
=== nigelbabu is now known as nigelb
nixternalScottK: I can fire it up now.03:47
nixternalScottK: it will be running from right now. i am heading back out tomorrow morning, actually in about 8 hours I will be gone, but I will leave it running for you03:48
nixternalif you want, you can shut it doww when you are done. i will be back tomorrow evening. feel free to leave it running though if you still need it03:49
lex79ScottK: I fixed a FTBFS here: https://launchpad.net/~alessandro-ghersi/+archive/ppa/+packages04:07
lex79(serna-free package)04:07
ScottKnixternal: Thanks.04:39
ScottKlex79: Uploaded.  I did edit the changelog entry slightly for clarity.  Thank you for your contribution to Ubuntu.06:32
shadeslayerScottK: ok, will look into it07:32
markeyapachelogger: ScottK: any news / decisions on the KRandRTray issues?11:05
markeyapachelogger: ScottK: I now put this in $HOME/.kde/share/config/krandrrc :11:22
markeylet's see if it fixes it11:22
shadeslayerapachelogger: http://futurist.se/gldt/wp-content/uploads/gldt1009.png :: awesome graphz11:44
shadeslayeromg.... suse is derived from slackware :O11:45
shadeslayerred hat wins in every direction tho11:45
apacheloggermarkey: not on my side11:49
apacheloggerfortunately enough fglrx is now working with mav's X so I can upgrade again11:50
apacheloggershadeslayer: well, suse pretty soon didn't have much to do with slackware anymore11:50
* apachelogger ponders installing x64 again11:52
* shadeslayer has been x64 all the way11:54
shadeslayerapachelogger: adobe even has 64 bit flash now...11:55
* apachelogger does not care foobar about flash11:56
markeyhey guys, our libMTP check in Amarok fails to detect Maverick's libmtp 1.0.3-411:59
markeythe CMake check looks like this:11:59
markeymacro_log_feature( MTP_FOUND "libmtp" "Enable Support for portable media devices that use the media transfer protocol" "http://libmtp.sourceforge.net/" FALSE "1.0.0" "")11:59
markeyresult is this:11:59
markey-- The following OPTIONAL packages could NOT be located on your system.12:00
markey-- Consider installing them to enable more features from this software.12:00
markey   * libmtp (1.0.x or higher)  <http://libmtp.sourceforge.net/>12:00
markey     Enable Support for portable media devices that use the media transfer protocol12:00
markeyany ideas? :)12:00
shadeslayer!info libmtp12:01
ubottuPackage libmtp does not exist in lucid12:01
apacheloggermarkey: pkg-config is installed?12:01
shadeslayerits in main12:01
markeyapachelogger: yes, it's installed12:02
markeyanyone here got a Amarok checkout from git, or Amarok 2.3.2 source for testing this?12:02
markey2.3.2 should suffice12:02
apacheloggermarkey: what is the output of dpkg -L libmtp-dev 12:03
markeyapachelogger: http://pastebin.com/qWUchmD712:03
* shadeslayer started cloning amarok 2 days ago but his connection gave way12:04
apacheloggermarkey: sudo apt-get --reinstall install libmtp8 libmtp-dev12:05
markeyapachelogger: same problem :/12:06
markeyeither our check is wrong, or the libmtp package has a bug12:07
markeyis my guess ;)12:07
apacheloggerboth look fine12:07
markeythen someone please try this on another computer12:07
apacheloggerunless the pkconfig file of libmtp is broken12:07
apacheloggermaverick contains 2.3.212:09
apacheloggerand that was built with mtp12:09
apachelogger-- Found MTP: /usr/lib/libmtp.so12:09
markeybrb, I'm gonna test if the krandrrc fix worked12:09
markeyrestarting kde12:09
markeydoes not work :(12:11
markeyis there any fix for this?12:11
markey(the KRandTrayBlah thingie)12:11
shadeslayerlex79: pingly12:12
shadeslayerdid you see the announcement on kde-packagers?12:13
shadeslayershould we backport the fix?12:13
Mamarokmarkey: our cmake didn't change, I have the same problem with taglib-extras, 1.0.1 is installed but it finds 0.1, so there is something wrong with package numbering in Maverick12:18
markeyapachelogger: ^12:19
markeywe need ideas, fresh blood, any possible coffee with garlic12:19
Mamarokame for libmtp, 1.0.3 is installed but it finds 0.312:20
Mamarokusually, in Ubuntu packages it reads n:n.n.n, no? 12:20
shadeslayerbad so versions? 12:20
shadeslayer( which are packaged in the packages )12:21
apacheloggermarkey, Mamarok: pkg-config --modversion libmtp12:21
markeymark@serenity:~/kde/build/amarok$ pkg-config --modversion libmtp12:21
shadeslayerlikewise here12:22
Mamarokbut I get something different for libtag-extras-dev, moment (the pastebin widget doesn't work in Maverick btw)12:23
Mamaroklike most other widgets...12:23
shadeslayerworks for me12:23
shadeslayerhttp://pastebin.ca/1948819 :: a example12:23
Mamarokshadeslayer: I can't use it, it shows a red close button only, like most plasma widgets btw12:24
Mamarokand I have all plasma packages installed12:24
shadeslayerMamarok: like.. it shows that ALL the time?12:24
Mamarokshadeslayer: most of the time, the default widgets in the panel work, but I tried to change the clock, no other clock works12:25
Mamaroksystem monitor doesn't work either12:25
Mamarokthe current Maverick is by no means fit for release, dolphin freezes the desktop in 50% of the cases12:26
shadeslayerweird.. cant reproduce a single thing :(12:27
shadeslayerMamarok: brand new install?12:27
Mamarokshadeslayer: and I have a frsh install12:27
Mamarokall things new, I changed the KD to SSD12:27
Mamarokinstalled from the beta iso12:27
shadeslayerso much weirdness .... 12:27
shadeslayerMamarok: everything updated i suppose?12:27
Mamarokit's rocket fast, but that's the SSD12:28
Mamarokyep, everthing uptdated12:28
