
Pecores_Connassi cant open nx connexion after update ubuntu00:01
Pecores_ConnassWarning: Unrecognized session type 'unix-gnome'. Assuming agent session.00:01
Pecores_ConnassError: Call to bind failed for font TCP port 11000. Error is 1 'Operation not permitted'.00:01
Ad0Pecores_Connass: pretty bad error00:50
Ad0sounds like access rite problems00:51
Ad0Pecores_Connass: http://wiki.centos.org/HowTos/FreeNX#head-da1c62bfe81bf13866060aca4cd1565a4de6bb2500:54
Ad0check the  sshd part00:54
MTecknologyThis is awesome... http://lease-color-copiers.com/Why_is_Microsoft_Word_So_Expensive.html01:07
sport_I just installed Ubuntu Server as a VM, but the font is too large.  How can I adjust screen resolution02:43
uvirtbotNew bug: #647873 in apache2 (main) "package apache2.2-common 2.2.14-5ubuntu8.2 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/64787303:16
jtraylorlooks like everyone is still quietly buzzing away with work after the past 4 years.03:30
* Callum__ explodes03:48
* MalkavianManiac stands there with a shocked look upon his face... then starts to wonder if superglue will be enough to put Callum__ back together03:49
Callum__Dovecot won't create the bloody /var/spool/postfix/private/auth socket file so everything can work, I'm 99.9% sure everything is configured properly but Dovecot is just being an asshole03:49
MalkavianManiacCallum__, i got dovecot working on my server ages ago, but then i broke it and havent bothered to fix it since... so im not much help03:49
MalkavianManiaci just switched to google apps03:50
Callum__ugh I need this to work03:51
GCallum__: you set the option correctly in dovecot.conf?03:52
Callum__it just won't work03:53
Callum__G: http://pastebin.com/UZa0hiWv03:54
Gtry 060003:57
Callum__still not there...03:58
Callum__still doesn't work03:59
Gerrr 066003:59
Callum__0660 was in there, it just says 432 on "dovecot -n"03:59
Gin fact mine does too04:00
Gbut it works correct04:00
Callum__mine doesn't >_>04:00
Gdoes the directory exist?04:01
Callum__/var/spool/postfix/private? yeah, and its got a while other load of socket files in there04:01
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GCallum__: btw, are you running AppArmor, just occured to be that it could be denying it04:39
GCallum__: check /var/log/syslog04:39
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=== sailerboy is now known as zz_sailerboy
Callum__G: well, apparmor is installed, but there is no apparmor related errors in /var/log/syslog05:27
GCallum__: hmmm okay, it was just a sudden thought, I can't think of anything else, unless there is something in the mail.log05:31
Callum__http://pastebin.com/x06XfjkU - a portion of mail.log when I try to send an e-mail05:33
Ganything from dovecot?05:36
G(maybe from dovecot startup)05:40
=== zz_sailerboy is now known as sailerboy
Callum__G: nothing unusual06:24
Callum__Sep 26 16:00:38 webserver dovecot: dovecot v1.1.11 starting up (core dumps disabled)06:24
MTeckif I just toasted a config file... how can I get that back short of purge and reinstall?06:41
pfifoim having some trouble getting postfix todo what i want. I have successfully sent mail to root@pfifo.net from my gmail, but if i send it to test@pfifo.net it get sent back saying its undeliverable. I understand that is because there is no user named test on my system. What I would like it todo is instead of sending mail for test@pfifo.net back to gmail, have it dump this mail into root@pfifo.net mailbox06:54
pfifoactually, i would prefer that every email that comes in on port 25 goes to root@pfifo.net06:54
pfifoand also to be complete, i ran sudo postmap /etc/postfix/aliases, and got a file not found error which is where I am now06:56
RudyValenciaIf I'm gonna be pushing Ubuntu installs out over PXE, how much of the repositories should I mirror locally?08:18
