
jcastropopey: do you know this guy? http://ubuntu.stackexchange.com/users/44901:22
jcastropersonally I mean01:22
nigelbAlanBell: oh, yes02:47
nigelbyay for getting rickrolled03:13
nigelbJFo: gosh! Nice pictures from prague.  From the sprint time?03:23
akgranerJFo lives!  WOW!03:28
JFonigelb, yep03:29
JFoakgraner, nope03:30
nigelbakgraner: hahaha03:30
JFostill on Taiwan time03:30
akgranerJFo, I know someone else having the same issues03:30
JFoI bet you do03:30
duanedesignAlanBell: that is pretty cool (the rupee pdf)04:09
akgranerjcastro, reminder sent to all session leaders for tomorrow :-)04:54
paultagnight everyone :)05:31
cjohnstonno paultag !05:31
paultagcjohnston, so help me god if you try and make me stay, just assign the bug to me and I'll get to it tom. night :)05:31
paultagnight cjohnston :)05:32
cjohnstonI just didnt wanna be here by myself05:32
paultaghaha, oh you!05:32
nhandlercjohnston: You are never alone ;)05:32
cjohnstonnhandler: !05:32
cjohnstonI actually do need to talk to you05:33
aragood morning all!07:16
cjohnstonmorning? i havent even made it to bed :-P07:17
popeyjcastro: I only know that guy through ubuntu-uk07:30
popeymorning all07:31
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kim0Morning ubuntians08:07
dpmgood morning all08:25
duanedesignmorning all10:27
popeyhi duanedesign10:28
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=== jcastro_ is now known as jcastro
jcastropopey, someone just asked me about houseparty.cx15:04
jcastrowas that yours?15:04
czajkowskijcastro: howdy15:05
popeyit is15:06
jcastroit appears to be down15:07
jcastroanyway, the guy complaining (smoser), tells me that the map was much easier to browse around than say: http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/global/326/detail/15:07
jcastroso I was thinking maybe there could be a map embedded in there or something15:08
popeyit expired on 5th of this month, i figured as it wasn't used for the last release, and I only made it as a spoof of the windows 7 house party things, and that you guys had made the loco directory, it was somewhat redundant15:09
popeyso i didnt renew15:09
jcastrook I'll have him file a bug on loco dir15:10
popeyi can renew it, but seems pointless if all you want is the map15:10
jcastropopey, it's nice to know someone missed it!15:10
jcastronah, let's just fix l-d15:10
czajkowskijcastro: tis fairly easier to see the teams taking part as they are under their area and a simple Find locates the team.  But there could be a bug filed on maps under the LD already I can't rememner15:10
jcastroyeah, he knows how to use lp so he'll go sort it15:10
jcastromaybe there can be some kind of overall view that puts each loco logo on a map so people can do awesome things with it or something15:11
czajkowskijcastro: https://bugs.launchpad.net/loco-directory/+bug/57061315:11
jcastroeither way, wishlist territory15:11
ubot2Launchpad bug 570613 in loco-directory "Show map of events (affects: 1) (heat: 4)" [High,Triaged]15:11
czajkowskijcastro: the bug is there, there is just nobody working on it at present15:12
Pendulumranda: hiya, did you get the Gnome A11y ship-it stuff?15:23
jcastrospeaking of15:25
jcastrowe've not started talking about release parties yet have we15:25
mattiakgraner: You there?15:25
mattiFolks, do you know whether Friday's Telepathy session will happen?15:26
Pendulumjcastro: erm. most locos I know have actually have started talking about them :P15:26
mattiIf possible I'd like to move my Ruby talk to Friday.15:26
jcastroI've not heard anything from the telepathy guys15:27
jcastrofeel free to snag their slot15:27
mattiI have some unscheduled extra work from my day work to during my Window on Thu :<15:27
jcastroPendulum, yeah I know but usually we have like a post kicking it off, etc.15:27
