
YokoZarcjwatson: I would really appreciate the new upstream icoutils in Debian (and working its way to Ubuntu), since I need the new version to show Vista-era embedded icons with gnome-exe-thumbnailer00:06
RiddellRAOF: is mesa-demos for main or universe?00:26
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SpamapSmathiaz: you were asking before about the drizzle stuff...00:52
mathiazSpamapS: yeah - I've read your update on teh bug00:52
mathiazSpamapS: IIUC we'll wait for debian00:52
SpamapSmathiaz: right.. going through licenses now00:53
SpamapSmathiaz: there are a few bash scripts and such in drizzle that have unclear licensing.. I'm contacting authors asking them to send in patches adding license headers ... is that overkill?00:54
mathiazSpamapS: not necessarly00:55
mathiazSpamapS: how critical are the scripts?00:55
mathiazSpamapS: would it be easier to just replace the scripts?00:55
mathiazSpamapS: rather than chasing down proper licensing?00:55
SpamapSmost are examples or config/contrib helper bits00:55
SpamapSmathiaz: some yes thats already been done.. a few of them are super tedious scripts.. the kind you're super thankful somebody did so you don't have to. ;)00:55
ebrodertseliot: ping?00:56
mathiazSpamapS: agreed - contact the author then00:56
mathiazSpamapS: and get in touch with the drizzle team to make sure it doesn't happen again ;)00:56
SpamapSmathiaz: they're discussing a hudson trigger to flag file adds that don't have the word 'copyright' or 'license' in them00:59
mathiazSpamapS: nice :)01:00
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SpamapSmathiaz: I'm a little confused as to how to get started submitting blueprints for uds-n01:10
SpamapSmathiaz: do I just create one, fill in the blurb, and pray? ;)01:11
mathiazSpamapS: let me check my email01:11
mathiazSpamapS: there was a message that outlines the process01:11
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pittiGood morning07:01
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pittiRiddell: FYI, if the current images are oversized, please just remove a langpack; we'll get fresh ones right after RC and can then put them back08:21
Riddellpitti: done08:25
Riddell"ask MartinPitt to disable apport via update-notifier (for RC)"08:30
Riddellpitti: how's that doing? ^^08:31
pittioh, good call08:31
pittiRiddell: I'll upload it right now, together with kerneloops08:31
pittiRiddell: there's an additional script change to debian/local/ubuntu-fat-chroot which I had in bzr; it's not used on clients at all, but just for generating chroots for the retracers08:32
Riddellfine with me08:33
pittiboth uploaded08:35
pittiI added kerneloops to the checklist08:36
pittiRiddell: traditionally we disabled them right after the RC, so they could stay in the queue until Thursday08:36
pittibut if you prefer getting them in now, no objections from my side08:37
Riddellif that's what tradition dictates that's what we should do08:43
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cjwatsonYokoZar: somebody was supposed to be adopting icoutils from me, but then went quiet :-/08:56
YokoZarcjwatson: mind if I do it then?08:56
cjwatsonYokoZar: go ahead09:06
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jibelcan somebody moderate my email to ubuntu-devel ?11:04
cjwatsonjibel: done11:10
jibelcjwatson, thank you.11:10
maxbWith release more and more impending, who can I ask to find out whether someone is planning to handle sun-java6 upload to the partner archive before release?11:22
maxbNB that this is an odd package, because it is synced from Debian non-free to the partner archive11:22
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cjwatsonif it's just a sync, file an archive bug for it and we'll figure it out11:28
cjwatsonI seem to remember syncing into partner was fiddly, but nevertheless11:28
cjwatson(I have an e-mail trail somewhere which I can dig out)11:29
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\shmaxb: doko is on it, i think, as I was asking the same yesterday12:08
maxbAh. Provided someone's visual that it really needs to happen in time for release, that's good12:08
apwpitti, i was wondering about natty work items (again :) and wondered if that is something i could help with, looks like the automation is per series at the cron level12:16
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pittiapw: in principle, it shoudl be sufficient to add a config/natty.cfg to the WI tracker12:26