Mamarokcause the krunner lags terribly in Lucid, at least here it doesn't, but I guess that is again the SSD12:28
apacheloggermarkey: then I really do not understand why your cmake foo refuses to find it12:30
apacheloggermarkey: did you try a completely clean build directory?12:30
markeybtw: Choqok on Maverick == total borkage12:30
Mamarokapachelogger: I did, same problem12:30
Mamaroknew git checkout, new build directory, all things new12:30
markeythe shipped package misses OAuth, and self-compiled SVN trunk is totally borked, shows empty dialogs12:31
apacheloggermarkey: look at the choqok code and you know why it likes to break12:31
shadeslayermarkey: whut?12:31
shadeslayerno one uploaded 0.9.9012:31
* apachelogger burns maverick image12:32
shadeslayeri filed a request for that and eveyrhing12:32
markeyapachelogger: should I look at the code, or would I risk going blind?12:32
apacheloggershadeslayer: you need to go poke people12:32
markeyI can't imagine why the settings dialog is just empty....12:32
apacheloggeryou bun too is so full of politics things will rearely move if you just file things12:32
shadeslayerapachelogger: dude   bug 62805112:32
ubottuLaunchpad bug 628051 in choqok (Ubuntu) "FFe: Choqok choqok 0.9.90" [Wishlist,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/62805112:32
apacheloggermarkey: blindness...12:33
apacheloggermarkey: settings dialog could be coming form ksycoca mismatch foo stuff12:33
apacheloggersince I think it uses KCMs12:33
markeyah ok12:33
markeyI'll do a kbuildsycoca412:33
apacheloggermarkey: well, where is i installed?12:33
apacheloggerit will need to be /usr or kbuildsycoca4 will not find the desktop file 12:33
markeyapachelogger: I install everything self-buit in /home/mark/kde (I have the env set up correctly)12:34
markeys ok :)12:34
apacheloggershadeslayer: poking me has no effect since I am not on the release team :P12:34
markeyapachelogger: bingo that fixed it, thx12:34
apacheloggermarkey: do you still have the package choqok around?12:34
markeynuked it12:34
markeybut it was missing OAuth12:34
apacheloggeroh, ok12:34
markeyfor sure12:34
markeyso, no Twitter12:34
markeyit was Beta2 or something12:34
apacheloggersometimes ksycoca also likes to fall over its own cache12:34
apachelogger(i.e. in a not properly set up neon :P)12:35
shadeslayermarkey: how can it miss OAuth :S12:35
* shadeslayer has that ^12:35
markeyshadeslayer: can you try on your box?12:35
markeymine didn'T work right *shrug*12:35
shadeslayermarkey: like remove choqok and add it again?12:35
markeyyeah, will do soonish12:36
markeyif you do me a favor too :p12:36
shadeslayerwhut? :D12:36
markeylook at the Amarok libMTP issue12:36
shadeslayeri haz no idea whats the problem :P12:36
shadeslayermaybe apachelogger knows12:36
markeyme neither :p12:36
shadeslayerhe is packaging overlord12:37
markeyapachelogger is a lame ass packager, he actually runs Lunid :p12:37
markeydon't tell anyone12:37
markeyI promised him to keep it secret12:37
shadeslayermarkey: http://pastebin.ca/194883012:37
markeyLucid even12:37
shadeslayerso it does bring in libqoauth12:37
markeyshadeslayer: well12:38
markeyVersion: 0.9.85-0ubuntu112:38
markeyis stone age12:38
markeywhy did you not upgrade?12:38
markey0.9.91 is current12:38
shadeslayerand the fact that we need new qoauth12:38
shadeslayerwhich came out AFTER FF .. and haz new API12:39
shadeslayermarkey: download choqok from here https://edge.launchpad.net/~rohangarg/+archive/kde-extra12:39
shadeslayerand promote my FFe :P ... maybe i can get a SRU12:40
shadeslayeri.e convert my FFe into a SRU later12:40
markeydude ok (I should really work now, but meh). please find me someone to test the AMarok libMTP issues though, ok?12:40
shadeslayermarkey: im cloning repo to see what can be done12:40
shadeslayerslow interwebz here12:41
shadeslayermarkey: http://launchpadlibrarian.net/56338901/buildlog_ubuntu-maverick-amd64.amarok_2:2.3.2-0ubuntu2_FULLYBUILT.txt.gz12:42
shadeslayer-- Found MTP: /usr/lib/libmtp.so12:42
Mamarokshadeslayer: did you see my hint about the numbering issue? libmtp and libtag-extras have the same problem12:43
markeyshadeslayer: your Choqok package works fine12:44
shadeslayermarkey: \o/12:44
markeyit's the old 0.85 again12:44
Mamaroksee also this: http://pastebin.ca/194881812:44
markeyshould it be?12:44
markey0.9.85 even12:45
shadeslayermarkey: well.. if upstream forgot to bump the version it could be12:45
shadeslayerbut 12:45
shadeslayerapt-cache poilicy choqok12:45
* Mamarok needs a restart, laters12:45
markey  Installed: 0.9.85-0ubuntu112:45
markey  Candidate: 0.9.85-0ubuntu1                                                                                                                                 12:45
shadeslayermarkey: did you add the ppa?12:46
shadeslayerand what does version table say?12:46
markeyhere's the Changelog between 0.9.85 and 0.9.90: 12:47
markeypretty important fix, regarding KWallet12:47
markeyyou might want to use 0.9.9012:47
markeyshadeslayer: I'm stupid12:47
markeyforgot to update....12:47
shadeslayerapachelogger: btw how do i check which package a package depends on?12:49
markeyshadeslayer: sorry man, it works fine now12:49
shadeslayerlike .. foo depends on bar .. how do i find bar? apt-cache rdepends?12:49
markeycorrect version12:49
shadeslayermarkey: :D12:49
shadeslayergood :D12:50
yofelapt-cache depends foo?12:50
shadeslayeryofel: whats rdepends for then?12:50
yofelapt-cache rdepends bar will list foo12:50
shadeslayeryofel: what does the | before depends indicate?12:51
