
robbiewone hour left :)00:02
Daviey^^ eucalyptus... and with plenty of time to spare, eh robbiew ? :)00:04
robbiewheh...yeah "plenty"00:05
* robbiew is more interested in seeing if an ubuntu-font package makes it00:05
stgraberrobbiew: I hope you weren't expecting everything to be built by midnight ? :)00:05
* Daviey goes home for that day.. thanks :)00:05
Davieyrobbiew, I thought sabdfl mentioned on a bug that it "might be worth waiting"?00:06
robbiewack...but things change ;)00:26
DavieyHave fun.... o/00:26
aragood morning!07:17
RiddellI'll accept the font07:24
Riddellwhich means CD candidates won't be built for a couple of hours07:25
araRiddell, do you want me to prepare the tracker for RC?07:53
Riddellara: what does that involve?07:53
araRiddell, I mean, just to clean the old milestone, create the new one, change the message. So you can start posting RC images whenever they are ready07:54
Riddellara: yes please07:54
araRiddell, OK, done. Tracker is ready :-)07:56
smoserhi all. i've just found https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/mountall/+bug/64959108:03
ubot4Launchpad bug 649591 in mountall (Ubuntu) "mountall spins eating cpu when 'nobootwait' option exists in fstab (affects: 1) (heat: 8)" [Critical,Confirmed]08:03
smoserwhich is somewhat critical.08:04
Riddellhmm, gtk failed on all but i386, lovely08:06
Riddellcjwatson: able to look at that mountall bug?08:08
smosercjwatson, i can get you (or anyone) access to an instance that demonstrates it, but i have to go to bed.08:10
=== jjohansen is now known as jj-afk
evCould I trouble whomever is up to look at bug 649597 ?  ubiquity-slideshow-ubuntu 27 is sitting in the queue, and if possible and there's still time left, I'd like to squeeze it into the RC.08:42
ubot4Launchpad bug 649597 in ubiquity-slideshow-ubuntu (Ubuntu) "Everything exception request for ubiquity-slideshow-ubuntu 27 (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/64959708:42
evassuming we haven't begun spinning CDs08:42
evand there it is :)08:42
Riddellev: accepted08:48
RiddellI wonder if I should be running the publisher manually08:48
Riddellsadly, I don't remember how08:48
evRiddell: you rock!08:48
cjwatsonRiddell: uh, hang on, I just woke up and was dealing with kids08:53
cjwatsonsmoser's investigations certainly have a smoking gun at the end of them.  I'll get you something as soon as I'm vaguely compos mentis08:54
* Riddell wonders where the release notes draft wiki page should be09:09
Riddellyes, thanks09:14
cjwatsonmy current suspicion is http://paste.ubuntu.com/501999/ but I REALLY want to run this through something that isn't my brain for testing09:17
* cjwatson tries to set up some kind of test harness09:17
cjwatsonok, initial test program hangs, good09:23
cjwatsonmountall fix uploading09:38
cjwatsonogra: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/64932709:42
ubot4Launchpad bug 649327 in ubuntu-cdimage "OMAP3 preinstalled image lack partition table, bootloaders (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New]09:42
cjwatsonthat one yours?09:42
smosercjwatson, your fix was removal of the i-- ?09:45
smoseras suggested in the pastebin ?09:45
smoseri've got a test program here that passes when that fix applied. but fails otherwise09:45
smoser(just some bit of verification)09:45
cjwatsonit was moving the next option back, but then stepping back when it shouldn't, which took it to the preceding comma; that then infinite-looped because it was repeatedly doing strncmp(...,...,0) which always succeeds09:46
cjwatsonso I guarded against j being 0 as well, since that happens if e.g. you have a double comma in fstab options09:46
cjwatsonfull fix was http://paste.ubuntu.com/502011/09:46
cjwatsonsmoser: yes, I have a test program here too09:46
smoseri can't seem to make it fial with double comma09:47
smoserbut i'll trust you.09:47
smoserthank you cjwatson09:47
cjwatsonprevious code failed here with 'defaults,,comment=cloudconfig'09:47
cjwatsonthe function in question, BTW, is removing mountall's private options before passing them on to mount09:48
smoseri'm gonna sleep some.  a job is polling archive for mountall 2.19 and then starting new RC ec2 builds.09:49
smosermy code must be buggy then, that string doesn't hang here. http://paste.ubuntu.com/502012/09:49
ogracjwatson, yep, fixed already09:49
ogracjwatson, we just didnt get any image builds due to arch all/any skew09:49
ogracjwatson, was caused by u-boot-linaro-omap3-begale not being in main09:50
* ogra waits for the archive to settle down to trigger a new build09:50
