[01:16] aloha [01:24] howdy czajkowski === nigelbabu is now known as nigelb [04:23] pleia2: ping [05:13] weird [05:13] Is anyone here who can respond? I need to make sure my telepathy is working. [05:13] pleia2: ping [05:13] doctormo: nope [05:14] maco: Thanks! [05:14] maco: http://doctormo.deviantart.com/art/Sketch-2010-09-24-180369749 [05:14] * nigelb ping doctormo [05:14] pong nigelb [05:15] doctormo: I thought you wanted somone to respond! [05:15] nigelb: I did and maco beat you to it. [05:15] meh [07:16] aloha [07:58] hey czajkowski, how was your errand drive the other day? [07:59] doctormo: sorry, was out running a bunch of errands this evening [07:59] pleia2: No problem, just wanted to make sure everything was good with the server and to show you the usb pony [08:00] yep, all is looking good [08:00] haha, usb pony :) [08:01] pleia2: It runs fedora though, with clean fsf-approved kernel. [08:01] :) [08:01] Right sleep -> [08:01] * doctormo srops [08:01] night [08:08] pleia2: whoa, you're still awake! [08:15] * czajkowski yawns [08:16] czajkowski: how did it go? [08:16] and where are the pictures? [08:16] ntb.... [08:16] day 2 starting [08:16] not too bad? [08:16] not seen any cameras [08:16] nigelb: you following #ossbc [08:17] yes [08:17] someone tweeted a phone video there a few mins ago [08:17] czajkowski: ended up making me more jealous [08:25] omg! http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc4/hs663.snc4/60353_470781411659_664586659_6699814_444357_n.jpg [09:30] what is that nigelb? [10:48] mornin [11:09] morning [11:10] haha, dholbach! [15:02] Must be a very nice weekend out there, no one is online. [15:45] bwahahhahahahahhahahah!!! I win...!!! [15:48] jussi: congrats!!!! :) [15:48] jussi: also, why are you online? :P [15:48] thank you Pendulum. did you like the ceremony? :D [15:48] what I saw, yes :) [15:49] Pendulum: we unfortunately dont have a honeymoon. will have that when we go to oz at the turn of the year. my parents are here so we are hanging with them [15:49] jussi: I know, but still should be enjoying your weekend! [15:49] yeah, sari is busy for a min, so Im just catching up... :D [15:49] heh [15:51] jussi: from what I saw, it was a nice wedding. I hope you enjoyed yourself ;-) [15:51] Pendulum: that I did. :D [16:05] You streamed your wedding?> [16:05] You are the geekiest geek :) [16:05] IdleOne: he did! it was pretty! [16:06] jussi: who had the camera? [16:06] wish I would of known. I never attended a streamed wedding [16:06] have* [16:07] IdleOne: the stream is still up :) [16:07] or, rather, the archive is [16:08] Very cool dude. I am happy for you and hope you have 100yrs and please consider the name IdleOne when naming your first child. [16:45] Pendulum: was topyli... [17:29] jussi !! [17:29] AlanBell: !! [17:30] congratulations, I hope you had a great fun day [17:30] :D [17:30] congrats jussi! :) [17:30] moo [17:31] mooooooooooooo!!! [17:31] :D [17:42] * jussi is still in buzz mode... [17:44] jussi: buzzing from? [17:44] highvoltage: I got maried yesterday [17:44] married even [17:44] ooh! congratulations!!! I missed that somehow :) [17:46] what are you doing on IRC then you should be honeymooning! (unless you're IRC'ing while honeymooning, in that case I guess it's ok :) ) [18:09] highvoltage: No honeymoon, a lack of time off work and lack of cash, combined with plans of going to Australia sometime soon put paid to that... [18:29] jussi: I'm sure Autralia will make up for it! [19:05] aloha [19:05] jussi: get off irc for feck sake you're only a day married [19:06] czajkowski: we tried that earlier [19:07] jussi: how old are you again? [19:17] czajkowski: all barcamped out now? [19:17] yes [19:17] very mjuch so [19:18] was good fun last night in the pubs [19:18] sounds like a slightly more stressful one than the last! [19:18] what is that about! http://davidwalkerandme.com/ [19:19] roflol [19:19] a lot of drink [19:20] http://twitter.com/talideon [19:20] follow him or poke him [19:21] how very strange [19:22] there was a lot of beer involved [19:22] many hours of it [19:22] intoxicated domain registration happens to the best of us [19:23] yeah but does help when there is one of the domain folks out with us, but then edited his apache config and broke a lotta stuff [19:23] oops [19:26] yup [20:05] now jquery enhanced http://ubingo.libertus.co.uk/ for clickable play [20:23] does anyone know a open source, cloud based password manager (cross platform) for all passwords (not just browser passwords) [20:23] jussi: get offline and go spoli your wife [20:23] *spoil [20:24] honeymoon or no honeymoon tis soo fecking wrong [20:24] czajkowski: no. Im updating the PC so my dad can use it to download the photos of the wedding and upload to his blog. [20:24] * czajkowski goes to bed [20:25] hah, I was just wondering if spoli was a Finnish verb :) [20:25] <---- KNACKERED [23:29] jussi: if you find a password manager that fits your criteria i would be interested to know :)