
satellit_dfarning:http://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/Community/Distributions/Ubuntu#VirtualBox_appliance_of_UbuntuSugarRemix  it is just finishing uploading now 30 min to go00:18
satellit_defarning: It turns out that it was specifiic to one netbook00:19
satellit_no booting00:19
dfarningsatellit_, Ok thanks.  The underlying maverick code is changing pretty fast so I hesitate  to did too far into the non sugar specific stuff.00:21
satellit_virtual box appliance works nicely though00:21
satellit_dfarning: It is easy to install updates and post them as we go.....00:22
satellit_dfarning: All files Uploaded00:45
satellit_dfarning: Did DL of USR appliance and imported it...Works well here02:24
dfarningsatellit_, nice02:24
=== manusheel is now known as manusheel_afk
=== dfarning is now known as dfarning_afk
=== dfarning_afk is now known as dfarning
* dipankar says hi to all14:56
manusheeldipankar, ishan: Hello.14:59
dipankarishan, hi14:59
ishan_manusheel: Hello14:59
ishan_dipankar, hi14:59
manusheeldipankar: First, can you explain Ishan the steps to merge the patch with the mainline git. As you explain, I'll add the steps in a doc file for future reference.15:00
dipankarishan_, continuing with last night's bug15:00
dipankarmanusheel, ok15:00
ishan_dipankar, sure15:00
dipankarishan_, lets first discuss how I make the patch15:00
ishan_dipankar, sure15:01
dipankarishan_, First you need to clone the mainline git repo of the package you are targeting to modify15:01
ishan_dipankar, okay15:02
ishan_dipankar, by this you mean the folder i which we are making changes15:03
dipankarfor e.g to modify the sugar package files: here is the mainline git repository: http://git.sugarlabs.org/projects/sugar/repos/mainline15:03
ishan_dipankar, okay15:03
dipankarishan_, patches based on this mainline git repo will be accepted as the patches created from here can be added directly.15:04
manusheeldipankar: Team members have this question on the location where you clone the repository. What do you have to recommend in this matter?15:05
dipankarishan_, I don't know much in detail, but Shascha always wanted the patches based on mainline so that he can apply them.15:05
dipankarmanusheel, ok sir.15:05
ishan_dipankar, okay15:05
dipankarmanusheel, ishan_: I generally clone them in a folder named 'test-s'15:06
dipankarin home folder15:06
ishan_which in home folder15:06
dipankarhome folder of Ubuntu15:06
ishan_dipankar, okay15:07
dipankarits similar to cloning any git repo15:07
ishan_dipankar, is it same as we had done for Lp15:07
dipankarishan_, to make things clear. Lets suppose for debian packages, you needed to create a patch, which repo will you use?15:08
ishan_dipankar, i think the repo for the package present in debian15:09
dipankarishan_, great15:09
dipankarishan_, similarly, if you want to contribute directly to Sugar, where would you base your patch?15:10
ishandipankar, in the suga repo15:10
dipankarishan, nice.15:10
ishan_dipankar, okay i got it15:11
dipankarishan, I think by now you must have got what I wanted to explain :)15:11
ishan_dipankar, yes15:11
dipankarremember this hierarchy:15:11
ishan_dipankar, can you also explain the patch numbering system15:12
dipankarishan, patch numbering?15:12
ishan_dipankar, what i meant was V1,V2 ......which you did for your patch15:13
dipankarishan_, ok the patch versioning15:14
ishan_dipankar, yep15:14
dipankarishan_, the first patch you submit is always v1.15:14
dipankarishan_, if you modify it and upload a new one, then has to indicate that the on you are sending right now is not the first15:15
ishan_dipankar, okay15:15
dipankarishan_, in addition to your versions, you also need to mention a snap of previous versions in the changelog,15:16
ishan_dipankar, can you explain ^^15:16
dipankare.g v1 was Reviewed-By Sascha Silbe<email-id>15:16
ishan_dipankar, okay15:16