pittithe rest should Just Work (tm)12:26
apwpitti, won't that put them under maverick though?12:26
apwpitti, ahh no perhaps not i thought lenaro etc was mixed in there but perhaps not12:28
apwpitti, shall i put one together ?12:28
pittiapw: not if it says release = 'natty'12:28
pittiapw: but there is no natty release in LP yet, so it wouldn't work12:28
apw(i assume you are snowed under right now012:29
pittiand likewise, there can't be natty-targetted specs in LP12:29
apwdoh ... i'll shut up then12:29
Chipzzdapal: why do you think bringing up a *debian* bug full of ad hominem attacks on #ubuntu-devel is appropriate? especially during final freeze?12:40
mr_pouitChipzz: and why do you care? especially during final freeze? (they can probably handle that themselves without you)12:51
dapalChipzz: apologies for bringing that here.13:06
Chipzzdapal: maybe my reaction was a bit harsh, but I just don't think #ubuntu-devel is the right place to talk about contraversial issues (dare I say flamewars?) concerning only the debian project13:08
Chipzzanyway no need to apologize to me; I'm not an ops or whatever here; I just thought it didn't belong here and there are other avenues of resolving it13:09
dapalChipzz: I don't want to continue it here; but seeing a person ignoring all pings from one side, and being very active on the other one is.. sad.13:10
dapaljust IMVHO13:10
dapalanyways, I'm off, bbl13:10
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zulpitti: hi when you get a chance can you let the landscape-client SRU to go into proposed?13:25
smbpitti, And if you have a little more time, there are rebases for the current lucid master of fsl-imx51 and mvl-dove. Can we get them into proposed as well? ec2 will hopefully follow shortly.13:28
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pittizul: ah, thanks for the reupload; will do13:42
zulpitti: thanks13:42
pittismb: yup13:46
smbpitti, cool13:46
YokoZarwhat is the correct way to give a file in a package a linux capability?  setcap requires root but packages don't build as root, and I'm hesitant to add setcap to the maintainer script...14:04
pittiYokoZar: there's no packaging mechanism for that14:05
YokoZarpitti: for some reason I thought ping had cap_net_raw rather than run suid 014:06
pittiYokoZar: usually you'd start the program as root and then call capset()14:06
pittiand then setuid()14:06
YokoZarpitti: so I'd need some sort of wrapper?14:07
pittiYokoZar: not really, just some startup code (prctrl, setcap, and setuid), and making the program suid root14:08
persiapitti, Presume that upstream didn't provide any of that :)14:08
pittiYokoZar, persia: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-branches/ubuntu/dapper/dhcp3/dapper/annotate/head%3A/debian/patches/droppriv.dpatch14:10
persiaOh, cool!14:11
pittithat's a convenience function that I wrote about a million years ago14:11
pittihttp://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-branches/ubuntu/dapper/dhcp3/dapper/annotate/head%3A/debian/patches/deroot-client.dpatch shows how to use it14:11
pittibut it boils down to14:11
pitticap_value_t capsneeded[] = { CAP_NET_RAW, CAP_NET_BIND_SERVICE };14:11
pittidrop_privileges( "dhcp", "dhcp", 2, capsneeded, -1 );14:11
pittithe first two are user and group name14:12
* pitti yays at bzr archeology14:12
YokoZarpitti: thanks, that seems useful14:17
* YokoZar thinks a debhelper extension for filesystem capabilities support at the packaging layer would be best...14:17
pittiYokoZar: are we really talking about the same thing here?14:18
pittifs capabilities != kernel capabilities14:18
pittiI suppose you mean capabilities(7), since Linux has fs ACLs, not capabilities14:18
YokoZarpitti: kernel caps can be made permanent with extended attributes on a file, yes?14:19
pittiYokoZar: alternatively you can ship an apparmor profile14:19
YokoZar(ie, what setcap from libcap-bin does)14:19
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pittiYokoZar: I don't know; I just know extended ACLs, which are unrelated to kernel caps14:19
YokoZarpitti: I think when you wrote the linked code the kernel didn't support file-based capabilities lists and it all had to be done at runtime, so dropping them was the only option14:20
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pittiYokoZar: right, but I still wouldn't bet on fs support14:20
