanks for the information about broken daily builds11:29
gr8m8Backglass: I don't know everything...11:29
Mamarokgr8m8: no need to exagerate, I already told him11:29
gr8m8Mamarok: sorry - I did what?11:29
or4n9eI haven't send any PMs actually11:30
Peace-to meee... or4n9e11:30
Mamarokor4n9e: it's not about you11:30
or4n9ePeace-: IC11:30
or4n9eMamarok: btw, is there an archive of daily builds somewhere?11:30
or4n9eand .. do you know what daily still worked before breakage?11:31
Mamarokor4n9e: ask in #ubuntu+1, please this really doesn't belong here11:31
or4n9eMamarok: IC11:31
or4n9eMamarok: thx anyways. have a good day11:31
Mamarokor4n9e: you are welcome :)11:31
=== marcin is now known as gurtos
gr8m8Backglass: you are making me sorry I tried to help - stop the pms pls11:33
gr8m8Mamarok: sorry - I did what?11:34
Mamarokgr8m8: my bad, sorry, got confused11:34
gr8m8k :]11:34
Mamarokgr8m8: ignore him?11:34
Mamarokhe asked in #kde now11:35
gr8m8Mamarok: I have a pretty high tolerance level..11:35
Mamarokgr8m8: good for you :) your grim smile says otherwise, though :)11:36
gr8m8Mamarok: that's me being lazy more then anything else :)11:36
MamarokOK :)11:37
=== administrator is now known as Guest80596
Guest80596hi everywone11:45
Guest80596does anywone happen to know a good linux-helper-kinda-blog, something like linuxhaxor?11:48
gr8m8Guest80596: it depends on what you want to do.. :)11:49
Guest80596i wanna learn linux :)11:49
gr8m8Guest80596: I started with the man pages - open konsole, type a and hit the tab button twice - it shows the apps that start with a11:51
Guest80596well, i got from a website 10 free linux ebooks that a guy should read11:51
gr8m8books are a great start11:51
gr8m8man pages too11:52
gr8m8man a<tab>11:52
Guest80596yeah, in the book that i read now, its telled like once in 3-4 pages to read manuals11:52
gr8m8best thing I found out was to have a seperate home partition so if things go wrong a new install takes ~20min and your personal files are still there11:53
Guest80596but i actualy come from windows (like 99% of the linux users), and man pages look kinda scary, too hard to understand, so i first wanna read some books, blogs, things like that, where stuff is explained good, so i can make a technical vocabulary11:54
ubottuTo replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude  --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » - See also !automate11:55
Guest80596im actualy trying to learn to instal ubuntu  :) like, i mean, the propper install, where i know wat im doing, not follow a tutorial, or doing it with wubi, so you know a good documentation for that?11:55
gr8m8Guest80596: I found I didn't learn much 'till I tried some stuff and broke things - fixing your own errors is the best teacher imo11:56
gr8m8!install | Guest8059611:56
ubottuGuest80596: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - Don't want to use a CD? See http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate11:56
gr8m8lots of options there11:57
gr8m8Guest80596: do you know aboput partitions?11:57
gr8m8Guest80596: do you know about partitions?11:57
Guest80596yeah, i was thinking about just learning from trial and error, but when i was using windows (actualy now i dual-boot), i heard something about that if you dont install windows properly, is a good chance to ruin your hard drive, and stuff like that11:58
Guest80596yeah, i have read something about partitions, swap and other stuffs, including something about filesistems11:59
gr8m8Guest80596: never heard of that myself - sometimes h/ware fails and folks might attribute that to what they were doing at the time11:59
Guest80596i guessed that the thing wasnt true...like, i mean, if that was true, it would be hacker (actualy script-kiddie) heaven...but i didnt want to take chances :P12:00
gr8m8I've prob done 50+ installs and never had an issue apart from my own lack of knowledge :]12:00
gr8m8Guest80596: if you use common sense the ubuntu distros are about as safe as you can be imo12:02
gr8m8if you need to hand in something tomorrow I wouldn't try linux for the first time - but if time is not the issue then go for it - I haven't used windows since 200212:03
Guest80596well, now im on ubuntu :) so i already started to play a little with linux... but it-s installed via wubi, and i saw on the net that if its installed with wubi its considered like a windows application, or something like that, and it runs slower12:06
Guest80596i dont really see myself quiting windows (except if i coul dmake wow to work on my linux box), but linux certainly is worth a try12:06
gr8m8Guest80596: wubi is a way to gently introduce ppl to the world of linux - a wonderful app in that regard12:09
Guest80596expecialy after you have seen "Hackers" or "Live free or die hard" or stuff like that :P12:09
Guest80596yeah, actualy if it wasnt wubi i would get so stuck, and so scared to tinker (so i would not "ruin" the hard drive), that i would quit the idea of trying linux12:10
TorchGuest80596: if by "wow" you mean world of warcraft -- it's supposedly running very well under wine on linux.12:10
