
mooshimuushiDice-Man: Ahaha.00:00
Dmitriyi always fully download a file00:00
Dmitriyworks fine with ubuntu00:00
Dmitriyfull file size00:00
mooshimuushiDice-Man: There are other style/types of installing.00:00
_DGM_mooshimuushi: thats not so weird.. synaptic is slow as hell.. i use aptitude all the time or just apt-get00:00
Dmitriywindows acts up00:00
falling-featherhey how do i run linuxdc++ in rooihub00:00
cellardoor-jornawhat are you trying to open the .mkv with00:00
cellardoor-jornaDmitriy: ^^00:00
Dmitriyubuntu - mplayer00:00
Dmitriywindows -vlc00:01
mooshimuushi_DGM_: Synaptics is slow? True. I have had some times where it is slow.00:01
cellardoor-jornaDmitriy: odd, would it be any trouble to re-download and just try again?00:01
rwwzo7o: type /join #ubuntu-es00:01
_DGM_mooshimuushi: i see that as a good reason not to use it :)00:01
=== cellardoor-jorna is now known as cellardoor
Dmitriypossibly problematic00:02
kazagistarI started using UNetBootIn to copy a live cd to a SD card in windows, and it has been running for an hour and is not done... is this normal?00:02
mooshimuushi_DGM_: But I don't really understand the apt-get concept.00:02
Dmitriyis it permissions that interfere?00:02
_DGM_mooshimuushi: whats not to understand about it?00:02
rwwzo7o: This channel is English-only and not-all-caps-only.00:02
cellardoorDmitriy: possibly, are you on linux now?00:02
mooshimuushi_DGM_: Yeah, but it is easy, Synaptics.00:02
mooshimuushi_DGM_: Everything really.00:02
ethana2I'm trying to share a wifi network between ubuntu machines over a crossover cable; I did what I was supposed to do and it failed00:03
_DGM_mooshimuushi: say your'e trying to install vim.. then you just do sudo apt-get install vim .. whats not to understand00:03
Braber01um I just switched Keyboards to my g15, and each time I try to use the programmer dvorak or the altGrtn International I can't input anything00:03
ethana2is ICS hosed in lucid?00:03
cellardoorDmitriy: right click the file, and click the properties button, then have a look at 'Permissions' should not do this for everything but set each of the 3 boxes to 'Read and Write' if it lets you00:03
Dmitriyok will try00:03
mooshimuushi_DGM_: But how do you know the name of the file you want to install. It could be different.00:03
_DGM_mooshimuushi: and you can even use tab to search.. so if you type apt-get install vi <TAB><TAB> it will show you all posibilities00:03
mooshimuushi_DGM_: NOW THAT IS USEFUL!00:03
unkmarhow can a such horrible failure to upgrade in an LTS release persist for 6 months after the release?00:04
gnubuI need to install 224M of updates but dialup is too slow here. Can I "fetch" these files somewhere else onto a usb stick and bring them back to my PC?00:04
_DGM_mooshimuushi: and then there is good ol' aptitude.. where you can just search by pressing /00:04
cellardoormooshimuushi: also works for listing and finding files :)00:04
slooksterpsvanyone use remastersys?00:04
Braber01I can't use any of my alterntive layouts now that I switched keyboards HELP!!!00:04
cellardoorgnubu: yes you can, its trickier, but yes00:04
mooshimuushi_DGM_: Wow, thanks :D00:04
unkmarI can't breathe now that my face is underwater.00:05
gnubucellardoor: how do I do it?00:05
mooshimuushicellardoor: Yep! :D00:05
bazhangunkmar, if you have an issue, then specify. complaining wont get it00:05
mooshimuushiWow, now I understand apt-get...00:05
Dmitriynot the issue apparently00:05
cellardoor!google | gnubu00:05
ubottugnubu: While Google is useful for helpers, many newer users don't have the google-fu yet. Please don't tell people to "google it" when they ask a question.00:05
Dmitriywindows is just horrible00:05
cellardoorgnubu: sorry wrong thing ;)00:06
cellardoorgnubu: just have a google there are loads of guides00:06
bazhangcellardoor, please dont ask others to google it00:06
slooksterpsvAnyone need help again?00:06
tank8465im very well aware that this is unrelated, but does anyone here know anything about python, need halp with the CS hw.00:06
cellardoorDmitriy: yeah it is, but has the permissions changing helped?00:06
mooshimuushiYeah, me again, but it can be a stupid question ^^"00:07
EsatHow to use Java Decomiler?00:07
bazhangtank8465, you might try a python channel00:07
mooshimuushiHow do you change just only 1 files icon?00:07
dimagonew to ubuntu... how can use the clock as in windows screensaver in ubuntu ?00:07
cellardoormooshimuushi: rightc00:07
cellardoormooshimuushi: sorry bad keyboard00:07
Braber01um I JUST SWITCHED TO A G15 keyboard and now I can't use the programmer dovark or the Alt Grtn Internatonal Keyboard Layouts00:07
cellardoormooshimuushi: right click, then click the icon image on the left :)00:08
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mooshimuushiE.g. Stepmania. The "run" file icon is blank. I want to change the icon so that it has the original icon.00:08
slooksterpsvmooshimuushi - right click on the file, choose properties, the click on the icon in the general page00:08
mooshimuushiGive me a second :D00:08
EsatHow to use Java Decomiler to edit .class files?00:08
cellardoordimago: you cant really :/ though i expect its possible to run a clock screensaver that is similar, check in settings>Preferences>Screensaver00:09
Braber01Esat you don't edit the .class file you edit the .java file00:09
unkmarI specified it didn't help either.00:09
mooshimuushiGotcha. Thank you cellardoor and slooksterpsv00:09
EsatBraber01,  what can i do to Edit .class files?00:09
unkmarI attempted an upgrade and got a kernel panic.00:09
cellardoormooshimuushi: welcome :)00:09
bazhangunkmar, upgrade to what00:09
unkmar10.04 from 8.0400:10
unkmarLTS to LTS00:10
fxhi guys, i have a raid5, running in degraded, and for some reason its not being assembled at boot now00:10
* ethana2 tries non-crossover cable00:10
OerBraber01, there is a G15 package in synaptic ?00:10
bazhangunkmar, then pastebin the appropriate errors encountered00:10
Dmitriydo you guys know if they fixed the bootloader from 9.10 to 10.04? i had problems dual-booting before00:10
tenshinoneko_Hello ^^ Anyone knows how to enable Ad-Hoc as Wireless B only?00:10
unkmarsure, I'll type those puppies right up.00:10
annkasbanished, ddrescue seems to work - thanks a lot00:11
mooshimuushiThis IRC chat server is very useful :D00:11
dimagocellardoor: there is one but it isn't downloaded. How do you download, it is gray out00:11
=== SeGo is now known as Sgeo
cellardoorDmitriy: a newer version is now in use, if you have all updates installed then Grub 2 should be on there00:11
Dmitriyi'm on 9.10 still00:11
cellardoordimago: not sure, give me a moment00:11
Dmitriykinda worried about upgrading to avoid previous issue00:11
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cellardoorDmitriy: yeh I know, upgrades arent the best, something that is always being worked on, I dont think Grub 2 got backported, though it may only be a matter of time00:12
mooshimuushiI bow down to the person who made this server, and the ubuntu masters within this server :D00:12
fxspecifically, how should my mdadm.conf look like00:12
zukeanyone for some help getting a correct Mandriva entry to grub2?00:12
Dmitriycellardoor-you think i should wait till 10.10?00:12
ppqmooshimuushi, actually this irc network isn't run bei ubuntu people00:12
Esat What can i do to edit .class files?00:12
ppqmooshimuushi, it's freenode - see freenode.net :)00:13
mosheWhat do you do with grub rescue it dosent have any commands00:13
ppqmooshimuushi, by, not bei00:13
cellardoorDmitriy: the upgrade leap would be even greater so no.. try the upgrade now, and if there are any kinks, they should be little ones that are easy to iron out00:13
cellardoorDmitriy: any trouble, just come here again :_00:13
mightygameI need help00:13
mooshimuushippq: Ahh, I see now. My mistake.00:13
mightygameI wanna make the indicator applet in panel transparent00:13
mightygameso it matches with my panel00:14
mooshimuushippq: Thank you ppq for correcting me, and also. I know :D by*00:14
Braber01just installed all of the g15 packages00:14
cellardoordimago: i can see what you mean by greyed out, bear with me a few moer secs00:14
Braber01thanks bai00:14
dimagocellardoor: i am here00:15
mightygameHELP ME00:15
lahwranhey all, I'm in the process of reinstalling a system, I told gparted to resize a heavily-used ext3 partition from about 18Gb to about 9GB, and it had about 8.9GB used - it's taken 5 hours so far - this is to be expected, correct?00:15
lahwran!ask | mightygame00:15
ubottumightygame: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)00:15
mightygameUsing MacBuntu-10.04 theme00:16
lahwrancaps | mightygame00:16
mkanyicylahwran, do not dare to cancel the operation!00:16
lahwran!caps | mightygame00:16
ubottumightygame: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.00:16
lahwranmkanyicy: I figured as much00:16
rwwlahwran: yes, it's expected00:16
mightygamelahwran: read my question?00:16
Dmitriyyou mean that indicator in the top right?00:16
lahwranlahwran: I know what it's doing, I just didn't expect it to take /this long/ to rearrange the drive00:17
rwwlahwran: presumably, it decided to move the partition too. that happens annoyingly often.00:17
Dmitriyi got rid of it00:17
mkanyicylahwran, I was impatient sometime ago and cancelled the operation and lost most of my data00:17
cellardoordimago: I am really sorry but I cant see how to do it :/ wait a few moments to see if anyone else gets back to you, then ask again00:17
lahwranwtf I completed my own nick00:17
lahwranmkanyicy: well, I know better than /that/, I just didn't expect it to take /quite/ this long00:17
mkanyicylahwran, leave it to run overnight, go somewhere and forget about it and let it do to its own thing00:17
zukeanyone to offer some help with adding a mandriva menu entry to grub?00:17
mightygamewaiting for answer.00:17
_DGM_hmm your irc seems to be suffering from schizofrenia00:18
lahwranmightygame: try shutting up to wait, instead of babbling00:18
Esat What can i do to edit .class files?00:18
tenshinoneko_Hello ^^ Anyone knows how to enable Ad-Hoc as Wireless B only?00:18
ppqlahwran, probably this wont work because after resizing only about 100mb will be free. by default, ext3 partitions have 5% reserved space in case the fs is full ans nothing can be deleted. i don't know what happens now when you resize it to such a small size that there are no 5% free space left00:18
cellardoormightygame: agreed, these people are volunteers, not a call centre00:18
lahwranppq: gparted will have counted that as used space, unless it's total crap00:18
trismmightygame: would help but don't understand your problem, when I set my panel to transparent, so is the indicator applet00:19
lahwranppq: and so it wouldn't have let me resize it below the limit that would do that00:19
dimagocellardoor: thanks for trying00:19
mightygametrism: I'm using MacBuntu00:19
cellardoordimago: anything else thats a problem go ahead and ask, you may have more luck :)00:19
mightygameonly my panel turns transparent00:19
AfterHoursCanadialright, hi people my dvd drive stopped working anyone got any hints?00:19
mightygamenothing else.00:19
ppqlahwran, i hope so00:20
lahwranppq: also, I gave it about 200MB of buffer space00:20
lahwranjust out of habit00:20
dugger5688AfterHoursCanadi: Try another drive, or boot into a liveCD environment. If it's not working out of the BIOS go buy a new one.00:20
Dmitriycheck if there is a plasticky odor00:21
AfterHoursCanadiwell it shows itself in bios00:21
mightygameleave it00:21
mightygamethanks guys00:21
dimagocellardoor: although I am new to the os I'm feeling my way around, it's a cool sys00:21
dugger5688Will it boot a liveCD?00:21
cellardoordimago: I know :) I've watched it grow up :)00:21
AfterHoursCanadino idea about booting in livecd00:22
cellardoordugger5688: when you say broken, do you mean the drive tray wont pop out, or ubuntu is not detecting what you put in00:22
Datapupswhat was everyones 1st nix os?00:22
infoverloadHey all00:22
bazhangDatapups, dont poll here00:22
dugger5688cellardoor: it's AfterHoursCanadi /w the drive problem.00:22
cellardoorDatapups: Breezy Badger00:22
timDatapups, Slackware Linux 199600:22
rwwdan512: #ubuntu-offtopic OS00:23
infoverloadI just downloaded AVG Anti-Virus Free Edition for Linux version 8.5 (.deb)00:23
rwwDatapups: **00:23
infoverloadI double clicked the file00:23
Datapupsnice @slack00:23
infoverloadsays it was finished installing00:23
infoverloadbut now I don't see the program anywhere?00:23
bazhang!ot | Datapups00:23
ubottuDatapups: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!00:23
Datapupsok sorry00:23
cellardoordugger5688: when that sounds specific to that, probably a fault with that rather tahn ubuntu, so veerything else works?00:23
_DGM_infoverload: why not use clam? its part of ubuntu00:23
Dmitriywhy do you need avg for ubuntu?00:23
_DGM_if you even really do need a virusscanner at all00:23
infoverloadDmitriy: it's safer isn't it?00:23
cellardoordugger5688: well*00:23
c_ozzieso, i accidentally did safe removal on a flash drive and now need to remount it, without physical access or rebooting. is it possible?00:23
Dmitriyits not necesary00:23
AfterHoursCanadiso were saying its more then likely my dvd drive thats faulty?00:23
_DGM_infoverload: if you like scanning for windows virusses on linux.. sure00:23
mooshimuushiyo :D00:24
Esathow can i edit .class files?00:24
dugger5688AfterHoursCanadi: My first step would be to just grab an Ubuntu liveCD (or any really) and see if the drive works at all.00:24
tenshinoneko_Hello ^^ Anyone knows how to enable Ad-Hoc as Wireless B only?00:24
unkmarc_ozzie: safe removal?  sounds like winders.00:24
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infoverload_DGM_: I guess so, but I was just reading this: http://ubuntulinuxhelp.com/does-ubuntu-linux-really-need-antivirus-software/00:24
cellardoorc_ozzie: sure, ever used the 'mount' command in a terminal?00:24
Dmitriyi use ubuntu for well over 4 years and still no viruses and no avg00:24
dugger5688More than likely it's a dead drive, DVD drives are cheap (in price and quality often)00:24
unkmarc_ozzie: if using linux.  sure, you can remount.00:24
AfterHoursCanadiill try that, I don't know where it is but I tried running my windows CD's and it doesn't run off of that00:24
cellardoorunkmar: he means eject00:24
mosheJordan_U:  error no such device b2..... Grub rescue >00:24
c_ozzieunkmar: no, ubuntu 10.0400:24
infoverload_DGM_: Clam, eh?00:24
AfterHoursCanadieven in boot00:24
c_ozzieit was /dev/sdk, but that device no longer exists00:24
infoverloadDimitriy: http://ubuntulinuxhelp.com/does-ubuntu-linux-really-need-antivirus-software/00:24
_DGM_infoverload: yes i use it on my servers00:24
cellardoorc_ozzie: mount /dev/sdk /mnt00:25
dugger5688AfterHoursCanadi, it's dead. Just buy a new one, you can find them for less than $2000:25
AfterHoursCanadiand I tried a fresh harddrive and put the dvd drive as first boot and master yet still it just shows " unable to find startup disk"00:25
cellardoorc_ozzie: maybe with 'sudo' preceeding that text when you enter the command00:25
timclamav is great if you don't require on-access scanning00:25
AfterHoursCanadiyea I know I just wanted to make sure first.  thanks00:25
AfterHoursCanadiso its not just me who thinks its the dvd drive thats gone now.  thanks00:26
Dmitriyi download stuff all the time...i dont use antivirus software on ubuntu00:26
AfterHoursCanadiill go get one tomorrow00:26
unkmarc_ozzie: if you don't know which /dev it is.  sudo fdisk -l  It will likely be one of the last items listed.  "mount" will tell you what is currently mounted and where.00:26
_DGM_but again.. why do you need that..  i mean.. the chances of you getting something are reaaaaaaally small. I dont even use an anti virus on windows. Just use your head00:26
mosheAnyway to boot with grub rescue?00:26
dugger5688You only really need anti virus in Ubuntu if you're dealing with windows users on ur network. That's why an ubuntu fileserver is ideal, keeps windows PCs from talking to eachother.00:27
Dmitriyuse firestarter00:27
mooshimuushiThis might be an impossible question, but eh.00:27
cellardoordugger5688: or clam AV00:27
_DGM_mooshimuushi: thats not a question00:27
mooshimuushiCan the appearance of the bootup manager change?00:27
cellardoormooshimuushi: yes it can :)00:27
mooshimuushi_DGM_:Intro, intro :D00:28
obuntowhat part of the installation is left unencrypted after a full disk encryption install using the alternate install CD?00:28
Dmitriydownload and use ubuntu servr edition then you wont have to worry about windows on your network00:28
_DGM_damn i locked myself out from my server.. great00:28
mooshimuushiNot the boot up. Where you wait for the line to go back and fro.00:28
mooshimuushiI might b saying it wrong...the grub part.00:28
=== Sgeo is now known as Sgeo|SomeonesAtM
mooshimuushiWhere you select an OS.00:29
cellardoormooshimuushi: yeah, grub, can be changed :)00:29
mooshimuushiOnly the background.00:29
=== Sgeo|SomeonesAtM is now known as Sgeo
mooshimuushiOr do I need to get updated?00:29
_DGM_you can change the grub menu to run in text mode with different colors, or in graphical mode and then you can have some image background00:29
unkmarbazhang: http://pastebin.com/vLmGPxk6  - upgrade failed with a kernel panic.  [ Call in the general ]00:29
mooshimuushiWhat if you want to change it into a MAC looking grub/boot up.00:30
_DGM_but my suggestion would be to not mess with that stuff unless you know what you're doing.. or if you have a live cd at hand to fix anything that might preventyou from booting at all00:30
erik_can someone tell me i need help with installing ubuntu 10.04 i am having video problem when the pc boots the monitor goes blank00:30
obunto_DGM_, can you bootup the encryption password screen with an onscreen keyboard?00:30
cellardoormooshimuushi: tricky, dont think such designs exist00:30
crevoxHello, is there an application that can make .iso files out of my cds?00:30
Dmitriyblank when booting windows?00:30
erik_there was a site i had saved before but i cant find it now00:30
mooshimuushicellardoor: Yeah, so I thought as well.00:30
_DGM_obunto: no idea i dont use encryption00:30
timcrevox, yes, the "dd" command00:30
Dmitriyor blank when booting ubuntu?00:30
unkmar_DGM_: I had a rainbow and a unicorn with a stary background.  Was tough reading through the rainbow.00:30
_DGM_my datas arent so interresting00:30
bastid_raZorcrevox: k3b can or possibly brasero00:30
_DGM_unkmar: haha00:31
timcrevox, like this "dd if=/dev/sr0 of=image.iso"00:31
erik_it boots then my monitors goes black00:31
erik_an does nothing00:31
crevoxtim,  Thanks00:31
Dmitriyany blinking cursors?00:31
crevoxbastid_raZor, Thanks00:31
Bynwhi all, wondering if anyone can help me figure out why cheese webcam booth wont take video images but does ok with just single or multiple shots00:31
timcrevox, that makes a block for block copy00:31
Dmitriyare you using proprietary video drivers?00:31
Dmitriyor opensource?00:32
erik_somkething to do with grub 2 an kaRMAIC00:32
ubottuAs you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)00:32
erik_using the drivers on 10.04 cd00:32
=== lucretiaX is now known as lucreX
divadgnol67he is not using any drivers because he can't get it to boot00:32
mooshimuushiBlinking cursors?00:32
c_ozzieit was mounted on /dev/sdk, I then right clicked it and did "Safely Remove Drive", dd if=usb.img of=/dev/sdk, and it returns "no medium found"00:32
BynwDmitriy, i don't believe so00:32
mooshimuushiWow. I hate to change my cursor.00:32
erik_the monitor goes into sleep  mode00:33
mooshimuushiIt takes a long time for me to change my cursor :D00:33
timc_ozzie, well, what did you expect?00:33
erik_something to do with new slpash screen00:33
divadgnol67eric > try booting nofb or something like that. not sure use unix not linux00:33
unkmartim: he expected the usb.img to magically work.00:33
erik_why unix00:34
mooshimuushiSorry if I'm wrong. Can we ask about games in this server?00:34
divadgnol67why not?00:34
Roush427rHey, I have a Toshiba Satellite A25 with Ubuntu Lucid on it, and when it turns on, the fans start running really fast and loud and nothing comes on the screen.00:34
timc_ozzie, if you removed the drive, the expected result would be that you would not be able to write to it00:34
erik_i want ubuntu00:34
Dmitriyerik, try changing the resolution of the boot screen and use white text on black screen00:34
dugger5688mooshimuushi: if it's in ubuntu, sure!00:34
Roush427rCan that be a hardware problem?00:34
erik_how is that done00:34
mooshimuushiOk then :D00:34
divadgnol67 eric >no problem, what video card do you have00:34
erik_intel onbaord00:35
* unkmar looks around for a fairy, unicorn, and leprachaun. I'll use a Pot to cook up the fairy, unicorn, and leprachaun for a charming stew.00:35
mooshimuushiAnyone know any good mmorpg games? (for ubuntu of course :D)00:35
timerik_, the regular ubuntu install CD can be booted into a live system00:35
_DGM_wow works fine on ubuntu00:35
Dmitriyerik, go to system>startup applications00:35
_DGM_its all you need really00:35
divadgnol67great idea tim. eric have you tried the live cd?00:35
aromanmooshimuushi, Well RuneScape is cross-platform and Guild Wars (Windows) runs perfectly (it's like THE most compatible WINE game).00:35
brad_does anyone know why I have to run dhclient manually on a friend of mine's ubuntu machine to get it to get an ip address?00:36
c_ozzietim: the drive is still physically connected to the comptuer, and i'm 40 miles away, i hit the safe remove on accident and need to know if it's possible to force ubuntu to re-detect the drive00:36
Rothamanyone have an idea how much memory do you need to run photoshop cs4 in winXP (inside Vbox)00:36
erik_it installs then on reboot has the problem00:36
mooshimuushiWoW, Guild Wars and Runescape.00:36
Dmitriyerik, advanced>bootloader menu resolution to something small like 640X48000:36
ehcahHow bad will the performance of a 10.4 desktop running off of a 16GB Sandisk Cruzer pen drive?00:36
_DGM_aroman: wow runs just as good on wine. blizzard spend a lot of time to make that happen00:36
unkmarbrad_: wired or wirelesss?00:36
cellardoormooshimuushi: WoW00:36
divadgnol67eric, can you boot another linux and give us the output of dmesg00:36
cellardoormooshimuushi: will run under linux fine :)00:36
erik_how im not newbie00:36
timehcah, bearable, probably00:36
aroman_DGM_, Actually? Why not release a Linux native client..?00:36
_DGM_actually a lot of games run fine under wine nowadays if not just a little slow00:36
ehcahjust bearable?00:36
unkmarbrad_: did you connect the wire before or after booting?00:36
mooshimuushicellardoor: roger :D00:36
brad_before booting00:37
brad_rebooting has no effect00:37
_DGM_aroman: because then they have to change platform specific code.. this saves them time and has the same effect00:37
mooshimuushiWoW, I have to find a private server.00:37
divadgnol67sorry! ubuntu should be a great place to start. I like tim's idea about booting into the live enviroment00:37
_DGM_nooo play on the real ones man00:37
mooshimuushiRunescape...I gave up.00:37
_DGM_private servers suck so bad00:37
aroman_DGM_, Intesting. I didn't know that. But I've never played wow :)00:37
mooshimuushiGuild Wars?00:37
cellardoormooshimuushi: you need to run it with WINE though00:37
mooshimuushiPrivate Servers are free :D00:37
unkmarbrad_: I assume gnome with its network manager?  Is network enabled and not set to a static IP?00:37
aromanmooshimuushi, I've played GW before, it's fun.00:37
brad_set to use dhcp for ipv400:38
erik_look im new to linux00:38
_DGM_mooshimuushi: they're also crappy, buggy and missing a lot of stuff00:38
mooshimuushicellardoor: Got it all under control :D00:38
Roush427rHey, I have a Toshiba Satellite A25 with Ubuntu Lucid on it, and when it turns on, the fans start running really fast and loud and nothing comes on the screen. Can that be a hardware problem?00:38
moshe Why I cant see the grub menu and os just loads?00:38
erik_alot of what yur saying is foreign00:38
mooshimuushiaroman: Thank you for the heads up. I'll check it right now.00:38
aromanmoshe, Have you set your grub to do that?00:38
aromanmooshimuushi, Yup :)00:38
erik_im on linux now00:38
unkmarmoshe: grub timeout is really short?00:38
bazhangerik_, what version of ubuntu00:38
timRoush427r, there is no video at all, ever?00:38
rwwmoshe: hold down shift at boot00:38
ZykoticK9moshe, you can hold down the shift key as computer starts to get the grub2 menu00:39
mooshimuushi_DGM_: I like to talk for most asians within this world...it's FREE XDD00:39
divadgnol67eric > what did you do reboot?00:39
Bynwhere is what happens in cheese when i goto record video. the cheese window goes black for a few moments then i get to see a still image of whatever was in front of the webcam and when i click stop recording ... cheese locks up and has to be forced quit. i do get an .ogv file 0 bytes in size saved00:39
moshearoman: No I did not touch anything00:39
Roush427rtim: correct. I think there is by chance it overheated00:39
_DGM_mooshimuushi: i know.. but it doesnt give you the game experience at all :P its soo different.. its not fun at all00:39
timRoush427r, yeah, sounds like your laptop is broken00:39
nimbioticshow do i make sudo privileges permanent for the life of the terminal session? TIA!00:39
aromanmoshe, Did you install updates? Has this always been like this? Details :)00:39
* unkmar decides installing debian will eliminate his Ubuntu upgrade problem.00:39
misteralexanderI formatted my external HDD using gparted and now I don't have permissions on the new filesystem . . . i have to sudo everything in terminal to do anything on the drive . . . any idea?00:39
aromannimbiotics, Look into root sudo00:39
erik_ubuntu 9.0400:39
_DGM_misteralexander: use chown00:39
timnimbiotics, edit the sudoers file to enable the "admin" group for NOPASSWD and add your user to the admin group00:40
mooshimuushi_DGM_: Private Server does make it easier to level up. (well...most private servers)00:40
bazhangerik_, you got the intel bug for that?00:40
tenshinoneko_Hello ^^ Anyone knows how to enable Ad-Hoc as Wireless B only?00:40
Roush427rtim: Damn... oh well it's practically a dinosaur. It still has a floppy drive in it...00:40
_DGM_mooshimuushi: yea and then what :P you stand around ?00:40
mooshimuushi_DGM_: So I guess your statement is true :D00:40
moshearoman: I just installed ubuntu00:40
aromantim, That's super insecure.00:40
nimbioticstim: thanks00:40
erik_not on 9.0400:40
mooshimuushi_DGM_: True, True.00:40
timaroman, I know00:40
misteralexander_DGM: in terminal, as root, navigate to the drive /media/drive and then "chown 777" ???00:40
divadgnol67huh? you had to backwards. oh well, whatever works, right?00:40
bazhangmooshimuushi, _DGM_ please take chat to #ubuntu-offtopic00:40
erik_only when i try to install 9.10 or 10.0400:40
unkmaroh, and my 6.06 will NEVER be upgraded.00:40
moshearoman:  root arg has a wrong device in it and the system won't load00:41
mooshimuushibazhang: Ahaha, Sorry ^^"00:41
_DGM_misteralexander: no.. chown changes user owner. Say if your username is john, you can sudo chown -R john:john /path/to/your/media00:41
divadgnol67eric > go into a terminal and enter dmesg and past the output and I will see if i can help00:41
timnimbiotics, alternatively, you can just do "sudo su -" and you will have a root terminal until such time as you close it (more secure)00:41
rwwunkmar: enjoy your lack of security updates00:41
bazhangtim, sudo -i NOT sudo su00:41
misteralexander_DGM: okay, i'll read up on that command . . . thanks for the lead!00:41
RS8000why is 'free -m' showing only 3276mb total, i have 4gb and PAE kernel?00:41
mooshimuushi_DGM_: Let's leave it as that. You win :D00:42
erik_there  was a article about editing grub00:42
rww!memory | RS800000:42
ubottuRS8000: If you are wondering why some tools report your system has very little free memory, have a look at http://www.linuxatemyram.com/ | A short primer on Linux memory management can be found here: http://sourcefrog.net/weblog/software/linux-kernel/free-mem.html00:42
_DGM_mooshimuushi: woot! xD00:42
timbazhang, either works00:42
mooshimuushiOk, Guild Wars is looking up. WoW is also looking up :D00:42
bazhangtim, no00:42
_DGM_mooshimuushi: now go buy the game!00:42
nimbioticstim: thats more what im looking for. Thanks again!00:42
bazhangmooshimuushi, _DGM_ please00:42
unkmarrww: I'll enjoy the fact that the thing WORKS. where as my upgraded 8.04 to 10.04 does NOT.00:42
_DGM_i never liked guildwars.. its dumb that you're pretty much alone half the time00:42
mooshimuushibazhang: Yes, yes. Sorry ^^"00:43
erik_i ran00:43
nathan406how can i choose a mouse to use from the terminal?00:43
divadgnol67eric > give us the output of lspci00:43
erik_erik@erik-desktop:~$ dmesg00:44
erik_[    0.000000] BIOS EBDA/lowmem at: 0009fc00/0009fc0000:44
erik_[    0.000000] Initializing cgroup subsys cpuset00:44
erik_[    0.000000] Initializing cgroup subsys cpu00:44
erik_[    0.000000] Linux version 2.6.28-19-generic (buildd@rothera) (gcc version 4.3.3 (Ubuntu 4.3.3-5ubuntu4) ) #65-Ubuntu SMP Thu Sep 16 14:14:28 UTC 2010 (Ubuntu 2.6.28-19.65-generic)00:44
FloodBot1erik_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.00:44
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Bynwanyone able to help me with my webcam and cheese not taking video00:45
elit3m1keBynw have the same problems00:45
divadgnol67eric > you can locate the type of video card using lspci and then tell me what card you have it will look somthing like this 00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation 82845G/GL[Brookdale-G]/GE Chipset Integrated Graphics Device (rev 03)00:45
sanjoyis there any drawing soft in ubuntu ?00:45
sanjoyis there any drawing soft in ubuntu ?00:45
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sanjoylike MS paint00:46
elit3m1ke@Bynw is it a laptop00:46
obuntosanjoy, just open ubuntu software center00:46
mosheSanjoy it has gimp00:46
Bynwelit3m1ke, no its a desktop00:46
elit3m1keBynw what webcam is it?00:46
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ppqsanjoy, i like kolourpaint00:46
erik_ Intel Corporation 82845G/GL[Brookdale-G]/GE Chipset Integrated Graphics Device (rev 01)00:46
robisinhowhat does it mean when xev shows keyboard input but still it doesnt let me type, except the number pad?00:47
erik_anyone here00:47
obuntodoes anyone know what part of the installation is left unencrypted after a full disk encryption install using the alternate install CD?00:47
Bynwelit3m1ke, creative webcam live!00:47
divadgnol67erik > there are many types of intel cards be more specific00:48
ppqsanjoy, openoffice.org-draw is also good. but not for the kind of drawing you do with ms paint. and of course gimp00:48
sanjoygimp can edit bt can it draw pic?00:48
erik_thats best i can dso00:48
erik_im not a damn linux guri00:48
elit3m1kebynw http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=54320400:48
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robisinhowhat does it mean when xev shows keyboard input but still it doesnt let me type, except the number pad?00:48
ppqsanjoy, yes, using gimp you can draw like with ms paint with much more features00:49
erik_can some one please help00:49
robisinhoI installed nouveau-firmware package and since then the keyboard doesnt work. uninstalling it, and even reinstlaling gdm, didnt resolve the problem00:49
divadgnol67erik > no problem we are here to help. go to a terminal and just type "lspci" and look for something to do with vga00:49
sanjoythnx guys00:49
divadgnol67no quotes00:49
erik_i gave it to u00:49
divadgnol67ok, sorry. i thought for sure there would be more info than just intel00:50
erik_00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation 82845G/GL[Brookdale-G]/GE Chipset Integrated Graphics Device (rev 01)00:50
erik_thats all there is00:51
ubottuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs - Bugs in/wishes for the IRC bots (not Ubuntu) can be filed at http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots00:51
divadgnol67perfect! let me check to see if there is a bug with that particular card00:51
erik_i already know there00:51
divadgnol67well if there is a bug and no workaround then your screwed for lack of a better term. but let me check anyway00:52
robisinhohow do I report a bug manually? I cant type on the computer with the bug, so I cant follow the instructions in !bug00:52
papertigersanyone running 10.10 on a macbook pro?00:53
erik_if im screwed oh well00:53
cellardoorrobisinho: use Launchpad.net00:53
nellieI have a old radeon 2600 agp card and I am upgrading to a geforce 7600 agp card and im running ubuntu 10.04 and I need to know how to uninstall all ati drivers before I reboot and install the new geforce card00:53
robisinhocellardoor: ty00:53
erik_i was told to edit something in grub00:53
elit3m1kepapertigers i have 10.04 running on a macbook if thats any use00:54
erik_has anyone else had this problem00:54
ugliefroghow do i tur off the window bar fade...when i click off the window it the bar at the top fades until i clik it again...how do i turn this feature off00:54
divadgnol67i will help if i can give me a moment to look into it00:54
Jinxzswhat is the shutdown command i want to create a launcher in desktop to shutdown00:55
elit3m1keshutdown -h now00:55
cellardoorJinxzs: sudo shutdown -h ow00:55
Arkadosright now on my Acer Aspire One, running Ubuntu Netbook 10.04 (custom install, not pre-installed).  So far I'm very happy with this :D  Many thanks to all contributors !00:55
cellardoorJinxzs: now*00:55
nelliewhats best way to remove all ati drivers before I upgrade video card00:56
Braber01I'm back I used the package manager to install all the g15 tools and I still can't get any of my altnerte keyboard layouts to work :(00:56
MarikawnHello. Can someone help me? I have a problem downloading updates. it seems my repository information is corrupt00:56
MarikawnI get his information:00:57
MarikawnE: Failed to fetch http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/p/php5/php5-common_5.3.2-1ubuntu4.2_i386.deb: 404  Not Found [IP: 80]00:57
Braber01I'm back I used the package manager to install all the g15 tools and I still can't get any of my altnerte keyboard layouts to work :(00:57
rwwMarikawn: have you updated your package lists recently?00:57
Marikawnnow i have not00:57
joshuuaahi everybody00:58
rwwtry that, then00:58
Marikawnawesome thinking00:58
no_u0hey i pluggin a usb wifi dongle. ifconfig shows it as wlan1, but how do i make network manager use wlan1 isntead of wlan0?00:58
Braber01I'm back I used the package manager to install all the g15 tools and I still can't get any of my altnerte keyboard layouts to work :(00:58
zaftigcould anyone help me?00:58
elit3m1keno_u0 are you using gnome?00:58
joshuuaadoes anyone know if it's possible to have vertical sync with nouveau drivers?00:58
oldschoollerHey guys! There's example.com site based on VDS. I've added subdomain subdomain.example.com in VDS control panel - A-record which points to another VDS, waited a day, but when I try subdomain.example.com in browser - I get page from example.com VDS. Could you please give me some advice?00:59
no_u0elit3m1ke: kde00:59
no_u0elit3m1ke: but im still using networkmanager00:59
erik_were you able to find answer00:59
elit3m1keno_u0 sorry dotn know much about kde, try editing the networkmanager config file01:00
zaftigI am trying to put the new 10.10 beta on an CD I had used for 10.04, but it says the filesystem is read-only? Any help? Thanks :)01:00
Jinxzssudo shutdown -h now -thats what i type in command01:00
Jinxzsit wont shutdown01:00
divadgnol67erik > it looks like a problem with the xorg.conf file but not sure how to correct it yet but looking into it01:00
nelliedo I need to remove my ati drivers before I install nvidia card01:00
elit3m1keJinxzs try sudo halt01:00
no_u0elit3m1ke: how would you do it in gnome01:00
elit3m1kegnome would usually pick it up straight away01:01
Braber01HOW CAN I GET MY ALT KEYBOARD LAYOUTS TO WORK I am using a G15 keyboard and I have installed every package with g15 in the name01:01
verdoldschooller, what does #host subdomain.example.com or #nslookup say?01:01
joshuuaasorry if my english is bad, I can't find help in french forumsn, but does anyone know if it's possible to have vertical sync with nouveau drivers?01:01
no_u0caps, rly?01:01
cellardoor!caps | Braber0101:01
ubottuBraber01: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.01:01
Braber01sorry :(01:01
erik_when i installed ubuntu 9.10 i rebooted then the monitor goes black an just sits there can someone please help01:02
Braber01I was getting fustrated :'(01:02
cellardoorBraber01: the G15 is that gaming keyboard with the little display at the top right?01:02
Braber01yes it has the display at the top01:02
divadgnol67erik > got it, here is the link to a step by step resolution https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Bugs/Lucidi8xxFreezes01:02
_DGM_cellardoor: yes and no. Funny thing is there are 2 versions. The older original one with an lcd that got taken off the market. The current g15 doesnt have an lcd01:02
Braber01I have the one with the lcd01:03
cellardoorBraber01: drivers for that keyboard have not yet come out on linux, so unless you research into ndiswrapper which i dont htink is even for keyboard drivers, you cant change the layouts, sorry :(01:03
_DGM_looking at it now.. there are actually 3 versions01:03
cellardoor_DGM_: can you help him01:03
_DGM_the new one is orange apparently01:03
_DGM_whats his problem?01:03
Braber01okay thank you cellardoor01:03
cellardoor_DGM_: layout changing, on the keyboard, but i think that would entail needing drivers, which he most likely doesnt have, he has gone now anyway :P01:04
zaftignevermind. Thanks for your help...01:04
_DGM_layout changing? that doesnt sound like a problem specific to the g15 to me01:04
cellardoor_DGM_: i was confused by it too :/01:04
_DGM_i dont even have my g15 installed right now.. i just put it on US and it has always worked fine01:05
oldschoollerverd, the same IP ! This is not my own server. By the way - when I go to subdomain.example.com and watch http headers in Firefox I get HTTP/1.1 302 Found and location to some page on example.com/some/page01:05
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_DGM_you can tell because i'm typing on here ;)01:05
unkmarupgrade to 10.04 from 8.04 failed !!!!!!!!!! http://pastebin.com/bRf8GK1T01:05
_DGM_unkmar: just do a clean install if you're going to upgrade that far01:06
unkmar_DGM_: that far?  LTS to LTS.01:06
verdoldschooller, subdomain still points to the first VDS's ip?01:06
_DGM_8 to 10.. is huge01:06
WinstonSmithi did that te other day with a headless server 8.04 to 10.0401:07
Dice-Manunkmar, you better format the / partition01:07
papertigerselit3m1ke: I hated the trackpad under 10.04, did you find a way of making it ignore your thumb when using it?01:07
unkmar_DGM_: that is the freaking point of holding out.  LTS to LTS.  not half baked versions in between.01:07
Dice-Manand install via a livecd01:07
WinstonSmithworked fine just my vbox coughed a bit :P01:07
unkmar/ignore Dice-Man01:07
_DGM_unkmar: yea i never really got the point of that unless you're a company that needs the long term support. either way.. big upgrades like that tend to fail a lot. its just how it is01:08
unkmarI don't listen to induhviduals.01:08
Dice-Manunkmar, boa i was not kidding01:08
Dice-Mani'm not a pro01:08
oldschoollerverd, Yeah! A-record added in CP doesn't work and I have strange redirect but I can't see any redirects in CP01:08
timunkmar, that is quite a step from 8 to 10 but it should have worked01:08
_DGM_hello tello01:09
unkmar_DGM_: tend to fail?  heh, so do the little upgrades.  I held out for nearly 6 months. those things are suppose to be guaranteed to go smoothly.  Not barf in your face.  Kernel Panic.01:09
TELL0how can I set a login sound?01:09
WinstonSmithcanonical say explicitly that you CAN upgrade from 8.04 to 10.0401:09
timunkmar, kernel panic? well, that's a deeper issue than the upgrade01:09
_DGM_a driver module that didnt update?01:10
cellardoorunkmar: nothing is guarenteed with linux, most double-distribution upgrades are risky since so much changes01:10
verdoldschooller, #dig subdomain.example.com @ns.server01:10
tim_DGM_, huh? they're part of the kernel package01:10
cellardoorunkmar: but bugs get ironed out in further upgrades01:10
_DGM_but whats the actual problem.. i mean you can just backup your stuff, install 10.04 and continue enjoying it01:10
no_u01how do i change from wlan0 to wlan1 ? Xx01:10
TELL0I make an alternate install of ubuntu and I'm setting things up manually, but I cannot set de login sound. I already chose it on sound preferences, but how can I play at startup?01:11
elit3m1keno_u01 try this im not sure if it will work but, sudo ifconfig wlan0 down, then sudo ifconfig wlan1 up01:11
c_ozzietrying again: I accidentally hit "Safely Remove Drive" on a flash drive that's connected to a computer I'm VNC'd into and am 40 miles away from. The flash drive is still plugged in to the computer. Aside from rebooting, is there any way to get Ubuntu to re-detect the flash drive? It still shows up in "Computer", but double clicking it does nothing, and when I try to dd to it, I get "no media found". It doesn't show up in fdisk -l, an01:12
Sivikok, i added a user and trying to ftp to that user.  it says my password is incorrect01:12
timc_ozzie, you could try unloading and reloading the usb_storage driver01:12
Sivikeven though I just set the password for passwd <user>01:12
cellardoorc_ozzie: did you try 'sudo mount /dev/sdk /mnt'?01:12
Sivikwhat am I don't wrong01:12
_DGM_Sivik: is that user allowed to access ftp?01:13
no_u0elit3m1ke: it just reenabled wlan0 when i said wlan1 up xD01:13
Sivikdoes that mean I need to add it to the ftp group?01:14
c_ozzietim: you mean just rmmod and then modprobe it? didn't work01:14
elit3m1ketry just doing the first command and see if it works01:14
c_ozziecellardoor: fails with "/dev/sdk: unknown device"01:14
Sivikhey _DGM_, none of my users are part of the ftp group but other users can connect to ftp without any issues.  I just created the user01:14
timc_ozzie, well, it would be "sdk1" or whatever01:14
LicuadoraJOIN #BLENDER01:14
timSivik, what do the logs on the server say?01:15
verdno_u0, is your wlan1 presented in /etc/udev/rules.d/z25_persistent-net.rules?01:15
sjefen6how do I make the grub menu appaiar during regular boot (like F8 for windows)01:15
Siviki will look at it in a few01:15
oldschoollerverd, shows the same "old" IP... Maybe I should add subdomain not via CP of VDS but via CP of domain registrar ? And maybe there's some docs in the Net where I can learn about relations between registrars and hosting providers?01:15
cellardoorsjefen6: edit your /boot/grub/menu.lst file01:16
Jordan_Usjefen6: Hold shift during boot.01:16
Licuadorathis is a test render, but how do I avoid... those, lines is the walls?01:16
cellardoorsjefen6: as sudo or root01:16
timcellardoor, there is no menu.lst in 10.0401:16
Jinxzsxubuntu i cant see the network how to set it up, there is a file i want to transfer01:16
cellardoorLicuadora: this is not an ubuntu topic, please move to #blender01:16
LicuadoraOh, sorry, wrong channel01:16
cellardoortim: wow I need to keep up :( where is it now then01:16
sjefen6shift did it, thanks Jordan_U :D01:17
Dice-ManLicuadora, they are cool guy there !01:17
no_u0verd: yes01:17
Jordan_Usjefen6: You're welcome :)01:17
no_u0verd: i see it in ifconfig also01:17
jonathanHi! Is there any way, currently, to avoid this annoying problem: http://brainstorm.ubuntu.com/idea/24412/01:17
no_u0verd: http://pastie.org/118180901:17
timcellardoor, I have been upgrading in place since 2006 or so, so I didn't notice either, until I installed 10.04 fresh the other day. There are lots of configuration changes, grub is one ... I'm still trying to figure out how it is supposed to be done01:17
cellardoortim: hasnt a lot of stuff been moved into /usr/, i have noticed that01:18
devzerohey, I'm having a problem that is beyond my capabilities and I'm looking for some ideas01:18
verdoldschooller, it depends on what ns servers domain example.com is served by, if it's registrar's ns, A record can be added via registrar's CP01:18
timcellardoor, "stuff" ? like what?01:18
devzeroI have a thinkpad T23 laptop with a fresh 10.04 install on it01:19
jrib!enter | devzero01:19
ubottudevzero: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!01:19
obuntodoes anyone know what part of the installation is left unencrypted after a full disk encryption install using the alternate install CD?01:19
cellardoortim: just general config files similar to importance and use as menu.lst, cant remember what off the top of my head01:19
unkmar_DGM_: the actual problem is: the system will now be down for days. I don't have time to be waste FIXING what shouldn't be broke.01:19
devzeroand I have 5 (yes 5 NICs I'm trying) and they all are able to send out DHCP requests, the DHCP server sends responses, but none of hte NICs in the laptop see the response packets01:19
devzero2 are wifi, 2 are wired plus the built-in ethernet01:20
devzerodhcp fails for all of them01:20
verdno_u0, comment entry for pci device if you don't need it and rename wlan1 to wlan001:20
unkmarand I am tempted to leave the system down for month or longer.  Not worth my time.01:20
devzerobut I'm seeing the entries in the DHCP server01:20
devzeroany ideas?01:21
jribdevzero: please stop pressing enter.  Collect your thoughts and ask a detailed question on a single line01:21
jribunkmar: what is your ubuntu support question?01:21
c_ozzietim: there is no sdk1, only sdk. thanks anyways01:21
devzeroI have a thinkpad t23 with a fresh 10.04 install. no matter what NIC I use (wifi or wired), it's failing to get an IP address or see any incoming packets. the DHCP server sees the DHCP requests from the laptop and sends responses, but the laptop isn't seeing them. some of the NICs list RX errors, others just don't see packets, any clue what this could be?01:22
trelaynehey all, anyone know how to turn off the auto screen lock?01:23
bazhangtrelayne, screensaver settings01:23
timc_ozzie, then it probably doesn't have a file system on it. Are you sure?01:23
elit3m1kesystem, preferences, screensaver01:23
trelaynethank you bazhang01:23
jonathanWait, so _no one_ here has multiple monitors with different vertical resolution to horizontal res. ratios?01:23
jonathanDoes that mean I am the only one encountering this problem? :(01:24
timjonathan, what is the problem? is it nvidia?01:24
timor ati, or ... ?01:24
jonathantim: Well, X11 seems to think there is space under my shorter monitor that does not exist. :)01:24
jonathantim: I end up with dead space that I can move my mouse into, but which is completely undesirable.01:24
=== brad_ is now known as bfrank
jonathantim: It becomes harder to navigate to buttons on the bottom of the screen in maximized applications, for example.01:25
timjonathan, and your xorg.conf has the right settings for both?01:25
jonathantim: My mouse can also get "lost" in the void01:25
jonathantim: I don't know if there is a correct way to set it up. :)01:25
jonathantim: I believe I specified a virtual monitor spanning both monitors, blah01:25
ppqc_ozzie, lsusb re-initializes usb devices, tried this?01:25
timwhich driver are you using? I mean what sort of card?01:25
jonathantim: an ATI one01:25
devzeroI have a thinkpad t23 with a fresh 10.04 install. no matter what NIC I use (wifi or wired), it's failing to get an IP address or see any incoming packets. the DHCP server sees the DHCP requests from the laptop and sends responses, but the laptop isn't seeing them. some of the NICs list RX errors, others just don't see packets, any clue what this could be? -- I've tried 2 different pcmcia wifi cards, 1 usb wifi card, 1 usb ethernet car01:25
timjonathan, are they both DMI? Is one of them VGA?01:26
jonathantim: HDMI, you mean? Both are VGA.01:26
elijahCan I use scp to recursively copy a directory and exclude" one folder from the tree?01:27
firstlydevzero: try the double-check onfigurasi from DHCP server01:28
crispexihi. i can't get grub to work. i've tried everything.01:28
ppqelijah, i dont think so (i'm not sure) but rsync definitely can exclude things. run rsync through ssh to make it secure01:28
Hypnosekroetesomeone knows a good commandline network monitor for linux ? :o i need this tool monitoring traffic for each application01:28
edbianHypnosekroete, iftop01:28
elijahppq: Can rsync pull from a web server to my local?01:28
devzerofirstly: thanks, it appears to work with all of my other machines, and I'm seeing the correct DHCP behavior in tcpdump01:28
edbianelijah, Use wget to pull from webservers01:29
Hypnosekroetethx edbian01:29
Monkey_Dusthi - in my login screen, is there any way I can position the input box? Hints & tips anyone?01:29
joebillxxxhi how do i go to another chatroom? ..no offence of coarse im just new to this01:29
elijahedbian: Can it login to the server too?01:29
bazhangjoebillxxx, /join #channel01:29
joebillxxxok ill try that01:29
timelijah, if there is no scp switch for exclude, you could always do something like "scp -r `ls some_directory | grep -v unwanted_directory` "01:30
ppqelijah, when there's a sshd on the server, rsync works01:30
elijahppq: I don't have sshd on my webserver :(01:30
joebillxxxok didnt work i think i need a new server too01:31
edbianelijah, That's much more complicated.  You have to write a program to do that for you.  It's hard.01:31
ppqelijah, when you are able to use scp, you do01:31
timelijah, well then trying to scp to it would not work either01:31
joebillxxxtrying to go to twitlive  for that podcast show01:31
edbianelijah, How do you log into the server if you don't have ssh?01:31
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elijahtim: I can scp no prob, but when I ran the sshd command it said command not found01:31
edbianelijah, If you can log in to the server don't use wget.  I'll let tim and ppq help you01:32
firstlydevzero: I usually do pengecakkan through the terminal by typing dhclient nameinterface01:32
edbianelijah, ssh  not sshd01:32
joebillxxxill go check what server its on ..01:32
elijahedbian: Gotcha, I have ssh01:32
timelijah, sshd is started from an init script unless you're debugging or something01:32
timit probably wasn't in your path01:32
sweetpijoebillxxx: twit is on irc.twit.tv01:33
elijahtim: So the scp route you listed above should work?01:33
sweetpioh well01:33
devzerofirstly: yeah, I'm running dhclient from the terminal too, on some of the NICs I see 0 RX packets despite seeing it leave the server via tcpdump, on other nics I see 0 received, but I see incrementing RX errors everytime a response is sent01:33
edbianelijah, sshd (ssh daemon)  it's the ssh server01:33
timelijah, yes, but rsync is better01:33
elijahedbian: Gotcha01:33
jonathanSo does anyone else have a solution for this "dead-space" problem with multiple monitors?01:33
elijahtim: How would I use rsync then?01:34
edbianelijah, man rsync ;)01:34
elijahI sort of get the concept, use rsync and run it through ssh to make it secure like scp but rsync has more power01:35
devzerofirstly: it looks like there's some kernel networking setting that is wacked out that would cause rx'ed frames from multiple drivers to get corrupted01:35
elijahHow would I run it though SSH though?01:35
edbianelijah, It is supported natively in the app.  rsync user@host:/path/to/target /path/to/local/folder01:35
RondoRavencan anybody recommend a current guide on setting up an external monitor with resolution better than 1024x768?01:36
firstlydevzero: I do not think like that, if the correct configuration meets these demands can try it with 2 pc01:36
RondoRavenI have a fresh install after repeatedly borking my system with no success01:37
elijahedbian: Nice01:37
edbianelijah, Linux is great huh?01:38
devzerofirstly: what do you mean? a crossover cable? I am pretty sure the cable and switch are working correctly - I tested them with a different computer and they work fine01:38
elijahedbian: yeah, pretty amazing!01:38
ppqelijah, for ssh, you have to specify it: rsync -e ssh and then the rest01:38
devzerofirstly: and this happens on both wifi and ethernet01:38
edbianelijah, Perhaps he's right^^01:38
KGF2009Holy crap. This has to be the biggest channel I have -ever- been in.01:38
edbianKGF2009, ha ha :)01:38
elijahKGF2009: I think you are right, about 3 years ago it was still at around 90001:39
KGF2009I've never been in a channel above 300, and now BOOM, 1200.01:39
edbianKGF2009, Usually it's closer to 150001:39
dtcrshrKGF2009, thats the way we do it01:39
firstlydevzero: if in another computer worked fine then it could be concluded01:40
KGF2009Took forever for irssi to get the namelist.01:40
AnthonyFer12good night01:41
ppqelijah, you probably also like to use --exclude=/foo/bar option01:41
AnthonyFer12can somebody tell me how to install networkmanager.. the newest version01:41
ppqbut ok you can read for ourself :) going to sleep now.01:42
edbianAnthonyFer12, It's installed by default I believe01:42
elijahppq: Haha, I was just going to ask if that was the right command, rsync man page is a monster01:42
AnthonyFer12really how can you tell_01:42
firstlydevzero: if the computer is working at what other networks to function properly?01:42
ppqelijah, it's long but imho it's very good. in opposite to most manpages01:42
edbianAnthonyFer12, It's the little networking applet on the gnome-panel.01:42
elijahppq: Yeah, I suppose I will appreciate the power as I grow01:43
teen4Godhi there i installed ubuntu on my laptop, but my headphone jack isn't working01:43
AnthonyFer12yeah I see it there... its version I need the new version 0.8.101:43
elijahteen4God: Open the terminal and type alsamixer01:43
AnthonyFer12seems that correct a bug with using broadband internet with one of these USB flash keys01:44
elijahppq: Would it matter if the -e ssh came before or after the --exclude=/foo/bar ??01:44
edbianelijah, nope01:44
elijahteen4God: Do you have a mixer screen?01:44
elijahedbian: thx01:45
ppqelijah, the order of the options is not so important01:45
ppqhave to leave now, good luck, elijah01:45
elijahppq: adios01:45
RondoRavendoes anybody here use an external monitor?01:46
teen4Godelijah I go the screen and my headphone setting is the same as my speaker which works01:46
KGF2009RondoRaven: Define external?01:46
firenxwell then, just booted 10.04 LTS and i get nothing on the screen :(01:46
wsthow cani set eth0 to to be default?01:46
firenxoff the livecd/install disc01:46
edbianGuest74945, hello01:46
RondoRavenKGF2009: plugged into laptop by VGA01:47
quagWhich package installs crontab (for crontab -e)?01:47
elijahedbian: Would this be right?  rsync -e ssh --exclude=/foo/bar elijah@remoteserver.com:/foo01:47
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edbianquag, crontab is installed by default01:47
I_want_elyRondoRaven, i have a desktop so i guess you could call it an external monitor01:47
quagedbian: hmmm... that's what I thought.01:47
quagedbian: but it is missing :(01:47
elijahteen4God: That is as far as i can help you, as long as your headphone jack level is up that is a good 1st step01:47
edbianelijah, You need a destination01:47
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Guest74945okay... i am installing vmware server on ubuntu 10.04 x64 and i keep getting the same error can anyone help me?01:47
KGF2009wst: Right click on your connections, go to Edit Connections, select eth0 and click edit, and check 'Connect Automatically'.01:47
edbianquag, Then I'm not sure what package it's in.  crontab ?01:47
KGF2009RondoRaven: Whatcha need?01:48
elijahedbian: So  rsync -e ssh --exclude=/foo/bar elijah@remoteserver.com:/foo /home/elijah/desktop01:48
RondoRavenOK then let's call it auxilliary?01:48
Guest74945okay... i am installing vmware server on ubuntu 10.04 x64 and i keep getting the same error can anyone help me?01:48
quagedbian: actually, it may be that cron isn't installed at all01:48
edbianelijah, Yeah.01:48
millertimek1a2m3wats up01:48
Name141Are all of the *buntu's about the same installed?01:48
Name141in terms of disk space01:49
Guest74945okay... i am installing vmware server on ubuntu 10.04 x64 and i keep getting the same error can anyone help me?01:49
edbianName141, yeah01:49
KGF2009RondoRaven: Sure. What's your issue?01:49
wstusing inteface eth001:49
wstERROR: libnet_select_device(): none(): can't find interface eth001:49
RondoRavenKGF2009: well 1024x1068 is not a very useful resolution01:49
wsthow can i pass on eth0?01:49
Name141edbian: would xfce (xubuntu) run 'that much better' than Gnome on old hardware?01:50
RondoRavenKGF: 1024x106801:50
c_ozzieGuest74945: what is the error?01:50
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KGF2009RondoRaven: System -> Preferences -> Monitors; I think you can set a resolution per monitor there.01:50
gartrali cant launch firefox. i simply get "Bus Error" then returned to prompt, can anyone advise?01:50
RondoRavenKGF2009: 1024x768 (flustered)01:50
edbianName141, In my opinion they run the same.01:50
Guest74945does anyone here understand how to fix the "unable to install vmmon module"" error in ubuntu 10.04 x6401:50
Name141edbian: I'm thinking I might as well install Ubuntu since I have the ubuntu disk.01:50
ZykoticK9Name141, check out lubuntu if you want a light weight *buntu.  Xfce isn't mush lighter then Gnome.01:50
KGF2009wst: Then I'm not sure how to help. What are you connected to now?01:51
Name141ZykoticK9: is that an 'offical' dist ?01:51
Guest74945does anyone here understand how to fix the "unable to install vmmon module"" error in ubuntu 10.04 x6401:51
bazhang!repeat | Guest7494501:51
ubottuGuest74945: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://ubuntu.stackexchange.com01:51
RondoRavenKGF2009: yes but attempts to alter VGA monitor resolution do not stick, res does not change01:51
ZykoticK9Name141, no, not yet - it lacks some "tools" to get "official" status01:51
Name141ZykoticK9: Ok.  But will I be able to upgrade distros and use ubuntu's repos and stuff without formatting when a new LTS comes out?01:52
ZykoticK9Name141, you might be interested in http://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=article&item=linux_desktop_vitals&num=101:52
wstKGF2009 i-m connected to eth1 but i want to connect on eth001:52
elijahedbian: I am getting a permission denied error01:52
wstto change it01:52
KGF2009wst: If eth1 is working fine, why change it?01:52
edbianelijah, user@host is correct?01:52
KGF2009wst: You can't connect to eth0 is no connection is bound there.01:53
ZykoticK9Name141, i don't personally upgrade distros every - i always fresh install, so i'm not the right person to ask01:53
elijahedbian: Yeah but I think the path was wrong so it may have been going to a non-existent or taken acct.01:53
edbianelijah, Likely.  lemme see the command again?01:54
edbianelijah, Usually it'll say though "path does not exist on host" or something like that.01:54
RondoRavenKGF2009: using default driver and Monitor Settings allows me to turn them off and on but res change does not actually happen unless I change to resolution supported by the laptop screen... 1024x768 or 800x600...01:56
elijahedbian: K, it is working now, but it says stdin: is not a tty skipping directory /foo01:56
edbianelijah, Do you have a /foo folder?  Do you have /foo in the rsync command?01:57
Sivikupon conenction of ftp with vsftpd with a new user, i get an error about lo: disabled privacy extensions01:57
elijahedbian: yeah, all folders exist01:58
edbianelijah, Then IDK.  Probably you made a syntax error01:58
c1rcuithow can i lock my cd drive so that it doesnt open01:59
alkisgLucid installations within virtualbox have mouse integration out of the box, but they don't have virtualbox-ose-guest-utils installed... Anyone knows which package offers mouse integration?01:59
elijahedbian: rsync -e ssh --exclude=/home/elisclou/test.com/music elisclou@server.com:/home/elisclou/test.com /home/elijah/Desktop01:59
elijahedbian: That is exactly what I ran with the exception of the "server" and "test"x2 replacements01:59
edbianelijah, Mmm, I don't see anything wrong. ?  test\.com perhaps?01:59
elijahedbian: I will try with something without the .02:00
edbianelijah, It's probably the .02:00
sditqhi there02:00
edbiansditq, hello02:00
sditqhow di?02:01
elijahedbian: No, same thing02:01
slooksterpsvhow di to you too lol02:01
c1rcuitguys thought question here02:01
edbianelijah, IDK, I don't see an error02:01
c1rcuitif i flushed a dimebag down my toilet02:01
sditqhow come?02:01
c1rcuitwould it take02:01
c1rcuitor would it back up02:01
c1rcuiti mean dimebags are fairly small02:01
FloodBot1c1rcuit: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.02:01
ZykoticK9alkisg, you might want to try virtualbox-ose-guest-x11 but i'm not quite sure what you're asking...02:02
sditqsorry guys am ensi02:02
slooksterpsvhi MattTheComputerG02:02
sditqam a new comer02:02
sditqelijah, are you a moslem?02:03
ZykoticK9!ot | c1rcuit02:03
ubottuc1rcuit: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!02:03
alkisgZykoticK9: If you install Lucid to virtualbox, you get mouse integration without installing virtualbox-ose-guest-x11. I'm looking for how this is possible.02:03
sditqso many things make me confused02:03
elijahedbian: I am opening a ticket with my webhost02:03
sditqam a new guy02:03
ZykoticK9alkisg, i've never experienced that using Lucid host & guests?02:04
sditqpardon me02:04
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alkisgZykoticK9: I've just tried it, mouse integration even works with the Lucid live cd.02:04
alkisg(as a guest)02:04
ZykoticK9alkisg, what host os are you using?02:04
alkisgZykoticK9: Lucid again02:04
sditqi use sabili02:04
bp0are application versions frozen with ubuntu versions?02:05
bp0for instance, will there ever be xchat 2.8.8 or GIMP 2.6.10 in ubuntu 10.04?02:05
ZykoticK9bp0, package versions are NOT updated during an ubuntu version.  it's not a rolling release at all.02:05
bp0that isnt some ppa02:05
Daekdroombp0, no02:05
bp0what is LTS then?02:05
Daekdroombp0, sometimes they may get to backports..02:05
ZykoticK9!lts | bp002:05
ubottubp0: LTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server. The current LTS version of Ubuntu is !Lucid (Lucid Lynx 10.04)02:05
DaekdroomLTS means it'll get security updates.02:06
bp0but not application updates?02:06
slooksterpsvwhats with the ! (not symbol is how I read it)02:06
bp0why aren't applications always in their own independent repos then?02:06