cjwatsonsmoser: oh, right, it goes round the loop again and does another memmove and then unsticks itself09:52
cjwatsonI don't know whether that's better or worse.  it has the effect of sanitising the double comma09:52
cjwatsonI think I prefer being more literal, which is what my 2.19 upload will do09:55
smoserso mountall 2.19 will get into archive sometime soon ish ? its in the unapproved queue now.09:57
cjwatsonawaiting revew09:59
cjwatsonsince Riddell asked me to look at it, I assume he won't spin images without it10:00
cjwatsonsome work to do to get the universe even remotely installable I see.10:10
cjwatson... and by the universe I mean main ...10:10
Riddellcjwatson: what problems do you see?10:18
cjwatsonloads of FTBFS, mostly transient10:19
cjwatsonI'm working through them but it will take a couple of hours to clear everything I'd say, more on powerpc10:20
cjwatsonhttp://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/testing/maverick_probs.html is giant10:20
cjwatsonmostly that period when libglib2.0-bin was uninstallable completely killed us10:20
Riddellyes, powerpc is not happy.  glib and gtk are a pain but I think sorted now for main arches10:22
cjwatsonnot quite10:23
cjwatsonlibgnome, evolution-data-server still to build, libgnomeui can't even start yet10:23
Riddellsorry I mean for kubuntu bits which is where I'm starting for the sake of simplicity10:23
cjwatsonah, fair enough10:23
cjwatsonif you want to supervise that I can let you know when the other stuff is ready10:24
cjwatsonarmel is still having trouble with gtkish things10:24
cjwatsonnot quite as far behind as powerpc is10:24
cjwatsonI must say, qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs is gorgeous these days10:27
* Riddell runs publisher by hand to get mountall in10:35
Riddellhmm, that was suspiciously fast10:39
Riddellbut no mountall, how do I know when it's able to be published?  seems fine on launchpad https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/mountall/2.19/+build/197806010:42
\shhmm..regarding my available updates from just now, ubuntu-desktop wants to be removed, including totem*, evince, ubuntu-private-fonts10:42
cjwatsonRiddell: want me to do it?10:42
cjwatson\sh: we know about this on non-i386 architectures, please don't ask about it for a few hour10:43
Riddellcjwatson: well am I doing something wrong?10:43
\shcjwatson: k10:43
cjwatsonRiddell: I don't know, you didn't send the log to the usual file10:43
Riddellrunning  /srv/launchpad.net/codelines/current/cronscripts/publishing/cron.publish-ftpmaster10:43
cjwatsondid you set LPCONFIG?10:43
cjwatsonand did you use the redirections from the crontab?10:44
cjwatsonwhy not?10:44
cjwatsonthey're really useful10:44
cjwatsonmeans that other people can see what's going on10:44
Riddellok I'll mind and do that10:44
* cjwatson pokes around for mountall10:45
cjwatsoncan you put the publisher log somewhere?10:45
wgrantIt looks to be at least partly published.10:46
cjwatsonwe don't seem to have Packages files for it though10:46
wgrantI am having massive packet loss to the UK at the moment, so it will take me a moment to poke around...10:47
wgrantI wonder if process-accepted.py ran, but not publish-distro.py.10:47
wgrantThat almost matches the timing.10:47
cjwatsonmountall 2.19/{amd64,armel,i386} is in DONE, which is consistent with that theory10:49
cjwatsondefinitely not on disk though10:49
wgrantWhat's the publication status?10:49
cjwatsonwhere do I see that?10:49
wgrantIs the last entry Published or Pending?10:50
wgrantAnd can my ISP break their international routing for the third time this evening?10:50
cjwatson2.18 Published, 2.19 Pending10:50
wgrantHm. So it sounds like publish-distro.py didn't get anywhere. Logs would be nice.10:50
cjwatsonRiddell: not sure what happened, but at this point it's probably most economical to turn the cron job back on and wait for it, maybe?10:54
Riddellsecond run  http://people.canonical.com/~jriddell/tmp/publisher10:54
Riddellcjwatson: ok10:54
cjwatsonyou don't have LPCONFIG set properly.10:55
wgrantmkdir: cannot create directory `/srv/launchpad.net/ppa': Permission denied10:55
wgrantThat's a little suspicious.10:55
cjwatsonLPCONFIG=ftpmaster is wrong for this10:56
cjwatsonbe sure to copy things carefully from the crontab10:56
wgrantBe glad there were no custom uploads...10:56
cjwatsonwill this have harmed any PPA publications?10:57
wgrantShouldn't have. That's a separate cron job.10:57
* wgrant looks closer.10:57
wgrantIt could have gone a little badly if there were d-i or dist-upgrader uploads. But otherwise it broke before it started doing anything on disk.11:00
