
=== laptop is now known as Guest49517
elijahHow would I make Konqueror the default file manager instead of Dolphin?00:05
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pulaskiHi everyone, Yesterday I inadvertantly made my clipboard and system update notification icons disappear from my sys tray. I thought they were widgets and I could simply replace them but they do not appear as widgets when I try and add a new one to the panel. How can I find or replace my clipboard and system notifaction icons to the sys tray, not the panel?00:24
=== joey_ is now known as joeosophy
compilerwriterHelp my kontact filters seem to be buggered.  I can edit them and then run them on my messages, but then I can't save them permanently or create new ones.  Any ideas folks.00:28
ubottuFor help with partitioning a new install see: https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/switching/installing-partitioning.html - For partitioning programs see !GParted, !QtParted (!Kubuntu 8.10 and lower) or !PartitionManager (!Kubuntu 9.04 and up) - Other partitioning topics include !fstab !home and !swap00:44
ubottuThe /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions00:46
ubottuFor help with partitioning a new install see: https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/switching/installing-partitioning.html - For partitioning programs see !GParted, !QtParted (!Kubuntu 8.10 and lower) or !PartitionManager (!Kubuntu 9.04 and up) - Other partitioning topics include !fstab !home and !swap00:48
ubottuYour home directory is where all of your personal files are usually kept. For moving your home directory to a separate partition, please see: http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/separatehome00:48
DarthFrogcompilerwriter: If you're going to do multiple bot queries, please do it in a private message, viz: /msg ubottu !home00:59
compilerwritersorry temporarily forgot how to do it.00:59
compilerwriterDarthfrog do you have have any idea how in blazes I might go about fixing my email filters in kmail/kontact.  They suddenly can't be edited and saved; nor can new filters be created and saved.01:00
DarthFrogSorry, I don't use Kmail anymore.01:03
compilerwriterDoes anyone have any idea how in blazes I might go about fixing my email filters in kmail/kontact.  They suddenly can't be edited and saved; nor can new filters be created and saved.01:03
DarthFrogBut that sounds like a bug to me.01:03
compilerwriterThings were working fine for some time.  Then when I went to edit a filter because of a change in the way the emails were coming in I could edit the filter but not change the settings.01:04
compilerwriterI am also trying to sort out how to look at my partitions.  I believe that I set up a seperate home partition so that I could just reinstall/ upgrade when the time came but can't remember how in blazes I accomplished it or the commands to use to verify the stuff.  Serves me right for not firing up a terminal more often.01:05
DarthFrogWell, in a terminal "fdisk -l" (may need sudo) will list your partitions.01:08
DarthFrogthe "mount" command with no parameters will show which partitions are mounted where.01:08
DarthFrogand "cat /etc/fstab" will show you your file system mounting table.01:09
compilerwriterthank you darthfrog01:09
compilerwriterOh good grief I must have gotten really fancy this last time around I have .Private going on.  I must have encrypted my home directory.01:15
DarthFrogHave fun. :-)01:15
DarthFrogHope you remember the password.01:15
compilerwriterI do remember the password.01:15
compilerwriterI never have to mess with it though. I just login to my machine.  I've even forgotten what the encryption was for.  Was I supposed to put just certain files into a folder or is my home directory just encrypted on the drive so that if my machine is ever stolen they will have to work harder to get at my stuff?01:17
DarthFrogOr it was a new and shiny option?01:17
DarthFrogHmm, neither looks right.01:18
compilerwriterI think it might have been a new and shiny option.01:18
compilerwritershiny is the correct spelling.01:18
DarthFrogYeah, that sort of stuff resonates with our inner magpie. :-)01:19
compilerwriterhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/500659/ is the /etc/fstab output.01:21
DarthFrogYou don't have a separate home partition.  I find it a useful configuration.01:21
compilerwriterthat was mount01:23
DarthFrogThat may be, but it isn't a separate partition.01:23
DarthFrog /home/keith/.Private is merely mapped to /home/keith.01:24
compilerwriterfdisk -l  http://paste.ubuntu.com/500664/01:26
compilerwriterIt would seem I have four partitions from the fdisk would it not DarthFrog?01:27
DarthFrogNot really.  sda2 is a container partitons for your logical partitons (sda5, sda6).01:28
compilerwriterI could have sworn that I set up the thing to have a seperate home partition for myself.  Perhaps I just didn't get it done correctly.01:29
DarthFrogIf you were intending /dev/sda5 to be your home partition, it isn't.  It isn't mounted in your system.01:29
compilerwriterIt never got mounted?01:30
DarthFrogDo you see it in the "mount" command output?01:30
compilerwriterI thought I had made an OS partition, a home Partition, and a swap partition.01:30
