
RiddelleMyller: I've no idea what a ck-patched kernel is00:04
lex79Con Kolivas I think00:05
=== freeflyi1g is now known as freeflying
CIA-116[libqapt] jmthomas * 1180433 * trunk/extragear/sysadmin/libqapt/src/worker/ (worker.cpp worker.h) (log message trimmed)01:31
CIA-116Do less in the worker constructor in an attempt to prevent timing errors that01:31
CIA-116cause the worker to never send responses to DBus requests. (GUI hang on high01:31
rgreeningRiddell: I agree with JontheEchidna. If there's a suitable licence and not default, we will be fine, I should think,04:12
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=== Mamarok_ is now known as Mamarok
\shguys, I was contacted by someone yesterday night, regarding bug #593038 (stellarium)...the question is, why we didn't updated the package to the latest release? if someone runs stellarium with a non C locale , it looks like it crashes...and the new version 0.10.5 looks like to fix those issues08:51
ubottuLaunchpad bug 593038 in Stellarium "Compilation on ubuntu 10.4 stellarium 0.10.5 - horizon strip" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/59303808:51
\shquestion is, if we should go with a new version which fixes the bug and I'll try to push an FFe for it08:52
RiddellI've never heard of stellarium08:53
Riddellif there's a fix, then go for it08:53
\shRiddell: well the fix is a new upstream minor release version...people already packaged it in the ppa...08:54
\shbut I'm also thinking it's too late now...and we should push the new version to natty and then backport it to maverick..08:56
persia\sh, My recommendation would be to update it if it fixes some critical bugs, unless it also introduces a lot of new features.08:57
\shpersia: ok...I'll give it a try :) damn, I shouldn't promise people things which end up in work for me ;)08:58
\sh*shock* 36MB source tar.gz this is evil...and I still have round about 10 packages to ftbfs fix on my todo09:00
Riddellclaydoh: are you able to make an RC page?09:08
debfxhas anyone else noticed that kpackagekit displays a "?" icon when updating the package information?09:51
Riddelldebfx: yes, dantti_work says he's looking at it09:52
debfxah good, I had a brief look at the code but couldn't find anything wrong09:59
\shRiddell: bug #64966210:14
ubottuLaunchpad bug 649662 in stellarium (Ubuntu) "[FFe] stellarium-0.10.5" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/64966210:14
Riddell\sh: approved10:18
\shRiddell: ok..uploading :) 10:19
\shRiddell: thx a lot10:19
\shRiddell: can you confirm it, regarding the process for FFe new upstream versions? thx :)10:21
\shRiddell: *hug* :)10:22
\shthis makes some more people happy :)10:22
apacheloggershadeslayer: we will make a video player today ^^10:43
ulyssesSomething wrong with Quassel or it's translation: http://people.ubuntu.com/~ulysses/quassel3.png10:44
apacheloggerSput: conversion issue?11:08
apacheloggercouldnt you just use my gettexttranslator :P11:08
Sputapachelogger: al manages all that!11:08
apacheloggeral must use it then :P11:09
alwhat's the matter with that translation?11:09
ali don't speak hungry ;)11:11
apacheloggeral: http://people.ubuntu.com/~ulysses/quassel3.png11:11
apacheloggerin your hu.po it ends up as crappery11:11
ulyssesA fuzzy message appears on the GUI of the program? o.O11:13
alapachelogger: that was probably a merge error11:18
ulyssesit's very annoying, both Lucid and Maverick is affected11:25
ScottKRiddell: I'll be offline until at least midnight UTC, so have a fun day release candidate wrangling.12:15
Riddellhave a nice day ScottK 12:15
Riddell** Kubuntu 10.10 RC Candidates need testing, http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/12:15
=== Riddell changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: 10.10 RC Candidates need testing http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/ | Todo: http://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Todo | Milestoned bugs tagged Kubuntu http://tinyurl.com/33p7vu3 | Final Freeze in Effect | Congratulations Jussi and rbelem
ikoniaI know about jussi (congrats) but what happened to rbelem12:16
Riddellsame thing12:16
ikoniacool, congrats to both then12:17
* Riddell gets three spam e-mails for an RMB without any mention of what an RMB is12:34
apacheloggerRiddell: random music band?12:37
* apachelogger sends hugs and congrats to jussi and rbelem12:37
apacheloggerwoah, one can start plasmoids via krunner now :O12:38
alweren't you going to SRU choqok?12:47
Riddelldunno, shadeslayer was looking into choqok12:49
althere's probably still this consumerkey issue, but it's not like you could worsen anything, since it's not working at all (with twitter) atm12:51
Riddellsmelly twitter12:51
althe http basic auth they used before had to die though12:55
also they basically went from noisome to smelly12:55
rgreeningRegional Membership Board?12:58
rgreeningReally mean Bear12:59
RiddellRight Mouse Button I thought13:02
shadeslayeral: yes im looking into it, but im still concerned about the consumer key issue13:03
