
bazhanggoind to remove bp002:13
bazhanggot him in PM. he seems to think that #ubuntu is about anything Ubuntu, no matter how tangential02:18
ubottuFloodBot3 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)02:18
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)02:18
ubottuFloodBot2 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)02:18
ubottuFloodBot4 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)02:18
bazhangJordan_U, whats up04:00
Jordan_USomeone is trolling in #ubuntu by changing / joining with nicks.04:00
bazhangokay will watch04:02
Jordan_UI'm pretty sure it's the same person as did the Bawls incident, using proxies.04:02
ubottuFloodBot2 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)04:11
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)04:11
ubottuFloodBot3 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)04:11
ubottuFloodBot4 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)04:11
gartralexcuse me, but i cant rejoin #ubuntu and i dont have access too the routers configs ?(not my router) i only know im connected through a linksys router.. and its the only one i have access too.. how do i bypass the DCCExploit check? as theres no way for me too fix it04:14
bazhangwow quit message on OnMe04:15
IdleOnegartral: since we explained the situation in -read-topic Please part this channel as there is nothing else we can do for you at this time.04:37
gartrali just want to know whos loopy logic it was too have the floodbots kick you for having a bad configuration.04:38
IdleOnegartral: if we allowed vulnerable clients to rejoin after an attack it would just encourage the spammers to keep attacking04:39
persiaThere have been cases where malicious folk attacked folk with bad configuration, and did bad things in the channel.04:39
IdleOnewe are trying to make it so these attackers have no reason to attack #ubuntu04:40
IdleOneit sucks for you right now I agree but there is nothing we can do.04:40
macoIdleOne: see pm?04:40
gartralbut how is preventing someone who doesnt have access too the configs in question, who has a broken computer. supposed to get help if they can connect.. im sorry, but in my veiw, your bots doing what they do is 100% just as malicious as the people who abuse the hack..04:41
bazhangthat seems a stretch04:41
macoyou can cover your butt without touching the router if you just change your client to use a port other than 666704:42
IdleOnegartral: it is not our fault you are using a unsecure router.04:42
persiagartral, As unfortunate as it is for you (who have the bad config and can't fix it), it means that others can't use your computer to attack even other folk.04:42
persiaThe goal is to stop the attacks, and you're unfortunately hit in the crossfire :(04:42
macoby the way, gartral, are you admitting on a publicly logged channel that you are stealing someone else's bandwidth?04:42
persiamaco, That's not fair.04:43
persiaAt least here, one has to get a different sort of contract to be able to control a router, rather than having an ISP control the router.04:43
gartralmaco: no, i have permissions. and its not an unsecured router, is PSK encrypted04:43
macotell your friend to fix their stuff then?04:43
persiaThat's not fair either :p04:43
IdleOnewe can argue this all night. simple fact is that until you get the router issue resolved there is nothing we can do about it.04:44
persiagartral, But, unfortunately, the best you can do is hunt down the router admin, and explain the exploit.04:44
macoor connect to freenode on a different port. that usually works...04:44
gartralpersia: can you translate english to hungarian? the guy doesnt speak english.. at all04:45
persiaMy hungarian is probably worse than that.  I think I knew two or three words 20 years ago...04:45
gartraland i have work that needs too be up on the server in AN HOUR.. or im out my job04:45
persiaAnd you can't do that without direct access to #ubuntu?  Use a web proxy, use a LoCo channel, use the forums, etc.04:46
persia(manpages, help files, etc. are probably also helpful)04:46
persiaBut we can't help you here.04:46
gartralpersia: my system is throwing "bus error" when i try and open any web browser, apt, or system configs.. that's what i NEED #ubuntu for04:47
macobus error? isnt that usually hardware problem?04:48
gartralmaco gareth@station:~$ firefox04:49
gartralBus error04:49
gartralthe next line is prompt again04:49
persiagartral, Ugh.  I have no useful advice for you.  I'd probably use a LiveUSB to get help, or reinstall, hoping it went away.04:50
gartralmaco: i cant open any of the System icons, i dont have an iso or flashdrive/cd ready, as i need to get to the website to get an iso04:51
gartralpersia: your bots literally screwed me out of a $600 job :/04:51
macoi still dont get why you cant change ports for irc...04:52
macothat doesnt require running anything more than the irc client youve already got open04:52
gartralmaco: the dude who setup the router disabled all port forwarding..04:52
persiaThat is truly unfortunate, but I'm not sure the cost of doing it the other way wouldn't be higher, and to more people.04:52
gartralmaco: and i dont know how to redirect irssi >.>04:54