RudyValenciaIs just main enough?08:18
joschiRudyValencia: it depends on what packages you're going to install08:23
RudyValenciaWell, I don't want future installations from PXE to take hours08:23
joschiRudyValencia: although I personally wouldn't mirror the whole repositories but use a package cacher like apt-cacher, apt-proxy or approx instead08:23
RudyValenciaapt-cacher-ng was recommended08:24
joschiRudyValencia: I like approx. small, simple, reliable.08:24
RudyValenciaI'll install approx then08:25
RudyValenciaOK, so it's installed; what do I do from here?08:26
joschiRudyValencia: configure your approx.conf (e. g. add the upstream mirrors) and add the URL of your approx cache to the sources.list08:37
RudyValenciaso like, "main http://ubuntu.mirror.here/ubuntu" ?08:37
RudyValenciaer, wait, should be "lucid"08:39
RudyValenciaand lucid-security from security.ubuntu.com and etc.08:39
joschiRudyValencia: take a look at your current sources.list and use these URLs08:57
joschiRudyValencia: using a mirror nearby will give you bonus points ;)08:57
RudyValenciaI do have those URLs.08:58
RudyValenciaBut is it "lucid"/"lucid-security"/"lucid-updates" that I put in the list or "main"/"restricted"/"universe"/"multiverse" that I put on lines in the approx.conf file?08:58
RudyValenciajoschi: Never mind I figured it out09:09
RudyValenciabut I can't seem to get my laptop to use the approx cache09:09
joschiRudyValencia: that's a nice and detailed error description...09:21
RudyValenciaWhen I enter the information into the ubuntu-installer, it says:09:21
RudyValenciaBad archive mirror09:21
RudyValenciaThe specified Ubuntu archive mirror is either not available, or does not have a valid Release file on it. Please try a different mirror.09:22
joschiRudyValencia: either the URLs in your sources.list or the ones configured in approx.conf are wrong09:23
RudyValenciaIt works on the server side09:23
RudyValenciaI set up two mappings - ubuntu http://ubuntu.osuosl.org/ubuntu09:25
RudyValenciaand security http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/09:25
RudyValenciaOr do I need something like lucid, lucid-updates, and lucid-security ?09:25
joschiyou'll need to use these in your sources.list09:27
joschie. g. deb http://your-approx-host/ubuntu/ lucid main restricted09:27
RudyValenciaI figured out how to set up the sources.list09:28
RudyValenciait's the /etc/approx/approx.conf I'm trying to get working09:28
joschiubuntu          http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu09:29
joschithat's the only line in my approx.conf (except for third party repositories which don't matter to you)09:30
RudyValenciaSo I only need one and can just set lucid, lucid-updates, and lucid-scurity to use approx in my /etc/apt/sources.list ?09:31
joschiyou actually have to. see `man 5 sources.list`09:31
RudyValenciaI set each of those to use approx instead.09:32
RudyValenciaI can't seem to get my laptop (PXE-booted currently) to work with the server09:33
RudyValenciaAh, I have to configure it as if it were a proxy09:34
joschino, you actually use it as source URL, not as proxy09:34
joschiRudyValencia: but there are other solutions that work like that if you prefer it09:35
RudyValenciaI tried that and got the "Bad archive mirror" error09:35
joschiprobably because your URLs were wrong...09:35
RudyValenciaI'll try it again09:36
RudyValenciaIt still isn't letting me do it, same error09:39
RudyValenciaI'm putting the hostname in as (not literally): http://[server IP]:999909:40
RudyValenciaand the directory of the archive as /ubuntu/09:40
RudyValenciaand no proxy09:40
RudyValenciaI don't even know how to check the port from the notebook itself other than maybe trying to send an HTTP header through nc09:43
RudyValencia(the PXE boot image is very limited in what it has on it09:43