shadeslayerapachelogger: wheee... good, i sort of figured out how to hide my download UI, layout->setEnabled(false) :P13:04
apacheloggerthat is not hide13:04
apacheloggerthat is disable13:04
apacheloggersetEnabled(bool) vs setVisible(bool)13:04
shadeslayerwell.. it does the trick ^_^13:05
shadeslayer( hides the UI for the user )13:05
apacheloggeryou are doing weird things right there13:06
apacheloggercause you disable to hide :P13:06
apacheloggerthat code is bound to not be understandable13:07
shadeslayerwhat do you suggest then? :)13:07
apacheloggermuch like what I did yesterday :D :D :D13:07
shadeslayeryour CMake thingy doesnt not work :(13:07
apacheloggerphonon::viewwidget in qgraphicswidgetproxy thing and then shipped that off to qml and then used that in qml13:07
shadeslayeri forget what its called13:07
apacheloggerwhich of course only works in phonon-gst and phonon-vlc because xine cannot draw frame-by-frame13:07
apacheloggershadeslayer: what cmake thingy?13:08
shadeslayerapachelogger: http://apachelog.wordpress.com/2010/09/27/qt-creator-cmake-wizards/13:08
apacheloggersure it does13:08
shadeslayerCMake Wizards13:08
shadeslayerit does not :S13:08
apacheloggerwhy would it not work13:08
shadeslayeryou tell me13:08
shadeslayeryou made it :P13:08
apacheloggeruse a proper creator and it will work :P13:08
shadeslayerits 2.0.1 :P13:09
apacheloggerstrace it13:09
shadeslayerQt Creator 2.0.1, Based on Qt 4.7.0 (64 bit)13:09
Sputwhich reminds me, I need to file a UI bug for creator13:09
Sputthis popup dialog for rerunning cmake is very very annoying13:09
apacheloggeralso the default bulild dir being in ../ is eww IMHO13:10
Sputand completely unnecessary13:10
Sputbecause creator could just silently rereun cmake13:10
shadeslayerapachelogger: http://paste.ubuntu.com/502088/13:11
shadeslayershould i apply for a RMB position13:12
shadeslayertheres a position open in my region 13:12
shadeslayeroh! they even mailed me personally ... :D13:13
Riddelllucky you13:14
Riddellthey e-mailed me personally three times13:14
shadeslayerRiddell: oooh13:15
shadeslayerRiddell: are you on one?13:15
Riddellnope, although I'm on the kubuntu-council which also does membership13:16
* shadeslayer thinks about it some more13:16
=== rgreening_ is now known as ghost
=== ghost is now known as rgreening
* Sput has filed http://bugreports.qt.nokia.com/browse/QTCREATORBUG-248713:20
Sputlet's see if it gets ignored as usual13:20
shadeslayerapachelogger: found something in strace?13:25
alSput: maybe if you attached a patch... ;-)13:26
Sputal: or even a MR!13:26
Sputwait, now I feel treated like an end-user :(13:26
shadeslayerhehehe :P13:27
apacheloggershadeslayer: you did not install it :P13:28
apacheloggerthere is no trace in the strace ^^13:28
shadeslayerapachelogger: re-re-installed13:28
shadeslayeri dont suppose i need sudo?13:28
apacheloggerof course you need sudo13:28
shadeslayerah maybe thats why 13:29
apacheloggerscript doesnt shout because some loon did a 2> /dev/null13:29
shadeslayerapachelogger: your installer is fail :S13:29
apacheloggerit is no installer it is a copy script13:29
shadeslayerit should scream at you13:30
shadeslayerif it cant copy13:30
shadeslayerapachelogger: works now13:30
apacheloggerI rely on educated users :P13:30
smarterany chance I can upload a fix for QApt?13:30
apacheloggersmarter: needs exception from Riddell13:30
apacheloggerand need to be super important I suppose13:30
smarterIn some circumstances(well, most of the time in my experience), it ignored the dpkg lock13:31
smarterdownloaded packages, failed to install them and happily reported they were installed13:31
Riddellsmarter: uploads fine, they will get reviewed after RC on Thursday13:31
smarterRiddell: I'll wait for JonTheEchidna to get back, make sure I didn't misunderstood something13:32
shadeslayerapachelogger: also what do you suggest to truly hide the UI? hide every widget one by one? 13:33
apacheloggerhiding is recursive13:34
apacheloggerif you hide a parent all children will be hidden too13:34
shadeslayermy parent widget is in main.cpp :S13:35
shadeslayerapachelogger: http://gitorious.org/qzsync/qzsync/blobs/master/main.cpp#line3113:35
apacheloggerand you do not have access to the code of Widget, right? :S13:35
shadeslayerand all my child widgets are made from widget.cpp with a constructor13:36
apacheloggerI still wonder why you want to hide Widget anyway13:36
apacheloggerthat way you hide the mainwindow13:36
apacheloggerand have a uiless app, what point would that have?13:36
shadeslayerapachelogger: hide download window > show new progressbar window13:37
shadeslayeri could just shove a new Progress bar at the bottom of my download UI13:37
apacheloggeryou have on window13:37
apacheloggerand in that window you exchange the widgets13:37
apacheloggerWindow::Window(){ setLayout(new QVBoxLayout(this)); layout()->addWidget(new DownloadWidget(this));}13:39
apacheloggerat some latter point then13:40