dipankarchangelog is similar to the one in packages, but these are onliner15:16
dipankar*one liners15:16
ishan_dipankar, okay15:16
dipankarjust to inform the developers that your previous version was reviewed by another developer15:18
ishan_dipankar, like you submitted your V1 for review and had to make some changes for V2- so do we have to make changes in the V1 file or we have to make changes in the orignal file15:18
ishan_in order to make V2 patch15:18
dipankarishan_, ohk,15:20
dipankarfor that follow this simple process:15:20
dipankar- first reset the file that you modified15:20
dipankarusing , git reset in the repo15:20
ishan_dipankar, okay15:20
dipankar- after completing the modifications add it for commit15:21
dipankarusing git add15:21
dipankar- then run git commit --amend15:21
ishan_dipankar, okay means we are making the V2 patch also from the original file15:21
dipankarishan_, otherwise it will be a very long process15:22
dipankaralsroot, ping15:22
ishan_dipankar, and for git reset we just run git reset command15:22
ishan_or there are some attributes to be added15:22
dipankarishan_, sorry I forgot to add them in quotes.15:22
dipankargit reset15:22
dipankargit add15:23
dipankargit commit --amend15:23
ishan_dipankar, got it15:23
dipankarno more flags to be sent15:23
ishan_dipankar, okay15:23
manusheelishan_: Now, try these steps for the bundle id issue, and send the steps to the team in a documented format.15:25
manusheelishan_: You can take up any other issue too that you are more comfortable with. The idea is understanding this process.15:25
manusheeldipankar: In reference to your question, which file are you looking at?15:30
* dipankar is making patch for : http://bugs.sugarlabs.org/ticket/218015:30
dipankarmanusheel, that depends on the patch I want to make15:30
manusheeldipankar: I was referring to your yesterday's query on right click key handler.15:31
dipankarmanusheel, like for the above bug I need: jarabe/util/emulator.py15:31
ishandipankar, while making the patch the normal procedure has to be followed right?15:32
dipankarishan, yes, git commit -> write the commit message and save-> then git format-patch HEAD^115:33
manusheelishan: yes.15:34
manusheelsame steps.15:34
ishan_dipankar, manusheel: check the mail15:47
dipankarishan_, nice15:49
ishan_dipankar, thanks sir15:49
* dipankar wonders what [A [B is?15:49
dipankarishan_, where did you send the e-mail btw?15:49
ishandipankar, only to you15:49
dipankarishan, ohk15:50
ishandipankar, these [A [B were due to the arrow keys pressed15:50
dipankarishan, ok15:52
* ishan_ is away for 10mins15:53
* ishan_ is back16:03
kandarpkalsroot: hi16:06
kandarpkaround ?16:06
dipankarmanusheel_, sir, I am looking for the file containing the key handlers, or in jarabe/view/ dir16:07
manusheel_dipankar: Ok. Coming to that directory.16:08
dipankarmanusheel_, I think this file might be useful: jarabe/journal/objectchooser.py16:14
alsrootkandarpk: pong16:14
manusheel_dipankar: Why do see this file would be useful?16:14
dipankarmanusheel_, sir, it has some statements like : self.tree_view.connect('button-release-event',16:15
dipankar                               self.__button_release_event_cb)16:15
dipankarnot sure though16:16
kandarpkalsroot: can you help me with #232316:16
ishan_kandarpk, sir i am working on bug #185816:16
alsrootkandarpk: whats the problem?16:16
ubot2Launchpad bug 1858 in gajim "gajim look and feel" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/185816:16
ishan_kandarpk, can you provide me any pointers on that16:16
kandarpkalsroot: I dont know how to work with clpboard16:17
dipankarmanusheel_, let kandarpk finish discussing with alsroot, then I will ask him. Meanwhile I will try to dig in more16:17
manusheel_dipankar: Ok. Yes, those functions seem useful.16:17
* alsroot didn't work w/ clipboard as well16:19
