
=== Guest10569 is now known as ryanakca
ubottupksadiq called the ops in #ubuntu ()03:41
Tm_Thi Bacta, how can we help today?09:37
bazhang<st__> sunny_, it is the same, ubuntu just steals debian sid packages and put it some custom wallpapers10:14
bazhangwhen talking about debian and ubuntu10:14
bazhangst__ seems to be offering lots of iffy "advice"10:34
rwwHellop. The channel entrymsg for #ubuntu-proxy-users includes "Please type !proxy for more information.", but that factoid has been deleted from ubottu. I'd recommend either recreating the factoid or someone with the relevant access editing the entrymsg.10:35
rwwThe factoid's content used to be: "Many Ubuntu IRC channels prohibit access from !proxies such as !TOR and web (Java, etc) gateways due to a high level of abuse. You can however obtain a hostmask cloak: see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#cloaks"10:36
rwwand by the look of it, the people with the relevant access are nalioth, elky, and the IRCC account10:37
elkyjussi, tsimpson, nhandler ^^ i'm guessing it was deleted for a reason. telling us what should be told to people instead would be nice.11:03
nhandlerelky, rww: Pici was the one who removed the factoid. I can't remember the specific reason. However, I do recall some discussion about removing certain factoids mentioning us blocking tor (which freenode itself tends to handle). I'd like to hear Pici's reason for removing the factoid before doing anything else14:07
bazhangemma spoofing mc4415:15
=== maco2 is now known as maco
elkybazhang, wha?16:29
bazhangelky, nick change and then back  -irc #xubuntu and every other channel we share16:30
elkyI see now. No honesty at all16:31
MichealHIs it possible for me to help out in -unregged?20:25
jribMichealH: doing?20:29
MichealHjrib: Just helping out :)20:29
MichealHjrib: I could help op it?20:29
jribMichealH: not really much to do, but I guess you can stick around and see what others say20:30
MichealHI get kikced by one of the bots :(20:31
MichealHI cant idle20:31
MichealHIn the channel20:31
jribMichealH: I meant stick around here :)20:32
IdleOneunregged is not a support channel, helping there would be counter productive.20:32
IdleOnethe channel is only really used for when there is bot attacks in #ubuntu20:33
MichealHExcept for we can give head up to the ops IdleOne20:33
IdleOnewhat do you mean?20:33
MichealHSo if there was a abusive use in -uregged We can alert the ops20:33
MichealHLike PM ect.20:33
MichealHSo then we can protect #ubuntu from scripts ect.20:34
IdleOnethere really is not much abuse inthat channel and when there is it is limited to very few ( less then 200) users who most of which are idle clients who don't realize they are even in there20:35
IdleOnethat channel is most active when we have to set +r in #ubuntu20:35
IdleOneand it is only active in the sense that the bot asks the user to answer a question so they can join #ubuntu20:36
MichealHOkay :(20:37
IdleOnebasically what I am saying is we don't do any support in that channel20:37
MichealHSo its a no?20:37
IdleOneyou can idle there if you like20:38
Tm_TI cannot see how you could help, sorry20:38
IdleOnebut we prefer that all support be done in #ubuntu20:38
MichealHIdleOne: Floodbot kicks me20:38
macothen don't flood?20:38
MichealHI dont20:38
Tm_Tmaco: it keeps unneeded folks out from there20:39
IdleOnefloodbot is kicking you soon as you join?20:39
MichealHI get FloodBot3 has kicked MichealH from #ubuntu-unregged (Please join #ubuntu)20:39
MichealHIdleOne: maco: ^^20:39
macomaybe because you are reg'd and its just for unreg'd people?20:39
IdleOnedoes that happen soon as you try to join20:39
MichealHIdleOne: Nope20:39
IdleOneyeah that happens when we clear the channel20:40
MichealHIt kicks me around 8:30PM UTC20:40
IdleOneMichealH: best way to help Ubuntu is to help in #ubuntu20:40
IdleOne!contribute > MichealH20:40
ubottuMichealH, please see my private message20:40
IdleOnethat info will tell you other ways20:40
MichealHARGH! Annother pink window ;D20:40
MichealHI mean I am more actve on IRC20:41
IdleOnethen #ubuntu :)20:41
IdleOneyou can also help in your LoCo channel20:42
MichealHWell, Yeah.20:42
IdleOneThere are a ton of different projects within ubuntu.20:42
MichealHI know20:43
MichealHIdleOne: ^^20:44
IdleOneWas there anything else I could help you with?20:45
MichealHI guess not20:45
MichealHSee ya20:45
IdleOnenot sure what else he was expecting :/20:46
knomegetting ops at any ubuntu channel?20:46
IdleOneyeah well I don't make those decisions20:47
knomewell, that kind of attitude / reason to offer help is also not very.. nice20:47
IdleOneI don't know about that. I think his attitude was fine and wanting to become an op/ asking for ops is not always a bad thing.20:49
knomeimo you should always make yourself known by your actions before asking anything like that. even better, if you get asked yourself20:52
IdleOneI agree that helping in the community for a while, 6+months is better then joining a channel and asking when not many people know you20:54
MichealHThis may be late but a heads up: If you lookat #freenode there was a big troll i  there21:20
* jpds installs gde on knome.21:24
* knome actually likes xfce...21:25
MichealHDid anyone see my heads up?21:27
knomeyes, we saw that. the ubuntu ops are not responsible for policing #freenode21:28
MichealHI know21:28
MichealHIts just I was warning incase he came into #ubuntu21:28
MichealHAnyway, See ya21:29
rwwnhandler: Makes sense. I checked the list of banforwards from #ubuntu and #ubuntu-unregged, and don't recognize the ones that aren't the web gateway, so there's presumably something more nuanced than I understand going on.23:58

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