apacheloggerWindow::showProgress(){ layout()->removeItem(layout()->takeAt(0)); layout()->addwidget(new ProgressWidget(this));}13:41
apacheloggerultimately you'd have the widgets in members though, so you can call deleteLater() on the transition13:42
shadeslayerthats more like it :D13:42
shadeslayerok ill lookie into it13:43
apacheloggeractually remoteItem and takeAt is duplicated13:43
shadeslayerapachelogger: all prepped up for tonights session ?13:43
apacheloggerjust use takeAt13:43
apacheloggershadeslayer: no :P13:43
shadeslayerright ... :P13:43
apacheloggerI have a 5k line notes file with no order or structure or anything13:43
apacheloggerall I know is that we will have a lot to do with videos13:44
* apachelogger should pack for travel13:44
shadeslayerapachelogger: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/6/60/Debian-package-cycl.svg :: lulz13:44
claydohRiddell: yes I amgoing to do an rc page, even set myself remiders for it :)13:45
shadeslayerciao for now from my side :)13:46
* apachelogger messed up his schedule13:46
apacheloggerfor some reason that talk is in my korganizer at 21 local rather than 19 local13:46
apacheloggerthat is a bit screwy13:46
claydohRiddell: I still need to list any known issues, but other than listing upgrade testing there won't be much new from the beta page13:48
Riddellclaydoh: KPackageKit has a nice new application focused view13:48
* claydoh is already planning the Final notes, wants enm to be snazzy13:49
Riddellwe could do with a countdown image13:49
claydohRiddell: yes, I think I had that in the Beta page, but will keep that , plus all the major things already mentioned as more folks wil be trying the rc13:50
Riddellno it's new since beta13:51
* apachelogger does not go to graz today but tomorrow -.-13:51
apacheloggerwhat a misscheduling -.-13:52
claydohRiddell: oh, yes, it is even better looking now. Should use it more often.13:52
Riddellafiestas: graz?14:00
Riddellapachelogger: rather ^^14:01
Riddellfunky staircase http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Grazer_Schlossberg_Kriegssteig.jpg  what's happening in Graz?14:02
apacheloggerRiddell: studies14:02
Riddellno getting away from them14:03
* apachelogger notes that people actually *run* up that staircase14:03
afiestasRiddell: :o?14:11
* claydoh needs to update some help wiki pages for maverick14:14
claydohshould there be a button to check for updates in kpk?14:22
claydohthere is a right-click option for that, but I have no button14:23
claydohand the default for update checking is set to one week, am I correct?14:25
dantticlaydoh: is that too bad (not having a check for updates button)? It just that having just one button in that page seemed wast of space :P14:31
claydohdantti: no, I was just checking - going to update some pages on help.ubuntu.com for maverick as there will be some changes :)14:33
dantticlaydoh: ok :) 14:33
claydohsome will gripe surely :( but I am not ;)14:34
claydohmost won't use that section until there are actual updates14:35
shadeslayerapachelogger: eh.. what is this? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Graz_Kunsthaus_vom_Schlossberg_20061126.jpg ..15:05
shadeslayerlooks like a whale of sorts "{15:05
apacheloggersomething is broken with my kmix15:41
apacheloggerever since i removed pulse it does not appear anymore15:41
ofirkhi to all :)15:57
ofirkI saw the email regarding RC testing15:58
ofirkI want to test the upgrade from 10.04 LTS to 10.1015:58
ofirkHowever, I would like first to hear about issues that I can encounter during the upgrade15:59
Riddellcatch 22 there, we don't know until it's tested16:00
Riddellbut see http://tinyurl.com/33p7vu3 for the bugs we know about16:00
Riddellupgrade with these instructions https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MaverickUpgrades/Kubuntu16:00
ofirkDo I need to report some data to http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com ?16:01
Riddellofirk: yes please16:03
Riddellhttp://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/test/4575 or http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/test/4574 as appropriate16:04
drdanzHi! where is the right place to report bugs about kubuntu ppa and kubuntu backports ppa?16:07
ofirkRiddell: I see the instructions and post-upgrade tests are for Ubuntu. Are there some specific Kubuntu tests?16:08
ofirkhere: http://testcases.qa.ubuntu.com/Testing/Cases/DesktopUpgrade16:08
Riddellinstructions are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MaverickUpgrades/Kubuntu16:08
ofirkoh, just saw the KubuntuDesktop link (http://testcases.qa.ubuntu.com/Testing/Cases/KubuntuDesktop_16:08
agateaudebfx: hi, I am having problem to build Amarok on Maverick: http://pastebin.com/YyykHG2K seems like lastfm is being annoying... any idea?16:09
ofirkthe correct link is: http://testcases.qa.ubuntu.com/Testing/Cases/KubuntuDesktop16:09
Riddellagateau: hmm, I added a patch to liblastfm recently16:09
Riddellthat might be the cause16:10
agateauRiddell: do you have the url to this liblastfm patch?16:10
