
macoomg im being fanboyed in #ubuntu01:10
macoIdleOne: *thwap*01:11
IdleOneDid I say something wrong?01:11
IdleOneAll I said was that you are a Rock Star :)01:12
IdleOnesome people have a hard time with fame :P01:12
elkyHere we go again?02:15
elkymaco, /me points to -women02:15
macoi wish at beta time we could start switching the +1 factoid over to saying "not released as Stable, but testers are more than welcome" or something04:01
macorather than having it be in SCARY MODE even as final ISOs of the stable thing are being spun04:02
IdleOnesubmit a edit to the factoid?04:04
gartraldangit, i cant keep getting kicked from #ubuntu just cause my connection is wonkey! i understand the need for security, but security should NEVER compromise ease-of-use! that's more Microsoft's thing, no?04:26
macoif microsoft compromised ease of use in favour of security, it wouldnt have its malware problem04:27
gartralmaco: microsoft has a malware probblem becaue their tyrannical A$$^&*#S, keep in mind, there are viri and other malware that attack linux, it's just very few and far between04:29
macovery few and far between because our security model is better04:31
macoANYWAY, i told you yesterday how to get on, why dont you just do that?04:31
macoirssi -c irc.freenode.net -p 800104:31
IdleOnewhen exactly did you get kicked out?04:35
IdleOneaemaeth link in -ot leads to a graph of a pot leaf04:46
gartralthis is getting rediculous05:10
IdleOnewhat is?05:16
gartralmy internet is hiccuping, causeing my registration to fail cause im ghosting, and i have to ghost-log my nick to get back into #ubuntu..05:18
IdleOneand how is that a #ubuntu issue?05:18
IdleOnegartral: #ubuntu-ops is for handling bans/kicks not to complain about your internet connection05:19
IdleOnePlease part as you are not banned in #ubuntu as far as I can tell.05:19
gartralIdleOne: because i keep getting bounced to the unregged chanel. and no-one answered me there.05:20
macogartral: check out that link05:20
IdleOnegartral: you get sent to -unregged because your client is identifying after it joins channels. Also not an Ubuntu issue05:20
gartralmaco: i have a failing disk, my web browsers are all screwed up x.x05:21
IdleOnenormally your client will wait 5 seconds to autojoin if there is a password set in the nickserv pass field. #irssi can tell you how to extend that time.05:23
gartralneedless to say, my luck is ctd x.x05:23
IdleOnegartral: again, this is not the channel. you are able to join #ubuntu to get help. you can join #irssi to get help with irssi.05:24
macogartral: can i pm you the commands to make auto-ghosting work?05:24
gartralmaco: please!05:24
IdleOneignoring me because I am not telling you what you want to hear is rude.05:24
* gartral really needs to setup a bouncer >.>05:25
IdleOneyou really need to part this channel05:25
ubottuPlease keep in mind that this channel is for operator/abuse questions only; we ask you to part when you have no further business here in order to keep track of users with pending inquiries.05:25
gartralIdleOne: i'm not ignoring you, my friend, i'm just busy and running around like a chiken whose head was just lopped off05:25
IdleOneok, fine. Please type /part05:26
IdleOneYou are not allowed to idle here.05:26
gartrali havent been idleing! i was talking with you and maco!05:27
gartral and /part doesnt work in irssi, you need /wc :P05:28
gartralanyway, have a good one05:28
nhandlerIdleOne: A little patience doesn't hurt ;)05:32
IdleOnetrust me. I was being patient05:32
maconhandler: you missed yesterday05:33
macothat user comes in here to whine for long stretches about the -unregged policy05:33
nhandlermaco: True, I wasn't around for him yesterday. I was only looking at this isolated incident05:33
IdleOneHe was the victim of a dcc attack in #ubuntu.05:34
IdleOneit's somehow #ubuntu fault05:34
macoand since he doesnt have access to the router's firmware, clearly #ubuntu's policy should change to allow vulnerable systems05:34
IdleOneor rather the policy of not allowing compromised users in the channel is stupid05:35
macoi uh...smacked him with the irssi manpage05:35
IdleOnewhich he can't read and I am not sure how he is going to read the instructions on the link to autoghost.pl because his browsers are all broken05:36