czajkowskijcastro: aye I did one a while back15:28
mattijcastro: Right. I will move myself then ...15:28
czajkowskiperhaps we could do a few more this week to push it home15:28
jcastromatti, leave your existing slot empty15:28
Pendulumczajkowski: yeah, I thought someone had done one15:28
jcastroand maybe someone will grab it15:28
jcastroif not then we can do a break or something15:28
jcastroonly 15 teams signed up15:28
czajkowskijcastro: aye, they have a month to do it, as some of them actually wait till they get the CD's15:29
czajkowskifor release parties15:29
czajkowskijcastro: if you do a short post today I'll do one tomorrow ?15:29
jcastroI just tweeted15:29
czajkowskior vice versa depending on your time ?15:29
jcastrooh I know t15:29
jcastrothe facebook group15:29
mattijcastro: No problem.15:29
jcastroit has like thousands15:29
mattijcastro: Apologies for that :<15:29
jcastromatti, rock and roll!15:29
jcastrono need to apologize, you're the one bringing value to the event!15:30
czajkowskijcastro: ahh good stuff, I dont really pay much heed to FB groups but I know some do15:30
jcastroyeah, we'll have jono do that15:30
jcastropoking the list and a few blogs outta be enough15:30
mattijcastro: I cannot edit Timetable :/15:31
jcastrooh, I'll do it15:31
mattijcastro: Thanks! I appreciate that :)15:31
jcastrowhich is your session?15:32
jcastrooh, found it15:33
jcastroso our thursday isn't looking so hot15:35
jcastromatti, any help finding someone for thursday would be appreciated!15:36
nigelbhm, when does crew get updated?15:36
nigelbi.e. at least the list of selected crew get out...15:36
jcastrowhen the list of attendees is finalized15:36
nigelbah, ok15:37
jcastroif you're sponsored you'll probably be on it15:37
nigelbJFo: the guys supposed to follow you around and proclaim your awesomeness :p15:37
jcastrohi jfo15:37
jcastrohow was wherever you went?15:37
JFohey jcastro :) Taipei was awesome15:37
czajkowskiJFo: journey sounded bonkers15:37
jcastroI think really all crew is doing now is the sign switching right?15:37
JFotons of hardware folks there15:37
jcastroczajkowski, ?15:37
czajkowskinigelb: get a visa yet?15:37
jcastroJFo, did you go to tapei 101?15:38
czajkowskijcastro: bonkers/crazy15:38
JFoczajkowski, yeah the journey sucked15:38
JFojcastro, yeah15:38
czajkowskijcastro: I follow JFo tweets, it sounded mad the travelling15:38
jcastrois the office awesome?15:38
JFogot some pics on my FB15:38
JFojcastro, it is rather smallish15:38
akgranerjcastro, I removed it from the Calendar as well so classbot doesn't announce the session and dent/tweet it15:38
JFobut yeah 46th floor15:38
nigelbJFo: whoa 46th floor must be awesome15:38
nigelbJFo: did ya get kicked on the flight?15:39
jcastroso the goal today for everyone is to try to fill out thursday. And while you're at it finding people for openweek would be a bonus15:39
JFonigelb, it was great. so was the 91st floor observation deck15:39
* nigelb saw pete talking about getting kicked by kids15:39
jcastroa 2 hour break is kind of pushing it. :-/15:39
JFonigelb, yeah, silly kids15:39
nigelbakgraner: I found one person for UOW for you! Did ya see?15:39
jcastrohmm, we used to put group efforts in the topic15:39
=== jcastro changed the topic of #ubuntu-community-team to: Hi
jcastrook, so that works. :p15:39
=== jcastro changed the topic of #ubuntu-community-team to: Things to work on: AppDeveloperWeek, OpenWeek Call for Speakers, Get LoCo teams to sign up for release parties
jcastrowhat else?15:40
akgranernigelb, did you email me? or just add it?  if emailed I just haven't read it - and if you just added it I haven't looked today :-/15:40
jcastrodidn't pitti move the charts somewhere?15:40
nigelbakgraner: the person who added it must've mailed you15:40
