
tenachstlsaint, LEMP ;D00:00
pedro3005yo stlsaint00:00
pedro3005SUP HOMIE00:00
stlsainttenach: hehe00:03
bodhi_zazenit is not done yet, but if you have any suggestions : http://bodhizazen.net/Tutorials/tor/00:26
* stlsaint is reading now00:26
pedro3005stlsaint, I said.... SUP00:26
stlsaintpedro3005: lol, yo yo yo00:26
pedro3005like a yo-yo?00:26
pedro3005I used to have one00:26
pedro3005you don't like yo-yos?00:26
stlsaintbodhi_zazen: im more a privoxy fan =D00:26
bodhi_zazenstlsaint: glad your server is running well =)00:26
bodhi_zazenstlsaint: +1 on privoxy, I added a section on adding adblock to polipo00:26
bodhi_zazentor now uses polipo and so it is easier for the non-geeks to use polipo, especially with Torbutton00:26
skeebyhey all04:56
skeebyany users here of 2 separate x screens?05:00
aveilleuxskeeby: I don't know what you mean. Multiple X servers...?05:12
=== AbhiJit is now known as abhi_nav
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=== abhijit__ is now known as AbhiJit
mccrase90hello everyone05:17
mistryniteshhow to stop update-notifier-kde from starting automatically at system startup in kubuntu?07:19
Mohan_chmlmistrynitesh: you can see at system-> preferences-> Startup Applications and you can deselect the update notifies07:33
mistryniteshMohan_chml: are you sure you are referring to *k*ubuntu?07:35
Mohan_chmlAm looking in forums about Kubuntu. gimme a sec =]07:35
Mohan_chmlmistrynitesh: http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=9717181&postcount=707:38
Mohan_chmlthat has the answer for you I think07:38
Mohan_chmlmistrynitesh: It helped?07:40
mistryniteshno I don't think so,07:40
Mohan_chmlOkay lemme dig deep07:41
mistryniteshactually the problem is that, I want to disable update-notifier-kde from starting automatically at the startup, because it hogs the system resources initally and almost brings the system to a halt for some time07:41
Mohan_chmlGotcha mistrynitesh07:44
mistryniteshah, and just a moment, I am using 9.04 yet07:44
Mohan_chmlI will brb in my Kubuntu07:44
Mohan_chmlone sec07:44
Mohan_chmlmistrynitesh, gimme a minute07:48
mistryniteshMohan_chml: i have all the time you need07:49
Mohan_chmlgot it07:50
Mohan_chmlLook at system settings-> add/remove -> settings and then click at Edit software sources.07:51
Mohan_chmlthen in the newly opening window, select update tab and then change the "Check for Updates" stuff mistrynitesh07:51
Mohan_chmlmistrynitesh, got there?? you are in GUI?07:52
mistryniteshjust a minute, let me catch up07:52
Mohan_chmlNo worries07:53
mistryniteshok, I am in Software Sources07:55
Mohan_chmlclick on the update tab at the top07:55
Mohan_chmldeselect the check box of Check for updates07:55
mistryniteshand deselect "Check for Updates" ?07:55
mistryniteshok :)07:56
Mohan_chmlyep =]07:56
Mohan_chmlI think you can deselect the above check boxes too07:56
Mohan_chmlBut do not forget to check manually07:56
mistryniteshI do manually check for updates almost daily07:57
Mohan_chmlThats awesome07:57
mistryniteshBut now I don't think I will need to do it for a month or so07:57
Mohan_chmlHmmm.. Okies07:57
mistryniteshsupport for 9.04 already stopped right?07:58
Mohan_chmlYeah Officially announced and you can upgrade to fresh Maverick instead of going ot the other versions =]07:59
mistryniteshthat is what I am waiting for07:59
Mohan_chmlAwesome and good luck mistrynitesh08:00
=== mistrynitesh is now known as niteshmistry
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=== o_0 is now known as Puck`
Mohan_chmlmistrynitesh: You got cloaked and thats awesome =]09:51
Mohan_chmlstill an hour to go09:52
mistryniteshfor what?09:52
Mohan_chmlFor meeting regarding my Ubuntu Membership09:53
mistryniteshoh great!09:53
Mohan_chmlmistrynitesh: head over to #ubuntu-beginners-team09:53
Puck`Jedi Master!10:26
Mohan_chmlohai Puck`10:28
Puck`hi Mohan_chml10:28
Mohan_chmlSup Puck`?10:28
Puck`same old same old10:29
Puck`hi shredder1210:29
shredder12hello Puck`10:29
Mohan_chmlPuck`: eating?? sleeping?? walking??10:30
