
=== cyphermox_ is now known as cyphermox
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devildante'kay :)11:04
devildantewhat is 'v'?11:06
AbhiJithi om26er11:12
om26erAbhiJit, hey there.11:13
AbhiJitom26er, you got me memo?11:13
om26erAbhiJit, no11:13
AbhiJitom26er, type /msg memoserv read 011:13
AbhiJittry tiwth 1 or 2 etc11:13
om26erAbhiJit, aha11:14
om26erAbhiJit, tell me the time you will be available tomorrow11:14
AbhiJitom26er, tomorow morning?11:15
om26erAbhiJit, I will be up at 1PM atleast so after that ;)11:15
AbhiJitoh no11:16
AbhiJiti mean after 8 am onwards11:16
* om26er sleeps too much11:16
AbhiJitwhen you will come online tomorow? when you are free?11:16
AbhiJiti am whole day online donig project work11:17
AbhiJitom26er, ^^11:17
om26erAbhiJit, I will be online after 1. if not here or on gtalk just email me and I will sign in11:17
AbhiJit1am is too early for me actually!!!! ok i wll mail you in morning!11:18
om26erany pulseaudio expert here ? when I change a song pulse audio crashes :(11:19
om26erwhen is the next bug day?11:26
ubot2Factoid 'bugday' not found11:26
devildanteom26er: 30 september11:31
om26erthanks devildante11:36
om26erdevildante, was your old nick evildante?11:40
devildantenot at all, it was always devildante11:40
om26erthat might be someone else then11:41
penguin42any ideas as to what I should do if I'm seeing the return of an old seriousish bug - bug 45367814:38
ubot2Launchpad bug 453678 in apt (Ubuntu Karmic) (and 1 other project) "udev initramfs hook ignores that udevadm is disabled, copies it anyway (affects: 4) (dups: 1) (heat: 36)" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/45367814:38
hggdhpenguin42: you just experienced it on Maverick?15:11
penguin42hggdh: Yes15:13
penguin42hggdh: And I did a couple of weeks ago15:14
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penguin42hggdh: It'll be a mess if it affects normal users15:15
vishhggdh: got a min for an evolution question..? :)15:25
devildantevish: evolving? like pokémons? :p15:31
vishheh, i knew someone would poke that "evolve " ;p15:32
hggdhvish: yes15:33
vish devildante hggdh used to do evo triage15:33
devildanteevo triage, what's that?15:33
hggdhand the answer is yes, evolution is the best theory by far at the moment15:33
devildanteI didn't understand a thing :p15:34
hggdhdevildante: I guess vish has an issue on Evolution he wants to talk about15:34
* devildante lol'd hard :p15:35
hggdhpenguin42: do you have the logs for this issue on Maverick? If so, please update the bug, and (although a bit late) nominate to maverick15:35
penguin42hggdh: I've hit the nominate, log wise there isn't much to show since it just leaves you in initramfs's prompt15:36
penguin42and sometime in the last week flash sound has broken15:37
penguin42ooh, worked now - hmm15:37
penguin42erk; it's not using pulse15:38
* penguin42 it's a bit worrying that breaking at freeze15:43
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penguin42hmm bug 64105615:48
ubot2Launchpad bug 641056 in ia32-libs (Ubuntu Maverick) (and 3 other projects) "Loader chooses 64-bit instead of 32-bit library (affects: 6) (heat: 36)" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/64105615:48
penguin42heck, I hate it when I have two versions of a package - with one nasty bug in each16:51
* penguin42 has one version of ia32-libs which plays sound in flash and another version where mesa works16:54
devildantewhat would you want 32bit mesa for?16:54
penguin42devildante: Google earth16:54
devildanteHI killian :)17:31
killianim using lanscape for monitoring and i i've found something strange :p17:32
killian46% memory used with landscape17:32
killianbut i've only 800M/8000 used17:33
killianso it's not 46% but 10% no?17:35
devildantekillian: yeah, you should report a bug17:35
devildantekillian: with "ubuntu-bug landscape"17:35
devildanteafter searching if the bug has already been reported, of course ;)17:36