yofeldrdanz: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/kubuntu-ppa/+filebug16:10
* rbelem hugs back ikonia and apachelogger :-D16:10
yofeldrdanz: https://bugs.launchpad.net/kubuntu-ppa/+filebug rather16:11
Riddellagateau: http://github.com/mxcl/liblastfm/commit/39ea77f9f20ff3de820e837d54bb9202b07121cd16:11
drdanzyofel: ok, thanks!16:11
ofirkok, I'm starting the upgrade16:11
ofirkwish me luck!16:12
agateauRiddell: notes on the commit confirms the build fail16:12
drdanzyofel: Is it the same for both ppa and backport ppa?16:12
yofelafaik yes16:13
agateauRiddell: this commit should fix it: http://github.com/lfranchi/liblastfm/commit/11f1d2ceafaab1e6df420c0e75c5e7490cee243516:15
debfxfrom what branch is liblastfm 0.4.0~git20090710?16:18
Riddellagateau: good find, needs to wait until after RC on Thursday I'm afraid16:19
agateauRiddell: ok16:19
Riddelldebfx: I did wonder the same thing, it's from Debian16:19
debfxprobably it's a version between 0.3.0 and 0.3.1 ^^16:19
Riddellit might just be trunk and they never bumped the version number as Debian expected16:19
Riddellmxcl is online if you want to check16:20
Riddellliblastfm is pretty confusing with its lack of any release page16:21
debfxyeah version has been switched from 0.4.0 to 0.3.1: http://github.com/mxcl/liblastfm/commit/3c863ebf96798e366fdd3b221b610aacc77a56d016:23
debfxRiddell: it has a page with the source tarballs: http://github.com/mxcl/liblastfm/downloads16:25
debfxoh they seem to be auto-generated :D16:26
agateaudebfx: yes, it's a weird github feature16:26
Riddelldebfx: fancy packaging up 0.3.3 then?16:28
debfxRiddell: yes, i'll write a mail to the debian maintainer first so we don't end up with incompatible version numbers16:31
shadeslayerapachelogger: would line 102 of http://pastebin.com/guMGEZQn be correct?17:13
* shadeslayer doesnt feel right about that line17:13
apacheloggershadeslayer: yes17:14
shadeslayerits correct?17:14
apacheloggershadeslayer: I'd use clicked() since close doesnt use the bool anyway17:14
apacheloggeralso, for explicities sake you might want to connect to qApp, SLOT(quit()) 17:15
apacheloggersince close on the widget will not quit the eventloop i someone unset the last-windowclose foo17:16
apacheloggerwhich of course it not the case, but using qApp's quit is simply more obvious to someone who is skimming through the file17:16
shadeslayerlast-windowclose foo? 0_o17:17
apacheloggeryour app implicitly quits because it only had that one window17:18
apacheloggerif there were another window (that is not parented by the one you close) the application would not really quit17:18
shadeslayeractually.. what quit does right now is quit the application and kill the process, because i dont have a progressbar17:19
shadeslayerso.. app runs > you put in foo.zsync > select place to download > and it enables quit button17:20
shadeslayernow i shall add a Progressbar somewhere above the quit button and when you click on quit it stops downloading17:20
apacheloggershadeslayer: well17:21
apacheloggerquit == quit == exit the application :P17:21
apacheloggerso if your quit button did anything else the name would be bogus ;)17:22
* shadeslayer is unsure how to connect to his progress bar17:23
apacheloggerusing connect() ^^17:26
shadeslayerapachelogger: also check out #ubuntu-devel .. people are talking about your blogz17:26
shadeslayerapachelogger: yeah, but i couldnt figure out reciever17:27
apacheloggerwell, depends on what you want to do I suppose ;)17:27
shadeslayerremove a few widgets from layout and add a progressbar17:27
shadeslayerbut just hold on... lemme try :D17:28
shadeslayerapachelogger: what do i use to display the zsync output?17:29
shadeslayerlike kpk does17:29
apacheloggerdoesnt that do something entirely different?17:29
shadeslayeryeah in show details dialog17:29
apacheloggerlike display progress bars for each download?17:29
shadeslayeryou can see each package being configured and such17:30
shadeslayerits called terminal output in synaptic and such17:30
apacheloggerqtextbrowser for example17:32
danttishadeslayer: you need a custom delegate for that17:42
shadeslayerdantti: i just need to read the output of QProcess, dont scare me with big terms :D17:43
apacheloggerdantti: I think his app does not qualify for a model/view at all ;)17:44
CIA-116[libqapt] jmthomas * 1180713 * trunk/extragear/sysadmin/libqapt/src/worker/ (org.kubuntu.qaptworker.xml worker.cpp worker.h) (log message trimmed)17:44
CIA-116Implement proper APT system locking for the QApt worker. This also fixes the17:44
CIA-116QApt worker not respecting APT system locks such as those put in place by17:44
danttidantti: well if you want that kind of view you will need that, take a look at libkpackagekit/TransactionDelegate.cpp17:44
danttiapachelogger: well, I don't know his app so :P17:45
shadeslayerdantti: http://gitorious.org/qzsync ::17:45
danttik, I have to fix kpk icons today, I'll take a look later :)17:47
shadeslayeroh sure :D17:47
shadeslayersome commits on their way :)17:47