gr8m8Guest80596: can I ask why "hackers" comes up so much in your conversation - I use nothing but *nix and have never hacked anything12:10
Guest80596Torch: I know, but, as a noob, i dont actualy know how to make it work :P12:11
TorchGuest80596: that should be a) install wine b) run setup.exe. also, there's #wine.12:12
Guest80596g8m8: i actualy dont know why...guess its kind of an inspiration or something...i program, so hacking would be a step farther...i actualy dont know...12:12
Guest80596i have wine installed, but i actualy play wow on a pirate server :-" so i dont know how to set up the connection (i mean, realmilst), or anything like that..12:13
ubottuYou can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.12:15
Guest80596thanks for that too :)12:16
Guest80596so, to be on theme with the channel, can i ask what is the actual difference between ubuntu and kubuntu?12:17
Guest80596i only know that kubuntu is on KDE, and it uses less resources12:18
gr8m8Guest80596: kubuntu uses kde as the desktop environment and ubuntu uses gnome12:20
ubottuKDE (http://kde.org) is the !desktop environment used natively in !Kubuntu. To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop », or see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingKDE . See http://kubuntu.org for more information. For more information on KDE 4, see !kde412:20
ubottuGNOME is the default !desktop environment on Ubuntu. To install it from Kubuntu or Xubuntu, type « sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop » in a !terminal.12:20
gr8m8the base is the same12:20
gr8m8!info kubuntu-desktopo12:21
ubottuPackage kubuntu-desktopo does not exist in lucid12:21
gr8m8!info kubuntu-desktop12:21
ubottukubuntu-desktop (source: kubuntu-meta): Kubuntu Plasma Desktop system. In component main, is optional. Version 1.174.1 (lucid), package size 25 kB, installed size 52 kB12:21
gr8m8you can have both installed at the same time and choose one at login12:21
gr8m8!info ubuntu-desktop12:22
ubottuubuntu-desktop (source: ubuntu-meta): The Ubuntu desktop system. In component main, is optional. Version 1.197 (lucid), package size 31 kB, installed size 60 kB12:22
gr8m8and there are others12:23
Guest80596yeah, but you can install KDE on ubuntu too, so that would make it Kubuntu? :) or there are other differences?12:23
gr8m8you can have both installed at the same time and choose one at login12:23
gr8m8and there are others12:23
gr8m8!info lxde12:23
ubottulxde (source: lxde-common): Meta-package for the Lightweight X11 Desktop Environment. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.5.0-3ubuntu2 (lucid), package size 5 kB, installed size 36 kB12:23
gr8m8so with the one install at login you can choose between lots of desktop environments and window managers12:24
gr8m8!info fluxbox12:25
ubottufluxbox (source: fluxbox): Highly configurable and low resource X11 Window manager. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.1.1-6 (lucid), package size 1297 kB, installed size 4144 kB12:25
gr8m8it is not like windows where you have no choice12:25
gr8m8Guest80596: or if you install ubuntu then kubuntu-desktop and like kubuntu so much you want to get rid of the ubuntu-desktop there is12:28
ubottuIf you want to remove all !Gnome packages and have a default !Kubuntu system follow the instructions here « https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PureKDE »12:29
gr8m8there we go :]12:29
gr8m8freedom of choice12:29
Guest80596and, the best part, it's free :))12:30
sabgentonI don't know if it's KDE or ubuntu but I can't get direct access to networking from a shell12:30
trichardhey, i first installed ubuntu and installed the kubuntu packages afterwards. Now i set KDM as my default login manager. For some reason though, kdm seems to take my keystrokes as qwerty while i have an azerty keymap. Is there any way to change this?12:30
sabgentonI can access wifi from the kde  stuff for example but I can't manually iwconfig it12:31
gr8m8the hardest part for most folk is accepting that there is noone telling them how there os should be set up12:31
sabgentonI'm having network isuses and I just want to use the comand line tools I know but something is blocking me12:31
sabgentonKDE wallet?12:32
Guest80596yeah, this is the only part that sucks at this freedom...like you dont know what to choose, and if you wanna start to read the info on everything you can change, you drop it, but the best way is to take it as it comes "from the box", and modify it on the roan12:32
Guest80596road *12:32
FloodBotK2Guest80596: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.12:32
gr8m8sabgenton: you could set the kdewallet password to blank12:33
sabgentonGuest80596: agreed12:33
sabgentongr8m8: ok do you really think that would blook me at the shell?12:34
gr8m8trichard: what keyboard layout is the default in kubuntu for you?12:34
sabgentongr8m8: I allready tryed deleting the wallet12:34
trichardgr8m8: Well in settings manager i put it to azerty (belgian point)12:34
