
MattTheComputerGhow do i start the xubuntu gui, what is the command? i just installed and now i want to run it00:23
Sysiuse the login manager?00:23
Sysi(sudo service gdm start)00:24
David-AMattTheComputerG: normally you get a GUI when starting the computer. sometimes in my Eee i don't, then i type command startx00:28
MattTheComputerGoh i have to restart after install?00:31
David-AMattTheComputerG: install runned in a live-cd or live-usb didnt it? it was a gui wasnt it? restart to boot into new system.00:44
MattTheComputerGit installed in some sort of bios looking interace00:45
David-AMattTheComputerG: sounds like you used the "alternate" install cd, but it should be the same in the end. If it was a "server" cd, you may not have a gui.00:46
MattTheComputerGit is Ubuntu server, FRESH install NEVER USED. i did the commands to install Xubuntu gui and i see no gui afterwards just the terminal interface i restarted same thing00:46
David-AMattTheComputerG: how did you install Xubuntu in ubuntu server? package xubuntu-desktop?00:49
MattTheComputerG2 sec\00:49
MattTheComputerGaptitude install xubuntu-desktop00:50
MattTheComputerGthats what i read on the net00:50
David-ADavid-A: that should install everything including gdm.00:51
David-Asorry, talking to myself again00:52
MattTheComputerGyes i dose it seems to install fine, but after that no gui starts and not gui starts after a restart00:52
David-AMattTheComputerG: did sysi's command 30 minutes up this chat help?00:54
MattTheComputerGwhat was it again00:54
MattTheComputerGsudo service gdm start, it says the service dose not exist00:55
David-Ai dont know what it is then. will "startx" start the gui when loggen in as normal user?00:59
zymusCan someone help me with a wireless problem? I just recently installed Xubuntu, after removing Ubuntu(I wanted something more light weight) and now my wireless doesn't work. It worked perfectly fine in Ubuntu. I am able to connect to my home router, but the nm-applet says that there is 0% signal from the router. Logically it doesn't make sense to me to be able to connect tos omething with no signal. Any ideas?01:06
zymusThe ath5k and ath9k modules are not black listed anywhere01:07
Sysiyou say it doesn't work but you can connect?01:11
zymusyes, i know it sounds strange. It says that i'm connected to 0swa1dnet(my router name), but when i hover over the applet, it says 0% signal01:12
Sysiwhat's the problem if it works?01:12
zymus"0swa1dnet active: 0swa1dnet (0%)"01:12
Sysii mean if you can use it01:12
zymusthe problem is, even though it says i'm connected, there's not interenet01:13
zymusno internet*01:13
zymusand I'm able to connect wirelessly through the computer i'm using right now with Ubuntu01:13
MattTheComputerGIm back, i enter startx it says is not installed  and to type "sudo apt-get install xinit" i do that but it says it cannot find the package01:13
zymusMattTheComputerG, "sudo apt-get install xorg"01:14
MattTheComputerGit says it cant find tha package01:17
David-Axubuntu-desktop should have dragged in xorg and xinit. maybe it didnt get installed01:17
zymusit says t can't find xorg?01:17
zymussudo apt-get update01:17
MattTheComputerGdid that it still cant find the packages01:20
zymusAnyone got any ideas on how to fix my wireless? I was thinking that maybe i needed to update the kernel/headers, but i can't do that because the ethernet port is disabled as well.01:20
zymusare you connected to the internet?01:21
MattTheComputerGim perty sure i am. the cable i pluged in ... how do i check01:22
zymusgo to the terminal and do "ping http://www.google.com/"01:22
Sysizymus: did you try rebooting?01:23
MattTheComputerGi will try that.. thoyugh it did nothin ussefull last time i tryed01:24
zymusI also noticed that the wireless indicator on my laptop isn't lit up.01:24