DarthFrogRight now, /dev/sda5 is lying fallow. :-)01:31
DarthFrogTry this: "sudo mkdir /mnt/disk && sudo mount /dev/sda5 /mnt/disk".01:31
DarthFrogThen see what's in that partition.01:31
compilerwriterhow do I go look at it now cd inot /mnt/disk01:33
DarthFrogOr use Dolphin.01:33
compilerwriterok thanks01:34
Planetary_hello.... is there anybody out there?....01:41
compilerwriterDarthFrog: it would appear that shiny button is thwarting my plans01:46
compilerwriterThis will give you a hint as to what is in that until now fallow partition. sudo mkdir /mnt/disk && sudo mount /dev/sda5 /mnt/disk01:50
compilerwriterhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/500671/ try that DarthFrog01:50
compilerwriterevidently when I opted for the encrypted partition I created a home directory in the OS partition?01:52
compilerwriterThe question is DarthFrog how do I fix this?01:52
compilerwriterBlast the inner magpie! :-)01:52
compilerwriterI guess I am doing a total backup of data and then reformatting at the next upgrade eh? or is there a better way DarthFrog?01:54
Planetary_why doesnt asound list work?02:00
Planetary_i cant select my usb dac as default sound. it only seems to work with the system sound when i prefer it in systemsettings02:01
compilerwritergood night all02:02
DarthFrogcompilerwriter: There's a better way.02:02
DarthFrogcompilerwriter: Good night.02:03
DarthFrogcompilerwriter: Forget everything I said about /dev/sda5 not being mounted as your home partition, etc.  I've never worked with encrypted file systems and I see I gave you a bum steer.  It would seem that I need to learn about how encrypted file systems work.02:05
DarthFrogI was wr...wro...wr.. err, gave you misleading misinformation. :-)02:07
compilerwriterThanks darthfrog I will talk to you about it later and we will get it sorted.02:08
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titan-arkhi does anyone have an idea of using kubuntu on a VBox? Needed some help here03:29
hpanyone out there?04:01
cato37hello. i have a question regarding apt-get that is unclear. when dling a package wherein there are recommended packages not installed, how do i make sure all the packages including the recommended packages are installed?04:04
cato37i have to phycially move locations. be back in about 5 minutes.04:06
_genuser_Hello People04:50
_genuser_anyone tried to install kubuntu from xubuntu livecd?04:50
ubuntuboa noite pessoal , nao conhecia o Linux nem o Kubuntun, ainda são sistemas operacionais não muito familiarizados, este irc tem como baixa lo para windows xp05:03
ubuntualguém sabe !05:04
ubuntualem do mais, gostei bastante dos dois SO que mensionei!05:04
bdizzleeh... que lingua?05:12
bdizzlees espanol o francis?05:12
ubottuPor favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.05:12
macobdizzle: ubuntu is speaking portuges05:12
bdizzleah, okay05:12
bdizzlecouldn't tell05:12
macobdizzle: see the word "são"?  ~ only goes over 'a' in portugese05:13
bdizzleI haven't had any exposure to portugese, so I didn't know05:16
bdizzleit looked kinda like spanish, hence the asking of it if it was spanish05:16
macoi think irc is my total exposure to it05:16
macoits just a thing that looks like spanish but has letters that dont exist in spanish05:17
surunveridoes anyone know how to reduce mouse sensitivity05:23
surunverifurther than what the settings panel allows+05:24
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silikonshh secret kubuntu is sow friggin awesome!!!06:56
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Rapphi everyone09:06
Rapphow does kubuntu configure grub?09:06
Rappi need to set a kernel parameter for booting..09:06
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Guest66266hi every109:52
=== Guest66266 is now known as Patrunjel
naftilos76Hi, does anyone know any app that can recover lost data on a usb flash memory?09:58
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Scherenhaendeni dont have sound on vbox... could someone help me?11:15
skaftiI have a strange problem... my motherboard soundcard died last year and i had to buy a new sound card, but now after i installed kubuntu the old inbuild card is working poorly when i am streaming youtube exp... but when im playing dragon player the old one is active11:22
skaftiso i need to be swiching the plug over every time i use one or the other11:23
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mbanais there anything critical that needs fixing in the the LTS that won't be in the new release?11:34
mbanathat will be*11:34
assurbanipalhi everyone!I m on Kubuntu 10.04 , KDE 4.5.1. I need to configure samba, which packages i need to install?because i dont get any options regarding samba in system settings as i used too..11:34
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=== kubuntu is now known as Peace-
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ubuntuhello, I downloaded kubuntu 10.10 daily-live and when I try to install nothing happens, can someone help?12:55
well_laid_lawnubuntu:  did you do the cd check?12:58
ubottuTo verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows12:58