joschiRudyValencia: paste your approx.conf and your sources.list and don't anonymize anything in it...09:50
RudyValenciabut the server doesn't have a GUI09:50
RudyValenciahow do I get it over to a pastebin?09:51
joschiRudyValencia: either use copy&paste from your shell or use something like http://sprunge.us/09:51
RudyValenciaapprox.conf: http://pastebin.com/4PVejEWP09:54
RudyValenciasources.list: http://pastebin.com/5fNnnYdR09:54
joschiRudyValencia: both files look correct to me09:56
RudyValenciaAnd I'm typing in
RudyValencia(as the host)09:57
RudyValenciaMaybe I should try mirroring main locally09:57
joschiif is the host running approx that should be fine09:58
RudyValenciait is09:58
joschidoes approx listen to that interface?09:58
RudyValenciaI see it in netstat as:09:58
RudyValencia tcp        0      0  *               LISTEN09:58
RudyValenciaIt apparently starts from inetd09:59
joschiRudyValencia: ok, but is there maybe a packet filter which denys access to that port to other machines?09:59
joschiRudyValencia: does `aptitude update` work on the host with the sources.list you've just posted?09:59
RudyValenciaIt goes through the list several times, sometimes Hit and sometimes Ign10:00
joschithat's ok and it means that approx is working correctly and actually serves the correct files10:00
RudyValenciaJust not sure why the PXE boot environment doesn't like it10:01
RudyValenciajoschi: I figured out the problem11:01
RudyValenciaOSUOSL's mirror confuses the installer11:01
RudyValenciaBecause I was using it as an approx source, all approx did was forward their mirror's page on and it confused the poor lappy11:02
RudyValenciaI'm going to reinstall it and just use Ubuntu's default servers.11:02
RudyValenciaer, no11:16
RudyValenciait was my fault11:16
RudyValenciaI was entering http:// before the server name and that's what was wrong :o11:16
RudyValenciait works fine!11:16
=== MalkavianManiac is now known as MinicMalkav
flecharotai m lost..for modify server..13:37
RudyValenciaMay I help you?13:38
flecharotaRudyValencia, dime xfa13:40
flecharotadonde metes una url?13:40
flecharotax q la guarde..en servidor a conectar13:40
flecharotauso xchat y ubuntu13:41
RudyValenciaSorry, I don't speak spanish13:41
RudyValenciaYou might try #ubuntu-es13:41
flecharotaRudyValencia, ok thanks13:43
flecharotai am here13:43
flecharotathe channel spanish no reponse13:43
flecharota i am desesperate..13:44
flecharotamy url is diferent..or bad13:44
flecharotawhere modified this url on xchat?13:44
flecharotaRudyValencia, your nickname is spanish!!!13:47
flecharotayou don t speak spanish..?13:47
flecharotaor you not say13:48
flecharotaresolve my problem..13:48
RudyValenciaI just don't speak spanish13:49
RudyValenciado you need to change what server you connect to in xchat?13:50
RudyValenciago to XChat > Network List... in the menus13:50
RudyValenciathen click on the IRC network you want to edit and press "Edit..."13:51
RudyValenciaclick on the server listing you want to edit and it'll turn into a test entry13:51
RudyValenciaer, text enry13:51
RudyValenciasorry, been up all night13:52
RudyValenciaenter the correct info in it, then click OK and next time it should work right13:52
flecharotaok thans..ufff complicated for me13:53
flecharotathanks  i am lost sorry13:53
flecharotamy english is not good13:54
RudyValenciano problem13:55
flecharotatest entry?13:55
flecharotawhere is it¿13:55
RudyValenciaI meant 'text' entry13:56
RudyValenciayou click on the server listing you want to edit and it should let you edit it13:56
flecharotao ok13:56
flecharotamaybe its not modified13:56
flecharotano save,,13:56
flecharotathe correct server is modified13:56
flecharotamindforg is on 666713:57
flecharotabut the real direction13:57
flecharotais modified13:57
flecharotais bad ok13:57
flecharotathe server have out13:57
flecharota3 days13:58
