
MaximLevitskyWhat happens to launchpad recently?00:11
MaximLevitskyCan't fill bugs there00:11
MaximLevitskyIt just doesn't respond00:11
MaximLevitskywhen this will be fixed?00:18
BUGabundoMaximLevitsky: beta or production ?00:18
MaximLevitskyBUGabundo: what do you mean?00:19
MaximLevitskyBUGabundo: I seem to be unable to open bugreports on the launchpad00:19
valentino_tugahi. i just installed ubuntu 10.10 and i have a problem. after dowloading google chrome installer ubuntu doesnt open debian aplications installer00:19
BUGabundoare you using EDGE?00:19
BUGabundovalentino_tuga: use chromium PPA instead00:20
MaximLevitskyBUGabundo: I don't understand you. I use the 10.20 now00:20
MaximLevitsky10.10 that is00:20
BUGabundoI mean launchpad00:20
valentino_tugaBUGabundo, what is the command I should use to open debian files?00:20
MaximLevitskyI don't think so00:20
MaximLevitskyI used for example00:21
MaximLevitskyThanks for ?no-redirect BTW...00:21
cromagis it possible for me to take an "image" of my current ubuntu install with all it's apps, settings and so on ?00:22
bazhangcromag, the beta? sure, but not sure why you'd want to00:23
MaximLevitskyBUGabundo: bugs.edge.launchpad.net doesn't work ether00:23
cromagbazhang: fresh install, and all is working for me right now :)00:23
cromagmythtv xbmc etc.00:24
bazhangcromag, that could change with the next updates though00:24
bazhangunless you plan on not updating, no real point00:24
MaximLevitskyBUGabundo: what to do? When that is going to be fixed?00:24
cromagi dont know yet00:24
cromagi just know i would like an image IF something fails during an update00:24
cromagso i can pin out issues maybe00:24
BUGabundoMaximLevitsky: ask in #launchpad00:25
bazhangcromag, better to file bugs and image when final is out00:25
cromagit's also better to take a pee when in a bathroom :)00:26
CT1nOStahl: Thankyou very much.  chroot worked!   : )00:29
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zoraelAre old versions of packages stored someplace? The latest ia32-libs is freaking out on me and I'm looking for the previous version (ubuntu4 as opposed to ubuntu5).00:53
zoraelvirtuald: Yes, but I cleaned it long since. Are they stored online someplace?00:55
virtualdnot that i know of00:55
albert23zorael: old packages are available from LP. http://launchpadlibrarian.net/55129435/ia32-libs_20090808ubuntu4_amd64.deb01:14
zoraelalbert23: Awesome, thanks :301:14
litropyI just want to say thanks, guys. You've got a great OS going here.01:15
litropyhi, peeps. I'm using a logitech usb headset with jack audio and pulseaudio. how do I get both the speakers and the mic working?01:40
litropyTranscom message #0011ACDE7425, TXPower: 100% :: Hailing! I have arrived.01:46
gerzelLitropy: First click on the volume button and go down to prefrences to check to make sure you got the levels turned up enough and nothing's muted for one.  Other than that I'd need to know more about your setup.01:47
gerzelOff to reboot for Maveric install later01:48
litropyvolume is maxxed, playing lowly through my paltry netbook's speakers. Within pavucontrol I have two outputs: Pulseaudio Jack sink and Simultaneous Output.01:49
=== Guest10569 is now known as ryanakca
DanaGargh, pulseaudio is being glitchy on my USB sound card.02:17
DanaGW: asyncq.c: q overrun, queuing locally02:18
DanaGW: ratelimit.c: 1153 events suppressed02:18
DanaGthe W lines are from -v, and the pastebin is from -vvv02:20
aboSamoorI am trying to install gummi but I get this error gummi : Depends: libpoppler-glib4 (>= 0.12) but it is not installable, any idea ?02:57
ChogyDanaboSamoor: I always apt-get install the dependency to see exactly what is wrong02:59
aboSamoorChogyDan: this is  libpoppler-glib5 what is available in the repos03:00
RBeckerHi there, is there a way to make either apt, aptitude, or some command line program force install a previous version and prevent upgrades?03:30
mgunesRBecker, look up "apt pinning"03:34
elvirolohi everyone03:35
elvirolomy sound applet has disappeared03:35
RBeckermgunes: From what I read quickly, it looks like it's mixing in unstable, which is not what I want, I just want it to downgrade to a previous version and stay there03:37
RBeckerI know I can prevent upgrades in Aptitude03:37
mgunesRBecker, you should be able to accomplish that with dpkg --set-selections and --get selections but I don't have documentation links handy; try doing a search for that03:40
delta9now go to irc.ubuntu.com and join #ubuntu+1 and say skype crashes  upon loading after latest update error here: http://pastebin.com/Q6Yjf1bR03:41
delta9 skype crashes  upon loading after latest update error here: http://pastebin.com/Q6Yjf1bR03:42
delta9PM me w/ info please, ty03:43
elvirolodelta9, download thus03:46
elvirolodelta9, download this http://mirrors.cytanet.com.cy/linux/ubuntu/archive/pool/universe/i/ia32-libs/ia32-libs_20090808ubuntu4_amd64.deb and install it with dpkg -i03:46
elvirolodelta9, skype will run after that03:46
delta9can i just click it in the gui?03:47
delta9or do i gotta do dpkg -i in terminal03:48
elvirolodelta9, no you can click03:49
elvirolodelta9, i think03:49
elvirolodelta9, maybe it will refuse to install because it's a downgrade03:50
delta9dpkg: error processing ia32-libs_20090808ubuntu4_amd64.deb (--install): cannot access archive: No such file or directory03:51
delta9Errors were encountered while processing: ia32-libs_20090808ubuntu4_amd64.deb03:52
delta9 sudo apt-get --purge remove skype03:53
elvirolodelta9, Hm. I don't know. Try with dpkg.03:53
elvirolodelta9, worked with me03:53
elvirolodelta9, you shouldn't need to uninstall skype03:54
DanaGSay, if I report a bug on something such as projectM-pulseaudio, and it says "nonfree kernel modules: fglrx", does that also include the fglrx version?03:54
delta9no idea.03:54
delta9it has to be removed for me to install it03:55
elvirolodelta9, ok03:55
elvirolodelta9, does it work now?03:55
delta9dpkg: error processing ia32-libs_20090808ubuntu4_amd64.deb (--install): cannot access archive: No such file or directory03:56
delta9Errors were encountered while processing: ia32-libs_20090808ubuntu4_amd64.deb03:56
delta9dpkg: error processing ia32-libs_20090808ubuntu4_amd64.deb (--install): cannot access archive: No such file or directory03:56
delta9Errors were encountered while processing: ia32-libs_20090808ubuntu4_amd64.deb03:56
delta9im root03:56
delta9so i dunno wtf is goin on03:57
delta9it still says there is a later version installed!03:58
delta9root@vaio-laptop:~# apt-get remove skype03:58
delta9Reading package lists... Done03:58
delta9Building dependency tree03:58
delta9Reading state information... Done03:58
delta9Package skype is not installed, so not removed03:58
delta90 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.03:58
delta9it still says i have a later version installed03:59
delta9maybe a reboot?03:59
elvirolodelta9, ok04:00
elvirolodelta9, did you download it properly?04:01
elvirolodelta9, i mean no errors04:01
elvirolodelta9, still around?04:11
delta9can i have that urll again please?04:14
delta9still wont install04:17
delta9wtf this sucks ...04:17
delta9(<unknown>:3272): Gtk-WARNING **: Loading IM context type 'ibus' failed04:18
delta9Inconsistency detected by ld.so: dl-open.c: 612: _dl_open: Assertion `_dl_debug_initialize (0, args.nsid)->r_state == RT_CONSISTENT' failed!04:18
delta9man ...04:18
delta9and im on 64 bit04:19
delta9does that matter?04:19
elvirolodelta9, i'm on 64 bit too04:19
elvirolodelta9, http://mirrors.cytanet.com.cy/linux/ubuntu/archive/pool/universe/i/ia32-libs/ia32-libs_20090808ubuntu4_amd64.deb04:19
elvirolodelta9, There must have been a problem during the download process.04:20
delta9thats the same thing04:21
delta9nah ..04:21
delta9i downloaded it twice04:21
delta9wtf is wrong.04:21
delta9im on the 10.10 dystro too04:22
elvirolodelta9, me too04:23
delta9wtf ..04:23
delta9why am i being punished?04:23
delta9the unix gods are angry04:24
delta9they are smiting me04:24
elviroloIt's really strange.04:24
