
nUboon2Agei'm not finding the etherpad.  here's an important item:  Ubuntu, Canonical Wallow in Muddy Waters with Contributors' Agreements   bySeptember 21, 2010  By Bruce Byfield http://itmanagement.earthweb.com/osrc/article.php/3904526/Ubuntu-Canonical-Wallow-in-Muddy-Waters-with-Contributors-Agreements.htm     akgraner18:35
nUboon2Agenhandler: ^^^  do you know where i can find the etherpad for ideas?20:17
nhandlernUboon2Age: I think this is it http://pad.ubuntu-uk.org/UWN20:47
nUboon2Agety nhandler: i'm trying to add to http://pad.ubuntu-uk.org/UWN-Ideas but no luck so far21:11
akgranernUboon2Age, I just connected to it - are you still having trouble with it21:18
nUboon2Ageyes nhandler21:23
nUboon2Agenhandler: could you add the link above.  It doesn't seem to want to let me.21:23
akgranernUboon2Age, I got the link no need to add it to the etherpad21:37
akgranernot sure why you are having trouble - hmmmm21:37

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