CIA-116jmthomas * 1180714 * branches/stable/extragear-kde4/sysadmin/libqapt/src/worker/ (org.kubuntu.qaptworker.xml worker.cpp worker.h) Backport r1180713, implementing proper locking/fixing the "Doesn't respect APT system locks" bug17:47
CIA-116jmthomas * 1180717 * branches/stable/extragear-kde4/sysadmin/libqapt/CMakeLists.txt Bump version for impending bugfix release, 1.0.317:51
shadeslayerapachelogger: http://pastebin.com/GWUfBtBQ :: my UI gets all messy17:55
shadeslayersee the progressBar() slot17:55
shadeslayer( line 115 )17:55
apacheloggershadeslayer: talk in like 4 minutes!!!!!!!!!17:56
apacheloggershadeslayer: you should dent about that17:56
* apachelogger already shot choqok dead :P17:56
shadeslayerah right17:56
shadeslayerlikewise here17:56
* shadeslayer does OAuth dance with choqok17:57
debfxqtcreator has a security vulnerability: bug #64999117:57
ubottuLaunchpad bug 649991 in qtcreator (Ubuntu) "CVE-2010-3374: insecure library loading" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/64999117:57
debfxI've attached debdiffs for karmic and lucid17:58
shadeslayerapachelogger: done18:00
Riddelldebfx: great thanks, I'll ping the security team18:07
Riddelldebfx: how about for maverick?18:08
debfxRiddell: 2.0.1 isn't affected18:08
Riddelldebfx: please say so on the bug then18:08
lucidfoxapachelogger, thumbs up on your post!18:17
debfxRiddell: ok, done18:21
=== maco2 is now known as maco
ofirkRiddell: I finished the upgrade to RC and everything went fine18:29
ofirkI am checking the system to see that all softwares upgraded correctly too18:29
ofirkRiddell: However, there are 2 bugs that I want to report against the upgrade software18:30
ofirkRiddell: against which package I need to report these bugs?18:30
ofirkRiddell: report it against update-manager-core maybe (?)18:33
ofirkRiddell: the bugs are:18:36
ofirkThe first bug is that when the upgrade starts the cleanup stage, there is a system notification to restart the computer. This might cause problems when someone doesn't pay too much attention to the upgrade and just presses restart. Maybe differ the notification to the end of the upgrade.18:36
shadeslayerofirk: also18:37
shadeslayerhold on18:37
shadeslayerofirk: http://www.kubuntu.org/news/timelord :: no pics18:37
shadeslayercan you fix0r that?18:37
Riddellofirk: ubuntu-bug update-manager  should do it18:38
ofirkshadeslayer: I hope, I need the image...18:38
ofirkRiddell: thanks :)18:38
ofirkI will try to find it :)18:38
shadeslayerofirk: thanks... i cant find one on http://people.ubuntu.com/~apachelogger/18:39
ofirkfound it: http://apachelog.files.wordpress.com/2009/11/timelord-400.jpg18:40
ofirkgoogle knows all ;)18:40
ofirkI just forgot that we can't upload files ourselves...18:44
ofirkshadeslayer:  Do you think it is urgent to upload the image?18:45
shadeslayerofirk: no.. i just found that image was missing18:45
shadeslayerthought you might want to know :)18:45
ofirkshadeslayer: oh, yes. thanks :)18:47
claydohargh kdm keeps shutting down18:50
shadeslayerapachelogger: ok so i have http://imgur.com/X9JXp19:00
shadeslayerfrom  http://pastebin.com/UTy3MQ1P19:01
shadeslayersomehow my 2 qlineedits dont get deleted along with a Qcheckboz19:02
apacheloggerthat is because you have poor design :P19:03
apacheloggershadeslayer: you should have each of those things contained in individual classes19:03
apacheloggeri.e. a class Window : public QWidget19:03
apacheloggerand a class DownloadWidget : public QWidget19:04
apacheloggerand a class ProgressWidget : public QWidget19:04
shadeslayerapachelogger: also with http://pastebin.com/udE9tyZg  it works fine19:04
apacheloggerstill poor design19:04
shadeslayeri do plan to move to that implementation during the holidays19:05
shadeslayerjust need to wait 2 more days.. then i have 20 days worth of holidays :P19:05
apacheloggeroh wellz19:05
apacheloggershadeslayer: the lineedits are parented by this19:05
apacheloggerso you would have to delete them individually19:06
apacheloggerseriously just moving the stuff to individual widgets would be way easier19:06
apacheloggerI think you should use a KDialog19:06
apacheloggerKProgressDialog or what it is called19:06
apacheloggeryou are Qt only19:07
shadeslayerQProgessBar 19:07
apacheloggershadeslayer: forget about it then19:07
shadeslayerabout what? :D19:07
apacheloggerKProgressDialog :P19:07
shadeslayeroic :D19:07
apacheloggerit is a special dialog with multiple pages (widgets)19:07
shadeslayeri can migrate to it laterz19:07
apacheloggerwhere you progress from one page to another super easily19:07
apacheloggerthen you would also need to have seperate widget implementation19:08
shadeslayerlike you said above?19:08
* apachelogger thinks that the Qt talk was not so bad for a first timer19:08
apacheloggercertainly needs work19:08
apacheloggershadeslayer: any feedback?19:09
shadeslayerneedz more time :P19:09
bulldog98shadeslayer: +119:09
shadeslayerclass should be of like 90 mins19:09
apacheloggeror I could just use more videos :P19:09
