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ricotzbdrung_, hello, the latest ubuntu-dev-tools update broke pbuilder-dist for me09:02
ricotzit fails with "Command line parameter [] is not a valid .dsc file name"09:03
persiaricotz, Could you file a bug about that?  Specifically, detailing the precise command you used to generate that output, etc.09:16
ricotzpersia, it fails with a simple command like this "pbuilder-dist maverick build PACKAGE.dsc"09:18
persiaricotz, I believe you.  I don't use pbuilder, and my python is questionable, so I'm not the right person to fix it.  Please file a bug.09:19
ricotzRainCT, ^09:19
ricotzit might be releated to this http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-dev/ubuntu-dev-tools/trunk/revision/74009:20
ricotzRainCT, hi, i was looking into the latest commit in ubunu-dev-tools and something seems to broke pbuilder-dist09:21
RainCTricotz: I see. "pbuilder-foo build *.dsc" fails but "pbuilder-foo *.dsc" (a shortcut for that) works. However both seem to run exactly the same command (which you can see with --debug-echo) :S09:24
ricotzRainCT, seems like the arguments arent seperated the right way now09:26
ricotzusing --debug-echo results in a quoted dsc-filename with the newer version09:26
ricotzRainCT, i hope you find the problem ;-)09:30
RainCTricotz: I've just found the problem, but I'm not sure why it's only happening after the quoting change.09:32
ricotzRainCT, i havent had a deep look into it, i just suspected this change might have caused it09:35
RainCTricotz, persia: OK, pushed the fix. Should I upload this or better wait a day or two in case anyone else has something to get in?09:44
ricotzRainCT, i think it is worth an update since it might break some custom build scripts on the weekend ;-)09:49
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quidnuncI have a regression on dovecot process restarting (Bug #646858). Is this a possible candidate for a freeze exception?15:04
ubottuLaunchpad bug 646858 in dovecot (Ubuntu) "dovecot-postfix and upstart incompatibility" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/64685815:04
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kklimondacan someone take a look at, and sponsor if possible, bug 636482? It's getting late :)15:14
ubottuLaunchpad bug 636482 in python-django (Ubuntu) "Update python-django to 1.2.3 version to fix an XSS vulnerability" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/63648215:14
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ScottKRainCT: A LOT of people use pbuilder-dist.  I'd prefer it if you'd go ahead and upload the fix.16:03
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ScottKquidnunc: I've triaged the bug so it will get reviewed by the release team for inclusion.16:11
quidnuncScottK: Thanks16:11
ScottKquidnunc: No problem.  Thanks for reporting it.16:11
RainCTScottK: Looks like bdrung_ already uploaded it.16:17
ScottKRainCT: To Ubuntu?16:17
RainCTScottK: changelog says "experimental", but it shows up on https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntu-dev-tools16:18
ScottKRainCT: Thanks.16:19
bdrung_ScottK, RainCT: i uploaded it to experimental and synced it with syncpackage16:24
ScottKbdrung_: Thanks for taking care of it.16:24
bdrung_ScottK: np16:25
bdrung_release early, release often ;)16:26
bilalakhtarSorry for all those joins, was fiddling with Irssi, for some reason its -! flag to stop autoconnecting was not working18:02
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