lukjadPuck` !10:37
lukjadandrew_46 !10:37
lukjadIt's been so long :)10:37
Puck`oh hey andrew_4610:38
lukjadtenach !10:38
Puck`old folks coming back, YES!10:38
tenachlukjad, !10:38
lukjadPuck` I'm working 10 hour days :)10:38
Puck`lukjad: 9 here, but i've been working 10 in the past 1,5 year10:38
lukjadPuck` I'm glad you're getting less stress10:40
Puck`yeah, definetly less!10:40
lukjadPuck` Sadly my overtime is because some of my co-workers had relatives who died10:42
Puck` auch10:45
Puck`we don't have that here, if i work 10 hours a day, then i get 1 day-off a week10:45
Mohan_chmlOhai lukjad10:46
Mohan_chml*sad face*10:48
Mohan_chmllukjad: everything OK?10:49
andrew_46lukjad Puck` hello :)10:50
Puck`hi Sir (:10:50
lukjadMohan_chml I'm fine, a tad tired and stuffy10:50
lukjadandrew_46 HEY :D10:50
* Mohan_chml hugs andrew_4610:51
andrew_46Mohan_chml: hi :)10:51
Mohan_chmlandrew_46: you remember me you aussi..?10:51
shahanHello everyone...10:51
Mohan_chmllukjad: okies10:51
Mohan_chmlheya sha10:51
Mohan_chmlshahan* Bah! tabfail10:51
andrew_46Mohan_chml: Of course but your nick has grown a little :)10:51
Mohan_chmlyou Identified me...??10:52
Mohan_chmlandrew_46: I am applying for Ubuntu membership and it is in 10 mins10:52
Mohan_chmlI mean the meeting10:52
andrew_46Mohan_chml: Oh my goodness10:52
Mohan_chmlandrew_46: get to #ubuntu-beginners-team10:53
lukjadAnyway, I'm off to work.10:53
Mohan_chmlbye lukjad :(10:53
andrew_46lukjad: bye :)10:53
Mohan_chmlHeya Silver_Fox_. One happy news11:53
Mohan_chmlI became an UBUNTU member =]11:53
Silver_Fox_Hello Mohan_chml ,  congratulations =)11:54
Mohan_chmlty =]11:54
Puck`hi Silver_Fox_ (:12:12
Silver_Fox_Hello Puck`  :)12:15
Silver_Fox_How are you Puck`  ?12:15
Puck`Silver_Fox_: blogging a bit, working, daily tasks12:16
Silver_Fox_Working on some scripts and trolling the forum12:17
Puck`hello AbhiJit12:17
Silver_Fox_Hello Marcos14:08
Marcoscan somone help me14:29
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=== shahan is now known as Guest92644
Guest92644msg Mohan_chml  I am using xchat.17:41
Mohan_chmlhey Guest4194617:41
Guest92644Mohan_chml, its shahan17:42
Mohan_chmlchange your nick back Guest4194617:42
Mohan_chmlI got you17:42
Guest92644Mohan_chml, how to change the nick there?17:42
Mohan_chmlGuest41946: /nick shahan17:42
Guest92644its locked with password17:43
Guest92644I need to give password too17:43
hobgoblinGuest92644:    /msg NickServ identify <password>  possibly - might need to ghost shahan17:45
Mohan_chmlhobgoblin: Good news. I became Ubuntu Member =]17:50
shahnaMohan_chml: Congratulation Mohan_chml  again17:50
hobgoblingood for who? LOL - just joking :) congratulations to you :D17:50
Mohan_chmlshahna: .... is this shahan ???17:50
Mohan_chmlhobgoblin: :P17:51
Mohan_chmland ty17:51
shahnaMohan_chml: ya17:51
shahnaMohan_chml: my nick is creating various problem17:51
Mohan_chmlnick nick change17:51
shahnanick shahan change17:52
=== shahna is now known as help
=== help is now known as Guest21565
hobgoblinI hope you'r enot in #ubuntu Guest21565 ;)17:54
Guest21565hobgoblin: what?17:54
Mohan_chmlGuest21565: do /msg nickserv release shahan <pass>17:55
Guest21565tnx Mohan_chml17:56
=== Guest21565 is now known as shahan
shahanMohan_chml: tnx17:56
Mohan_chmlhobgoblin: what to do with Guest41946 ?17:56
hobgoblinMohan_chml: what do you mean?17:57
Mohan_chmlhobgoblin: compiledkernel is not identifying him for more than a week. what can we do to make him identify?17:58
hobgoblinthat's up to ck - nothing to do with you is it?17:58
Mohan_chmlBut he is also not coming here :(17:59
Silver_Fox_People have real lives Mohan_chml18:00
pedro3005real.. life?18:00
pedro3005what is that?18:00
Mohan_chmllol pedro300518:01
Mohan_chmland Hello Silver_Fox_18:01
Silver_Fox_When you run out of quarters18:01
Silver_Fox_Game Over ;)18:01
Silver_Fox_Hello again Mohan_chml18:01
Mohan_chmlpedro3005: try to look at talsemgeest's quit message :P18:01
hobgoblinMohan_chml: I'd not worry too much about things you've no control over18:04
