
ScottKVerahsa: It's much better to ask specific questions rather as for an unspecified commitment of people's time.  If people know, they will usually answer.00:03
VerahsaI gathered that just about 10 seconds ago as I started reading the terms of service *blush* My apologies. I'll be properly rewriting my question here in a moment.00:03
ScottKNo problem.00:05
VerahsaWhen setting up bind9 as a caching DNS server, for whatever reasons it's taking -longer- than using my ISPs DNS (which pings at 350 ms on average) even though pinging the system itself is of course nigh-on instantaneous. How do I go about fixing this?00:08
Verahsa** and repeatedly takes the same much larger amount of time after repeated dig commands of the same server name.00:09
ScottKI'd start by looking in /var/log/syslog and seeing if there are apparent large delays or errors from named (the bind daemon)00:10
ScottKAlso you could pastebin  /etc/bind/named.conf.options so we could have a look at it.00:11
VerahsaScottK: define "pastebin" please? :)00:12
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.00:13
KurtKrautVerahsa, how are you measuring the speed took by your cache versus your ISP's DNS server?00:16
Verahsaresponse of dig -x
Verahsaand then the response of dig google.com a few times00:17
Verahsapasted on pastebin, and I'm not seeing any kind of oddities in /var/log/syslog00:17
dokoRoAkSoAx: still there?00:18
Verahsa* /etc/bind/named.conf.options specifically00:18
Verahsa(paste # 500026 which i assume is needed)00:18
dokoRoAkSoAx: just the question, if it's intended that hearbeat is demoted to universe?00:18
MattTheComputerGhow do i start the xubuntu gui after i installed it00:19
MattTheComputerGwhat is the command00:19
ScottKVerahsa: Just copy/paste the fill link to your paste.00:19
ScottKMattTheComputerG: That's a question for #xubuntu.00:19
ScottKVerahsa: I'd look into disabling IPv6 resolution.00:20
ScottK(I can't tell you exactly how to do that, but I predict Google will know)00:21
RoAkSoAxdoko: well for maverick we don't actually need it in main because we couldn't get the other packages into main (such as cluster-glue and pacemaker)00:24
RoAkSoAxthat needed heartbeat as a dependency00:25
dokoRoAkSoAx: but it is planned for natty?00:25
RoAkSoAxdoko: yes, for natty we should have everything in main00:26
RoAkSoAxand hopefully by early stages of the cycle00:26
dokoRoAkSoAx: ok, will seed it, and open a task for heartbeat to remove it from the seeds (in 527142)00:27
RoAkSoAxdoko: for natty you mean?00:29
dokoRoAkSoAx: it doesn't make sense to demote it now, if you'll readd it in some weeks00:29
RoAkSoAxdoko: ok , will do then. Thanks for letting me know :)00:30
dokoRoAkSoAx: is there an extra server seed besides supported-server?00:30
RoAkSoAxdoko: huh? :)00:31
dokoRoAkSoAx: because it's emptu00:32
RoAkSoAxdoko: I don't know actually00:32
RoAkSoAxdoko: I think mathiaz was the one working on the seeds00:34
dokoRoAkSoAx: ok, see #527142, added to supported-misc-servers00:36
RoAkSoAxdoko: ok thanks :)00:37
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MTecknologyI tried to upgrade an openvz system from 10.04 to 10.1001:08
MTecknologyI guess this is bad.01:08
MTecknologyroot@wiki2:~# dpkg --configure procps   Setting up procps (1:3.2.8-9ubuntu3) ...   start: Job failed to start   dpkg: error processing procps (--configure):    subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1   Errors were encountered while processing:   procps01:09
MTecknologyAny ideas how I can resolve that?01:09
MTecknologyI guess a lot of things depend on that package being set up right - but I can't set it up..01:10
MTecknologyobviously I can't just purge it and try to reinstall it either01:11
EvilPhoenixis there something that replaced inetd?  or does inetd exist but is just inactive01:13
MTecknologyWhy does php-apc depend on apache stuff?01:20
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hggdhMTecknology: start by lookin at the /var/log/apt/term.log, and find out what error was it01:38
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MattTheComputerGhow do i enable the internet in ubuntu server if i did not set it up durring install, please tell me how searched goodl for hours with no luck and im loosing it.....01:57
MattTheComputerG*I searched google...01:58
MattTheComputerGso dose anyone know how? the second i talked the room went dead02:01
_Techie_MattTheComputerG, is one of your interfaces setup with a gateway address and a DNS address?02:07
pudgypawOK, I've found out something new: all my php files are being interpreted as pHTML files. can someone throw some light onto this weirdness i got w/ my default lamp stack?02:12
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MTecknologycan you add info to crontab from a command?05:54
MTecknologyie- not crontab -e05:54
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joschiMTecknology: either use the crontab files in /etc/cron.{daily,weekly,monthly,d} or create the user specific crontab file (e. g. export it with `crontab -l > /path/to/file` and do your modifications) and import it (`crontab /path/to/file`)07:13
MTecknologyjoschi: thanks07:15