elviroloYou just did "sudo dpkg -i ia32-libs_20090808ubuntu4_amd64.deb" ?04:24
elvirolodelta9, what's the message you get again?04:26
delta9dpkg: error processing ia32-libs_20090808ubuntu4_amd64.deb (--install): cannot access archive: No such file or directory04:27
delta9Errors were encountered while processing: ia32-libs_20090808ubuntu4_amd64.deb04:27
delta9how do i change dir to downloads?04:30
delta9cd /home/vaio/downloads04:30
delta9root@vaio-laptop:/home/vaio# cd\04:31
delta9> ls04:31
delta9cdls: command not found04:31
delta9root@vaio-laptop:/home/vaio# ls04:31
delta9Desktop    edk.txt           gangstarr.tar.bz2  Public      Videos04:31
delta9Documents  examples.desktop  Music              Templates04:31
delta9Downloads  FrostWire         Pictures           Ubuntu One04:31
delta9root@vaio-laptop:/home/vaio# cd /downloads/04:31
delta9bash: cd: /downloads/: No such file or directory04:31
delta9root@vaio-laptop:/home/vaio# cd /downloads04:31
delta9bash: cd: /downloads: No such file or directory04:31
delta9root@vaio-laptop:/home/vaio# cd /home/vaio/downloads04:31
delta9bash: cd: /home/vaio/downloads: No such file or directory04:31
bazhangdelta9, pastebin04:32
delta9i got the error up there04:32
bazhangdoing what04:32
delta9i forget the url04:32
elvirolodelta9, PM04:33
bazhangpastebin does not mean paste here04:33
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.04:33
delta9skype crashes  upon loading after latest update error here:  http://pastebin.com/Q6Yjf1bR04:33
tman482delta9: *nix systems are case sensitive. You used "cd .../downloads" needs to be "cd .../Downloads" according to the output of your /home dir.04:33
bazhangdelta9, skype from ubuntu repositories?04:34
elvirolobazhang, yes it's normal04:34
bazhang!find skype04:34
ubottuFound: pidgin-skype, pidgin-skype-dbg, python-skype04:34
elvirolobazhang, there's a problem with ia32libs04:34
bazhangelvirolo, sounds like a skype issue04:34
elvirolobazhang, no it's not04:34
elvirolodelta9, you have to do what i told you04:35
bazhangelvirolo, bug number?04:35
elviroloI had exactly the same problem04:35
elvirolobazhang, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/skype/+bug/64686204:35
ubottuLaunchpad bug 646862 in skype (Ubuntu) "skype crashes after signing in" [Undecided,Confirmed]04:35
delta9thats it04:35
=== I_want_ely is now known as the1994
elvirolodelta9, now do cd /home/vaio/Downloads04:36
delta9im there04:36
elvirolodelta9, now ls04:37
delta9its working!04:37
elvirolodelta9, Good.04:37
delta9its installing04:37
delta9ima tt=ry to run it04:37
elvirolodelta9, what about skype?04:37
delta9running app now hold on04:37
delta9installing skype04:38
whereamiWhat does "no module name found" on the console mean? seems to be from grub2?04:38
delta9it works but stilll has errors04:39
delta9lemme see if it works04:39
elvirolodelta9, is it working?04:43
delta9i need to skype someone04:48
delta9to find out04:48
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=== SolidLiq is now known as solid_liq
whereamiokay, I finally got my system installed and running... but it's stupendously slow.05:40
whereamiI think it has something to do with disk access.05:41
whereamimaybe sata driver05:41
whereamiany way I can test that?05:41
freeakshi there05:42
freeaksin maverick, how can i force booting in text mode ?05:43
freeaksthe old tricks like these:05:43
freeaksGRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT=”quiet splash text“05:43
freeaksupdate-rc.d -f gdm remove05:44
freeaksdon't seem to work with maverick, so matter what i do, gdm gets launched..05:44
freeakstpo:  *no matter what ....05:45
Amaranthfreeaks: mv /etc/init/gdm.conf /etc/init/gdm.conf-disabled05:46
freeaksaah great i'll try that now, thanks Amaranth05:47
freeaksi alway hated all display manager (xdm,gdm,kdm ...)05:47
lubun2freeaks, you can use the recovery mode05:48
freeakslubun2, i want to alway start in terminal mode05:49
freeaksso i'd want to set it as default boot mode05:50
freeakswhen i need X, i simply do startx05:50
nOStahlthere we go, update-manager -d running06:00
nOStahl50 min on download06:01
freeaksAmaranth, tnx it worked06:10
whereamiI'm getting exceptions from the kernel sata driver on my system. Could this be a driver problem?06:22
=== catweazle_ is now known as catweazle
bullgard4whereami: I believe so, yes.06:26
whereamiotoh, even grub is really slow to load...06:40
whereamigrub takes like 15 seconds to load.06:40
bullgard4whereami: In that case your system is not well configured or has a bug.06:41
whereamiso, where do I start?06:42
bullgard4whereami: Reading the dmesg06:42
whereamithat's where I saw the sata exceptions.06:42
bullgard4whereami: You better feed Google with the exact wording of your SATA exception dmesg message.06:43
bullgard4whereami: Enrich it with your operating system version and computer type in order to narrow down the Google output.06:44
whereamiis there a way to get ubuntu to boot more verbosely?06:47
whereamiit's dropping me into a terminal without telling me why.06:47
whereamiand then i discover the filesystem is mounted readonly.06:48
whereamihmm, i wonder if this dell datasafe local backup thing messed with more than grub. maybe I'll try reinstalling again.06:49
whereamithen again, the install disk is really slow too.06:50
bullgard4whereami: As far as I know, there are few possibilities to gmake Ubuntu Maverick more verbose while booting beyond dmesg. Some messages appear on a virtual terminal at the very beginning.06:50
bullgard4whereami: dmesg should tell you why Ubuntu is dropping you to a virtual terminal.06:52
whereamiit doesn't.06:53
bullgard4whereami: I am not familiar with Dell's data safe local backup. Interferences with Ubuntu should refelct in dmesg though.06:54
whereamiI don't know why you say that... dmesg is just the kernel message buffer.06:54
bullgard4whereami: Wikipedia 2007-06: "dmesg (for "diagnostic message") is a command on Unix-like operating systems that prints the message buffer of the kernel. This buffer contains a variety of important messages. They range from messages printed during boot to messages used for debugging software."06:56
whereamiI'm acutely aware of what dmesg is...06:57
bullgard4whereami: It is my continued experience from 4 years usage of Ubuntu that it will reflect in dmesg.06:57
TiKanyone else have issues w/ skype after this latest update?07:24
TiKit crashes with this error:07:24
TiKInconsistency detected by ld.so: dl-open.c: 612: _dl_open: Assertion `_dl_debug_initialize (0, args.nsid)->r_state == RT_CONSISTENT' failed!07:24
TiKhopefully someone knows07:30
bullgard4Who needs Keyboard_Input_Methods?07:48
bullgard4TiK: (I do not use Skype.) Look in Launchpad. If you do not find this error message there, file a bug report there.07:50
TiKjust happened on the new update07:52
TiKill check launchpad07:52
TiKbull: I saw the bug listen but there were no work arounds :(08:06
Dr_WillisHmm. heres a bit of a scary message to see when upgrading...08:09
Dr_WillisRemoving all DKMS Modules08:09
Dr_Willis/usr/sbin/dkms: line 28: echo: write error: No space left on device08:09
Dr_Willisbut I got plenty of space.08:09
nOStahlmy netbook is doing an upgrade right now and 0 percent left on the 4 gig ssd / partition heh08:10
Dr_Willistmpfs is showing 100% - but thats always 100% isent it?08:10
nOStahlbut its still chugin along unpacking08:10
Dr_Willisactually it seems stuck at  that removeing... stuff...08:11
nOStahlgah, I keep feeling a bluetooth headset on my ear... but I go to take it off and there's nothing there...08:11
nOStahldamn this modern age!08:11
Dr_WillisI cen never find any that fit me nOStahl  -  they always fall off.08:12
Dr_WillisBlueEar Headset :)08:12
bullgard4TiK: In that case add you findings to the bug already reported.08:13
TiKI was in activity08:13
TiKI just have to revert the lib32 package08:13
TiKfor the point08:14
TiKbtw 10.10 rocks :O08:14
bullgard4TiK: I find it faster than Ubuntu 10.04 on my machine although I have not made any objective measurement.08:16
bullgard4s/it/it is/08:16