killianof course :)17:36
hggdhI think it has17:37
devildantebdmurray: ping17:49
devildanteand hi charlie-tca :)17:49
devildantecharlie-tca: I solved that table problem17:49
devildantecharlie-tca: I did it with a Python script :p17:50
devildantePython >>> OOO17:50
devildanteyep :p17:51
devildantebdmurray: ping?18:01
charlie-tcaSo, we still don't know how to do it in OO.o?18:04
devildanteno :p18:04
devildantebilalakhtar, please stop connecting and disconnecting :p18:04
bilalakhtardevildante: yup, I apologised for it on most channels18:04
devildanteno problem :)18:05
bilalakhtaractually, I was writing an irssi script, so was testing it, to avoid the autojoin I wanted to use the -! flag which wasn't working due to an irssi bug18:05
bilalakhtardevildante: ^^18:05
charlie-tcaI will try to put together a good way to use OO.o to do the bugs, and put it on the wiki18:07
devildantecharlie-tca: that would be great :)18:07
charlie-tcaRight now, though, I am testing Xubuntu - installed using the maverick desktop image on a 400MHz cpu with 384MB ram18:08
devildantethat should be enough, I guess... or not? :p18:08
charlie-tcaIt is a little slow, but the installation worked18:09
penguin42charlie-tca: The fact the install worked for 384MB is reassuring18:09
charlie-tcaMy thought too18:09
devildanteas far as I know, 256 is enough for even installing Ubuntu18:09
charlie-tcaI have something like 4MB video card in it18:09
* penguin42 wouldn't bet on 256 working these days18:09
charlie-tcaNope, devildante18:10
charlie-tcaIt won't work for Ubuntu18:10
charlie-tcaThe desktop cd requires more than that18:10
devildante"You will need at least 256MB of RAM to install from this CD"18:11
charlie-tcaThat is my goal for tomorrow. Test with 256MB using both desktop images18:11
devildanteI was talking only about the installation18:11
charlie-tcaThe Ubuntu cd won't work, as far as I recall. It failed for 10.04, at least18:11
devildanteSo that notice is outdated :p18:12
charlie-tcathis is a bottom end system. old stb 4mb video, 400MHz cpu, vary the ram from 256 to 38418:13
* devildante sees bcurtiswx and bcurtiswx_18:14
bcurtiswx_with _ is me on my laptop18:14
bcurtiswx_the non _ is my always-on desktop18:14
devildanteargh, I forgot :p18:14
penguin42chrisccoulson: The GDK_NATIVE_WINDOW fix for flash plugin clicks is interesting; it's great if it works, but I'm suspicious since the bug is so old it's way before client side windows went in18:37
hggdhanyone with a system with floppy disks?18:37
charlie-tcahggdh: I do have a hardware system with a floppy drive, and I have blank disks18:38
hggdhcharlie-tca: on Lucid/Maverick, do you get longer waits when booting with this system?18:38
hggdhand -- can you actually mount a floppy?18:39
charlie-tcawaits are not longer that I have noticed.18:39
hggdhthere is a thread on the ubuntu-users ML where people are complaining about it -- and, unfortunately, mostly dissing Ubuntu18:39
charlie-tcaI haven't tried to mount a floppy in maverick18:39
charlie-tcalucid required manually mounting them18:40
* hggdh has not used/seen/had a floppy for the last 8 years18:40
hggdhyes. manual mount is OK18:40
penguin42hggdh: I'm having longer boot times on Maverick - I've got a ~30second pause from somewhere18:41
hggdhpenguin42: bingo!18:41
charlie-tcaTell them unplug the cable if it is slow. If the floppy drive dies, it really slows the system down18:41
chrisccoulsonpenguin42, really?18:41
devildantebdmurray: ping18:41
penguin42hggdh: But no floppy drive18:41
jibelhggdh, I had to disable the floppy drive because 10.10 livecd didnt boot. There is a bug report about it and the longer boot time18:41
chrisccoulsonthe bug was reported in 08/200918:41
penguin42chrisccoulson: Look at the dupes18:41
hggdhpenguin42: but you have a system with a floppy controller and it is enabled on BIOS, right?18:41
