
=== manusheel is now known as manusheel_afk
=== manusheel_afk is now known as manusheel
manusheeldipankar: Hi Dipankar.15:29
dipankarmanusheel, Hello Sir15:29
manusheeldipankar: Ishan will be back in 5 mins. He is having his dinner.15:29
dipankarmanusheel, no problem. I am just scanning my mail15:30
dipankarmanusheel, http://lists.sugarlabs.org/archive/sugar-devel/2010-September/027203.html15:34
dipankarmanusheel, Sir, would be great if you could explain the last para. :)15:34
dfarningdipankar, Sugar .90 will be released in a couple of day.... I was supposed to be today.15:35
dipankardfarning, hello. How are you doing?15:36
dipankardfarning, thanks for the info.15:36
dfarningdipankar, tomeu is asking that you re submitte that patch against the .91 development branch as soon as it is open.15:37
dfarningdipankar, doing fine.15:37
dipankardfarning, ohk.15:37
dfarningdipankar, are you familiar with the release process and cycles?15:37
dipankardfarning, I think yes. But would like to know in detail..15:39
dfarningdipankar, I'll send an email to sugar devel in a couple of hours explaining the process.15:40
dipankardfarning, that will be great! Thanks a lot15:42
manusheeldfarning: That would be great. Thank you.15:42
dipankarishan, hi. What all did you cover last night?15:42
ishandipankar, nothing much15:43
dfarningdipankar, manusheel time based releases are rather strange compared to traditional releases.15:43
manusheeldfarning: Indeed.15:45
dipankarishan, lets continue then.15:45
dipankarishan, we have to create a new palette15:46
dipankarfor displaying the volume status bar.15:46
dipankarthe code is already there in JournalPalette(), we can use that I guess15:46
ishandipankar, back in 5 mins15:47
manusheeldipankar: Right.15:49
manusheelIt is in JournalPalette().15:49
dipankaryes sir15:50
manusheeldipankar: Can you start adding the code? I'll ask Ishan to check this soon.15:50
* ishan is back15:50
dipankarmanusheel, I am trying sir15:50
ishandipankar, sir did you checked the file which i sent you yesterday15:50
manusheeldipankar: Ishan is back. So, you can coordinate.15:50
manusheelishan: Can you send me the meeting logs?15:51
dipankarmanusheel, ishan: Lets call our new palette 'JournalVolumePalette()15:51
dipankaralsroot, ping15:52
manusheeldipankar: Sure.15:52
ishan_dipankar, sure15:52
alsrootdipankar: pong15:52
dipankaralsroot, can the new Palette be made such that it doesn't require any argument?15:53
alsrootdipankar: why not, Palette class doesn't require any arguments (there are deprecated ones but they are optional)15:54
dipankaralsroot, But I see JournalPalette constructor calls the BasePalette.__init__(self, home_activity)15:55
dipankar* I don't like this arguments things :P15:56
alsrootdipankar: BasePalette is child class, if you don't need it just use basic Palette class15:56
dipankaralsroot, ohk.. just like the VolumePalette() ?15:57
alsrootdipankar: yup15:57
dipankarishan, I think I got what alsroot was initially trying to say. (Using VolumePalette() for code)15:58
dipankaralsroot, sorry it took sometime for me to figure it out15:58
ishan_dipankar, +115:58
dipankarishan_, Lets try doing one thing.15:59
dipankarishan_, first try creating a Palette using VolumePalette()16:00
dipankarpalette = VolumePalette('/')16:00
ishan_dipankar, sure16:00
dipankarin JournalButto16:00
dipankarthat will give us the idea what we can start omitting.16:01
dipankar(Reverse Engg. :P )16:01
ishandipankar, you are basically refering to calling volumepalette from Journalbutton16:02
ishandipankar, or are you talking abt creating a new class in under journal button for creating new palette having volumepalette features16:03
dipankarishan, the first one. Calling VOlumePalette() in JournalButton16:03
ishandipankar, okay16:03
* dipankar is testing the palette=VolumePalette('/')16:04
* dipankar is getting nice error :P16:06
ishan_dipankar, it seems to show no error when we pass self as argument only16:10
dipankarishan_, but is it working?16:10
