
yofelis /etc/resolv.conf properly set to a DNS server?00:00
craigAlso how do I go about enabling free/non-free...?  I really need to use the official Debian bluez-firmware package to keep my BCM2045's Firmware up to date...00:00
notlisteningI also tried first setting static information for my network address which did not help00:00
notlisteningso not a DHCP issue00:00
notlisteningmaybe the mix of Beta 1 & updates coming through on the install screwed with something00:00
craigI have also heard people talking about my ATI Mobility Radeon HD 4650 needing Firmware installed in order to work correctly...00:00
notlisteningoh and web pages will not load but good fires up nicely after a search is hangs and never returns other webpages00:00
yofelcraig: we don't support  installing debian packages in ubuntu, and ubuntu doesn't have a bluez-firmware package00:00
notlistening*good = google00:00
scummosany way to install 10.10 without cd rom drive? :/00:01
scummosi'm out of ideas00:01
scummosunetbootin won't work00:01
yofelusb-creator ?00:02
craigWell: I insist on using KDE & the only other up to date KDE4 distros like Fedora Core 13 & Sidux have issues with this particular PC laptop...00:02
craigI'm not too happy about the Debian Gnome agenda of theirs to be perfectly honest...00:03
SaRyHello guys , is there any kernel bug lately .. i have a serious issue .00:03
craigI would love to try LFS or even Gentoo but their how-tos don't cover AMD64 in the case of LFS or Open64 in the case of Gentoo...00:06
scummosyofel: is that available for non-ubuntu-systems?00:26
scummoswhey it works00:26
scummos"Installation failed."00:26
scummoso ok00:26
scummosyofel: it won't work. it tells me it can't install the bootloader. :/00:26
scummosi'm not using ubuntu, maybe its because of that?00:26
scummosit also doesn't display an error message.00:26
yofelwell, you could setup a boot stick manually by using something like https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/Dev/MultipleISOBootUSBKey00:26
scummosokay thanks, gonna try that :]00:26
conb123Does anyone know if the new kernel in maverick fixes the issue with ATI 5750 cards and the proprietary fglrx driver00:26
=== billybigrigger_ is now known as billybigrigger
scummosgood night00:30
scummosi'll also leave now, thanks for your help00:31
GA_Bullanybody running 10.10 netbook remix?00:34
shcherbakright, my epxirience with new ubuntu-netbook was bit halted by fact that my wifi is BMC broadcom00:36
shcherbakand by fact that Alt-F2 is not present00:36
GA_Bullother than that, how was the improvement over 9.04 or 9.1000:37
shcherbaknow will try kubuntu-netbook, it looks good, running live version so hardto tell about speed00:38
GA_Bullwhich version of kubuntu?00:39
shcherbaklike mac-style menu in the panel00:39
shcherbakkubuntu-netbook 10.1000:39
GA_Bullhmm. i'm gonna try out ubuntu-netbook 10.10 first, cause I already downloaded it and mounted it to the usb.00:40
GA_Bullexcept this stupid netbook won't let me boot to usb00:41
MikeChelenhi, there seems to be memory leak with deluge 1.3.0 and libtorrent-rasterbar 0.15.300:41
shcherbakbios? some, like eee have special menu-swith for hd usb boot00:42
GA_Bulli'm gonna try and change the bios again.00:46
GA_Bulli already tried it on one netbook, and gave up with that one for a while. so i'm trying on another now.00:46
GA_Bullstill no luck even after changing the bios.00:51
GA_Bullfreezes when trying to boot with a USB in.00:52
Ken8521any USB, or a Live USB disk?00:53
GA_BullI believe just a live USB disk00:53
Ken8521i had some issues trying to boot a live disk as well.00:54
GA_Bullany solutions?00:54
Ken8521ended up finally just burning the CD... i think part of the prob might be my thumb drive.00:54
GA_Bullno CD drive on a netbook though...00:54
GA_Bullexternal CD drive?00:54
Ken8521actually..lol, i had an IDE hard drive in an enclosure, and i took an old IDE CD drive I had laying around.00:55
Ken8521burned the CD on my desktop, and then boot it like a USB device.00:55
Ken8521so yeah, external CD rom.00:55
Ken8521the jerry rigged way00:55
Jordan_UGA_Bull: Can you pastebin the output of "sudo dd if=/dev/sdX count=1 | od -x" where "X" is replaced with the correct letter for your drive?00:56
GA_BullI can try, still trying to boot it on the netbook, bout to just burn to cd.00:57
GA_Bullone sec.00:57
Ken8521the new installer is killer... they did a great job on it.;01:00
GA_BullIf i could get that far. haha01:01
GA_Bullthe installer for 10.10 desktop edition was pretty nice.01:01
Spaztic_Oneroughly when in october is mav gonna be out?01:01
GA_Bullthat's what i'm running on my Toshiba Laptop now.01:01
Ken8521yeah, thats what i was talking about.01:01
GA_Bullah yea. it was great. fast too.01:01
Ken8521Spaztic_One, if the past is anyy indication, probably towards the end of the month.01:01
Ken8521i like how you can update your system, during the install.. so after the first boot, you don't have 25min of updating to do.01:01
Spaztic_OneAh, kk. Also, I've only been using ubuntu for a little less than a year. I started with Karmic01:02
Ken8521Spaztic_One, they've shocked us before, but usually it's pretty close to the end of the month01:02
GA_BullKen: Yea. Overall a great process. the boot time for maverick is pretty freakin awesome too01:02
Spaztic_OneAlrighty, thanks.01:02
yofel!schedule | Spaztic_One01:02
ubottuSpaztic_One: A schedule of Maverick Meerkat (10.10) release milestones can be found here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MaverickReleaseSchedule01:02
Ken8521yup GA_Bull it is01:02
WXZhow can I take a screenshot without the dialogue popping up?01:02
GA_BullWXZ: go to the Applications Menu > Accessories > Take Screenshot01:03
Ken8521w/o what dialog popping up?01:03
WXZneeds to be a button01:03
GA_Bullwhat? that tool basically does everything for you, no dialog.01:04
WXZand even with that dialogue pops up01:04
GA_Bullwhat dialogue?01:04
Ken8521i admit, i don't understand the question.01:04
Ken8521what dialogue are you talking about?01:04
WXZthe dialogue called "take screenshot"01:04
WXZyou know when you press screenshot01:04
WXZa window pops up called "save screenshot"01:04
WXZI don't want that window to pop up01:04
GA_Bullyes, after it has taken the screenshot01:04
Ken8521it does that after the screenshot, so you can name it and choose where to save it01:05
GA_Bullit has already taken it by the time the save screenshot dialogue shows up.01:05
WXZI know Ken852101:05
WXZI don't want it to do that though01:05
GA_BullThen how would it save?01:05
WXZI want to open up an image editor later and paste it manually01:05
Ken8521WXZ, not saying it cant be done, but i'm not sure how.01:05
WXZwhen was the last time you guys used windows?01:06
GA_BullThis morning.01:06
WXZok, lol01:06
Ken8521WXZ, only to update my zune.01:06
Ken8521and i do that about once a month.01:06
yofelquite a while ago, but I think the problem here is that Xorg doesn't take a screenshot when pressing 'PrintScr' by itself01:06
yofelmaybe I'm wrong but I haven't seen it do that yet01:07
Ken8521yofel, if i hit print screen, the dialog box comes up.. i can choose to save it, or copy to clipboard.. then i assume i could open a photo editor and 'paste' it there01:07
WXZI want it to copy to clipboard automatically01:08
yofelKen8521: right, but just pressing 'PrintScr' won't automatically copy the screenshot to the xclipboard, thus we need an app for it01:08
Ken8521yofel, hmm,i guess.... i just never viewed the dialog box as that big of a deal01:08
* yofel neither01:09
yofelactually I like ksnapshot01:09
Ken8521yofel, that's one of the very very very very very very very few kde apps i like01:09
Ken8521i finally got vnc working on all my machines01:09
Ken8521i am so thrilled about that01:10
GA_BullI'll be back, can't find my external CD Drive01:10
Ken8521GA_Bull, so how you gonna do that/01:10
Ken8521how are you gonna boot a cd, if you don't have an external cd drive?01:12
GA_BullI went to find it, with no success. i was hoping to find it.01:12
iConfusedKen8521, ^01:12
Ken8521iConfused, i think unetbootin is causing his issue.01:13
Ken8521hmm, maybe not01:13
ubottuFor information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent01:13
Ken8521you could try setting up the drive w/ unetbootin01:13
GA_BullAh. Sorry... zoned out... still working on it.01:13
GA_Bullone sec.01:13
GA_Bulli'm gonna mount it to a different USB and try it.01:13
Ken8521but i don't think unetbootin writes .IMG files... which i think is what you're trying to write01:13
iConfusedKen8521, I have no idea what the issue is, as I just logged on ^^"01:14
Ken8521no big deal01:15
iConfusedBut unetbootin does .IMG, if I'm not mistaken01:15
Ken8521he seems to have more issues than a news stand right now...01:15
Ken8521iConfused, .. are you sure? i thought only ISO01:15
GA_BullAll I am doing right now is taking the raw .iso file for 10.10 netbook and mount it to a usb, and boot that on the netbook, and install.01:15
iConfusedKen8521, I believe it has a dropdown for filetype01:15
iConfusedOh, maybe not01:16
Ken8521GA_Bull, have you tried unetbootin?....01:16
Ken8521just for clarification01:16
GA_BullNot yet, I'll try that next.01:16
iConfusedUnetbootin is amazing for making bootable USB drives :301:16
Ken8521yes it is01:16
iConfusedYou need a little extra set up to make it persistent, however01:16
Ken8521i am seriously digging vnc though.01:17
GA_BullI'll try it next.01:17
Ken8521iConfused, if you read the current bugs... setting up thumb drives w/ persistence will not work.01:17
Ken8521live disk only, they should work01:17
GA_BullHow many comps you running vnc on Ken?01:17
iConfusedKen8521, I made one, you need to make a casper-rw, and change a line of text on one of the files at the root of the drive01:18
Ken8521oh ok.01:18
iConfusedMy only issue is not being able to remove the live-disc user or whatever01:18
Ken8521GA_Bull, well, right now.. I'm ono my laptop, and i VNC'd into my desktop, and then used my desktop to VNC into another machine on my network01:18
iConfusedBut I use this drive every day at school. It's nice.01:18
GA_Bullyou run a live disk at school?01:19
GA_Bulllike on your own system?01:19
GA_Bullor the schools?01:19
iConfusedGA_Bull, I run off of a usb drive with a persistent file system on the school's computers01:19
GA_BullNice. I did that for a while... but now I just bring my01:20
iConfusedIt's nice, and the person in charge just asked if I didn't like windows01:20
GA_BullRan BackTrack4 on my Laptop for a while.01:20
GA_Bullgot tired of dealing with the ridiculous boot sequence.01:20
iConfused*Laptops aren't allowed in my high school :/01:20
GA_Bulland just put it on a USB. and I quit High School early and wen't straight to College :P01:20
iConfused(Or at least, the students aren't allowed to have them)01:21
GA_BullI LOVE backtrack4 though.01:22
GA_Bulljust upgraded to that from bt2... great improvment.01:22
iConfusedI've never used backtrack, actually01:22
iConfusedheard it was nifty, though01:22
GA_BullMy only dissapointment is how much easier they are making hacking... it's to the point where you don't even need to know code.01:22
iConfusedAlso, anyone else in love with pithos? :)01:22
* iConfused needs to learn java or something (ANDROID IS THE FUTURE, PEOPLE *twitches)01:23
GA_BullYAY! it was the USB disk, it's working off this other one.01:24
iConfusedWewt :)01:24
GA_Bullbeyond happy right now.01:25
GA_BullThis is the second time I'm getting completely rid of Windows on ALL of my personal computers.01:25
iConfusedI'm at someone's place01:25
GA_BullExcept for the one i'm loaning a friend right now.01:25
iConfusedThey're watching Faux news01:25
iConfusedthe stupid... it burns >.<01:25
GA_Bullthe new installer is Kick A**01:26
iConfusedIt's lovely, ain't it?01:26
Ken8521GA_Bull, it really is.01:26
Ken8521GA_Bull, other than having Windows in a Vbox for my Zune... I'm free.01:26
Ken8521i don't see Zune support coming to Linux anytime soon01:26
GA_BullI don't see *official* zune support coming to linux atleast.01:27
iConfusedAnd I completely removed windows on accident, I meant to leave a dell recovery partition, but I wiped it out as well01:27
Ken8521yeah, something tells me Microsoft would view that as against their goals of world domination01:27
iConfusedSo I grabbed a fedora cd I had lying around, and I've been linux-only ever since01:27
iConfusedBut compiz and full screen flash video didn't play together (I stream most shows I watch, so this is vital) well on fedora, so I went to ubuntu 10.0401:28
iConfusedAnd then I was like YAYBETA<301:29
GA_BullYea, on another note though... I am proud of apple, they finally allowed the Google Voice app on iPhone.01:29
DaekdroomThat was under major pressure.01:30
DaekdroomApple is the same old fascist it ever was.01:30
Ken8521Google is gonna take over the world... be ready for it01:30
GA_BullDaekdroom: Yea... true. but still.01:30
iConfusedI'm proud of apple, some of their devices are capable of running android01:30
GA_BullAnd Ken. definitely the ridiculous amounts of services they are pumping out right now is insane.01:30
GA_Bullthey're bout to release GoogleTV to compete with iTV01:31
iConfusedI love Google services. So. Much.01:31
iConfusedCan't wait until wave-in-a-box is released01:31
GA_BullI have wave. never used it really. nobody else I know has it haha.01:32
iConfusedHehehe, yeah, it finally went open01:32
DaekdroomI'm glad it bombed.01:32
iConfusedbut google's killing it01:32
DaekdroomSame thing for GTalk.01:32
iConfusedand I'm sad01:32
DaekdroomThey can't have it all.01:32
iConfusedDaekdroom, GTalk is a really nice jabber service :/01:32
GA_BullThis is true. so I just accidentally minimized the installer and can't get it back!01:33
GA_BullOh nooooooo...01:33
GA_BullGot it back.01:33
iConfusedI'mma run wave on my site, methinks01:33
Ken8521Google Talk is good.01:33
iConfused(once they, you know, release Wave-in-a-Box)01:33
Ken8521i actually really like Skype to... I wish Skype's Linux support was a little better01:34
iConfusedI prefer xmpp.jp01:34
Ken8521but even the old version that we're stuck w/.. isn't to bad01:34
iConfusedI got <myfirstname>@xmpp.jp01:34
iConfusedwhich is really awesome01:34
GA_BullI love skype. And yea, the linux version isn't horrible... it's not playing well with maverick thogh.01:34
iConfusedAnd ooh, random question01:34
Ken8521GA_Bull, you know what i like bout the installer, how it asks you if you want to insall the non-free codecs at the beginning.01:35
iConfusedPidgin and Empathy. Discuss.01:35
Ken8521it's like "Well, everyone installs them anyway.. so why not"01:35
Ken8521iConfused, empathy sucks... Pidgin is great... discussion over01:35
GA_BullHaha yea... i got tired before of always having to dig through codecs to get them all, so this is nice.01:35
iConfusedYeah, pidgin's been much better for me01:35
GA_Bulland I agree. Empathy sucks.01:35
GA_Bulleven though that's what I'm on now.01:35
iConfusedWhy on earth did they switch?01:35