ubottuMaverick Meerkat is the codename for Ubuntu 10.10, due October 2010 - Maverick is NOT released and NOT Stable, discussion and support in #ubuntu+112:58
ubuntuwell_laid_lawn: md5 was ok13:00
well_laid_lawnubuntu:  did you use the cd check option from the cd boot menu?13:02
ubuntuwell_laid_lawn: no, but I ticked that verify disc burning option13:03
ubuntuwell_laid_lawn: nevermind, ubuntu+1 says there is a bug in the installer13:03
well_laid_lawnubuntu:  o13:03
ubuntuwell_laid_lawn: thank you, got it fixed with help from ubuntu+1 :)13:07
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Patrunjelhi everywone13:09
howlymowly_hi poeple-  short question:  in "folder view" setting of the desktop..  for some reason the "preview" option for files does not work on my system. Any idea how to fix this?13:44
=== mren|off is now known as mren
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BluesKajHowdy folks14:34
dlynchjoin #bind14:52
well_laid_lawnyou need /join14:55
JimsKnopfHi everybody ;) I need help with the connection to a OpenXchange connection. Is there a possibility to make a connection with kontacts?15:21
BluesKajOpenXchange connection? JimsKnopf15:26
MamarokJimsKnopf: according to http://kubuntuguide.org/Lucid#Open-Xchange it should work, did you have a look at the Kontact settings?15:28
JimsKnopfthanks, I will have a look15:29
=== desti_T2 is now known as desti
JimsKnopfThere is no information about the OpenXchange client configuration.Only the hint with the kontacts wizard. But the wizard is for susexchange only15:35
MamarokJimsKnopf: I guess you need to set it up on the OpenXchange side first15:39
MamarokI never used that, only Kolab15:40
JimsKnopfok. I found an OXtender for thunderbird15:40
JimsKnopfIt works perfect15:41
JimsKnopfBut there have to be a way to use it with kontacts15:41
MamarokI think so, buthow I can't tell, sorry15:41
MamarokBluesKaj: do ou know more?15:42
JimsKnopfno problem...but many thanks for the hints ;)15:42
klaxianhow can I prevent KDE from ever attempting to suspend or hibernate my system no matter what user is logged in or if the login screen is displayed?15:44
BluesKajMamarok, JimsKnopf , no sorry I can't help , no experience with kontact15:49
Mamarokklaxian: see the power management settings in the system settings15:53
klaxianMamarok: thanks, i've already configured that.  i disabled all the suspend options i could there.  that is a per-user configuration though, right?15:54
klaxianMamarok: it appears that my system was suspended while no one was logged in (on login screen) and i need to prevent that15:54
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Mamarokwell, that would have to be changed in the system power management, no idea where that is, though (as it is not KDE related)15:57
headstrongis kubuntu the version with kde on the official ubuntu site?15:59
Mamarokklaxian: I think you should ask in #ubuntu, as this is system related15:59
headstrongkubuntu is not ubuntu with kde?16:00
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=== bruno is now known as Guest88992
phoenix_hello everyone16:55
phoenix_is there a way to see the id3 tags of a mp3 file in dolphin file properties16:55
DarthFrogphoenix_: I just looked at the Properties of a MP3 file.  The Information tab gives the info you want.17:04
DarthFrogAnd if you click on the Configure button in the Information tab, you can set what fields are displayed.17:05
phoenix_DarthFrog: i am checking that17:05
phoenix_DarthFrog: some of the details are displayed wrongly. i have tagged the mp3 files with kid3 app17:07
DarthFrogphoenix_: Where is it getting the incorrect info from?17:07
phoenix_DarthFrog: the title is displayed correctly, but the album name is not17:07
DarthFrogphoenix_: Check the ID3 tag in Easytag.17:08
phoenix_DarthFrog: ok17:08
DarthFrogEasytag is extremely powerful, BTW.17:09
BluesKajphoenix_, the best database is cddb afaik , some players use a diff one which lacks alot of the artwork17:10
phoenix_BluesKaj: i manually inserted the details of id3 tags of each file17:11
phoenix_DarthFrog: i checked with easytag, the album name is present correctly17:13
DarthFrogSounds like it might be a bug.17:14
BluesKajyeah  ,my friends are n't happy with some of the new players on windows which use a diff database17:14
phoenix_DarthFrog: is you mp3 tags displayed correctly17:15
phoenix_BluesKaj: you mean the id3 tags database17:15
DarthFrogDon't know, I didn't check closely, sorry.   And I'm about to leave the computer for the day.   Good luck.17:16
phoenix_DarthFrog: thanks for the support17:16
phoenix_BluesKaj: my language is not supported well17:17
phoenix_BluesKaj: i mean the music db17:17
=== look is now known as lifeinabox
BluesKajphoenix_, not sure , I don't tag music altho I listen and play it17:17
=== lifeinabox is now known as look
phoenix_BluesKaj: the new players are built to play organised music collection, so i feel hard to play without organising the files17:19
RouninHello! I'm trying out the Maverick Meerkat beta, and can't find any option to change the CPU frequency scaling policy anymore... And the different policies aren't listed under the CPU's capabilities either... Does anyone know what component is responsible for that functionality?17:19