nOStahlwhat was that new login thing08:17
nOStahlthe animated frame buffer?08:17
TiKive ran it for a while and  had no issues before the update/skype08:19
TiKi never use logins ;)08:20
TiKoct 10th baby08:20
bullgard4Is Natty the codename for Ubuntu 11.04?08:23
ubottuNatty Narwhal is the codename for Ubuntu 11.04, due April 2011 - For announcement, see http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/47808:25
bullgard4nigelb: Thank you.08:27
bullgard4Why has the loadable linux kernel module 'fbcon' disappeared? Is this due to Linus' recommendation to put more essential functionality into the kernel?08:37
i_is_brokedoes gparted come on the live disk?08:46
catweazle_i_is_broke: from the daily-builds manifest it is in the live-cd08:49
i_is_brokethank you08:49
=== catweazle_ is now known as catweazle
m4rtinwhere and how should I report a bug in Maverick?08:53
bullgard4m4rtin: In Launchpad in the associated DEB Program package.09:05
m4rtinbullgard4: yes, apologies, found the link now09:07
m4rtindoes the installer have it's own package?09:07
bullgard4m4rtin: There are several "installers". Be more specific.09:08
m4rtinbullgard4: Desktop and Alternate install CDs won't boot on a specific hardware configuration unless ACPI=off is specified09:09
m4rtinI assume this hardware config just needs to be added to some blacklist to auto determine this09:09
bullgard4m4rtin: You will probably end up in your command '~$ ubuntu-bug linux'.09:17
Dr_WillisHmm.. this is getting scarier now..09:18
Dr_Williscp: writing `/tmp/mkinitramfs_gcoM2f/scripts/./local-bottom/ntfs_3g': No space left on device09:18
Dr_Willis / is 50% full...09:19
Jordan_Uwhereami: Could you follow the directions here: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/grub2/+bug/441941/comments/161 (add a comment to https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/grub2/+bug/441941 )10:03
ubottuLaunchpad bug 441941 in grub2 (Ubuntu Maverick) "grub fails after running Windows" [High,In progress]10:03
faizaffHI! I was directed to this channel for help! I had an accidental shut down while upgrading to "Maverick" Now I am unable to boot pl help!10:30
faizaffThe screen is blank! and nothing happens!10:32
delightis there other ppl with missing menu entries on dolphin/ kde 4.5.1 ... like panels / terminal emulator and stuff ... simply missing10:33
u456503faizaff: do you install 10.04 from a CD ?10:33
delightsame on maverick and the same on lucid with backport ppa kde 4.5.110:33
faizaffI upgraded it from command _d10:34
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Dr_Willisdoes the 'recovery' mode entry at teh grub menu get you to a console faizaff  ?10:34
faizaffYeah I had on my hard disk 10.4 initially but I had given the cd to a friend10:34
u456503faizaff: ok, upgraded too10:34
Dr_Willisshutdown while upgradeing = not a good thing...10:34
faizaffNo nothing except the grub entries for other os is shown, when you click ubuntu everything is silent10:35
u456503faizaff: did you installed the ubuntu 10.04 from a CD ? do you have one ?10:36
faizaffNot now but I can make one from ISO10:36
u456503faizaff: ok make one10:36
u456503faizaff: and boot from it10:37
faizaffTell me so that I do it all after getting the CD10:37
Dr_Willisfaizaff:  so basucally while upgadeing from 10.04 to 10.10 you had a power failure?10:37
faizaffYes right!10:37
u456503faizaff: if you do not have any important data, just install it10:38
bazhangfaizaff, you have backups?10:38
Dr_Willisfaizaff:   use live cd. to backup imporntant files.. reinstall.. thats the best answer.10:38
christophorosguys whats the best way to learn linux? am using ubuntu for like 4 years but i never got into command thing10:38
Dr_Willischristophoros:  get books on bash, read... reread them every few months..10:38
bazhang!manual > christophoros10:38
ubottuchristophoros, please see my private message10:38
bazhang!bash > christophoros10:39
Dr_Willischristophoros:  i alaways check out bookstore bargin bins for books on sale that cover the command line, or other aspects of linux.10:39
Dr_Willischristophoros:  and yes. i have a Large library of books. :) many are avail in ebook form now a days.10:39
christophorosyeh thats what i thought ill get an ebook10:40
Dr_Willischristophoros:  books on , bash, vi/vim, sed/awk/grep, regular expressions,  then other topics you may like.10:40
Dr_Willischristophoros:  it depends on what specific topics you want to learn first10:40
=== ZNC_shookees is now known as shookees
bazhangchristophoros, webupd8 has a link to 20 free linux ebooks10:40
christophorosfr sirst id like to get know basics and then go somethink deaper10:41
Dr_Willischristophoros:  some ebooks are the old versions and can be a little out of date.. but the 'core' info should still be the same.10:41
Dr_Willisknow basics.. of what. :)10:41
Dr_Williswhen in doubt. start with bash. then perhaps regular expressions.10:41
christophorosalrighty :)10:42
Dr_WillisLearning the bash Shell: Unix Shell Programming (In a Nutshell (O'Reilly)10:42
Dr_Williskeep an eye out for any thing by Oreilly in the bargin bins. :)10:43
christophorosill understand this book if i get it ?10:46
ItsYounice question :)10:48
christophorosas i told am a bigginer :)10:49
zooloohi, i use Maverick Meerkat anf after today's updates skype don't work anymore10:49
Dr_Willisstart reading... read it later a few months afterwards.. go back a year later...10:49
zooloo(<unknown>:3950): Gtk-WARNING **: Loading IM context type 'ibus' failed10:49
zoolooInconsistency detected by ld.so: dl-open.c: 612: _dl_open: Assertion `_dl_debug_initialize (0, args.nsid)->r_state == RT_CONSISTENT' failed!10:49
zooloowhat should i do?10:49
Dr_Willischristophoros:  i go back and reread the books after 5 years and then rediscover things i just fiured out... they are also referance books. not just 'learners guides'10:50
Dr_Williszooloo:  i get same error here.10:50
christophoroscool :) alrighty :) thanks alot downloading it now hehe10:51
Dr_Willischristophoros:  for ebooks. i have a collection of them i always put in my Documents directory on every new install. :)10:51
zoolooDr_Willis: 64-bit?10:51
Dr_Willissome are very out of date10:51
Dr_Williszooloo:  yes. 64bit.10:51
zooloou have reported a bug?10:52
christophoros<Dr_Willis>  ill start get some and read them hope i manage10:53
christophorosin my country there isnt any school of learning u unix-linux10:53
Dr_WillisSchool? :0 i learned it all from books10:55
Dr_Williswhen i went to school we were using C64's10:55
christophoroswow i just saw all the book from oreilys this guy has lot of them10:55
Dr_WillisI try to actually buy the real books.. so  i can read them in the 'reading room'10:56
christophorosguys what u think about upgrating in kubuntu? it will cause any problems to my sys /?11:22
zoolooDr_Willis: thing is skype crashes on virtualbox windows as ell11:23
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - On Jaunty, please check bug https://launchpad.net/bugs/330814 and help test the new kernel image11:24
om26erwhere is volume control?11:25
Machtinom26er: maybe alsamixer is what you're looking for?11:26
om26erubottu, this factoid needs to be changed11:28
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)11:28
ubottuIf an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »11:34
vega_some known prob with nvidia drivers, i just get blinking green/red/blue screen when gdm starts11:35
Dr_Willisfull screen blinks red then green then blue? or what exactly?11:35
Dr_WillisHmm. still trying to figure out....11:36
Dr_WillisBuilding initial module for 2.6.35-20-generic11:36
Dr_Willis/usr/sbin/dkms: line 28: echo: write error: No space left on device11:36
vega_also sometimes full screen with red, blue, green and grey bars on top of each other :)11:37
vega_console/ssh access is fine11:37
Dr_Willisweird.. cleaned out all the dkms-* dirs in /tmp/ and it worked..11:39
Dr_Willisat least i think it worked.. :)11:39
Dr_Willisvega_:  what chipset?11:40
vega_(ie. 9400m)11:40
vega_it workin in beta1 or beta211:40