zymusMattTheComputerG, if you get a response back, it means you're connected to the internet01:24
zymusif it fails to ping google, it means that a connection couldn't be made01:24
zymusI tried modprobe'ing my wireless drivers(ath9k), nothing01:27
zymusi would update via the ethernet port, but i have to download the compat drivers to get the ethernet working01:28
MattTheComputerGit says unknown host, so im assuming it failed... how do i set up my connection01:34
MattTheComputerGi remember now that my internet cable was not pluged in during the install01:34
zymusSo your computer is plugged into your router/modem, correct?01:35
zymusWait scratch that01:38
MattTheComputerGyes its pluged into the router and from there to the server01:39
zymusAnd you're installing xubuntu directly from the cd?01:39
MattTheComputerGno no no, im instaling the xubuntu gui on my ubuntu serve install01:40
zymusOH, okay01:40
zymusUmm, is your ethernet card enabled?01:41
MattTheComputerGim not sure, during install the kable was unpluged so i just told it i would sett it up latter01:42
zymusumm, post the output of ifconfig01:42
zymusoh wait, probably not01:42
zymuswhen you do ifconfig, does it have an interface named something like eth0, ath1, or something along those lines01:43
zymuswhat interfaces does it have?01:47
MattTheComputerGit lists my mask and, inet, inet6 ifo and other such stuff,  my server is in another room so....01:49
MattTheComputerGso i guess im screwwed01:56
h725does xubuntu have netinst images? (i.e., kernel and initrd)?03:10
well_laid_lawnI would use the minimal cd and install xubuntu-desktop03:16
ubottuThe Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD03:16
h725well_laid_lawn: I'll dig into that03:20
h725apparently there is only iso images for minimal though, no netinst03:21
Sysih725: ubuntu netboot images can be used03:21
h725Sysi: how do I tell the regular netboot image to load the alternate installer?03:22
Sysih725: you can't use any other installer03:22
Sysiput those to to grub or memory stick with unetbootin03:23
h725I did that already03:23
h725question is won't i end up with ubuntu then and not with xubuntu?03:23
well_laid_lawn See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD - you give the option cli and end up with no desktop at all03:24
well_laid_lawnthen install what you want03:24
h725oh excellent03:25
well_laid_lawnit is :]03:25
well_laid_lawn!ask | jinxzs :]03:43
ubottujinxzs :]: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)03:43
jk_jinxzs, as you can see there's not a lot of action here. go ahead with your question though.03:44
Anom01yhello is anyone here ?04:08
Anom01ygot a question for someone with good knowledge04:08
Anom01ynoone ?04:39
ohmyishjonnew to *nix. how do i start learning about using the terminal?04:59
ubottuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome), K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE), or Menu -> Accessories -> LXTerminal (LXDE). Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal05:14
darrylI lost my applications menu from xfce4-panel, how can I restore it?06:21
ubottuDid you panels disappear? Press alt+f2 and run: xfce4-panel | See also: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/XubuntuPanels | Want to theme your panels? See http://xubuntu.wordpress.com/2007/10/12/howto-set-a-background-image-for-your-panel/06:22
gr8m8well that wasn't too helpful06:23
ubottuTo reset the panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »06:23
gr8m8that's for gnome...06:23
gr8m8he left anyway duh06:23
n2diygr8m8, no I'm back06:24
gr8m8doesn't really matter I wasn't too helpful06:24
n2diygr8m8, run xfce4-panel didn't work.06:24
gr8m8you could remove   ~/.config/xfce4/panel06:25
gr8m8then restart the panel - it should get the default back06:26
