
nhandlerI'm trying to build a source package using 'bzr bd -S --split'. The package use dpkg 3.0 (quilt) and has all of its patches applied (push'ed), but bzr bd always fails saying: Reversed (or previously applied) patch detected!  Skipping patch.00:26
nhandlerAny ideas on why/how to fix it?00:26
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superm1didrocks, cool just confirmed that your update work out properly thanks!08:31
didrockssuperm1: great! it was not as easy as planned :)08:31
superm1didrocks, slight recommendation for the future after seeing how it works out - since there is no window manager available while the dialog is running, maybe run the dialog full screen so it doesnt get stuck up in the corner?08:32
superm1or set it to always center or similar08:32
didrockssuperm1: not sure how it can behave on big screen. all others are small normally. centered can make sense but I hadn't the time for a proper look to how to do that without WM08:33
didrockspatches welcomes of course :)08:33
superm1yeah i'm not sure if that's doable without a WM either, which is why I thought fullscreen might be a better alternative08:34
superm1but this is great for maverick, that can be something to sort out during natty08:34
didrockssuperm1: right08:36
oojahIs there a recommended naming for packages of python wrappers of C libraries? I've seen both libfoo-python and python-foo.10:32
hrwdoes it has any sense to request sync of vim (7.3 instead of 7.2) from Debian as "main" is now frozen?10:38
micahgstefanlsd: hi, I was wondering what you think of the idea of dropping gears this cycle, Google, doesn't seem to want to update it10:45
persiahrw, You'd need to review for new features, and potentially file a Feature Freeze request.  We typically avoid things like that at this point in the cycle unless there's some pressing need (current version fails to work at all, etc.)11:02
hrwmicahg: wasn't google gears officially eol?11:02
micahghrw: basically11:02
hrwpersia: will wait for natty with it. I have 7.3 rebuilt locally anyway11:03
geserhrw: a rebuild only or a proper merge which you could get sponsored once natty is open for uploads?11:09
stefanlsdmicahg: yeah. agreed11:23
stefanlsdmicahg: i did get some interest from a dd, but after i pointed out google is dropping it, i think he abandoned that plan also11:23
hrwgeser: once natty will be open getting vim 7.3 will be a matter of requesting sync with debian11:24
geserhrw: all our changes are merged?11:25
hrwgeser: did not checked yet11:26
geserhrw: it has to be a merge because of dropping vim-lesstif and enabling the python interpreter on the basic builds (didn't check all changes yet)11:29
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\shfbreader ftbfs fixed12:42
hrwhttp://udd.debian.org/cgi-bin/ubuntu_ftbfs.cgi is up-to-date or more or less outdated?13:09
tumbleweedhrw: lucas just posted a day or so ago, saying he'd updated it13:11
hrwtumbleweed: ok13:11
\shhrw: it's the latest list of ftbfsing packages...I'm working down the list13:14
\shif someone is an adventurer, please take a look at enna and the new libecore world order13:15
\shit's a mess13:15
hrwenna... I prefer to keep out of e17 world13:15
geser\sh: as you fixed ecs, would the same fix work for code-saturne? replacing libhd5-serial-dev with the mpi variant?13:18
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\shgeser: good that you remind me, I wanted to try an rebuild of code-saturne...I think it was ecs which ftbfsed and code-saturne just failed13:19
geser\sh: code-saturne has a B-D on -serial-dev13:20
\shgeser: but reading the docs, it should work...there are some discussions on the BTS about that13:20
hrwhmm.newlib_1.18.0-1ubuntu3_i386 built for me13:20
geserand ecs pulls now the -mpi variant13:20
geser\sh: I can test-build with -mpi and close bug 647427 if it works13:21
ubottuLaunchpad bug 647427 in ecs (Ubuntu) "Multiple FTBFS because libhdf5-serial and libhdf5-openmpi are not co-installable" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/64742713:21
\shgeser: that would be great :)13:21
hrw\sh: seabios bug is known: bug 64889513:22
ubottuLaunchpad bug 648895 in binutils (Ubuntu) "cannot move location counter backwards (from 0000000000118000 to 0000000000004000)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/64889513:22
tumbleweedgeser: I think I tried with -mpi and it built, can't remember...13:22
\shhrw: wanna fix? :)13:27
hrw\sh: have it on a list but not maverick rather13:29
hrwneed to backport few my packages from maverick to lucid and hack a way to get it in ppa13:30
geser\sh: are you working on the emerald FTBFS on amd64? (probably just a missing #include)13:32