apacheloggercoding tuts are very difficult via irc and time limit anyway19:09
apacheloggerwhich is why I dislike them so much19:10
apacheloggerwhen is my next talk19:10
apacheloggerah, thursday19:10
shadeslayeryeah ...19:10
shadeslayerapachelogger: you shall teach me qt @ uds from 5 PM onwards19:11
shadeslayerits finalized19:11
apacheloggerI still dont have not tickets :S19:11
apacheloggeroh dear oh dear19:11
* apachelogger is so unorganized :/19:11
apacheloggershadeslayer: also, more like 3am onwards :P19:11
shadeslayerapachelogger: me neither... also i get reimbursed for them after UDS19:11
apachelogger5pm to 3am is allocated to socializing19:11
shadeslayerwell.. we shall work 24 hours then19:12
* apachelogger moderates comments19:12
apacheloggershadeslayer: as if that were anything special for you :P19:12
shadeslayerapachelogger: im down to 16 hours now ... :P19:13
* shadeslayer is becoming inefficient19:13
shadeslayerlike my coding19:13
shadeslayerbulldog98: oh and heres a preview http://gitorious.org/qzsync19:13
shadeslayerbulldog98: http://pastebin.com/jq6PvYgZ :: a diff of the uncommited/not pushed work : http://pastebin.com/jq6PvYgZ19:14
bulldog98apachelogger: saw the template for your next talk. It looks interesting19:15
apacheloggerbulldog98: where is that? :O19:16
shadeslayerrbelem: ssup?19:16
bulldog98apachelogger: googled it19:16
bulldog983rd link19:16
* shadeslayer wonders what rbelem was up tp19:16
apacheloggergoogled what?19:16
apacheloggermind giving me the url?19:16
apacheloggerit is not like it were secret if google knows about it ^^19:16
shadeslayerrbelem: /topic19:16
rbelemah! ok :-D19:17
bulldog98apachelogger: http://docs.google.com/present/view?id=ajk6csn6c2vn_53fj6c47f619:17
apacheloggerbulldog98: that is from the old version19:17
danttiRiddell: kpackagekit is missing a dep libqt4-sql-sqlite :)  btw I just need to get rid of these question marks so that you can upload a new and more fixed package ...19:17
shadeslayerbulldog98: OLD!!!!19:17
apacheloggeron thursday you will get an improved version of that19:17
shadeslayera year old19:17
apacheloggertalks are like wine, hey need time19:17
rbelemshadeslayer, i married and my girl will have a boy in two months more or less :-D19:17
bulldog98apachelogger: sounds interessting nevertheless19:17
shadeslayerrbelem: oh.. congrats!!!19:18
apacheloggerbulldog98: any additional feedback on the Qt one?19:18
* shadeslayer knew about jussi19:18
bulldog98apachelogger: I don’t like qtcreater :P, but I thing it was a nice talk19:19
apacheloggerdantti: is it fixed that the smarticon thingy has a question mark?19:19
* rbelem needs to use more facebook and kicks orkut :-)19:19
apacheloggerdantti: i.e. what comes up when I run pkcon install foo19:19
shadeslayerrbelem: yeah :P19:19
apacheloggerqt creator is supreme!19:19
shadeslayerapachelogger: also.. why does KDE use the stupid plasma notification when copying gfiles19:19
apacheloggeranyhow, primary choice pro qt creator is that it is cross-platform and part of the SDK19:19
* shadeslayer wants old school copy dialog19:20
apacheloggerand works super with qmake19:20
shadeslayer+1 to qtcreator19:20
apacheloggershadeslayer: I think you can turn off the plasma stuff somehow19:20
bulldog98+1 to kdevelop19:20
shadeslayeryou just need to learn how to use it effectively :P19:20
apacheloggershadeslayer: right click on the (i)19:20
apacheloggergot to the settings19:20
apacheloggeruntick the file transfer19:20
yofelshadeslayer: what's bad about the notification?19:20
bulldog98shadeslayer: tried kdevelop? git checkout is like supreme god19:21
shadeslayeryofel: id rather like a file copy dialog19:21
shadeslayerbulldog98: no :S19:21
apacheloggerdantti: oh, the new update dialog is superb19:21
bulldog98shadeslayer: you can checkout kdemodules in the git version19:21
apacheloggerbulldog98: qt creator has that since evar :P19:21
apacheloggeralong with support for about any other VCS19:21
shadeslayeryofel: also if plasma goes down, my 20 GB file transfer vanishes :S19:21
shadeslayerand now19:22
bulldog98apachelogger: I only saw git and mercurial support19:22
apacheloggershadeslayer: I think the solution to that would be plasma not going down19:22
shadeslayerapachelogger: thats the ideal solution19:22
apacheloggerbulldog98: and svn and cvs19:22
shadeslayeryou never achieve idea solutions :P19:22
bulldog98apachelogger: kdevelop too19:22
apacheloggerand I almost made bzr simply because bzr itself is so cumbersome19:22
apacheloggerbut then I got annoyed over bzr being so slow that I dropped that ^^19:22
shadeslayeralso for eg. now when i click on the rotating plasma notification thing, it doesnt show me the speed19:23
shadeslayerno pop up dialog19:23
shadeslayerand yes i have "File transfers" checkbox enabled19:23
yofelit should slide open a progress bar with speed under the 'more' button19:23
shadeslayeryofel: it doesnt :)19:23
shadeslayerget my point?19:24
shadeslayerapachelogger: socialising over Qt :P19:24
bulldog98apachelogger: http://home.kde.org/~akademy10/videos/KDevelop4-Milian_Wolff_and_Aleix_Pol.ogv do you know that?19:24