n2diygr8m8, ok, I'll try that, and then I need to log out/in, or restart?06:26
gr8m8just do the restart panel thing06:26
n2diygr8m8, ok.06:26
gr8m8killall xfce4-panel && xfce4-panel &    in terminal06:27
n2diygr8m8, that is a directory, should I remove the entire directory?06:28
gr8m8n2diy: I would - but I don't change the poanel much06:28
n2diygr8m8, ok, that worked, all is well, thanks06:42
gr8m8n2diy: you can back that folder up so if it borks again it is just a matter of copying the dir over06:43
gr8m8n2diy: you can back that folder up so if it borks again it is just a matter of copying the dir over06:45
n2diygr8m8, roger that, this is my back up box! But I was too lazy to fetch the directory from the enterprize box.06:46
gr8m8heh - you sound like me in that regard ...06:47
n2diygr8m8, yea, I wanted to see how the delete and reload would go.06:48
n2diygr8m8, I just upgraded to, and the name of my box was changed to Ubuntu, how can I switch it back to Nino?07:02
gr8m8!hostname | n2diy07:09
ubottun2diy: Use hostname <somehostname> to set the hostname, or to do it permanently: edit /etc/hostname and /etc/hosts . WARNING! Make sure that your current hostname and /etc/hosts match, otherwise sudo may not work properly.07:09
n2diygr8m8, tnxs07:10
gr8m8n2diy: np :]07:12
gr8m8n2diy: it worked?07:26
n2diygr8m8, yes, xfce4 delete worked.07:29
gr8m8n2diy: and the hostname change? - I guess since you are back it worked :]07:30
n2diygr8m8, I think so, I changed it in hostname, but hosts had two entries, ubuntu, and nino, but nino was IDed as local host, and ubuntu was blank, so I think that's ok?07:31
n2diygr8m8, also, I like to keep a copy of terminal's icon on my desktop, in case I loose my applications menu, with 8.04 I could drag it from the menu to the desktop, but here on 10.04, that doesn't work?07:33
gr8m8n2diy: a simple check is in terminal do   hostname   and see what it returns07:34
gr8m8and for the desktop icon right click the desktop and select  create launcher - I'm not on a xubuntu box atm to check sorry07:34
n2diygr8m8, thanks, it even auto completed the commands for me, tnx again.07:52
gr8m8n2diy: glad to help :]07:53
n2diygr8m8, when I run findsmb this box is displayed as ubuntu, not nino, I guess I should change the other entry in hosts?08:10
gr8m8n2diy: yep - and maybe look at smb.conf08:11
gr8m8I don't use samba tho - no windows in my home :]08:12
gr8m8hello Arpad2 :]09:06
Arpad2what does this mean : http://pastebin.com/Ffcaair9 ?09:08
gr8m8that's called a url - a link to a web page Arpad209:09
gr8m8Arpad2: seems you didn't give enought options for the command - is there a manpage? - man mkfs-ext409:11
Arpad2gr8m8 : what is manpage ?09:12
gr8m8Arpad2: it is short for   manual   in terminal do   man mkfs-ext409:13
Arpad2" No manual entry for mkfs-ext4 "09:13
gr8m8try man mkfs09:13
TheSheepman mkfs.ext409:14
Arpad2now, there is09:14
Arpad2"  mkfs - build a Linux file system..."09:14
gr8m8TheSheep to the rescue :]09:14
Balsaqhi knome09:15
gr8m8Arpad2: line 4 in that paste suggests the -i option09:19
Arpad2or -N in line 509:19
gr8m8the man page should give a clue - I've never used mkfs09:20
Arpad2i just want to format secundary harddrive in terminal09:22
gr8m8I would use cfdisk for that - or parted09:24
gr8m8maybe someon e else could give a clue...09:25
Arpad2I'm following instructions from here: http://www.ehow.com/how_1000631_hard-drive-linux.html09:26
bazhangnot sure why you need it in the terminal09:27
Arpad2i should do it with gparted as well?09:28
bazhanggparted or gparted live cd always worked well here09:29
Arpad2yes it seems ok, but at the end it sais some harddrive metadata is corrupted and cannot mount09:30
n2diyIs it safe to install flash player?09:41
gr8m8n2diy: most do :]09:44
gr8m8n2diy: most ppl do :]09:44
ubottuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash09:44
gr8m8don't do gnash tho09:44
n2diygr8m8, yes, I have in the past myself, but that was before the security issues arose.09:45
gr8m8n2diy: I must have missed the security issue09:46
n2diygr8m8, http://phandroid.com/2010/09/14/uh-oh-adobe-warns-against-critical-security-flaw-in-flash/09:50
mtrgwhen I sleep, the laptop goes to sleep mode12:06
mtrgbut when a awaken the laptop, it starts in a funny order12:07
mtrg1st it shows me my desktop and all opened windows12:07
mtrg2nd it locks the interface and prompts for password12:07
mtrghow to solve this funny issue?12:07
gr8m8mtrg: have you gone through the options in the screensaver?12:15
mtrggr8m8: what exactly13:39
gr8m8mtrg: I turn the comp off if I walk away from it - you will have to click some buttons to see...13:42
mtrggr8m8: click some bottons to see what13:42
mtrggr8m8: so you are saying that you don't need to lock it because you turn the comp off13:43
gr8m8mtrg: the most secure comp is one that is not running - there are options in the screensaver - you seem to have not explored them13:45
gr8m8I might be wrong there but..13:46
mtrggr8m8: i did, but i can't find anything relvant in the section you refere to13:46
mtrggr8m8: but I did not ask to have the "most secure" comp13:46
mtrgI just want to have windows-level secure comp13:47
gr8m8mtrg: you said you wanted to not have the comp ask for a password when it comes out of sleep13:48
gr8m8mtrg> 2nd it locks the interface and prompts for password13:49
gr8m8<mtrg> how to solve this funny issue13:49
mtrgnope, the point is not removing password (it's not funny issue)13:49
bazhangmtrg, explain then13:49
mtrgthe point is bringing proper order13:49
mtrgwhen my laptop wakes up, the 1st screen I see is a locked screen13:50
mtrgso, it should 1st lock, then 2nd go sleep13:50
mtrgso when it awakes, 1st locked screen is seen, 2nd desktop is seen after login13:50
bazhangmtrg, so you get a peek of the desktop before the locked screen?13:51
bazhangyep seen that before13:51
bazhangnot a security issue as far as I can tell13:51
mtrgprivacy issue13:51
mtrgno one should know that i watch porn and wank on big boobs13:51
bazhangmtrg, thats not appropriate here13:52
gr8m8FUNNY THO13:52
mtrgyeah it should be approperiate13:52
gr8m8I laughed13:52
mtrgwe all know that we are animals..13:52
bazhang!guidelines | mtrg13:52
ubottumtrg: The guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines13:52
bazhangmtrg, I suggest you read those13:52
mtrgbazhang: ok, won't do again13:52
gr8m8I would suggest apt-cache search girl13:53
mtrgbazhang: solution to that early pre-login illigal peek13:53
bazhanggr8m8, please dont.13:53
bazhangmtrg, no.13:54
gr8m8I'm feeling immature atm13:54
mtrgit's funny that all people like diryt jokes but yet they are ashamed to openly discuss dirty stuff13:54
bazhangwrong network for that.13:55
mtrgwas i kicked13:55
bazhangnot joking13:55
mtrgirssi didn't communicate that properly13:55
mtrgi was expecting to see something in /win 113:55
bazhangstay on topic, and follow the guidelines then13:55
gr8m8family freindly pls13:55
mtrgyep. all good stuff, birds singing, green grass13:56
bazhangmtrg, stay on topic13:56
gr8m8so the first flash of a scrfeen shouldn't really matter13:57
gr8m8so the first flash of a screen shouldn't really matter13:57
mtrgbut in my case i might lose a job you know13:57
vic20gmris this the # for xubuntu ppc stuff?13:57
ubottuPowerPC.  Formerly used by Apple for the Macintosh line of computers. Variants are now used in popular gaming consoles. PPC was a fully supported Ubuntu architecture up to and including edgy. It is now a community port, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PowerPCFAQ13:57
gr8m8mtrg: use the diff workspaces for that maybe13:58