wgrantI wonder why that config is like that, though. It doesn't make much sense.11:01
cjwatsonit changed a few months back (maybe as long ago as a year?)11:06
cjwatsonused to share a config with ftpmaster scripts11:06
wgrantYeah, the old copy of the configs I have doesn't have ftpmaster-publish.11:07
araRiddell, do we have an ETA of the first images?11:17
=== doko_ is now known as doko
Riddellara: kubuntu live are building now11:24
araRiddell, OK, thanks. And ubuntu?11:24
araafter that? or are we waiting for something else?11:24
Riddellara: ubuntu desktop still has a bunch of problems11:27
araRiddell, OK, thanks for the update11:27
cjwatsonhttp://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/testing/maverick_probs.html <- about that far away from working11:29
Riddelllooks like we're good now on amd64 except vim and those language packs11:42
seb128gtk finished building on armel which should fix most of the GNOME issues11:43
seb128those were an arch all any mismatch on gtk11:44
Riddelldidrocks: it's your ISOs you're delaying :)11:47
cjwatsonseb128: yes, I'm tracking it11:47
cjwatsonit's not quite that simple as there's libgnome on top etc. etc.11:48
didrocksRiddell: ok, getting there it in a couple of minutes :)11:48
Riddelldoko: OOo not for RC I presume?11:55
dokoRiddell: yes, when else?11:55
Riddelldoko: after RC11:55
Riddellsince we're already making images for RC11:56
persiaAnd OOo takes *forever* on some architectures...11:56
dokonot longer than gtk/gnome11:56
Riddellwell they got in some hours before the deadline, this is too late whatever timezone we're counting11:57
cjwatsontelepathy-gabble is dep-wait, is there going to be a new telepathy-glib?  (I hope not for RC though)11:58
Riddellseb128: ^^12:01
chrisccoulsoncjwatson, no new telepathy-glib for RC12:03
chrisccoulsoni couldn't get the new version to build yesterday (and the current version also won't build with the new vala either)12:03
Riddellso the package needs to be removed from the archive?12:05
cjwatson... uh?12:06
cjwatsonthat's unlikely to help matters, there's an old telepathy-gabble which is still good12:06
cjwatsonif we can get a new telepathy-glib after RC then it should work out OK12:06
Riddellthat's how much sympathy I have for obscure packages that don't build :)12:06
cjwatsonTask: ubuntu-desktop, edubuntu-desktop, ubuntu-netbook12:07
cjwatsonmust be some new Kubuntu definition of "obscure" ;-)12:07
chrisccoulsoni was thinking the same ;)12:07
chrisccoulsonthere's quite a bit of stuff in gnome that uses it12:07
cjwatsonjoking aside it's important that it's resolved one way or another for release12:08
chrisccoulsonok, i'll have to find someone who knows more about vala, so they can figure out why vapigen fails to create the bindings now12:08
didrocks1Riddell: new unity in the pending queue12:14
Riddelldo I have to do anything to make EC2 images?12:18
cjwatson09:49 <smoser> i'm gonna sleep some.  a job is polling archive for mountall 2.19 and then starting new RC ec2 builds.12:18
cjwatsonsuggests not12:18
Riddellso I have to look out for them appearing somewhere to add to the ISO tracker?12:19
Riddelldidrocks1: no immediate sign of it12:20
=== ara_ is now known as ara
=== didrocks1 is now known as didrocks
didrocksRiddell: ok, just keep me in touch :)12:21
Riddellah, there she is12:22
Riddellunity is written in vala?12:23
Riddelldidrocks: you don't want to keep it as a separate patch, just direct in the .diff.gz?12:24
didrocksRiddell: yeah, unity is in vala and upstream is using bzr12:24
Riddellok, accepted12:24
didrocksRiddell: so bzr merge is the easiest way to pick patchs in the packaging branch :)12:24
didrocksthanks Riddell!12:24
seb128Riddell, cjwatson, chrisccoulson: ups sorry about that, telepathy-gabble is the jabber provider for the default im client12:32
seb128so yeah we need to fix that after rc12:32
arahey guys, have you experience in Maverick that after using a USB key it is not longer recognized?12:33
arait happens twice (with two differnet usb keys) in the last 10 days12:34
cjwatsonhmm, the most recent kernel upload is more recent than the most recent debian-installer upload.  I think I should upload debian-installer to sync up.  Riddell?13:04
cjwatson(should have spotted this last night, sorry)13:04
Riddellmm, fooey13:04
Riddellbut yeah, go ahead13:04
Riddellhow do I remove the alternates from the iso tracker?13:05
cjwatsonRiddell: check them in the main display and press "Disable selection"13:07
Riddelloh aye13:08
=== rgreening_ is now known as ghost
=== ghost is now known as rgreening
Riddellah, marjo, I'm to ask you something14:27