macoi pasted the instructions from the page into his pm buffer05:37
macohe said he cant do the wget part of it05:37
IdleOnehe needs to clean install and stop messing with his system05:37
macohis manpage excuse was that small hard drive = didnt install the manpage package... while the manpage isnt a separate package05:37
IdleOneseems more and more like a sophisticated troll05:38
macowhat is up with all the trolls that know how to spell and use punctuation lately, by the way?05:38
macomy trolldar needs an upgrade :(05:39
IdleOneI think it has to do with the axis of the earth and alignment of the planets05:39
macois it a full moon?05:39
IdleOneisn't it always on freenode05:40
Tm_Tno really05:45
goddardFor some stupid reason the ubuntu channel is saying there is a problem with my rotuer?06:50
IdleOnedid you follow the instructions from #ubuntu-read-topic ?06:51
goddardwhat are you talking about?06:51
goddardIm not running any tests on my machine because I dont have a problem with my router06:52
goddardThis is obviously an error06:52
IdleOnewell you must have been victim to a dcc attack06:52
IdleOnethat is why you are being sent there06:52
IdleOnejoin #ubuntu-read-topic  and type test me06:52
goddardI'm cloaked06:53
IdleOnebeing cloaked has nothing to do with it06:53
goddardit was probably a vicious moderator06:53
IdleOneI doubt that. we don't ban for no reason06:53
goddardThen explain in technical terms why I was banned?06:54
IdleOnebecause you were probably in #ubuntu  at the time a dcc exploit was posted to the channel and that forced your client to quit and forcing the bot to set a ban on you06:55
IdleOnejoin #ubuntu-read-topic  and type test me06:55
goddardSo how is this my problem?06:55
goddardWhy are you making this my issue?06:55
IdleOneif there is no issue then the bot will let you back in06:55
IdleOneit is your issue because the exploit affects routers that are not properly configured06:56
goddardHow is my router "not properly configured"06:56
IdleOneseriously dude, join the channel, follow the instructions. problem solved.06:56
IdleOnewhy cry about it for an hour in here, you could of been done by now and back in #ubuntu06:57
goddardThats not how I handle things I'd like to understand not just blindly follow your instructions or "orders"06:57
goddardI'm not crying at all06:57
goddardI like to know06:57
IdleOneok. well then don't go to the channel, don't read/follow the instructions.06:58
goddardThats it? or have we reached the limit in your understanding of the process be honest06:58
IdleOnenothing we can do about it. oh yeah you could also change the port your client uses to connect to freenode06:58
IdleOnechange it from 6667 to 800106:58
goddardIs there some explination as to why I should do this?06:59
IdleOnehttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixDCCExploit will explain further06:59
IdleOnegoddard: is there anything else I can try and help with?07:07
goddardThis is a problem with NAT redirection?07:07
IdleOneHonestly, I don't know. I know that it is as simple as changing the port in your client07:08
IdleOneto resolve it07:09
IdleOneor updating the firmware on the router.07:09
goddardMy router also has an option to filter nat redirection so I checked that box I also checked my firmware its up to date07:09
goddardand the page says version 5 and mine is a version 807:09
goddardmissing some parts or something07:10
goddardCan you attempt to send me a invalid dcc command and see if it still works?07:10
IdleOneyou can test by joining #ubuntu-read-topic and type test me07:11
goddardThat sends the invalid command then?07:11
goddardWhat does it do?07:11
IdleOnebeats me.07:12
goddardWho made it?07:12
goddardhttps://launchpad.net/~myrtti this person?07:15
goddardoh its a girl07:15
goddardnot many girls into computers why?07:16
IdleOneof course not07:16
IdleOnethey are all to busy learning to cook and sew07:16
IdleOnegood night07:16
macobecause we get sick of dealing with people who say "woah its a girl!"07:16
goddardthank goodness07:16
goddardyou cant be serious07:16
IdleOnegoddard: you went from having some legitimate questions to a sexist troll07:17
goddardI knew you would play that card07:17
