
rlameiroScottL: ping01:49
rlameiroholstein: how is your voice?01:52
rlameiroup for a dubbing session?01:53
holsteinrlameiro: OH speaking01:54
holsteinRicardus has a great radio voice01:54
holsteinif you can talk him into it01:54
holsteinim not saying no01:54
rlameirowell, i just recorded a video of the ubuntustudio install process01:54
rlameiromaybe you could do the audio part?01:54
holsteinim just saying, i dont think im the best candidate01:55
rlameiromy english is not that perceptible....01:55
holsteinrlameiro: i'll try it01:55
holsteinyou got a script?01:55
holsteini mean, you can use it or not01:55
rlameiro:D 01:55
rlameiroits al yours01:55
holsteinwheres the vid?01:55
holsteinyou want to email me?01:55
holsteinmikeh789 at the gmail01:55
rlameiroholstein: its encodign from recordmydesktop01:56
rlameiroi need to edit it a bit01:56
holsteinlet me know01:56
holsteini'll give it a go :)01:56
rlameirotake out the long boring parts :D01:56
rlameiroyou know Xjadeo?01:56
rlameiroholstein: its a video player, just video no audio, and it is conrolled via jack transport :D01:58
rlameiroso you can be recording it realtime on ardour. you pause in ardour, and the video pauses :D01:59
holsteini'll figure it out :)01:59
ronjhello abogani and everybody, I'm prepping my test machine for some kernel tests (generic and lowlatency/realtime from abogani's ppa --thanks!--) but linux-headers-lowlatency is not installable because it depends on linux-headers-, which depends linux-headers-, which seems to no longer be in the repos. Is this known / expected? Any alternative way to install this lowlatency kernel?03:23
ronjuh, correction: linux-headers-lowlatency seems to install even though the dependency isn't satisfied oÔ; but I doubt my lowlatency will work without the headers, will it?03:25
persiaShould work fine: you just won't be able to compile kernel modules, so stuff like nvidia or fgrlx drivers won't work.03:47
ronjpersia, should be ok indeed, I'm using an intel chip. thanks!03:49
paultagpersia, roger05:10
persiapaultag, In the very short term, chasing the status of highly-visible bugs would also help: holstein or rlameiro usually have a good handle on what is causing the most pain (from testing and user-support activities).  ScottL can probably give specific direction if you need, but he's already largely focused on strategy for the next release, expecting the rest of us to make sure this one is in great shape.05:12
paultagpersia, OK, awesome. Well, I'll play the bar-back, I'll just try and find stuff to blast away thats just a pita and not a nested bug or anything like that05:13
paultagpersia, is there a LP project that has all the ubuntu-studio bugs filed against ( as well as against Ubuntu ) ?05:17
paultagwait, found it05:17
paultagsorry :)05:17
holsteinhey paultag :)05:18
paultaghey there holstein, how are you?05:18
holsteinlet me know if i can help at all with the bug-work05:18
holsteinim good05:18
paultagholstein, for sure, I'll be sure to take you up on that05:18
holsteini joined the bug squad05:18
holsteinbut i got busy05:18
holsteinand it ended up being a bit too much to take on05:19
paultagit happens :)05:19
paultagholstein, aye, you should avoid burnout at all costs :)05:19
holsteinbut i could tackle a few things with you if needed05:19
paultagholstein, for sure, thank you for the offer05:20
persiapaultag, 95% of bugs are going to just be normal Ubuntu bugs.05:21
paultagpersia, aye, well I'm on bug control / bug squad, so no harm no foul.05:21
paultagpersia, is there a tag for "not our problem" ?05:22
persiaWhat would fall into that category?  Do you have an example?05:22
paultagpersia, well by definition a bug against ubuntu studio would also be a bug against ubuntu -- if it's not something that falls into ubuntu studio ( read: normal Ubuntu work ), is there a tag we can apply ( yes, it's valid in studio, but the Ubuntu community should look at this as well )05:23
persiaWe're *part* of the Ubuntu community :)05:24
paultagpersia, well duh! :) -- but something that gets filed against Ubuntu Studio that has to do with something like binutils05:24
persiaThat said, I think we're primarily interested in bugs on packages that end up in our primary tasks.05:24
persiaA cleanup of the UbuntuStudio project would be good: every bug there should have an Ubuntu task, if it's valid.05:25
paultagyes it's "valid", but it's really not something we should spend time on, that sort of thing05:25
paultagpersia, OK, cool. I'll start with that05:25
paultagI'll start doing some work when it's not 12:30 AM :)05:26
persiaMight even be safe to make the UbuntuStudio tasks "Invalid" with a comment saying "this affects all of Ubuntu, and is better tracked there" or similar.05:26
paultagpersia, yeah, I was thinking a tag, just because it's it's "valid"05:26
paultagpersia, but you're right, it kinda seems silly to track it twice05:26
persiaMy concern is that I doubt anyone will go hunt for bugs closed in Ubuntu and still open in UbuntuStudio, and close them.  None of the other final statuses are correct.05:27
paultagpersia, good point05:27
persiaSo, semantically, one can say "It's not a valid bug for UbuntuStudio, but it *is* valid for Ubuntu" by creating the Ubuntu task, and marking the ubuntustudio one invalid.05:27
paultagpersia, OK, that sounds sensible to me05:27
