
miststlkrallo all.   I have a series in my video gallery where the file names for one season were accidentally capitalized differently, not it is listed in the list view as a separate show.  I have since renamed the files correctly and i I manually go through each show and remove metadata individually, then scan for changes, it moves the files over correctly.  how might I automate this process?05:02
tgm4883miststlkr, I don't think there is going to be a way to automate that05:05
tgm4883you could automate the grabbing of the data by using jamu05:05
tgm4883but not removing the metadata05:05
tgm4883you might be able to get fancy by crafting something with the python bindings though05:06
miststlkrtgm4883:  I was hoping jamu might have a little something for me.   not horrible.. just one season worth of shows...05:06
tgm4883you might try looking at the jamu options and see if there is a regather data for all shows05:07
miststlkrtgm4883:   Almost done at this point... was more of a "for future refrence" thing.. there's a lot I don't know about this system, I won't know to ask till I run into these problems :-P05:07
miststlkrhowever, the entire [8-season] set gets a "N matches Found"  which I can set in the jamu-conf file, I believe....05:10
tgm4883miststlkr, do you have your naming convention set up right?05:11
tgm4883filename that is05:11
miststlkrtgm4883:  yes, works 99% of the time, this one in particular has a US and a UK version, so I named them accordingly, apparently jamu balked at that.. UK version processed fine, US didn't [[presumably leave the US out of the filename, but I like it there]  I remember having to manually tell jamu to use a specific series ID for a given series before, I'll just look that up again05:13
miststlkrI'll have to read through the documentation again :-\   I'm pretty sure you just add the line to /usr/share/mythtv/mythvideo/scripts/jamu.conf05:18
keithamusIs radiotimes XMLTV not working for anyone else?11:11
=== mvetketel is now known as bogus-
keithamusDoes anyone here use the radiotimes XMLTV feed, and is it down for you? All I get is the copyright notice and no actual data.11:49
jean_hi, I have a problem with mapping mz Remote to the mythtv - irw says, that lirc recieves them ok, but mythtv wont use them, when i try in ~/.lirc/mythtv added for example new mapping for MyTV, in frontend, when I try to map it to the jump action, keypress is not displayed and key is not registered:( please help13:32
duffydackIve got mythtv installed in a vm, using mythbuntu iso and a couple of videos in the appropriate folder which the frontend (same machine) sees and plays fine, however I have installed mythtv-frontend on my other real laptop (ubuntu netbook 10.04) and the frontend runs but has no menu entry for Watch Videos, it only has Watch recordings.  I have set up the database info correctly, I even install another mythbuntu vm and set it as fr14:40
duffydackontend and it works ok.14:40
keithamusAnyone get anything but a copyright notice from a url like this: http://xmltv.radiotimes.com/xmltv/94.dat15:04
duffydackah..I had to install the mythvideos packages... odd its not already installed15:11
keithamushttp://www.crustynet.org.uk/~xmltv-tester/squeeze/package/ seems like its been failing a lot recently on the latest deb packages - anyone else experiencing this?15:12
Zinn[www.crustynet.org.uk] XMLTV Debian package 0.5.57-315:12
Zinn!help For a  complete list of my knowledge visit: http://www.baablogic.net/Zinn.cgi  Other available commands: !status, !about, !bug [bug_number].16:01
micromI get a boot error from my mythbuntu usb stick in the acer revo r3610, but the usb stick boots fine in another computer16:12
micromThere is no "RevoBoot" to disable in the BIOS.16:12
micromMaybe I should try the 32-bit version? Or an older version (I just tried the latest 10.04 amd64)16:17
micromgo it! I needed to erase the first 512B on the USB stick, then copy the mbr like so -> dd if=/usr/share/syslinux/mbr.bin of=/dev/sdc16:53
microm(from my gentoo system)16:53
Timehey. I just did a fresh install of mythbuntu 10.04. When I load and chown -R mythtv:mythtv my videos into /var/lib/mythtv/videos/, they still don't load up. I even tried /home/mythtv/videos and no luck still. In previous versions, I had to refresh the video cache. I read that in newer versions, this is not needed.17:10
TimeWhat am I doing wrong?17:10
tgm4883Time, you need to "scan for changes" in mythvideo18:41
tgm4883hit M, then scan for changes18:42
micromis the dhcp client installed with mythbuntu? I can't get networking to work.21:35
Timetgm4883: thank you!21:36
CyLis www.mmythbuntu.org down?21:51
greglCyL: Seems to be down for me also..21:58
PMantisIs mythbuntu.org down? I can't seem to get to it... browser waits and waits...22:01
greglSeems so..22:02
PMantisKnow of any mimrror?22:02
PMantiserr mirror22:02
greglI think there is one in Europe,but not sure what the address is..22:02
CyLgregl: thanks for the advice22:03
PMantisI want a 10.04 guide for building diskless frontends. I assume it uses ltsp-build-client, but want to know about other details, like video drivers, etc.22:03
superm1if you are just trying to grab the iso http://cdimages.ubuntu.com/mythbuntu/releases/lucid/release/22:03
superm1Daviey, ^22:03
superm1Gibby_2, was your diskless stuff you were starting to document on the site?22:04
Zinn[cdimage.ubuntu.com] Mythbuntu 10.04 (Lucid Lynx)22:04
PMantisHmmm:  http://www.xpmediacentre.com.au/community/linux-general-setup-support-discussion/41765-mythbuntu-diskless-front-ends-everywhere.html22:04
* PMantis thinks Zinn is a bot22:05
PMantisWhat's it doing, echoing the hostname of any links?22:06
superm1it tries to fetch the title from the page22:07
PMantisHmm, cool22:08
* PMantis starts ltsp-build-client, and walks away22:08
PMantisI just install mythexport, and in the log I see "ERROR: Directory  is not writeable." Notice, there is no directory in the error. I ran dpkg-reconfigure and specified the dir again, then chmod'd the dir to 777... still no dice.Help?23:05
superm1rhpot1991, ^23:07
PMantisDebug log: http://mythbuntu.pastebin.com/L4m8LHE423:18
* PMantis found the problem23:24
PMantisThe 'param' column in the mythexport_job_queue table is only 255 characters long. I selected 34 items for OTG export, and this far exceeded the limits of the field.23:25
PMantisAs such, there was no room for the directory information at the end.23:25
BLZbubbais there a way to get mythbuntu to boot with init=/bin/sh?  even single user mode just freezes somewhere in upstart23:42
TechnophilHi Guys, With Transition into Daylight Saving listings are an hour out.  Can anyone tell me the mythfilldatabase command that will run it as user mythtv and not logon user?  it does not fix running under logon.23:43

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