RiddellNotify Marjo Mercado to begin ReleaseValidationProcess14:28
RiddellNotify Marjo Mercado and ask for re-certification on test hardware14:28
araRiddell, what test case(s) should Kubuntu Mobile i386 have?14:28
Riddellara: just live session14:29
araRiddell, OK, sorry, adding it know14:29
mvoara: you did do another upgrade test on the mini9 with dpkg from -updates without any changes in the time, right?14:29
mvoara: its odd, I get similar results on my hdd based system, its a bit scary how slow it is :/14:30
charlie-tcaDid we build xubuntu RC images for testing?14:30
aramvo, yes, I did14:30
Riddellcharlie-tca: not yet, we will shortly14:30
charlie-tcaThank you14:30
aramvo, one was 10.04.1 directly to Maverick, the other was, 10.04.1 + dpkg from updates -> Maverick14:31
aramvo, both similar times14:31
mvoara: thanks!14:32
marjoRiddell, fader: ack on Notify Marjo Mercado to begin ReleaseValidationProcess14:34
marjo Notify Marjo Mercado and ask for re-certification on test hardware14:34
ttxRiddell: any ETA for ubuntu-server RC candidates ?15:07
Riddelljust need to check d-i is in place15:07
Riddellbuilding ubuntu-server..15:14
highvoltageRiddell: hi! could you perhaps add edubuntu i386/amd64 to http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/ ?15:17
Riddellhighvoltage: mm, it's not built15:19
Riddellhighvoltage: given how broken gnome was when those were built I wouldn't trust them15:20
highvoltageRiddell: ah, I'm installing todays image and it seems just fine. perhaps the gnome brokenness is just not all that visible15:22
Riddellhighvoltage: looks broken to me http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/livefs-build-logs/maverick/edubuntu-dvd/20100928/livecd-20100928-amd64.out15:26
Riddellttx: ubuntu-server is up15:28
ttxRiddell: thanks15:28
* Riddell wonders who thought purple was a good idea for unvisited links colour in the new ubuntu cdimage index page15:28
stgraberI'm fine having them rebuilt, though live session was fine and the installed system looked ok too ...15:29
highvoltagestgraber: it's weird, according to those logs the system you installed earlier should've looked broken, especially if it didn't have edubuntu-artwork or breath-icon-theme installed, and yet it looked fine in your image15:29
stgraberok, found the issue ;)15:31
Riddellif the live fs doesn't built it uses an older one15:31
stgraberyeah, I just noticed that. I thought it used to fail completely before and wouldn't appear on cdimage15:32
highvoltageheh, so much for my recent testing then :)15:32
ttxRiddell: I just pushed a change from smoser to the cloud images seed, to restore installation of tasksel in them15:41
ttxRiddell: I guess we need to wait for tat to be taken into account before generating the cloud images15:41
ttxRiddell: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-core-dev/ubuntu-seeds/ubuntu.maverick/revision/175515:42
Riddellttx: I guess so but I'm afraid I've no idea how cloud images are made15:42
ttxoh, I know how they are made15:42
ttxbut I suspect we need a germinate run in between15:43
ttxwhich might require a manual push15:43
cjwatsonyou're probably right15:44
cjwatsonwould anyone like to own up to /srv/cdimage.ubuntu.com/debian-cd-2 on antimony and what the point of it is?15:45
Riddellcjwatson: oh that'll be me, I messed up with the original15:46
cjwatsonttx: no point in the manual push until after the next cron.germinate run15:46
RiddellI committed to /srv/cdimage.ubuntu.com/debian-cd15:46
Riddellrather than /srv/cdimage.ubuntu.com/bzr/debian-cd  and now they've diverged15:46
cjwatsonso do I need to fix anything up?15:47
ttxcjwatson: when that would be ?15:47
Riddellcjwatson: work out how to get /srv/cdimage.ubuntu.com/debian-cd merging happily from /srv/cdimage.ubuntu.com/bzr/debian-cd15:47
cjwatsonttx: an hour from now or so15:47
cjwatsonRiddell: what's wrong with bzr pull --overwrite, if you just want to throw away the inappropriate commits to /srv/cdimage.ubuntu.com/debian-cd?15:48
Riddellthat sounds promising15:48
ttxcjwatson: perfect15:48
cjwatsonit should never be a merge15:48
Riddellcjwatson: let me try15:48
smoserok. i will come back in ~ 1 hour and ask for manual push.15:49
Riddellthat did the trick, thanks15:50
Riddellcharlie-tca: you're up!16:22
dokohi, please could somebody approve new packages / syncs from universe? see bug #64234416:37
ubot4Launchpad bug 642344 in libspring-2.5-java (Ubuntu Maverick) (and 1 other project) "libspring-2.5-java needs an initial manual build (affects: 1) (heat: 398)" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/64234416:37