vic20gmrit doesnt seem to tell me how much hdd space is req'd for an install that wil allow 1]web browsing (basic browsing), and email13:59
mtrgi think it's an issue in the sleep script/app, gr8m813:59
mtrggr8m8: I think there should be a sleep timer to make sure screen is properly locked prior to relaly sleeping (or changing order if it is not already in proper order)14:00
vic20gmrit doesnt seem to tell me how much hdd space is req'd for an install that wil allow 1]web browsing (basic browsing), and email14:00
Sysi-for xubuntu installation you should have 10GB14:01
Sysi-but possible with 514:01
vic20gmrany 1 know, or can u redirect me to the place for these answers14:01
vic20gmr10gb?, i thot xubuntu was the "low mem/hdd edition"14:02
gr8m8vic20gmr: there is #powerpc iirc14:02
vic20gmrwell aparently im the only one there14:02
Sysi-vic20gmr: 10GB isn't much for Os in year 201014:02
vic20gmrwell ubuntu with gnome says it only needs ab 3gb of space14:03
gr8m8if you install nothing else14:03
Sysi-i've had xubuntu in 4gb14:03
vic20gmrim looking to make an ibook g3 into a browser/email machine14:03
vic20gmrit has only 3gb of hdd pace14:03
vic20gmrtotal capacity that is14:04
Sysi-g3 and todays websites..14:04
vic20gmris not a complete sentence, so wut do u mean/14:05
Sysi-how much ram?14:05
ubottuThe Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD14:05
Sysi-you're not gonna get anything run smoothly on that14:05
ubottuThe Alternate CD is a classic text-mode install CD. It supports a wider range of hardware than the !LiveCD, and can  also be used as an upgrade CD. http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/alternative-download#alternate - See also !minimal14:06
vic20gmrnot an older version?14:06
ubottulubuntu is a project to create a derivative of Ubuntu using the LXDE desktop environment. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu14:06
Sysi-8.04 might be slightly better but still not really14:07
gr8m8I would do the minimal with fluxbox and bugger all else14:09
vic20gmrgr8m8 minimal requires me to use cli?14:10
gr8m8I would do the minimal with fluxbox and bugger all else - fluxbox is a very lightweight window manager14:11
gr8m8lets you have a mail client14:11
gr8m8~45mB at boot14:11
vic20gmrdo u have a link [torrent prefered, but not a must :)]?14:13
vic20gmri gess minimal reqs use of CLI14:15
vic20gmrill give it a go, as soon as i find it :) thx all14:15
ubottuThe Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD14:17
vic20gmrwith minimal, i gess i wont have wifi access at start?14:18
gr8m8vic20gmr: more then likely no - but if you have a very common card you might14:20
vic20gmrlinsys wusb54g14:21
_namehereis it possible to remove the opening animation from xubuntu boot-up and get a text based login instead?14:22
ubottuTo start your system in text-only mode append 'text' (without the quotes) to the kernel line in the grub menu. You can access the grub menu by pressing Esc (Grub legacy) or Shift (Grub2) during boot. For more info see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions#Text%20Mode14:22
_namehereah, merci beaucoup14:23
bazhangde rien14:23
_nameherei mean thank you14:23
bazhangI know :)14:23
vic20gmrbon chance!14:24
knomergnr, have you installed build-essential?15:00
rgnrknome:  the problem was ccache15:01
rgnr10x for reponse15:01
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vic20gmrhello, wud someone tell me where i can find a "walkthru" on installing xubuntu on a g3 from a usb drive?16:18
vic20gmrive been googling my butt of16:19
vic20gmri found some instructions pertaining to 7.04, but its quite confusing the way they r arranged, it doesnt seem to be step by step, but scattered16:23
vic20gmri think if i knew the correct order in which to do the nesecary steps, id b able to install xubuntu rom a usb drive16:30