Dr_Willischeck the bug reports.. could be some regression i guess.11:40
vega_just googled, nothing so far.. is there a quick link to list all bugs open reported for maverick, in priority order?11:45
SwedeMikehm, so my thinkpad t40 which has worked just fine during all of the 10.10 cycle now has non-functioning graphics after just now doing a dist-upgrade. Last time I did it was 2 weeks ago.11:50
SwedeMikepressing fn-f7 (to cycle thru external/internal screen showing) makes it come back again, goes away when logging in, then have to do it again. I have no external screen connected.11:52
SwedeMikeit has a radeon mobility 7500, but no accelerated drivers available (never has been any in ubuntu)11:53
u456503_SwedeMike: did you try other kernels ?11:55
SwedeMikeno. -20 worked fine, then a lot of things were distupgraded, the kernel to -22 amongst others.11:56
SwedeMikeI can try the -20 kernel11:56
SwedeMikeif I can find the button to reboot with, my graphics is quite garbled :P11:56
u456503_install linux-headers-2.6.36-020636rc5_2.6.36-020636rc5.201009211328_all.deb first, then11:57
SwedeMike-20 doesn't work either, it did before, so I don't think it's kernel related.11:58
u456503_linux-headers-2.6.36-020636rc5-generic_2.6.36-020636rc5.201009211328_i386.deb or the 64 bit one !11:58
SwedeMikebut I can try that one11:58
u456503_linux-image-2.6.36-020636rc5-generic_2.6.36-020636rc5.201009211328_i386.deb or the 64 bit one11:59
u456503_I am running from it11:59
SwedeMikeok, I'll try that.11:59
u456503_you can select at boot time the kernel12:01
SwedeMikeI've been using linux since 1993, don't worry.12:01
SwedeMikebehaviour is identical wit hthe rc 2.6.36-rc5 kernel.12:03
SwedeMikegarbled screen at bootup, fn-f7 makes it come back, login, garbled screen again, fn-f7 makes it ok again12:04
u456503_are you sure ? you can test that quick ?12:05
SwedeMikewhy not?12:05
u456503_you need to reboot after instaled the latest kernel12:06
SwedeMikeuname -a says I'm running 2.6.36-rc512:06
u456503_then send an email to linux-kernel@vger.kernel.org with the dedails: kernel, gpu, and problems12:08
SwedeMikewhy are you so focused on this being a kernel problem? 2.6.35-20 that worked before doesn't work anymore.12:09
SwedeMikeI'd imagine more something with xorg12:09
u456503_can you try an older kernel ?12:09
penguin42SwedeMike: How early is this happening - before or after X starts?12:10
SwedeMikepenguin42: screen is fine during the boot loader etc (the ubuntu with 5 balls under it), then when xorg starts to give me the login screen, everything goes garbled12:11
penguin42SwedeMike: OK, And the text console is fine?12:11
SwedeMikepenguin42: I can switch to text mode yes, but it seems to be unstable, sometimes the keyboard stops working after a few swtiches.12:11
SwedeMikectrl-alt f1 works at least once12:12
penguin42SwedeMike: Tried booting with no mode setting?12:12
SwedeMiketrying f7-f8 or around there makes the machine stop responding totally (no caps lock or anything)12:12
SwedeMikeI'll boot with nosplash and without quiet and let's see12:13
penguin42SwedeMike: I'd try adding a nomodeset12:13
SwedeMikeoki, removed splash and quiet, included nomodeset, with 2.6.35-22 it works fine first try.12:14
SwedeMikelogin worked fine as well.12:14
SwedeMikeeverything looks completely normal.12:14
SwedeMikeI'll try with just adding nomodeset and keeping splash12:15
penguin42SwedeMike: So kernel or X bug with mode setting12:15
SwedeMikeheh, the text mode splash looks very retro... but yeah, that works as well.12:16
SwedeMikethis is a lab laptop I have, so sep 11 everything worked normally (last time I booted it before today, did dist-upgrade then and rebooted, everything was fine). then booted today, did dist-upgrade, rebooted, then got this issue.12:18
SwedeMikeanything else I should try before packing up? I don't think it's a kernel issue, I trued 2.6.35-17, -20 and -22, and 2.6.36-rc5 and they all behaved identically.12:20
penguin42SwedeMike: I'd say it's difficult to guess whether it's X or the kernel; the two interact heavily; report it12:21
SwedeMikeshould I log it against the kernel or against xorg?12:22
SwedeMikeor against something else?12:22
SwedeMikewould it help if I filmed the bootup and attached it?12:22
penguin42SwedeMike: I doubt the film would help, if you just have a screenshot of the corruption it should do; I'd file a bug against xserver-xorg-video-radeon   and that should end up in the right place12:23
penguin42even if it's not the X server the guys who do the kms stuff I think are on the saem lists12:23
SwedeMikeoki, I'll do that.12:23
penguin42SwedeMike: There are 2 other things you could try; you could try the xorg-edgers packages or you could mail the radeon mailing list (cam't remember the URL)12:24
SwedeMikeas in http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1476691 for xorg-edgers?12:26
SwedeMikewill do.12:26
penguin42well, https://launchpad.net/~xorg-edgers/+archive/ppa12:26
penguin42SwedeMike: But, since it works with nomodeset then I'd just report it12:26
SwedeMikepenguin42: oki.12:28
penguin42SwedeMike: Just remind me, which card?12:30
SwedeMikepenguin42: radeon mobile 750012:31
SwedeMikeradeon mobility 7500 according to lspci12:32
penguin42ok, so yeh older Radeon12:32
SwedeMikeyes, it's a 5 year old thinkpad12:32
or4n9eI have issues installing kubuntu 10.10. with both the beta and the daily build as of today the ubiquity installer kde_ui doesn't start at all12:54
penguin42or4n9e: What's the last thing you see ?12:54
or4n9ealso running ubiquity kde_ui from consoledoesn't throw out any error messages12:54
or4n9epenguin42: nothing happens. I click on the installer and it never pops up12:54
or4n9ethe console just returns to command prompt without doing anything12:55
or4n9esame in daily build as of today and the beta12:55
or4n9eis this a known issue?12:55
or4n9eI mean, I use linux for ten years and shouldn't be too silly to run an installer ;)12:56
* penguin42 hasn't tried the kde one, but yeh you'd hope it worked12:56
or4n9epenguin42: it's pretty strange that neither the GUI nor the CLI method throws out any errors but just dies12:57
or4n9ealso I cannot find any hints on the internet (bug tracker, forums etc)12:58
penguin42or4n9e: Had a look through bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu?12:58
or4n9egnome version works great but the GF prefers KDE, no idea why but that's it12:58
or4n9epenguin42: I googled for it12:58
penguin42or4n9e: If you can install gnome then just install the kubuntu-desktop package after the gnome install12:58
or4n9ehaven't found anything related. may try to search the bug tracker directly12:59
penguin42or4n9e: You could also try reporting the bug with ubuntu-bug ubiquity12:59
or4n9epenguin42: nope :) why should I install an obsolete gnome desktop just to get kde up and running12:59
or4n9ethis isn't an option to me12:59
penguin42or4n9e: Oh I'm not saying it's a good answer, but if you need to get KDE to install it should work12:59
u456503_I have a question: does somebody here have build the kernel ?13:00
penguin42u456503_: Yeh13:00
or4n9epenguin42: I may first try the alternate installer13:00
penguin42or4n9e: Yeh that should work13:00
or4n9ethis should have come to my mind earlier actually13:00
u456503_ok, how did you manage the  not in control info error ?13:01
penguin42the what error?13:01
or4n9epenguin42: is it possible to run the alternate from usb13:02
or4n9eI have an EeePC here13:02
penguin42or4n9e: I'd hope so, but not tried it13:03
penguin42u456503_: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile  were the instructions I followed13:03
or4n9epenguin42: same here, that was never required actually13:04
u456503_i will do that,13:04
or4n9eI also wonder why such an outstanding bug (isn't it my own mistake) haven't been recognized for hardly a month13:05
u456503_thanks for the info13:05
or4n9ewill search thebug tracker now13:05
penguin42or4n9e: I think there is a #ubuntu-kde you could ask on13:05
or4n9epenguin42: I asked in #kubuntu, they sent me here13:06