shadeslayerlike  |Depends: libswscale012:53
yofelnot sure, I think it's the same as usually: alternative dependency12:53
shadeslayerScottK: i think it can be moved to universe12:57
shadeslayerwrt kplayer12:57
shadeslayererm..hmm 13:02
ulyssesShould'nt we ban giovanni? he is spamming our mailing lists, it's very annoying...13:04
shadeslayerMamarok: i haz issue :   TagLib does not have ASF support compiled in.13:10
shadeslayerwhich is weird 0_o13:10
shadeslayerapachelogger: ^^13:11
shadeslayer-- Taglib found: -L/home/shadeslayer/kde/lib -ltag :: why oh why13:11
shadeslayerbahaha ... works now13:12
shadeslayerMamarok: lulz : -- checking for module 'libmtp'13:14
shadeslayer--   found libmtp, version 1.0.313:14
shadeslayer-- Found MTP but version requirements not met13:14
shadeslayerand then :    * libmtp (1.0.0 or higher)  <http://libmtp.sourceforge.net/>13:14
shadeslayerunder optional deps not found13:14
shadeslayer    macro_log_feature( MTP_FOUND "libmtp" "Enable Support for portable media devices that use the media transfer protocol" "http://libmtp.sourceforge.net/" FALSE "1.0.0" "")13:17
shadeslayeris that right?13:17
shadeslayermarkey: Mamarok mtp doesnt work for me too... libtag-extras does13:26
shadeslayerand we have http://gitweb.kde.org/amarok/amarok.git/blobdiff/d1077c6bdc4fd6fe91147af86567e3c4a932cab2..e4e1f0d6066217386dd54373b2edcca97109004c:/CMakeLists.txt13:27
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: ping13:31
apacheloggershadeslayer: asf is in taglib IIRC13:31
shadeslayerapachelogger: yeah.. it was picking up my neon install -.-13:31
* apachelogger notes that jockey is not working13:32
shadeslayerwhich i have compiled without asf13:32
shadeslayerapachelogger: did it ever work? :P13:32
apacheloggerI trust that JontheEchidna made it work at some point13:32
shadeslayerdoesnt work for me since 9.0413:32
shadeslayeri always install via apt-get install nvidia-current13:33
* apachelogger throws fist on desk13:33
shadeslayerapachelogger: so either somehting is wrong with out mtp package or amarok13:33
* shadeslayer is out of ppas to upload to13:34
shadeslayerfdo: \o13:35
JontheEchidnaiDon't have proprietary hardware anymore, so me working on jockey in the future isn't all that likely13:43
JontheEchidnaapachelogger: ^13:44
apacheloggerIN THE NAME OF SAURON!!!!!!13:56
apacheloggerhow full of shit can this be13:56
apacheloggeron second start13:56
apacheloggerit works13:56
apacheloggergranted one removes the file that is blocking it from working13:56
apacheloggerso why does it not work at first start13:56
apacheloggeranswer: I HAVE NO IDEA13:56
apacheloggeralso I get a crash notification from apport13:57
apacheloggerso I ask it to show me the flipping report13:57
apacheloggerAND NOTHING HAPPENS13:57
apacheloggereducated guess why not13:57
apacheloggerapport-kde is not around13:58
shadeslayerapachelogger: what?!13:59
shadeslayerhow is that possible? :P13:59
apacheloggerI dunno13:59
yofelkubuntu-desktop recommends apport-kde ...13:59
apacheloggerwhy is it not working13:59
shadeslayerrecommends? :O13:59
apacheloggerapport-kde is there13:59
apacheloggeryou are just not supposed to use i13:59
apacheloggerclearly if the binary is in share you are no supposed to use it13:59
apacheloggerthough binary is not the right name since it is not binary14:00
apacheloggermake it s/binary/executable14:00
apacheloggerWHY IS IT NOT WORKING14:00
yofelwell, it should only be called by apport-bug after checking what should be used14:00
apacheloggervoid ApportEvent::run()14:01
apachelogger    KToolInvocation::kdeinitExec("/usr/share/apport/apport-kde");14:01
yofelalthough that doesn't answer the notification issue ./14:01
apacheloggeranother fun thig14:01
apacheloggeronce you got jockey to actually tell you that there is junk to be installed14:01
apacheloggerand you are like nah, that shit I do not want and click ignore14:01
apacheloggerapachelogger expects: shit exits and frees RAMz14:02
apacheloggerwhat happens: shit remains sitting around doing absolutely none and entirely nothing14:02
apacheloggernothing is again the wrong word here14:02
apacheloggermake it s/nothing/eat the flipping RAM out of my flipping machine14:02
markeyany news wrt libMTP and Amarok?14:36
debfxmarkey: what's wrong there?14:44
markeydebfx: 14:51
markey-- The following OPTIONAL packages could NOT be located on your system.14:52
markey-- Consider installing them to enable more features from this software.14:52
markey   * libmtp (1.0.0 or higher)  <http://libmtp.sourceforge.net/>14:52
markey     Enable Support for portable media devices that use the media transfer protocol14:52
markeywe depend on >= 1.0.014:52
JontheEchidnawe've had 1.0.2 since lucid14:52
markeyJontheEchidna: exactly14:53
markeyso why is it not found?14:53
JontheEchidnaand 1.0.3 in maverick14:53
debfxmarkey: where does it say that?14:53
markey    macro_log_feature( MTP_FOUND "libmtp" "Enable Support for portable media devices that use the media transfer protocol" "http://libmtp.sourceforge.net/" FALSE "1.0.0" "")14:53
markey^ the actual CMake check14:53
markeydebfx: 14:54
debfxmarkey: have you installed libmtp-dev?14:54
markey"-- Found MTP but version requirements not met"14:54
markeyof course ;)14:54
markeyI'm not that dumb14:54
shadeslayerdebfx: JontheEchidna i confirm this issue14:54
markeywe've been over this before14:54
shadeslayerno idea why it doesnt pick it up14:54
markeyeither our check is wrong, or the package has a bug14:54