kandarpkishan, please see http://lists.sugarlabs.org/archive/sugar-devel/2010-September/027094.html16:19
kandarpkit has some replies as well16:19
ishan_kandarpk, okay16:20
alsrootkandarpk: you can grab some info in gtk docs, http://library.gnome.org/devel/gtk/stable/gtk-Clipboards.html16:20
kandarpkalsroot, ok, thanks.16:20
dipankaralsroot, I am still working on the volume display in journal view16:21
dipankaralsroot, I want to check where I can add a right click option for the journal icon in the journal view16:21
alsrootdipankar: you don't need to code it directly, just add create_palette method to create button palette, the rest will be processed by existed code (invoker created by parent class)16:22
dipankaralsroot, I already added the create_palette(). but it seems that it is not working16:23
alsrootdipankar: did sugar log any errors?16:23
dipankaralsroot, no16:24
dipankaralsroot, let me check once again16:24
dipankaralsroot, today it is showing some error: http://paste.ubuntu.com/500386/16:27
dipankaralsroot, sorry about my denial to errors first :(16:28
alsrootdipankar: does this error happen after right clicking on journal button?16:30
dipankaralsroot, yes16:30
alsrootdipankar: could you pastebin your patch16:32
dipankaralsroot, the strange thing is, sometimes the error comes and sometimes it doesnt'16:32
dipankaralsroot, just asec16:33
dipankaralsroot, http://paste.ubuntu.com/500389/16:34
dipankaralsroot, I will back after sometime. Going for dinner16:35
* dipankar is off for dinner16:35
* ishan_ is away for dinner17:28
manusheelmukul: Hi Mukul.17:41
=== dipankar_ is now known as dipankar
dipankaralsroot, sorry, I got disconnected.17:50
dipankardfarning, around?17:50
dipankarmanusheel, around?17:50
manusheeldipankar: Hi Dipankar.17:50
dfarningdipankar, yes17:51
manusheeldipankar: Did we send the patch to sugar-devel?17:51
dipankarmanusheel, yes sir. The patch for fullscreen bug has already been sent17:51
manusheeldipankar: Great.17:52
alsrootdipankar: could pasterbin your entirely patch (`git diff`) otherwise I dunno how code you posted before is intended to work(there are missed symbols)17:52
dipankardfarning, just came across your e-mail on tomeu's guidelines17:52
dipankaralsroot, I just added the whole create_palette(). nothing more17:53
dipankaralsroot, the original code is without the whole function17:53
alsrootdipankar: anyway it is more useful practice to pastebin a patch not a piece of code17:53
* ishan_ is back17:53
dipankaralsroot, ok. Will do that from now.17:54
alsrootdipankar: then I dunno why it didn't fail any errors (except you posted)17:54
dfarningdipankar, yes.  Bernie set up patchwork a couple of days ago to help keep track of patches.  I just wanted to make sure that you guys were keeping track of your patches.17:54
dipankardfarning, manusheel : Aren't tomeu's guidelines for patches same as Sascha's?17:54
alsrootdipankar: could you add debug logging to create_palette and try to right click on joural button to see if your debug was logged17:55
dfarningdipankar, yes.17:55
dipankaralsroot, you want me to add a debug logging in the func so that if the function is called, a message is sent to log17:59
alsrootdipankar: yup, just to be sure that your create_palette was called18:01
dipankaralsroot, I added a line: logging.debug('Right Click')18:09
dipankaralsroot, but that message is not appearing in shell.log18:09
alsrootdipankar: is your loglevel DEBUG?18:10
dipankaralsroot, didn't get your question18:11
dipankaralsroot, shall I try changing the Level to info?18:11
alsrootdipankar: did you set log level to debug, I meant, http://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/BugSquad/Get_Logs#Enabling_Sugar_debug_logging18:13
alsrootdipankar: otherwise you won't see debug() messages18:13
dipankaralsroot, I have already done the settings required18:14