penguin42chrisccoulson: People have been getting no-clicks-in-flash for many many years18:41
chrisccoulsonclient side windows was introduced in gtk 2.18, in the karmic cycle18:41
chrisccoulsonpenguin42, all reported after csw with the exception of a single report18:42
penguin42chrisccoulson: Hmm, it feels longer18:42
penguin42hggdh: Well that's a good question, I've not checked the bios18:42
penguin42hggdh: There aren't any floppy/fd messages in dmesg18:43
hggdhjibel: yes indeed -- but the bug was closed fixreleased with an update to udisk, I think18:43
chrisccoulsonin fact, even on the single report that is older than csw, most comments happened after it landed18:43
penguin42chrisccoulson: I was thinking of bug 108733 that I filed18:44
ubot2Launchpad bug 108733 in nspluginwrapper (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "flash losing clicks with desktop effects enabled (affects: 1) (heat: 2)" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/10873318:44
penguin42chrisccoulson: It may well have been a separate underlying cause18:45
chrisccoulsonyes, it's unrelated18:45
penguin42chrisccoulson: Ah ok; just sneazing in the direction of flash upsets it I think18:45
charlie-tcaPart of the slowdown is when the floppy seek on boot is set in bios18:46
hggdhyes, and this is outside our control; the only way would be to disable floppy on BIOS18:46
penguin42hggdh: I could check the bios to see if floppy is enabled, but I doubt it - all I can see in the bootchart is lvm sitting there for ~30 seconds18:47
charlie-tcaSome of the older bios setups allow you to turn off "check floppy drive for disks on startup"18:47
charlie-tcaof something similar to that18:47
penguin42hggdh: My hang is bug 62539518:47
ubot2Launchpad bug 625395 in linux (Ubuntu) "[Maverick] ~30s boot pause (affects: 1) (heat: 119)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/62539518:47
charlie-tcaIf they leave that turned on without a floppy in the drive, it does make the boot a lot longer18:48
hggdhpenguin42: so you are not affected by floopy on boot. Good. Can you try to mount a floppy?18:49
hggdhafter logging in18:49
penguin42hggdh: Not on this machine - it doesn't have a floppy drive18:49
penguin42the only machines I have that do are my P90 and some of my dads machines, and I'm not going to attack my dads machines until it's stable18:50
penguin42and some how I don't think the P90 would be much use for Ubuntu18:51
hggdhI agree, of course. Not worth risking your dad's machines :-)18:52
penguin42actually that's going to be a painful move, he's still running KDE 3.5 in 8.4 which needs forcibly fixing18:52
hggdhbah. Forget, the tone of the thread just made me not willing to work on it anymore -- otherwise I will be one more 'unqualified people' working on it.18:56
devildantesorry for that, hggdh :(18:56
hggdhtheir choice, devildante.18:56
penguin42hggdh: Ooh, kvm/qemu will do floppy drive emulation :-)18:57
devildanteoh, I forgot about that one :p18:57
hggdhI will try it under KVM. Later, when I cool down a bit. Don't really like the tone.19:00
hggdhpenguin42: thanks for the reminder19:00
penguin42sigh, unfortunately it hits an apparmor problem if you connect it19:00
devildantehggdh: Care to send me a link to the thread?19:00
devildanteif you want, of course :)19:01
jibelhggdh, with or without floppy drive enabled, the boot time is the same ~47s. I have no floppy in the drive.19:02
jibelhggdh, please don't ask me to find a floppy :-)19:03
* penguin42 throws jibel a floppy19:04
* devildante intercepts it19:04
devildanteand I break it, along with all your hopes :p19:05
bcurtiswx_what floppy, the true floppy, or the small things they kept the floppy disk name with?19:05
* bcurtiswx_ remembers true floppy disks19:05
charlie-tca3.5 inch, I think19:06
bcurtiswx_booo :P19:06
hggdhbcurtiswx_: true floppies. the 3 1/2, 5 1/4, 9, and 11 inches19:06