James147Rounin: check in system settings > power managment, also maverick support is on #ubuntu+117:20
BluesKajphoenix_, I do organize the files , it's just not necessary that all the other data like album covers and artwork need to be included17:21
RouninThat's where it's missing from, James147, but I'll try #ubuntu+1 ... Thanks!17:21
phoenix_BluesKaj: ya , its just for my mobile17:21
phoenix_hello James14717:21
James147Hey phoenix_, BluesKaj :)17:21
BluesKajhi James14717:22
phoenix_James147: are you engaged in kubuntu 10.10 developement?17:22
* James147 dosnt develop kubuntu....17:22
phoenix_James147: do you try 10.1017:23
James147phoenix_:  I am running it on my netbook :)17:24
phoenix_James147: do you know that pulseaudio is the default audio server17:24
James147phoenix_: heard mention of it... havnt had any problems with it on my netbook though17:25
* BluesKaj wishes he could convince his friends to switch to linux , bloody windows media player is driving them and me around the bend , media jukebox doesn't us e the cddb database and winamp is for younger eyes17:25
James147not that I use sound much on it... 1/2 the time sound is disabled completely :)17:25
* BluesKaj likes music not pc "sounds "17:26
James147BluesKaj: younger eyes? how so?17:26
phoenix_James147: younger eyes?17:26
BluesKajthe fonts aren't configurable , they're so small , James14717:26
phoenix_BluesKaj: did you try songbird?17:27
James147BluesKaj: heh, figured winamp was ment to be one of the more customisable ones... dont like it very much though17:27
BluesKajphoenix_, on windows ?17:27
phoenix_BluesKaj: linux17:27
James147BluesKaj: also, there is always kde for windows :)17:28
phoenix_did you people see the qt changelog of 4.717:28
phoenix_they have hardware compositing for webkit17:29
James147phoenix_: O_o17:29
BluesKajphoenix_, my friends all usw e windows and when soimething goes wrong like wmp not seeing the usb outboard drive music files anymore and won't load the headers into the database anylonger because it's locked from too many new versions17:29
phoenix_BluesKaj: new versions of what17:30
BluesKajeverytime the usb outboard drive is disconnected and rconnected wmp creates anew database for the library , after qabout 5-6 disconnects and reconnects wmp no longer loads the library because it's already there but it really isn't...that the best wat i can explain it17:32
phoenix_BluesKaj:why cant you recomment your friends to try amarok17:34
BluesKajthis is a question I asked in #windows and no one could answer...there is a fix that I found but it only works intermitently17:35
phoenix_BluesKaj: i think the solution might be to delete the database manually17:36
James147phoenix_: thats not a soultion, thats a workaround :)17:36
phoenix_James147: ok17:37
BluesKajphoenix_, they're all windows users , and barely capable using it....yes i have managed to remove the database manually on one pc but not on all17:38
phoenix_James147: is it proper to discuss a windows related topic in this channel?17:38
James147probally best to move to #kubuntu-offtopic :)17:38
phoenix_BluesKaj: what is the wmp version17:38
phoenix_James147: ok17:39
BluesKajwell phoenix_ not really , but do you see any other ppl asking ...anything ? :)17:39
BluesKajwmp=windows media player17:39
phoenix_BluesKaj: well, some people feel it not good to discuss and they ask the person to use the proper channel17:40
BluesKajphoenix_, I'm there too ,but nobody is chatting17:42
phoenix_BluesKaj: can you come to the channel #kubuntu-offtopic17:43
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BluesKajare you guys being disconnected as well , James147 ?18:46
James147BluesKaj: no, had to kill X :)18:46
BluesKajhmm, wonder about my ISP , i hate using those auto-dns settings :(18:47
BluesKajopendns creates a ptoblem for my eamil accounts when my dynamic IP changes , so I had to revert and google dns is slow18:48
bronzeBluesKaj: use one of the dynamic DNS services. Thats exactly the kind of thing they exist for.18:56
BluesKajthere we go again ..disconnected- reconnected18:57
=== mike is now known as Guest1338
Backglassput in dns18:58
BluesKajBackglass, already did and secondary
anygivennamehi.....how do I install .tar.gz  ?19:02
James147anygivenname: .tar.gz is a compressed archive (like .zip) there is no 'one' way to install them19:03
James147anygivenname: depending on what it is you normally extract it and read the README file included in side (if it has one)19:04
anygivennameit is like zip & it is a compressed application19:04
Guest1338Anyone know how to fix the "No init found. Try passing init= bootarg." error when trying to boot from a live CD or live USB?19:06
anygivennameyeah there is a readme file19:06
anygivennamebut needs an expert19:06
Guest1338anygivenname: What program is it you're trying to install?19:06
francesco_ciao a tutti19:07
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »19:07
James147anygivenname: well we cannot help you without knowing what the program is or whats in teh README file19:07
anygivennamecp ddclient /usr/sbin/19:07
anygivenname  mkdir /etc/ddclient19:07
anygivenname  cp sample-etc_ddclient.conf /etc/ddclient/ddclient.conf19:07
anygivenname  vi /etc/ddclient/ddclient.conf19:07