flecharotaRudyValencia,  ok?13:58
flecharotathis url..is not exactly13:58
RudyValencialemme see what i can find out about that network13:58
flecharotaand the program says13:58
flecharotasorry read me13:59
flecharotaexpired conect...13:59
flecharotaits not one server13:59
flecharotathe url ,,,,13:59
flecharotais not write ok14:00
flecharotamy qustion is14:00
RudyValenciadoes it still say 'newserver/6667' or something14:00
flecharotaim spanish men...14:00
RudyValenciaall I can think of is talk to #ubuntu-es, sorry14:01
flecharotahelp me sorry..14:01
flecharotaubuntu-es not reponses14:01
RudyValenciaI'm not sure i understand what you mean14:02
flecharotaok..my url is not write ..ok14:07
flecharotathe port yes,,but the url noooo14:07
uvirtbotNew bug: #648120 in squid (main) "Squid doesn't start at boot" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/64812014:21
FusionXwhat is ur problem flecharota?14:22
flecharotawher modified,,xchat/14:32
flecharotamy direction url is not write ok14:32
flecharotai am modified14:32
flecharotaafter ataks for server irc funkyHat14:33
flecharotaFusionX, sorry tellme14:33
progre55hi guys. Is it okay to do-release-upgrade a server over ssh? from karmic to lucid14:33
flecharotaFusionX, tell me please..im desesperate ..this is message of error14:34
flecharotaconect expired FusionX ?14:34
flecharotai want introduce 56.67.456....etc where introduce the correct url please?14:35
flecharotai say the direction ....lost14:35
flecharotaand expired14:35
flecharotalogical..is bad14:36
flecharotamodified ..where FusionX ????14:36
flecharotawhere please..14:36
flecharotaand memorize this new server ...14:36
flecharotavery dificult for me..i m spanish sorry..y understand litle words14:37
flecharotatechnical problem for me..not connect!14:38
flecharotathe irc ....14:39
FusionXerrr....i cant understand anything flecharota sorry can't help.14:55
flecharotaFusionX, not problem..im continue in other chanel spanish thanks14:56
progre55anyone? Is it okay to do-release-upgrade an ubuntu server over ssh? from karmic to lucid15:03
iceflatlineprogre55: I recently upgraded 8.10 to 10.10 over ssh. The upgrade broke several packages but ssh was fine.15:12
hggdhprogre55: it is not a good idea, things may go wrong, you lose your SSH session and... there is nothing there to SSH back in15:28
progre55hggdh: but what if I dont have physical access to the server at the moment? Is it worth a risk? )15:32
hggdhprogre55: the upgrade process will start a second SSH server on a different port. If you lose the session, and your firewall rules allow, you can SSH into this second instance15:39
hggdhbut if your firewall rules block the access, you *will* have to get physical access15:40
aetaricas a rule, i always removed the execute perms from iptables or csf/lfd and killed the process when i updated remote servers.15:45
aetaricbetter safe then sorry15:45
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progre55hggdh, aetaric: thanks guys, appreciate15:57
progre55apparently my firewall blockes that port..15:57
aetaricprogre55: well, to be safe and prevent you from breaking packages... run the program in screen... that way when you get console access, you can just reattach with screen -x15:59
aetaricat least it is a decent failsafe15:59
aetaricjust run screen sudo do-release-upgrade16:00
progre55aetaric: thanks, I'll do that16:00
progre55is it safe even if I dont have the alternate port open?16:01
aetaricit will keep the update runnning... and visable via any connection you can make...16:02
aetaricif it is a VPS, i'm sure you can get console access16:02
progre55the only connection I have to the server right now is ssh on port 2216:03
aetaricfun... anyone know if you can force the backup ssh port to 22?16:04
progre55oh wait, actually I can get access on the internal IP from another server in the same LAN16:06