pittinot as long as we still get bugs with /usr on NFS, or using about five different file systems14:21
pittiI'd rather prefer apparmor profiles then; they can specify caps, too14:21
YokoZarpitti: fair enough...I take it NFS doesn't support extended attributes at all then?14:21
pittiI can't say for sure -- just that I wouldn't bet on it :)14:22
pittiit might do14:22
* YokoZar wonders if one of the columns on http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison_of_file_systems#Metadata is helpful here14:25
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hyperairhttp://apachelog.wordpress.com/2010/09/21/an-inconvenient-truth/ <-- this sure says something about the GNOME environment in ubuntu, doesn't it?16:29
cjwatsonpage not found16:30
cjwatsons/21/28/ apparently16:31
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hyperaircjwatson: i dunno, i picked it out of my rss feed.16:45
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shadeslayerhyperair: :>17:07
* shadeslayer has secret link to that page17:08
shadeslayerit works only in Kubuntu :P17:08
hyperairbull. i read it on liferea17:08
shadeslayerbut i seriously had super secret link to that post :P17:09
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jcastroskaet, when you ping people for the TechnicalOverview can you remind them that linking to upstream project webpages and changelogs is very useful!17:43
jcastroI just went in there and linked a bunch up17:43
jcastroIt's an opportunity for us to get attention to whatever upstream project we're talking about17:44
skaetjcastro,  cool.17:45
skaetjcastro,   sounds like a good idea.   Thanks for adding the links, and I'll add the reminder to the process checklist.17:46
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james_wjibel: hi, are you able to help debug the policykit/software-center bug you reported?18:31
james_wunfortunately I have forgotten what I wanted to know next from someone that could see it18:31
jibeljames_w, of course, let me have dinner and deal with the kids and I can help in approximately 1 hour18:33
james_wjibel: great, tomorrow if fine by me if it is your evening18:34
jibeljames_w, okay.18:36
SpamapSapw: bump.. WI tracker looks a bit broken18:44
apwSpamapS, hrm, how so18:49
SpamapSapw: http://people.canonical.com/~platform/workitems/maverick/canonical-server-ubuntu-10.10.html18:49
apwhrm, i wonder how i managed that18:50
apwthanks for the heads up18:50
SpamapSapw: I see the 'assignee' added to info, but never used.18:52
SpamapSmaybe you forgot a commit?18:52
apwSpamapS, it gets used elsewhere, but that shouldn't matter as its a []18:53
SpamapSMaybe something does a foreach on that hash18:54
apwSpamapS, no, think i see it, a miss merge18:54
apwjust regen it here to confirm18:54
SpamapSactually the DB might be borked18:54
apwnow that isn't meant to happen, its meant to protect that18:55
SpamapSor not.. hrm18:55
apwi think its the reporting thats bust18:55
SpamapSI had a cached local svg that confused me. ;)18:56
apwok i've pushed what i hope is the fix, but will have to wait till it re-gens to be sure18:56
SpamapSI'm regenning locally now18:57
apwSpamapS, cool ... let me know if it looks ok to you18:57
SpamapSso far no, it looks very broken still18:58
apwSpamapS, the error is gone yes ?18:58
SpamapS./burndown-chart -d ../maverick.db -t canonical-server -m ubuntu-10.1018:58
SpamapSproduces a flat chart18:58
apwSpamapS, looks ok here to me19:00
apwdid you update ?19:00
SpamapSapw: yeah I did a bzr pull19:00
apwSpamapS, what version do you have19:01
SpamapSand the latest maverick.db19:01
SpamapSthe bash completion on sqlite3 is *useless*19:02
* apw regets the DB to check19:02
apwits still LARGE19:02
SpamapSapw: we're looking at it over here, btw. ;)19:03
SpamapSttx: ^^ we're looking at it over here19:03
SpamapSsorry My brain is a little off right now.. :-P19:03
apwif my internet connection was faster i'd have tested it by now19:03
apwSpamapS, its possible the DB is sick then19:05
apwnot sure how that would be affected though19:05
SpamapSit doesn't look sick.. hmm19:05
apwi used an older DB i have here and get a sensible shaped output19:06
apwtrying yesterdays now to get a control19:06
apw(by which i mean wiating for it to download19:07
apwSpamapS, looks ok on yesterdays DB19:08
apwSpamapS, could you confirm same for you?19:08
* apw pokes SpamapS 19:11
SpamapSapw: in a meeting now.. but I'm downloading yesterday's db19:12