Ken8521empathy is the first thing that gets uninstalled on any new box i set up.... that and brasero.01:36
GA_Bullagain, it's what 10.10 puts in the "me" menu.01:36
iConfusedEmpathy is also ugly as hell :/01:36
iConfusedI don't use gnome-panel01:36
iConfusedDocky+GNOME-Do works well for me01:36
Ken8521iConfused, i think they switched, because the pidgin team was dragging their feet on video support, but i could be wrong.... or maybe it's because Empathy was the actual Gnome message app01:36
GA_BullWhat panel you running, I run a combo of the new gnome - panel cause it looks good... and a Cairo dock.01:36
iConfusedCairo? I might look that up01:37
iConfusedBut i've always been a fan of docky01:37
GA_BullIt's the one that's supposed to look like a Mac OSX dock.01:37
GA_Bulli like it, it's convinent.01:37
iConfusedlike, srsly.01:37
GA_BullI'm beginning to love this installer less... I can't change the window size, it's stuck on "retrieving file 2 of 6" and I can't see what the terminal is doing.01:38
AmaranthGA_Bull: ctrl-alt-f1 to the rescue?01:39
Ken8521it's still running 10.04 though01:39
GA_Bullhopefully it's not gonna freak out now.01:40
GA_Bullwe'll see.01:40
Ken8521you know it's amazing that vnc is free01:41
GA_BullOk, starting the installer over... sigh.01:41
iConfusedKen8521, I can VNC into my phone :301:41
Ken8521what'd you screw up?01:41
Ken8521iConfused, iphones.. i admit i don't get it01:41
Ken8521i have a cell phone. that only makes phone calls.01:41
iConfusedKen8521, It's not an iPhone01:41
iConfused</3 apple01:41
GA_BullIt just got stuck... and the window size isn't correct, and won't let me change it...01:42
GA_Bulland It got stuck on file 2 of 6.01:42
GA_Bulland i couldn't see the terminal.01:42
iConfusedKen8521, HTC Hero CDMA. Android device yes, MotoDroid, no.01:42
AmaranthiConfused: The freedesktop.org menu specification _sucks_, it's a PITA to implement01:42
AmaranthiConfused: And the gnome-menus library that does implement it is almost as painful as implementing it yourself01:42
AmaranthTrust me, I've got code in gnome-menus and code that uses it :P01:42
iConfusedAmaranth, I just want to be able to pull up my apps so that I don't have to go open gnome-panel01:43
Ken8521when is ubuntu gonna make the switch to gnome 3.0?01:43
iConfusedI dun liek gnome-panel01:43
Ken8521i actually though it was gonna be maverick01:43
AmaranthiConfused: That's what gnome-do is for01:43
AmaranthKen8521: Never is the current ETA01:43
AmaranthKen8521: And GNOME 3.0 doesn't exist yet01:43
Ken8521just fine w/ me01:43
Ken8521you can google screenshots of it01:43
AmaranthReally, maybe in 6 more months01:43
iConfusedAmaranth, True.01:44
GA_Bulli'm not sure if i like that or not...01:45
AmaranthKen8521: If anything Ubuntu will probably use the gnome 3.0 stack but not gnome-shell for the foreseeable future01:45
iConfusedKen8521, those aren't screenshots. They're called mockups for a reason01:45
GA_BullOh my god. this netbook.01:45
Ken8521ah, i just noticed that01:45
AmaranthKen8521: That's a really old silly mockups01:45
AmaranthIt's nothing like that now01:45
iConfusedI'd hate to have that foot logo right there, it's slightly ugly 0~o01:46
AmaranthKen8521: http://live.gnome.org/GnomeShell/Screenshots01:47
Ken8521not bad01:47
Ken8521i like gnome 2.3 though... so i don't see all the hubbub that it needs updated01:47
Ken8521i could've swore i read somewhere that 3.0 was going to be on ubuntu maverick.01:48
Ken8521must have been wishful thinking01:48
iConfusedWhy is valve so evil? If they ported source and steam to linux, they'd get a bunch of users, and a bunch of existing users would go linux, methinks01:48
iConfusedMaybe natty? ;x01:49
GA_Bullyou'd think that they would already have openoffice on the netbook remix.01:49
kklimondaiConfused: Valve disagrees, as do most other games publishers01:49
iConfusedI love how define:natty pulls up dapper on google01:49
iConfusedkklimonda, how the heck would it hurt them, it's not like I'm demanding they open the source01:50
iConfusedjust... A port would be... nice :/01:50
Ken8521GA_Bull, they don't?01:50
Ken8521thats strange01:50
kklimondaiConfused: supporting a new platform costs money01:50
iConfusedI suppose I should just try harder with WINE....01:51
* iConfused sighs01:51
GA_Bullnevermind they do.01:51
GA_Bullthis mnu system is confusing as mess.01:51
Ken8521GA_Bull, i always put normal gnome on my netbook.01:51
Ken8521i hate the netbook remix gui01:51
iConfusedI sorta like unity :/01:51
GA_BullI actually like the new gui for netbook remix.01:52
GA_BullAll I really use my netbook for is to sit on facebook during class hahaha.01:52
iConfusedthat's unity, my friend01:52
ScottyKWhat is a good time after the release of a new version to upgrade? Day of? day after? week after?01:52
GA_BullI know it is.01:53
iConfusedI want a netbook, lugging around this desktop replacement is annoying :/01:53
GA_BullI just found it easier to type. gui.01:53
GA_BullI have two identical netbooks.01:53
iConfusedBut I'd rather pick up a phone with a competent processor (like, a snapdragon or something)01:54
GA_BullCan anybody think of a way to sync Evolution Calendar with Google Calendar?01:55
iConfusedNot sure, I usually stay away from evolution01:55
Ken8521same here01:56
iConfusedGmail's web interface is great01:56
iConfused(And my email is through Google Apps, so...)01:56
GA_BullI'd rather just be able to use an application... only reason I asked. haha.01:56
GA_BullI do love the web interface. but if at all possible, I like having things on applications.01:57
judgenI have some troubles with getting my wireless to work at boot time. I can see the router from iwlist and connect with network-manager applet. but i would prefer if it worked from boot.01:57
AzelphurGA_Bull: dunno about Evolution but I know Thunderbird+Songbird can do it.01:57
GA_Bulljudgen: is it set to an AUTO connect?01:57
iConfusedSongbird... It will be missed01:57
GA_BullI'll have to check it, never really tried either of those.01:57
ectospasmI installed 2.6.35-19 on Lucid (see launchpad bug #131094), and now I get a bunch of kernel errors regarding AppArmor userspace utilities needing to be upgraded.  Will I be fighting a never ending battle, fixing each little issue, until I upgrade to Maverick?01:57
ubottuLaunchpad bug 131094 in linux (Ubuntu) "Heavy Disk I/O harms desktop responsiveness" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/13109401:57
iConfused(they killed that project with the whole *WE WON'T SUPPORT LINUX NO MORE* thing)01:58
iConfusedI've finally moved on... Rhythmbox isn't that bad01:58
iConfusedAnd it screws with my pidgin status for me01:59
iConfusedwhich is nice01:59
judgenGA_Bull, I am not sure, i just have iface wlan0 inet dhcp, wireless-essid "NETGEAR", auto wlan0 in that part of ny /etc/network/interfaces01:59
GA_Bullpull up network manager applet.02:00
GA_Bullsorry. not applet. just network manager02:00
judgenGA_Bull, When i run in terminal mode i can not use the applet, that is why i want it at boot. not after login.02:00
GA_Bullone sec, i was going to show you, but mine just disappeared.02:00
GA_Bullugh. this is rather annoying.02:03
GA_Bullok when you open Network Connections, and click on the Wireless tab, it should say Auto "your networks ssid"02:03
GA_Bullfor instance it may say Auto NETGEAR02:03
Ken8521judgen, are you on the GUI now?02:05
judgenKen8521, currently yes... since that is the only way i can get wireless atm.02:05
judgenI really want it to work in terminal.02:05
GA_BullCrap. sorry, didn't read that you were in terminal mode.02:05
GA_BullI can't remember how to do that. Ken?02:05
Ken8521judgen, is wireless set to connect on boot?02:06
judgenKen8521, it has been a while, where should this info be included if not in /etc/network/interfaces?02:07
Ken8521judgen, i always use the GUI, but the GUI tool is simply going to modify it...02:07
Ken8521judgen, right click network manager and choose edit connections02:07
Ken8521then wo things... 1.  On the wireless tab, highlight your wireless connection, choose "Edit"... and make sure "connect automatically" and "available to all users" is checked.02:08
Tweakyhey theres some updates in updatemanager that wont install as well they wont install in synaptic. any ideas?02:08
Ken8521also, on the "wired" tab.. highlight your eth0 connection, click "edit" and uncheck "connect automatically".02:09
GA_BullWhat do you mean won't install?02:09
GA_BullWhat is it specifically telling you?02:09
judgenKen8521, ok now that i have done that, should the wireless work in CLI too now?02:09
Ken8521what i've found, on my laptop... is when i boot up.. it will spend a minute looking for the wired connection, then ove to the wireless.. if i disable connecting automatically.. it won't look at the wired connection02:09
Ken8521judgen, .. i would think so... cuz all that does, is change the network interfaces setting.02:10
judgenok ill try02:10
GA_BullI think this netbook install is broken again.02:10
Ken8521judgen, did you get that second part?02:10
Ken8521about disabling the auto connect of your wired connection?02:10
Ken8521cuz i had that problem as well, and thought my wirelss wasn't working, but then it would mysteriously start working about 2min after boot up02:11
GA_BullKen, judgen disconnected.02:11
Ken8521yeah, he disconnected in the middle of that, so i just finished typing it.02:11
GA_Bullah. ok. haha02:11
Ken8521maybe i helped some other poor soul who was just observing02:11
Ken8521did you manage to get installed?02:12
GA_Bullit's being stupid again.02:12
TweakyGA_Bull: it just says up to date but there are 3 packages that i cannot select to install02:12
GA_Bullfroze on file 2 of 6... again.02:12
GA_BullIt may need you to do a partial update first.02:12
Ken8521are you sure it's freezing?  or is there something off screen that you're not seeing and you need to click next, or something like that?02:12
GA_BullTweaky, update the ones it will let you for now, and then try to do the others after that02:12
GA_BullKen, I believe it is, because my cursor is still the ever fun spinny circle of death.02:13
GA_BullKen, and if there was something off screen... I wouldn't know. it won't let me see it. haha.02:13
Ken8521GA_Bull, thats what i was saying, maybe tyr moving your windows around, and see if you're missing something02:14
judgen_Ken8521, it works02:14
judgen_Ken8521, thanks02:14
GA_BullKen, I can't move it. it won't let me resize the window, or move it up.02:14
Ken8521judgen_, thats all it was doing.. same thing it was dong to me... it was looking for your wired connection for about 2-3min, then it would switch to your wireless.02:14
Ken8521GA_Bull, is there a panel on the top that you can delete, so you can move the window up just a little higher? or maybe move it to the bottom or side02:14
ananse_ntontanI really like Unity... is that crazy?02:14
TweakyGA_Bull: http://img205.imageshack.us/img205/248/screenshotblz.png02:15
GA_BullMy flash drive is till blinking occasionally though... so maybe it's still working. and I suppose I can delete that panel yes.02:15
GA_BullAnanse, It looks good... not sure on practicality yet though.02:15
Ken8521GA_Bull, i would try that.. maybe you just need some more screen real estate to see an option.02:15
Ken8521if you delete that top panel, you can probably move the window up just enough to see what its doing02:15
GA_BullTweaky, hmmm... Ken, can you check that out and see if you have any ideas, Last time I had that problem was about a year and a half ago running *.402:16
GA_BullLemme think bout it.02:16
Ken8521GA_Bull, check what out?02:17
TweakyGA_Bull: thanks. i tried to install said packages through synaptic but it wanted to uninstall like a whole bunch of stuff02:17
GA_Bullthe link Tweaky posted..02:17
Ken8521oh didn't see it, hang on02:17
GA_BullTweaky, what did synaptic want to uninstall, old files from the same program?02:18
ananse_ntontanGA_Bull, I mean I like what they're trying to do, but it seems so much like style over substance even so close to the release date02:18
Ken8521or... try running closing the upgrade tool.. and try running sudo apt-get upgrade in a terminal.... see if it spits out some errors02:19
GA_Bullananse_ntontan, I just want the installer to work right now. haha.02:19
TweakyKen8521: thanks i shall try02:19
Ken8521Tweaky, holy crap, it wants to remove all that?..lol02:20
ananse_ntontanhas anyone had problems with update-manager crashing mid update?02:20
GA_BullTweaky, yea... don't think you should let it delete all that. hahaha02:20
GA_BullSome of those are pretty necessary.02:21
Ken8521just a few..lol02:21
GA_Bullananse_ntontan, nope...02:21
TweakyGA_Bull: No. lol. http://pastebin.com/G5QmvrYr theres the terminal output02:22
TweakyKen8521: ya not a good idea to remove all that lol!02:22
Ken8521Tweaky, yeah, it's keeping those packages back for some reason... so i'd just assume the upgrade manager is smarter than all of us, and not worry about it.02:23
GA_BullTweaky... Yea... I'd agree with Ken, there's a reason... don't try to force it.02:23
TweakyKen8521: ok :) ill leave it for now02:23
TweakyKen8521, GA_Bull: thanks guys02:24
Ken8521Tweaky, unless of course, you wanna go on an adventure, and install them anyway and remove all those other packages..lol02:24
Ken8521you could reach a whole new level of fail02:24
GA_Bullno problem... and yea. that could be fun... i mean... i'd love to watch a video of that one.02:24
TweakyKen8521: some of them seem to be err.. kinda necessary lol02:24
Ken8521little did Tweaky know... Ubuntu would uninstall itself...lol02:24
iConfusedWhat? O.O02:24
GA_Bull*crying* i just want the installer to worrkkkkkkkkkk02:24
GA_BullScrew this. My netbook will be running standard 10.1002:25
Ken8521GA_Bull, ... i take it deleting the panels and moving that window around produced no joy?02:25
Ken8521thats the ticket!02:25
Ken8521GA_Bull, you could install the normal gnome release, then add the netbook GUI couldn't you?02:25
GA_BullIt won't let me delete the panel. and I don't even care about the gui, quite frankly I actually like the Maverick gui.02:26
GA_Bullso I'm just gonna put desktop edition maverick on it.02:26
Ken8521i never cared for the nbr anyway...02:26
GA_BullI liked the last one I think...02:26
Ken8521it always reminded me of Windows Control Panel02:27
GA_BullI mean it was ok. and I KNOW RIGHT>02:27
GA_Bullby *I liked it* i meant, it worked.02:27
GA_Bullbetter than windows did.02:27
Ken8521normal gnome works well, even on the smaller screen, at least i think it does02:27
GA_BullWe'll see... lol.02:28
i_is_brokeman i did an update earlier and it worked i thought yeah they fixed it, then i realized i was in lucid...ugh...:(02:29
=== iConfused is now known as Japan
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Ken8521ok, back02:47
Ken8521GA_Bull, did your netbook start smoking yet?02:49
GA_BullWell.... the desktop version's installer is running much nicer... it should be done soon.02:50