charlie-tcaalthough, I do have a 5.25 floppy drive, too19:06
penguin42bcurtiswx_: I have got a few boxes of 8" ones, but I gave my machine that could use those to a museum a few months back19:06
bcurtiswx_museum... really?19:07
bcurtiswx_quite an honor i guess...19:07
penguin42bcurtiswx_: Only a local science/industry museum19:07
cjaewow is kubuntu10.10 a good beta its got less problems than the LTS lol19:07
bcurtiswx_still, people will be looking (and awwing/ahhing) over _your_ computer19:07
cjaeafaik anyway19:08
cjaewhat up with the k menu entry for proprietary ati driver, the amdcccle (administrative) doesnt do anything :(19:09
penguin42bcurtiswx_: http://picasaweb.google.com/treblig.org/Perq#19:10
penguin42anyway, bug 647664 is kvm/qemu not being able to start up with a floppy image attached19:11
ubot2Launchpad bug 647664 in libvirt (Ubuntu) "Unhelpful Security labelling error with read-only floppy image (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/64766419:11
cjaebut after you install the ubuntu-desktop it does something, it like the ati driver when installed with jockey needs some extra gtk libraries installed too19:11
bcurtiswx_penguin42, beautiful computer, even needed a belt.. wow19:11
hggdhcjae: there was a problem with the ATI proprietary driver on Maverick; I do not know how it is now, don't use it anymore (since Karmic)19:12
hggdhand ATI's maintenance record is, ah, poor19:13
cjaethis happens in .04 and .10, without the ubuntu-desktop installed, one can always use kdesudo amdcccle but that is not for average user19:13
* penguin42 hugs the open driver19:13
penguin42hggdh: I'd agree there is a pause in the boot with the floppy connected in kvm/qemu (use a file in your home dir, not a shared one)19:14
* penguin42 goes to get dinner19:14
cjaeme too but it does not detect my tv resolution correctly19:14
cjaeso I am forced to use the prop19:14
hggdhcjae: is there a bug opened on it? Has it been upstreamed?19:15
cjaehggdh: I know very little about bug reporting, I did post one though19:16
hggdhcjae: bug #, please19:16
cjaeone sec19:16
cjaelaunchpad slow19:18
cjaehggdh: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-video-ati/+bug/63780819:23
ubot2Ubuntu bug 637808 in xserver-xorg-video-ati (Ubuntu) "only using properitary ati driver can plasma (panasonic plasma) via hdmi be used (affects: 1) (heat: 487)" [Undecided,New]19:23
charlie-tcaOkay, I have fresh install here on a hardware system with a floppy drive19:23
charlie-tcaNow, what do you need me to do?19:24
charlie-tcaum, it is Xubuntu19:24
hggdhcharlie-tca: still good to try; complain in on Gnome, but we can, at least, check19:25
hggdhcharlie-tca: after logging in, try to mount a floppy, and see if you have access, please19:25
cjaealso in maverick there a is another bug from 10.04, that is similiar to this one https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/fglrx-installer/+bug/63782519:26
ubot2Ubuntu bug 637825 in fglrx-installer (Ubuntu) "kdm scrammbles screen on kde 4.5 logout kubuntu 10.04 (affects: 1) (heat: 426)" [Undecided,New]19:26
hggdhcjae: the bug was opened with apport -- this is good. Now we have to wait for the X folks to get there...19:26
cjaewhen you click logout it just goes to a black screen19:26
cjaenot sure about the tty part of the bug in maverick and I cannot test it since the machine is working on things right now19:28
cjaehggdh: ok19:28
charlie-tcahmm, double clicking the floppy drive makes it show the cursor spinning, spinning, spinning...19:30
hggdhcharlie-tca: good! (er, actually bad). So the bug is there even with Xubuntu19:30
charlie-tcaError: Unable to mount "Floppy Drive":  mount: I could not determine the filesystem type, and none was specified19:30
Tiibiidiiuh, i noticed now that a bug i confirmed, has been reported a month later than a duplicate19:31
Tiibiidiithis duplicate is still "new", but it's earlier and it got 3 people affected19:31