apwSpamapS, i am at a loss to understand how yesterday can be broken19:12
apwpitti, you about ?19:13
apwSpamapS, if you find that db is ok ... then i suspect we'll want that copied over the current.  things ought to sort self out from there ... do you have acess to ~platform ?19:19
SpamapSok, so definitely the current .db is broken somehow19:20
SpamapSno I've never logged into the box19:20
apwit is beyond me to understand how anything other than todays data could be wrong, and it should get cleaned up by a respin19:20
apwwe'll see if that occurs i guess at the end of this run, but is suspect not19:20
SpamapSI'm wondering if maybe the schema is munged19:21
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apwSpamapS, that would be even more unexpected19:22
SpamapSno, schema is the same19:22
apwit appears to run around the :05 mark, but i don't see a run at 19 yes19:23
* apw runs the collector here to confirm its now ok19:25
apwSpamapS, ok i took the broken DB from today, and ran the collector against it, and it seems to have sorted out that server report again19:47
apwso i presume when the collector runs again it will clean up the db and fix the reports19:47
SpamapSapw: interesting!19:47
SpamapSapw: I'll keep an eye on it. You're definitely off the hook for your commits though. ;) thanks for taking a look.19:47
SpamapSapw: its possible somethign on lillypilly was changed that broke the collector too.. lets hope not though19:48
apwSpamapS, the only possibility that makes any sense is the breakage made 'today' empty and that broke the reports, but till we hit the collector cron again its hard to kwno if its ok now19:48
SpamapSapw: it broke all of them.. I ran alpha-3 and it was flat19:49
SpamapSprobably a null somewhere confusing things19:49
apwSpamapS, whats your line from that one19:49
SpamapS./burndown-chart -t canonical-server -m maverick-alpha-3 -o bork.svg19:50
SpamapS-d maverick.db19:50
SpamapSI should say19:50
apwon my ./collect'ed update on the current borked one, i get a reasonable graph on that one too19:50
apwSpamapS, i think we are good, but i wish i knew when the thing is mean to run19:53
pittihey apw19:59
SpamapSI wonder if there's something wrong on lillypilly.. the collector just ran 1 hour ago.. and the graphs have been regenerated, and are still borked19:59
SpamapSpitti: something's wonk with maverick.db20:00
pittiSpamapS: oh, what's wrong?20:01
apwSpamapS, i am not sure they did run actually20:03
apwpitti, the run time is nearly two hours ago and wondering what happened to the 19:00 run20:04
apwpitti, from my testing the fix i pushed should fix up the db20:04
pittiit should start in 1 min20:04
apwpitti, is there a logfile when it does i can watch ?20:04
pittino log; stderr gets sent to work-items-tracker-hackers@lists.launchpad.net, though20:05
pittirunning now20:05
pittiwe also have daily backups, in case we need to restore20:06
* SpamapS is confused by timezones I guess20:06
SpamapSit runs in +0100 ?20:06
apwpitti, cool ... i think it should recover .... i copied the db here and ran collect and it seemed to sort out the db20:06
pitti05 */220:06
apwpitti, oh its bi-hourly how is it?  thats my confusion20:07
pittiit used to run every hour, but since the per-user charts it regularly overran20:07
pittiso I bumped it to bi-hourly20:07
apwnow it makes sense20:07
apwpitti, any idea how long it normally runs for on average these days ?20:10
pittiapw: not really, I haven't looked since SpamapS's "don't process past milestones" change20:12
pittisince most milestones are in the past now, it ought to be pretty quick20:12
SpamapSpitti: the collect step just takes a few minutes, right?20:13
pittimaybe 1520:13
lifelessI would love to know what API calls you spend lots of time on / call a lot20:13
pittilifeless: urlopen() :)20:14
SpamapSlifeless: you're like a junkie who needs his fix ;)20:14
pittithere is no blueprint API20:14
pittiSpamapS: don't stop him! don't stop him!20:14
lifelesspitti: oh yeah, blocked on security in the model.20:14
lifelesspitti: so, you're screen scraping ?20:14
SpamapSpitti: wild horses couldn't keep him away!20:14
pittilifeless: we do use launchpadlib for WIs as bugs, but screenscraping for blueprints20:14
lifelesspitti: We've been adding batching into some LP pages, I hope that didn't impact you.20:15
lifelessSpamapS: Nick Kershaw +120:15
pittilifeless: I think the lists have always been batched20:15