pedro3005is there a "real life" implementation in python yet?18:04
hobgoblinpedro3005: viper I think18:05
hobgoblinor maybe anaconda18:05
Mohan_chmlhobgoblin: andrew_46 was here today18:06
=== AbhiJit is now known as Guest98174
=== AbhiJit_ is now known as AbhiJit
shahanany Good IDE for PHP?18:29
aveilleuxshahan, You might want to look into Zend Studio18:34
shahanaveilleux: actullay I am going to learn PHP18:34
aveilleuxshahan, IMHO PHP (being a text-based language) doesn't need an IDE18:35
shahanaveilleux: in Windows, I was using Dreamweaver18:35
geirhashahan: I'd recommend just using a regular text editor for starters18:35
shahangeirha: hmm... which text editor18:35
aveilleuxshahan, GEdit in Ubuntu or Notepad++ in Windows18:35
aveilleuxshahan, Both are free text editors with great syntax highlighting and plugin interfaces18:36
shahanaveilleux: hmm... thanks18:36
aveilleuxshahan, No problem18:36
shahanwhats the difference between gedit and Zand Studio or Netbeans?18:37
geirhaAn IDE has an editor and also lots of tools to simplify programming in that language. I.e. it "hides" things from you.18:38
geirhaThat's why I'd recommend using a regular text editor at first. Learn how things are done, how things fit together. When you've learned that, give IDEs a try.18:39
ibuclawshahan, Gedit is "just a text editor". ;-)18:45
ibuclawshahan, you'd do a better job comparing Zand Studio or Netbeans to the likes of Geany, or KDevelop18:46
shahanibuclaw: tnx18:48
shahancan I make my desktop icon small then now? my resulution is now fit to 1440*900(16:10). I have no propritory driver18:49
mitchbonesgeirha, at which point do you recommend picking up vi?18:49
geirhamitchbones: As soon as possible.18:50
geirhaAt least vim, but knowing the difference between vim and vi may be useful later.18:52
=== aveilleux_ is now known as aveilleux
suprengrall: if anyone sees Silver_Fox soon please tell him msg awaits on launchpad.... thought he/she was away.20:52
Acetaminophenhi i am a beginner20:58
Acetaminophenhi! for some reason i can't upload this picture, and i think the ubuntu firefox addon has something to do with it? http://img52.imageshack.us/img52/8779/designerclothing.gif20:58
hobgoblinwell imagine that20:58
aveilleuxAcetaminophen: I don't understand the question. That image has already been "uploaded". Do you mean *download*?20:59
Acetaminophenwhen i try to upload the version i downloaded it won't process21:00
aveilleuxAcetaminophen: What are you using to upload?21:00
Acetaminophenthe cloud21:00
Acetaminophenfrom mark shuttleworth21:00
aveilleuxAcetaminophen: I know of no cloud you are referring to. You mean Ubuntu One?21:01
AcetaminophenUbuntu 10.0421:02
aveilleuxAcetaminophen: That's a version of Ubuntu, yes. That doesn't answer my question.21:02
aveilleuxAcetaminophen: So let me try and work out what you're trying to do. You downloaded that image, and you can't upload it to Ubuntu One?21:05
Acetaminophencorrect. it is as if they don't like faggots21:05
Acetaminophenit is making me very mad21:05
nhandlerAcetaminophen: I'm sure that is not the reason, and making statements like that doesn't solve anything21:06
aveilleuxAcetaminophen: I would be very careful using language like that.21:07
aveilleuxAcetaminophen: Watch it.21:07
aveilleuxAcetaminophen: I, personally, use language like that in real life when I'm joking around with my friends. But this sort of thing is not okay on FreeNode.21:08
Guest37155i am having trouble with the nvidia driver21:09
Acetaminopheni think they should add Faggot to the list of recognized language for the OS21:09
aveilleuxGuest37155: What video card/chipset do you have?21:11
Guest37155nvidia g105m21:11
aveilleuxGuest37155: Have you installed the proprietary drivers?21:13
aveilleuxGuest37155: Try going to System > Administration > Hardware Drivers and seeing if you can get the latest ones from that21:15
Guest37155okay but ive read theres problems instaling with hardware drivers so ill use sudo apt-get install nvidia-current?21:17