apacheloggershadeslayer: silly :P19:25
* apachelogger is wondeirng what happened to sheytan19:27
* apachelogger is making a video player19:27
shadeslayerapachelogger: ok so after disabling that notification thingy i have no copy dialog :S19:27
shadeslayerits copying19:27
shadeslayerbut .. no dialog19:27
apacheloggershadeslayer: well, for new copies you should get the dialog19:27
apacheloggernot for existing ones I think19:27
shadeslayerim not19:27
shadeslayerits a new copy19:27
apacheloggerlemme try19:27
apacheloggerme neither19:28
shadeslayertold ya19:28
apacheloggerreport report report19:28
shadeslayerif you launch with kdesudo mode, you get dialog19:28
apacheloggermaybe you need to logout and back in again19:29
shadeslayerapachelogger: lemme try that too19:29
shadeslayerapachelogger: bahahaha... works now19:31
* shadeslayer proposes this as default config19:31
apacheloggerbug report19:31
* apachelogger likes the current default just fine19:32
shadeslayerapachelogger: will file tmmrw... sleep time :)19:32
* shadeslayer notes that the common wealth games are falling apart and sleeps peacefully19:32
* Riddell starts to worry, only 4 years until we have to host them19:34
shadeslayerRiddell: hehe.. the indian administration is lazy and pathetic ... the UK OC is going to be amazing :P19:35
shadeslayersome of the roads are still under construction here :S19:35
danttiapachelogger: yes, the question marks are mostly in the smart icon, (I really don't know yet why :) )19:36
shadeslayerapachelogger: oh oh oh ... how do i get a systray icon for my app? 19:36
apacheloggershadeslayer: qsystemtray19:36
shadeslayerill look at that class in college tomorrow then19:36
apacheloggernot encouragable though19:36
apacheloggerbetter use wha Quassel has with statusnotifier integration19:37
apacheloggerpoke Sput about that19:37
shadeslayerSput: ^^19:37
Sputwhat's there to poke? the code is there :)19:37
Sputyou can peruse it!19:37
Sputis that a pure Qt app anyway?19:38
shadeslayerno idea where to start :P19:38
shadeslayeri haz check out19:38
Sputbecause if it's KDE, use KDE's stuff19:38
shadeslayerSput: pure Qt till now19:38
Sputalso Quassel doesn't reimplement all of it, just the things we need, but I guess the missing stuff could easily be added by mostly copypasting from KStatusNotifier19:38
Sputwell, sex19:39
Sputwell, sec19:39
apacheloggernow that is a typo19:40
Sputsystemtray.* contains the base class, statusnotifier* contains the statusnotifier stuff, and legacy* contains the fallback in case there's no statusnotifier19:40
Sputit also compiles fine if Qt doesn't have QSystemTrayIcon support (often the case in the mobile versions)19:40
Sputand it compiles fine if there's no dbus support, in which case it'll fall back to Qt19:40
apachelogger!find identica.png19:41
ubottuFile identica.png found in amarok-common, gwibber, pidgin-microblog19:41
* apachelogger is wondering why amarok contains that19:41
shadeslayeridentica.png in amarok? 19:41
apacheloggerI know19:42
apacheloggerfor the social about dialog thing19:42
* apachelogger is wondering why that still did not land in KDElibs19:42
* apachelogger finds it a very good idea19:42
apacheloggerthe emblem sux though19:42
* Sput hopes agateau will get paid for actually implementing that stuff in QSystemTrayIcon at some point19:42
* apachelogger uses the gwibber version19:42
shtylman_what happened to qt4-dev-tools?19:43
shadeslayershtylman_: oh btw i hear you live in NYC?19:43
shtylman_with qt 4.7 from the ppa repo it won't install19:44
shtylman_shadeslayer: that is correct19:44
shadeslayershtylman_: hmm.. i might have a connecting flight from there .. might be there for about 8 hours19:44
shadeslayertransit times--19:44
shtylman_8 hours.. damn19:45
shadeslayerhehe... might as well go around the city and have a look19:45
shtylman_yea.. assuming you figure time to/from the airport19:46
shadeslayerapachelogger: did you apply for visa?19:47
apacheloggerno, oh I need that too19:47
apacheloggertechnically I do not need a visa19:47
shadeslayeryour exempted from that ?19:47
apacheloggerthere is some other special thing for special countries19:47
apacheloggerand I happen to be in such a special country19:48
shadeslayeri thought only UK got that exception 19:48
shadeslayercya people19:50
ejatshadeslayer: c ya19:50
apacheloggershadeslayer: visa waiver program it is called19:51
shadeslayerESTA or something19:51
apacheloggerwhich is supreme because IIRC a visa would be 109 euros ^^19:52
apacheloggerand then you still need to pay the entrance fee of 14 USD :P19:52
debfxapachelogger, Riddell, ScottK, JontheEchidna: I'm applying for MOTU, it would be lovely if you could leave a comment on my application: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FelixGeyer/MOTUApplication20:24
apacheloggeroh noes20:24
apacheloggernot the commenting again20:24
* apachelogger is wondering if a "make him a motu already" would suffice20:25
apacheloggerare you applying for MOTO too? :P20:25