or4n9eis #ubuntu-kde a developer channel?13:06
penguin42or4n9e: OK; there are a couple of KDE users here (JonTheEchidna and I think Yofel??)13:06
or4n9epenguin42: #ubuntu-kde requires an inviation :)13:07
h4fafter some updates. the bottom panel stops showing open window and running programs. I deleted the panel. how can I restore it back ?13:07
or4n9epenguin42: IC, then I'll wait for them to actually show up13:07
or4n9ethanks again13:07
penguin42or4n9e: No problem13:07
u456503_penguin42: ups, that is super old info, thanks, but I think this one is ok: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam/GitKernelBuild13:09
or4n9epenguin42: seems we have the candidate https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubiquity/+bug/64682713:09
ubottuLaunchpad bug 646827 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "ubiquity KDE frontend does not start" [Critical,Fix committed]13:09
u456503_penguin42: try it yourself13:10
u456503_penguin42: you will get an error13:10
or4n9epenguin42: but not really helpful besides "fix committed" without any hints given13:10
penguin42u456503_: Hmm useful page; although the page I used worked!13:10
* or4n9e wants to install kubuntu please ;)13:11
penguin42or4n9e: If it's committed then I guess it'll probably land in the next daily or so13:11
or4n9epenguin42: is it possible to somehow see the fix?13:11
or4n9eI mean, that way I may fix it myself within the running live session13:12
penguin42or4n9e: Not sure; I suspect if ubiquity is maintained in bzr you could grab the the bzr repository for it and look at the change log13:12
Ejdesgaard__I'm having problems sending e-mail's to my companys domain, but it works everywhere else.. i'm running 10.10, evolution-2.30.3 and evolution-mapi-0.30.3 on x86_64. and a colegue how runs 10.04 and otherwise the exact same setup, do not have the problem.13:12
or4n9epenguin42: good idea. I'm actually not that advanced with launchpad but I'll try to find out13:12
or4n9epenguin42: this is the right resource https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-installer/ubiquity/trunk ?13:14
or4n9ecause I can't see any commits regarding the bug iD13:14
penguin42or4n9e: Probably, but I'm not used to the web interface13:14
penguin42or4n9e: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-installer/ubiquity/trunk/revision/440013:15
penguin42or4n9e: So you could probably edit those 2 lines in misc.py and get the installer to carry on13:16
* penguin42 notes that diff viewer is nice13:16
or4n9epenguin42: awesome stuff man !!!13:16
or4n9ejust need to find misc.py now13:16
or4n9eI love fiddling around actually13:17
penguin42hmm, 1:20pm; time for breakfast :-)13:18
or4n9epenguin42: very ambitious to have breakfast at 1:20pm13:19
u456503_penguin42: have a good time13:20
u456503_at breakfast13:21
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or4n9epenguin42: guess what?13:32
or4n9epenguin42: it works! thanks a million13:32
Ian_corneI'm saying goodbye to testing on my ati box :(13:33
Ian_corneI need a stable system to work on this last year!13:33
BauldrickI cant see my samba shares via 'places' > 'network' , but I can if I connect via 'places' > 'connect to server'13:41
Dr_WillisBauldrick:  samba/smb/widnwos is weird in that often it can take some time for the shares/machines to show up.13:49
Dr_WillisBauldrick:  i tend to access them once, then bookmark the location.13:50
Dr_WillisBauldrick:  or enter 'smb://servername/sharename' by hand.13:50
penguin42Ian_corne: What ati card?14:01
GMSPENCE____can anyone help....i upraded to maverick, and now for my remote desktop i cannot acess my computer remotely on the network....says others can access this computer using the address localhost.....used to show up the ip on my network on lucid.  any suggestions?14:03
Ian_cornepenguin42: it's not that it's unstable atm14:03
Ian_cornebut I can't take any chances :)14:03
Ian_corneand it's my only ati testing machine, that's why I named it specificly14:03
penguin42Ian_corne: The open drivers seem to be getting better for me14:03
Ian_corneyeah, I haven't had a problem so far :)14:03
penguin42Ian_corne: I've had a few fixes over the maverick alpha cycle though14:04
Ian_cornewell, I don't utilize my gfx card that much on ubuntu, maybe that's why I didn't notice :)14:04
Ian_corneexcept for the freeze of the login screen14:04
Ian_cornebut well, that still wasn't fixed :p14:04
penguin42oh great, initramfs screwed up again -  I think by an updae running update-initramfs while udev is unconfigured14:06
homerjthere anything else I should be aware of installing 10.10 beta on a laptop that's not listed in the "known issues" ?14:30
Ian_cornehomerj: that you should backup your files14:31
homerjno files to back up on it14:31
homerjA lot of USB 3G cards currently just expose themselves as a CD drive instead of a modem. To fix this, please upgrade your system to get udev version 161+git20100827-1, which should fix this. <---this happens on Windows as well, nice to see Ubuntu actually fixed it14:34
Ian_corneanyone know if there's a rhythmbox ppa?14:34
pbpis there a way to disable bluetooth by default(on boot), but keep the applet on the panel?14:35
penguin42homerj: Apparently there is a thing so that they are supposed to auto-install on windows systems; ubuntu now has a thing to kick them out of this mode14:35
homerjyeah, that's was the idea, but it will never kick out of that mode14:35
homerjhave a Verizon one14:36
bazhangIan_corne, not sure about rhythmbox, but there's a rhythmbox-elementary one14:36
homerjfor the Win7 laptop to actually use it, I have to "eject" the cd rom it makes14:36
Volkodavanybody noticed skype crashing right at sign in ?14:38
Volkodavoh knows bug14:40
rerxhi! on kubuntu maverick, i don't get sound in flash, but apparently everywhere else14:47
rerxthe flash player doesn't show up in pavucontrol14:47
rerx"everywhere else" = amarok, vlc, mplayer14:48
rerxany ideas?14:48
penguin42rerx: In any web browser?14:49
rerxin firefox or rekonq14:49
rerxI've put this into my .asoundrc:14:49
rerxpcm.pulse {14:49
rerx    type pulse14:49
rerxctl.pulse {14:49
rerx    type pulse14:49
rerxpcm.!default {14:49
rerx    type pulse14:49
rerxctl.!default {14:50
bazhangrerx, pastebin14:50
rerx    type pulse14:50
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GMSPENCE____can anyone help....i upraded to maverick, and now for my remote desktop i cannot acess my computer remotely on the network....says others can access this computer using the address localhost.....used to show up the ip on my network on lucid.  any suggestions?15:17
penguin42GMSPENCE____: ok, do you know your address?15:18
GMSPENCE____Penguin42 - yeah
GMSPENCE____i've set it up with a static ip15:20
penguin42GMSPENCE____: OK, so that's static on your local network, can other machines on the localnetwork connect to that IP for remote desktop?15:20
GMSPENCE____if i log in via ssh and run x11vnc in the terminal i can connect.... but not when it's set to connect via the gui in preferences15:20
quidnuncDoes anyone have dovecot with passdb working? It fails to lookup the users in my password file.15:20
GMSPENCE____penguin42 - nope no one can connect15:20
quidnuncI want to know if it is just me15:21
penguin42GMSPENCE____: Yeh that looks broken to me15:21
penguin42rerx: OK, flash has stopped doing sound for me as well15:35
penguin42hmm it is now, but it's not using pulse15:39
rerxpenguin42: i've got an external usb sound "card"15:39
penguin42rerx: I don't think that's the problem; I've got on an onboard; I think the shim that used to cause flash to use pulse has broken in the last week15:40
rerxon kubuntu lucid i only get sound with that one in apps using phonon15:40
rerxthat's why i decided to try the maverick beta15:41
penguin42rerx: If you open a terminal and do     pasuspender /bin/cat       and leave that like that, and then reload the page with flash in does it work15:41
rerxwhere they switched kubuntu to pulseaudio15:41
rerxpenguin42: no, that doesn't work15:42