aveilleuxGuest37155: I've never experienced a problem using jockey-gtk21:17
aveilleuxGuest37155: (the name of the Hardware Drivers applet)21:17
hobgoblinme neither in a released version21:17
Guest37155so what should i use to install?21:18
aveilleuxGuest37155: The Hardware Drivers applet works fine21:18
Guest37155okay heres the full problem ill install the driver restart and the splash screen will be black then i have to go back to the bootloader and hit e then erase quiet and splash and replace it with nomodeset then hit ctrl-x for the display to work21:20
hobgoblinI would install and before restarting add nomodeset to the kernel line in grub21:21
Guest37155i am a noob can you provide step by step instructuions21:22
hobgoblinin a terminal   gksudo gedit /etc/default/grub     find the line that starts GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT=  do whatever you have been doing in there - this is the same as the e option in grub21:25
hobgoblinthen save and close, then run sudo update-grub in the terminal and nomodeset will be used21:25
Guest37155okay thank you21:26
hobgoblinGuest37155: can I ask - I assume you're not using the dev version that's not been released yet - 10.1021:26
Guest37155nope 10.04.121:26
Guest37155or lucid21:26
hobgoblink - not sure what the state of play is yet with nvidia or ati in maverick21:27
hobgoblinshould be fine then I think21:27
Guest37155mavericks stable release isnt until october 10th...is it a good idea to wait till then install it?21:28
hobgoblinwell to my mind if you have to ask then probably - that said I never asked and just did the same from gutsy :)21:29
hobgoblinjust not got around to it this time around21:29
hobgoblinin fact I would suggest waiting a week or so to let the flurry of bugs and fixes settle down a bit21:30
Guest37155alright sounds good to me. im just switching over to ubuntu from windows cause i hate windows soooo much21:31
Guest37155so im pretty much a noob when it comes to linux21:31
hobgoblinwell I would suggest that you keep windows around for a little while for those times when you need to get something done quickly - eventually it'll be a wasted partition21:33
Guest37155thats what i did.21:34
Jezzanot sure if this is right place to ask, but after relocating /home to a seperate partition, this has now increased boot time alot, is this expected ?21:34
aveilleuxJezza: Hm, I wouldn't expect that, no21:35
hobgoblinJezza: I'd not expect it to do so if everything is in order21:35
Guest37155now the driver is installed but this comes up when i try to chang the settings:You do not appear to be using the NVIDIA X driver.  Please edit your X configuration file (just run `nvidia-xconfig` as root), and restart the X server.21:35
aveilleuxJezza: Did you move it to a different drive, or just another partition on the same drive?21:35
hobgoblinJezza: how much of an increase is it21:35
aveilleuxGuest37155: So do that21:35
aveilleuxGuest37155: sudo nvidia-xconfig21:35
Jezzahmm, load time has increased by 50 seconds, I thought something to do with mounting in fstab ?21:36
Guest37155Using X configuration file: "/etc/X11/xorg.conf".21:36
Guest37155Backed up file '/etc/X11/xorg.conf' as '/etc/X11/xorg.conf.backup'21:36
Guest37155New X configuration file written to '/etc/X11/xorg.conf'21:36
Jezzabut I am too surprised, I cant work out why21:36
Guest37155is this correct?21:36
hobgoblinJezza: does fstab point to the new location?21:36
Jezzasame drive extended partiton21:36
aveilleuxGuest37155: Hm, I guess so, but it doesn't seem right... since Ubuntu doesn't really use xorg.conf anymore...21:36
Jezzafstab points the UID to the partition21:37
Jezzato mount /home21:37
hobgoblinaveilleux: you get one when nvidia installs21:37
aveilleuxJezza: Try using the partition number (/dev/sdaX) instead of the UUID21:37
Guest37155and when i restart it says running in low graphics mode21:37
aveilleuxhobgoblin: I know you -get- one, but I thought Ubuntu ignored it21:37