IdleOneyou have the link, you know what channel to join to be tested.07:17
goddardYour the one that talked about cooking and sewing07:17
goddardnot me07:17
IdleOneyup I am07:17
goddardso your the troll07:17
goddardok glad thats settled07:17
IdleOneI am the Ubuntu member, op troll07:18
macogoddard: IdleOne was being sarcastic because your "oh its a girl" response was so obviously sexist07:18
IdleOnethat's me07:18
goddardmaco so whats wrong with that?07:18
macowe don't like sexim?07:18
goddardwhat the hell is that?07:18
macodid you just ask what's wrong with sexism?07:18
goddardbeating women? I dont do that07:18
macothere's a lot more to sexism than physical abuse...07:19
goddardI think its sexism07:19
goddardand no I dont07:19
goddardmy women loves me as do most women I talk with07:19
maco"who wrote it? oh a girl" as if that explains everything... sexist07:19
goddardI think you are being insecure or childish07:20
goddardit was simply surprising to see a women into computers unexpected and thats all the justification I will make07:20
macono, i think you're completely oblivious to privilege07:20
IdleOnecan someone please ask goddard to part this channel. he has the answers concerning -read-topic. Now he is just trolling07:20
goddardThats the way you prove your points IdleOne?07:21
macobeing surprised about women being good with computers is just as sexist as being surprised about men being good with kids07:21
IdleOneyou proved it for me.07:21
goddardmaco: you have some things to work out07:21
macoso, expressing such surprise was doing you no favours07:22
elkygoddard, you've been asked to leave, and you'll be leaving of your own choice or by my will. Which way do you choose?07:22
goddardelky: I have been disrespected07:23
goddardelky: I want an apology07:23
goddardYou and mac07:24
IdleOnewhen were you disrespected?07:24
elkyYou're the one hunting out women on launchpad. I'd rather you repent for being creepy.07:24
macoelky: ewww really?07:24
elkymaco, well he was pasting myrtti's lp link07:24
goddardNow I want an apology from elky07:24
macoelky: oooh i see07:24
IdleOnewhen were you disrespected?07:24
ubottuIf you disagree with a decision by an operator, please first pay #ubuntu-ops a visit. If you are still unhappy, please see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/AppealProcess for the steps you should take. If you feel the need to discuss the channel rules, please contact the ops on IRC or via the email address on the aforementioned page.07:26
IdleOne<goddard> I am going to file a complaint07:27
IdleOne<IdleOne> you are free to do so.07:27
IdleOne<IdleOne> here is the link07:27
IdleOne<IdleOne> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/AppealProcess07:27
macowhy is it that when someone is called out for saying something sexist, they are suddenly the victim?07:27
IdleOnebecause then we are infringing on the perceived right to say whatever the hell they want?07:28
IdleOnethey forget that this is IRC and not a democracy07:28
elkyYes, we and the rest of congress.07:28
Cerebr0Any ideas why I cannot join #ubuntu?07:36
=== Mamarok_ is now known as Mamarok
Cerebr0Any ideas why i can not join #ubuntu?07:41
jussiCerebr0: one moment07:45
jussiCerebr0: what message does it give if you try to join?07:46
Cerebr0i dont get any message at all07:46
Cerebr0window just does not pop up07:47
jussiCerebr0: which client are you using?07:47
Cerebr0i am using Empathy if that matters07:47
jussiCerebr0: and do you have anything in your server window?07:47
Cerebr0You know I'm really new to this, what is the server window?07:48
jussiCerebr0: you should have a window there somewhere which has all the info that freenode gave - the very first one to pop up07:48
Cerebr0I just have a contact list window (with no contacts) and this window that had 3 tabs, #freenode, #ubuntu-irc and #ubuntu-ops07:50
Cerebr0is there a different, better, client I should be using than Empathy07:51
jussihrm, I really dont know empathy at all, so its hard to help there. you don't seem to have any matching bans as far as I can see, but I need to know if you have anything in your server window. could you perhaps try another client?07:51
jussiyes, xchat would be a large improvement07:51
Cerebr0ok i will try that07:52