macoslooksterpsv: bot commands02:06
ZykoticK9slooksterpsv, it calls the bot, ubottu02:06
bp0why do they have to be frozen with ubuntu releases02:06
macobp0: stability02:06
matt531320is anybody here having problems with slow wifi in lucid?02:07
Daekdroombp0, it's much harder to keep the whole system working alright if you keep updating02:07
icarus-cbp0, independent repo for EACH app?! there are like tens of thousands02:07
slooksterpsvoh ok, I was like huh The current LTS version of Ubuntu is !Lucid (not lucid) lol02:07
ZykoticK9bp0, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TimeBasedReleases02:07
edbianbp0, There are other distros that work that way.02:07
bp0but applications don't release updates to their old versions02:07
bp0they just release new versions02:07
slooksterpsvmatt531320 - nope02:07
icarus-cbp0, if you want that, you want a rolling release distro02:07
macobp0: not true for all upstreams02:07
bp0so if there is a major flaw, it just wont be fixed?02:07
qcjn2hi, i ve got problem, with a network printer. It works from computer that is distant, but not from computer (this is the computer where the computer the printer is plugged)02:07
ubottuStable Release Update information is at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates02:07
macobp0: many maintain older versions, and we cherry pick patches to fix issues02:08
jribbp0: the security part is cherry-picked02:08
icarus-cbp0, ubuntu does backport major bug fixes/security fix to old version02:08
bp0it seems completely artificial to freeze applications with the os release02:08
qcjn2when i restart the server computer, i have to restart cupsys02:08
slooksterpsvis this info in a wiki somewhere, cause there's some questions I've had in regards to this (what bp0 is asking)02:08
Daekdroombp0, most distributions do that. I don't get you.02:08
macoslooksterpsv: yes, see the wiki page ubottu just linked....02:09
bp0well, that is my point about the independent repos, why do applicaitons havbe to be distributed as part of ubuntu02:09
bp0why does ubuntu have to do anything at all02:09
edbianbp0, That's what many distros do.  If you were on the daily build of every app the distro would be a complete nightmare.02:09
slooksterpsvmaco oh ok thank you =D02:09
icarus-cbp0, hence, you may find an security fix in foo-2.6.10   that is backported to ubuntu's foo-2.6.802:09
ZykoticK9bp0, this isn't the place to "debate" issues, time-based release system is how Ubuntu does it (which is sorta "end-of-story" on the matter ;)02:09
macobp0: because trusting random third parties is how you get pwned?02:09
bp0let the application devs release their own02:09
slooksterpsvwhat's a good rolling distrobution then thats ubuntu based?02:09
rwwthere isn't one02:09
macoslooksterpsv: there arent any ubuntu-based rolling distros02:09
icarus-cbp0, look. what you are thinking is  Rolling release model02:09
DaekdroomNo rolling release distribution is based on ubuntu02:09
edbianslooksterpsv, There is no such thing.02:09
macoslooksterpsv: debian unstable is rolling and uses debs, but as the name impllies...02:09
qcjn2and can't see localhost:631  <-- connexion error02:10
edbianslooksterpsv, but Ubuntu is based on Debian.  So that is probably a pretty good answer ^^02:10
gartralslooksterpsv: there are no debian-based rolling distros, if you like the idea of a rolling distro, look into sabayon02:10
trevorIf I have a makefile and I export a variable, then call a shell script is there which alters that variable how can I get the value passed back from the shell script to the makefile02:10
bp0icarus-c, i'm thinking Windows or Mac OS model where the applications are independent from the OS, and you can run newer versions on old OS versions02:10
x0rsanyone know where the gnomenu config file is?02:10
bazhang!ot | bp002:10
ubottubp0: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!02:10
x0rsI want to completely uninstall it and all it's old settings02:10
slooksterpsvedbian gartral maco - what's a linux distro that is rolling release model?02:10
elijahedbian: Would using the scp method still work?02:10
macobp0: and look how well windows is doing on the malware front...02:10
edbianslooksterpsv, arch02:10
bazhangbp0, please take this elsewhere02:10
acuwhat is the best book on Network Administration in Enterprise ?02:10
gartralslooksterpsv: SABAYON02:10
macoslooksterpsv: debian unstable, arch, gentoo, slackware...02:10
edbianelijah, scp works if you have ssh access.02:10
icarus-cbp0, some rolling release distro are gentoo, arch linux02:11
slooksterpsvedbian, really arch is? ok.... did not know that - sabayon is neat02:11
bp0elsewhere where?02:11
edbianslooksterpsv, yeah but this is offtopic02:11
bp0what, this is the channel to talk about ubuntu?02:11
elijahedbian: I do, but I want to exclude a folder, tim said earlier that this may work "scp -r `ls some_directory | grep -v unwanted_directory` "02:11
bazhangbp0, #ubuntu-offtopic02:11
edbianelijah, IDK02:11
bp0... ubuntu is the topic02:11
macobp0: its the channel for ubuntu *tech support*02:11
slooksterpsvedbian - oh well, just had a question regarding it in regards to the discussion we've had on ubuntu02:11
gartralmaco: debian-unstable is not concidered a real rolling distro, as the primary starting bases are named and code-locked02:11
ZykoticK9!hi | bp002:11
bazhangbp0, not debate finer points of release models02:11
ubottubp0: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!02:11
edbianelijah, Looks like that would work02:11
macobp0: you've left the realm of tech support02:11
modulexploitedi tried compiling an application and got an error with jvm http://pastebin.com/3a7kDhBN02:11
icarus-cbp0, yea app are independent from the OS on WIndows/Mac OS X,  but ubuntu build the OS & the app as a whole02:11
bazhangicarus-c, please lets get back on topic02:12
bp0well anyway, you end up with all these PPAs for things so you can run fixed apps on your 10.0402:12
bp0thats not better02:12
bazhangbp0, wrong channel for it02:12
macobp0: if you know of patches for existing bugs, please link to them in the bug reports and subscribe the sponsors too02:12
edbianbp0, If you don't like the packages / version that Ubuntu selects than it really isn't a good distro for you.02:12
icarus-cbp0, as said earlier, fixes are usually backported. but feature update are not02:12
bp0edbian, its not about selection, the new versions didnt exist when 10.04 was released... now they do, abut they can never be updated02:13
elijahWhat is the command to list all drives and their available capacities again?02:13
bp0because there is an artificial link between os releases and app releases02:13
edbianbp0, They will be updated in the next version.02:13
macoelijah: df -h02:13
ZykoticK9elijah, "sudo fdisk -l" or "mount"02:13
gartralicarus-c: the ONLY thing i dont agree with that philosphy on is games, games are updaed, and servers wont accept connections from older clients, and that causes mass breakage all too quikly02:13
edbianbp0, This is offtopic.  Unless you don't get how it works.  This channel isn't for debating if Ubuntu is making all the right choices.02:13
macogartral: and that is SRUable, aiui02:14
elijahmaco: thx02:14
unkmarjrib: It is not important now.  I'm ready for bed. And since the simple fix is to overlay install. (sounds like a windows solution) >:(  I will probably will replace it with Debian.02:14
jribunkmar: k02:14
edbianunkmar, Debian FTW02:14
Sivikif i add a drive to a already created directory with information in said directory, will it just add space or over take it?02:15
jribSivik: what do you mean by "add a drive to a already created directory"?02:16
edbianSivik, do you mean mounting a drive in that folder?02:16
Sivikyes, sorry02:16
ZykoticK9Sivik, if you mount something to a directory with content, the content is just "hidden" it's still there if you unmount02:16
Sivikas long as the files will still be there, i don't care02:16
Sivikthats what I was thinking.  just wanted to verify02:16
unkmarjrib: I get a kernel panic, it s likely because of missmatch files due to the failed upgrade. so an overlay install makes most sense.  So I might as well get closer to the trunk rather than further on the branch like that friend of mine that thinks Mint linux is a good idea.  He would probably love DreamLinux.02:16
jribunkmar: k, I don't really care what your plans are.   But if you have some sort of support question, just ask it02:17
zomgwtfbbq? DCC CHAT zomgwtfbbqzomgwtfbbq 0 0 002:18
unkmarjrib: originally I did, and got big time ignored.   http://pastebin.com/vLmGPxk602:18
FloodBot1NOTICE - The above was an exploit attempt that may have disconnected some users. Please ignore it, or type « /msg ubottu exploit » for more information.02:18
jribunkmar: if people don't know the answer, you won't get a response.  They aren't ignoring you purposefully02:19
raygalinatoHi, could someone just clarify something for me? I just want to know whether the driver installed for my nVidia card from Hardware Drivers is the "nouveau" driver or not.02:19
slooksterpsv... ok I have a question now, I don't know if it would be offtopic or not, as it's related to Linux Distros in general02:20
edbianraygalinato, lsmod | grep nouveau    will show if the nouveau driver is being used on your system.02:20
Sivikraygalinato, what card?02:20
dean22i cannot connect wirelessly  to my router.. if my laptop  is on battery, wireless  energy saving mode.. any way to resolve it02:20
icarus-craygalinato, you could view /var/log/Xorg.0.log02:20
bazhangslooksterpsv, try ##linux if its not directly ubuntu support02:20
edbianslooksterpsv, If it's off topic you can pm me02:20
elijahedbian: My host says "The "stdin: is not a tty" message is a normal error for rsync to produce as it is not an interactive shell. You can ignore this message."02:21
edbianelijah, Then you're all set?02:21
elijahedbian: But the thing is that it doesn't copy anything to my destination02:21
edbianelijah, You know more than I do about the problem at this point.02:21
alkisgZykoticK9: found it, it's the "Enable absolute pointing device" setting on the oracle virtualbox. It emulates a tablet, that's why mouse integration is working out of the box.02:22
mamece2anybody here? i need some to talk about ubuntu02:23
unkmarmamece2: I'm not here.02:23
AnthonyFer12hi.. can somebody guide me on how to install the first application under this link: http://ftp.gnome.org/pub/GNOME/sources/NetworkManager/0.8/02:23
raygalinatoThank you, edbian, Sivik, icarus-c. I have my answer. :)02:23
ZykoticK9alkisg, "interesting" i've never even heard of that option before.  thanks, not sure if i'll be using it - but good to know :)02:23
mamece2unkmar, do u use ubuntu?02:23
AnthonyFer12it's giving me hell02:23
unkmarmamece2: I did until it died today.02:23
mamece2unkmar, y u said that?02:24
unkmarmamece2: still do on my old server.02:24
_multipass_hey guys, im having trouble installing ubuntu on a raid 0 with windows already on it, anyone help ?02:24
mamece2unkmar, so uu pc died today?02:24
unkmarmamece2: the Ubuntu install on my desktop died.02:24
mamece2unkmar, how much time have u been using it?02:25
unkmarThe server is 6.06 so, um.. 4 years?02:25
anotherjokeThat's a lot of users02:26
slooksterpsvanotherjoke, but only about 2% of them talk lol02:26
mamece2would you personally recommend ubuntu over windows vista?02:26
slooksterpsvmamece2 - I do02:26
edbianmamece2, yes!  But why ask that in an Ubuntu channel ? :)02:26
I_want_elymamece2, so do i02:26
bazhangmamece2, did you have an actual support question?02:26
I_want_elyand yeah, what edbian said lol02:27
mamece2what about security issues? like virus or another individual gettin in my files?02:27
bazhang!virus > mamece202:27
ubottumamece2, please see my private message02:27
unkmarmamece2: lol. Um, I suggest almost anything over windows. But that is rather price choosing decision on my part.  Along with amount of support available.02:27
slooksterpsvwhat does !virus > mamece202:27
edbianmamece2, Basically not an issue for linux.  It is designed differently and is therefore more secure.  Plus it has the added bonus of being a portion small market share and therefore a lousy target for attackers.02:27
mamece2sorry for the virus question, im not a troll02:27
edbianslooksterpsv, It tells the bot to talk directly to mamece202:28
bazhangit directs the factoid to him slooksterpsv02:28
ZykoticK9!virus > slooksterpsv it sends a private bot message02:28
ubottuslooksterpsv, please see my private message02:28
unkmarmamece2: don't get me wrong, their is plenty of windows support. And plenty of windows viruses, and plenty of people to pay.02:28
edbianmamece2, No worries.  Completely valid question02:28
bazhangmamece2, what version of ubuntu are you using02:28
mamece2i installed 10.04 UNE02:28
slooksterpsvsorry, still new to IRC trying to figure how what you guys do in the IRC chat and all that, besides the support questions02:28
bazhangmamece2, okay, any issues? please have a read of the manual02:28
bazhang!manual | mamece202:28
ubottumamece2: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/02:28
mamece2but i find the OS very annoying, i want a desktop one, not childish tab. ppq told me how to change to desktop version02:28
ehcahIf I have 3 computers that are identical. Is clonezilla the best program to you in order to create an image? That will speed up getting the other 2 ready?02:28
=== Yani|Desktop is now known as Yani
AnthonyFer12does anybody know how to install the latest version of network manager 0.8.1?02:29
ehcahOr is more time consuming then it's worth?02:29
unkmarslooksterpsv: depends on the channel.  this is a support channel. so they do support questions.02:29
slooksterpsvok when I have high disk activity applications on my computer freeze up02:29
slooksterpsvthis has been bugging me for a while, especially during vm installs I feel like I can't do anything else without having the system hang for a bit02:29
_multipass_hey guys, im having trouble installing ubuntu on a raid 0 hard drive... it does not show up in the install, is there anything i can do?02:29
edbianmamece2, Linux is not childish.02:29
Yanihey folks, I don't suppose someone could help me out with this. I am trying to get Dwarf Fortress to work on 10.04, but it gives me the following error02:29
Yani./libs/Dwarf_Fortress: error while loading shared libraries: libSDL_ttf-2.0.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory02:29
unkmarslooksterpsv: in other channels people tend to idle.  Think of it as having a big room of thousands of people that don't know each other, aren't drinking and are shy.  You get lots of silence.  Called, idling.02:30
anotherjokeI run Ubuntu02:30
ZykoticK9ehcah, clonezilla is really powerful, and very handy for "imaging" systems, but if you want something easier see the !clone factoid and just install on each02:30
KB1JWQanotherjoke: Congrats.02:30
unkmarwhat is UNE?02:30
ubottuTo replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude  --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » - See also !automate02:30
bazhang!une > unkmar02:30
ubottuunkmar, please see my private message02:30
ZykoticK9unkmar, Ubuntu Netbook Edition (formerly Remix)02:30
mamece2ubuntu netbook edition, i recomment it only to small laptops02:30
slooksterpsv!une > slooksterpsv02:30
ubottuslooksterpsv, please see my private message02:31
ubottumamece2, please see my private message02:31
unkmaroh, ugh, netbook, I hate that LOCKED desktop.02:31
ZykoticK9slooksterpsv, if you want to see a factoid you can use "/msg UBOTTU !foo" to get it privatly02:31
ubottuPlease investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots.  Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid".02:31
slooksterpsvok anyone know why high disk activity freezes my apps?02:31
ehcahZykotick9: thank you.02:31
CyLEvening folks... my computer can't resume from hibernation, although it seems to sucessfully enter the hibernation state.. I believe this is related to the fact I'm using a swapfile instead of a swap partition... any advice?02:31
mamece2i am fixing itunes, then i will go to ubuntu again02:31
edbianslooksterpsv, Because Ubuntu is not the most stable Linux distro ;)02:32
unkmarslooksterpsv: they can't get drive time?02:32
ZykoticK9edbian, that is not a helpful or contructive statement02:32
mamece2i almost cried blood trying to make amarok play mp3 :s02:32
slooksterpsvapps like pidgin do it, well any app really, even terminal; :( freezes02:32
mamece2im still not able to scrobble songs played on amarok02:32
=== microm_ is now known as microm
elijahedbian: Ok, host replied back with this command "rsync -a -v -z --progress --delete -e ssh --exclude=/home/elisclou/test.com/music elijah@test.com:/home/elisclou/test.com /home/elijah/Desktop/backup" and it worked!  Minus the --exclude switch but gettin' real close!02:33
edbianelijah, Alright then! :D02:34
slooksterpsvno one has any sort of answer or that? ok :(... searching forums then02:34
aki_how do i move the buttons to the right02:34
bazhang!controls | aki_02:34
ubottuaki_: In Lucid, the minimize, maximize, and close buttons have been moved to the left side. For more information, please see https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/light-themes/+bug/532633/comments/564 | To move them back to the right-hand side, see http://sites.google.com/site/alucidfs/how-i-do/move-buttons-to-right-side02:34
aemaethwhat buttons?02:34
aki_like close02:34
sjswenghello world02:34
sjswengfirst time on irc in a while !02:34
sjswenglove this :)02:34
aemaethhello sjsweng02:35
ubottumamece2, please see my private message02:35
aemaethsjsweng: i'm in irssi, how about you?02:35
mamece2nice bot02:35
sjswengI'm in sf, sitting at a cafe02:35
mamece2i have soooo much to read02:35
unkmaraemaeth: irssi is great along with screen.02:35
aemaethsf like san francisco?02:35
YaniAnyone mind helping me get Dwarf Fort working on ubuntu 10.04?02:35
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!02:35
aemaethwell, i meant the chat program im in02:35
aemaethi'm in vista02:36
sjswengoh :) whoops, I'm using Colloquy on OSX02:36
aemaeththe town, not the OS02:36
ZykoticK9aemaeth, do you have an ubuntu support question?02:36
aemaethi'm helping sjsweng02:36
unkmaraemaeth: I know.  I use irssi inside screen via remote to my server.02:36
aemaethunkmar: i'm using something called byobu, it has several screens02:37
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sjswengdoes anyone know of a good thunderbird  / apache plugin for irc chat?02:37
aemaethyou know how freebsd has that mouse daemon?  is there anything like that for gnu/linux?  It would be super awesome02:38
Jordan_Uaemaeth: Byobu is a set of scripts / profiles for the program "screen".02:38
sjswengI've been looking to consolidate my apps, so that when I sign into mail, it should sign me into irc / rooms at the same time02:38
Yanibecause it keeps giving me the error: ./libs/Dwarf_Fortress: error while loading shared libraries: libSDL_ttf-2.0.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory02:38
Yaniand I am not at all sure what to do with it02:38
ZykoticK9Yani, try installing libsdl-ttf2.0-002:39
mamece2im so glad this chat exits. forums are not so effective for the clearing of doubts02:39
goddardFlash still crashes with Google chrome02:40
bazhangmamece2, please be sure to read the manual02:40
Gneagoddard: works fine here. are you on 64bit?02:40
Gneausing the new 64bit flash?02:40
Gneatried on FF?02:41
goddardhow new?02:41
ZykoticK9goddard, how did you install flash?02:41
Gnealatest in the repo02:41
_multipass_hey guys, im having trouble installing ubuntu on a raid 0 hard drive... it does not show up in the install, is there anything i can do?02:41
ZykoticK9Gnea, is 64bit flash in repo?02:41
goddardfrom adobe website02:41
GneaZykoticK9: I was referring to FF02:41
YaniZykoticK9, thanks a lot, that did the trick02:41
ZykoticK9Yani, nice.02:42
ZykoticK9Gnea, ahh gotcha02:42
sport_Hi everyone.  I just installed Ubuntu Server as a VM.  Does anyone know how I can adjust the screen resolution?  The font too large02:42
YaniI think I was using the wrong lib02:42
=== CyL is now known as CyL_zz
Gneasport_: #ubuntu-server might know how02:42
sport_thanks, I'' check it out02:42
goddardNo fix for this?02:43
jfeolesport_  which software are u using? Virtulabox?02:44
goddardother browsers dont have this problem02:45
MooshiMuushiHey Peoples :D02:45
MooshiMuushiRe-say. Hey Peoples?02:46
ZykoticK9jfeole, ubuntu server doesn't run an x session, do you know how to change the console resolution or font?02:46
coz_MooshiMuushi,  hey guy02:46
MooshiMuushicoz_, Hey :D02:47
goddardeven chromium and google chrome developmental do this02:47
jfeoleZykoticK9  - u mean the default terminal console?02:48
gartralmaco: what is "SRUable"? don't use acronyms, this is irc, not aim02:48
ZykoticK9jfeole, well that's what server boots to TTY1 sorta thing - i was only partially interested, if you had a quick answer i would add it too my notes.  the person actually asking has left - so it's all good man ;)  thanks though.02:49
gartralmaco: what did you mean by what you highlighted me for?02:49
=== seidos_ is now known as seidos
Gneagoddard: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=135077502:50
trismgartral: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates (SRU)02:50
rww!sru | gartral02:51
ubottugartral: Stable Release Update information is at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates02:51
goddardGnea i think I may of done that already02:51
gartraltrism: my web browsers are borked, dont link me02:51
unkmargartral: w3m doesn't work for you?02:51
ZykoticK9Gnea, that link you sent goddard is the old-64bit flash, from Dec 2009 - NOT current at all02:51
Gneagoddard: well you mentioned that you installed it directly from adobe's site, that way installs it via ppa, so it might work02:51
gartralis it really that hard for people to spell out an acronym instead of clicking through bookmarks for a link?02:51
Gneait is?02:51
trismgartral: it says it right in the link02:52
MooshiMuushiAnyone know how to open a ".sh" file through menu?02:52
gartralunkmar: if you say my earlier message, all my web browsers give "Bus Error" same with apt.. but stuff like games and irssi work fine02:52
ZykoticK9Gnea, adobe pulled the old 64bit flash a while ago due to some security issue - it was just re-release a couple weeks ago i believe (i haven't tried it)02:52
goddardMidori is a small project using Webkit just like Google Chrome and doesn't have any problems02:53
rwwmidori doesn't have any problems? you must be more forgiving than me.02:53
goddardrww what problems have you had?02:53
GneaZykoticK9: funny, https://launchpad.net/~sevenmachines/+archive/flash02:53
GneaZykoticK9: it was updated 9 days ago.02:54
ZykoticK9Gnea, then that should be the current one - i was just worried by the date on the forum post - guess the PPA is still up-to-date/current, so it's all good.02:55
GneaZykoticK9: I'm usually not so skeptical as long as it's under a couple years old02:55
ZykoticK9Gnea, it's just the 64bit flash has been an issue over the last year ;)02:56
GneaZykoticK9: some of the sources.list lines might need to be modified, but most PPA's are upkept pretty well02:56
GneaZykoticK9: oh I know, that's why I figured a direct PPA link would prove helpful02:56
goddardrww what problems have you had?02:57
jfeoleZykoticK9 - check this: http://harrison3001.blogspot.com/2009/09/grub-2-graphical-boot-tips-to-set.html02:58
rwwgoddard: Randomly refusing to load pages, missing features I needed, various other things. If I remember correctly, it's also one of the ones with poor SSL certificate checking that accepts self-signed certs without prompting. It's been a couple of weeks, and I tested about ten browsers, so...02:59
rwwconclusion: Iceweasel is slow, but feature-wise it's the best thing out there :\02:59
goddardrww really do you know what its programed in?03:00
ZykoticK9jfeole, good link - thanks man03:00
rwwgoddard: I don't particularly care03:00
xscrollcan someone point me to a wireless USB dongle that ubuntu 10.04 supports automatically with little to no configuration?03:00
goddardrww whats it built off of03:00
jfeoleZykotick9 - np..that is a tuff ?03:01
delinquentmeis there a way to kill the startup ubuntu drum ditty?03:02
martin__anyone has a nvidia ion ethernet MCP79 network card working? I can't get mine to work. The router has issues an IP address, but ubuntu does not bring up the network interface.03:02
trismdelinquentme: the drums before login can be disabled on System/Administration/Login Screen, the drums after System/Preferences/Startup Applications, disable GNOME Login Sound03:03
ZykoticK9jfeole, "that is a tuff"? don't quite understand, ironically those directions are VERY similar to what I used to use for Plymouth resolution - my note at http://sites.google.com/site/alucidfs/how-i-do/plymouth-resolution03:03
delinquentmetrism, thanks03:03
unkmargartral: I don't know what a "Bus error" is.  Miss your stop?03:03
gartralunkmar: ha.. ha.. no03:04
|2exxDoes anyone know a good streaming music player for ubuntu?03:04
gartralunkmar: gareth@station:~$ firefox03:04
gartralBus error03:04
xscrollgartral: try chrome  :P03:05
=== dylan_of_darknes is now known as dylan_noktum
jfeoleZykoticK9 - i mean it not really apparent what/where to make changes..sorta obscure, ya know?03:06
unkmar|2exx: vlc, mplayer?  define good?03:06
=== douglas_ is now known as Douglas
wafiiq_hey guys03:06
bazhangwafiiq_, support question?03:06
goddardcorrect term is hi men03:06
unkmargoddard: or is that hymen03:07
|2exxunkmar: good like a cool media server I can access with thousands of streaming channels?03:07
bazhangunkmar, thats enough03:07
goddardhymlic for u03:07
MooshiMuushiGuys, I have a question.03:07
MooshiMuushiHow d you run a file that has an extension of ".sh" from the application menu.03:08
xscrollMooshiMuushi: you run it from the terminal03:08
Russo23feel the force03:09
ZykoticK9MooshiMuushi, "gnome-terminal -e /path/to/foo.sh"03:09
blippitydoes anyone know if ubuntu installation from wubi within windows will install grub?03:09
goddardrww iceweasel isn't in the repositories?03:09
MooshiMuushiFrom the main menu.03:09
unkmar|2exx: I don't remember which one I saw that had channel selections built into it.  I had been using shoutcast.com.  But stopped for my own personal reasons.03:09
blippityfor that matter is there anything similar to "andlinux" that can run in 64bit03:09
MooshiMuushixscroll, Zykotick: From the main menu.03:10
ZykoticK9MooshiMuushi, make a launch and either use the gnome-terminal -e command or use the "run in terminal" checkbox03:10
ZykoticK9!tab > MooshiMuushi03:10
ubottuMooshiMuushi, please see my private message03:10
MooshiMuushiGive me a second.03:11
rwwgoddard: Iceweasel is Debian's unbranded form of Firefox. If you're on Ubuntu, you can approximately s/Iceweasel/Firefox/.03:11
Jordan_Ublippity: A wubi installation will install grub, but setup to be loaded from ntldr/BCD. Grub does not replace the windows bootloader in the mbr with a wubi install.03:12
jfeoleanyone have a good grub2 tutorial or links??03:12
ZykoticK9!grub2 > jfeole03:13
ubottujfeole, please see my private message03:13
blippityeven if wubi install is not full install?03:13
goddardapproximately s/?03:13
Jordan_Ublippity: Could you rephrase the question?03:13
MooshiMuushiZykoticK9, Preference --> Main Menu03:14
blippitywubi installer offers two options: full install w/o dedicated partition, and an install within windows on dedicated windows partition03:14
blippityfollowing me?03:14
ZykoticK9goddard the s/ is substitute, so s/foo/too is substitute foo for too03:14
MooshiMuushiZykoticK9, From there. I allowed the program to be opened through terminal, but in a flash, it turns off.03:14
blippityso if i install ubuntu within windows without a dedicated partition being created, would it install grub03:16
ZykoticK9MooshiMuushi, what does the script do? -- to trouble shoot you might want to uncheck the terminal, and use the "gnome-terminal -e /path..." to see the output/error03:16
unkmarMooshiMuushi: the add a line or 2 to the script.  the last line could be read.  That will cause a pause.03:16
blippityi ask because grub hates my hardware03:16
Jordan_Ublippity: Yes, but not in the normal sense. Again, it will *not* replace windows' bootloader so a problem with grub will not prevent windows from booting.03:17
Maluco`do Brasil:????03:18
bazhang!br | Maluco`03:18
ubottuMaluco`: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.03:18
xnixanHi, i have ubuntu box as firewall with eth0 connected to internal net work and eth1 to the internet router i need to allow only 4 hosts to have full access to internal and external connections and the rest of internal network will only be able to access those 4 internal hosts, would you mind telling me what are the rules to be applied?03:19
blippityif i did the install within windows, how hard would it be to then remove grub cleanly?03:19
blippitysimple fixmbr command?03:20
blippityor would that not be necessary?03:20
Jordan_Ublippity: fixmbr would not be needed as wubi will not touch the mbr.03:20
MooshiMuushiGive me a second ZykoticK9 and unkmar :D03:20
blippityso where does grub happen in the boot process?03:21
CircsDoes anyone here play minecraft alpha in Ubuntu?03:22
MooshiMuushiWish...if it was free.03:23
CircsMooshiMuushi, What about minecraft classic?03:24
rwwblippity: The GRUB setup used in Wubi (the install-from-Windows option) is chained from Windows' bootloader. So the BIOS passes off to Windows, which then passes off to GRUB.03:25
Jordan_Ublippity: Wubi creates a file (I think named g2ldr.img) which ntldr/BCD then chainlaods.03:25
CircsWell I have a more common question too: I would like to have my Ubuntu desktop hooked up to my surround sound system and I need to have optical audio out to accomplish this. Do I have to replace my motherboard to get this?03:26
blippityi have an asus g73j. had to do a low level format to remove grub last time, so i'm curious as to grub uninstall afterwards03:26
spurCircs: no, there are many PCI sound cards availalbe.03:26
rwwblippity: Wubi has an entry in Windows' Add/Remove Programs that should do that. If not, there's a tool called EasyBCD that can remove the entry from Windows' bootloader.03:26
Jordan_Ublippity: It doesn't make sense for removing grub to require a low level format.03:27
Circsspur, Yes, I've been looking through but many of them seem to have problems with optical output and ubuntu. Feeling a bit lost.03:27
blippityapparently there is a known hardware issues with asus machines that causes issues with grub03:27
MooshiMuushiCircs, Classic? Never tried.03:27
blippityor so i have been told03:27
spurrww: That is WindowsXP.  Windows 7 has Programs and Features.03:27
CircsMooshiMuushi, It meets your free requirement03:27
CircsMooshiMuushi, It is Java based it seems and I was wondering how it runs. I *think* you can play it in browser03:28
MooshiMuushiCircs, I'm quite sure you can.03:29
Bridge|Asup all03:29
ubottumamece2, please see my private message03:29
=== Bridge|A is now known as Bridge|
CircsMooshiMuushi, I became quite addicted to it at my friend's house and would most certainly not like to go MS to get a game.03:30
Emanon-iPhoneOk on issuance of any apt get command I get "segmentation faulty tree" how do I fix this?03:31
MooshiMuushiCircs, Go to MS? You can buy it and download it.03:31
titan-arkhi does anyone have an idea of using lucid ona  VBox? I needed some help here03:31
CircsMooshiMuushi, I think I stated that poorly. I would not like to have to go spend money on Windows to be able to play the game03:32
bazhangMooshiMuushi, Circs please take chat to #ubuntu-offtopic03:32
titan-arkfull screen giving me trouble03:32
Circsbazhang, Not chatting inquiring about compatibility.03:32
Jordan_Utitan-ark: What problem are you having?03:32
MooshiMuushibazhang, ahh caught again...03:32
bazhangCircs, well beyond that now03:32
GneaCircs: tried wine or cedega?03:32
Emanon-iPhoneAnyone? Im on my iPhone at a clients house so any quick help would be good03:32
rwwIt's Java-based. You shouldn't need WINE or Cedega...03:33
GneaEmanon-iPhone: have you checked the heat of the hardware in the case?03:33
titan-arkJordan_U: I installed it and the guest additions, but in full screen mode, the lower part of the screen is not visible03:33
Gnearww: oh, missed that part. yeah, not sure why anyone would need windows for it...03:33
titan-arkJordan_U: is it cos am using a 14" notebook? the screen is too small?03:34
spurtitan-ark: know it ain't.  the resolution is too low.03:34
titan-arkspur: ah okay, thx... lemme try pumping it up03:34
Circsrww, Basically I was looking for someone who has actually run at least the free version in Linux because on forums and such I only see problems people have had. I'm wondering if it just works well enough people don't mention it or if just very few people have played it in Linux.03:35
spurinches are irrelavent.  It is pixels by pixels that is important.03:35
Emanon-iPhoneGnea: well It doesn't do it except on an apt command everything else works fine03:35
GneaEmanon-iPhone: if time is so short, why not check it?03:36
spurEmanon-iPhone: have you tested apt-cache?03:36
titan-arkspur: hmmm true :P n00b me03:36
GneaEmanon-iPhone: hm, maybe that isn't it...03:36
Circsrww, I would try it but my netbook basically dies when I give it a shot and no other hardware is in running shape right now.03:36
GneaEmanon-iPhone: are there any .bin files in /var/cache/apt/archives/ ?03:36
Emanon-iPhoneSpur explain please03:37
Jordan_UEmanon-iPhone: Can you pastebin the exact error message?03:37
GneaEmanon-iPhone: if there are any, they should be removed03:37
GneaJordan_U: he's on a phone03:38
spurEmanon-iPhone: you said apt.  both apt-get and aptitude require root.  apt-cache does not.03:38
spurEmanon-iPhone: apt-cache search gnome03:38
Emanon-iPhone"segmentation fault tree... 0%"03:38
GneaEmanon-iPhone: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1956303:38
titan-arkspur: tried the next higher (and the max supported) resolution and I get the bottom part entirely, but now I am missing the right edge! :(03:39
spurGnea: iphone, one thing at a time.  if he goes there.  Poof! no more irc.03:39
Emanon-iPhoneThanks g03:40
Gneaspur: I thought the iphone could multitask03:40
spurtitan-ark: and you had the right edge before the changes?03:40
Emanon-iPhoneThanks all bye now03:40
titan-arkspur: yes03:40
=== microm_ is now known as microm
spurtitan-ark: and this is a game?  sounds like it wants a specific ratio.  3:4 or 16:9 or 16:1003:41
* Jordan_U was just about to suggest a possible solution for Emanon-iPhone's problem :(03:41
titan-arkspur: no, not a game. its my vbox screen for my ubuntu boot03:41
=== wet-chan is now known as wet
martin___I keep getting timeout on eth1 DHCP (the router does not filter on mac addresses - and two other computers have network access right now through the router)03:43
titan-arkspur: so basically, on a 1152*864 resolution i get the right side fully but lose the bottom part and in the 1360*768 I lose the right part but get the bottom part03:44
GneaJordan_U: did you check that url i posted?03:44
spurtitan-ark: ok, I think the video drivers for the vbox video card are restricted to certain resolutions.  They may all be of the 3:4 category.  such as 800x600, 640x480 and 1024x768 variety.03:44
spurtitan-ark: I suspect yoru laptop is of the 16:9 or 16:10 variety.03:44
titan-arkspur: yup you nailed it03:45
Jordan_UGnea: I hadn't, but I have now. Good to know :)03:45
titan-arkspur: so i guess i have to live with it03:45
twaini need help solve with verzion usb760 pls03:46
elijahI want to move the entire contents of a folder to another folder, I use mv /home/elijah/opt/public_html /var/www/     and it just puts the whole folder inside /www how can I make better?03:46
GneaJordan_U: yeah, I thought he meant "segmentation fault" at first, but it's actually different03:46
spurtitan-ark: yeah, kinda looks that way until they develop virtual video drivers of the HD variety.03:46
albert_someone can help me03:46
twainanyone know how solve with verzion wireless usb760??03:46
Kendaljahow do I add direcotys with spaces to my path03:46
Kendaljalike iTunes Medai03:46
KendaljaiTunes Media03:47
albert_someone can help me03:47
Kendaljasince there is a space it says invalid dir03:47
spurKendalja: mkdir "this folder"03:47
bazhangalbert_, ask a question03:47
spurKendalja: OR  mkdir another\ folder03:47
KendaljaI dont want to make a dir03:47
KendaljaI just want to know how to access it if it has a space03:47
albert_hellow started using ubuntu, but some friends tell me that debian03:47
titan-arkspur: hmmmm okay thx. the weird thing is i could not install lucid on the older version of vbox! but karmic worked like a charm and the full screen also dint give me trouble. I had to update to the latest vbox to be able to install lucid03:47
jfeoleelijah: do cp -R current_dir new_dir03:48
rwwKendalja: put a \ before the space03:48
spurKendalja: same differenct. you need to escape it as you add to the path.03:48
bazhangalbert_, debian?03:48
albert_that debian is a better version that ubuntu03:48
albert_than ubuntu03:48
elijahjfeole: That is what I was starting to suspect. Does that do all hidden files too?03:48
bazhangalbert_, thats opinion03:48
ubottuUbuntu and Debian are closely related. Ubuntu builds on the foundations of Debian architecture and infrastructure, with a different community and release process. See https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/installation-guide/i386/what-is-debian.html - Remember, !repositories meant for Debian should NOT be used on Ubuntu!03:48
Kendaljaso iTunes/Media03:48
Jordan_U!best | albert_03:48
ubottualbert_: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.03:48
bazhangalbert_, you have an ubuntu support question? or wish to take a poll03:48
spurKendalja: PATH=$PATH:/mnt/my\ stuff03:48
jfeoleit does03:48
Gneaalbert_: different distributions are better than others for different people, depending on what they need to do03:49
twainanyone can help me how solve verzion usb 760??03:49
elijahjfeole: Thanks03:49
twainfor wireless03:49
Jordan_Uspur: He deosn't want to add anything to $PATH03:49
fengshaundoes anyone know how I can make brightness work with ubuntu on a vaio vgn-fj laptop?03:49
twainwhere can i find network support chat?03:50
albert_ah ok and if i use ubuntu can i do as administrator network the same task than debian03:50
rwwalbert_: yes03:50
=== owen is now known as Leman_Russ
spurKendalja: iTunes\ Media    OR 'iTunes Media'  OR "iTunes Media"03:50
rwwtwain: network as in this IRC network, or networking as in networking computers together?03:50
albert_ah ok, so i choose ubuntu03:50
Leman_Russwhat is the name of the Ubuntu off-topic room, and the Ubuntu 10.10 room?03:51
bazhang!manual | albert_ have a read03:51
ubottualbert_ have a read: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/03:51
twainnetwork for computer i got verzion wireless USB 760 but i cannot solve  with it make it work on linux03:51
rwwLeman_Russ: #ubuntu-offtopic and #ubuntu+1 respectively03:51
MrDudlehow do i shred a directory03:51
bazhangLeman_Russ, #ubuntu+1 and #ubuntu-offtopic03:51
Leman_RussThank you03:51
spurtwain: has it been activated?03:51
rwwtwain: ##networking, though you probably want ##linux or here.03:51
bazhangtwain, what chipset03:52
spurtwain: is it one of those dual mode devices that needs to be switched from Drive to modem?03:52
twainspur   i been use usb on windows... for 4 month until i change to linux03:52
albert_ah ok thank you friend and long live open source!!!!03:52
elijahjfeole: When I do cp -r /foo/bar .  it copes the enitre folder and not the contents, any tweask?03:52
spurelijah: cp -r /foo/bar/* .    ???03:53
jfeoleuse cp -R03:53
twainspur  it usb wireless modem  from verzion  you know what i mean?03:53
bazhangtwain, need the chipset03:54
elijahspur: That worked, thx03:54
jfeolecp -R /directory/* directory/*03:54
spurtwain: yes, and some models have a dual mode.  Switching between USB drive with drivers and used as modem.03:54
twainok bazhang how do i find chipset?    y can check verzion wirless  it usb760 info?03:54
jfeolecp -R /directory/* /directory/*03:54
spurtwain: others show up as both at the same time.03:54
spurtwain: "lsusb -v" might help you find the chipset.03:55
twainok spur where can i find lsusb - v?03:56
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spurtwain: you type lsusb -v in a terminal.03:56
twaingot it ,,,  spur let me type now03:56
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elijahjfeole: Yes, thanks!03:57
* spur is glad he didn't suggest dmesg | less03:57
Jordan_U!language | bawlsIsMyBitch03:57
ubottubawlsIsMyBitch: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.03:57
twainok i got list of terminal  how do i send info to you  just copy and paste it?03:57
rww!pastebin | twain03:57
ubottutwain: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.03:57
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spurat least he was wise enough to ask before flooding out.03:58
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=== KingDeath is now known as Onme
rwwspur: they wouldn't have been the first person to paste dmesg in here :S03:59
rwwyay for floodbots03:59
Onmeflood bots?03:59
rwwOnme: yup. they sit in here and quiet people who start flooding04:00
rwwamongst lots of other things04:00
Onmei hear good things about mint04:00
spurevery noisy channel has at least one.04:00
twainok i did paste it  so i got urb address  just put on chat?04:01
martin___ow... the network manager is able to get the correct DNS entries, but eth1 still won't work...?!04:01
spurtwain: right.  paste the url.04:01
spurmartin___: you looked in /etc/resolve.conf to see that the dns is correct?04:01
martin___spur: yes04:02
twainspur i did send to you in privite04:02
slooksterpsvlol this bot in here is funny04:02
slooksterpsv!tmi > slooksterpsv04:02
ubottuslooksterpsv, please see my private message04:02
spurmartin___: and it only has an IP and not lots of names?  cause confuse things sometimes.04:03
spurtwain: got it04:03
twainok great sorry i just learning on linux04:03
spurtwain has: Bus 003 Device 006: ID 1410:5030 Novatel Wireless04:04
slooksterpsv!tmi | slooksterpsv04:04
ubottuslooksterpsv, please see my private message04:04
slooksterpsvsorry everyone04:04
bazhangslooksterpsv, /msg ubottu please04:05
twainok then what? lol04:05
slooksterpsvI did already just wanted to see how it worked in the IRC chat04:05
bazhangslooksterpsv, this is not the channel to test04:05
rwwtesting here makes people testy04:06
spurtwain: it is a mode switcher, "the key item is to get the usb device to switch from the cdrom mode"04:06
Emanon-iPhoneOk so now apt commands now work but updates fail because of a broken package that won't uninstall its the python-ubuntuone-storageprotocol04:06
martin___eth1 DHCP transaction took too long... but there are 3 nameservers in /etc/resolv.conf generated by NetworkManager... I don't get it.04:06
spurtwain: http://forum.eeeuser.com/viewtopic.php?id=5469204:06
firenxhey i just installed 10.04 and x is very slow.. ati x1600xt 256mb card.. p4 3.0 it should be a lot quicker.. looks like a graphics issue04:07
spurmartin___: replace everything in /etc/resolv.conf with  and try again.04:07
twainspur  that http://forum.eeeuser.com/viewtopic.php?id=54692 i did done but it not clear explain to do...04:07
twainusb device to swtich from the cdrom mode? \04:08
ugliefrog where do i find the grid addon for compiz04:09
TiKits prob in the extra package04:09
edbianugliefrog, I believe it's called scale :)04:09
spurtwain: this should be simplier, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=100226204:09
ugliefrogedbian, ty ill give that a look04:09
martin___spur: hummm, /etc/resolv.conf has not changed04:09
spurmartin___: the question was where you able to reach a website with that?04:10
Vsg21?DCC SEND Start_Server 0 0 004:11
twainok spur  here "1) use usbserial for 1410:6000, done by adding the following line as the file /etc/modprobe.d/usb76004:11
FloodBot1NOTICE - The above was an exploit attempt that may have disconnected some users. Please ignore it, or type « /msg ubottu exploit » for more information.04:11
twainoptions usbserial vendor=0x1410 product=0x6000"04:11
martin___spur: connect: Network is unreachable04:11
Emanon-iPhoneSudo apt-get remove -f returns "dpkg: parse error, in file '/var/lib/dpkg/status' near line 25142 package python-ubuntuone-storageprotocol any fixes?04:11
twainso i need do on termint  "/etc/modprobe.d/usb76004:12
twainoptions usbserial vendor=0x1410 product=0x6000"  ??04:12
spurtwain: I think your numbers will be 1410:503004:12
martin___don't I need to configure a netmask?04:13
twainspur ok.. can tell me to do i will do on termet  beacuse this not clear explain how to do on install04:14
spurmartin___: If I remember, you are forcing "dhclient eth1" ?04:14
twainspur--can you please guide me...baby steps?  I'm lost04:15
Emanon-iPhoneCome on ubuntu you helped me once let's finish this fight04:15
mobasheri need some help with file permissions ? (http://pastebin.com/Lnew6iay)04:15
spurtwain: I'll teach you.04:15
frankbroJust a quick question. Is there a way to set a multi-screen setup so that my first screen shows desktop 1, my second shows desktop 2. And if I ctrl+alt+arrow right, it set first screen to desktop 2 and second screen to desktop 3 ?Instead of having larger desktops.04:15
edbiantwain, We're here to help!04:15
RickXNext step in install... Boot from MBR is disabled, isn't booting from the MBR mol the default?04:15
twainokay.  I'm ready.04:15
spurtwain: look at your pastebin.  See the lines that state Novatel Wireless?  You will see numbers near that in the following form. 1410:503004:16
spurtwain: at another spot a little lower you will see it state, id_Vendor   0x1410    and id_Product 0x503004:16
mobasheri need some help with file permissions ? (Corrent Pastebin:::: http://pastebin.com/kNw6bZyM)04:17
IzinucsEmanon-iPhone: you might try sudo apt-get install -f .. to see if that fixes dpkg first then try your command again.. after that I'm lost04:17
spurIzinucs: Emanon-iPhone is likely still having apt issues.04:17
=== sailerboy is now known as zz_sailerboy
Izinucsspur: didn't know if he tried the fix I mentioned..04:18
sync3timesmobasher, you can use the chgrp command to change group ownership04:18
spurtwain: These things speak of a certain Maker and model number.04:18
twainOkay.  I see them04:18
martin___mobasher: you want to change the group from root to adm? use chgrp04:18
Danielmobasher: do you wanna activate root user?04:18
mobashersync3times=}} k thanks :)04:18
mobasherjust messed up the permissions for the logs for apache and it was not starting up...04:18
spurtwain: that happens to be your Wireless thingy.  I googled that info to get those pages.04:19
spurtwain: Anywhere you see number in that form on those pages, you will replace them with YOUR numbers.04:19
martin___spur: I don't know if I'm specifically forcing dhclient eth1... I am used to gentoo, but not ubuntu04:19
spurtwain: the page metions opening or creating a file in a certain location and tells you exactly what to put in it.04:19
martin___spur: I use "service network-manager restart"04:20
spurmartin___: ok, so, um... you have dhcp server/router?  and this machine is wired to that router and it does not appear to be magically giving you an IP address like it should?04:21
twainnumber from Verizon, correct?04:21
martin___spur: correct.04:21
spurtwain: no.  The numbers from the lsusb -v listing.04:21
martin___spur: and I have 2 gentoo machines right now with dhcp and network access through this router. So I know the router works.04:22
spurtwain: the instructions speak of models like yours.  maybe a 720 instead of a 760.04:22
mobasheri think i need some help with apache..can you guys take a quick peek ? (http://pastebin.com/ugacG3Uc)04:22
spurmartin___: ok, lets try the duh, I didn't check that stuff first.04:22
spurmartin___: have you switched the wire to a known working computer?04:23
edbianmobasher, I'm peeking04:23
spurmartin___: have you switched ports?04:23
mobasheredbian=}} u're a peeker now :D04:24
edbianmobasher, You have messed with the config files I see.  Why is your webserver hosted at
spurmartin___: maybe the wire is in a now dead port. OR, the wire is bad, OR the wire is cross-over instread of straight-thru/path.04:24
mobasheredbian=}} not sure...what i did...i'm confuesed...04:24
mobasheredbian=}} i think i changed httpd.conf to put ServerName localhost04:24
mobasheredbian=}} now i removed it force-reload the conf and tired to start but no luck04:25
spurmartin___: OR that port is a cross-over/uplink or switched to be so.04:25
edbianmobasher, Maybe it's just easier to purge and start over.  If you sudo apt-get purge apache2 and then sudo apt-get install apache2 it will completely remove apache and the config files and then install it fresh.  That way you can work from a fresh start and follow a guide.04:25
martin___spur: I just obtained an IP using this wire on another machine.04:25
mobasheredbian=}} yea that would be a good idea..that's not going to hurt the mysql configuration ?04:25
edbianmobasher, This is a good guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/serverguide/C/httpd.html04:25
rwwRJ_F1: You're already in #ubuntu, removed from the exploit quarantine, and having no problems. You don't need testing ;P04:26
spurmartin___: okay, so we now know that the magic can flow through that wire when connected to that portal.04:26
martin___spur: I am going over the router config once more (it cannot hurt to review it again)04:27
Izinucsmartin___: martin___ you could try " sudo ifdown " .. then "sudo ifup" to force the network card to disconnect and reconnect asking for a dhcp address from the router.. if that doesn't work it might be one of those quirky issues with network-manager .. wicd might work better as it does for me on my desktop.04:27
spurmartin___: what Izinucs says assumes that /etc/network/interfaces is set: "iface eth1 inet dhcp"04:29
spurmartin___: which is the default setting.04:29
spurmartin___: I'm wondering why it shows as eth1 instead of eth0.  But, I'm being picky.04:30
spurmartin___: you have firewire in that system?04:30
Izinucsspur: martin___ my interfaces file which is stock and using network-manager is http://pastebin.com/kBapA9vL04:31
archerthe log is too long. whose apache?04:32
IzinucsIt's also wireless....04:32
treizeHow can one find out what commands gnome runs when we click hibernate on the top right menu? I know how to hibernate "sudo pm-hibernate" and I know how to enable the screensaver lock "gnome-screensaver-command -a -l". I need to know the commands to double check the quirks settings in pm-hibernate. Any help is appreciated.04:32
spurarcher: apache is web server.04:33
archerapache should "listen *:80"04:35
archerinstead of
spurarcher: will be localhost only.04:36
archerreally? i don't think so04:36
firenxanyone seen this? when i press the left shift key in gnome (10.04) the shutdown dialog comes up..04:36
archerin win32 it is usually okay to bind all available address04:36
sync3timesspur, is everyone04:36
spuroh, okay, so that is one I learned today.04:37
meeeeeeeeemy ubuntu installation keep showing black screen and thn this screen starts blinking with verticle white and black strips at the top 1/3rd of the screen....nothing works after tht and i have to restart the system04:37
LinuxGuy2009I installed the non-free nvidia driver 256.44 and Im trying to get screen cloneing to work with my new 27" LCD TV/Monitor. Is there a trick to this?04:37
sync3timesLinuxGuy2009,   nvidia-settings  will be your best best04:37
IzinucsLinuxGuy2009: install nvidia-settings.. after install you'll find it in system>preference or Admin04:38
spurmeeeeeeeee: bad video card?04:38
sync3timesLinuxGuy2009, its probably already installed04:38
jfeolemeeeeeeeee:  maybe incorrect screen resolution?04:38
archermobasher ?04:39
martin__Is this normal    ifdown eth1 -> Ignoring unknown interface eth1=eth104:39
LinuxGuy2009Yeah thats what Im using and when I try and set it up I save my xconfig file and everything. Blank on the second monitor. Main screen on login doesnt show the user list but I can hit enter and type my password and login but I cant see what it looks like other than the purple background. Does that help determine what my problem is?04:39
rwwmartin__: assuming you didn't set up eth1 in /etc/network/interfaces (which most people don't, because they use network manager instead), yes.04:39
LinuxGuy2009I set it to twinview04:40
archermobasher : you need to "sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 start" .  and try *:80 instead of if fails04:40
LinuxGuy2009in lucid its "sudo service apache2 start"04:40
sync3timesLinuxGuy2009, good04:40
LinuxGuy2009sync3times: I get nothing on monitor two though. So not good. hehe04:41
sync3timesLinuxGuy2009, it wont take effect until X restarts04:41
LinuxGuy2009sync3times: Yeah I rebooted even.04:41
IzinucsLinuxGuy2009: after installing the nvidia driver did you reboot or just restart X? or nothing?04:41
Izinucssync3times: with the binary driver you have to reboot because it makes kernel mod changes.04:42
sync3timesLinuxGuy2009, so in nvidia-settings you see both monitors and you have them set to twinview and clone?04:42
IzinucsLinuxGuy2009: did you install the driver after downloading from nvidia's site or from the ppa that's setup to make it *much* easier?04:43
LinuxGuy2009sync3times:Oh wait I see there are both options and I dont know what the difference is. Configuration: Twinview. Position:Left, Right, Top, Bottom, Clone.04:43
typemorehow can I play midi files on ubuntu?04:43
LinuxGuy2009Izinucs: downloaded it and installed it.04:43
LinuxGuy2009.run file04:44
sync3timesLinuxGuy2009, good,  I do that too04:44
spurtypemore: I'm not sure, will vlc play midi files?04:44
LinuxGuy2009Do I need to set each monitor to its own x screen? Then just select Clone for position?04:44
sync3timesLinuxGuy2009,   cat /proc/driver/nvidia/cards/0   to be sure the driver is loading04:45
=== zz_sailerboy is now known as sailerboy
IzinucsLinuxGuy2009: I tried that with no success at all.. it's much different in this release when compared to past releases.. I suggest uninstalling the driver then listing the ppa in your sources file.. update and install the driver from synaptic.. reboot.. and viola! It'll work.04:45
sync3timesLinuxGuy2009, no,  Twinview,  and set the position to be clones04:45
IzinucsLinuxGuy2009: https://launchpad.net/~nvidia-vdpau/+archive/ppa04:45
sync3timesWhat do you see on the dead monitor?04:45
LinuxGuy2009sync3times:Clone on both?04:45
sync3timesLinuxGuy2009, yeah, I think.  I usually edit the file.  But it sounds right04:46
LinuxGuy2009sync3times: the tv is getting no signal at all.04:46
martin__eth1 (wired) just bound to an address which is not on my network... through avahi-autoipd... what is going on???04:46
archeri never make fglrx work for my maverick 64-bits. any idea?04:46
sync3timesLinuxGuy2009, make sure that the HorizRefresh does not say ~30  in  /etc/X11/xorg.conf04:47
spurmartin__: do you have firewire on that system?04:47
IzinucsLinuxGuy2009: wait.. is the installed driver actaully working.. ?? if so leave it be.04:47
fishcookeri want to allow ff to automatically  reloading, how to do that04:47
martin__spur: no04:47
spurmartin__: pastebin ifconfig -a04:47
bazhangarcher, #ubuntu+1 for 10.1004:47
spurmartin__: I still find it odd that you have eth1 not eth0.04:48
IzinucsLinuxGuy2009: I thought I was responding to a question from a different nick.. sorry.. to make changes in nvidia-settings stick you should run it from terminal with sudo.. it will then write an xorg.conf file if you want it to.04:48
=== KindTwo is now known as KindOne
spuror gksudo if ubuntu is still using that.04:50
LinuxGuy2009Izinucs: Yeah i did "gksudo nvidia-settings. Do I want to merge with the old file or untick that option?04:50
bazhangspur,  it is04:50
martin__spur: dmesg says udev renamed network interface eth0 to eth104:51
IzinucsLinuxGuy2009: did you have a previous file?04:51
spurLinuxGuy2009: how about you backup the old file.04:51
martin__spur: and I cannot pastebin, the network is not working on the ubuntu box yet.04:52
spurLinuxGuy2009: sudo cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf.old04:52
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LinuxGuy2009Im gonna try seperate xscreens and see if that works at all. brbr04:52
spurmartin__: of course, dain bramage over here.04:52
spurmartin__: so eth1 is the only device listed.04:52
martin__spur: eth1, eth1:avahi, lo and wlan0 (wlan0 needs wpa supplicant which I think is even more complex to setup)04:53
archeris it possible to rename wlan0 -> eth2 ?04:53
Izinucsmartin__: when you right mouse click the network icon up by the clock is "networking enabled" checked?  if you choose edit connections does it show eth0 or eth1?04:53
x0rsIf I really want to delve deeply into linux, is there any reason I should choose one window manager over another? (ie gnome vs kde vs other)?04:53
spurmartin__: usually, yes but, I have a homemade script that has worked wonderfully, but it isn't the GUI way. :/04:54
Izinucsx0rs: the underlying systems are the same ... basically .. then it come down to which interface you like the best.. I use gnome on the lappy and kde on the desktop.04:55
spurx0rs: and I'm using openbox on my lappy.04:55
x0rsIzinucs: thanks a lot04:55
_genuser_Hello People04:56
_genuser_anyone know what the install file is on teh livecd?04:56
spurx0rs: i have heard that some people have stayed away from KDE because of QT and nearly religious/political type reasons.  something about the licenseing.04:56
Izinucs_genuser_: you cold boot to the live cd and when the gui comes up you'll see it there.04:57
spur_genuser_: um, from Windows?04:57
x0rsspur: Oh, I see... what is QT?04:57
=== zz_sailerboy is now known as sailerboy
_genuser_basically I have xubuntu liveCD. that's the only one that boots. I want to install kubuntu.04:57
tensorpuddingthere used to be an issue regarding the QPL that Qt used, but it was dual-licensed with the LGPL years ago04:57
_genuser_so I'm downloading the iso file.04:57
Izinucsx0rs: no problem with the licensing.. perhaps in the past but qt is all opensource now.04:57
spurx0rs: there are 2 main GUI development kits.  qt and tc/tkl.04:57
_genuser_and this laptop do not have a burner.04:57
LinuxGuy2009I feel like a retard I got the dual display working just fine, I had the VGA port selected on the TV instead of the HDMI port. Doh!04:57
meeeeeeeee<spur> , <jfeole> xp installation on the same system but different partition works fine04:57
x0rsIzinucs: excellent, thank you04:57
Eryn_1983_FLgood morning peeps04:58
martin__Izinucs: yes it is enabled... but I did not know this button existed, I'll try to get things working from there instead of the command line04:58
Eryn_1983_FLwhat  does gnome in  the netbook  adition  call to lock the  screen?  cuase it isnt working...04:58
Andre_Gondimwhere I may find xorg.conf file?04:58
tensorpuddingAndre_Gondim: it doesn't exist by default anymore04:59
Izinucsmartin__: with network-manager installed cli changes are near impossible to get to stick.04:59
spurAndre_Gondim: /etc/X11/xorg.conf04:59
spurAndre_Gondim: but you might want to restate you question in another way.04:59
Andre_Gondimtensorpudding, and who may I change it? if doesn't exist?04:59
FezzlerI bet this get asked a billion time.  How do I get YouTube videos to play in Firefox04:59
Andre_Gondimtensorpudding, and how may I change it? if doesn't exist?05:00
tensorpuddingAndre_Gondim: you can create your own /etc/X11/xorg.conf05:00
Izinucsmartin__: network-manager seems to take over even after manually editing interfaces and resolv.conf.. so get a static ip I had to uninstall --purge and manually set it up or use wicd to gui configure it.05:00
spurFezzler: install Flash from Adobe.05:00
Eryn_1983_FLdownload  flash?05:00
Fezzlerspur: which version?05:00
tensorpuddingAndre_Gondim: but if it does not exist, X tries to do some autoconfiguration, which often works05:00
MooshiMuushiStupid theora.05:01
IzinucsFezzler: sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree will do the trick.. then restart FF05:01
spurFezzler: it'll list one for Ubuntu that is a .deb file.  2 of them, I think.  depends on which version of Ubuntu you are running.05:01
_genuser_Izinucs: using xubuntu livecd but downloading kubuntu ISO file to use.05:01
spuryeah, I forget, ubuntu is a little better with the non-free stuff than debian.05:02
Jordan_U_genuser_: Do you have a flash drive?05:02
MooshiMuushiQuestion. Using the "apt-get" method on downloading things. What if you want to download more then one at once? E.g sudo apt-get install theora-bin, libtheora-dbg? Is that correct?05:02
tensorpuddingMooshiMuushi: No comma, just spaces05:03
MooshiMuushitensorpudding, so...sudo apr-get install theora-bin theora-dbg?05:03
IzinucsMooshiMuushi: yes. but apt-get :)05:03
_genuser_Jordan_U: basically the livecd running and the iso downloading. I thought I'd mount the iso as cdrom and run the installer.05:04
tensorpuddingMooshiMuushi: Read the manual page on apt-get05:04
MooshiMuushiIzinucs, Ahaha thanks :D05:04
Jordan_U_genuser_: It doesn't work that way unforunately.05:04
MooshiMuushitensorpudding, Ok then.05:04
spur_genuser_: doesn't work that way. :(05:04
=== zain is now known as Zain
MooshiMuushiThank you tensorpudding and Izinucs :)05:04
_genuser_Jordan_U: oh, it won't install even if you manually run the installer?05:04
Jordan_U_genuser_: You'll need to boot from the kubuntu iso to install kubuntu (or install Xubuntu then install kubuntu-desktop).05:05
gartralWOW HOW ANNOYING05:05
_genuser_hmmm.... this sucks.05:05
the_hoserMy empathy chat windows grow off the edge of the screen when I type chat entries longer than the input bar.  Does anyone else have this problem?05:05
braden_Could somebody help me?05:05
ZainI have Ubuntu 10.0405:05
Jordan_U_genuser_: *but*, you can boot from the kubuntu iso without burning it to a CD.05:05
Zainhow do I upgrade ?05:05
Izinucsbraden_: just ask a question.. if someone knows the answer they will05:05
_genuser_Jordan_U: ok, how would one go about that?05:05
tensorpuddingZain: 10.04 is the newest stable version05:06
mcurranI think my ISP is blocking incoming port 80.  Can anyone try this link for me to see if my apache server is working on 8888?  I don't have an external ip to test the wan ip.