FloodBotK1anygivenname: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.19:08
anygivennamethis is the installation instructions19:09
anygivennamewhat should I do ?19:09
James147anygivenname: can you pastebin the entire radme file19:09
James147readme ^^19:09
anygivennamehere ?19:10
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.19:10
James147anygivenname: ok, first open up konsole19:12
anygivennamewhat's konsole ?19:12
anygivennameis it an app I have to get ?19:14
James147anygivenname: ... ddclient is in the repos, you should beable to install it via kpackagekit19:15
James147anygivenname: (doing so would be simpiler)19:15
James147(also has a more uptodate version then that readme indicates19:16
anygivennameI have kpac.....how do I install thru it19:18
James147anygivenname: open kpackagekit19:18
navetzHi I have a envy 15 laptop and I can't get the microphone working with skype (or anything else). Can someone help me out?19:18
anygivenname& I searched for ddclient....it found it19:19
James147anygivenname: then click on the "software updates" tab on the left hand side, (it should be the second one down) in taht tab click on "Refresh" (located in the middle of the three button at the bottom)... Then switch to the software managment tab (should be the first one on the left hand side) and in the text box type "ddclient" and press <enter>...19:20
James147anygivenname: that should list a package, click on the down arrow at the end of the row and press apply19:21
* BluesKaj admires James147 's patience and hand holding19:27
* James147 smiles19:28
* James147 should copy that into a text file... :)19:29
BluesKaj still prefers synaptic , gtk ot not19:29
James147BluesKaj: have you seen kpackagekit in maverick? they improved on it allot :D19:30
BluesKajJames147, I'd like to try maverick , but this server needs to remain stable. I will try it on my old desktop soon. I can install it to / , and keep /home intact in case X gets broken again.19:32
* James147 grumbles at bios upgrade utilities being only for windows19:33
James147BluesKaj: yeah, I only installed it on my netbook and has been a bit unstable :S although its sloowly getting better :)19:33
James147BluesKaj: you should beabel to grab kpackagekit from kde-apps.org though19:34
James147to see the latest version19:34
anygivennameI have done it thru kpac.....but now I can not find the app in Applications19:34
BluesKajI'm looking at a new-for-me nvidia graphics7 series card for the desktop , so maybe maverickcan run ok on it19:34
James147anygivenname: from what I can see about it its not an app, but a deamon  (service in windows terms...) I dont see why tehre would be a menu entry and you will need to configure it manually by editing the appropite config files...19:35
James147BluesKaj: I could probally test my old 7300 on maverick if you wanted, see if it runs :)19:37
anygivennameso u mean it is working now in the background ?19:37
James147anygivenname: probally... but its probally not set up19:37
BluesKajddclient is adaemon , anygivenname , you can check out it's options in the terminal/konsole , type man ddclient19:38
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James147anygivenname: if you can tell us why you installed it/what you are trying to do over all we might beablet o better help19:39
BluesKajanygivenname, http://sourceforge.net/apps/trac/ddclient19:40
BluesKajsomeone probly rec'd the app to track his dynamic IP19:41
BluesKajon dyndns19:41
* James147 wonders if it worth wiping his netbook, installing windows on it, updating his bios, wiping windows and reinstalling linux :D19:46
BluesKajwhy James147 , BIOS update already?19:47
anygivennameJames147, the reason I switched to Ubuntu is that it more stable & better performing than Win....I want to install ddclient so it updates my host regularly whenever my dynamic IP changes so I am able to connect to it remotely always19:50
skaftiI have a strange problem... my motherboard soundcard died last year and i had to buy a new sound card, but now after i installed kubuntu the old inbuild card is working poorly when i am streaming youtube exp... but when im playing dragon player the old one is active19:51
anygivennameissue is Ubuntu is a bit complex for me when it comes to installation issues19:51
skaftiso i need to be swiching the plug over every time i use one or the other19:51
James147anygivenname: ... well, the link BluesKaj gave should show to the basics of how to configure ddclient, but searching on your DNS providers site but give better information on how to configure it19:52
anygivennamewhere should those script go into ?19:53
James147anygivenname: either way its going to involve editing config files as there is no nice gui for it... but learning to use the terminal/ editing config files is something worth doing in linux19:53
James147hmm, anygivenname, you might want to run "sudo dpkg-reconfigure ddclient"  ... seems that will set it up for you, asking you the relevent questions  (run that command in a terminal application like konsole)19:58
James147anygivenname: but ddclient is installed to /usr/sbin but you can start/stop it by running "sudo /etc/init.d/ddclient start" (or stop or status or restart)20:01