hobgoblinJezza: did you check the UUID? you could also have a look in dmesg look for long time gaps21:38
Guest37155and still wont let me access nvidia-controlx21:38
aveilleuxhobgoblin: At least, that's how I've always seen it happen whenever I tried21:38
JezzaI thought UID was best incase drives change etc, its always going to mount same partition21:38
hobgoblinaveilleux: not as far as I know - at least not here anyway21:38
aveilleuxJezza: UUID it less helpful if you're doing everything manually, and if you're editing partitions then you should be editing fstab at the same time anyway21:39
Jezzaok many thanks for these advices, I shall try change it and test21:40
Guest37155out of all the documents ive read online this problem only happens to asus laptops with the nvidia g105m21:40
Guest37155ive been trying to figure this out for days21:41
Guest37155and no one seems to have the right answer21:41
Guest37155any more suggestions?21:43
suprengrSilver_Fox_: hi... was getting worried, didn't see you (when I was around)21:46
jezzaMany Thanks guys fixed it21:46
aveilleuxNo problem, jezza21:47
jezzalooked in dmsg and it showed a delay mountign a completely different partition21:47
Guest37155i guess ill just wait till maverick and see if its fixed21:48
zac_aveilleux: i restarted my computer and it says no device detected running in low graphics mode21:58
zac_formerly guest3715522:00
zac_can someone help me with nvidia graphics card issue22:03
Silver_Fox_Please describe the problem zac_22:03
zac_i have the nvidia g105m installed propriatary driver and ran sudo nvidia-configx also saved nomodeset into the grub command line in the place of quiet splash, now ubuntu says no device detected running in low graphics mode before the login screen so i press ok and here i am22:06
zac_i also cant access the nvidia x server settings22:08
Silver_Fox_To access the settings I would do something like: gksudo nvidia-settings22:15
Silver_Fox_in terminal22:15
zac_You do not appear to be using the NVIDIA X driver.  Please edit your X configuration file (just run `nvidia-xconfig` as root), and restart the X server. i get thismessae22:16
zac_this message*22:16
zac_# nvidia-xconfig: X configuration file generated by nvidia-xconfig22:20
zac_# nvidia-xconfig:  version 1.0  (buildmeister@builder58)  Thu Apr 22 20:35:23 PDT 201022:20
zac_Section "ServerLayout"22:20
zac_    Identifier     "Layout0"22:20
zac_    Screen      0  "Screen0" 0 022:20
zac_    InputDevice    "Keyboard0" "CoreKeyboard"22:20
zac_    InputDevice    "Mouse0" "CorePointer"22:20
zac_Section "Files"22:20
zac_Section "InputDevice"22:20
zac_    # generated from default22:20
zac_    Identifier     "Mouse0"22:20
zac_    Driver         "mouse"22:20
zac_    Option         "Protocol" "auto"22:20
zac_    Option         "Device" "/dev/psaux"22:21
zac_    Option         "Emulate3Buttons" "no"22:21
Silver_Fox_zaIn future please use pastebin.com22:21
zac_    Option         "ZAxisMapping" "4 5"22:21
zac_Section "InputDevice"22:21
Silver_Fox_zac_: ^22:21
zac_    # generated from default22:21
zac_    Identifier     "Keyboard0"22:21
zac_    Driver         "kbd"22:21
zac_Section "Monitor"22:21
zac_    Identifier     "Monitor0"22:21
zac_    VendorName     "Unknown"22:21
zac_    ModelName      "Unknown"22:21
zac_    HorizSync       28.0 - 33.022:21
zac_    VertRefresh     43.0 - 72.022:21
zac_    Option         "DPMS"22:21
zac_Section "Device"22:21
zac_    Identifier     "Device0"22:21
zac_    Driver         "nvidia"22:21
zac_    VendorName     "NVIDIA Corporation"22:21
zac_Section "Screen"22:21
zac_    Identifier     "Screen0"22:21
zac_    Device         "Device0"22:21
zac_    Monitor        "Monitor0"22:21
zac_    DefaultDepth    2422:21
zac_    SubSection     "Display"22:21
zac_        Depth       2422:22
zac_    EndSubSection22:22
zac_okay sorry22:22
zac_is there anything i can do to solve this problem?22:23
zac_http://pastebin.com/6E3mB96G there22:23
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel

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