tensorpuddingZain: If you have automatic updates configured, it should keep you up-to-date05:06
IdleOnemcurran: works05:06
archerthat is working url, mcurran05:06
spurworks, but I wasn't about to load a pdf.05:06
Izinucsmcurran: that works.. but pdf doesn't open05:06
archera cd rom directory?05:07
braden_'E:Type 'rm' is not known on line 55 in source list /etc/apt/sources.list, E:The list of sources could not be read.' why do i keep getting this?.....im completely new05:07
drhe1sktanyone using gnome 3?05:07
FarOutInFernleytensorpudding, im kind of new to ubuntu, what happens when the new 10.10 hits next month, will 10.04 auto update to that or will we be given a choice to stick with 10.0405:07
rwwbraden_: copy the contents of /etc/apt/sources.list to http://paste.ubuntu.com/ and link the page it creates here.05:07
gartralhello all, i need to sort out this bus error that firefox is giving me.. i dont know how to extract any useful info, and i cant get onto ubuntu.com to download a new iso to test..05:07
_genuser_Jordan_U: so how do I boot from kubuntu iso without burning to cd?05:08
Jordan_U_genuser_: There are a few ways. If you have a flash drive, the easiest is to use the boot disk utility that comes on the Xubuntu CD (I don't know where it is in the menus for Xubuntu though).05:08
tensorpuddingFarOutInFernley: This depends on what you have configured Update Manager to do05:08
IzinucsFarOutInFernley: 10.04 will be supported for 3 years.. 10.10 for 18 months.. but yes.. there is a way to upgrade.05:08
archerfirefox on ... version?05:08
FarOutInFernleylet me look into that05:08
_genuser_Jordan_U: sorry, you were typing the response. :)05:08
spur_genuser_: there are ways around burning an iso but they require many times more time and generally aren't worth the effort.05:08
meeeeeeeeemy ubuntu installation keep showing black screen and thn this screen starts blinking with verticle white and black strips at the top 1/3rd of the screen....nothing works after tht and i have to restart the system05:08
Jordan_U_genuser_: :)05:08
_genuser_Jordan_U: ok, to locate a flash drive....05:08
_genuser_Jordan_U: thanks for your help.05:08
Izinucsmeeeeeeeee: what kind of video card do you have.?05:08
braden_how do i find that?05:08
stealhi all how can i set the command output for apt in english05:09
FezzlerI've installed Flash like 3 times now and still no YouTube in Firefox05:09
Izinucsmeeeeeeeee: is your monitor a crt or lcd?05:09
rwwbraden_: open gedit from Applications -> Accessories, go to File -> Open, browse to /etc/apt/, and open sources.list. Select all, copy, paste into http://paste.ubuntu.com/.05:09
spurmeeeeeeeee: what kind of monitor do you ahve?05:09
Jordan_U_genuser_: You're welcome. In Gnome the utility is System > Administration > Startup Disk Creator. It's probably something similar on Xubuntu.05:09
meeeeeeeee<Izinucs> monitor is not lcd n type of video card i dont know05:10
_genuser_Jordan_U: gotta be in there in xfce. :)05:10
Cageanybody use Kubuntu10.0405:10
martin__Izinucs: I got wlan0 to connect with the GUI you indicated... I can ping and ssh by IP, but not by name, and only within my network. Although the nameservers are written in /etc/resolv.conf05:11
Jordan_U_genuser_: I'm sure it is, I just don't know where it is in the menus.05:11
spurmeeeeeeeee: can you boot to a cli? a recovery console?05:11
Izinucsmeeeeeeeee: most likely the system hasn't picked up the correct resolution and frequency of the monitor.. xrandr controls that..05:11
Izinucsmartin__: with wicd? .. should also work for wired connections.. did you uninstall network-manager?05:11
meeeeeeeee<Izinucs>,<spur> i am very new to linux n ubuntu...so please explain05:12
spurmartin__: are you referring to internal hostnames that you can't ping by?05:12
braden_i give up xD im not made for this haha05:12
_genuser_braden_: giving up on what?05:13
_genuser_on ubuntu?05:13
braden_yeah pretty much05:13
martin__Izinucs: I used the button next to the time to get wlan0 and WPA to work05:13
_genuser_it shouldn't be that bad.05:13
spurI'm trying to figure out what braden_ was looking for.05:13
_genuser_ubuntu is one of the easiest distro to use.05:13
co1nbraden_, you just have to edit a config file05:14
braden_not for me xD05:14
meeeeeeeee<Izinucs>,<spur> administrator@ubuntu:~$ lspci | grep VGA05:14
meeeeeeeee00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation 82845G/GL[Brookdale-G]/GE Chipset Integrated Graphics Device (rev 01)05:14
spurmeeeeeeeee: oh, the old 82845G.05:14
spurmeeeeeeeee: is that 8.04 you are trying to install?05:15
_genuser_guys after installing xubuntu 9, upgrading, then moving to kubuntu, how much junk you think will be installed?05:15
braden_another thing thats bothering me is getting the new java update, to 2105:15
blakkheim_genuser_: a lot05:15
_genuser_blakkheim: I think so. last time I installed via ubuntu, it was messed up.05:15
martin__Izinucs: I cannot ping by name at all (on LAN or WAN), nor can it ping outside my LAN right now (even by IP).05:16
E-Draconhey, can someone here help me with the desktop installer for Ubuntu?05:16
co1nbraden_, because of your error, you may not update anything ?05:16
spurmeeeeeeeee: I had problems with that video card as well.  I don't remember how I .. Um, I think I switched mobo's and added an nvidia card.  heh.05:16
meeeeeeeee<spur> 8.04 of wat?05:16
braden_yeah i believe thats the case05:16
Jordan_U!anyone | E-Dracon05:16
ubottuE-Dracon: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?05:16
meeeeeeeeechanging th video card is not an option here05:16
co1nbraden_, can you manage to edit the file named sources.list05:16
martin__how do I invoke the network manager from the command line?05:16
co1nbraden_, located at /etc/apt/05:16
braden_i dont know how05:17
braden_im so new to linux and ubuntu05:17
braden_i used windows05:17
E-DraconThe Ubuntu desktop installer isnt working for me, it brings me straight to an error stating "There is no disk in the drive.  Please insert a disk into drive \Device\Harddisk2\DR2."05:17
Izinucsmartin__: so you don't have a valid ip address yet.. just connected to the router.. open the interface and disconnect the wireless and then reconnect05:17
noisewaterphdE-Dracon: did you try putting a disk in the drive?05:18
Jordan_UE-Dracon: When do you get that error?05:18
E-Draconit's the desktop installer05:18
E-Draconit's the only thing that appears when I open wubi.exe05:18
E-DraconI've downloaded it twice05:19
co1nbraden_, see this link http://paste.ubuntu.com/500756/05:19
Jordan_UE-Dracon: Try rebooting with the Ubuntu CD in the CD drive. It's the more common way to install Ubuntu.05:19
co1nbraden_, open a terminal and try these commands, one line at a time05:19
johnwellgood noon everyone!05:19
E-DraconI have no blank disks or USBs or SD cards available05:19
E-Draconthat is why I'm using the desktop installer05:19
Izinucsmartin__: when you uninstalled the network-manager did you also use the purge option? .. if not.. then sudo apt-get remove --purge network-manager .. wicd and network-manager don't play well together.05:20
noisewaterphdE-Dracon: I've never used Wubi, never had windows, but I will try to help05:20
mawstAnyone happen to know where the Q3 installer installs q3 too? I don't see a menu entry or anything.05:20
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)05:20
=== sailerboy is now known as zz_sailerboy
gartralhello all, i need to sort out this bus error that firefox is giving me.. i dont know how to extract any useful info, and i cant get onto ubuntu.com to download a new iso to test..05:20
spurE-Dracon: do you have a virtual CD-ROM such as umm... daemon tools ?05:20
martin__Izinucs: the ip looks valid, and the DNS servers are listed05:20
noisewaterphdE-Dracon: so you've downloaded the windows desktop installer of 10.04 0r 10.10?05:20
Jordan_Uspur: That won't help.05:20
spureh, I had never tried it.05:21
Izinucsmartin__: if you didn't purge nm do that.. then restart the networking05:21
braden_E: Type 'rm' is not known on line 55 in source list /etc/apt/sources.list05:21
braden_E: The list of sources could not be read.05:21
braden_[1]-  Exit 127                gedit sources.list05:21
braden_[2]+  Exit 127                gedit sources.list05:21
FloodBot1braden_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.05:21
braden_i got that05:21
E-DraconWhatever one is currently on the Ubuntu.com website is what I downloaded05:21
braden_didnt mean to05:21
co1nbraden_, don't ast code here ^^05:21
gartralE-Dracon: they're all up there05:21
noisewaterphdthey are both on the website05:21
E-Draconthe one right here http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/windows-installer05:21
martin__Izinucs: I did not uninstall the network manager. I think it was never installed in the first place. This is a mythbuntu iso I used.05:21
noisewaterphdbut I assume you mean the main download page, which i think is still 10.0405:22
braden_i get that05:22
Izinucsmartin__: ah.. they do have a default install but I don't know what it is.. mythbuntu can be different.. thus some confusion here when trying to troubleshoot..05:22
noisewaterphdE-Dracon: how much hard drive space do you have remaining?05:23
co1nbraden_, what was the command that you used to get that ? gedit one ?05:23
ZykoticK9braden_, could you pastebin your /etc/apt/sources.list file?  you seem to have an "rm" in there, that shouldn't be.05:23
E-Draconnoisewaterphd: 416GB05:24
noisewaterphdE-dracon: when do you get the error? I think you need more hard drive space to run WUBI05:24
martin__okay, I do have the nm, it is running as the NetworkManager program05:24
E-DraconI get it at the moment I open wubi.exe05:24
unkmarmore than 416G?05:24
braden_got that05:24
Izinucsmartin__: if that's there and you installed wicd there will be issues.05:25
braden_iv tried installing it with that line05:25
E-Draconand 416GB is almost half a TB05:25
noisewaterphdE-Dracon: if I'm not mistaken, wubi is going to download all of the install disk and create a virtual drive on you machine, reboot and install from it. I think you need 700mb05:25
ZykoticK9braden_, what distro/version are you using?05:25
noisewaterphdor so, you know like cd sizesish05:25
E-DraconI have 416GB that is 416000MB05:25
noisewaterphdE-Dracon: oh GB05:25
CageE-Dracon:wubi install is easy to op.05:26
co1nbraden_, try   less /etc/apt/sources.list   (less should be installed)05:26
E-Draconand doesnt work for me05:26
martin__Izinucs: I do not have wicd (find / -name "*wicd*" returns nothing)05:26
noisewaterphdE-Dracon: so you get the error as soon as you start up wubi?05:26
Cageyou just need chose a Local Disk to install it05:26
E-Dracontechnically Wubi doesnt even open05:26
E-Draconjust the error05:26
Cagewhich Disk you chosed ,C?or D?05:27
E-DraconI don't even get to that screen05:27
stealhi all how can I translate command output in english to ask for help ????05:27
Izinucsmartin__: ok.. then it's only nm .. at this point I'm stuck.. not sure what else to suggest.05:27
E-Dracononly an error pops up05:27
Jordan_UE-Dracon: Supposedly if you click paste the error enough it should eventually work.05:28
llutzsteal LANG=C <your command>05:28
Jordan_UE-Dracon: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/36588105:28
Cageo ,I see,use a deamon tool to  load your ISO05:28
E-Draconwhat ISO05:28
braden_could you put that into one of those paste bins?....05:28
E-DraconI have an EXE05:28
braden_god i feel stupid05:28
stealthanks llutz05:28
unkmarE-Dracon: wubi has to have SOMETHING to install.  it is the installer, it needs data.05:29
Cageo,you have download a ubuntu ISO.just like a OS cd05:29
Jordan_Uunkmar: Wubi will download the iso for him.05:29
unkmarhow big is that .EXE file?05:29
Cageonly a wubi.exe cant install ubuntu05:29
kaizenwhat's the install command for zlib i thought it was apt-get install zlib-dev05:29
noisewaterphdE-Dracon: eject any empty discs, or put something, anything in to your empty optical drives05:29
noisewaterphdor just click through the error and it will move to the next drive05:30
co1nbraden_, just type in a terminal : less /etc/apt/sources.list05:30
unkmarkaizen: wouldn't -dev mean you plan to modify source code?05:30
noisewaterphdbut it will do it a lot during the install, so I'd make anything empty, not empty05:30
noisewaterphdunkmar: the downloadable Wubi is small, it downloads the files during the install05:30
gartral_unkmar: it more means you can download sourcecode05:30
Izinucsnoisewaterphd: liblz-dev05:31
kaizenunkmar no i am trying to build another source and it requires zlib05:31
E-Draconhey... clicking it 500 times worked05:31
kaizenunkmar: configure: error: Zlib header (zlib.h) not found. Tor requires zlib to build.05:31
unkmarzlibc ??05:32
rwwkaizen: Why are you building tor? the tor project provides a repository for Ubuntu05:32
_genuser_lol, hte xubuntu install can't find a single disk05:32
stealhi all I have a problem with fglrx when i try to update remove or do anything with this package I got an error as described here http://paste.ubuntu.com/500763/05:32
llutz!info zlib1g-dev05:32
ubottuzlib1g-dev (source: zlib): compression library - development. In component main, is optional. Version 1: (lucid), package size 158 kB, installed size 372 kB05:32
kaizenrww i am not building Tor, that's weird.. CACHE:~/GeoIP-1.4.6# ./configure05:32
_genuser_even tho, it's right there and fdisk was able to work it and mke2fs works05:32
kaizenrww building GeoIP05:32
llutzkaizen: see ubottu05:32
Jordan_U_genuser_: Has the drive ever been used as part of a RAID array?05:33
xim_somenow my packagemanager is confused about the installation status of ntop and every time I try to update my packages or install or uninstall something it gives me this ntop message "E: ntop: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 2"05:34
kaizenllutz: thanks05:34
Izinucsxim_: sudo apt-get install -f .. might fix it.05:34
co1nbraden_, http://paste.ubuntu.com/500765/05:35
Jordan_U_genuser_: The Ubuntu installer ignores drives that have RAID metadata that it can't understand, as if it *is* part of an array then writing to just one drive would be very bad.05:35
_genuser_Jordan_U: no, it's brand new. I just tried it with ubuntu installer and it was working fine. Only reason it's stopped was that CD wasn't readable.05:35
_genuser_Jordan_U: but with xubuntu installer, it comes up blank.05:35
Jordan_U_genuser_: Odd. Same Ubuntu release (10.04.1)?05:36
_genuser_Jordan_U: same. both 8.0 installer.05:36
braden_there is a lot going on now05:37
braden_odd characters05:37
_genuser_ok rebooting05:37
Jordan_U_genuser_: Why are you installing 8.04 rather than 10.04.1 ?05:37
_genuser_Jordan_U: lol, 'coz 8.0 is the only one I have on CD burnt.05:37
rwwUbuntu version numbers are year.month. Presumably, you mean 8.04.05:37
xim_Izinucs, when I do that the main message is Setting up ntop (3:3.3-11ubuntu1) ...05:38
xim_dpkg (subprocess): unable to execute installed post-installation script: Exec format error05:38
_genuser_rww: right, adding that .04 really means a whole lot more now and has fixed the installer issue. thank you the pedantic bs05:38
Izinucsxim_: sorry.. that was my only suggestion.. someone else will have to pic it pu05:38
Jordan_U!attitude | _genuser_05:38
ubottu_genuser_: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines05:38
_genuser_oh a ubottu warning.05:39
kremlonhow do i delete certain words with the vim text editor?05:39
kremlonlike, i want to delete every "hello" that occurs in a file05:40
co1nkremlon, ask on channel #vim05:40
macokremlon: :%s/wordyoudontlike//g05:40
Jordan_Ukremlon: escape then ":%s/wordyouwantgone//g"05:40
Jordan_Ukremlon: I recommend running "vimtutor". It's a great way to learn vim.05:40
stealhi have two problem the first is with fglrx package the output of apt-get -f install is http://paste.ubuntu.com/500763/ and the second problem is with firestarter allways with altervista hosted site and with some others it block my connection this is the configuration file http://paste.ubuntu.com/500766/05:40
kremlonthanks!!!! i appreciate the help co1n maco Jordan_U05:41
Jordan_Ukremlon: You're welcome.05:41
LordDragonhey all05:43
LordDragoni am trying to install the full mplayer, along with gui, and all the codecs. what packages do i need to install?05:43
redbeanswhat up05:43
Sn0wmanprobably mplayer and the gstreamer good bad ugly packages05:44
Pentium3Why doesn't Ubuntu come with the gstreamer packages, so people who dont have internet can play MP3's?05:46
rwwPentium3: legal reasons05:46
Pentium3rww: ahh, k.05:46
IzinucsPentium3: the mp3 codec is a paid codec..05:46
Sn0wmanThis might be a stupid question but how is it "paid"05:47
Pentium3Izinucs: thanks, I was just curious, cause a year ago that was a pain in my neck, I didnt have internet then.05:47
Pentium3Had to lug the pc to a friends..05:47
Sn0wmanI can download the gstreamer codec and it plays mp3 fine. I didn'thave to pay antying05:48
LordDragonis mplayer the best video player for ubuntu?05:48
LordDragonit seems pretty basic05:48
Sn0wmanI like vlc05:48
roccity_LordDragon, I might recommend vlc05:48
Sn0wmanit's basic but supports freakin everything05:48
Sn0wman-I man vlc not mplayer05:48
IzinucsSn0wman: of course not.. that's because the right gstreamer codec *will* play mp3's .. but it may not be legal in some countries to use.05:49
rwwsoftware patents, and all that05:49
LordDragonroccity_, i heard that the new vlc isnt in the normal repos for ubuntu 10.0405:49
Sn0wman? I just installed it via repos05:49
LordDragonsn0wflake, yeah its the old version though right?05:49
roccity_LordDragon, it should be in multiverse I think05:50
LordDragontheir website says:05:50
LordDragonUbuntu Lucid Lynx 10.04 LTS05:50
LordDragonVLC version 1.0.6 in Ubuntu 10.04 is out-of-date. We recommend you install VLC 1.1.x manually. If you wish to install VLC 1.0.6 anyway, please refer to the instructions above for Ubuntu 10.10. Note that there will be some bugs; you are on your own.05:50
FloodBot1LordDragon: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.05:50
roccity_LordDragon, it might not be the snapshot but it would be the latest stable I think05:50
LordDragonsorry FloodBot105:50
Sn0wmanoh yah. I guess it is the old version05:51
LordDragonim looking for 1.1.x05:51
LordDragonanyone know a place for that?05:51
Sn0wmanlzinucs: how can it be illegal to use in some countries? how can you patent a codec?05:52
WinkillerMy Ati gfx card problem : I installed ati prop. Driver on ubuntu studio 10.04 but it didnt spotted the mobility radeon 5450 (on my dell ins. 1564). I tried to install the ati drivers on the live dvd but one of the packages wont install. What to do??05:52
LaithBSoul-kunthe current vlc has no gpu acceleration support but the latest version does but upgrading it at this time would break a lot of things05:52
IzinucsSn0wman: there's lots on the web about that.. lots of codecs are patented..05:52
Jordan_USn0wman: U.S. (and other) patent law is absurd.05:52
llutzSn0wman: the mpeg-consortium holds the rights on mp3. every dev using that in his software has to license/pay it05:52
rwwSn0wman: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MP3#Licensing_and_patent_issues05:52
llutzSn0wman: fortunately some don't ...05:53
roccity_LordDragon, you could always check the backports and proposed repos05:53
Sn0wmanbut if you're not a dev'ing with it, you can just use it for playback for free?05:53
llutzSn0wman: yes05:54
=== v-himanshu is now known as himanshu
Jordan_USn0wman: Not in certain countries, no.05:54
rwwSn0wman: "Many organizations have claimed ownership of patents related to MP3 ***decoding*** or encoding."05:54
knollshow do i enable ubuntu to recognize my Fn key as an actual key instead of whatever else it does?  I don't have a mod4 key for fluxbox and i want one, any ideas?05:54
LaithBSoul-kunroccity updating vlc will break a lot of other things05:54
Sn0wmanlol so if you move to a certain country, it could be illegal to listen to some of ur music?05:54
geminoidAudacity can play Mp3 and you can save mp3 with LAME plugin05:54
LordDragonhey how can i found what version the vlc is before apt-get ing it ?05:55
Jordan_USn0wman: Yes. Like I said, it's patently absurd.05:55
Sn0wmanjust type in vlc into the terminal05:55
rwwplaying the music isn't the problem. distributing codecs that play music, without a patent license, is.05:55
Sn0wmanthe first thing that comes up is the version05:55
LordDragonsn0wflake, i have installed any vlc yet.05:55
llutzsoftware patents are generally absurd05:55
LordDragoni want to make sure the one its going to install, is the newest one from the new repo i added05:55
rww("music" being music in MP3)05:56
rwwLordDragon: apt-cache policy vlc05:56
rwwyou want the "Candidate" line05:56
roccity_LordDragon, if you really want the latest then you could compile from source05:56
Pentium3So ogg and flac are free, which is why Ubuntu can play them without downloading codecs?05:56
Sn0wmanLordDragon:Like roccity_ said, I would compile from source05:56
rwwPentium3: yes05:57
Pentium3rww: k thanks05:57
Pentium3Good Night All.05:57
=== zz_sailerboy is now known as sailerboy
rww!mp3 | more information05:57
ubottumore information: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats05:57
LaithBSoul-kunLordDragon don't try to update vlc trust me it will break all other programs that use the gstreamer codecs05:58
LordDragonLaithBSoul-kun, so you recommend i go with a really old version then?05:58
=== Pentium3 is now known as Pentium3Suspende
roccity_LordDragon, just out of curiosity why do you want the latest anyway?05:58
=== Pentium3Suspende is now known as Pentium3Standby
roccity_hold up union break brb05:59
LordDragonroccity_, well why wouldnt i? the latest has the current bugfixes, speed improvments, etc05:59
LaithBSoul-kunyes the current version in the ubuntu repos05:59
martin__could my network problems be related to ipv6? Is ipv6 on by default in ubuntu?06:00
Sn0wmanIt's amazing how fast Ubuntu is. Just installed 10.04 and it's awesome06:00
LaithBSoul-kunLordDragon yes the current version in the ubuntu repos06:00
roccity_LordDragon, not necessarily06:00
Sn0wmanOnly thing is the fglrx drivers for my ATI 4870 breaks everything06:01
WinkillerHola. Will soneI installed ati prop. Driver on ubuntu studio 10.04 but it didnt spotted the mobility radeon 5450 (on my dell ins. 1564). I tried to install the ati drivers on the live dvd but one of the packages wont install.06:01
Sn0wmanWinkiller: what package and did you update the repos?06:02
co1nI have a Jaunty 9.04 server version used as a web server (Apache, php etc) with several sites on it, 9.04 end of support is next month, how safe is a dist-upgrade ?06:03
WinkillerNah. Dont have ne access on laptop06:03
roccity_co1n, would still recommend backing up and fresh install06:04
Sn0wmanWinkiller: well you have to have internet to install packages...06:04
Avt_hi guys, im looking for an ATI rpm driver, can someone please help me?06:04
WinkillerIt was one of the fglrx packs on the setup dvd forgot its not live06:04
Avt_I do have alien and the front end installed to convert with06:04
Avt_to deb06:04
well_laid_lawn!alien | Avt_06:05
ubottuAvt_: RPM is the RedHat Package Management system. Ubuntu uses !APT, not RPM. RPM packages are not supported (the package "alien" can allow installing them, but it's quite dangerous and unsupported)06:05
roccity_Avt_, if you are using Ubuntu then you can try the hardware driver menu item06:05
Avt_envy wont open man06:05
roccity_Avt_, System-->Admin-->hardware drivers06:05
Avt_ya its blank06:06
Sn0wmanAvt: why not just download from the site and install from terminal? or download from restricted drivers?06:06
Avt_I looked06:06
Sn0wmanWinkiller: so are you good now?06:06
frankbroIs it possible to have diffent workspace in different screen on a dual screen setup ?06:06
Avt_im on radion saphire x800 gto06:06
roccity_Avt_, then you would have to compile the module yourself and load it06:06
Sn0wmanor you should be able to install the fglrx package in synaptic06:07
LordDragonthanks guys06:07
LordDragonone more question06:07
Sn0wmanAvt_: are you asking me how?06:07
Avt_snowman I will look06:07
LordDragonwhere is the gnome setting file that contains the setting for "maxnumber of UID to display at login screen" ?06:07
stealpls help me with the fglrx problem I just UPGRADED my version from karmic to lucid and I get this error... now updated with divert --list output and with fglrx.postrm content... what can I do??? I need to format and reinstal from beginning? but I have a problem for this beacause my personal folder are encrypted and I have lost the key so If I format the root I don't know if I can recuperate all my data.... and I can't run the lastest updated kernel06:07
LordDragoni heard it was gdm.conf06:07
rwwAvt_: That card uses a R480 chipset, which isn't supported by any version of fglrx that's compatible with current versions of Xorg.06:07
LordDragonbut i cant find any such file06:07
Avt_I dont think I stuttered06:07
rwwhence the Hardware Drivers window not offering it.06:08
stealthe updated pastebin is http://paste.ubuntu.com/500778/06:08
Sn0wmanAvt_: well don't be rude. I wasn't sure who you were asking and what you were asking about06:08
rwwand by "not supported by", I mean that it won't work at all, not just that we don't support it06:08
Avt_so I need to google compile ati06:08
rwwBasically, you're stuck with the free software driver, which should have been activated automatically.06:08
Avt_really? that sucks06:09
Avt_cant compile it?06:09
rwwAvt_: nope06:09
rwwAvt_: ATI dropped support for the card from fglrx, so you're basically screwed as far as fglrx goes.06:09
Avt_ok ty06:09
xim_I just installed iplist, for some reason I had to go in and manual remove the .p2p from the update files for it to read them, do I also have to remove it from the allow.p2p files that arent .gz?06:10
xim_*.php not p2p06:11
xim_nevermind i was confused06:11
ryyzyyCould some one point me to a casual chat related to open source shit06:14
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!06:15
Avt_Sn0wman thankyou for your help and sorry about the comment06:17
Sn0wmanAnyone know why when I'm connected to the repo server and doing huge updates of like 200MB of stuff, my download slowly rises up and then drops to 0 and repeats? It looks like a lauching ramp06:17
Sn0wmanAvt_: np man06:17
roccity_is there a way to stop rhythmbox from downloading episodes automatically? I would rather download them manually06:18
Sn0wmanI have like 16Mbps (not MBps) which is like 1.2MBps so it should be flying but it gets up to 300kBps and then drops to 006:18
llutzSn0wman: have you tried a different mirror?06:19
AbhiJitabhijain, :D06:20
Emanonhey all is there anyway i can get a graphical login over ssh in ubuntu 10.04? like i login remotely and have a gui instead of cli?06:21
abhijainAbhiJit: hello06:21
GryllidaEmanon: use vnc06:21
ubottuVNC is a protocol for remote desktop. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNCOverSSH describes how to use it securely.  It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !FreeNX06:21
Sn0wmanllutz:as in changing the "download from" in Settings -> repository?06:22
llutzSn0wman: sounds like, i prefer to modify my sources.list06:22
Emanonreading now Gryllida thanks06:23
Sn0wmanllutz: yah but how do you know what to change it to?06:23
GryllidaEmanon: ok06:23
GryllidaEmanon: take in mind that is is bandwidth comsuming, if you don't have much of good internet, cli would do.06:24
Sn0wmanllutz: this is my sources.list http://pastebin.com/UkTE0mtr06:24
Emanoni meant to a second user like not login to screenshare but as a completely separate graphical users06:25
Emanonerr user* that last time06:25
martin__should I disable ipv6? I don't use it and it seems to cause networking issues.06:26
Emanoni can screenshare just fine but can i do 2 separate graphical logins, say my normal user on all the time then login to my root remotely or whatever?06:26
Emanonand still retain graphical login on both06:27
Gryllidavnc can do that06:27
Emanonok cool06:27
adamonline451Hello everyone!  I just got a software RAID 5 array set up, and am looking to use it as a /home mount only.  I'll be removing my RAID 0 main drive and reinstalling Ubuntu on one of those physical drives.  My question is, will this RAID 5 array be safe after a new installation, and how can I set it up so I can set it as my /home partition during install?06:28
Shabbypenguinum so i have a problem... my desktop menus are missing06:29
Shabbypenguinso can anyone help?06:31
Badger32dadamonline451 - raid 5 is not good for running an OS off of06:31
Sn0wmanllutz: so are not sure where to find the alternate mirrors?06:31
Badger32dfor a backup, its good - but not your main drive06:31
llutzSn0wman: look at the wiki, there should be a list. i don't have www here, cannot point you to one, sry06:32
adamonline451Badger32d: No, my intent is to run the OS off a single physical/virtual drive, with three other drives in RAID 5 as the /home partition :)  Does that sound better?06:32
Badger32dadam - my bad - just saw that.06:32
adamonline451Badger32d: No problem :)06:32
Badger32dyeah.... but /home still has alot of stuff running from it... Not a bad thought though... I dont see the issue, it will just read and write a little slower06:32
Sn0wmanllutz: hey it's np. I was just wondering if you happened to know off the top of your head06:33
adamonline451Badger32d: Would you happen to know if I would be able to restore the array with a new installation of Ubuntu?  Or better yet, be able to assign it as my /home partition during the new installation?06:33
Badger32dyou can set it as /home if it is a hardware RAID06:33
braden_its saying cant open file to write06:34
llutzSn0wman: i'm actually not even running ubuntu, so "no" again ;)06:34
sadiq_can anyone tell me how to get the text message under my volume control when I hover my mouse over it?06:34
martin__my network interfaces are getting ipv6 addresses. how do I get rid of ipv6?06:34
braden_i need to fix my source.list06:34
Badger32dI've actually done similar, but raid006:34
adamonline451Badger32d: Crud, I had a feeling... Do you know if it's non-trivial to change your /home directory after an installation?06:34
Sn0wmanllutz: well thanks anyway :-)06:34
Dr_Willisadamonline451:  its not too hard to move /home/ to another partittiion/filesystem/drive06:35
braden_Someone help?06:35
Dr_Willisbraden_:  how did you breake it? whats wrong with it?06:35
Badger32dhmm, probably not... Depends on what is installed though adamonline 45106:35
adamonline451Badger32d: I actually managed to get the install I'm on right now running on a RAID 0 fake raid!  Took me forever, haha...  Which is why I want to migrate to the single main drive...06:35
EmanonGryllida: /etc/gdm/gdm.conf-custom doesnt exist any clues?06:35
llutz!ipv6 > martin__06:35
ubottumartin__, please see my private message06:35
braden_two lines that arent needed06:35
braden_i have the right one now just cant save06:35
braden_it gives me that pop up message06:35
Dr_Willisbraden_:  you are editing that file as root?06:36
braden_i believe so....06:36
braden_im very new to all this06:36
Dr_Willisbraden_:  its a system file. so you have to  do 'gksudo EDITOR /file'06:36
Dr_Willisbraden_:  then you proberly are not editing it as root06:36
Dr_Willisgksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list06:37
Emanonor anyone else can answer too i just figured Gryllida was being helpfull hehe06:37
Dr_WillisEmanon:  make the file if it dosent exist.06:37
GryllidaEmanon: apt-get install gdm06:38
adamonline451Dr_Willis: Thank you, that sounds good :)06:38
Dr_WillisTheres lots of 'extra' config files that are that way06:38
Emanonits installed Gryllida that file just doesnt exist06:38
Gryllidamake it06:38
Dr_WillisNow the Syntax for that file... no idea. I have one here from my 'backups' but it may be for the old gdm.06:39
braden_its saying i have 115921 lines........06:39
co1nbraden_, in your sources.list file ?06:39
ubuntu__guys, i am trying to create a vpn , it suppoused not to use encryption. but when i untick mschap1/2 and eap and apply it keeps ticking them again06:39
ubuntu__what should i do to fix this06:39
co1nbraden_, that's defenitly not normal, should be less than a hundred lines06:40
braden_i know06:41
braden_dont know what to do though06:41
ubuntu__anyone could help me configure vpn connection?06:41
co1nanyone has a default sources.list file for xubuntu ? ( for braden_ ) or know where to find one ?06:42
ubottuFor more information on vpn please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/VPN06:42
braden_i ahve one06:42
Dr_Willisbraden_:  what was the command you used to edit your sources.list exactly?    and you could pastebin your sources.list also06:43
AbhiJitco1n, you can ask in #xubuntu06:44
Dr_WillisI wouldent think xubuntu's sources.list would differ from teh ubuntu one.06:44
Dr_Willisim on 10.10 right now. so that one is different. :)06:45
rwwxubuntu and ubuntu have the same sources.list06:45
jenvawhat is the best free alternative to ultraedit?06:45
Dr_Willisjenva:  and ultraedit is what?06:45
rww10.10 and 10.04 have the same sources.list if you replace "maverick" with "lucid"06:45
Dr_Willisand what makes it so special?06:45
AbhiJitco1n, you can thank here too06:46
AbhiJit!pm > co1n06:46
ubottuco1n, please see my private message06:46
Dulakjenva: gedit has quite a few plugins that make it a better editor than you'd think06:46
Dr_WillisI tend to use geany as my text editor of choice.06:46
Dr_Willismy 10.10 sources.list if anyone wants to see it --> http://pastebin.com/bFr9JLff06:46
Blue1Dulak: gedit has plugins?  Who knew?06:46
x0rsAnyone recommend one theme manager over another? metacity, compiz, beryl?06:47
martin__all these return 1 after reboot (cat /proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/*/disable_ipv6) but I still have an ipv6 default route with ip -6 r06:47
AbhiJit!best | x0rs06:47
ubottux0rs: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.06:47
Blue1x0rs: the one that works for you.  I tend to use metacity, but it's a pref. thing.06:47
Dr_Willisx0rs:   you mean a 'window manager' ?06:47
martin__and I still cannot ping outside my LAN06:47
ubuntu__when i try to configure pptp it keeps ticking eap why?06:48
x0rsdr_willis: yes06:48
Dr_Willisx0rs:  beryl is gone... ate up by compiz..06:48
Dr_Willisx0rs:  if you want eye candy - use compiz06:48
x0rsdr_willis: i see metacity is already installed by default. how do i switch to compiz?06:48
jenvadulak: yes i think with multi-edit thanks06:48
martin__but I can ssh to another host, and ping the world from there06:48
x0rsis it easy to install?06:48
RondoRavendoes anybody know why resolutions in grandr would not apply successfully if they are over 1024x768, but OK if under?06:48
Blue1martin__: can you pastebin your /etc/resolv.conf06:48
Dr_Willisx0rs:  compiz is installed by default06:49
Dr_Willisx0rs:  if your drivers are set up right.. you are using it now06:49
x0rsoh ok i see06:49
Blue1Dr_Willis: compiz is broken in 10.10 atm, prolly due to partial upgrade.06:49
Dr_WillisBlue1:  it seems to be working here.   I just did a dist-upgrade.06:50
Blue1Dr_Willis: okay let me try again.  I have an nvidia card.06:50
RondoRavenhas anybody here succeeded with external monitor resolution over 1024x768?06:51
martin__Blue1: http://paste.pocoo.org/show/267424/06:51
Sn0wmanRondoRaven: If you want to go over that, I'm pretty sure you need to install the restricted driver for your card06:52
Sn0wmanRondoRaven: or follow this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=8397306:52
SyriaHi, I can't see the sound controls on the upper gnome panel suddenly lost it, how can I restore it?06:52
RondoRaventhanks but i need to disable acpi apic and lapic to boot and so all the nvidia drivers bork my system06:53
Sn0wmanSyria: you should right click on the bar -> add to panel -> add indicator applet06:53
Sn0wmanRondoRaven: well then I guess you'll have to try to add the reso manually like in http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=8397306:54
Dr_Willis!resetpanel | Syria06:54
ubottuSyria: To reset the panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »06:54
Dr_WillisSyria:  that command  the bot gave is worth jotting down. In case you ever want to do a total reset of the panels. :)06:55
Blue1Dr_Willis: whoa -- I am 75 updates behind!06:55
jenvabtrfs will be include in grub2 in ubuntu 10.10?06:55
Dr_WillisBlue1:  you havent updated today then? :)06:55
jenvaanybody know06:55
Blue1Dr_Willis: no I didn't think they did anything on weekends.06:55
Dr_Willisjenva:  ask in #ubuntu+1 and ive not noticed..06:55
RondoRavenSn0wman: any advice how to generate a xorg.conf file based on what can be detected?06:55
Dr_Willisjenva:  i think btrfs full support has been pushed back to the next release.. but it could be a feature of grub2.. not sure how to even check06:56
RondoRavenSn0wman: in case of a blank one like I have06:56
rwwjenva: no, you need to have /boot on a non-btrfs partition06:56
Leman_RussHow do I run a .jar file in Linux?06:56
rwwor at least, you did as of a couple of weeks ago06:56
Sn0wmanRondoRaven: hold on, I know this. wait a sec06:56
MooshiMuushiDownload Java06:56
SyriaDr_Willis: Thank you very much, everything is okay now. :)06:56
rwwand since feature freeze is passed...06:56
llutzLeman_Russ: java -jar foo.jar06:56
Dr_Willistheres no /boot/grub/btrfs.mod  :)06:57
Sn0wmanRondoRaven: yah I knew I saw it in a post. "If you prefer fiddling with xorg.conf you can generate one with: sudo Xorg -configure"06:57
MooshiMuushiLeman_Russ, sudo apt-get install java6-sdk06:58
RondoRavenSn0wman: sounds like a good clue. thanks!06:58
ubottuTo install a Java runtime on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java. For the Sun Java products and browser plugin, search for the sun-java6- packages in the !partner repository on Lucid (which must be enabled), or !multiverse repository on older releases.06:58
SyriaHi, How can I share my wireless connection with my wifi mobile?06:58
ubottuCanonical's partner repositories provide packages a location for software vendors to publish applications. The repo itself can be added by running this in a !terminal: « sudo add-apt-repository "deb http://archive.canonical.com/ $(lsb_release -sc) partner" »06:58
Sn0wmanRondoRaven: but I'm pretty sure you'll have to stop gdm and X first with "sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop"06:58
MooshiMuushiIs there a way to install FreeBSD applications/games on Ubuntu?06:59
Dr_Willis!ics | Syria06:59
ubottuSyria: If you want to share the internet connection of your Ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetConnectionSharing - You may also use !firestarter: http://www.fs-security.com/docs/connection-sharing.php06:59
Dr_WillisMooshiMuushi:  most all of those should compile for linux, many are proberly allready ported/packaged over.06:59
=== molecule_ is now known as Raymond
Sn0wmanAfter you guys update, does your wireless indicator show up left of your power button?07:00
RondoRavenSn0wman: ok thx07:00
Sn0wmanRondoRaven: let me know how it works out07:00
MooshiMuushiDr_Willis, I know. I was just wondering if there was a way to install it :D07:00
jenvathanks, good night i am going to sleep07:00
=== Raymond is now known as EverybodyLovesRa
Dr_WillisMooshiMuushi:  what is 'it' ?  You did check the package manager?07:01
Sn0wmanIt's really annoying because my bars go indicator -> date/time -> power -> wireless07:01
MooshiMuushiJust normal FreeBSD programs.07:01
=== EverybodyLovesRa is now known as kickGebjgd
_multipass_is there anyway to get rid of ALL my "kubuntu-desktop" that i installed yesterday-- it was 300 mb-- but the remove is only like 19 mb07:02
=== IronChef is now known as qweqweqwe
Dr_Willis!puregnome | _multipass_07:03
ubottu_multipass_: If you want to remove all !Kubuntu packages or !Xubuntu packages and have a default !Ubuntu system, follow the instructions here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PureGnome07:03
MooshiMuushiDr_Willis, Pingus.07:03
SyriaWhat is the best flash player for FireFox please?07:03
Dr_Willis!info pingus07:03
ubottupingus (source: pingus): Free Lemmings(TM) clone. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.7.2-4ubuild1 (lucid), package size 912 kB, installed size 2400 kB07:03
_multipass_oo cool thanks Dr_Willis07:03
=== mue__ is now known as mue
ubuntu__where is my laptop battery icon and laptop power managment07:04
qweqweqwewhat's the best vpn software with ubuntu?07:04
Badger32dsyria: flash. You can download it from flash.com07:04
blakkheimqweqweqwe: ssh07:04
denysoniqueqweqweqwe, openvpn, ssh, nm to connect to it07:04
Dr_WillisSyria:  use the package manager to install flash...07:04
ubottuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash07:04
ubottuAn open source flash replacement.  It is still beta software. For current status or for more info http://www.gnu.org/software/gnash/07:04
Badger32dgnash is ok, but it is *not* for common usage - still got some kinks to work out07:05
SyriaBadger32d: Dr.willis  I mean which one is better, Adobe, gnash or something else.07:05
denysoniqueBadger32d, its fine for displaying ads ;)07:05
MooshiMuushiDr_Willis, Thank you. I know that already. Question! Is there a way to convert FreeBSD programs to Ubuntu compatible?07:05
Badger32dadobe is best. Yes, from a oss view, I like gnash but flash is still the best overall. :)07:05
Dr_WillisMooshiMuushi:  if they are written right.. they should compile..07:05
Dr_WillisSyria:   gnash only recently started working for youtube videos.. so it depends on your needs...07:06
denysoniqueBadger32d, no, flash sucks. it is dying out slowly07:06
atxq_so is there a way to "bookmark" cmd in terminal?07:06
coz_hey guys.. this past weeks updates have apparenlty broken vlc dvd playback..anyone else having this issue?07:07
denysoniquefor yt you can use html5 video. for most of them07:07
Dr_Willisatxq_:  what do you mean?07:07
Sn0wmanSyria: install flashplugin-nonfree for flash playback07:07
Blue1Dr_Willis: no compiz joy - might be because nvidia fx 520007:07
denysoniqueDr_Willis, recently?07:07
ubuntu__where is my laptop battery icon and laptop power managment?07:07
coz_Blue1,  mm fx 5200  if agp card would just slide through with compiz if it works at all07:08
MooshiMuushiDr_Willis, Written write? What if they were written to be installed on FreeBSD. Is there a way to "convert" it over to Ubuntu?07:08
atxq_I am getting tired of typing the same cmd in the terminal. is there a way to "save" them so I can select from a list, or something like this?07:08
Blue1coz_: it worked fine in 10.0407:08
AbhiJitatxq_, terminal log is saved some where you can open that file or you can just to arrow up or arrow down07:08
coz_Blue1,   do you recall the driver version you had on  10.04?07:08
Blue1coz_: iirc 19507:08
Badger32ddenysonique: flash is like high fructose corn syrup. its everywhere and its killing us... :)07:09
coz_Blue1,  ok that should be fine.... when you try to start compiz   what happens?07:09
Blue1coz_: let me get error again hang07:09
atxq_log file? seems like it would be better to just type the cmd in the terminal. the arrow option sometimes takes to long to find the cmd I want to use07:09
Dr_WillisMooshiMuushi:  yes.. You can write code that works on both os's if you follow the proper standards... or you could not follow the standards and have to work at porting the code over... theres no magical 'convert this bad code to work on linux' command07:09
atxq_be easier if I can enter a cmd and save it to a list or something07:10
Dr_Willisactually i seem to recall ages ago Linux being able to run 'bsd' binaries.. but ive never tried.07:10
atxq_can I disable "repeat" cmd from being saved in the terminal?07:10
=== kickGebjgd is now known as loveGebjgd
Dr_Willisatxq_:  theres a bash/history setting for that.07:11
atxq_what does the setting do exactly?07:11
Dr_Willisatxq_:  bash's history feature has a lot of very nice features taht get overlooked07:11
Dr_Willisatxq_:  it can be set to show/log/ or hide 'duplicate' commands07:11
atxq_sounds promising already07:12
MooshiMuushiDr_Willis, Ok. Thank you for the information :)07:12
Blue1coz_: destop effects could not be enabled.07:12
atxq_the duplication of cmd is starting to get annoying07:12
coz_Blue1,   ok open a terminal and copy paste this command      compiz --replace --sm-disable --ignore-desktop-hints ccp & disown07:12
coz_Blue1,  pastebin the errors if any07:13
Dr_Willisatxq_:   Its setable.. read up on bash/bash history. I thought not showing dupes. was the default.. its set that way here at least.07:13
Dr_Williswow the 'bash history cheat sheet' is 2 pages.. :)07:13
atxq_where are these options located?07:13
Dr_Willis.bashrc most likely07:14
Dr_Willistheres several plaes to set bash settings07:14
=== loveGebjgd is now known as Chrysanthemum
atxq_duplication of cmd are everywhere on my cli; one instance is enough I would think07:14
Dr_Willis.bashrc has the setting right there near the top i see...07:14
Dr_Willis# don't put duplicate lines in the history. See bash(1) for more options07:15
Dr_Willis# ... or force ignoredups and ignorespace07:15
Dr_Willisignorespace --> put a space at the front of the command.. and the history wont 'log'  that command.07:15
atxq_Dr_Willis, thanks for the link07:15
=== Chrysanthemum is now known as AppreciateChrysa
Blue1!pastbin | blue107:16
coz_Blue1,  go to pastebin.com   paste the errors  then submit and paste the link it gives you here07:17
atxq_I am here at the .bashrc07:17
Blue1coz_: yes trying to find the url didn't remember.07:17
atxq_would never think of this on my own07:17
coz_Blue1,   www.pastebin.com07:17
thune3atxq_: if i remember correctly: sometimes the ignoredups gets in the way of using up-arrow->enter to repeat previous command. this is also annoying.07:18
Dr_Willisatxq_:  You woudl never think of checking a programs config files? :)07:18
Blue1coz_: I have never seen this pastebin before give me a few07:18
Dr_Willisthune3:  yes.. it does do that.. and i find it annoying07:18
Dr_Willisid rather have the dupes.07:18
Blue1coz_: http://pastebin.com/PSY7Vzsb07:18
atxq_not for bash I guess07:18
coz_Blue1,  did you just install the nvidia driver?07:19
atxq_listen, so its HISTCONTROL=ignoredups:ignorespace07:19
Blue1coz_: no it won;t let me.07:19
coz_Blue1,  ah ok07:19
Blue1coz_: I will try again.07:19
Dr_Willisatxq_:  thats the line here.. its there by default.07:19
atxq_I would like just one instance of a cmd07:19
coz_Blue1,  so the driver wont install?07:19
coz_Blue1,  is this card agp or pci?07:20
atxq_I do not want to see ls like 10 times in the history; just once. is this possible?07:20
Dr_Willisatxq_:  all that does is make it not log if you ran (for example) ls 3 times in a row07:20
Blue1coz_: I am not seeing any option to install the driver period.07:20
Dr_Willisatxq_:  one use for history is to generate 'scripts'  so its not going to hide every time you ran 'ls' if it was done 20 commands back07:21
Blue1coz_: agp07:21
atxq_in a row I understand; I want it only once in the whole history07:21
coz_Blue1,  under   system/administration/hardware drivers07:21
Dr_Willisatxq_:  thats not how it works07:21
Dr_Willisand that could really be annoying for some cases07:21
Blue1coz_: nope it has additional drivers, but NO hardware drivers07:21
atxq_I want just one instance of every cmd that I use, is this possible?07:22
coz_Blue1,  which nvidia drivers are listed there?07:22
Dr_Willisatxq_:  thats not how it works07:22
atxq_in all my history, I would like just to see cd .. once07:22
Blue1coz_: none07:22
coz_Blue1,  is this a clean install of ubuntu lucid  or an upgrade?07:23
atxq_so if I add a script to .bashrc to not log repeated cmd, that would work?07:23
atxq_thinking that maybe I can search the history first, and if cmd logged, it would not log it again07:24
Blue11coz_: clean install07:24
coz_Blue11,  just for my confort  please run this command   and pastebin the out     glxinfo | grep -i render07:24
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[dw]oh man, i never wanna go back to vista.  ubuntu is a dream07:24
atxq_would this be possible? I am wondering if it is possible to search the log file before logging07:25
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[dw]i wish to make love to my operating system07:25
ectospasmatxq_: you could probably do that with grep07:25
AbhiJit[dw], i am already loving it! :)07:26
Blue11coz_: http://pastebin.com/MfpRcXR207:26
rwwmake install not war07:26
[dw]AbhiJit: dude, tmi :D07:26
Dr_Willisatxq_:  bashrc gets read at startup... once..  not sure what you are trying to acomplish07:26
atxq_I just do not want to log duplicate cmd07:27
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well_laid_lawnatxq_:  set a cronjob to do   cat .bash_history | sort | uniq > .bash_history_trimmed   and use that to find previous commands07:27
atxq_I hate it when I do not feel like typying and have to arrow key like 20 times to get to what I want to do07:28
coz_Blue11,   ok again in terminal    lspci | grep -i vga07:28
Blue11coz_: 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation NV34 [GeForce FX 5200] (rev a1)07:28
AbhiJitatxq_, write a program for your need!07:28
sweetpiatxq_: use tab completion or write a script07:29
AbhiJitatxq_, and dont forget to give me that program! :P07:29
coz_Blue11,  mm ok   do me a favor  open  system/administration/  and take a screenshot of that menu  upload to picpaste.com07:29
atxq_I am already thinking about this right now, but maybe with Perl07:29
atxq_this option should have been implimented already in bash by now; the "do not log duplication" option07:30
Blue11coz_: print screen doesn't work....let me try something else brb07:30
Dr_Willisatxq_:   Your feature would make  how i use history.. somewhat useless.. but Im still not clear on how you are working with the history.07:31
coz_Blue11,  yes  Applicatons/accessories   take screenshot   set to 3 or 4 seconds07:31
Dr_Willisatxq_:  you can use !### to rerun some specific command thats high up in the history07:31
JanhouseI can't change permissions (chmod) of fat16 formated sd card mounted on my computer. How can I make it writable by other users if chmod isn't working on it?07:31
thune3atxq_: 'history | grep something' and the copy paste w/mouse is a pattern I use 10 times a day07:31
Blue11coz_: no go07:31
Dr_WillisI tedn to do  a history > foo.sh   to make scripts :)07:32
rwwcoz_: Pressing printscreen while menus are open won't do anything. It's a fun not-going-to-be-fixed bug.07:32
sweetpiatxq_: iirc the reason ive never used ignore dups is if you do: "cd /; ls; cd /tmp/foo; <evil_cmd>; cd /; ls; <up arrow><enter>" your not going to like the results. someone correct me if im wrong07:33
coz_rww,   right which is why i asked him to set  take a screenshot to about 3 seconds07:33
Blue11coz_: private message ok?07:33
coz_Blue11, sure07:33
atxq_I use history so I do not have to type stuff all the type; it is easier to arrow key it, but after seeing duplicated cmd in the history it gets annoying having to wait like a minute to get to the last instance when you used a cmd07:36
Dr_WillisI dont seem to have any issues 'waiting' for history.. Not sure how you are working at the command line...07:36
atxq_just saying that there are certain moments when it would be nice to elimante duplications I guess; make life easier when you using the cli all the time07:36
llutzatxq_: ctrl-r    speeds that up07:36
Dr_WillisCheck the history docs. it may have the magical feature you are wanting...07:37
Dr_Willisreading those urls/guides  i googled eralier.. taught me a few new things just now07:37
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atxq_Dr_Willis, what you think? I am sure many people would like this feature too07:38
Dr_Willisatxq_:   the way i work.. your feature would be useless. and break how i 'do' things.07:38
Dulakctrl-r at the cli gives you a reverse search, easier than hitting the arrow more than a couple times07:38
ManDayWhy are all the INFO pages on Ubuntu just the MAN pages?! That's very annoying!07:39
Dr_WillisManDay:  not all of them are.07:39
Dr_WillisManDay:  just many programers decide to cut/paste them that way. instead of making a real info page07:39
ManDayDr_Willis: Many however. Why would someone do that?!07:39
atxq_its all about preferences07:39
Dr_WillisManDay:  because they were told 'make an info and a man page'07:39
Dr_WillisManDay:  ive seen many man pages taht are just 'command --help' output also07:40
atxq_preferences and options07:40
Dr_WillisManDay:  or man pages that say 'see the info whatever' page07:40
ManDayDr_Willis: See man ld - there it says for more information refer to the info page! But the info page (at least on ubuntu) is just the man page - doesnt make any sense07:40
Dr_Willismany people dont even know there are info pages. :)07:41
rwwManDay: The info pages are licensed under GFDL, which is incompatible with Debian's Free Software Guidelines, so they split them off into separate packages.07:41
ManDaySo is that an ubuntu thing or just a problem of the specific app?! cant imagine that ld and the other GNU tools do that kind of crap to the user07:41
llutzdevs don't write documentation, majority of users won't ever read  :(07:41
rwwI think, anyway.07:41
ManDayrww: So the info ld is SOMEWHERE - just not already installed on ubuntu?07:42
ManDayrww: what would be the according package?07:42
sweetpiatxq_: looks like I was wrong, seems ignoredups only ignores commands you have repeated, so if you do "cd /; ls; ls; ls;" it will only log "cd /; ls"07:42
Dr_Willismanpages-dev - Manual pages about using GNU/Linux for development07:42
ManDayDr_Willis: well the MAN pages I do have07:42
Dr_Willisi dont see any infopages-dev :)07:42
ManDayIt's the info pages that appear to be missing (or are simply the manpages)07:42
ManDayok thanks07:42
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Dr_Willisinfo2man - Convert GNU info files to POD or man pages07:43
Dr_WillisProberly they are just convertng them..07:43
ManDayDr_Willis: the source of all evil?07:43
Dr_WillisI cant recall the last time i looked at an info page.07:43
ManDayi dont think the author of man ld is that brazen to explicitly refer to an info page which never existed07:43
ManDayDr_Willis: i wouldnt bother with the info pages either if the info i needed were in the man pages07:44
rww!info binutils-doc | ManDay07:44
ubottuManDay: binutils-doc (source: binutils): Documentation for the GNU assembler, linker and binary utilities. In component main, is optional. Version 2.20.1-3ubuntu7 (lucid), package size 540 kB, installed size 596 kB07:44
Dr_Willisinfo binutils07:44
Dr_Willisi dotn even see where man ld  refers to the info pages.. :) but man ld is rather.. long07:45
Dr_Willisthere we to / seaerches in man :) gotta love it07:45
Dr_WillisThis man page does not describe the command language; see the ld entry in "info" for full details on the command language and on07:46
Dr_Willis       other aspects of the GNU linker.07:46
ManDayi was in particular (and still am) interested in the man page on At&t syntax07:46
Dr_Willisthe info pages and man pages do seem different...07:47
Dr_Willisat least they are here on 10.1007:47
ManDayits amazing that throughout all the man pages i haven't found a single reference to the sytax AS expects - i can only find hints on the internet07:47
ManDayDr_Willis: read however, that the info page has the exact same sentence in it07:47
Dr_WillisManDay:  i just searched the info page here.. and it did NOT have that exact same sentance07:48
ManDayDr_Willis: let me check again07:48
ManDaymaybe you do have that info page07:48
Dr_Willisbinutils-2.20.51-system           2010-09-17                             LD(1)07:48
Dr_Willisit says at the bottom. i AM on a 10.10 system right now07:48
Dr_Willis2044 lines total. :)07:48
ManDaymine is the exact same - even says manpage in the top. signature (*manpages*)ld, 1993 lines 2009-10-1607:49
ibrahim-kasemCan I adjust Pidgin Irc client to join #ubutnu automamtically?07:49
ManDaymaybe its even INFO which simply takes the manpage when lacking the appropriate INFO page07:50
Dr_Willisthere we go.. its at the top.. search dident 'loop' it seems..07:50
frag4nowhi all. I added some month ago a repository, now that server isn't reachable. I looked into /etc/apt/sources.list but it's not listed there. Where it can be?07:50
ManDayDr_Willis: ha07:50
ManDayDr_Willis: how come tho you have a newer version of the man/info page than me?07:50
Dr_WillisManDay:  im on 10.1007:51
frag4nowi.e. where are ppa repository added?07:51
Dr_Willisfrag4now:  if done right -> /etc/apt/sources.list.d/07:51
frag4nowah right!07:51
Dr_WillisI see way to many web sites/guides that tell you to edit /etc/apt/sources.list07:52
Dr_Willisi alwasy post a message in the forums trying to 'correct' that  :)07:52
ManDayDr_Willis: oh, that exists?07:53
ManDay10.10 - did I miss it?07:53
TheAberrantHi all - having an issue with Gallery2 - the ZipCart module specifically.  Giving me the error "Unable to create a zip file from this binary"  Anyone familiar with installing Gallery2?  I'm on a VPS with 10.4 LTS version07:53
Dr_WillisManDay:  release date in like 24 days..07:54
rwwManDay: it's coming out on October 10th.07:54
rwwmore like 1507:54
Dr_WillisMiddle of the month?  i wonder if it will get pushed back to the end. :)  perhaps not07:54
rwwno, they set it to the 10th because releasing on an amusing date is more important than consistancy and having extra time to do QA07:55
Roush427rHey, my sister's integrated soundcard in her laptop is dead. Does anybody know of any external soundcards for that?07:55
blakkheimRoush427r: i like the nuforce icon hdp07:55
Roush427rblakkheim: really? is it USB?07:56
blakkheimRoush427r: yes07:56
DulakYou know in my experience the first release after a LTS seems buggier than others, I will be giving it a good month or so before I try it out, let em iron out the crap that always creeps in.07:57
Roush427rblakkheim: $500? We are kinda poor, do you know of any really cheap?07:57
sweetpiRoush427r: you can get a really cheap "skype ready" headset that comes with a usb adapter at walmart it has headphone and mic jacks07:57
blakkheimRoush427r: i'm a bit of an audiophile so no, sorry i don't.. maybe nuforce has some cheaper ones07:58
Roush427rsweetpi: Ok, the soundcard on her LAPTOP is completely dead.07:58
ManDayDr_Willis: rww: thanks07:58
sweetpiRoush427r: yeah this is a usb sound card07:58
duckieHi, I installed ubuntu 10.4 along side w7 from flashdrive, but it doesnt appear to have installed my drivers, I cant get internet connection, can ping loopback though which is odd o_O any ideas?07:58
Dr_Willis a 'bit' of an audiophile to spend $500 on a usb sound card?   :)  that seems an understatement.07:59
Roush427rsweetpi: Ok, do you know the name of it by any chance?07:59
Dr_WillisYou could use a bluetooth headset/adaptor to get some noise out also. :)07:59
Dr_Willisbut those can be problematic  ive noticed.08:00
llutzsuggesting a $500 soundcard to replace a laptop built-in is stupid08:00
Roush427rllutz: thank you, haha we got the laptop for free too.08:00
Dr_Willisbut i DID finally get sound out to my BT headset  in this last release.08:00
sweetpiRoush427r: cant remember sorry, 1 sec ill see if I can find another. I remember seeing one online for about $808:00
blakkheimDr_Willis: it's both a DAC and a headphone amp08:00
Dr_WillisBluetooth has such potential.. and so many issues. :(08:01
sweetpiRoush427r: http://www.geeks.com/search.asp?QUERY=usb%20sound%20adapter08:01
llutzRoush427r: that wasn't for you08:02
maekncaekwe're lonely at http://www.grigori.us come check us out and join some of our games!08:03
serp_boo bad advenrtisemment08:03
maekncaekhey, its the best i got lol08:04
lewis1711does anyone know of a font that's completely square?08:04
maekncaekhow could i make it better?08:04
lewis1711horizontally and vertically08:04
serp_maekncaek: you shouldnt advertise here08:04
maekncaekok ok08:04
maekncaekyou check out dafont.com yet lewis?08:04
Roush427rsweetpi: Awesome, thanks dude!08:04
maekncaekthey've got tons of fonts to pick from08:05
maekncaekhttp://www.dafont.com/solid.font there ya go lewis08:05
maekncaekbut its only free for personal use08:06
AbhiJit!tab | maekncaek08:06
ubottumaekncaek: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.08:06
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maekncaeki love tab08:06
maekncaekso useful08:06
maekncaeknobody ruvs me...08:07
Loshkimaekncaek: we don't chat much here. Try #ubuntu-offtopic...08:08
duckieI will if you can get my net working on ubuntu >_<08:08
maekncaekduckie, is it wifi?08:08
duckienegs, lan08:08
maekncaekwhats the issue?08:09
duckiedual booted this morning and it hasn't installed my drivers -_- trying to find drivers atm to work08:09
sweetpiRoush427r: here is a pcmcia one that has a usb port on it also: http://www.meritline.com/laptop-sound-card-usb-port---p-39078.aspx?source=fghdac08:09
duckiecan ping loopback though, which is odd >_<08:10
maekncaekhave you turned on 3rd party drives?08:10
sprungwow dafont is a cool site08:10
maekncaeksorry, drivers08:10
maekncaekyes, its quite expansive08:10
AbhiJitdownloading one file using wget. it shows 40K/s eta 1min etc. so what is 'eta' stands for?08:10
maekncaekduckie, that is odd08:10
duckieyeah I know =/ I dont get how it can ping loopback, but state no drivers are installed and not get outside of network...08:11
duckiehow do I turn on 3rd party drivers08:11
blakkheimAbhiJit: estimated time to arrival08:11
AbhiJitblakkheim, ok08:11
maekncaekshould be system>admin>hardware drivers08:12
maekncaekit'll do a scan and if anything pops up should be in there08:12
duckienothing in there -_-08:12
maekncaekis your nic onboard or pci?08:12
duckieit's onboard08:13
duckiefound the driver w7 is using, but cant find one to run in ubuntu08:14
maekncaekwhats the make of the chipset?08:14
llutzduckie: "lspci |grep -i net"08:15
maekncaekhey theres a command that looks good08:15
xim_anyone know the difference between manual announce and scrape on ktorrent?08:15
duckiesudo first?08:15
llutzduckie: no need08:15
duckiemmk, it says about realtek pci shiz08:16
llutzduckie: take that output to google and look what drivers are needed08:16
maekncaeklike this: 02:03.0 Ethernet controller: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. RTL-8139/8139C/8139C+ (rev 10)08:16
duckiek =D08:16
maekncaektada! thanks llutz08:16
llutzduckie: or provide us with the complete line if you want help in the channel08:17
duckierealtek semiconductor co., Ltd. RTL811/8168B PCI Express Gigabit Ethernet controller (rev 03)08:17
duckieack thats wrong08:17
duckielet me retype it08:17
maekncaekoooo the 3s were always better than the 10s08:17
maekncaekshould be able to copypasta it08:18
=== ibrahim-kasem is now known as Syria
duckieif I could copy and paste it to the channel from ubuntu, I wouldnt be in here cause my LAN wasnt working =P08:19
Loshkixim_: this page talks about them, but I'm not much the wiser after reading it: guess you have to read the whole doc probably: http:/http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-272144.html/ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-272144.html08:19
llutzduckie: "sudo modprobe r8169"08:19
duckierealtek semiconductor co., Ltd. RTL8111/8168B PCI Express Gigabit Ethernet controller (rev 03)08:19
duckiethat is what it says08:19
RudyValenciaIf I'm pushing Ubuntu client installs out over PXE, how much of the repositories should I mirror locally? Is just main enough?08:19
maekncaekLMAO right you are08:19
duckietyped that and its just gone to a new line08:20
llutzduckie: does "ifconfig -a" have a eth0?08:20
llutzduckie: are you using dhcp?08:21
Dr_WillisRudyValencia:  You may want to set up apt-cacher-ng also. I use it on my home lan. so all my pc clients. get any packages they need from the cache server. I dont mirror the whole repo. Just cache it for them08:21
duckiei've tired manual and auto08:21
llutzduckie: try "sudo dhclient3 eth0"08:21
Jordan_UDr_Willis: The code for btrfs support in grub2 exists but can't be distributed legally (at least not in a compiled form, gplv2 vs grub's gplv3): http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/grub-devel/2010-08/msg00020.html08:21
RudyValenciaDr_Willis: But is main sufficient for PXE installs?08:21
Dr_WillisRudyValencia:  no idea on that. i never managed to do a PXE install.08:21
piyushmishraanyone plays starcraft 2 wings of liberty here?08:22
ravenhow to import mails from evolution into thunderbird??08:22
sprungpiyushmishra, if you are trying to get starcraft 2 to work in linux go to #winehq08:22
RudyValenciaWould mirroring main be enough for clients to install from locally?08:22
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duckieno working leases in database08:22
duckielet me try manually assigning again08:23
Jordan_URudyValencia: For just the packages the netboot installer uses, yes.08:23
RudyValenciaonce the system is up I don't mind it downloading from restricted/universe/multiverse08:23
Jordan_URudyValencia: It's a strict requirement that any packages included in a default install must be available in main (or resctricted, now that I think of it you might want that as well).08:24
duckiellutz: manually assigned and still no working leases or dhcp offers08:25
RudyValenciaI'll probably just use either apt-cacher-ng or approx08:25
llutzduckie: ethtool eth0|grep Link08:25
llutzduckie: you might have to install ethtool, not sure08:26
duckieyeah I do, and it cant find it..08:26
duckieE: Couldn't find package ethtool08:26
AbhiJitcan i generate a slidshow using f-spot or shotwell?08:26
AbhiJitduckie, apt-cache search ethtool08:27
llutzduckie: without internet, you will have to download the deb from another pc and copy it08:27
duckieso just download ethtool from somewhere08:28
llutzduckie: from ubuntu repo08:28
llutzduckie: packages.ubuntu.com/lucid/i386/ethtool/download08:29
duckiegot, just copying over =]08:30
Jordan_Uduckie: Just to cover all bases, are you using a straighthrough or crossover cable connecting to the router?08:30
duckiestraight through =]08:30
duckieI do senior support for ISP, so I know the setup is right, but haven't touched linux in years so nfi what I am doing08:30
duckiethat sounded douchey of me though -_-08:31
Jordan_Uduckie: Did you run "sudo ifconfig eth0 up" before dhclient?08:31
duckie no. trying now08:32
nothingspecialabhiJit: feh -rzF -D 3 ~/Pictures random slideshow of all photos in your Pictures directory and any directories in it08:32
AbhiJitnothingspecial, what is 'feh' ???08:33
AbhiJitnothingspecial, i need to add this presentation to html code08:33
AbhiJiti mean offline web page08:33
nothingspecialpicture viewer apt-get install feh man feh08:33
AbhiJitnothingspecial, will that able to give me a code to insert into my offline web page?08:34
nothingspecialAghiJit: don`t know about that08:34
billysabran si corre ajedres en lubunto 9.108:34
AbhiJitnothingspecial, ok08:34
duckieright, it is saying operation not permitted for device settings, wake on lan and link status when I do the ethrool eth0-grep link08:35
llutzduckie: ethtool eth0|grep 'Link detected'      thats the interesting line08:36
duckiejust says for all three, operation not permitted08:36
llutzduckie: use sudo08:36
duckiesupported link modes: 10baseT/half 10baseT/full08:37
llutzduckie: ethtool eth0 | grep 'Link detected'     exact this command08:37
duckiesudo first?08:38
llutzsry yes08:38
llutzduckie: sudo ethtool eth0 | grep 'Link detected'     exact this command08:38
duckiegoes to a new line. nothing08:38
duckiewhen you sent me the link for ethtool, you sent the i386 one, doesnt work because for some reason even though I tried to install 1386, it appears to have installed amd64... this wont affect it will it?08:39
llutzduckie: packages.ubuntu.com/lucid/amd64/ethtool/download08:40
duckieyeah I got it, so it's installed =]08:40
duckiejust making sure no major differences between i386 and amd64 which would cause this issue08:40
nikolamHI. Anyone knows how do I make bug on Launchpad for a package that is NOT installed on local system (I want to post a bug to a program team about PPA repo not available)08:41
Dr_Willisso the bug is that the program refers to a PPA thats down?08:42
nikolamDr_Willis, yes08:44
ectospasmnikolam: are you sure it just isn't that you haven't added the PPA?08:44
nikolamBug is exactly that. your pPa is down.08:44
Dr_Williswhat program is this? thats  dosent really sound like a 'bug' if the PPA comes back up... its fixed..08:44
ectospasmyou should probably contact the maintainer of the PPA directly08:45
nikolamit is: http://ppa.launchpad.net/freenx-team/ppa/ubuntu08:45
Dr_Willisive found the whole NX/Freenx stuff so confuseing to setup. :) i managed to do it once.. but i think tha twas luck.08:45
ectospasmDr_Willis: I didn't have a problem with it last time.08:46
Dr_Willispasrt of the issue i had was the docs/wiki pages seem to be 1/2 updated...  I did manage to get 'somthing' working. but im not sure if it was freenx, or that other nx. (what was it called?) this was 4 mo ago i last tried.08:47
nikolamsources list : http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/500824/  Error message: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/500823/08:47
nikolamthing is I actually get freenx on the list insisde synaptic now. only when refreshing repository lists, I get error08:49
duckieits now giving me eth0:avahi in ifconfig but no DHCP even if I manually assign08:50
rwwnikolam: Do you have anything in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ ?08:50
nikolamrww, Aha. one more freenx. let me delete that?08:52
rwwnikolam: does it have /user/ somewhere in it?08:52
ravenevolution loads mails again and again also if they are deleted on server - what is going on here??08:52
nikolamrww does not have user but have 4 freenx files08:53
rwwnikolam: yeah, I'm guessing one or more of the files has lines in it that involve "http://ppa.launchpad.net/user/freenx-team/". Those need deleting.08:53
rww(the "/user" part shouldn't be there, and it looks like you have the right lines in sources.list)08:54
nikolamrww thanks08:54
liluohello everybody!08:55
nikolamrww, that solved the problem :) thanks08:56
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ravenevolution loads mails again and again - what is going on here??09:02
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Autonomiserraven are you using POP or IMAP09:04
xorlimmy ubuntu got wasted because the computer's power supply broke.09:04
=== ServerTech|Lapto is now known as ServerTechLaptop
AutonomiserA good PSU is the foundation of any computer09:05
cromaghow do i check if lftp has been compiled with openssl in ubuntu ?09:05
bihari_i have small question when i was creating a data base in ubuntu terminal i have been asked this question "Shall the new role be a superuser? (y/n) n <<but i have given "y" by mistake  how can i rectify my mistake09:06
xorlimAutonomiser: yes. I think I should buy a new one.09:06
AutonomiserBut all the time I see people paying little or no regard to the quality of the PSU they get but they pay in the end.09:06
Autonomiserxorlim: Seasonic09:07
ceil420Autonomiser: got a friend of mine who has done not one, but *two* builds buying a $30 case/cpu combo for each ;x09:07
VP1You don't have permission to access / on this server.09:07
ravenAutonomiser, pop09:07
VP1pl help09:07
ceil420case/psu* i mean09:07
ceil420i should sleep..09:07
Rapphi everybody!09:08
ravenAutonomiser, i set it to delete after download but it does not do this09:08
Rapphow do i configure grub in ubuntu? i need to add some kernel boot parameters09:08
Autonomiserraven: I thought so, this is a problem I have see before with POP09:08
cryptopsyhow can i enable SAVECHANGES on a ubuntu live USB stick, latest stable version09:08
cryptopsyhelp me pls09:08
ravenAutonomiser, that means, there is a solution for that ? ;)09:08
Autonomiserraven: Who is your email provider?09:09
cryptopsyubuntu fucking blew out my speakers why is the sound level for apps ULTRA HIGH, but the sound level for total sound is medium?09:09
VP1When try http://localhost/09:09
VP1You don't have permission to access / on this server.09:09
VP1pl help09:09
FloodBot1VP1: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.09:09
cryptopsyVP1: help me09:09
MainRoomsfk10 day 2 just started 10:00 .. Mikel Maron talking at MainRoom , Neo-Geo-Politics...09:10
bazhangcryptopsy, watch the language09:10
ravenAutonomiser, but this problem is only since a few days - before everyhting worked fine09:10
VP1pl help09:11
Rappanyone? i need to know where ubuntu stores the grub configuration... i don't see any menu.lst in /boot/grub ...09:11
bazhangRapp, its grub2 now09:11
bazhang!grub2 | Rapp please have a read09:11
ubottuRapp please have a read: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since Ubuntu 9.10.  For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub209:11