Ken8521wonder what the issue is w/ the netbook version.02:50
GA_BullIt has a GUI installer.02:50
GA_BullThe desktop version has an extremely basic gui installer...02:50
GA_Bulland I can see everything... and it functions properly...02:50
GA_Bullat least that's my guess. I may try the netbook version again sometime.02:50
Ken8521yeah, but in 10.10, it's light years better than what we've had befoer.... i always used the alt. installl cd cuz the live cd installer annoyed me.. but used the live cd on 10.10.. and it's slick02:51
GA_BullUsed the alt install...02:51
Ken8521i just didn't like the NBR... reminded me of using an ipod touch.02:51
Ken8521not that thats a bad thing02:51
VolkodavDoes the installer offer the btrfs on a regular image or at least planned for release ?02:51
Ken8521Volkodav, yes, it's offered02:52
Ken8521not sure how well it works, but it's an option;02:52
GA_BullI may try the live CD on my other other computer.02:52
VolkodavIt was only on alternate CD at aplha stage02:52
Ken8521Volkodav, well, when i was installing hte live cd.. there was a box i could check to install an encrypted file system.. isn't that what btrfs does?02:53
Ken8521oh, well then i was mistaken, sorry02:53
Ken8521i thinkj i might upgrade my laptop tomorrow.02:56
Ken8521just for fun02:56
Ken8521Nippon|2, u having a problem?03:01
Ken8521Nippon|2, u having a problem?03:01
Nippon|2Ken8521, I'm trying to fix it >.<03:01
Ken8521oh ok... was just wondering, cuz you've logged in and out about 35x..lol03:02
Ken8521well, 36..03:02
Volkodavhow come there is no verbose option in ubuntu Software Center? This in progress thing is so non-informative03:02
Ken8521Volkodav, i was wondering that myself actually03:02
Volkodavso window-ish03:03
Ken8521Shuttleworth is just preparing Ubuntu for it's inevitable sale to Google, then Google will take over the world, and Ubuntu will be running on phones, laptops, tv's, computers, portable media players, etc03:04
Ken8521you wait..03:04
kklimondaVolkodav: there are so many tools that are more verbose to choose from.03:10
VolkodavI know but since it is chosen instead of gdebi it should have this option03:11
GA_BullKen, 10.10 on netbook... looks fine.03:43
GA_BullHowever, I can't hibernate....03:46
Ken8521GA_Bull, hmm,03:47
Ken8521i've not put 10.10 on my netbook yet.03:47
Ken8521my laptop though, has identical specs to my netbook(well, very close anyway)03:47
Ken8521i'll have to check it out when i install there tomorrow.03:48
GA_BullKen, yea, i'm not sure why. I can hibernate on my Laptop... netbook though. the option isn't there...03:48
androidbrucehey guys04:01
androidbruceanyone had issues importing music into rhythmbox?04:01
Ken8521haven't tried yet04:01
GA_Bullneither have i04:03
DanaGArgh, stupid PulseAudio defaults to having my USB sound card muted every time!04:05
DanaGAnd 90% of the time, hotplugging the sound card results in PA failing to detect it as capable of any output at all!04:05
doc|homeanyone gotten a hauppauge tv remote working on 10.10? Mine's being ignored. :/04:06
SNNHey guys.. having an issue with my ubuntu 10.10. My gnome (ubuntu-desktop) package has some how removed itself, and I cannot use gnome anymore. Does anyone know how to fix this?04:06
IdleOneSNN: install gnome-desktop04:06
Ken8521doc|home, the remotes, i've never had luck w/ them04:06
IdleOneSNN: I mean ubuntu-desktop[04:06
doc|homeKen8521: I got it working under gentoo a long time ago, then it broke and I've never gotten it back04:06
IdleOnehell if I could learn to type04:06
SNNdoesn't work. that was the first thing I tried..04:06
doc|homeand now I'm on ubuntu but getting nowhere :/04:06
IdleOneSNN: doesn't work?04:07
SNNhttp://pastebin.com/CVg58dAf <= this is why I mean by it doesn't work, IdleOne.04:07
Kapacehello, i have installed 10.10 on my compaq r3000, i had to boot to the installer with noacpi, but after it installed, i can't boot even with noacpi, and Recovery mode doesn't boot either04:07
IdleOneSNN: hmm04:08
SNNIdleOne, I've never seen this error on any version of Ubuntu I've used, and I haven't been told by any of my ubuntu friends about this issue. Even people with the same setup as me.04:08
IdleOneSNN: try apt-get -f install   see if it fixes the "broken packages"04:09
SNNIdleOne, tried that too. output is 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 2 not upgraded.04:09
SNN2 not upgraded are two odd packages that won't install regardless how i try.04:09
SNNIdleOne, here are the two packages, and what the output becomes: http://pastebin.com/tDDM4wJV04:11
IdleOneSNN: I think it is a situation where the packages haven't been uploaded to the mirror yet04:12
Ken8521someone had a similar situation earlier04:12
IdleOnehonestly not sure what to tell you to fix it now04:12
SNNbah lol I hate kde04:12
IdleOneexcept for wait04:12
SNN:/ thanks04:13
SNNi guess i'll just have to deal with kde for a while.04:13
IdleOneprobably not more then 12 hours04:13
SNNhopefully not :)04:13
IdleOnecould fix itself in 10 minutes, who knows :)04:14
IdleOneI can tell you I have had over 100 packages upgraded today alone04:14
IdleOneso be patient :)04:14
Ken8521i had a big upgrade just a bit ago to04:14
SNNhaha, I had 400 to upgrade because I haven't updated in about a week04:15
IdleOneSNN: I upgraded twice a day04:15
IdleOnea week is way to long to wait lol04:15
SNNwell school sucks, that's all i can say :p04:15
GA_BullI feel like I missed a massive conversation... due to algebra... sigh........04:19
Ken8521naa, you've not missed much04:19
GA_Bullcool. and again... i'll be back in a second. moving upstairs.04:20
IdleOneSNN: also defaulting to Y is a bad idea. right now I have 8 packages that won't be upgraded, had I defaulted to Y it would have removed 80 packages04:20
IdleOnemostly everything needed to have any sort of GUI lol04:21
SNNthat's probably what happened with me, i didn't look over the packages as I was doing something04:21
SNNi actually think it might've said remove ubuntu-desktop04:21
IdleOneALWAYS look before hitting enter04:21
SNNwhich is kind of concerning but i was like, ah i can install it again :p04:21
SNNnot the best idea i've had all day04:21
IdleOnejust leave it for now04:21
IdleOneit will resolve itself04:22
Ken8521SNN, that's really just a meta-package... so it probably didn't actually remove ubuntu-desktop04:22
SNNyeah that's what i'm gonna do. all my programs work, soo yeah04:22
SNNwell if it didn't i certainly did04:22
SNNi did autoclean clean remove purge etc on ubuntu-desktop gdm, all that.04:22
IdleOneautoclean is ok, the remove and purge is what broke it for you04:23
SNNit was after it was broken04:24
GA_BullI'm back.04:25
Ken8521get everything worked out?04:25
GA_BullJust turned the netbook off... had to deal with school. Everything seems to work fine though.04:26
Ken8521well thats good.04:28
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bullgard4'~$ uname -r; 2.6.35-22-generic.' But the newest documentation in http://lxr.linux.no/ is http://lxr.linux.no/#linux+v2.6.35.6/ HOw come?06:01
=== FireCrotch_ is now known as FireCrotch
vega_is it just me or doesn't gwibber support setting a proxy?06:58
Cerebr0is anyone here?07:00
vega_Cerebr0: ask a real question, nobody is going to answer "is anyone here"07:01
Cerebr0can anyone help me i cant figure out how to register my nick07:01
Cerebr0Well your a fucking ass hole arent you07:01
IdleOneCerebr0: please watch the language07:02
IdleOneCerebr0: /msg nickserv help07:02
IdleOnealso can join #freenode and ask07:02
Cerebr0How come I can not connect to the ubuntu channel?07:09
glebihan!register | Cerebr007:09
ubottuCerebr0: Information about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#nicksetup - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode07:09
Cerebr0I've registsered my Nick07:10
Jordan_UCerebr0: Have you identified?07:10
Cerebr0I guess not07:10
glebihanCerebr0: type /nickserv identify nickname password07:11
* lucent sighs07:23
lucentnew firewire stack issues with one of my expresscards07:23
Cerebr0I have no Idea why I can't join #ubuntu, this is starting to erk me the wrong way07:28
glebihanCerebr0: did you identify07:29
glebihanCerebr0: and what does it tell you when you try to join ?07:29
Cerebr0I don't get any message07:29
Cerebr0I've registered my Nick, Identified and still nothing07:29
glebihanCerebr0: there must be something happening, check if there are some messages in the freenode window07:30
glebihanCerebr0: if you still can't find anything, try asking on #ubuntu-irc07:33
SaRyi just joined #ubuntu07:43
aromanHey folks, does anyone know if the awful bug that makes Plymouth and proprietary ATI drivers look terrible has been fixed in maverick? You know, with that new version of Xorg and the new kernel and all. If not, can anyone tell me if this is something that is being looked into? thanks a ton in advance!07:53
ectospasmdon't use ATI.  As a general rule. (-;07:54
aromanI wouldn't, but it works FLAWLESSLY outside of that splash. ATI has actually really impressed me with their linux support recently, a new kernel made some Mozilla apps look wacko, and they had a new driver out specifically for it in a week or so.07:54
aromanSince Lucid things have been working great, besides, LOTS of people use ATI and Plymouth is like the first thing they see.. first impressions are everything07:55
aromanThough i guess it wouldn't be first impressions because it'd use the FOSS driver.07:56
DanaGThis new fglrx 10.10 is awesome.07:58
DanaGCombined with the removal of that stupid VRAM readback in X server 1.9, everything is really snappy.07:58
DanaGI just wish Ubuntu would use uvesafb by default.07:58
DanaGI tried Ubuntu on an omap (omapfb driver), and that took like over a minute to boot, and didn't show any splash... fail.07:59
DanaGI had to set FRAMEBUFFER=y to get a splash.07:59
DanaGAnd I tried Lucid on an old Thinkpad with a Mobility Radeon 7500, and it used the text-mode splash there, even with working KMS.08:00
DanaGFail there, too.08:00
shilowanyone up??08:12
shilowafter i upgraded i have lost totem  and get this error08:13
aromanDanaG, 10.10? Like the fglrx that's in maverick? Because there is a pretty new version of catalyst (2 weeks) from ATI's linux site that I'm currently using.08:19
DanaGaroman:  Yeah, the one in Maverick repos seems to be an early version of 10.10.08:25
DanaGThe latest "official" fglrx didn't do X Server 1.9, last time I checked.08:25
aromanDanaG, I'm almost positive that _just_ got patched days ago.08:25
aromanotherwise fglrx+maverick = bork08:26
aromanbut now it's fine.08:26
DanaG10.9 is 8.771.08:27
aromanAh cool.08:34
aromanHow'd they get their hands on 10.10?08:34
DanaGSpecial arrangements with ATI/AMD, it seems.08:36
aromanwell that's great.08:36
aromanare there any noticeable differences from 10.9 > 10.10?08:37
DanaGIt's much more snappy, because X server 1.9 seems to no longer do that stupid slow readback from video RAM on every window resize.08:39
DanaGThat "stupid slow resize" was slow even on radeon and intel and nvidia, last time I'd tried it.08:40
aromanThat was fixed in 10.7 for me08:40
DanaGYeah, but it came back in 10.8 and 10.9.08:40
DanaGFor me, at least.08:40
aromanit's fine for me and i'm running 10.908:40
aromanwho knows though08:40
aromani just remember the bug list having over 9000 comments08:40
aromanstarting in like '0708:41
* lucent reacts with oblig IT.S OVER 9000!?08:41
aromanAny idea when 10.10 gets pushed back to Linux proper?08:41
aromanlucent, appreciated, always :)08:41
DanaGI've even seen intel and radeon (open-source) lag when under high cpu usage, with old X server.08:42
DanaGIt's just that fglrx was an order of magnitude slower at doing that operation that was silly in the first place.08:42
vega_evince seems uninstallable atm, is it going to be replaced by something else in maverick?08:42
aromanoh good god. THIS is an example of a bug out of control: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/adobe-flashplugin/+bug/41040708:44
ubottuLaunchpad bug 410407 in nspluginwrapper (Ubuntu Lucid) "Adobe Flash Player does not respond to mouse clicks [READ DESCRIPTION]" [Medium,Triaged]08:44
ubottubugs.winehq.org bug 10495 in -unknown "Wine should support PulseAudio" [Enhancement,New]08:46
DanaGWine devours 100% cpu whenever I try to run it through PA.08:46
DanaGEven native OpenAL apps don't do that when run through Pulse!08:46
aromanthat is truly nuts.08:46
aromanoh wait one other thing before I go.08:47
aromanso idk if it's just me, but a while ago an update changed the "drag handle" of windows that don't have statusbars to be.. well, 1 pixel.08:47
aromanis this a bug? a gnome thing? it does crazy harm for usability.08:47
DanaGIt's a theme decision.08:47
aromanOh good god.08:47
aromanI mean, TONS of apps are now broken08:48
aromane.g xchat, chromium,08:48
aromanterminal even08:48
DanaGOn my display, that's literally 0.173 millimeters.08:48
vega_yep, that's complete crap08:48
DanaGToo damn small.08:48
aromanokay so i'm not the only one.08:48
vega_resizing gnome-terminal is much harder now08:49
aromani was going out of my mind.08:49
DanaGtry this: alt+middledrag08:49
aromanwhat i use now is the compiz resize + hotkey08:49
DanaGAnd then I run into this bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/61259108:49
aromancontrol+spacebar+drag for me08:49
ubottuLaunchpad bug 612591 in linux (Ubuntu) "Maverick kernel treats touchpad's middle button as ClickPad" [Undecided,New]08:49
aromansame thing though08:49
DanaGApparently it thinks my 3-button touchpad has only 1 button.08:49
aromanoh man.08:49
DanaGSo when I press my middle button, I don't get a middle-click... I instead get a left or a right click, depending on where my finger is on the pad!08:50
aromanI think someone needs to file a serious bug report for the drag handle shenanigans. I thoroughly can't believe that change got made.08:50
DanaGGive my back my middle button!  You try browsing the web with no middle-click...08:50
aromanhere;s the current thread that's about this problem:08:51
aromanoh, snap, DanaG you beat me to the punch.08:52
aromanoh, excellent!08:54
aromanin the bug report for it someone's posted a branch+deb of the light themes08:55
shilowcan anyone help me i  recently did an upgrade from 10.04 to 10.10  and after  i havent been able to use totem and get this error otem: symbol lookup error during the  upgrade  phase  it dumped the  reconfigure   with an error when reconfiguring cron08:55
=== shookeest is now known as shookees
StaRetjiHi there folks. What would be lifetime of usb stick if I install maverick on it, just like on plain hard drive? Any help regarding this would be highly appreciated09:00
DanaGargh, stupid Flash gives me a black screen on some sites: http://jonbro.tk/blog/2010/09/19/html_5_chip_tracker.html09:04
DanaGVideo plays fine when I click the 'vimeo' link.09:04
SaRyPretty much faster then installing from a CD , DVD .09:04
StaRetjiSaRy: if you where answering my question, just want to refrain, I meant how long it will run until USB stick dies?09:06