jcastrook, new rule, we'll keep whatever "campaigns" we're working on in the topic in order of priority15:41
jcastroso we don't get lost and confused15:41
akgranernigelb, ok I'll look   - I know Dustin emailed me about his session15:42
=== jcastro changed the topic of #ubuntu-community-team to: Work Items: http://bit.ly/coZgIY || Things to work on (in order): AppDeveloperWeek, OpenWeek Call for Speakers, Release Parties
jcastrohow's that, what am I missing?15:42
=== jcastro changed the topic of #ubuntu-community-team to: Work Items: http://bit.ly/coZgIY || Things to work on (in order): AppDeveloperWeek, OpenWeek Call for Speakers, Release Parties, UDS Prep
nigelbyou got the one I was about say15:42
popeynot that anyone reads the /topic15:43
cjohnstontheres a topic?15:44
jcastrohey, I read it15:45
jcastroand if you don't then FINE POPEY15:45
popeyDon't hate the player, hate the game.15:45
popeyBut if you'd like to use the /topic of one channel as your personal to-do list, you go right ahead :)15:46
czajkowskitopic ain't long enough for jcastro to do list I suspect15:46
jcastromy UDS one is kind of huge for example15:47
jcastrobut I think having an overall "things we all work on" will help everyone.15:47
jcastrofor example, if someone right now wanted to do something they know we're focusing on app week15:47
czajkowskijcastro: I add stuff to my google cal find it helps me work15:49
czajkowskiand then pull in other cals also15:49
popeyI am totally going to use half votes during loco council meetings now just to see czajkowski explode15:49
jcastrowe could have calendars announce in here perhaps?15:49
jcastro"START Release Party blah blah!"15:49
akgranerhahahaha.....you all make me smile :-)15:49
czajkowskijcastro: like a bot15:49
akgranerjcastro, I am adding you to the session today as a helper as well15:49
czajkowskipopey: do the mins from last meeting buddy, or I'm cracking out the whip :)15:50
* czajkowski ticks off her to do list 15:50
akgranerjcastro  - I am about to drive to atlanta can introduce the sessions15:50
czajkowskilists work :)15:50
jcastroakgraner, you mean in 10 minutes!15:50
jcastroI AM ON IT15:50
JFoakgraner, Atlanta?15:50
jcastroakgraner, can I get some voice action pls?15:51
akgranerJFo, Grace Hopper Celebration - I'm helping Stormy at the Free Software booth and writing a couple articles on it as well15:51
JFoah right15:51
akgranerjcastro, working on that now15:51
akgranerjcastro, there you go15:53
jcastrosay hi to stormy for me15:54
akgranerwill do15:54
sensegood afternoon15:55
sensehi akgraner!15:55
akgranersense, hi!15:55
nigelbkim0: for the interviews, its easier if you set a criteria and interview folks15:58
nigelbBecause we rarely have people come to us :)15:58
nigelbwe = Behind the Circle15:59
jonowill be a few mins16:01
jonodpm, ^16:01
dpmjono, no worries, speak to you in a bit then16:01
jonodpm, all set16:07
jonodpm, skype16:08
dpmjono, ok16:08
kim0nigelb: I am getting some responses and emailing the guys some questions16:23
kim0nigelb: the questions on jono's blog basically16:23
nigelbkim0: on nice :)17:36
sensejcastro: Is it a known bug that Summit doesn't act on changed Launchpad usernames?17:48
czajkowskisense: didnt you raise this bug against LD as well17:49
czajkowskiit's a LP bug17:49
senseczajkowski: Ah, yes. Is it?17:49
czajkowskiI remember havibg this conversation with you before, you logged the bug17:50
czajkowskiagainst the ld17:50
senseYes I did, but I thought it was a bug in the LD, not in Launchpad.17:50
czajkowskisense: find the bug and change it to LP and then ask in LP17:51
senseczajkowski: OK, maybe that's the best approach indeed. Thanks!17:51
czajkowskinp :)17:51
senseczajkowski: The last comment in bug #625120 does seem to indicate otherwise, though.17:53
