
intellectronicahya, i have a question pertaining to the netbook ui. is this the best channel to ask?01:00
intellectronicathe question, b.t.w, is how can i customize the location of the launcher bar? i like the launcher but hate having it to the left of text windows01:01
mptintellectronica, yes, but most people who work on it will be asleep  now01:01
intellectronicampt: good point, but you are here :) guess you don't know the answer?01:02
mptI don't, but my best guess is that it's not customizable short of changing source code01:03
mptIf you find out, maybe post the solution at <http://www.reddit.com/r/Ubuntu/comments/diqvy/is_it_just_me_or_is_nbr_1010_complete_crap/>, because that seems to be their main complaint :-)01:04
intellectronicampt: that would be a shame. having icons to the left of the text i read or right is a serious distraction. is this something worse raising a bug for, or am i late to the party?01:04
intellectronicaoh, i guess i am late to the party then :)01:04
intellectronicaanyway, other than this one annoyance, well done on a really gorgeous and usable UI. i'm impressed.01:05
intellectronicaalso this reddit comment isn't that similar to my complaint. i don't mind the reduction in horizontal space. i just would like it on the right and not on the left because most of the text i read and write starts on the left and it's painful to reach the icons every time i scan with my eyes to the beginning of the line01:09
intellectronicampt: which product should i file my bug on? is it ayatana?01:10
mptintellectronica, <https://launchpad.net/unity> looks like it01:11
intellectronicampt: fanks01:11
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gambsAnyone here that could troubleshoot a notify-osd issue? I finally fixed it and five minutes later it stopped working on me. When I logged on, I could do 'notify-send lol' and it would pop up in the right place/whatever. Now, after normal use, the only way I can get that command to work is 'sudo notify-send lol' and it pops up in the wrong place with this weird yellow border.20:26
gambsOK, figured part of it out...21:08

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