SaRyYou can run the Ubuntu distro from the usb stick .. like forever.09:09
SaRyif i cached what you meant ..09:10
StaRetjiSaRy, are you sure? USB stick lifetime is 10.000 writes09:11
StaRetjiso I wonder how often ubuntu writes something (tmp, var/log etc)09:11
StaRetjiI would like to install maverick on it, but I'm afraid it will die soon09:11
DanaGJust don't put swap on the stick.09:12
StaRetjiliveusb with permanent storage is out of the question as it is too buggy09:12
StaRetjiDanaG: thx, sounds reasonable09:12
DanaGI'm not sure of real lifespan, though.09:15
DanaGI'd say, just make backups every so often.09:16
StaRetjiMaybe if I turn off system logging too09:17
StaRetjinot sure how, but it will also reduce writes09:17
lucentStaRetji: "turn off system logging" really? would suggest instead to change system logging to a memory resident filesystem09:25
Ejdesgaard_hi, i have just upgraded 10.10 to gnome-2.32.0, but there are some serious dependensy problems with nautilus09:58
Ejdesgaard_and it wan't to remove the ubuntu-desktop package09:59
StaRetjihi lucent, I was afk, can you give me some tips regarding this filesystem10:09
StaRetjiit sounds interesting10:09
=== om26er_ is now known as om26er
StaRetjiI was using live system with permanent storsge casper-rw, but after 2-3 days it will become corrupted and unusable10:10
Rods_Tigerfor the next ubuntu you've got to do something about the grub dual boot situation, I've just installed a dual boot system for someone and here's what I've learned:10:13
Rods_Tigerthey are frightened by the grub loading screen and the technical sounding choices10:14
Rods_Tigerso they won't touch it now in case they do something wrong.10:14
Rods_Tigeralso, the kernel was updated after I installed it all, and instead of going into windows like I set it for them, it now started going into memory test, which upset them and they brought it back10:15
Rods_Tigerit's too much of a hurdle for them to deal with, and that's before it even gets to boot into linux!10:15
Rods_Tigeralso, there's too many kernels for them to choose from - the loading screen should ideally consist of two choices (in their case) and nothing else, preferably pictorial, rather than looking like their computer is broken10:17
Rods_Tigerbecause they're now convinced it is permanently in a state of broken-ness10:18
CosmiChaosRods_Tiger, only got 2.6.35-23 :)10:19
CosmiChaoscurrently for me evince-common, evolution-data-server-common,libgnome2-common, nautilus-data and totem-common are not upgradeable and the mentioned applications are broke10:23
Ddordasay, how long is the support of maverick after it's out?10:37
Ddordauntil when?10:37
glebihanDdorda: April 201210:39
Ddordaglebihan: is there a way calculate it or it's decided every time?10:39
glebihanDdorda: for desktop edition, it's about 18 months for normal versions and 3 years for LTS versions10:41
glebihanDdorda: for server editions, 5 years10:41
glebihanDdorda: see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases10:41
Ddordaglebihan: thank you  very much :)10:42
glebihanDdorda: you're welcome10:42
Ejdesgaard_CosmiChaos, same here10:42
Ejdesgaard_but i upgraded evolution-data-server-common & nautilus-data wich f***ed up the rest of gnome...10:43
glebihanno problem here with main server mirror10:44
Ejdesgaard_glebihan, this is my sources.list... http://dpaste.org/FpFW/10:51
glebihanEjdesgaard_: that's weird, just did the upgrade without any issue...10:52
Ejdesgaard_glebihan, this is my dpkg -l list http://dpaste.org/ShTB/ and my system is Linux hedin-laptop 2.6.35-22-generic #33-Ubuntu SMP Sun Sep 19 20:32:27 UTC 2010 x86_64 GNU/Linux10:56
glebihanEjdesgaard_: oh maybe the reason is you're on 64 bits, 32 here10:57
Ejdesgaard_glebihan, could be... but then agen... the gnome updates sould come at the same time to x86 and x86_64 ?10:58
glebihanEjdesgaard_: I don't know... but I've had some issues with upgrades too which have been solved very quickly10:59
Ejdesgaard_glebihan, i certently hope so... :)11:00
CosmiChaosEjdesgaard_, all packages fixed for me11:45
Ejdesgaard_CosmiChaos, nice, u'm updating right now :)11:49
CosmiChaosif unfit dependencies force you to uninstall packagages during fresh upgrade just exclude them and wait some time ;)11:50
CosmiChaosand do not restart11:50
CosmiChaoshow to remove debugging shown in plymouth?12:02
glebihanCosmiChaos: if you haven't already, add "quiet" to your kernel options12:06
CosmiChaosit is already in itry it twice run update-grub and reboot wait a second12:10
glebihanCosmiChaos: putting it twice won't change anything12:11
Ejdesgaard_the update worked as expected here :)12:12
CosmiChaosno, still the same12:13
glebihanCosmiChaos: exactly what output do you want to get rid of ?12:14
JoshuaLi have installed the new ubuntu font, however it is not set as default, what are the correct fonts and settings for it?12:16
CosmiChaosthe text outputs on the short pink screen12:17
CosmiChaoswarnings, errors and stati12:17
glebihanCosmiChaos: I don't think you can do more if you already have the quiet option12:18
CosmiChaosfor example blablabla starting daemon [OK] or [fail]12:18
Ejdesgaardhmm.. I still got a problem in evolution... I have connected to our exchange 2007, but when i try to send an internal e-mail, like, ejdesgaard@company.com, i get a error saying "Error sending message. Could not send message" and nothing more...12:18
Ejdesgaardbut it's not a problem to send e-mails to external addresses, like @gmail.com etc.12:19
CosmiChaosglebihan, i have it in, it some debug stuff implemented for testing...grrr12:19
JoshuaLi have installed the new ubuntu font, however it is not set as default, what are the correct fonts and settings for it?12:36
SNNIdleOne, just coming back to say the issue with the package (or meta, whatever it is) has been fixed by ubuntu :) downloading all require packages now. thanks again :p12:36
bullgard4Why did maverick install s2disk? (My Lucid Thinkpad T43 can suspend and resume without s2disk.)13:00
Picibullgard4: I dont have uswsusp (the package that provides s2disk) installed on my Maverick install.  Did you install it manually?13:04
Ian_cornedpkg is pretty stupid when it comes to doing some stuff at once13:13
chenlongIs 10.10 works well now?13:13
Ian_cornei autoremove like 10 kernels, generates grub.cfg 10 times..13:14
bullgard4Pici: I did not install it manually.13:19
Ranjandoes any body have any idea how to work with wizardpen driver on 10.1013:20
bullgard4chenlong: Yes. But it is still a beta release. Mind that.13:20
alvinIs tasksel removed from Maverick?13:22
bullgard4alvin: No.13:23
alvinWell, I just installed the beta and it's not there13:23
vega_alvin: Priority: optional13:24
vega_so, does not get installed by default13:24
bullgard4Well, I upgraded from 10.04, and tasksel is installed automatically.13:24
vega_did you have it on 10.04?13:24
bullgard4I do not remember.13:24
alvinYes, on Lucid, priority is 'important', but this is a new install, not an upgrade13:24
vega_so you probably did..13:24
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu+1 to: Official Ubuntu Maverick Meerkat support/discussion | IRC Guidelines: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines | Lucid support in #ubuntu | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MaverickReleaseSchedule | Beta Released : See http://www.ubuntu.com/testing/maverick/beta | The Ubuntu font information can be found http://tinyurl.com/347wdr6
Oli``Is gwibber-service crashing out for everybody else too?13:38
vega_no, because it doesn't support a proxy, kinda useless piece of software for many users13:39
popeyvega_: i thought they'd added proxy support now13:50
popeyoh, 3.013:50
ubottuLaunchpad bug 259830 in Gwibber "Honor gnome proxy setting" [Medium,In progress]13:51
vega_wishful thinking... two years13:51
popeyits partially in already13:51
ubottuLaunchpad bug 259830 in Gwibber "Honor gnome proxy setting" [Medium,In progress]13:52
=== blue_anna is now known as foobart
pepeeso, I only need to modify sources.list to upgrade from lucid, don't I?14:11
zniavrepepee,  this is quite oldschool way14:12
pepeeand what's the "new" way?14:12
pepeeoh, ok, thanks14:13
zniavreTo upgrade from Ubuntu 10.04 LTS on a desktop system, press Alt+F2 and type in "update-manager -d" (without the quotes)14:13
pepeehmm I kinda remember bad experiences with the upgrade manager...14:15
pepeeanyway, trying now. thanks people14:16
PiciWell thats the way you're supposed to do it.14:16
=== takeda is now known as Guest47072
Ian_cornedoes ubuntu one work properly for anyone?14:38
Ian_corneand how often does it sync?14:38
bullgard4Ian_corne: After upgrading to Maverick Beta I was told that my Ubuntu One works all right. But I did not try it myself yet in Maverick Beta.15:02
Ian_corneI'm using it already15:03
Ian_corneIt synced parts :p15:03
Ian_corneIt seems to sync very slow15:04
Ian_cornefor some reason15:04
rafael_Good morning, I need help15:33
rafael_ After upgrading ubuntu, I reboot it and now it goes directly to the command line of grub. It show only the prompt grub> .15:34
pepeerafael_, no error messages? something like "xxx not found"?15:35
rafael_pepee, no error15:36
rafael_It only shows grub>15:37
pepeehow many partitions do you have? also, are you booting from a USB disk?15:37
rafael_I was using 10.10 alpha and upgraded to beta15:37
rafael_I installed ubuntu through windows 715:38
rafael_So I only have 2 partitions15:38
pepeedo you have a live cd?15:38
rafael_No, but I can make it15:39
rafael_I will burn it right now15:39
pepeeyou can try reinstalling/reconfiguring grub15:39
pepeebut the live cd is no needed anyway...15:39
pepeerafael_, hablas español?15:40
rafael_un poquito15:40
rafael_soy brasileno15:40
pepeeok, I'll send you a pm. I'm not an "expert", but I think i can help you15:41
rafael_pepee, gracias15:41
adv_what should i use for partitioning my hd?15:58
Azelphuradv_ gparted?15:59
nemo1.2GiB of files to download. let's see how long it takes at 2 mega*bytes* per second :D16:03
Azelphurnemo: haha :p16:04
nemolooks like establishing the new connection for each file slows it down a liiittle bit16:05
nemo"About 6 minutes remaining"16:05
nemoI always try to get my laptop on this network when I do an upgrade :)16:05
adv_rm * only removes files from . , right?16:07
nemoadv_: well. more precisely16:07
nemoadv_: only removes files matching the * glob16:07
adv_which means?16:07
nemoadv_: so no hidden files16:07
adv_ah k16:07
nemoand of course permissions etc16:07
nemoholy crap16:08
nemospeed has jumped to 3.5 megabytes16:08
nemoI must be saturating some awesome pipe to ubuntu16:08
nemofluctuates a bit from file to file. I think the small files slow it down16:09
jmlI seem to have lost vim.16:12
jmlThe following packages have unmet dependencies: vim : Depends: vim-runtime (= 2:7.2.330-1ubuntu3) but 2:7.2.330-1ubuntu4 is to be installed16:12
yofeljml: wait a while and try again, probably not yet built for all architectures16:13
jmlyofel: ok.16:13
nemoaaand done16:14
nigelbjml: heh, Don't Panic!16:14
jmlexcellent :)16:16
nemojml: eep. please tell me your arch isn't x6416:18
* nemo is busy updating16:18
nemosay, does gnome power manager still use ridiculous amounts of memory in maverick?16:19
nemolike, 300 megs on my desktop computer, to do jack all16:19
jmlnemo: my architecture is not amd64 (I'm lying, it is.)16:19
nemodamn. well. guess I can make do w/ gedit for a while16:19
nemoerror in Version string '3.0.12-54655_Ubuntu_jaunty': invalid character in revision number16:28
nemowarning, in file '/var/lib/dpkg/available' near line 39616 package 'virtualbox-3.0': error in Version string '3.0.12-54655_Ubuntu_jaunty': invalid character in revision number16:28
dajhornnemo: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/indicator-application/+bug/56927316:41
ubottuLaunchpad bug 569273 in indicator-application (Ubuntu Lucid) "memory leak in gnome-power-manager" [Medium,Triaged]16:41
nemodajhorn: yeah, I looked it up months ago :)16:44
nemodajhorn: since then I've just been periodically killing it16:44
dajhornnemo: Sorry, not fixed yet.  :P16:47
nemodamn :-/16:47
dajhornnemo: RC on Thursday.  Even if the bug is fixed, it will probably ship in Maverick.16:48
nemoshame. wastes a lot of memory doing nothing useful16:49
nemoI guess if I wasn't killing it all the time, I would have been irritated enough to run it through valgrind16:49
nemchikhello, i am having an issue with maverick and my nvidia drivers16:51
Ken8521anybody know how to make VNC start on boot up?16:53
yofelKen8521: it would probably need an init script for that, or put a command in /etc/rc.local16:55
yofelnemchik: it would help us if you could tell us what the issue is please16:56
Ken8521hmm... any input on how to do that?16:56
yofelI don't know anything about vnc and linux, sorry :/16:56
Ken8521np. :)16:56
Ken8521there doesn't seeem to be an IRC channel..16:56
Ken8521i found some fairly old instructions w/ Google.. but they are from Gutsy..16:57
nemchikyofel: i cannot enable desktop effects, additional drivers does not show my nvidia driver (where lucid previously did), i DO have the nvidia x server settings under preferences, and i am using the 260.19.06 beta driver (or at least i think i was until today's update of xorg) so i am wondering if it would be a good idea to reinstall the beta driver (same way i got it in the first place) or if there is something else wrong? on that no16:59
yofelI'm using the packaged beta driver and everything works fine here in kde17:00
Ken8521same here yofel (except Gnome)17:00
nemchikim on gnome17:00
yofelnemchik: did you use the beta .run installer from the nvidia site?17:01
Ken8521which nvidia device again?17:01
pepeedoes someone know how wubi works?17:01
nemchikGeForce 680017:01
Ken8521pepee, think of it as "ubuntu.exe"... but right now, wubi w/ 10.10 is apparently not stable, so don't do it17:01
LuckySMackim trying out 10.10 on my laptop and it doesnt want to seem to activate my second monitor. when i make a change is asks me if i want to change desktop size and i say yes then tells me to log out and back in to take effect and it never does. im on an HP Pavillion dv7 laptop17:02
yofelnemchik: then please reinstall the driver, the xorg update probably overwrote some files, or better: run the install with --uninstall, and install the nvidia-current package from the x-updates ppa17:02
Ken8521nemchik, i have a 7900(pretty sure 6x and 7x use the same driver) and it works perfectly w/ the restricted driver, why didn't you just use it?17:02
nemchikpepee: wubi is an exe you run from windows that will install ubuntu for you to dual boot (in simple terms)17:02
pepeeKen8521, rafael_ needs help. I couldn't help him because i never used wubi17:02
pepeein fact, I will never use it17:02
pepeeno more bugs, please...17:02
Ken8521pepee, i've never used wubi either.. it's pretty much a good way hose windows17:02
nemchikyofel: the x-updates ppa on launchpad right?17:03