JontheEchidnaworks for the normal package builds: http://launchpadlibrarian.net/56339087/buildlog_ubuntu-maverick-i386.amarok_2:2.3.2-0ubuntu2_FULLYBUILT.txt.gz14:54
shadeslayermarkey: JontheEchidna IIRC that depend was just bumped14:55
shadeslayerfro 0.0.3 to 1.0.014:55
markeyI bumped it for Amarok 2.3.214:55
markeywhich is fine, as all distros have the lib14:55
shadeslayermarkey: oh 2.3.2 has that bump?14:55
debfxthe buildds picked up libmtp just fine for amarok 2.3.214:56
shadeslayerah.. now THAT makes it weird14:56
markey(we asked the packagers before bumping)14:56
shadeslayerdebfx: thats whats amazing.. buildd's pick it up but not full blown installs14:56
markeyquick question: how is this program started:14:57
markeyi   googleearth-package                                                    - utility to automatically build a Debian package of Google Earth                 14:57
markeyI can't figure it out14:57
shadeslayermarkey: dpkg -L googleearth-package14:58
shadeslayerthat will list out installed files14:58
shadeslayerthen you can check if theres a man page and go on from there :)14:58
markeyGoogle Earth for GNU/Linux
markeyUnrecognized Google Earth version (use --force to build anyway)14:59
markeyshould I force it?14:59
shadeslayer*shrug* ... never used it14:59
shadeslayercould lead to breakages .. cant say15:00
debfxmarkey, shadeslayer: amarok detects libmtp just fine on my system (maverick)15:03
shadeslayerdebfx: what did you install? :D15:03
shadeslayerand what cmake command?15:04
debfxshadeslayer: no cmake parameters15:04
* markey is on Maverick too15:05
debfxdoes "pkg-config --atleast-version=1.0.0 libmtp" return 0 or 1?15:05
markeycmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=$HOME/kde -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=debugfull $HOME/kde/src/amarok15:05
markeyis what I use15:05
markeydebfx: returns nothing at all15:06
shadeslayeri dont use any parameters as well15:06
debfxmarkey: what's the exit code?15:06
shadeslayermarkey: oi15:06
markeydebfx: how to check?15:06
debfxecho $?15:07
debfxdirectly after the pkg-config command15:07
shadeslayeri dont suppose kde supplies libmtp with their libs15:07
markeymark@serenity:~/kde/build/amarok$ pkg-config --atleast-version=1.0.0 libmtp | echo $?15:08
markeyis that correct?15:08
debfxmarkey: pkg-config --atleast-version=1.0.0 libmtp ; echo $?15:10
markeymark@serenity:~$ pkg-config --atleast-version=1.0.0 libmtp ; echo $?15:12
debfxmarkey: ok so pkg-config detects libmtp just fine15:16
debfxyou could add some debug message() calls to FindMtp.cmake to see where exactly it fails15:17
markeyI really don't get it...15:17
markeyit might be buggy15:17
markeyin fact I bet it is15:17
Mamarokdebfx: do you have an idea about it not finding libtag-extras?15:44
Mamaroksimilar to libmtp, it finds 0.1 instead of 1.0.1, as if the first number can't be read15:45
debfxMamarok: no, it works fine for me15:54
Mamarokit doesn't here, libtax-extras-dev is 1.0.1 but it doesn't find it15:54
debfxMamarok: could you pastebin the cmake output?15:59
Mamarokdebfx: http://pastebin.ca/194893016:00
shadeslayerMamarok: can you pastebin the contents of /usr/lib/pkgconfig/taglib-extras.pc16:06
Mamarokshadeslayer: http://pastebin.ca/194893816:07
shadeslayerhmm.. that seems fine as well.... 16:08
debfxMamarok: what does "grep TAGLIB-EXTRASCONFIG_EXECUTABLE CMakeCache.txt" output?16:08
Mamarokbut my env variables are set correctly16:09
Mamarokwait, let me check something...16:10
Mamarokmaybe an old config I dragged over from the old settings16:11
debfxMamarok: maybe you also have old versions of libs in $HOME/kde16:12
debfxehh markey ↑16:12
Mamarokyes, I erased the complete folder and are tring again now16:13
shadeslayerdebfx: btw i have the libmtp issues from a clean build folder16:14
shadeslayerdebfx: http://pastebin.ca/194894916:15
debfxshadeslayer: try: grep MTP CMakeCache.txt16:20
shadeslayerdebfx: http://paste.ubuntu.com/501002/16:20
markeydebfx: I'm willing to bet our CMake check has a bug16:24
markeywill look later16:24
debfxI found a difference in the cmake output16:26
debfxshadeslayer's says:16:26
debfx-- checking for module 'libmtp'16:26
debfx--   found libmtp, version 1.0.316:26
shadeslayerdebfx: ooh 16:26
debfxmine is: -- WARNING: you are using the obsolete 'PKGCONFIG' macro use FindPkgConfig16:26
shadeslayeraha! i think thats a bug with CMakeLists then16:27
shadeslayersee the newer findpkgconfig cant find the lib, but the older PKGCONFIG method can16:28
shadeslayermarkey: ^16:28
debfxhmm there is /usr/share/cmake-2.8/Modules/FindPkgConfig.cmake and /usr/share/kde4/apps/cmake/modules/FindPkgConfig.cmake16:28
shadeslayeror maybe im wrong :P16:28
markeyshadeslayer: thanks16:28
shadeslayerdebfx: just a difference of copyright i think16:29
markeygot a patch for us?16:29
shadeslayernope :(16:29
shadeslayerdebfx: http://paste.ubuntu.com/501005/16:29
shadeslayermarkey: like i said, i *think* thats the issue16:29
shadeslayercant be sure16:29
markeyI'll test later16:30
* markey is still fighting with Distcc, can't get it to work properly16:30
markeythe docs are horrible :(16:30
shadeslayerso a package is in Maverick ( qoauth ) and needs porting to lucid, do i do a backport with : No change backport?16:38
eeanmarkey: where is libmtp.h located?16:56
markeymark@serenity:/usr$ find -iname libmtp.h16:56
eeanI guess the easy solution is to just through in some good defaults to the call for FIND_PATH and FIND_LIBRARY in the FindMTP.cmake16:57
eeanto just *throw16:57
eeanmost cmake find modules do this16:58
eeanor throw in some message(STATUS into the FindMTP.cmake to see what is failing exactly, and go from there16:59