Renovatiohi, is there anyone who can help me in setting cdrecorder "wodim" permission? k3b always exit with a cdrecord permission error20:02
navetzHi I have a envy 15 laptop and I can't get the microphone working with skype (or anything else). Can someone help me out?20:02
anygivennamehow do I run sudo dpkg-reconfigure ddclient ?20:03
James147anygivenname: open konsole (a terminal application, it should already be installed) and type that into it then press enter20:04
anygivennameI dont have konsole....only Terminal.....can it do the job ?20:06
James147anygivenname: ... it should20:07
navetzdoes anyone know how i can go about getting my microphone working?20:08
novagazanbişey soracam20:13
novagazangimse var mı?20:13
James147Renovatio: you should be able to setup the requited premissions by: in k3b > Settings > Setup system premissions...20:15
RenovatioJames147: 4711 root.root for cdrecord and cdrdao without writing group...should it work?20:17
James147Renovatio: would think so,20:17
RenovatioJames147: ok, i'm having a try...but first i have to reboot my pc....thank you20:20
RenovatioJames147...now i don't have any cdrecord permission error but it doesn't record :-( it stays hold on 0% :-(20:31
James147Renovatio: try setting up the other premision options, other then that I am not sure what to do sorry, I am not very fimilar with k3b20:32
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RenovatioJames147: it returns with "unable to set the record" (or something like that, english is not my system lang :-( ok...i don't have to write my CDs...i understood :P20:34
anygivennamewhat should I do now on this 'please set run_daemon to 'true' in /etc/default/ddclient'  ?20:39
James147anygivenname: run: "kdesudo kate /etc/default/ddclient" and change the line "run_daemon="true"" to "run_daemon="false""20:41
anygivennameu mean vice versa20:42
anygivennameit should be set to 'true' as it says20:42
James147anygivenname: yeah, sorry :)20:44
anygivennamekdesudo kate /etc/default/ddclient  does not do anything20:44
anygivennameis there anyway I can edit this file using an app ?20:44
James147anygivenname: it should give you a prompt for your password, then open kate (the text editor) as root with that file20:45
anygivennameit is the only file in this folder that has an X on top right20:45
anygivennameit only asked for password20:45
anygivennamedidnt open anything afterwards20:45
James147hmm... what happens if you jsut run "kate"?20:46
anygivennamelike how ?20:46
James147anygivenname: in a terminal20:47
anygivennamewithout kdesudo ?20:47
James147anygivenname: yeah, make sure kate can open before trying to open it with root :)20:47
James147anygivenname: if it works try "kdesudo kate"20:47
anygivennamekate...says currently not installed20:47
James147anygivenname: ... hmm20:48
anygivennamekdesudo kate.....says sudo:20:48
James147anygivenname: are you on kubuntu, or ubuntu?20:48
anygivennamewhat is kubuntu ? havent heard of it20:48
James147anygivenname: ... that would be why.. I assumed you where on kubuntu... since this is the kubuntu support channel.. kubuntu is essentally ubuntu with kde  rather then gnome (the desktop enviroment)20:49
James147anygivenname: try "gtksudo gedit /etc/default/ddclient" instead20:49
James147anygivenname: you also might want to join #ubuntu :)20:50
anygivennameNo command 'gtksudo' found, did you mean:20:50
anygivenname Command 'gksudo' from package 'gksu' (main)20:50
James147anygivenname: try gtksu ...20:51
anygivennamecan the file ddclient be opened with an app ?20:51
James147anygivenname: it can... but needs to be opened as root20:51
James147anygivenname: what happens if you run "gedit"?20:51
* James147 wonders why you have kdesudo but not kate...20:52
anygivennamegedit opened an app20:52
James147weird... most people have either kdesudo and kate... or gtksudo and edit.... :S try "kdesudo gedit"20:53
macoJames147: gtksudo doesnt work because gtksudo doesnt exist20:54
James147maco: gtksu then?20:54
macoJames147: anygivenname's command-not-found was correct to suggest gksudo20:54
macoJames147: there's no t in it20:54
anygivennamewhat do I try now ?20:55
James147anygivenname: try "gksudo gedit" ... sorry about that, dont use gnome and got the name mixed up20:55
anygivennamekdesudo gedit /etc/default/ddclient20:56
anygivennameopened the file20:56
* James147 still wonders why you ahve kdesudo...20:56
James147anygivenname: but o well, you should beable to edit the file then20:56
James147(and thank you for the correction maco :)  )20:58
anygivennamenow is there a way to make sure the ddclient is working20:59
anygivennameas we have finished all settings20:59
James147anygivenname: "/etc/init.d/ddclient status" should tell you if its running or not21:00
anygivennamein terminal aswell ?21:00
James147anygivenname: and you will want to restart it after editing teh file... "sudo /etc/init.d/ddclient restart" should do that21:00
James147anygivenname: yup21:00
BluesKajanygivenname, which dns service are you using ?21:00
James147anygivenname: however, I do not know how to check if its working properly21:01
anygivennamesays not running :(21:01
James147anygivenname: then "sudo /etc/init.d/ddclient start"  should start it21:01
anygivennamerunning now21:02
anygivennameso now....whenever my IP changes....it should update my dyndns.org host21:03