yofelyes, it has the beta driver17:03
Ken8521when it works, it's great... when it doesn't.. it's a mess.17:03
nemchikpepee & Ken8521 i've had a bunch of successful wubi installs (actually converted a bunch of friends to ubuntu with it) but i dont recommend trying to migrate from a wubi install to a full ubuntu partitioned install17:04
Ken8521nemchik, well yah, thats a terrible idea... it goes against what wubi is supposed to do.17:04
Ken8521nemchik, i'm not saying wubi is always bad.. it's just when it's bad.. it's really bad.17:05
LuckySMackare there any issues with ATI cards in 10.10? on the beta page i didnt see anything listed, or regarding dual monitors.17:05
nemchikKen8521: lol agreed (like the first time i tried to do what i just said don't do lol)17:05
Ken8521LuckySMack, probbly doesn't help, but i'm using dual screens w/ Nvidia, no probs. :)17:05
LuckySMackdid you upgrade or fresh install?17:06
Ken8521i never upgrade17:06
LuckySMackyea i have radeon hd17:06
pepeeLuckySMack, scared of problems? lol17:06
LuckySMackno, my dual monitors isnt working17:06
LuckySMackworked beautifully in 10.0417:07
pepeeahh, sorry.17:07
Ken8521did you upgrade or fresh install lucky?17:07
LuckySMackwhen i tell it to activate it, tells me to log out and back in, and changes dont take effect. second monitor is still off17:07
LuckySMackupgrade, was hoping i didnt have to start from scratch. lol17:08
pepeetried using the old config file (xorg.conf) ?17:08
Ken8521pepee, i was just about to say that17:08
LuckySMackbut im thinking it might not17:08
LuckySMacknot yet17:08
Ken8521LuckySMack, i know on my nvidia(which i know is apples-oranges)...17:08
Ken8521if i start up my second display, it works fine, but if i restart, i'm back to 1 display, until i activate the second one.. it won't save to xorg for some reason.17:09
Ken8521so i imported my old xorg into the new install, then saved my settings, and it worked fine... now i boot up w/ both displays working17:09
LuckySMacki cant get it to turn on at all. except for bootup and login screen the screens are mirrored. but i cant even get them to mirror when i see my desktop.17:09
LuckySMacki dont even remember where the file is. never really had to mess with it tbh, it always worked17:10
pepeethere are some other xorg.conf.<something>17:11
LuckySMacklooks like this is the old one: xorg.conf.dist-upgrade-20100...17:11
LuckySMackyea a few of them with time stamps on the end17:12
LuckySMackso just swap the two and reboot?17:12
pepeewell, rename the xorg.conf and then copy the older one17:12
Ken8521LuckySMack, you'llh ave to rename it.17:13
Ken8521and rename your "old" xorg.conf something like "xorg.backup" or something so you can distinguish it17:13
LuckySMackthats easy enough. ok well ill try. it. hope it works. lol17:13
DrHalani just tried using nouvea. terminal ( imean tty) resolution is fine but x resolution is way too low. i guess nouveau doesn't detect my screen properly. can i somehow increase the resolution of the xoserver17:13
Ken8521LuckySMack, if you're going to cut/paste.. you'll also need nautilus open w/ root priv.17:13
nemo+# Uncomment to enable BadRAM filtering, modify to suit your needs17:13
nemogo ubuntu!17:13
nemoI used to maintain that by hand17:13
LuckySMacknah just gonna use mv17:14
* nemo ♥ ubuntu17:14
* yofel ♥ kubuntu :P17:14
* Ken8521 hates, HATES kde17:15
* Ken8521 kills KDE w/ fire17:15
LuckySMackkde looks nice, but i could never get used to it.17:15
* yofel throws gnome into magma17:15
* LuckySMack prefers gnome17:15
pepeei used to use kde17:16
Ken8521i'm glad there's a choice.. i mean, gnome, kde, xfce, flux, openbox, enlight, etc, etc..17:16
yofelwell, it's not bad, but since jaunty, my and ayatanas idea of usability go farther and farther away17:16
Ken8521it is nice having choice.17:16
pepeetoo much bugs, too much "candy" and unuseful things17:16
pepeenow I'm using lxde :P17:17
Ken8521wel, at least canonical isn't just saying, "here's the GUI you're gonna use".. like a certain software company in Redmond.17:17
yofelwell, true. akonadi and nepomuk are a mess -.-17:17
Ken8521if i had to use kDE... i wouldn't use linux.17:17
Ken8521i'm serious17:18
Ken8521i'd just have to suffer w/ Windows, because I wouldn't pay for a Mac.17:18
yofelwell, we all use linux for it's choices, and are happy with it.. well, more or less17:19
pepeekde was fine for me17:19
LuckySMackdidnt work17:19
Ken8521yofel, yup.17:19
physically_fitis there a log file for the details when i run the update manager?, where it is? thanks17:19
yofelkde3 was nice right, 4 was unusable until 4.3 IMHO, now it's getting better again17:20
physically_fiti updated today and i'm getting hundreds of warnings saying "cannot open pixbuf loader" were those messages logged anywhere?17:21
Ken8521yofel, why did they remove the guided partitioning tool?17:21
Ken8521on the installer?17:21
Ken8521i never used it.. but i think removing it was a mistake17:21
LuckySMackgrr. was hoping i didnt have to start fresh with 10.10...17:21
LuckySMackwhat about reinstalling the graphics driver?17:22
Ken8521LuckySMack, well, thats worth a try17:22
Ken8521LuckySMack, but you gotta remember, 10.10 is still alpha... there's  agood possibility upgrades between now and final release, will break the ATI driver17:22
yofelKen8521: not sure, I always used manual partitioning or used the alternate image if I had a more complex setup17:22
charlie-tcaumm, actually, 10.10 is NOT alpha, we are testing the release candidate today17:23
LuckySMacki thought it was in RC stage. not very long till it comes out17:23
Ken8521yeah.. it doesnt matter to me.. but for a new user, booting up, and seeing their options are either "take over the whole drive" or "advanced".. i dunno.. think that was a bad move17:23
charlie-tcaWe are past beta17:23
LuckySMackcharlie-tca, ditto17:23
Ken8521i thought i twas still alpha17:23
yofel!schedule | Ken852117:23
ubottuKen8521: A schedule of Maverick Meerkat (10.10) release milestones can be found here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MaverickReleaseSchedule17:23
yofelKen8521: and the topic says 'Beta released...'17:23
Ken8521guess i didn't read the topic...lol17:24
craz1khey guys, who can help me with ubuntu 10.10?17:25
LuckySMackthis is a microsoft room17:25
Ken8521we're all still using ubuntu 5.1017:25
Ken8521have you guys seen the awesome features of firefox 1.2?17:25
yofel!ask | craz1k17:25
ubottucraz1k: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)17:25
LuckySMackKen8521, they have updated since 0.8? o_O17:26
LuckySMacktime to upgrade17:26
craz1koh, ok it's lo, i'm sorry17:26
LuckySMacklol. craz1k just ask :)17:26
Ken8521you need to update your system LuckySMack thats probably why you're ati driver doesn't work17:26
LuckySMackyea. well i did an upgrade to 10.10 and trying to reinstall ati driver. ill try updating again but i should be updated.17:27
Ken8521yeah, hopefully that works(but i was making another 5.10 joke.. :))17:27
craz1ki updated my ubuntu to 10.10 and after reboot gnome does notwork. there are only shell and it is asks me to write my log\pass. whrn i try " service gdm start" it isn't work17:28
LuckySMack0_O i dont have a System -> Admin -> Software sources . . .17:28
LuckySMackKen8521, ah. heh17:28
Ken8521LuckySMack, i noticed that also17:28
Ken8521i guess it's not a huge deal, the source list isn't hard to edit, or you can do the same thing via synaptic.17:28
Ken8521but i liked having the GUI tool in the menu17:28
PiciIts been merged with another tool iirc.17:29
LuckySMackgoing to update manager -> setting still brings up soft. sources though17:29
yofelright, the Software Sources menu entry has been hidden, you're supposed to call it from within software center now17:30
* LuckySMack never uses software center17:30
* Ken8521 doesn't either17:30
nemomy machine kind of hung during the upgrade to maverick17:30
nemoI connected from another machine, everything seemed fine17:30
nemowent back to first machine and my attempt at ctrl-alt-f1 had worked, I was on a vt17:31
nemotried switching back to X and I appear to be on what looks like the gdm background, only w/ nothing else17:31
nemoalso, maverick continues to use CPU in background17:31
Ken8521i also like how if you have an internet connection, you can choose to install multimedia codecs and updates, during the install, rather than doing it after you're installed.17:31
nemoI can just hope the maverick upgrade won't require any further interaction.  now is probably not a good time to try restarting it17:32
LuckySMackKen8521,  nice17:32
Ken8521LuckySMack, yup... as long as you're connected to the internet, you get two boxes, 1. to install all the current updates(nice if you're usin an old CD) and 1 to install restricted stuff.. so it's all ready on the first boot17:32
pepeecommon problem i see in almost every new version is grub not installing/running correctly :/17:33
LuckySMackyea, im getting ready to download the RC disk.17:33
LuckySMackgrub was my big issue in 10.04 everything else worked17:33
Ken8521pepee, i've not had a grub problem since probably 5.10, 6.0617:33
Ken8521i liked how easy grub was t configure w/ menu.lst... but grub2, once you get the hang of setting up the config file, it's just as easy17:34
LuckySMacki had to reinstall grub because it didnt detect my windows install properly so i wasnt able to boot into windows17:34
pepeenot that I have those problems, but other people does17:34
pepeelast one I had was a bug in mountall or something like that...17:35
yofelnemo: it should now, but when the activity stops, try to kill X and run dpkg --configure -a to be sure the upgrade finished fine.17:35
yofel*should not17:35
LuckySMack"requires installation of untrusted packages" and cancels down/installing the updates17:36
yofelLuckySMack: refresh the package cache again, gpg key corrupted on download I guess17:36
LuckySMackinstalled fine from cli. thats why i use the cli more often . . .17:37
Ken8521is a new version of Skype ever going to come out for Linux?17:39
Ken8521or are we just gonna have skype 2.1beta until the year 203017:39
pegasusbillwhat is best way to upgrade from 10.10 beta to lts on october17:39
nemoyofel: well, it has prompted a couple of times for modified config files17:40
LuckySMackthousands of comedians out of work, and youre trying to crack jokes.17:40
Ken8521pegasusbill, keep your system up to date, and that will do it.17:40
Ken8521LuckySMack, lol, was that directed at me?17:40
yofel10.10 isn't lts btw..17:40
Ken8521well, i thought it was funny...lol17:40
Ken8521good point yofel17:41
LuckySMacki dont think we will get skype any time soon17:41
ubottuIf you installed a Alpha/Beta/RC version of Maverick Meerkat and have been keeping it up to date, then you are already running the latest version of Maverick. To make sure, type « sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade » in a console.17:41
Ken8521LuckySMack, well, i don't think we'll get a "new' skype anytime soon17:42
Ken85212.1 works fine for me... i don't need al the extra crap that 4.whatever has17:42
LuckySMackinstalled gfx driver. restarting. hopefully it works this time17:43
LuckySMacknoop not my gfx card either. i can even use compiz17:47
LuckySMackso idk wtf its doin17:47
LuckySMackim just gonna DL the disk and so a fresh install.17:47
* LuckySMack groans17:48
LuckySMackso much stuff to install...17:48
Ken8521it'l be ok17:48
nemoheh. I'm watching maverick on strace to see if I can gain clues as to whether it is done or just sitting there17:48
nemodoes a loooot of polling for nonexistent stuff17:48
nemolike. every few seconds it attempts to add a watch for /root/.config/ibus/bus using inotify17:49
nemowhich fails17:49
nemothen it tries again17:49
nemono idea if this is normal for modern gnome apps... probably is :-/17:49
hackeronhey, anyone able to get linux-crashdump working on maverick? - I installed it, rebooted, induced a panic but can't see anything in /var/crash - any ideas?17:50
Ken8521yofel, how can i find an icon on my laptop, that a program is using?  I've went through the theme I'm using, and it's not there...17:51
AlexzAKHi all17:52
AlexzAKI want to report bug on 10.10 beta,17:52
ubottuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs - Bugs in/wishes for the IRC bots (not Ubuntu) can be filed at http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots17:52
AlexzAKbut on page https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/maverick link "Report a bug" points to17:52
AlexzAK How can i report bug in ubuntu 10.10 beta installer?17:52
Ken8521what'st he bug, i thought the installer was pretty good?17:52
nemoKen8521: certainly isn't working as expected for me ;)17:53
AlexzAKI don't understend....  I should type "ubuntu-bug installer"?17:53
nemobut, lots of moving parts, upgrading a running system can be tricky17:53
nemothere's always the option of using CD upgrade, which I can resort to if things get really mucked up17:53
Ken8521AlexzAK, if it's truly a bug in the installer, I'd be willing to bet it's already been reported17:53
AlexzAKI think not.. Search on bug dont say any problems with russian translation...17:55
AlexzAKIt's not layouted wall17:56
nemowelp. I've been watching the maverick process for a number of minutes, and nothing has been happing in ltrace/strace apart from this inotify spam17:56
yofelAlexzAK: live disk or alternate installer?17:57
yofelubuntu-bug ubiquity17:57
AlexzAKCan you say where can i upload screenshots?17:57
yofelAlexzAK: you can add attachments to the bug once you have filed it17:58
AlexzAKShould i do "ubuntu-bug ubiquity" on 10.10, or i can do it on 10.04 ?17:59
LuckySMackubuntu 10.10 download. only 2 hrs to go...17:59
Ken8521yofel, how can i find an icon on my laptop, that a program is using?  I've went through the theme I'm using, and it's not there...18:00
PiciIcon themes can specify themes to fallback to if icons aren't found.18:02
Ken8521hmm.... so you're saying that icon could be in another theme, because the theme i have selected doesn't have an icon for that program/18:02
yofelAlexzAK: you really should do it on 10.10, and please do read the ReportingBugs page before filing the bug18:02
rafael_I installed ubuntu with wubi. Afater upgrading it, ubuntu doesnt start correctly. Instead, it shows grub command line18:03
Ken8521hmm, well thats not it, i just went thorugh all my icon themes, and none of them have that icon.18:03
yofelKen8521: applications can provide their own icons, look in /usr/share/pixmaps maybe18:04
Ken8521i didn't see it there..18:04
AlexzAKyofel: Failed to do it on both O.o ... "Cannot connect to crash database, please chack your _inet connection_ [Errno 13] Permission denied: '/var/log/installer/casper.log'"18:05
nemotime to kill maverick I guess18:05
yofeldoes dpkg -L <pkgname> list files that sound like icons?18:05
nemoI think that 1 or 2% CPU is maverick doing nothing but this repeated dbus polling18:05
nemoperhaps due to my session blowing up18:05