vic20gmri dont know where to start tho16:30
vic20gmrany1 willing to help me with this?16:31
vic20gmrif i need to move this to another channel, lemme kno16:33
OverdriveWhat can I use to acces Windows Live Messenger?16:37
OverdriveI am installing Xubuntu now for the first time16:39
TheSheepOverdrive: I think pidgin may support it16:43
Overdrive@TheSheep: Thank you, i wil try it.16:45
mark76My xubuntu session keeps crashing17:07
likemindeadWhat version? What precedes the crash?17:09
mark7610.04 and me clicking on the panel does the job17:09
mark76Or even on the desktop17:10
mark76Just clicking on anything and it crashes17:10
mark76It didn't used to17:10
mark76That's as technical as I'm going to get17:11
mark76My xubuntu desktop session keeps crashing judgen17:22
likemindeadVery strange, mark76. Have you installed anything weird or messed with any packages?17:24
mark76I don't mess with packages. And the first time it happened I completely removed all Xubuntu and Xfce4 applications and then reinstalled the basics17:26
mark76I think it might be the notification area17:26
judgentried disabling the osd mark76?17:27
mark76Can you run an Xfce session without xfce4-panel?17:27
judgenjust to see if that is what causes it17:27
mark76What's the OSD?17:27
judgenmark76: just rename the panel binary like this "sudo mv /usr/bin/xfce4-panel /usr/bin/xfce4-panel.bak" and if you want to restor you just rename it back to xfce4-panel17:29
judgenthen the panel is disabled at next login17:29
mark76I'm going to try it now17:29
mark76It's not the panel17:37
likemindeadWas this a Xubuntu install or an Ubuntu install that you added Xfce to?17:38
mark76The latter17:38
knomemark76, did you install xubuntu-desktop?17:38
mark76Is there a conflict?17:39
knomeif you installed only the xfce packages, you might have the problem because of that17:39
knomebut installing xubuntu-desktop should make sure it's not about that17:39
mark76Would removing the xfce packages do any good?17:40
judgenwhen does i crash?17:41
mark76As soon as I click on the desktop17:41
mark76I've disabled xfdesktop17:42
mark76Let me see if that makes any difference17:42
mark76Nope. It's not xfdesktop either17:45
knomeare you using nautilus?17:45
mark76In Xfce? No17:46
* likemindead has found mixing ubuntu-desktop and xubuntu-desktop to be a very bad idea....17:47
knomelikemindead, really? that shouldn't be. have you found what's not working?17:47
likemindeadJust lots of buggyness in general.17:48
likemindeadIt's probably been a year or so since I did, though.17:48
likemindeadI'm pure Xubuntu these days. :D17:48
knomenever had any bug reports/common errors about that...17:48
knome*had = seen17:48
knomecharlie-tca could know. (re: ubuntu-desktop and xubuntu-desktop installed at the same time seems to be a bad idea)17:49
charlie-tcacould know what?17:50
knomecharlie-tca, see the text in parenthesis17:50
charlie-tcaA little slow but working; Xubuntu Maverick installed using the desktop image on 400MHz cpu with 384 MB ram17:50
likemindeadI've only added Openbox to my Xubuntu install. It worked fine.17:50
charlie-tcaI agree. It doesn't seem to work well anymore. They have changed to many dependencies in Gnome, and Xubuntu does not install them.17:51
knomeso the fix would be?17:51
charlie-tcaThere is not one that I know of starting with about 10.0417:52
charlie-tcaThey won't even allow an upgrade now with more than one desktop installed17:52
charlie-tcaCould try removing the -desktop meta package, that used to work.17:53
mark76Which one?17:53
charlie-tcashould not matter which one. The -desktop package is only used for initial installation to insure all the packages are satisfied. It is used again when upgrading17:54
mark76Removing now17:54
mark76Right. DInner time17:56