James147anygivenname: should...21:04
anygivennameused to do so on Win....I am hopeful it would do on Ubuntu21:04
anygivennamewill test it21:04
James147anygivenname: if its configured correctly then it will :)21:05
anygivennameyeah it is21:05
anygivennamequestions were so simple21:05
anygivennamewill reconnect my router to test21:06
navetzdoes anyone know how i can go about getting my microphone working?21:06
navetzHi I have a envy 15 laptop and I can't get the microphone working with skype (or anything else). Can someone help me out?21:07
navetzcould someone tell me where i can find a wiki on the envy 15 laptop for linux21:09
navetzi've seen them before21:09
=== Malkavian is now known as Malkavian_
n8wi wanna remove some entries from the grub menu, but i cant find menu.lst file...locate menu.lst gives me only path to memtest86+/examples21:34
n8wive got grub-install (GNU GRUB 1.98-1ubuntu7)21:35
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James147n8w: run "sudo update-grub" to regenerate the grub menu21:42
James147!grub2 | n8w21:43
ubottun8w: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since Ubuntu 9.10.  For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub221:43
n8wJames147:  thx,ive already gor an answer to my question21:44
Malkavian_I am using Maverick and wanted to delete from kmail the last used email addresses, now after I've done that my contact list is empty21:47
Malkavian_is there any way to restore the address book?21:48
n8wJames147:  ive got one more question...when i remove some entries from grub.cfg n do sudo update-grub,they will appear in there again21:49
Malkavian_I just added a new contact to the list and there is is, the only contact; all the old ones are lost21:49
James147n8w: they will, you should not edit grub.cfg21:49
n8wJames147:  well how do i remove OS entires then?21:50
n8wJames147:  ive been told to edit grub.cfg21:50
navetzHi I have a envy 15 laptop and I can't get the microphone working with skype (or anything else). Can someone help me out?21:50
James147n8w: grub-update is run during some updates (mostly when new kernels are added) so it is not advised to edit it21:50
James147n8w: that depends on what you want to remove?21:50
n8wJames147:  unused kernels n that memtest bs:)21:51
James147n8w: well, best way to remove unused kernals is to uninstall them... :) then they wont appear in grub21:51
n8wJames147:  hmm what about the memtest?21:52
James147n8w: memtest can be removed by editing /etc/default/grub I think...21:53
James147or maby not, one sec21:53
James147n8w: "Omitting memtest86+: To prevent "memtest86+" entries in your Grub 2 menu, remove the "executable" bit from /etc/grub.d/20_memtest86+" from: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=119527521:55
n8wJames147:  ok thx a lot...i could have found it myself,sry....im uninstallin my old kernels21:56
James147n8w: at least this way you wont have to reedit grub.cfg every kernal update :)21:57
n8wJames147:  ye man:)i just gotta b carefull what im removin:D21:57
James147n8w: yup :)21:57
James147n8w: I tend to use "sudo aptitude" to remove old kernals, switch it to "flat package view" and filter for "2.6.32 ~i"  :)21:59
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n8wJames147:  ye i did filter for  linux-image-222:02
justushi, anyone ther?22:15
justusanyone has an idea how to stop make the top bar in kubuntu netbook remix autohide?22:15
justusi'm pretty new to the netbook remixes, i know in ubuntu that's pretty easy.22:16
justusis there a similiar easy way to do that in kubuntu?22:16
justusallright, it seems that nobody is here..22:17
justusthanks anyhow22:17
James147justus: you can (at least in kde 4.5... not sure about 4.4) by clicking the cachew (the circle thing in one of the corners)22:17
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navetzHi I have a envy 15 laptop and I can't get the microphone working with skype (or anything else). Can someone help me out?22:25
iluminavetz: go to audio setting, and find your mic, make sure you move it to the top of the list22:26
navetzilumi: this is in system settings under multimedia correct?22:26
iluminavetz: yup22:26
iluminavetz: somewhere over there22:27
navetzilumi: seems i only have one option for the audio capture sections and its at the top .22:28
navetzilumi: the other one is pulseaudio but it is greyed otu22:28
iluminavetz: chack mic volume, and if its not mutes22:30
iluminavetz: muted22:30
navetzilumi: do I check that through alsamixer?22:30
iluminavetz: kmix22:31
iluminavetz: try to add mic channel if its not there22:31
navetzilumi: i added cature and mic jac mode22:33
navetzilumi: Ahhh! got it I think22:33
navetzilumi: very staticy tho22:33
navetzilumi: do you know of any ways I can test my mic?22:33
iluminavetz: install some simple audio capture app22:34
navetzilumi: okay i'll find one22:34
iluminavetz: or you cant try skype test call i guess22:37
navetzilumi: I install audacity, thanks for the help i really need this22:37
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realslix_hi, is it possible to install oracle java in mavarick22:52
realslix_i only know how it works over the dowload site od oracle22:53