yofelAlexzAK: o.O... try 'sudo ubuntu-bug ubiquity' maybe18:05
nemorecovery time!18:06
rafael_I installed ubuntu with wubi. Afater upgrading it, ubuntu doesnt start correctly. Instead, it shows grub command line18:06
jbroomefix grub18:06
Ken8521this is irritating18:06
Ken8521this icon has to be soemwhere.. cuz when i change my icon theme, it changes.18:06
nemoprocess list shows a dpkg one18:07
rafael_jbroome, didnt work. Its not a normal installation. I installed with wubi18:07
nemoperhaps I can kill it and rerun it18:07
AlexzAKyofel: 'sudo ubuntu-bug ubiquity' works... thanks18:07
yofelnemo: first try to kill X, if there's a debconf prompt it should error out then18:08
nemoyofel: you were too late :-/18:09
nemoI already killed it18:09
yofelwell, try dpkg --configure -a, and then try to resume the upgrade with apt-get or aptitude18:09
nemodpkg: unable to read filedescriptor flags for <package status and progress file descriptor>: Bad file descriptor18:09
rafael_I installed ubuntu with wubi. Afater upgrading it, ubuntu doesnt start correctly. Instead, it shows grub command line18:09
nemopropts for modified cupsd18:09
nemomust have been waiting on that18:09
hackeronanyone able to get linux-crashdump working on maverick? - I installed it, rebooted, induced a panic but can't see anything in /var/crash - any ideas?18:10
nemoah. my UPS conf file...18:10
nemoI wish ubuntu had "interactive merge" like gentoo18:10
nemoI'd like to get some of this stuff18:10
LuckySMackwhen installing ubuntu from disk, is it possible to have it look in a given directory for .deb files? since i did an upgrade i dont really need it to download the files again.18:15
LuckySMackor should i just install basic system and put them back into /var/cache/apt/archive dir18:15
LuckySMackthen update/install18:15
nemoswitched to a shell and just ran vim -d on the two files18:15
nemohmmm. "software-center" - gtkwarning could not open display - here's hoping it wasn't important18:21
rafael_I installed ubuntu with wubi. Afater upgrading it, ubuntu doesnt start correctly. Instead, it shows grub command line18:23
jbroomerafael_: maybe the 5th time will be the charm!18:24
nemough. computer janitor uses polkit too.18:24
nemoI wonder if I can replace the shortcut w/ gksudo18:24
nemosweet that works18:25
* nemo goes on a DIE POLKIT DIE hunt18:26
nemoI'm gonna try update-manager next :)18:26
rafael_jbroome, could you help please18:27
rafael_jbroome, I already google it too many times18:27
jbroomerafael_: i have no experience with wubi18:27
nemo Loading /usr/lib/xorg/extra-modules/modules/drivers/fglrx_drv.so18:28
nemoundefined symbol: savedScreenInfo18:28
nemoFailed to load module "fglrx"18:28
yofelrafael_: it's hard to say what went wrong, is there *any* error message or just the grub prompt?18:30
nemoah bug #57374818:30
ubottuLaunchpad bug 573748 in fglrx-installer (Ubuntu Lucid) "[MASTER] fglrx does not build on 2.6.33 kernel and higher" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/57374818:30
pepeenemo, try installing it from xorg-edgers18:32
pepeeand please, tell me how it goes :/18:32
yofelthere is 2:8.771-0ubuntu0sarvatt in x-updates too before you try edgers18:33
yofeloh wait, that's the old one18:34
nemo'k. first I need to get X back18:34
yofelrafael_: ping?18:35
rafael_yofel, sorry18:35
nemotried switching to radeon in xorg.conf, but... dunno. seems I now have a blank monitor18:35
nemoand ctrl-alt-f1 fails18:35
* nemo tries ssh18:35
rafael_yofel, No, theres no error msg18:35
rafael_yofel, It only show grub18:35
yofelrafael_: does 'ls /boot' in the grub prompt show any vmlinuz-* files?18:36
rafael_yofel, yes18:37
yofelok, then it at least finds the right partition..18:37
yofelrafael_: 'ls /boot/grub/grub.cfg' finds a grub.cfg file?18:40
nemoheh. lovely output from radeon "You will probably crash now"18:44
cwillu_at_workyou around mvo?18:44
yofelnemo: Micael Vogt, mvo on IRC ;)18:46
nemowell. this is pretty high up on my list of not-smooth ubuntu upgrades18:46
mvocwillu_at_work: hello18:47
mvonemo: upgrade issues?18:47
cwillu_at_workmvo, dougsko in #ubuntu-offtopic is asking about the reasons for having do-release-upgrade vs a simple aptitude full-upgrade;  would you mind giving a brief explanation?18:47
cwillu_at_workpure coincidence that I pinged you at the same time nemo was killing his radeon :p18:48
mvocwillu_at_work: sure, just invite him here18:48
mvohhehe :)18:48
Ken8521finally found that freakin icon18:48
cwillu_at_workmvo, <dougsko> maco: i guess...it just seems weird to stray from something that has obviously been quite successful for a pretty long time18:48
nemogreeat.  radeon crashes, fglrx blows up, vesa gives me  a screen of garbage then crashes...18:48
nemocan't get into X to try yofel's suggestion, since I don't know my way around such packages on the commandline18:49
Ken8521it's a sign nemo... buy nvidia.18:49
mvothe release upgrader basicly does everything in one step, sources.list update, upgrade, removal of no longer used packages. plus (probably most important) it conains some quirks code that works around known problems18:49
nemoKen8521: heh. worked great in 10.04 - anyway, I didn't buy this machine.18:49
cwillu_at_worknemo, "man add-apt-repository" and "aptitude install <foo>"18:49
nemoKen8521: also, irritates me how sucky nvidia's integration w/ X is18:49
nemocwillu_at_work: ok. and what repository would that be? :)18:50
nemoI was going to start by googling for the keyword he mentioned18:50
mvodougsko: its fine to use aptitude of course, just a litle bit more manual work18:50
pepeemvo, what's the diff between that and using aptitude after editting sources.list ?18:50
nemoI do know add-apt-repository18:50
yofelnemo: if you mean x-updates, forget that, try edgers, and you can add ppas on the command line with add-apt-repository18:50
cwillu_at_worknemo, whichever one he said to use :p18:50
yofelnemo: nvidia works perfectly fine here btw.18:50
cwillu_at_workoh, sorry18:50
nemoyofel: ok. do you have a full name?18:50
nemoyofel: sure. I use nvidia at home, and intel on the laptop18:50
dougskomvo: i was lead to believe that using aptitude could break things due to the lack of the "quirks code"18:50
nemoyofel: still annoying how it doesn't integrate nicely18:51
mvopepee: its mostly the same, it will automatically apply quirks that we put into the release notes18:51
pepeethanks mvo18:51
yofelnemo: name for the ppa? sec18:51
mvodougsko: well, for a experienced person it should not matter much18:51
RedSheel1I have a computer running ubuntu 10.10 that I use without a monitor to download torrents18:51
cwillu_at_workmvo, dougsko, modulo knowing what the resolution is supposed to be18:51
nemoyofel: hm. I guess I could google for it in w3m, come to think of it18:51
RedSheel1it runs deluge but since upgrading to 10.10 it crashes all the time18:51
yofelnemo: ppa:xorg-edgers/ppa18:51
mvodougsko, pepee: u-m will for example refuse to upgrade if ubuntu-desktop (or kubuntu-desktop) can not be upgraded or needs to be removed18:51
mvoor it will automatically remove "driver "nvidia" from your xorg.conf is the nvidida driver can not be upgraded (it will warn about that)18:52
mvothis kind of stuff, mostly quirks plus checks18:52
nemough. damn. DNS resolution is slow as ever in 10.10 - I was hoping that had been resolved :(18:52
* nemo waits 10s for it to pull up18:52
dougskomvo: ok gotcha, so it helps reduce the bugs you might find after simply upgrading18:52
cwillu_at_worknemo, I'm doubting that that's an ubuntu thing18:53
cwillu_at_worknemo, what does your /etc/nsswitch.conf look like?18:53
cwillu_at_workand do you some half-insane ipv6 implemented on your network? :p18:53
RedSheel1is there some way to use the 10.04 version of deluge on 10.10?18:53
nemocwillu_at_work: meh. I've been over this in launchpad18:53
RedSheel1because that worked great18:53
nemocwillu_at_work: here. lemme link you rather than rehashing18:53
nemobug #41744718:54
ubottuLaunchpad bug 417447 in Bazaar "KeyError when trying to open unknown bzr format" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/41744718:54
nemocomments #279 on18:54
nemofriggen idealism18:54
hackeronanyone able to get linux-crashdump working on maverick? - I installed it, rebooted, induced a panic but can't see anything in /var/crash - any ideas?18:54
cwillu_at_worknemo, don't think that's the right bug18:54
cwillu_at_workin the sense of "I'm dead certain that's not the right bug" :p18:55
nemomy bad18:55
nemobug #41775718:55
ubottuLaunchpad bug 417757 in eglibc (Ubuntu Lucid) "[regression] all network apps / browsers suffer from multi-second delays by default due to IPv6 DNS lookups" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/41775718:55
mvodougsko: yeah, its basicly the release-notes-in-code18:55
dougskomvo: cool man, thanks for clarifying18:56
nemoadd-apt-resporitory failed on the fetch of the key from keyserver.ubuntu.com - I do seem to recall having that problem before - perhaps the firewall here is blocking access on a particular port, 'cause w3m to keyserver.ubuntu.com works fine18:56
nemoguess I'm doing it manually...18:56
mvonemo: what is the error?19:00
nemoyep. the keyserver uses 1137119:00
nemothat is blocked from our firewall19:00
nemobugger. whose bright idea was it to use that for an http connection? :)19:00
nemotons of firewalls block all kinds of ports19:00
mvoI guess that is the keyserver protocol port19:01
nemois the reason I'm so glad debian package management doesn't rely on rsync or svn or git19:01
mvobut … its a very good point19:01
nemoall of which I also have to proxy19:01
* nemo fetches the key from home and scp's it over19:01
cwillu_at_worknemo, so, half-insane ipv6 support on your network :p19:02
nemocwillu_at_work: yes. but. I'm not alone19:02
cwillu_at_worknote that the "fixes" from previous releases break things for ivp6 adopters19:02
nemoand unfortunately, large corporate networks are not as flexible19:03
cwillu_at_worklarge corporate networks can install the workarounds by hand if they feel the need19:03
soc1does someone know the status of the "new" ubuntu fonts?19:03
nemocwillu_at_work: whiiich, is what I've been doing by hand on the various ubuntu machines19:03
soc1will they be made default? will fixes still get in?19:03
nemocwillu_at_work: since, as noted in the bug, ubuntu is the outsider.19:03
nemosome sort of automation would be thoughtful, but clearly this is another idealogical ipv6 thingy...19:04
cwillu_at_worknemo, I'm not sure how to nicely say that your rhetoric is bunk19:07
nemocwillu_at_work: well. the rhetoric in the bug was pretty extreme on the other side19:07
nemoOn the contrary, Ubuntu is not a position to deviate from pushing forward with IPv6 just because some of you have broken hardware.19:07
cwillu_at_worknemo, that's because there are real technical problems that can't be papered over as simply as you wish they could be19:07
cwillu_at_worknemo, extreme rhetoric isn't a problem if it's _correct_19:08
nemocwillu_at_work: well, clearly the papering over works.19:08
nemocwillu_at_work: chrome does it19:08
cwillu_at_worknemo, no, no it doesn't.  As I said, it causes problems19:08
nemocwillu_at_work: what problem besides the localhost thing which is easily solved?19:08
nemoheck. the firefox guys are about to apply it to their browser too19:09
nemoanyway. many people saying chrome was much faster under linux were encountering this behaviour19:09
nemowhere firefox DNS resolution would take 5+ seconds19:09
nemowhile chrome had applied the "papering over"19:09
AlexzAKto all : why should i add bugs using "ubuntu-bug" command, not just by clicking "Report bug" link ?19:11
nemohm. fglrx is still failing w/ edgers19:12
nemohere's hoping radeon does better19:12
yofelAlexzAK: because apport adds some information about your system to the report that helps in debugging the issue usually19:12
yofelit also adds some critical information like the release you're using, package version, architecure, ...19:13
AlexzAKit is painful to report 3 bugs on slow and unstable inet connection with 10.10 on virtual box :'(19:13
AlexzAKi added bug https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubiquity/+bug/65050819:16
ubottuLaunchpad bug 650508 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "Text on button "Try Ubuntu" too big, on russian translation" [Undecided,New]19:16
DanaGnemo: edgers has an X server that's not compatible with fglrx, perhaps even now.19:16
DanaGOnly the Maverick repo fglrx is compatible with the Maverick non-edgers X server.19:16
AlexzAKand i added https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubiquity/+bug/65047119:16
ubottuLaunchpad bug 650471 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "Installer hides some text, on russian translation" [Undecided,New]19:16
nemoDanaG: well. I ran into fglrx problems immediately after upgrade to Xorg19:17
nemoto maverick19:17
nemoDanaG: edgers was a channel suggestion - yofel to be specific19:17
nemoanyway, the actual error was unchanged19:17
nemoradeonhd seems like it would work19:17
nemojust complains about kernel mdesetting.19:17
nemoheck. I even finally have a proper resolution on my VTs :)19:18
nemonice to have framebuffer back19:18
yofelsry, didn't know that edgers X was even more incompatible19:18
nemoboth give same savedScreenInfo error19:18
nemodoesn't really matter much19:18
nemooh. radeonhd is unsupported? did not know that19:21
nOStahlhey guys, I cant get the installer to run, boots down to no init found. try passing init= bootarg.19:21
nemomeh. radeon completely blows up - back to trying radeonhd19:21
nOStahland im in busybox initramfs terminal19:21
yofelnemo: huh? who said that?19:21
nOStahlany ideas or a link to how to bypass this19:22
nemoyofel: found when googling for the radeon error19:22
nemoOr (better) stop using radeonhd and use radeon instead since only the19:22
nemolatter is supported nowadays.19:22
nemobut maybe that's just a debian thing19:22
nemorebooted, trying "nomodeset"19:23
Ken8521debian and ubuntu are like siamese twins19:23
nemobut they still have 2 heads19:23
nemonope. that didn't help. back to a full-on crash19:23
Ken8521yeah, but they usually share a brain19:23
* nemo sighs and reboots in text mode19:24
nemohm. ok. so no fglrx, no vesa, no radeon, no radeonhd19:24
nemoI'm in baaaad shape19:24
intraderI have made 18gb available (currently have windowsXP and ubuntu 10.04)- I would like to install 10.10beta into it, I don't know how to do that19:24
nemotime to reinstall lucid p'raps19:24
GA_BullIntrader, you want to install 10.10 inside 10.04, or inside XP?19:25
nOStahlhey are any of you guys having issues running 10.10 live off usb19:25
nOStahlit kepes booting me to initramfs terminal19:25
nemowish DanaG could have elaborated on fglrx working in maverick before vanishing :)19:25
nOStahlno init found. try pasing init=bootarg19:25
intraderGA_Bull, Independently - why do I need to install inside 10.04 or XP19:25
yofelnOStahl: my last attempt with the kubuntu daily from yesterday booted fine19:26