\shdidn't I upload emerald yesterday?13:36
\shgeser: the package build without any problems , the problems are in the last lines of the buildlog...I was confused yesterday....13:37
\shFunction `gdk_gc_new' implicitly converted to pointer at main.c:302913:38
\shoh this is ... so evil13:38
\shgeser: if you can fix it quickly, go ahead13:38
hrw\sh: http://pastebin.com/SYZLdT7S is part of cdebconf-terminal fix13:38
geser\sh: it's just a warning in gcc so the buildd checks the log for it on 64bit13:39
\shgeser: but it prevents it to be pushed to the archives13:39
hrw\sh: http://pastebin.com/ZeU02EsB is full patch to make cdebconf-terminal built. not tested does it run13:44
hrw\sh: code taken from http://code.google.com/p/stjerm-terminal/source/detail?r=28413:44
\shgeser: hmm...checking the decor_t struct, and the gc member it should be coorect...gdk_gc_new gives back a GdkGC pointer it seems, could be wrong, not that gtk specialist13:46
geser\sh: gdk_gc_new is guarded by #ifndef GDK_DISABLE_DEPRECATED and emerald sets it13:49
geserso I try the "usual" fix to not define it13:49
Laneyemerald still exists?13:49
geserat least in our archive13:50
jpdsLaney: Haha; I asked that same question in -uk about two weeks ago.13:50
\shgeser: I wonder if this is a good idea with emerald ;) how many more bugs we will find ;)13:51
geser\sh: luckily emerald doesn't use -Werror13:54
Laneyis it still active upstream?13:56
LaneyI see there's no package in Debian13:56
geserfixing FTBFS: code-saturne: done; emerald: done13:56
geserLaney: was emerald ever in Debian?13:56
\shgeser: thx13:56
persiaI think last time we tried to remove emerald we got so many bugs and complaints, we put it back and declared that someone else could make it work.13:57
persiaTrick is "someone else" keeps changing.13:57
wgrantI did remove emerald three years ago.13:57
wgrantBut it was revived.13:58
wgrantIt appears to have been updated for about six months after that.13:58
wgrantThen nothing.13:58
geserLaney: the last emerald release is 0.8.4 from 2009-10-14 (we have 0.7.2 from 2008-03-06)13:59
Laneygeser: Right, so we at least lack someone taking care of it (or alternatively there was a good reason not to update)13:59
LaneyThere's a high number of bugs too.13:59
\shgrmpf.../me needs to kick some devs13:59
LaneyHowever it does have quite some installs according to popcon13:59
geserdoes somebody know takes care of compiz currently?14:00
Laney#-desktop will14:00
persiaI think it has a lot of dedicated users, but little upstream development.14:00
geserI could only find emerald at http://releases.compiz-fusion.org/ till 0.8.414:01
* \sh <- meeting...BBL14:03
hrwhttp://people.canonical.com/~hrw/ftfbs/ - can someone review cdebconf-terminal?14:09
persiahrw, Do you have a diff handy?14:11
persiahrw, Or are you looking for new-package-review?14:12
geserhrw: a core-dev is needed for sponsoring, try #ubuntu-devel14:12
hrwpersia: this is on a ftfbs list so I just looked at it and got it built14:14
hrwpersia: http://pastebin.com/ZeU02EsB is full patch (does not include debian/changelog entry)14:15
persiahrw, My recommendation would be to file a bug, attach a debdiff to the current version, and subscribe ubuntu-sponsors.14:15
* persia can't sponsor it anyway14:15
geserhrw: does it really need to get linked to all those libraries in $(VTE_LIBS) instead of -lvte?14:16
hrwgeser: good question. probably not, fix on a way14:17
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Laneyit probably14:21
* Laney has been doing that a lot lately14:21
persiamost likely :)14:22
hrwbug 649810 is ok?14:24
ubottuLaunchpad bug 649810 in cdebconf-terminal (Ubuntu) "fix for FTFBS" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/64981014:24
geserLaney: there doesn't seem to currently be any strong reasons to remove emerald now as long as it still works14:24
Laneygeser: I'm not suggesting any course of action in particular14:25
Laneyjust that someone should care for it14:25
geserLaney: I just wanted to inform you of the "result" of my question in #-desktop14:26
Laneyok, cheers :)14:26
persiahrw, Looks about right to me.  Just waits on a sponsor.14:26
persiahrw, You may have wanted to use a patch system, or if you did, you may have wanted to add a DEP-3 header.14:27
persiaAlso, generally we include debian/changelog and debian/control changes in our sponsorship requests.14:27
hrwpersia: will have to learn more first14:29
persiahrw, Do you want help or guidance doing so?14:29
hrwpersia: after 1.5h from now or tomorrow. conf call time is near14:30
persiaJust ask here.  I won't be around to help then, but lots of other folks will be.14:31