cjwatsondoko: yes, those should be fine.  could you please file a separate sync request for libhibernate3-java using requestsync?  that way I can use our automatic tools to process that one and it's very much less work16:43
cjwatsonactually, hm16:43
cjwatsonmaybe I can just open a task and nobble sync-helper a bit16:43
cjwatsonnever mind16:43
seb128cjwatson, skaet, Riddell: what sort of uploads will you review between the rc and release?17:02
seb128is it worth uploading GNOME 2.32 tarball where we have 2.31.92 when changes are only translations and version update to a stable number?17:03
seb128there is a small stack of 2.31.92 to 2.32 updates which have only translations updates17:03
seb128the benefit would be to have the translations imported for the next langpack export (though that will probably for -updates later on) and have stable version number which is a minor detail17:04
seb128I'm just trying to figure if we should bother uploading those this week or target SRU updates later on17:05
cjwatsontranslations updates to 2.32 should be fine17:05
Riddellseb128: I'd be fine with that, it helps upstream with debugging to have a well kent version number17:05
seb128ok, we will queue those then, thanks17:05
kenvandinei have a "sort of upload" too, gwibber 2.32.0, no change from 2.31.95-0ubuntu2, incorporates the patch included in 2.31.95-0ubuntu2 and the version number bump17:06
cjwatsonI'm not sure I'd bother with things that are purely version number bumps17:07
cjwatsonI don't know what sort of buildd contention we're going to have17:07
kenvandinei would prefer using the stable version... for bug triaging, etc17:07
kenvandinebut certainly nothing urgent17:08
cjwatsonunderstood, and you can certainly upload it, but acceptance will be conditional on how much other stuff is going on17:08
kenvandineyeah, it is uploaded already17:09
kenvandinethx cjwatson17:09
smoser<smoser> ok. i will come back in ~ 1 hour and ask for manual push.17:25
smoserthis is me returning and asking for a manual push of germinate data to fix bug 64983317:26
ubot4Launchpad bug 649833 in cloud-init (Ubuntu) "uec images motd suggests tasksel, but tasksel not installed (affects: 1) (heat: 8)" [Medium,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/64983317:26
* Riddell wonders how to do a manual push of germinate data17:27
* smoser wonders if he's asking for the right thing17:27
davmor2Riddell: carefully?17:28
Riddellcjwatson: can you enlighten us?17:28
cjwatsonI'd rather do it ... :-)17:30
cjwatsonit's pretty delicate17:30
cjwatsonand I always have to look up the details on the fly17:31
cjwatsonmust submit an LP change at some point to make it easier17:32
cjwatsonactually, sod it.  the easiest way is simply to accept some leaf package that doesn't matter for the CD builds.  I will find a suitable one and do that.17:32
cjwatsonI don't like running bits of the publisher manually when I don't have to17:33
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Riddellhighvoltage, stgraber: edubuntu syncing now18:19
mvocan someone reject my python-apt upload please?18:28
seb128mvo, done18:30
mvothanks seb12818:30
CardinalFangHi all.  I own a proposal to merge desktopcouch 0.6.9-0ubuntu1 to Maverick.  This is a new minor source release to fix two problems:  1) raw couchdb-accessing objects we helped create for clients didn't know how to reconnect when couchdb crashes.  2) Ubuntu One's credentials now use the official Ubuntu SSO OAuth creds, and the old two-legged hardcoded-consumer will no longer work for new accounts.18:31
highvoltageRiddell: thank you18:32
cjwatsonCardinalFang: can it wait until after RC at this point?  We've already started building candidate images18:33
CardinalFangcjwatson, I don't wish to cause a respin, so it can wait.  If we find a reason to respin, please do include it the, though.18:35
cjwatsonRiddell: ^-18:39
Riddellgot it18:41
dokocjwatson: updated bug #642344, working around "main"18:55
ubot4Launchpad bug 642344 in libspring-2.5-java (Ubuntu Maverick) (and 3 other projects) "libspring-2.5-java needs an initial manual build (affects: 1) (heat: 10)" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/64234418:55
dokottx: ^^^18:55
ttxdoko: I'm ok with it... that's better than not having spring at all, I guess18:59
ttxmore to push onto JamesPage's java housekeeping natty spec19:00
dokook, thanks19:01
highvoltageRiddell: still syncing? I see http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/edubuntu/dvd/20100928.1/ is still quite empty19:11
highvoltageRiddell: ah, it's there now :)19:17
smosercjwatson, so how will i knw when that push has been done (for task updates)19:19