progre55damn, I'm too tired =)16:06
aetaricprogre55: oh, well, there you go..16:07
progre55aetaric: thanks =)16:07
aetaricprogre55: np, hope that update goes well16:07
progre55=) thanks16:08
progre55oh and btw, how do you enable the "tab" thing when you type a part of a command and tab finds it for you?16:08
progre55dont even know how to properly explain it ))16:09
mgolischit should be enabled by default16:14
progre55mgolisch: but what if it's not? how do you enable it?16:16
vbabiyHey should ubuntu 9.10 have start-stop-daemon installed?16:16
mgolischprogre55: did you do anything funny? it realy should work out of the box16:18
mgolischthe default dumb completion should complete executable names in $PATH+filenames+directories16:19
mgolischprogre55: so you say the tab key does nothing for you?16:19
progre55mgolisch: I havent set the server up myself.. I just got it16:20
progre55well anyways, let me try to release-upgrade, maybe it will work then )16:20
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progre55oh and another issue.. how do you forward all the calls to a virtual host in mysite.com (say, developer.mysite.com) to a localhost port 8080?16:21
progre55is it the apache mod_proxy using ProxyPass?16:21
progre55hmm.. I'm having this problem while release-upgrading http://pastie.org/1182588 can anyone please have a look and tell me what's wrong?16:29
progre55it seems that I dont have the PATH var16:30
progre55but echo $PATH shows this: /usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin16:31
mgolischits probably something wrong with your /etc/environment16:32
mgolischno idea if thats why it fails to upgrade that package though16:33
mgolischso id start by fixing the /etc/environment file, if it still fails to install the package afterwards look at the failing postinstall script16:38
progre55yeah, I fixed it.. someone had messed up /etc/environment16:38
progre55adding JAVA_HOME there, and then trying to append it to the PATH, but instead, overrighting PATH )16:39
uvirtbotNew bug: #648202 in vsftpd (main) "vsftpd started even if not in standalone mode" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/64820216:41
harrisonkwhat is a good irc server program?18:14
mgolischwhat for?18:24
arrrghhhso i'm looking at upgrading my processor in my server, and i figured i should also go 64-bit when i do this.  i'd like to make sure i can reinstate everything, what's the best way to do that?18:30
harrisonkarrrghhh are you still there?19:03
harrisonkwhat services do you run on your server?19:05
harrisonkare they Artdetecture dependant?19:05
RoyKarrrghhh: first, if you think you need a new server, setup sysstat or similar software to check where the bottleneck is19:06
arrrghhhhuh?  bottleneck?19:07
arrrghhhi just want to upgrade the processor19:07
arrrghhhdual-core low cache to a quad-core higher cache proc19:07
arrrghhhharrisonk, i'm not sure.  the one that worries me the most is webkeypass19:07
arrrghhhthat was the biggest PITA to get installed/working correctly on startup.19:08
arrrghhhwebkeepass i guess is the name sorry.19:08
harrisonkether way I have never heard of that program19:08
arrrghhhbased on keepass19:09
arrrghhhbut a web interface19:09
arrrghhhit's dependent on java19:09
harrisonkarrrghhh what Royk means is: Why do you want to upgrade the processer, is it because the systems slow or something? maybe you need more RAM for example.19:10
arrrghhhoh i see19:10
* RoyK pats harrisonk 19:10
arrrghhhno i know the processor is the bottleneck19:11
uvirtbotNew bug: #648272 in samba (main) "non executable bit on cd rom media" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/64827219:11
arrrghhhthe only problem i have is transcoding media on the fly19:11
harrisonkvery well what is the processer now?19:11
RoyKarrrghhh: what is the sar output over time?19:11
