
dakermhall119, light-base-theme is still using images from http://s.ubuntu.ru/00:00
cjohnstonnewz2000: ping00:01
cjohnstondaker: I'll look at it00:01
dakercjohnston, look in default.css00:01
dakerline 136 137 & 13800:02
dakercjohnston, for bug 644408 the header color is a background image00:02
ubot4Launchpad bug 644408 in ubuntu-website (and 1 other project) "main nav color (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/64440800:02
cjohnstoni believe the image is the wrogn colog00:04
dakerthe background color has no effect since the background image is not transparent00:04
dakercjohnston, ya00:04
cjohnstoncan you fix that?00:07
dakerya i can fix that00:07
cjohnstonif you will fix and create a merge00:08
* cjohnston is gonna eat dinner00:08
cjohnstondaker: whats the s.ubuntu.ru bug please?00:25
dakercjohnston, bug 59562100:28
ubot4Launchpad bug 595621 in ubuntu-website/light-wordpress-theme (and 3 other projects) "default.css points to images on http://s.ubuntu.ru, rather than local versions (affects: 1) (heat: 2)" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/59562100:28
dakerit affects light-base-theme00:29
dakercjohnston, light-base-theme has a bad html structure00:34
cjohnstondaker: https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-website-community/ubuntu-website/light-base-theme can you verify all are fixed in that branch? im working on light-django-theme now00:42
dakercjohnston, seems to bo ok00:48
cjohnstonpushing django now00:48
dakercjohnston, have you looked at the mockups ?00:53
cjohnstonim waiting for merge requests00:54
cjohnstonbug 595621 merge request for django is up00:54
ubot4Launchpad bug 595621 in ubuntu-website/light-wordpress-theme (and 3 other projects) "default.css points to images on http://s.ubuntu.ru, rather than local versions (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/59562100:54
dakercjohnston, http://i.imgur.com/0hysD.png00:55
cjohnstonim not sure that follows the guidelines00:57
dakercjohnston, can u detail ?01:00
cjohnstonthe header areas and such01:00
cjohnstonif you want to make merge requests it can be discussed01:01
dakerya that's what i want01:01
cjohnstoncreate a merge request and we can discuss it.. need code to look at and work with.. and not html page code01:02
dakermerge request for what ? light-base-theme ?01:02
cjohnstonagainst loco-directory since thats what its for01:03
dakeroki i'll try01:04
dakercjohnston, working with other (dev) people is really hard01:07
cjohnstondont know what to tell ya01:09
cjohnstonthats what we do01:09
dakerspecially when trying to convince them about something01:09
dakernewz2000, the countdown doesn't work again http://www.ubuntu.com/countdown/banner1.png01:18
dakercjohnston, i think i'll stop working on LD til i finished cloud.u.c01:22
cjohnstonhe prolly wont be back till monday01:22
cjohnstonhmm.. never seen that before01:22
dakercjohnston, cloud.u.c ?01:23
dakercloud.u.c is moving to wordpress01:24
=== Guest10569 is now known as ryanakca
* newz2000 is here, got the message, reporting it, then going to bed05:04
SpeedHi, I wanna report that the Ubuntu countdown banner isn't updated correctly12:35
Speed banner1 is broken, banner2 and banner3 are stuck on 18 days, banner4 is stuck on 17 days12:37
dakerSpeed, ya it's a bug & newz2000 will be back on monday12:37
dakerso he will fix it12:38
Speedokay, thanks !12:38
dakercjohnston, https://code.launchpad.net/~adnane002/ubuntu-website/fixes-644408/+merge/3663013:11
Claudinuxhi all, i don't know if this is the right place, but here http://www.ubuntu.com/community/countdown the option 1 doesn't work, so, every site that use that can show it15:53
Claudinuxcan you fix this or there is to open a bug on launchpad to do that?15:53
Claudinuxthanks in advance15:53
cjohnstonClaudinux: theres a bug open16:00
cjohnstonprobably wont be till next week tho as its the weekend16:00
Claudinuxok cjohnston thanks16:00
newz2000I don't totally check out on the weekends, I just only respond to urgent things. :-)20:51
* newz2000 responds20:51
dakernewz2000, the countdown is bugging again21:01
newz2000yeah, I see. I'm trying to get help with it and not having success. :-/21:02

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