
ScottKDown to 50 bugs/bug tasks on the release team list and AFAIK, none of them waiting for release team action.00:29
bdrung_ScottK: by removing bug #645339 from the list ;) (btw, it doesn't require any action from u-release or u-archive any more)00:33
ubot4Launchpad bug 645339 in webfav (Ubuntu) (and 18 other projects) "Drop transitional and removed packages from Recommends (affects: 1) (heat: 8)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/64533900:33
ScottKbdrung_: In part.00:33
ScottKI could have left that in and there still wouldn't be any bugs waiting on release team review, which is the important bit.00:33
bdrung_ScottK: it's better to not have ubuntu-release subscribed00:45
ScottKI agree (unless some specific issue comes up, which I don't expect).00:45
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cjwatsonOMG, I just noticed that checkrdepends doesn't check Pre-Depends02:11
* cjwatson is rewriting it in Python anyway; probably just as well!02:11
* doko_ mumbles to make it python3 compatible ...02:12
cjwatsondoko_: get back to me when there's a python3-apt :-/02:22
cjwatsonor a python3-debian, come to that02:23
doko_cjwatson: I have a patch for that for unstable, but the maverick version is too different ...02:24
doko_we'll get these for natty02:26
wgrantcjwatson: So you're happy with per-pocket and per-status queue admin perms?02:46
wgrantcjwatson: Well, I guess that's not necessary if you want -release to be able to accept from NEW too.02:56
cjwatsonI'm not sure what you mean by per-status02:56
wgrantcjwatson: Well, -release should clearly be able to accept from UNAPPROVED, but it's not clear that they should be able to handle NEW.02:56
cjwatsonoh, I see02:56
cjwatsonideally that would be per-status, yes02:57
cjwatsonI'd prefer to be able to say clearly that NEW packages all go through ubuntu-archive02:57
wgrantRight, that was the plan.02:57
cjwatsonlibdvdread> commented on the associated bug - most of the Recommends should just be removed13:18
bdrung_where can i see which package is on which seed?14:10
ScottKbdrung_: http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/germinate-output/ is probably not exactly what you were looking for, but might be close enough.15:30
bdrung_ScottK: is there no tool that maps a package name to a seed list?15:31
ScottKThere is one that maps it to package set.15:31
ScottKThats edit_acl.py in https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-archive/ubuntu-archive-tools/trunk15:33
ScottKThat may be close enough.15:33
ScottK(depending on your needs)15:33
iulianScottK: Please accept mythbuntu-live-autostart as well.15:41
ScottKiulian: I will if you want (I didn't know you were reviewing it), but please see the question I just asked superm1 on #ubuntu-motu.15:42
* iulian looks.15:42
iulianOK.  I will leave it to you then. :)15:43
ScottK(that or feel free to tell me what I missed when I was reviewing)15:46
iulianScottK: I think you haven't missed anything.  I just don't see the artwork changes in the diff.16:17
iulianSo, the question you've just asked was a good one.16:17
ScottKOK.  Thanks.16:17
cjwatsonbdrung_: you can just run germinate locally and slice and dice the output whichever way you like16:48
cjwatsonlibdvdread rejected at uploader's request16:55
bdrung_ScottK: does the FFe for gnash applied to 0.8.8-5 too?17:00
bdrung_ScottK: http://packages.debian.org/changelogs/pool/main/g/gnash/current/changelog17:00
ScottKbdrung_: If the difference between what I approved and this is bugfix, yes.17:00
bdrung_ScottK: there's one "new feature": Renamed mozilla-plugin-gnash package to browser-plugin-gnash.17:01
bdrung_ScottK: i have tested the upgrade and it works17:01
ScottKbdrung_: OK.  Ack for that then.17:02
ScottKSo the answer is it didn't, but I've now extended it.17:02
bdrung_ScottK: thanks. can you state that on bug #636667?17:03
ubot4Launchpad bug 636667 in gnash (Ubuntu) "FFe: Sync gnash 0.8.8-5 (universe) from Debian experimental (main) (affects: 1) (heat: 10)" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/63666717:03
ScottKbdrung_: I'm just leaving.  Please just copy/paste the IRC log into the bug.  That will do.17:04
bdrung_ScottK: k, thx17:04
cjwatsonlp_archive@cocoplum:~$ time cron.NBS17:17
cjwatsonreal    0m55.616s17:17
cjwatsonthe phrase "that's more like it" comes to mind17:17
cjwatson(previously scaled linearly with a large constant term according to the number of packages, so could easily take 20 minutes or more - I saw it take upwards of an hour sometimes)17:18
cjwatsonto anyone using checkrdepends on cocoplum, please note that the suite is now given as an option rather than as a weird second argument17:18
cjwatsoncron.NBS now runs hourly17:24
cjwatson(from ~lp_archive/dak/cron.sync, for those following along on cocoplum)17:24
cjwatsonthis rewrite should also make it feasible to check whether kernel udebs are built into the current d-i build, but I haven't got round to that yet17:27
stgraberhmm, seems like we have some broken language-packs again17:52
stgraberlanguage-pack-kde-an, language-pack-kde-ht, language-pack-kde-sc and language-pack-kde-tk17:52
stgraberArneGoetje: ^17:52
ScottKcjwatson: I accepted libdvdread after the recommends were fixed per your comment in the bug.18:22
cjwatsonScottK: thanks19:11
cjwatsonstgraber: I think you want dpm for that nowadays19:11
stgrabercjwatson: oh right, old habits ;)19:31
doko__cjwatson: all the ruby packages in nbs seem to be false positives19:32

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