arrrghhhand i can watch htop peg the cores19:11
arrrghhhintel e218019:11
arrrghhhdual core 1mb cache 2.0ghz19:11
RoyKarrrghhh: most transcoders don't support parallel transcoding, though19:11
arrrghhhand i want to go to the q9500.  quad core 6mb 2.8ghz19:12
RoyKffmpeg supports it with h.264, but that's the only one I know19:12
arrrghhhreally?  hrm.19:12
arrrghhhi use ps3mediaserver19:12
arrrghhhi think it uses mplayer or vlc to transcode19:12
RoyKprobably single-threaded19:12
RoyKmost are19:12
arrrghhhi think you can choose to set it to be mutli-threaded as i recall19:13
arrrghhheither way the dev said that if you want to transcode 1080p on the fly you'll need a quad-core minimum.19:13
RoyKI used to work with Måns Rullgård, who wrote the multithreaded h.264 transcoder bits19:13
arrrghhhthe rig can transcode 720p on the fly19:13
arrrghhhbut 1080p it fails19:13
arrrghhhi have a gigabit network19:13
arrrghhhand i don't think RAM is the issue19:13
RoyKwhile transcoding, run top and press 119:13
RoyKit'll show cpu usage per core19:13
RoyKI would guess only one core is in use19:14
arrrghhhi think htop splits out the cores by default19:14
RoyKMåns' stuff went into libavcodec iirc, so it may be used from there19:14
arrrghhhand i basically see one core peg, then the other core.  it doesn't peg both at the same time.19:14
arrrghhhso does that mean it's only using one core?19:15
harrisonkI would think so.19:15
harrisonkjust switching betwean them19:15
arrrghhhhow else can i tell?19:15
harrisonkthat I don't know.19:15
arrrghhhi'm just going off of what the dev of the project states.19:16
RoyKarrrghhh: the hard thing about transcoding media in parallel is that you need to take the time from an I frame and through the B or P frames and run that in a separate thread19:16
RoyKharrisonk: ?19:16
harrisonkI was asking you for another command to check core activity19:16
arrrghhhlook, i'm pretty sure i want to upgrade my processor.  that's not a big deal, i've already determined that's what i'd like to do19:16
RoyKharrisonk: sar -P ALL is good19:17
RoyKharrisonk: just setup sysstat to run regularly19:17
RoyKapt-get install sysstat19:17
RoyKand then enable it in /etc/default/sysstat, then start it19:17
harrisonkarrrghhh do you have the codename of your current processer?19:18
RoyKfor some stoooopid reason, debuntu leaves it disabled unless you specifically enable it19:18
arrrghhhlol ok19:18
arrrghhhharrisonk, not sure.  e2180 wasn't enough?19:18
arrrghhhRoyK, so what do i do after i enable it...?19:19
RoyKjust run sar19:19
arrrghhhsays that i should make sure data collecting is enabled19:19
arrrghhhwhich i just enabled it19:19
arrrghhhdo i have to wait some time?19:19
RoyKarrrghhh: /etc/init.d/sysstat start19:19
harrisonkI walk up to random person and say e2180 I would get a look of 'what?' I could always look it up though.19:19
arrrghhhRoyK, ah ok19:20
arrrghhhharrisonk, lol sorry19:20
arrrghhhi don't know 1 sec19:20
harrisonkI found it19:21
harrisonkand what is the number of the new proc?19:21
arrrghhhyea i'm looking at that intel page19:21
arrrghhhi don't see any common name tho19:21
harrisonkI wikied it it is a Conroe or allendale processer19:22
arrrghhhso that's more accurate of a description?  lol19:22
RoyKarrrghhh: can you start a transcode and see if it really uses more than one core?19:22
arrrghhhi did the sar -P ALL and it doesn't really have much output19:23
RoyKuse top19:23
RoyKor htop if you like19:23
arrrghhhhtop is easier to read for me19:24
arrrghhhpretty colors haha19:24
harrisonkRoyk what does transcoding do?19:24
RoyKharrisonk: decoding and encoding a media stream19:24
arrrghhhharrisonk, converts one type of media format to another19:24
harrisonklike MP3 to OGG?19:24
arrrghhhso for example my PS3 doesn't play MKV (matroksa video)19:24
RoyKthat's transcoding19:24
