
devildantempt: still here? how are you? :)00:06
mpthi devildante00:06
mptI'm awake thinking about fonts00:09
devildantewhen will it get available for general testing?00:09
devildanteI mean the Ubuntu font :)00:09
mptoh, no, not that00:09
mptMore how we can get the previews from http://fonts.debian.net/ into Ubuntu Software Center's "Fonts" department00:10
mptWhat are you up to?00:13
bcurtiswx_apparently devildante is up to nothing online anymore.. lol00:16
intellectronicahya, i have a question pertaining to the netbook ui. is this the best channel to ask or is there one more specific to the netbook editiion (couldn't find one on the wiki)?00:59
intellectronicathe question, b.t.w, is how can i customize the location of the launcher bar? i like the launcher but hate having it to the left of text windows01:00
bcurtiswx_#ayatana if you're talking about the unity interface01:00
intellectronicacheers bcurtiswx_01:00
bcurtiswx_intellectronica, yw01:00
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hyperairAmaranth: is there some bugzilla somewhere i can send compiz++ patches to?12:39
vishhyperair: using compiz 0.9.x?14:00
vishis there a ppa somewhere with that?14:00
devildanteis there already a schedule for UDS-N?14:16
hyperairvish: no, i just compiled it14:50
vishhyperair: where is your MOTU-fu? pff ;p14:51
hyperairvish: needs time =)15:09
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gambsANyone here with expertise in Empathy?21:09
evildantempt: around?22:51
evildantempt: I don't see myself in the software-center AUTHORS file :p Can I have an entry there?22:52
evildante(if this is not impolite :p)22:52
mptevildante, I don't know. Are you any relation to devildante? ;-)22:53
=== evildante is now known as devildante
devildantehappy now? :p22:53
mptok, now talk to mvo or e-mail him22:53
mptbecause I will forget22:53
devildantethanks :)22:54
mptI'm sorry, I don't think I've seen that file, it's not really my ambit22:54
devildantethe AUTHORS file in the root of trunk, how dare you not see it? :p22:55

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