
=== cyphermox_ is now known as cyphermox
bilalakhtarHas anyone seen seb here lately?14:38
vishbilalakhtar: he is on vacation14:39
bilalakhtarvish: why is everyone on vacations right now? The season is over, I suppose14:39
vishbilalakhtar: not sure.. ;)14:40
bilalakhtardholbach should come back soon, he is being awaited a LOT14:40
bilalakhtarThe sponsoring overview is down for almost 2 weeks now14:41
ari-tczewbilalakhtar: http://people.ubuntu.com/~bdrung/sponsoring/14:45
ari-tczewtemporary sponsoring overview by bdrung_14:45
bilalakhtarbdrung_: Thanks for that, and ari-tczew, same to you !14:45
bdrung_bilalakhtar: np, it took me only a half hour to find the right fix for the sponsoring overview14:47
bilalakhtarbdrung_: What was it?14:47
bdrung_bilalakhtar: a merge proposal that targets debian. the sponsor overview tried to get the series from the ubuntu distro instead of debian distro.14:48
bilalakhtaroh, so it resulted in errors, I suppose14:49
bdrung_bilalakhtar: it crashed and that's the reason why the official page is not updated14:50
bilalakhtarand dholbach deserted it in that condition :(14:50
kklimondawell, people are entitled to vacations from time to time.14:52
* devildante likes the transparent borders of not focused windows14:58
devildantewhoever did that, I thank him :)14:58
vishdevildante: screenshot?15:02
* vish doesnt use defaults and often not easy to notice changes ;p15:03
devildantevish: http://imgur.com/CF5Eu.png15:03
devildantemakes you want to use the default now :p15:04
vishdevildante: huh! thats such an old trick ;p15:04
vishdevildante: you could always change the metacity opacity for a very long time.. its been used since dust themes came ;)15:04
devildantebut it's by default now, so it's even more awesome :)15:05
vishdevildante: is that cairo-dock there? ;)15:06
devildantevish: docky :)15:06
vishpff ;p15:06
devildanteIMO, cairo-dock is too much configurable, and you get lost easily15:07
vishyea, its easy to get lost..15:07
vishdevildante: but you can never find two identical cairo-docks.. atleast i havent yet seen two similar docks ;)  and most of the new docks just take features from it..15:08
devildanteIt's not the first one to implement a new feature which is better ; you must implement it well15:08
bcurtiswxi <3 docky15:09
vishhaha! its done well, but people dont notice it much ;p15:09
devildanteyay bcurtiswx15:09
vishsimpletons ! ;p15:09
devildanteIMO (again), docky is THE competitor to apple's dock, this because of its simplicity, and because it's just better [/troll]15:11
bcurtiswxhttp://imgur.com/rY5ne.jpg :D15:12
OwaisLYes, it's better than mac dock15:12
bcurtiswxnoone likes my epically awesome wallpaper? :(15:15
devildantebcurtiswx: very great15:16
OwaisLcheck mine: http://i.imgur.com/D1Gd2.png15:18
* bcurtiswx puts on sunglasses for that bright thing :P15:19
vishbcurtiswx: hehe! ranting on the default wallpaper eh? ;p15:24
devildantebcurtiswx: you shouldn't do that, the default wallpaper is GREAT :)15:43
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=== oubiwann-away is now known as oubiwann
bcurtiswxhaha, nah, i'm glad it was "updated"16:13
devildanteoh come on, mpt just went and he's gone?16:47
* devildante cries :p16:47
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