
MaximLevitskyLaunchpad bug reporting system is down00:25
MaximLevitskyWhen it will be back?00:25
poolieMaximLevitsky: really00:27
poolieMaximLevitsky: what in particular is wrong?00:28
MaximLevitskyTry this00:28
MaximLevitskyI enter a bug description00:28
MaximLevitskyAnd hit next00:28
MaximLevitskyit never competes00:28
persiaWorks for me00:29
MaximLevitskydon't know why00:29
MaximLevitskyfor example going to00:29
MaximLevitskyalso gives me Timeout Error00:29
MaximLevitskyIts not my ISP, is it?00:30
* MaximLevitsky switches ISPs00:30
MaximLevitsky1No, doesn't help00:31
MaximLevitsky1Its is really launchpad failure00:32
prettyrobotsI uploaded my first package and it didn't build.00:33
prettyrobotsIt is missing dependencies.00:33
MaximLevitsky1as for timeout error, its OOPS-1728D229100:33
prettyrobotsHow do I check for dependencies during package development?00:33
prettyrobotsI can't seem to to get pbuilder to work. fakeroot seems to fail too.00:37
persiaprettyrobots, #ubuntu-packaging is a much better channel for that kind of question.00:37
persiaMaximLevitsky1, Looks like there's nobody officially organised to review OOPSes right now.  Sounds like a timeout issue, and strange that it works for me and not for you.00:38
persiaThat said, if you get an OOPS, you have definitely managed to crash launchpad.00:39
Ddordahey guys, i'm having troubles with my username in lp. i have 2 usernames d-dorda and ddorda, both are mine. i don't remember i ever registered twice and don't want to have 2 users. is it possible to merge these 2 to ~ddorda which is the original user?00:43
MaximLevitsky1persia: whats funny is that I was able to report a bug via  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+filebug?no-redirect00:44
persiaAnd I was able to open a bug against pulse.00:45
persiaMaybe try entering a different bug subject, and then change it on the second page?00:45
MaximLevitsky1persia: tried that00:48
MaximLevitsky1I tried 123400:48
MaximLevitsky1But bugreports work fine through  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+filebug?no-redirect00:48
persiaAnd got the same timeout?00:48
MaximLevitsky1These are 2 different issues00:48
MaximLevitsky1I get timeout on package searth00:49
persiaWell, so that you can move on with your day, file it against ubuntu, and then assign it to the right package (the folk in #ubuntu-bugs can help if you get stuck)00:49
MaximLevitsky1When I fill bug, the circle just keeps rotating00:49
persiaProbably also worth filing a bug against launchpad describing your experience in detail00:49
MaximLevitsky1The thing is that it did work this morning00:49
* persia isn't sure00:50
updhei, i need info for ubuntu, i mean for gnome, ther is a clock with weather, now wher are thes translations for wheather name, are on launchpad or. are recived via source for my country ?00:54
updanyone ?01:00
persiaIt's likely to be a combination.  I'm kinda guessing, but I suspect that the source code has translations that get stripped by pkg-strip-translations, and then pushed to Rosetta, and then pulled into language-pack-gnome-${LANG}01:06
persiaYou might find #ubuntu-devel to be a better channel to get a real answer, but based on other traffic there, I think the person who understood everything about how that worked isn't so active anymore (plus wasn't usually around on weekends anyway).01:07
poolieyes that filebug thing works for me too01:13
mgedminDdorda, does https://help.launchpad.net/YourAccount/Merging answer your question?01:15
Ddordamgedmin: indeed, it anser*ed* :)01:16
pooliehi marius01:16
* mgedmin waves01:16
mgedminincidentally that page I linked here has a broken image01:18
mgedmin404 for https://help.launchpad.net/htdocs/lp20/img/icon-info.png01:18
Ddordaguys, i have a bug report and not sure where to put it, can you guide me? the mailing lists archive doesn't support non-latin languages!01:18