gr8m8sabgenton: never tried to do anything wireless anywhere ever12:35
gr8m8wireless is sooooo slow and sooooo crackable12:35
sabgentonwireless is fine12:36
sabgentonnot being able to access it via  the shell is not12:36
gr8m8trichard: you've set the gui as azerty but prob not the console12:36
trichardhmm, let me try that12:37
trichardif i press ctrl + alt + F3 for a console window it's in azerty too12:37
gr8m8sabgenton: you might be right that the gui apps get in the way - how are you trying to access it in cli?12:38
sabgentonthe same way I do on ubuntu server  sudo iwconfig essid  whatever12:40
trichardsabgenton: You might want to kill knetworkmanger and/or NetworkManager12:40
gr8m8trichard: then it must be a kdm issue - sorry I've never tried to use azerty ever12:40
gr8m8trichard: there's the configs in /etc12:41
sabgentontrichard: ah ok will try12:41
sabgentontrichard: is there a more proper way to do it ?12:41
trichardgr8m8: i know, it has a language item but no keyboard layout item12:41
sabgentonstill that would narrow down the answer12:41
trichardsabgenton: i think you should just try it indeed12:41
gr8m8I don't use any network manager - they're just middlemen12:41
trichardit might be just knetworkmanager12:41
sabgentonI have to reboot  my  machine to get back in but I think I'll start there12:42
or4n9eI still have issues installing kubuntu 10.10. with both the beta and the daily build as of today the ubiquity installer kde_ui doesn't start at all12:49
or4n9ealso running ubiquity kde_ui doesn't throw out any error messages12:49
or4n9eMamrok suggested the beta after asking for the daily build but I encounter the very same issue again12:50
or4n9eany ideas?12:50
gr8m8or4n9e: tried in the 10.10 channel?12:53
ubottuMaverick Meerkat is the codename for Ubuntu 10.10, due October 2010 - Maverick is NOT released and NOT Stable, discussion and support in #ubuntu+112:53
or4n9egr8m8: not yet, will try12:53
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or4n9emost likely solved it13:25
or4n9eit's an issue in misc.py ubiquity13:25
or4n9ejust for the record and for others encountering the very same issue13:26
or4n9everified. modify misc.py from he running live session and enjoy a starting ubiquity installer13:33
ubottuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs - Bugs in/wishes for the IRC bots (not Ubuntu) can be filed at http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots13:34
ubottuHi! Welcome to #kubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!13:34
sobczykis there an other way to remove plasma widget , except clicking the 'x'? I placed newspaper Activity od desktop and can't remove it...13:35
James147sobczyk: right clcik it13:35
James147(widgets need ot be unlocked)13:35
sobczykJames147: in option there is just "configure..."13:35
James147sobczyk: are the widgets locked?13:36
James147sobczyk: why cant you click the x then?13:37
sobczykJames147: http://img704.imageshack.us/i/newspaperactivitybug.png/13:38
sobczykI cant click any of the buttons13:38
sobczykwhere is the file that holds the widgets on the screen?13:39
James147sobczyk: try opening the "add widgets" dialog, i cant quite remember, but I think it had a way to remove all widgets of a type (the - button on that widget)... although that might have been in eailer versions13:40
James147sobczyk: if not the widget config is at ~/.kde/share/config/plasma-desktop-appletsrc13:40
James147(or similar, not sure if it was renamed in kde 4.5 )13:41
James147sobczyk: if your editing it though, you might want to close plasma-desktop first (kquitapp plasma-desktop) and relaunh it after13:43
sobczykI opened it and there is no filenames13:44
sobczykI mean I don't know what to delete...13:44
James147sobczyk: filenames? what did you open? (the file or folder?)13:45
sobczykthe file you tld about (plasma-desktop-appletsrc)13:45
James147sobczyk: open the folder, thats the name of the file in kde 4.5, but I remember the name of that file changing at one point... so might be named slightly differently13:46
James147possibally plasma-appletsrc13:46
sobczykyes I can find it, I can't find the offending widget13:46
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sobczykok found13:50
sobczykand deleted, thx James14713:50
Bobbix_how i can add my application on a panel?14:03
Bobbix_i've a myfile.sh i want to execute by clicking on an icon on my panel, how i can do thath?14:04
gr8m8Bobbix_: right click and add launcher14:05
Bobbix_gr8m8: on Ubuntu (gnome) i can do this.. but on kde there are no launcher for the panels14:06
Bobbix_only predefinied applications14:06
BluesKajBobbix_, right click on the app in the kmenu and choose "add to panel"14:06
gr8m8BluesKaj: it is a script he made14:07
gr8m8excuse me Bobbix_ I assumed you had balls14:07
gr8m8hence the he14:08
BluesKajBobbix_, is it on the desktop?14:08
Bobbix_BluesKaj:  there is no "add to panel" on the kmenu... if i right click on the panel i can select add to panel but i've only fixed applications.. i want to add my own script , can i do that?14:08