Riddellhighvoltage: these DVDs aren't small19:29
cjwatsonsmoser: apt-get update; apt-cache show tasksel | grep ^Task:19:48
cjwatson(it should be done)19:48
DavieyHey!  Just so i understand the process now.. Should debdiff's be on bug reports for ack by the release team... or bake in the queue for review?19:53
dokoseb128, cjwatson: http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/NBS/python-gnome2-desktop19:54
dokobut even stuff in main depends on it ...19:54
seb128stuff in main being one source19:54
seb128we can rebuild it after rc19:55
dokook, for python-ubuntuone-client ubuntuone-client-gnome python-gnome2-desktop awn-applets-python-extras this is an alternative dependency19:58
dokobzr-gtk labyrinth need to be fixed19:58
RiddellDaviey: uploading should be ok19:58
dokoseb128: could the desktop team take care of?19:59
DavieyRiddell, great, thanks19:59
seb128doko, it's in universe, could we let that to motus?19:59
seb128dinner bbl19:59
dokoseb128: nbs is not motu stuff, unfortunately19:59
cjwatsondoko: I filed a bug about labyrinth ... oh, you got there?20:13
dokoyeah, somewhat faster then the desktop team ...20:14
ubot4Launchpad bug 648469 in labyrinth (Ubuntu Maverick) (and 1 other project) "depends on NBS python-gnome2-desktop (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [High,New]20:14
cjwatsonaccepted, can you close that bug please?20:14
cjwatsondoko: actually, contrary to what you said above, the MOTU representative in the release team has been mentioning NBS issues for some weeks now20:15
cjwatsonthe other packages listed in http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/NBS/python-gnome2-desktop are false positives20:15
cjwatsonI checked through them all the other day20:16
cjwatsonwell, except for bzr-gtk but that's only a recommends20:16
cjwatsonstill ought to be fixed of course20:16
dokoahh, ok20:16
cjwatsonrelease team> I meant "release meeting" above20:16
dokoanyway, both uploaded, can be removed when these are ain the archive20:17
dokocjwatson: can I remove packages, if they are only recommended?20:20
cjwatsonit's probably better to fix it20:21
cjwatsonbzr-gtk isn't on CDs I think, let me check20:22
dokopython-gnomeprint can go, if python-gnome2-desktop is gone20:22
dokono, all universe20:22
cjwatsonuniverse doesn't mean not on CDs20:23
cjwatson(since there are non-Canonical-supported CDs)20:23
cjwatsonanyway, accepted20:23
aracjwatson, the alternate installation takes very very long in kvm, is that expected?20:37
cjwatsonit hasn't seemed unreasonable to me20:39
RiddellARM images take almost as long to build as DVDs20:39
cjwatsonhow long are we talking about?20:39
seb128doko, <doko> yeah, somewhat faster then the desktop team ...20:42
seb128doko, not a very constructive comment20:42
seb128doko, and no, we don't have the ressources to investigate all the universe ftbfs20:43
dokocome on, was you reply constructive?20:43
seb128how was it not constructive?20:43
seb128"no we don't have ressources to investigate universe issues we still have main ones to work on"20:44
aracjwatson, it started one hour ago, and it is on its 65%20:47
cjwatsonthat sounds plausible enough given the ext4 nonsense20:48
cjwatsonnobody's come up with a decent fix for that yet20:48
aracjwatson, OK, thanks20:48
ttxcjwatson: we'll probably need another seed fix for bug 65056620:51
ubot4Launchpad bug 650566 in foomatic-db-engine (Ubuntu Maverick) (and 1 other project) "print-server task is not installable on Maverick RC (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/65056620:51
cjwatsoncommit it and I'll find a universe package to push through the queue at the appropriate time20:51
* ttx is confused by cjwatson's black magic, but doesn't really want to understand20:52
cjwatsonit's not actually all that complicated20:53
cjwatsongerminate is run separately from the main publisher, after it20:54
cjwatsonbut the output of germinate is fed back into the publisher, so there's some hysteresis going on20:54
cjwatsonin practice it always stabilises, but it takes an extra publisher run to do so sometimes20:54
cjwatsonthe publisher only runs for any given suite if it thinks it has something to do20:55
cjwatsonunfortunately, nothing tells it that it has something to do if the germinate output changes20:55
cjwatsonone can work around this by stopping the automatic publisher runs and running it with a command-line option to publish a suite anyway20:55
cjwatsonbut it's easier to simply push a random package through so that it has something real to do20:56