jussiCerebr0: if you still have trouble, please come back and ask07:52
Cerebr0thanks for being helpful :)07:52
jussino probs!07:52
jussiglebihan: how can we help you today?07:53
glebihanjussi: thanks for asking, but not having any problem, was just following Cerebr0 as I tried to help him earlier07:54
jussiglebihan: ok, we have a no idle rule here, so see you next time :)07:55
=== jussi changed the topic of #ubuntu-ops to: Welcome to the home of the Ubuntu IRC Team operators | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/IrcTeam | This channel is for operator/abuse questions in the IRC Team domain only | LoCo channel discussion/issues to #ubuntu-irc | Please exit the channel once your issue is dealt with. | We reserve the right to remove idlers | Channel is logged | IRCC meeting:
Eljussi are you there?07:56
Elthis is Cerebr007:56
Elstill can't join it for some reason07:56
jussiok, so what does the server window in xchat say?07:57
jussi(first in the list)07:57
Elsays i need to +r be identified which i did07:57
Elidentify with services it says, since when have you had to do all the junk, i was able to get on no problem the last coulple of days07:58
macosince spam attacks07:59
maco!register > el07:59
ubottuel, please see my private message07:59
jussiEl: ahh, that explains it.07:59
jussihrm, why are we +r atm anyway? did we have recent attacks?07:59
=== El is now known as ElCerebr0
macothere were some earlier today08:01
jussiElCerebr0: sorted now?08:02
ElCerebr0well im not sure why i couldnt get into it with my other nick i registered it but thanks for the help Jussi08:02
ElCerebr0yes it works now08:02
jussiElCerebr0: you can be registered but not Identified08:02
ElCerebr0seems like an awful lot of hoops to jump through08:03
macoElCerebr0: in the network list in xchat go to edit the freenode network08:03
macoset the server password to match your registration password08:03
maconow itll be automatic08:03
jussiElCerebr0: unfortunatley sometimes we have to, as there are people who abuse the system08:03
jussiElCerebr0: All ok now?08:06
ElCerebr0oh sorry im good thanks08:06
rwwIdleOne: As I understand it (which admittedly isn't very well), FloodBot's "test me" command does actually send a DCC exploit command.08:42
rwwhence people disappearing off the server if they fail it ;)08:42
bazhang[ibizatryx] (~g@CPE-124-190-82-159.vic.bigpond.net.au  ugh in -unregged12:40
bazhangfeel like banning before he gets to #ubuntu12:41
Seeker`who is it?12:44
bazhangcheck his realname12:44
bazhangtroll ho12:49
Seeker`I'll /msg him12:49
Seeker`sent a /msg, no response as yet12:51
bazhangcant have good intent with a realname like that12:51
ubottuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu-ops! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!12:56
LjLthere is a problem in my opinion if people aren't allowed to use !hi in response to someone greeting the channel12:56
LjLi agree it's stupid to use it12:56
LjLbut what *is* the sane use case for the factoid? if it's there, people will use it to greet, can't blame them for doing the obvious12:56
Seeker`what is the syntax for forgetting factoids again?12:57
knomeworks very well in xubuntu, where traffic is low12:57
LjL!forget blah12:57
ubottuIn #ubuntu-ops, LjL said: !forget blah12:57
LjLknome: does it work much better than saying "hello foo!"12:57
Seeker`!forget hi12:57
ubottuI'll forget that, Seeker`12:57
bazhanghe's back12:58
knomeLjL, yes, because then the ppl are linked to guidelines and also told that they are free to ask questions, since many times the next question is "can i ask..." if you just "hey foo!"12:58
Seeker`!hi-#xubuntu is <reply> Hi!, Welcome to #xubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines. Enjoy your stay!12:58
ubottuI'll remember that, Seeker`12:58
knomeSeeker`, thanks12:59
bazhangI'd argue that the realname is bad enough to take action12:59
Seeker`give him a minute to respond to my PM12:59
=== rgreening_ is now known as ghost
=== ghost is now known as rgreening
PiciA lot of people use !hi, why did we remove it exactly?14:06
bazhangtime to unforget it14:07
Seeker`Pici: because someone was doing it to everyone that said "hi" in #ubuntu14:07
ubottuIn ubottu, swiftarrow said: hi is hi there!14:07