* mgedmin doesn't care enough to file a bug and considers his open-source-user's duty fulfilled by mentioning it in #launchpad01:18
poolieDdorda: https:?/bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad/+filebug01:20
poolieDdorda: https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad/+filebug01:20
poolieplease include an example01:20
Ddordapoolie: sure thing01:20
pooliemgedmin: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/launchpad/+bug/64722801:22
ubot5`Launchpad bug 647228 in Launchpad itself "broken moin icons in help wiki (affected: 1, heat: 6)" [Undecided,New]01:22
ubot5`Launchpad bug 647232 in Launchpad itself "Mailing list archive does not support non-latin languages (affected: 1, heat: 6)" [Undecided,New]01:29
poolieDdorda: so it looks like they're ok in the individual messages, but broken on the summary page?01:31
Ddordathey are broken completely in the archive, in both the messages itself and the summery01:32
pooliethat's strange01:34
pooliehttps://lists.launchpad.net/ubuntu-il/msg00033.html looks ok to me01:34
poolie(i can't read hebrew but it looks like hebrew)01:35
pooliebut some other pages are x'd out01:35
Ddordait is fine, weird01:35
pooliethanks for reporting it01:36
Ddordapoolie: sure, i hope someone will have time to fix it soon01:36
Ddordaand if it will be possible to fix what was already saved, it will be even better! :D01:37
pooliei think the originals are still saved01:37
Ddordai hope so :P01:38
updi get it it's in libgweather anyway thanks, by..01:42
CarlFK"You have used your Single Sign On ID to access a site which is not recognised by Launchpad Login Service: http://us.pycon.org/2011/openid/"  what does it take to get a site recognised ?03:53
pooliehm i guess file a bug against /launchpad03:54
pooliei don't think that warning necessarily indicates a problem03:54
wgrantpoolie: SSO is canonical-identity-provider03:54
wgrantYou could file a question there.03:55
wgrantBut it should let you through regardless, just with a warning.03:55
CarlFKit does let me though - I guess fist I should wonder what "recognised" really means03:55
wgrantI'm not sure why it warns.03:56
wgrantIt doesn't seem terrible useful.03:56
CarlFKI am assuming some sites are, so what makes them special03:56
wgrantThe OpenID provider allows consumers to be whitelisted so they can retrieve privileged data (like email addresses and team memberships).03:57
CarlFKis the whitelist per user or system wide?04:09
pooliesystem wide, i think04:18
poolieat any rate there's no way to change it04:18
pooliei'm not sure why it doesn't just let you say whether you trust it or not04:18
CarlFKit does let the site use SSO for that site, I was just wondering if there was some reason I would want it recognised, and what that actually meant04:45
CarlFKno biggie - just wondering04:45
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H4Root!vhost cia.gov07:46
H4Roothow do i get a vhost?07:47
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cheater99i am new to launchpad, i have just tried checking something out and the transfer was awesomely slow - is this usual? is there something i can do about it?08:14
wgrantcheater99: Did you get a warning suggesting that you run 'bzr launchpad-login'?08:14
cheater99is it faster when i do that?08:15
cheater99let me try it08:15
wgrantThat should be substantially faster.08:15
wgrantIt uses a smart protocol over SSH, rather than dumb HTTP transfers.08:15
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LinuxJedihey guys, I'm getting timeouts when trying to change bug statuses09:05
wgrantLinuxJedi: What's the error message? Does it have an OOPS ID?09:07
LinuxJediwgrant: (Error ID: OOPS-1729O825)09:07
wgrantLinuxJedi: Which bug, and what were you changing?09:07
LinuxJediwgrant: https://bugs.launchpad.net/drizzle/+bug/64618709:07
ubot5`Launchpad bug 646187 in Drizzle elliott "MySQL privilege table errors still in InnoDB (affected: 1, heat: 6)" [Medium,New]09:07