Callum__ooohkay, so I have SMTP AUTH enabled in Postfix's settings but its not actually enabled according to telnet, and when Thunderbird tries to connect to the serving using a user name and password it doesn't work... I'm using Webmin to configure Postfix, any ideas?07:19
ScottKCallum__: Don't use webmin to configure postfix.07:24
ScottKI've seen it screw up Postfix configs before.07:24
ScottKIf you look at the server guide (see /topic) it's got detailed information on how to set up smtp auth for Postfix on Ubuntu.07:25
Callum__okay, well I have used the server guide and everything seems to be correctly configured, but it still won't work08:04
Callum__telnet EHLO <mailserver> is now saying the right things and all that...08:04
Callum__hmm, hang on08:05
uvirtbotNew bug: #647337 in dovecot (main) "upgrade of packages freezes when upgrading dovecot-common" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/64733708:20
Callum__Sep 25 19:28:01 webserver postfix/smtpd[28583]: setting up TLS connection from 122-59-229-61.jetstream.xtra.co.nz[]08:28
Callum__Sep 25 19:28:07 webserver postfix/smtpd[28583]: SSL_accept error from 122-59-229-61.jetstream.xtra.co.nz[]: -108:28
Callum__Sep 25 19:28:07 webserver postfix/smtpd[28583]: warning: TLS library problem: 28583:error:140760FC:SSL routines:SSL23_GET_CLIENT_HELLO:unknown protocol:s23_srvr.c:562:08:28
Callum__Sep 25 19:28:07 webserver postfix/smtpd[28583]: lost connection after STARTTLS from 122-59-229-61.jetstream.xtra.co.nz[]08:28
Callum__Sep 25 19:28:07 webserver postfix/smtpd[28583]: disconnect from 122-59-229-61.jetstream.xtra.co.nz[]08:28
Callum__oops a bit longer than I thought08:28
Callum__but still, .................................................08:29
FusionXi requested only 2 CDs from ubuntu but i got all the 4 CDs, thanks alot!!09:45
MalkavianManiacdoes a fee of $25 USD sound right to you guys, for setting up a server with dialup dhcp and forwarding packets for use as a gateway?10:26
qman__quite low, depends on who it's for though10:36
qman__I charge $35 per half hour10:36
qman__general on-site service rate10:38
eljakhello if i have a guest with IP address and the guest its IP address in the range of how would i configure bridging so the guest is visible on the net? thanks11:09
joenslfhow can i change the hostname of ubuntu server?11:51
mytchi there!! can any one show  me how to allow ubuntu-server (lucid)  with two Nics comunicate with the public ip address12:53
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uvirtbotNew bug: #647489 in dovecot (main) "package dovecot-postfix 1:1.2.11-1ubuntu1 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-removal script returned error exit status 1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/64748914:16
imoschakI need some help setting up networking for a vm14:28
imoschakanybody interested in helping?14:28
RoyKimoschak: I think you should as a real question about the problem for getting help14:30
imoschakOk i've setup a bridge br0 and i'm using virt-manager to define a network device for the vm14:31
imoschakso i define br0 as the virtual network interface14:31
imoschakbut the vm can't reach outside14:32
imoschakis there a guide apart from the one in ubuntu docs for networking vms14:32
AbhiJitwhen i run the file.php with this code <?php phpinfo(); ?>14:35
AbhiJiti got the proper output14:35
AbhiJitbut when i try to run the file.php with this code http://paste.ubuntu.com/500319/ i am not getting anytihng14:35
AbhiJitnothing on page not ever that html msg14:35
AbhiJitanyone please help14:35
leftyfbAbhiJit: did you look in your access and/or error logs for apache?14:36
AbhiJitleftyfb, no i am noob in this. how to look that log? i dont know how to understand any error in log file14:37
AbhiJitanyone else??????14:40
dvrvmhow can I make an init.d script run after NFS volumes are mounted (or why is the NFS directory not seen)? it is already on S9914:41
RoyKAbhiJit: what happens if you 'wget -qO - http://name-of-site' ?14:42
RoyKdvrvm: perhaps trying with upstart?14:42
AbhiJitRoyK, mine is loclahost. what to write in name-of-site?14:43
AbhiJitor mine one?14:43
dvrvmRoyK: so i have to learn this incredible mess of upstart to get my script running? i thought it was a rather trivial task :D14:43
AbhiJit<html><body><h1>It works!</h1>14:44
AbhiJit<p>This is the default web page for this server.</p>14:44
AbhiJit<p>The web server software is running but no content has been added, yet.</p>14:44
AbhiJitRoyK, i got that in wget -q0- http://localhst14:44
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.14:45
RoyKAbhiJit: that's not your php script you're testing, is it?14:45
AbhiJitm bck14:51
AbhiJitRoyK, ok wait14:51
AbhiJitRoyK, i am testing wget -qO - http://localhost//abhitest.php and getting no output for it14:52
RoyKno idea, then14:52
RoyKcheck the error log14:52
RoyKapache error log14:52
AbhiJitRoyK, where to check?14:52
RoyK/var/log/apache is a good place to start14:53
AbhiJitRoyK, ok14:53
AbhiJitRoyK, it says that error in this line die (“check your server connection.”);14:55
AbhiJitRoyK, anythin wrong in syntax etc?14:56
RoyKperhaps trying to ask on #php would be a good idea.....14:57
AbhiJitRoyK, ok14:57