PiciSeeker`: And did someone tell them to stop?14:07
Seeker`and 2 lines of text for everyone that joins is spammy14:07
Seeker`but there is a valid point of "why is it there is we can't use it"14:08
elkyswiftarrow, sorry but we had to remove the !hi factoid because it was being abused. We're not likely to put it back so soon.14:09
bazhangibizatryx  seems to be just joining then timing out14:11
Seeker`set up a ban forward to ##fix_your_connection?14:12
Seeker`!forget hello14:13
ubottuI'll forget that, Seeker`14:13
PiciShes done this in the past for other issues.14:21
bazhangkind of grating14:22
bazhangwhy not just a straight ban on ibizatryx14:22
bazhangcheck the realname on him14:23
Picibazhang: did I misuderstand what was going on with qwert/cwillu there in -ot?14:28
bazhangPici, nope14:28
swiftarrowelky, aww, shucks.  Too bad people abuse things like that.14:50
elkyyeah, it's too bad.14:51
elkyswiftarrow, was there something else we could help you with? We have a no-idle policy here so we can keep track of who needs help, but there's logs if you're otherwise just curious.15:17
jussihello DBO! long time no see.15:28
swiftarrowelky, no, not really!  first time I've come across a no-idle policy...  I'm actually afk.  But if you prefer, I'll just leave15:39
popeyliamsmith smells like a troll15:39
ubottuLjL called the ops in #ubuntu (liamsmithuk keeps on posting destructive commands)15:40
IdleOneseriously? we removed the high factoid because someone was abusing it?15:47
IdleOneerrr !hi15:47
IdleOneso if some gives everybody the !ati factoid we will just remove the factoid15:47
IdleOnethe !hi factoid is very useful, if there was a user abusing it then that person should have been +q and talked to.15:48
IdleOnekids should'nt play near stoves either, lets just remove every stove/oven15:49
IdleOneand not to harp on the issue but if the factoid is useful in a low volume channel like xubuntu, stands to reason that the benefits far outweigh one annoying troll who was abusing the bot. Remove the trolls, not the help/helpers15:53
knomecharlie-tca, !hi is enabled on #xubuntu anyway now, as i requested it15:54
charlie-tcaThank you15:54
IdleOneknome: and that is great :)15:54
knomeIdleOne, yes. i can see why it's not working as it should @ #ubuntu though. maybe people should forward the factoid to PM anyway.15:55
charlie-tcaWe seem to want to bury ourselves in extra work, when the correct procedures work so well15:55
IdleOnethe factoid was working just fine, every so often we get a jerk who likes to abuse a factoid.15:55
IdleOnewait I have an even better example15:55
IdleOne!ops is used by the spam bots. REMOVE IT QUICK15:56
ubottuIn #ubuntu-ops, IdleOne said: !ops is used by the spam bots. REMOVE IT QUICK15:56
Seeker`wow, overreaction or what15:57
Seeker`the argument present was basically "its not abusive to respond to people that say 'hi' with !hi, so if people can't use it why have it"15:58
Seeker`so it wouldn't be misusing the factoid to do it every time someone entered and says "hi"15:59
IdleOnepeople can and should be able to use it, just not on every single person who joins the channel. that was a case of bot abuse15:59
Seeker`but that does involve spamming channel with 3 lines15:59
Seeker`is there a technical need for !hi, like there is for !ops?16:00
IdleOneyes but the user triggering is the spammer not the factoid beinmg misused16:00
IdleOneyes there is. it links to the guidelines16:00
jpdsBlinken red lights.16:00
Seeker`but afaict, the factoid wasn't being misused or abused. I can't think of any better use cases than it was being used for16:00
knomecould some factoids be forced to direct to PM?16:00
Seeker`so does !guidelines16:00
Seeker`if someone says hi, it isn't inappropriate to respond with "hi". How many "!hi"'s per hour can someone do before it is being abusive?16:01
knomeof course "!hi" shouldn't say "Hi!" *everybody* in the channel, but would it make sense to require a 'recipient'?16:01
Seeker`knome: in the case earlier, it was being directed at people that said "hi"16:02
IdleOnewhen someone says hi it is not inappropriate to respond with !hi. it is when a user is triggering !hi to every user who joins before they say anything16:02
