
micahgdoes the docs team care about short descriptions for packages that are unseeded in universe?07:06
mdkemicahg: we don't currently take care of any package descriptions, but it is something that we are interested in. If you have a query then we would be happy to try and help11:30
mdkeGwaihir: around?11:31
Gwaihirmdke, yep!11:32
mdkeGwaihir: ciao :) hope you're well11:32
Gwaihirmdke, how are you?11:32
GwaihirI'm doing great, thanks!11:32
mdkeGwaihir: I'm good thanks, fairly busy at work recently but very well11:32
mdkeGwaihir: can you do me a favour? I need a Lucid translation export - https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu/lucid/+source/ubuntu-docs11:32
Gwaihirsure, no problem11:33
mdkethanks a lot11:33
micahgmdke: I'm just wondering if I can change it since it might affect the way a package might look in software center11:38
micahgspecifically bug 63601411:38
ubot2Launchpad bug 636014 in flashgot (Ubuntu) "xul-ext-flashgot Enhances: thunderbird but synopsis mentions only Firefox (affects: 1) (heat: 234)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/63601411:38
mdkemicahg: definitely. The whole reason for mpt reporting the bug is to improve the information in software center11:41
mdkeI suspect that mpt has been through a whole load of package descriptions and reported bugs accordingly11:41
micahgmdke: yes, I just wasn't sure if I could still do this past UiF11:42
mdkemicahg: I don't know what the universe policies are but I'm fairly sure it would require an exception at this stage in the cycle11:44
mdkepossibly that would cause an issue for translators11:44
mdkeI don't know11:44
micahgmdke: k, but for docs team, there's no issue?11:45
micahgmdke: k, thanks, I'll check with the translations team11:46

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