hrwpersia: I know ;) thats why I am here14:31
hrwpersia: by 'to use a patch system' you mean "quilt, stgit, dpatch" like tools - right?14:35
persiaRight, if one exists in that source package.  It may not.14:35
hrwthis is native package without patches14:37
hrwso I just patched sources directly14:38
hrwif it would use dpatch or quilt I would use it too14:38
persiaThat makes sense then :)14:38
hrwpersia: "generally we include debian/changelog and debian/control changes in our sponsorship requests" - there was no control changes in package and one changelog entry just to bump version14:39
persiahrw, Right.  I missed the (small) changelog entry.  If I wrote it, I'd probably add "(LP: #649810)" somewhere so that the LP janitor will close the bug with upload.14:41
persiaYou will want to change the control file for an -Nubuntu1 upload, because you'll want to adjust the maintainer to be "Ubuntu Developers <ubuntu-devel-discuss@lists.ubuntu.com>" instead of whoever maintains the unpatched version.14:41
persiaI think the `update-maintainer` script in ubuntu-dev-tools does this.14:43
hrwpersia: right. bug was after I created source package14:43
hrwok, bb in few14:44
ari-tczewhey, I added [natty] to bug topic to target fixing, but pedro_ has removed this one. what is right? bug 33916915:41
ubottuLaunchpad bug 339169 in Evolution "evolution crashed with SIGSEGV in strtoul() due to NULL flags column in folders.db" [Critical,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33916915:41
ari-tczewLaney: ^^15:41
geserIIRC it's not very liked to include the release names in bug titles15:42
geserari-tczew: have you talked to pedro about it?15:42
ari-tczewgeser: not yet. it's related to last discussion about reviewing main sponsorship by MOTU.15:43
ari-tczewand I want explain there before talk to pedro.15:43
Laneyari-tczew: Why don't you explain to him what it was about?15:49
Laneyari-tczew: I suggest you try and sound a bit more constructive in your comments too. "This patch is obsolete" is a bit abrupt.15:50
ari-tczewLaney: because I would get sure that right is mine. so I pinged you to my question. IIRC you would use [natty] in bug topic.15:50
LaneyI would thank the submitter for the patch, but sya that it's too late to include for Maverick at this stage, and indicate that I'm adjusting the title so that sponsors know to look in a few weeks.15:51
LaneyDid you check that the patch doesn't apply any more?15:52
ari-tczewLaney: I've been suggested by karmic target in debdiff.15:53
ari-tczewbtw. pedro on #ubuntu-desktop suggest to use tags instead changing bug topic.15:53
LaneyIt's easier for a sponsor to fix that than to bounce it back to the submitter.15:53
Laneyround trips are a large cost15:53
ari-tczewLaney: well, what's the final of our discussion? tag or bug-title to targeting next release?15:56
LaneyI don't care about that, as long as people know to look at it15:57
Laneyand if you can fix the sponsoring overview to know about it15:57
LaneyI care more about bouncing bugs back to the submitter unnecessarily15:58
ari-tczewLaney: now in Feature Freeze I'm testing the patch. if it fixes any bug, I'll update debdiff and give to ubuntu-release for review.15:59
ari-tczewabove case is strange, because there are not test-case, so I can't reproduce.16:00
LaneyI would err on the side of assuming correctness until you actually come to upload it16:02
ari-tczewbut I can agree with you Laney, that saying 'patch is obsolete' is a push work to someone else, which could discourage contributor.16:04
ari-tczewin this case, author of patch is a canonical employee, so I think that he won't be discouraged. :P16:05
LaneyRight. It may be the case that it actually *is* obsolete, but it's still our fault for not reviewing it faster, and you should say what your investigations have revealed16:05
ari-tczewLaney: btw. I think that adding a target patch should be a minimum, because searching a bugs with tag 'natty' is easier than looking for bugs with '[natty]' in topic. anyway, we should open a discuss about it via list-mail.16:11
ari-tczewbdrung_: did you it? ^^16:11
Laneyas I said, I don't care, as long as the sponsor overview supports it16:12
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ari-tczewiulian: around?18:07
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didrocksno release in bug title18:44
didrocksit's breaking thread discussion…18:45
didrocksand sorting in bug mail18:45
didrocksso please, tag :-)18:45
micahgstefanlsd: thanks, I'll file the bug19:03
ari-tczewI used natty-sponsor tag.19:30
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