ubot2Launchpad bug 625120 in loco-directory "Wrong Launchpad ID when changed "name" (affects: 3) (dups: 2) (heat: 24)" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/62512017:53
czajkowskisense: why not find that person in LP and tell them the same is happening on summit ?17:54
senseI've opened a second task for Summit, this does look like an implementation error at the client side.17:55
senseczajkowski: Also, a few days ago you asked me, before logging off, to ask you the next day about the confirmation of Ubuntu NL. It's a bit late, and I have to admit that I haven't been able to follow much lately, but here I am: ping18:00
senseI haven't heard anyone talk about the reapproval in Ubuntu NL, nor seen any topic.18:00
sensejcastro: Are the questions on the community report wiki page meant for beginners in the international community, or also for the new local community members?18:02
nigelbsense: are you sub'd to LP dev list?18:04
sensenigelb: Launchpad-dev? No18:04
nigelbits  aproblem with with the fact that lp doesn't have an ID thingy18:04
czajkowskisense: np18:04
nigelbthe uniquess etc is handled by login.launchpad.net which is a totally different service18:04
jcastrosense, everyone who is a beginner and wants to start helping18:05
sensejcastro: OK, thanks.18:05
nigelbI think somone gave a solution to use an openid thiny for LD18:05
nigelbsense: check the LD bug, there is a solution for this there18:05
sensenigelb: But every account has got its own unique ID, which is the actual OpenID.18:05
nigelbsense: yeah, were supposed to use the openID instead of LP ID that we do now18:06
nigelbso when you change LP id, things start breaking18:06
nigelbif you want to know how to do it, I can grep my logs and get back to you18:06
nigelbsomone did say on irc how to do it18:06
sensenigelb: I've always thought that your username-as-OpenID is just a delegate for the real one. Isn't that true?18:06
nigelbhold on18:09
jcastroPendulum, sneaking out for lunch, I'll be back in time for the changeover18:10
jcastroand I am last today so I will handle that one too. :D18:10
Pendulumjcastro: have a good lunch.18:11
senseczajkowski: But what is the status of Ubuntu NL right now?18:12
senseczajkowski: We need a other meeting, according to <https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LoCoCouncil/LoCoTeamReApproval>? :S18:12
czajkowskipretty much really, they've had some time to think and work on things,18:13
nigelbsense: if you look at source of launchpad.net/~nigelbabu, you'll see https://login.launchpad.net/+id/FEnb7sd => that is my unchangeable openID18:13
nigelbso when we want unique identifiers, that id should be used instead of LP ID18:13
nigelb(its only visible on launchpad.net, and not on edge)18:13
* nigelb had some trouble getting "off" edge18:14
senseczajkowski: Who are they? It is not clear to me, or clear to most people, who is responsble for the contact and how the preparations are carried out. Still Dennis and Sebastian?18:15
sensenigelb: Yes indeed, and that is what the bug report against the LD is about.18:15
nigelblooks like we need a similar bug for smmit18:15
sensenigelb: I've opened a new task in the bug report for Summit.18:15
nigelbok, bed time for real before Pendulum kicks me off IRC :)18:16
senseIt's probably using a lot of the same code there, so i gifugred it would be appropriate.18:16
sensenigelb: sleep well! :)18:16
nigelbsense: It is appropriate, I think same team as well :)18:16
nigelbDaviey, mhall, cjohns ton, etc18:17
nigelb(the ubuntu website team folks)18:17
czajkowskisense: the NL team contacts.18:17
Pendulumnigelb: it'd be for your own good!18:17
senseczajkowski: The two guys who frequent the forums the least. :)18:17