arrrghhhbut i'm doing it for video :D19:25
arrrghhh720p works great19:25
arrrghhhbut 1080p and it gets choppy19:25
harrisonkcan you use 720P?19:25
mgolischif its just about the container you dont need to reencode the video/audio19:25
mgolischjust swap the container19:25
RoyKarrrghhh: I used to work for this company doing VoD and we did some research on transcoding19:25
mgolischmkvextract and then use mp4box to pack it into a mp4 container19:25
mgolischor whatever your ps3 supports19:26
=== harrisonk is now known as harrisonk_away
mgolischthats what i used to do for my xbox36019:26
arrrghhhmgolisch, yes but not all files are just a simple container switch19:26
arrrghhhlike sometimes the PS3 doesn't feel like playing older forms of DIVX19:27
mgolischoh yeah i just us a computer currently19:27
mgolischless hazzle19:27
arrrghhhthere's so many different forms of DIVX, it plays xvid but not some old format, can't remember the name.  there's some other crap too.19:27
mgolischmplayer just eats everything i feed it19:27
arrrghhhyea, i used a computer but then i had issues with surround sound.19:27
RoyKarrrghhh: so what does htop say?19:28
arrrghhhi'm watching it now19:28
arrrghhhit seems to be more than handling this movie wth19:28
arrrghhhcores are running at like 10%19:29
arrrghhh2% right now19:29
RoyKsar -P ALL 1 10019:29
RoyKsar -P ALL 119:29
arrrghhhwhat am i looking for19:29
RoyKthat'll sample cpu usage once per second19:29
arrrghhhidle is all in the 90's19:30
arrrghhhi don't get it19:30
arrrghhhlet me try a different file19:30
arrrghhhthat says it was 1080p tho crazy19:30
RoyKwhat does iowait say?19:30
arrrghhhmostly 0's19:31
arrrghhhhad one that was 5.7119:31
arrrghhhthen 0's19:31
arrrghhhthis one is pegging the proc more19:31
RoyKwell, start a transcode and let it run for some time19:31
arrrghhhit's not choppy on the tv tho19:31
arrrghhhcrap only fails when my gf is around.  wtf.19:31
RoyKfemale vira, perhaps19:32
arrrghhhi swear we tried watching this exact movie and it was so choppy it was unbearable.19:32
arrrghhhyea one core will be 96% while the other one is 17 or 2019:33
arrrghhhand it seems to alternate19:33
arrrghhhone core will peg, one core will be using very little.19:33
arrrghhhsometimes i'll see when both are at 60%19:33
arrrghhhah ha19:33
arrrghhhthis one is choppy19:33
RoyKdoesn't sound multithreaded to me19:33
arrrghhhthree mencoder processes are running19:33
RoyKpastebin ps fax19:34
arrrghhhwhat's weird is19:35
arrrghhhmencoder looks like it's running a bunch of stuff that's unrelated19:35
RoyKerm - you have lots of mencoder processes there19:36
arrrghhhi stopped playback19:36
arrrghhhand those processes are still in there19:36
RoyKkillall -9 mencoder19:36
arrrghhhtsMuxer seems to be doing the same19:37
* RoyK thinks there should be an alias for killall -9 like 'slaughter'19:37
arrrghhhi'm sure you could make one haha19:37
arrrghhhit seems perhaps ps3mediaserver doesn't clean up after itself so well19:37
arrrghhhthose were all movies/shows that the ps3 said it couldn't play19:38
RoyKwell, try starting a new transcode and monitor the cpu usage19:38
arrrghhhso now 2 mencoders19:39
arrrghhhrunning on the same file19:39
arrrghhhperhaps that's how it's multithreaded lol19:39
RoyKand what does sar say?19:39
arrrghhhone core will peg19:39
arrrghhhand the other will be lame19:39
arrrghhhlike 96% on core 0 and 19% on core 119:40
RoyKto/from what are you transcoding?19:40
arrrghhhwell it's mkv currently19:40
arrrghhhh264 video19:41
arrrghhhi think the audio is dts19:41
arrrghhh1 sec lemme open it with vlc19:41
arrrghhhyea it's mkv19:41
arrrghhhand i think any of the transcoding stuff just dumps it to an m2ts19:41
arrrghhhsomethin like that19:41
arrrghhhyea the video is mp4 h26419:42
arrrghhhaudio is dts19:42