cjwatsonthus, we often like to keep a couple of reasonable but uncritical universe/multiverse packages in the queue during frozen periods, for this purpose20:56
ttxcjwatson: makes sense, thanks for the explanation :)20:56
ttxwill commit I soon as I get serverteam peer review on it20:57
cjwatsonyour proposed change looks fine to me20:58
cjwatsonfoomatic-filters is probably what's actually wanted and foomatic-db-compressed-ppds depends on that already20:59
ttxyes, I think this seed could use some refactoring :)21:00
ttxwill commit then21:00
ttxinterestingly enough, this was caught early on by the automated ISO testing framework, Hudson-based, that JamesPage and mathiaz have been working on21:00
ttxcjwatson: done21:05
mathiazhi - I've just upload a fix for eucalyptus to maverick21:25
mathiazand ttx fixed a problem in the seed which lead to cups not working in the installer21:25
mathiazThe later will require a -server iso respin21:26
mathiazand I'd like to have the new eucalyptus included in it21:26
mathiazso - could the eucalyptus package be accepted in maverick?21:26
* ttx eods21:27
dokoRiddell: http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/component-mismatches.txt21:27
dokodo you want to seed these?21:27
cjwatsondoko: please leave those alone21:29
cjwatsondoko: I temporarily unseeded them to work around uninstallability21:29
cjwatsondoko: we'll fix it after RC21:29
cjwatsonmathiaz: accepting21:36
cjwatson(since we have to respin anyway for print-server)21:37
cjwatsonRiddell: server should be respinnable after the next publisher run or when eucalyptus 2.0+bzr1241-0ubuntu4 binaries are published, whichever is later21:38
cjwatsonI suspect the binaries won't make it in time for the next publisher, so it might be more like two hours21:38
mathiazcjwatson: thanks!21:39
GrueMasterCan someone kick off the armel images?  There is nothing pending in the build queue (i think) and we could use some images.  Or do I need to wait til tomorrow?21:41
* cjwatson is leaving image spins to Riddell, since he hasn't left instructions21:48
cjwatson20:39 <Riddell> ARM images take almost as long to build as DVDs21:49
cjwatsonwas the last thing he said ...21:49
NCommandercjwatson: hate to be a pain, but we need images spun for initial testing on ARM, and the crontab is currently completely disabled since we've stepped into manual mode. Am I allowed to do manual spins for ARM?21:54
NCommander^- or any of the release team21:54
cjwatsonRiddell is in charge21:59
cjwatsonand hasn't left instructions, so I don't want to preempt him21:59
cjwatsonyou could SMS him if you're desperate, I suppose21:59
NCommandercjwatson: will do22:01
GrueMasterIt's a timezone thing.  I'm in UTS-8 (PST), and would rather start testing now as opposed to doing nothing today and scrambling tomorrow to test 3 images on 4 systems for Thursday am release.22:01
RiddellNCommander: hi22:03
RiddellNCommander: I just did kubuntu image on ARM22:04
Riddellit says success so I guess that's good22:04
RiddellGrueMaster: ^^22:05
GrueMasterheh.  Well, it's something.  :P22:05
Riddellsomething?  bah, no gratitude around here22:06
NCommanderRiddell: what are the rules for doing a manual spin. I *really* need Tobin unblocked22:06
NCommanderRiddell: just poke you or?22:06
RiddellNCommander: poking me is good, what do you want next?22:06
NCommanderRiddell: full set of armel ubuntu-netbook please?22:07
RiddellCalling command: /home/buildd/bin/BuildLiveCD -f ext3 -s omap -d maverick ubuntu-netbook22:08
RiddellCalling command: /home/buildd/bin/BuildLiveCD -f ext3 -s omap4 -d maverick ubuntu-netbook22:08
* NCommander hopes acorn stays up22:08
NCommanderRiddell: you forgot dove22:11
RiddellCalling command: /home/buildd/bin/BuildLiveCD -s dove -d maverick ubuntu-netbook22:12
RiddellNCommander: that's two building on acorn now, do we really want that?22:12
Riddellor will they block successfully?22:12
NCommanderRiddell: no, omap4 is on sycamore, omap is on acorn22:13
NCommanderdove will properly block (at least it should)22:13
NCommander(dove is also on acorn)22:13
GrueMasterHrm, someone turned on kubuntu netbook on iso tracker.  And we aren't spinning imx51 images this cycle.22:29
* GrueMaster will fix22:29
GrueMasteror maybe not?22:32
RiddellGrueMaster: I disabled imx5122:52
RiddellGrueMaster: but otherwise it would be nice to have kubuntu images tested22:53
GrueMasterI'm downloading them now.  Almost done.22:53
Riddellhttp://kubuntu.pastebin.com/aAEQ5NFL  well that's not good22:53
RiddellNCommander: I killed acorn and sycamore22:54
Riddellis that normal?22:54
NCommanderRiddell: yeah22:54
NCommanderNow we need IS22:54
NCommanderRiddell: (I think this is the first time sycamore has ever fallen over however)22:54