Pendulumnigelb: I thought you wanted the visa!18:17
nigelbok ok, bed time18:18
czajkowskisense: well a lot of teams who are left pending or unapproved do usually make some form of contact by now18:18
senseczajkowski: Have you heard from them?18:18
=== maco2 is now known as maco
jcastrosense, you're up next!18:53
sensejcastro: OK!18:53
senseI'm ready!18:53
jcastrotesting, testing19:16
czajkowskiloud and clear19:23
JFoejat be flapin19:32
jcastro15 minutes till my session!19:42
sensenervous? :)19:42
highvoltagejcastro is too much of a pro to still get nervous :)19:44
sensego jcastro!20:01
senseOuch, that pro Kubuntu blog on Planet Ubuntu does feel a bit nasty.20:09
sense"Are you tired of having random stuff appended to your emails? Are you tired of having decision made behind your back?"20:09
sense"Kubuntu does not only not append stuff to your emails, it also provides you with the means to change things that you do not like about the default setup. And should you care to improve the defaults for everyone, then you can do so by taking part in the decision-making process. For Kubuntu discusses important changes before they get implemented."20:09
AlanBellpaultag: PM?20:14
highvoltagesense: it's not like the signature thing ever made it to any release20:14
sensehighvoltage: yeah20:14
senseA bit bad taste, that blog post.20:14
pleia2it read like a joke to me20:16
highvoltageI think it was a good blog post, he should've just focussed more on the possitive instead20:17
highvoltage(it's not like KDE or Kubuntu is perfect either)20:17
pleia2(we all know the only perfect one is Xubuntu)20:17
sensepleia2: Aren't you a Debian sysadmin? :)20:18
pleia2well, yes20:18
highvoltageyeah. Xubuntu has no community problems and their artwork is always in before artwork freeze :)20:18
highvoltage(I actually hope that Xubuntu gets its problems sorted out over the next release)20:19
senseIs there an XFCE release of Debian?20:19
highvoltagesense: when you install debian it asks you which desktop environment you want, xfce is in the list.20:20
pleia2desktop-wise debian just does gnome20:20
sensehighvoltage: Maximum choice! :)20:20
pleia2oh does it now?20:20
highvoltagepleia2: for a long time now :)20:20
pleia2I don't think I've ever actually selected the "desktop" option in debian come to think of it20:20
highvoltagedefault is gnome though20:20
pleia2none of my debian servers have guis of course, and my debian laptop was another sparse install that I just ploped xorg and fluxbox on20:21
highvoltageah, then you wouldn't have seened that :)20:22
sensejono: Wonderful blog post!20:25
jonothanks sense :-)20:26
jonobrb, grabbing lunch20:26
jonojcastro, can you call me on my phone to discuss UDS?20:26
sensejono: Jorge is in an UADW session atm.20:27
jonoahhh np20:28
jcastrohow do I +v someone again?20:34
pleia2/msg chanserv voice #channel nickname20:34
jcastroI typed too fast!20:46
sensejcastro: and the people understood too fast, because otherwise theere would have been more questions!20:48
jcastroor my subject was too advanced?20:49
jcastroor the docs are too awesome20:49
czajkowskialison is on a mailing roll this evening20:49
JFoalison rawks20:49
sensejcastro: Face it, you've made daily builds too easy, there is just too little to say about it!20:50
JFounless it fails20:50
JFothen there is too much20:50
jcastroI didn't abentley and rockstar did!20:50
jcastrohey sense20:51
jcastroI just turn off the banshee app indicator20:52
sensejcastro: Hurray! Die icons!20:52
senseThe Sound Menu is awesome.20:52
doctormosense: I haven't seen it yet, I wonder how it will compare to my current setup20:55
jcastroyou on 10.04?20:56
sensedoctormo: You will need to learn to click the sound menu rather than the music player's icon, but it's worth it.20:56