RoyKthe two processes are probably transcoding a stream each, then, video and audio19:43
arrrghhhthat would make sense19:44
RoyKwith ffmpeg you can transcode in parallel, but then, you won't get a nice gui for it19:44
arrrghhhthen remuxing to vlc19:44
* soren doesn't see how any of this is relevant for ubuntu-server.19:44
* RoyK agrees19:45
RoyKarrrghhh: try #ffmpeg19:45
arrrghhhdude, you took the conversation on this freakin trip19:45
RoyKsoren: it all started out with arrrghhh wanting to get a new CPU for his box, so it's legitit somehow19:45
arrrghhhi just started asking how to backup my server so i could upgrade the proc and go to 64-bit19:45
arrrghhhthank you lol19:46
RoyKmy pleasure :)19:46
arrrghhhso what would be the best way to ensure my new 64-bit server has all the necessary data from my 32-bit server...?  i want to make sure to backup anything i can data wise, obviously programs have to be reinstalled.19:47
RoyKarrrghhh: the data will be consistent19:48
arrrghhhwell all the configuration crap i have in here19:49
arrrghhhstartup scripts19:49
RoyKarrrghhh: even moving from big endian to little endian ensures constant data - 32/64bit is not an issue19:49
RoyKjust move the scripts19:49
arrrghhhhrm we may not be talking about the same thing19:49
=== oxi_ is now known as oxi
=== MinicMalkav is now known as MalkavianManiac
osmosisany gotchas for setting up a win2003 virtual guest on ubuntu server? I tried, but it ran unusably slow. Retrying again now.21:21
MalkavianManiacosmosis, does your CPU support virtualization?21:22
mgolischalso what virtualisation software do you use?21:23
osmosisMalkavianManiac, yes. i have a bunch of ubuntu virt servers running using HVM already. Just trying to get a virtual win2003 instance to work correctly.21:23
mgolischyou using kvm or what?21:27
MalkavianManiacmgolisch, HVM21:28
mgolischwhats that supposed to mean?21:29
MalkavianManiacjust ignore me21:29
=== MalkavianManiac is now known as MinicMalkav
osmosisanyone know what exactly virt-install's  --os-variant  option does?22:07
andreserlosmosis, man virt-install22:16
andreserlit will tell you there22:17
osmosisandreserl, says  "Further optimize the guest configuration for a specific operating system"  , not very specific. If I do an install manually, i want to know what difference it would make. I can tell what the 'optimizations' are.22:29
andreserlosmosis, well I guess that's internals of each OS, such as some might not use ext4 by default as others and things like that (that's a guess) Probably in upstreams website is better explained22:33
osmosisandreserl, unfortunately not much docs there either. thx though.22:34
osmosisfor ubuntu kvm, should I be running a win2k3 guests as  arch='x86_64'  or  arch='i686'  ?22:34
andreserlosmosis, i686 afaik22:34
mgolischprobably depends on what you tell it to do22:37
mgolischtheres 64bit versions of 2k3 server too22:37
uvirtbotNew bug: #648404 in apache2 (main) "package apache2.2-common 2.2.14-5ubuntu8.2 failed to upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/64840422:47
=== sailerboy is now known as zz_sailerboy
koltrollGood evening people.23:24
koltrollI've been setting up a lamp-server, and it's been going quite well actually. The only problem I'm having is with postfix. Some mail gets to me, some ends up in junk and some won't even get delivered. They get rejected by the mail host who's getting the mail.23:25
koltrollI really haven't done any configuration besides installing postfix. My server is a VPS-server.23:25
koltroll*any postfix-configuration.23:26
koltrollI have numerous questions but I'll wait and see if there's anyone active before I keep on writing :)23:27
cemccan I change that instead of rebooting, ctrl+alt+del will shutdown 10.04 server ?23:38
cemcfound it: /etc/init/control-alt-delete.conf23:44

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