Bobbix_i've a script to resolve the bug with kubuntu and knetwork manager when STR is activated.14:09
BluesKajbobbix , yes as long as it's in a text file14:09
Bobbix_i want to add this with an icon on the panel,,, i can't do that14:10
Bobbix_with gnome i can do that... there is a launcher (in terminal or as application) there is a kind of this on kde?14:12
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BluesKajBobbix_, I've had some luck with adding a ytext file to the panel . but the taskbar needs to be empty for some reason , dunno why14:12
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Bobbix_uhm.. ok... very strange... but pheraps i've a workaround to resolve this14:13
Bobbix_i can add an icon n the menu first (right click on the menu icon on the bottom left side icon14:13
Bobbix_after this i can add the application to te panel selecting the icon and selecting add to panel14:14
Bobbix_you are right?14:14
BluesKajBobbix_, you have to drag the file to the panel , hold it there for at least 4-5 secs then you'll get the the dialog asking for icon14:16
Bobbix_i try now14:16
James147Bobbix_: you should be ablet o just drag it to the panbel (assuming widgets are unlocked)14:17
Bobbix_don't work14:17
James147Bobbix_: are widgets unlocked?14:18
Bobbix_if i drag the file i see a forbidden symbol on it14:18
Bobbix_yes the widgets are unlocked14:18
Bobbix_you can try, but... i'm using a new panel positioned on the top of the screen, not the native one on the bottom, can chane something?14:19
* James147 cant remember if that was one of the things improved on in kde 4.5... works here just by drag and drop (kde 4.5)14:19
James147Bobbix_: that shouldnt make any difference14:19
Bobbix_chane = change14:19
Bobbix_ok... but i can't drag anything on it14:20
James147Bobbix_: I would suggest upgrading to kde 4.5, the improved the widget handeling quite abit in that version, otherwise, you might ahve to create a entry in the menu for the script and drag that14:20
Bobbix_how can see witch version i have?14:21
James147Bobbix_: any kde app > help > about kde14:21
James147my guess is 4.4.2 :)14:21
Bobbix_how can i upgrade... not with package manager?14:22
James147Bobbix_: I suggest upgrading, I find kde 4.5 allot more polished/resposive :)14:22
James147Bobbix_: see the topic for how to upgrade14:22
Bobbix_how can i upgrade?14:22
Bobbix_link me14:22
James147Bobbix_: its in the topic ^^ but: http://kubuntu.org/news/kde-sc-4514:22
Bobbix_James147: note that i've resolved adding the file in the menu first and after i've been able to add this icon on the panel... it's a valid workarount, true?14:23
James147Bobbix_: its valid... and means you can access it from the menu as well.14:24
James147(but kde 4.5 lets you just drag and drop it :D )14:24
James147... at elast I assume that was added in 4.514:25
Bobbix_ok... i add the backports repo in the package manager14:25
James147Bobbix_: now run in konsole: "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade"14:25
James147(kpackagekit cannot upgrade to kde 4.5.. due to it needing to remove/add other packages)14:26
BluesKajJames147, drag n drop worked in previous nkdes versions ...been keeping a text file list of cli commands in the panel for yrs now14:27
BluesKajerr kde versions14:27
James147BluesKaj: hmm, maby they jsut improved on the drop and drop part (I think it was easier in kde 4.5)14:27
BluesKajseems to be, yeah14:28
* James147 has been on 4.5 so long he is starting to forget what it improved on... but he knows it did quite abit14:28
BluesKajwas running gnome the other day and found the networking is really clunky , or have I forgotten the right procedure to set up anetwork folder ? :)14:30
* James147 dosnt use gnome... so wouldnt know14:31
rerxhi! i'm trying out the maverick-beta. using an external usb sound card i can't get any sound in flash, everything kde, vlc and mplayer all work fine. in pavucontrol the flash plugin never shows up. any ideas?14:42
rerxah.. that could have been confusing. i don't have sound in flash, but everywhere else it seems to work14:43
James147rerx: maverick support is on #ubuntu+114:44
BluesKajrerx, you should be asking in #ub8untu+1 , but make sure you've installed kubuntu-restricted-extras14:44
BluesKajerr #ubuntu+114:45
rerxok guys, thanks for pointing me in the right direction and sorry for cluttering the channel. :)14:45
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jimtuv_I am having trouble with KDM crashing when I log off. It works fine to shut down or restart but log off always crashes16:00
adilalpmani have a problem with my 3g modem on my kubuntu 10.0416:02
adilalpmancan anybody help me?16:03
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adilalpmancan anybdy help me?16:08
BluesKajadilalpman,recomend you use the gnome network manager for 3g , check sysnaptic for it16:08
adilalpmanbut i use kubuntu16:11
BluesKajadilalpman, you can still run the app in kubuntu16:29
phoenix_ktorrent does not resume automatically when a torrent gets stalled16:51