ishan_dipankar, next problem we get is about self.props.secondary_text = mount.get_root().get_path() defined in volumepalette16:11
ishan_according to logs16:11
dipankarishan_, yup16:12
dipankarishan_, I think I got a method.16:12
ishan_dipankar, great16:12
dipankarishan_, If you look at code for BasePalette in Palettes.py16:13
dipankarno argument is passed in Palette.__init__()16:13
ishan_    def __init__(self, home_activity):16:14
ishan_        Palette.__init__(self)16:14
dipankarishan_, we need just this part:16:16
dipankarself._free_space_label.props.label = _('%(free_space)d MB Free') % \16:16
dipankar                {'free_space': free_space / (1024 * 1024)}16:16
dipankarin VolumePalette.16:16
ishan_dipankar, yes along with the bar16:16
dipankarishan, manusheel : I am gong for dinner16:16
dipankarmeet you soon16:17
ishan_dipankar, sure16:17
ishan_meanwhile i will try to work it out16:17
* ishan_ is away for 10mins16:23
* ishan is back16:38
manusheelishan: Hi Ishan.16:38
ishan_manusheel, hi sir16:38
manusheelishan_: Any help needed on the issue/16:38
ishan_manusheel, we are still trying to figure out the code to be written for the journal button16:39
manusheelishan_: Ok.16:40
manusheelishan_: Can you work on it independently for the time being. It might take Dipankar sometime to join back.16:41
ishan_manusheel, sir already doing that16:41
manusheelishan_: sure.16:47
ishanmanusheel, finally something able to display the status bar but it still doesnt shows the size sir16:52
manusheelishan: Ok.16:56
manusheelThat is unfortunate to hear. Which function are we calling for the size?16:57
ishan_still trying to figure out17:04
manusheelishan_: Sure.17:06
=== mukul_afk is now known as mukul
mukulhi manusheel sir17:55
manusheelmukul: Hi Mukul.17:55
mukulmanusheel sir17:55
* dipankar is back17:56
manusheelmukul: Can you tell me what all issues are we facing in the bug?17:56
ishandipankar, sir bug solved17:56
mukuli am working on 484 wherein it seems transfer of files bw 2 users on a network is being talked about17:56
manusheeldipankar: Hi Dipankar. Ishan did a great job.17:56
manusheelmukul: Sure. Let me have a quick look on it again.17:57
dipankarishan, thats geat17:57
dipankarishan, what is the solution?17:58
ishandipankar, sir coudnt have happened without your help17:58
ishandipankar, just posting git diff17:58
dipankarishan, how?17:58
ishan_alsroot, dipankar check http://pastebin.com/23c0wrTJ17:58
manusheelmukul: Did we see the cancel option?17:59
mukulonly sumtimes though17:59
manusheelmukul: So, how did we reproduce this issue?17:59
ishan_alsroot dipankar: any pointers /suggestion on the naming part18:00
mukuli had taken shan's help yesterday. exact issue is nt yet reproduced. asked him to be present at the same time on sugar,then added him friend then sent a file to him.18:00
manusheelmukul: Ok.18:02
mukulmanusheel sir: since it seems a network issue i would need someone whom I can test with.18:03
manusheelmukul: So, this issue was in reference to collaboration.18:03
mukulmanusheel sir : This is what I suspect.18:03
manusheelmukul: You can test this with Dipankar.18:03
mukul#  summary  changed from file transfer: when a transfer finishes successfully, invitations still display a Cancel option to successful file transfer: offer to open Journal and to open activity18:03
manusheelmukul: Add a comment over there.18:04
manusheelmukul: That is at the test track item.18:04
alsrootishan_: just minor issues, why not to rename NewJournalPalette to something like JournalButtonPalette (since it is not new palette), also better to avoid redundant adding/removing spaces like in lines 2218:04
mukulmanusheel sir: This was what was one of the comments at the bug ticket. So i guess, it is a netowrking issue.18:04
ishan_alsroot, sure18:05
mukuland I see a Cancel button too but I couldn't make out how a file was being transferred if at all it was transferred.18:05
alsrootishan_: also there are bunch of commented lines18:05