AutonomiserVP1: That means that the folder where you put your default.html is not set to give you read right access for the account you are using09:11
the_studentHow is the support for Telenor 3G modems in 10.0409:12
Rappbazhang: thanks. (ubuntu newbie, been using opensuse before)09:12
cryptopsyhelp me09:12
cryptopsybazhang: why does ubuntnu max sound and how can i save settings on live USB09:13
Autonomiserraven: From my experience your problem is happening at the server end.09:13
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Autonomiserraven: I would say that you should be using IMAP.09:13
bazhangcryptopsy, live usb you cannot, you need to create one with persistent09:14
ravenAutonomiser, but why this is happening just a few days now?09:14
bazhang!usb | cryptopsy see the last link09:14
ubottucryptopsy see the last link: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent09:14
Eryn_1983_FLhey peeps my mic/audioout jack on my netbook does not work09:14
cryptopsyshit i can't right click in terminal what th ehell09:14
cryptopsyit broke09:14
Autonomiserraven: But if you have to use POP then login to you email providers web-mail and delete all mail stored there.09:15
cryptopsy /reset doesnt work09:15
the_studentHow is the support for Telenor 3G modems in 10.04?09:15
Eryn_1983_FLis there a  button i push to make it  function as  output not in?09:15
bazhangcryptopsy, no cursing09:15
ravenAutonomiser, this is the "solution" i am doing at the moment but i have to do it for every single mail09:15
cryptopsybazhang: how do i disable that? i dont know if this is bash or terminal09:15
bazhangcryptopsy, please see the bot link for persistence09:15
cryptopsyi can't copy and paste it to browser09:16
cryptopsyhow tof ix that09:16
Autonomiserraven: Because that is how problems go, one day everything is fine and the next minute you have a problem09:16
ravenAutonomiser, so i have to wait or to swich to imap09:16
[thor]cryptopsy: left-click and drag to highlight ( highlighted text is automatically copied to clipboard ), middle-click to paste09:17
Autonomiserraven: If you can't at lest select multi emails in your web-mail interface in this day and age, then this a really strong sign that you need to change to real email provider.09:18
WarrenSHWho peed in your cornflakes this time?09:20
gergelysegítség kéne09:21
bazhangWarrenSH, that is unacceptable here09:21
rww!hu | gergely09:22
ubottugergely: Magyar nyelvű segítséget az #ubuntu-hu csatornán talál09:22
erryRRhythmbox seems to crash after playhing midis09:22
haagimusim using amarok 2.2.0 and was wondering if there was any way to make a playlist larger than 99 songs, or a smart paylist kind of feature. im trying to make a playlist of all my 5 star songs for my ipod and i have almost 200 songs at 5 stars09:23
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cromagcan i somehow ask synaptics/apt to install lftp WITH ssl ?09:23
gergelynekem van egy tp link tl-wn422g és ndiwrapperrel se tudom felismertetnu lubuntu alatt09:23
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gergelymitt tegyek ?09:24
llutzcromag: if the version in the repos isn't with ssl, no09:24
rwwgergely: This channel is English only. #ubuntu-hu for Hungarian.09:24
HelloersHi, how i can get list cpu usage of users?(username cpu%) ?09:24
cromagllutz: ok thanks09:24
llutzcromag: build yourself09:24
cromagllutz: yes, i did that, but just seems easier this way :)09:25
ManDayfirefox-bin uses 70% CPU if I download something09:25
ManDaythats not good09:25
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aa_hi, I want to map my fingerprint scanner to middle mouse click :)09:31
aa_(I know, I know)09:31
haagimusim using amarok 2.2.0 and was wondering if there was any way to make a playlist larger than 99 songs, or a smart paylist kind of feature. im trying to make a playlist of all my 5 star songs for my ipod and i have almost 200 songs at 5 stars and need a playlist that will populate with those and autopopulate when i 5 star new songs09:32
_genuser_Hello People09:32
enavi got a off topic question....  say "lets go"  is equivalent to to say "shall we"???09:33
rwwenav: try ##english or #ubuntu-offtopic09:34
aa_where do the geeks hang out?09:35
psycho_oreos!offtopic | aa_09:36
ubottuaa_: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!09:36
Rappenav: you were supposed to write /join before the ##english ...09:36
ubottutrolling / trollish behaviour is behaviour that is considered annoying by other channel users, this includes going offtopic, asking the same question time and again getting answered and not acknowledging the answer, and these are not the only ways behaviour can be considered trolling, please see /msg ubottu guidelines - if this applies to you, you may find yourself outside the channel09:36
christophoroshello guy s witch program ubuntu got in the place of adobe illustrator ?09:38
ceil420that's for making svgs and such innit?09:39
ceil420i think inkscape would be the equivalent software09:39
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christophoroseps format09:39
Mayankhello, whenever i am trying to login in ubuntu 10.04 i get this error in the top right corner of the screen: Gnome installation of default configuration of Power Manager failed, contact your system administrator. When i try to login, that is when i enter the password, the login screen turns into a black screen and after a few seconds the login screen re-appears, any help?09:39
sweetpichristophoros: inkscape or karbon I guess, not sure about the format support09:40
ceil420i'm unfamiliar with eps format09:40
pdwggHey guys, I just installed ubuntu 10.10 beta. And I am using Chromium Web Browser. But I cant play video on youtube. Can anyone help me?09:40
christophorosalrighty thanks09:40
pdwggIt had no problem when I was using 10.04.09:40
[thor]you are all on the right track, eps is most definately supported by inkspace christophoros09:40
[thor]christophoros: check out http://wiki.inkscape.org/wiki/index.php/FileTypes for details09:41
christophorosthanks alot thor09:41
llutzpdwgg: /join #ubuntu+1  for 10.10-support09:41
[thor]christophoros: no problem, the spelling mistakes are no additional charge.. heh09:42
duckwarsBy default, what does cp do if the destination directory already has the file there? Does it overwrite or do nothing, or something else?09:46
ceil420duckwars: try it09:46
ceil420with test files09:46
ceil420(of course)09:46
d3v0how can i create a pptp server on my ubuntu pc?09:47
llutzduckwars: it overwrites09:47
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duckwarsllutz: thanks09:47
d3v0i have pptp installed and im using the network connection plugin09:47
Guest90908qualcuno parla italiano?09:47
llutzduckwars: cp -n to change that09:47
[thor]!it | claudio/Guest9090809:47
ubottuclaudio/Guest90908: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)09:47
duckwarsllutz: thank you09:48
ceil420i spent like 1min echo >> test files and cpin' and someone else already answered :p09:48
sweetpiduckwars: or alias cp='cp -i' in your .bashrc to make it prompt you to overwrite09:48
llutzduckwars ceil420  "man cp"  30 seconds :)09:48
duckwarsif I do cp -r * /some/directory will this cp all files and directories?09:49
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Richie086all the directories under the current directory yes09:49
d3v0how can i create a pptp server on my ubuntu pc?09:49
duckwarsRichie086: thank you09:49
ceil420llutz: most cp's are either *too* brief, or too long-winded. either way, they're not always my first option :p09:50
root_how can i run exploit known as 08_067_netapi to the wan network??09:50
[thor]d3v0: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/howto-pptp-vpn-server-with-ubuntu-10-04-lucid-lynx.html  (first link for your question in google)09:50
ceil420llutz: most man pages*09:50
ceil420wtf cp's09:50
ceil420sleep is for the weak :|09:50
root_ how can i run exploit known as 08_067_netapi to the wan network??09:51
sweetpi!ot | root_09:51
ubotturoot_: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!09:51
Guest66266hi everywone09:51
d3v0[thor] that requires me to download ubuntu server09:52
d3v0anyway i can do it with the ubuntu i have installed already09:52
mifadirhow to make  my modem09:53
mifadirsync after reboot ubunt09:53
Guest66266how do i change my nickname? :))09:53
d3v0i've found several tutorials and followed them exactly09:53
d3v0and they stuff up my firefox for some reason09:53
iTrollhello guys, ive just got a new netbook with gma500 chip on board.  It sucks even with the psd module installed!  Is there an Intel proprietary driver from the GMA500?09:53
mifadirit's an ec12209:53
llutz /nick newnick09:53
llutzGuest66266: ^^09:53
=== Guest66266 is now known as Patrunjel
Patrunjelthanks :)09:54
mantizzhow to enable front panel audio in ubuntu 10.04 64bit gnome Desktop Edition???09:54
Patrunjeli tried in setting, then set up quassel, nothing :)09:54
collabrawww.youtube.com/watch?v=HW93wuaGSsU <------ root_ .... yeah, I know he's not here,... sorry for the offtopic,... but you can find anything.09:55
mantizzhow to enable front panel audio in ubuntu 10.04 64bit gnome Desktop Edition???09:55
iTrollHOLY SHIT.  How is it possible that Intel can release shut a piece of shit like the GMA500 and get away with it?09:57
mantizzhow to enable front panel audio in ubuntu 10.04 64bit gnome Desktop Edition???09:57
VegasMikeAnyone know why remote desktop viewer gives me the error message "connection to host was closed" when I try to connect to a desktop out of my local network?09:57
ksbalajiI fully erased the laptop hard disk and created a partition table using gparted. I also created an ntfs partition. But, lated my winXP-sp3 installation pack does not recognizes the hdd and stalls. Help.09:58
iTrollmantizz: look at the "hardware" and "output" tabs under sound preferences, and see if there is any reference to the front panel jack09:58
mantizzi have intel integrated Realek audio on my mobo.. the soundcard is recognised n has no issues.. and the speakers & mic works fine on the back panel. but the front audio panel is not working at all.. pls help me..09:58
ShredMasterhow do i know my proxy address? Httrack needs it.09:59
mantizziTroll: i did but didnt't worked.09:59
mantizziTroll: there are two options Analog output and Analog Headphone..10:00
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iTrollmantizz: that is as far as my sound expertise goes, sorry.  And its not the headphone?10:00
VegasMikeAnyone have a take on this one?10:01
VegasMikeAnyone know why remote desktop viewer gives me the error message "connection to host was closed" when I try to connect to a desktop out of my local network?10:01
mantizziTroll: ya i am using Headset... mc work perfectly10:02
mantizziTroll: ya i am using Headset... mic work perfectly10:02
=== shookees is now known as ZNC_shookees
mantizzi have intel integrated Realek audio on my mobo.. the soundcard is recognised n has no issues.. and the speakers & mic works fine on the back panel. but the front audio panel is not working at all.. pls help me..10:02
vinokVegasMike, what OS are you trying to remote?10:04
vinokVegasMike, and what protocol?10:05
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats10:05
WithoutHi, for filesystem, EFI GPT or Linux better?10:05
VegasMikeAn xp os with vnc viewer (I can't even ping from the terminal)10:06
Withoutinterm of reducing I/O10:06
vinokVegasMike, is there a firewall device in between?10:06
VegasMikeI opened port 5900 and forwarded on my router10:06
dugger5688_VegasMike: My first guess would be that the VNC server is set to deny non-local connections.10:07
vinokVegasMike, first thing to check, in the target machine check if the IP you are using right now is included in the VNC config10:07
ShredMasterHttrack needs proxy. How to do it? I cannot download..10:08
vinokVegasMike, 2nd dont port forward the port, just make it open (forwarding a port will just mean youll only able to connect to 1 specific host)10:08
vagastormmy ubuntu system is for some reason not using the swap partition, which is degrading my performance a bit :p any one know what I should do to register it?10:08
VegasMikehe's offline now but shouldn't I still be able to ping?10:09
cryptopsyhow do i open the file explorer in ubuntu10:10
erUSULcryptopsy: Places>somewhere10:10
vinokVegasMike, if the computer is off you won't be able to =)10:10
dvrvmhi. upstart jobs: is there any way i can make a "task" type job do something on receiving a stop trigger?10:11
cryptopsyerUSUL: how10:11
vinokVegasMike, try later when the target is on, just check the config. add the IP you have that is outside the subnet (which is by default VNC only allows) then check the firewall in between the 2 devices10:11
VegasMikeVinok, Can I ping you as a test?10:11
sweetpiVegasMike: pings are usually dropped at the router, and if the computer hosting vnc is off.. well there is your connection problem :)10:11
erUSULcryptopsy: just open one of the places there and you will be in the explorere10:11
llutzvagastorm:add a line like"UUID=1234-4321-xx noneswapsw0 0" to /etc/fstab, get swaps UUID from blkid10:12
cryptopsyerUSUL: how can i copy things to /cdrom, its mounted as readonly10:12
vinokVegasMike, it will fail.. i blocked the pinging outside my subnet10:12
cryptopsyi can't umount it to remount it as rw10:12
erUSULcryptopsy: a cdrom is by definition a read only medium ...10:12
VegasMikeRemote pc has failed packets when I know he's on10:12
cryptopsyerUSUL: no its not a cdrom10:13
cryptopsyerUSUL: its called /cdrom but its the location from where ubuntu live is running10:13
erUSULcryptopsy: what filesystem  is it then?10:13
vinokVegasMike, and one more thing the safest and recommended way is connect to VPN on your network, add the private IP you assign in th VNC config. I really dont recommend connecting with your public IP into internal networks - very unsafe10:13
VegasMikeThanks to sweetpi and vinok10:13
vagastormllutz: how can I see whats the uuid of the partiotion? usualy I would mount it and do mount to see the uid of the last mounted device, but I cant mount a swap partition. can I use label on swap space?10:14
cryptopsyerUSUL: ext310:14
llutzvagastorm: blkid          tells you10:14
erUSULcryptopsy: what are you trying to do?10:14
voulaany driver to connect with wireless usb-stick?10:14
dugger5688_blkid is your friend here!10:14
vinokVegasMike, gtg going to get my lunch.10:14
erUSULvoula: depends on the chip the usb stick uses10:14
Weezerhmmm...is ubuntu 10.10 available?10:14
VegasMikevinok, I don't know how to do that10:14
vagastormllutz: thanx :)10:15
erUSULWeezer: 10.10 --> #ubuntu+110:15
dugger5688_Weezer: Beta is, don't use it on production machines.10:15
vinokVegasMike, pm me later i will help you10:15
vinokVegasMike, sorry but need to go now10:15
llutzvagastorm: after changing /etc/fstab, run "sudo swapon -a"10:15
VegasMikeThanks vinok10:15
voulamobile broadband connection10:15
llutzvagastorm: cat /proc/swaps           to check it then10:15
sweetpiVegasMike: if its a windows box, you need to open the vnc port on the windows firewall as well as forward it on the router10:15
upgrdmani set grub to boot into memtest using the gui tool. it does that, but now i cant get grub to show me the boot load menu so i can load ubuntu. how can i fix this?10:16
VegasMikeThanks sweetpi10:16
erUSULupgrdman: press shift during load to make the menu appear10:16
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upgrdmanerUSUL, that worked! thanks a bunch...10:17
erUSULupgrdman: no problem;10:17
thekid123who would be able to help me find something related to security?10:18
erUSUL!ask | thekid12310:18
ubottuthekid123: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)10:18
ShredMasterwhere do I get Hattrack GUI?10:18
thekid123Did anyone here go to SummerCon 2010? Sorry for a bit misrelated, but I don't know where else to go.10:19
lienhahoa_xsdHi! Any one can give me a tut about use Karmic with projector?10:20
lienhahoa_xsdI use notebook hp.10:21
RippleEffectAnybody using Epiphany?10:21
mkanyicyRippleEffect, no one use that here10:22
dvrvmis there any kind of upstart-centered community which is active?10:22
RippleEffectmkanyicy, how would you know?10:23
mkanyicy!ask | RippleEffect10:23
ubottuRippleEffect: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)10:23
RudyValenciaOK, I'm trying to set up a package cache using approx, and I can update the packages on my server with it, but I can't install from it; why?10:24
zambaupdate-python-modules: error: ibus.private is not a recognized python-support module.10:24
mkanyicyHow can we help you, RippleEffect ?10:24
zambai'm totally unable to get rid of ibus10:24
zambahow do i do it?10:24
RippleEffectI can not start Epiphany anymore. When I start the browser nothing happens. I tried to start it from the shell and it exits with "segmentation fault".10:24
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quietoneplease remind me what to install so I can  xfer ogg to ipod and it will convert 'on the fly'?10:25
RippleEffectI looked for a process "epiphany" but there isn't one.10:25
mkanyicyRippleEffect, what did you do to your system?10:25
AbhiJitquietone, try mobile media convertor. but i dunno if it converts on the fly just give a look10:26
adamonline451Hello!  Does anyone know how to change the drive that Bonnie tests?10:26
RippleEffectmkanyicy, nothing. I used the browser all day. Then it crashed on some website. When trying to restart it I get this "segmentation fault" error.10:26
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=== sean is now known as seanw
mkanyicyRippleEffect, if you do not bother much about your bookmarks and history, then try deleting its setup folder and try running epiphany again10:27
seekrHi all.  I've just registered for the Ubuntu forum, and am quite surprised to learn that I am not allowed to send PMs until I have racked up 75 posts - or am I misinterpreting the message I got when I tried?10:27
marcelcan anybody tell me how i get the ip adresses of my access points, on the webinterface of my fritz.box i only can see the mac-addresses,  i read that access point works at osi2 level. i don't know what this means but maybee someone can tell me that10:28
mkanyicyRippleEffect, try to run this on terminal: 'find ~ -iname \*epiphany*'10:28
quietoneAbhiJit, not what I need. My laptop converts on the fly and I can't get the desktop to do it. And I need it on the desktop10:28
AbhiJitquiescens, ok10:28
erUSULmarcel: that means that they not have an ip address? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/OSI_model#Layer_2:_Data_Link_Layer10:31
=== skfin is now known as skfin_tampere
RippleEffectmkanyicy, http://pastebin.ca/1948752 Which folder should  I delete, though?10:32
llutzmarcel: fritz.box default was  last i'd seen one10:32
vagastormI think the error is here: mkswap: error: swap area needs to be at least 40 KiB, which I get evena fter formating the partition ower as swap10:32
llutzvagastorm: "sudo fdisk -l | grep Swap"10:33
_genuser_does someone know what the heck /isodevice is when in livecd mode?10:33
vagastormllutz: empty10:34
llutzvagastorm: so you don't have a swap partition or your partition has wrong partition-id  (shoud be 82)10:35
RippleEffectIs there another cool open source browser besides Firefox and Epiphany?10:37
maedoxRippleEffect: Chromium10:37
RippleEffectmaedox, but it run by Google (New World Order  / CIA)10:37
vagastormllutz: the partiution type shows up as 0x00 even after formation in the filemanager. I dont think its geting formated... gona do dig in my mmeory and do it without10:38
maedoxRippleEffect: lol, alright.10:38
llutzvagastorm: sudo fdisk /dev/sda         press "t"  select your partition and enter "82" as type10:38
RippleEffectmaedox, ?10:38
llutzvagastorm: then "w" and "q" to quit10:38
hareldvdNeed help on how to install oracle client and PHP to Oracle client.10:40
dvrvmwill just installing autofs change any kind of behavior of my system?10:40
AbhiJit!oracle | hareldvd10:40
ubottuhareldvd: If you -must- install oracle .... here's a good place to start: http://www.oracle.com/technology/tech/linux/install/xe-on-kubuntu.html10:40
headstrongwould pigs stop me to talk for weekend security?10:40
RippleEffectIs there anything wrong with this command? Doesn't work. sudo apt-get remove --purge epiphany10:40
AbhiJitRippleEffect, whats the error?10:41
erUSULRippleEffect: how it does not work?10:41
RippleEffectno error10:41
ubottuDoesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too.10:41
maedoxArgh! Why the h*** would they remove the default size setting for gnome-terminal?!10:41
AbhiJitRippleEffect, no error? and still it does not work? explain10:41
RippleEffectPackage epiphany is not installed, so not removed10:41
RippleEffectBut it is installed.10:41
erUSULRippleEffect: apt-cache policy epiphany10:41
FuzionIs there a "system restore" function in  ubuntu (with command line), My display  crashed after updating ubuntu 10.04, i'm on recovery mode right now. Help Plz! There seems to be no solution for intel i915 video card problems till now, i'm sick of it!10:42
erUSULRippleEffect: is epiphany-browser the package name10:42
RippleEffecterUSUL,  ah thx10:43
headstrongFusion: iirc, if you are not using a lts version, you can't upgrade to 10.04 safely10:43
thune3RippleEffect: you might also want to remove epiphany-browser-data while you are at it10:43
RippleEffectthune3, thx10:43
Fuzionheadstrong: i updated the 10.04 LTS version.10:44
erUSULFuzion: in the recovery mode menu there is an option to recover X if i recall correctly10:44
JJ_the_noobI'm puzzled. everything I do ends up in failure to copy, move, install.. because of permissions10:44
dvrvmDoes the installation of autofs, without doing anything elese, change the behavior of my system? will it change any mount configurations on its own?10:44
FuzionerUSUL: is there a "system recovery" function? if so how can i use it with CLI?10:44
TiKJJ_the_noob: sudo -i10:44
JJ_the_noobdebs seemed to work fine before, but just recently everything's blocked by some permission parameters10:45
headstrongFuzion: maybe it's time to upgrade your hardware now10:45
JJ_the_noobsudo -i does what+10:45
MkaysiIs it possible to edit every users' start up applicaltions?10:45
erUSULFuzion: if you choose recovery mode from the grub menu you should land in a cli menu with some options10:45
MkaysiOr do I need to log in as every user and add empathy -h to auto start applicaltions?10:45
Fuzionheadstrong: maybe, but that doesn't fix the problem.10:45
headstrongFuzion: i am just kidding10:46
JJ_the_noobI can start a root terminal, but does that help with f.ex. synaptic package zzz?10:46
pmjphow are you people10:47
erUSULMkaysi: $HOME/.config/autostart/10:47
JJ_the_noobfine thx. and you?10:47
headstrongpmjp: just pissed off on ##windows10:47
pmjpIm good10:47
erUSULJJ_the_noob: if you run synaptic from the menu it will ask for your password10:47
headstrongpmjp: there are so many pigs10:47
MkaysierUSUL:  thanks10:47
pmjpI was just wondering if its worth upgrading to the beta10:47
erUSULpmjp: #ubuntu+110:48
headstrongha ha10:48
headstrongreturn to the topic10:48
JJ_the_noober: oh.. true. I actually meant archive manager10:48
ubottuYou can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.10:48
JJ_the_noobis there a way to use it with permission and not have to use the terminal for that?10:48
erUSULJJ_the_noob: if you launch it from the System>Admin> manu it should work- if it doesn't tell us how it is failing10:49
JJ_the_noobok.thx. I'll try that10:49
vagastormllutz: fixed it wih fdisk, thanx :)10:49
thune3pmjp: what's the rush. a stable system is a good thing. i ususally wait for release + 1 month before upgrading. Even a beta doesn't shake out all the showstoppers.10:50
headstrongi think, the lts is always good for a newcomer10:50
headstrong3 years of lifespan...10:50
marcelhi, can somebody tell me how i get the ip-adresses of my access points. on the webinterface of my fritz.box i only can see the mac-addresses. i read that access point works at osi2 level, but i don't know what this means. maybee someone can tell me that10:51
pmjpthanks thune310:51
pmjpit funny that I couldnt run k though10:52
headstrongpmjp: i am using the lts and it's working like a charm with my elite fonts10:52
llutzmarcel: its the same as the routers-ip, which should be shown on the webfrontend10:52
Seveasmarcel, your fritzbox works on many osi levels, it does many things :) If it is your router you can get its IP address by looking at the gateway information in the output of  the route command10:52
nurvhello everybody10:53
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LinXzgreetings people10:53
Seveasgreetings LinXz10:53
zadarmo3good morning10:53
pmjpI am running great but I dont like the netbook menu atm though10:53
headstrongpmjp: do you want a linux mint menu?10:54
JJ_the_noobthere's still something funny about my system10:54
JJ_the_noobI got the game updated, but through synaptics updating option10:54
JJ_the_noobJust didn't know it had that option without selecting a file for it, that I had downloaded10:55
Weezeri got 9.10 karmic before...i upgraded to 10.04 lucid....in karmic when i try to connect my laptop to my network....i can see all the pc around me....but for now? i can't see any...even a single pc.....what seems to be the problem? or did i miss something to config or install?10:55
pmjpwell I have a Aspire One and I think the netbook version is the best except the menu is intrusive10:55
JJ_the_noobnice os. the simple tasks just sometimes make me feel like punch a dev in the face ;)10:55
JJ_the_nooblike .. mounting a usb memory stick..10:55
GryllidaWeezer: internet okay?10:55
JJ_the_noobhave to get back to that later10:55
_genuser_finally kubuntu without burning new cd10:56
llutzpmjp: whats wrong with plain ubuntu? gnome performs reasonable here on a aao53110:56
zadarmo3Weezer: It smells like you have Broadcom 43xxx10:56
pmjpseems some program windows are too big10:56
Weezeri got broadcom10:57
headstrongpmjp: too big?10:57
pmjplike easytag10:57
Weezerbut in karmic before just putting the cable i can access to my network....i can see pc's around me10:57
pmjphalf the window is cut10:57
pmjpbesides that I had no problem with regular ubuntu10:57
Steristcan someone explain the purpose that the "root-system" package serves?10:58
headstrongpmjp: you have to figure out the best dpi for the resolution you are using10:58
trijntje!info root-system10:58
ubotturoot-system (source: root-system): Meta package to install all ROOT packages. In component universe, is optional. Version 5.18.00-2.3ubuntu4 (lucid), package size 26 kB, installed size 72 kB10:58
pmjpI definately a gnome user10:58
pmjpmy screen is 1024- 60010:58
headstrongpmjp: then you can adjust your fonts10:58
pmjpI see10:59
pmjpI guess I will go back to regular ubuntu10:59
pmjpI miss a bottom bar lol10:59
TiKi use docky10:59
headstrongpmjp: when you use the correct dpi settings, your fonts will be displayed clearly10:59
TiKand window selector10:59
TiKno bottom bar10:59
rwwSterist: Have you read the long description? (available at http://packages.ubuntu.com/lucid/root-system )11:00
pmjpIm glad I found a mirror site for big[ond11:01
ZaxEZdid u just say bigpond ;\11:01
headstrongpmjp: i won't go to any chinese mirrors11:01
Steristrww yes but i'm not sure exactly what it would be used for11:01
headstrongpmjp: and use their 'local' repos11:01
Steristrww does it optimize file management or something?11:02
mcsmurfheh I just wanted to ask why "update-grub" gives me "grub-probe: error: Cannot restore the original directory", but I already found out :)11:02
rwwSterist: no, it's a scientific library for dealing with large datasets for experiments or whatever11:02
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rwwor you could /part. that works too.11:02
mcsmurfI had to cd to another folder where I had read/write permissions (used "sudo" for update-grub)11:02
pmjpyeah no worries I got the netbook version no limit taken11:02
mcsmurfok, so now Google knows about this, too ;)11:03
gotwighi, a quick quest. . when i backed up my /var/cache/apt/archives , so I can install it on an ubuntu offline machine, what command i have to input to install the programms and libraries(deb files) correctly? (dpkg -i *.deb?)11:03
Steristrww i accidently left the room, missed your response if any11:04
pmjpdefinitely not going back to windows11:04
rwwSterist: no, it's a scientific library for dealing with large datasets for experiments or whatever11:04
gotwiglong time ago i used dpkg -i *deb and all the dependencies breaked me my apt system11:04
pmjpdamn friends trying to lure me back11:04
rwwIn other words, if you don't know what it is, you probably don't need it :\11:04
pmjpwell said rww11:05
gotwighas anyone a clue?11:05
ppqgotwig, tried 'sudo apt-get -f install'?11:05
gotwigppq: no, so apt-get -f install installs debs?11:05
bakarati'm probably doing something stupid, but cron does not seem to be running as it should. the service "cron" is running, but whatever i have defined in crontab does not get executed? "* * * * * date > /tmp/test" is defined for testing, but nothing happens. I did a "sudo service cron restart" and at that point all my defined scripts were executed, but after that they stop again11:05
ppqgotwig, if it's necessary to fix your problem, it may do so11:05
pmjpwell I am going to go take care guys see ya later11:06
gotwigand whats with the dependencies from the programms, they have to installed first11:06
ikoniabakarat:  * * * * *  is not a good way to test11:06
bakaratikonia, how's that?11:06
llutzbakarat: */2 * * * * ...11:06
Steristanyone know of a GUI for printers? for ink level / print progress etc? drivers work fine but all forms of status are stealth11:07
ppqgotwig, what program are we talking about? do you have .debs for it and its dependencies (all in the same folder)?11:07
rom1vfor checking MD5SUMS.gpg signature, where is the public key ?11:07
ikoniabakarat: running every minute of every day - that would re-write your /tmp/test file every minute11:07
bakaratikonia, yes, just for testing11:07
rwwbakarat: standard cron diagnosis step: check you have a blank line at the end of your crontab11:07
bakaratikonia, the shortest time possible to test :P cba to wait too long11:07
gotwigppq: i talk about all the debs, my online ubuntu system has, i want on my offline system, so I want to put them all on the ubuntu cd11:07
theoshello all!! my laptop is suffering from sound problems. all of a sudden the sound stops working. right now also sound isnt working. anything we can do about it?11:07
ikoniabakarat: then why are you doing >/tmp/test rather than >>/tmp/test11:07
bakaratrww, yup, multiple, is that bad or good? :P11:07
bakaratikonia, cause i'm printing the timestamp, i just want to see it get updated11:08
Steristgotwig standby i know the perfect app for you11:08
ikoniabakarat: and if you do >> you will see it11:08
Steristjust need to find it... i just saw it11:08
ikoniabakarat: also - use full path to the date command11:08
mcsmurfSterist: some printer manufacturers have special tools for that, so it depends11:08
gotwigSterist: keryx?11:08
Steristgotwig i dont think so, 1sec11:08
mcsmurflike HP has hp-toolbox and such11:08
bakaratikonia, ok11:08
ppqgotwig, well, then you installed them the wrong way on your online system. just copy your /var/cache/apt/archives folder over to the other machine als install things using 'sudo apt-get install foo'.11:08
ppqgotwig, this way, the .debs from /var/cache/apt/archives will be used for install11:09
Steristgotwig APTonCD11:09
ppqgotwig, err, on your offline system, i meant in the first sentence11:09
Steristburns packages to disks to be installed by disk11:09
bakaratbtw where does cron output to? i read somewhere /var/log/messages ?11:09
Steristso you can put on an offline pc11:09
bakarati mean crontab updates and the like11:09
gotwigSterist: wow, thanks :D i want look for it11:09
gotwig"will" :D11:09
matshi folks, i have a question. does anyone know how can i find out PID of a "file operations" ?11:09
headstrongmats: lsof?11:10
neekersi run apt-get update and apt-get upgrade once a month, but i wanted to know if there is a recommended way to do it automatically?11:10
Steristgotwig i havent used it so i dont know exactly how it works but based on the screenshot it looks fairly straight-forward11:11
headstrongmats: are you tring to tweak your ubuntu for less disk io?11:11
TiKneekers: crontab11:11
theosneekers, try the "update manager"11:11
AbhiJit!cron | neekers11:11
ubottuneekers: cron is a way to schedule execution of software/scripts. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CronHowto  -  There is also a decent Howto at http://www.tech-geeks.org/contrib/mdrone/cron&crontab-howto.htm11:11
gotwigi knew it from linuxmint I think11:11
neekersTiK: how often would you do it?11:11
headstrongmats: my disk io is near to zero11:11
TiKi dunno11:11
naxahow can I encrypt my home dir on my ext4 fs if I previously didn't choose to?11:12
TiKi just do the GUI about once a week11:12
neekersi have a number of things running in cron now11:12
Steristnaxa i think you had to do that at install11:12
theosneekers, do you want to download updates automatically? update manager can do it for you afaik11:12
Steristnaxa ubuntu's install11:12
neekerstheos: it's my ubuntu server, no gui, is that available?11:12
gotwigdoes aptoncd work for dvds to?11:13
headstrongtheos: why do you use synaptic?11:13
headstrongtheos: s/do/don't11:13
Steristgotwig only one way to find out :)11:13
theosheadstrong, well update manager is specially for automatic updating11:13
gotwigbut cd images can be burned on dvd or?11:13
headstrongtheos: my synaptic shows me these info too11:14
naxaSterist, is there no other way?!11:14
Steristgotwig yes they can11:14
gotwiggood :)11:14
gotwigwhats with blueray :) ?11:14
vivien_mWhich terminal emulator do you advice? urxvt, xterm, etc.? in combination with screen or tmux.11:14
Steristnaxa no idea, but it would make sense if it somehow wasnt possible after the install or otherwise timely11:14
theoshello all!! my laptop is suffering from sound problems. all of a sudden the sound stops working. right now also sound isnt working. anything we can do about it?11:15
neekerswhen i run update and upgrade, i ususally get asked if i want to install, is there a way to set it up so that the prompt is silenced? man update?11:15
naxaSterist, i see. anyway, how does that would make sense?11:15
Steristgotwig is there even a bluray app for ubuntu lol11:15
neekersman apt-get i should say11:15
headstrongvivien_m: is there any reason to use urxvt again? when you are on utf-8 locale11:15
gotwigaptoncd gets grey :/11:15
Steristnaxa because everything on that installation would have to be altered in order to be "encrypted" understand?11:16
coz_neekers,  that prompt is there for you to review what is going to be installed... you may want to keep that alive11:16
matsheadstrong: no, i wanna make a script which will "tell" me when my copying is done..11:16
gotwignow it gets white11:16
gotwigok thanks for help11:16
gotwigi think so it will work11:16
naxaSterist, i see but I guess that's what computers are for! :)11:16
naxaSterist, thank you for the answers11:16
vivien_mheadstrong: no idea! This is why I ask. Maybe urxvt brings useful features that xterm does not have?11:16
Steristnaxa no prob, just type "encrypt home" in the software center. see what you get11:17
neekerscoz_: if i have to be there when upgrade runs, i could just as well put in my gmail calendar to run it weekly, would that be better than putting it into cron?11:17
naxaSterist, http://blog.dustinkirkland.com/2009/06/migrating-to-encrypted-home-directory.html i think that's what I need11:17
naxait was linked in the community docs11:18
vivien_mheadstrong: I would be curious to get some experience feedback from people having played both with xterm and urxvt.11:18
headstrongvivien_m: in fact, i use gnome-terminal again on ubuntu11:18
neekerscoz_: to run it manually weekly that is11:18
headstrongvivien_m: gnome-terminal + my own elite fonts = the best for irc11:18
vivien_mheadstrong: Ok! I do not use KDE or Gnome. So this is urxvt + tmux here :)11:19
gotwigaptoncd does do an extra cd or?11:19
m4rtinnaxa: I haven't read the whole of the thread, but just as a warning: encrypted home dirs have a filename character limit of 144 as opposed to 255, which was a blocker for me11:19
coz_neekers,  well... my suggestion ,even though it is possible to run unattended... i forget the procedure... I would still be present when the dist-upgrade is running or even the upgrade... personally i want to know ecactly what is being updated/upgrade/dist-upgraded  before it actually installs11:19
m4rtin(by thread, I mean conversation)11:19
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coz_neekers,  it is up to you however11:19
gotwigi want that the packages are on the ubuntu cd11:19
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headstrongvivien_m: you are right if you are a bsd fan11:19
Steristgotwig ?11:20
neekersok, thanks11:20
vivien_mheadstrong: no BSD fan! Why that reference?11:20
gotwigi want burn one ubuntu cd, and the packages should be on the ubuntu cd too (ubuntu dvd)11:20
naxam4rtin, uh really? wow I didn't know. thank you!11:20
headstrongvivien_m: bsd can't run gnome or kde in the past11:20
Steristgotwig so what's the problem lol11:20
headstrongvivien_m: so i can know where you come from11:21
gotwigit looks like aptoncd does one cd , only for the packages , withhout ubuntu11:21
neekersshould i be running dist-upgrade instead of upgrade?11:21
vivien_mheadstrong: I use awesome, a tiling window manager. Before that, I used Openbox, before Fluxbox and before KDE. ;-)11:21
Steristgotwig are you trying to make a custom ubuntu installation or just some apps?11:21
naxam4rtin, considering that I don't understand how is it possible in 2010 that filename length couldn't be extended if needed to, let's say, 500-3k characters, this make me to think over again.11:21
headstrongvivien_m: they are good choices on bsd11:21
gotwigsome apps11:21
Steristthen you have the right app to do that :)11:22
t0zeHello! Is there someone that can help me with this; how can know the folder path of one shared folder in other pc.11:22
headstrongt0ze: it's in your menu11:22
Almindoryou know, IMO ubuntu should add a "rolling release but just for certain end-apps" repository which would offer latest stable releases of just end applications (games, browsers etc.) which can still be compiled with current libs in the stable repository11:23
t0zei have a desktop with a HD with 3 partitions. I can mount that partitions in here (notebook) but i want to automaticlly mount that partitions.11:23
headstrongt0ze: maybe you have to edit the menu and enable this item11:23
Steristgotwig i just downloaded APTonCD. just install whatever you want to burn, then when you click "create" it will appear on the list11:23
m4rtinnaxa: it might not be a problem on your setup (there's a good reason for filename length being limited to prevent overhead), but I had some longer filenames that weren't happy inside the crypto mountpoint11:23
gotwigi am not new to linux but thats complex :/ the definitions are not so good11:23
WeezererUSUL u there?11:23
gotwigso one aptoncd is one ubuntu install cd?11:24
headstronggotwig: it's for offline installation, iirc11:24
Steristgotwig it's an app install cd for ubuntu11:24
gotwigso i have to burn one seperate ubuntu install cd?11:25
Steristgotwig now we're going back a few questions :P are you trying to install ubuntu or just apps?11:25
headstronggotwig: this is ironic. my need is always less than a default cd11:25
naxam4rtin, I can always use a txt file to map the long filenames to the short ones, considering that there are usually very few of them. They should implement it in the fs, i think. You could have, for example, 255 pieces of longer-than-255-character filenames. that's not an overhead, and would help in many problems like this.11:25
gotwiginstall ubuntu with aps11:26
Steristgotwig okay then, 1sec11:26
gotwigbut i have many dvds11:26
gotwigso f*** off ^^11:26
erUSUL Weezer yes11:26
gotwigi do not have much time11:26
Steristgotwig what you need then is Ubuntu Customization Kit11:27
Steristsearch that in software center11:27
gotwigjeah i used it11:27
gotwigand it doesnt work11:27
gotwigalready done a bug report for that11:27
gotwigi now make a folder called archives on the ubuntu cd and burn it11:27
m4rtinnaxa: you could do this, but, in the file allocation table, it is far more efficient to have fixed size blocks for allocation as you can then seek to the correct location without having to read through the list.11:28
gotwigthen i install with sudo apt-get -f install11:28
t0zei have made a print screen so i can explain better here it is http://img801.imageshack.us/img801/417/screenshottmy.png how do i know that mount point ?11:28
Steristgotwig then just do a standard install and then use a APTonCD .... cd11:28
WeezererUSUL where are u?11:28
erUSULWeezer: at home in a chair ;P11:28
headstrongthe bomber is on the way...11:29
naxam4rtin, that's while it would be an extension. the filetable would work as usual, and in the end, you would have to search your way through a small number of filenames what are longer. opposed to tens of thousands of files with a short name, this time maybe won't make the whole thing take significantly longer.11:29
valadareshow i connect my computer on a wireless internet from ubuntu?11:30
naxai mean: opposed to many short names, there would be a very few of the long names.11:30
erUSULvaladares: use the network manager; the icon on the right top corner of your screen11:30
Nwabhi, where are the dhcp logs ?11:31
WeezererUSUL: how can i access my lan network? it seems i got this problem in 10.04 only....but dealing this before in 9.10 it's working fine....now i can't see a single pc on my network...what seems to be the problem here bro?11:31
headstrongNwab: you have a log viewer...11:31
ikoniaNwab: /var/log11:31
erUSULWeezer: wifi ? what chip? does wlan0 appear in « iwconfig » output ?11:31
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Weezerit's not wifi11:32
Weezerwireless is working except for my network11:32
Weezeri cant find a single pc11:32
theoshello all!! my laptop is suffering from sound problems. all of a sudden the sound stops working. right now also sound isnt working. anything we can do about it?11:32
headstrongWeezer: you have only one pc11:32
erUSULWeezer: ifconfig shows you eth0 interface ?11:33
Weezerheadstrong: i got 4 pcs here11:33
headstrongtheos: is your sound card built-in?11:33
theosheadstrong, yes it is11:33
headstrongWeezer: check your samba11:34
WeezererUSUL: yes11:34
RippleEffectI have completely uninstalled the epiphany-browser and epiphany-browser-data packages with purge option. When I start epiphany now I am getting the exact same error message as before th uninstallation: "would you like to restore. Your browser had crashed unexpectatedly."11:34
headstrongtheos: a intel system?11:34
Weezer headstrong: that's what im thinking but i'm not quite sure about it11:34
theosheadstrong, yes11:34
erUSULWeezer: and it is configured it has an ip ?11:34
headstrongtheos: a foxconn mobo?11:34
ubuntuHi, how do I get permission to write on partitions from LiveCD?11:34
WeezererUSUL: yup11:34
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erUSULWeezer: so what happens when you try to ping your gateaway for example=?11:35
ikoniaubuntu: mount them read write, what file system type are they11:35
theosheadstrong, i dont think so. how to check it?11:35
Weezeri havent done that yet tho11:35
d3v0i have pptpd installed i made the necessary configurations but when i type pptpd nothing happens, i then type killall pptpd to see if its running and "no process found"11:36
Victor_hi, I'm trying to install 10.4 on a system with RAID 0 (ICH 10 chip) but the partitioning sw fails during installation11:36
gotwigaptoncd is slow...11:36
headstrongtheos, type: sudo lshw && sudo lspci -vvv && sudo lsusb11:36
erUSULVictor_: fakeraid's are not a very gopod idea if you are going to use only linux on the machine11:36
Victor_It seems like the same problem as in http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1467239&highlight=p5q+pro+raid&page=311:36
WeezererUSUL: i got no respone from my gateway11:36
erUSULWeezer: what was the error from ping? or it just timed out?11:37
|2exxdoes anyone know how to create a samba share to a windows host?11:37
Weezerno time out thing...i mean no response nothing...11:37
erUSUL|2exx: right click on a folder. choose sharing options. set up as desired11:37
theosheadstrong, Quanta mobo11:38
WeezererUSUL: and i tried to ping my ubuntu from a xp os....no reply too...11:38
headstrongtheos: hehe11:38
d3v0|2exx go to places then "go to network" and from the drop down list select windows share11:38
erUSULWeezer: firewalls getting in the way?11:38
headstrongtheos: i don't use chinese mobos, this is why11:38
|2exxthanks d3v0, tried that11:39
oracle_can popularity contest be avoided11:39
Weezeri dunno11:39
oracle_is it on by default n ow?11:39
headstrongtheos: we can't buy a quanta mobo here11:39
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|2exxi'm actually running KDE11:40
Victor_erusul, how do I configure (bios?) to not use fakeraid? (asus p5q pro)=11:40
|2exxin Kubuntu11:40
d3v0oh same here11:40
d3v0i use giggolo11:40
headstrongVictor_: fakeraid?11:40
erUSULVictor_: put the sata chip  in ahci mode; then if you really want raid use linux software raid11:40
erUSUL!raid | Victor_11:40
ubottuVictor_: Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto11:40
ikoniaVictor_: what do you want to use instead of fake raid ?11:40
erUSULVictor_: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID11:41
MidlerWould someone like to help me with fstab problems (and yes, i have tried for several hours, so i understand fstab quite well). The problem is i want the harddrive to be automounted, and owner will have fully rights and gruop only read rights and others none11:42
theosheadstrong, sorry i got disconnected. i have a quanta mobo11:42
d3v0i have pptpd installed i made the necessary configurations but when i type pptpd nothing happens, i then type killall pptpd to see if its running and "no process found"11:42
ikoniaMidler: that's nothing to do with fstab, that's just file system permissions11:43
Weezer omg... i think i need a glass of whiskey here....i'll back when i'm sobber....11:43
Midlerikonia: yes, i have set chmod 74011:43
ikoniaMidler: ok, so what's the problem ?11:43
Midlerchmod -R 740*11:43
kwakwaale wy łomy jjesteście11:43
ubottuNa tym kanale używamy tylko języka angielskiego. Możesz uzyskać pomoc w języku polskim na #ubuntu-pl.11:43
Midleri have a gruop called share11:43
ikoniakwakwa: english only please.11:43
Midlerand ive added a user to that group11:43
headstrongtheos: what's your intel hda chip?11:44
ikoniakwakwa: please, keep it to English only11:44
kwakwano and no11:44
Midlerbut when i login to that user, i cant mount the hd11:44
ikoniaMidler: mounting a hard disk is nothing to do with file system permissions11:44
Midlerwell, when iam logged in to that testuser11:44
Midlerthat user cant mount the hd11:44
jribMidler: incidentally, what filesystem is on the partition?11:45
Midlerand when accessing /meda/hd11:45
TiKno shit11:45
ikoniaMidler: what command are you using to mount the disk11:45
Midlerthere is no files in there11:45
ikoniaTiK: control the language please11:45
TiKi mean11:45
Midlerand ntfs11:45
MonxHi all!)11:45
ikoniaMidler: it can't be both11:45
TiKyou have to edit fstab11:45
Midlerikonia: i have 3hd:s11:45
|2exxwhat's a good app to have a ftp server?11:45
ikoniaMidler: ok - deal with one at a time11:45
Midler2with ext4 and one with ntfs11:45
Dr_WillisMidler:  for 'ntfs' you can use the 'ntfs-config' command to allow users mounting  and full access to them.11:45
jrib!ftpd | |2exx11:45
ubottu|2exx: FTP servers: ftpd, proftpd, pure-ftpd, twoftpd, vsftpd, MuddleFTPd, wzdftpd - Graphical front-ends: PureAdmin, GProftpd (for GNOME), KcmPureftpd (for !KDE) - See also !FTP11:45
kwakważadnej pomocy nie chce11:45
ikonia|2exx: vsftpd is very popular11:45
|2exxthanks jrip11:45
Dr_Willis|2exx:  there are ftp servers n teh repos.. but its proberly best to learn to use ssh and not use ftp at all.11:46
valadareswho know how to connect to wireless conection in ubuntu?11:46
Midleri use mount -a or umount /media/*11:46
Midlerto try11:46
d3v0i have pptpd installed i made the necessary configurations but when i type pptpd nothing happens, i then type killall pptpd to see if its running and "no process found"11:46
Dr_Willisvaladares:  i use the network manager icon at the top right Normally..11:46
d3v0any ideas?11:46
ikoniaMidler: you need to use "sudo" to be able to mount a disk11:46
d3v0on how to get sart the process11:46
Midlerikonia: ofcourse iam using sudo when i mount/umount11:47
Midlerfor the owner, it mounts as it should11:47
ikoniaMidler: ok, so for the user to be able to use "sudo" they need to be in the group "admin"11:47
Midlerfor the gruopuser11:47
Midlerit cant see any files at all11:47
ikoniaMidler: because it's not mounted11:47
jribMidler: try to keep your responses on a single line please (don't use enter to break up your thoughts)11:47
Midlersrry, iam a bit stressed trying to ceep up with your answeres while typing11:48
marcel_i need something to monitor my system resources, any recommendations?11:49
ikoniaconky ?11:49
ikoniamarcel_: conky ?11:50
Dr_Willismarcel_:  dozens of ways to do that.. conky is popular.11:50
marcel_ok sound good, thx11:50
d3v0is there a channel for vpn help?11:50
erUSULd3v0: clien ort server11:50
Dr_Willismarcel_:  theres some conky config helper tools out also that give you a real nice default conky setup customuized to your system also11:50
ubottuFor more information on vpn please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/VPN11:50
erUSULd3v0: you can install various plugins for network manager to handle vpn11:51
marcel_Dr_Willis, they are in ubuntu repos too?11:51
Weezerwho wants to have access with my ssh accnt?11:51
d3v0i have pptpd installed i made the necessary configurations but when i type pptpd nothing happens, i then type killall pptpd to see if its running and "no process found"11:51
Dr_Willismarcel_:  not that ive seen11:51
Dr_Willismarcel_:  check teh OMGubuntu and webupd8 ubuntu news sites11:51
linux_hacksbut its good to use openvpn11:51
d3v0i cant seem to start the damn thing11:51
Weezerhi Dr_Willis11:51
marcel_Dr_Willis, thx11:52
Dr_WillisWeezer:  Moo!11:52
linux_hackshey d3v011:52
Midlerthats the hd:s i wanna mount11:52
linux_hacksuse open VPN11:52
WeezerDr_Willis: i got a lan network problem here with my 10.04 lucid....i can't see any pc's on my network....before in my 9.10 karmic it's working fine tho...what seems to be the problem here? is it the smb? watcha think?11:52
=== oracle_ is now known as oracle
d3v0ill try open vpn11:52
erUSULd3v0: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OpenVPN11:53
Midlerauto should mount it at boot am i right?11:53
erUSUL!es | javier__11:53
ubottujavier__: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.11:53
d3v0still i dont know why pptpd wont start =/11:53
linux_hacks]I have a script which mounts the open vpn with required credentials11:53
javier__hello all11:53
rxdcan someone point me where can i find squashfs+lzma for lucid11:54
Victor_gah, can'teven turn off raid in the bios :s I have configured SATA as AHCI and still the installer see it as a raid11:54
linux_hackssudo openvpn --config <.ovpn file> --auth-user-pass <credentials file>11:54
javier__is there an emulation of driver robot for linux?11:54
Midlerlets take the ntfs one first. If i want it to be mounted automaticly at boot. Having admin rwx and group share ro, i should mount it like: group=share,uid=admin,auto,umask=03711:55
Takis"/j #ubuntu-gr"11:55
ppqTakis, without "" ;)11:55
erUSULMidler: group=share? uid takes a numeric value afaik11:55
Dr_WillisWeezer:   samba and windows networking gets flakier every year.. try entering the smb://ip#/share type address or smb://servername/share by hand and see iof they are seen11:55
Midler(ive already set the right permissions on the filessystems using chmod -R 740, even if thats not how it works with ntfs)11:55
MidlererUSUL: what doyou mean?11:56
Midleruid only?11:56
oraclemy newly installed 10.04 froze as i was uninstalling a bunch of stuff using synaptic11:56
Dr_WillisMidler:  uid and gid are #'s not names..11:56
oraclethe lts version has worked flawlessly in the past11:56
oraclesomething wrong? i can see a mouse pointer but nothing else11:56
Midlergid=13337 and uid= aha11:56
oracleand moving this pointer works too11:56
erUSULMidler: first for ntfs-3g group=share is not a valid option and second uid=admin is not valid either you have to put the numeric uid11:56
Dr_WillisMidler:  check the ntfs-3g homepage/Faq for all the examples of  options for the fstab entries for it also.11:57
oracleshould i force a REBOOT11:57
ppqoracle, what packages did you remove11:57
Dr_Willisoracle:  ssh in and restart the gdm service perhaps.11:57
oracleppq, everything i didnt like11:57
ubuntuHow do I get permission to write do partitions from LiveCD?11:57
oracleshould i kill the gdm11:57
MidlerDr_Willis: so i changed it11:58
Dr_Willisubuntu:  you can access them as root once they are mounted and have full permissions11:58
oracledr_willis, sshd doesnt come configured in the fresh installs11:58
theosheadstrong, i had internet trouble. now its stable i think. you asked me about my mobo. i have a quanta mobo.11:58
Midlerremoved group=share and uid=admin to uid=1000 and gid=133711:58
Dr_Willisoracle:  you proberly would of removed it anyway if it did...11:58
ubuntuDr_Willis: They are mounted but I can only read from them, not write? :S11:58
oracleheh no11:58
oraclesshd is one of my favorites11:58
javier__someone knows driver robot emulation for linux?11:58
oraclethough, im in a  virtual tty as root11:58
ubuntuDr_Willis: Havent been such problem with earlier LiveCD.11:58
Dr_Willisubuntu:  try accessing them as the root user. check output of the 'mount' command also.11:58
oracledont know what to do!11:58
erUSULjavier__: what is "driver robot" ?11:59
ubuntuDr_Willis: Isnt I root user then?11:59
Dr_Willisubuntu:  no you are not 'root' user when logged into the livd cd desktop.11:59
ubuntuDr_Willis: What I want is that Ktorrent can write data to them ...11:59
javier__is an application which allows the system detect which drivers it needs11:59
MidlerFor my ntfs, the options are now: auto,umask=037,utf8,gid=1337,uid=100011:59
ubuntuDr_Willis: Thats stupid to not being root when using LiveCD. I only use LiveCD just because having full access.11:59
theosheadstrong, now i restarted my laptop and the sound returned. but not for long..11:59
Dr_Willisubuntu:  you need to mount them so that the user can write to them, what filesystem are these anyway? Ntfs? ext2/3/4?11:59
erUSULjavier__: System>Admin...>hardware drivers11:59
ubuntuDr_Willis: ext412:00
ubuntuDr_Willis: They are mounted12:00
Dr_Willisubuntu:  you are failing to understand the basics I think..  for ext4 the Filesystem has its own permissions and ownership on them. thats a security feature12:00
Dr_Willisubuntu:  you need to use the proper chown command to make them owned by the user thats the default on the live cd.12:00
javier__but it is only for unblocking privative drivers, no for searching them12:00
ubuntuDr_Willis: Alright, well how do I get access on ubuntu user from LiveCD then?12:00
Dr_Willisubuntu:  if it was NTFS you would have to go about it a differnt way.12:00
ubottuAn explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions12:01
ubuntuDr_Willis: Alright, just chown ubuntu:ubuntu /media/disk?12:01
erUSULjavier__: then i dunno what are you talking about.12:01
Midlermy test user in gruop share still cant see the hd12:01
Dr_Willisubottu:  check the mountpoint and directories.   see who they are owned by, and see what the name of the user you are using is.12:01
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)12:01
oracledr_willis, killed the gdm session worker12:01
oracleim back12:01
Dr_Willisubuntu:  you will need to use sudo also.. and you may want to pick a different Nick for IRCing..12:01
ubuntuDr_Willis: Oh yes of course sorry about that. I just use default :P12:02
Victor_erusul, I put the sata in ahci mode but the install still saw it as a raid. Then I unplugged one of the hdd's and now gparted doest'n find any hdd12:02
Dr_Willissudo chown $USER:$USER /path/to/mountpoint12:02
=== ubuntu is now known as Oxymoron
theosre: hello all!! my laptop is suffering from sound problems. all of a sudden the sound stops working. and then returns only after restarting laptop. anything we can do about it?12:02
javier__driver robot scans your pc searching which drivers arent working correctly12:02
Dr_Willissudo chown $USER:$USER /path/to/directory-to-change12:02
erUSULVictor_: :/12:02
MidlerDr_Willis: when iam on my testuser that should have readrights to the ntfs hd, i cant see anything12:02
erUSULVictor_: well that's weird; never seen that kind of behavior12:03
Dr_WillisMidler:  the ntfs-config tool can set it up where all users have rights. i belive12:03
RudyValenciaWhich Ubuntu desktop environment is best for a (mostly) stock Dell Inspiron 8200? It has a 1.2/1.8 GHz P4-M, 1GB RAM, 80GB HD, Broadcom BCM4306 11g WiFi, and nVidia GeForce4 440 Go (NV17) graphics12:03
OxymoronDr_Willis: Already did chown, but isnt that going to affect the user permissions later on when installed *ubuntu and try to access them from there?12:03
cryptopsycan yo change a partition that is mounted form ro to rw without remounting it12:04
erUSULRudyValencia: 1 Gib should be enough fo stock ubuntu. depending on the aps you run12:04
Midlerbut i dont want all users to have right to the hd. I only want owner to have rwx, group r00, and others 00012:04
Victor_ok, will try to conf it as ide12:04
OxymoronDr_Willis: OH and do you know how to access ext4 partitions in Windows 7?12:04
SwedeMikecryptopsy: yes, mount -o remount,rw12:04
oraclemaybe i need a special ubuntu iso that only installs the minimal system12:04
RudyValenciaI'm just wondering which one has the best performance12:04
barberanHi. Where do I read about compatability between Ubuntu 10.04 and my laptop (toshiba p300)???12:04
erUSULMidler: seg uid and gid12:04
cryptopsySwedeMike: oh nice12:04
erUSULMidler: and umask12:04
MidlererUSUL: what is seg?12:05
Dr_WillisOxymoron:  from what i know.. You dont.12:05
Midlerand my umask is 13712:05
ppqbarberan, easiest way: get a ubuntu "desktop-cd" and try ubuntu without installing12:05
Midlerfor the ntfs*12:05
erUSULMidler: sorry "set"  02712:05
OxymoronDr_Willis: I NEED to ... ************************************* computer world if not possible.12:05
erUSULMidler: 137 makes no sense you need x for dirs12:05
Midler037 was my umask12:06
erUSULMidler: or you can set fmask and dmask separatly12:06
barberanppq, so with the help of "desktop-cd" I'll be able to test even wi-fi, and so on? I mean... does simulate full system? and is it opssible that "It works" on a cd version but fails during the usage from the fully-installed system..12:06
erUSULMidler: with 037 still holds you need +x to dirs12:06
erUSULMidler: with 037 still holds you need +x for dirs12:06
MidlererUSUL: ok12:06
ppqbarberan, no, it does not simulate a full system. it actually is a full system :)12:07
Midlerso its mounted, but i cant see my files in the ntfs hd12:07
* Oxymoron hate operating systems and wireless protocols12:07
c3lhow can I see current scp connectinos? (and also maybe a log of old ones). 'who' only shows logged in users, an scp connection isnt treated as a logged in user..12:07
ppqbarberan, and if it works with the cd and you install it the usual way, it will work when it's installed.12:07
barberanppq thanks a lot12:08
erUSULc3l: netstat?12:08
Midlernvm, i was wrong12:08
Midlerthanks all, my ntfs disk now works12:08
erUSULMidler: no problem12:08
Midlerwould u mind helping me with the ext4 ones to?12:08
OxymoronIs it possible to make ext4 and nTFS interact with eachother someway? A hybrid-partition?12:09
Randor_I am setting up a server and need help12:09
Midlerright now i havem them both set to default, after trying several ways to make them work like i wanted them to work12:09
erUSULOxymoron: no12:09
jribOxymoron: that doesn't really make sense, no12:10
erUSUL!addingfs | Midler12:10
ubottuMidler: If you are adding space to your Ubuntu installation mounting a newly created unix filesystem (ext3, xfs, jfs, etc) you can not set permissions (read, write, etc) filesystem-wide like you do when mounting filesystems that do not support unix permissions (vfat, ntfs, hfs, etc).  See !permissions and !fstab12:10
Dr_WillisOxymoron:   linux can access ntfs just fine..12:10
Dr_WillisOxymoron:  the ext2/3 support ive seen in windows.. has had issues in the past.. i dont trust them12:10
erUSULc3l: from ss manpage  « ss -o state established '( dport = :ssh or sport = :ssh )' »12:10
erUSULc3l: yes; i do not understand it either ;P12:11
MidlererUSUL: Hmm, but  allowing all to mount, and then setting permissions should work?12:11
Oxymoronjrib: It make sense when I need Winblows and Linux on one single computer ... I need to access exts from Windows and NTFS from Linux ...12:11
c3lerUSUL: cool, it was quite spammy, but it seems to show what I want. however, it doesnt show what process is responsible for which connection, is that possible to see?12:11
erUSULMidler: yes12:11
erUSULc3l: try adding -p12:11
OxymoronDr_Willis: Yeah I know, well I just need read support and not write support on ext* in Winblows12:12
Midlerso having options auto,user should allow everyone to mount, but only the ones with permissions will have read/write access to it?12:12
jribOxymoron: why?  Just have one partition that you share between OSes.  Use the ntfs one for example12:12
erUSULMidler: in ext* filesystem?12:12
Dr_WillisOxymoron:  time to hit google and the various download sites then..  there Might be some tools that can do it.. i havent checked in the last 5+mo12:12
c3lerUSUL: hm, didnt really work, but thanks anyways, now I know what manpages to read at least :>12:13
Oxymoronjrib: Well I need several and I always had trouble with NTFS in Linux ... and Ext trouble in Windows ... thats uhm more paradoxal then my nick xD12:13
jribOxymoron: several why?12:13
t0zei have made a print screen so i can explain better here it is http://img801.imageshack.us/img801/417/screenshottmy.png how do i know that mount point ?12:13
erUSULMidler: no; ext4 stores the permissions the system does not have to fake it at mount point. users will have access to files they own or files that are free to anyone etc...12:13
erUSULc3l: no problem12:13
theosre: hello all!! my laptop is suffering from sound problems. all of a sudden the sound stops working. and then returns only after restarting laptop. anything we can do about it?12:13
Oxymoronjrib: Isolate viruses, data and make complete structure on my computer.12:13
Randor_when I start the server it fails to get to login12:13
Oxymoronjrib: For instance ONE partition for downloads, one for music collection, one for documents and so on.12:14
jribOxymoron: ok, well use several ntfs partitions then?  For sharing data, ntfs is fine12:14
jribOxymoron: although honestly, having so many partitions is a pain12:14
Oxymoronjrib: So if one partition fucks up I dont loose everything.12:14
Dr_WillisOxymoron:  if one hard drive dies.. you can lose all partitions.. :)12:14
Dr_WillisOxymoron:  I keep redundant stacks of external usb hard drives.12:14
jriband when the video partition is full and music partition has tons of space, you kick yourself :)12:15
www2can any one tel me how i enabel apache_mod_rewrite in 10.1012:15
Oxymoronjrib: Yeah its a pain because of coporate companys and lezy programmers cannot cooperate and create a freaking standard for partiion tables ... Theyre all n00bs and incompetent idiots who cannot cooperate to make it better for end user. *********************** business market.12:15
jribwww2: a2enmod rewrite?12:15
mineurconsider a software raid for data storage, and use lvm on top of that to create your partitions12:15
MidlererUSUL: yes, i understood that, and i have set the right permissions  to. What iam wondering is, if user,auto should be enought for owner/group to mount it or not?12:15
t0zeif i have a computer with ip how do i access to that pc, on ubuntu ?12:16
www2all ready done12:16
OxymoronDr_Willis: Yes, but usually I dont store all partitions on one drive ... And I do backups to my external drive as well.12:16
Midleror if its enought with auto to mount it at boot12:16
erUSULMidler: auto means mount by root at boot time. user means that a normal user canmount it. are pretty mach mutually exclusive12:16
mineurt0ze: what do you mean with access it?12:16
jribt0ze: how is your screenshot related to your access question?12:16
www2@jrib all ready done12:16
jribwww2: that's it. reload/restart apache12:17
MidlererUSUL: so if its mounted by root, the permissions is still there when mounted (permissions set by chmod)?12:17
t0zethat screen shot is the folder i want to access, that is a partition in my desktop12:17
erUSULMidler: correct12:17
OxymoronAnd now I need to download Winblows just because I want to gaming with my gf and transfer music to my iPhone 4 .... Seriously, weyre living on twentieth century and we havent get further. We suck.12:17
Dr_WillisMidler:  the ext2/3/4 filesystem saves the permissions and owndership - yes12:17
jribt0ze: why is the ip relevant?12:17
=== neutrino is now known as tar-
Midlerso auto is the only options i would need in fstab (and relatime and other)12:18
t0zeip is the identifier of the pc wich are the HD i want ? (ok maybe i'm wrong)12:18
jribOxymoron: where you spend your money dictates what companies do... but we're veering offtopic12:18
juk!openssh | t0ze12:18
ubottut0ze: SSH is the Secure SHell protocol, see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSH for client usage. PuTTY is an SSH client for Windows; see: http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/ for it's homepage. See also !scp (Secure CoPy) and !sshd (Secure SHell Daemon)12:18
sobczykhi, is there any pulseaudio log? I have no sound coming out of speakers bt alsamixer shows channels are there12:19
=== CyL_zz is now known as CyL
t0zei can access to the other pc, i want to know is how can i mount that automaticly12:20
mineurt0ze: we'll be needing more info. what is running where? which OS, you want to setup a network share?12:21
Oxymoronjrib: Well thats not an option. I would gladly not give a single penny for companies. But then it would isolate myself from society and I could just kill myself instead. In other words, companies force me to use their incompetent hard- and software. Nobody cooperate to make more and more money with patent on everything and they just want more and more money. As end user I get raped every single day by cooperate company market from HTC,12:21
OxymoronSamsung, Apple, Microsoft and so on ... I dont have a freaking choice. No matter what I choose I loose ...12:21
Randor_i booted this server im setting up its not going to the command line to login did i miss something12:21
Randor_1st atemt12:21
mineurRandor_: where's it going to than?12:21
www2@jrib also done ready done12:21
Randor_monitor just goes blank12:21
t0zethis is ubuntu 10.04, in the other pc, is ubuntu 9.10 with samba12:22
AbhiJit!cn | kang_12:22
ubottukang_: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk12:22
mineurcan you mount the samba share manually?12:22
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t0zein the other pc, yes.12:23
t0zeI don't have samba in this side..12:23
elit3m1kewhats the compiz settings app again???? forgot the name12:23
t0zei can see here the 3 partitions shared in the other pc12:23
www2@jrib i think that the probleme lighs in the htasses file12:23
mineuryou'll need a samba client to access a samba share12:23
mineurso if you see the shares.... what's the issue? can you access them?12:24
t0zeyes i can12:24
=== Lcawte|Away is now known as Lcawte
jribwww2: is the module enabled or not? ls /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/12:24
jrib!away > Lcawte12:24
ubottuLcawte, please see my private message12:24
xubu_Hey, I have a 8.10 and will it to 10.04 update .. must i make it with all the steps like 9.04 .. 9.10 .. or can i update it in one step from 8.10 to 10.04 ???12:24
pdwggHi guys. My computer only has one GB RAM. So when I install ubuntu, How big the swap area should I set?12:24
t0zei what to know how can i do to make that partitions mount on boot12:24
cellardoorpdusen, depends how big your harddrive is too12:25
jrib!samba | t0ze12:25
ubottut0ze: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.12:25
cellardoorpdusen, sorry wrong ID12:25
cellardoorpdwgg, , depends how big your harddrive is too12:25
ubottuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade12:25
mineurt0ze: add a line to your /etc/fstab12:25
elit3m1kewhats the compiz settings app again???? forgot the name12:26
ubottuCompiz (compositing window manager), for a howto see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager and more help #compiz12:26
pdwggMy hard drive is 160Gb. But I wanna leave 80Gb for windows.12:26
www2@jrib yes12:26
cellardoorpdwgg, in that case I would recommend about 1.5 to 2GB, even then thats oodles12:26
jribwww2: so it's enabled.  If you have some issue configuring it, try #httpd12:26
mineurt0ze: open the /etc/fstab file and add a line like this: //server/share    /mnt/samba     smbfs     username=sdgsgs,password=dsgsdgewwr 0 012:27
elit3m1kejuk the advances setting program i need12:27
mineuror google "samba share fstab"12:27
Oxymoronwww2: Whats up with apache and mod rewrite? Maybe I can help, I got problem multiple times with it on Linux ...12:27
pdwggOkay, thanks.12:27
t0zecool mineur12:27
jribt0ze: read the link ubottu gave you12:27
jukelit3m1ke:google ubuntu cube12:27
elit3m1kegot it ta12:28
t0zeok, one more quick question. to access a pc by ip, i use ipv4 ou ipv612:28
mineurdepends on your network setup12:28
www2now i fount out that apache dont wand read .htacces file12:28
VCoolio!ccsm | elit3m1ke12:28
ubottuelit3m1ke: To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu: install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' or 'simple-ccsm'. If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz12:28
t0zeif i have a pc with  (ipv4)12:28
MidlererUSUL: thanks a lot! It works now. I figuered out that the ext4 hd:s problems was about user/group rights not set as it should have been s et (just like with ntfs hd)12:28
www2@Oxymoron now i fount out that apache dont wand read .htacces file12:28
mineurif you have a ipv6 network, go for ipv6, if you don't go for ipv412:28
OxymoronWay to go, when downloading Internet doesnt work ... awesome protocols for UDP and TCP protcols we have ... NAT xD12:29
jribwww2: it's .htaccess12:29
=== neutrino is now known as tar-
elit3m1keubottu thanks12:29
ubottuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)12:29
www2i mean that file12:30
jribwww2: if you don't spell it right, it won't work12:30
dimitrishello can i ask 2 question about ubuntu system?12:30
jribdimitris: best to just ask the channel your actual question (on a single line)12:30
headstrongt0ze: then you are using linux mint12:30
www2on the sever is right but i heft spell rwone on the chat12:31
www2my disletia12:31
www2my dislexia12:31
Oxymoronwww2: You need to change http server settings in /etc/apache2/sites-available/default12:31
feezehi all12:32
feezelf help^^12:32
jukfeeze, hi12:32
www2i send a pastbin of my site config12:32
dimitrisfirst i would like to know about sudo command.. if i download some programs like winrar for linux to install it you type make and then sudo make install this 2 commands can work with any downloaded program from the net?12:32
juk!sudo | dimitris12:33
ubottudimitris: sudo is a command to run command-line programs with  superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli ) . Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For  graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome, XFCE), or !kdesudo (KDE). If you're unable to execute commands with  sudo see: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo12:33
ppqdimitris, it's in the multiverse repo, no need to download it manually12:33
www2@Oxymoron here is my site config http://pastebin.org/120687912:33
ppqdimitris, just type 'sudo apt-get install rar'12:33
xokhello all..12:33
Oxymoronwww2: It could also be user group permission problem someway, to access .htaccess files in directories.12:33
xokI've faced some strange problem...12:33
Balsaqi can't get splash to work?12:33
xokI can't install ubuntu on my laptop...12:33
feezecan some1 help me to install .net Framework 2.0 on Lucid ?  i have   ---- fixme:msi:msi_unimplemented_action_stub MsiUnpublishAssemblies -> 2 ignored L"MsiAssembly" table values  _____ pm me if u can12:34