knomeSeeker`, yes, but what if !hi was forced to *always* go to PM?16:02
Seeker`IdleOne: well, the case that caused me to remove it was only being directed at people that said "hi".16:03
Seeker`IdleOne: and it was often enough to cause (imo) significant spam in the channel16:03
knomeSeeker`, i mean, having somebody respond to "hi" with "!hi" everytime is not really abusive, at least not as much as printing the factoid every time is16:03
knomeSeeker`, even "!hi >nick" is not that abusive/spammy16:03
Seeker`knome: thats my point, it isn't abusing the bot, but it is causing spam in the channel16:03
knomeSeeker`, yes, but forcing/limiting the output to PM would remove that spam16:04
Seeker`therefore, it is a fault with the factoid, not the user, as the user wasn't abusing the bot, so the factoid is too spammy, hence why I removed it16:04
Seeker`what tangible benifit does the factoid provide?16:04
Seeker`Just a link to the guidelines?16:04
knomeSeeker`, yeah, and well, it's a warm welcome16:05
Seeker`knome: there is a link to the guidelines in the channel topic16:05
Seeker`which is presented to everyone when they enter the channel16:05
Seeker`people can provide warm welcomes without a factoid :)16:06
knomeSeeker`, imo !hi is 1) a nice warm welcome, 2) !guidelines, and 3) !ask16:06
knomeSeeker`, which is justifiable imo16:06
Seeker`is the "welcome to #ubuntu!" that the bot notices you when you join the channel not sufficiently welcoming? Do people require two seperate welcomes from the bot to feel adequately welcomed?16:07
knomeSeeker`, kind of yes, but some people *do* ignore notices, for example because their IRC client present the notice in a different/non-active window (like irssi does)16:08
knomeSeeker`, i mean. the ignoring might not be deliberate/intentional16:09
knomeSeeker`, but that happens16:09
IdleOneimo the benefits of having the factoid still outweigh the occasional spammy nature of it when it is misused16:09
ikoniano one reads it16:10
ikoniahuman interaction is nicer than someone hitting them with a bot16:10
Seeker`what benefits? Respamming a link and a greeting that is presented in a notice and the channel topic?16:10
jribwell the !hi stuff is annoying when the channel is busy imo16:10
ikoniajrib: the annoying part of it is the useful stuff isn't read16:10
knomeagreed with jrib, but that's why i wondered if the factoid could be forced to appear in PM's only16:11
Seeker`the point is, you can't reasonably ask users to stop doing !hi to everyone that says "hi" because it is an appropriate, valid use of the factoid, even if it is spamming the channel16:11
ikoniait contains some good information, but it's always followed by "I have Linux issues" which is they had read the URL in the !hi factoid they would know that's not how to ask16:11
jribikonia: right.  The people usually saying hi also proceed to ask vague questions on several lines.  Leading to more factoids being thrown at them and ignored16:11
charlie-tcahmm, I can't count the number of people thanked ubottu for welcoming them when presented with the factoid. It really does help16:11
ikoniaif someone says "hi, welcome to the channel, keep in mind this channel's for ubuntu support only" it gets read more than !hi ; ubottu blah blah16:12
ikoniaI don't know why, but it does seem to16:12
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!16:12
jribwhat did it used to say?16:12
ubottuHi!, Welcome to #xubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines. Enjoy your stay!16:12
charlie-tcaI start with more than one channel open, but I do get a "Welcome to ..." in every channel16:12
knomecharlie-tca, well, of course it would be nicer that it was a human who said hi and told all that, but isn't the bot because it is easier to call a factoid rather than write things again and again... :)16:12
charlie-tcaThat's what I am saying16:13
knomecharlie-tca, exactly. the rest of the comment was also for others to consider :)16:13
Seeker`there isn't any new information provided by the factoid, and I think its silly to have a spammy factoid we can't reasonably ask people to stop using for the sake of a few people wanting to appear polite by sending a factoid when they can't be bothered to type the message themselves16:15