* apachelogger pokes neversfelde20:25
shtylman_I am using the backports ppa20:27
shtylman_and something happened to qt4-dev-tools20:27
shtylman_is this known?20:27
lex79I uploaded the fix, it's building20:28
shtylman_lex79: gracias20:29
lex79no problem :)20:29
=== SolidLiq is now known as solid_liq
neversfeldeapachelogger: ?20:49
neversfeldeah MOTO20:49
neversfeldeexclusive cycle20:50
neversfeldeI think I am the only one20:50
apacheloggerI think so too :P20:52
gmaculohow do i disable the default sorting of hidden files and case insensitivity in ls? -- also noticed command line regexp are also case insensitive.. how do i turn that crap off?20:55
neversfeldeapachelogger: great stuff on your blog20:56
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: why did you never blog about the kubuntu aubertruck? ;)20:59
ulyssesRiddell: did you import the kde translations?21:05
Riddellulysses: no, was going to do that now, something you wanted importing?21:05
ulyssesNo, I think all important thing is ready for Maverick21:05
RiddellKonqueror and Chromium users can now appreciate the Ubuntu font on kubuntu.org's front page21:08
ulyssesI made a last commit before importing, only little changes21:09
Riddellulysses: commit to what?21:09
ulyssesto l10n-kde421:10
ulyssesonly little, unimportant changes21:10
claydohyay  my laptop now has a broken screen :( darn cat :(21:26
lex79Riddell: dolphin freeze is fixed, remain this weird bug 64950921:35
ubottuLaunchpad bug 649509 in kdebase-workspace (Ubuntu) "Wrong General font by default" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/64950921:35
lex79and in live cd mode if I want play a mp3 there is no notification about restricted codec availability21:37
lex79or if I want see a video on youtube21:38
claydohomg this ancient crt is almost as bad as a cracked lcd :( it fluttters and flashes oh my21:43
lex79apachelogger: should kubuntu-notiication-helper work on live cd mode? or is it supposed to work only if you install kubuntu? 21:54
=== ghostcube_ is now known as ghostcube
pgquileshow come kdebase-workspace and kdebase-workspace-bin for KDE 4.5.1 are not available from kubuntu-ppa? Makes impossible to upgrade to KDE 4.5.1 on Lucid22:10
lex79they are in kubuntu backport:22:12
shtylman_lex79: did that dev tools package ever build?22:20
JontheEchidnaanybody have kdebase-workspace changes they wanted to get in? I'm going to do an upload this evening22:27
pgquileslex79: you are right but kdebase-workspace-libs4+5 is still at 4.4.5, so apt won't update kdebase*22:31
CIA-116[ubuntu] Jonathan Thomas <echidnaman@kubuntu.org> * echidnaman@kubuntu.org-20100928214519-o6unmny9bzr1c1et * debian/ (changelog kdm.upstart) debian/kdm.upstart: Do not already fire on a framebuffer device. When a real DRM driver gets loaded later on, X will be started too early to catch it. (LP: #615549)22:45
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
lex79pgquiles: you can remove kdebase-workspace-libs4+5 is no longer needed23:35
lex79shtylman_: qtwebkit is built, you should try to upgrade23:37
lex79JontheEchidna: should kubuntu-notiication-helper work on live cd mode? or is it supposed to work only if you install kubuntu? 23:40
JontheEchidnamost likely the live cd doesn't have universe/multiverse enabled23:40
Riddellkubuntu-notification-helper is disabled on the live cd23:43
lex79the reason is?23:44
Riddelllex79: well it's a live session, it's not generally useful to be told to install or reboot stuff23:49
Riddellso working on the principle of don't put things in people's way when they don't need them, it gets disabled23:49
lex79uhm ok, but for me is usefull, if it's the first time that I see kubuntu maybe I want see if it can play an avi file or an mp3 file or if I can go on youtube with kubuntu23:52
Riddellyes, I did have a similar complaint earlier this week so maybe it should be revisited23:52
lex79I think so23:52
lex79I'm wondering what happen with General font :(23:54
lex79JontheEchidna: any clue on bug 649509 ?23:54
ubottuLaunchpad bug 649509 in kdebase-workspace (Ubuntu) "Wrong General font by default" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/64950923:54
lex79just weird, it seems I'm the only one that discovered this bug23:55
JontheEchidnanope, I've not touched the font portion of k-d-s23:55
JontheEchidnaRiddell: is there a way to use a custom config file for the livecd only?23:55
RiddellJontheEchidna: you can do it in casper23:57
Riddelle.g. we still do this for some reason..23:57
Riddell32disable_hibernation:    echo "disableHibernate=1" >> /root/usr/share/kubuntu-default-settings/kde-profile/default/share/config/guidance-power-managerrc23:57
JontheEchidnain that case we could have a custom notificationhelperrc disabling reboot notifications23:58
Riddelland upgrade notifications for kpackagekit23:58
JontheEchidnawould do the trick23:59
JontheEchidnathen we could hide restart notifications but keep flash prompts23:59

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