markeywhat exactly is not working with our check? I lost track17:01
markey(doing 5 things at the same time)17:01
eeanwe don't know, why I suggested putting in some message(STATUS 17:02
eean(or at least I don't know, entered this discussion late :P)17:04
markeybacklog is epic, want me to pastebin it?17:06
markeydebfx: shadeslayer: what solution would you suggest?17:07
eeanmarkey: well if its epic, I'd rather have a summary :)17:13
markey[17:28] <debfx> hmm there is /usr/share/cmake-2.8/Modules/FindPkgConfig.cmake and /usr/share/kde4/apps/cmake/modules/FindPkgConfig.cmake17:16
markeythat help?17:16
eeanoh well makes it sound like it's a kubuntu problem not a problem in amarok's cmake17:19
shadeslayereean: i dont think so,  when amarok built in buildd it works fine17:20
shadeslayerapachelogger: dude.. how do i delete my parent Widget completely and draw a new one?17:21
shadeslayerthe new one being a progress bar17:21
eeanshadeslayer:  well I volunteer to fix the findmtp.cmake if you find the problem (though finding the problem is 95% of the work)17:21
shadeslayereean: i agree, finding the issue is the more important task17:22
shadeslayereean: also debfx said that PKGCONFIG finds the lib17:22
shadeslayerFindPkgConfig doesnt 17:22
eeanit works fine for me so I can't help there.17:22
shadeslayerok one sec ... lemme see17:23
shadeslayereean: ok so libmtp installs in /usr/lib17:24
shadeslayerand usr/include ...17:24
eeansame here17:25
eeanjust adding /usr/include to find_path and /usr/lib, /usr/lib64 to find_library would fix the problem likely17:26
eeanbut perhaps its better to fix it the correct way :)17:26
apacheloggershadeslayer: you don't?17:29
shadeslayerapachelogger: 0_o17:30
apacheloggereean: is there a reason the volume slider in dragon is done via a dockwidget?17:30
shadeslayerok lemme rephrase it... id like to wipe out the entire widget and re draw a progressbar on it17:30
eeanI was having a crusade againist things popping out17:30
apacheloggereean: but qdockwidgets are ugly :P17:31
eeanI wouldn't be againist to another solution17:31
apacheloggeralso it gives me a bit of a headache right now, since there is no sane way to get the target pos() without invoking a show17:31
shadeslayerapachelogger: also can you uploadz qoauth to lucid?17:32
apacheloggereean: I would just stick the video and the slider in a layout and arbitarily add remove the slider17:32
shadeslayerfrom PPA.. or do i have to go through SRU teamz17:32
eeanapachelogger: isn't that the same thing?17:32
shadeslayerwe need it to build choqok to enable tweeter for lucid17:32
apacheloggereean: yes but without ugly qdockwidget frame ^^17:32
eeanis it really that bad?17:33
eeanjust the frame?17:33
eeanI thought you didn't like how it worked :)17:33
apacheloggereean: well, I am trying to add animations17:34
eeanin that case17:34
apacheloggerthing is, for example for a position based bouncing I would require the pos() before it is actually shown17:34
apacheloggerand since the volume slider is at same height as the video video's pos().x() + video's height() == x of slider17:35
apacheloggerassuming that for dockwidgets would be ugly IMHO17:35
apacheloggereean: also I am not sure a slider that heigh is a good thing TBH17:36
markeyany news eean?17:58
eeanon the libmtp issue? I don't have a problem so I can't work on it. :)17:58
lex79shadeslayer: I'm going to add that patch to Qt18:01
shadeslayerlex79: oh ok :)18:01
lex79hope it's not too late ;)18:02
shadeslayerhehe :)18:02
apacheloggereean: http://aplg.kollide.net/screencasts/dragon-volume-slider-animation.webm18:04
apacheloggershadeslayer: iterate over all children and deleteLater() them?18:04
* shadeslayer feared that18:05
sheytanapachelogger what app can open this? :D18:05
shadeslayerapachelogger: cant i delete the entire layout?18:05
shadeslayersheytan: vlc :P18:05
apacheloggershadeslayer: sure you can18:05
shadeslayerapachelogger: how?18:05
apacheloggersheytan: a decent video player18:06
sheytanshadeslayer isn't supported here18:06
apacheloggershadeslayer: layout()->deleteLater();18:06
shadeslayersheytan: played fine here :P18:06
apacheloggershadeslayer: you could also delete it, but that generally is not a very advisable thing to do18:06
shadeslayerapachelogger: if(process->state() == QProcess::Running)18:08
shadeslayerlayout->deleteLater(); 18:08
* lex79 pushed qaptbatch translation in svn18:12
shadeslayerapachelogger: /Work/Qzsync-build-desktop/../qzsync/widget.cpp:104: error: ‘((Widget*)this)->Widget::layout’ cannot be used as a function18:12
mbanais there anything critical that needs fixing in the the ubuntu LTS that will be in the new release?18:15
shadeslayermbana: some stuff was marked as a security vulnerablility patches IIRC18:16
mbanaim just wondering which ver of ubuntu i should install18:21
mbanai haven't updated in a while18:21
mbanamore than 2 years18:21
mbanaor ~1.5 years18:22
shadeslayermbana: well... newer versions are always encouraged18:23
shadeslayerbut if you install a LTS, its supported for 3 years18:23
lex79apachelogger: http://qt.gitorious.org/qt/qt/merge_requests/2481 is right that we don't have the second file in the tarball (tests/auto/qtreeview/tst_qtreeview.cpp)  ?18:26
lex79just a test I think18:27
lex79ah,  it says "Unit test included"18:27
shadeslayerapachelogger: im going to sleep .. will check this out tomorrow18:36
shadeslayernight everyone18:36
shadeslayerlex79: oh btw seen this: http://people.ubuntu.com/~rohangarg/linux_tree.png ?18:37