rerxalso, before i was using an onboard chip on lucid and got sound everywhere15:42
rerxsound in linux really always has been annoying15:43
penguin42rerx: In your .xsession-errors do you see an error like:   ALSA lib ../../src/conf.c:3288:(snd_config_hooks_call) Cannot open shared library libasound_module_conf_pulse.so15:45
Volkodavanybody boots freebsd with grub2? I wonder if it recognizes it ot manual editing is needed ?15:45
nOStahl1i've downloaded over 7 ISO's between netbook version and desktop versions of maverick meerkat15:48
nOStahl1they all fail at booting up the live environtment with " No init found. Try passing init= bootarg.15:48
nOStahl1and drops me to busybox initramfs15:48
nOStahl1any idea's?15:48
penguin42nOStahl1: Did you write the ISO to a cd or use a thumbdrive?15:49
* penguin42 just filed bug 647538 on flash sound stopped working15:49
ubottuLaunchpad bug 647538 in flashplugin-nonfree (Ubuntu) "[Maverick] Flash stopped using pulseaudio" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/64753815:49
skalkahi, I was just wondering if plymouth will ever work with nvidia proprietary drivers, with Maverick Beta is still impossible to have a decent splash screen15:51
penguin42nOStahl1: Is the SD card in an sd reader in the PC or an external USB thing?15:51
bazhangskalka, what card15:52
skalkabazhang, 8400M GS15:52
bazhangskalka, the open source driver works great here15:52
bazhangvery high res15:53
skalkabazhang, can you suggest me a quick way to give a try to open source driver? I've installed proprietary when ubuntu prompted me on first desktop start15:53
bazhangskalka, remove it?15:54
skalkabazhang, then? Just restart and I'll have nouveau?15:54
bazhangskalka, should do, though I never used it so cannot speak from experience (ie having only used the open source one)15:55
skalkawith open source driver is it possible to set visual effects to normal? after the restart how i can check which driver is on use?15:56
skalkai look for nouveau on lsmod?15:56
rerxpenguin42: yes. it reads: "ALSA lib ../../src/dlmisc.c:236:(snd1_dlobj_cache_get) Cannot open shared library /usr/lib32/alsa-lib/libasound_module_pcm_pulse.so15:57
rerxALSA lib ../../../src/pcm/pcm_hw.c:1401:(_snd_pcm_hw_open) Invalid value for card"15:57
penguin42does that file exist for you?15:57
skalkaanyway, I try, see you soon15:58
rerxpenguin42:  /usr/lib32/alsa-lib/libasound_module_pcm_pulse.so is there15:58
penguin42rerx: curious it's complaining about a different file for both of us, but the file both exists15:59
penguin42rerx: I don't actually know if that's the problem but it feels suspicious15:59
rerxpenguin42: i've no idea16:00
rerxalso i already had those issues with the maverick installed from the beta-iso before i installed any updates16:00
penguin42you might want to subscribe to my bug 647538  although whether your symptom is due to the same thing I don't know - sounds suspicious16:03
ubottuLaunchpad bug 647538 in flashplugin-nonfree (Ubuntu) "[Maverick] Flash stopped using pulseaudio" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/64753816:03
skalkaok, now I'm without proprietary driver... splash screen is fine, but there no support at all to 3d and I can't check card temperature16:07
Ddordahey guys, where can i report bug about maverick?16:12
penguin42Ddorda: Sure16:12
penguin42Ddorda: The easiest way is to use the ubuntu-bug command16:12
Ddordapenguin42: ? where16:13
penguin42Ddorda: Have you got maverick running?16:13
Ddordai talk from it16:13
penguin42Ddorda: Great, what's the bug16:14
Ddordapenguin42: i don't know what package is it from16:14
penguin42Ddorda: OK, describe it16:14
Ddordapenguin42: I use 2 languages, Hebrew & English. sometimes it starts switching between these 2 with no reason16:15
Ddordano way to stop it but logging out and back in16:15
penguin42Ddorda: Oh difficult bug, difficult to know where it happens16:15
penguin42Ddorda: Does it do it in any one application or all of them?16:15
Ddordasometimes it stops when i open a new program16:15
Ddordaall of them16:16
Ddordano specific application16:16
penguin42Ddorda: KDE or Gnome?16:16
Ddordaand gets even worse if i'm idle at that time and the screensaver starts working16:17
Ddordacause than i can't do the password16:17
Ddordabecause of that language bug16:17
penguin42Ddorda: I suggest reporting it against libgnomekbd-common ?16:18
Ddordapenguin42: okay. thanks :)16:18
penguin42Ddorda: I'm not sure if it's right, but it sounds promising16:19
penguin42is the person who was having audio problems on kde/flash still here?16:44
shazzris it a known issue on 10.10 beta that google chrome doesn't work? I get "Attempting to load the system libmoon16:47
penguin42shazzr: That sounds like a plugin problem16:47
shazzrpenguin42: hmm...I get it both with chrome and chromium16:47
penguin42shazzr: Try removing libmoon (and that'll probably take out all of moonlight )16:48
shazzrpenguin42: it also says "Segmentation fault (core dumped)"16:48
elijahAwesome!!! Wifi works again after the most recent updates today!16:48
penguin42shazzr: Try removing libmoon and see if it fixes it16:49
elijahThanks and good job guys!16:49
shazzrpenguin42: will do16:49
shazzrpenguin42: it did the trick.16:50
penguin42shazzr: You could file a bug against libmoon16:50
shazzrpenguin42: never done it, and therefore I don't know where to start, or what to write. :S16:52
penguin42shazzr: Open a terminal and do   ubuntu-bug libmoon16:52
penguin42shazzr: In the description say what happens16:52
shazzrpenguin42: Thanks. I can hereby declare that I filed my first bug report. I feel like I'm contributing. It's a good feeling. Thanks to you. :)17:02
penguin42shazzr: No problem; some get fixed as well; I've had a whole bunch of them fixed in the Maverick release since alpha - but there are others that haven't but hey17:02
nemchikhello, i am in need of some help with maverick beta, is this the right place to ask?17:10
nemchikanybody alive in here?17:14
penguin42and yes it is the right place to ask - what's the problem17:15
nemchikokay so let me try to be as detailed as possible17:15
nemchiki initially installed 10.04 via livecd (usb key) later i followed the update pattern to 10.04.1, and then i decided to try maverick17:16
penguin42did 10.04.1 all work OK?17:16
nemchikyes, it's been a dream17:17
nemchiki visited the maverick page, ran the alt f2 command and let the update take its course (desktop 32bit standard edition btw)17:17
nemchiki then checked the software centre and all of the ppa's i had were disabled and didnt seem to want to re-enable so i removed them and began manually readding them (so the keys would update and the branch would change)17:18
penguin42nemchik: Hang on a sec17:18
penguin42nemchik: Did the update to maverick without the ppas work?17:18
nemchikyes, it seemed to work17:18
penguin42so then you put some PPAs back in and.....17:19
nemchikobviously it was a beta, so there were some things i expected (hardware compatibility issues i was working around)17:19
nemchiksomewhere along the line it discovered an update (i think indicator-network / connman) that asked me to remove some packages in order to do the update17:19
nemchiki was using indicator-network and connman on 10.04.1 btw17:20
nemchikworked fine17:20
nemchikafter restarting i get the ubuntu loading screen but it never goes anywhere, so i tapped a key and noticed it always hangs on 'detecting battery' (that might not be the exact phrase but it's the battery step)17:21
nemchikoh right, before that i get the '17:21
nemchiklow res graphics prompt asking me to continue in low res, or reconfigure or restart x17:22
nemchikthen the battery hang17:22
nemchikif from the prompt i decide to go to terminal i can login and run commands etc17:22
nemchikbut i have no network connection (eth0 seems to be present with ifconfig -a but does not pull an ip)17:23
nemchikand when i try to start gdm it says i need to install it17:23
nemchikapt-get style17:23
nemchikbut with no network connection i cant lol17:23
nemchikso im running a livecd right now so i can get support17:23