xokit seems ubuntu has bug in ubiquity package...12:34
Dr_Willisdimitris:  theres no 'winrar' for linux (that ive seen) .. If you are installing programs for linux. its bext to use the 'package' manager thats available.12:34
Dr_Willisdimitris:  Primary method for installing things should be using the package manager system.12:34
ubottuFor Microsoft Silverlight support, install Moonlight with the following command: « sudo apt-get install moonlight-plugin-mozilla » in a terminal.12:34
xokI found this error in the syslog:http://pastebin.com/KVQnu4P412:34
www2@Oxymoron -rw-rw-rw- 1 jean-paul jean-paul 494 2010-09-26 13:03 ./.htaccess12:35
xokcan anyone help me solve the problem?...12:35
Dr_Willisdimitris:  there are 'rar' archiver tools allready available via the package manager also.12:35
Oxymoronwww2: The problem is that apache uses www-data user group and you use your own file gropu permisions. I would add www-data to secondary group on your user.12:36
xokanyone please?....12:36
juk!mono | feeze12:36
Dr_Willisxok:  check the forums for your exact laptop? it could be some odd bug.. or could be a flakey cd.. you did check teh md5sums?12:37
feezeno1 can help?12:37
Dr_Willisfeeze:  theres alterantives to .net you need to explore.12:38
feezewhich ones??12:38
www2@Oxymoron oke bur the pemision are 55512:38
cellardoorfeeze, .net is for windows, not linux12:38
Dr_Willisfeeze:  as far as i know the official MS .net wont install...12:38
xokDr_Willis: yes, I did, no problems with it, except I've cloned my previous system with remastersys...12:38
feezeyep i need them to launch some win apps12:38
Dr_Willisfeeze:  they were just mentioned..  moonlight and mono I think12:38
terminalvelocityanybody know how to setup or reset a wirless router using ubuntu?12:38
Leman_Russanyone running in virtualbox on mint?12:38
xokDr_Willis: also I've found this thread on some forum: http://forums.linuxmint.com/viewtopic.php?f=46&t=49841&start=012:38
Dr_Willisfeeze:  what app? often wine has work arounds.12:38
Dr_WillisLeman_Russ:  mint has its own support channel12:38
xokDr_Willis: but don't actually know how to use that "diff"...12:39
headstrongDr_Willis: what's it?12:39
Dr_Willisxok:  no idea really. ive not used diff in ages...12:39
feezei launch em with wine but they need net 1,1 & 2,0 to be installed12:39
Dr_Willisheadstrong:  whats what?12:39
feeze1,1 installed successfully12:39
xokDr_Willis: how about ubiquity?...12:39
Dr_Willisfeeze:  and what are you trying to run?12:39
headstrongDr_Willis: the channel name12:39
xokany chance to downgrade specific package in ubuntu?...12:39
Dr_Willisheadstrong:  no idea.. see the mint web site.. I dont use mint.12:39
xokubiquity for example?...12:39
terminalvelocitythe router is TP-Link wr841n and comes with a setup CD that only works with windows(!@#@#$$)12:39
ubottuLinux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu, please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org12:39
ubottuAttempting to downgrade to an older Ubuntu version is explicitly not supported, and may break your system.12:40
OxymoronBtw, does someone know which century Wine is going to work with any other app then Spotify=12:40
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dimitrisim opening synaptic package manager and trying to select rarlinux-x64-3.9.3.tar.gz to install it but it does not let me to select it do you know why?12:40
Dr_Willisfeeze:  check the wine app database. and see if they have suggestions.  Lord OF the Rings Online has its own special 'front end' in linux that dosent need the .net stuff.. other games proberly can be done the same way12:40
xokubottu: thanks, how about now to downgrade an entire system but a specific package?..12:40
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)12:40
cellardoorOxymoron, I run World of Warcraft and Starcraft 2 with it12:40
Dr_Willis!appdb | freeduck12:40
ubottufreeduck: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help12:40
xokubottu: I have problems with new version of ubiquity, had none with earlier version...12:41
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)12:41
Dr_WillisOxymoron:  it runs Lord Of the Rings Online. very nicely now also.12:41
jribdimitris: that's not how apt works.  You don't download things yourself to install.  Please read ubottu's links (first about apt in general then about rar)12:41
jrib!apt > dimitris12:41
ubottudimitris, please see my private message12:41
xokloool.. :-D12:41
jrib!rar > dimitris12:41
Dr_Willisdimitris:  forget totally about  that tar.gz....12:41
feezewine work with it perfectly on other pc's but i have troubles with installing pre apps12:41
xokjuk: how about you?.. :-D12:41
jukxok: apt-get remove12:41
jukxok: apt-get install12:41
Oxymoroncellardoor: Working flawless? And I need iTunes 10, The Sims 3, Age of Empires 3, Rise of Nations to work on it ... possible ... doubtly.12:41
robisinhomy keyboard isnt responsive after the login window on x windows -- except if I switch to the console12:42
robisinhoit works fine outside of x12:42
cellardoorOxymoron, forget iTunes, apple are evil and have locked it up so it wont work. Sims 3 and Age of Empries will work, not sure about Rise of Nations, and yes flawlessly12:42
OxymoronOh and some Cad and Adobe Suite software would be nice on Wine as well ... latest versions of course xD12:42
Dr_Willisdimitris:  install the 'unrar' or 'unrar-free' pscakge and  the archive manager tool will gain access to rar archives12:42
Oxymoroncellardoor: Nice, I try to install them on Wine later on then :) And what you mean locked up so it dont work?12:43
Dr_Willisfeeze:  theres no need to msg me wine error messages.. that mean nothing to me or most people12:43
xokubiqutiy depends on ubiquity-gtk and when I try to install ubiquity-gtk it says I need to have ubiquity installed...12:43
Dr_Willisfeeze:  check the wine app database for the game in question. there may be some issues/fix;s12:43
xokpeople were saying ubuntu is crappy, I didn't beleive...12:43
feezeWillis i sent u full log12:43
cryptopsywhat's the menu.lst option for grub for delaying boot?12:43
cellardoorOxymoron, Software used to talk to itunes and the iPod hardware is restricted and Apple won't release it, what ipod do you have? since there is some other software that works with older ipods12:43
juktopic | xok12:44
* Oxymoron heard that Wine have support for DirectX11 :P12:44
Dr_Willisfeeze:  that was rather silly of you12:44
juk!topic | xok12:44
ubottuxok: Please read the channel topic whenever you enter, as it contains important information. To view it at any time after joining, simply type /topic12:44
headstrongxok: ubuntu is a flagship like redhat/mandrake in old days12:44
feezesorry  man i just need help12:44
Dr_Willisfeeze:  wine app database... thats the place to go.12:45
cellardoorOxymoron, I have a laptop that runs Windows just for iTunes xD12:45
Oxymoroncellardoor: iPhone 4 with iOs 4.1 ... *buntu can detect it with libmobiledevice and libgpod but I cannot transfer anything to it ... Rythmbox and Amarok I heard should work, but nobody work for me ... *** Apple I would say xD Damn that they do good hardware and crappy software.12:45
feezeok p,2 i cant mount my NTFS hard drives12:45
andycc!ntfs | feeze12:45
ubottufeeze: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see !NTFS-3g or !FUSE12:45
www2@Oxymoron it is not working12:45
Dr_Willisfeeze:  try installing/runnign the ntfs-config command.12:45
LinXzfeeze: http://appdb.winehq.org/12:46
cellardoorOxymoron, you are pretty screwed... nothing in linux supports the iphone 4 yet its too early days, you must have a windows machine or a mac too12:46
Oxymoroncellardoor: Yes I am trying to install Windows now just to have Itunes and some Windows support ... xD Bah I removed Windows completly before so I dont need to struggle with it. But now it hunt me down ...12:46
Oxymoroncellardoor: Its not even working in Virtualbox either with Windows ...12:46
cellardoorOxymoron, yeah because all the API's and USB transfers are still running through Ubuntu at the end of the day and it confuses itunes12:47
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Oxymoroncellardoor: Not even HTC provide Linux support. *** them all. I hate mobile companys and Winblows.12:47
OxymoronIt doesnt matter what "smart" phone you hvae, it wont work anyway as you want.12:48
robisinhomy keyboard isnt responsive after the login window on x windows -- except if I switch to the console. can anyone help me? I know it is an issue with xorg's configuration12:48
cellardoorOxymoron, don't worry, over the years more and more people will be using linux and so the companies will be forced to release linux variants :)12:48
BEAST_i have a tracphone12:48
Dr_Willisthey work how the phone companies 'let' them work. :)12:48
headstrongcellardoor: you can say this again at 202012:48
cellardoorDr_Willis, jailbreak ;D12:48
Dr_Williscellardoor:  brickbreak also...12:48
cellardoorheadstrong, i have been saying it for the past 6 years ;)12:48
BEAST_karmspolit   on cydia jailbreak12:49
headstrongcellardoor: and you can repeat this at 203012:49
Oxymoroncellardoor: Well I want flawless solutions TODAY please :$ Is that so ****** hard to provide on twentieth century. I am a shamed for mankind and our greedyness.12:49
cellardoorheadstrong, Oxymoron : I remember when NO windows application would work, so we have come a long way very quickly...12:49
dhruvasagarHi, what is the app for capturing video of the screen ?12:49
cellardoorOxymoron, not gonna happen, you need Windows for iTunes to function 100%12:50
Oxymoroncellardoor: Hopefully Android and Linux force companys to make them more open sourced ... but even now they lock Android users, its not really OSS.12:50
juk!mencoder | dhruvasagar12:50
tsimpson!screencast | dhruvasagar12:50
ubottudhruvasagar: Some programs to capture your screen are recordmydesktop, Istanbul, Wink, Xvidcap, pyvnc2swf.  Also see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ScreenCasts.12:50
cellardoorOxymoron, this is starting to turn into offtopic guys, so #ubuntu-offtopic12:50
dhruvasagarjuk: tsimpson thanks12:50
gopodgexok : Can you send me the  /usr/share/ubiquity/install.py file?12:51
dhruvasagarjuk: tsimpson any recommendations ?12:51
Oxymoroncellardoor: I cannot remember anything working proerly on a computer or mobile phone since I was borned 1989.12:51
xokgopodge: I will restart the Live system and yes, I will...12:51
tsimpsondhruvasagar: I have used recordmydesktop before with good results12:51
xokgopodge: I've just removed entire package, can't install dunno why...12:51
gopodgexok : Unless someone here can help you apply the diff file that was mentioned here : http://forums.linuxmint.com/viewtopic.php?f=46&t=49841&p=305723#p30572312:52
tsimpsondhruvasagar: there's also gtk-recordmydesktop as a GUI for it12:52
dhruvasagartsimpson: thanks, i'll look further from there :)12:52
juk!ffmpeg | dhruvasagar12:54
xokgopodge: are you still here?...12:54
gopodgexok : yep12:54
feeze>>> lf help   mount: only root can mount /dev/sdc112:54
icarus-cgopodge, isn't it just as simple as  "sudo patch /usr/share/ubiquity/install.py   the.diff"12:55
juk!vlc | dhruvasagar12:55
ubottudhruvasagar: Audio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Audacious, Banshee, Beep Media Player, Listen, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, Exaile, XMMS2 (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based).  Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine - See also !codecs12:55
gopodgexok : Cut and paste the diff file from that linux mint site.. and run the command that icarus-c just posted.12:56
icarus-cmake a backup of /usr/share/ubiquity/install.py  before patching12:56
icarus-cum. you could revert patch though.. nevermind12:56
gopodgexok : here is the link again.. http://forums.linuxmint.com/viewtopic.php?f=46&t=49841&p=305723#p30572312:56
dhruvasagarjuk: you're on fire :D12:56
feeze>>Error mounting: mount exited with exit code 1: helper failed with:12:56
feezemount: only root can mount /dev/sdc1 on /media/GIANT12:56
xokgopodge: thanks, I will try that...12:57
jukdhruvasagar, you're welcome12:57
feezeim using root btw12:57
gopodgexok : quite a strange bug..12:58
feezecan some1 help with mounting?12:58
juk!mount | feeze12:58
ubottufeeze: mount is used to attach devices to directories. See also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Mount12:58
feezeError mounting: mount exited with exit code 1: helper failed with:12:59
feezemount: only root can mount /dev/sdc1 on /media/GIANT12:59
xokgopodge: yeah, and because of that I am unable to install the system.. ;-(12:59
juk!sudo | feeze12:59
ubottufeeze: sudo is a command to run command-line programs with  superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli ) . Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For  graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome, XFCE), or !kdesudo (KDE). If you're unable to execute commands with  sudo see: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo12:59
xokgopodge: seems "patch /usr/share/ubiquity/install.py the.diff" won't end ever...12:59
icarus-cxok, did you actually copy-paste the diff on the site and save to a file called "the.diff" in your current working directory13:00
ganeshranhi ubuntu-ites can you point me to a link to install xampp13:01
xokicarus-c: yes, I did...13:01
xokand here is the result (it hasn't ended yet): http://pastebin.com/SitgWNLY13:01
bazhang!xampp | ganeshran13:01
ubottuganeshran: We do not support XAMPP installs here. Please use the LAMP stack that is in our repositories, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP for more information.13:01
bazhang!lamp > ganeshran13:01
ubottuganeshran, please see my private message13:01
StevethepirateHey, I'm not sure exactly what the variable I'm looking for, but its an option for sshd that stops users using it to portforward. Not sure how to describe it really :/13:02
gopodgeicarus-c: Shouldn't it be "patch /usr/share/ubiquity/install.py < the.diff" ?13:02
VoronaHi all!13:02
icarus-cgopodge, man patch13:02
icarus-cgopodge, you don't guess :)13:02
juk!hi | Vorona13:02
ubottuVorona: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!13:02
feezemount -t ntfs-3g -o remove_hiberfile /dev/sdc1 /media/GIANT  >>>>13:02
xokicarus-c: then why it doesn't end?...13:02
feezethat whut helped me13:02
xokicarus-c: whould I wait for it?...13:03
feezeremove_hiberfile  >>>> what that means13:03
juk!details | feeze13:04
ubottufeeze: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."13:04
ganeshranI though ubottu was a human and trying to chat with him :(13:04
icarus-cxok, um.. so it just like "hang" there after you run patch?13:04
juk!lol | feeze13:05
ubottufeeze: Please don't use "LOL" and "OMG" and so forth on a regular basis. This is IRC, not IM, and using those lines on their own is not required, and it is rather annoying to the rest of the people in the channel; thanks.13:05
xokicarus-c: it seems the program is working, but continuosly shows the same...13:05
xokicarus-c: doesn't end...13:05
jimi_i downloaded the current version of ubuntu net install image to pxe boot with, and it only installs ubuntu 8, where can I get a 10 image?13:06
icarus-cxok, what output you get actaully? if any?13:06
theosre: hello all!! my laptop is suffering from sound problems. all of a sudden the sound stops working. and then returns only after restarting laptop. anything we can do about it?13:06
ubottuUbuntu 10.04 LTS (Lucid Lynx) is the current release of Ubuntu. Download http://releases.ubuntu.com/10.04/ - Release Info: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/100413:06
xokicarus-c: I get this output (much more lines, but all the same) http://pastebin.com/SitgWNLY13:06
feezeok i want to mount my NTFS hard drive  & i need to remove_hiberfile >>> whut that means it will something with my information? or wht that hiberfile contain/means13:06
ganeshranwhen i installed linux, i allocated 20 gig of space for it. now i am running out. How can i increase space allocation13:06
JohnJackHai everyone13:07
ubottugparted is a !GTK/!Gnome !GUI partitioning program. Type « sudo apt-get install gparted » in a console to install it - A GParted "live" CD is available at http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php13:07
JohnJacki'm having a problem with the current LTS that i've never had before, and i'm fairly sure it means my ubuntu install's buggered.13:07
icarus-cxok, paste the diff you get13:07
xokicarus-c: http://pastebin.com/p3ETWyNt13:08
ganeshranwas gparted the answer for my query?13:08
JohnJackWhen I load up ubuntu, i get up to the logo screen and then it blacks out. if i press a key then it shows mount failures in /sys, /dev and /proc in /root/sys root/dev and root/proc13:08
icarus-cxok, and yes you should kill the patch process if still running13:08
JohnJackso i can only get into the shell.13:08
icarus-cganeshran, yes13:08
xokicarus-c: yeah, I've guessed that.. :-D13:08
Randor_ok let me ask this to unzip from cmd line how do i start it?13:08
juk!live | JohnJack13:09
ubottuJohnJack: The Ubuntu Desktop CD is a "LiveCD" which can be run without altering existing files on your harddrive. Especially useful for testing your hardware's compatibility, it also includes an install option.13:09
ganeshranthanks icarus-c , is there any guide for doing this. I am new to the partition process13:09
Patrunjelhi everywone13:09
icarus-cganeshran, do you understand how linux arrange disk name?13:09
icarus-cganeshran, like /dev/sda1  /dev/sdb3 ?13:09
ganeshranum no13:09
JohnJackjuk, i know what the live CD is, are you suggesting i boot into the live cd and then ask again?13:09
gaveenganeshran, Ubuntu live CD has gparted13:10
d3v0does ubuntu have problems handling vpns?13:10
d3v0i tried https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OpenVPN13:10
icarus-cganeshran, sda means the first hard drive detected,  sdb the 2nd,  sdc the thrid...etc      1 means the first partition,  2 means 2nd... etc13:10
d3v0but it stuffs up my internet13:10
xokicarus-c: any help?...13:10
xokI am unable to install ubuntu...13:10
JohnJackjuk, i'm going to have to make an ubuntu USB stick, mainly because i haven't brought the live cd up with me. gimmie a min.13:10
d3v0my connection disconnects when i restart services13:10
ganeshranicarus-c: oh ok i get it. Now my hDD is 20 gb for linux (one drive) and rest for windows13:11
xokmy ubiquity encounters problems...13:11
icarus-cxok, open the.diff with gedit and fix the indentation13:11
d3v0it seems like ubuntu cant handle vpns very well13:11
xokicarus-c: just remove tabs?..13:11
ganeshranthere is no raw space left. So can gparted help me to move some of my windows space to ubuntu?13:11
icarus-cxok, the diff with gedit -> ctrl-A -> shift-tab13:11
davidoso kurwa13:11
icarus-cxok, did you make a backup of install.py before patching?13:11
xokicarus-c: yes, I did...13:12
ganeshranbtw i am installing LAMP from the link you mentioend. thnkx everyone13:12
xokicarus-c: patch: **** `<' expected at line 4 of patch13:12
icarus-cxok, there is an extra space in the first line13:13
xokicarus-c: should I remove those nubers?...13:13
icarus-cxok, in the diff13:13
xokicarus-c: I've removed that, but still the same...13:13
icarus-cxok, don't remove those numbers they are the whole point of the diff,  they are used to locate where should be changed13:13
gaveenganeshran, yes you can re-size the Windows partition and allocate some for the Ubuntu one13:14
ganeshrancool thanks gaveen :D13:14
xokicarus-c: prints out this: patch: **** `<' expected at line 4 of patch13:14
ganeshranthat will solve my problem. dont like to mount my ntfs partitions everytime13:14
icarus-cxok, i don't think i know how to fix it then. since i don't have Ubiquity and not sure about the diff (like does it even work/valid)13:14
gaveenganeshran, Just be careful when shrinking to leave enough space for existing data13:15
ganeshranYAY!! Apache works like a charm13:16
icarus-cxok, but what i know is, if you want to apply a diff,  you would do "patch  original.file   the.diff"13:16
gopodgexok : Can you pastebin the entire install.py file?13:16
xokgopodge: it's a huge one...13:16
xokpretty huge...13:16
juk!lzma | xok13:16
icarus-cxok, isn't it just a few thousands  lines ?13:16
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Guest8923good morning all!13:16
davidosshut up Guest2819013:17
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gopodgexok : can you send the file to me via your IM client?13:17
xokicarus-c: the diff doesn't seem be big, can you tell me how diff manages to locate where to change stuff?...13:17
spinningcompassdavidos: Be nice. :)13:17
ganeshranone more doubt. i installed KDE last week and though its flashy, I didnt really feel comfortable with it. but now i need to everytime change the desktop to GNOME13:17
ramuhi david13:17
xokgopodge: let me test...13:17
ganeshrananyway to make GNOME the default desktop environment13:17
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xokgopodge: great...13:18
icarus-cxok, i don't know how exactly diff works,  but the numbers you mention is the key for locating13:18
gopodgexok : I will see if I can apply the diff here..13:18
kb9tuianyone have any experince with nvidia driver install on lucid?13:18
gaveenFrom your login screen click your username, and change the session to GNOME. It should prompt to make it the default13:18
ramumy wireless drivers not working13:19
ramuiam unable to detect any wireless networks around me, how to check for drivers13:19
ZaxEZwhats the cmd to limit other users accessing other users home folders  ?13:19
gaveenganeshran, see my last message ^^13:20
ganeshrangaveen: it doesnt do it13:20
jrib!permissions | ZaxEZ13:20
ubottuZaxEZ: An explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions13:20
gopodgexok : Yeah.. the diff doesn't apply as is.. give me a tick13:20
ganeshranit just says gnome (previous))13:20
ganeshranand its a one time change13:20
jimi_juk, i dont see any net install images there13:21
kb9tuiI am trying to install a nvidia driver and getting the message that I have to exit x before installing.13:21
gaveenganeshran, is there an entry named 'default'?13:21
nelomakahi all=)13:21
ganeshrani dont remember. i will check again13:21
ganeshranbe back in two mins13:21
kb9tuiIt reference a README file on the NVIDIA website but the page is gone.13:22
juk!nvidia | kb9tui13:24
ubottukb9tui: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto13:24
* xok is very sad...13:26
xokgopodge: any luck or success?..13:26
DASPRiDpoor xok :(13:26
DASPRiDninja_, access denied13:27
huangweipengany people13:27
RudyValenciaI installed approx package cacher earlier, if I install Ubuntu on my desktop using PXE net booting, will it be faster to install it?13:27
Stealth__Hey people, I got a question regarding files. basically I copied 4gigs of files as root in nautilus to a different partition, and then deleted them from the place I copied them from. But the diskspace remaining is still the same13:27
RudyValencia(having installed it on my laptop first)13:27
Stealth__How do I get rid of the files and free the diskspace?13:28
xokgopodge: are you still here?...13:28
gopodgexok : yeah. still looking..13:29
ganeshrangaveen: the default option is working. Thanks13:29
xokany chance to install ubuntu without ubiquity?..13:29
yudi1 I am setting up XP as guest in ubuntu using virtualbox, should I leave the harddrive on IDE or choose SATA? Why does it choose IDE by default?13:29
gopodgexok : had to go away as my smoke alarms were beeping..13:29
xokgopodge: :-D13:29
ganeshranwill gnome load next time wihtout having to change the options?13:29
d3v0can i get some more openvpn instructions please13:31
well_laid_lawn!cn | huangweipeng13:31
d3v0i tried https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OpenVPN  but it stuffs my connection up13:31
ubottuhuangweipeng: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk13:31
pmitrosI gotta question. I have sound files on my desktop. Ubuntu has this obnoxious preview thing where if I hover my mouse over a sound file, it plays it. If I accidentally leave the mouse in the wrong place, I get noises. Is there a way to disable that?13:31
bobahow can convert from .raw to .avi13:31
pmitrosIt's the world's worst feature13:31
FazLeeeNanyone knows if there is a site which show what ubuntu consists of? all packages and addons13:32
bobai can extrac images with mplayer -demuxer rawvideo -rawvideo fps=5:w=1600:h=1200:yuy2 -vo pnm:ppm FILE.raw into ppm files13:32
well_laid_lawnboba:  use ffmpeg or mencoder or avidemux13:32
gaveend3v0, http://openvpn.net/index.php/open-source/documentation/howto.html13:32
Stealth__Hey people, I got a question regarding files. basically I copied 4gigs of files as root in nautilus to a different partition, and then deleted them from the place I copied them from. But the diskspace remaining is still the same, how should I remove it?13:34
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)13:35
willinjahi how to optimize a notebook battery on linux i tried powertop but it just failed to install any idea why and how to solve this ?13:35
Dice-Manwillinja, hum13:35
Dice-Mandid you try13:35
Dice-Mansudo apt-get install powertop ?13:35
willinjadid that already13:35
flecharotahello,server please..where modified,,i m lost!13:35
Dice-Mando yo have an error message willinja ?13:35
d3v0i cant use ssl on my phone only ttpt and tl2p13:36
AbhiJitflecharota, you want server help? ask in #ubuntu-server13:36
bobawell_laid_lawn: can you point some page out, i searched for this already but there is no from .raw to .avi13:36
gopodgexok : the diff file is too different. What OS are you trying to install? Is it plain Ubuntu?13:36
flecharotaok Abhijeet13:36
Dice-Manwillinja, what ?13:36
willinjawait i wil ltried again13:36
xokgopodge: the OS I am trying to install is upgraded ubuntu (also cloned from a previous hard drive)...13:37
pmitrosubottu: So, in terms of SNR, what has a bigger negative impact: people asking to ask questions? People asking people not to ask to ask question? Metadiscussion about people talking about etiquette for asking questions?13:37
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)13:37
willinjaDice-Man, E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)13:37
pmitrosAh. Crap.13:37
willinjaDice-Man,  the error is 1 not -113:37
gopodgexok : so it is Ubuntu 10.04 live cd?13:37
xokgopodge: not original, cloned with "remastersys"...13:38
Dice-Manwillinja, aw i have no idea13:38
Dice-Mancheck on the forum ?13:38
flecharotaAbhiJit, im lost..13:38
willinjai also tried to install it from the synaptic package manager but same output13:38
flecharotawhere include mu new server AbhiJit ??? this is my question..please tell me13:39
xokgopodge: any chance to install ubuntu without ubiquity?..13:39
willinjaDice-Man, i also tried the forum terminal instalation guide13:39
well_laid_lawnboba:  it is the same as encoding anything to to anything - a simple way is   ffmpeg -i /path/to/file out.avi13:39
willinjaand yet i got the same error message Dice-Man13:39
robisinhohow can I reinstall the entire xorg related stuff on my machine?13:40
gopodgexok : So you have booted from the Live CD and are trying to upgrade the Ubuntu that is on your Hard Drive?13:40
Dice-Manwillinja, does powertop have an off website ?13:40
Dice-Manweb you could contact the autor13:40
willinjayeah i think13:40
bazhangxok, yes, with the alternate installer13:40
willinjai tried also the offline instalation13:40
* PDET slaps DeathCrawler around a bit with a large trout13:40
willinjahavent got the clue yet13:40
bazhangPDET, stop that13:41
xokgopodge: no... I've changed hard drive, bought new, cloned previous system with remastersys, burnt it and I am now posting from there... wish to install on the new hard drive now....13:41
AbhiJitflecharota, what is your language?13:41
bobawell_laid_lawn: ffmpeg: relocation error: /usr/local/lib/libavfilter.so.1: symbol sws_isSupportedInput, version LIBSWSCALE_0 not defined in file libswscale.so.0 with link time reference13:41
flecharotaspanish AbhiJit13:41
AbhiJit!es | flecharota13:41
ubottuflecharota: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.13:41
xokbazhang: what's the name of that "alternate installer"?...13:41
gopodgexok: Have you tried the Alternate Installer? http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/alternative-download13:41
flecharotaAbhiJit, thanks13:41
d3v0could someone explain to me why pptpd will not start ?13:42
bazhangxok, it's the alternate CD debian-installer (ncurses-based install only)13:42
bazhang!alternate | xok13:42
ubottuxok: The Alternate CD is a classic text-mode install CD. It supports a wider range of hardware than the !LiveCD, and can  also be used as an upgrade CD. http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/alternative-download#alternate - See also !minimal13:42
xokbazhang: nope, I haven't tried that...13:42
willinjad3v0, have u tried the port ?13:42
headstrongvpn something?13:42
willinjalol i tought proftpd my mistake d3v013:43
headstrongbut pptp is not encrypted13:43
gopodgebazhang: So xok could use the alternate CD to avoid Ubiquity?13:43
bazhanggopodge, yes13:43
d3v0but my phone will only work pptp , tl2p and ipsec13:43
gopodgexok: Looks like that is your answer.13:43
xokany chance to install from live cd with that "alernate installer"?...13:43
d3v0openvnc only has ssl13:43
well_laid_lawnboba:  that doesn't look good - the ubuntu ffmpeg has severe limitations at compile time - you might need to rebuild it13:43
bazhangxok, no its a different iso13:43
headstrongumm, ssl vpn is easy to use13:44
well_laid_lawn!info ffmpeg13:44
ubottuffmpeg (source: ffmpeg): multimedia player, server and encoder. In component main, is optional. Version 4:0.5.1-1ubuntu1 (lucid), package size 231 kB, installed size 768 kB13:44
d3v0my phone doesnt supposrt ssl unless im missing something13:44
xokbazhang: can you tell me the name of that installer?..13:44
bazhangxok, I just did13:44
bobawell_laid_lawn: ffmpeg --info ffmpeg: relocation error: /usr/local/lib/libavfilter.so.1: symbol sws_isSupportedInput, version LIBSWSCALE_0 not defined in file libswscale.so.0 with link time reference13:44
xokbazhang: where?...13:44
gopodgexok : the alternate installed (http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/alternative-download) isn't a live CD..13:44
bazhangxok, the bot link above13:45
xokbut the actual installer should be a software...13:45
mealstromhow to detect program which eats hot-keys like F2?13:45
bazhangxok, it is13:45
mealstrom*like alt+f213:45
xokI think I could easily lauch it from command line...13:45
gopodgexok : it is an installer that doesn't use a GUI to install.. this will overcome your problem with ubiquity..13:45
icarus-cmealstrom, that is handled by the window manager13:45
well_laid_lawnboba:  I've never seen that error and don't know what it means - pointless repeating it..13:46
bobawell_laid_lawn: ok, thanks anyway13:46
mealstromicarus-c: yeap. but some program or daemon also eats alt+f2 and do the same like - ctrl + alt + f2 -> so ive got13:47
mealstromconsole screen and run-command at X-server in gnome :(13:47
xokI will suggest other users not to use ubuntu...13:47
well_laid_lawnboba:  the ubuntu version of ffmpeg is severly restricted - better off building it yourself13:47
xokthanks all anyway...13:47
karlo_man.. ##linux is always full..13:47
icarus-cmealstrom, ctrl-alt-f[1-12] should be pretty low level13:47
bobawell_laid_lawn: how can i do it properlly13:47
bobawell_laid_lawn: how can i build it properlly13:47
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »13:48
mealstromicarus-c: yes, they should. ive think that ive got ctrl button sticked. but it wasnt.13:48
mealstromhow to find out which process eats low level hotkey ?13:48
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots13:49
icarus-cmealstrom, ctrl-alt-f[1-12] is handled by kernel or X i would imagine13:49
mealstromor where config file is stored13:49
well_laid_lawnboba:  grab it from ffmpegs site and build it with the options you need13:49
ubottuCompiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)13:49
icarus-cmealstrom, anyway, if you want to setup keyboard shortcut and define action/command to run when pressed, you consult the Window Manager that you are using13:49
icarus-cmealstrom, like Metacity by GNOME default13:50
mealstromicarus-c: and ive got alt+F[1-12] do same as ctrl+alt+F[1-12] .13:50
mealstromalt+f4 -- closes program (gnome metacity) and switch to console terminal 413:50
well_laid_lawnicarus-c:  is rtorrent working for you now?13:50
bobawell_laid_lawn: ok13:50
=== neutrino is now known as tar-
flecharotaicarus-c, tell..where introduce my url server for conect?13:50
well_laid_lawnrtorrent ftw!13:50
flecharotaplease icarus-c13:51
icarus-cwell_laid_lawn, huh?i don't use rtorrent. always want to learn it but i barely do torrent13:51
icarus-cflecharota, sorry i don't get what you mean?13:51
flecharotain xchat server icarus-c where modified the url..13:52
well_laid_lawnicarus-c:  didn't you ask for a rtorrent howto earlier?13:52
AbhiJiti am also having problem understnad what he want to say13:52
icarus-cwell_laid_lawn, i think so13:52
icarus-cflecharota, you mean unaffiliated nick?13:53
cljI am alone !13:53
icarus-cflecharota, (irc cloak)13:53
well_laid_lawnclj:  1300 ppl here with you13:54
cljyou are?13:54
=== karlo_ is now known as karlo94
gopodgexok: I will download the previous version of Ubuntu to see what is going on.13:55
xokgopodge: leave it... there's no need...13:55
xokgopodge: I'm fetching fedora...13:55
xokgopodge: won't ever use ubuntu anymore...13:55
kv102twhats the irc for gen chat called?13:55
bazhangkv102t, #ubuntu-offtopic13:56
gopodgexok: Never say never.. software always improves..13:56
robisinhohow can I turn on a wireless network from the console?13:56
Misteriokv102t: #freenode is a good place for asking that13:56
xokgopodge: yeah, but fedora seems to have much better support...13:56
gopodgexok: I had no issues with my Ubuntu install..13:56
Misterioxok: Then goodbye, if you don't like just don't use it13:56
xokgopodge: crappy installer, no way to install system without this crappy ubiquity...13:57
ehcahstupid question... "rm" deletes a file. What deletes a directory?13:57
xokMisterio: thanks, I am doing that... ;-)13:57
bazhangxok, sure there is13:57
robisinhoehcah, rm -f13:57
robisinhoehcah, rm -rf13:57
gopodgexok: Just use the alternate install and you will be fine..13:57
xokbazhang: if you mean the whole ISO file, then that's not an option...13:57
xokbazhang: I need to clone custom system and install it on hundreds of PCs...13:58
icarus-cehcah, rm -r  (recursive).   or you could  use "rmdir" if the directory is empty13:58
xokbazhang: that is why I am refusing now to use ubuntu, 'cause fedora has much better support for cloning the system...13:58
bazhangxok, that's not the case, but you are way offtopic now13:59
Dr_Willisand here i do what the boss tells me to do... :)13:59
bazhang!automate > xok13:59
ubottuxok, please see my private message13:59
Dr_Willisisent that what the 'oem' option is on  the installer?13:59
robisinhohow can I turn on a wireless network from the console?13:59
ehcahIs logitech known to have issues with ubuntu?13:59
bazhang!wifi | robisinho please have a read13:59
ubotturobisinho please have a read: Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs13:59
Dr_Willisrobisinho:  with the proper ifconfig and iw* commands i recall.. seen some guides on it. but i rarely do it more then once every 4 months.14:00
ehcahI can't get my bluetooth keyboard/mouse combo to work more than 3 feet away from its dongle.14:00
ubottuTo replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude  --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » - See also !automate14:01
aeon-ltdehcah: sounds more like interference14:02
Dr_Willisive also used a 'reconstructor' web site to gernate my own custome ubuntu iso's  :)14:02
Dr_WillisI agree with aeon-ltd  sounds like somthing blocking the signal14:03
Dr_WillisWhat Freq Is bluetooth anyway?14:03
pdwggHi, guys. Can anyone tell my why I can not connect using ubuntu one?14:03
Dr_WillisIve had some cheap wireless house phones that cause all sorts of issues.14:03
llutzDr_Willis: 2.30-2,48 GHz14:03
Dr_Willispdwgg:  you mean connect to ubuntu one? it has a status web site14:04
llutz2,40 sry14:04
AbhiJitpdwgg, ask in #ubuntuone14:04
pdwggoh thanks.14:04
robisinhoDr_Willis, following https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/WiFiTroubleshooting -- looks like I should just be able to do sudo ifup14:04
xokwhere can I find ubiquity devs?...14:05
xokmaybe some support channel?...14:05
robisinhobut that gives me "Ignoring unknown interface wlan0=wlan0"14:05
ehcahthanks guys. I will try it in another room for troubleshooting.14:05
robisinhoI think its because my wireless network doesnt broadcast its ssid because -- this just works (tm) from the x windows system14:05
=== diabolic- is now known as diabolic
Rickardo1Hi, we have probably been hacked. Is it possible with root access to wipe the whole HD with rm -r * ?14:06
robisinhoRickardo1, no, the system will crash before everything is wiped out14:06
robisinhoRickardo1, just most of it will be gone14:06
robisinhothat's from the root directory, I imagine14:07
Rickardo1robisinho: there are som defect system files left14:07
ehcahI'm full of questions this morning. what is the command to force a complete, as for the first time install? Trying to reinstall sudo apt-get install lirc14:07
robisinhocongradulations, you wiped it :P14:07
ehcahI had problems with the first install and removed it.14:07
v3nd3tta``a friend is on Mint 9 and needs help with glx... a game is causing errors14:07
ehcahWhen I reinstall, the wizzard does not start.14:07
yeshuahwhat can be the cause of "No such file or directory" when I'm certain that the path I entered is correct - and all permissions are ok14:07
v3nd3tta``some1 can help?14:07
robisinhoRickardo1, were you trying to totally format it?14:08
ppqehcah, 'sudo apt-get --purge --reinstall install lirc'14:08
jribyeshuah: there is no such file or directory14:08
ppqehcah, the --purge option deletes conf files14:08
yeshuahjrib: I'm trying to run a specific python instance within a virtualenv. - and it is there - cos if i cd into the location and run it - no problems14:08
ehcahppq: I will try that now. Does it matter if I deleted the /etc/lirc/ folder and *.conf files?14:08
jribyeshuah: you need to pastebin a series of commands that shows that14:08
jribyeshuah: my guess is what you type is there but some other file that it looks for is not14:09
ppqehcah, it may complain about missing files but it should work. remeber: better don't delete files outside of your home manually14:09
yeshuahjrib: http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/sZQ93zq614:09
ehcahtoo late. *starting remote control daemon(s) : LIRC   FAIL14:10
ehcahIt doesn't like that I deleted that directory14:10
ppqright :)14:10
Weezerit's my first time to enjoy exploring my laptop using ubuntu distro....wew.....frustration....annoyance and even success all feelings are mixed up! hahha cool!14:10
AbhiJit!yay | Weezer14:10
ubottuWeezer: Glad you made it! :-)14:10
ehcahDo I create a directory and create empty *.conf files?14:10
ppqehcah, no, try reinstalling with the command above14:11
yeshuahjrib: ofcourse the python that works in my pastebin - is the system wide instance14:11
ehcahAlready did that.14:11
ehcahI got the fail.14:11
jribyeshuah: right... what does "./python" do?14:11
ehcahPerfect english eh!  Sound's like an STD.14:11
yeshuahjrib: No such file or directory - :(14:11
ppqehcah, oh, ok. give me a second, i'm trying to find a dpkg option to force removal14:12
=== tingping_ is now known as Guest32698
ehcahDo you want me to pastebin what I'm getting from terminal?14:12
ppqehcah, good idea14:12
ehcahjust a sec.14:13
angelete2has anyone installed project-open in ubuntu 10.04?14:13
angelete2i'm not able to do it and i need help14:13
jribyeshuah: that's usually just the python file complaining about some other file.  I'm not all that familiar with virtualenv though.  This often happens because amd64 users are trying to run 32bit apps without ia32-libs installed, but I don't think that's the case here.  How did you setup this environment?14:13
ehcahppq: pastebin.ubuntu.com/500941/14:14
grigoriadeshow to find more irc channels?14:14
jrib!irc | grigoriades14:14
ubottugrigoriades: A list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat - For a general list of !freenode channels, see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#channellist - See also !Guidelines14:14
yeshuahjrib: hmm I think maybe it has to do with this virtualenv being moved over from and old server instance - with - so it was setup to use python2.5 and not 2.6 which is on the new box14:14
ppqehcah, ok, try to purge it normally: 'sudo apt-get purge lirc'14:15
jribyeshuah: maybe14:15
grigoriadesubottu: thanks14:15
ubottuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)14:15
ubuhel guys14:16
pmjphi ubu14:16
ubumy leeching is almost slow14:16
ehcahppq: it failed at stopping the remote daemon.14:17
ehcahIs that normal?14:17
=== jan_ is now known as jhjacobs
ppqehcah, yep, since it didn't even run14:17
ehcahwhat next? reinstall, reboot?14:18
ppqehcah, reinstall will do14:18
ppq(i hope :p)14:18
ehcahthe wizzard popped up!  :)14:18
ehcahppq: now all i have to do is find this remote: http://www.newegg.ca/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16880121001&Tpk=HA-IR01SV14:19
rafaelsoaresbrfrom what repo may I download flash player 64bit?14:20
ppqehcah, for this remote control you dont need lirc, it should work ootb because it's windows media center edition compatible14:20
ehcahppq: "Murphy's law". It's not there.14:20
ehcahIt doesn't though?14:20
ppqok :D14:20
ehcahI have two identical zotac boxes and neither works.14:20
jribrafaelsoaresbr: if you use the package in the official repositories, you will get flash (32bit using nspluginwrapper).  If you want the 64bit flash from adobe, you need to download the tar.gz from adobe and drop the libflashplayer.so in ~/.mozilla/plugins/ (and then it's your responsibility to keep it up to date of course)14:21
ppqehcah, try finding a guide for setting up mce remotes with lirc14:21
rafaelsoaresbrjrib: thanks14:21
xokis "filesystem.size" a file that is needed for ubiquity installation?...14:22
ehcahppq: The closest relevant post I found was: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=150985214:22
theoshi! anybody knows how to check if the subwoofer is working or not?14:22
xbonesxDoes anyone know if the update manager GUI works along side the synaptic package manager in that it stores its downloaded packages in the /var/cache/apt/archives folder???14:23
ehcahppq: what would happen if I chose "Windows Media Center Tranceivers/Remotes (all) from within Lirc? Does lirc not communicate with the ootb dongle?14:23
jribxbonesx: probably, they all use apt14:23
ZykoticK9xbonesx, yes - updates go to /var/cache/apt/archives14:23
ppqehcah, sorry, i cant help you with that14:23
maverickwhich is the best free data base for ubuntu?14:23
AbhiJit!best | maverick14:24
ubottumaverick: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.14:24
dns53theos you could try generating a low sound, try looking in audacity and generating a tone14:24
ehcahppq: k. thanks so much for the help to this point.14:24
AbhiJitmaverick, but try postgres or mysql14:24
jribmaverick: mysql, postgresql, sqlite?14:24
ppqehcah, np14:24
xbonesxZykoticK9: TY14:24
theosdns53, i was thinking of some command to make only the subwoofer work?14:24
Empero-ok what's the deal with this "usb mouse stops working after random time?" this same problem existed years ago when I last tried to use ubuntu on my desktop pc. and it is STILL not fixed?14:25
azi`hm. i have just made a backup of my ~ dir and now after restoring it, i've lost my FF bookmakrs.. are they kept in some other directory not residing under my home dir?14:25
maverick@jrib : how to install mysql ?give me the command name ?14:25
FusionXhow do i uninstall the corrupt packages (packages which were interrupted by a power cut while updating via update manager)14:25
AbhiJitEmpero-, i dunno the solutions but there is some setting which power offs the usb devices after some time if they idle to save power14:25
jrib!lamp > maverick14:26
ubottumaverick, please see my private message14:26
ehcahppq: Give yourself a pat on the back! The remote works to do everything now including turning the box on and off! THANK YOU!  :)14:26
dns53theos you could probably use gst-launch and plug together a tone generator and pipe it to your speakers, but i could not tell you the command of the top of my head14:26
VCoolioazi`: no, it should be a file in ~/.mozilla/firefox/something.default/14:26
ppqehcah, wow, nice, congratulations :) *pat*14:27
theosdns53, so you mean there is no such command or is it?14:27
Empero-AbhiJit, it seems to freeze at random. even when there is active usage of the mouse14:27
ehcahNext problem. BT Logitech keyboard/mouse... One at at time... :)14:27
ubufuck cant contact any14:27
VCoolioazi`: file is called bookmarks.html, copy it over if you still have it14:27
Empero-this makes it impossible to do any work14:27
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theosdns53, its a built in subwoofer in my laptop actually14:28
azi`VCoolio: thanks. do you see any other reason why my bookmarks aren't displayed?14:28
VCoolioazi`: only if you have a different version of firefox now that uses ~/.mozilla/firefox-3.7/ for example instead of just firefox14:29
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ubuhi hi14:31
grigoriadesok guys i found  irc channels list but how can i add them on my network list?14:31
vinnyparkerHi, how do I chante the user's image  from login screen?14:32
ubuhhello guy14:32
angelete2anyone knows any channel for ]project-open[ ?14:32
RedNifreIs it possible to set my Desktop to show my home directory?14:32
VCoolioFusionX: try 'sudo dpkg --configure -a'14:32
biesbjergHi guys, I'm trying to setup a firewall on my ubuntu server 10.04 (Using UFW), but I can't seem to get it to block access to SAMBA. Anyone up for giving me a helping hand?14:32
ZykoticK9vinnyparker, System / Preferences / About Me - click the icon in top left14:32
ZykoticK9vinnyparker, oh - from login screen, doubt it can be done14:33
biesbjergit's weird, because DENY should be default action (My apache install isn't accessable unless I add a rule for it, but for some reason SAMBA always is?)14:33
ppqRedNifre, yes, it is possible, in gnome it's a gconf setting iirc14:33
Emassis there any way to kill fullscreen applications with a perticular keybind?14:33
me2anybody know how to network vista business with ubuntu 10.04?14:34
ppqRedNifre, look for nautilus14:34
VCoolioppq: in gconf-editor, check apps > nautilus14:34
BluesKajHowdy folks14:34
xokI needed to just create file named "filesystem.size"...14:34
MegaHackЕсть кто русский?)14:34
ZykoticK9xok, "touch filename.size"14:34
juk!ru | MegaHack14:35
ppqRedNifre, VCoolio said it14:35
ubottuMegaHack: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke14:35
xokZykoticK9: wow, I can't believe, you are so clever.. :-D14:35
dns53biesbjerg  sudo ufw deny samba14:35
juk!lol | xok14:35
ubottuxok: Please don't use "LOL" and "OMG" and so forth on a regular basis. This is IRC, not IM, and using those lines on their own is not required, and it is rather annoying to the rest of the people in the channel; thanks.14:35
VCoolioEmass: create a keybinding for xkill, then use the keybinding and click, might work; else ctrl+alt+f1, kill from console, ctrl+alt+f7 to get back14:35
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xokjuk: please point me where I have used LOL or OMG?:...14:36
biesbjergdns53: I want to allow samba, but only to local network - I guess I figured I should get default DENY ALL to work first?14:36
biesbjergdns53: Wow, even with ufw deny Samba, it's accessable..14:36
robisinhoDr_Willis, sudo iwconfig wlan0 essid "foo" && sudo dhclient wlan0  -- that's how :)14:36
biesbjergdns53: (I did ufw enable to refresh rules)14:37
ZykoticK9VCoolio, i would guess that any fullscreen application will probably seat keyboard's focus, making any keybinding very difficult (or impossible).  Emass14:37
dns53biesbjerg how do you have you have your network setup? your internet goes directly to your server ?14:37
progre55hi guys. Is it okay to do-release-upgrade a server over ssh? from karmic to lucid14:37
ZykoticK9VCoolio, s/seat/steal14:37
biesbjergdns53: I connect to the server via VPN14:37
pksadiqI have a doubt about website, which is the channel for the question to be asked?14:37
knittlhi. font is broken for menu entries in help application here14:37
biesbjergdns53: But the big question right now is why ufw deny Samba didn't work :s14:37
juk!details | pksadiq14:38
ubottupksadiq: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."14:38
juk!hi | jeremyl14:38
ubottujeremyl: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!14:38
xokjuk: are you a bot?.. :-D14:39
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knittlit's only in help and only for menu items. i have tried changing font but it didn't help14:39
juk!ot | xok14:39
ubottuxok: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!14:39
pksadiqi mean which is the channel to ask doubts about website related doubts, can I ask it here?14:39
knittllooks like it's missing utf8 chars14:39
dns53biesbjerg so the server is remote to you and you do not want samba to be used on the internet side but through your vpn?14:40
juk!topic | pksadiq14:40
ubottupksadiq: Please read the channel topic whenever you enter, as it contains important information. To view it at any time after joining, simply type /topic14:40
biesbjergdns53: Exactly, spot on :-)14:40
EmassZykoticK9, oh that's too bad. I'm trying to install team fortress 2 through wine and each time i try, the screen freezes and i need to shut down the comp14:41
Emassah well14:41
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)14:42
Emassthanks for the help then :)14:42
VCoolioEmass: shut down/reboot shouldn't be necessary, try virtual console like I said14:42
me__going wrong14:42
dns53biesbjerg so you should be able to do it, i'm not sure if you can use ufw to set up that sort of rule14:44
Pksadiq_ Too bad, my network wont allow me to even ask a question . Very very slow connection :(14:46
robisinhohow can I reinstall the whole xorg subsystem? is there anything like sudo apt-get install --autoreinstall ? or something to reinstall all the dependant packages ?14:46
jukrobisinho: apt-get remove/install14:47
IdleOnerobinbowes: sudo apt-get -f install    will try to fix any broken packages14:47
robisinhojuk, if I do it seperately, Ill have to know what to reinstall, because it will remove all the dependant packages14:47
dns53biesbjerg https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/serverguide/C/firewall.html    ufw allow samba from your_vpn_address    ?14:47
robinbowesIdleOne: wrong nick!14:48
robisinhoIdleOne, its not broken per se, its that a config file somewhere (noone can seem to find where) is broken and my keyboard input doesnt work. so I need to wipe the configs mostly14:48
IdleOnerobinbowes: indeed, sorry :)14:48
ehcahppc: are you still there?14:48
dns53biesbjerg is there a special reason why you are using samba instead of something like nfs?14:49
ehcahtypo: ppq.14:49
uLinuxhi. What is /dev/sg0?14:49
theoshow can i find out if the subwoofer is in use or not?14:50
dns53uLinux usually something like a cd drive14:50
ppqehcah, i guess i am14:50
switch10_    sudo update-alternatives --config default.plymouth14:50
packrat_hey doods14:50
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uLinuxdns53: yeah i have one but if I type "hddtemp /dev/sg1" it shows the HDD name.. if i type sg0 it shows CD drive14:51
packrat_anyone using 10.10 beta?14:51
taomasteris there a way to upgrade to 10.10 when in 10.4.1 lts?14:51
ehcahppq: can I ask your help for one more item? http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/500957/ How do I know thich one of the USB devices corresponds to the Device 4 ID of TopSeed.... Is it pci:000:00:04.1 ?14:51
erUSULtaomaster: ask in #ubuntu+114:51
uLinuxdns53: so what is /dev/sg1 ?14:51
packrat_i'm trying to confirm a bug.14:52
ehcahppq: I need to reset the usb port to eusb.14:52
LinXzok. I might need some assitance - if possible. I am trying to use my wlan0 as a gateway (internet directly in eth0) - I saw this guide: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-335465.html and there is one package missing - ipmasq. Is it possible to find a solution that is as "easy" as this one?14:52
IdleOnetaomaster: the package manager will offer to upgrade when 10.10 is released. more info/support in #ubuntu+114:52
glebihanpackrat_: go to #ubuntu+114:52
lynn4Well 10.10 is the same as 10.04 with my video got big white screen14:52
erUSUL!ics | LinXz14:52
ubottuLinXz: If you want to share the internet connection of your Ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetConnectionSharing - You may also use !firestarter: http://www.fs-security.com/docs/connection-sharing.php14:52
ppqehcah, no idea, sry14:52
LinXzthanks erUSUL ;)14:52
ehcahthanks anyway14:53
packrat_thanks glebihan14:53
lynn4they need to add video choices like low video to the 10.xx versions14:53
dns53uLinux well it probably depends on your machine what the device means, but it tends to be a cd/dvd drive14:53
* PDET slaps _KAMI_ around a bit with a large trout14:53
uLinuxdns53: sg0 is my drive sg1 shows up my disk o.O14:54
lynn4So floodbot 1 is there a way to start in low graphic mode with 10.xx14:55
uLinuxdns53: and also shows a temperature.. i dont understande how can be the HDD related with the DRive14:55
Poul|RaiderAnyone who can help me fix port forwarding in my firewall script - http://pastebin.com/WmSxwX0X  (setup is eth0 = lan eth1 = wan)14:55
dns53uLinux i think it is a scsi based disk, so is it a mac?14:55
Makokialguien que hable español ???14:55
uLinuxdns53: no14:55
erUSUL!es | Makoki14:55
ubottuMakoki: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.14:55
Makokijoin #ubuntu-es14:55
LinXzerUSUL: the page you showed me also talks about "ipmasq" - and that package isn't available...14:56
FusionXVCoolio, i want to remove those packages14:56
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Makokithanks man14:56
erUSULLinXz: the instructions for 10.04 only involve network manager14:56
dns53uLinux   system > administration > disk utility may show some more information14:57
uLinuxdns53: ok ty14:57
VCoolioFusionX: try to fix them first, then remove the usual way14:57
AKPPhello folks, my youtube audio isn't working, what do?14:57
erUSULLinXz: you just choose edit connections go to the interfaces that has internet access . chhhose edit connection go to ipv4 tab. and there in the drop down menu choose. share with other computers14:57
ubuntoonBoard keeps on getting stuck on keys and typing out 5-10 (roughly) more than its supposed to. What can I do to stop this or fix this?14:58
juk!flash | AKPP14:58
ubottuAKPP: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash14:58
erUSULLinXz: and that's all14:58
AKPPjuk, i have flashplayer installed14:58
AKPPvideo: fine; audio: not so much14:58
chfwiggumPoul|Raider: nice "script". why don't you then stick to a gui like guarddog?14:58
biesbjergdns53: Didn't see your question, oops! I'm using Samba because the clients accessing the shares are windows machines14:59
uLinuxdns53: it's a PATA host adapter14:59
zambahas autologin been disabled in ubuntu lucid?14:59
jukzamba: no14:59
zambajuk: i'm not able to log on automatically using custom.conf15:00
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jukzamba: system > administration > login screen15:00
zambajuk: i have to do this in a configuration file15:00
zambajuk: not through the gui15:01
jukzamba: I don't know, sorry15:01
zambajuk: ok15:01
glebihanzamba: could you pastebin your custom.conf file ?15:01
Poul|Raiderchfwiggum, its a server edition, no gui15:02
biesbjergdns53: ufw allow to any app Samba from works - But I don't want to use my local external IP, but instead the internal one, assigned by VPN - doesn't seem to work when I do that though :-/15:02
obuntoonBoard keeps on getting stuck on keys and typing out 5-10 (roughly) more than its supposed to. What can I do to stop this or fix this?15:03
theoshow can i find out if the subwoofer is working or not?15:04
robisinho!ubuntu-channels > robisinho15:04
juktheos:whatis subwoofer?15:04
juk!hi | idle_task15:04
ubottuidle_task: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!15:04
aeon-ltdtheos: is it 'bass'-ey?15:04
theosjuk, erm my hp laptop has a subwoofer under it .15:05
robisinhodoes aptitude provide a rollback functionality?15:05
idle_taskHow do you uninstall older kernels at the command line, given that I also use the kernel ppa (needed for btrfs support)?15:05
dns53biesbjerg my guess is you need to allow your local address range on the server     ufw allow samba from    or  ufw allow samba from
robisinhomy system was working before installing a package. now, not even removing that package fixes the problem15:05
aeon-ltdrobisinho: downgrading? not sure but apt definately can15:05
theosaeon-ltd, its a subwoofer. yeah kinda bassy thing15:05
AbhiJit!kernel | idle_task15:06
ubottuidle_task: The core of the Ubuntu Operating System is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, but if you're convinced you do, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile - See also: /msg ubottu stages15:06
idle_taskAbhiJit: read my question again15:06
BluesKajtheos,, subwoofer has vibrations ...is the bottom vibrating ?15:06
idle_taskIt is not at all what I was talking about15:06
Poul|RaiderAnyone with same setup eth0 = lan eth1 = wan, NAT enable and portforwarding examples and have a firewall script using iptables that they know works15:06
AbhiJitidle_task, why dont you uninstall from synaptic?15:06
theosBluesKaj, no its not vibrating15:06
aeon-ltdtheos: it may sound stupid but pick it up ~(while playing something) and listen15:07
idle_taskAbhiJit: I could, of course, but I happen to like the command line :p15:07
theosi want to test it by only playing sound through the subwoofer and not speakers15:07
AbhiJitidle_task, http://www.foogazi.com/2008/07/02/quickzi-how-to-remove-older-kernels-from-ubuntu/15:07
DaveCavegoood evening15:07
BluesKajtheos, there are low frequency testing apps/mp3s on the internet for subs , google for one15:07
theosaeon-ltd, i did that stupid thing but couldnt hear anything :)15:08
AKPPyoutube sound problem, i know it's an easy fix but i can't find it online, maybe i'm blind. halp pls :)15:08
theosBluesKaj, any command which only enables subwoofer and disables other speakers?15:08
DaveCavelooking for anyone who has sucessfully installed ubuntu on a new Xbox 36015:08
jukAKPP: you sure it's only youtube15:08
aeon-ltdtheos: ok i'm not sure if ALSA even has this support, but open up a terminal run alsamixer, then mute (using up and down arrow keys or the m key) all outputs but the subwoofer15:08
BluesKajtheos, dunno15:09
jascotty2for anyone who knows about 10.10: I just upgraded to the beta release, and now I get something like '/usr/lib/libgconf2-4/gconf-sanity-check-2 error, returns 32512', and the login screen won't show..15:09
jascotty2any ideas how to fix?15:09
uLinuxI open Disk Utility and see this message about the Extended 1TB partition "WARNING: The partition is misaligned by 1024 bytes. This may result in very poor performance. Repartitioning is suggested." Is this that 1MB of unallocated space created when I installed Ubuntu?15:09
theosaeon-ltd, there is no option for subwoofer afaik in alsamixer15:09
erUSULDaveCave: no possible; afaik only xbox 1 was brake to allow linux installs15:09
juk10.10 | jascotty215:09
AKPPjuk, well it's everything that requires a plugin online, all videos etc. so no, not just youtube, i'm just generalizing. but everything outside of firefox plays sounds when it's supposed to15:09
glebihan!maverick | jascotty215:09
ubottujascotty2: Maverick Meerkat is the codename for Ubuntu 10.10, due October 2010 - Maverick is NOT released and NOT Stable, discussion and support in #ubuntu+115:09
jukAKPP: i bet it's flashplayer plugins bad15:10
AKPPjuk, should i try reinstalling the firefox plugin package for ubuntu?15:11
Jinuxtheos, It won't be labelled "subwoofer" It'll just be "rear center output" or something like that15:11
Jinuxtheos, Just play around with alsa mixer and see what happens15:11
jukAKPP: try15:11
DaveCave1erUSUL permission to chat15:12
AKPPjuk, got some terminal commands i can use or do i have to find them in synaptics15:12
uLinuxDisk Utility shows a message: "WARNING: The partition is misaligned by 1024 bytes. This may result in very poor performance. Repartitioning is suggested." I know this is a 1MB of unallocated space created when I installed Ubuntu... does this really affects performance?15:12
juk!aptitude | AKPP15:13
ubottuAKPP: aptitude is another terminal-based front-end to APT. Like other APT front-ends, it can install/remove packages and their dependencies. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptitudeSurvivalGuide15:13
erUSULDaveCave1: what?15:13
obuntoonBoard onscreen keyboard keeps on getting stuck on keys and typing out 5-10 (roughly) more than its supposed to. What can I do to stop this or fix this?15:13
juk!synaptic | AKPP15:13
ubottuAKPP: synaptic is Ubuntu's Graphical Package Manager. For a good howto see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticHowto15:13
BluesKajtheos, the ctrl names are determined by the soundcard driver ,LF out  for Low frequency out might be one15:13
theosBluesKaj, is is called LFE?15:13
BluesKajtheos, yes that's probly it15:14
theosbut its not in alsamixer :(15:14
BluesKajtheos, then it 's just a LF tone ctrl boost15:15
BluesKajtheos, is your sound "tinny" ?15:16
theosBluesKaj, i dont think so :) its perfectly fine15:16
theossometimes it stops working though. but when it works, its perfect15:16
AKPPjuk, i think i know what's wrong now but how do i make ALSA see the right soundcard?15:17
obuntoonBoard onscreen keyboard keeps on getting stuck on keys and typing out 5-10 (roughly) more than its supposed to. What can I do to stop this or fix this?15:17
BluesKajtheos, a so called subwoofer on a laptop is a misnomer anyway , the LFs are usually restrictebd by the size and design of the sub , so a nice full low freq can be heard but not real low stuuf alike a real sub15:18
jukAKPP: you said it's ok, outside of ff15:18
deenawhenever i login into my desktop all external disks are getting mounted and opened..15:18
AKPPjuk yes it is15:18
deenais there any way to allow mount only when i want to15:18
jukdeena: have been editing /etc/fstab ?15:19
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.15:19
deenai am telling about external harddisk15:20
theosBluesKaj, haha i think you are right. but if it has been provided, it should work right?15:20
BluesKajtheos, how do you know when it stops working ? is the sound tinny ? it might be part of the power save mode if you're running on the battery15:20
glebihandeena: in gconf-editor, uncheck "media_automount" in /apps/nautilus/preferences15:20
theosBluesKaj, the sound totally stops from all speakers after sometime. and only returns after a restart15:21
ubugring gring15:21
juk!nautilus | deena15:21
jukdeena, see media tab in nautilus prefs15:22
obuntoonBoard onscreen keyboard keeps on getting stuck on keys and typing out 5-10 (roughly) more than its supposed to. What can I do to stop this or fix this?15:22
deenagot it jul15:22
deenalet me try15:22
robisinhois it possible to search for installed packages matching a wildcard? hal*15:22
xbonesxis anyone familiar with using APTonCD?15:23
BluesKajtheos, what is the power setup , when the sound stops , battery or house-power?15:23
VCooliorobisinho: apt-cache search15:23
jukrobisinho: dpkg -l | grep 'hal.*'15:23
xbonesxI made a back up, then reformatted and restored using the cd but nothing shows up in the synaptic package manager...?15:23
VCooliorobisinho: sorry, see what juk said, mine is for searching packages in general15:23
theosBluesKaj, i have main ac power 24x7. i never run my laptop on battery. its costly xD15:23
BluesKajthoes , then it could be a software problem. or the soundcard ..it's a difficult problem to ssolve methinks15:25
BluesKajerr theos15:25
theosBluesKaj, ok thanks for your help :) i just wanted to see if it works or not. there must be some way to mute other speakers and turn on the subwoofer only.15:26
obuntoonBoard onscreen keyboard keeps on getting stuck on keys and typing out 5-10 (roughly) more than its supposed to. What can I do to stop this or fix this?15:27
BluesKajtheos there are mp3 testing sounds one google for which are low freq sounds which your main speaker can't produce15:28
juk!details obunto15:28
xbonesxjuk: can i have the synaptic package manager look to an iso image?15:28
juk!details | obunto15:28
ubottuobunto: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."15:28
BluesKajer speakers15:28
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jukxbonesx: yes, system > aministration > software sources15:29
ifer001@seek conspiracy paper15:29
theosBluesKaj,  i will try to generate tones with audacity then. the subwoofer should vibrate :)15:29
IdleOnexbonesx: You will need to enable Main, Universe, Multiverse, Partner repositories in System > Administration > Software Sources15:29
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juk!repositories | xbonesx15:30
ubottuxbonesx: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/project/about-ubuntu/components - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories15:30
xbonesxIdleOne: i understand that but when i load a iso image, synaptic doesnt look to it for the cd it tels me that there is no cd in the drive???15:30
uLinuxDisk Utility "WARNING: The partition is misaligned by 1024 bytes. This may result in very poor performance. Repartitioning is suggested." this sounds like BS15:31
IdleOnexbonesx: what do you mean by load a iso image?15:31
obuntoI am having a problem with onBoard onscreen keyboard. When I click a letter, it types in roughly 5-10 of them instead of one. This can only be prevented if I very carefully stop for a full 2 seconds before and after clicking on the letter, but this slows down typing considerably :( as you can probably imagine. Can anyone help me with this?15:31
jukxbonesx: you can't use iso, mount it first15:31
ubottuTo mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.15:31
ZykoticK9IdleOne, i believe juk mentioned apt-on-cd earlier, i could be wrong15:31
IdleOneZykoticK9: yeah, that is why I don't understand the loading iso part15:32
xbonesxjuk: i did and synaptic still doesnt recognize it cuz its only looking to my cdrom drive...15:32
jukxbonesx: burn it then15:32
xbonesxjuk: is there no way to have it look too the image?15:33
ZykoticK9IdleOne, i've never bothered with apt-on-cd, i just copy the debs from /var/apt/archives sorta thing - but this method requires an internet connection to run "sudo apt-get update" sorta thing.15:33
willinjais there any way to reset my linux to the original instalation one ?15:33
willinjano need for formating15:33
IdleOnewillinja: Ubuntu doesn't have a Restore like in windows15:33
ZykoticK9willinja, reinstalling is probably easiest method15:33
jukxbonesx: never did it15:33
willinjaIdleOne, ZykoticK9 , oh well reinstalling again i suppose since i cant remove an instaled software15:34
IdleOnewillinja: what error you getting?15:34
LemanHTCAnyone using andremote with ubuntu?15:34
obuntoI am having a problem with onBoard onscreen keyboard. When I click a letter, it types in roughly 5-10 of them instead of one. This can only be prevented if I very carefully stop and take my hand off the touchpad for a full 2 seconds before and after clicking on the letter, but this slows down typing considerably :( as you can probably imagine. Can anyone help me with this?15:34
willinjacode (1)15:34
willinjastill dont have any idea what's is al about15:35
IdleOnewillinja: need a little more detail, what app are you trying to remove and can you pastebin the exact error15:35
ZykoticK9willinja, i haven't been following your issue (not sure what it is) - but have you run "sudo apt-get -f install" to try and resolve?15:35
xbonesxjuk: i was just thinking, when you load an iso image, it gives it a letter correct? if thats the case could i edit the synaptic package managers config file to look to that specific driver letter???15:35
jukobunto: is it ubuntu on tablet15:35
ZykoticK9xbonesx, there are no drive letters in linux world, just "mount points"15:36
willinjacopy some of the eror msg15:36
juk!mount | xbonesx15:36
ubottuxbonesx: mount is used to attach devices to directories. See also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Mount15:36
obuntojuk, no, I rewrote the question in my last message. I have to take my hand off the touch pad for 2 seconds before and 2 seconds after for the letter to go through without typing additional letters.15:36
jukobunto: is it ubuntu on table15:37
willinjaZykoticK9, IdleOne, installArchives() failed: dpkg: status database area is locked by another process15:37
jukobunto: sorry, i don't know what are you talking about15:37
obuntojuk, no15:37
ZykoticK9willinja, did a package manager crash, or do you have one open?15:37
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willinjai just opened one15:37
obuntojuk, do you know what a laptop touch pad is?15:37
jukobunto: yes, just forgot for a while15:38
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.15:38
IdleOnewillinja: paste the entire error please15:38
obuntojuk, you have confused me15:38
IdleOnenot here but in pastebin :)15:38
jukobunto: check sys > prefs > mouse15:38
robisinhowhat is the xorg video driver fbdev?15:39
xbonesxDoes anyone know where the synaptic package managers config file is located?15:39
robisinhomy system is using that for some reason15:39
willinjaIdleOne, ZykoticK9, http://paste.ubuntu.com/500978/ this one i'm trying to remove is abiword for examples15:39
obuntojuk, ok. must i disable mouseclicks using touchpad?15:39
ZykoticK9IdleOne, i have no idea why willinja is seeing WINEPREFIX=/home/willinja/.wine in an apt command?  you got any ideas where that would be coming from /etc/apt/sources?15:39
willinjai got no clue15:40
IdleOneZykoticK9: no idea15:40
ShredMasterI am usng Httrack from Terminal but nothing happens.15:40
ShredMasterwhat to do?15:40
deenathere will be a file in /sys/class/scsi_host/ as host0,1,215:41
obscenexbonesx: /root/.synaptic15:41
obscenei believe15:41
deenamy question is how we can come to know which using localdisk15:41
obuntojuk, are you still here15:41
willinjaIdleOne, ZykoticK9, i tried to trashed the wine same error msg15:41
jukobunto, you don't15:42
ZykoticK9willinja, do you remember doing some sort of configuration change for wine?  that wineprefix thing should have nothing to do with apt, so the fact that we see it is causing the issue i believe15:42
lv_having a problem making usb drive on a intel motherboard desktop, on boot it's saying its not bootable. burnt iso from commandline using dd if=/image.iso of=/dev/sdb1 ....15:42
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obuntojuk, what do I do then?15:42
willinjai think i did ZykoticK9 but i didnt notice it i tried to use wine for yahoo mesenger instalation15:42
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ShredMasterHttrack askes Proxy, what do i enter?15:43
willinjai think formating will solve this issue15:43
IdleOnewillinja: you can't format everytime you have a problem :)15:43
jukobunto: try tuning it in mouse prefs15:43
ZykoticK9willinja, do you remember what the change was?  obviously, reinstalling will fix the issue (but it's massive overkill, BUT i don't personally have a solution)15:44
IdleOnewillinja: sudo apt-get purge --remove wine15:44
juk!framebuffer | robisinho15:44
ubotturobisinho: Information about changing your framebuffer modes in GRUB can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FrameBuffer#grub15:44
willinjaZykoticK9, IdleOne, E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)15:45
obuntojuk, nothing will fix it in here15:45
robisinhojuk, thank you, but it cant be grub. my system doesnt use grub, Im on a powerpc15:45
willinjaerror code 115:45
ZykoticK9willinja, do you have a ~/.wine directory?  "mkdir ~/.wine" then try again15:45
IdleOnewillinja: killall dpkg15:45
willinjadpkg :no process found15:46
jukobunto: sorry, im using optical mouse15:46
willinjamkdir: cannot create directory `/home/willinja/.wine': File exists15:46
ShredMasterwhat proxy for httrack?15:46
IdleOnewillinja: maybe ask in #winehq15:47
juk!grub | robisinho15:47