lex79shadeslayer: I saw something like a long time ago, but this is better18:38
shadeslayeri know :D18:39
lex79It seems we have only a derivated, Ulteo18:40
sheytanQuintasan shadeslayer http://img828.imageshack.us/img828/6756/pj512.png i think this one is ok18:40
sheytani can't make pink text on pink background :P18:40
sheytanatleast not with glow18:41
shadeslayermy eyes hurt from pinkiness :(18:41
shadeslayeranyways .. its up to you guys :P18:42
shadeslayeri had to dim my LCD by 2 steps before i could have a look :D18:42
sheytanshadeslayer come on :D18:42
sheytanThis ins't so pink18:42
sheytanit's more purple (or how it's called in english :D )18:43
shadeslayerjust saying :P18:43
sheytanand well, if something is called 'neon' it doesn't have to be blue or black :P18:43
* sheytan doesn't like blue everywhere :P18:43
sheytanit's getting boring :D18:43
shadeslayersheytan: right.... well.. im going to sleep cya tmmrw18:46
sheytanshadeslayer night18:47
CIA-116[dragonplayer] sitter * 1179989 * trunk/KDE/kdemultimedia/dragonplayer/src/app/mainWindow.h tabs--18:47
CIA-116[dragonplayer] sitter * 1179992 * trunk/KDE/kdemultimedia/dragonplayer/src/app/mainWindow.h formatting++18:47
CIA-116[dragonplayer] sitter * 1179993 * trunk/KDE/kdemultimedia/dragonplayer/src/app/mainWindow.h use Q_DISABLE_COPY macro18:47
apacheloggershadeslayer: you shall not call members like functions of ancestors :P18:48
* apachelogger is going to bed too18:49
apacheloggeror so18:49
apacheloggerscrew sleep19:32
markeywow, Qt Quick development is a breeze with Maverick :)19:49
markeyeasy to install, and works fine in Qt Creator19:50
* markey toys around with the demos19:50
* apachelogger meant to check out qt quick for a while now19:52
ScottKRiddell: The ubuntu-extras keyring was just seeded on Ubuntu Desktop.  We need to decide if we want to ship it or not.19:52
apacheloggereean: how about quicking up the fullscreen controls in dragon?19:52
* apachelogger imagines something like VLC just hotter19:52
eeanapachelogger: does that make sense in German? :D19:53
eeanbut I guess you mean sprucing up19:53
apacheloggerI mean apply qt quick awesomeness19:53
apacheloggersurely we can archive greatness using QML for an overlay control19:54
eeanI kind of like using standard widgets19:54
eeanpeople aren't surprised by them19:54
apacheloggerbut it is the ugly19:54
apacheloggeranyhow, even without QML I would ...19:54
apacheloggerput the bar to the bottom19:54
eeanis the next kde depending on 4.7? I didn't follow that k-c-d thread to the end19:55
apacheloggergive it a max width19:55
apacheloggerput the volume slider inside19:55
apacheloggereean: because about every other video player also has the bar at the bottom19:55
eeando they?19:55
apacheloggeryup yup19:55
apacheloggerwell, the big ones anyway, not sure about the phony linux competition19:56
markeyeean: I want to replace Amarok's Plasma stuff with Qt Quick, eventually19:56
apacheloggeranyone wiith totem around?19:56
markeyour Applets code is giant, and messy19:56
markeyhard to understand19:56
markeyand doesn't look that great19:56
apacheloggermarkey: shouldnt the plasma kpart foo help with that?19:56
markeyQt Quick looks smoother19:56
markeyapachelogger: maybe19:56
eeanmarkey: nothing stopping plasma widgets from using qt quick19:57
markeyapachelogger: but I've come to dislike Plasma for certain use cases19:57
markey(like ours)19:57
markeyit's so freaking buggy :)19:57
apacheloggerthat is what you get for reinventing everything using a graphicsview :P19:57
markeywho spent like 10 hours working around various Plasma bugs shortly before Amarok release?19:57
markeythis guy19:57
* apachelogger hugs markey for that19:57
* markey is listening to I'll Go Crazy If I Don't Go Crazy Tonight by U2 on No Line On The Horizon [Amarok]19:58
eeanI wonder why video players have their bar at the bottom. everyone else puts it at the top.20:00
eeana philosophy of dragon player is to look like a normal application20:01
eeaninstead of some sort of hellion like winamp or WMP :)20:01
eeanapachelogger: look at itunes, it has it on the top and the bottom. :D http://wereviewsoftware.files.wordpress.com/2010/02/itunes-9-0-3-video-playing.jpg20:02
apacheloggereean: that is because apple does not like to have fullscreens, that raises a whole lot of questions :P20:03
eeanhow does that explain the two sets of controls?20:03
eeananyways clearly itunes is nuts20:04
apacheloggerbecause other players have it at the bottom!!!20:04
eeanlol :)20:04
apacheloggerso apple thinks: go with the trend20:04
apacheloggerand apple thinks: obey the HIG20:04
apacheloggerand that is what comes out of it20:04
apacheloggertwo controls20:04
apacheloggeractually I like that ^^20:04
eeanyou're nuts :)20:04
apacheloggerno doubt20:04
eeanI dunno. if you get Celeste to tell me to put them at the bottom, I will. :)20:05
apacheloggerseele: please tell eean to put the video controls at the bottom20:06
eeanon e.V. stationary, and with a seal from a public notary.20:06
apacheloggerI will just make my own video player20:07
eean(not really :P)20:07
apacheloggerwith pink QML20:07
apacheloggerand I shall call it ... flamingo20:07
eeannot "PONIES!!!"?20:07
apacheloggerI am sure fregl will be behind that project too20:07
apacheloggercome to think of it20:07
apacheloggerfregl: did we not want to name something else flamingo20:08
apacheloggerwell... if the name is already taking it shall be called YouTube20:08
* apachelogger is not having ideas for good names and moves out for more vodka20:09