LinuxJediwgrant: status and milestone09:07
wgrantLinuxJedi: Separately, using the edit button next to each item?09:08
LinuxJediwgrant: setting to Fix Committed and Drizzle 2010-09-2709:08
LinuxJediwgrant: separately and tried via. the arrow next to "Elliott" too09:09
LinuxJediwgrant: the latter gave me that OOPS ID09:09
wgrantLinuxJedi: Can you try it on https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/drizzle/+bug/646187? edge is running the latest version of the code -- it may be better-behaved in this case.09:10
ubot5`Launchpad bug 646187 in Drizzle elliott "MySQL privilege table errors still in InnoDB (affected: 1, heat: 6)" [Medium,New]09:10
LinuxJediwgrant: (Error ID: OOPS-1729EB369)09:12
wgrantThe OOPSes should tell us what's wrong. But I can't see them, so we'll have to wait for someone who can.09:13
LinuxJediwgrant: ok thanks, no rush.  I'm only going too be working on a few bugs today09:14
LinuxJediwgrant: haha, now https://edge.launchpad.net/drizzle is timing out too ;)09:15
LinuxJedi(Error ID: OOPS-1729EB372)09:15
wgrantNow that is odd.09:16
wgrantIt renders in about a second for me.09:16
LinuxJediah, that worked on refresh09:16
wgrantAnd the timeout is several times that.09:16
LinuxJediI'm sure it just hates me for some reason ;)09:17
LinuxJediwgrant: huh, changing bug statuses has started working too.  Must have been some glitch09:18
wgrantLinuxJedi: Sounsd like the DB might have been overloaded for a while.09:19
LinuxJedimakes sense09:19
LinuxJediwgrant: needs to run on Drizzle ;)09:19
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geserwgrant: I see that the FTBFS page lists DEPWAITs again. So the regex got fixed?10:22
wgrantgeser: It's a different type of depwait.10:24
wgrantVersioned depwait still works OK.10:24
wgrantIt's if the package is entirely unavailable that things break.10:24
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maxbHuh, my daily builds alternate persona has more karma than I do :-/12:19
LinuxJedimaxb: I find some things weigh much heavier than others.  Our project manager's karma skyrocketed in a week when he touched a bunch of blueprints for example12:58
LinuxJedimaxb: I don't think anyone on the drizzle project takes karma seriously anyway12:59
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oubiwannrockstar: hey man, project group time again :-)16:09
oubiwannrockstar: but I've forgotten who I talk to, in order to get a project group created...16:10
ThomasB2kHello. I've just built a debian package and I'm trying to dput the .changes file into my PPA. I keep getting an error that I've googled and I'm not getting any results for. "Rejected: Source/binary (i.e. mixed) uploads are not allowed."17:35
ThomasB2kI have no idea what is wrong.17:35
ThomasB2kAny help would be greatly appreciated.17:36
maxbThomasB2k: You upload source packages *only* to PPAs17:44
maxbapparently you're trying to upload a binary as well17:44
ari-tczewcan I review listed revisions to stricte file on bazaar?17:44
ThomasB2kOkay, so what do I do, maxb. This is only the second time I've ever done this, and the first time I was given a walkthrough.17:45
ari-tczewok I got it: "view changes to this file"17:45
maxbThomasB2k: use the -S argument when building the source package17:47
ThomasB2kokay, thank you!17:47
ThomasB2kreally maxb, thank you so much!17:48
ThomasB2kit was accepted!17:51
terrycojonesI'm playing with launchpadlib for the first time & have managed to log in, get a Launchpad instance back & can see the 'bugs' attr on it, get bugs[1], etc - i.e., all the stuff in the docs.  I'm wondering how to filter the bugs list to get a subset of interest.18:19
maxbterrycojones: https://launchpad.net/+apidoc tells all the gory details18:44
terrycojonesmaxb: hi - thanks! i found my way there with help from jkakar.18:50
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