RiddellNCommander: can you ping IS?22:55
NCommanderRiddell: I got a live image failure, are you sure the boxes are dead?22:55
NCommanderRiddell: (also, libgtk upload broke the world :-/)22:56
Riddellwell didn't it fail because the boxes are dead22:56
RiddellI can't ping acorn.buildd22:57
NCommanderRiddell: your not supposed to be able to AFAIK22:57
NCommanderRiddell: it'sup, I can telnet to it on port 2222:58
NCommanderRiddell: I'm investigating why the livefs build fell over, the dependencies look resolvable ...23:00
NCommanderRiddell: can you re-attempt a armel+dove ubuntu-netbook respin? I think it will succeed now (its grinding steadly away here, and managed to resolve dependencies)23:13
Riddellcan do23:14
Riddellacorn.buildd starting at Tue Sep 28 22:14:57 UTC 201023:15
RiddellCalling command: /home/buildd/bin/BuildLiveCD -s dove -d maverick ubuntu-netbook23:15
elmohey release folks, the cdimage mirrors are close to flatlining again23:22
cjwatsonremoved a couple of slightly-older image directories.  don't know if it will have done much good but may help for a bit.  bedtime ...23:25
mathiazRiddell: hi23:29
mathiazRiddell: do you know if -server isos should be respun now?23:30
Riddelllet me look23:30
mathiazRiddell: IIUC eucalyptus  Show details     2.0+bzr1241-0ubuntu4  has been published23:30
mathiazRiddell: I don't know if the seed change for cups has also been publish23:30
RiddellI don't see the new  eucalyptus on the ftp mirror on antimony yet23:32
mathiazRiddell: ok23:34
mathiazRiddell: can you check if the seed change is available?23:34
Riddellah but eucalyptus is on the ftp mirror on cocoplum23:35
Riddellso I think that's ok23:35
mathiazRiddell: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-core-dev/ubuntu-seeds/ubuntu.maverick/revision/175623:36
mathiazRiddell: ^^ this is what we're looking for to fix cups installation in RC23:37
Riddellhttp://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/germinate-output/ubuntu.maverick/print-server  that still has foomatic-filters-ppds23:38
cjwatsonthe seed change will be fine23:39
cjwatsonthat germinate output is generated less frequently than the archive is published23:39
cjwatsonyou need to look at the Packages files if you want to confirm23:39
cjwatsonanyway, confirmed, the seed change is available23:40
cjwatson(zcat ~/ubuntu/dists/maverick/main/binary-i386/Packages.gz | grep-dctrl -PX foomatic-filters-ppds)23:40
Riddelland I can just do   apt-cache show foomatic-filters-ppds | grep Task23:41
cjwatsonit's probably only just been published if I'm doing my maths right, might not be on external mirrors yet23:41
Riddellbuilding server23:41
cjwatsonbut cdimage should see it fine23:41
cjwatsonactually, no, wrong maths, the seed change will have been published an hour ago23:42
Riddellmathiaz: do you care about ports?23:42
mathiazRiddell: ports == non amd64, i386?23:42
Riddellmathiaz: yes23:43
mathiazRiddell: nope - I don't care about ports23:43
mathiazRiddell: -server isos are actually not tested (even build?) for non-{amd64, i386}23:43
cjwatsonthey're built23:44
cjwatsonquite useful to have fairly minimal ISOs for all architectures23:44
cjwatsonwell, the ISO isn't minimal, but the default installation from it is, I mean23:45
* mathiaz nods23:45
mathiazRiddell: what's the impact of waiting for ports?23:45
mathiazRiddell: ie - how long?23:45
Riddellmathiaz: ports are done separately so it doesn't affect the main builds23:46
mathiazRiddell: ok - could spin a -server iso build for amd64 and i386 now that eucalyptus and the seed fixes are published?23:46
GrueMasterWe don't test server on armel, so don't bother trying.23:47
Riddellmathiaz: -server is building23:47
mathiazRiddell: o^5 - Thanks!23:47
GrueMasternevermind.  Apparently persia wants them.23:48
Riddellthere's always one who has to be difficult :)23:48
* NCommander hopes now that we're reaching the point that we can eventually retire the ports/mainline architecture distinction23:50
RiddellI'm rather amazed that sparc images still get built23:51
NCommanderRiddell: they aren't23:51
NCommanderWe have some stale ones though tha tI keep forgetting to euthanize23:51
Riddellthey get built every day, I doubt the contents are very up to date23:52
NCommanderRiddell: .....23:52
NCommanderRiddell: no they aren't23:53
* NCommander just rechecked23:53
Riddellwhat's this then? http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ports/daily/20100928/23:53
Riddellok, you win23:53
NCommanderRiddell: feel free to remove them23:53

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