
duanedesignSquirrel, lol00:36
pleia2doctormo: ok, I'm around, I'm going to see if I can break art now ;)00:53
pleia2doctormo: actually, I think I sorted out permissions so you *should* be able to do it, can you give it a try?00:59
pleia2permissions are going to be the concern here, we want it all to still be owned by you, but give www-data access to write (so I made them of the www-data group)00:59
doctormopleia2: back01:38
pleia2wb :)01:39
DiegoTcdoctormo, do you have time for a small python question?01:41
doctormoDiegoTc: how can I help you?01:41
DiegoTcdoctormo, I am having a little trouble with a for loop in c i can have a for this way01:41
DiegoTcfor(int i=99;i>0;i--)01:42
DiegoTci thought that in python it will be this way01:42
DiegoTcfor i in range (10,0):01:42
DiegoTcbut it looks i am wrong :(01:42
doctormoDiegoTc: What is wrong with for i in range(10): ?01:43
DiegoTcdoctormo, I want to print numbers this way 10,9,8,7,6,.....01:44
DiegoTcno 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,...01:44
doctormothe hack is just to say "for i in range(10): print 10 -i01:45
doctormobut range can do that too01:45
DiegoTcso how it will be the range way¿?01:46
doctormoDiegoTc: What you need to do is look at the range method, it's range([start=0], stop, [step=1])01:47
DiegoTcohh thanks01:48
doctormoDiegoTc: Which means range(10, 0, -1) will work. Of course we'll never get anything out of range(10, 0) because 10+1 can never get to 001:48
doctormoDiegoTc: Remember to get yourself into a python command line (type python at the bash shell) and do help(method) on anything you need help for.01:48
doctormoq to exit the help01:48
DiegoTcwhoa a little difference from c++ or java01:49
DiegoTcthanks doctormo01:49
doctormoDiegoTc: Python is more like Perl than C or Java. It's very, very different in how it operates.01:50
doctormopleia2: back to you01:50
doctormoI'm munching right now01:50
pleia2ok :)01:52
pleia2well, I think you have the permission to do what you need now01:52
pleia2so if you want to give it a go - all yours!01:52
doctormopleia2: aye aye01:56
doctormothanks skipper01:56
pleia2sure, just let me know if you have any trouble, I'll be around this evening01:57
zkriesse_hey lyz02:02
pleia2evening, zkriesse_02:03
zkriesse_how are ya?02:03
pleia2doing good, busy as always, you?02:06
zkriesse_the same02:07
zkriesse_college, job hunting, multiple ubuntu projects02:08
doctormopleia2: dagoba doesn't have bzip2 support?02:56
pleia2I'll install it, sec03:00
pleia2doctormo: installed03:01
doctormopleia2: Thanks! ok so the permissions are a bit off kilter, most files are owned by www-data user and doctormo group, so some directories don't have a writer permission for group.03:05
doctormoI thought it would have been the other way round03:05
pleia2yeah that's weird, it's the opposite of what it was03:06
pleia2just gave group write to content/03:07
pleia2everything else you should have access to, I think03:07
pleia2doctormo: you should be able to look in htdocs.bak to see what the permissions were earlier today before I gave your user permissions, that might give you a clue as to why it's wonky03:08
doctormopleia2: It was htdocs/art_files/images that had the problem03:09
doctormoAnd it's weird because the contents are 77703:10
pleia2ok, group has write now03:10
doctormopleia2: Ah the content directory can be given to www-data user and group if you like, it's not in the repository. up to you of course.03:11
pleia2having ccadmin/ there is confusing the live site03:13
pleia2I think03:13
doctormopleia2: OK we're set, we just need a cronjob, do you want that to run as my user?03:15
pleia2and yay! :)03:16
doctormoOK set to 2:05 each morning to do a bzr pull.03:20
nhandlerdoctormo: Is that for ubuntu-owl or one of the other sites?05:39
pleia2it's art.ubuntu-owl.org05:40
nhandlerpleia2: Think we should setup a similar cronjob for ubuntu-owl ?05:40
pleia2probably :)05:40

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