pittilifeless: it copes by calling with &batch=200 (or so)20:15
lifelesspitti: some weren't. e.g. ubuntu/+assigments20:15
SpamapSpitti: https://lists.launchpad.net/work-items-tracker-hackers/ is empty.. is archiving turned off?20:16
pittilifeless: we are just parsing ubuntu/$release/+specs20:16
pittiSpamapS: I didn't know there was an archive20:17
pittiI don't see how to turn it on20:17
lifelessthere's always an archive.20:17
lifelessits populated a little slowly and lazily.20:17
jibeljames_w, ping20:18
SpamapSpitti: I don't recall getting a message .. so maybe it hasn't received any yet?20:19
pittiI didn't get any from the list either20:19
jibeljames_w, what do you want me to debug/test with the policykit/s-c bug ?20:20
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SpamapSpitti: I suppose that means its working and not spitting out errors. :)20:20
pittiSpamapS: I just sent a test mail to the lst20:23
pittiSpamapS: I just got it back, did you?20:24
lifelesspitti: a small request20:25
lifelesspitti: could you change the work item stuff to not claim to be noreply@launchpad.net ?20:25
pittiI could actually set it to the ML now, I suppose20:25
lifelessTwo angles: firstly, approximately noone in the lp dev group knows about it :P, and secondly its horrible to get mail that you cannot contact the sender.20:26
pittilifeless: done20:26
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james_wjibel: sorry, the phone rang20:56
jibeljames_w, np20:57
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james_wjibel: I'm just grepping my logs to find the last time I looked at this, so that I can find the commands to run20:59
apwSpamapS, that looks a lot better to me  ... think we are good21:00
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james_wjibel: so, I have a patch which may fix it, but it was last built in karmic, I'm just going to update it21:04
jibeljames_w, attach the patch to the report when it's ready. I'll give it a try.21:05
james_wjibel: I just uploaded a patched package to https://edge.launchpad.net/~james-w/+archive/polkit/+packages21:34
james_wjibel: if you could test that it would be great. After installing it you need to kill polkit-gnome-authentication-agent-121:35
james_wjibel: if you can still reproduce then killing polkit-gnome-authentication-agent-1 again, and stracing it would be valuable21:35
james_wjibel: in order to strace it properly you will temporarily make strace setuid21:35
SpamapSapw: agreed.. :)21:53
jibeljames_w, there's no version for maverick, the version to test is policykit-1 - 0.96-2ubuntu1 for lucid  ?21:55
james_wjibel: oh, uploaded to the wrong distroseries21:56
james_wjibel: yes, that's the version21:56
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highvoltageis it just me, or should the "i386" architecture as we call it in Ubuntu actually be called "i686" these days?22:58
azeemwhere "these days" == "since warty" or so23:00
highvoltageheh :)23:00
cjwatsonhighvoltage: the architecture name is an identifier assumed constant all over the place, and excruciatingly painful to change23:07
cjwatsonthere are so many other useful things that could be done with the effort involved in a rename23:08
cjwatsonso, let's not23:08
elmo(see also 'amd64')23:08
cjwatsonit's EM64T actually23:09
cjwatson("Extended Memory 64 Technology".  Catchy Intel names 'r' us)23:10
elmothey don't have enough  money for a very big marketing dept is the problem23:11
lifelesscjwatson: hah, woops.23:11
KeybukI'm pretty sure Intel dropped EM64t23:15
Keybukand now just call it Intel 6423:15
cjwatsonrenamed to ia-32e, renamed to intel 6423:15
cjwatsonoh, ia-32e was before em64t according to wp23:15
cjwatsonthough their cpu reference manual still says ia-32e23:16
azeemia32 2.023:16
cjwatson(in places; it describes the architecture as a whole as Intel 64, but for instance there's "IA-32e paging"23:17
Keybukheh, different parts written by different engineers at different times23:17
Keybuksome parts could have been written by people who hadn't been told about the change of name23:17
KeybukI mean, it's not like companies haven't changed platform names when the CEO has dicked around with the slides 10 minutes before going on stage for his Keynote23:18
* ogra_cmpc wonders what will happen if he pins udev at 0.125 and upgrades23:30
ogra_cmpcs/upgrades/cross grades from lenny to ubuntu/23:31
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