realslix_but is there a direct possibilty over "apt"22:53
James147realslix_: see #ubuntu+1 for maverick support22:54
realslix_James147: ok22:54
realslix_James147: thx22:55
guinuxGood night!23:01
guinuxSomebody uses 64 bits kubuntu?23:01
James147guinux: lots of people do...23:02
guinuxJames147: And any of you uses the proprietary driver of ATI GPUs?23:03
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James147guinux: you are more likly to get the answer you want by directly asking your question/stating what problem you are having23:04
guinuxJames147: OK, Sorry. I cannot install the Catalyst 10.9 on Kubuntu 64, can you? I cannot niether with the drivers in repository nor with the ATI site drivers.23:07
e_t_Do you get any sort of error message? That would be helpful.23:07
guinuxe_t_: I will try again later and tell you the message, because i've tried yesterday and don't copy the error message.23:12
thanis1200can someone type me on private message i would like to ask something about ubuntu23:21
trichardhey, is the register process on the kubuntuforums broken? I can't seem to fill in the bot detection questions correctly (or i'm stupid :p)23:21
e_t_thanis1200: Why not ask it in the channel?23:21
* James147 remembers it took him about 20 tries to get past the stupid bot detection on the kubutnufourms23:22
trichardJames147: Do you remember what you filled in for this? What major ocean exists between Asia and North America?23:23
James147googled it :)23:23
e_t_The Pacific23:23
trichardi tried north pacific ocean, north pacific, pacific ocean23:23
trichardhm ok23:24
trichardYou did not answer the verification questions correctly.23:24
trichardWhat country borders USA on the south side?: Mexico23:27
trichardThe answer to this question is the word 'yes': yes23:28
trichardWhat does (5 - 3)*2 equal?: 423:28
trichardIn what city is the Eiffel Tower (just the city name)?: Paris23:28
* James147 dosnt under stand why kubuntufourms is so paranoid about bots23:29
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trichardme neither23:29
trichardany suggestions? :p23:29
* Diziara doesn't remember having to jump through such hoops when she signed up for the fourms... but she did so years ago.23:29
DiziaraThat said, we've had some obnoxious bots and spammers swing through from time to time.23:30
trichardi'm pretty sure alot of users just give up after a while when they have to face these kind of questions23:31
James147trichard: yeah, i almost did23:31
trichardJames147: do you remember the correct answers? :p23:32
James147trichard: sorry, cant remember exactly what I put23:32
* James147 dreads the day bot are able to answer the questions better then us :S23:33
Diziaratrichard, did you try just "pacific" for the ocean question?23:34
trichardDiziara: Doh, that was it23:35
trichardthey should make it more tolerant though23:35
James147trichard: they should, but considering I have the exact same questions you got I think they dont even have dynamic questions :S23:36
DiziaraDo the questions come up in the same order every time?23:36
James147Diziara: yup23:36
James147(at elast I think)23:37
James147(well when I refresh they do23:37
DiziaraWell, that's pretty frellin' useless.23:39
DiziaraI'm amazed we're not overrun with bots then.23:39
James147hehe, google goggles on my phone (taking a picture of the captcha as well, not even the orignal image) guess one of the two words23:41
James147(i cant read the first one either)23:41
claydohJames147: kubuntuforums got lots, and I do meas *lots* of bots/spam/pr0n until we added the extra registration steps23:43
James147claydoh: it seems alittle unforgiving on the questions though...23:44
claydohwe have changed them up at times, but given the software the site's owner uses atm, there hasn't been anything else that has worked23:45
claydohJames147: we don't have canonical's sysadmins or a large staff23:46
trichardclaydoh: couldn't you just adjust the script to make it more tolerant23:47
trichardso it accepts four and 4 as correct answers23:47
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trichardand pacific, the pacific, north pacific, or just *pacific* or something?23:47
claydohJames147: the script isn't that advanced23:48
James147claydoh: and it cannot be edited?23:48
claydohbut I don't disagree with  you23:48
claydohit doesn't support wildcards afaik23:48
trichardclaydoh: Ok, but does it support more then 1 answer?23:50
trichardcould you point me to the script? It should be a quick fix23:51
James147claydoh: and it cannot be edited?23:51
arowhi all23:51
claydohas i mentioned there is no it staff, kfn is an independent forum run by a nice guy, and we aren't too php-savvy23:52
claydohplus we get very few complaints23:52
arowcan anybody help me with my sound issues?23:54
James147!sound | arow23:54
ubottuarow: If you're having problems with sound see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP323:54
James147arow: or say what problem you are having :)23:54
arowi dont have a mic in my mixer23:54
arowso i cant use skype23:54
trichardclaydoh: ok, but maybe i could help23:55
claydohtrichard: sorry my cleint disconnected from my core, looking it up23:57
trichardok thanks23:57

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