
CIA-28ubiquity-slideshow-ubuntu: evand * r294 ubiquity-slideshow-ubuntu/debian/changelog:08:17
CIA-28ubiquity-slideshow-ubuntu: * Freeze exception (LP: #649597).08:17
CIA-28ubiquity-slideshow-ubuntu: * Updated screenshots from the Ubuntu 10.10 desktop tour. Thanks08:17
CIA-28ubiquity-slideshow-ubuntu:  Dylan McCall and Mat Tomaszewski.08:17
CIA-28ubiquity-slideshow-ubuntu: evand * r295 ubiquity-slideshow-ubuntu/slideshows/ubuntu/slides/screenshots/customise.jpeg: Add updated customize screenshot.08:19
CIA-28ubiquity-slideshow-ubuntu: evand * r296 ubiquity-slideshow-ubuntu/ (235 files in 6 dirs):08:35
CIA-28ubiquity-slideshow-ubuntu: * Fix update-launchpad-translations to cope with no-longer-existant08:35
CIA-28ubiquity-slideshow-ubuntu:  slideshows.08:35
CIA-28ubiquity-slideshow-ubuntu: * Update translations from Launchpad.08:35
CIA-28ubiquity-slideshow-ubuntu: * Remove translations not present in localechooser, and thus not08:35
CIA-28ubiquity-slideshow-ubuntu:  available during install.08:35
CIA-28ubiquity-slideshow-ubuntu: evand * r297 ubiquity-slideshow-ubuntu/debian/changelog: releasing version 2708:41
* ev wipes sweat from brow08:43
=== ara_ is now known as ara
CIA-28debian-installer: cjwatson * r1365 ubuntu/debian/changelog: No-change rebuild to pick up new components.13:05
CIA-28debian-installer: cjwatson * r1366 ubuntu/debian/changelog: releasing version 20100211ubuntu2813:05
=== rgreening_ is now known as ghost
=== ghost is now known as rgreening
araev, cjwatson, superm1: great work on ubiquity! the installation experience is really good :)13:58
evthough much appreciation goes to michaelforrest who did the design work14:05
araev, hello, I tried to to use usb-creator in maverick to create a netbook image (also maverick) and it does not boot :(15:39
araara@sushirider:~$ apt-cache policy usb-creator-gtk15:39
ara  Installed: 0.2.2515:39
ara  Candidate: 0.2.2515:39
evara: can you elaborate on does not boot?  How far does it get?15:40
araev, nothing, syslinux complains about gfxboot not being a known keyword15:40
cjwatsonsounds like you have an old syslinux installed?15:43
evwhich would be odd, given that usb-creator dd's over the code area15:43
evhm, or does it15:44
evnope, definitely does15:44
cjwatsonoh I meant an old syslinux package on the system where you're running usb-creator15:45
evoh, indeed15:46
araev, cjwatson: forget about it, I chose a wrong .iso image15:46
evwe probably should explicitly depend on syslinux >= 2:4.01+dfsg-3ubuntu115:47
evara: can you tell me more about this wrong image?15:47
evwas it an Ubuntu image?15:47
araev, it was 10.04, instead of 10.10 ;-)15:47
highvoltagecjwatson, ev: In Ubiquity, the first page says "You may wish to read the release notes." which points to http://ubuntu.com currently19:42
highvoltagecjwatson: I know it might not be possible for this release, but would there be a way for us to make it point to the Edubuntu release notes for Edubuntu?19:43
NCommandercjwatson: ev, ogra, anyone else with casper experience: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/casper/+bug/64379120:30
ubot2Launchpad bug 643791 in casper (Ubuntu) "Installation icon missing from Dove live image. (affects: 1) (heat: 8)" [High,Triaged]20:30
shtylman_openoffice forked... interesting...20:52
NCommandershtylman_: its happened before.20:56
shtylman_go-oo? or something else?20:57
NCommandershtylman_: that, and I there is NeoOffice/J21:00
cjwatsonNCommander: you forgot to bzr add the new file, apparently21:03
NCommandercjwatson: I buried my shame, and posted the file.21:06
CIA-28partman-base: cjwatson * r212 ubuntu/ (debian/changelog parted_server.c):21:15
CIA-28partman-base: Expand the small gap we leave at the end of the disk to avoid MD21:15
CIA-28partman-base: superblock ambiguity so that it correctly covers the region where21:15
CIA-28partman-base: ambiguity might arise. The previous gap was insufficient on disks that21:15
CIA-28partman-base: were between 512 and 65535 bytes larger than a multiple of 1048576 bytes21:15
CIA-28partman-base: (LP: #569900).21:15
CIA-28partman-base: cjwatson * r209 lucid-proposed/ (debian/changelog parted_server.c):21:25
CIA-28partman-base: Expand the small gap we leave at the end of the disk to avoid MD21:25
CIA-28partman-base: superblock ambiguity so that it correctly covers the region where21:25
CIA-28partman-base: ambiguity might arise. The previous gap was insufficient on disks that21:25
CIA-28partman-base: were between 512 and 65535 bytes larger than a multiple of 1048576 bytes21:25
CIA-28partman-base: (LP: #569900).21:25
CIA-28partman-base: cjwatson * r213 ubuntu/debian/changelog: releasing version 141ubuntu221:26
shtylman_ev: will there be new artwork for the intro screen to the installer? where there is now a giant cd and computer thing?22:30
cjwatsonhighvoltage: we use a single URL scheme which goes to a redirect table on www.ubuntu.com.  Please ask the website folks to add appropriate entries for you - probably best to file a bug on the ubuntu-website product22:32
cjwatsonhttp://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes?os=edubuntu&ver=10.10&lang=en (for various lang=) - the point of the os= bit is so that this can vary by flavour22:33
highvoltagecjwatson: ok, will do thanks22:40

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