ubotturobisinho: grub is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before Karmic (9.10). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto - See !grub2 for Karmic onwards.15:47
ZykoticK9willinja, ok - but that does seem to contradict "/etc/environment: line 2: WINEPREFIX=/home/willinja/.wine: No such file or directory" from your pastebin15:47
Doonzhey guys how is Ubuntu touchsreen support15:47
IdleOnewillinja: it doesn't seem to be a wine issue but they may know what is going on15:47
ZykoticK9willinja, "ls -ld ~/.wine" who owns it!15:47
ilkerhi guys. i am using ubuntu on laptop and i have been trying to connect internet for a week (by manual, static IP) but i lost network manager applet. it is not on the panel, how i get it again?15:48
willinjaZykoticK9, drwxr-xr-x 4 willinja willinja 4096 2010-09-26 21:44 /home/willinja/.wine15:48
ZykoticK9willinja, hummm, well that doesn't help :|15:49
xbonesxobscene: how about the synaptic package managers repository config file?15:49
willinjathat's what i got when i type the cmd in the terminal15:49
jukilker: put your statics in /etc/networking/interface15:49
pheonixmandoes pidgin support cam..?15:49
jefinchow do I set my remote desktop to be accessible from anywhere instead of just LAN?15:50
ilkerjuk: i did it and i have configured /etc/resolv.conf (i put dns servers into it)15:50
juk!empathy | pheonixman15:50
ubottupheonixman: Empathy is the default instant messaging and video client for GNOME. Since Karmic, it has been the default client in Ubuntu, replacing !pidgin15:50
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ilkerand i gave this command (dhclient -q ...., i cannot remember)15:51
pheonixmanjuk, how can i view yahoo roomlist in empathy.?15:51
xbonesxwhats the file that repositories get saved too?15:51
xbonesxfor use with synaptic?15:51
jukpheonixman: sorry, I don't know what yahoo roomlist is15:52
jukxbonesx: /etc/apt/sources.list15:52
obuntoI am having a problem with onBoard onscreen keyboard. When I click a letter, it types in roughly 5-10 of them instead of one. This can only be prevented if I very carefully stop and take my hand off the touchpad for a full 2 seconds before and after clicking on the letter, but this slows down typing considerably :( as you can probably imagine. Can anyone help me with this?15:52
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elit3m1kedoes anyone happen to know how to enable remote desktop with terminal??15:54
AbhiJit!factoids | juk here is list of all factoids of ubottu15:54
ubottujuk here is list of all factoids of ubottu: Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots15:54
xbonesxjuk: what could i change the cdrom part in this "http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=K9EAmWb2" so that it would look to a mounted iso image of the livecd?15:54
ZykoticK9elit3m1ke, i doubt you can, it probably needs to be started from inside an x session (i'm just guessing here, i don't use remote desktop - ssh for me)15:55
elit3m1keZykoticK9 yeah i just want to enable it through ssh15:55
jukAbhiJit: thanks15:55
jezi22guys why i cannot paste in a folder? i already chmod +rwx it under root...15:55
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AbhiJitjuk np15:56
ZykoticK9elit3m1ke, are you trying to use the built-in rdesktop for ubuntu?  or a vnc server of some sort?  you do know about x forwarding with ssh right?15:56
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elit3m1keZykoticK9 sadly i dont im brand new to ssh15:57
noob352871I'm trying to install a package, which works fine with the sudo command, but then I can't use it with my user15:57
noob352871how do I install the package without the sudo?15:57
obuntojuk, should i use orka?15:57
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glebihannoob352871: you cannot install without sudo, what package is it ?15:58
xanguanoob352871: what package are you talking about¿ what is xactly your issue¿15:58
jefincwhat port does remote desktop use?15:58
jukobunto: could you provid what are you using at least to not guess15:58
ZykoticK9elit3m1ke, if are using a mac or linux system to ssh FROM you can start ssh with "ssh -X username@host" and start gui applications (NOT THE WHOLE GUI INTERFACE) running on the remote system, and displayed on the computer you're remoting from (very cool)15:58
obuntojuk, *onBoard*15:58
xbonesxdoes anyone know how i could edit this "http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=K9EAmWb2" to have it look too a iso image of the cd?15:59
neriukaswho have Begining ubuntu linux 2nd edition on ebook ?15:59
ZykoticK9elit3m1ke, actually you need to have X installed on Mac for it to work, AND it is possible to do on Windows hosts as well (but i have NO idea how)15:59
elit3m1keZykoticK9 that is unbelievably  helpful thank you soo much16:00
klaxian_how can i disable suspend and hibernate functions system-wide?16:00
DarkionZykoticK9: thanks much for that16:00
noob352871xangua: well I used "sudo package install"16:00
ZykoticK9elit3m1ke, Darkion glad to help guys :)16:00
xanguanoob352871: yes.....and then¿¿16:00
noob352871trying to get the game armagetronad to work, but I'm having same difficulties with other packages too16:01
obuntoI am having a problem with onBoard onscreen keyboard. When I click a letter, it types in roughly 5-10 of them instead of one. This can only be prevented if I very carefully stop and take my hand off the touchpad for a full 2 seconds before and after clicking on the letter, but this slows down typing considerably :( as you can probably imagine. Can anyone help me with this?16:01
jukobunto: did you try to tune System > Preferences > Assistive Technologies16:01
xanguanoob352871: what difficulties¿ please make your question and givbe all the details in one line16:01
xbonesxdoes anyone know how i could edit this "http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=K9EAmWb2" to have it look too a iso image of the cd?16:01
jukxbonesx, you should read what is iso16:02
robisinhoif I boot into the barebones xwindows recovery console (just a bare xterm) I can type. it seems like my keyboard problem is with gnome16:03
xbonesxjuk: well either way if i have the iso mounted synaptic doesnt look to it16:03
jukxbonesx, and whenever I use iso, I either burn it on mount16:03
jukor moun16:03
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xbonesxjuk: i need to have the synaptic package manager look to the mounted iso for packages as if it was a cd loaded in the drive, but it doesnt...16:04
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noob352871xangua: if I install the package with "sudo package install armagetronad-zzz.package" the package assembles fine and does all the magic for me. The problem is, that I can't play it without being root. So I have to run the game "sudo armagetronad". I'm looking for a way, to change my permissions or whatever so it could be installed without the "sudo" option. If I omit "sudo" the terminal tells me all kind of permission related16:04
ZykoticK9xbonesx, what happens when you try System / Admin / Software Sources - Other Software tab, click "Add CD-ROM" button?16:04
noob352871errors (cannot access, cannot create directory..)16:04
xbonesxZykoticK9: one sec ill tell you16:05
An_Ony_Mooseis there a way to "throttle" a network interface to limit the maximum data transfer rate across it?16:06
zambamy ubuntu installation is in a state when it won't upgrade itself16:07
zambai just have a huge list of packages that are kept back16:07
Stealth__Hey people, I got a question regarding files. basically I copied 4gigs of files using sudo  in nautilus (Realised now thats a big mistake) to a different partition, and then deleted them from the place I copied them from. But the diskspace remaining is still the same, how should I remove it?16:07
Stealth__sorry for repost my IRC crashed, dunno if anyone answered or not lol16:08
headstrongdid you check your trashbin?16:08
elit3m1keZykoticK9 do you happen to know where i can find some tutorials on ssh commands?16:08
xbonesxZykoticK9: it trys to scan E: but says "Failed to mounted the cdrom"16:08
xbonesxZykoticK9: doesnt even look to any mounted iso images...16:09
obuntojuk, I tried that but still have the problem.16:09
deenathere is no lvm in ubuntu ?16:09
BluesKajnoob352871, alt+f2 , gksudo nautilus /usr/bin , find the game icon , right click on properties choose permissions and check them all16:09
ZykoticK9elit3m1ke, i don't have any ssh tutorial suggestions i'm affraid.  have a question?16:09
ehcahhello. I can not seem to modify my /proc/acpi/wakeup file from root. I have tried editing using vi and gedit. Any suggestions? I want to enable the PWRB and USB216:10
ZykoticK9xbonesx, i have no idea then, sorry.  best of luck (i've never used apt-on-cd before)16:10
jukapt-cdrom | xbonesx16:10
xbonesxZykoticK9: no not aptoncd16:10
x0rsis there a tool in ubuntu to view a pie chart of my hard-drisks free space and view other data about my hardware?16:10
elit3m1keyeah how would i go about setting a display for a program to run, like if i wanted to display an xmessage on the machine im connecting to16:10
noob352871thx blues. I'll try that16:10
ZykoticK9xbonesx, then what is the iso image of?16:10
jukxbonesx, mount your iso to /media/apt and run apt-cdrom add16:10
xbonesxZykoticK9: its an actually iso of the ubuntu live cd16:10
jukobunto, sorry, no idea16:11
Stealth__headstrong, yeah I checked it16:11
ZykoticK9xbonesx, do you have internet access?16:11
xbonesxjuk: using the GUI, how would i mount to a specific directory?16:11
elit3m1keZykoticK9 yeah how would i go about setting a display for a program to run, like if i wanted to display an xmessage on the machine im connecting to16:11
IdleOne!msgthebot > ehcah16:11
ubottuehcah, please see my private message16:11
Stealth__its a 3.4 gig textfile, I had to sudo nautilus it because I could not move it to my other partition without it16:12
xbonesxZykoticK9: yes i have the net but i dont install using a cd i install using a bootable usb for ubuntu and i need to be able to install packages from it on a computer without the net16:12
ZykoticK9elit3m1ke, oh man, i haven't done the display stuff for a while - i think it uses :1 for display numbers somehow.  sorry.  xmessage i haven't played with.16:13
jukxbonesx: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/mount-and-unmount-isomdfnrg-images-using-acetoneiso-gui-tool.html16:13
elit3m1keZykoticK9 okies thanks anyway16:13
headstrongStealth__: is it a log file something and it's still used by an app or daemon?16:13
headstrongStealth__: in other word, it's opened and locked16:14
Stealth__headstrong, I am not sure. It was a textfile I downloaded of the internet, and basically I tried to delete it using nautluis in sudo which is supposidly a bad idea16:14
Stealth__The trash file is hidden somewhere but I dont know where16:14
zambahow do i purge all removed packages>?16:14
BluesKajStealth__, alt+f2 , type trash16:15
xbonesxis archive mounter the same as mounting it as if it was a cd?16:15
headstrongStealth__: you can use a console to do that16:15
ZykoticK9xbonesx, i'd suggest following one of juk's suggestion :)  best of luck man.16:15
Stealth__headstrong, i tried searching for files over 3gig, a film on my windows 7 partition came up but that was all16:15
IdleOne!trash | Stealth__16:15
ubottuStealth__: The location of Trash has changed since 8.04, it is now located in ~/.local/share/Trash | Looking for the trash in previous versions: ~/.Trash16:15
Stealth__Error stating file '/home/stealth/trash': No such file or direct16:16
IdleOneStealth__: cd ~/.local/share/Trash16:16
Stealth__idleOne i looked there and the file is not there that I deleted16:16
headstrongStealth__: maybe you need a offline fsck now16:17
Stealth__I deleted it from sudo nautilus not the normal file browser if thats any help?16:17
Stealth__headstrong whats that?16:17
IdleOneI think that deleted the file for good16:17
headstrongStealth__: boot off a livecd then fsck your partition16:17
Stealth__What does that do headstrong?16:17
obuntoI am having a problem with onBoard onscreen keyboard. When I click a letter, my cursor freezes over the letter and it types in roughly 5-10 of them instead of one. Can anyone help me with this?16:17
ZykoticK9Stealth__, could it be in root's home directory?  use "sudo du -sh /root/" in a terminal to check.16:17
Stealth__what does that do zykoticK9?16:18
ZykoticK9du = disk usage, shows how much space16:18
x0rsDoes anyone use AWN dock? And is it easy to install?16:18
headstrongStealth__: to ensure your file system is ok16:18
Stealth__Headstrong my old ubuntu install was not but this one is16:19
Stealth__I had to reinstall ubuntu because my old install failed for whatever reason16:19
Stealth__and zykoticK9 it says I got 3.9GB left, I should have 816:19
x0rsIs the "Ubuntu Software Center" just a gui running apt-get?16:20
ZykoticK9Stealth__, did you open a terminal and run that command i sent?16:20
IdleOnex0rs: pretty much16:20
Stealth__Yeah zykotick916:20
obuntoI am having a problem with onBoard onscreen keyboard. When I click a letter, my cursor freezes over the letter and it types in roughly 5-10 of them instead of one. Can anyone help me with this?16:20
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x0rsIdle0ne: thanks16:20
ZykoticK9Stealth__, that means there are 4GB of files in that directory!16:20
OxymoronDoes someone know if its possible to read and/or write to ext4 partitions from Windows 7?16:21
Stealth__Zykotic in that case I should have literally nothing which would be correct16:21
ZykoticK9!tab | Stealth__16:21
ubottuStealth__: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.16:21
Stealth__Ahh cheers mate16:21
Stealth__and zykoticK9 it says I have got 4GB spare and this is a 12gb partition16:22
Stealth__Thats when i look in the file browser anyway16:22
headstrongStealth__: you have a disk usage cheaker in your menu16:22
ZykoticK9Stealth__, to get my nic type Z - y - TAB (lazyness counts ;)16:22
Stealth__ZykoticK9, Heh, ok mate16:23
Stealth__headstrong, lemme check it now16:23
headstronggood luck16:23
Stealth__..Its not there headstrong16:23
DimitrisΚαλησπέρα σε όλους............16:23
pozicI can connect to my ISP and have an ssh session open for a long time, but when I setup a tunnel this is not the case. How can I make sure that the tunnel stays open?16:23
ZykoticK9Stealth__, can you pastebin the output of "df -h"?16:24
Dimitrishi all16:24
Stealth__ok zykotick916:24
jukZykoticK9: thanks i didn't know i can do it in irssi16:24
juk!hi | Dimitris16:24
ubottuDimitris: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!16:24
Stealth__ZykoticK9, I can show you the important part here16:24
Stealth__/dev/sda7              13G  8.2G  4.1G  67%16:24
ZykoticK9juk, you "should" be able to in any "good" irc client ;)16:24
Dimitristnx!! :)16:24
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Stealth__As you can see I am using 8gb, I should only be using 4gb because I cleared off 4gb of files16:25
Stealth__The problem is nautilus has hidden the trash files somewhere16:25
rob_pStealth__: If you remember the name of the file, you can find it with, "sudo updatedb && locate <filename>" where <filename> is the name, or part of the name of the file in question.16:25
Stealth__I googled it and tried everything but I honestly can not find a solution, its really annoying16:25
ZykoticK9Stealth__, there are 4GB of files sitting in your /root directory!16:25
obunto:( I am having a problem with onBoard onscreen keyboard. When I click a letter, my cursor freezes over the letter and it types in roughly 5-10 of them instead of one. Can anyone help me with this? :(16:25
abstraktis there any way to get middle mouse to trigger multiple-workspaces somehow?16:26
headstrongStealth__: not in the trashbin?16:26
Stealth__ZykoticK9, I think you are wrong because16:27
Stealth__sudo updatedb && locate <filename>" where <filename> is the name, or part of the name of the file in question.16:27
Stealth__<Stealth__> I googled it and tried everything but I honestly can not find a solution, its really annoying16:27
Stealth__<ZykoticK9> Stealth__, there are 4GB of files sitting in your /root directory!16:27
Stealth__* Dimitris (~emcpn@ppp079166000106.dsl.hol.gr) has left #ubuntu16:27
FloodBot1Stealth__: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.16:27
juk!compiz | abstrakt16:27
ubottuabstrakt: Compiz (compositing window manager), for a howto see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager and more help #compiz16:27
abstraktjuk, er... how bout without compiz16:27
abstraktI don't wanna run that crap on my machine, I'm kind of wary of it, seems to cause lots of crashes and odd behavior, and slows things down a lot to boot16:27
juk!ot | abstrakt16:28
ubottuabstrakt: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!16:28
headstrongStealth__: how can it go to there?16:28
Stealth__headstrong no, I googled it and  its a error with nautilus in sudo16:28
OxymoronHow do I access ext4 partitions from Windows 7?16:28
abstraktjuk, wtf? are you daft? how is that off topic?16:28
jukabstrakt: mind the language16:28
ZykoticK9Oxymoron, not possible at present (ext2/3 maybe)16:28
abstraktjuk, mind the stupidity16:28
juk!ot | abstrakt16:28
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abstraktomg... seriously?16:29
abstraktjuk, you don't speak english as a native language I guess16:29
juk!ot | abstrakt16:29
Stealth__headstrong, I will show you something16:29
* abstrakt stabs16:29
juk!topic | abstrakt16:29
ubottuabstrakt: Please read the channel topic whenever you enter, as it contains important information. To view it at any time after joining, simply type /topic16:29
headstrongmy utf-8 is ok, so, don't test it16:29
Stealth__headstrong http://ubuntu-virginia.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=134951416:30
Stealth__THATS MY PROBLEM16:30
abstraktjuk, have fun on your job search, peace16:30
RippleEffectHow can I install the Acrobat Reader?16:30
Stealth__sorry caps*16:30
ZykoticK9RippleEffect, add the partner repository i believe16:30
linux_hacksHow to fetch results page wise for any command in linux?16:30
OxymoronZykoticK9: Why not? :S I need it NOW16:30
bmhmHi, I need help with Bug #555408. I'd like to debug shotwell, and would like to have some assistance16:30
obunto:( I am having a problem with onBoard onscreen keyboard. When I click a letter, my cursor freezes over the letter and it types in roughly 5-10 of them instead of one. Can anyone help me with this? :(16:31
Stealth__ZykoticK9, look at this a minute for me, this is my problem http://ubuntu-virginia.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=134951416:31
ZykoticK9Stealth__, someone else can help you.  good luck.16:31
DarkSectorHello, I just installed a serial PCI and I don't know if its working. I checked output of lspci but there is no "serial" mention. I'd like to know if there is a way by which I can probe the serial card and see if it works. Oh btw I downloaded the serial monitor gxterm but I am not sure what and how to check if the serial is working.16:31
Stealth__Ok ZykoticK9 thanks anyway16:32
linux_hackshow to fetch the results of a command by page wise?16:32
linux_hackscould some one tell me pls16:32
Balsaqcan someone tell me how to remove the splash screen at log on16:32
ppqlinux_hacks, you mean the output in a terminal? pipe it to more16:32
rob_pStealth__: Do you remember the name of the file, or at least part of the name of it?16:32
Stealth__Slightly rob yeah16:33
krolitplease help me! Where download password list?16:33
ppqlinux_hacks, but piping it to less is cooler because you can scroll through the text16:33
ppqlinux_hacks, this is how it works: 'some-command | less'16:33
linux_hacksoh.. ls -a | less16:33
linux_hacksis taht rigt?16:33
Stealth__But rob_p when I search for files bigger than 2gb it comes up with nothing so I am not sure if the  name would help16:33
ppqlinux_hacks, yep16:33
linux_hacksthanks buddy.16:33
jukabstrakt, im 1516:34
DarkSectorBalsaq, startupmanager16:34
headstrongyou are so old16:34
xbonesxZykoticK9: Dont know if you wanted to know but i figured it out. I donwloaded a program called Gmountiso from the synaptic package manager, ran "gksu Gmount-iso" to allow root privileges, then i mount the iso to media/apt/, then i run "sudo apt-cdrom add", and there we go now the package manager recognize the aptoncd or the ubuntu installer iso, YAY lol16:34
abstraktjuk, ok that explains your idiotic behavior, you are excused16:34
juk!topic | abstrakt16:34
rob_pStealth__: If you can be fairly certain of at least part of the file name in question, as long as you search for a somewhat unique string, you should be able to locate it with the locate utility.16:34
abstraktlol, ok now you are no longer excused16:34
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juk!lol | abstrakt16:34
ubottuabstrakt: Please don't use "LOL" and "OMG" and so forth on a regular basis. This is IRC, not IM, and using those lines on their own is not required, and it is rather annoying to the rest of the people in the channel; thanks.16:34
abstraktomg @ juk, I bet no one likes you in school16:35
Stealth__rob_p got a suggestion for the string16:35
IdleOneabstrakt: drop the attitude please16:35
abstraktI bet you want to grow up and be a cop16:35
abstraktIdleOne, aight, tell juk to stop abusing the bot16:35
flix_hi all! I am a real linux newbie and i have some problems. Where i can get help? here or is there a support channel?16:35
DarkSectorjuk, "using those lines on their _own_ is not required" don't trigger the bot unnecessarily16:35
ppqflix_, just ask16:35
abstraktnot that I really need y'alls help in here... I can actually program... have fun with your channel16:36
DarkSectorflix_, is it a ubuntu related problem ?16:36
flix_yes, with a wireless card problem16:36
ppqflix_, this is the support channel16:36
flix_intel Pro/Wireless16:36
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linux_hackswhat should I do if I want to select only the respective columns from a command to be displayed in the terminal?16:36
DarkSectorflix_, if its a ubuntu question you can ask, and if someone knows they'll help16:36
jukDarkSector: how to deal with trolls16:36
DarkSectorjuk, ignore them16:36
ubunto:( I am having a problem with onBoard onscreen keyboard. When I click a letter, my cursor freezes over the letter and it types in roughly 5-10 of them instead of one. Can anyone help me with this? :(16:37
robisinhoto login I have to replug-in the keyboard before it will type. and then the same is true once Im logged in, again I first have to replug the keyboard. but I cant get the keyboard to work at all in gnome. any idea how to get gnome to work with the keyboard?16:37
jukDarkSector: thanks16:37
rob_pStealth__: In a terminal, type, "sudo updatedb" and once the database update finishes, you can do, "locate <string>" where <string> would be part of the filename and hopefully something fairly unique otherwise you will get lots of results back.16:37
DarkSectorjuk, if they persist, then call ops16:37
flix_ok, i cant install the driver for my Intel Pro/Wireless 3945 'cause the terminal gives me back some errors16:37
IdleOnejuk: you don't, if they persist you call the ops. Please don't use the !ops trigger without a good reason16:37
Stealth__Ok rob I will give it a shot16:37
linux_hackswhat should I do if I want to select only the respective columns from a command to be displayed in the terminal?16:37
blazersucka free nigga16:37
blazerwho wants der dick sucked?16:37
jukDarkSector, IdleOne : got it16:37
blazer3 bobs for a dolla16:37
LjLblazer: go away16:38
ubuntooh my god he's causing so much disruption how will we ever deal with this16:38
robisinholinux_hacks, foo | awk '{print $1}' -- for column 1, or $2 for column 2, etc16:38
ubuntothe world is ending16:38
elit3m1keblazer get off this and install windows 9516:38
Stealth__Oh and whilst I am here, I want someone to tell me if this would be possible without fucking windows 7 up. I want to delete all ubuntu partitions, and then resize my windows 7 one after deleting most of the crap off that. Would it work or would it screw up windows 7?16:38
flix_i already tried the ieee driver16:39
WageI'm trying to run the startup script for an older version of firefox from a launcher but can't get it to work, any idea why?16:39
linux_hackswhat is this foo?16:39
linux_hackson my box its saying unknown command16:39
IdleOneStealth__: use a live cd, run gparted, delete the ubuntu partition then resize. backups are ALWAYS good to have.16:39
llutzlinux_hacks: your command16:39
DarkSectorlinux_hacks, random name, not a command16:39
linux_hacksoh.. ok16:39
Stealth__IdleOne I am planning on doing this when I am getting my new external hDD16:39
linux_hacksi see what u mean16:39
DarkSectorlinux_hacks, comes in handy to explain stuff16:39
IdleOneStealth__: also please keep the language clean16:39
Stealth__I just do not want to mess up my windows 7 install at all16:40
DarkSectorHello, I just installed a serial PCI and I don't know if its working. I checked output of lspci but there is no "serial" mention. I'd like to know if there is a way by which I can probe the serial card and see if it works. Oh btw I downloaded the serial monitor gxterm but I am not sure what and how to check if the serial is working.16:40
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Stealth__So idleone, resizing a windows 7 partition should not damage it that much?16:40
robisinhoto login I have to replug-in the keyboard before it will type. and then the same is true once Im logged in, again I first have to replug the keyboard. but I cant get the keyboard to work at all in gnome. any idea how to get gnome to work with the keyboard?16:40
g0bl1nhi, is it possible to have video chat in Ubuntu, using Gmail ?16:41
FusionXare there Any good on screen keyboards for ubuntu that can substitute onboard? if so then link me plz!!!16:41
linux_hacksDark Sector -  what If I want to format like 'param1 --- param2 -- param3' ?16:41
IdleOneStealth__: there is always the chance it could. have a backup and your windows install cd just in case16:41
DarkSectorStealth__, boot to your windows 7, resize it and then make a seperate volume off the partitioned space, then install ubuntu16:41
DarkSectorlinux_hacks, eh ?16:41
jukg0bl1n: yes, empathy16:41
ppqrobisinho, is it a bluetooth keyboard?16:41
Stealth__IdleOne I am on a netbook so yeah, no CD drive16:41
ubunto:( I am having a problem with onBoard onscreen keyboard. When I click a letter, my cursor freezes over the letter and it types in roughly 5-10 of them instead of one. Can anyone help me with this? :(16:41
g0bl1njuk, have you tested with gmail accounts ?16:41
IdleOneStealth__: or whatever method windows uses on netbooks16:41
jukg0bl1n: yes, works16:41
robisinhoppq, no .. I have this weird problem since installing nouveau-firmware pacakage trying to get 3d to work16:41
DarkSectorStealth__, try a bootable usb drive, use unetbootin16:42
Stealth__lol idleone, they give you a windows 7 disk and if it messes up you are in trouble I suppose16:42
robisinhoppq now 3d still doesnt work, and the keyboard started not working either16:42
WageIs there a specific way to run a script from a launcher?16:42
ppqoh great16:42
flix_DarkSector i have an acer aspire 5610 with an Intel Pro/Wireless 3945 Wireless Card, but i cant use it, because i cant do it "ON"16:42
Stealth__I have a  ubuntu 10.04 one DarkSector16:42
DarkSectorStealth__, cloud ? ?16:42
g0bl1njuk ty, will test16:43
DarkSectorStealth__, I meant NICE !16:43
ppqWage, the command is 'sh script.sh'16:43
st__how to tell swap usage in console?16:44
Stealth__Hmm darksector?16:44
DarkSectorStealth__, you said you were using ubuntu one right ?16:44
ppqst__, free -m16:44
linux_hackswhat should I do if I want to format data from a command16:44
linux_hackslike below16:44
FusionXare there Any good on screen keyboards for ubuntu that can substitute onboard? if so then link me plz!!!16:44
linux_hacks ps -ef| awk '{print $1}' '---{print $2}'16:44
Stealth__Not really dark no, I have a account but never used it16:44
undecimst__: swapon -s16:44
Wageppq: that doesn't work either16:44
ppqWage, maybe your script wants to be run in a terminal?16:45
llutz<linux_hacks>  ps -ef| awk '{print $1" --- " $2}'16:45
ehcahwhich is better for your system, Hybernate or Suspend? I know one uses RAM and the other the HD. Which is best for HTPC usage?16:45
fisheye:( I am having a problem with onBoard onscreen keyboard. When I click a letter, my cursor freezes over the letter and it types in roughly 5-10 of them instead of one. Can anyone help me with this? :(16:45
linux_hackscool. .. works16:45
flix_how can i start my Intel Pro/Wireless 3945 in Ubuntu, i dont know how i can start it.16:45
Stealth__DarkSector, why?16:45
headstrongehcah: suspend to ram, it's the best16:45
DarkSectorStealth__, nevermind16:45
undecimehcah: I don't think either one is necessarily better. For HTPC I would use suspend tho. It will still use some electricity, but it will come back a lot faster16:45
Wageppq: it's just the startup script for firefox, the launcher works after firefox has already been ran once, any idea why?16:45
ppqehcah, a htpc should be available quickly so i'd use suspend-to-ram. but only if you use this htpc often. to save energy when you use it not so often, use suspend to disk16:46
undecimehcah: If you are leaving on vaction or something though, hibernate would be better for your utility bill.16:46
ehcahFor some reason, I figured use of RAM would be safer....16:46
llutzlinux_hacks: man awk or http://www.vectorsite.net/tsawk.html16:46
linux_hacksllutz: is there any way of doing this improving the performance of the command?16:46
maedoxlinux_hacks: add   | column -t and it will look even better :)16:46
linux_hacksoh.. let me try maedox16:46
ehcahProlongued power downs would be completely power off.16:46
ppqWage, no, sry. but why do you need a script to run firefox?16:47
headstrongehcah: the new suspend-to-ram can turn off the cpu and fans16:47
Wageppq: it's an older version16:47
flix_/home/flix/Downloads/ieee2/ieee80211_module.c:148: error: ‘struct net_device’ has no member named ‘hard_start_xmit’; any idea?16:47
linux_hacksllutz : ps -ef| awk '{print $1" --- " $2}'16:47
linux_hackscan u modify the command16:47
linux_hackswhere I can insert pipe -t16:47
maedoxps -ef| awk '{print $1" --- " $2}' | column     or    ps -ef| awk '{print $1" --- " $2}' | column -t16:47
ehcahheadstrong: It also seams to turn off USB. I wanted to use my handheld remote to turn it back on.  :(16:48
headstrongcan bash cures cancer?16:48
maedoxheadstrong: soon :D16:48
linux_hackswhat is the value of the column down there?16:48
llutzlinux_hacks:  ps -ef| awk '{print $1 "\t" $2}'16:49
headstrongehcah: no, the usb is powered16:49
linux_hacksoh.. ok16:49
linux_hacksgot it16:49
headstrongehcah: no, this is the s3 of new rigs16:49
ehcahDidn't come back up? IR light was not blinking when pressing the power button.16:49
headstrongehcah: your box is too old16:49
ehcahBrand new.16:50
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ehcahZotac mag-nd0116:50
cemcI have 10.04 desktop, with my own .xsession, from which firefox and metacity are started. how can I start firefox maximized?16:50
ehcahBios is set to Auto (S1 & S3)16:50
linux_hacksis there any other way improving the performance of command16:50
linux_hacksps -ef| awk '{print $1" \t--- \t" $2}'16:50
ehcahI made some changes in the ACPI files, maybe I did something wrong?16:50
doqis lighttpd + openssl recently broken for anyone else?16:50
headstrongehcah: maybe it's bios's acpi is too old16:50
robisinholinux_hacks, what are you doing?16:51
ehcahHeadstrong: Could be?16:51
headstrongehcah: the bios matters16:51
linux_hacksi am trying to log the amount of the time taken to process a command16:51
headstrongehcah: be careful to choose your mobo maker16:51
llutzlinux_hacks: in that special case, read "man ps"16:51
linux_hacksso in process of that I want to find out the performance hit by the ps and then awk cmd16:51
doq2010-09-26 08:51:59: (network.c.336) SSL: error:00000000:lib(0):func(0):reason(0)16:52
doqso descriptive!16:52
qingwuhi everyone16:52
VCooliocemc: are you using compiz?16:52
headstrongehcah: you seem use a asus mobo16:53
cemcVCoolio: no16:53
VCooliocemc: then try devilspie16:53
cemcoh, right. thanks16:53
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linux_hacksllutz: okie thank u16:53
* headstrong kicks linux_hacks to #bash16:54
FusionXare there Any good on screen keyboards for ubuntu that can substitute onboard? if so then link me plz!!!16:54
robisinholinux_hacks, Im sorry what do you mean? if you want to see cpu/time spent its going to be tiny..: time (ps -ef | awk '{print $1 $2}')16:54
ehcahheadstrong: not sure if it matters, but all of the "enabling" I did in /proc/acpi/wakeup are no longer enabled?16:54
VCooliocemc: example with firefox maximized on workspace 2 here http://foosel.org/linux/devilspie16:54
linux_hacksokie.. let me figure out16:54
ehcahheadstrong: I could be wrong, but I beleive USB2 and PWRB in my case should both be "enabled"?16:55
headstrongehcah: did you use 'echo' to enable them?16:55
bourbon`what is the url where you can vote on features and improvements for future releases ?16:55
BodsdaHi - I seem to have accidentally uninstalled a lot of packages... My system is in a semi-bootable state, I have to manually startx and dont seem to have half of my gnome desktop installed. When I reinstall apps like firefox, or anything else that I used to have, it goes straight to the 'selecting previously deselected package' section without downloading. This suggests to me that everything is on the system, just not installed. Has anyone got any ideas ho16:56
ehcahecho USB2 | sudo tee > /proc/acpi/wakeup16:56
linux_hacksrobisinho: thanks16:57
linux_hacksit works16:57
headstrongehcah: but they don't work cause of your asus bios's acpi '2.0'?16:57
ehcahOk. I would have thought the OS would have saved my config changes? Is that file dynamic, and based on BIOS?16:57
qingwui couldn't uninstall conky all16:58
headstrongehcah: i guess, it's bios. because my bios is ok16:58
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ehcahheadtrong: I'm to Zotac's site now...16:58
fisheye:( I am having a problem with onBoard onscreen keyboard. When I click a letter, my cursor freezes over the letter and it types in roughly 5-10 of them instead of one. Can anyone help me with this? :(16:58
headstrongehcah: maybe you can cure that by a bios upgrade16:58
headstrongehcah: maybe not16:59
* headstrong says: solid as ....17:00
qingwuwhen i uninstall conky,but after i reboot,it still exit17:00
qingwuHow to deal with my problem?17:01
headstrongi removed conky, it's just dead17:01
VCoolioqingwu: conky-all is a metapackage if I recall correctly; do 'apt-cache policy conky' to see if it still exists17:01
magnusoHi! I could use some assistance! :-) I have a Ubuntu Server 10.04 installation and today when i turned the computer on it did not boot... Is there some sort of recovery disc? Or repair console available?17:01
undecimmagnuso: At what point did it fail to boot?17:02
Bodsdamagnuso: depends what you mean by 'did not boot' - could you elaborate a bit?17:02
headstrongwithout X you mean?17:03
Bodsda!who > headstrong17:03
ubottuheadstrong, please see my private message17:03
magnusoWell.... It posts as normal, and there is some disk activity, but after a few seconds the marker appears in the top left corner of the screen and is just blinking... No console or any more disk activity...17:04
Bodsdamagnuso: does it get as far as GRUB?17:04
egunayAfter enabling ip_forward for ettercap and after a restart my wireless card couldn't connect to my network. I disabled it right away but still nothing. what possible causes there might be?17:04
magnusoHow do I know?17:04
Bodsdamagnuso: did you see the boot menu list?17:04
undecimmagnuso: Can you, during post, hold right shift until you see a menu?17:04
magnusoI´ll try! 5 secs17:05
Bodsdamagnuso: check your bios disk boot order, try switching it around. it sounds like it is trying to boot a device with no boot loader maybe17:05
Ibertechi have a acer 5940g with a backlit keyboard, the key combo to switch the light on and off is fn+f9, anybody know how to get power management to switch it on and off ?17:05
jukwhy drag and drop to awn isn't work?17:06
undecimjuk: Do you have DnD enabled in awn settings?17:07
magnusoWhen holding the right shift key during boot, "GRUB Loading" appears, then goes away and I´m back to the blinking marker.17:07
qingwusudo add-apt-repository ppa:norsetto/ppa    What't this mean?17:07
ehcahheadstrong: Is there a specific way I should be adding this:  /etc/rc.local: echo USB2 > /proc/acpi/wakeup17:07
undecimmagnuso: Looks like you will need a live CD for further diagnostics17:08
jukundecim: I can find where it is17:08
jukundecim: I can find DnD option17:08
undecimjuk: DnD = Drag 'n' Drop17:08
headstrongehcah: that won't work, iirc17:08
magnusoOK. I thought so..... Is that the standard Install CD? I have the server distro installed...17:08
jukundecim: sorry, not seeing DnD option17:08
undecimmagnuso: I don't think that the server install has the right setup...17:09
bootstrapSongbird does not display my .ogg files, anyone know why?17:09
VCoolioqingwu: it adds a repository; do apt-get update and you'll be able to install stuff it contains17:09
magnusoundecim: What does that mean?17:09
ehcahOk, so it's not about enabling that USB hub/port.17:09
magnusoundecim: Sorry for stupid questions! ;-)17:09
undecimmagnuso: I mean, I don't think the server install CD can be used as a live CD17:09
qingwuOh,I get it17:10
qingwuThank you17:10
magnusoundecim: Ahhh.... Any ideas on how to proceed then?17:10
undecimmagnuso: Lol, there are no stupid questions... my wording was a little ambigious17:10
headstrongundecim: i can get what you say17:10
Pooky5859guys i have proble, i try use some theme "emerald", i find some tutorial online and its work, bat when i wan't change it back to normal, it will change theme bat toolbar of window is still wrong17:10
ubottuemerald is an obsolete window decorator for compiz. It's unsupported and unmaintained, making issues with it very hard to diagnose and fix. There are no known, supported alternatives.17:10
rsrI have a macbook pro. I am not a programmer but would like to help the development of ubuntu on this hardware. How can I get involved?17:10
undecimmagnuso: Well, the right shift trick should have brought up a menu. If we can't get to that menu, we have no control over the boot process, so we need a linux live CD of some sort17:11
egunayAfter enabling ip_forward for ettercap and after a restart my wireless card couldn't connect to my network. I disabled it right away but still nothing. what possible causes there might be?17:11
meh3im trying to add a static ip using network manager but after i enter my password to authinticate it just sits there doing nothing on the authintiaction screen17:11
meh3anyone faced that before'17:11
meh3its a fresh install17:11
FloodBot1meh3: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.17:11
mrMaxi have problems with the Soundchip of my Notebook. It's "Realtek ALC861" chip built into an FTS Amilo Pa 1510 Notebook. I can't use the mic. of my Headset. I can't activate it. Are there any hints how I could the microphone get to work?17:11
magnusoundecim: OK! I have a gparted livecd lying around... Would that do the trick?17:12
Pooky5859well why some developer make theme with "emerald"?17:12
Pooky5859if it crash many times?17:12
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undecimmagnuso: I have no idea what utils are on the gparted CD other than GParted itself, but we should be able to run the boot info script from there.17:13
supercom32Does anyone know what version of Alsa is packed with ubuntu 10.10?17:13
VCoolioPooky5859: it's obsolete, not necessarily unusable; some still like it but it will get more difficult to use it over time17:13
xanguaPooky5859: it doesn't17:13
undecimmagnuso: Can you try that right shift thing again? just to be sure17:13
Agent001Does anyone ever encounter a random freeze problem on ubuntu when chatting?17:13
oDeskhello all17:13
Pooky5859well good to know, i'm beginer with ubuntu and i will use some else theme not emeral..17:14
Pooky5859thanks for help17:14
linux_hacksI am using Dell Inspiron laptop..17:14
undecimmagnuso: Because for grub to stop at that message and not give an error is odd.17:14
headstrongAgent001: maybe my new toy is too fast17:14
oDeskhow to open GUI application from the terminal and return separate the terminal session from following the GUI17:14
undecimoDesk: You mean you would like to be able to close the terminal without closing the GUI?17:15
TarantulafudgeoDesk, do you want a background process? myapp &17:15
timemachine3030What evn var does ubuntu store it tempdir in?17:15
Agent001you installed ubuntu on a brand new computer @ headstrong?17:15
oDeskundecim: yes, exactly17:15
magnusoundecim: I just did (just to be sure I wasn´t doing anything wrong) and now it worked! Where to go from here?17:15
undecimoDesk: run the app with "&" at the end. Like "gedit &"17:15
headstrongAgent001: it's younger than one month17:15
undecimmagnuso: Okay, press "e" to edit the first option17:15
VCooliooDesk: add &, but that will still give all the output; if you don't want that, use: command >/dev/null 2>&1 &17:15
mobasherhow do i setup the php to start parsing in apache? it's downloading the page which i created ?17:16
Agent001Did you built the computer yourself?17:16
headstrongAgent001: but ubuntu 10.04 can still support it without issues17:16
linux_4uLucid doesn't detect my wireless card in Dell Inspiron17:16
headstrongAgent001: sure17:16
linux_4uany suggestions?17:16
jason_caguys, when i use configure and make install does it complile my software for processor or just a simple install????17:16
undecimmagnuso: then move the cursor over and backspace out the "quiet" option from the line that begins "linux"17:16
oDeskundecim: perfect, thank you17:16
undecimmagnuso: And press ctrl+x to boot. This time, we should get some info on why the boot fails.17:17
VCooliojason_ca: it builds for your environment; did you consider checkinstall?17:17
qingwuI find it hard for to learn ubnut17:17
Agent001Cool, thanks for the inspiration to use ubuntu @ headstrong17:17
mrMaxi have problems with the Soundchip of my Notebook. It's "Realtek ALC861" chip built into an FTS Amilo Pa 1510 Notebook. I can't use the mic. of my Headset. I can't activate it. Are there any hints how I could the microphone get to work?17:17
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headstrongAgent001: eh????17:17
Monotokomobasher, have you installed PHP?17:17
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VCoolioqingwu: hang out here; read help.ubuntu.com; just use it and be happy17:17
Cojagehey, any good open source alternative to foobar?17:18
mobasherMonona=}} yea i did but apprently it's not setting up the modules17:18
magnuso undecim: Ok..... That was a lot of info!!!!! ;-) From the top, or what seems to be the most usefull?17:18
jason_caVCoolio yeah, I have this program installed, but never used. but it does same effect only for test, does it?17:18
Monotokomobasher: and have you restarted apache?17:18
undecimmagnuso: Whatver seems to be the most useful. Usually the last few lines are where the error appears17:18
mobasherMonona=}} yea many times17:18
qingwuYes,I am happy here,also when I use linux17:18
VCooliojason_ca: it installs as .deb so the package manager knows about it, can use it as dependency for something else, and is able to remove it17:19
Monotokomobasher, you installed php5 AND libapache2-mod-php5 ??17:19
mobasherMonona=}} i also added the add application in httpd.conf to load the php pages17:19
VCooliojason_ca: whereas make installs only puts the files in the right places17:19
Agent001lol@headstrong. It's funny how I need reasons to use ubuntu17:19
Monotokomobasher, if you install the lib you dont need to touch httpd.conf17:20
jason_caVcoolio, ok, thanks a lot. and is there a way for compiling right for processor, so that a prog just would run fast?17:20
mobasherMonona=}} libapache2-mod-php5 is already the newest version.17:20
jason_caVCoolio, ok, thanks a lot. and is there a way for compiling right for processor, so that a prog just would run fast?17:20
Monotokomobasher, it should be working then, have you rebooted your computer?17:21
VCooliojason_ca: 'make' should find out automatically what system it builds on; do you think it's not right?17:21
ikardoes Ubuntu 10.04.1 support usb 3.0?17:21
jason_caVCoolio, just was not sure :-) so it's same like in gentoo17:21
mobasherMonona=}} i just removed the http.conf lines which i added now i tried restarting and it's not starting up saying failed17:21
Misterkevster....Newby just sayin' "Hello".......17:22
qingwuHow could I change my name here?17:22
mobasherMonona=}} http://pastebin.com/g69nyGkH17:22
Monotokomobasher, "sudo apt-get remove --purge apache2 php5 libapache2-mod-php5"17:22
jukhow to remove gnome-panel17:22
VCoolioqingwu: /nick blah   but don t do that often, it's annoying17:22
jason_caVCoolio, thx so lot! :-)17:22
egunay1My wireless can't connect to my network after I enabled ip_forwarding and restarted the computer. I'm using ubuntu-netbook and my wireless card is rt2860sta. I used echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward17:23
VCooliojason_ca: no problem17:23
undecimjuk: You want to replace gnome-panel with awn?17:23
egunay1What possible reasons there might be?17:23
qingwuOk,only this time17:23
mobasherMonona=}} you want me to restart installing again ?17:23
jukundecim: yes17:23
Monotokomobasher, then follow this guide: http://www.howtoforge.com/ubuntu_lamp_for_newbies17:23
undecimjuk: http://blog.undecim.org/2010/06/replace-gnome-panel-with-avant-window-navigator-or-any-other-dock/17:23
Monotokomobasher, yes because it shouldn't be going wrong...alternatly you could try xammp which comes with it all17:24
mobasherMonona=}} k let me try it again and see what happens thanks :)17:24
rob_pegunay1: I don't have an answer as to why you can't connect to your wireless network, but enabling packet forwarding in the kernel has nothing to do with why you can't connect to your wireless network.17:24
Rickardo1Is it secure to setup an www upload dir to 777 or is there another way?17:24
Monotokomobasher, no worries...say "Monotoko" and itl ping at me if you need me again17:24
mobasherMonona=}} k thnks ;-)17:25
c3lwhen trying to connect to my microsoft exchange I get error. "Could not locate server . Make sure the server name is spelled correctly and try again.". this error only occurs when the address, usernamen and passwd is correct, if not I get another error message, so I know its correct. how do I fix this?17:25
egunay1rob_p: as this problem happened right after I did that i thought maybe ip_forward was the problem17:25
magnusoundecim: I (by error) rebooted the machine before I wrote down what it said and now I cannot reproduce the info. When editing out "quiet" and pressing crtl-x it just starts with the blinking marker again... But the firt line read something about kernel panic, and towards the bottom there was references to IRQ-addresses....17:25
endhiranis there any program which is similar to adobe pagemaker 7.0 in ubuntu17:25
st__endhiran, scribus lol17:25
zey_How to download the movies in 19.04?17:25
UtopiaSee you next time,guys!17:26
joesinwould someone be willing to assist me with some  freenx questions please?17:26
rob_pegunay1: To prove it, reboot and see if you still have trouble.  Your enabling of ip forwarding is not persistant unless you modified sysctl.conf (I think that's the name of it).17:26
undecimmagnuso: Sounds like it might be caused by hardware17:26
hsrI'm on irssi now, is there any GUI for it?17:26
rob_pegunay1: You must have done something else though.17:26
undecimmagnuso: What did it say about the IRQ addresses?17:26
egunay1rob_p: i can see my wireless card everything but when i click on wireless network it tries to connect but nothing17:27
magnusoundecim: Ok...? I havent installed any new hardware since the original installation.17:27
ppqhsr, when you need a gui, irssi probably isn't the right client for you17:27
magnusoundecim: Didn´t quite catch that about the addresses... I keep trying to get the info back17:27
rob_pegunay1: Can you see your wireless network?17:27
egunay1rob_p: yes , and all other networks too.17:28
egunay1rob_p: unfortunately there is no unencrypted network to test17:28
endhiranwhich has more performance 46 or 32 bit ubuntu 10.0417:29
undecimmagnuso: have you changed any BIOS settings?17:29
ppq!piracy | zey_17:29
ubottuzey_: piracy discussion and other questionably legal practices are not welcome in the Ubuntu channels. Please take this discussion elsewhere or abstain from it altogether. This includes linking to pirated software, music, and video. Also see !guidelines and !o4o17:29
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rob_pegunay1: Well, I don't know what to tell you.  I haven't played with wireless under Linux in a long time.  Once you were able to see the wireless network interface and then the wireless network, all was golden.  But I'm not familliar with the tools of the day.17:29
egunay1rob_p: thanks anyway! :)17:30
mobasherMonona=}} when i purged the package it didn't remove the configurations ? is that normal ?17:30
magnusoundecim: yes.... FSB and memory voltage... Changing them back was the first i tried with no luck17:30
rob_pegunay1: Anyway, I didn't want you to go spining your wheels on the wrong path.  Good luck though.17:30
joesini am trying to learn more about ssh, vpn and such, and cannot get x11 forwarded...17:31
undecimmagnuso: Perhaps reset your entire BIOS back to factory?17:31
joesinif anyone could help it would be greatly appreciated.17:31
st__zey_, try azureus17:31
boo_boois there just virualbox-ose, i wanted to acces my usb ports ?17:31
endhiranundecim:when i give slide transition the effect"wheel clockwise, 8 spokes " on presenting it is very slow why?17:31
egunay1rob_p: indeed, at least now i can stop trying to disable ip_forward17:31
magnusoundecim: Ok. Is there anything related to the Ubuntu installation that I need to change back after resetting the BIOS?17:32
mobasherMonona=}} dpkg - warning: while removing libapache2-mod-php5, directory `/etc/php5/apache2' not empty so not removed.17:32
undecimmagnuso: Shouldn't be anything17:32
joesinboo_boo: there is you can access usb from directly17:32
undecimendhiran: Do you have your video drivers installed? It may be too much for the CPU to handle that itself.17:32
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joesinboo_boo.... but you have to pay...17:32
mneimnedoes the live cd come with a http and mysql server in 10.04??17:32
joesincheap workaround is placing usb in the host, sharing it out, and grabbing the data from there17:33
joesinwhy do you need usb directly connected to vp?17:33
rob_pegunay1: You can see the status of that parameter by doing, "cat /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward" in a terminal.  If it returns, "0", it's disabled.  If it returns, "1", it's enabled.17:33
boo_boojoesin: i want to access a wifi card17:33
joesincan anyone even see what I am typing17:33
joesinthe usb is the wifi card?17:34
st__joesin, +17:34
mneimnedo ubuntu desktop edition come with http server?17:34
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boo_booyes joesin17:34
joesintheres gotta be another trick...17:34
st__mneimne, of course not17:34
undecimmneimne: You can install http server on ubuntu desktop17:34
maedoxmneimne: no, but you can start a very simple one with python. No MySQL included.17:34
bcurrendoes ubuntu log when the server ip address is updated? if so, what log would it be in?17:34
joesini might be really clever...17:34
joesinnot sure yet...17:34
magnusoundecim: OK!! :-) Fantastic! I´m back online! :-) Wonder what set it off?! But thank you very much for the assistance!17:35
mneimnemaedox, i want apache+mysql are they found in the repos?17:35
undecimmagnuso: No problem17:35
joesinso lets say you set up to proxy to the ip provided by the usb nic on the host...17:35
joesinbrige the network17:35
maedoxmneimne: yes they are in the repos17:35
LicuadoraIf i upgrade from 10.04 to 10.10 bte, will i`ll be ablo to upgrade to final version without a problem?17:35
joesinis that a good idea to those who know more then me?17:35
boo_booyeah joesin17:36
LicuadoraI mean, no kernel problems or something like thta?17:36
joesinso in my little mind, this is how I think it should work17:36
joesinoh... and I was wrong17:36
jukundecim: thanks17:36
joesinyou actually want net, so you get a similar ip as your host17:36
maedoxLicuadora: normally beta to final will go by without issues. It's normally done seamlessly without intervention.17:37
joesini meant NAT*17:37
mneimnewhats the life time of each ubuntu version?17:37
endhiranundecim:yes my graphics card memory is 128 mb and processor is amd 64 athlon with speed 1.80 Mhz. is it suitabe?17:37
joesinto you get you ip through dns17:37
boo_boono joesin just access through usb not from host like independent VM17:37
undecimendhiran: Should be. Maybe you just have the animation speed set to slow?17:37
joesinno, thats not what I mean, and i dont think if I get your meant would work..17:38
WXZwhere is the information for gnome panels stored?17:38
joesinthis is what I am saying...17:38
WXZso that I don't have to redo everything manually when I reinstall17:38
joesinso your host has a nic and its own ip17:38
maedoxmneimne: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases17:38
undecimendhiran: Try turning off desktop effects (System -> Preferences -> Appearance; Visual Effects tab)17:38
joesinconfig usb to be on the same network.17:38
joesinso now you have two nics on the same box..17:38
joesindifferent ips,17:38
boo_boooh i see like bridge wlan0 to host17:39
tle_I'm having an issue with amd64-mingw32mscv-gcc It keeps telling me that it can't find -lgcc Does anyone know a fix for this?17:39
undecimendhiran: I've found that desktop effects slow down some apps like GIMP and inkscape. Seems like the transitions would have a similar problem.17:39
joesinthen on the vm, you should get a nat IP17:39
joesinbut that with hit the wired network17:39
maedoxWXZ: in you home folder under .gnome2, .config, .gconf17:39
boo_booyeah ill give that ago17:39
WXZunder 3 diff. folders?17:39
joesinproxy to the ip of your usb, and thats your new gateway17:39
joesinyea, but dont bridge...17:40
WXZI just need the locations of the panel apps :s17:40
endhiranundecim:no didn't give any effects to desktop17:40
joesinyou will get a 10 ip intead of your nat 19217:40
joesintry it, let me know how that works out17:40
zey_i can't install ubutu 10.04 in gateway notebook.17:40
undecimendhiran: You have it set to "none" already?17:40
qingwhere is people?17:40
joesincan someone help me with free nx over ssh ?17:40
maedoxWXZ: I'm not exactly sure which one you need from those. All settings are stored in your home folder, so backing that up saves you a lot of config after reinstall if that's what you're after.17:40
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joesinactually its just about the ppa thing17:41
joesindont really get that yet17:41
zey_8.04 was okay, i can't upgrage to 10.04.17:41
maedox!hi | qing17:41
ubottuqing: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!17:41
WXZmaedox: thanks, I guess I'll do some manual searching through those couple of folders17:41
HSR!hi | hsr17:41
joesinok.... my impatience is forcing me to find another room17:41
ubottuHSR, please see my private message17:41
joesinhope that helped bo17:41
boo_boothanks joesin17:42
undecimendhiran: I have no idea then.17:42
qinge  what are you from?17:42
joesinany suggestions on an irc that can help with my deal?17:42
wbmjnickserv identify r1l9p9n3m17:42
joesinno worried man17:42
maedoxjoesin: I can probably help you. I'm using nx myself.17:42
qingI'm chinese17:42
jukundecim: how to remove now icon from launcher17:42
joesinmaedox: awesome man17:42
ramuhi, my headphones doesnt work. sound comes from laptop speakers. help me17:42
WebuHello, has anyone got experience on diskless Ubuntu setup? I've got mine running but "lsmod" shows just a few modules loaded.17:43
undecimjuk: From awn? Just drag it off the bar, or delete it from the settings menu17:43
joesinmaedox: so I tried to get this going once before, and I could connect, get dsa, but x11 never forwarded17:43
BluesKajramu, open alsamixer , make sure line out ctrl is turned up and unmuted17:43
qingHere is the Chinese?17:43
ifer001@seek gathering storm17:44
joesinmaedox: dbaned this morning to start from scratch17:44
WebuSound doesn't work for example and I can't even access a FAT USB stick.17:44
joesinI had help the first time, but that fool was wicked from cli, and I could hardly keep up17:44
tle_I'm having an issue with amd64-mingw32mscv-gcc It keeps telling me that it can't find -lgcc Does anyone know a fix for this?17:44
joesinmaedox: i have ssh installed and tested successfully.17:44
joesinmaedox: very new to linux... how do I set up the apt get ppa thing17:45
ramui have opened alsamixer, how to ckeck lineout control there?17:45
maedoxjoesin: You're using 10.04 ?17:45
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jbrouhardis 10.10 due out October 12th ?  just curious so i can get a release party sorted here.17:46
joesinmaedox: the way dude at work get the package was bu adding a source to my apt get list...17:46
xanguajbrouhard: 10-10-1017:46
joesinmaedox: I dont even know how to do that...17:46
maedoxjoesin: « add-apt-repository ppa:freenx-team/ppa » and then « apt-get update »17:46
jbrouhardAh.. thanks xangua17:46
joesinspent 20 mins on google and read 6 differnt things.17:47
jukundecim: nevermind i just left main menu17:47
headstrong10.10 means october of 201017:47
maedoxjoesin: you need sudo in front of those commands too17:47
joesincool man...17:47
headstrongand it's a bad day17:47
ramui have opened alsamixer, how to ckeck lineout control there?17:47
joesinmaedox: but just to make sure I understand what I am doing and not just copy pasta...17:47
ramui have opened alsamixer, how to check lineout control there?17:47
Alek101010 = 42 :P17:47
BluesKajramu, use the arrow keys to navigate and the M key to mue or unmute17:47
alainghi i have a web server setup on an ubuntu 10.04 server edition machine. I am trying to access a page from anotermachine on my network but it does not response. My server is connected to the net but it cannot ping the router that its going through to get to the internet17:48
joesinmaedox: the apt-repository is all the trusted sources for download packages... correct?17:48
BluesKaj!pm | ramu17:48
ubotturamu: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.17:48
ramuok, thanks17:48
headstrongramu: use the 'pulseaudio volume control'17:48
maedoxjoesin: Alright. the add-apt-repository command adds the FreeNX-team repo to your installation. That means you can install packages which they have compiled for you.17:48
headstrongramu: install it if it's not in your menu17:48
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maedoxjoesin: It will automatically fetch the correct keys to verify the packages.17:49
ramuok thank you17:49
joesinmaedox: and why the update?17:49
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maedoxjoesin: to download the information file from the new repository, so that your package manager will know which packages are available.17:51
DempfMy emoticons in empathy are huuuge right now. Anyone know how to change the size?17:51
joesinmaedox: alright... I just found what I think is the location because I wanted to take a look at how the file is laid out... went here but could not open17:52
st__lol that forced release date looks like commie stuff17:52
WebuWhat could be wrong if most of the regular modules don't load on a diskless Ubuntu 10.04 setup?17:52
joesinmaedox: sorry about all this extra stuff... I am trying to get a better understanding, not just copy paste commands17:53
joesinmaedox: and thank you for your patience17:53
mikebotDoes anyone know how to make a program that runs in a terminal and can be controlled with the keyboard?17:53
joesinmaedox: not looking to be spoon fed either... :)17:53
maedoxjoesin: no problem. It's better to understand what you're doing. ;)17:53
mobasherchromey=}} test returned :)17:54
joesinmaedox: is /ect/apt/sources.list the location of the file that lists all repositories?17:54
willinjahi anyone know how to use powertop ?17:54
chromeythis is cool17:55
joesinmaedox: ooh just think I found a link that answers that... brb gotta read17:55
chromey(I've just installed 10.04)17:55
willinjachromey, same here :D17:55
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redbeansme too17:55
maedoxjoesin: yes, but when you use add-apt-repository it will create separate files for the repos in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/17:55
redbeanslovin it17:55
mobasherchromey=}} lol...buddy u're testing like 1300 people here lol17:55
willinjafor my case is reinstalling17:55
chromeyhaven't played with ubuntu for ages17:55
chromeythis is awesome17:55
alainghow can my machien be connected to the net trhough a router but it cannot ping it?17:55
mikebotDoes anyone know how to make a program that runs in a terminal and can be controlled with the keyboard?17:55
chromeyuser interface is nice17:56
mobasherchromey=}} what r u using ? kde or gnome ?17:56
chromeydefault install17:56
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chromeyand everything works straight away17:56
claukulasHi has anybody experienced this error? "The configuration defaults for gnome-power-manager have not been loaded. Please contact your administrator."17:56
chromeymikebot: what do you mean?17:56
claukulasand unable to log in to gnome?17:56
chromeyclaukulas: is this the first time you got the error?17:57
joesinmaedox: let me get server installed and play for a bit... thank you again... and if I fail and you are around I might hit you up again if that is okay17:57
claukulaschromey: yes this is the first time17:57
maedoxjoesin: Alright. yes, sure, do that.17:57
uLinuxI have this script (which worked before) but now it doesn't... http://pastebin.com/bsLyTXhB17:57
Guest32469I dear ubuntu friends17:57
mikebotchromey: So, I have three radio stations that I like, and I run them through vlc (they stream online from m3us or soemthing), and I want to make something that I can control with the arrow keys to change between them17:57
chromeyclaukulas: have you made any changes recently?17:58
claukulaschromey: no i didn't17:58
Guest32469devd[396]: BUS= will be removed in a future udev version, please use SUBSYSTEM= to match the event device, or SUBSYSTEMS= to match a parent device, in /lib/udev/rules.d/40-alsa-firmware-loaders.rules:917:58
willinjahow to make my linux laptop last longger on single charge?17:58
mikebotSorry, cvlc17:58
uLinuxCan someone help me with script > http://pastebin.com/bsLyTXhB ? tks17:58
claukulasif i remember it right, I was just able to log in earlier.17:58
chromeyclaukulas: can't think anything on top of my head, maybe restart computer?17:58
Guest32469I got this when I look to the boot.log17:58
claukulasyeah.. done that several times already.17:58
chromeymikebot: whoa that is so advanced, I'm a newbie :)17:59
mikebotchromey: Haha OK, thanks17:59
claukulassearched google already but can't find any possible fix for this.17:59
ehcahheadstrong: If you are still there... my BIOS has ACPI Version Featurs; V1.0, V2.0 and V3.0. By default, it is V1.0?18:00
headstrongehcah: i don't know18:01
Patrunjelhi everywone18:01
willinjahi Patrunjel18:01
mobasherclaukulas=}} http://www.absolutelytech.com/2010/04/13/solved-unable-to-boot-due-to-gnome-power-manager-error/18:01
xbonesxDoes anyone have the nvidia 8600m gt?18:01
ehcahok. I'm still reading from "The Google" LOL18:01
claukulasmobasher.. thanks dude.18:01
claukulaswill try that one out18:01
Patrunjeldoes anywone codes on "Topcoder" ?18:01
mobasherclaukulas=}} np18:01
=== JimmyJ|zz is now known as JimmyJ
headstrongxbonesx: if its fps is less than 16000 in glxgears, nobody will care18:03
Ryen!ot | Patrunjel18:03
ubottuPatrunjel: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!18:03
xbonesxheadstrong: huh?18:03
Patrunjelsorry :)18:03
Avohello all! So I've got this 2008 iMac that I'd like to dualboot with linux.. I have no technical problems with setting that up, but I remember hearing somewhere that Linux can't manage the Mac SMC properly and that can damage the processor/other stuff.. Is this true or what? Thanks!18:03
xbonesxheadstrong: its a 256mb video card for a laptop...18:04
xbonesxheadstrong: nothing special18:04
knightragemy hd is failing :(18:04
headstrongxbonesx: another junk i guess18:04
xbonesxheadstrong: not going to argue that... was just curious if anyone else had that card18:04
uLinuxCan someone help me with script > http://pastebin.com/bsLyTXhB ? tks18:05
headstrongknightrage: my ubuntu is using a usbkey, no hdd is working. no noise18:05
Ryen!ot | uLinux18:05
ubottuuLinux: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!18:06
uLinuxRyen: im banned from there18:06
headstrongRyen: where?18:06
AbhiJithow to get the !info about which is latest kernel in ubuntu from ubottu?18:08
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xbonesxI have a prompt for a broadcom STA wireless driver, here's a pic "http://img827.imageshack.us/img827/8937/screenshothardwaredrive.png" i have already installed drivers via ndiswrapper cuz i didnt know that this existed til now, should i install these rather than the ndiswrapper way?18:08
AbhiJithow to get the !info about which is latest kernel in ubuntu from ubottu?18:09
ubuntu_madProblem installing NVIDIA drivers http://pastebin.com/8z4EhAzK18:10
willinjaAbhiJit, sent msg !info to ubottu i think it will sent back the invo do u lookin for18:10
RyenAbhiJit: http://www.linux.org/news/2010/09/24/0002.html18:10
Dulakxbonesx: does your wireless work right now?18:10
AbhiJitRyen, its the latest kernel. i dont want that . i want the latest kernel 'in' ubuntu18:10
xbonesxDulak: well yes because i followed tutorials to get it too work but i was wondering since ubuntu to is recommending this sta driver in the hardware drivers if i should use that one instead?18:11
Dulak2.6.32 is the latest kernel in 10.04 stable18:11
Dulakxbonesx: don't fix what isn't broke18:12
AbhiJitthere is #ubuntu-kernel18:12
AbhiJitchannel and no one told me about that18:12
xangua!info linux | AbhiJit18:12
ubottuAbhiJit: linux (source: linux-meta): Generic complete Linux kernel.. In component main, is optional. Version (lucid), package size 3 kB, installed size 32 kB (Only available for i386 amd64 lpia all armel)18:12
AbhiJitxangua, hmm18:13
boo_booanyone use tor with ubuntu ? i cant find it18:14
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llutzboo_boo: torproject.org has a repo18:14
xbonesxDulak: true that but if those drivers work and all i had to do was click activate, then it would be an easier route to getting it too work18:15
boo_boook ill look that up thanks llutz18:15
Dulakxbonesx: but it does work18:15
xbonesxDulak: the current way i have it setup yes... but if i ever reinstall was just wondering if that driver worked, not a big deal lol18:16
Dulakxbonesx: when that time comes try the other driver, but till then leave it alone, imo18:17
=== AbhiJit is now known as Guest30026
rodemire!info linux18:17
ubottulinux (source: linux-meta): Generic complete Linux kernel.. In component main, is optional. Version (lucid), package size 3 kB, installed size 32 kB (Only available for i386 amd64 lpia all armel)18:17
=== AbhiJit_ is now known as AbhiJit
bourbon`how would i reinstall ubuntu-desktop, don't want to restore it to defaults, i want a entire reinstall.  removing ubuntu-desktop, does not remove the GUI, or the guts18:18
bourbon`and keep /home intact18:18
xbonesxDulak: for sure, im about to install linux on a desktop but when i boot ubuntu it doesnt give me any display???18:18
xbonesxis there a way to install a driver for the video card so that i can see the live cd so i can do an install?18:18
xanguabourbon`: if you want an entir reinstall, then do it with the cd/dvd......18:18
Dulakbourbon`: ubuntu-desktop is a meta package, it won't do a reinstall like you want, you'll have to do it manually18:18
Ryenmsg ubottu !scripts18:19
bourbon`how might one do it manually other than the cd ?18:19
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bourbon`google is no help for doing it manually18:21
chris062689I'm having a bit of trouble guys.18:21
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chris062689I need to create a Windows 7 Install USB from within Kubuntu.18:21
jrib!away > Greyscale18:21
ubottuGreyscale, please see my private message18:21
chris062689Google results bring back ways to create a live linux usb, but I need to create an install usb for windows.18:21
AbhiJitchris062689, i dont think you can install windows in usb pen drive18:21
AbhiJit!windows | chris06268918:21
ubottuchris062689: For discussion on Microsoft software, or help with same, please visit ##windows. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and /msg ubottu equivalents18:21
chris062689sure you can Abhijt18:22
chris062689I need to install Windows through Linux.18:22
AbhiJitbut I will not! :P18:22
chris062689well, create a USB install of Windows through Linux.18:22
chris062689People over at #windows won't know how to do that.18:22
chris062689That's why I'm asking here.18:22
xanguachris062689: that has nothing to do with ubuntu18:22
chris062689Couldn't I Just dd the iso?18:22
fdorneris there a way to get all git- commands. I can only type git add, but not git-add..18:23
AbhiJitchris062689, call to microsoft call center18:23
chris062689xangua, I'm trying to create a Windows USB Install from a Ubuntu distro.18:23
chris062689I don't think you understand, I'm trying to do this within Ubuntu.18:23
chris062689Calling MIcrosoft wouldn't help.18:23
joesinmaedox: got it sir... you are the man... thank you...18:23
xanguachris062689: so if you were to create it witu debian, arch, etc, then would be X's distro¿¿18:24
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chris062689I'm using Ubuntu to attempt to create a Windows USB!18:24
xanguachris062689: i am sure calling them will18:24
xbonesxdoes anyone know why when i run ubuntu live cd on a computer with a nvidia geforce 6150 le, that it doesnt show anything on the screen, but i can tell that ubuntu has loaded cuz i can press (ctrl+alt+delete) and then enter twice and it will shut the computer down18:25
chris062689xangua, I don't have a CD / DVD drive, the only OS I have installed is Ubuntu.18:25
chris062689Calling them and asking them how to create a USB install from a Linux distribution, they're not going to know how to do that.18:25
chris062689That's why I came here for help.18:25
headstrongmaybe you can install windows on a u3 usbkey18:26
AbhiJitchris062689, http://philliptweedie.wordpress.com/2009/05/13/getting-windows-7-rc-on-a-usb-stick-from-ubuntu/18:26
chris062689headstrong: I'm not trying to install it ONTO a USB, I'm simply trying to run the installer through USB18:26
rafaelsoaresbrchris062689: use a windows machine. there's a HP Utility for it.18:27
headstrongchris062689: i see, there is an windows app can make it18:27
chris062689I do not have a windows machine available, otherwise I"d use that.18:27
xanguachris062689: http://store.microsoft.com/microsoft/Windows-7-for-netbooks/product/8577EB7918:28
cellardoorguys, how can I see what is coming in on a port using terminal only? so if I wanted to see what raw data was coming through /dev/ttySC2?18:28
headstrongchris062689: you can make install usbkeys, whatever it's windows,linux,bad...18:28
chris062689headstrong, what!?18:28
chris062689what are you even saying!? -_-18:28
xanguawhy do people over the time, try to get help for windows onlye because the use ubuntu/linux/etc...'¿¿18:28
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rafaelsoaresbrchris062689: so, try ubuntu's USB Creator, under System -> Administration -> USB ...18:28
AbhiJitchris062689, i h a v e g i v e n y o u a l i n k18:29
headstrongthe ubuntu's usb creator never works for me18:29
geirhaxangua: Probably because ubuntu support is better than windows support ;)18:29
chris062689Abhijt, that's not going to work, I already tried doing that18:29
chris062689I think if I dd the file, that might work.18:29
st__xangua, because most windows users are pirates18:30
llutzcellardoor: while head -c 1 /dev/ttySC2;do : done18:30
aeon-ltdchris062689: not, sure but you could try to use unetbootin and force to use the windows iso18:30
dnivrahello. is there any software similar to copywhiz(formerly piky basket) of windows? http://www.conceptworld.com/Copywhiz.18:30
kaspirI'm having some problems with my display. Window borders are transparent and some window backgrounds are a yellow green color display no text. Some1 help please18:30
