
SarvattRAOF: yay new one, Xv is completely broken on sandy bridge too :) I didn't know totem/rhythmbox render visualizations as a video00:26
RAOFI thought they did it as GL calls? :)00:26
Sarvattme too!00:26
RAOFAdapters generally don't support RGB inputs to Xv, though.  Is totem generating YUV data and throwing it through the Xv adaptor?00:26
Sarvatttextured video sure as heck should support RGB formats? there's no overlay on these things00:28
Sarvattthe desktop freezes but the cursor still moves when you try to use Xv and a reboot is required to recover, no hang though. disabling Xv in gstreamer-properties fixes it00:31
Sarvattwould be nice if i could get intel-gpu-tools going on the things00:32
SarvattCouldn't map MMIO region: No such file or directory when I run intel_reg_dumper, there's almost nothing in debugfs00:34
RAOFYou might expect that having the debugging tools work would be a high priority :/00:42
SarvattI swear it worked at one point and stopped recently, because I remember looking at the IPS stuff and realizing it was all done in hardware now and those IPS drivers are only for arrandale/clarkdale00:44
Sarvattbut that was on a different system, hmm00:45
Sarvattyeah that system is busted now too, will have to figure out where it was broken00:47
RAOFFun fun fun!00:48
brycehmm new -ati00:49
RAOFHm.  I see that “make firefox less slow” patch series landed.00:52
Sarvattok I feel stupid, was looking in /proc/dri/0/ and of course stuff isn't there :)00:56
Sarvattmmm, juicy new 7.9-sandybridge updates to test. it looks like they might hold back Q32010 until sandybridge is in better shape going by #intel-gfx..01:03
RAOFI hope that makes your life easier ;)01:07
Sarvattrc1 released about 30 minutes after the 0924 snapshot got approved :)01:12
RAOFYeah, but there's not much new in theer.01:13
RAOF…and rc1 doesn't build from the tarballs, anyway :)01:13
Sarvattoh man01:15
Sarvattnothing like reading a commit log for 5 minutes and looking back at the terminal to see mesa done building01:15
RAOFYou and your hex-core mega-systems :P01:44
Sarvatt260 package upgrades, that's some cramming for one day!04:07
RAOFIt's gnome release time!04:08
luluHi, can someone help me to resolve the problem I have since updating to MM:visual effects in compiz cannot be enabled and the fan is louder.My graphic card is an ati 3200 and I run all the latest updates from MM.Thank you in advance.10:22
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dandelSarvatt, any possibilities of packaging the new ati open source driver in x-swat testing repo?16:45
Sarvattdandel: thanks for the reminder, will get it up there today16:47
dandeldoes not look like a lot of fixes in the driver from what i can see.16:47
SarvattDear Clutter, I can't possibly despise you any more. Love, Sarvatt21:24
Sarvattnothing clutter based is working on my 945 again after yesterday's updates, yay!21:25
brycehwhat got updated yesterday?21:25
Sarvattabout 350 packages21:25
brycehisn't maverick in final freeze?  why so many updates?21:26
bjsniderit's working well on nvidia though, so it ain't clutter21:26
Sarvattif nvidia used the same glx the rest of us do i might agree21:27
Sarvattfreeze exceptions + all of gnome updated21:27
Sarvattyesterday the deadline for RC21:27
Sarvattand yet again CLUTTER_VBLANK=none fixes it, it's just the apps I was trying dont pass that env var when launched on the command line22:13
bjsniderdoes that then result in desktop tearing?22:14
SarvattCLUTTER_VBLANK=dri also works, just the default glx backend broken22:15
Sarvatt* Users of Intel video cards should find that disabling sync-to-vblank  is no longer necessary. In case Clutter applications take really  long times for redrawing and appear stuck and unresponsive, the  sync-to-vblank feature might still be the culprit; in that case, use  "export CLUTTER_VBLANK=none" to disable it and file a bug reporting the  video card model, the driver version and the X server version.22:37
Sarvatti like how that was in the clutter 0.3 release notes and its still broken if you so much as sneeze in 1.422:38
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel

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