elijahMy mic input on my laptop is very low and distorted with Meerkat beta (same with 10.04), is my soundcard supported? What would the driver be for my soundcard?17:24
nemchiki have the ISO files for 10.10 and 10.04.1 both accessable, would there be a way to reinstall maverick and pull the files from the iso?17:25
nemchikelijah: does 'hardware drivers' seem to have any optional sound drivers?17:27
penguin42nemchik: Hmm that's a bit of a mess, what happens if you select a different kernel or the safe mode entries from teh boot menu ?17:28
elijahnemchik: Do you mean "Additional Drivers"?17:28
elijahI'm using kubuntu17:28
nemchikelijah: oh, sorry im not familiar with kde lol, i would suppose that would be the equiv17:29
penguin42nemchik: Also when you boot try taking off the quiet and splash keywords - it might give you a bit more info17:29
elijahnemchik: Just NVIDIA and a software modem are listed there17:29
nemchikpenguin42: oh... son of a bitch... i didnt think to try that, but right now i think it's disabled and defaulted17:29
nemchikpenguin42: let me see what my grub has to play with, but i dont think i have any other kernels because i used ubuntu tweak to 'clean kernels' (not smart on my part)17:30
penguin42nemchik: If you can get back to a text shell then I'd try and run ppa-purge to remove all the ppa stuff17:30
nemchikpenguin42: what would be the command for that?17:31
penguin42nemchik: ppa-purge17:31
penguin42nemchik: It's in the ppa-purge package I think17:31
nemchikpenguin42: ok i see i have grub and it SHOULD have a 10 second timeout but it has never shown me a menu, just the graphical ubuntu loading dots screen17:33
penguin42nemchik: New ones don't have much of a timeout; hit left shift *right* after the bios17:33
nemchikelijah: you should google your laptop's specific model and find what sound device usually comes with your model and then search for linux drivers for that device - also try different microphones and play with yout audio input settings - maybe find a fridend with a usb headset just to make sure that it's your onboard device with the issue17:34
penguin42elijah: Try https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingSoundProblems17:35
penguin42elijah: Chances are that you have the correct driver if you are getting any sound but it needs some forceful tweaking; the laptop vendors have various options of how to wire the chips up and sometimes they do very odd things17:36
nemchikpenguin42: so do you think there is a decent way to get eth0 to start pulling an IP? because since GDM is missing i would assume i will need to reinstall it but cant without eth0 working (or if theres a way to pull it from the iso which i have locally)17:38
nemchiklo still shows 127-etc like normal17:38
penguin42nemchik: I'd know how to manaually configure it, I don't know how to drive NetworkManager from the command line17:39
penguin42nemchik: I suspect nmcli eth0 up might do it - but I've never tried it17:40
elijahpenguin42: Going through guide now17:41
nemchikotherwise connman cuz i have that installed (i may have had networkmanager disabled but it should be easy to re-enable17:41
nemchikif i remember correctly all i did was rename the .conf to disable it (connman install instructions)17:42
penguin42don't know conman17:43
nemchikno worries, i re-enabled NM17:43
nemchikthis might actually be easier than i am making it sound - simpler question that should solve my problem, is there a way to repair an existing linux install from a livecd?17:45
penguin42nemchik: It depends exactly how broken it is, you can install packages17:46
nemchiki can run debs but apt-get fails because there is no network connection, it only has a cached list of what is available17:47
penguin42yeh, so you can mount a filesystem from the rescue cd and chroot into it and run apt or dpkg -i, or you can download .debs and drop them either into the filesystem or onto a usb key17:52
OlognHmm...did quadrapassel (tetris) break for everyone recently, or just certain Maverick users?17:52
OlognIf anyone can go to Applications -> Games -> Quadrapassel and tell me if it will load or not, it would be appreciated17:53
OlognI'm getting the same error as someone on launchpad, but they are using X11 forwarding, I'm just doing it straight out17:53
penguin42Ologn: Broken here17:53
Olognpenguin42: OK, thanks17:53
penguin42Ologn: Got a bug for it? I'll confirm it17:54
Olognpenguin42: bug 63801317:54
ubottuLaunchpad bug 638013 in gnome-games (Ubuntu) "Can't play Quadrapassel over X11 forwarding" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/63801317:54
penguin42Ologn: I think this is separate ; although actually his bug may well be the same bug, I don't think it's got anything to do with forwarding17:55
charlie-tcaOlogn: it is broken17:55
Ologncharlie-tca: OK.  Thanks, now I know the breakage is more widespread, instead of just a few people.17:56
charlie-tcaMight be bug 56173417:56
ubottuLaunchpad bug 561734 in xorg-server (Ubuntu) "quadrapassel doesn't start: Failed to initialise clutter: Unable to select the newly created GLX context" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56173417:56
iTrollso guys, maverick beta does not boot on my acer aspire 751h.  Doesnt appear to even get to grub2.  Any debugging ideas?17:56
OlognBecause I played the game a few weeks ago and it worked, but I've been doing the updates and presumably one broke something.17:59
charlie-tcaI haven't been able to make it work in maverick18:00
penguin42iTroll: If you hold down left shift right after the bios do you get grub2?18:03
nemchikpenguin42:  i chrooted into it but i dont know what debs to install lol18:03
penguin42nemchik: If you've chrooted in then mount /proc and /sys, and install ppa-purge and use that to remove your ppas, then install ubuntu-desktop which will force it to have all the default ones18:04
nemchikthis seems to show up a log18:06
nemchiksudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu18:06
nemchikbut i think i have ppa purge installed but i didnt mount proc or sys18:06
penguin42nemchik: Copy /etc/resolv.conf from your /etc on your live setup to /etc/resolv.conf in your chroot18:07
penguin42that way it'll do dns look up18:07
nemchikdo i need to restart network manager after that?18:09
=== shookees is now known as ZNC_shookees
nemchikbtw i ran sudo cp /etc/resolv.conf /mnt/repair/etc/resolv.conf18:10
nemchik /mnt/repair is where i mounted and chrooted18:10
penguin42shouldn't need to restart anything18:11
nemchikwell i did that and apt-get update and it seems to be doing more than before so i would assume that may have been all i needed to get eth0 to pull an ip again, hopefully apt-get install ubuntu-desktop works18:12
penguin42nemchik: Didn't you bring the ethernet up from before you chrooted ?18:13
nemchikuh... i donno what you mean18:13
nemchikit works on the livecd but it didnt work on my hd install18:13
nemchikwell i didnt purge the ppa's (cuz i had like 50... and i would have to do them one by one) but installing ubuntu desktop seems to be going well for now18:16
nemchiklooks like its grabbing gdm and stuff18:16
penguin42nemchik: Why you got so many ppas ?18:16
nemchikcuz i like software lol18:17
nemchika lot18:17
nemchiki live to test18:17
nemchikbut i didnt really take into consideration that unstable software doesnt usually screw me over as much as an unfinished OS18:17
nemchikwhich was probably conflicting with all the dev software i was playing with lol18:18
nemchikanyway installing ubuntu-desktop has completed, anything else you would recommend before i try to boot into it?18:18
penguin42nemchik: Well give it a go and see, if you still have problems I'd pull out any systemish ppas18:19
nemchiknautilus elementary?18:19
nemchikbtw i get this during apt-get update - W: GPG error: http://extras.ubuntu.com maverick Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 16126D3A3E5C119218:19
nemchikand also btw penguin42 you are a godsend18:20
penguin42Well we'll see if it worked!18:21