mthorncan anyone confirm if 10.10 will have support for libva/vaapi decoding on an intel 4500HD graphics chip?17:57
judgenSadly i have no idea.17:57
mthornI recently bought a new laptop, and it's not powerful enough to play half of my video files smoothly on xubuntu >__<;17:58
charlie-tcaYou could try the desktop cd live environment17:58
charlie-tcaHow much memory in that laptop?17:59
mthorncharlie-tca, 2 gigs, plenty18:04
mthornthe problem is the cpu: 1.4gHz core2, single core.18:04
mthorna lot of 720p files lag/stop playing randomly18:04
charlie-tcashouldn't be. My 1.5GHz P4 with 1GB ram works18:05
mthorndo you have a real graphics card?18:05
charlie-tcaAGP, nvidia18:05
mthornThat probably helps18:05
charlie-tcaMaybe. That intel is built in to the motherboard, isn't it?18:06
AquinaOh, oh!: http://ftp.tu-chemnitz.de/pub/linux/xubuntu/releases/lucid/release/18:17
AquinaThe Link for Gemany is broken. :(18:17
knomeso apparently they are just not mirroring xubuntu anymore18:17
knomeno, the path is actually just changed..18:18
mark76I give up18:30
mark76Not even removing the xubuntu-desktop package helped Judgen18:32
judgendid you remove it or did you purge it?18:32
judgenremving it only removes the binaries and the documentation.. not all config files18:33
charlie-tcait is a meta-package, it doesn't matter if it is purged.18:33
mark76I did a complete removal18:33
mark76I guess it's just no longer possible to run Xfce in Ubuntu18:38
AquinaI also tried the europe Server and it's stopped after 15%; the Netherland-Server is available but Download stopped after 500Kib.18:40
Sysi-torrent <318:40
AquinaC'mon we work in LP, test ISOS do all kinds a things and promote xubuntu but it's cant be downloaded when one want's to? This is plain unacceptable. Who's responsible for the servers, cody?18:42
judgenThe ISOS is available at http://ftp.sunet.se as usual for europeans.18:42
judgenjust downloaded it to test18:42
AquinaI mean not dor the servers administration bit for puttin them on the official Xubuntu website and verifying the're ok.18:43
charlie-tcaI don't think we have anyone that verifies it18:43
charlie-tcaWe might be stretched a little thin...18:43
AquinaThanks, Judgen. I'm talking about the official download dection of the official xubuntu website. Hmm.... I see Charlie.18:44
AquinaI could test all the servrs and file a report. Additionally I could ask my employer (German ISP/MSP) to put it on our servers.18:45
charlie-tcaThat would be great!18:46
Aquina:-) With whom should I negotiat that (Person/e-Mail)?18:49
knomeAquina, i suppose if it's mirrored, just inform #xubuntu-devel and the xubuntu developer mailing list18:50
charlie-tcayes. You can cc vinnl if you want18:51
charlie-tcaHe updates the .org site when I can get hold of him18:51
knomesent vinnl18:52
knomeAquina, sent vinnl's mail to your PM18:52
charlie-tcaThanks, knome18:53
Aquinaok, thanks! :-)18:53
knomecharlie-tca, Aquina: np18:53
AquinaI'm gonna do this on monday and talk to my boss.18:53
knomeat least that was it when i last checked/send/received mail from/to him18:53
AquinaWhat amount traffic will I have to handle?18:58
knomeno idea... the best to answer that would probably be an administrator of one of the other servers mirroring xubuntu19:12
mark76Hey likemindead19:19
mark76Removing xubuntu-desktop made no difference19:19
likemindeadBummer. :-\19:20
mark76It looks like you can no longer run Xfce under Gnome19:20
likemindeadI'd back up and do a fresh Xubuntu install. :D19:20
mark76If you know what I mean19:20
mark76I could do that19:21
* likemindead loves the gloriously squeaky clean feeling of a fresh install. ^__^19:22
mark76But I think I'm just going to put it on a partition instead19:23
chrischucan anybody tell me how long installing xubuntu on an 1 TB unformatted harddrive should take?19:40