GA_BullIntrader, I dunno, your wording threw me off. and you should simply be able to use the live boot, and run the installer, and have it set up a different partition.19:26
nOStahloff usb?19:26
yofelnOStahl: yes19:26
GA_BullIntrader, then it should just let you choose between, 10.10, 10.04, and XP.19:26
GA_Bullor am I confused as to what you are attempting to do?19:27
Ken8521i've never setup a triple boot machine19:27
Ken8521the one time i tried(long time ago) ended in fail19:27
GA_BullKen, neither have I, should work though, I mean technically that's what I was previously running, I had Jaunty Jackelope, Vista, and a Windows Recovery System on another partition... sorta triple boot...19:28
nemohm. and I bet removing edgers will not be as easy as adding it was19:29
intraderGA_Bull, I have just downloaded the desktop install CD for 10.10. When I try it it goes into full install, no choice of 10.04 and XP19:29
yofelnemo: ppa-purge should do everything19:29
GA_BullIntrader, Are you running Live install, or Alternate?19:29
intraderGA_Bull, live install - I think - how do I tell?19:30
GA_BullIntrader, is it all pretty and graphical, or is it Blue, Red, Grey, and Black?19:31
intraderGA_Bull, not graphical19:31
nOStahlI cant find a link to the daily build torrent19:31
nemoyofel: neat. last time I'd tried a PPA to get evolution MAPI support working (turns out davmail was only thing that did) I was told that ubuntu didn't really do downgrade19:31
nOStahlis there one19:31
nemoyofel: so I uninstalled it all by hand19:31
GA_BullIntrader, Ok, when you get to the part about partitioning, it should let you manually set up a partition, you should then be able to set up a third section of your drive, in the size of your choice, to run 10.10 off.19:32
hackeronanyone able to get linux-crashdump working on maverick? - I installed it, rebooted, induced a panic but can't see anything in /var/crash - any ideas?19:32
GA_BullIntrader, I believe it gives you three choices when doing the partition, something like Guided, Manual, and Maunal with Encrypted LVM, or something along those lines.....19:32
intraderGA_Bull, I have seen that19:33
nemoawesome. xorg-edgers is even one of their examples :)19:33
GA_BullIntrader, what was the last point you got to on the install?19:33
yofelnOStahl: there isn't a torrent afaik, I usually use zsync19:34
nemohm. removes a bunch of gnome stuff hope it puts it back after. this is some pretty important packages.19:34
nemoand not ones that xorg-edgers had installed :(19:34
intraderGA_Bull, in the partitioner - I discontinued in order to use Gpartd to make the space available.19:34
nOStahlmy prob is I got a 4 gig ssd so I cant upgrade from one distro to another heh19:34
nOStahlwell, unless I symblink to a sd card for the distrosource dir19:35
GA_BullIntrader, hmmm. and it didn't give you the different partitioning options?19:35
yofelnOStahl: you could plug a flashdrive in and mount /var/cache/apt/archives there, as that takes the most space during the upgrade19:35
intraderGA_Bull, I did not notice - or did not know how to shrink the old /home to make the space19:35
nOStahlso any of you tried the new Unity yet19:36
nOStahlfrom watching youtube vid's, im not entirely sure i'll like it19:36
GA_BullnOStahl, well... the installer was a failure, so now my netbook is just running 10.10 desktop edition.19:36
GA_BullIntrader, it should do it for you.19:36
nOStahlgnome shell looks promising19:37
=== {Titan} is now known as minnow
GA_BullI mean... it looked ok when I was *ahem cough cough* Attempting to run the live boot... which was a failure, and then the Installer continually froze... so I just gave up on it... it was pretty though. I give it that. haha19:38
intraderGA_Bull, well I have use gpartd and now there should be an 18gb space. How to I choose that to make '/', 'swap', '/home'?19:38
nOStahlunity vs gnome shell what would you pick19:38
GA_BullnOStahl, gnome shell. It's a more, comfortable, for lack of better word, system... personally.19:39
GA_BullIntrader, you should be able to select that partition when running the install.19:39
GA_Bulland just tell it to use that full partition.19:39
nOStahlim leaning to gnome shell as well,19:39
nOStahlmore of a standard19:39
joajimenez@Nostahl: Unity!19:39
nOStahlthat I can get comfortable with.19:39
nOStahlwhy unity joajimenez19:40
GA_Bullyea... it just makes more since, and I personally, like being able to make my gui exactly what I want, which seems to be a tad more difficult on Unity.19:40
GA_Bullya know?19:40
intraderGA_Bull, I will rerun and see. I am doing this on account of bug 631130 - my 10.04 is awafull to use. Last night I tried openSolaris and it runs beautifully - I want to stay with ubuntu however.19:41
ubottuLaunchpad bug 631130 in nvidia-graphics-drivers (Ubuntu) "In all apps, slow UI since 10.04 install" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/63113019:41
GA_BullaIntrader, completely understand... I had that problem on my previous system.19:41
GA_BullIntrader* not aIntrader....19:42
joajimenezUnity: Easier for the user, Better UI (for the Netbooks), Good development, Look nice.19:42
intraderGA_Bull, np - I will try to see if 10.04 partitioner gives me the choices. How do I partition the 18gb space?19:42
GA_BullIntrader, I thought you already did that.19:43
nOStahlgnome shell looks sooo MMMMMMMM heh19:43
intraderGA_Bull, what I did was use gpartd (stanalone) to make the 18GB space19:43
nOStahlI have not gotten this excited in a while heh19:43
nOStahllive video even in the zoomed out mode19:44
GA_BullIntrader, OK, gotcha. I'm personally not super familiar with the partitioner. So i'm not sure I can walk you through that :/19:44
intraderGA_Bull, how should I ask for help? thanks for your help!19:45
GA_BullAnybody on here familiar with Partitioner?19:45
intraderGA_Bull, uhm, that was simple - I am a newbie using the irc.19:46
GA_BullIntrader, lol, yea, I'm relatively new too, but did find out pretty quickly that with the massive number of people on, if you just throw a question out, somebody will eventually answer.19:47
intraderGA_Bull, thanks - I will ask your question again with some info.19:48
GA_BullIntrader, no problem.19:48
nemohm. fglrx might just have been messed up and never properly upgraded for maverick19:48
intraderAnybody on here familiar with Partitioner - I have made 18GB empty space available and would like to install 10.10 there19:49
nemoran into this and had to use the dpkg-divert to fix19:49
nemohuh. why can't I do apt-get install fglrx19:51
hackeronanyone able to get linux-crashdump working on maverick? - I installed it, rebooted, induced a panic but can't see anything in /var/crash - any ideas?19:52
yofelhackeron: you could ask in #ubuntu-kernel too if anyone is there19:53
hackeronyofel: thanks, asking there :)19:54
intraderAnyone would be willing to help with partitioner? I have made 18Gb space available (using Gpartd) and would like help with installing 10.10 therein.19:55
Ken8521intrader, what do you need to know?19:56
intraderKen8521: how to set up a '/', 'swap',and '/home' for 10.10 inside that space19:57
Ken8521ok.. is your machine only windows?19:57
Ken8521you really don't need /home, unless you just absolutely must have it... i'm assuming since you're asking this, you've never installed before19:58
intraderKen8521: no it has Windows XP, Windows 7 (in virtualbox), ubuntu 10.0419:58
Ken8521well, 7 doesn't matter19:58
intraderKen8521: I thought so as well19:59
Ken8521all you need to do is size it appropriately.. i don't usually set up a separate home partitioon, so if i were setting up your 18gigs, I would make a 3gig swap, and a 15gig / setup as ext419:59
intraderKen8521: would the partitioner allow me to do that? - I find it convenient to have /home also (I can then update/change the OS)20:01
Ken8521intrader, i don't see why it wouldn't... my point was, i don't erally know how big you would want to make /home and / as opposed to anything else20:02
GA_BullUnity Sucks. that is all..20:02
GA_Bulland i'm off for a while.20:02
Ken8521what is unity?20:02
GA_BullThe stupid netbook version. I finally got Unity Desktop Envrionment loaded on top of 10.10. and it sucks.20:02
intraderKen8521: 6gb root, 3 swap, 9 home20:02
Ken8521that seems huge for /home(compared to what i've saw before) but if thats what you want to do... ok.20:03
Ken8521GA_Bull, hmm... yeah i remember you were having issues w/ that last night20:03
Ken8521why didn't you just stick w/ gnome?20:03
GA_BullI did, I just added the desktop envrionment to try it out.20:03
GA_Bulland it sucks.20:04
intraderKen8521: may I should increase root. But how do I tell the partitioner to do this - can you walk me through this?20:04
Ken8521intrader, all you have to do is size them appropriately.. i guess i don't understand whats confusing you.20:05
Ken8521are you at the partition stage?20:05
Ken8521intrader, and as far as sizes, like i said, i don't know...20:05
intraderKen8521: the mechanics of the partitioner - it is pretty crude. I also would have two roots, two swaps, two homes.20:06
compilerwriterHow has the beta been shaping up for you folks?20:06
Ken8521compilerwriter, working fine for me20:06
Ken8521intrader, yeah, i'm really not sure on your setup, and I don't want to be responsible for a wreck...20:06
intraderKen8521: np - I would not put a contract on you ): lol20:07
GA_Bullcompilerwriter, running fine except for a few small bugs.20:08
cwillu_at_work!info inkscape20:09
ubottuinkscape (source: inkscape): vector-based drawing program. In component main, is optional. Version 0.48.0-1ubuntu1 (maverick), package size 16645 kB, installed size 59112 kB20:09
intradercompilerwriter: what language?20:09
compilerwriterGA_Bull: what bugs are you having20:09
compilerwriterEnglish intrader20:09
intradercompilerwriter: I mean what computer languages do you write compilers - I do C++, and others20:10
GA_Bullcompilerwriter, nm-applet disappearing, and power manager crashing... and the messages applet disappearing, lol. Nothing major. And I seem to have been able to work them out.20:10
compilerwriterI haven't attempted to write a compiler in years.  That was an irc handle given me in 1990.  It was more of a commentary of my esoteric bent.  Someone in a programming class figured that is what I would end up doing.20:11
lupine_85compilerwriter, you could always help out with llvm20:11
compilerwriterlupine_85: I am probably not qulaified.  I have no idea what llvm is.20:12
lupine_85just a new compiler20:12
intradercompilerwriter: cool20:12
lupine_85it makes the gcc folk cry a bit20:12
intraderlupine_85: I did as well - somewhat crude stuff20:13
compilerwriteroh dear I have used gcc off and on.  It was the mid nineties when I last tried to compile something by hand.20:13
compilerwriterI can barely remember make.20:13
lupine_85I wrote an x86 assembler20:15
lupine_85well, partly20:15
lupine_85it could do com files with NOP, MOV and INT20:15
intraderKen8521: I am back at the partitioning step - shows me pri/log 19GB Free Space - that space I want to partition20:16
Ken8521so just set it up how you said before.20:16
intraderKen8521: then when I chose that, it allows me to chose 'Automatically partition the free space'. What does it do?20:18
Ken8521automatically partition, usually creates a swap and a /20:18
intraderKen8521: no chance to create /home?20:19
Ken8521not unless you do it manually20:19
* Ken8521 feels like he's repeating himself20:19
intraderKen8521: I will do so - carefully - no contracts!20:20
nemohm. I cannot find packages fglrx or fglrx-installer20:20
nemois this perhaps that they don't exist for AMD64?20:20
nemoor is it that I'm missing some crucial repository20:20
nemotrying to poke around the ubuntu package server to figure out what the apt-line would be20:20
nemosays "restricted"20:22
nemosooo p'raps I'm missing somesuch repo20:22
nemoah. I see deb-src but not deb for "restricted"20:22
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intraderKen8521: none of your fault - after the partitioner ended it went to 'installing the base system' - I hope all is well with grug (in the near future)20:31
intraderKen8521: Grub I mean20:31
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svuis there a fix for those nasty GLib-GIO-ERROR messages?20:50
svusome apps do not even start because of that20:51
nemoyofel: so. FWIW...20:51
nemoyofel: this might have been due to that install that died. maybe...20:51
nemoanyway. I blew away all fglrx related stuff.20:52
nemoincluding needing to use that dpkg tool due to the bad path.20:52
nemoI then still couldn't find the freakin' fglrx package even after reading and re-reading my sources.list20:52
nemoI copied over a sources.list from another amd64 machine I had20:52
nemoinstalled the suddenly visible fglrx20:52
nemohappy times20:52
nemoI wish apt-get update had a "suggest" feature - like "this package is located here, add this line to sources.list to enable it"20:53
nemojust for the common locations mind you20:53
nemoof course it'd have to know it was located there :)20:53
nemosvu: WRT glib etc20:59
nemoif you find a solution, let me know20:59
nemoperhaps it explains why fingerprint stuff is broken in maverick21:00
nemo$ su21:00
nemoPassword: **21:00
nemoGLib-GIO:ERROR:/build/buildd/glib2.0-2.26.0/gio/gdbusconnection.c:2270:initable_init: assertion failed: (connection->initialization_error == NULL)21:00
nemosorry. that was too many lines even for #ubuntu+121:00
svuthat is horrible21:00
svueven gnome-terminal does not start21:00
nemoah. your problems are worse than mine then. n/m21:01
svuops, somehow apt-get remove the terminal21:01
svuanyway, evince does not start, gnome-shell does not start, nautilus dies on right click21:02
svuprerelease, clearly21:02
glebihansvu: sorry just coming in, what  error do you get ?21:02
nemowell. I've done one successful clean install21:02
nemoand one incredibly painful upgrade. but haven't had your problems21:03
svuglebihan, GLib-GIO-ERROR **: Settings schema 'org.gnome.Evince.Default' is not installed21:03
svusame about many other apps21:03
svuwell, not many - at least some of them21:03
glebihansvu, nemo: seems like you both have issues with DBus, which explains why it concerns so many apps21:04
adv_is there a partition reordering tool?21:04
svuglebihan, possible. Any way to fix?21:04
glebihansvu, nemo: what mirror are you using for your updates ?21:04
nemchikquestion: is the mono-runtime actually useful for anything an average user would be doing?21:04
svuglebihan, http://ports.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-ports21:05
svu(I am using power g5)21:05
glebihansvu, nemo: try another mirror, no problems here so far with main server21:05
svuports.ubuntu.com is supposed to be the primary source for ports, right?21:06
svuglebihan, what is the version of glib with the fix for that?21:07
billybigriggeranyone here ever experience really slow network performance with samba shares?21:08
