
C-S-Bis wineasio working in 10.10?00:34
C-S-BIm trying to use reaper and it freezes with winesasio00:34
james123hi, i see that there is 3 kinds of kernels: generic, low latency and real time... which is the best one to use for record live events? real time?13:25
persiarealtime theoretically lets you get slightly tighter timings, but at the expense of support levels (not the same kernel version).13:27
james123ok.. why is installed the default one instead of the low latency if it's better ?13:28
persiaIf you're recording a live event, you're probably not that concerned about per-track sample-accurate synchronisation (you're either going to remix in a studio, or you're recording flattened channels not intended for distribution), so it doesn't matter that it takes a bit of time to get from line-in to disk.13:28
persialow latency requires more power, so reduces battery life, increases electrical bills, etc.  Lots of people don't need it.13:29
sinmanI need some help with plymouth in ubuntu 10.0414:56
sinmanneed to know how to increase the colors in plymouth instead of the 4 color14:56
sinmanif anyone knows how i can do this14:56
rlameirosinman: I really dont know14:57
sinmanrlameiro: thanxs14:58
rlameiroScottL: made the plymouth boot up sequence when it was needed, maybe he can help you there14:58
rlameirosinman: are you trying to make a bootup sequence?14:58
rlameirolet me dig scotts blog14:58
rlameiromaybe he have some links there14:59
sinmanno I had change the plymouth screen from the default to one of the alternate i installed and the colors look terrible, need to increase the colors14:59
rlameirodid you searched in the ubntu forums?15:01
rlameirosometimes people discuss stuff about it there15:01
sinmanif i can get any help in irc that's my next step, already searching with google but not having any luck15:03
ScottLsinman, this is the blog that i follow to create the first plymouth theme -> http://brej.org/blog/?p=15815:06
ScottLbut i have to admit, the plymouth theme that i created was a hack and not very good15:06
ScottLcory is working on a new plymouth theme that rocks for 10.10 however15:07
ScottLa note on the blog i linked:  the author is working with fedora (or red hat) so there may be some differences, but overall concepts should certainly be consistent15:08
rlameirothanks ScottL, i didnt found it :D15:09
rlameiroScottL: did you noticed the iso testing mail?15:09
rlameirothere is some fglrx failing yet, will it be safe to install it?15:09
ScottLrlameiro, astraljava and i were talking about it, he commented that since he had an nVidia card it probably wouldn't stop his installation15:11
rlameiroScottL: well, i have a intel, so i think it is not a problem either15:11
rlameirofglrx is for ati isnt it?15:12
ScottLi don't really know, but i *think* so15:14
ScottLi don't usually trick out the video on my machines since the default usually handles my needs15:15
ScottLthe result is that i am still rather ignorant about video considerations15:15
dtcrshrhello everyone, how is it going 10.04? i wasnt that happy with9.04.. still with 8.04, any major changes to 10 ?17:41
holsteinhey dtcrshr17:41
holsteinlots of changes17:41
holsteinext4 came along17:42
holsteinall kinds of updated software of course17:42
holsteinwhat did you not like about 9.04?17:42
dtcrshri use most for studio recording and radio casts... some live effects like jackrack, zynaddsubfs locked17:58
dtcrshrbut i did a dist upgrade... i thing i should have done a fresh install17:59
holsteindtcrshr: you might want to do the fresh install18:01
holsteinit'll be fine though18:02
holsteinrakarrack is in the repos now :)18:04
holsteinguitarix is coming soon18:05
holsteinwas it the default kernel issue with 9.04 ?18:07
holsteindtcrshr: you'll want to install the low latency kernel at least18:08
dtcrshryou mean the rt kernel?18:20
dtcrshrwell, im really considering reinstalling 10.04, since i got /home separated18:20
holsteinthere is a linux-rt as well18:20
holsteinbut its the one from karmic18:20
holstein^^ thats the way its going18:21
holsteinthere are a couple PPA's that have the RT kernel18:22
dtcrshrwhats the diff btween low latency and rt ?18:22
* holstein uses http://ubuntu-tweak.com/18:23
holsteinthere is a PPA purge option18:23
holsteindtcrshr: im not sure about the technical differences18:24
holsteinthe RT one is not good for laptops18:24
holsteinmanaging power consumption18:24
dtcrshrwell, on the notebook i use a regular ubuntu, 10.04 is fine18:24
holstein08:27 < persia> realtime theoretically lets you get slightly tighter timings, but at the expense of support levels (not the  same kernel version).18:24
holsteindtcrshr: OH18:25
holsteinwell ubuntu = ubuntustudio18:25
dtcrshrbut on the ubuntstudio workstation im with 80418:25
holsteinyou can search the repos on your notebook18:25