chrischuit seems the progressbar is stuck at 5% while "Creating ext4 file system..."19:40
Aquina"It looks like you can no longer run Xfce under Gnome" -- Hows that supposed to work at all? GNOME and XFCE are desktop environments.19:40
knomechrischu, formatting 1TB takes time...19:41
charlie-tcachrischu: a long time...19:41
Aquinaa few hours I guess.19:41
chrischui know that but is it normal that the progressbar doesnt move?19:41
charlie-tcaAquina: yes19:41
Sysi-progressbars usually aren't reliable19:41
charlie-tcaIt will move very slowly19:41
chrischuthanks for the info19:41
AquinaI had to format 360Gb and it took aprox. 80 min as far as I can remember.19:42
mark76Alongside Gnome, then. Aquina19:42
mark76In Ubuntu19:42
AquinaIt heavily depends on your hard disk(s) and controller however.19:42
chrischuwell i'm in no hurry19:42
AquinaI see, mark76.19:42
chrischujust wasn't sure if there was anything going on19:42
chrischuor if the install was just frozen19:42
charlie-tcaMine only take a couple of hours for the 325GB drives19:43
AquinaAs long as there are disk writes, the system responds and NUM-lock works you'd be fine.19:43
justsimplybobDoes anyone have a good suggestion for a wireless connection manager for xubuntu? I want to be able to select what channel I am connecting to.20:46
Sysi-gnome's networkmanager or wicd20:47
justsimplybobis gnome's networkmanager comes with it? and i am having issues connecting through wicd.20:49
justsimplybobsorry about that, I can not tell if my connection has dropped or not20:51
xubuntu121is xubuntu much light to run the ubuntu?21:03
=== xubuntu121 is now known as MrJake
charlie-tcaXubuntu is between 20-30 percent lighter on resources21:06
MrJakethanks charlie21:12
MrJakeis actually istalling atm hehe21:12
MrJakeand thre was a link on the istaller to ths ircserver via a browser and i clicked it for fun21:12
MrJakeeven if u didnt run live cd and went straight to install they sill let u use a browser21:12
MrJakei love linux for its simplicity21:13
MrJakehow now21:13
justsimplybobDo you know how I can stop/close NetworkManager Applet?21:21
charlie-tcaSystem -> Task Manager -> kill it?21:22
justsimplybobso I can run Wicd21:22
justsimplybobstupid question: task manager same as system monitor?21:23
knomejustsimplybob, you shouldn't have both installed at the same time21:25
charlie-tcayes, it is. It depends on the version of Xubuntu as to the exact name.21:25
justsimplybobokay, how do I uninstall the Network manager applet?21:25
knomejustsimplybob, install wicd.21:26
justsimplybobCharlie I thought so21:26
knomecharlie-tca, isn't network-manager the package name?21:26
charlie-tcaWell, just the applet can be turned off in Session and Startup, Application Autostart, uncheck it. It won't start no more21:27
justsimplybobknome- I did through synaptic and then follow the instructions on the wicd site.21:27
charlie-tcathe applet should be network-manager-applet or gnome-network-manager-applet21:27
charlie-tcaor both21:27
charlie-tcabut, it should have uninstalled when wicd was installed, since they conflict21:28
justsimplybobI am still learning linux and all of it's glory, but I do not know how to do an uninstall21:28
justsimplybobit's still running after I installed it21:28
knomejustsimplybob, 'sudo apt-get remove packagename' or remove package from your favourite package manager21:29
charlie-tcaOpen Synaptic Package Manager, find the app, right click on it, click on "remove"21:29
justsimplybobI am not sure what one I need to remove21:32
knomejustsimplybob, 23:27  charlie-tca: the applet should be network-manager-applet or gnome-network-manager-applet21:33
Sysi-network-manager-gnome iirc21:34
knomemmhmm, network-manager-*21:35
justsimplybobThank you for you help! It has made a major difference21:44

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