penguin42the mix of bug statuses on that quadrapessel bug is great18:23
edgyHi, when I try to comple my program using make I get /usr/bin/ld: final link failed: No space left on device19:49
edgybut $ df -hT .19:49
edgyFilesystem    Type    Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on19:49
edgy/dev/sda6    btrfs     15G   13G  2.1G  86% /home19:49
edgyis this a bug in maverick or what?19:49
penguin42hmm interesting, someone earlier said they had that problem with a kernel module build19:50
penguin42edgy: Can you do a df /tmp19:50
edgypenguin42: /dev/sda5             17134420  12316160   3947860  76% /19:50
penguin42hmm, not that then19:50
edgypenguin42: yes. this is the second time I have this problem. previously I am copying files and I got that error I thought may be I am sleeping and dreaming but now i am very awake ;)19:51
edgypenguin42: did that guy also using btrfs?19:52
penguin42edgy: Don't know19:52
brett__How stable is 10.10 netbook?20:05
nemchikpenguin42: hey thank you again20:09
penguin42nemchik: np - is it working?20:09
nemchikpenguin42: i got back to my desktop but my video drivers are missing and not in the hardware thing so im installing from a .run file20:10
nemchikor rather i will be soon20:10
penguin42well that's video drivers :-)20:10
nemchikim trying to find a copy of the default sources.list file for maverick20:11
=== ZNC_shookees is now known as shookees
avi_Hey all. Now that the Maverick Xorg and Kernel get along with fglrx, any reason I SHOULDN'T upgrade right now on my desktop (with fglrx)? Like, any outstanding problems? (Or perhaps a link to a page that lists known maverick bugs) Thanks!20:39
bjsnidersince when is fglrz working with maverick?20:39
avi_Yesterday, I think.20:40
avi_I'll link you up, hold on.20:40
whereamiThe install disk is only running in VGA mode... can I fix this? I have a radeon HD 5870.20:47
MTecknologyI just finished with ecryptfs-migrate-home. After a reboot, I need to log in from command line, run ecryptfs-unmount-private, then I can log in from gui...20:58
MTecknologyAny ideas how I can make it work right?21:01
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duffydackopenshot in maverick, cool21:40
blue_annaafter upgrading from 10.04 to maverick totem and mplayer have broken. vlc still works though21:58
pvandewyngaerdeblue_anna:  do you see any error messages if you start them from a terminal ?22:05
blue_annaI think I just figured it out trying that .. my x11 video settings arent right22:08
blue_annaI had to remove my old xorg conf to get startx to work at all, I just forgot22:09
slooksterpsvHello fellow Maverik Meerkat Users22:10
slooksterpsvso with Maverick Meerkat, should I not run sudo apt-get upgrade? cause that messed up my system last time22:11
slooksterpsvwow no one chats in here, that's pretty bad22:13
penguin42slooksterpsv: That should be OK; when doing an upgrade to maverick or the next version you should run do-release-upgrade , but for normal updates after switching version apt-get upgrade should be fine22:13
penguin42bah, missed22:13
duffydackpatience fail22:14
guntbertMTecknology: did you configure your system to autologin?22:21
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blue_annaI am getting this error trying to install and play lincity-ng: lincity-ng: error while loading shared libraries: libphysfs-1.0.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory22:31
blue_annaI already have libphysfs1 package installed, and lincity-ng installed without issue22:31
MTecknologyguntbert: no22:34
guntbertMTecknology: ok, did you follow the steps outlined at the end of the migration?22:34
MTecknologyguntbert: attempt to log in and if it doesn't work then copy the original files back22:35
MTecknologyguntbert: those, or did i miss something?22:36
guntbertMTecknology: I meant those, and obviously you *did* record the passphrase22:37
MTecknologyguntbert: we'll say I did...22:37
MTecknologyguntbert: I can log in, run ecryptfs-mount-private and it'll mount my home directory fine - I do that, then I can use ecryptfs-unwrap-passphrase - so I do have that pass22:38
guntbertI'm in the process of following your steps right now and stumbled over autologin ... but rebooting right now22:38
guntbertMTecknology: thats why I said obviously :-)22:38
guntbertMTecknology: after switching off autologin it worked flawlessly - on lucid :-) I still have to try it on maverick22:40
MTecknologyI'm on +122:41
MTecknologythe encryption worked perfect, mounting it works perfect, it just doesn't auto-mount22:41
MTecknologyI don't need device-mapper in the kernel for it, do i?22:42
guntbertMTecknology: not to my knowledge - btw how did you invoke the script?22:43
duffydackit uses /dev/mapper though does it not22:44
duffydackwell mine does22:45
MTecknologygave root a password, logged out, logged in as root, ran ecryptfs-migrate-home -u michael, logged in as michael, ls, saw the two files, ran ecryptfs-mount-private, gave it my user password, cd, see my data22:45
MTecknologyduffydack: I know it does for encrypted swap22:45
duffydackudisks-luks-uuid-22bc65a2-7d7e-44ea-a262-6df9d7dba3b7-uid1000    < my usb stick with enc partition on22:46
guntbertMTecknology: ah, there is the difference: on lucid I was able to log in immediately after the migration without any need for manually mounting22:46
MTecknologyluks definitely uses device-mapper22:47
MTecknologyguntbert: I think it's supposed to work like that in maverick too22:47
guntbertMTecknology: I guess so - I'm gonna try22:47
duffydackI have a netbook with enc home partition (made during install) I Can check.22:48
Veliourashello, i just  installed 10.10 on a netbook but i do not have a menu and i can not work with programs, i just see a photo on my desktop. help please22:48
MTecknologyI wonder if I need CONFIG_DM_CRYPT..22:48
* MTecknology is recompiling22:49
Veliourashello, i just  installed 10.10 on a netbook but i do not have a menu and i can not work with programs, i just see a photo on my desktop. help please22:51
goodmamihi, i installed maverick a few days ago, and it seems to have installed translations for en_gb, en_au, en_za, etc., when all I wanted was en_us. I think I selected "English" as the language and a US timezone. Is this expected?22:51
guntbertMTecknology: I just tried it on maverick daily - only difference to your procedure was that I created another user and sudoed from there - immediately after the migration I was able to login and the home was mounted22:54
duffydackI have upgraded lucid to maverick with no issues, that had encrypted home.. btw22:56
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MTecknologywasn't device_mapper support... granted I can do encrypted swap now22:58
guntbertduffydack: i think MTecknology  suspected the script to be faulty  - it works here22:59
MTecknologyguntbert: I don't think it's 'faulty' I think I'm just missing something and clueless as to what it is23:00
guntbertMTecknology: as I said, the only difference was that I used a second user but I cannot imagine how that could lead to your situation...23:02
MTecknologyguntbert: that's not the only difference between our systems though23:06
guntbertMTecknology: on second thoughts: as the instructions only said: "log in" and not "log in and give the passphrase" you *could* have seen that something was amiss :-)23:08
MTecknologyguntbert: i did23:08
guntbertMTecknology: I agree that there may be other differences too - my system is a nearly untouched (apart from the updates) beta23:09
MTecknologymine is a command line install23:09
=== Malkavian is now known as Malkavian_
guntbertMTecknology: did you see  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ecryptfs-utils/+bug/623708 ß23:39
ubottuLaunchpad bug 623708 in ecryptfs-utils (Ubuntu) "encrypted private directory will not mount maverick" [Undecided,New]23:39
MTecknologyguntbert: hm.. seems that he logged in once without it mounting - used it, then mounted - that would cause the extra directories23:43

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