alsrootdipankar: got it, see where JournalButton is created, code sets palette manually18:17
dipankaralsroot, JournalButton is created? I am unable to get there. please give me two more minutes18:23
alsrootdipankar: just grep for "JournalButton("18:24
dipankaralsroot, doing18:24
dipankaralsroot, found it18:25
dipankarvolumestoolbar.py; line 4618:26
dipankaralsroot, ?18:30
alsrootdipankar: as you can see, it sets palette manually, thus your create_palette won't be called18:30
dipankaralsroot, as in button.set_palette(Palette(_('Journal'))) right?18:31
dipankaralsroot, that means i need to change it here, perhaps change the argument.18:32
alsrootdipankar: just remove this line and let create_palette work18:32
dipankarso that it calls the JournalButton.create_palette()18:32
dipankaralsroot, ok18:33
dipankaralsroot, now nothing is showing up18:34
alsrootdipankar: see shell.log18:34
dipankaralsroot, I think we are expecting this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/500460/18:37
alsrootwell, not me :)18:38
dipankaralsroot, I can find create_palette being called. but how come  'global name 'JournalPalette' is not defined'18:41
alsrootdipankar: just read error message, python dunno what is "JournalPalette"18:42
alsrootdipankar: did you import this symbol before?18:42
dipankaralsroot, here : from jarabe.view.palettes import VolumePalette18:43
dipankar^^ JournalPalette is missing18:43
alsrootdipankar: but there is JournalPalette?18:43
dipankaralsroot, how about:  from jarabe.view.palettes import VolumePalette, JournalPalette ?18:44
alsrootif jarabe.view.palettes contains JournalPalette then it should work18:44
dipankaralsroot, ^^ yes it is there. crosschecked18:46
dipankaralsroot, now this error : NameError: global name 'home_activity' is not defined18:47
alsrootdipankar: I guess error is obvious :)18:47
dipankaralsroot, shall i pass no argument then?18:48
alsrootdipankar: see JournalPalette sources18:48
dipankaralsroot, I can't leave it blank18:54
dipankarit takes exactly two arguments18:55
alsrootdipankar: yup, btw do you really need JournalPalette19:01
dipankaralsroot, I tried some argument: self._home_activity -- not working19:01
dipankaralsroot, I guess no19:01
alsrootdipankar: hmm, does JournalButton have self._home_activity?19:01
dipankaralsroot, no..19:02
dipankaralsroot, How can I pass an argument? :P19:05
dipankar* I mean which argument to pass19:05
alsrootdipankar: just grep source for all JournalPalette objects to know what its argument is19:06
alsroot..and where you can find this argument19:06
alsroot..or ask yourself, do you really need JournalPalette and maybe bettert ot implement new palette class w/ just free space progress bar19:07
dipankaralsroot, I would like the second option.19:08
dipankaralsroot, since I need to display only volume, not the other options19:08
alsrootdipankar: so, go ahead :), use JournalPalette as an example of progress bar19:09
dipankaralsroot, but, what was the home_activity about then?19:12
alsrootdipankar: Activity class19:13
dipankaralsroot, then I need to send some argument, don't i?19:15
dipankar* I will be making a new palette, but I really want to know what can I pass in the argument..:)19:16
alsrootdipankar: grep for all JournalPalette invocations to see what its argument is19:17
dipankaralsroot, ^^19:18
alsrootdipankar: well, grep for "self._home_activity =" to know where it was set19:18
dipankar/usr/share/pyshared/jarabe/frame/activitiestray.py:        self._home_activity = home_activity19:20
dipankar/usr/share/pyshared/jarabe/view/palettes.py:        self._home_activity = home_activity19:20
dipankar/usr/share/pyshared/jarabe/view/palettes.py:        self._home_activity = home_activity19:20
dipankar/usr/share/pyshared/jarabe/desktop/favoritesview.py:        self._home_activity = self._home_model.get_active_activity()19:20

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