jribyes, and you can always just create an alias in your client with that factoid.  It's more likely to be read that way anyway16:16
ikoniaI don't care either way, there are only a few idiots that abuse it16:20
knomeisn't abusing the bot against the guidelines anyway, so there's a reason to warn/kick/can those users?16:20
charlie-tcaSo, at what point do you simply kill all the factoids, because somebody abused them and you can type them anyway?16:21
Seeker`knome: is it an abuse of the bot to send "!hi" to every user that says "hi"?16:21
Seeker`If so, what proportion *can* you send it to?16:21
knomeSeeker`, use common sense?16:22
Seeker`if it is as useful as is being claimed, it should be acively sent to every user that joins the channel. Or at least every user that says "hi".16:22
Seeker`so it is a valuable, useful factoid we absolutely must have, but absolutely must limit the number of people we send it to?16:23
knomeSeeker`, former, of course not, latter, yes, that's pretty much what's done @ #xubuntu and it works there perfectly.16:23
Seeker`xubuntu is far lower traffic than ubuntu16:23
knomei understand, and again, that's why suggested that the !hi factoid reply should be stricly forced/limited to PM's16:25
Seeker`I don't think that people need the information presented to them in PM, channel topic and notice within 10 seconds16:25
knomein my experience, some people just do.16:26
Seeker`those people will probably need it explained 15 or 20 times though16:26
Seeker`and aren't likely to respond well to bots16:26
ikoniajust to put a little perspective on it, a few users we've actually had to ban from #ubuntu for refusing to stop using it16:27
ikoniathey took the argument stance that using it to say "hi" is a legitamte use, so refused to stop16:27
ikoniawhile that's a very small minority it can be contensious16:27
knomewell, if you remove the !hi factoid, i'm sure these banned users and their soul-mates figure out some other factoid to abuse16:28
Seeker`yes, but then it will be actually be abusing the bot16:28
ikoniafrom their point of you, they where not abusing it, that was the contensious point I was referencing16:28
Seeker`rather than using a factoid for its intended purpose16:28
knomeSeeker`, i'm sure there are other factoids that can be used for their intended purpose, but still 'abused' the same way !hi is/was16:29
knomeeg. !guidelines can easily become one of those16:29
Seeker`no, !guidelines is only used for reminding people about guidelines if they repeatedly abuse them16:30
Seeker`which is a significantly lower proportion of users than the ones that join the chanel and say "hi"16:30
knomeyes, but you can start to nitpick16:30
Seeker`not really16:30
knomeoh well, i disagree. ;)16:31
Seeker`if there are multiple, rapid uses of !guidelines within a short space of time, there is something going on16:31
Seeker`if a user is sending it to lots of people for silly reasons, they can be asked to stop because an op doesn't deem the notice as necessary16:32
Seeker`and they are the ones that enforce the guidelines16:32
Seeker`whereas !hi can result in high levels of spam if 10 users in a minute join and say "hi", and it isn't an incorrect use of the factoid16:32
Seeker`a situation where !guidelines is called lots it usually self-limiting, because it results in an !ops call sooner or later16:33
jpds 16:34
PiciCan we try to avoid that here.16:34
knomePici, i'm sure we can try.16:34
PiciEr, I mean using ! ops.  Many of us have the word itself on hilight.16:34
marienzyes, yes we do16:35
knomeoh, right, so we're free to spam the channel as long as we don't use ¡spo16:35
jpdsPici: My point exactly.16:35
knomesdo¡ actually16:35
Piciknome: Its setting off red emergency hilights for at least jpds and I.16:35
knomePici, i'm sorry for the users that did use that :)16:36
Seeker`knome: long story short, I won't be readding the !hi factoid myself, and if you can show me any other factoids which are just as open to abuse as !hi and are equally useless/ spammy, I'll remove them too.16:37
knomeSeeker`, if i come across those, i'll sure tell you. :)16:37
ubottuIn #ubuntu-server, RoyK said: ubottu: networkconsole is https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/NetworkConsole17:24