sheytanapachelogger eean i think that they have controls on top and bottom cause the top onse are oryginaly itunes. The bottom are something like Kpart in this case quick time is embedded in itunes20:15
eeanand I guess they wouldn't want to walk to other side of Cupertino to ask them to fix that 20:16
* apachelogger certainly wouldnt20:16
apacheloggerthat said20:16
apacheloggereean: you are looking at the wrong player anyway, QT is for video20:17
apacheloggeritunes is for everything but useful things :P20:17
eeanpeople buy movies with itunes don't they20:17
jjessebecause they are forced to20:17
jjesseitunes sucks20:17
eeanand download video podcasts20:17
sheytanyeah, they don't put itunes store into quick time20:17
eeanso I assume its as much a video player as anything20:18
sheytani think it has a video playback only for preview or music videos20:18
sheytananyway, if ppl buy a movie, they watch it in qucik time20:18
eeanso itunes launches quicktime?20:18
sheytanin a way like kpart ( i thin)20:18
eeanwell if its like a kpart, then its still itunes20:19
sheytaneean it's like dolphin and konsole20:19
eeanI know what a kpart is :)20:19
sheytani mean you can use konsole kpart in dolphi20:19
sheytanok :)20:20
sheytanwell,  we will never now how itunes and quick time works, but if itunes has the same controls for video as qucik time, i think it works that way20:20
sheytanand itunes doesn't display a shadow under the quick time cntrollers :D:D:D20:21
jussiseems my usb mount manager is borked in maverick, clicking any of the actions does nothing... 20:53
lex79ScottK: I uploaded qt4-x11, it's in the queue, diff is still pending20:54
lex79ScottK: also, I saw ubiquity is still unapproved, it fixes an our critical bug20:56
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sheytandoes any one know if there's a oxygen-transparent package for lucid?21:07
lex79no there isn't21:09
lex79neither for maverick21:09
sheytanwell, this will be marged to 4.6 :D21:10
lex79I think so :)21:13
=== Malkavian is now known as Malkavian_
Malkavian_I am using Kubuntu Maverick and when I write an Email and want to select some contacts from the address book, the address book shows me only tha last used addresses but the not real address book; is used to work fine in Lucid21:25
Malkavian_using Kontakt21:25
Malkavian_I have deleted tha last used addresses and now there is no entry in the address book anymore21:28
neversfeldeMalkavian_: please report bugs in launchpad or bugs.kde.org21:31
Malkavian_I think Kontankt just deleted my address book21:32
neversfeldewe cannot take care of them, when they are only published here21:32
Malkavian_is there any way to restore my address book?21:32
apacheloggerif I were butterfly...21:33
apacheloggersee, there is an a missing, I wonderhow that happened21:34
apacheloggeroh wellz21:34
apacheloggerMalkavian_: that depends on what your addressbook in particular was21:34
neversfeldeI never heard about Kontact deleting adressbooks, what is in ~/.kde/share/apps/kabc?21:34
Malkavian_it was the contact list21:34
apacheloggerMalkavian_: the way kontact's new addressbook magic works is that it actually (mostly) does not store the data itself but just forms the central exchange point21:34
apacheloggerso the data may very well be in a file, such as indicated by neversfelde just now21:35
apacheloggeror in a folder for that matter21:35
apachelogger(well, to say the truth it really stores the data, but its internal storage is mostly based on external ones ... such as a file, or a groupware sever for example)21:36
Malkavian_in the .kde/share/apps/kabc/ folder there are some std.vcf_* files21:36
* apachelogger got popcorn stuck in his teeth -.-21:37
Malkavian_my contact list worked just fine until I deleted the last used addresses; now there is no contact anymore in the contact list21:37
neversfeldeprobably your contacts, we know nothing about your setup21:37
apacheloggerin any case21:37
Malkavian_it is the default setup21:37
apacheloggerMalkavian_: please try #akonadi 21:37
apacheloggerthose are the pros regarding that stuff, plus this channel is not really meant for support21:37
neversfeldeapachelogger: use dental floss21:38
apacheloggernor do I think we are qualified to do support21:38
apacheloggerat least I am not ^^21:38
neversfeldeit helps :)21:38
neversfeldewell, me too21:38
lex79popcorn are devil for teeth !21:38
neversfeldesure, sugar always is21:39
lex79Bratwurst is better, neversfelde right? :)21:39
neversfeldeand I have to know my father is a dentis, my grandfather was and my brother is one, too21:39
apacheloggerif neversfelde were a dentist21:39
Malkavian_ok, thanks21:39
apacheloggerI would just have found my new dentist of choice21:39
apacheloggerbut now, he goes off to do that law stuff things :P21:40
ScottKlex79: qt4-x11 accepted.  The ubiquity changes are extensive enough I don't think I'm a qualified reviewer.21:41
apacheloggeryou know21:41
apacheloggertoday I looked at its bug report page21:41
apacheloggerand 21:41
lex79you should not do21:42
lex79ScottK: thanks21:43
apacheloggeron that occasion I was wondering what a comparsion with konqueror would look like21:43
apacheloggerwith codebase/report normalization of course21:43
* lex79 is adding some patches to -workspace, since we haven't enough21:45
apacheloggerthat said21:46
apacheloggerwe need another close lookup on the patches we truely need21:46
apacheloggerI noticed that a couple of packages carry rather large .debian.tar.gzs21:47
neversfeldeapachelogger: hehe21:47