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phoenix_firebrdPici: are you there16:54
phoenix_firebrdhow to log in to a channel16:55
BluesKajphoenix_firebrd, how do you know ?16:59
phoenix_firebrdBluesKaj: how do you know what?17:00
elijahI am LOVING the bandwidth monitor built into the system tray!!!!!17:00
elijahIn Meerkat that is!17:00
BluesKajphoenix_firebrd, that ktorrent does not resume automatically when a torrent gets stalled ...maybe there are no seeders with the data you need17:01
phoenix_firebrdBluesKaj: when i stop the torrent and start it again, it works fine17:02
lucidfoxI could use some help with recording from the microphone17:02
lucidfoxthe GNOME sound recorder plain doesn't work, and the sound in Audacity is waaaay too quiet17:02
ares_Padekit paplatint Sita nr 868970912 L-a-b-a-s +37068970912 Call her17:02
lucidfoxeven though the microphone is set to maximum in alsamixer17:03
elijahlucidfox: I am having the same issue17:03
BluesKajphoenix_firebrd, then auto - refresh the the trackers settings in system options17:03
macolucidfox: mic boost too?17:03
lucidfoxmic boost?17:03
elijahlucidfox: It is like the driver doesn't work etc.17:03
lucidfoxI see no "mic boost" option in any of the mixers I've tried17:04
lucidfoxIt worked fine under GNOME17:04
elijahlucidfox: But I get something and if I crankn everything all the way up then it sounds louder but not loud and also like garbaaage17:04
nerdy_kidlucidfox; are you using pulseaudio?17:04
elijahlucidfox: I couldn't get mine working in GNOME either17:04
phoenix_firebrdBluesKaj: where is that sett6ing17:04
lucidfoxnerdy_kid> Yes17:04
lucidfoxDon't you dare suggest to remove it.17:04
nerdy_kidlucidfox; great! the fix is painfully easy:  run paman go to sources; select the mic, and drag the volume slider up as far as you need it (think it goes to like 400%)17:05
nerdy_kidI just figured that out for my mic17:05
phoenix_firebrdkloeri: what you told is not working17:05
BluesKajphoenix_firebrd, I've forgotten , but it's there , look around ...I use deluge now , due to the blocklist feature17:06
nerdy_kidlucidfox the sources are under the 'devices' tab17:07
elijahhow do I tell if I am running puldeaudio? I am running Meerkat?17:07
phoenix_firebrdBluesKaj: ktorrent has the same feature, then why are you using another17:07
lucidfoxnerdy_kid> Still doesn't work, what am I supposed to be recording with?17:09
siwikshi everybody17:09
lucidfoxWhen I set the audio source in Audacity to "pulse", I get no sound input at all; when I set it to the physical device, I get very quiet sound17:09
lucidfoxthe GNOME recorder still doesn't work17:09
BluesKajphoenix_firebrd, because it's builtin and easier to manage17:10
nerdy_kidlucidfox; have you made sure the mic is not muted in pulseaudio volume control?17:10
phoenix_firebrdBluesKaj: how to check if a udp port is forward17:10
nerdy_kidlucidfox; after you tweet the volume in paman hit "show volume meter" and start making noise; adjust the volume until the meter starts maxing out17:11
BluesKajphoenix_firebrd, do you have a router?17:11
phoenix_firebrdBluesKaj: no, but my modem17:11
lucidfoxOkay, I launched the GNOME Sound Recorder and the PulseAudio volume control at the same time17:12
lucidfoxturns out that by default it was trying to record from my TV tuner o_O17:12
lucidfoxwhen I switched devices, though, it's still too quiet17:12
BluesKajphoenix_firebrd, do you have web browser access to your modem ?17:14
phoenix_firebrdBluesKaj: you mean ?17:14
BluesKajok phoenix_firebrd ping
lucidfoxOkay, here's the catch17:15
lucidfoxat 176%, it's relatively manageable volume, although still too quiet17:15
lucidfoxat high values like 400%, there is no sound17:16
lucidfoxbut at least it works now17:16
nerdy_kidlucidfox what app are you recording with? audacity?17:16
phoenix_firebrdBluesKaj: unknown host17:16
nerdy_kidalso you should see the volume meter react majorly to the boost17:16
BluesKajphoenix_firebrd, I'm quite sure you can portforward udp in ktorrent settings17:18
BluesKajphoenix_firebrd, route in the terminal to get your gateway / modem IP17:19
elijahlucidfox: What sound device do you have? Is it intel?17:19
lucidfoxNVIDIA onboard sound, and it's irrelevant, it worked well in GNOME before with no configuration17:19
phoenix_firebrdBluesKaj: have you used utorrent17:21
BluesKajphoenix_firebrd, yes awhile ago17:21
elijahIs there a way to "tile windows verticlaly/horizontally" like in Win?17:21
phoenix_firebrdBluesKaj: in that you click a button and it takes you to portforwarding.com and it tells you whether the port is open or not.is there a similar way?17:22
BluesKajphoenix_firebrd, yes I beleive ping the gatewayIP:portnumber17:24
BluesKajphoenix_firebrd, what does ' route ' output ?17:24
phoenix_firebrdBluesKaj: the route command gives me the default gateway17:26
phoenix_firebrdBluesKaj: when i ping my gateway with the port address, it say unknown host17:26
phoenix_firebrdBluesKaj: just now i checked with a website. it says the port is not open17:26