Tiibiidiishould i flag the late bug as a duplicate?19:31
devildanteflag the bug you confirmed as duplicate19:32
charlie-tcaWhich one has the best information?19:32
charlie-tcahggdh: anything else?19:32
Tiibiidii<charlie-tca> Which one has the best information? <-- i think the one i confirmed, but i just copypaste what's missing on the other side19:32
devildanteCan you give us the bug numbers, please? :)19:33
charlie-tcaIf the one you confirmed has the info, leave it as the master19:33
charlie-tcahggdh: That floppy disk was apparently unformatted. I put one in containing dos printer drivers, and it mounted immediately19:35
hggdhcharlie-tca: can you check on /etc/fstab if there is a /dev/fd0 entry? if so, can you comment it out and try again?19:35
hggdhcharlie-tca: so no problems on Xubuntu19:35
charlie-tcaAll I had to do was double-click the drive on my desktop19:35
Tiibiidii<charlie-tca> If the one you confirmed has the info, leave it as the master <-- mhn, actually, it has more comments, but not any relevant info that the other doesn't have :P now i've already put the other as the master however19:35
charlie-tcahggdh: gets worse. I can now mount any floppy by double-clicking19:37
devildanteoh my, it's a serious bug if it's working for you :p19:38
charlie-tcayes, there is an /etc/fstab entry for the floppy drive19:38
charlie-tcaNow you gonna want to test this in Ubuntu, huh?19:38
hggdhcharlie-tca: and 'mount' shows it in use?19:38
hggdhcharlie-tca: if you can yes, please. But I have to get ready for a barbecue at a friend's19:39
charlie-tcaThat's okay. It will take a while to install ubuntu anyway19:39
hggdh(free food is never refused)19:40
charlie-tcaI get back to you later tonight or tomorrow19:40
hggdhcharlie-tca: thank you. I will touch bases with you later, if you do not mind19:40
charlie-tcadevildante: there is no longer a simple way to use OO.o for bugday.19:44
Tiibiidiiguys, i noticed one strange thing19:54
Tiibiidiii mean, almost all applications should work with the new unity indicator-appmenu, right?19:54
Tiibiidiithat is, gtk & qt applications... while java and XUL applications for example are not covered and keep their menu bar inside the window19:55
Tiibiidiiwell... synaptic is written in gtk afaik, but still retains its internal menu19:55
Tiibiidiiand doesn't export it to the upper panel19:55
chrisccoulsonthat's because it's running as root and doesn't have access to your users session bus19:55
Tiibiidii<chrisccoulson> that's because it's running as root and doesn't have access to your users session bus <-- duh, true... i read about that bug before but i forgot19:56
Tiibiidiii was looking into the bug about the appmenu and monodevelop19:56
Tiibiidiiand was looking to see if there are similar cases19:56
Tiibiidii(tomboy, banshee and fspot work fine... and like monodevelop they should be using gtk#... so i'm quite puzzled)19:57
devildantecharlie-tca: ahh... that sucks20:44
* devildante will discuss later, he has to do homework :)20:44
charlie-tcaOkay, re-wrote the wiki page, it works now21:18
devildantecharlie-tca, thanks :)22:47
* devildante got approved by sabdfl in bug 62275622:48
ubot2Launchpad bug 622756 in utouch-gesturetest "Set up testing data infrastructure (affects: 1) (heat: 7)" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/62275622:48
devildantethat made my day :p22:48
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devildantebdmurray: ping23:04
bcurtiswx_hmm, looks like my internet at home went :)23:20
devildantebdmurray: ping23:43
bcurtiswx_devildante, brian's usually gone on weekends23:50
devildanteSo what's he doing here? :p23:51
bcurtiswx_devildante, just leave your request, and he'll see it when he gets back23:51
devildante'kay :)23:51
devildantebdmurray: can I haz a nice graph for jaunty bugs? Thanks :)23:51

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