rafaelsoaresbrchris062689: grub2 can boot from CD iso images :)18:30
cellardoorllutz, it just gave me a '>'18:30
chris062689what rafelsoaresbr?18:31
headstrongrafaelsoaresbr: in theory18:31
chris062689hmm.. that probably wouldn't work, because i Need to do an image restore.18:31
xanguakaspir: install your video driver¿18:31
chris062689Should have went with clonezilla T_T18:31
charnelhi I am only using Linux in my Netbook but I have to make a BIOS  update for MSI u120 the problem is how all the files are exe ?18:31
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st__dnivra, you don't need it18:31
llutzcellardoor: may i pm you?18:31
rafaelsoaresbr!grub2 | chris06268918:31
ubottuchris062689: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since Ubuntu 9.10.  For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub218:31
cellardoorllutz, sure18:32
charnelbecause its a bios update the idea to do it via Wine is scary :)18:32
kaspirxangua: I went to the hardware devices and enabled it, rebooted, and it fixed it, but made everything else fuzzy with lots of lines in it18:32
dnivrast__, I've felt a need for it. say copying multiple files from different locations to the same location. not just that say I've selected some 10 out of some 100 files in a folder and accidently click somewhere, all my selections are gone. I get irritated when that happens. so was wondering if something like that existed.18:33
zeratulhi does anyone know a channel that can help me with audio hardware?18:33
xbonesxdoes anyone know how to get a display when running the live cd with a computer that has the nvidia geforce 6150 le display driver, i get no screen at all when i boot...18:34
AbhiJitzeratul, ##hardware18:34
aeon-ltdzeratul: depends if it software related, then here if your running windows18:34
xbonesxtrying to run the live cd....18:34
zeratulwell my sound just goes mute after my speakers get interfered.18:34
zeratullike with a cell phone and what not18:35
zeratulis there a program I can download?18:35
LordDragonhey all18:35
zeratulTo fix that problem?18:35
mbrochhhow can i downgrade wine to 1.1.17 on ubuntu 10?18:35
AbhiJit!sound | zeratul18:35
ubottuzeratul: If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.18:35
BusinessGuhi,sorry, total noob here. how do you repair a software package?18:35
LordDragonanyone know what the equivalent add-apt-respository command is for this?18:35
LordDragondeb http://ppa.launchpad.net/michael-lamothe/ubuntu gutsy main18:35
LordDragondeb-src http://ppa.launchpad.net/michael-lamothe/ubuntu gutsy main18:35
AbhiJitmbrochh, just remove current wine and install the old one18:35
BusinessGuflash doesn't work for me, but i can't install it from software center, because it says I must repair it?18:35
LordDragonthe deb command doesnt seem to work18:35
JohnHeikkilaBusinessGu: sudo apt-get install --reinstall (package name)18:36
jribLordDragon: are you using gutsy?18:36
mbrochhAbhiJit, how do i install the old one?18:36
JohnHeikkilaBusinessGu: no, "sudo apt-get install -f"18:36
BusinessGuJohn, can you be more specific, total total noob here18:36
LordDragonjrib, no18:36
mbrochhAbhiJit, with apt-get install wine1.1.17 ?18:36
AbhiJitmbrochh, take the source or deb from wine web site18:36
kaspirCan somebody please help me with my display. The window borders are transparent and some window backgrounds are a yellow green and it doesn't display any text18:36
JohnHeikkilaBusinessGu: Ohh, open console first18:36
Akashaahi, could someone help me having xvidcap record audio under lucid lynx? or some other screenshot making app?18:36
jribLordDragon: what version of ubuntu are you using?18:36
LordDragonjrib, lucid18:36
AbhiJitmbrochh, thats right but just correct the syntax for wine1.1.17 or wine-1.1.17 etcc18:36
BusinessGugot it18:36
BusinessGuopen console and type the command?18:36
JohnHeikkilaBusinessGu: (Applications-->Accessories-->Terminal)18:36
JohnHeikkilaBusinessGu: Yes18:36
JohnHeikkilaBusinessGu: Do "sudo apt-get install -f"18:37
AbhiJitctr alt t brings the terminal in ubuntu18:37
JohnHeikkilaAbhiJit: Not if you have openbox as the window manager18:37
kaspirOr can somebody give me a channel that is dedicated to display18:37
AbhiJitJohnHeikkila, :(18:37
AbhiJitkaspir, ##hardware18:37
BusinessGudpkg was interrupted, you must maunally r8j 'sudo dpkg --configure -a" to correct the problem18:37
BusinessGushould i go ahead and puinch that in?18:37
jribLordDragon: why do you want this repository?18:38
BusinessGumanually run *18:38
JohnHeikkilaBusinessGu: Okay.18:38
JohnHeikkilaBusinessGu: Yes, you should18:38
xanguaLordDragon: make sure then the repository you want to ise if for LUCID18:38
ubottuopenbox is a lightweight window manager. For instructions and more information see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Openbox18:38
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LordDragonjrib, it contains the package for "me tv"18:38
BusinessGuso what now, it is done ;)18:39
kaspir#hardware requires an inventation is there anything18:39
jribLordDragon: https://launchpad.net/~me-tv-development/+archive/ppa is likely what you want.18:39
JohnHeikkilaBusinessGu: You should be able to use the programs as usual18:39
mbrochhAbhiJit, could it be that there are no deb packages for ubuntu 10 for older wine versions?18:39
mbrochhi can't find any on their website18:39
AbhiJitmbrochh, yah may be18:39
AbhiJitmbrochh, ask in #winehq18:39
mbrochhthank you18:39
LordDragonjrib, im looking there but dont see any installers. just source18:41
JohnHeikkilaBusinessGu: Does it work?18:41
jribLordDragon: huh?  did you enable the ppa?18:41
LordDragonjrib, i see it now18:42
kaspirsomebody help me with my display please18:42
BusinessGunope. I tried to install from the Software center again. This is the error:Package Operation Failed :I wasn't able to locate a file for the gcc-4.4package. This might mean you need to manually fix this package. (due to missing arch)18:43
RickXI am newly back to opensuse. Can someone tell me how I can get icons in Dolphin and Konqueror to show a preview of the media files?18:43
antivirtelhello all18:43
LordDragonjrib, i installed it but it says it cant find a dvb device. though supposedly my tuner supports that18:43
RickXoops.. wrong channel18:43
xbonesxhaving trouble booting a live usb from a computer with a nvidia geforce 6150 le video card? help please18:43
jribLordDragon: I know nothing about me-tv, try #me-tv maybe18:43
xanguaRickX: this is #ubuntu......18:43
joesinhello again... new question... how do I set a program to always launch as root... password still required...18:43
JohnHeikkilaBusinessGu: Which distribution of ubuntu are you using? 10.10 (maverick)? 10.04 (lucid)?18:43
aeon-ltdxbonesx: check the connections between the graphics card and monitor18:44
Stealth__Hey people, I want to format every linux partition and install a new one. my question is will the followin work. Deleting Sda4 and everything below it, and second of all, will it hurt my windows 7?18:44
joesinif anyone has a moment18:44
LordDragonjrib, how do i make sure my usb device is properly recognized by ubuntu?18:44
Stealth__Thats the picture of my partitions18:44
JohnHeikkilajoesin: If you have a launcher or a link, put "gksu" in front of the command18:44
xbonesxaeon-ltd: they're good, i can boot the hdd18:44
RickXxangua: yeah, I caught that too late. I need to edit my autologin.18:44
jribLordDragon: I don't know18:44
MashPotatoStealth__: use gparted instead18:44
x0rsDoes anyone know where to find the "Sessions" options? It seems they removed it from the System > Preferences menu18:44
aeon-ltdxbonesx: between the gpu and monitor18:44
xanderjoesin create shortcut with prefix "gksu"18:44
xbonesxaeon-ltd: yesir18:44
MashPotatoStealth__: don't even try to delete the files manually, you can seriously screw up your system that way18:45
joesinJohnHeikkila: cheers for the quick response... will try now18:45
BusinessGui'm using the Ubuntu Netbook Distro (just installed this week) I think it is 10.04, dunno how to find out in system18:45
aeon-ltdxbonesx: ok, might just be incompatible drivers from the liveCD18:45
joesinxander: thank you as well...18:45
Stealth__MashPotato, I am planning on doing it from a live CD18:45
MashPotatoStealth__: same thing, use gparted18:45
Stealth__Thats just the picture of my partitions so you know how it looks18:45
Stealth__I am going to boot from a liveCD, run gparted, format everything from sda4 downwards, and install a fresh copy of ubuntu on it18:45
JohnHeikkilaBusinessGu: Yes, I think it's 10.04. You should try using Synaptic instead of the Software Center18:46
antivirtelhow can I make sure, that my Minolta DI152 printer isnt supported by ubuntu? I havent found driver, but some other way?18:46
MashPotatoStealth__: it allows you to format/delete them, so just use that option18:46
xanderjoesin example gksu firefox will ask for su password b4 running18:46
xbonesxaeon-ltd: what i was thinking... is their anyway i could make a custom live cd with the preinstalled drivers?18:46
jarlgIs there a way to find my non-local ip-address on my server install?18:46
aeon-ltdxbonesx: reconstructor18:46
kaspircan somebody PLEASE help me with my display or give me the name of a channel dedicated to such a thing18:46
Stealth__Yeah MashPotato , i am going to delete them and put ubuntu on the partition that is left. my question is will it hurt my windows 7 install?18:46
xbonesxaeon-ltd: can i get the from the synaptic?18:46
JohnHeikkilakaspir: What is your problem?18:46
aeon-ltdxbonesx: no its a website18:46
xanderkaspir whats the problem18:46
MashPotatoStealth__: not as long as you don't touch the windows7 partition18:46
Stealth__So everything from sda4 and downwards should be deleted if I want to get rid of ubuntu from my system, then I go to install and put ubuntu on the empty space?18:47
Stealth__I know the files from my ubuntu installs will be deleted but thats good18:47
xbonesxaeon-ltd: is in-cooperating a display driver very hard to do?18:47
MashPotatoStealth__: that is, sda1, sda2 and sda318:47
MashPotatoStealth__: yes18:47
kaspirJohnHeikkila: The window borders are transparent and some windows (like the terminal) are a yellow green and displays no text18:47
Stealth__MashPotato, last question, will i need 2gb of space to create swap?18:47
aeon-ltdxbonesx: no it should just be one package, also if you;ve got another gpu just use that until the install finish18:48
MashPotatoStealth__: one gb will do, I guess18:48
Stealth__I got a gig of ram on this netbook so 2gb of swap is the correct amount right?18:48
JohnHeikkilaInstall 'fusion-icon' then run it by pressing ALT+F2 and typing 'fusion-icon'18:48
MashPotato!swap | Stealth__18:48
ubottuStealth__: swap is used to move unused programs and data out of main memory to make your system faster. It can also be used as extra memory if you don't have enough. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwapFaq for more info18:48
x0rsDoes anyone know where to find the "Sessions" options? It seems they removed it from the System > Preferences menu18:48
xanderstealth   U select use entire disk upon installation18:48
BusinessGucan someone tell me how I can install Flash? The error I get from software center is Package Operation Failed :I wasn't able to locate a file for the gcc-4.4package. This might mean you need to manually fix this package. (due to missing arch)18:48
LordDragonanyone know i can see a list of usb devices connected?18:48
BusinessGuI'm on the latest netbook distro18:48
Stealth__xander I got a windows 7 install i want to keep18:48
MashPotatoxander: wtf no18:48
kaspirJohnHeikkila: ok Ill give it a try18:48
xanderi used to have the same problem but each to his own18:48
xbonesxaeon-ltd: thought about that as well but unfortunately this a slimline hp desktop, very small pc case, no room for extra pci's18:48
xanguaBusinessGu: sudo apt-get install flashplugin-installed18:48
jiveshi am new to irc18:49
JohnHeikkilakaspir: Then, right-click the icon and "Select Window Manager". Tell us which window manager is on use18:49
JohnHeikkilajivesh: And?18:49
Stealth__mashPotato, what COULD go wrong with my computer if i delete these partitions18:49
jiveshcan someone tell me about it18:49
Stealth__I meen if it does not touch my windows 7 partition that contains 99% of my important files I am fine18:49
jribBusinessGu: that's probably net related to flash.  Pastebin the actual error though18:49
aeon-ltdxbonesx: you could install it to another pc make an iso with remastersys and install that18:49
Stealth__because I will have one nice big ubuntu install I can work with =p18:49
aeon-ltd!remastersys | xbonesx18:49
BusinessGuxangua: E: Couldn't find the package flashplugin-installed18:49
BusinessGujrib: what do you mean?18:49
MashPotatoStealth__: in the worst case? you might be unable to boot windows, but if you have the recovery CDs/DVDs, you can easily recover the MBR with the recoveryshell of windows 718:49
suigenerisSyntax error on line 1 of /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/php5.load: Cannot load /usr/lib/apache2/modules/libphp5.so into server: /usr/lib/apache2/modules/libphp5.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory <--- what package do I need to fetch?18:50
jribBusinessGu: can you pastebin the error in full? (paste.ubuntu.com)18:50
xanguaBusinessGu: correction * flashplugin-installer *18:50
xanderif you insist create using free space but dont take all free space use some for W718:50
Stealth__Mash, I am going to reinstall ubuntu so GRUB2 should reinstall with it right?18:50
JohnHeikkilajivesh: "/join #ubuntu-offtopic" for offtopic chat18:50
MashPotatoStealth__: yes18:50
jrib!lamp > suigeneris18:50
ubottusuigeneris, please see my private message18:50
jribsuigeneris: libapache2-mod-php518:50
Stealth__Grub2 and me have a love-hate relationship lol18:50
suigenerisjrib thanks18:51
MashPotatoStealth__: ubuntu will always ask you to install grub2, every time you install ubuntu, so that'll be fine18:51
Stealth__Ahh good18:51
System123Hi guys, I just installed Lucid but everytime I run a program I get logged off the system. Whats up?18:51
aeon-ltdxbonesx: is this the 10.04 disk?18:51
Stealth__If i use the 40gigs of empty space as '/' in partition it should be boot right MashPotato (sorry for all the questions)18:51
xbonesxaeon-ltd: yesir18:51
JohnHeikkila!hi > jivesh18:51
ubottujivesh, please see my private message18:51
aeon-ltdxbonesx: you could wait a few days for 10.10 and use that iso18:52
xbonesxaeon-ltd: when is it to release and is it recommended to switch considering 10.04 is LTS?18:52
MashPotatoStealth__: yes, but the installer will take care of most things, just make sure that you __DONT__ erase the whole disk, because that obviously also remove windows718:52
Stealth__Yeah mash, I am generally careful18:52
x0rsAnyone know where I can find my "Session" options in Ubuntu 10?18:52
JohnHeikkilaMan, last time I upgraded to Maverick, I did "apt-get update" and messed up my system. I had to do a fresh install of Lucid.18:52
Stealth__That does not stop me crossing fingers during install and then going straight to windows 7 praying its working still =p18:53
JohnHeikkilax0rs: Do you mean like KDE or Gnome "sessions"18:53
aeon-ltdxbonesx: its release is next month, don;t switch if you need LTS18:53
shafiq_Can someone explain something to me please:  Do I have to run the 64bit verions of Ubuntu and WIndows7 on my system, or do I have the choice to go "down" to 32bit?18:53
xanderrunning mavrick now not to bad 13 days to release18:53
pradeepx0rs, i think i prefer gnome18:53
x0rsJohnHeikkila: yes Gnome Sessions18:53
pradeepkde is a little diffcult18:53
suigenerisjrib when I try libapache2-mod-php5, it tries to fetch php 5.3, I want to downgrade to 5.218:53
x0rspradeep: I am using gnome, sorry didnt specify18:53
MashPotatoshafiq: you might as well install 32bit18:53
Stealth__anyway cheers for the best mashpotato, am going to do the install tommorow18:53
Stealth__Have a good day mate18:54
shcherba1Stealth_, you can reinstall just Grub2 to Grub and vice versa, make sure to ave live cd in case of problems, like instalation of windows after ubuntu18:54
shafiq_MashPotato: so there are no hardware requirements that specifiy a 64bit?18:54
MashPotatoStealth__: glad I could help18:54
xanderive never liked kde personly all the way back to 1.018:54
xbonesxaeon-ltd: i might download it and install it on a separate partition just to check it out18:54
philinuxx0rs: Do you mean like remember running apps18:54
Stealth__yeah I reinstalled grub once or twice before shcerba1, did not stop me from hating it =p18:54
MashPotatoshafiq: well, i'm running 32bit on a 64bit-enabled processor, so no18:54
Stealth__Anyway, peace18:54
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xbonesxaeon-ltd: isnt there a beta right now?18:54
aeon-ltdxbonesx: ok, i hope the problem is resolved by then18:54
pradeepx0rs,  though kde is well polished but i prefer gnome18:54
ManDayWhen I cfdisk an empty zero'18:54
JohnHeikkilax0rs: Log-out and you should see a box on the bottom of your screen where you can choose your sessions18:55
xandermanday what ????18:55
ManDayWhen I cfdisk an empty zero'd out sda I get "Wrote partition table, but re-read table failed"18:55
ManDaythat, xander18:55
x0rsI am trying to find the properties for Gnome Sessions, they use to be under System > Preferences18:55
xanderwould be cfdisk /dev/sd**** whatever18:55
x0rsI am trying to disable the gnome panel, and i read somewhere it can be done through gnome sessions18:55
xanderi dont know your disk but for main i would try cfdisk /dev/sda18:56
kaspirJohnHeikkila: I can't tell you how annoying it is to run terminal commands when I can't see what I'm doing lol18:56
philinuxx0rs: sys>prefs>startup apps18:56
harshhi guys!! i want to know if i modify the linux kernel and develop some new things than do i have the right to sell the linux distribution i make?18:56
BusinessGuok i tried everyone's suggestion and none worked. To install flash, I still get this error: I wasn't able to locate a file for the gcc-4.4package. This might mean you need to manually fix this package. (due to missing arch):18:56
BluesKajStealth__, for /  , 10g is enough , then create a separate /home partition , ext4 as well. Then the next time you want to upgrade with a clean install , you can install the OS to / and your /home partiton with all your data will be untouched and saved18:56
xanderx0rs i would look @ gnome-config18:57
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JohnHeikkilakaspir: You could also install fusion-icon via Synaptic18:57
harshhi guys!! i want to know if i modify the linux kernel and develop some new things than do i have the right to sell the linux distribution i make?18:57
aeon-ltdharsh: i'm pretty sure, unless you develop some major proprietry software no one would buy it anyway, plus i'm not sure if closed-source distribution of linux is allowed18:57
Guest20242Can anybody help me, strange message appear in boot.log18:57
xanguaBusinessGu: what exactly has to do a flash plugin with gcc¿18:57
x0rsxander: is that already installed by default?18:58
peacehello to all18:58
BusinessGui'm only typing what the Software Installtion Center says?18:58
xanguaBusinessGu: what exactly are you trying to do¿18:58
kaspirJohnHeikkila: Wow I feel smart now. That's what I get for neglecting my morning coffee18:58
JohnHeikkilaGuest20242: Paste the "strange" message to paste.ubuntu.com18:58
suigenerisjrib when I try libapache2-mod-php5, it tries to fetch php 5.3, I want to downgrade to 5.2. I've found the package for 5.2, but now it tries to getch php5-common for 5.318:58
BusinessGuFlash doesn't work on my mozilla, so I go into the software installaion center to grab it18:58
peacei am experiencing slow internet speed in ubuntu than windows.plz help?18:58
JohnHeikkilakaspir: :D do you want to move to #ubuntu-offtopic to chat about your coffee with me?18:59
harshaeon-ltd i have some major thing....than am i liable to sell it or charge for my developed software???18:59
xanguaBusinessGu: have you already install 'flashplugin-installer' and restart the browser¿18:59
aeon-ltdpeace: google how to disable ipv618:59
kaspirJohnHeikkila: You said run it with alt+F2 right? And as long as you'll still help me with this then yes lol18:59
aeon-ltdharsh: like what?18:59
harshthe linux kernel along it would be free but my software can i charge for it?18:59
jribsuigeneris: if you're mixing repos or something, you're likely going to break your box.  I have to go now though18:59
AbhiJitharsh, yes18:59
harshlike what?? means18:59
aeon-ltdharsh: like what have you developed?19:00
JohnHeikkilakaspir: After you have installed 'fusion-icon', run it by pressing ALT+F2 then typing 'fusion-icon'19:00
harshthanks abhijit19:00
peaceaeon-Itd:well i have disable ipv619:00
Guest20242JohnHeikkila: http://paste.ubuntu.com/501063/ here you have19:00
harshthat's still a secret :)19:00
kaspirJohnHeikkila: Alt+F2 isn't bringing anything up19:00
JohnHeikkilaGuest20242: That's no big deal.19:00
AbhiJitharsh, linux kernel is free thing you did not worry about license. only thin is read that gpl thingy and be sure to mention proper credits to torvaldus and all those other poeplse and orgs19:00
harshall the linux users will come to know soon...... :)19:00
kaspirJohnHeikkila: I'm using 10.04 if that changes anything19:00
Guest20242JohnHeikkila, can I get ride of it?19:00
aeon-ltdharsh: yeah you could, but afaik star-office (which charges for linux) doesn't do great as a sales product19:00
shafiq_MashPotato: When one runs a 64bit system, are they typically quite limited by the applications they can run?19:01
aeon-ltdharsh: so, although empty, the market is gonna be tough19:01
AbhiJitshafiq, not these days.19:01
BusinessGuxangua: yes, but flash still doesnt work19:01
JohnHeikkilakaspir: Ohh..weard. Then run it from Applications-->System tools-->Compiz Fusion Icon19:01
AbhiJitshafiq, that was in previous years. but not now19:01
ManDayWhen I cfdisk an empty zero'd out sda I get "Wrote partition table, but re-read table failed"19:01
peaceplz help me out???????????????????????19:01
xanguaBusinessGu: did you install other flash plugins like gnash or swfdec¿19:01
suigeneriswhen I try libapache2-mod-php5, it tries to fetch php 5.3, I want to downgrade to 5.2. I've found the package for 5.2, but now it tries to getch php5-common for 5.3. how can I completely downgrade php?19:01
GosthShadowany1 knows the release date of ubuntu 10.1019:01
kaspirJohnHeikkila: its in the task bar, but it wont open a window19:01
Weezerharsh.....the best thing about linux distro is.....u'll experience headaches....frustration....challenges and success! not like m$oft! LoL!19:01
harshaeon-ltd thanks!!19:01
JohnHeikkilaGuest20242: Why do you need to get ride of it? It just tells of a command which will be removed in a future udev19:02
xanguaGosthShadow: 10-10-1019:02
BusinessGuxangua: nope19:02
x0rsxander: do I have to install gnome-config? It doesn't seem to be a working command, and I can't find it when searching apt-get19:02
JohnHeikkilakaspir: Right-Click it19:02
BusinessGuxangua: should i?19:02
GosthShadownice date19:02
xanguaBusinessGu: no19:02
A71KR117GosthShadow: October 10, 2010, for a perfect 10!19:02
Guest20242udev so nothing is broken?19:02
mneimneanyone using 10.04 with intel mobile graphics series 419:02
shafiq_AbhiJit: so would you recommend sticking with my 64bit OS's then?19:02
harshweezer u are right!!! I have gone through that period!! once thought would leave it forever but still i am here!!19:02
GosthShadowi somwhere saw an 28 october date19:02
AbhiJitshafiq, yes 64 is recomended19:02
kaspirJohnHeikkila: Ah you rock it works now19:02
Guest21183Anyone know of a backup program that automatically compresses to archive files?19:02
AbhiJitshafiq, now adobe release 64 bti flash beta version which is in development but we accept it to come soon19:02
peacesuffering from slow internet speed in ubuntu.19:03
philinuxGosthShadow: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MaverickReleaseSchedule19:03
AbhiJit!details | peace19:03
Guest20242it seems to be a bugg, did som search on google. but did not solve it.19:03
ubottupeace: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."19:03
Weezeri'm still learning....and still eager to dig deeper on distro....glad i got this guys here whom i can call my FAMILY! :)19:03
GosthShadowphilinux tnx19:03
JohnHeikkilakaspir: Good. Then click the Select Window Manager and tell me what is selected?19:03
joesinJohnHeikkila: I think I may have asked the wrong program19:03
shcherbakpeace: cups avahi ip6 down19:03
mneimneanyone using 10.04 with intel mobile graphics series 4 ?? i want to know if its performing well19:03
joesinJohnHeikkila: I think I may have asked the wrong question rather19:03
plwertis there a way to mount a windows share (\\foo\bar) as a user? (I don't have root access to the box I am currently using)19:03
Weezermneimne: what's wrong with ur intel gfx?19:04
kaspirJohnHeikkila: it was 'compiz' but I changed it to metacity and reloaded it, and now it works perfectly :D19:04
peaceubottu: i am running ubuntu 9.10 with 300kbps int.speed19:04
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)19:04
JohnHeikkilakaspir: Excellent.19:04
kaspirJohnHeikkila: Indeed19:04
JohnHeikkilajoesin: Why not ask the correct question :)19:04
joesinJohnHeikkila: What I meant to ask is how I can set a icon to an application to always open that app as root....19:04
shafiq_AbhiJit: is there any way to runa  32bit application in a 65bit environment?19:04
peaceAbhiJit: i am running ubuntu 9.10 with 300kbps int.speed19:04
Guest20242without that every things work like always with ubuntu19:04
joesinagreed... more to the point I think I worded it incorrectly19:04
AbhiJitshafiq, yes sure19:04
mneimneWeezer, nothing i havent installed ubuntu even i am suffering with Fedora 13 cuz the grpahic perf sucks and i want to check if the problem exist in ubuntu19:05
Guest20242I had really pain in the ass with linux mint problem with fsck in both gnome/lxde edition19:05
AbhiJitpeace, talk to your isp first19:05
x0rsAnyone know a better way to disable the gnome panel other than by removing gnome-panel from /usr/bin?19:05
AbhiJitshafiq, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/32bit_and_64bit19:05
Italian_Plumberis there a way to change the default settings in mplayer?  I want to make the settings in "create screenshot gallery" to 300 pixels and 24 screenshots (not calculate the number of screenshots)19:05
ehcahAnyone online that is very good with ACPI settings?19:05
swiftarrowx0rs: why don't you just right click on it and remove panel?19:05
harshcan we learn about microsoft's kernel??19:05
BluesKajGuest201mint | 24219:05
BluesKaj!mint | Guest2024219:06
ubottuGuest20242: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu, please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org19:06
blue_annax0rs, you can right click it and remove the top and bottom panels .. or probably uninstall it19:06
peaceAbhiJit: it runs fine on windows19:06
AbhiJitshafiq, install the getlibs library after that whenver installing 32 bit on 64 bit ubuntu just do sudo apt-get install --force-all pacage.deb instead of sudo apt-get install package.deb19:06
x0rsswiftarrow: it isn't a secondary panel, it's the primary one, and it isn't removable... that option is greyed out19:06
AbhiJitpeace, dunno then19:06
harshcan we learn about microsoft's kernel??19:06
aeon-ltdharsh: no its closed-source19:06
shcherbakpeace: type "sudo netstat -tulp" and check our firewall, test ping agaist google and yahoo19:06
AbhiJitharsh, yes sure19:06
plwertwhat's the first thing I should look at if my laptop battery life is 50% than when on windows 7? I'm not running anything really intensive other than the cpu/memory-hogging firefox19:06
JohnHeikkilaaeon-ltd: harsh: Meaning, Microsoft is closed out from being cool19:06
aeon-ltdharsh: you wanna try break into microsoft? or reverse engineer it?19:06
blue_annaanyone using Gallium ?19:06
harshAbhijit: how?19:07
Guest20242ubottu I use Ubuntu, I tried LinuxMint out.19:07
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)19:07
shafiqAbhiJit: amazing sir.  thank you.  any idea what the answer is under Windows7?19:07
AbhiJitharsh, first buy m$crosoft for only $<whichyounevercanaffor> and then you can learn anything about windows kernel19:07
AbhiJitharsh, :D :D :P19:07
micha_są polacy19:07
AbhiJit!windows | shafiq19:07
ubottushafiq: For discussion on Microsoft software, or help with same, please visit ##windows. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and /msg ubottu equivalents19:07
plwertAbhiJit: that's very clever, putting the $ instead of a letter19:07
harshya sort of!!19:07
micha_hi all19:07
AbhiJitplwert, :D19:07
blue_anna!po > micha_19:07
=== charlie is now known as Guest33928
harshaeon-ltd: ya sort of!!19:07
peaceshcherbak: thats ok, the problem is its slow as compared to windows19:07
AbhiJitbye all19:08
AbhiJitgn :)19:08
swiftarrowx0rs: how about gconf-editor19:08
harshne one has an idea how can microsoft can fall19:08
x0rsswift-arrow: i'll check that out, thank you19:08
plwertharsh: out of 10, I give your attempt at trolling a mere 119:08
erUSULblue_anna: is !pl19:08
blue_annaits pl? :P micha_ needs it19:08
harshplwert: thanks!! :)19:09
shafiq_Abhijeet: much obliged good sir.19:09
ganja_ hi, I have a problem with rhythmbox, I've got an error messagebox saying "Error while saving song information - unable to create tag-writing elements", it doesn't appear on all mp3. if i edit it with VLC then rythmbox works nice19:09
peaceshcherbak: r u there19:09
harshplwert: give reason to suppoert ur answer...19:09
ubottuNa tym kanale używamy tylko języka angielskiego. Możesz uzyskać pomoc w języku polskim na #ubuntu-pl.19:09
ganja_when editing a mp3 tag19:09
shcherbakpeace: should not, or at least not significantly. some servicer may impact connection, but you do not need them. so they can be put down19:09
shcherbak*err services19:10
Guest33928After I installed XBMC-Standalone on Ubuntu 10.04 it has started the session xterm at login everytime.19:10
erUSULplwert: use "powertop" and see http://www.lesswatts.org/19:10
xandergosth its 10.10.1019:11
peacewhat i gotta do now19:11
shcherbakpeace, btw, how have you spot the difference?19:11
=== Guest33928 is now known as NeoLeoSeo
plwerterUSUL: last time I tried that, it only gave me very broad information that didn't really help (guess I'll try again in case they updated it)19:11
peacegoogle page ,yahoo takes lot time to open19:12
shcherbakmicha_ sa, ale ubottu...19:12
JohnHeikkilapeace: It could just be your connection19:12
=== wraund is now known as cellardoor
joesinJohnHeikkila: ok... still cannot find it online...19:12
plwerterUSUL: thanks for the link though, I didn't know about lesswatts19:12
peaceJohnHeikkila: i didn't get u19:12
xanderjoesin whatcha lokking for19:12
joesinJohnHeikkila: how do I set a short cut in the panel to always open an app as su19:13
shcherbakpeace, type ping google.com and ping yahoo.com to get right speed, what browser are you using?19:13
joesinJohnHeikkila: I cannot find where to chage the launch properties19:13
JohnHeikkilajoesin: Open...wait..19:13
aeon-ltdjoesin: make a laucher with gksu pre-appended19:13
joesinJohnHeikkila: right clicked everywhere ... :)19:13
peaceshcherbak: mozilla19:13
joesinJohnHeikkila: lemme try to learn that real quick... brb19:13
JohnHeikkilajoesin: System-->Preferences-->Main Menu19:14
shcherbakpeace: you mean firefox?19:14
JohnHeikkilajoesin: Find the application and click Properties on the right19:14
NeoLeoSeoAfter I installed XBMC-Standalone on Ubuntu 10.04 it has started the session xterm at login everytime.19:14
xandertry it again right click on desktop select create launcher create launcer example in dialog box add gksu in front of firefox then gnome will ask for su password to statr19:14
blue_annaif you dont have an xorg.conf how do you configure x?19:14
Guest20242JohnHeikki and everybody else thanks alot. Now I know the message is no big deal.19:14
erUSULblue_anna: you can create one if you really need it19:15
xanderor if launcher already exist just right click and select properties19:15
joesinJohnHeikkila: yeah buddy... thank you!19:15
blue_annaerUSUL, how can I create one based on the current configuration? is there a way to dump the current config?19:15
JohnHeikkilajoesin: No problem ;)19:15
erUSULblue_anna: try « sudo xorg -configure :1 »19:16
blue_annaerUSUL, I have gallium working on my machine now :)19:16
blue_annaerUSUL, thank you19:16
erUSULblue_anna: iirc it leaves it in /root/ or in /etc/X11/xorg.conf19:16
shcherbakNeoLoeSeo: i had to reinstall gdm, after installing kdm to fix19:16
erUSULblue_anna: congrats19:16
JohnHeikkilablue_anna: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg19:16
NeoLeoSeoi'll try that19:16
peaceshcherbak: ya19:16
erUSULblue_anna: xorg is with capital X sorry ( Xorg )19:16
shcherbakNeoLoeSeo: but, you would need to check x configuration first, it can be trivial19:17
navetzHi I have a envy 15 laptop and I can't get the microphone working with skype (or anything else). Can someone help me out?19:18
peace shcherbak: r u there19:18
blue_annaerUSUL, I got a hella interesting result from that: http://nopaste.dk/p247219:18
xanderpersonly if your really screwed just delete xorg.conf found in /etc/X11/ reboot19:19
shcherbakpeace: remove temp from firefox and try opera (browser of choice)19:19
JohnHeikkilablue_anna: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg19:19
DexterEvening. I'm looking to mount my reiserfs on startup in 10.04.1. Can someone help me with this?19:19
BluesKajnavetz, open alsamixer and make sure the mic ctrl is unmuted and turned up19:19
erUSULblue_anna: :( it died ..... maybe the xorg.conf survived ? --> Using config file: "/root/xorg.conf.new"19:19
xanderor dpkg -reconfig xorg is a good option too19:19
x0rsAnyone know of a good application that will relpace the Alt-F2 command line? I removed gnome-panel from my /usr/bin and now my alt-f2 doesn't work and would like some sort of replacement19:20
xanderas john stated19:20
JohnHeikkilaNo, do sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg19:20
JohnHeikkilax0rs: alt+f2 is not a command line, it's like a quick-launch19:20
Weezeris there any application that i can make stick animation in ubuntu? like the kung fu stick in youtube?19:20
erUSULblue_anna: if it does not work with the :1 trick you may have to stop/shutdown X/gdm and do it without X running19:20
blue_annaJohnHeikkila, when I do that, what should be the result?19:21
shcherbakx0rs: bash-run is nice sctipt, harder with shortcuts19:21
x0rsJohnHeikkila: gotcha, do you know of a good quick-launch app that will replace gnome-panel?19:21
blue_annaerUSUL, I did get the config but I worry it might not have generated all of it since it crashed19:21
JohnHeikkilablue_anna: Same as the cmd you tried before. Reconfigure Xorg.19:21
BluesKajxOrphenochx, alt+f2 is the run command and use it with an editor or file manager19:21
JohnHeikkilax0rs: Well, DockbarX19:21
JohnHeikkilax0rs: Cairo dock19:21
x0rsoh nice19:21
m3asmihow can I logout from my session from terminal19:22
blue_annawell that files not changed, I guess thats a good thing19:22
x0rsJohnHeikkila: I already use AWM, do those docks add a panel? All I need is an Alt-F2 launcher19:22
Guest20242xOrs: awn is light compare to cairo dock19:22
JohnHeikkilax0rs: Cairo dock is like Mac's19:22
BluesKajoops sorry xOrphenochx , wrong nick19:22
pradeepis there a terminal chat client that support all basic IMs19:22
JohnHeikkilax0rs: the Alt+F2 launcher comes from Compiz. <sudo apt-get install compiz fusion-icon>19:22
x0rsJohnHeikkila: nice thank you19:23
JohnHeikkilax0rs: then Applications-->System tools->Compiz Fusion Icon19:23
shcherbaki do not thinks x0rs still have menu19:23
st_ironi would like to ask some question about the ubuntu horde3 installation -> i have to make a horde3 webmail tomorrow19:23
JohnHeikkilax0rs: That will pop up an icon in the notification area. Right-click it and Select Window Manager as Compiz19:23
st_ironi have a postfix+courier server with mysql backend19:24
x0rsshcherbak: yes I do... I am using AWM as my panel19:24
st_ironcould i use horde on this combo? now i have roundcube webmail19:24
xanguapradeep: finch, it uses libpurple like pidgin (and both use the same directory configuration)19:24
shcherbakups.. good then19:24
Guest20242dear ubuntu brother/sisters I will leave. take care.19:24
JohnHeikkilax0rs: AWM, eh? You need to put the notification area / indicator applet there19:25
soreauJohnHeikkila: For the record, compiz doesnt provide alt+f2 run dialog. gnome-panel provides it, though it wont work without a decorator running19:25
JohnHeikkilax0rs: I am using gnome-panel and AWM19:25
soreauor metacity19:25
Weezeris there any application that i can make stick animation in ubuntu? like the kung fu stick in youtube?19:25
JohnHeikkilasoreau: Okay. Can you explain why cant I use alt+f2 when I have set the window manager as openbox from fusion icon :S19:25
ed__can anybody assist me with uninstalling project open from ubuntu?  I have a borked installation and it has gone to hell and want to start fromt he top19:25
ed__any help would be sweet19:26
erUSUL!info synfig | Weezer ?19:26
ubottuWeezer: synfig (source: synfig): vector-based 2D animation renderer. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.62.00-2 (lucid), package size 229 kB, installed size 356 kB19:26
soreauJohnHeikkila: No, I cannot19:26
lousygaruaWeezer: gimp has some animation features but i'm not sure it's what you're looking for19:26
JohnHeikkilaWeezer: Download 'wine' and then download Pivot19:26
x0rsJohnHeikkila: I have notification area, and it seems I am already using Compiz... it's already selected, but no Alt-F2 launcher still19:26
soreauJohnHeikkila: My guess would be that openbox never tries to trigger gnomes run dialog19:26
JohnHeikkilasoreau: Darn. I haven't found the answer anywhere :(19:26
_L30_hey how to get c++ compilers19:27
JohnHeikkilax0rs: Then it's the gnome-panel you need19:27
shcherbakxangua: is any sens of thinking of using finch with irssi?19:27
soreau_L30_: g++ is included with the gcc complier suite19:27
x0rsJohnHeikkila: /nod - seems so... I just don't need the panel... my AWM has everything on it I need19:27
xanguashcherbak: ¿¿19:27
JohnHeikkila_L30_: sudo apt-get install c++-compiler19:27
soreaux0rs: Which DE are you using?19:27
_L30_ok JohnHeikkila19:27
x0rssoreau: DE?19:28
soreau!info c++-compiler19:28
ubottuPackage c++-compiler does not exist in lucid19:28
soreauJohnHeikkila: ?19:28
^^stefano^^!ciao a tutti19:28
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)19:28
x0rssoreau: Oh, Gnome?19:28
JohnHeikkilaI can find it from my lucid19:28
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »19:28
shcherbakxangua: was asking of method of running finch (IM) in irssi (irc), idea?19:28
soreaux0rs: yes, try enabling Gnome Compatibility plugin in ccsm19:28
soreaux0rs: and check for alt+f2 there19:28
xanguashcherbak: finch is a cli program, no idea what do you want19:28
x0rssoreau: thanks checking19:29
xanguashcherbak: it uses libpurple and supports the same protocols (and plugins) that pidgin, so it's also an irc client19:29
st_ironhorde3 anybody?19:29
_L30_not working guys19:29
llutzshcherbak: you want bitlbee for IM-integration in irssi19:29
_L30_library headers like conio stdlib not found error19:30
soreau_L30_: Have you installed build-essential? What are you trying to build and why btw?19:30
trism_L30_: there is no conio.h in linux19:30
_L30_what about unistd?19:31
_L30_soreau: some sort of socket programming19:31
_L30_i have installed that19:31
_L30_anyway will look into that thanks soreau trism19:32
=== benjamin_ is now known as BenjiProd
x0rssoreau: Ahh, found the option... but enabling it doesn't make it work... it works when i turn gnome-panel back on, but I not when I disable it... It seems that launcher is tied to the panel somehow19:33
soreaux0rs: As I told the other fellow that has since left, the alt+f2 run dialog is provided by gnome-panel, not compiz19:34
x0rssoreau: oh gotcha, well that makes sense then. Any recomendations for a launcher that can run via Alt-F2 that doesn't require me to have a redundant panel on my desktop?19:35
Ryenx0rs: You can try 'kupfer' it runs a dialog with CTRL+SPACE.19:36
xanguax0rs: try kupfer19:36
x0rsRyen: thanks a lot19:36
xanguayou can also change the key combination19:36
Ryenx0rs: I use Kupfer on my gnome desktop.19:36
xbonesxis there a way to install .dmg file on ubuntu, i know its a mac os x installer type, but still?19:37
madsyAnyone knows if there are Linux drivers for the Steinberg CI 2 USB audio controller?19:37
x0rsryen: excellent, installing it as we speak19:37
Ryenx0rs: just as xangua said, you can change it to what ever you want under preferences.19:37
xbonesxmac os x has some of the same concepts in design, was just wondering?19:37
erUSULxbonesx: no; no possible19:37
boingproblem installing 10.4 I have 2 hdd ssd + 500 sata, i partition 100g for linux from the sata when I try to install i do not see the 100g's19:38
xbonesxerUSUL: well the download im getting says that it is considered a .bin file, can i extract and re-compile so that it can be ran in ubuntu?19:38
x0rsIs kupfer similar to gnome-do?19:39
Lollipop56hi I'd like to format my iPod, what should I choose? MBR, GUID or APM?19:39
Ryenx0rs: Yes.19:39
x0rsok cool19:39
erUSULxbonesx: do not think it ncludes source code; also a simple recompile wont work anyway. a dmg file is actually a disk image. you can mount it in linux systems and look at wat is inside nothing more afaik19:39
Ryenx0rs: Actually very similar, but kupfer is now becoming more advanced than gnome-do. I made the switch about 3 months ago.19:39
erUSULxbonesx: http://baghira.sourceforge.net/dmg.htm19:39
x0rsRyen: nice, thanks for the recommendation.. This should solve my problem perfectly19:40
Ryenx0rs: No problem.19:40
impulse150How can i make ubuntu automatically execute a sudo command on startup?19:41
vinc1Anyone here know which IRC chat room to pop in for help with Frontier Communications DSL troubles? I was recently switched from Verizon to Frontier and am having lots of connectivity issues.19:41
llutzimpulse150: add it to /etc/rc.local19:41
llutzimpulse150: without "sudo"19:41
impulse150llutz, thanks :)19:41
boingvinc1, try calling frontier support19:41
vinc1boing: it's the weekend, so support will be very, very slow. Was trying to see if I could get a faster answer. But yes, I do plan to call them again on Monday.19:42
boingvinc1 what is the problem?19:42
FezzlerCan someone help me get Flash working.  I've tried everything.  I need help.19:43
xanguaFezzler: what have you tried¿19:43
FezzlerI need someone to walk me thru some things to check19:43
Fezzlerxangua>> I've removed and reinstalled from both within Firefox, Adobe web site and Synaptic19:44
xbonesxdoes anyone know how to get verizons vzaccess manager to work on ubuntu?19:44
vinc1boing, I tried a private chat with you. I don't know if it worked or not.19:44
xanguaFezzler: have you installed other flash plugins like gnash or swfdec¿19:45
Fezzlerxangua>> Anything to check?19:45
Fezzlerxangua>> I may have, do I need to check that?19:45
xanguaFezzler: yes, you can only have one plugin installed, if you have more none will work19:45
=== m00se is now known as bisquick
=== bisquick is now known as m00se
shcherbakllutz: many thx, just got it!!! http://tuxtraining.com/2009/08/04/chat-with-aim-msn-gtalk-and-yahoo-through-irssi-with-bitlbee19:46
Fezzlerxangua>> So how do I trouble shoot this?  Want me to go to Terminal and check some stuff?19:46
Fezzlerxangua>> Can you walk me through this?19:47
blue_annathe xorg.conf.new generated by Xorg -configure is not the same as the system's configuration was19:47
=== alanhaggai is now known as Guest97013
Mjiigi cannot produce a beep sound in the terminal with either of the following commands: "beep", "echo -e "\a" but my sound definitely works19:48
agentgasmaskanyone know of an ncurses ide for c++?19:49
erUSULagentgasmask: wpe?19:49
erUSUL!info wpe19:49
ubottuPackage wpe does not exist in lucid19:49
erUSUL!info xwpe19:49
ubottuxwpe (source: xwpe): Programming environment and editor for console and X11. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.5.30a-2build1 (lucid), package size 218 kB, installed size 576 kB19:49
erUSULagentgasmask: or emacs ;P19:50
Fezzlerxangua>> Have time to help?19:50
xanguaFezzler: check in the software center if any of them are installed19:51
kdbwnfHi. I'm using parsix Gnu/Linux and i have an nVidia graphic card. Where is the driver of nVidia for parsix to download?19:51
Fezzlerxangua>> Gnash not according to synaptic19:52
agentgasmaskerUSUL: I like geany for X based stuff. Does wpe integrate the compiler?19:52
erUSULkdbwnf: ask in the parsix channel ?19:52
xanguaFezzler: and swfdec¿19:52
erUSULagentgasmask: all linux ides will use gcc19:52
Fezzlerxangua>> swfdec IS installed.  Remove it?19:53
kdbwnferUSUL , I could't find any Parsix channels.19:53
xanguaFezzler: swfdec-mozilla exactll¿19:53
martez89hey, my acer 5542 shuts down on heavy cpu, i googled and it probably has something to do with overheating19:53
erUSULkdbwnf: /join #parsix  ?19:53
Fezzlerxangua>> Yes, swfdec-mozilla is installed.  Should I uninstall it?19:54
martez89how can i make sure it doesnt overheat because of the fans not turning on19:54
xanguaFezzler: if you want to use adobe's plugin, yes19:54
agentgasmaskerUSUL: so just use gcc? That could work.19:54
Fezzlerxangua>> All I want to do is see video and flash.  I don't care how it works, just that it does19:54
erUSULagentgasmask: you can use a simple text editor and gcc in command line yes19:54
kdbwnferUSUL , I've got it. Thanks19:55
Fezzlerxangua>> Will removing swfdec-mozilla make some other feature not work?19:55
Dulakmartez89: update to the newest bios, acer had an issue with a bunch of laptops where the fans weren't running correctly, they issued bios updates to fix the problem, had the same type of problem with my netbook19:55
xanguaFezzler: then yes, after that resinstall adobe's plugin19:55
agentgasmaskerUSUL: Thanks! I've needed an exuse to look into emacs some more.19:56
martez89Dulak: i will try that19:56
lulu62salut tt le monde19:56
martez89because I have to play minecraft, listen to music and browse at the same time19:56
martez89Dulak: what video card driver do you use?19:56
CentigonalHello, there19:57
CentigonalI'm not usually one to barge into a channel asking for help, but I am a little desperate and more than a little angry right now.19:58
erUSUL!ask | Centigonal19:58
ubottuCentigonal: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)19:58
Dulakmartez89: the default intel driver ubuntu autodetects, not had any issues with video that made me look at it19:59
Fezzlerxangua>> Still no video.  Firefox issue?  Firefox says "Adobe Flash has crashed"19:59
Fezzlerxangua>> ...at YouTube19:59
CentigonalSo I have a netbook with a broken screen I'm converting into a lttle home server. I grabbed the ubuntu server iso, took the hdd out of the netbook, plugged into the desktop, and got to installing19:59
xanguaFezzler: no idea, are you using a 64bit OS¿20:00
Fezzlerxangua>> No20:00
CentigonalLong story short, the netbook still has a few issues, and a 1.5tb drive filled with important information on my desktop is invisible to windows.20:00
surferI have a ? regarding installation with a ATI Radeon HD 5770 video card. Install starts and then, I get no signal thru video card.20:00
CentigonalI know I did not mae any errors partitioning20:01
surferany way of patching the install to include a driver for video card?20:01
martez89Dulak: ok because i read somewhere it only happened with open source drivers. do you have any problems after BIOS update?20:01
CentigonalThe only thing that likely could have happened was that, wen I told the installer to install to /dev/sdc, it somehow installed GRUB to the 1.5tb drive.20:01
miststlkrAccording to my system monitor, my RAM runs around 27% in use for programs and the rest completely for cache.  This keeps casing programs to freeze up on me, is there a way to force cache dump perhaps?20:01
Dulakmartez89: nope, updated the bios and my netbook runs cooler now20:01
CentigonalSo, what to do?20:02
FezzlerDoes anyone have ability to help me get video (YouTube) working in Firefox via Ubuntu?20:02
erUSULCentigonal: installing grub to a drive shouldn't make it invisible to windows.20:02
navetzHi I have a envy 15 laptop and I can't get the microphone working with skype (or anything else). Can someone help me out?20:02
CentigonalIt's actually invisible to the point that not even the partitioner built into windows recognizes it20:03
erUSULCentigonal: can you view it from linux? what does « sudo fdisk -l /dev/sdx » about the partition table? what about gparted ?20:03
miststlkrFezzler:  I went to the adobe site and installed using their .DEB debian package option.20:03
martez89Dulak: did you update the BIOS from ubuntu?20:03
Fezzlermisteralexander>> And it works?20:04
Fezzlermiststlkr>> and it works?20:04
erUSULCentigonal: if the pt is indeed corrupt you can try using testdisk  ( either from windows or linux ) or gpart ( this one is only aviable in linux )20:04
Dulakmartez89: no I booted freedos, I have a freedos setup in my grub menu for running dos stuff20:04
CentigonalHm, that might take a little while to try...20:04
mbroekermiststlkr, try this in terminal: sudo sysctl vm.swappiness=3020:05
martez89Dulak: like this? http://macles.blogspot.com/2008/07/flashing-bios.html20:05
jfeolesurfer: so u get video initially?20:05
miststlkrfezzler:   It does.  I know on my other system, for fun, I added an adobe repository to the synaptic list in the PPA's, but I'm on my way out the door apparently and don't remember offhand hgow.  Lookup "Adobe PPA Ubuntu" may do the trick20:05
VCooliomiststlkr: bleachbit can dump cache, but it says it's experimental; I tried it once, it worked20:06
miststlkrmbroeker:  k.. what'd I just do?20:06
Dulakmartez89: sort of, that one is for the acer linux, not ubuntu20:06
surferjfeole: yes, up to GUI, then nothing20:06
antonelloa  tutti20:07
jfeolesurfer: so, it is most likely a driver issue then..20:07
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willinjaany lenovo user here ?20:07
VCooliomiststlkr: swappiness is about using swap vs memory, the lower the number, the less fast it will use swap which is slower then RAM20:07
Dice-Mani wonder if there are some nibbles contest20:07
=== mr_orange is now known as idefix_
surferJfeole: yes. I have the driver from ATI, but I can't see what I'm doing if theres no signal20:08
miststlkrVCoolio:  I've got 4GB f RAM in here.. I understand that isn't a ton by modern standards, but should that really be an issue like this??20:08
d3v0when i try to play some mov files in ubuntu loud static plays20:08
martez89Dulak: I will google how to update BIOS on a acer 5542 from ubuntu, because thats my only OS20:08
surferJfeole: is there a work around?20:08
MichealH!hi | eric20:08
ubottueric: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!20:08
VCooliomiststlkr: er, no, it shouldn't, I have 512 Mb20:09
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Dulakmartez89: you can't, the flash program won't run in ubuntu, you have to boot a windows or dos OS20:09
miststlkrmeh.. sorry to ask and run, wife is nagging me, forgot we had plans today.. thanks for the help!20:10
FezzlerAnyone have time to help me get Flash working in Ubuntu/Firefox.  I'm lost and need step-by-step help20:10
antonelloscusate per andare su  ubuntu  italia20:10
antonellocome faccio20:10
VCoolio!it | antonello20:10
ubottuantonello: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)20:10
martez89Dulak: i can make a freedos flash drive right?20:12
surferjfeole: Private chat?20:12
Dulakmartez89: it's a floppy image file, easier to just set grub to boot the floppy image you can download, but I think you can make a usb drive boot freedos too, not sure since I used the floppy image20:13
Out`Of`ControlHi, can any one show me a sample of etc/network/interfaces20:13
Lollipop56if I wanna format my ipod, should I choose GUID, MBR or APM?20:13
Weezeris this channel covers about xterm and openbox something like that?20:14
FezzlerCan someone help me get Adobe Flash working in Firefox under Ubuntu?  I've tried everything and can't do it.20:14
erUSULOut`Of`Control: an stock interfaces file in ubuntu has only to lines for the lo interface20:14
Dulakmartez89: http://www.thelupine.com/content/howto-flash-bios-using-freedos-and-grub20:14
Out`Of`Controlbecause i mess up min and lost a copy of old one20:14
Dulakmartez89: that's almost exactly what I did20:14
d3v0hello anyone there?20:15
ManDayWhy the heck do I get a "Filesystem is mounted" for sda2 alttough it surely ISNT mounted!?!20:15
d3v0ubuntu has problems playing mov files?20:15
erUSULOut`Of`Control: 1) auto lo 2) iface lo inet loopback20:15
d3v0sound works sometimes, sometimes there is static, and the pictures dont move20:15
llutzOut`Of`Control:  /usr/share/doc/ifupdown/examples20:15
erUSULManDay: "grep sda2 /proc/mounts"20:15
nothingspecialWheezer, can be, what`s up?20:15
DulakManDay: run 'sudo mount' and see where it's mounted20:15
d3v0do i need different codec or player, currently using mplayer and vlc20:15
Out`Of`ControlThank you folks !20:15
martez89Dulak: thanks ill try that20:16
ManDayerUSUL:  ""20:16
ManDayDulak: it of course its not listed20:16
ManDaythats what i mean20:16
Weezernothingspecial: i need to ask something about xterm....i got my conky working on my main desktop in lucid....if i'll login using xterm.....is it possible that my conky will be running directly without any sweat? or do i have to set up again?20:17
DulakManDay: then do what erUSUL suggested and see if the kernel thinks it's mounted, also check your mount point and be sure it's not a place there is already a filesystem mounted20:17
ManDay1.) my reply to erUSUL was already given - proc does not have any mention20:18
ManDay2.) what mountpoint?!20:18
xbonesxdoes anyone know what the password is if you logout of a live cd session?20:18
DulakManDay: wherever you tried to mount the filesystem20:18
ManDayWhy do you think that I tried to mount it?20:18
DulakManDay: how did you try to mount it?20:18
Ryen!restricted | d3v020:18
ubottud3v0: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats20:18
ManDayI did not, Dulak !!20:18
erUSULManDay: maybe it is mouinted using /another dev ? /dev/disk/by-uuid/ ?20:19
ubuntu__you must be kiding me20:19
DulakManDay: ok sorry but you said you tried to mount it, but now you didn't?20:19
ubuntu__1420 users?20:19
nothingspecialWheezer: your ~/.conkyrc is what it is. But you will have to tell certain de`s to display it.20:19
ubuntu__on ONE channel?20:19
ManDayerUSUL: but then umount wouldnt complain would it?! anyway, i strongly assume not. im doing this from a live cd20:19
ManDaythere is nothing out of the ordinary20:19
Weezernothingspecial: de's? what do u mean by that?20:19
ManDayDulak: I never tried to mount it. i try to umount it20:20
nothingspecialWheezer: Desktop Environments - gnome kde lxde xfce .........20:20
ManDayi mean i try to mkfs.ext2 it20:20
ManDayext3 even20:20
ManDayyou got me confused... lol20:21
ManDaylet me revise my reply to erUSUL:20:21
DulakManDay: ok, so what was the command that gave the error?  what command did you run that claimed it was mounted?  copy the command you ran20:21
ManDaybut then mkfs.ext3 wouldnt complain, would it!? anyway, its a livecd without anything especal20:21
xbonesxanyone know what the default password is for a live cd session?20:21
ManDaymkfs.ext3 /dev/sda220:21
ManDayxbonesx: i assume /dev/xrand20:21
xbonesxi logged out and now its requiring a password???20:21
ManDayerm, rand20:22
ubuntu__alright, since im not into linux anymore, bye guys20:22
erUSULxbonesx: is an empty password just press enter when asked by (gk)sudo20:22
DulakManDay: If you go to Places->Computer what devices does it show there?20:22
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xbonesxerUSUL: if i leave it blank it fails...20:22
ManDayDulak: is that of any relevance? i dont give a damn about what nautlius has to say20:23
xbonesxauthentication failure20:23
erUSULxbonesx: o.0`20:23
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DulakManDay: right, well g'luck with that20:23
Ryenxbonesx: Try 'root'.20:23
glaucousThis is Ubuntu/Linux/C++ related: How do I suppress/avoid sleep/standby with a C++ program in Linux?20:23
xbonesxRyen: tried it20:24
Dulakthe livecd shouldn't even prompt for a password at all, sudo is enabled for the default user without a password20:24
xbonesxDulak: i manually logged out20:25
xbonesxto let video drivers to take affect20:25
Dulakxbonesx: reboot and don't do that20:25
Dulakxbonesx: do your sudo stuff before you logout I guess20:26
xbonesxDulak: i downloaded packages that took me an hour to download and i wanted to save them with APTonCD, but i cant get back in to do so....20:26
Agent001are there additional themes to download for ubuntu?20:26
ubottuFind your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy20:26
cryptic0guys, I am stuck at the grub> prompt and I have no idea what to do.20:26
BingoHello All, need a favor...Can anyone tell me where will b the executable for "Terminal" b available in the Linux20:27
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Gneacryptic0: grub 1 or 2?20:27
edbianBingo, /usr/bin/gnome-terminal20:27
cryptic0Gnea it says grub> but I am sure it is grub220:27
edbianBingo, or /usr/bin/xterm20:27
edbianBingo, You probably have more than one terminal20:27
cryptic0ubuntu 1020:28
Gnea!grub2 | cryptic020:28
ubottucryptic0: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since Ubuntu 9.10.  For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub220:28
guntbertxbonesx: what was the problem? you logged out of the live CD session and cannot log in now?20:28
xbonesxguntbert: correct20:28
Dulakxbonesx: not sure what to tell you, the livecd isn't the best OS-on-cd out there, it's just designed to be a preview and diag tool, not a constantly running OS.  Look at slax if that's what you need.20:28
guntbertxbonesx: let me try it, I'll be back :-)20:28
Bingo@edbian - I'm trying crontab...so, wud like to check by running the terminal executable20:29
csmith1994hey guys does anyone know how I can open psds in gimp? I tried opening one and it spent ten minutes then didnt open (it was 110 mb). the other I tried has no layers and everything is in the wrong position20:29
edbianBingo, What are you trying to do exactly?20:29
xbonesxDulak: no i dont want to make a habit out of it, just downloaded packages for that pc without having to install the os, that way i could make a custimized live cd with preinstalled drivers and such20:29
edbianBingo, cron will run any program for you but you won't see the stdout output.  Just the effects of the program. (if it writes a file, has a gui, etc etc)20:30
Dulakxbonesx: yeah, that does suck, if you logout yer kinda screwed for sudo access20:30
Agent001wow.. ubuntu just got 10x better because of the themes :)20:30
xbonesxDulak: hopefully guntbert will come back and tell me how things worked for him20:31
takyAgent001, what do you mean?20:31
cryptic0can someone just tell me how to get out of the grub> prompt?20:31
erUSULAgent001: everybody likes bikeshedding20:31
Agent001I didnt know you could install new themes/icons20:31
erUSULcryptic0: ctrl + d or exit20:31
Bingo@edbian - I'm in the process of learning how to set up jobs..as part of which I'd like to check by having it setup at particular time to kick off20:31
cryptic0erUSUL:  I am at the boot grub> prompt, not inside ubuntu yet.20:31
cryptic0as soon as I boot, the grub> prompt appears20:32
takygnome is a chameleon, you can make it look howver you want, i have mine modified as a mixture between osx and windows20:32
edbianBingo, I don't really know what you mean.  Also I don't see how starting a terminal will help anything?20:32
csmith1994can anyone help? I need this for a school class20:32
x3noAnyone know what could have caused my sound to stop working when I changed to 10.10?20:32
erUSULcryptic0: what i said still stands20:32
xbonesxDulak and guntbert: i figured it out, i didnt realize that after i typed the first thing that it then wen to the pass. so all i had to do was type ubuntu for user and blank for pass20:33
fakeerI use Nokia 6233 via bluetooth to connect my Laptop (Ubuntu) to 3G Internet. Facing frequent connection drop: http://pastebin.com/V3mzf9kz20:33
xbonesxTY anyways guys lmao20:33
BingoInfact, any executable file can be setup as a job...but, i just want to check with terminal...that's all20:33
guntbertxbonesx: ok, fine :-)20:33
cryptic0erUSUL:  well that doesn't work20:34
Dulakcsmith1994: psd is a proprietary format, you won't get a perfect open on it no matter what you do20:34
edbianBingo, then just write a cron-job for gnome-terminal to start.20:34
Dulakxbonesx: we call that pebkac...20:34
csmith1994Dulak is there a converter from psd to xcf? or what is the latest version of photoshop that can be emulated under WINE?20:34
erUSULcryptic0: define "doesn't work" ? existing from the grub promt does not imply that the boot process will continue witout problems20:35
Dulakcsmith1994: cs4 works under wine, and I'm not aware of a good converter20:35
cryptic0erUSUL: exit returns me to the same grub> prompt and control+d doesn't do anything20:35
brontosaurusrexcsmith1994, gimp might do something20:35
csmith1994Dulak: really? CS4? thanks!20:35
amin_hi does anyone knows how to change external drives firmware?20:35
Dulakcsmith1994: yeah, cs3 is perfect, cs4 you have to tweak a bit but it works20:36
VCoolioBingo: if you want a gui app to run with cron I think you need to set like this: DISPLAY=:0.0 /usr/bin/gnome-terminal20:36
telmichgood evening20:37
VCoolioBingo: better use just cli first, like /bin/touch /home/yourname/Crontest  and see if that file is created20:38
telmichi installed ubuntu 10.10 beta to my t60 and try to convince xorg to keep the external monitor on, if I close the lid. anyone a pointer on how to achieve that?20:38
Bingo@edbain - ya, that's precisely what i'm trying to do...what would the crontab file b available ? I used crontab -e n assigned a job to kick off20:38
xangua!maverick | telmich20:38
ubottutelmich: Maverick Meerkat is the codename for Ubuntu 10.10, due October 2010 - Maverick is NOT released and NOT Stable, discussion and support in #ubuntu+120:38
telmichxangua: the problem is probably indepent of maverik or lucid, it's a question of the general approach20:39
Bingo@VCoolio - Am sorry..I didn't get you :-s20:40
amin_hi does anyone knows how to change external drives firmware?20:41
bgyIs it possible to install a maverick package on lucid ? I'd like to install redmine 1.0 which is not available for lucid and i'd like to keep it installed through a package20:42
waffle528Hi everyone20:42
Agent001what is the most popular ubuntu theme?20:42
VCooliobgy: no, but you can compile using checkinstall so it is installed as .deb20:42
VCoolio!checkinstall | bgy20:42
ubottubgy: checkinstall is a wrapper to "make install", useful for installing programs you compiled. It will create a .deb package, which will be listed in the APT database and can be uninstalled like other packages. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CheckInstall - Read the warnings at the top and bottom of that web page, and DO NOT interrupt CheckInstall while it's running!20:42
VCoolioAgent001: check the ratings for gtk2 on gnome-look.org, is as far as you get I think20:43
edbianAgent001, The default one because people don't change it.20:44
jfeoleamin_: usually, these type firmware patches are provided by the vendor20:45
speedrunnerG55i had to restart my pomputer since the mouse stoped working20:46
gnutunhey all; i got dual monitors working on lucid / radeon driver, but with a big virtual desktop so that windows get lost where i cant see them; any ideas?20:46
speedrunnerG55it stoped clicking20:46
edbianspeedrunnerG55, Did the keyboard stop working too?20:46
speedrunnerG55just the mouse, specificly clicking20:47
glucikjest jakis polak?20:47
speedrunnerG55its working now20:47
speedrunnerG55but i was worried20:47
speedrunnerG55what caused it20:47
guntbert!enter | speedrunnerG5520:47
ubottuspeedrunnerG55: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!20:47
guntbert!pl | glucik20:48
lee-xhow do i install wxPython on python2.7 if i manually installed 2.7?20:48
ubottuglucik: Na tym kanale używamy tylko języka angielskiego. Możesz uzyskać pomoc w języku polskim na #ubuntu-pl.20:48
LicuadoraIs there a way to browse all the fonts in Usr/share?20:48
LicuadoraI dont want to open OppenOffice every time, besides, OO only shows certain types of fonts20:49
edbianLicuadora, There are font viewer apps...20:50
Licuadoraedbian: Like...20:50
xanguaLicuadora: system>preferences>appearence20:50
edbianLicuadora, Search "font" in synaptic.  fonty is one I think20:51
LicuadoraI remember seeing somethin like, a window, with all the letters and numbers in a font style i choos20:51
cryptic0can someone help me get out of the grub> prompt at the boot.  I can't get out.20:51
physically_fitplease, someone using "firefox 4" beta: tell me if you can see video here: http://www.livestation.com/channels/10-bbc_world_news_english i only hear the audio and i have the latest flash from adobe20:51
VCoolioLicuadora: charmap?20:52
shafiqCan anyone give me any tips on installing themes into Ubuntu?  I'm using the Theme installer, but it just doesn't seem to work.20:52
VCoolioshafiq: if it's a .tar.gz, drag into that window, else extract manually into ~/.themes20:53
LicuadoraThere is something call "fontypon" let me try that one20:53
shafiqVCoolio: it's weird because it seems when I do either of those, they still don't show up in the theme manager.  latest ubuntu is gtk 2.x, correct?20:54
Agent001Yeah you're right. The default ubuntu theme is better20:54
edbianshafiq, You download a .tar or .tar.gz  Take the file, drag it into the fonts chooser window.  You get no feedback usually except the theme appears in there.  Installing themes IMHO is terribly done in all of linux.  You can also place the .tar.gz files somewhere (possible in ~/.themes) I don't rememeber where though20:54
joesinafter installing myphpadmin how do I log into it?20:54
VCoolioshafiq: correct; what did you download? have a link?20:54
ryan_hey wuts up everbody20:55
joesini tried localhost/myphpadmin and myphpadmin.asp20:55
Ryenlolcat: Do you need help?20:55
VCoolioshafiq: also what does 'doesn't seem to work' mean? errors? does it show up if you go customize > controls?20:55
joesinthat is what I meant20:55
lolcatI only have internett in a virtual machine, ubuntu cant connect. How do I figure out what is wrong?20:55
lolcatIt is an encrypted network20:55
lolcatAnd Ubuntu is the host os20:56
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »20:57
shafiqVCoolio: okay, so hold on.  what's the theme is installed (via one of the two ways), it is activated though the customize>controls section?20:57
shafiq*what's = once20:57
lolcatHow can I check if the cable is connected?20:57
lolcatUbuntu says Im not on the network, but I know that is impossible20:57
VCoolioshafiq: if it only contains gtk2 and no metacity, or if it lacks an index.theme file, you find it only there, if it's complete, it shows up in the main window20:57
shafiqVCoolio: what is metacity?20:58
VCoolioshafiq: window borders20:58
VCoolioshafiq: metacity is default window manager (or with compiz, window decorator) which includes borders and title bar; gtk2 is widgets, controls, menus20:59
cryptic0why is it so difficult to troubleshoot grub.  I am stuck at the grub> prompt after booting and I can't figure out how to get out of there.  I can't even boot into windows20:59
nurvanybody here use samba?20:59
joesinI drank to much and broke shit... and I was on a roll21:00
duffydack!grub2 | cryptic021:00
ubottucryptic0: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since Ubuntu 9.10.  For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub221:00
enterusernamehow do you control the order of when the services start21:00
enterusernameive been googlign with no resolv21:00
enterusernamei know ubuntu uses upstart..how do you tell ubuntu to start for example cups before samba21:00
edbiancryptic0, The reason you're in the grub menu at all is because grub can't find your operating systems.  It is likely that it is miss configured.  You can't get out of it easily because getting out of it easily would imply getting into the OS.  That is the job of grub in the first place.  To make getting into your OS easy.21:00
nurvcan somebody please help me with samba21:01
edbiancryptic0, Read this: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub221:01
cryptic0edbian:  but why can't it find windows either?21:01
cryptic0I haven't made any changes to windows21:01
edbiancryptic0, I don't know why it can't find your operating systems.21:01
VCoolio!ask | nurv21:01
ubottunurv: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)21:01
cryptic0edbian:  isn't there an easy way to just reinstall grub, or even lilo? I like lilo much better21:02
enterusernameis there no way to control what order upstart starts its services?21:02
enterusernamewhy would you change to upstart then :(21:02
VCoolioenterusername: not sure; you could hack the samba startup script to wait for cups, it's all bash so not too complicated21:02
nurvI have samba up and running on my ubuntu machine, but my windows computer doesnt see it21:02
edbiancryptic0, I don't know how to install lilo.  You can re-install grub using a live CD and the grub-install command.  Read the man page for grub-install on the live CD21:03
=== SolidLiq is now known as solid_liq
enterusernameya voolio but i think if i did that..cups wont even start if samba is waiting21:03
duffydack!grub2 | cryptic0  has all you need to know.21:03
ubottucryptic0  has all you need to know.: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since Ubuntu 9.10.  For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub221:03
erUSULenterusername: that's problematic becouse cups is still system V only not upstart ...21:03
VCoolionurv: do you have a folder that you shared? are you in the same workgroup as the windows machine?21:03
shafiqVCoolio: okay, thanks man. i think i got it.  and to install an icon theme pack, do i just extract that one to a certain dir, or is there a manager for that, too?21:04
enterusernameeruSUL: So how do you tell upstart to start cups after samba though? Like with init.d i could say S99 for last and S1 for first21:04
nurvVCoolio: i setup the windows computer to the same host/domain as the samba21:04
VCoolioshafiq: same way as themes, just use ~/.icons21:04
enterusernameeruSUL: Could i turn off the samba in upstart and start samba scripts from within the cups script?21:04
VCoolionurv: and other way round? do you see windows box from inside ubuntu?21:04
shafiqVCoolio: gotcha. thanks a lot dude.21:05
erUSULenterusername: maybe in #upstart they can tell you21:05
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enterusernamealright ill try there21:05
nurvVCoolio: yes if i goto places and network on ubuntu i see the windows machine there21:05
mobashercan anyone help me with apache php5 troubleshooting..i can load the joomla page but unable to check the phpinfo ??21:06
jure_so there's "add-apt-repository" - is there a "remove-apt-repository" ?21:06
VCoolionurv: then I don't know; if I had issues it was about seeing others in ubuntu, not being seen; sorry21:06
neekersi don't understand this bastille question. -> ¦Would you like to install TMPDIR/TMP scripts?21:06
navetzdoes anyone know how i can go about getting my microphone working?21:06
neekersis that something i want to do?21:07
navetzHi I have a envy 15 laptop and I can't get the microphone working with skype (or anything else). Can someone help me out?21:07
nurvVCoolio: ok thanx for your help21:07
guntbertneekers: about what are you talking?21:08
Friaranyone have any experience with server motherboards? I'm looking to build a dedicated server instead of my 10 year old computer....I'm looking at this one: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E1681313122821:08
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FriarI guess I'm wondering if anyone has used it, or would have any comments about it.21:08
neekersguntbert: i'm installing the bastille security package on ubuntu21:08
VCooliojure_: try this script, it's ppa-purge, but google for a newer version maybe, this one is at least 6 months old http://paste.pocoo.org/show/267718/21:09
Friaris there an issue that the motherboard only supports ddr2 800?21:09
guntbertneekers: sorry, no knowledge her about that :-/21:09