elijahIs Meerkat supposed to have Pulseaudio in it?17:27
phoenix_firebrdelijah: pulseaudio is default in meerkat17:29
phoenix_firebrdelijah: i have some questions regarding that17:29
BluesKaj phoenix_firebrd , ok jus found something , nmap -p port ipaddress (for tcp) , nmap -sU -p port ipaddress (for udp)17:29
elijahphoenix_firebrd: How do I know if I have it installed?17:30
phoenix_firebrdelijah: if the sound is not good, then its sure pulseaudio :)17:31
phoenix_firebrdelijah: just kidding17:31
phoenix_firebrdelijah: actually i dont know how to find that17:32
elijahphoenix_firebrd: k17:32
sanoophello guys17:33
phoenix_firebrdBluesKaj: i have successfully forwared my port using dmz host17:36
BluesKajphoenix_firebrd, well that can be dangerous , but if it's just one port I suppose it's ok17:37
phoenix_firebrdBluesKaj: i dont know if i enabled just one or all the ports, i just entered my local ip in dmz server17:39
phoenix_firebrdBluesKaj: there is  setting called "use utorrent transport protocol", will enabling it increases the performance of the download, what do you say?17:41
BluesKajphoenix_firebrd, i think that's an automatic setting that lets ktorrent decide how and what trackers/seeds to use based on network traffic17:45
BluesKajI don't recall that option personally17:45
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BluesKajphoenix_firebrd, so you enabled iptables , probly a good practice if you have no router17:50
gstarx90can i use network-manager-gnome in kde?17:51
phoenix_firebrdBluesKaj: juts now i found port forwarding plugin in the ktrrent, i disabled the dmz server17:51
BluesKajgstarx90, yes , but what's the problem ?17:52
gstarx90my netgear wna1100 does not connect to my router in kde17:52
gstarx90i connect using wep17:52
BluesKajphoenix_firebrd, good , then the port will only be open when ktorrent is running17:52
phoenix_firebrdBluesKaj: ya, thanks for the help17:53
BluesKajwell phoenix_firebrd , you seemed to solve the problem yourself , but your welcpme anyway :)17:53
phoenix_firebrdBluesKaj: see you17:54
BluesKajgstarx90, knetwork manager should run wep without any problems17:55
jornheyho, i seem to have deactivated the "new software updates available" notifications... how do i reactivate them?18:09
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claydohjorn: the update notifier sometimes just seems to not work18:17
jorncome on18:18
jornclaydoh: which package / script / file is responsible?18:19
claydohupdate-notifier-kde iirc18:19
claydohmaybe not, though18:19
* claydoh looks it up18:19
BluesKajjorn, the updater is clunky , in the terminal : sudo aptitude update && sudo aptitude safe-upgrade  , or if you prefer apt , then , sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade18:20
jornclaydoh: yupp, seems to be that18:20
jornBluesKaj: yupp, i know how to update... nevertheless i want a notification to appear when my system is out of date18:21
jorn(and actually I always used aptitude)18:21
jornbut I think I once hit the "don't show again" button while giving a presentation and clicking the notification away ;)18:21
BluesKajjorn , well that's up to you , but I just run it as a habit after login  everyday18:22
jornso after a few weeks of not being pushed to update, I suddenly realized my system was outdated :-/18:22
jornand I can't find how to reenable the notifications18:22
claydohjorn: if you clicked that, yoi might want to go into kpackagekit's settings and poke around, as well as checking in System Settings in the Service Manager to make sure all the update/notifcation daemons are enabled18:28
claydohjorn: just grasping at straw tho18:29
jornclaydoh: yupp, already tried this... but in the kpackageit settings I only see "edit software sources"18:30
jornand in the services manager all services are activated18:30
claydohyup there are settings in there for updates18:30
claydohin the 'edit software sources" area18:31
jornyupp, but that is all ok, i think... "only notify about available updates" (daily)18:31
jornwell, i clicked around in there changed the settings to something different, closed, then reset them to daily and notify, perhaps that will help18:34
jornthanks for your help though...18:34
jornif it doesn't work I'll just use the script I use for my server which writes me an email ;)18:34
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garouhy excuse me...i having some troubles with my sound card in kde with ubuntu 10.04, someone can help me?18:40
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)18:40
senor_bananawhat's the problem with your audio?18:40
garoui tried "sudo alsa reload"18:40
garouno sound...18:41
garoui had put in repositories ubuntu pre-liberated updates...i think is because this18:41
senor_bananadamn touchpad18:41
toki78is there a command and conquer clone for linux ?18:42
senor_bananaWhat is your audio device?18:42
senor_banana@Toki78 google FreeCNC18:43
garouAudio device: Intel Corporation 5 Series/3400 Series Chipset High Definition Audio (rev 05)18:43
senor_bananaSee if that helps any, garou.18:46