PiciOh this is good, right at the top of that page is "This is a work in progress, it is not mature yet and it may break your system"17:24
DBOcan you guys remove me from the !ops message in #ubuntu17:58
DBOI cant do much when you get spammed in there now days17:58
nikoDBO: it's called spam17:58
DBOoh you're right its not coming from ubot217:59
DBOmy bad17:59
PiciYou're still on the #ubuntu access list anyway.17:59
jpdsHaha, ubottu DDoS.17:59
DBOPici, I dont think I am17:59
PiciDBO: I just checked.18:00
DBOI guess I am18:00
=== maco2 is now known as maco
jussierr, DBO should have been removed a long time ago iirc18:45
jussiDBO: you didnt renew on LP, did you?18:45
jussiok, Ill remove you from both lists18:45
DBOI got hired by Canonical and have not really had time to help18:46
DBOit was unfair to keep on18:46
jussiDBO, sorted now.18:49
DBOjussi, thank you18:49
jussiDBO: you are most welcome :)18:50
DBOjussi, who tends to be in charge around here these days? :)18:50
DBOwhen I left it was Seveas handing over the reigns to LjL18:50
PiciThe IRC Council.18:50
jussiDBO: myself, Pici topyli nhandler and tsimpson make up the irc council18:50
jussijust keeping you all awake :D18:51
PiciOkay :P18:51
jussibesides, topyli is here beside me :D18:51
Tm_Tjussi: give hjim a hug18:58
jussiIjust did18:59
macoare you irc'ing from the sauna?18:59
Piciyou hugged him in the sauna?19:01
Tm_Tmaco: sauna is sacred place, no gadgets there19:02
jussino sauna irc19:03
jussibut we did visit the sauna19:03
jussiand no sauna hugs either19:04
topylihug confirmed!19:04
|EOF|i have come to the conclusion that the ops in #ubuntu-ops use excessive force20:20
|EOF|and by tight ship they are talking about their anuses20:22
Tm_T|EOF|: something particular we can help you with?20:28
|EOF|yeah, which one of you is garry newman?20:28
|EOF|i'm from the FBI's EOF unit20:29
IdleOneand you need us to tell you who garry newman is?20:30
|EOF|yes, he has been running for some time20:30
|EOF|that may not even be his real name20:30
IdleOneSo naturally you firgured the Ubuntu ops team would be the people to ask.20:30
|EOF|yes, i heard from a source he would be in here20:31
IdleOne|EOF|: Do you need help with anything #ubuntu ban/kick related?20:31
Tm_T|EOF|: unfortunately this channel is not for such requests20:31
|EOF|never mind "homies"20:33
charlie-tcaHmm, and I thought the government would something besides a browser to access irc ;-)20:34
PiciA browser from an IP in Toronto too20:35
Tm_Twell, polite attitude always works20:36
Tm_Tso whoever he was looking for is now save20:36
IdleOneHe wasn't looking for anyone.20:37
Tm_Twhat, it wasn't FBI?!20:37
IdleOneexcept for someone to indulge him in his sad attempt to troll and waste someones time20:38
* Tm_T hides20:38
IdleOneA more aggressive policy towards trolls is needed in my opinion.20:38
Tm_TIdleOne: even if less aggressive approach might keep them better away?20:39
Tm_Tas in, not giving them what they're after?20:40
IdleOnewhat is it you think they are after?20:40
charlie-tcasomeone to argue with, many times20:40
Tm_Ttrying to get us to react20:40
IdleOneok. so if the reaction is a ban they can't return to try again20:41
Tm_TIdleOne: I rather have them staying away on their own20:41
IdleOnetime is saved by not having to deal with these idiots.20:41
Tm_TIdleOne: I had no issue to deal with this case20:42
IdleOneThis time.20:42
IdleOnethis was a recon troll20:42
PiciWas this person in #ubuntu?20:42
Tm_TPici: not that I know20:42
PiciIdleOne: Or are you talking about our response in -ops?20:42
IdleOneresponse in here20:42
Tm_TIdleOne: I often deal with the most difficult cases, I dare to say20:43
Tm_TIdleOne: also I believe one can be strict AND polite (:)20:48
Tm_Tnot saying it would be easy, but...20:49
ubottuhypatia called the ops in #ubuntu-offtopic ()20:56
nikowhy not change !ops trigger in ubottu to do nothing if there is more than x nicks in the string received ?21:55
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (Psy-Jack` appears to be abusive - 5)22:08
IdleOne+r set22:08
ikoniaplease keep an eye on oracle23:49
knomewhat about sun?23:49
* knome hides23:49

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