dvrvmRoyK: does upstart really use only the /etc/event.d directory? there are like 5 scripts there...15:06
dvrvmnvm, found em15:07
AbhiJitRoyK, soleved in #php. thanks to you too!!! :) now everything is working! :)15:12
dvrvmhm. WHY does my upstart script ALSO not see my directory, even if i start it with "start on filesystem" and it runs perfectly fine from the command line?15:53
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ScottKttx and zul: I've just triaged Bug #646858 - I don't recall the server specific triage tag you were using, so I didn't add it.  This looks like one that needs to be addressed before release.16:07
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 646858 in dovecot "dovecot-postfix and upstart incompatibility" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/64685816:07
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dvrvmanyone here with expertise about network-manager vs. NFS race conditions?16:37
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mrmondayI'm trying to get wireless working with my ubuntu server (I know, not my choice :3), and would like to know if there's a certain set of steps I should go through to debug it? I can pick up my network with iwlist, I can't seem to get it to actually connect though (I've followed the setup steps listed at http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=571188 under WPA-PSK with Ra Based Chipsets)18:39
uvirtbotNew bug: #647647 in postfix (main) "postmap -u segfaults" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/64764718:56
wieshkahey there - how can i mirror directories with rsync ..... now only all files copied, but also, if on source file is deleted, also it deletes on backup destination20:02
wieshka-- delete ?20:03
pmatuliswieshka: i don't think rsync cam do that20:08
Ad0after upgrade from hardy to feisty, I get access denied when going into a folder on the computer21:43
Ad0main share root is OK21:43
Ad0but any directory under that fails21:43
_rubenfeisty is older than hardy...21:44
Ad0heard that samba 3.4.0 is buggy21:55
Pecores_Connasscan u help me, after update : init: plymouth min process (1414) Killed by sevg signal21:56
Ad0not sure22:11
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MalkavianManiachow stable will 10.04 be when 10.10 is relesed... sure everybody says its stable being the LTS... but alot of people have trouble with it22:13
Pecores_Connasskernel panic - not syncing: vfs: unable to mount root fs on unknow-block(8,1)22:16
amine_MalkavianManiac, I think that it's a big mistake to qualify a new released distribution as STABLE ! NO SOFTWARE CAN BE STABLE AT FIRST RELEASE !22:17
Nafallowell, 4.10 was our first releae... :-)22:19
Pecores_Connasscan u help me i can just boot on rescue mode22:22
Pecores_Connasshow to reupdate22:22
amine_Nafallo,  it means that since 4.10 you didn't reach  the stability yet :P it's a shame to say that :P22:22
Nafalloamine_: well, the servers I run are just fine...22:24
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amine_Nafallo, I know I am just kidding ! me too ! I have never found a high level of stability until using ubuntu !22:26
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MalkavianManiacis their any form of caching server for samba?22:34
MalkavianManiaci have about 700gigs of movies on my desktop machine, and i like to turn my desktop off at night, and i cant do this while somebody is watching a movie on the media center22:35
MalkavianManiacso is there any caching program that will act as a relay to my desktops shares, but when a file is requested, load it tempoarily onto my server22:36
qman__not that I'm aware of, the system is designed from the perspective that your servers will be on 24/722:36
MalkavianManiacyeah, well my server is22:36
MalkavianManiacmy desktop isnt22:36
qman__yes, but your desktop is performing the server role here22:37
MalkavianManiacmy srever being a dualcore athlon, and my desktop being a quadcore phenom22:37
qman__the 'right' way is to put the movies on the server22:37
MalkavianManiaci really wish i could do that22:37
MalkavianManiacbut im not gonna shift my terabyte hard drives from my desktop to my server22:38
qman__entirely up to you22:39
qman__but a server can't serve something it doesn't have22:39
qman__it's a matter of design choice22:39
qman__the software you envision is unlikely to exist because it would consume an absurd amount of bandwidth just for one client, and has no other practical use22:41
qman__the best solution is to have the server store all the files, so that any client can get them at any time22:43
qman__it also makes clients somewhat disposable22:44
qman__you put all your effort into the server, and if a client crashes, it's no big deal, because the important files are on the server22:44
RoyKffs - if the linux  people doesn't come    up   with a decent filesystem  like zfs soon, it'll die in  a storage respective23:33
uvirtbotNew bug: #647785 in samba (main) "package samba-common 2:3.4.7~dfsg-1ubuntu3.2 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 10" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/64778523:36

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