garoui am a noob in mirc^^ how can i highlight and send a message for you?18:48
senor_bananaWhere are you copying from?18:49
senor_bananaand what IRC client are you using?18:49
LinuxUserhi all, is there any backport repo where i can find kaffeine 1.1 build?18:49
garouquassel irc18:50
garouwhere? didnt understand...i am in Brazil18:51
garoui copy selecting and click with wheel button to paste18:51
senor_bananafor Kaffeine 1.1 http://downloads.sourceforge.net/project/kaffeine/kaffeine/kaffeine-1.1/kaffeine-1.1.tar.gz?r=&ts=1285437124&use_mirror=cdnetworks-us-218:52
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senor_bananaI don't know how you'd query the repos for the old version18:52
Peace--kaffeine for what?18:52
senor_bananaAnything KDE18:53
senor_bananathat's source, I believe18:53
senor_bananaIs quassel TUI or GUI?18:54
senor_bananaBetter question: Why am I asking when I have google/.18:54
LinuxUsersenor_banana: well, thats not a binary didn't want to mess my system up with self compiled programms18:55
senor_bananahmm, I don't know the answer, but I'll keep looking. I'm sure more people willw ant to get it eventually.19:00
Taggnostris there a key combination to move a window? it ended up "outside" of the desktop and I can't reach it with the mouse anymore19:03
senor_bananathat'll full screen it at least19:04
Taggnostroh, wait, I did it19:05
TaggnostrI right-clicked on the task bar and there was move19:05
Taggnostrfrom there it worked19:05
senor_bananaThat works too, haha.19:05
senor_bananagarou, try shift+insert to paste19:06
senor_bananaI run irc through irssi, which is completely TUI19:06
senor_bananathat's what I use.19:06
apple_catHi, I have a problem where half my system is in Spanish and the other half is in English. I changed system language to Spanish - used it for a few months and then have recently switched back to english. The problem is that even after changing back, some things are still in Spanish. Which packages should I reinstall (uninstall/purge) ?19:11
garousenor_banana: thanks so much about your help...i will try a bit more...if didnt have sucess i came back^^19:14
jackie_Hello all. I'm kurrently installing kubuntu 10.4.1LTS. When it came to the language files download I clicked skip. Directly after that the install screen minimized and there is no way to restore it. Any help with that?19:16
jackie_I'm installing kubuntu 10.4.1LTS19:16
delightjackie_: just install the languages you need by going to system settings / launguage settings ... add language19:17
apple_catAlso, I found a workaround for a problem that no-one seems to have found a solution to. When watching flash videos in fullscreen, if you change volume using laptop hotkeys the OSD will steal focus and make the fullscreen mode exit. If you edit specific window settings for 'Npviewer.bin' and force it to stay on top and enable focus stealing prevention. This works with Google Chrome as fullscreen opens in a seperate window19:17
jackie_I'm not at that point. It is still doing the install from the CD19:17
delightapple_cat: sounds great ... just write about it in a block and maybe give a link to lxer.com or so to make it public ;)19:18
delightjackie_: well afterwards you can still install the missing language support19:18
delightalternatively you do the work again :-/19:19
jackie_delight: That's not the problem. The problem is that the install interface screen disappeared and I have no way to recall that screen to check the progress of the install19:19
delightoh i see .. that doesn't sound to good ... hopefully it said skip and not cancel in the momment you clicked .. .i guess you will have to see if it finished the job by simply rebooting or so ... if not restart ... on the other hand maybe there is some way ... but I don't know about it19:21
jackie_delight: problem solved. It completed the install without the screen present. It asked to restart and that is what I am currently doing19:23
jackie_delight: TY for your help19:24
delightjackie_: cool ;) good luck19:24
apple_catdelight: I don't have a blog so I was hoping that someone here could just magically link it somewhere where it could help some people. I really don't know where to start with reporting solutions, reporting bugs or generally giving something back to the community. Do you know of some links that could give me an introduction and point me in the right directions?19:25
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delightapple_cat: you can start a blog on blogspot > blogger.com ... but I guess that could be a little bit of a hastle for the first entry with the initial registering and stuff .. at the end there is a bug on the bugzilla of kde for your problem ... you could write an answer on that ... sorry aint got the time right now ... dinner time19:30
apple_catdelight: Thanks for your help :) enjoy your dinner19:31
dave_delight: I spoke to you a few minutes ago under my fiances nic of jackie. The install is complete and running19:35
eMyllerwhere did kmail 2 go?19:37
eMylleri can't find it anywhere Oo19:37