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VCooliojure_: or delete manually from /etc/apt/sources.d/ or /etc/apt/sources.list or system > admin > sources maybe21:09
MooshiMuushiYo :D21:10
guntbertFriar: isn't that more a hardware question? join ##hardware21:10
guntbertunkmar: with what?21:10
MooshiMuushiAnyone know any good gnome programs that will allow us to edit ".h264" video files?21:10
FriarThanks guntbert21:10
unkmarI want to do what I call an Overlay install.  I am at the Prepare disk space window.21:10
MooshiMuushior "video edit".21:11
uniquedoes installing rtorrent via apt-get installs it with xmlrpc-c ? or how can i find out if it is ?21:11
shafiqVCoolio: do you know where the mouse dir is?21:11
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.21:11
guntbertunkmar: I never heard about an Overlay install.21:11
erUSULenterusername: maybe adding "start on cups started" to /etc/init/smbd.conf ? dunno if systemV jobs emit events or not21:11
VCoolioshafiq: you mean cursors? they go into .icons too (don't ask me why)21:11
unkmarI don't want to lose my data, so I know I don't choose Erase and use.  But I'm not sure, if I choose Install them side by side, OR Specify partitions manually (advanced)21:12
nurvwould it be easier to setup an local ftp or use samba for windows and ubuntu?21:12
trismubottu: it is one of the dependencies so I would guess yes (apt-cache depends rtorrent)21:12
trismunique: sorry, that was for you ^21:12
unkmarguntbert: I call it overlay.  Leave the data in place and install on top or Overlay the install on top of preexisting data.  No wipey wipey.21:12
shafiqVCoolio: that's makes two of us.  and thanks, all set now. appreciate it.21:13
guntbertunkmar: with "side by side" you get two OSes on your disk21:13
VCoolioshafiq: no problem21:13
mobashercan anyone help me with apache php5 issue.. unable to check the phpinfo ??21:13
Cojageis ext4 stable?21:13
Cojageor is ext3 safer?21:14
Bingo@VCoolio - I'm using crontab -e n updating the a job and using ctrl+d to save it..but, it's not getting saved..:( how do i safe the crontab file ?21:14
erUSUL!lamp | mobasher troubleshotting section:21:14
ubottumobasher troubleshotting section:: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)21:14
Cojagefor home use21:14
guntbertCojage: yes21:14
edbianCojage, ext4 is safe21:14
Cojageah ok21:14
unkmarguntbert: one is broken, don't think I need 2.  Just fix the broken one.  I believe I need to pick specify.21:14
VCoolioBingo: ctrl+o <enter>  like in nano21:14
zubergeekHow do i login using the name i registered the other day?21:14
unkmarSome would call it an unclean install.21:14
mobashererUSUL=}} i don't want to install the LAMP...i already have everything install just need some help with configuration..21:14
Bingonano ?21:14
megamindstorm101i needed some help with installing the drivers for my video card21:14
VCoolioBingo: commandline text editor21:14
erUSULmobasher: troubleshotting section <<<21:14
megamindstorm101anyonw know how to help?21:14
guntbertunkmar: back up your home dir, then reinstall and restore21:15
BingoOh! all right..let me give it a shot !21:15
VCoolio!nvidia | megamindstorm10121:15
ubottumegamindstorm101: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto21:15
unkmarguntbert: I don't have the drive space available to backup my home folder.21:15
edbianmegamindstorm101, I can help.  What kinda card?21:15
megamindstorm101i went to some help but it just gives me this error every time I try to install21:15
megamindstorm101i have ati21:15
edbianmegamindstorm101, Is that a radeon or hd card?21:16
mobashererUSUL=}} lol okay...what is the server name suppose to be ?? localhost in sites-available -> default configuration ?21:16
megamindstorm101ati radeon hd 385021:16
megamindstorm101visiontek i belive21:16
megamindstorm101i had it installed before but then it randomly stopped working, i reinstalled ubuntu yesterday but it still doesnt work21:16
guntbertunkmar: do you have /home on a separate partition?21:16
unkmarguntbert: no.21:16
megamindstorm101whenever I try to install it gives me the error "system error: archive()failed" something like that21:17
Bingo@VCoolio - It's not working either :( not returning to the prompt...21:17
edbianmegamindstorm101, run sudo lspci -k   it will list your hardware and what drivers are being used.  What does it say about your card?21:17
guntbertunkmar: then I cannot help you tonight - sorry21:17
VCoolioBingo: ctrl+x to exit, it's only saved after ctrl+o21:17
VCoolioBingo: read the bottom, use ctrl with the characters mentioned there21:18
megamindstorm101edbian, it says  a TON of stuff you want me to copy it here?21:18
VCoolioBingo: lingo like '^x' means 'hit ctrl+x'21:18
guntbert!pastebin | megamindstorm10121:18
edbianmegamindstorm101, No no,  I want you to summarize the bit about your card.21:18
ubottumegamindstorm101: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.21:18
craigbass1976Who would I ask about why a particular version of an app is in the repositories?21:18
megamindstorm101oh yeah21:18
megamindstorm101umm i kinda dont know what this means :P21:19
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megamindstorm101ill copy it to pastie21:19
edbianmegamindstorm101, sure21:19
mobashererUSUL=}} was that a difficult question ?21:19
blue_annaIḿ getting this error trying to start empathy GLib-GIO-ERROR **: Settings schema 'org.gnome.Empathy' is not installed21:20
duffydackcraigbass1976,  you want to install a specific version of an app then21:20
BingoNop !  It is considering them as part of content.....:(21:20
edbianmegamindstorm101, ha!  Ubuntu thinks your video card is a Radeon HD 3870 audio device.  Do you see that?21:20
megamindstorm101i noticed21:20
megamindstorm101but its a 385021:21
aeon-ltdedbian: maybe it means thhe hdmi?21:21
edbianmegamindstorm101, But anywho, that might be because it has hdmi (and therefore sound)21:21
rifterI believe I did something stupid to my system here.  I was trying to get a 32 bit app (PCSX2) to work on my AMD64 Karmic system, by downloading 32-bit ubuntu packages for the needed libraries and copying the files into /usr/lib32/ which was supposed to obviate a 32-bit chroot.  Apparently it's not enough and I needed the chroot.  Installing schroot revealed my error; I seem to have overwritten expected symlinks with real files.  Did I21:21
rifterbreak myself here?  Should I find what the expected symlinks are and replace them?  I pasted a full list of the copied filepaths and the link errors here: http://paste.ubuntu.com/501117/21:21
=== xander is now known as xander1
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edbianmegamindstorm101, Anywho.  It has a valid driver running (radeon) how is it "not working" ??21:21
intraderAll, is there a way to detect a keystroke logger - While running Synaptic Package Manage and XChat I have gotten a warning of possible key logger. Should I worry?21:21
megamindstorm101i cant open catalyst21:21
Bingo@Vcoolio - It is considering the text as part of the content of the crontab file...21:22
megamindstorm101and it says the driver isnt installed in the hardware file21:22
xander1edbian mine works fine embedded radeon laptop21:22
rifterI was following instructions on their forum not realizing it was outdated because at first it looked like the guide was from a few days ago, when in fact it was a rebuff from a developer for following old information that was a few days ago21:22
craigbass1976duffydack, no, I want to know why (and if there's anything I can do about) an old version of a program that's currently in the repos21:22
VCoolioBingo: I don't see your problem now21:22
xander1catalyst working etc etc21:22
edbianmegamindstorm101, Ok, catalyst on Linux is unfortunately a piece of garbage.  Is that the only thing that is "wrong"?  Are you running compiz?21:22
megamindstorm101whats compix?21:23
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VCooliomegamindstorm101: window manager with fancy animations and effects21:23
megamindstorm101and the hardware manager says it isnt installed as well which i think is a problem21:23
blue_annaIḿ getting this error trying to start empathy GLib-GIO-ERROR **: Settings schema 'org.gnome.Empathy' is not installed21:23
aeon-ltd!compiz | megamindstorm10121:23
ubottumegamindstorm101: Compiz (compositing window manager), for a howto see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager and more help #compiz21:23
edbianmegamindstorm101, It draws the pretty effects like wobbly windows.  System -> preferences -> appearances -> desktop effects tab.  What is it set to?21:23
duffydackcatalyst runs fine here.  I dont wanna use ubuntu without it.21:23
megamindstorm101i have it set to normal21:23
megamindstorm101but when I put it to fancy it does wobble fine21:24
xander1compiz yes i never understad why ppl have so many problems with drivers maybe it cause ive used linux since kernel 0.9521:24
edbianmegamindstorm101, hardware manager is referring to the proprietary fglrx driver. There are two drivers for you to choose from.  fglrx (from ati) or the open source radeon (which you're using right now)21:24
duffydackcraigbass1976,  what application is it then, and what do you wanna know.21:24
Bingo@VCoolio - what is that u r giving ? coz, i used crontab -e n added a line..n tried saving with ctrl+o and quiting ctrl+x...but, it's not working...21:24
megamindstorm101oh and the fglrx isnt working21:24
edbianmegamindstorm101, Because compiz is working correctly you are using your card to its full potential.21:24
megamindstorm101oh ok21:24
megamindstorm101so basically those errors mean nothing and its working fine?21:25
edbianmegamindstorm101, Please read what I said about fglrx21:25
edbianmegamindstorm101, Pretty much!21:25
mobashercan anyone help me with apache php5 issue.. unable to check the phpinfo page ??21:25
agentgasmaskmegamindstorm101: are you trying to do multi monitors or somthing?21:25
Davide__salve a tutti volevo chiedere dovrei effettuare un partizionamento di una quantità di spazio pai a 80G qualcuno mi può indicare quanto spazio dedicare alle varie partizioni?21:25
megamindstorm101it just bugs me that it gives an error when I try to install the propietary fglrx graphics driver21:25
xander1megamind i would wait for ubuntu 10.10 release in like 13 days promises fglrx intergration21:25
megamindstorm101and for me thats the only driver to choose from21:25
craigbass1976duffydack, whyteboard; it's older.  I've been chatting with it's creator, who idn't even know it's in the ubuntu repos.  I think he's going to add a feature, but then I won't get it installing with apt.  I can install it otherwise, but then I'd have to do that every time there's an update.21:25
VCoolioBingo: you hit ctrl + o, it offers a spot to save (at the bottom bar), you don't change that so hit <enter>. It is saved; now exit with ctrl + x, done. Right? If not, I'm lost21:25
edbianmegamindstorm101, I can help you get that driver working if you'd like.  It is likely though you will see no difference.21:25
edbianmegamindstorm101, What errors do you get?21:25
evanionanyone know where i can find the image checksums for the ubuntu image?21:26
edbianmegamindstorm101, I realize that the hardware manager is only listing fglrx.  In reality there are two choices.  radeon and fglrx.21:26
Dulakmobasher: did you install the package named libapache2-mod-php5?21:26
duffydackcraigbass1976, ah ok I see.  you need a ppa or install using the debs, as ubuntu repos dont update to newer versions, just maintin existing ones...21:26
megamindstorm101umm the error I get is "systemerror:installarchives()failed"21:26
soreaumegamindstorm101: The only drivers listed in ubuntus hardware drivers manager are proprietary. The open source radeon driver supports your card for 3D and is already in use by default21:26
blue_annaIḿ getting this error trying to start empathy GLib-GIO-ERROR **: Settings schema 'org.gnome.Empathy' is not installed21:27
megamindstorm101and in the catalyst it says that "no ati graphics driver is installed or the ati driver is not functioning properly" thats fine and I dont need to worry?21:27
soreaumegamindstorm101: You dont need to install fglrx21:28
megamindstorm101so I should just forget it :p21:28
megamindstorm101i do all my gaming in windows anyways21:28
edbianmegamindstorm101, catalyst is again referring to fglrx.  (only works when that driver is running)21:28
megamindstorm101so i guess I dont need it21:28
rwwevanion: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuHashes21:28
duffydackcraigbass1976, https://launchpad.net/~sproaty/+archive/ppa/+index?field.series_filter=dapper21:28
edbianmegamindstorm101, the radeon driver works just as well.21:28
megamindstorm101xander1: are you the xander i know?21:28
edbianmegamindstorm101, You can give up if you want.  I still have more suggestions if you wanna keep going21:28
mobasherDulak=}} yeap it's opening up the joomla installation php page but not opening the phpinfo page..thats really odd21:28
BingoI don't see any suggestions at the bottom..:(21:28
soreaumegamindstorm101: As long as compiz effects are working, it should be fine. Also, the radoen driver will get better automatically with newer versions of ubuntu21:29
megamindstorm101well apparently it doesnt really matter21:29
edbianmegamindstorm101, No it really doesn't.21:29
jenghey guys, how can one install a proprietary driver without X?21:29
Bingo@VCoolio - Oops ! I don't see any suggestions at the bottom of the screen....:(21:29
megamindstorm101then well thanks :)21:29
blue_annahow do I turn on core dumps?21:29
megamindstorm101i didnt know I had one installed21:29
Dulakmobasher: did you forget the <?php ?> tags maybe?21:29
megamindstorm101gbye guys21:29
edbianmegamindstorm101, I'd prefer you use the radeon driver actually.  Because it is open source and I believe in open source software.21:29
pc_is hier jemand from rotterdam??21:29
agentgasmaskbye megamindstorm10121:29
Dulakmobasher: what is the name of the file?  phpinfo.php?21:30
mobasherDulak=}} let me pastebin it one sec21:30
soreaumegamindstorm101: ubuntu attempts to load and use any open source driver compatible with hardware it finds on the system21:30
VCoolioBingo: what is the reply if you do 'echo $EDITOR' in a terminal?21:30
mobasherDulak=}} phppage.html21:30
megamindstorm101so yeah now im leaving :021:30
Braber01I'm kind of upset that I can't use my alt keyboard layouts, which package can I take a look at if I want to really write a driver for my keyboard, and where can I find example source code?21:30
mobasherDulak=}} <html><head><title> PHP Test Script </title></head><body><?php phpinfo( ); ?></body></html>21:30
Dulakmobasher: phppage.php instead, the extension .php tells apache to process it as php, .html is just output directly21:30
mobasherDulak=}} try it....it's on the web...www.smartwizeinc.com/joomla/phppage.html21:31
Dulakmobasher: change the name of the file so it ends in .php, not .html21:31
mobasherDulak=}} k let me try that didn't try that so far21:31
Bingo@VCoolio - empty line...nothing at all..21:31
VCoolioBingo: maybe you're using vim; try this: EDITOR=nano crontab -e21:32
mobasherDulak=}} hahhaha..it worked...sometimes a stupid simple thing like that could drive u to the wall21:32
wesselch1Hi folks I need a little by rhythmbox: Where can I config that rhythmbox is the default for playing CD?21:32
Dulakmobasher: np, everybody starts somewhere21:32
mobasherDulak=}} believe it not some people made me reinstall the apache 4 times for that lmao21:32
wesselch1little help :-)21:33
VCoolioBingo: if you had vi(m), hit :q! to exit; then add the line <<  EDITOR=nano >> to ~/.bashrc to use nano in situations like this and restart the terminal21:33
Dulakmobasher: hah, well luckily I was here then or you might have had to do it again21:33
riftermaybe I really did break myself.  I don't think anyone wants to touch that one, and I don't blame them :D21:33
Bingo@VCoolio - I tried vi editor commands before approaching :P, no use though..21:34
mineurwhat's console-kit-daemon ?21:34
coalq: can you use xirc for more than ubuntu realm stuff?21:35
Bingo@VCoolio - I realized that It's only getting terminated by usuing ctrl+d twice21:35
n8wi wanna remove some entries from the grub menu, but i cant find menu.lst file...locate menu.lst gives me only path to memtest86+/examples21:35
unkmarn8w: grub.cfg21:36
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since Ubuntu 9.10.  For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub221:36
Willkillerwhat's the channel ubuntu in brazil?21:36
mobasherDulak=}} naa i got sick of it...it's stupid and has nothing to do with installation i know it was fine...some even tell u to install xampp..dude..i don't want xampp..lol21:36
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rwwWillkiller: #ubuntu-br21:36
blue_annamineur, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=55627221:36
wpeckerHi, I have java installed but I can't install the firefox java plugin, can someone help_21:36
VCoolioBingo: ctrl+d is the default exit command in linux shell, not for nano though; I don't know what's wrong now; does EDITOR=nano crontab -e   help?21:36
n8wunkmar:  ok thx,i thought that ive read somewhere that i chould not touch the cfg file21:37
n8w*should not21:37
wpeckerI can install the plugin by installing sun-java6-plugin package but I don't want to do it since it breaks firefox settings, is there another way?21:37
unkmarn8w: certain locations in the .cfg aren't suppose to be messed with.21:38
mobasherDulak=}} no worries it's cool man..it's done..thanks i appreciate your help21:38
wpeckermaybe I should put some files in firefox/plugins directory?21:38
FernandoBassoHello. Isn't there a vim-7.3 .deb ubuntu package yet ?21:39
n8wunkmar:  aight,thx:)21:39
duffydackwpecker, Ive never known java plugin to break firefox, or chrome.21:39
intraderAll, I have 89 tasks running as root (`ps -ef |grep root|wc -l`), is there a way to detect a keystroke logger - While running Synaptic Package Manager and XChat I have gotten a warning of possible key logger.21:40
wpecker(duffydack): it installs some extra stuff, I suspect they cause it21:40
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wpecker(duffydack): it changes language, firefox starts offline all the time etc.21:40
n8wunkmar:  so i can safely remove some of the OS entries rite?21:40
wpecker(duffydack): it installs extra ubufox, firefox-branding and firefox packages if I recall correctly21:41
wpeckerwhich I don't want21:41
duffydackwpecker, those are part of a regular ubuntu firefox install.21:41
coalhelp. does this only work for ubuntu servers? can i go onto non-ubuntu ircs?21:41
GPenguinhas anyone seens bodhi zazen?21:41
wpeckerbut I already have firefox,21:41
Guest22273what is the name of french ubuntu channel?21:41
Braber01um using a g15 keyboard with the lcd Screen and there are no dirvers for it, I'm tired of not being able to to use my alt keyboard layouts where can I find a package to work with so i can write a driver or at least attempt to? with example source code?21:41
GPenguinhttp://bodhizazen.net/ seems dead21:41
guntbertGuest22273: #ubuntu-fr21:42
wpecker(duffydack): I copied it from the tarball to the /usr/lib/firefox dir21:42
unkmarn8w: or comment them out.21:42
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duffydackwpecker, you bypassed the package manager then, well that explains it21:43
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n8wunkmar:  yet,thx21:43
ubuntu_madcan someone help me on my bug21:43
wpecker(duffydack): do you know another way of installing this plugin then?21:43
coalhow do i use xchat to go to anywhere but this? can i go somewhere not ubuntu-related21:43
Bingo@VCoolio - Yep, I'm able to save it now....EDITOR=vi also worked..21:44
guntbertcoal: this network has a lot of channels - network help is to be found in #freenode, type /join #freenode21:44
ActionParsnipubuntu_mad: all I can suggest is remove the package then reinstall it21:45
cryptic0I just reinstalled grub2 and after rebooting, I am trying to update it's menu.  But I get an error: can't find a device for / (is /dev mounted?)21:45
ubuntu_madActionParsnip: did that via nvidia purge and then installed again21:46
wpeckerI tried copying /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun-
ActionParsnipwpecker: you need to symlink it21:46
VCoolioBingo: ok, add that to .bashrc and see if that solves it (restart terminal or 'source ~/.bashrc')21:46
wpeckerI tried copying /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun- to /usr/lib/firefox/plugins/ but then it crashes whenever I open a java applet21:47
wpecker(ActionParsnip): sorry I symlinked it not copied21:47
gnutunhay all; my "hardware drivers" doesn't show the driver for my ATI card, even though it did just ten minutes ago ... how can i get it back?21:47
misteralexanderNAJI: hey21:47
ActionParsnipwpecker: cool21:47
duffydackwpecker, if you are using a newer firefox than whats in the repo, why not try a ppa?21:47
NAJIi got a problem with internet, i live in area with very slow net protocol, i can chat on irc but i cannot surf the web21:47
n8wunkmar:  ive got one more question...when i remove some entries from grub.cfg n do sudo update-grub,they will appear in there again21:48
duffydackand keep the package manager happy21:48
VCoolioBingo: you could also add to ~/.profile, that's read only on login, .bashrc every time you start a new shell21:48
misteralexanderNAJI: sucks! LOL, sorry.21:48
ubuntu_madActionParsnip: any other ideas or should i wait for the bug to be answered?21:48
wpeckerduffydack I'm using 3.6.10 from tar file21:48
Bingo@VCoolio - ya it says permission denied21:48
Roush427rHey, does anybody know how to get a sidebar for 10.10?21:49
unkmarn8w: probably, unless you remove the kernels that the update is detecting.21:49
NAJIany idea what i can do???21:49
ActionParsnipubuntu_mad: could try a PPA with a later driver, theres a 256 driver if your nvidia chip is fairly recent21:49
Bingo@VCoolio - what's the permanent solution ?21:49
Bingo@VCoolio - Also, although the cronjob is setup,21:49
wpeckeranyway it doesn't crash now, it just doesn't work at all with my current symlink.21:49
mary_How can I install Java plugin for firefox?21:49
mary_Do I need multi-verse?21:49
Bingoit's not running the job i had setup as part of it..21:49
ActionParsnip!java | mary_21:50
ubottumary_: To install a Java runtime on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java. For the Sun Java products and browser plugin, search for the sun-java6- packages in the !partner repository on Lucid (which must be enabled), or !multiverse repository on older releases.21:50
gnutunhello, can anyone hear me?21:50
Roush427rDoes anybody know how to get a sidebar?21:50
misteralexandermary_: you should be able to install the plugin from within Firefox21:50
NAJImary_: go to ubuntu software center and install java21:50
duffydackwpecker, http://www.webupd8.org/2010/01/firefox-36-stable-ubuntu-repository-ppa.html21:50
misteralexandergnutun: hello.21:50
Roush427rgnutun: I can't hear you, but I can read you.21:50
ubuntu_madActionParsnip: my laptop is 6 years old :-((21:50
Braber01um I asked my question mutlple times and still wasn't answerd...21:50
navetzHi I have a envy 15 laptop and I can't get the microphone working with skype (or anything else). Can someone help me out?21:50
gnutunmisteralexander, Roush427r: sorry, wasnt used to this irc client, my bad21:50
ActionParsnipubuntu_mad: what nvidia chip is it?21:51
guntbertBraber01: it can happen that no one knows an answer21:51
Neo_the_chosen_onavetz do your microphone is plugged?21:51
misteralexanderBraber01: what was your question?21:51
Braber01okay I'll come back later.21:51
wpecker(misteralexander): can you explain how is that?21:51
NAJIBraber01: what it is your problem??21:51
ubottuCanonical's partner repositories provide packages a location for software vendors to publish applications. The repo itself can be added by running this in a !terminal: « sudo add-apt-repository "deb http://archive.canonical.com/ $(lsb_release -sc) partner" »21:51
wpecker(duffydack): checking now21:51
navetzNeo_the_chosen_o: my microphone is built into my laptop21:51
misteralexanderwpecker: huh?21:51
wpeckerthe java plugin21:51
wedwoNAJI, try using links browser from the repos - takes a bit of getting used to but lightning fast21:51
Braber01where can I find a package to work with g15 keyboard w/ LCD screen to make the alt keyboard layouts work.21:51
wpeckeryou said you could install it inside firefox21:51
misteralexanderwpecker: oh, yeah . . . hold on.21:52
Roush427rOk... let me try this again, Does anybody know how to get a sidebar for Ubuntu?21:52
duffydackwpecker, not sure if that works  I dont use firefox, but there is that and a daily ppa, its best to use a ppa rather than a tarball.21:52
fadumptCan anyone tell me the ubuntu club channel?21:52
misteralexanderwpecker: I use chrome, let me fire up firefox, hold on.21:52
Bingo@VCoolio - I have created a 'Temp' folder on the desktop n created an executable file "cron.sh" with contents "rm -rf /home/nikhil/Temp". In the crontab file I have scheduled this to run this file..However, it's not running the job n deleting the file ? What could be the possible reason that u could think of ?21:52
ActionParsnipfadumpt: #ubuntu-club or #club-ubuntu  maybe21:52
wpecker(duffydack): Can I change the language later if I install this way?21:52
NAJIwedwo: links, alright!21:52
wpecker(misteralexander): ok, waiting21:52
jeandqui peut m'aider21:52
ActionParsnipBingo: you dont need -f if you are deleting from within home21:53
ActionParsnip!fr | jeand21:53
ubottujeand: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr, ou #ubuntu-qc. Merci.21:53
wpecker(duffydack): because that's why I didn't use apt-get in the first place,21:53
NAJIwebdwo: i hope it will be fetched!!21:53
duffydackwpecker, shouldnt it just use what language you have installed?  what language do you need21:54
ubuntu_madActionParsnip: Gforce 6800 but let me confirm21:54
mary_what does -qc mean? i get -fr21:54
misteralexanderwpecker: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/browse/type:721:54
wpecker(duffydack): I need Turkish, it comes with English from apt-get21:54
ActionParsnipubuntu_mad: sudo lshw -C display    will show you21:54
IdleOnemary_: -qc is the Quebec LoCo channel21:54
misteralexanderwpecker: scroll down, Java is a couple from the top.21:54
NAJIwedwo: ayayyay!!!! can't install!! it say check you internet connection!!21:55
NAJIany idea??21:55
wpecker(misteralexander): checking it now21:55
ActionParsnipubuntu_mad: http://www.webupd8.org/2010/06/how-to-install-nvidia-25635-display.html    try that, you may get luck with the 256 version21:55
wedwoNAJI, do you have a live CD?21:55
NAJIwedwo: nope!!21:56
wpecker(misteralexander): sorry but it's not what I'm looking for, I already have java installed, I just need the plugin working with ff21:56
wpecker(misteralexander): thanks anyway21:56
wedwoNAJI, then I can't help you21:56
ubuntu_madActionParsnip: thanks,can you PM me the sudo as this bloody empathy keeps refreshing and i can keep the chat in one place :-(21:56
misteralexanderwpecker: k.21:57
NAJIwebdo, tried sysnaptics but failed!!!21:57
VCoolioBingo: sorry, I was gone; what line in cron do you use?21:57
wedwoNAJI, but best greetings to Morocco from South Africa anyway21:57
ilkerhello i have been trying to connect internet for a week. what is the simple way? does wicd work?21:57
wpeckerShouldn't linking libjavaplugin_oji.so file to plugins folder do the trick? It just doesn't work for some reason.21:58
NAJIwebdo: hahaha!! so you checked that out!! thanks21:58
wedwoNAJI, maybe try late at night when net traffic is slow21:58
ilkerbtw, manual configuration, static IP.21:58
NAJIwebdo: any trick to do with firefox??21:58
VCoolioBingo: also the script is supposed to delete itself, maybe that's not possible; try '/bin/touch /home/nikhil/Temp/ItWorks.txt'21:58
NAJIwebdo: this net is dead slow, nobody uses it!!!21:58
nothingspecialilker: not if your connection is not working anyway21:58
NAJIwebdo: gprs!!!21:59
Powerworkguys i have multiple virtual hosts and static pages are served with nginx. On the server itself the domains of these virtual hosts work fine. But from elsewhere I run into this error "your browser does not support frames." http://dpaste.com/248872/  Is that a firewall problem?22:00
ilkernothingspecial: not working for a week, there is no patience for me22:00
nothingspecialilker: what is your network interface? sudo lshw -C network22:00
neekersis anyone here familiar with denyhosts?22:00
wedwoNAJI, gprs is wireless - don't you have some way to use ethernet?22:00
Powerworksorry multiple apache virtual hosts22:00
nothingspecialuse the pastebin btw22:00
ActionParsnipubuntu_mad: http://www.webupd8.org/2010/06/how-to-install-nvidia-25635-display.html    try that, you may get luck with the 256 version22:01
ActionParsnipubuntu_mad: sudo lshw -C display22:01
jfeolewpecker: try starting in teminal with:  firefox -debug22:01
NAJIwebdo: i am an instructor in a mountain area, very far and isolated!!!, i am lucky to have wired-electricity!!!22:01
wpecker(jfeole): ok22:01
ilkernothingspecial: i gave this command, what do you wanna know? there is a lot of thing.22:02
Bingo@VCoolio - I'm not trying to delete the cron.sh file as well....I'm just trying to delete a particular folder "Temp" that I've created for this very purpose.22:02
wpecker(jfeole): no errors, when I open the applet22:02
wpeckernothing appears in the terminal22:02
jfeoleso it dies when ya try and open an applet?22:02
wpeckerno it doesn't work at all22:02
nothingspecialilker: http://paste.ubuntu.com22:03
neekersthe denyhosts faq says to configure cron like this -> 0,20,40 * * * * python PATH_TO_DENYHOSTS/denyhosts.py -c PATH_TO_DENYHOSTS_CONFIG/denyhosts.cfg but there ins't a denyhosts.py, there is a deny_hosts.py in /usr/share/denyhosts/DenyHosts/22:03
wpeckerthe site says I don't have java22:03
VCoolioBingo: ah, ok, sorry, thought that .sh was in the Temp folder; ok then; what line in crontab do you have?22:03
ilkernothingspecial: i cannot do that, i am on another computer22:03
wedwoNaji, I see - unless you know someone in the government or maybe university who can burn you repository CD I know of no way to slim down your bandwidth22:03
wpecker(jfeole): it used to crash before but now nothing22:03
ubuntu-newbieAny idea why Empathy's File Transfer doesn't work in Ubuntu 10.04 ? Not for Google Talk or MSN. Tried both. MSN just grays out the choice and Google Talk gives an error. Can't receive22:03
ubuntu-newbiefiles either. People get some errors on Google Talk like "He isn't using a valid client" or something.22:03
wpecker(jfeole): maybe I'm using the wrong .so file?22:03
BingoI've created a file cron.sh under $HOME/Desktop with it's content as "rm -r $HOME/Desktop/Temp"22:03
Danielubuntu-newbie: I have the same problem. But in Ubuntu 9.10.22:04
NAJIwebdo: i can take my laptop and travel 50 km to connect via ethernet!! but, I have work here22:04
Bingocrontab -e has " Mins hours * * * $HOME/Desktop/cron.sh22:04
nothingspecialilker: Need to know the card. Got to go anyway. Someone will know. Cheers22:05
ubuntu-newbieDaniel: I think Empathy's site said they'd support file transfers, but I'd like to know what's wrong. It's a pity you have the same problem :(22:05
VCoolioBingo: cron is very stupid; try /home/username instead of $HOME22:05
Bingo@VCoolio - So, as far as I understand, it must delete the TEMP directory created on the desktop...22:05
NAJIwedwo: and i need net for many purposes, including surfing the web!!! is there anything i can do with firefox to surf the web22:05
BingoAll right boss ! I'll try that as well :D22:06
Danielubuntu-newbie: yeah22:06
NAJIwedwo: even it goona be slow, it is better than nothing22:06
ilkernothingspecial: NetLink BCM57780 Gigabit Ethernet PCIe for eth022:06
Powerworkguys why do i get such a different ping results? http://dpaste.com/249289/22:06
Powerworkis that a hostname issue?22:06
Powerworkfirewall issue?22:06
Danielhow can i change my user color?22:06
VCoolioBingo: also check the cron log in /var/log (you need 'sudo nano /var/log/crond.log' ) for errors22:07
ubuntu-newbiebtw is there any way to delete only some history items / recent file history in Ubuntu? I don't mean the whole history and I don't mean Firefox.22:07
NAJIwedwo: can't use filezilla ftp client!!! dead net!!!22:07
ubuntu-newbieI mean if I have alot of useful stuff in my recent files history and some that aren't that useful. I want the unuseful stuff out22:07
ubuntu-newbieit takes space22:07
NAJIwedwo: google did open a search page!!!!!!! yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaah!!22:08
Andreaskaneis ellinas22:09
silasdavison ubuntu 10.10 where is sshd configured22:09
VCoolioBingo: maybe you even need to tell cron what the shell is: /bin/sh /home/user/Desktop/cron.sh , don't despair, it will do as you say some day ;) , but with this I'm pretty much out of options22:10
wpeckerI solved the plugin problem by linking /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun- file to firefox/plugins directory, thanks to all who helped.22:10
llutzsilasdavis: #ubuntu+1   /etc/ssh/sshd_config22:10
silasdavisllutz: I'm trying to assist someone, is is normal for that file to be empty on a fresh ubuntu install?22:10
silasdavisalso on typing sudo service sshd start, my friend gets 'service not found'22:11
llutzsilasdavis: i'm not sure if openssh-server is installed by default. but 10.10-support is on #ubuntu+122:11
BingoApparently, ya ! replacement of $HOME went in vain..so, I'll try the last suggestion...Fingers crossed...;)22:11
maedoxsilasdavis: it's called ssh from lucid and on. sshd_config should not be empty.22:11
rolowhat is ubuntu system's windowing library called?22:12
jfeolessh is NOT installed by default22:12
ilkerso how do i download wicd .deb package for 64 bit systems?22:13
silasdavisI have got him to install ssh-server, and in fact it is running, I need to change the port, but I am concerned that sshd_config22:13
jribilker: wicd is in the repositories22:14
ilkerjrib: i am on windows :/22:14
Bingo@VCoolio - lol....Finally...22:14
jribilker: so go on ubuntu?22:14
VCoolioBingo: it worked? Yay22:14
Bingo@VCoolio - Bingoooo !! It worked...;)22:14
silasdavis..is empty22:15
nomencould anyone please tell me if there is anyway to use a keyfile to do full system encryption of ubuntu, and if so, how?22:15
neekershow do you setup denyhosts to run as a daemon, i can't find any current instructions, the damn faq is way out of date22:16
VCoolioBingo: now remember how stupid cron is and have fun; also, for future frustration prevents, use DISPLAY=0.0 comand  if you ever need to spawn a window or notification with cron22:16
ilkerjrib: that is not my computer, i have to download wicd by this computer22:16
mpalakisdoes anyone know why i cant wach video with vlc?22:16
jribilker: wicd won't run on windows.  If you want to install it on ubuntu, just go to the computer with ubuntu and install it there22:16
duffydacknomen, choose encrpyt home during install. not much point encrypting /22:16
VCooliompalakis: you're doing it wrong or it's broken; add specific errors/problems22:17
ilkerjrib: i have ubuntu my own computer, but there is no connection on my computer. this is my friend's computer22:17
nomenduffydack, thanks, but i didn't ask that :)22:17
mpalakisi open a file with vlc and it loads it and then it close22:17
jribilker: why would you want wicd with no internet connection?22:17
Bingo@VCoolio - Man, this is hellafa pain in the neck....:P Throttle ! ;)  It's early in the morning 2:45 AM in INDIA, will have to hit the sack now yaawn ! Thanks a bunch friend ! You have been extremely supportive :D22:17
VCoolioBingo: no problem, sleep tight22:18
ilkerjrib: cause i could not do that. maybe wicd can do i think.22:18
VCooliompalakis: in a terminal, do 'vlc /path/to/videofile' and report errors22:18
mpalakisok, wait22:18
jribilker: oh I see.  Well if network manager doesn't work, I doubt wicd would.  But packages.ubuntu.com will have packages.  Also see ubottu22:18
jrib!offline | ilker22:18
ubottuilker: If you need to download Ubuntu packages using another machine or OS, check the desired packages in Synaptic and select File > Generate package download script. Alternatively, try http://ubottu.com/ljl/apt/ - See also !APTonCD22:18
Bingo@ ya, I made a note of it...n yes, now that i know cron is crazy ! I'll have b crazy to b in sync with it's madness ;).. Am off ! C ya soon...:P22:18
unkmarI'm running a 10.04 Live CD.  how can I share the Desktop?  View the x11 remotely?  Via VNC or RDestkop or Whatever can be installed under the live CD?22:19
ilkerjrib: thanks jrib :)22:19
nickosmahow can i sync Evolution calendar with my contacts birthdays22:21
nickosmai'm using Ubuntu 10.0422:21
mpalakisVCollio where should i paste my error report?22:21
VCoolio!paste | mpalakis22:21
ubottumpalakis: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.22:21
delinquentmei feel like this crowd is prob more well informed than the #windows ... Im trying to SHRINK my windows NTFS partition ... im in the "disk management" and i right click primary partition > shrink Volume .. however it says its able to shrink the volume by 0 MB ... thoughts anyone?22:23
unkmarok, so it can't be done.22:23
delinquentmeunkmar, thats not the answer im looking for22:23
nomencould anyone please tell me if there is anyway to use a keyfile to do full system encryption of ubuntu, and if so, how?22:23
unkmardelinquentme: not you.22:23
jribdelinquentme: you can use gparted to shrink an ntfs partition, but if you're using windows ask ##windows, not here22:24
delinquentmejrib, yeah nobody in windows seems to know whats going on lol22:24
unkmardelinquentme: partition magic might can do it.  Pay product.22:24
jribdelinquentme: ok, but that doesn't mean you should ask here :)22:24
mpalakisVLC media player 1.0.2 Goldeneye [0x99a0140] main libvlc: Running vlc with the default interface. Use 'cvlc' to use vlc without interface. [0x9ccd3d0] pulse audio output: No. of Audio Channels: 2 QPainter::begin: Paint device returned engine == 0, type: 1 QPainter::begin: Paint device returned engine == 0, type: 1 [????????] x11 video output error: X11 request 133.19 failed with error code 8:  BadMatch (invalid parameter attributes) X 22:25
navetzHi I have a envy 15 laptop and I can't get the microphone working with skype (or anything else). Can someone help me out?22:25
|multipass|hey guys, i want to set up a grub so i can use it to launch windows(which is on my other hard drive)-- but when i open up the menu.lst there is nothing in it. grub dosnt show up when windows starts. how do i auto configure one? is it possible22:25
unkmarmpalakis: try vlc -I ncurses filetoplay22:25
|multipass|when computer starts*22:25
Rods_TigerIs there anything that can be done to make the dual boot screen more friendly? I installed a dual boot system for someone and the dual boot screen is too frightening for them.22:26
mpalakisunkmar? its i or l22:26
unkmarmpalakis: capital i.22:26
jribRods_Tiger: erm, you can put a pretty graphic I guess.  Not sure how a list of choices is scary22:26
DanielHow can i delete permanently the Terminal history?22:26
Kentayros-ta mpalakia mas22:27
mpalakisand what now?22:27
unkmarmpalakis: does it play?22:27
mpalakisits shows a playlist22:28
jribDaniel: help history22:28
mpalakisin terminal22:28
unkmarmpalakis: did you choose a file for it to play?22:28
Danieljrib: thanks22:28
unkmarmpalakis: you can hit the space bar to start the audio.22:28
mpalakisok wait22:28
VCooliompalakis: what kind of file do you point it to? .avi or something exotic?22:28
unkmarVCoolio: am I the only one that plays music through vlc?22:29
Rods_TigerI cant leave it with the present grub2 list of mostly irrelevant and technical nonsense. That's just ridiculous.22:29
PropaneNightmareEvening people. Having a problem with the Gwibber client. It won't let me onto Facebook. Everything works (IM, Email and all that) except Gwibber. Is there anything I'm not doing right?22:29
mpalakisok unkmar22:30
mpalakisit plays now22:30
unkmarmpalakis: so the problem is the GUI interface.  You can try -I skin instead of ncurses and see if that works as well.22:30
mpalakisit playd with vlc -I ncurses22:31
DanielAcidphase: OK22:31
unkmarmpalakis: correct, -I ncurses is NOT a GUI interface.  it is a console interface.  skin is one of the GUI interfaces available.22:31
PropaneNightmareHow to do I get onto facebook on Gwibber?22:32
mpalakisit plays with -I skin too22:33
VCooliounkmar: at least I don't, I use ncmpcpp22:33
unkmarmpalakis: http://wiki.videolan.org/Interfaces22:33
mpalakisbut it reports this problems22:33
unkmarmpalakis: so the default interface, possibly qt, is barfing on you.22:33
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.22:34
mpalakis[0x9d78630] main interface error: no interface module matched "skin" [0x9d78630] main interface error: no suitable interface module [0x9cdb140] main libvlc error: interface "default" initialization failed [0x9e49428] pulse audio output: No. of Audio Channels: 222:34
=== chrowe_ is now known as chrowe
lakeofteamy ubuntu is loading up my extra hard drives as /media/myhardrive_ instead of /media/myharddrive.  is anyone familiar w a problem like this22:34
unkmarmpalakis: so it didn't find skin and it resorted to some other interfaces.22:34
mrehmy .bashrc and .profile files are not executable22:35
mrehwhy is this so?22:35
mpalakisso what i do now?22:35
VCooliompalakis: did you mess with vlc settings?  what if you (re)move ~/.config/vlc and try again?22:35
mpalakisno no22:35
unkmarlakeoftea: I've seen that before.  I ended up rebooting to clear it up.  I'm not sure WHERE it latches on like that.22:35
mrehnot set to be executable, shouldn't they be made so on a default install with bash xterm22:35
mpalakisi thought it had to do with codecs22:35
VCooliomreh: they are parsed / read, not executed22:35
=== remczas|off is now known as remczas
mpalakiscause i was trying to play wma22:36
unkmarmpalakis: I don't know how to fix it.  I only knew enough to try to find the real problem and possibly work around it.22:36
mrehVCoolio, I can still add a line to execute .profile in my .bashrc file though? I want to configure consistant shells22:36
VCooliomreh: add a command 'source ~/.profile' to .bashrc if you need to22:36
nizarhey guys, im trying to run openvpn using the network manager, when i try to connect to the vpn it tells me this: The VPN connection failed because there were no valid VPN secrets.22:36
nizaranyone know a way around that?22:37
mpalakisk thanx anyway22:37
mrehVCoolio: good idea, thanks22:37
unkmarmpalakis: what you want is a way to fix whichever skin is broken.22:37
mpalakisi see22:38
mpalakisbut i dont know how22:38
VCooliomreh: but .profile is read on login each time; if you don't change it, nothing is wrong with consistency22:38
ubuntu_madim trying to run a script as root but the terminal opens and then crashes straight away22:38
lakeofteamy ubuntu is loading up my extra hard drive as /media/myhardrive_ instead of /media/myharddrive.   rebooting doesn't fix.  is anyone familiar w a problem like this?22:38
mrehVCoolio: it seems to cause a new terminal to hang22:39
webpigeonlakeoftea, pastebin your /etc/fstab?22:39
unkmarI'm running a 10.04 Live CD.  how can I share the Desktop?  View the x11 remotely?  Via VNC or RDestkop or Whatever can be installed under the live CD?22:39
VCooliomreh: that's weird; next time, try to run just 'bash' and see if it reports errors; also the 'source' command should report errors in .profile or .bashrc22:40
fr500unkmar: install vino from the package manager, then type alt-f2 and run vino-preferences22:41
lakeofteamy ubuntu is loading up my extra hard drive as /media/myhardrive_ instead of /media/myharddrive.   rebooting doesn't fix.  is anyone familiar w a problem like this?  http://pastebin.com/ETpfDpAR22:41
mrehVCoolio: 100% cpu load and then a segfault :)22:42
webpigeonlakeoftea, does /media/myharddrive already exist?22:42
mreh oh I have a mutal inclusion loop22:43
nizarso guys, anyone knows what the problem with the vpn network manager is?22:43
newshadesanyone alive here other than bots?22:45
webpigeonnewshades, probably :P22:45
newshadesi forgot how much fun irc was22:46
webpigeonnewshades, anything you need help with?22:46
newshadesi have  few questions about gparted, i was a little pissed that i had to format most of my drive for ubuntu but that was probably a noob issue22:48
webpigeonnewshades, what would you like to know about gparted?22:49
nomencould anyone please tell me if there is anyway to use a keyfile to do full system encryption of ubuntu, and if so, how?22:50
=== Oracle2 is now known as matrixoracle
matrixoracle /msg NickServ identify p34nut22:50
VCooliomatrixoracle: fail; better choose a new password ;)22:50
jribnomen: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EncryptedFilesystemHowto22:51
webpigeonnomen, the guide on the wiki, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EncryptedFilesystemHowto may be of some help22:51
Roush427rDoes any body know how to get a dock that looks like windows 7 for Ubuntu?22:51
webpigeonjrib snap :P22:51
newshadesi have a 320 gig hard drive 75 gigs for win7, the rest went to ubuntu22:51
jribwebpigeon: it's funny because I've seen nomen repeat that question like 10 times and I finally got bored and decided to google just now22:51
webpigeonnewshades, right :P22:51
webpigeonjrib first time I saw the question :P22:52
=== kad__ is now known as helper
webpigeonjrib when tab complete requires a scroll bar you know a channel is full up :P22:52
VCoolioRoush427r: try awn, cairo-dock or docky (included in gnome-do), or maybe dockbarx ; those are your options more or less22:52
newshadesI want to shrink it down so i can have a shared document drive between win7/ubuntu22:53
webpigeonnewshades, that shouldn't be a problem22:53
newshadesbut it put the page file at end of drive22:53
VCoolioRoush427r: and you can make awn or cairo-dock look like anything you want22:53
foobar12ahi. using ubuntu 9.10: i want to capture sound that's outputted through my soundcard. my microphone is working perfectly with sound recorder, where i can choose as only option "Record from input: Capture". how would i use an output device as an input device?22:53
nomenjrib, webpigeon, that article is a mess and poorly written, also its old.22:53
Rods_Tigerwhat is so special about the linux-swap filesystem type?22:54
Roush427rVCoolio: I don't know I'm not too impressed with Cairo right now.22:54
_genuser_hey ubuntu'ers.22:55
_genuser_on reboot my wifi stopped working. the card isn't even active.22:55
webpigeonnomen, prehaps https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EncryptedFilesystems will be of more use to you.22:55
newshadesI have  icore 7 with 4 gigs of ddr3 right now and i have never gone past it even when encoding dvd to divx22:55
webpigeonRods_Tiger, it's used as temp storage on the disk (like a page file on windows)22:56
VCoolioRoush427r: try awn, it's a little easier to set up in my opinion, but I haven't used both in months; bot require reading some howtos and stuff though22:56
jpgnizakDid you reset router? Mine stopped even on reboot, worked on other computers until I reboot router and WiFi22:56
webpigeonnewshades, then prehaps move or shrink the swap file?22:56
Rods_TigerI don't use windows22:56
NitinI do not know where have I installed ubuntu using Wubi on my Windows 7, could anyone help me find that?22:57
webpigeonRods_Tiger, it is basiclly used to store data which is usally in memory onto disk when it's not in use.22:57
Rods_TigerI know that22:57
RajasunRod_Tiger: http://www.linux.com/news/software/applications/8208-all-about-linux-swap-space22:58
Roush427rVCoolin: Oh, wow I think AWN was the one I have been looking for.22:58
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jribnomen: "full disk encryption ubuntu lucid" in google has some more current hits.  But I don't see any official documentation on it.  Just try to read several sources, compare with the documentation on the wiki, read the official documentation, then proceed22:58
mobasherwhat is a good mail server to setup22:58
Dulakmobasher: postfix22:58
webpigeonmobasher, it depends what your after :)22:59
nomenjrib, thanks for the advice22:59
Rods_Tigerno, nowhere in that article is anything remotely resembling an answer to what I asked22:59
nomenjrib, you wouldn't happen to know what the prerequisite setup is for this article https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EncryptedFilesystemsViaUbiquity would you?22:59
jribnomen: no idea22:59
webpigeonnomen, i belive the thing your looking for is called encriptfs22:59
Rods_Tigerwhy does the swap partition have to use a linux-swap filesystem?22:59
mobasherDulak=}} postfix is a MTA and Mda?23:00
Rods_Tigerwhy can't it use any other filesystem?23:00
erUSULRods_Tiger: there is nothing special as linux swap format; and you can use a file if you want.23:00
fr500Rods_Tiger: you can use a file on a partition23:00
nomenwebpigeon, why do you think so?23:00
NitinI do not know where have I installed ubuntu using Wubi on my Windows 7, could anyone help me find that? I feel I might have installed that on the Recovery partition23:00
newshadesEXT4 200.41 gb (38 gb used)Linux-swap 8.51 (gb 0gb used) could I reduce down ext4 to 75gb and create like a 1 or 2gb swap ?23:00
erUSULRods_Tiger: it can't use a filesystem because it dos not store files23:00
webpigeonnomen, because it's how it's how i setup my encripted drive in the past, it was a while ago, i just don't have the link to the documentation any more.23:01
Dulakmobasher: it's a mail server, easier to config than sendmail or exim.  Not as good as qmail but qmail is aimed more at a very high load mail server23:01
nomenwebpigeon, so you don't know much about it nowadays?23:01
Rods_Tigerwell, I was installing a dual boot system for someone and they had windows, which I noticed uses a partition called RECOVERY, which is more than half empty. What if ubuntu used the spare space on that for swap, instead of a dedicated swap partition?23:01
Roush427rVCoolin: Do you know how to get a sidebar like in 7 or vista by any chance?23:01
webpigeonnomen, exactly, i've not had much call for it recently23:01
brontoeeeRoush427r, you are probably looking for docky23:02
mobasherDulak=}} cool thanks i'll give it a shot ;) the php working great by the way hehehe :)23:02
zatanHi, I cant create any folder in my usb flash drive, or delte anything from there is anybody can help me?23:02
matrixOracleanyone know of a proggy that does time sheets and rota's?23:02
Roush427rbrontoeee: Sweet deal, I'll have to check that out.23:02
matrixOracleprefer it to do the rota tho.23:03
webpigeonRods_Tiger, RECOVERY partions are usally used by windows OEMS, using it could compimise your ability to restore your windows install at a later date.23:03
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brontoeeeRoush427r, http://wiki.go-docky.com/index.php?title=Welcome_to_the_Docky_wiki23:03
matrixOraclewho would want to go back to windows?23:03
Rods_Tigerwhy? when you left ubuntu it'd be put back how it was, it'd never know the difference23:03
Tweakyhi. anyone know how i could set up a hotkey for example alt-shift-12 and my email address is inputed into the selected field?23:03
webpigeonRods_Tiger, because it might not be put back how it was.23:03
newshadesI love linux but i still need windows for work and to play blue ray23:04
Rods_Tigerno, I said it would23:04
newshadesAndroid has really brought linux to the masses also23:04
webpigeonRods_Tiger, in the event of an unclean shutdown you cannot guarantee that.23:04
brontoeeeRoush427r, have in mind that all this doks require compoziting or some desktop effects...23:04
Rods_Tigerwell, make it so that it does23:04
brontoeeeRoush427r, unlike gnome panels23:05
matrixOracleanyone know of a proggy that does rota's?23:05
webpigeonRods_Tiger, well then I wish you luck.23:06
Rods_Tigerso, apart from your feeble objection on the basis of something that vaguely "might" happen and "might" cause a problem, it could actually work, then.23:06
tacomasterhello :P23:06
manevraanyway to create a persistent ubuntu install on a usb flash drive ?23:07
Ryentacomaster: Do you need help?23:07
webpigeonRods_Tiger, possibly23:07
|multipass|hey guys, how come my /boot/grub/menu.lst23:07
|multipass|is empty23:07
brontoeeeRoush427r, i mean, panels arent that cute, but they are simpler in a way http://imagebin.org/11576923:07
tacomasteri was wondering i use ubuntu on my laptop and lubuntu on my desktop but on lubuntu i cant find a way to lock my screen is there something i need to download to beable to lock it23:07
_genuser_hey guys, my wifi has stopped working. this is a new install. it was working last nite, multiple times with many reboots. now it's not. any ideas?23:07
Rods_Tigermanevra - yes, just install onto it. Make sure the advanced button in the install points to the flash drive device to install grub to, not the hard drive. I do this all the time23:08
tacomasterRyen, yea sorry i wanst able to type fast enough for you :P23:08
Ryentacomaster: No worries haha.23:08
manevraRods_Tiger, great thank you very much. can i also encrypt it 100% and when i boot from the usb flash drive password will be required in order to start the os?23:08
Johanness /ping manevra23:09
Roush427rbrontoeee: Ok, thanks bro23:09
Rods_Tigerno idea - try it and see. Treat it as if it were an external hard drive23:09
Rods_Tigerjust watch where the boot loader gets installed to - that's the only tricky thing23:09
indroraHow can Iget the old gdm 2.2 back on Lucid?23:10
[thor]cairo-dock > docky23:10
Ryentacomaster: xscreensaver-command -lock23:10
indroraI don't like the new GDM style -- I'd like to use the arc-noble theme23:10
matrixOraclenn all23:11
pieter_small question: since when is allowroot=true not required for permanently enabling root, is that since lucid?23:11
RyenmatrixOracle: Have a nice one.23:11
LjLpieter_: uh? it was never required, not until Hardy anyway23:12
pheuterlike to dual-boot ubuntu on my mbp23:12
LjLpieter_: oh, that's for enabling it in GDM?23:12
tacomasterRyen, ok well that worked but is there an easier way like in ubuntu i can hit two buttons and my screen locks? is it just a program that i need to download for lubuntu?23:12
pieter_LjL: yes sorry23:12
LjLpieter_: enabling it in GDM is just plain silly though :(23:13
webpigeontacomaster, alt+ctrl+l ?23:13
Ryentacomaster: Try pressing CTRL+ALT+L23:13
tacomasterwebpigeon, doesnt work23:13
pieter_I know, but still ;)23:13
tacomasterRyen, it doesnt work i have tried it23:13
webpigeontacomaster, windows + l?23:13
indroraIs there a way to get the old gdm2.2 stuff for Lucid? I don't like the new GDM2.8 it looks like junk.23:13
tacomasterwebpigeon, nope just tried that to23:14
Ryentacomaster: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/501157/ Check that link out.23:15
tacomasterRyen, when i did nano on that file you just told me it says its a new file does that sound right?23:17
Ryentacomaster: Make sure you replace <user> with your user account name.23:17
tacomasterRyen, lol :P i did23:17
Ryentacomaster: Had to check, sorry haha. It shouldn't be a new file.23:18
cellardoorHey guys, I want to capture and save raw data coming into my infrared port but only really have terminal to work with. How can I do this? Or at least see the data the I.R unit is seeing23:18
tacomasterRyen, ok let me look at it in my file manager23:18
tacomasterRyen, ok i looked at it and i have everything up to the lxde-rc.xml i have a lubuntu-rc.xml?23:20
correnosQuestion on ubuntu kernel command line: How do you pass arguments to mounting the root fs? I want  to mount a BTRFS subvolume as Ubuntu's root23:20
tacomasterRyen, is that the same thing?23:20
Ryentacomaster: Try it? See if it has any commands that look like shortcuts to you.23:20
tacomasterRyen, ok23:20
DaveCaveDVD/CD driver issues on a dell D800 series laptop, ubuntu 10.04 any takers?23:21
correnosI know that in Arch's initramfs it's rootfs=subvol=whatev23:21
correnossorry, I meant rootflags23:21
Chotazcan anyone suggest me a good mp3 player and a player for 1080p HD video in mkv container?23:22
Chotazfor ubuntu lucid lynz23:22
tacomasterRyen, yea it does have some of thos but my html isnt the best lol23:22
correnosChotaz: vlc works quite well23:22
Chotazcorrenos, any packages needed to go with that?23:22
correnosnot that I know of23:22
DaveCavei agree VLC23:23
Chotazty ;)23:23
Chotazgonna try it, for both mp3 and video?23:23
DaveCaveeverything really23:23
tacomasterRyen, so do i need to put the action flag and the keybind flag or just type whats in the patebin?23:23
DaveCavenever had VLC tell me no before23:23
correnosChotaz: yeah, should support anything you throw at it23:23
Ryentacomaster: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com Put it in there and give me the link.23:23
brontoeeeChotaz, check if your gpu is capable of vdpau decoding and go from there23:23
Ryentacomaster: Ill see if I can craete you one.23:23
correnosonly problem I've had is it'll drop audio when convering .flv's23:23
brontoeeeChotaz, thats for video23:23
webpigeonDaveCave, mine did when i chucked an encrypted dvd at it :P23:24
Chotazbrontoeee, i think my cpu will do good with any type of decoding ;P23:24
DaveCavewebpigeon: need to get the sidealong to open the encryption23:24
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brontoeeeChotaz, then vlc is it23:24
webpigeonDaveCave, meh, i just watched something else, if they don't want me to watch their DVD, i won't watch it :P23:25
DaveCavewebpigeon: ha yea that will show them lol23:25
Chotazi'm also having problem installing a broadband usb pen: this is my syslog when I try connecting: http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/cyxFx8BK23:26
Tweakyanyone know how to simulate the enter key using xvkbd? i have a macro set up and it works but i want it to hit enter after the line of text.23:26
correnoswebpigeon: I'm sure various bays of pirates would be happy to provide decrypted versions :)23:26
DaveCaveive done alot of research on this but i wanted to check here anyway, anyone got any other OS's running on the new Xbox Slim?23:27
supercom32Is there a way to resize the Ubuntu desktop without changing the screen resolution? Ie, your trying to make black bars around your desktop?23:27
tacomasterRyen, it says php and other web scripts are not allowed23:27
tacomasterRyen, just use pastebin?23:27
Ryentacomaster: Sure.23:28
DaveCavei would like to beable to play PC games on it temporarily23:28
thanis1200can someone type me in private message i would like toa ask something about my ubuntu desktop23:28
tacomasterRyen, http://pastebin.com/qWB7B8xs23:28
correnosDaveCave: good luck. If you manage to do it, I'd be amazed.23:29
VCooliothanis1200: better ask here; more likely to get accurate response23:29
bcurtiswxwhere do I put the new 64 bit flashplugin ?23:29
dendriteo/ anyone know a good link to figure out how to set a default soundcard in 10.04 (using audiophile m2496)23:29
thanis1200is it software or hardware problem because my system monitor says that im running on 99-100% of CPU and im not doing anythin special at all23:30
correnosbcurtiswx: .mozilla/plugins23:30
DaveCavecorrenos: ha you think microsoft would atleast allow windows on it23:30
dendriteor at least last time what i did was set a default soundcard in /etc/environment. but i forgot the option to set that23:30
VCooliothanis1200: run 'top' in a terminal and see what process is using most cpu23:30
correnosDaveCave: but then you'd have some measure of freedom on the console, including *gasp* open source windows programs23:30
macothanis1200: i'd check that with "uptime" or "top" since the system monitor /itself/ is known to drive up cpu usage23:30
correnosDaveCave: and we can't have that, no no23:30
thanis1200the gnome GUI23:31
DaveCavecorrenos: oh noes the world would end.... just like linux is taking over the world23:31
macothanis1200: yes, the gnome gui for system monitor uses a ton of cpu so anytime you look at it, it shows the cpu being in high usage23:31
correnosDaveCave: seriously though, I don't think they'd ever allow windows on for the simple reason that there would be a platform for mucking with xbox system files23:31
thanis1200no i mean the problem is that when i`ve installed ubuntu everything was fine but since i`ve made some updates i think i`ve messed up something bad23:32
dendriteor another question: does anyone know how to safely remove all pulseaudio without breaking ubuntu?23:32
Ryentacomaster: See my PM.23:32
offby1Is there a way to report a bug that doesn't require me to spend half an hour doing the debugging?  I'd like to write three prose sentences in a web form, and be done with it.23:32
DaveCavecorrenos: dunno why, its not all that great... most xbox games are made for PC anyway ha23:33
correnosDaveCave:some enterprising kid in their basement figures out how to bypass copy protection on their games or something like that23:33
offby1https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs is apparently designed to discourage me from reporting a bug at all.23:33
correnosDaveCave: xbox probably uses ntfs anyhow23:33
offby1ubuntu-bug keeps exiting, telling me to figure out the affected package, or something.23:33
correnosDaveCave: nice front door left wide open23:33
webpigeonoffby1, ubuntu-bug <program name> ?23:33
offby1Didn't there used to be a page where I'd describe the bug in one sentence, and it'd then do a search for existing bugs, and let me pick one if it was relevant, or else let me create a new one?23:33
DaveCavecorrenos: yea i bet it does, they tried so hard encrypting there HDDVD Ram disks and that was cracked in days lol23:34
offby1webpigeon: it keeps exiting without doing aything23:34
webpigeonoffby1, ah sorry, i was trying to find the command23:34
correnosDaveCave: what would be cool: a chroot-like environment where windows and xbox os could be running simultaneously23:34
cryptic0what do I need to do to get my broadcom wifi working on ubuntu 10.04?  Dell Inspiron 150523:34
DaveCavecorrenos: the 360 couldnt handle it, it is supprisingly under powered23:34
webpigeonoffby1, and the one sentiance process you decibe i belive is ubuntu-bug23:35
mark7845Conky crashes with the following error: *** glibc detected *** conky: double free or corruption. Anyone know why and what i can do to fix it?23:35
correnosDaveCave: I know, but on windows systems with enough power it would be good23:35
masterx2sudo apt-get purge glibc*23:35
offby1webpigeon: but it keeps telling me to first figure out the package.  I have no idea what the relevant package is, and don't care.23:35
offby1I just want to report the problem.23:35
webpigeonoffby1, what is the program with the problem?23:36
webpigeonmaybe i can find the package for you :)23:36
offby1webpigeon: if I knew that, I'd know the package!!23:36
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mark7845masterx2, what will that do?23:36
offby1I know how to use dlocate.23:36
correnosDaveCave: I wonder how much windows is running below xbox UI23:36
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webpigeonoffby1, well can you decibe the issue your having?23:36
correnosDaveCave: enough that it could run on any x86 system?23:36
offby1webpigeon: thanks.23:36
DaveCavecorrenos: i bet 1/2 at least considering its mostly a windows media computer23:36
offby1webpigeon: It's very simple: every time I log in, Ubuntu plays the godawful "greeting" sound.  I thought I'd disabled that in some settings panel, as well as via gconf-editor, but it keeps playing.23:37
correnosDaveCave: I dual boot Arch linux, Windows 7 and Xbox... wait what?23:37
webpigeonoffby1, what about using apport-bug ?23:37
correnostri-boot, but whatev23:37
masterx2<mark7845> this delete glibc23:37
offby1webpigeon: I'll try that.23:37
DaveCavecorrenos: lol.... be weird to try and trouble shoot windows 7 with Xbox os23:37
offby1webpigeon: apport-bug appears to be identical to ubuntu-bug.  I assume the latter invokes the former.23:37
DaveCavecorrenos: most def something that would end up happening23:38
webpigeonoffby1, you can always file it against ubuntu, the bug team should then be able to tag the correct package23:38
offby1webpigeon: that sounds fine.  How do I go about doing that?23:38
adamonline45Hello!  I had a software RAID 5 array set up as /home, but I reinstalled Ubuntu (on a separate drive) and now the RAID is not usable.  Disk utility shows the three physical drives, and even shows the logical RAID 5 drive, but says it has 0 components with a state of "Not running, not enough components to start."  It shows the three RAID components, but they have no state.  Any ideas?23:38
mark7845masterx2, isn't it the library fro programs wirtten in C23:38
DaveCavecorrenos: i should of bought a PS3 then atleast i could of installed ubuntu23:39
offby1webpigeon: "ubuntu-bug ubuntu" doesn't do what I want; it merely complains that "package ubuntu doesn't exist".23:39
correnosDaveCave: haven't you heard? They killed multibooting for it23:39
correnosDaveCave: there've been lawsuits and everything23:40
DaveCavecorrenos: yea ive been in prison for the last 3 1/2 years23:40
DaveCavecorrenos: ha damn drugs23:40
indroraCan anyone explain to me how to get gdm-2.20? It shows that it should be in the repos according to UbuntuUpdates, but its not showing in the main repos -- wtf?23:40
indroraI dont like gdm2.823:40
indroraI want gdm-legacy :v23:40
correnosDaveCave: I wish I had installed something on it before they killed it23:40
Ryenflyguy: Do you need help?23:40
DaveCavecorrenos: last ubuntu i was using was 8.10 and that was back when i was helping getting ati and nvidia sli working23:41
HB2i need find a location of my printer, it's connect trought USB PORT.. lsusb shows the printer but i don't know where is localized :(23:41
HB2lsusb --> Bus 002 Device 013: ID 04e8:3292 Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd23:41
jrib!info gdm | indrora23:41
ubottuindrora: gdm (source: gdm): GNOME Display Manager. In component main, is optional. Version 2.30.2.is.2.30.0-0ubuntu3 (lucid), package size 716 kB, installed size 7664 kB23:41
flyguyi am looking to buy a laptop for less than 50 dollars for me to use just for typing.23:41
indrora!info gdm-2.2023:41
ubottuPackage gdm-2.20 does not exist in lucid23:41
jribflyguy: we don't sell laptopts :)23:41
correnosDaveCave: I think I installed ubuntu 9.10 in a VM just to see what it looked like23:41
Ryen!ot | flyguy23:41
ubottuflyguy: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!23:41
jribnor laptops23:41
webpigeonoffby1, apport-bug gnome ?23:41
HB2somebody can help me please ? :(23:41
DaveCavecorrenos: you can still put it on the older systems, PS3 and 360 you just hafta look at the software versions and never use Xbox live ha23:41
correnosDaveCave: besides that there's just the project I'm working on right now23:41
offby1webpigeon: OK, I'll try that23:41
indrorahttp://www.ubuntuupdates.org/pm/gdm-2.20 whaaa23:41
Ryen!ask | HB223:41
ubottuHB2: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)23:41
correnosDaveCave: I recently sold my 360 because I was sick of paying for stupid online23:42
supercom32Is there a way to resize the Ubuntu desktop without changing the screen resolution? Ie, your trying to make black bars around your desktop?23:42
cryptic0where are packages located on the ubuntu disk?23:42
cryptic0install disc I mean23:42
Ryensupercom32: If you are wanting black bars around your screen, that would be your geometry on your monitor.23:42
jribcryptic0: why?23:42
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LjLcryptic0: nowhere, i think.23:42
LjLcryptic0: it just contains files that are copied over, as far as i know23:42
cryptic0I need to find b43-fwcutter on the disc23:43
supercom32Ryen: I want black bars around the screen because I want to get rid of overscan via software.23:43
DaveCavecorrenos: you know if i can run pirated WOW servers then i wonder why people havnt worked on a pirated Xbox live server23:43
correnosDaveCave: though if my current project succeeds I may end up using ubuntu more often23:43
DaveCavecorrenos: what project is that o great secret one23:43
correnosDaveCave: having arch linux and ubuntu boot off the same btrfs partition23:44
correnosDaveCave: I'm sick of having to repartition space because one distro is running out and the other has a bunch of room23:44
suprengrcryptic0: why not use synaptic - 'download package file only' option and then do what you want?23:45
DaveCavecorrenos: how does arch linux differ from ubuntu or other linux distros? i havent used arch.23:45
correnosDaveCave: rolling release, lightweight23:45
correnosDaveCave: fast about releasing software and they don't patch unless they really, really need to23:46
cryptic0I don't have network23:46
correnosDaveCave: sorta like slackware except with a package manager that acutally manages packages23:46
offby1webpigeon: finally got it (https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/648433); thanks for your help23:46
DaveCavecorrenos: interesting, how is it on running Wine or other similar software for Windows games?23:46
correnostiswx> where do I put the new 64 bit flashplugin ?23:46
correnos[18:29] <dendrite> o/ anyone know a good link to figure out how to set a default soundcard in 10.04 (using audiophile m2496)23:46
correnosDaveCave: I don't really bother with wine23:46
DaveCavecorrenos: unbuntu works great for me to play 4 Instances of WOW at the same time23:46
correnosDaveCave: I just reboot if I really want to play some games23:47
correnostiswx> where do I put the new 64 bit flashplugin ?23:47
DaveCavecorrenos: much better then windows ever did23:47
correnos[18:29] <dendrite> o/ anyone know a good link to figure out how to set a default soundcard in 10.04 (using audiophile m2496)23:47
correnostiswx> where do I put the new 64 bit flashplugin ?23:47
correnos[18:29] <dendrite> o/ anyone know a good link to figure out how to set a default soundcard in 10.04 (using audiophile m2496)23:47
correnostiswx> where do I put the new 64 bit flashplugin ?23:47
FloodBot1correnos: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.23:47
correnos[18:29] <dendrite> o/ anyone know a good link to figure out how to set a default soundcard in 10.04 (using audiophile m2496)23:47
correnosoh wow, sorry23:47
correnosdidn't realize middle clicking was doing anything23:47
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DaveCaveyou angered the gods23:48
correnosthought text would appear in text box23:48
correnosnot auto-send23:48
correnosi feel dumbish now23:48
VCooliocorrenos: if it contains line breaks those act like <enter>, irc isn't multiline23:48
DaveCavewell thats my internet time for the day23:48
correnosVCoolio: that's the thing, it didn't23:48
correnosVCoolio: konversation decided it wanted to send it, no matter if I wanted to edit it first or not23:49
DaveCavetime to return to the 1/2 way house23:49
DaveCavecorrenos: pce out23:49
FezzlerWell after a day of trying to get Firefox to play video in Lucid, I installed Chrome and it just works.  Goodbye Firefox, hello Chrome23:50
correnosDaveCave: yeah, cya23:50
correnosFezzler: yeah, really don't know why people still use ff23:50
correnosFezzler: if they want OSS, use chromium23:50
FezzlerI uninstalled Firefox and Flash several times, I checked setting, removed plug-ins, Blah, forget it too much work23:50
Fezzlercorrenos>> I got to agree a little.  For all the raves it gets, I've always had trouble with it23:51
correnosFezzler: wierd error though23:51
dendritehow can i remove pulseaudio and only pulseaudio from ubuntu 10.04 w/o breaking the system such as ubuntu-desktop/gnome-panel/vlc etc23:52
correnosFezzler: all flash wasn't working?23:52
dendritefezzler trying to get flash to work?23:52
correnosFezzler: or just video was being stupid?23:52
Fezzlercorrenos>> Yup. I could not get it to work and no one here new how.23:52
adamonline45I've taken a screenshot (http://www.adamrichards.org/temp/raid.png) of my RAID issue.  It might make it easier to understand my question :)  Basically, a reinstall of Ubuntu on sda causes my RAID 5 array (sdb, sdc, sdd) to be unusable in some way.  Is there something I have to do in this situation to make it work, or did it break?  Thanks! :D23:52
Fezzlercorrenos>> All Flash23:52
dendritefezzler can i pm you23:52
Fezzlerdendrite>> Sure23:52
correnosFezzler: try putting Adobe's flash (64 bit beta if you're on 64) in .mozilla/plugins23:53
Fezzlercorrenos>> I'm on 32 bit Lucid23:55
Fezzlerdendrite>> did you want to tell me something?23:55
correnosFezzler: k, then download flash main23:55
correnosFezzler: actually for ubuntu I think they have a .deb23:55
correnosFezzler: that didn't just work?23:55
=== kai_62656 is now known as kracker[BDC]
Dinihello, how can i change the boot screen ?23:58
Diniin the old slash screen?23:58
xbonesxmsg ubottu !themes23:59
cjaevesamenu.c32 not a com32r image?23:59

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