billybigriggeri'll agree samba is pretty easy to setup, alot easier than NFS, but the performance between the two isn't even close21:08
billybigriggeri get about 30-40 times faster transfers over NFS, is this always the case? or do i have something setup wrong in samba?21:09
glebihansvu: here I have libglib2 2.26.021:09
svuglebihan, same here21:09
glebihansvu: and dbus 1.4.021:09
billybigriggeri have my home LAN setup all with GigE equipment, but 1.1MB/s transfers via samba is ridiculous21:10
AcidphaseHelp please :) /dev/dsp: No such file or directory : Running Unreal Tournament in Ubuntu 10.10 x6421:10
svudbus 1.4.0-0ubuntu121:10
glebihansvu: that's ord, same versions and no problems...21:11
svuI agree21:11
svuperhaps I have to dpkg-reconfigure something?21:11
glebihansvu: cannot hurt, try dpkg-reconfigure -a21:12
svughm. I am afraid -a ....21:13
glebihansvu: can it be worse than it is ?21:13
nemowhere is the appropriate place to add a customer parameter to my kernel?21:13
svuyes sure it can. unbootable system:)21:13
nemogrub config has gotten complex21:13
glebihannemo: in /etc/default/grub21:14
glebihansvu: you're right:)21:14
nemoglebihan: thanks21:14
svuglebihan, where would I look for those GIO schemas?21:15
glebihannemo: put it in GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX then run update-grub21:15
AcidphaseHelp please :) /dev/dsp: No such file or directory : Running Unreal Tournament in Ubuntu 10.10 x64 no idea's eh ?21:16
svuactually, in /usr/share/gnome/glib-2.0/schemas/ there are plenty of schemas - but no compiled!21:16
nemoAcidphase: what soundsystem does unreal tournament use?21:17
glebihansvu: is libglib2.0-dev installed on your system ?21:17
AcidphaseI tried to use aoss which works for UT2004 btw21:18
svuglebihan, yes21:18
Acidphasebut not UT9921:18
svuactually there is gschemas.compiled21:18
svubut apparently it is missing something21:18
glebihansvu: try sudo glib-compile-schemas /usr/share/gnome/glib-2.0/schema21:18
nemoAcidphase: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=805708 - just a WAG21:18
nemoold, but...21:19
nemoAcidphase: I suspect openal not aware of your sound system, and I'm unfamiliar w/ configuring it21:19
AcidphaseI get this when I use aoss21:19
AcidphaseERROR: ld.so: object '/usr/lib/libaoss.so' from LD_PRELOAD cannot be preloaded: ignored21:19
svuglebihan, that command worked. no stdout. the gschemas.compiled file updated (same same though)21:20
glebihansvu: I'd try restarting gnome21:21
svuglebihan, evince actually tries to open /usr/share/glib-2.0/schemas/gschemas.compiled21:21
svu(I checked with strace)21:22
svuand it does open it - then fails. perhaps parsing error or smth21:22
glebihansvu: and you don't have a /usr/share/glib-2.0/schemas folder ?21:22
svuI do have it21:22
svuand it contains some schemas files and gschemas.compiled21:23
glebihansvu: then try the previous command again with this path21:23
svuthat is ok21:23
svuyes, I did that21:23
svu(I realized you gave me wrong path:)21:23
glebihansvu: I just copied then path you gave me;)21:23
svuok, my fault21:23
svuthat is my path21:23
svuand there are files21:23
svuand evince reads .compiled file21:24
svuand then fails21:24
svuend of story:)21:24
glebihansvu: well apart from restarting gnome, i don't have many more ideas right now...21:25
* svu wonders how restarting gnome could help...21:25
svuopen("/usr/share/glib-2.0/schemas/gschemas.compiled", O_RDONLY|O_LARGEFILE) = 1421:25
svufstat64(14, {st_mode=S_IFREG|0644, st_size=12972, ...}) = 021:25
svummap2(NULL, 12972, PROT_READ, MAP_PRIVATE, 14, 0) = 0xf5fff00021:25
svuclose(14)                               = 021:25
svuwrite(2, "\nGLib-GIO-ERROR **: Settings sch"..., 9321:25
svuGLib-GIO-ERROR **: Settings schema 'org.gnome.Evince.Default' is not installed21:25
svu) = 9321:25
svuoops, perhaps it should have gone to pastebin21:26
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adv_i have one partition /. how can i move home/ to a different partition with all its data?21:29
glebihansvu: restarting gnome could help, could it could reload dbus21:30
glebihan*cause it would*21:31
svuaccording to the log I posted, there is no IO between opening of the file and error message21:31
svuI can restart gnome anyway21:31
DanaGI don't use btrfs, because the last time I tried it, it reported "ENOSPC" (disk full) at like 75% usage.21:45
* cwillu_at_work grumbles as people start pm'ing their reasons for not using btrfs instead of filling out the damn survey21:48
pepeenext time I will NOT touch grub config21:52
* Blues-Man fa reti ninux 21:53
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martez89Hi, my laptop (acer aspire 5542) keeps crashing when the CPU use is heavy. I already updated to the newest BIOS. I'm on 10.10.21:58
nemohm. keybased ssh no longer works in gnome (just vt) - some interaction w/ keychain I guess22:00
ikonianemo: that's been a bug since 9.0422:00
nemoikonia: yeah, I'd just gotten around to looking at it22:01
nemoI see it has added its own SSH pid22:01
nemoI assume it is hanging endlessly on that22:01
nemowiping their auth sock works22:03
nemoI guess if I put that into my bash profile I can pick up the real one22:03
nemoyep. all better22:04
pegasusbillIm running v10.10 beta on a 30GB drive, how can I move everyting including O/S to a larger drive?22:04
pepeemartez89, test the memory modules with memtest86+22:07
martez89i can choose that in the grub menu right?22:09
martez89my ubuntu always starts directly22:09
martez89its my only OS22:10
martez89how can i force grub to show22:10
glebihanmartez89: hold shift key22:11
martez89this is actually the problem i have: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-video-ati/+bug/59533522:12
ubottuLaunchpad bug 595335 in xserver-xorg-video-ati (Ubuntu) "Computer shuts down on heavy CPU usage due to overheating (dup-of: 370173)" [Undecided,New]22:12
ubottuLaunchpad bug 370173 in linux (Ubuntu) "laptop overheats and suddenly shuts down/off" [High,Confirmed]22:12
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pepeemartez89, is cpufrequtils installed in your machine?22:18
martez89pepee, i am installing it right now22:21
martez89what does it do exactly?22:22
nemocwillu_at_work: soooo, DNS is all better for me.22:23
nemocwillu_at_work: #308 :)22:23
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pepeemartez89, tools for cpu frequency scaling and power management22:27
pepeeahh the bug is in the open source driver...22:27
martez89i got the same bug in the other driver22:28
martez89fglrx if im correct22:28
pepeeyeah, if I install that one, my cpu goes to 50C, and with the ATI one, 40C22:28
pepeewell, you can set the clock of the GPU22:28
pepeeand IIRC the driver manages frequency scaling too22:29
pepeemartez89, btw: ubuntu maverick?22:30
martez89the new kernel was supposed to fix this22:30
martez89i tried editing sys/class/drm/card0/device/power_method to dynpm22:31
pepeeahh you already know about that22:31
martez89yeah but i did not try every option22:31
martez89only profile - auto22:31
lunksWhen I try to update my Ubuntu to Maverick, this error occurs: WARNING: Failed to read mirror file22:32
martez89but maybe profile and high works better22:32
lunksAlso, 'Error: Marking the upgrade (E:Error,pkgProblemResolver::Resolve generated breaks, this may be caused by held packages.)'22:32
lunksAny help?22:32
pepeelunks, sudo --configure -a ?22:35
lunkspepee, don't get it, sorry22:37
lunkssudo --configure -a?22:37
lunksit's not a command :P22:38
pepeelunks, sorry :P   it's dpkg --configure -a22:38
pepee** sudo ...22:38
lunkspepee, nothing happened22:39
martez89pepee, how can i change that settings again? i get an error when trying sudo gedit /sys/class/drm/card-0/device/power_profile22:41
pepeemartez89, if i'm reading correctly, you should do something like: echo dynpm > /sys/class/drm/card-0/device/power_method22:42
martez89pepee, it says no such file or directory22:43
pepeelunks, martez89 are you using the open source file?22:44
lunkspepee, I'm not22:44
pepeelunks, sorry...22:44
pepeemartez89, ask in #radeon22:45
pepeemartez89, according to that page, that file should exist22:46
martez89pepee, i now used sudo bash -c "echo low > /sys/class/drm/card0/device/power_profile"22:47
pepeelunks, sorry, no idea what that error means22:47
martez89i mean sudo bash -c "echo high > /sys/class/drm/card0/device/power_profile"22:47
martez89and it changed profile to high, i hope it will prevent my laptop from crashing22:47
martez89thanks for your help22:47
martez89how can i check the cpu temperature?22:48
jiohdiis there a way to get a system monitor app on unity?22:48
pepeemartez89, why do you select "high"?22:50
pepeemartez89, "cat /proc/acpi/thermal_zone/TZS0/temperature"22:51
martez89hmm 58C22:51
pepeeTZS1 is for the motherboard, I think, but I'm not sure22:52
pepeeinstall gkrellm22:53
intradermartez89: what does that do if I may ask?22:53
martez89intrader, what does what do?22:54
intradermartez89: sorry, the echo high22:54
martez89high" forces the gpu to be in the "high" power state all the time. The "low" power state is selected when the monitors are in the dpms off state22:55
pepeemartez89, for me, high = high temps22:55
pepees/for me/I think/22:56
martez89pepee, should I use low?22:56
intradermartez89: thanks22:56
pepeemartez89, again, ask in #radeon , they are the devs22:57
pepeeI'm just an user, not an expert22:57
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
martez89pepee, thanks22:58
pepeeno problem22:58
intraderWhy are nicks bracketed in '<>'?23:00
yofeldepends on the chat client you're using I guess, or there's a convention I don't know about..23:01
intraderyofel, same xchat that I was using on another computer did not show '<>' brackets; thanks23:02
xyofelhm, right, xchat doesn't show nicks in <>, guess I'm just too used to quassel23:07
intraderyofel, for you info, I am installing 10.10 to try to solve the problem described by bug report 631130. Hopefully it will be better.23:10
yofelbug 63113023:10
ubottuLaunchpad bug 631130 in nvidia-graphics-drivers (Ubuntu) "In all apps, slow UI since 10.04 install" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/63113023:10
yofeloh, that one..23:10
yofelwell, maverick does have a new xserver, so might be worth a try, the x-updates ppa has the current beta driver too if you want to try it later23:11
intraderyofel, yeah - since then the updater has updated the driver and the kernel - little improvement23:11
intraderyofel, I am forced to reinstall anyway because I am getting a 'key logger' message by the system; I wonder who does that?23:13
yofelno idea23:13
intraderyofel, in 10.04 how do I change the password without the key logger knowing?23:14
yofelagain, I don't know. I would probably reinstall too23:16
pepeedoes someone know how to remove error messages  like "error in Version string `network-manager_0.8.1-eb4': invalid character in version number" ?23:18
pepeeI already removed some of them with "dpkg --clear-avail"23:18
yofelwell, there are many bug reports about that, probably check what's actually wrong in /var/lib/dpkg/status - and make a backup of the file before editing it23:20
pepeefound something: http://forums.auroraos.org/viewtopic.php?f=52&t=597223:20
pepeeThe problem is that a package has used invalid characters [...] after the latest upgrades, dpkg now checks for these invalid characters, and bails out if it finds them23:21
yofelsounds right, a lot of apt / dpkg checks were turned on recently causing warnings where it didn't complain before23:22
Ken8521i kinda got used to the buttons on the left, then they turned and moved em back to the right.23:23
yofelhuh? they did?23:24
Ken8521they're on the right on my machine23:24
Ken8521and i didn't move them23:24
pepeewell, no more messages23:25
pepeeat least for now...23:25
lunksis gnome-keyring package broken?23:25
Ken8521lunks, i've not had any probs w/ it...23:26
Ken8521that i've noticed anyway23:26
lunksKen8521, somethings aren't nice here after the upgrade :/23:26
yofellunks: you're the first one to say that23:27
lunksbut all problem seems keyring related23:27
lunksi'm downloading the packages again to be sure it's not something on my setup23:27
Ken8521i had a minor issue when setting up a machine to auto login, but it was omre a user error than a problem w/ the package.23:27
Ken8521i wish tightvnc tunneled sound as well.23:28
Ken8521that would be awesome.23:28
lunksI have just upgraded to Maverick. Main issues are: Network Manager not running23:28
lunksSound not working, but that's about it23:28
Ken8521lunks, double check you're not muted... that caught me yesterday after i installed.. because it starts up muted23:29
Ken8521network manager, ry to start it in terminal and see if you get an error.23:29
lunksKen8521, Mute all is greyed out23:29
Ken8521back in a bit.23:31
lunksyofel, Ken8521: /var/lib/dpkg/tmp.ci/postrm: 6: dpkg-maintscript-helper: not found23:34
lunksCurrent and older version: Preparing to replace gnome-keyring 2.92.92.is.2.30.3-0ubuntu1.1 (using .../gnome-keyring_2.92.92.is.2.31.91-0ubuntu2_i386.deb) ...23:34
intrader10.10 on Dell Inspiron 8200 with NVIDEA driver seems peppier compared to 10.04. I wonder why it is not using any special driver for NVIDIA23:38
lunksAnyone got any tips?23:43
* yofel doesn't have any /var/lib/dpkg/tmp.ci here and the package upgraded fine here23:46
pepeelunks, I think youhave some broken packages23:46
lunkspepee, ok, how can I fix it?23:47
pepeethat, or your package manager is broken, try to fix it23:47
lunkspepee, I tried apt-get install -f, but I get that error23:47
yofellunks: what does ' which dpkg-maintscript-helper' tell you?23:47
pepeetry removing problematic packages23:47
lunksyofel, not found23:48
yofelreinstall 'dpkg'23:49
pepeebroken dpkg?23:49
intraderI am having a problem installing Adobe Flash - It says that it is already installed, yet firefox repeats and them says that "Package 'flashplugin-installed' is already installed. What can I do?23:49
pepeeI thought you can't do anything without it... how do you reinstall it when is broken? :S23:50
yofelpepee: doesn't seem completely broken, or apt wouldn't do anything23:50
pepeeahh yeah23:51
yofellunks: and you might consider running 'sudo debsums -as' to check if any other package has broken or missing files23:51
pepeeintrader, try purging the package23:51
pepeeand reisntalling23:51
lunksyofel, it seems dpkg solved :)23:51
lunksI wouldn't uninstall gnome-keyring23:51
yofelwell, if your dpkg package was broken, chances are it's not the only one..23:51
yofelintrader: if it told you 'package xy is already installed and configured' retry, should only happen once from what I know23:52
intraderAh, I had to restart firefox23:52
pepeeoh, btw, upgrade went smooth here (except for some misunderstanding of the grub config...)23:53
SeraphXhi, who shall i ask about intel graphics issues?23:56
SeraphXhi, who shall i ask about intel graphics issues?23:59

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