dave_eMyller: Did you do a file search for it?19:38
eMyllerdave_: on the interwebs, i mean19:39
eMylleri cant find the ppa19:39
eMylleri thought it was kubuntu backports, but it's not there, i think19:39
eMyller(at least a dist-upgrade didn't bring me it)19:39
dave_Ah, I see19:39
James147eMyller: backports has whatever version is in kde 4.519:39
James147(or at least should do)19:40
eMylleryeah, i had kmail 2 here but did a full reinstall yesterday...19:40
James147only have 1 here :S19:41
eMyllerJames147, dave_: very weird, i also find nothing on google.19:42
eMyllerwas it a dream? Oo19:42
dave_eMyller: hmmm, let me check some things for you. BRB19:43
eMyllerdave_: ty19:43
eMylleri also have my old sources.list here, nothing different than my current one.19:44
dave_eMyller: what version of Kubuntu are you using?19:45
dave_ok, BRB19:45
eMyllerbrb too19:46
James147eMyller: i heard mention of kmail (at least I think it was kamil) being held back as nepomuk/akondi mature abit19:48
James147eMyller: before 4.5 was released, with mention of it being in 4.5.1 (which it might have missed19:48
James147eMyller: but I could be wrong :)19:48
James147eMyller: you could try asking in #kde, they will know more19:49
dave_eMyller: if you are looking to download Kmail, I have a link for both i386 and amd6419:49
James147dave_: kmail 2? or 1?19:50
eMyllerdave_: show me the link, please :)19:50
eMyllerJames147: yeah, it should've be launched with kde sc 4.5, but was postponed by one month19:51
eMyllerone month or so19:51
eMyllerbut it was two months ago...19:52
eMyllerand i've tested it, a version was released19:52
* eMyller wants it back19:52
James147eMyller: well, 4.5.2 isent out yet, might come with that19:52
dave_ eMyllier: http://packages.ubuntu.com/maverick/kmail. This is a Ubuntu link but it should work for kubuntu. Just scroll to the bottom for the download links19:52
dave_eMyller: I know it says maverick, but it still may work. In the meantime I'm still checking19:53
James147not sure which version taht is19:53
eMyllerdave_: thanks. packages.ubuntu.com are the same for kubuntu, but anyway there was a backported version of kmail19:53
James147^^ eMyllerwill check my mavrick comp to see which one it has (should be the same as the link)19:53
eMyllerit's in experimental ppa19:54
eMyllerthanks, guys :)19:54
dave_So will it work for you?19:54
eMyllerdave_: the packages in the experimental ppa will19:55
eMyllerthanks anyway :)19:55
dave_eMyller: Good. Glad it wil work for you19:55
James147dave_: and maverick only seems to have version 1.X so my guess is thouse links are for 1.x not 219:55
dave_james147: Ah, I see19:56
eMylleradd ppa:kubuntu-ppa/experimental if you want it. :)19:56
* James147 dosnt use kmail :)19:56
eMyllerit's cool :)19:57
eMylleri just miss the 'conversation' organization like in gmail19:58
James147eMyller: i just use gmail :D19:58
eMylleri love gmail, but kmail helps me to keep up with my email accounts19:59
eMyllerthey're both gmail-based, but well19:59
Peace--i guess you have to install somettuff to get gmail on kmail19:59
eMyllerkmail's becoming great.19:59
James147eMyller:  :) yeah, i only have gmail, and my uni one (which is forwarded to gmail)20:00
eMyllerPeace--: no..? Oo20:00
Peace--eMyller: works without other suff?20:00
James147Peace--: gmail should work with imap... or pop3... cant remember which20:00
Peace--i used kmail with some trouble-mail host20:01
Peace--but i managed to get the mail on kmail with some workaround20:01
eMyllerPeace--: yes and the setup is miserably easy20:01
James147either way, i like the gmail interface :) so kmail tends to be just something else to configure20:02
Peace--kmail with Freepops20:02
eMyllerbtw, dIMAP is awesome.20:02
Peace--that is for bad mail hosters20:02
Peace--James147: me too20:02
Peace--o wow there is not20:03
eMylleri haz kmail 2, yeah!20:07
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tompooomhi all, please, somebody tell me, has linux faces recognising softwere?20:17
tompooomcome on girls20:25
Tm_Ttompooom: I wonder if folks in ##linux knows20:26
Starwatchertompooom, not that I am aware of. this bunch in here are a quiet lot.20:26
Tm_TI know there's some recognition functions in some apps, but might not be what you're looking for20:26
dave_The silence in hear is deafening20:35
dave_play on words hear-here20:36
Tm_Tdave_: if here's no talk, I take it that Kubuntu is working fine (see the channel topic)20:36
dave_Tm_T: Kubuntu always works fine20:38
dave_I think I should get away from this intle on-board video and install a video card20:39
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mbanai'm going to install ubuntu 9.10 LTS21:12
mbanaor shall i wait till the new one?21:12
mbanais there anything critical that needs fixing in the the LTS that won't be in the new release?21:12
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ketanhow to add widget to plazma deshboard?23:19
harjothow would i create my own icon on plasma??23:20
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