mukuldipankar, Hi18:06
dipankarmukul, hey hi18:07
mukuldipankar, could you help me test 48418:07
mukuldipankar, it seems a networking issue.18:07
dipankartest 484?18:07
dipankarmukul, ^^18:07
mukulmanusheel sir: What should I comment?18:07
mukulSL # 484: File transfer18:08
dipankarmukul, just a sec18:09
dipankarmukul, well, you asked me this a couple of days back. I am not getting what the bug is saying.. :(18:10
dipankarmukul, is it from a pendrive to journal18:11
mukuldipankar, Yeah sir. No problems. I guess I now know what they mean by File transfer. They mean file transfer on a network to a buddy using Send To. I want to reproduce it.18:11
mukuldipankar, does neighbourhood not work on sugar-jhbuild?18:15
dipankarmukul, I am unable to see anybody on neighbourhood in jhbuild18:16
dipankarcan anyone confirm this.18:16
mukuldipankar, same here. Let us test on sugar-emulator18:16
dipankarishan_, great work I must say.18:16
ishan_dipankar, thank you18:16
dipankarmukul, I am on neighbourhood18:17
ishan_alsroot, dipankar : check http://pastebin.com/qAMjgibh18:18
dipankaralsroot, ishan_ , I would suggest defining the _new_ palette in graphics/palettes.py.. what say?18:19
dipankarthis way we may do away with additional importing.18:19
dipankar(in volumestoolbar.py)18:19
ishan_dipankar, nice18:20
dipankarmukul, I can't see you. Are you there on sugar-emulator?18:20
alsrootdipankar: but JournalButtonPalette is in local class for sugar shell..18:20
ishan_alsroot, +118:21
mukulI can see you.18:21
ishan_alsroot, it is fine now?18:21
dipankaralsroot, how about including it with from jarabe.view.palettes import VolumePalette18:21
dipankars/ 'from jarabe.view.palettes import VolumePalette'18:21
mukuldipankar, I made you a friend and then sent a file too18:21
dipankaralsroot, oops I accidentally wrote graphics/palette.py.18:22
alsrootishan_: there are pep8 issues, you can check it using pylint/pep8.py but the problem that the rest of volumestoolbar.py also doesn't conform pep818:22
dipankarit should be view/palettes.py18:22
ishan_alsroot, didnt get you18:23
alsrootdipankar: well, VolumePalette is journal related code not shell specific18:23
ishan_alsroot, okay got it18:23
dipankaralsroot, what i meant was, define the new palette class in palettes.py where other palettes are defined, and then include using, 'from jarabe.view.palettes import VolumePalette, newPalette'18:25
dipankarmukul, neither of them is happening18:26
alsrootdipankar: at the end it will depend on what maintainer thinks, in my mind better to avoid messing shell code and journal18:26
dipankaralsroot, ohk. Then I agree with you18:27
* ishan_ is away for 10mins18:27
* dipankar doubts whether the 'add as friend' works18:27
mukulI could do that. But then if i am making you a friend and sending a file to you and you don't get to know about it. What is the use?18:28
mukuldipankar, It works partially18:28
dipankarmanusheel, alsroot, mukul : can you please check one thing? I need you to add me as your friend from neighbourhood view in sugar18:28
manusheeldipankar: Sure.18:30
* alsroot can't, rebuilding tp18:30
dipankaralsroot, ok18:31
dipankarmanusheel, mukul : how come I am not getting any invitation?18:33
mukuldipankar, exactly. i dont' get it18:34
dipankarmukul, I think telepathy is messed up at some place.18:36
mukuldipankar, +118:43
mukuldipankar, Please check in your journal whether any new entry exists called as tamyblock.py18:51
dipankarmukul, no.18:52
mukuldipankar, Please check sthing unusual in your frames.18:52
dipankar* I am going through telepathy-gabble.log18:53
mukuldipankar, I mean the borders that appear when you hover your mouse near an edge.18:53
dipankarmukul, what is the problem?19:05
mukuldipankar, I wanted to ensure whether you have received the file coz here it stopped showing the cancel button but instead showed the dismiss button which is an indication that the transfer was complete.19:06
dipankarmukul, no. no file received19:08