persiaIf you come up with good comment text to inform the users, that may make it even smoother.  If you do that, I recommending adding the comment *before* adding the Ubuntu task, just to avoid sending lots of duplicate notices to e.g. the binutils developers.05:28
paultagpersia, I'll be sure to come up with something sane and template it on the wiki for us :)05:29
paultagRighto, well I'm off. Got some work in six hours or so05:30
paultagpersia, nice talking with you again, thanks :)05:31
paultagholstein, you too, we'll talk soon :)05:31
paultagnight, all05:31
persiarlameiro, Good day.  RC images are starting to get posted: dunno if ours are up yet, but ... :)12:50
rlameiropersia: did you look at the mailing list?12:50
rlameiromajor fails on the iso building, says collin watson bot12:51
astraljavaUhh... damn, just as I got bandwidth for downloading. :D12:52
rlameirowell, you can use jidgo to download the iso, when is fixed just update :D12:53
astraljavaI prefer to use zsync.12:55
persiarlameiro, I'm glad to hear you're on top of it: you probably know more than I.  I just saw you join IRC, and wanted to pass on stuff I saw in traffic whilst you were disconnected.12:57
rlameiropersia: I recorded a video yesterday, for the install. I will edit it today evening and send it to holstein for voice dubbing12:58
rlameirotry to make an "official" how to install Ubuntu studio12:59
rlameiroso people ca see how it works12:59
persiaI'm looking forward to seeing that.  "How to install Ubuntu Studio: video produced on Ubuntu Studio"12:59
rlameiroit should be ready before the launch, I hope12:59
aboganireally cool13:04
rlameiroI think we coudl do a series of little videos on different ways to configure jack13:05
rlameiroone for firewire devices13:05
rlameiroone for alsa, usb etc13:05
rlameiroand do some explanation of the latency and settings13:05
rlameiroso, everytime someone comes with questions on how to configure it, we forward him/her to the video13:06
ScottLrlameiro, that is an awesome idea!13:09
rlameirowell, need to go to works13:09
rlameirocya later13:09
astraljavaSo wait, cdimage.u.c shows the list of files, but they're not accessible?13:21
astraljavaMorning Scott!13:21
astraljavaMeh, PEBKAC.13:23
astraljavaNice! 100.0% 1187.8 kBps DONE13:26
scott-workabogani: i read your email about the -lowlatency and -rt kernels14:57
scott-workabogani: i want to apologize because i did not realize that you had wanted testing done at this time14:57
scott-workabogani: i will certainly start testing them this week14:57
aboganiscott-work: No you don't understand me. I want that someone else offers for the task and for this I'm doing some "fear" for see replies...14:59
aboganiscott-work: We can't do the work if the tasks are always done by same two o three persons.15:00
scott-workabogani: ooohhhh, i see :)15:02
astraljavaabogani: How many hours do you normally spend on a given kernel release, when you were preparing the -rt flavor?15:16
aboganiastraljava: On wonderful Hardy release I spend 1/2 hours a day.15:19
aboganiSince that I spend most of the time on burecrotic works.15:20
aboganiscott-work: Could you read my last email and say me if it is understable?15:20
astraljavaabogani: Half an hour, every day?15:20
aboganiastraljava: No 1 or 2 hours every day. But since Hardy things are more easy probably 1/2 every three days should be enough.15:21
astraljavaabogani: Okay. I'm trying to come up with an estimate of how long it would take me. Might be too much :-/15:22
aboganiTest, Upload rights and alignment with the -generic one are the most critical issues.15:22
aboganiastraljava: If aren't forced to do all the jobs.15:22
aboganiastraljava: You can do be a part of it.15:22
persiaUpload rights are the hard part, because only kernel folk tend to be happy sponsoring kernels, and there's only ~4 kernel folk who *can* upload.15:22
persiaMight be best to have abogani continue to be the focal point for the uploads, sharing the coorindation, testing, patch hunting, etc. with others, just because the process is painful.15:23
aboganiastraljava: Test for example is only made on new release arise.15:23
aboganipersia: I really don't know if it is the right thing for the Studio project.15:24
aboganipersia: As you know well I'm a lot unreliable  lately...15:26
astraljavaabogani: Sure, I can participate in the process, and learn by doing.15:41
astraljavaabogani: For the most part, at least in the beginning, I'd need you to organize, though. There's so much to learn, I'd work better if I were given "orders". :)16:05
scott-workugh, we have RC ISO image ready to test but tonnes of applications apparently failed to build installable binaries this morning :(22:45
holsteinwhens the deadline or whatever?22:46
holsteinfor testing?22:46
* holstein will do the 64bit ones again22:46
holsteini just dont want to be doing it last minute like last time if possible22:46
scott-workholstein: i believe the thought is we have approximately two days to validate the ISO image before it is released22:50
scott-workor not released if we don't test it :P22:53
ronjis it normal to have to sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart in order to have my network, even after a clean restart ?23:15
ronjs/normal/expected/g: I mean is this known, or due to some misconfiguration?23:17

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