jcastroI wish the buttons were a tad bigger20:56
jcastroit's hard to hit the pause sometimes20:56
jcastrothough I have multimedia keys20:57
doctormosense: I don't click on the music player's icon right now, I use Music Applet with a simple Prev Play/Pause Next configuration on the bottom bar.20:57
senseAh, the music applet!20:57
jcastroyeah, music applet is quite cool20:57
senseWell, that's probably a bit quicker than the Sound Menu20:57
jcastroyou can't beat dedicated keys on the keyboard, but not every kb has them20:58
jcastrosometimes I skip so fast notify-osd gets behind!20:58
doctormojcastro: Yes, still on 10.04, won't be on 10.10 until it's released.20:58
jcastroI'll have a new machine soon so I can keep a stable release around20:58
senseIt's very easy to outrun Notify OSD. I really hope it will get another look for Natty. The fact that music players have to reuse old notifications in order to be timed correctly, because Notify OSD doesn't follow the spec, is horrible.20:59
doctormojcastro: Us poor lower class unemployed have to scavenge what machines we can ;-)20:59
jcastroare the right notify-osd bugs assigned to klattimer sense?20:59
sensejcastro: I haven't looked at Notify OSD bugs for a long time, so I cannot tell.21:00
senseAnyway, I'm going to shut down, watch some tv to see if we've really got a new (way too right-wing) government 3 months and 3 weeks after the elections.21:00
senseGood night!21:00
czajkowskiTeam reports reminder21:11
nhandlerRock on czajkowski, I'll send an email tonight21:11
pleia2ah, thanks czajkowski21:12
czajkowskiall teams and councils folks21:12
czajkowskilets get more than last month and make me and nhandler happy21:12
czajkowskinhandler: what was last months stats ?21:12
nhandlerczajkowski: I can check later (I'm not at home)21:12
czajkowskinhandler: no bother21:13
czajkowskiwho ever ted gould is, he fills my inbox up swiftly!21:16
jonojcastro, let's roll21:29
JFoczajkowski, lol21:30
czajkowskiJFo: I'd just gone and read all the bugs, and he comes from nowehere and 12 more appeared21:30
JFoTed is awesome21:31
czajkowskiJFo: I'm sure he waits and his replies all in one go and they appear in an inbox all in one go, to make sure people knows he means business :)21:31
JFoheh, I think it is as he gets to a topic21:31
JFohe has tons that he works on21:32
czajkowskithen goes21:32
JFoso it is probably round-robin21:32
paultagAlanBell, sure21:36
paultagAlanBell, send one my way whenever21:37
jcastrojono: ok, signing in21:37
jcastrojono: https://blueprints.edge.launchpad.net/sprints/uds-n21:43
doctormoI can't imagine having any topics to create this UDS, must be a first for a while.22:42
doctormonigelb: ping22:43
Pendulumdoctormo: he's asleep22:46
PendulumI'd say try in an hour, but he has to make a train to get to his visa appointment early22:46
cjohnstonive got topics doctormo23:03
cjohnstonI just gotta figure out how to do them this time23:03
cjohnstondoctormo: can you join #ubuntu-locoteams?23:08
cjohnstondoctormo: nm23:09
nigelbPendulum: Thanks :)23:33
* nigelb is awake now :)23:33
Pendulumnigelb: okay :)23:34
Pendulumnigelb: what is it that I hear when I ring you?23:34
Pendulumalso, why is the message I get when you ignore the call in English?23:34
Pendulum(it was a "your call cannot go through" message)23:35
nigelbPendulum: When you ring me, you're probably hearing "I'm Alive"23:36
nigelbAnd If I don't pick the call, you get a message about "The person you're calling cannot be reached" or something of that sort23:37
Pendulumit was the fact that it was in English that surprised me23:37
nigelbVodafone :)23:38
Pendulumnigelb: when do we have to poke you and tell you to get offline and get to your train :P23:48

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