macogartral: there is no port forwarding involved. port forwarding is for if youre running a server. i am talking about your client04:54
macoirssi -c irc.freenode.net -p 800104:54
macothe irssi manpage tells you how to choose what port you connect on04:55
gartralmaco: i didnt install manpages.. i have a 8 gb ssd x.x04:55
bazhangbut you have the command now04:55
gartralmaco: ive been using google's manpage archive04:55
macogartral: the manpage is included in the irssi package actually04:55
macoits not a separate package04:55
gartralmaco: ohh.. ok, i didnt know that >.>04:56
IdleOnegartral: irssi -c irc.freenode.net -p 8001 try that.04:56
* gartral feels dumb04:56
macoIdleOne: i already said that04:56
bazhangmaco, you did!04:56
macobazhang: i feel like that xkcd... "you're a kitty!"04:56
IdleOnemaco: I know but I am wondering why he is still here talking about it when he could be in #ubuntu already04:56
bazhangI have timestamps to prove it!!04:56
bazhanghe'll need to quit his client presumably and restart it04:58
gartrali was just reading the manpage so i understood it clearly, brb04:58
bazhanggartral, was there not an hour deadline with this all?04:58
IdleOneyes but IRC has to be more important then any deadline04:59
IdleOnewhat's wrong with you bazhang, not knowing that :P04:59
persiaFolks get caught up in emotion, and may not always make logical choices.  This is why economists never agree on anything.05:00
bazhangthat, and economists are not scientists05:00
IdleOneso he was able to get back into #ubuntu, thanks to maco and her irssi skills05:07
persiabazhang, hard to have a repeatable experiment when people have emotions :)05:08
bazhangpersia, true :)05:52
bazhangmaco nice save!05:52
macohuh what huh?05:52
bazhanggetting grartral into #ubuntu again05:53
macowait....you were here for that05:53
macodelayed reaction?05:53
bazhangwent out for lunch, just got back05:54
ubottuIn #ubuntu-offtopic, tavish said: !ognorance is ignorance08:03
ubottuIn ubottu, aemaeth said: BIZZARRO is BIZZARRO08:44
ikoniahello again bacta11:20
ikoniaBacta: what do you want ?11:21
Bactađi ăn cứt11:21
ikoniaBacta: this channel is english only11:21
ikoniaI can see you are active in #freenode so please respond or leave the channel11:21
Bactadu ma nhieu11:22
ikoniaBacta: please leave the channel11:22
BactaToan Vo11:23
ikoniawhy both11:23
elkyBecause he clearly has too much time on his hands11:23
knomewhy isn't he banned from the network already?11:23
ikoniaI'd ban hin in here11:23
ikoniahe's on a perm ban in the ubuntu channels, so why allow him in here11:23
elkyit's a useful way to tell when we need to watch for him11:24
ikoniaeasier now he's lost his cloak again11:24
MichealHHello, I was wondering if you needed annother channel log bot?13:56
bazhanghello MichealH dont think so13:56
MichealHShould I ask in -irc or?13:57
bazhangMichealH, not really. no need for one.13:57
MichealHThanks anyway13:58
ubottuIn ubottu, LjL said: !no offline is <reply> If you need to download Ubuntu packages using another machine or OS, check the desired packages in Synaptic and select File > Generate package download script. Alternatively, try http://ubottu.com/ljl/apt/ - See also !APTonCD15:02
ubottuIf you need to download Ubuntu packages using another machine or OS, check the desired packages in Synaptic and select File > Generate package download script. Alternatively, try http://apt.alturl.com/ - See also !APTonCD15:04
IdleOnehttp://apt.alturl.com/ 404's15:05
tsimpson!no offline is <reply> If you need to download Ubuntu packages using another machine or OS, check the desired packages in Synaptic and select File > Generate package download script. Alternatively, try http://ubottu.com/ljl/apt/ - See also !APTonCD15:05
ubottuI'll remember that tsimpson15:05
jussibwahahhahahahahhahahah!!! I win...!!!15:46
IdleOnewhat did you win?15:49
jussiIdleOne: a wife? :D15:51
* jussi cackles happily15:52
IdleOneI have no idea what you are talking about but if you are happy I am happy with you15:52
jussiIdleOne: I got married yesterday15:54
Mamarokjussi: congrats :)15:57
Garyshe is a lucky girl :-)  i'm jealous15:57
* jussi huggles Gary15:58
* jussi prods Gary... look at your PM!!15:59
IdleOneCongrats jussi :) big hugs16:04
knomejussi, congrats :)16:55
lhavelundjussi: Congratulations, man!16:59
* lhavelund hugs jussi tightly.16:59
lhavelundAlso, again, Gary, thanks for the compliments :D17:01
lhavelundI'm not sure what my BAL was when that image was taken.17:01
ubottuIn #ubuntu-offtopic, tavish said: !success is The worst part of having success is trying to find someone who is happy for you.20:02
* maco hands jussi a wedding cupcake20:15
jussimaco: another one?  we have spares :D20:16
jussibut thanks :D20:17
jussiand no, Im not here20:17
knomejussi, ;)20:17
charlie-tcacongratulations, jussi20:20
Tm_Tcongrats dear jussi20:40
jussithank you Tm_T, charlie-tca20:40
Tm_Ttotally missed these grat news, sorry (:20:42
jussiTm_T: look on my FB for videos20:43
Tm_Tjussi: will do, thanks20:43
ubottuIn #ubuntu, trism said: ubottu: it is one of the dependencies so I would guess yes (apt-cache depends rtorrent)21:12

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