dipankardfarning, ping.19:10
dfarningdipankar, yes19:10
dipankardfarning, just wanted to ask whether the Sugar on Ubuntu for maverick is accepted or not..19:10
dipankardfarning, If I am not wrong, Maverick will be released in October.19:11
dfarningdipankar, yes it has.  neeraj is managing the packages.  it will be release in oct 10.19:12
dipankardfarning, thats great! Thanks for the info19:12
dipankarall, please add the bug info here : https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Sugar/Tasks/BugBashing19:14
dfarningdipankar, the sugar on maverick release will be based on sugar .88.  becasue it was too complicated to try to fit sugar .90 released with in the next couple of days onto maverick relesed on oct 10.19:15
dipankardfarning, ok. So in 11.04, Sugar .90 will be fitted?19:15
dfarningdipankar,  for the next ieteration of ubuntu released in april 4/11 we will use try to use sugar .92.19:16
dfarningdipankar,  that way we get the latest bug fixes.19:16
dipankardfarning, .92! thats cool!19:16
dfarningdipankar, it was just too macy moving pieces for our first release :)19:17
dipankardfarning, sugar is very very fast developing!19:17
dfarningdipankar, this time we are still learning.... next time we will be going full speed.19:17
dipankardfarning, yay!19:18
dfarningdipankar, I said that I would write a email about the release process.... the main idea is that time based release are like a train schedule.  There are literally 1000s of projects all working interdependently.... but trying distribute various software to users.19:20
dipankardfarning, ohk19:21
dfarningdipankar, if an individual person(or patch) is late. it can catch the next train.   but if a train is late it can cause the entire system to fall behind.19:22
dfarningdipankar, in particular we are interested in the ubuntu and fedora releases.  We are trying to have our stuff ready for them.19:22
dipankardfarning, okk.19:23
dfarningdipankar, but we are also dependant on everything upstream.... I am sure you have seen talk about the move to gtk3.  basically gnome is making a refactoring.  so sugar will have to also follow suit and do some refactoring to match.19:24
dfarningdipankar, then downstream we have other deployment which various releases of dextrose of olpc releases.19:25
dfarningdeployments which use19:25
dfarningother olpc releases.19:25
dfarningdipankar, I am often talking about engineering trades offs.  the big trade off in software is the pace of releases.  developers like very fast releases.  6 months is pretty common becase it is very easy for a developer to updates his machine.19:28
dipankardfarning, ok..19:28
dfarningdipankar,  on the other hand large scale users like slow and stable releases.  it is very hard to update the 700,000 xo which have been deployed in UY.19:29
dfarningdipankar, in general school prefer a 5 year release cycle!19:30
dipankardfarning, so there are two groups : large and developer19:31
dipankarlarge are the normal users19:32
dipankarand developers are, well... super-users19:32
dfarningdipankar, yes in general it is easier to think of users as on a spectrum from developer to deployment.19:34
dfarningdevelopers are very frequest updaters -- many use jhbuild which can be updated several times per day19:35
dfarningto deployments which are very hard to update.19:35
dipankarmanusheel, I have sent the patch (modified)19:36
* dipankar likes the system of peer review19:37
dipankardfarning, manusheel : I think I should be heading to bed now. Its late.19:38
dfarningdipankar, so back to the train anology..... in order to be useful trains should run often and 24 hours pre day..... even though most users will ride on a couple of rush hour expresses:)19:38
dfarningdipankar, good night.19:38
dipankardfarning, the analogy is better said by subways :P ;)19:40
dipankardfarning, goodbye. see you tomorrow19:40
=== mukul is now known as mukul_afk

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