lex79we need patches because we *have* to release on 10.10.10=4221:48
apacheloggerdental floss helped \o/21:55
apacheloggerlex79: and others are trying to run a decent business21:56
apacheloggerfools 21:56
ulyssesWhen will we ban giovanni?21:56
apacheloggerwhat did he do now?21:56
lex79apachelogger: you're right21:56
lex79spam in ML21:56
ulyssesThe only tragedy so far is that the ubuntu wiki lacks21:56
ulysses1) unregistered/anonymous editing21:56
apacheloggeryou know21:57
apacheloggerban him21:57
apacheloggerI do not get threads in gmail21:57
ulyssesapachelogger: +121:57
apacheloggerand I very much hate it when I do not get them threads21:57
apacheloggerand whatever the flipper he is  doing that there are no threads, I do not like it21:58
apacheloggerlex79: did you get the IAMSUPREME hammer yet?21:58
apacheloggerbecause I find the whole discussion pointless21:58
lex79nope, too lazy21:58
apacheloggerhelp.ubuntu.com is what he wants and that is it21:59
lex79he want help.kubuntu.com maybe21:59
apacheloggerthen he needs to take that up with the canonical sysadmins21:59
apacheloggerfor which there is a wonderful RT where they can ignore him...21:59
lex79canonical sysadmon know that kubuntu exist?22:00
apacheloggerlex79: only on the day after jr's birthday and when some special planet alignment is the case22:01
apacheloggernini neversfelde22:02
=== jtechidna is now known as JontheEchidna
ulysseswe have one week to write this month's report22:04
seeleapachelogger: eean: can i get a screenshot (i dont even know what app youre talking about :)22:04
eeanseele: in a video player, should the play/pause and time slider be on the top or the bottom22:05
apacheloggerseele: http://aplg.kollide.net/images/avatar/snapshot56.png http://aplg.kollide.net/images/avatar/snapshot57.png22:07
apacheloggerin any case I would not have it span across the entire screen in fullscreen22:07
apacheloggerIMHO that looks sort of odd22:07
eeanI like the precision :)22:08
apacheloggereean: yeah, but do you really appreciate it when you are in fullscreen already?22:11
eeanwhat do you mean?22:12
eeanthe point of the toolbar in fullscreen is that you use it sometimes22:12
apacheloggersure, but will you do precise jumping using it in fullscreen (taking into account that you would have had to switch to fullscreen before anyway)22:13
eeansure, why not...22:14
* apachelogger only does jumping after initial loading ^^22:14
eeanI'm watching something in fullscreen22:14
eeanand want to skip somewhere22:14
apacheloggerdid you actually every do that?22:14
eeanand if I never did that22:14
* apachelogger never does ^^22:14
eeanthere would be no point to the toolbar at all 22:15
apacheloggereean: well, I only see it as progress indication in fullscreen really22:15
eeanok, so now its precise progress indication :)22:15
apacheloggerthere is no such thing :P22:15
apacheloggeralso the precision is dependent on the screen width anyway22:15
eeananyways this is all a tangent22:16
apacheloggerif you have a dual screen setup you have a super uberprecise timebar22:16
eeanI suspect that you want to use non-standard widgets with this less-then-all-the-way accross toolbar 22:16
eeanit doesn't fullscreen accross monitors :)22:16
apacheloggereean: if they are twinned on X level I am sure it does as it would detect is as 1 display, no?22:17
eeanwell it shouldn't22:18
eeanI guess you could probably set up dual monitors in such a way that KDE etc is completely unaware of it. but that would be broken.22:18
apacheloggerwell, that is how you get super large screens is it not?22:19
apachelogger(specifically made super large screens with crappy resolution aside)22:19
eeanthat's kind of out-of-scope for a desktop video player :)22:19
apacheloggerI just think KDE needs a pimped up video player22:20
eeandragon player is supposed to be easy-to-use, not pimped up :)22:20
apacheloggernot more complex, but better looking22:20
eeanthere are tons of pimped up players already22:20
apacheloggereean: those are not mutually exclusive :P22:20
apacheloggerunless one goes for a degree of pimping such as VLC22:21
eeanthey are very conflicting22:21
apacheloggerin which case one will of course have to trade easy-of-use for features no one needs ;)22:21
eeanVLC is pimp? VLC is just really complicated and cluttered :)22:21
apacheloggerVLC has theming :P22:21
apacheloggerfor windows users that is the world22:21
eeanyike, well of course it does :)22:21
apacheloggerseeing as their OS is them craps with theming22:21
eeanwhat would I do without my Twilight-themed video player22:22
lex79ScottK: kdebase and kdebase-workspace in queue22:27
lex79ScottK: also this bug 64840222:34
ubottuLaunchpad bug 648402 in plasma-widget-cwp (Ubuntu) "Please sync plasma-widget-cwp 1.2.2-1 with Debian experimental" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/64840222:34
lex79^that sync fix a bug in some locations in Italy, so I'd like to have the new version in Maverick22:38
ulyssesI will kill giovanni22:47
ulyssesWho wants to help me?22:48
ulyssesfor the sake of God, it's 2010, it can't be so difficult to reply a thread22:50
claydohulysses: yup it obviously can22:51
claydohthen multiply that by how many lists he posts to22:52
* claydoh sighs22:52
* claydoh then sits down after a llooongs day at work to see the replies22:53
* ulysses wonders how easy to produce a Lokalize crash23:06
apacheloggerulysses: lokalize is having pyth0rn inside so it is bound to be easy :P23:30
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel

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