dtcrshri use the notebook to record live shows, using a maudio fastrack18:25
dtcrshrbut didnt install many more software then i need18:25
dtcrshrits a crappy oldschool hp18:25
dtcrshrcd2, 512 ram18:26
dtcrshr40gb hd18:26
holsteinthatll do it :)18:26
dtcrshrfunny to watch the mac users droll when they see the confs and what i do with ubuntu on this lap18:26
holsteinthe mac guys i know still think its ugly ;)18:26
dtcrshri bet so18:27
dtcrshrbut here in brasil most mac users i dropped dont know much how to use i think18:27
holsteini got one friend that is coming around a bit18:27
dtcrshrjust the basics, too much pirate software18:27
holsteinhe's finally convinced that his mac doesnt require an apple airport to connect to the internet ;)18:27
holsteinand ive installed JACK and ardour on his apple machine18:28
dtcrshrjack is THE tool18:30
holsteinyou might want to check out...18:30
holsteinthats falktx's lucid KDE based distro^^18:31
holsteinyou can kinda see how lucid is with your hardware running that live18:32
dtcrshrhmm very nice18:33
dtcrshrill go lunch18:33
holsteinlaterx :)18:34
azatproblems with jack controlX-(19:08
holsteinazat: does jack start?19:09
holsteindid it ever start?19:09
azatя нажимаю на значок программы но выдает ошибку19:11
azatI click the program icon, but an error19:11
holsteinwhat error?19:13
holsteinwhat icon?19:13
ronjI just tested todays iso, LP #642405 is fixed19:13
ubottuLaunchpad bug 642405 in Ubuntu Studio "package conflict (foomatic-db / foomatic-db-compressed-ppds) causes Ubuntu Studio installation to fail" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/64240519:13
azatI long ago changed the settings in it and stuff and now is the time delay increased significantly ... can I completely remove the jack control and again to put it?19:13
azatCould not load patchbay definition file:19:13
azatit is first then...19:14
azatCould not connect to JACK server as client.19:14
azat- Overall operation failed.19:14
azat- Unable to connect to server.19:14
azatPlease check the messages window for more info19:14
ronjI'm testing the good ol' patched Network configuration tool; I'm unable to set up a wire connection19:16
ronjanyone here able to do it?19:16
holsteinronj: thanks for checking in on those iso's :)19:16
astraljavaronj: Cool! It's installing now? I'll try tomorrow. :)19:17
ronjgetting rid of networkmanager is new to this release, isn't it?19:18
holsteinronj: only time i had wired network issues in the past19:18
holsteini had hardware issues19:18
holsteinincompatible nic or bad one19:19
ronjholstein, not the case, it's a dell with an intel card, i have no problem setting the connection with networkmanager in ubuntu vanilla19:19
ronjholstein, going to test the command-line way and see if this works19:20
holsteini know something was tweaked19:20
holsteinto get the wifi to work19:20
holsteinnows the time to sort it out :)19:20
ronjand I read ScottL asking for testing on this specific component19:20
ronjso I'm having a look19:20
holsteinAGAIN.. thanks for being ontop of it :)19:20
astraljavaronj: NetworkManager has never been in Ubuntu Studio, AFAIK.19:21
holsteinazat: what changes did you make?19:22
holsteinazat: launch jackcontrol19:22
holsteinDONT start jack19:22
holsteinclick 'setup'19:23
ronjastraljava, I used to never install from the iso but with a vanilla ubuntu + ubustu metapackages but ScottL mentions about "the interest of the iso isn't only what we install, but also what we don't"  changed my mind19:23
holsteinand lets look at those settings19:23
holsteinronj: yeah, network manager is a good one19:24
holsteinif you dont need it19:24
holsteinit can cause some issues19:24
astraljavaronj: Good point.19:26
ronjok so Network works, _but_ changes are not automatically applied, I had to do a sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart19:29
holsteinOH yeah19:29
ronjis this expected?!19:29
holsteinthat sounds right19:29
azataway for a while ... soon I'll be19:29
holsteinits not going to be like network manager19:29
* holstein gotta run :)19:29
ronjsure, but I shouldn't have to restart via commandline19:29
ronjk; will ask the mailing list19:30
WinkillerHuh?? Why isnt anyone saying anything?20:01
WinkillerCant see any conversation going on. Wierd :-/20:02
astraljavaWhy do people always assume there's constant chatter going on?20:14
rlameiroastraljava: ... no coments :D20:55
rlameirome going to test the new iso, cya in 20/30 minutes :D20:56
hellslingeranyone have any experience with presonus firebox on ffado?22:49
rlameiroholstein: might have22:50
C-S-BAnyone using winesasio and 10.10?23:33
greg__hi new to music on Ubuntu23:54
greg__is there a virtual keyboard(piano)23:54
greg__I have ardour running23:54
bluesscream@greg: http://vmpk.sourceforge.net23:55

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